
What Does All Nighter Mean? – Meaning, Uses and More

all nighter assignment meaning

What Does All Nighter Mean?

The term all nighter is a slang phrase that describes the act of staying awake throughout the entire night, typically to complete a task or participate in an activity. It is commonly used by students who need to finish assignments or study for exams, but it can also be used in other contexts such as work or entertainment. The term “all nighter” is not an abbreviation or an acronym for anything. It is simply a casual expression that has gained popularity among young people. Here are some examples of how the term all nighter can be used in conversation:

  • “I have a major paper due tomorrow, so I’m going to pull an all nighter to finish it.”
  • “We’re planning a movie marathon tonight, so get ready for an all nighter!”
  • “I have a work deadline approaching, so I might have to pull an all nighter to get everything done.”
  • “I stayed up all night playing video games. It was an epic all nighter!”
  • “I had to pull an all nighter to study for my final exam. I hope it pays off!”

The term “all nighter” originated from the practice of staying awake throughout the entire night to complete a task or engage in an activity. It is commonly used by students who tend to procrastinate and leave their work until the last minute. The term has gained popularity in recent years and is now widely understood and used by young people. The term “all nighter” does not have any sexual connotations. It simply refers to staying awake throughout the night and does not carry any offensive meanings. It is not a typo or a typing mistake, but rather a slang term that has become a part of popular culture.

What Does All Nighter Mean From a Girl?

When a girl uses the term all nighter , she is most likely referring to the same meaning as everyone else. It generally means staying awake throughout the entire night to complete a task or participate in an activity. Girls use it in similar ways as guys do, especially when it comes to studying for exams, finishing assignments, or engaging in late-night activities.

Girls may use “all nighter” in conversations with their friends or in online communities where discussions about staying up late are common. It is often used to express the dedication and effort put into completing a task or achieving a goal. For example, a girl might say, “I pulled an all nighter to finish my art project, and I’m so proud of the result!”

If a girl mentions pulling an all nighter in a conversation with you, it’s important to acknowledge her hard work and dedication. You can reply by showing support and understanding. Here are some possible responses:

  • “Wow, that’s impressive! I admire your commitment.”
  • “I know how tough it can be to pull an all nighter. Good job on getting it done!”
  • “I hope it was worth it! Your effort definitely shows.”

It’s important to note that pulling an all nighter is not always healthy or recommended. Lack of sleep can have negative effects on physical and mental well-being. If someone mentions pulling an all nighter frequently or seems overly stressed, it’s important to encourage them to prioritize self-care and find a healthy balance between work and rest.

In conclusion, the term “all nighter” does not have a specific meaning from a girl. Girls use it similarly to everyone else, often to describe staying awake throughout the entire night for various tasks or activities. It’s important to acknowledge their dedication and offer support when they mention pulling an all nighter.

  • Girl A: I had to pull an all nighter to finish my essay for English class.
  • Girl B: Oh wow, that’s dedication! I hope it turned out well.
  • Girl: I’m so tired today, I pulled an all nighter studying for my math exam.
  • Friend: You’re a trooper! I hope all that studying pays off.
  • Girl A: I stayed up all night working on my cosplay costume for the convention.
  • Girl B: That’s amazing! Your dedication to detail really shows.
  • Girl: I had to pull an all nighter to finish binge-watching that new series on Netflix.
  • Friend: Haha, we’ve all been there. Was it worth sacrificing sleep?
  • Girl A: I stayed up all night practicing for the dance competition.
  • Girl B: That’s some serious commitment! I’m sure you’ll do great on stage.

What Does All Nighter Mean From a Guy?

When a guy uses the term all nighter , it could imply different things. It could signify a similar meaning as everyone else, which is staying awake throughout the entire night to complete a task or participate in an activity. Alternatively, it could have a specific meaning depending on the context and the guy’s intentions.

Here are some possible reasons why a guy might use “all nighter”:

  • He wants to show dedication and effort. A guy might use “all nighter” to express his commitment and hard work towards a task or goal. For example, he might say, “I pulled an all nighter to finish this project, and I’m proud of the result!”
  • He is hinting at spending time together. In some cases, a guy might use “all nighter” as a playful way of suggesting spending the entire night with someone. It could be a flirty hint that he wants to spend more time together or get to know the person better.
  • He is emphasizing his endurance or stamina. Some guys might use “all nighter” to boast about their ability to stay awake for long periods of time. It could be a way of showing off their endurance or stamina in various activities.

