
Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

Harvard University

Introduction: No essay scholarships

Let's talk about no-essay scholarships. Whether you've been applying to scholarships for a while or you're completely new to the scholarship process, chances are, at some point you've felt tired, frustrated, or even fully on fed-up with writing all of those essays. Finding financial aid can be a lot of work - I feel you!

A smart strategy when applying for scholarships is to mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for. But what does this actually mean?

Well, if you're familiar with the world of scholarships, you've probably discovered that there are scholarships out there of all sorts, shapes, and sizes.

Some scholarships are for small amounts (think: anywhere from $100 to a few thousand dollars) while others go for larger amounts (sometimes even full-tuition!). Some scholarships have long lists of application requirements, while others only ask you to write a sentence, upload your transcript, or fill out a form.

So, when I say "mix up the types of scholarships you're applying for", I'm saying that it's important to consider things such as scholarship type (is there an essay required?), amount (generally, scholarships with  bigger awards  are harder to earn), and category (how specific does the scholarship get in terms of matching your unique profile?).

This post covers one specific type of scholarship that I'm sure you'll enjoy incorporating into your scholarship strategy: a no-essay scholarship!

Most of these no essay scholarships are open to high school , college , and  graduate  school students, be sure to get those easy applications in, and keep your toes crossed while you get to work on some of those other more labor-intensive opportunities.

*Pro-tip - While some of these no essay scholarships currently have specific deadlines, keep them bookmarked because they often renew monthly, quarterly, or yearly!

20 No essay scholarships to apply for ASAP!

Too cool to pay for school no essay scholarship.

Award Amount:  $1,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Quarterly (last day of the month in September, December, March, and June)

PS - this is one of no essay scholarships awarded by Access Scholarships (that's us!). It's open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students studying in the United States, and is an easy way to win $1,000. 

Niche $10,000 No Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $10,000

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling

ScholarshipPoints No Essay $2,500 Monthly Scholarship

Amount : $2,500 

Deadline : Expires on the last day of each month

Eligibility: The ScholarshipPoints Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Smart Owl No Essay $1,000 Scholarship

Amount : $1,000 (4 awards per month!)

Deadline : Expires on the 28th or 29th of each month

Eligibility: The Smart Owl Scholarship is a monthly no essay scholarship open to all high school and college students ages 16 and older, who are US residents!

Sallie Mae College Scholarship

Award Amount : $2,000

Scholarship Deadline : Monthly

Eligibility- Open to high school juniors & seniors and all college students

CollegeVine No Essay $2,000 Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000

Scholarship Deadline:  December 31

Open to high school students of all years (must be a US resident).

Scholarships360 $10,000 Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  Rolling 

Open to high school sophomores, juniors & seniors in the US. 

Bold $25,000 Scholarship

Amount:  $25,000

Deadline:  Continuous

CollegExpress Monthly Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,500

Scholarship Deadline:  Last day of each month

Niche No Essay Scholarship

Appily easy money scholarship, around the corner from college scholarship.

Award Amount : $1,000

Scholarship Deadline : December 31, June 30

Open to all high school students, including students with DACA status and international students who are planning on attending a higher education institution in the US! 

Be Bold No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $25,000

Scholarship Deadline: Rolling

Christian Connector Scholarship

Eligibility:  Open to high school juniors and high school seniors who are interested in or planning to enroll in a Christian college or university.

Direct Textbook Photo Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:  $500

Discover Student Loans Scholarship Contest

Scholarship Deadline:  January 4

Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  February 27 and October 10

Create A Greeting Card Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  March 9

Frame My Future Scholarship

Award Amount:  $2,000 each (5 awards)

Scholarship Deadline: March 15

ULoop Dorm Survey Scholarship

Scholarship Deadline:  June 30

no-essay scholarships

Frequently asked questions about no essay scholarships

Are no essay scholarships legit.

No essay scholarships are 100% legit!

No essay scholarships are created to be more like contests or sweepstakes. Generally, all you have to do to be considered is enter some information on an application page and you're good to go. This is in contrast with other more labor-intensive scholarships, that require a greater amount of work and time commitment (think: essays, letters of recommendation, videos, interviews).

The fact that no essay scholarships don't require a whole lot of effort (they're definitely the easiest opportunities out there!) doesn't mean that they aren't just as real as other scholarships that do have more detailed eligibility and application requirements to apply. In fact, no essay scholarships can sometimes be just as competitive as full-ride scholarships , given the fact that so many students apply for these opportunities.

At the end of the day, each and every scholarship we feature in our database and in our blog posts aims to guide students in the direction of legitimate opportunities to help you navigate the journey of paying for college.

What are some common qualities of a no essay scholarship?

The most identifiable quality of a no essay scholarship is the fact that it doesn't require an essay! Rather than asking students to upload an essay on the application page, these scholarships generally will ask for the completion of a form, or for students to upload a photo, video, or other unique type of submission. The fact that these scholarships can often be completed much more quickly and easily than other scholarships is what makes them so great.

You'll also find that the majority of no essay scholarships are open to a wide variety of students, and they usually won't have any specific eligibility requirements such as only being open to students in certain majors or with a certain minimum GPA.

Who is eligible to apply for no essay scholarships?

When it comes to eligiblity, as I mentioned just above, no essay scholarships are usually open to a wide range of students. For example, a no essay scholarship might be open to students ages 13 and older in the US, or maybe it's open to all high school students in the US. These eligibility criteria are very generous and intended to give all (or nearly all) students who want to apply an opportunity to do so.

How difficult is it to win a no essay scholarship?

Because no essay scholarships are usually open to so many different types of students, along with the fact that they often require very little effort on the part of the student (and run more like sweepstakes than real in-depth scholarships), means that they are difficult to win, and the process is unpredictable.

Luckily, because these scholarships require so little time commitment to apply, not winning one of these types of scholarships doesn't necessarily indicate that you've wasted your time applying, since it likely didn't take that much time in the first place!

How can I increase my chances of winning no essay scholarships?

No essay scholarships are open to such a wide variety of students in terms of eligible areas of study, state residency, and year in school. This, in combination with the fact that the winners for these scholarships are generally always selected at random, means that increasing your chances of winning one of these scholarships is very, very difficult.

In the spirit of full-transparency: the only way that you can actually increase your chances of winning no essay scholarships is by applying for all of them and not missing any deadlines.

For example, take Tallo's monthly no essay scholarships . They pick at least 12 winners each year, usually at the end of each month. If you want to maximize your chances of winning one of Tallo's no essay scholarships, you should set a reminder to make sure that you apply for them every month, so that you don't miss out on an opportunity to win.

Most of the no essay scholarships I've come across are for small amounts, such as $1,000. Why is this the case?

Most no-essay scholarships are for small amounts (think: $500 - $2,000) because, in comparison to other scholarships that have lots of application requirements, no-essay scholarships tend to run more like contests.

Organizations love to give back to students in any and all ways possible, and they also like to try to make student's lives easier by offering easy scholarship opportunities.

However, from the perspective of private organizations, many of them would rather save their scholarships of higher amounts to be distributed through competitive opportunities where they can select students on the basis of merit, leadership, and other qualities. That's why you'll probably never come across a full-ride scholarship that doesn't require an essay or extra submission of some sort!

Where can I find more scholarships to apply for?

There are tons of resources and places out there that you can use to find "harder" scholarships to apply for to pair with your efforts in applying to the easy ones.

The first place I recommend you go is over to the Access Scholarship Search Engine or Blog, where you can find all types of scholarships based on criteria such as home state, area of study, ethnicity, and more.

After that, I recommend you also do some surfing of the web, as well as outreach to your guidance counselor or financial aid office to help you find local scholarships and even more nuanced opportunities.

Important tips and things to keep in mind with no essay scholarships

Tip #1: apply often..

Many of these scholarships run continuously on a monthly or quarterly basis.

Set a reminder for yourself to revisit these scholarships each month and reapply to give yourself the best chance at winning one!

Tip #2: Find ways to get a leg up.

Scholarships with no essays that have any sort of additional component (like an art or video submission) will tend to give you a "leg up" because they involve more than some luck.

Take full advantage of scholarships like these by putting your best foot forward with that extra submission!

Tip #3: Make no essay scholarships one piece of the puzzle.

Scholarships with no essays should be a key component of your scholarship application strategy because of how easy they are to apply for.

However, it's important to remember they should be balanced with other scholarships that have more specific and stringent requirements.

When you apply for essay-based scholarships, you're given the opportunity to tell the committee about you, who you are and why you should be selected for the opportunity. The winners for these scholarships, unlike their no-essay counterparts, are not chosen at random, so if you choose these scholarships carefully, apply for ones that are specific to your qualities, and write strong essays, you'll have the best chances of winning at the end of the day!

General tips for applying for all kinds of scholarships

Navigating the world of scholarships can be stressful and confusing to say the least. Follow these tips to make sure you’re covering all of your bases and giving yourself the greatest possible chance at success!

#1: Get yourself organized before you dive right in.

Just like with any other part of the college / financial aid process, organization is crucial to success when it comes to searching and applying for scholarships.

My top organization-related recommendation for students is to start by creating a readily-accessible folder on your computer where you can then create subfolders for your scholarship essays, transcripts, and other application materials. This is also the place where you’ll want to house your scholarship tracker , which will help you keep track of scholarships you find, upcoming deadlines, and your overall progress.

#2: Do your brainstorming.

You likely wouldn’t start an essay on the American Revolution without doing some initial brainstorming and planning first. The same rule should apply for when it’s time to search for scholarships.

Sit down with a pen and paper or a blank word document open, and start to bullet out a list of traits and things that you feel make up who you are as a person. These things should be both academic and personal. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, here’s a sneak peek into what my own personal list might look like:

-I am from New Jersey

-I am a business student with an interest in marketing

-I like to play sports (tennis, basketball, etc)

-I hold leadership positions in my extracurriculars

-I identify as female

-I am a twin

-I am left-handed

-I enjoy doing crossword puzzles

-I go to college in Wisconsin

I could go on and on with this list, but I won’t bore you! What I’m trying to get at though is that creating a list like this to track your hobbies, academic pursuits, and other things that make up who you are can be incredibly helpful in allowing you to find scholarships that are highly specific to you.

PS - For some students, this may also fall under the initial organization step of the process, but ultimately it doesn’t matter when you do it as long as it gets done.

#3: Know where to look.

