1. TOK Essay Overview

    tok essay third interaction

  2. Understanding the TOK essay rubric

    tok essay third interaction

  3. Structuring THE TOK Essay

    tok essay third interaction

  4. What Are TOK Essay Interactions? IB Student's Guide

    tok essay third interaction

  5. The A to Z Guide for Structuring your TOK Essay for Optimal Success

    tok essay third interaction

  6. Tok Essay Example Sample ️

    tok essay third interaction


  1. ToK Exhibition Prompts: big news !

  2. TOK November 2023 Essay Title 3

  3. Help! Urgent help needed

  4. How to plan your ToK Essay

  5. TeacherSupport Pack: ToK Essays May 25

  6. TOK Essay November 2023 Titles 4, 5 & 6


  1. Planning and structuring the TOK essay

    The three TOK essay interactions are a key part of planning and writing your TOK essay. Find out more about making the most of them here. Search for: Search. ... which takes you to the final interaction. Interaction 3. The third interaction is arguably the most important one, as it is when you will discuss your draft essay, and receive written ...

  2. What Are TOK Essay Interactions? IB Student's Guide

    TOK essay interactions involve a deep reflection on the process of knowing itself. You're not just learning about knowledge but about how you learn. This meta-cognitive aspect is what makes TOK essays particularly unique and enriching. In my opinion, these interactions are the key ingredients that make your TOK essay great.

  3. The TOK Essay Process

    THIRD INTERACTION: At this point in the process you will have your THIRD INTERACTION. Fill in the relevant details on the (TK/PPF PDF FORM) . Your TOK teacher will only be able to give you somewhat limited feedback on your first draft because of the guidelines stated in the subject guide.

  4. PDF TOK Essay

    Three required teacher-student interactions for the TOK essay During the first interaction (interview), you should discuss the prescribed titles with the ... it is extremely difficult for you to later turn them into a more formal essay plan. Finally, in your third and final interaction with the teacher, you will get a formal feedback on the ...

  5. TOK Essay essentials

    The student-friendly Exhibition, undertaken during the first year of the course, is good preparation for the TOK Essay which, like the Extended Essay, is a culminating rite of passage for all Diploma students in their final year. It is suggested that ten teaching hours are devoted to working on the Essay. ... Three mandated formal interactions ...

  6. PDF The TOK Essay: An In-Depth Guide

    TOK essay b ef ore b reak ing down the step s y ou need to tak e to com p l ete y ou rs to a hig h. standard. Y ou r essay wil l b e m ark ed b y an ex ternal I B ex am iner and g iv en a score ou t of 10. These. 10 p oints are div ided into 5 l ev el s, rang ing f rom ' ex cel l ent' to ' ru dim entary ' . ...

  7. PDF Structuring the Tok Essay

    Here's one way of structuring your TOK essay. Note that there are other ways of doing it, and some essay titles don't specify a limit ... Make the most of the three interactions to create an effective essay INTRODUCTION 1. A 'hook' to grab the attention of your readers - this could be an engaging, interesting, intriguing opening, like ...

  8. Overview: TOK Essay

    It consists of 3 rows to log in your first, second, and third interaction with your TOK teacher. You will input reflections and comments, to be submitted alongside your final essay. Important Terms to Address in a TOK Essay Knowledge Question (KQ) The KQ will be the main focus of your essay, introduced at the beginning.

  9. Mastering ToK Essay Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

    Essential Elements of ToK Essays. Knowledge Arguments (or Knowledge Claims): For each Area of Knowledge (AoK) considered, formulate at least one main knowledge argument or claim. Real World Examples: Illustrate your knowledge arguments with real-world examples, which may also include evaluation points. Evaluation Points: Consider alternative viewpoints to your knowledge claims.

  10. PDF Planning and progress form Theory of knowledge I

    requirement. This will strengthen the process ofwriting the essay and support the authenticity ofa candidates work. Each completed form must be submitted to the IS ifrequested, but will not be marked. Candidate This form must be completed during the planning and progress of your essay. It is a record of three interactions with your: teacher.