If a guy uses “all nighter” in conversation with you and you’re trying to figure out what he meant, here are a couple of things to consider:

  • Consider the context of the conversation. Did he mention any specific tasks or activities that he stayed up all night for?
  • Think about your relationship with this guy. Are you friends, dating, or in a relationship? Does he have any romantic interest in you?
  • Pay attention to his tone and body language. Does he seem serious, playful, or flirty?

Of course, it is entirely possible that he is using “all nighter” casually without any specific meaning behind it. If you’re still unsure, you can always ask him for clarification or further context.

  • Guy 1: Dude, I pulled an all nighter to finish this coding project. It was intense!
  • Guy 2: Whoa, that’s dedication! I hope it paid off.
  • Guy 1: I’m planning on pulling an all nighter to binge-watch this new TV series.
  • Guy 2: Haha, sounds like a fun night! Enjoy the show.
  • Guy 1: I had to pull an all nighter to prepare for this important presentation at work.
  • Guy 2: Good luck, man! Your hard work will definitely pay off.
  • Guy 1: I stayed up all night playing video games with my friends. It was an epic all nighter!
  • Guy 2: That sounds like a blast! Gaming marathons are the best.
  • Guy 1: I’m thinking of pulling an all nighter to study for my upcoming exam.
  • Guy 2: You got this! Just remember to take breaks and stay focused. Good luck!

Origin of All Nighter

The origins of the word/phrase “all nighter” are not clear. It is possible that it is a derived word from the phrase “all night,” which refers to staying awake throughout the entire night. The addition of “-er” to “all night” creates the noun “all nighter,” which specifically refers to the act of staying awake all night.

It is also possible that “all nighter” originated as a colloquialism or slang term among students who commonly engage in the practice of staying up all night to complete assignments or study for exams. Over time, the term may have gained popularity and become more widely used.

While it is not clear if “all nighter” was a popular typo of another word, it is unlikely as the term is widely understood and used in its current form.

Frequently Asked Questions

Slangs similar to all nighter.

Overnighter, night owl, insomniac, burn the midnight oil, and pulling an all-nighter are similar to “all nighter” because they all describe staying awake throughout the entire night for various reasons such as work, study, or personal preference. These terms are used to convey the act of staying awake during nighttime hours.

Is All Nighter A Bad Word?

No, “all nighter” is not a bad word or vulgar word. It simply refers to staying awake all night, usually to complete work or engage in activities. It is commonly used among students, professionals, and individuals who need to stay awake for extended periods of time.

Is All Nighter a Typo or Misspelling?

The term “all nighter” is not a misspelling or typo. It is a slang term used to describe staying awake throughout the entire night.

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a large database of idioms

Understanding the Idiom: "pull an all-nighter" - Meaning, Origins, and Usage

  • burn the midnight oil

In today’s fast-paced world, people often use idioms to express themselves in a more creative and interesting way. One such idiom is “pull an all-nighter” . This phrase is commonly used when someone stays up all night to complete a task or project.

The idiom has become popular among students who need to study for exams or finish assignments before the deadline. It is also used by professionals who work on important projects that require their attention throughout the night.

Origins of the Idiom

The origins of this idiom are not clear, but it is believed to have originated in the United States during World War II. Soldiers would stay up all night working on tasks that needed urgent attention, such as repairing equipment or preparing for battle.

Usage of the Idiom

The phrase “pull an all-nighter” can be used in different contexts. For example, if someone says they are going to pull an all-nighter, it means they will be staying up late to complete a task or project. Similarly, if someone asks you if you pulled an all-nighter last night, they want to know if you stayed up late working on something important.

Example Sentences:
– I have a big exam tomorrow so I’m going to pull an all-nighter tonight.
– Did you pull an all-nighter finishing your report?
– We had to pull an all-nighter at work because of the tight deadline.