Knowing what types of scholarships you want to search for doesn’t really matter if you don’t know where to actually search for them! Here are a few ideas on where you can get started in searching for scholarships:

- Scholarship search engines like AccessScholarships.com, which allow you to search through thousands of scholarship opportunities all in one place

- Normal search engines , such as Google (the more specific you can be here, the better)

-Your school’s college prep, guidance, or financial aid page/website

- Social media (you can follow scholarship accounts and hashtags that might be relevant to help you discover local scholarships)

- Family, friends, teachers, coaches, and other people in your community who might know of local or community-based scholarships that you’re eligible for

#4: If a scholarship has an essay or additional type of submission, make sure you put your absolute best foot forward.

This is, in my opinion, the biggest key to help students see success in actually winning scholarships.

You can have a 4.0 GPA and solid letters of recommendation, but if you don’t also take the time to carefully craft, edit, and perfect the essay (or other additional submission), you’re missing out on giving the scholarship committee the opportunity to learn more about who you are as a person and why you’re a great fit to win the award.

#5: Keep those grades up.

Although this eligibility requirement can definitely vary, many scholarships require students to have at least a 2.5 or 3.0 GPA. Sometimes, the minimum requirement can be even higher, such as a 3.75/4.0.

While grades certainly aren’t the end-all-be-all, keeping your GPA up (as high as you possibly can!) will make sure that you are opening yourself up to as many opportunities as possible.

#6: Apply often.

Unfortunately, applying for scholarships is not a “one and done” process. To give yourself the highest chance at seeing success, you should apply for scholarships as often as you can, or whenever you come across an opportunity that you think is worth applying for.

Many students find it helpful to set specific goals in this area, like to apply for 3 scholarships each month. Ultimately, the goal you set should be one that is specific and realistic, based on all of the other things that you’re juggling!

#7: Ask for feedback along the way.

If you don't ever take the time to assess your weak spots, how can you possibly improve?

Asking for feedback throughout the scholarship process, whether it be from a committee, a teacher, or someone who is helping you along the way, is crucial to helping you grow and becoming a stronger applicant. 

Getting feedback is especially important when it comes to the scholarship essay piece of the puzzle. When we write and edit, we tend to overlook our own mistakes because we're so used to making them. Sometimes it takes an extra set of eyes on an essay to help lead you in the direction of success.

No-essay scholarships: To conclude...

To summarize, no-essay scholarships can be a great addition to any overall scholarship strategy for high school, college, and graduate students.

Since no-essay scholarships often operate on a monthly or quarterly basis, you can give yourself a better chance at winning these scholarships if you enter in every application period that you're eligible for.

Although no-essay scholarships usually aren't for large amounts, the process of entering to win is usually an easy one, so there's no harm in applying for these scholarships to round out your strategy and yes, give you a break from all those essays!

graduate scholarships no essay

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34 No Essay Scholarships to Save Thousands on College

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What’s Covered:

Are “no-essay” scholarships worth it, where to focus your scholarship search.

  • 34 No-Essay Scholarships  

Scholarships play a large role in many students’ plans for how to pay for college, but completing the applications for some scholarships is time-consuming—especially for students who are busy taking challenging courses and involved with extracurricular activities. Luckily, some scholarships are easier to apply for than others, like the no-essay scholarships listed below. 

No-essay scholarships are easier to apply for than other, more involved scholarships, so it doesn’t cost you much in time or effort to apply. However, because they’re easy to apply for, they receive a lot of applications, which means more competition and lower odds of winning. It is also less clear how no-essay scholarship recipients are selected without an essay to set your application apart.  

If you choose to apply for no-essay scholarships, just know that they are just a part of a strategy for winning awards to college and are best-suited as a supplement to local and more niche scholarships. If you don’t like the idea of writing an essay, look for a scholarship with an equivalent task, like making a video or creating a piece of art instead. 

Outside scholarships garner a lot of attention, but colleges and universities are actually the best place to look for scholarships—schools themselves grant $175 billion in scholarship money annually! It’s also worth noting that college awards are often larger than outside awards; 80% of external scholarships are less than $2,000, which looks great on paper but will only put a small dent in the cost of most colleges. 

You have the best chance of winning a merit-based scholarship from a college or university. While super-selective schools with applicants fighting for admission often don’t offer merit-based scholarships—for example, none of the Ivy League colleges do—less selective colleges are often anxious to attract strong applicants. This makes applying to a college where your profile is particularly strong a smart strategy for getting a merit scholarship .

34 No-Essay Scholarships 

1. “be bold” no-essay scholarship.

Amount: $25,000

Deadline: December 31 

Eligibility: Students of any education level, school, field of study, and GPA considered

This scholarship is for bold students who are determined to change the world one step at a time. No essay is required to win this eye-popping award. Instead, create a bold profile highlighting your earnestness, determination, and how you’re moving toward your goals for a chance to win.

2. Scholarships360 No-Essay Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

Deadline: September 30 

Eligibility: All students—including high school students, community college students, undergraduates, and graduate students

No essay is required to win this generous award. Simply sign up for Scholarship360—a scholarship newsletter—for your chance at $1,000 for college. 

3. $2,000 “No-Essay” College Scholarship

Amount: $2,000

Deadline: Monthly  

Eligibility: All high school and college students

The name says it all: no essay is required to receive this $2,000 college scholarship. Simply create an account for a chance to win this substantial award. A winner is chosen monthly and the money can be used to cover tuition, housing, books, or any other education-related expenses.

4. $2,000 Nitro Scholarship

Deadline: Monthly 


  • Age 17 or older
  • A parent with a child enrolled in an accredited college or university in the U.S. 
  • A student enrolled in an accredited college or university in the U.S. 
  • A parent with a high school senior in the U.S.
  • A high school senior located with the U.S. 
  • A student or a parent who has graduated from an accredited undergraduate school and is paying back debt from educational expenses

No essay is needed to win a $2,000 Nitro Scholarship. Applicants only need to complete a short application for this chance to win this award and to take a step to control the cost of college. 

5. The Student Loan Hero Smart Money Giveaway

Eligibility: Legal U.S. residents in the contiguous U.S. and Washington, D.C., 18 years of age and older

This scholarship wants you to take control of your college finances so you can focus on your future. Entry is easy—just fill out a short online application. 

6. College Board “Complete Your FAFSA” Scholarships

Amount:   $500

Deadline: October through February 

Eligibility: Current high school seniors in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories

The College Board—the organization that administers the SAT—provides scholarships to students for simply filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The College Board will give out 500 awards every month from October through December and 100 awards in both January and February.

7. College Board “Complete Your Journey” Scholarships

Amount: $40,000

Deadline: February 

Complete the College Board’s six steps of college planning for your chance at one of 25 $40,000 scholarship opportunities. The program is open to students from all financial backgrounds, however, at least half of the scholarships will go to students from families who earn less than $60,000 annually. 

8. ScholarshipPoints Scholarship Program

Amount: $10,000

Deadline: Quarterly 


  • Age 13 or older
  • U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident 
  • Attending or planning to attend college in the U.S.

No GPA, no essay, and no hassle! To enter for an opportunity to win one of these impressive awards, simply fill out an online application. In addition to the quarterly $10,000 scholarships, ScholarshipPoints also draws three $1,000 scholarships monthly.

9. Christian Connector Scholarship

Amount: $2,500

Deadline: May 31


  • Age 13 or older 
  • Must enroll for the first time as a full-time student at a Christ-centered Christian college, university, or Bible college

Sign up to receive information about Christian colleges—and for a chance at winning this handsome scholarship award for college. The scholarship is only open to students planning to attend a Christ-centered Christian college, university, or Bible college. The funds are sent directly to the winner’s school of choice. 

10. No Essay ‘You Deserve It’ Scholarship

Amount: $2,222

Deadline: December 29

  • Age 16 or older 
  • Legal resident of the U.S. or its territories (Rhode Island and Michigan applicants are ineligible)
  • Enrolled in a qualified high school, college, or university in the U.S.

Sign up for ScholarshipOwl (a scholarship service) and you’re simultaneously registered for a chance to win a $2,222 award. Your odds of winning are about 1 in 140,000—not too bad considering there is no essay required and sign up is quick. 

11. CollegeXpress $10,000 Scholarship Contest

  • Legal U.S. resident 
  • Must enter a CollegeXpress member college as a full-time freshman, transfer, or graduate student for the fall term 

Just create a CollegeXpress profile for a chance at $10,000 to use at a CollegeXpress member college . Winners of this no-essay scholarship are selected at random. 

12. Annual Catholic College Scholarship

Amount: $1,500

  • Must enroll for the first time as a full-time student at a Catholic college

Sign up to receive information about Catholic colleges—and for a chance at winning this handsome scholarship award for college. The scholarship is only open to students planning to attend a Catholic college, university, or Bible college. The funds are sent directly to the winner’s school of choice. 

13. Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award 

Amount: $5,000

  • Resident of the U.S. or its territories
  • High school seniors, college students, students who’ve earned a General Education Development (GED), or parent/guardian of an aforementioned person

Sign up to receive emails that provide helpful college tips and useful resources and get entered to win one of 12 annual $5,000 awards. Complete a survey after registering for emails for an additional entry for the scholarship. 

graduate scholarships no essay

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14. Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship  

Deadline: Semi-annually (spring and fall)

Eligibility: Attending an accredited school in the U.S. or accepted to an accredited school and set to begin within six months of application

Show off your creativity for a chance to win this no-essay scholarship. To enter, fill out a short application and either submit a web design or attach a link to a webpage. In addition to a scholarship, winners also receive a critique session with Lounge Lizard’s founder and CCO. 

15. Create-a-Greeting-Card Scholarship

Deadline: March 3

  • Age 14 or older 
  • Legal U.S. resident or international student with a student visa 
  • High school, college, or university student 

While you don’t need an essay to win this generous scholarship, you are required to submit an original photo, artwork, or computer graphic for use on the front of a greeting card. Entries are limited to one per person, so send in your best work! 

16. Frame My Future Scholarship Contest 

Amount: $6,000

Deadline: April 1

  • Legal U.S.resident
  • Planning to enroll at a U.S. college or university in the fall

Show how you frame your future through photography, illustration, painting, or mixed media art for a chance at this ample award. Although no essay is required, applicants are asked to submit a brief overview of their piece (no more than 500 characters). 

17. Annual Faith-Based College Scholarship

  • Must enroll for the first time as a full-time student at a faith-based college

Sign up to receive information about faith-based colleges and for a chance at winning this handsome scholarship award for college. The scholarship is only open to students planning to attend a faith-based college, university, or Bible college. The funds are sent directly to the winner’s school of choice. 

18. Sallie Mae $5,432 Sweepstakes

Amount: $5,432

Deadline: December 31

Entering for this scholarship is easy, all you need to do is complete an online registration for your chance at this $5,432 award. 

19. Ascent Scholarships 

Amount: Varies 

  • Age 18 or older 
  • Legal U.S. resident or DACA student
  • Enrolled at least half-time in a degree program or technical skills training program 

Ascent Scholarship giveaways are designed to help students cover school-related expenses such as tuition, books, rent, groceries, parking, and transportation. No essay is required, all you need to do is register for a chance to win one of these awards. 

20. The “No Sweat” Scholarship

  • Between 8th and 12th grade 

Create an account and complete a portfolio for your chance at this super scholarship which you can use for any educational purpose—from books to summer camp. The more complete your profile is, the better your odds of winning are. 

21. Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship

  • U.S. residents, DACA and undocumented students, and international students currently studying in the U.S.
  • Current high school, college, and graduate students

Paying for school is stressful which is why this scholarship is intentionally low pressure. Complete the online registration to enter. Follow Access Scholarships on Instagram for an extra entry. You can use the scholarship for any educational expense—including tuition, textbooks, housing, and technology. 

22. Cappex Easy Money Scholarship

Eligibility: Current high school or college student 

No need to stress about your GPA or an essay when entering this scholarship contest. Simply answer a few simple questions for your chance at one of these awards. 

23. Scholarships4Moms 

Deadline: December 15

  • Age 18 or older
  • U.S. legal resident
  • Mother or expectant mother 
  • Enrolled in a college or university in the U.S. or will enroll in one within three months 

The Scholarships4Moms award is designed to help mothers meet their educational goals. Founded by a group of moms, who understand how busy moms are, signing up is quick and easy. All you need to do is complete a short entry form. 

24. College Survey Scholarship

Eligibility: College undergraduate or graduate student and undergraduate or graduate alumni who graduated within the last four years

All it takes to enter this running for this scholarship is to fill out a college survey on Niche, a ranking, and review website. Your responses are anonymous and are displayed on Niche to help other students to find the right college for them. 

25. Easy Scholarships

  • Age 25 years or younger
  • Living in the U.S. or Canada (or a citizen of either country but living abroad)

No GPA requirements or essays are required to participate in this scholarship contest. For a chance to win, you simply must sign up for a campaign, complete it, and take a photo to document your participation. Campaigns are quick and completed in under five minutes!  

26. SuperCollege Scholarship

Eligibility: High school, college, or graduate student, or adult planning to go back to school

Just fill out the application and answer a few simple questions about your college plans for the opportunity to win this award. You can use the scholarship to pay for any education-related expenses. For example, tuition, books, computers, or room and board.

27. Debt.com Scholarship For Aggressive Scholarship Applicants

Amount: $500

Deadline: Every other month 

Eligibility: Actively applying for scholarships

This scholarship rewards students with the drive to earn scholarships and the willingness to fight for financial independence. In order to win, you need to send confirmations from all of the scholarships you’ve applied to. Also, while there is no essay, you are required to submit a short biographical letter.

28. MyMozaic Monthly Scholarship Contest

Deadline: Every month 


  • U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • Enrolled in high school or college in the U.S.

Simply create a profile at MyMozaic.com and answer a few simple questions—like your graduation year, your GPA, and the major(s) you’re interested in—for the opportunity to win one of these monthly, no-essay scholarships. 

29. WayUp Dream Job No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: Jun 1 

Eligibility: Current college student

Create a profile at WayUp—a jobsite for college students and recent college graduates—for a  chance of winning a $1,000 scholarship. The stronger your profile and the more internships and jobs you apply for, the better your odds are to receive an award.  

30. College Ave Scholarship Monthly Sweepstakes

  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident 
  • Enrolled in high school or a post-secondary educational institution or are the parent or legal guardian of a person enrolled in a high school or a post-secondary educational institution 

Earning this $1,000 simply requires filling out a very short entry and a little luck. Winners are chosen monthly!  

31. Give Me Liberty Easy Scholarship

  • U.S. citizen 
  • High school senior or enrolled in an accredited institution in the U.S.

The intention of this scholarship is to provide every student with an equal opportunity to experience freedom from the burden of tuition and loans. Recipients are selected through a lottery which gives every applicant the same chance of winning—regardless of their academic performance, extracurricular achievements, and essay writing skills. 

32. Because College is Expensive Scholarship

Eligibility: High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors, along with current college students and anyone else looking to attend college or graduate school

If you’re planning to attend college you’ll want to look into this scholarship—all it takes is completing a short application to enter for a chance to win. Only one entry per quarter is allowed. 

33. Return 2 College Scholarship Program

Deadline: January 31

  • U.S. citizen or legal resident 
  • Starting a program of higher education—either undergraduate or graduate—within the next 12 months or are currently full or part-time students 

While this scholarship doesn’t require an essay it does ask you to compose three sentences answering the question why are you getting your degree? Have a lot to say? Perfect, more than one entry is allowed, but more than a dozen are discouraged. 

34. Project Yellow Light Create a Billboard Scholarship   

Deadline: March 1

  • Legal U.S. residents 
  • High school juniors and seniors, along with undergraduate and graduate students 

Design a billboard to promote safe driving to a broad audience and draw attention to this important topic. In addition to a scholarship, winners may see their design grace a billboard or used on the web and other digital platforms. 

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graduate scholarships no essay

graduate scholarships no essay

20 No Essay Scholarships You Should Apply For

With the rising cost of higher education, it’s important to secure as much financial aid for school as possible. You may not realize it, but you probably already qualify for dozens of scholarships.  You may be a competitor for awards because of your strong GPA, academic area of interest, hobbies, or even because you graduated high school in a particular county.

While there are many scholarships that require you to submit a long list of supporting documentation, not all applications are so taxing. The list below offers information on 20 scholarships that do not require you to write a personal essay or statement of academic goals. 

These no essay scholarships save you time and energy and could result in you garnering hundreds or thousands of dollars in free money for school.

Tips When Applying To These Scholarships

Here are a couple of things to consider while compiling your no essay scholarship applications. Bear in mind that even no essay scholarships will require you to submit at least a few important documents. Be sure that you meet all of the submission requirements for each scholarship, as each one will ask for specific information. If you don’t submit all of the required documents, they may toss out your application. 

Secondly, in addition to searching for scholarship opportunities at the local level and students in your county, state, or region, do not overlook scholarships that offer smaller awards. No matter the size of the scholarship, all of the money you receive means taking on less debt through loans or paying out of pocket.

1. Richard J. Seif Technical Sales and Marketing Scholarship

This $3,000 award is reserved for learners pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business or engineering with a concentration in marketing or sales. Applicants should possess a 2.5 or higher GPA and be U.S. or Canadian citizens. This one is closed for the year but will reopen again in early 2024 so mark your calendars!

2. Honeywell Scholarship

Offered by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE), this award is for students in a graduate or undergraduate program preparing for a career in computer science , engineering , or engineering technology. Awards range from $1,000-$15,000. Applicants must identify as women and be enrolled in an ABET-accredited program. Applications will be open in December and February and are due in February or May, depending on the applicant’s grade level.

3. Reisher Scholars Program

The Reisher Scholars Program offers both merit- and need-based scholarships for sophomores and transfer students in Colorado. Awards range from $4,000-$11,000, with the average being $7,984. Applicants should be full-time students at one of the seven Reisher partner universities 3.0 or higher GPA. Application due dates vary depending on the student’s institution.

4. Alwin B. Newton Scholarship

The $5,000, one-year Newton Scholarship requires applicants to possess a 3.0 or higher or be in the top 30% of their class. Applications must include three letters of recommendation and documents that demonstrate the student’s financial need. Applications are due on December 1 for awards granted the following fall semester.

5. Welder Training Scholarship

This $2,500 award is reserved for students studying welding engineering. Applicants must be at least 18 years old with a 3.0 or higher GPA and enrolled in a four-year undergraduate welding engineering technology program. Applicants must include two letters of recommendation and be submitted by November 30, 2023. 

6. Tang Scholarship

Established by Edward C. Tang, this scholarship is designed to help Asian and Pacific Islander students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community . Up to four awards are given each year, with each award being up to $15,000. Applicants must have graduated from a high school located in one of the nine Bay Area counties with a 3.0 or higher GPA. This application is closed for the 2023-2024 academic year, but should reopen in early 2024. Applications are due in April.

7. Western Digital Scholarship Program

This award is reserved for any undergraduate student who is a biological dependent of a Western Digital employee. Applicants must be enrolled, or plan on enrolling, in a four-year college or university program as a full-time student. Competitive applicants possess a 3.0 or higher GPA. Awards range from $2,000-$5,000. The application opens in January and is usually due at the beginning of April.

8. Cathay Bank Foundation Scholarship Program

The foundation offers up to 20 scholarships of $1,000 to outstanding high school seniors each year. Applicants must reside in California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Texas, or Washington. The need-based award is for learners who plan on attending a four-year program in one of the states previously listed and possess a 3.0 or higher cumulative high school GPA. Applications are due at the beginning of April each year.

9. James R. Bullock Scholarship

Reserved for students residing in North Carolina, South Carolina, or Georgia, the Bullock Scholarship is a one-year award for undergraduates in architectural or mechanical engineering worth up to $5,000. Applicants should possess a 3.0 or higher GPA or be in the top 30% of their class. Applications are due by December 1, 2023.

10. Project Grant

Offered by the Connecticut Space Grant Consortium, the Project Grant is worth up to $1,000. The award is designed to offset the cost of materials for students completing their senior capstone projects or undergraduate research projects. Applicants need a 3.0 or higher GPA and must be enrolled at a Consortium Member Institution. Applications are open in January for spring scholarships, and in September for fall scholarships. 

11. Coca-Cola Scholars Program

Prospective recipients must be current high school students in one of the 50 states or Puerto Rico with a 3.0 or higher GPA. Applicants must have plans to attend a degree-granting, accredited college or university in the U.S. Up to 150 scholars are chosen each year for this $20,000 award. Applications will be open from August 1-October 2, 2023 for students who will graduate during the 2023-2024 academic year.