Origins and Historical Context of the Idiom “pull an all-nighter”

The phrase “pull an all-nighter” is a common idiom used to describe staying up all night to complete a task or project. This expression has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among students who are studying for exams or finishing assignments.

However, the origins of this idiom can be traced back to the early 20th century when it was first used in military contexts. Soldiers would often stay up all night on guard duty or during combat operations, hence the term “pulling an all-nighter.” Over time, this phrase became more widely used outside of military circles and entered into everyday language.

Today, pulling an all-nighter is seen as a symbol of dedication and hard work. It is often associated with achieving success at any cost and pushing oneself beyond their limits. However, there are also negative connotations associated with this practice such as sleep deprivation and reduced productivity.

Usage and Variations of the Idiom “pull an all-nighter”

When it comes to staying up all night to complete a task, there are many ways to express this concept in English. The idiom “pull an all-nighter” is just one example of how native speakers might describe this experience. However, it’s important to note that this phrase may not be used universally across different English-speaking regions or cultures.

In some cases, people might use similar phrases like “stay up all night,” “burn the midnight oil,” or “work through the night” instead of saying they pulled an all-nighter. Additionally, there may be variations on the phrase itself depending on context or personal preference. For example, someone might say they’re going to “pull a late one” instead of using the full idiom.

It’s also worth noting that while pulling an all-nighter can refer specifically to staying awake for work or school-related tasks, it could also be used more broadly to describe any situation where someone stays up throughout the night without sleeping. This could include social events, travel situations, or even medical emergencies.

Synonyms, Antonyms, and Cultural Insights for the Idiom “pull an all-nighter”

Some other phrases that can be used instead of “pulling an all-nighter” include:

  • Burning the midnight oil
  • Pulling a late one
  • Staying up until dawn
  • Burning the candle at both ends
  • Working through the night

If you want to express the opposite of pulling an all-nighter, here are some antonyms:

  • Hitting the hay early
  • Catching some Z’s (sleep)
  • Taking a nap or snooze break (rest)

In many cultures around the world, pulling an all-nighter is seen as a sign of dedication and hard work. However, it is important to remember that getting enough sleep is essential for our health and well-being. It’s always best to try and plan ahead so that you don’t have to stay up too late!

Practical Exercises for the Idiom “pull an all-nighter”

In order to truly understand and incorporate the idiom “pull an all-nighter” into your vocabulary, it’s important to practice using it in different contexts. Below are some practical exercises to help you become more comfortable with this expression.

Exercise 1: Conversation Practice

Find a language partner or friend who is also learning English and practice using the idiom “pull an all-nighter” in conversation. Come up with different scenarios where this expression could be used, such as discussing a late night study session or a work deadline that required staying up all night.

Exercise 2: Writing Practice

Write a short story or essay that incorporates the idiom “pull an all-nighter” . This will not only give you practice using the expression in context but also help you remember it better through repetition.

  • Start by brainstorming different situations where someone might have to pull an all-nighter.
  • Create characters and a plot around one of these scenarios.
  • Incorporate the idiom naturally into your writing.

Exercise 3: Listening Practice

Listen to podcasts, TV shows, or movies where characters use the idiom “pull an all-nighter” . Pay attention to how they use it in context and try to identify any variations or synonyms they may use instead.

  • Take notes on how often this phrase comes up and what types of situations it’s used in.
  • Try repeating some of these phrases out loud to get more comfortable with them.

By practicing these exercises regularly, you’ll be able to confidently incorporate the idiom “pull an all-nighter” into your everyday conversations and writing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Idiom “pull an all-nighter”

When it comes to using idioms, it’s important to understand their meaning and context. “Pull an all-nighter” is a common idiom that refers to staying up all night to work or study. However, there are some mistakes that people often make when using this expression.

Using the Idiom Incorrectly

The most common mistake people make when using the idiom “pull an all-nighter” is misusing it in context. This can happen when someone uses the expression to describe staying up late but not necessarily working or studying. It’s important to remember that this idiom specifically refers to staying up all night for a specific purpose.

Assuming Everyone Understands the Idiom

Another mistake people make is assuming everyone understands what “pull an all-nighter” means. While this may be a well-known phrase in certain circles, not everyone may be familiar with it. It’s always best to explain what you mean if you’re unsure whether your audience will understand your use of the idiom.

If you want to use the idiom “pull an all-nighter” correctly, be sure you’re using it in context and don’t assume everyone knows what it means. By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.


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Definition of all-nighter

Examples of all-nighter in a sentence.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'all-nighter.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

1870, in the meaning defined above

Dictionary Entries Near all-nighter

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“All-nighter.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/all-nighter. Accessed 25 Jun. 2024.

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Exam revision: the ultimate guide to pulling an all-nighter

In an ideal world none of us would have to pull an all-nighter. However, it’s pretty rare for someone to get through their entire student life without pulling at least one. So, if you're going to do one, here's the best way to go about it... 

Eleanor Foulds

See what you could study at uni

All-night study or revision sessions are part and parcel of the student stereotype and it's rare that a student gets through their entire sixth form and university life without pulling at least one crazed night of intense work before a big exam or essay deadline. 

However, pulling an all-nighter is not something you should be making a habit of. Lack of sleep is really bad for your body and repeated lack of sleep can have some long-term negative health effects. 

But, if you know you’re going to have to do it – and it should be a last resort, not your actual plan! – what’s the best way to go about it? Here's our advice...

Target select and important information

Accept immediately that you can’t cram in everything and make some informed decisions as to what you think will be the most valuable things to learn. This might mean learning a few things from lots of different areas or learning a couple of things in depth, depending on the subject you study and the module at hand. 

Make a decision and stick with it. Don’t panic half way through the night and try and cram everything in; you might as well just go to sleep instead.

If you're rushing to do some last-minute uni research, for example, you could use our handy course search and uni search tools to target the exact sort of university experience you're after. Take them for a spin and cut down your research time so you hopefully won't have to pull an all-nighter!

Leave the caffeine alone

All-nighter revision sessions and caffeine go hand in hand for most students, but you’ll have a much smoother ride if you resist the coffee and energy drinks, especially if you’re going into an exam the next day.

Too much caffeine can make you feel jittery and unpleasant or can lead to caffeine crashes, which is exactly what you don’t want. Plus, caffeine doesn’t really keep you awake in a useful way – you don’t exactly feel fresh and energised at four in the morning no matter how much Red Bull you’ve guzzled. It’s true that the caffeine will keep your brain awake, but it’s unlikely it will improve the standard of your work. 

Instead, make sure you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water throughout the night. Proper hydration is far more likely to make you feel fresh and awake. You should have a glass of water on your desk at all times.

Leave the sugar alone

In this situation, food is fuel; make sure you eat the right kind of fuel. Sugar sweets and chocolate are like caffeine – they might seem like a great idea at the start but they will ultimately lead to a sugar crash.

Eat stuff that will keep you going at a steady pace: nuts, fruit, and raw veg with dips. These kinds of slow energy release snacks provide you with the habitual act of chewing, which can help keep you focused and awake but won’t flood your body with unhelpful stuff.

Nuts have protein in (which help build amino acids to keep you alert), and fruits will provide you with natural sugars to give you energy (without the downer that follows a chocolate overload).

Don’t work in bed, on the floor or on a sofa

If you start your all-nighter in bed, I’m going to wager that you’re not all that committed (which is fine, by the way). If you do actually want to stay up all night, make sure you work at a desk or in a position which won’t induce sleepiness. 

Get an all-night study buddy

There will be someone else on your course or at your college doing the same thing as you. One good way to get through the experience of pulling an all-nighter is to have someone share the pain with you. Find out who they are and keep in touch via social media to keep motivation going.

Make a schedule – with breaks

It might seem a little late to make a plan, but putting together a schedule for the night will calm you down, make you feel less panicked and give you focus. Make it at the start and commit to it entirely. Then all you need to do is go through the motions of what you’ve outlined.

Try and get some sleep at some point

We all know that all-nighters don’t always last all night. When you hit a wall or you’ve only got a few hours to go try and get at least some sleep. Adrenaline will get you through the actual exam but your body will be very grateful if you’ve given it a helping hand by getting a few hours (much needed) kip.