12. ASHRAE General Scholarship

The ASHRAE General Scholarship award is worth $5,000. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate engineering or pre-engineering students with a 3.0 or higher GPA at an ABET-accredited institution. Applications must include official academic transcripts and three signed letters of recommendation. Applications are due by December 1, 2023.

13. Tennessee HOPE Scholarship

Funded by the proceeds from the Tennessee State Lottery, this award is for new college freshmen enrolling in one of 16 eligible colleges or universities in the state. The award is for $1,500-$2,250 per semester, depending on whether the student is attending a two- or four-year school. Students with a 3.0 or higher GPA planning to pursue a bachelor’s or associate degree are eligible to apply. Standardized test scores may be required. Applications are due by September 1 each year.

14. Children of Veterans Tuition Grant

Applicants must be biological or adopted 16-26-year-old children of veterans living in Michigan. Their veteran parents must have passed away or become disabled as a result of their military service. Applicants should have a 2.25 or higher GPA and be enrolled at least half-time at a participating institution in Michigan. Full-time students can receive up to $2,800 per academic year. The application deadline varies per year.

15. Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

Applicants must be Florida residents and a U.S. or eligible citizen to apply. Prospective recipients must have graduated from a Florida high school with a 3.0 or higher GPA. Applications must include documentation of at least 75 hours of community service. Competitive ACT or SAT scores are also required. This award is worth up to $212.71 per credit hour. Applications are due by August 31 after high school graduation.

16. The Scott McClean Love Scholarship

This award is for undergraduate learners with a 2.0 or higher GPA who are children of former U.S. Army personnel. Eligible students have graduated high school, currently attending a college or university, and are 24 years old or younger. Awards range from $500-$2,000 per year. Applications open every January and close in April.

17. Robert W. White, Sr. Scholarship

The Robert W. White, Sr. Scholarship is for full-time students who are juniors or seniors in a four-year welding engineering degree program. Applicants must be at least 18 years old with a 3.2 or higher GPA. This need-based scholarship requires proof of financial need and is renewable for up to two years. The $2,500 award may be used for tuition and fees only. Applications are due by March 1 each year. 

18. Pearl Scholarship

The Pearl Scholarship is for students in Oregon who have lived or remain in foster care and want to attend a public college or university in the state . The award is for those interested in studying health sciences. Applicants should be 26 years old or younger and plan to enroll at least half-time in school. The amount awarded varies per year. Applications are open from November - March for the upcoming academic year. 

19. General Mills Internship and Scholarship

This program is open to graduate students enrolled in a food science program who want to take on a paid summer research and development internship. The scholarship portion of the award is worth $4,800 for one academic year. Prospective recipients should have a 3.0 or higher GPA and must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program for fall 2022 to be eligible. Applications are due by September 30. 

20. Scholarship America Dream Award

Applicants for the American Dream Award must be 17 years of age or older with at least one year of college completed. Prospective recipients must be currently enrolled as a full-time student in an associate or bachelor’s degree program with a 3.0 or higher GPA. These awards are need-based and worth between $5,000-$15,000. The application will reopen February 2024. 

Data Source: Peterson’s Databases copyright 2023 Peterson’s LLC All rights reserved

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

About the scholarship.

The $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is available to students who are seeking a postsecondary education, including returning adult learners. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are welcome to apply.

  • Essay Required : No
  • Need-Based : No
  • Merit-Based : No
  • Resident of the U.S.
  • High school senior, undergraduate, graduate student, on academic break, or not currently enrolled
  • Seeking a professional certification, associate, bachelor's, or graduate degree
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Country : US

24 Scholarships You Don

30 NO-ESSAY Scholarships for the Class of 2023

With so many application deadlines and SAT test dates piling up, applying for scholarships can quickly become overwhelming. Especially when those scholarships make you jump through hoops by writing essays and submitting transcripts. The stress of writing a scholarship essay on top of keeping up with school can deter students from taking advantage of free money . That’s not the case with these no essay scholarships. From surveys to sweepstakes these easy scholarship applications are a breeze. These programs want to help busy students like you pay for school, without adding extra stress to your life. Calling Class of 2023, these scholarships are looking for you! 

Applying to these scholarships is a no-brainer. Want more opportunities to score free money? 

Check out our other scholarship lists! 

Our Top Scholarship Pick

The $25,000 “be bold” no essay scholarship.

Rolling monthly application deadlines. Next deadline: June 1, 2023

Award: Awards $25,000

Overview: The $25,000 “Be Bold” Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on Bold.org. New scholarships are added daily, and membership is 100% free for students.

$2,000 Nitro Scholarship

Deadline: March 3, 2022 

Award Amount: $23,410 20 winners, $1,170 each

Overview: The Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship will be awarded to 20 individuals who live fearlessly and fight to make the world a better place despite their diagnosis.

To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a high school senior or any undergraduate in a 2- or 4-year degree program who has diabetes. To apply, please upload a short video (can be filmed via cell phone, Zoom, etc) two minutes max, answering this question:

How do you live fearlessly with diabetes?

$1,000 Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship

Deadline: December 31, 2023

Award Amount: $2,000

Overview: Apply to Nitro’s monthly No-Essay Scholarship in seconds for a chance to win $2,000!

2022 HireAHelper Skilled Trade & Technology Scholarships

Deadline:  July 17, 2023.

Award: $2,000

Overview: Growing demand and lack of qualified workers in skilled trades like the moving industry means it’s a great time to go back to school and enter these lucrative and fast-growing industries. To help keep up with demand and assist the next generation of professionals, HireAHelper will award a $2,000 scholarship four times a year to eligible students.

Scholarships for Creative High School Students Aspiring to Attend College

Kahoot Live Scholarship

Deadline: May 26, 2023

Award Amount: $500

Overview: Do we have any Swifties in the house? If so, this Kahoot scholarship is just for you! We will quiz you on all things Taylor Swift to test out just how much of a Swiftie you really are.

Hop on our Instagram live on Thursday, May 25 at 9 PM Eastern to join us as we give away another $500 scholarship to the winner of this Swifie-fied Kahoot game!

As always, we must have at least 1,000 viewers on the live stream and 1,000+ players in the Kahoot game to award the scholarship, and you must be a current or future college student with a Bold.org profile to participate.

ScholarshipPoints Scholarships

Deadline: See Website

Award Amount: Up to $10,000

Overview: Complete the form to be automatically entered into our $10,000 scholarship!

Scholly No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: June 1, 2023

Overview: Are you looking to secure funding for college or graduate school?

We’ve partnered with Scholly to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

20 Potential Scholarships for the Top 10 Academic Majors

CampusReel No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount:$500

Overview: Are you on the hunt for financial aid for college?

We’ve partnered with CampusReel to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students, transfer students, college students, and current or prospective graduate students.

AFSA High School Senior Contest

Deadline: January 1, 2024.

Overview:  The High School Senior College Scholarship Contest is open to high school seniors who are citizens or aliens legally residing in the USA. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll for classes beginning no later than Fall 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria. Home-schooled students may apply as long as course of study is equivalent to that of a senior in high school.

GoSkills Scholarship

Deadline: Fall Deadline: Sept. 15 (11:59PM PST) Fall Award Date: Oct. 15 Spring Deadline: March 15 (11:59PM PST) Spring Award Date: April 15

Overview: Okay, Female high school and college students, here is your time to debut your online business ambitions. There are open-ended questions on the application, but it’s more like a friendly conversation. The questions ask you about your concerns and your role models. Besides the application, you need to provide a link to your business plan (GoSkills provides instructions for your business plan right above the area for the link). If you don’t get excited about writing an essay, try your hand at mapping a business plan

Nitro Pay For College No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $10,000

Overview: We’ve partnered with Nitro to create this exclusive no-essay scholarship for anyone thinking through how to pay for college.

Nitro is a leading financial aid and loan resource platform, guiding you on everything from the FAFSA to best practices for federal and private loans.

By applying, you’ll automatically get registered for Nitro, setting you up for success in funding your education in the most effective way. The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of the Nitro platform.

Bold.org No-Essay Community Scholarship

Award Amount: $5,000

Overview: This scholarship is for students who recognize the value of a strong community, and are always on the lookout for ways to help their friends and strengthen their community. It will be awarded to a student who has invited many friends to join Bold.org.

To invite a friend, visit your Invite Friends page on the Bold.org dashboard to copy your unique invite code and text it to your friends. For each friend who creates a profile, your chances of winning the Community Scholarship go up.

AFSA $2,000 College Scholarship

Deadline: January 1, 2024

Overview: The Second Chance College Scholarships Contest is open to citizens and aliens legally residing in the USA with High School Diploma, GED or equivalent. Scholarship funds are payable to the winner’s college/university or certified trade school in the United States; winner must enroll or already be enrolled for Spring 2022 session. Winner selection is NOT based on financial need, GPA or demographic criteria.

Expand Your Horizons Scholarship

Deadline: April 28, 2024

Overview: Getting the most out of life requires both the courage to explore the world, and the kindness and openness to welcome and accept all those you meet along the way.

One student whose profile demonstrates an openness to learning about other cultures and sharing their own will receive $2,000 to help them continue on their path to travel and learn.

This may include studying new languages, traveling to study in a new place, teaching or learning art styles or cooking methods from a new culture, or anything else that demonstrates openness to new cultures in your school, work, or hobbies.

Launchy Web3 Scholarship

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Award Amount: $1,000

Overview: Chain Catalyst by Launchy is a free newsletter for web3 builders and investors.

We’ve partnered with Chain Catalyst by Launchy to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the Chain Catalyst by Launchy newsletter, getting web3 tips, news, and insights delivered directly to your inbox.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of Chain Catalyst by Launchy.


Deadline: June 15, 2023

Overview: Over $1.2 million in scholarships given away. You could be the next winner!

New Scholarships for Student Athletes – Class of 2019-2020

CARiD.com Scholarship

Deadline: May 31, 2023

Overview: CARiD is giving away $1,000 to offset your educational expenses for college! Just getting the essentials can add up quickly and CARiD wants to help – books, food, backpacks, some sweet spinners for your commuter vehicle, or whatever else you need to get ready for school! Most importantly – CARiD believes in higher education and wants to help you achieve your goals!

Barbara Lotze Scholarship

Deadline: December 1, 2023

Overview: Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $2,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years.

Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. Music Scholarship

Deadline: August 1, 2023

Overview: Richard “88 Fingers” Turner, Jr. is a beloved husband and talented pianist.

Known for his dexterity and musical talent, Richard has inspired the next generation of aspiring African American musicians. In order to truly thrive in the industry, it’s critical for musicians to have a strong educational foundation, which can often be inaccessible due to the high cost of college.

This scholarship seeks to honor Richard Turner, Jr. by supporting African American musicians in their pursuit of education.

Any African American two or four-year undergraduate student who is pursuing a music degree and career may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, submit a 2-3 minute video of yourself performing.

“A Bold Mind” Psychology No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Psychology is a great career field for students with a deep sense of curiosity about human behavior and the mind.

This scholarship seeks to support students who are passionate about psychology so they can afford to pursue their education.

Any student who is pursuing psychology may apply for this exclusive no-essay scholarship!

“Science for Life” Biology and Health Sciences No-Essay Scholarship

Overview: Biology and health sciences can require significant education which can be difficult for the average student to afford without becoming buried in debt.

This scholarship aims to support students who are pursuing biology and the health sciences so that they can complete their degrees no matter their financial status.

Any student who is interested in studying biology or the health sciences may apply for this no-essay scholarship opportunity!

Milk Road Crypto and Web3 No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: August 16, 2022

Packed with insights, analysis, and entertainment, The Milk Road helps you get smarter about crypto without ever feeling dumb, regardless of how much you already know.

We’ve partnered with The Milk Road to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to The Milk Road, giving you essential crypto insights straight to your inbox.

This scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of The Milk Road. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read The Milk Road every day
  • Share The Milk Road with your friends
  • Apply what you learn to accelerate your education and career

51 Scholarships Worth $1,000 for High School Students

CollegeXpress No-Essay Scholarship

Award Amount: $1,200

Overview: Are you a high schooler preparing to navigate through your college experience?

We’ve partnered with CollegeXpress to create this exclusive scholarship for high school students who are interested in college resources, an opportunity related to our 30 other no-essay scholarship awards.

This scholarship is also unique in that it will favor students who apply earlier—who are bold and seize the day without procrastinating.

The Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award Sweepstakes

Overview: Sign up for emails to get helpful college tips and resources, and enter for the chance to win a scholarship! Throughout the year, 12 eligible students or parents will be randomly selected to win a $5,000 Discover Student Loans Scholarship Award to help cover college expenses.

Huntington’s College Scholarship Sweepstakes

Deadline: June 30, 2023

Award Amount: $4,000

Overview: Scholarship contest for college-bound students. Simply submit this Official Entry form by the deadline posted in the Official Rules and you could win a $4000 College Scholarship!

Italian Catholic Federation Scholarships

Deadline: See Website 

Award Amount: Up to $1,000

Overview:  Since 1964, the Italian Catholic Federation has awarded over $2,000,000.00 in scholarships to more than 6,000 high school students, of the Catholic faith, attending college. Each spring, the Italian Catholic Federation receives nearly 400 applications for its yearly scholarship awards. Applications are received from students in public as well as Catholic high schools in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Illinois.

Scholarship Guidebooks: The Good, the Bad, and the Best of the 21st Century

No Essay Smart Owl Scholarship

Deadline: May 29, 2023

Award Amount: $7,000

Overview:  Apply Me, Inc. (“ScholarshipOwl”) is pleased to offer this scholarship sweepstakes (“Scholarship Sweepstakes”) in which you can apply for a chance to win a scholarship to be paid by ScholarshipOwl directly to your qualified high school, college or university.

For What It’s Worth Scholarship

Overview: We’ve partnered with For What It’s Worth to create this exclusive scholarship. By applying, you’ll automatically be subscribed to the For What It’s Worth newsletter, getting tips and news delivered directly to your inbox so you can invest in the world that you want.

The scholarship will be awarded to applicants who get the most out of For What It’s Worth. You will be a strong applicant if you:

  • Read For What It’s Worth every week
  • Share For What It’s Worth with your friends
  • Engage with For What It’s Worth’s content

Stuck At Prom Scholarship Contest

Deadline: June 7, 2023 

Overview: We’re giving away $20,000 in cash scholarships to high school students who make the best prom attire out of Duck® Brand Duct Tape! New this year? You can document your journey to prom perfection in a short video or written essay. Plus, once the voting period starts, a live voting counter lets you see the results in real time.

“A Bold Life” No-Essay Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2023

Overview: Regardless of where you find yourself today, remember that you only have one life to live, and it’s up to you to make it count. Embracing the world with boldness can help you do that.

To encourage people to create an adventurous and exciting life as they define it, the “A Bold Life” No-Essay scholarship exists to support a student who will do what it takes to live life to the fullest.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you’re committed to overcoming fear and relentlessly pursuing a life that will leave you fulfilled.

The Mega-List of BIG Name Scholarships & Foundations

More Helpful Guides:

How to Find—and Win—Scholarships: Your Complete Guide

How I Landed My Dream Internship

Make a List, Check It Twice: A College Applications Guide

Three Difficult Conversations to Have About Affording College

Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links to products and services. We may receive commissions for purchases made through these links.

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Do you want scholarships and financial aid advice?

Unlock the path to your academic dreams – sign up now for NEW scholarships and timely financial aid advice and stay ahead in the pursuit of higher education!

Exclusive Easy Scholarships with Upcoming Deadlines in 2024

Apply below to Easy Scholarships with upcoming deadlines. New scholarships added weekly.

princeton university

Sallie Mae No-Essay Scholarship

By: Sallie Mae

"Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

Anthony mcpherson memorial automotive scholarship, eligibility criteria:.

  • Field of Interest : Automotive
  • Education Level : High school or undergraduate student

Conscious Consumer Scholarship

Adren baker culinary arts scholarship.

  • Education Level : High school senior or undergraduate student
  • Field of Study : Culinary arts
  • State : Texas

Males in Nursing Scholarship

  • Education Level : Undergraduate student
  • State : Florida
  • School Name : FVI School of Nursing and Technology
  • Field of Study : Nursing
  • Gender : Male-identifying

Nursing Scholarship for Single Parents

  • Background : Single parent with one or more child(ren)

“Equal Opportunity” Scholarship

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More than $6 billion in scholarship money is awarded each year, with 63% of all undergraduate college students receiving at least one grant or scholarship. However, applying for scholarships can be a lengthy process. With everything else going on in your life, such as keeping up with schoolwork, participating in extracurriculars, and applying for colleges, writing scholarship essays can be a drag. 

Easy scholarships are an alternative that allows high school and college students to quickly apply for financial aid , all while still putting their best foot forward. There are actually tons of scholarships that don’t require an essay submission to be considered. These low-effort scholarships are one of the easiest ways to minimize your need for student loans.

The requirements for these scholarships are much less time-consuming and offer similar award money. To increase your chances of winning one of these no-essay scholarships , make sure to apply early and often!

To make things easier for you, we’ve assembled this exclusive easy scholarship list. These scholarships are unique to Bold.org and will not be found anywhere else. Select one of the featured scholarships in this list to create your free account, and start sending applications today! 

Here at Bold.org, you can apply for exclusive scholarships that are just for you. Sign up here and check which scholarships you are eligible to apply for right now.

Easy Scholarships Image 1

What Are Easy Scholarships?

Easy scholarships can take many forms but are generally no-essay scholarships that require little effort to apply. Many easy scholarships on Bold.org require no content to be submitted and sometimes require applicants to install a free and helpful resource.

Other scholarships just require a quick click of the “apply” button to enter. In this way, easy scholarships often offer quick, stress-free applications for high school and college students.

Additionally, some easy scholarships allow you to access your creative side by asking for a video, photograph, or other media in place of an essay. This not only spares students the time necessary to craft a winning essay but also offers a change of pace from typical essay-based applications.

Why Are Easy Scholarships Important?

Higher education is the driving force for social mobility for households across the country. On average, those who receive their bachelor’s degree earn more annually than those who only complete their high school diploma. While opportunities in higher education often pay dividends down the road in blossoming careers, they can also plunge students into staggering debt. In fact, compared to those who only receive their bachelor’s degree, grad school students take on an additional $54,000 of debt!

People deserve to use their education to propel themselves toward their dreams without utilizing student loans and falling victim to the debt crisis that plagues the US today.

Easy Scholarships Image 2

Why Easy Scholarships?

Today, a lot is expected of prospective and current college students. Showing academic excellence, extra-curricular participation, and volunteer experience still sometimes isn’t enough when colleges are considering applicants.

These activities are usually incredibly time-consuming and can, unfortunately, weigh heavily on your mental health, as stress and anxiety are rampant in academic settings. As a result, many high school and college students find it difficult to carve out time to submit regular scholarship applications with well-written essays.

Most scholarship programs have application processes that aren't exactly time-friendly. Easy scholarships give you the chance to submit stress-free scholarship applications in just a few minutes. They're a very small investment that, in the end, could earn you free and easy scholarship money toward your education. Every scholarship in this easy scholarship list is exclusive to Bold.org and can be applied to in just one click with your profile.

They all have upcoming deadlines, so pick an easy scholarship and get started now!

What Qualifies as an Easy Scholarship?

On Bold.org, there are a plethora of scholarship opportunities for students to take advantage of for tuition assistance and general financial aid. None are more convenient than easy scholarships, though! Here are a few qualifications that make up easy scholarships.

Easy Scholarships Image 3

No Essay Required

A large majority of scholarships on Bold.org require specialized essays to be submitted in order to apply. Easy scholarships don’t require an essay, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be spending time to maximize your chances of winning one! Many easy scholarships have rolling monthly deadlines, so the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to win. Also, when reviewing easy scholarship applications, a fully polished student profile will typically do much better than a less refined student profile. Apply early and fill your profile with relevant and essential information!

Timeless and Easy Application

Easy, no-essay scholarships are also known for their minimal application processes. Easy scholarships typically take just a few minutes to apply for and require just a few clicks to be automatically entered!

Broad Eligibility Requirements

Many easy scholarships are open to all high school students, college students, or both. Additionally, most easy scholarships don’t require applicants to be in a certain field of study. The broad eligibility requirements of many scholarships mean that you should be able to find plenty of scholarships that you qualify for!

How to Find Easy Scholarships to Apply For

Once you create your profile on Bold.org , you will receive scholarship recommendations that will help you find good-fitting scholarships based on your profile information. You may even be nominated by another user or a donor for a scholarship that they think you’re a good fit for!