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Effective Tips and Advice on Pulling an "All-Nighter"


What Is an All-nighter?

The all-nighter has been a rite of passage for generations of college and university students. As you may already know, an all-nighter contains the following elements:

  • the foregoing of a full night's sleep
  • having to complete a large amount of studying ("cramming"), or an important assignment in a small amount of time
  • usually having to work up until the deadline

If you find yourself in this bind here are some quick tips that may help you get the most out of your efforts.

Start the Night Off Right

Get it together.

Gather all of your materials into one place. There is nothing quite as frustrating as losing your train of thought and getting off schedule (e.g. in a vain attempt to locate something, like a calculator) in the middle of the night.

Know Your Goals

Read your assignments, objectives and/or notes from the instructor prior to doing anything else. You should have a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish.

Make a Plan of Attack

Set a schedule for yourself. Quickly map out exactly what you are going to do and when. Break down your assignment and/or objectives into manageable blocks of time with small but frequent breaks built in. This will allow you to:

  • Begin with the end in sight
  • Track your progress
  • Ensure you do not fall behind

"Do Not Disturb"

Once you have a schedule in place, stick to it. Turn off all electronic distractions. Eliminate distractions wherever possible, including the cell phone, Blackberry, television, instant chat or messenger, etc.

Set the Tone

Pay attention to your atmosphere. Avoid dark, warm, quiet spots that lull you to sleep. Try studying in a well lit room with a cool temperature. You may also add some light, upbeat music in the background.

Keep the volume adjusted so that it is audible and will keep you alert, but not loud enough to distract you into singing along.

Snacking After Midnight

Watch what you eat and drink. Avoid sugary foods which have a tendency to spike your energy level, then give you a drop a short time later. Sugar can intensify the effects of fatigue, so consider eating healthy snacks such as fruits or vegetables.

Avoid caffeine as long as possible. Should you choose to drink coffee, do so at a moderate pace. You want to drink enough to maintain your level of being comfortably alert, while not drinking so much as to become wired.

Tip: If you do not usually consume caffeine, avoid it altogether.

Be sure to eat a meal. Because you are denying your body rest, your body will demand more energy than normal, causing you to become hungry. Going hungry can affect your concentration, so try a light meal at some point in the night. Be sure to avoid heavy foods like pasta or pizza.

Hitting the Books

Take notes as you study. When taking notes, try to use a dedicated notebook and format your writing in a manner that can be easily referenced later. Be sure to list your sources and page numbers with your notes so that you can quickly look up additional information when necessary.

Pace Yourself

There are limitations to pulling an all-nighter. One of these limitations is your ability to retain information effectively. Thorough, coherent notes can offset this undesirable side effect and help you recall the objectives or key points in the assignment.

Rest Occasionally

If you hit a wall and are simply unable to concentrate, try these quick tips to get back into the game.

  • Take a short nap. Make sure you don't sleep too long, as you may wake up more tired than before. A quick 15 to 20 minute power nap should do it.
  • Take a shower. At times, taking a shower and putting on a fresh set of clothes can help you feel rejuvenated. Avoid wearing pajamas, bedclothes or anything you would normally sleep in.
  • Refresh your mind. Different people have different ways of clearing their head. Some people exercise, some play video games, while others may simply find solace in answering some emails. In small amounts, a temporary distraction is a good thing. Don't do anything that would take up more than about 15 to 20 minutes. A temporary distraction can lead to a disaster if time slips away from you.
  • Give yourself a pep talk. Above all else, do not panic. Pulling an all-nighter can be a stressful event which can lead to a series of destructive emotions such as depression, despair, and anxiety.

You Can Do This!

You may want to give up, but remember that you can do this, you need to do this, and thousands upon thousands of

Aldureaux Le'Paumer has been a Federal Law Enforcement supervisor for the last five years working primarily in security and police operations. He earned a Bachelor of Science online from Southwestern College in Winfield, KS and a Master of Business Administration online from Ashford University in Clinton, IA.

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It’s not ideal, but here are some tips to help you make the most out of your late-night studying

A person face down on a desk fallen asleep with notes scattered all across the desk

by Jacob Mattie, Peak Associate

University life is remarkably busy. Having to balance several classes which share similar schedules almost guarantees you’ll eventually fin d yourself pinched between deadlines. This is where the all-nighter comes in. It’s pretty universally accepted that foregoing a night’s sleep for an extra few working hours is a bad time. I’m not going to tell you to not be stressed about it, because it’s a terrible situation. But I am here to tell you there are ways to make the most of it, and things you can do to stop it from ruining the rest of your week. 

Sleep is import ant

The first thing worth mentioning is sleep is important . Sleep deprivation entails a whole host of side effects, including a weakened immune system a nd incr eased susceptibility to depression and anxiety. Staying awake for 24 hours is comparable to a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.10% — which is well over the legal driving limit . The only way to recover from sleep deprivation is to sleep. There is no magic path to needing less sleep (I’m looking at you, caffeine). While an all-nighter can provide some extra hours when we need them most, it’s crucial to remember we will need to make up for this sleep soon after. Unlike how muscles adapt to regular exercise, your brain will not adapt to consistent sleep deprivation. This is a loan on wakefulness, not a free pass. 

Staying focused

In the absolute simplest terms, the key to a productive all-nighter is sustained focus. The best way to manage this is by taking regular breaks and looking after yourself — taking 20 minutes will help you be more productive over the course of the night than trying to force yourself to work through a foggy brain. Let’s break down how to do this:

Find somewhere well-lit where you can work uninterrupted without too many distractions. I’ve found it’s helpful to go somewhere away from home to study — Breka Cafe (Robson & Bute, Vancouver) and SFU’s Burnaby Campus are both open 24 hours and have all the amenities you should need. Staying home can easily lead to spending more time setting up the perfect study environment than actually studying.

One of the main influences on our energy levels is blood sugar. High blood sugar equates to high energy, and lo w blood sugar implies low energy. When studying, we aim to have blood sugar in the mid-range — high enough to stay focused, but not so high we can’t sit still. Food is a great resource for managing this. 

When choosing snacks, there are a few guidelines to follow. Nutrition is a complex science, but for our purposes, we can reduce it to two terms; glycemic index and glycemic load . The first describes how readily sugars and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream. The latter describes the number of sugars within the food itself. For example, the sugars within a carrot are easily digested, but are relatively sparse, resulting in a lower glycemic load.

Foods like white bread and certain kinds of rice are high in their glycemic indexes and loads. This means they cause a quick increase in blood sugar. This “sugar rush” is good for energy , but is quickly metabolized and the drop in blood sugar leaves feelings of fatigue and hunger . This can cause unwanted interruptions in a study session. Fruits , along with vegetables and proteins (beans, lentils, and nuts) offer more of a balance between their glycemic indexes and loads. This will provide a more sustained sug ar release that will keep you feeling energized throughout the night. 

Drinking plenty of water also helps a lot. While dehydration in itself is a cause of fatigue, getting up for washroom breaks also serves as a great way to force you to stretch your legs and get some light exercise — helping keep you awake and focused.

A discussion of nutrition would be incomplete without mentioning caffeine. Found in sources like coffee, tea, and dark chocolate, caffeine is widely used to keep people awake and active. Caffeine works as a competitive inhibitor . In simple terms, this means it gets in the way of the neurological process that lets us know when we’re feeling tired. This is great for when we need to avoid the feeling of fatigue, but it’s important to distinguish between feeling tired and being tired. Caffeine will help us feel awake but does not offer any of the benefits of being well-rested. This includes all of the symptoms of sleep deprivation mentioned earlier, as well some of those not mentioned — not being able to think clearly, focus, and process information. In short, when tired, caffeine will let you write a paper, but most of it will probably suck.

Have a plan

Studying is not easy even in the best of circumstances, and with the added challenges of sleep deprivation, it’s important to keep the process as straightforward as possible. It helps to have a set of tasks you want to accomplish by the end of the night — whether that be to finish some readings, write a paper, or complete an assignment, having a concrete goal to work towards will make your all-nighter easier.