You can browse through all of the scholarships currently available on Bold.org, or you can filter by category to pull up scholarships that are relevant to your major, hobbies, or personal identity. You can also choose to display only scholarships that don’t require an essay, which will then leave you with most of the easy scholarships offered on Bold.org .

Easy Scholarships Image 4

When to Start Applying for Easy Scholarships

On Bold.org, there are easy scholarships available for students at all levels of education , so there’s no need to wait until college to start your search for financial aid. Many students start their search as high school seniors , but you can begin applying for easy scholarships at any point in high school, and any money won will be held for you until you enroll in a college or university. 

However, it’s never too late to begin finding and winning scholarships. Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student, there are easy scholarships designed just for you. Start applying as soon as possible so you can maximize your chances of winning easy scholarships. 

What to Consider When Applying for Scholarships

It can feel like you have no control over your chances of winning when you apply for an easy scholarship since many don’t allow for the personal touch of an essay or any other application materials. 

However, don’t get discouraged if you haven’t won an easy scholarship yet, as there are many strategies to increase your chances of winning. Keep reading to learn about our recommendations for boosting your chances of winning an easy scholarship and funding your college education.

Tips for Winning Easy Scholarships

It may seem like easy, no-essay scholarships just go to one random winner since many students apply. However, there are several things that scholarship winners do to increase their chances of securing a no-essay scholarship.

Easy Scholarships Image 5

Start as Early as Possible

Many easy scholarships will have monthly rolling application deadlines, meaning that a new application deadline is set each month until the scholarship is awarded. In these cases, students who apply during earlier application windows will have the best chance of winning, so don’t wait to apply.

Submit Applications to as Many Easy Scholarships as You Can

Easy scholarships are very popular amongst students and often receive many applications as a result. Since many easy scholarships require no application materials, i t’s difficult to make yourself stand out and win a scholarship. 

Applying for many scholarships will increase your chances of winning one, and the quick nature of easy scholarship applications makes it possible to apply for numerous scholarships very quickly. 

Look for Easy Scholarships with Limited Eligibility

Another way to boost your chances of winning an easy scholarship is to find scholarships that have specific criteria and are not open to all students. Additional eligibility requirements will limit the number of applications, resulting in less competition!

There are many easy scholarships that have eligibility restrictions. You can use the filter feature to find these scholarships and boost your chances of winning. 

Make Your Bold.org Profile Strong

One more way you can increase your chances of winning an easy scholarship is to strengthen your profile on Bold.org . Having a detailed, fully filled-out profile can attract the attention of donors, and a high number of Bold Points can increase your chances of winning. 

Easy Scholarships Image 6

Frequently Asked Questions

No-essay scholarships are typically the quickest to apply for. When searching for scholarships on Bold.org, you can use the filter feature to find all of our no-essay scholarships. Easy scholarships with limited eligibility, such as the Stride Funding Affordable Tuition Scholarship, are also great as there are fewer applicants, increasing your chances of winning.

There are many examples of scholarships that are difficult to earn; merit-based scholarships and athletic scholarships are two examples of that. With merit-based scholarships, it's often important to excel academically (as most of these scholarships have a GPA requirement). For athletic scholarships, it's important excel in a sport (sometimes multiple sports) as well as demonstrate leadership qualities.

Easy scholarships often get many applications due to the minimal requirements, but you can still make your application stand out. Earn as many Bold Points as possible, have a detailed profile, and apply in early application windows to increase your chances of winning easy scholarships. Make sure you also apply for as many scholarships as possible to increase your likelihood of winning free money to cover tuition.

No Essay Scholarships

Jeff Gitlen, CEPF® Author Photo

Expertise: Student loans, personal loans, home loans, insurance, credit cards

Jeff Gitlen, CEPF®, is the director of growth at LendEDU. He graduated from the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware.

Are you looking for scholarships that are easy to apply for? If so, no essay scholarships may be your answer.

The scholarships below are free forms of student aid and do not require you to submit an essay. Make sure you meet any other eligibility requirements before applying.

4 No Essay Scholarships

Here are four scholarships with no essay requirements for high school and college students.

Cappex Easy College Money Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

  • Value: $1,000
  • Essay: None
  • Deadline: June 30

This Cappex scholarship is offered to all students enrolled in high school or college or those who plan to enroll in the next 12 months. Not only is there no essay requirement, but there is also no minimum GPA requirement either. A winner is selected each month so you can apply more than once.

  • Value:   $1,000
  • Grade Eligibility:  Enrolled in high school or college or planning to enroll in the next 12 months
  • GPA Requirements:  None
  • Essay:  None
  • Deadline:   August 31, 2020
  • You’ll need to create a Cappex account to submit your application

Niche “No Essay” Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

  • Value: $2,000
  • Deadline: August 31

The Niche “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all high school and college students. You’ll need to create a free account with Niche to apply. Only one application is permitted per household.

  • Value:  $2,000
  • Grade Eligibility:  High school or college
  • Deadline:  August 31
  • Must be at least 18 years old or 13 years old and have parent’s or legal guardian’s consent and supervision to use niche.com
  • Must currently attend, or plan to enroll within the next 12 months, a high school or college listed on niche.com
  • One entry per household

The “No Sweat” Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

  • Value: $2,500
  • Deadline: September 30

The “No Sweat” Scholarship is an award for $2,500 that can be used for any educational need. Some uses include books, housing, tuition, and more. On top of the no essay requirement, there is also no minimum GPA requirement.

  • Value:  $2,500
  • Grade Eligibility:  High school students
  • Deadline:  September 30
  • Create a free Cirkled In account

The $1,000 August Scholarship

  • Deadline: August 20

Like their “No Essay” Scholarship, Niche offers another scholarship for $1,000 that does not require an essay to be written to apply. This award is available to all high school and college students and anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next 12 months.

  • Value:  $1,000
  • Grade Eligibility:  All high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year
  • Deadline:  August 20
  • Create a free account to apply

Recap of No Essay Scholarships

$1,000August 31, 2020
$2,000August 31
$2,500September 30
$1,000August 20

If you’ve reviewed the scholarships above and are interested in finding additional opportunities, you can check out the guides below:

  • College Scholarships
  • Scholarships for Low GPA
  • Weird Scholarships
  • Search All Scholarships
  • Exclusive Scholarships
  • Easy Scholarships to Apply For
  • No Essay Scholarships
  • Scholarships for HS Juniors
  • Scholarships for HS Seniors
  • Scholarships for College Students
  • Scholarships for Grad Students
  • Scholarships for Women
  • Scholarships for Black Students
  • Scholarships
  • Student Loans
  • College Admissions
  • Financial Aid
  • Scholarship Winners
  • Scholarship Providers

Student-centric advice and objective recommendations

Higher education has never been more confusing or expensive. Our goal is to help you navigate the very big decisions related to higher ed with objective information and expert advice. Each piece of content on the site is original, based on extensive research, and reviewed by multiple editors, including a subject matter expert. This ensures that all of our content is up-to-date, useful, accurate, and thorough.

Our reviews and recommendations are based on extensive research, testing, and feedback. We may receive commission from links on our website, but that doesn’t affect our editors’ opinions. Our marketing partners don’t review, approve or endorse our editorial content. It’s accurate to the best of our knowledge when posted. You can find a complete list of our partners here .

Explore vetted scholarships for your grade level , state , background , major and more

Explore thousands of vetted scholarships for all types of students. Browse our full database to find the perfect scholarship for you, or create an account for personalized matching.

Why choose Scholarships360

We helped over 4 million students find scholarships in 2023

We've spent over 4,000 hours reviewing 3,000 scholarship programs

13+ years of experience helping students make smart education decisions

The Scholarships360 Research Team reviews all scholarships individually and strives to exclude any scholarship where any of the below applies:

  • The scholarship requires a fee to apply
  • The scholarship provider’s privacy policy allows for the misuse of student data
  • The scholarship requires paid membership in an organization (with certain exceptions for reputable trade organizations and others)
  • Student are required to sign up for a site or service to apply*
  • The scholarship seems primarily used for lead generation** or idea harvesting purposes***
  • The scholarship website has many grammatical errors and/or advertisements
  • The scholarship or scholarship providing organization seem untrustworthy
  • There is no evidence the scholarship was previously awarded
  • The scholarship has not been awarded in the past 12 months
  • There is no available contact information

If you believe a scholarship has been published in error, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll take a look!

* There are certain exceptions to this, for example if the sponsoring organization is a major corporation or nonprofit with its own scholarship application system. ** Lead generation scholarships will require students to sign up for an app or website and require minimal (if any) application requirements. ***Idea harvesting scholarships will require students to submit blog posts or other materials that companies may use for marketing purposes.

Scholarships360 is recommended by

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graduate scholarships no essay

Danielle Emretane

Winner of the Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

Fiorella Ruiz

Winner of the "Commencing at Community College" Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

Jack Furman

Winner of the “Tuition Solution” STEM Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

Morgan Breitschuh

Winner of the “Follow Your Own Path” Scholarship

graduate scholarships no essay

Connor Godoy

Winner of the “Commencing at Community College Scholarship”

graduate scholarships no essay

Kyamani Atterbury

Winner of the “Outstanding Undergraduate” Scholarship

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$10,000 No Essay Scholarship

$10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Scholarships360

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high… Show More

The Scholarships360 $10,000 “No Essay” Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who’s in a master’s program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for our no essay scholarship. This scholarship will be awarded to students who get the most out of Scholarships360 scholarships and content. You will be a strong applicant if you apply to scholarships with the Scholarships360 platform. Finalists for this scholarship will be interviewed about their process for funding their education. Show Less

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship

$2,000 Sallie Mae Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for…

Sallie Mae will award $2,000 each month to eligible entrants. No essay or account sign-ups, just a simple scholarship for those seeking help paying for school.

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship

BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by The College Board

Open to US-Based high school students in the class of 2025 — no essay, minimum GPA, test score, or citizenship requirements.