Next, have a way to gauge your focus. Although we may wish otherwise, multitasking does not work. Balancing two tasks at once (noting “tasks” include such things as texting friends and watching shows or movies) has been found to reduce productivity by up to 40%. Staying aware of your posture is a great indicator of how engaged you are with the material. If you find yourself slouching more or needing to reread lines, take a break for a few minutes. Many people have found value in the Pomodoro Technique , which involves five-minute breaks between 25-minute work segments, with a longer 15–30 minute rest for every fourth break. 

Many of us are somewhat familiar with how sleep is divided into phases — at the very least, a term like REM (Rapid Eye Movement) should evoke something beyond the eponymous bands’ single “Everybody Hurts.” By being methodical, we can use these different phases to our advantage. A full sleep cycle will take about 90 minutes , meaning if you want to wake up without feeling groggy, try aiming for a complete series of sleep cycles — 90, 180, 270, etc. minutes. If you find yourself really pressed for time (given this is an all-nighter, we can assume this is the case), we can cut down the necessary sleep a little bit more. 

Between yacht racers, space agencies, the military , and over-caffeinated students , there has been a tremendous amount of research on how to cut back on the amount of sleep needed. We can extract a useful practice from this research: namely, the 20 minute — or stage two — nap. 

Sleeping for 20 minutes is the ideal balance between getting enough sleep to feel refreshed, and still being able to wake up easily. By going through the first two stages of sleep we are able to bolster our energy and alertness, and wake up before the phases of deep sleep relax our muscles and slow our breathing — causing feelings of lethargy that would get in the way of our studying. In practice, this doesn’t often feel like actually sleeping — rather, it feels closer to just being on the cusp of a snooze, but waking up before falling asleep.

Between proper nutrition, sleep management, and a measured work ethic, you should have all the tools you need to not only make it through the night but emerge with a completed chunk of work. While there is something fulfilling about watching the sun rise over your freshest accomplishments, don’t let it get to your head — because sleep deprivation certainly will.


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What is the use of the term 'all-nighter'? [closed]

Well I know: 'all nigh long' but how just add 'er' to the word 'night' and add an extra "all-" before it, gives it some kind of sense? I mean as far as i kown the 'er' added to the noun makes it an action performer of that noun, right?

  • american-english

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  • 1 Suffix -er (and -or ) very often denote performer of the activity represented by the "main" word (be it a NOUN, as in mouser for a cat who catches mice, or a VERB, as in writer for a person who writes). But usually, the specific term all-nighter would refer to an event or activity that continues throughout the night , rather than a person doing something all night long. It's in the dictionary with that meaning. –  FumbleFingers Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 17:06

As Fumble commented, "all-nighter" is a noun meaning something that lasts all night long . I'm my experience (in America) it is almost exclusively used to mean a study session (or similar event, such as writing a paper) that takes so long the person doing it is not able to get any sleep at all before starting their next day. In this usage it takes the verb pull : "I pulled an all-nighter last night" or "I haven't even started writing that yet, I'll have to pull an all-nighter to get it done in time."

It can be used for other activities, like playing video games or maybe researching/tinkering on an invention, but the most common usage is studying for an exam or working on an assignment. An event that is scheduled to last all night would probably be described as "an all-night concert" (or whatever) rather than "an all-nighter."

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Naveed Saleh M.D., M.S.

Why All-Nighters Are "All Bad" for You

Burning the midnight oil can come with dire health consequences..

Posted July 19, 2021 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

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  • Even short interruptions in normal sleep patterns can impact mental health.
  • The adverse effects of all-nighters include anxiety, attention loss, and pain.
  • All-nighters rarely make for productive study sessions.

People pull all-nighters for all types of reasons. Underprepared students studying for final exams, for instance, may cram all night. (They may then pull another all-nighter partying after exams are finished.) Parents working various jobs to survive may pull all-nighters to keep their homes in order. And then there are those who struggle with insomnia , who are subjected to the torture of sleepless nights. But whatever the reason, all-nighters wreak havoc on health.

Let’s take a look at the evidence underlying the impact of short-term sleep deprivation.

Feelings of pain

Sleep deprivation impacts pain perception in unusual ways, according to results of a study by UC Berkley professor Matthew Walker and co-authors, which was published in the Journal of Neuroscience .