$1,000 Stress-Free Scholarship Giveaway

$1,000 Stress-Free Scholarship Giveaway

Offered by Ascent Funding

The $1,000 Stress-Free Scholarship Giveaway is an easy scholarship open to college and graduate students! Applicant must be at least 18 years old and a… Show More

The $1,000 Stress-Free Scholarship Giveaway is an easy scholarship open to college and graduate students! Applicant must be at least 18 years old and a legal resident of the United States or the District of Columbia or DACA student. Learn more and see Official Rules at AscentFunding.com/Scholarships. Show Less

Excelsior Scholarship Program

Excelsior Scholarship Program

Offered by New York State

The Excelsior Scholarship Program is open to New York residents who are or will be pursuing an undergraduate degree at a SUNY or CUNY college,… Show More

The Excelsior Scholarship Program is open to New York residents who are or will be pursuing an undergraduate degree at a SUNY or CUNY college, including community colleges and the statutory colleges at Cornell University and Alfred University. Applicants must have either graduated from high school in the United States, earned a high school equivalency diploma, or passed a federally approved "Ability to Benefit" test, as defined by the Commissioner of the State Education Department. Recipients of the scholarship will have any remaining gaps in their tuition expenses covered, after other federal and state grants and scholarships are applied, for up to $5,500. If you're a New York State resident looking to attend a SUNY or CUNY campus, we encourage you to apply! Keep on reading to learn more. Show Less

Regeneron Science Talent Search

Regeneron Science Talent Search This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Society for Science

The Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the United States’ oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition, providing an important forum for original research… Show More

The Regeneron Science Talent Search (Regeneron STS) is the United States’ oldest and most prestigious pre-college science competition, providing an important forum for original research that is recognized and reviewed by a national jury of professional scientists. To apply, eligible high school seniors must submit an online application that includes essays, transcripts, recommendations from teachers and mentors, and more, including the submission of an original research paper. Please visit the Regeneron STS website to read the full rules and learn more. Applications open on June 1 of every year and close in November. Show Less

US Bank Student Scholarship

US Bank Student Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by U.S. Bank

The US Bank Student Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship opportunity for U.S. residents aged 17 or older who have been accepted to or are enrolled… Show More

The US Bank Student Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship opportunity for U.S. residents aged 17 or older who have been accepted to or are enrolled in a post-secondary institution to receive help funding their education. Each year, the scholarship awards up to $20,000 to multiple incoming and current undergraduate students who complete some of the U.S. Bank's "financial education lesson" modules. Each module takes approximately 1-2 minutes to complete, and the more that students complete, the more money they become eligible to earn. Applicants who complete 25+, 50+, 100+, and 200+ modules are eligible to receive $2500, $5000, $10,000, and $20,000, respectively. If this scholarship sounds like a fit for you, keep on reading for more application details. Show Less

Barry Goldwater Scholarship

Barry Goldwater Scholarship

Offered by The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation

Are you a current college student interested in pursuing a research career in a STEM field? If so, consider applying for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship!… Show More

Are you a current college student interested in pursuing a research career in a STEM field? If so, consider applying for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship! The scholarship is open to nominated applicants who are college sophomores or juniors studying and conducting research in a STEM field. The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation offers scholarships to STEM students across the country to help ensure that the U.S. is producing enough "highly-qualified professionals" in these critical fields. This particular scholarship serves as a memorial for Barry Goldwater, a former air force officer and senator for 30 years. Recipients of the scholarship receive up to $7,500 to help pay for tuition, fees, books, and room and board. If you are a STEM major passionate about a future research career, we encourage you to apply! Bear in mind that this scholarship runs from the first Tuesday in September to the last Friday in January, every year. Show Less

The Boren Awards

The Boren Awards

Offered by Boren Awards

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student interested in studying abroad? If so, consider applying for the Boren Awards! The Boren Awards are open to… Show More

Are you an undergraduate or graduate student interested in studying abroad? If so, consider applying for the Boren Awards! The Boren Awards are open to postsecondary U.S. students interested in studying abroad in world regions critical to U.S. interests. While the Boren Scholarships are open to undergraduate students, the Boren Fellowships are open to graduate students. The Awards are named after David L. Boren, who felt that “the U.S. would work more and more through partnerships with other countries whose needs and perspectives needed to be more fully understood.” Today, the scholarship awards up to $25,000 to Boren Scholars and up to $30,000 to Boren Fellows. Depending on the program duration, focus on language in the preferred country, and field of study of the applicant, the funds and requirements will vary. Thus, we recommend checking out the website for more detailed information. If you are a postsecondary student passionate about studying in world regions critical to U.S. interests, we encourage you to apply! Bear in mind that the deadlines slightly differ for undergraduate and graduate students. Thus, we recommend checking the deadline before starting your application. Show Less

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged)

Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged) This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Ayn Rand Institute

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may… Show More

Are you a high school, undergraduate, or graduate student with a passion for reading, writing, and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the Ayn Rand Institute Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest! Each year, the contest asks its applicants to write an 800 - 1,600 word essay in which they analyze and make an argument about an aspect or plot point of the novel Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Nine prizes of varying amounts are awarded each year, with a grand prize of $25,000! If you’re familiar with Atlas Shrugged, can make a convincing argument, and want to make some cash, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship

Niche $25,000 “No Essay” Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Niche

Easy scholarship open to all high school and college students, as well as anyone looking to attend college or graduate school in the next year!

Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest

Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest

Offered by VFW Auxiliary

Are you a high school student interested in making art? If so, consider applying for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest! The contest is… Show More

Are you a high school student interested in making art? If so, consider applying for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest! The contest is open to students grades 9-12 who submit a two-dimensional art piece depicting patriotism. This scholarship is offered by VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States) Auxiliary, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services for veterans and honoring them and their families. They started the contest in 1979 to encourage patriotism in youths and recognize their artistry. Every year, the scholarship offers multiple awards totaling $37,000 to the first-place winners from each state. If you want to make art about patriotism and are looking for a scholarship opportunity, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship

Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship

Offered by Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

Are you a high-achieving high school senior who will need financial help to attend the college(s) of your dreams? If so, consider applying for the… Show More

Are you a high-achieving high school senior who will need financial help to attend the college(s) of your dreams? If so, consider applying for the Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship! This prestigious scholarship offers winning applicants up to $55,000 per year. In addition to monetary awards, winners receive college planning support, advising, and networking opportunities. The scholarship is funded by the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, an organization dedicated to supporting promising students who have financial need. Since 2000, the foundation has awarded more than $222 million in scholarships. The Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship typically accepts applications from August until mid-November, each year. If you’re an academically excellent high school senior looking for some financial help to attend college, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Questbridge National College Match Scholarship

Questbridge National College Match Scholarship

Offered by Questbridge

Are you a low-income high school senior who has excelled academically, but feels that their dream colleges are financially out of reach? If so, we… Show More

Are you a low-income high school senior who has excelled academically, but feels that their dream colleges are financially out of reach? If so, we may have the perfect opportunity for you: the Questbridge National College Match Scholarship! Through this scholarship application process, you will be able to apply to the U.S.’s top colleges for free and be considered for early admission, as well as a full, four-year scholarship. If you win and are “matched” with a school, the scholarship will cover the costs of your tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and even travel costs! You nor your parents will be required to pay for college or take out any student loans. Rather, you will be expected to keep up the good work and potentially make a small contribution in the form of federal work-study, summer work, or summer savings. The scholarship process is hosted by Questbridge, “a powerful platform that connects the nation's brightest students from low-income backgrounds with leading institutions of higher education and further opportunities.” If you’re an academically excellent high school senior from a low-income background, we encourage you to apply! Show Less

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship

Offered by Unigo

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a… Show More

Are you a big fan of The Walking Dead, or maybe Z Nation? Ever thought about what you would do in the case of a zombie apocalypse? If so, we may have the perfect opportunity for you: the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! Each year, this scholarship awards $2,000 to the applicant who, in 250 words or less, best describes their escape plan if there were a zombie outbreak at their school. The scholarship is offered by Unigo in hopes of helping some creative, zombie-obsessed students pay off some of their postsecondary education. If you’ve been inspired by the zombie shows and movies from the past few decades and have come up with a plan of your own, we encourage you to apply to the Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship! It’s due exactly when you’d expect: on Halloween. Show Less

Minecraft Scholarship

Minecraft Scholarship

Offered by Apex Hosting

Are you a high school or college student with a love for Minecraft? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the… Show More

Are you a high school or college student with a love for Minecraft? If so, we may just have the perfect opportunity for you: the Minecraft Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship offers $2,000 to one applicant who best writes about how Minecraft can positively influence one’s education and career development. The scholarship is offered by Apex Hosting, a Minecraft server provider dedicated to supporting both new and experienced server administrators. If you’re a high schooler or college student with a love for Minecraft, it’s time to put your passion to good use and apply to the Minecraft Scholarship! Show Less

Coca Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

Coca Cola Scholars Program Scholarship

Offered by Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation

Are you a college-bound high school senior with a passion for helping others? If so, consider applying for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Each year,… Show More

Are you a college-bound high school senior with a passion for helping others? If so, consider applying for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Each year, the scholarship awards $20,000 to 150 lucky graduating high school seniors who plan on enrolling in a U.S. postsecondary institution for the upcoming school year. The scholarship is offered by the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, an organization that serves to invest in promising high school seniors who are dedicated to service and leadership. If this sounds like you and you need some help paying off college costs, we encourage you to apply for the Coca-Cola Scholars Program Scholarship! Show Less

José E. Serrano Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions

José E. Serrano Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions

Offered by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Are you a rising junior majoring in a STEM field at a Minority Serving Institution? These include Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities,… Show More

Are you a rising junior majoring in a STEM field at a Minority Serving Institution? These include Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, Alaskan-Native Serving Institutions, and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions. If you are, consider applying for the José E. Serrano Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions! Recipients of the award are selected to partake in two internships during the summers of their junior and senior years, all-expenses-paid. In total, the amount awarded totals around $45,000, including costs for travel, conferences, allowances, and more. The scholarship is offered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an organization with a mission “to better understand our natural world and help protect its precious resources.” If you’re a STEM, sophomore student at a Minority Serving Institution, we encourage you to apply! Bear in mind that this scholarship runs from September 1 to January 31st every year. Show Less

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship

$10,000 CollegeXpress Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by CollegeXpress

Annual $10k scholarship from CollegeXpress open to all high school freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors.

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship

$25k “Be Bold” No-Essay Scholarship This scholarship has been verified by the scholarship providing organization.

Offered by Bold.org

Open to high school students, college students, community college students, and graduate students.

Scholarships by grade level

Whether you are in middle school or graduate school, we have a list of vetted scholarships for you.

graduate scholarships no essay

Scholarships by state

Check out our lists of vetted scholarship opportunities by state. Try searching the state you’re from as well as the state where you’ll be attending school!

graduate scholarships no essay

Scholarships by background & demographic

Some students don’t know that their background qualifies them for thousands of high-quality scholarships opportunities. Try looking over each of our categories to see what you qualify for:

graduate scholarships no essay

Scholarships by major

Find scholarships that match your passion. We’ve vetted thousands of scholarships for students of a particular major:

graduate scholarships no essay

Other scholarship categories

Some scholarships don’t quite fit in with the ones we’ve outlined above. Be sure to check out our other scholarship categories such as easy scholarships , writing and essay scholarships , no essay scholarships , and more.

Scholarship FAQs

What are the easiest types of scholarships to get.

Some scholarships are more similar to contents or sweepstakes. These “ easy scholarships ” and “ no essay scholarships ” are very simple to apply for and the application process can take as little as a minute or two. However, this means that they are very hard to win and more similar to a lottery where you have a small chance of winning.

This is why the easiest scholarships to get are oftentimes the scholarships that have more requirements (because they receive less applications). These include local scholarships , which are only open to students from a specific region or town. Ditto for college-specific scholarships that are specifically for students admitted to a particular college or university.

How can I find scholarships for college?

All of the above scholarships are a good start, but you may also qualify for merit , need , and talent-based scholarships that are specific to particular colleges. You can check-in with any of the colleges you are applying to and see if they have specific scholarships available. Generally, these scholarships are easier to win and are renewable , which means you can receive them for up to four years!

Students should also remember to apply for need-based financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid which will help you access everything from grants to student loans to work study !

What GPA do you need to qualify for a scholarship?

The specific GPA requirements will vary from scholarship to scholarship. Be sure to look carefully at the eligibility requirements to see if there is a minimum GPA to apply.

You may also find scholarships that do not have any GPA requirements. In these cases, you should still review the eligibility requirements to see how scholarship winners are selected. For example, scholarships with essay requirements will be judged primarily on the quality of your essay. Similarly, art scholarships will be evaluated on the basis of your creative talents.

So while many scholarships will have an academic component, there are many other awards for students according to their backgrounds, experiences, interests, and goals!

How does Scholarships360 select scholarships for the database?

Putting students first is central to our mission. That’s why our scholarship research team carefully vets the scholarships that we include in our database so you can find safe and trustworthy scholarships. Here’s what that means more specifically:

No scholarship application fees–we believe all scholarships should be free to apply to

No display advertisements on the website

All scholarships have a clear data policy that allows student to opt-out of sharing or selling student data

Scholarship providers must provide proof that scholarships funds are awarded to students

If you come across a scholarship that doesn’t meet this standard on our site, please reach out to us at [email protected] so we can investigate!

What experience does the Scholarships360 team have in scholarships and financial aid?

The Scholarships360 team has a deep expertise in scholarships , financial aid , and higher education. Collectively, we have decades of experience in roles as admissions officers , scholarship essay readers, writing professors, and high school college counselors. Our goal is to distill this experience into Scholarships360 to help as many students as possible achieve an affordable, high-quality education and graduate with little to no student loan debt.

What if I have specific questions about scholarships?

You should get in touch with the organization running the actual scholarship. Under every single scholarship that we list, you will see “Offered by” which indicates the company, foundation, or organization awarding the specific scholarship opportunity.

If the scholarship in question is offered by Scholarships360, you can reach out to us at [email protected] .

3 reasons to join scholarships360

  • Automatic entry to our $10,000 No-Essay Scholarship
  • Personalized matching to thousands of vetted scholarships
  • Quick apply for scholarships exclusive to our platform

By the way...Scholarships360 is 100% free!


  1. Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

    graduate scholarships no essay

  2. What to Do with No Essay Scholarships

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  3. What to Do with No Essay Scholarships

    graduate scholarships no essay

  4. Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

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  5. What to Do with No Essay Scholarships

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  6. CollegeXpress Graduate School No-Essay Scholarship

    graduate scholarships no essay


  1. Norway Scholarships in 2023 Without IELTS

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  1. Top 70 No Essay Scholarships in September 2024

    Apply with confidence to the following no essay scholarships: Coca Cola Scholarship - $20,000 scholarship for college-bound high school seniors. Dell Scholars Program - For Pell Grant-eligible high school seniors who participated in a college readiness program. Worth $20,000 with 500 scholarships awarded every year.

  2. Top 210 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in September 2024

    The $10,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. All students are eligible. Amount: $25,124. Deadline is Approaching! 23 day s left. One Click Apply. Apply now! 2.

  3. 100+ No Essay Scholarships (That Are Actually Worth It)

    So in this post, I'm sharing over 100 no-essay college scholarship opportunities available this year, from student contests that ANYONE can win to awards for specific degree paths, including grants for college-bound high school students and graduate-level studies.

  4. Top 20 No Essay Scholarships to Apply for in 2024

    Award Amount: $1,000 Scholarship Deadline: Quarterly (last day of the month in September, December, March, and June) PS - this is one of no essay scholarships awarded by Access Scholarships (that's us!). It's open to high school, undergraduate, and graduate students studying in the United States, and is an easy way to win $1,000.

  5. 34 No Essay Scholarships to Save Thousands on College

    1. "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship. Amount: $25,000. Deadline: December 31. Eligibility: Students of any education level, school, field of study, and GPA considered. This scholarship is for bold students who are determined to change the world one step at a time. No essay is required to win this eye-popping award.

  6. No Essay Scholarships

    Deadline September 30, 2024. The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement. Eligibility High school, college or grad school students.

  7. 20 No Essay Scholarships You Should Apply For

    Most students don't like writing essays, so these 20 no essay scholarships are right for you if you are applying for college but want to avoid the essay portion ... (SWE), this award is for students in a graduate or undergraduate program preparing for a career in computer science, engineering, or engineering technology. Awards range from $1,000 ...

  8. No-Essay Scholarships 2024

    Niche $25,000 "No Essay" Scholarship. Help cover the cost of college without writing a single essay! Niche is giving one student $25,000 to help pay for tuition, housing, books and other college expenses — no essay required! Deadline: 5/31/24. Award Amount: $25,000.

  9. The 200 Best No Essay Scholarships for 2024

    1 Award. Nov 30, 2024 Deadline. The $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. To us, boldest does not mean "best", or "most accomplished". Being bold means being: - Earnest - Determined - Moving The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile ...

  10. No-Essay Scholarships: Everything You Need to Know

    Applying for no-essay scholarships involves a few straightforward steps: 1. Find scholarships. Identify scholarships that match your eligibility criteria. Use scholarship search tools and databases to compile a list of no-essay scholarships. 2. Complete a simple application form.

  11. $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship

    About the Scholarship. Opens: 7/1/2024. Closes: 6/30/2025. The $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship is available to students who are seeking a postsecondary education, including returning adult learners. U.S. citizens and permanent residents are welcome to apply.

  12. Top 100+ Graduate School Scholarships in September 2024

    Here are our editors' picks for the top 10 grad school scholarships overall: Ayn Rand Institute Novel Essay Contest (Atlas Shrugged) - For students who submit an essay about the novel Atlas Shrugged. Worth $25,000. Stokes Scholarship Programs - For students pursuing fields relevant to work in the CIA. Worth $25,000.

  13. Find Graduate School Scholarships

    Scholarships for Graduate School; No-Essay Scholarships; Need-Based Scholarships; Merit-Based Scholarships; ... $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship. Scholarships360. What You'll Need. Application Form;

  14. Top No-essay Scholarships

    No-essay scholarships are financial aid for college that allow a student to apply for scholarships without writing an essay. No-essay scholarships can help members of that community attain higher education opportunities that otherwise may be out of reach due to financial reasons. All scholarships are free money for college that you don't have ...

  15. 30 NO-ESSAY Scholarships for the Class of 2023

    Next deadline: June 1, 2023. Award: Awards $25,000. Overview: The $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. No-Essay Scholarship in just a few clicks! Fund your education with verified new scholarships, available only on Bold.org.

  16. "Be Bold" No-Essay Scholarship

    The $25,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. To us, boldest does not mean "best", or "most accomplished". Being bold means being: Earnest. Determined. Moving. The scholarship will be awarded to the student whose profile is most bold, according to these ...

  17. How to Find Scholarships for Graduate School

    Different types of national graduate school scholarships are listed on database search websites, like Fastweb, Cappex and Unigo. GoGrad is another online resource that lists niche scholarships for ...

  18. $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship

    Scholarship Overview. The Scholarships360 $10,000 "No Essay" Scholarship is open to all students who want some extra help paying for their education. Whether you are a high school student who hopes to go to college, a graduate student who's in a master's program, or an adult learner who wants to return to school, you are eligible for ...

  19. Graduate School Scholarships

    Amount $2,000. Deadline September 30, 2024. The $2,000 No Essay Scholarship is open to high school student all the way up to, and including, graduate school students. Scholarship Details $2,000 No Essay Scholarship for tuition and any other college-related expenses No essay requirement.

  20. Top 240 Easy Scholarships to Apply for in September 2024

    The world will be shaped by the bold—the fighters, the risk-takers, the earnest overachievers who won't take no for an answer. The $10,000 "Be Bold" Scholarship is a no-essay scholarship that will be awarded to the applicant with the boldest profile. All students are eligible. Amount: $25,124.

  21. No Essay Scholarships: Easily Apply for Awards

    The "No Sweat" Scholarship. Apply now. Value: $2,500. Essay: None. Deadline: September 30. The "No Sweat" Scholarship is an award for $2,500 that can be used for any educational need. Some uses include books, housing, tuition, and more. On top of the no essay requirement, there is also no minimum GPA requirement. Value: $2,500.

  22. Scholarships

    BigFuture $40k Essay-Free Scholarship. Offered by The College Board. Easy Application. 1 award worth $40,000. Deadline Oct 31, 2024. Grade Level High School Senior. Apply. Open to US-Based high school students in the class of 2025 — no essay, minimum GPA, test score, or citizenship requirements.

  23. Graduate School 1st Year Scholarships

    Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarship Amount: $2,000 Due Date: September 30, 2024 Niche $25,000 "No Essay" College Search Scholarship Amount: $25,000 ... GRCF Guy D. & Mary Edith Halladay Graduate Scholarship Amount: Varies Due Date: March 01, 2025 GRCF Guy D. and Mary Edith Halladay Music Scholarship Amount: Varies