Even short bouts of sleep deprivation, such as the occasional all-nighter, amplify pain reactivity in fundamental physiologic ways—or at the level of the somatosensory cortex. In their studies, the researchers demonstrated that pain thresholds were lowered in response to temperature cues.

Nevertheless, they found that sleep deprivation blunted pain reactivity in higher-order, decision-making regions of the brain, such as the striatum and insula cortex. When functioning normally, these higher-order neural systems assess pain signals and mediate the release of the body’s own painkillers.

Taken together, these findings indicated that all-nighters not only increased pain experienced but also decreased the body’s intrinsic ability to mitigate this pain.

Time for the jitters

Disruption in sleep patterns is a hallmark of anxiety disorders. In a study published in Nature, Matthew Walker and co-authors found that subtle reductions in sleep lead to next-day anxiety akin to that experienced with psychiatric conditions. These effects are mediated by changes in prefrontal cortex activity and link to the limbic regions. Importantly, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) experienced during sleep can quell this anxiety.


“We have identified a new function of deep sleep, one that decreases anxiety overnight by reorganizing connections in the brain,” said Walker in a news release . “Deep sleep seems to be a natural anxiolytic (anxiety inhibitor), so long as we get it each and every night.”

Mental lapses

For those who have ever pulled an all-nighter in an attempt to (unsuccessfully) cram for a test, it may come as no surprise that research demonstrates that sleep deprivation not only saps attention but also working memory. Without these two faculties at your disposal, it’s difficult to score well on an exam.

In addition to these more basic cognitive functions, Kimberly Fenn and co-authors found that sleep deprivation may also impair higher-order processes. In a study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, participants who were sleep-deprived scored lower than controls in measures of placekeeping, which refers to the ability to keep tabs on one’s place in a task.

What can be done?

If it’s within your capabilities to eschew all-nighters, then it’s probably a good idea to do so. The Sleep Foundation recommends a number of sleep hygiene tips that may help you get a good night's sleep.

For instance, it’s a good idea to go to bed at the same time every day—even after a bad night’s sleep or on days off. It’s also a good idea to sleep in a cool room (65 degrees F) and dim the lights an hour before bedtime, with all electronic screens powered off. If you can’t sleep, get out of bed and do something until you feel sleepy . Importantly, it’s a good idea to avoid caffeine and alcohol several hours before sleep, as these both interfere with rest.

For those planning on pulling an all-nighter before a big exam, do so cautiously. According to the experts, studying several days before an exam in several 30-minute bursts is a much better approach. Furthermore, information assimilation occurs best during the morning and afternoon and not at night. Often, cramming just results in short-term memory storage that lasts only a few minutes; information is not truly synthesized.

"The problem is our society thinks in sound bites," stated David Earnest, a sleep researcher with the Texas A&M College of Medicine, in a press release . "We believe we can comprehend information at the last minute, which is unwise .... Establishing good habits early on is the key to success."

Naveed Saleh M.D., M.S.

Naveed Saleh, M.D., M.S. , attained a medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine and a master's degree in science journalism from Texas A&M.

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Definition & Meaning

All-nighter – Definition & Meaning

An all-nighter is a term that is often used to describe an extended period of time where a person stays awake throughout the night to complete a task or project. The term is widely used in academic circles, where students often pull all-nighters to finish assignments or cram for exams. However, the concept of an all-nighter is not limited to students, as professionals in various fields also engage in this practice.


Meaning in different dictionaries, associations, the same root words, example sentences.

An all-nighter is defined as a period of time where a person stays awake throughout the night to complete a task or project. This can include studying for exams, completing work assignments, or even partying all night.

The origin of the term all-nighter is not clear, but it is believed to have originated in the United States in the 1950s. The term was first used to describe a party that lasted all night, but it later evolved to include any activity that kept a person awake throughout the night.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an all-nighter is “a period of work or study that lasts all night.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines it as “an event or activity that lasts throughout the night.”

The term all-nighter is often associated with academic pressure and stress. Students often pull all-nighters to meet deadlines or cram for exams. However, the term is also associated with partying and socializing, as some people stay up all night to attend events or festivals.

Some synonyms for all-nighter include night shift, graveyard shift, and overnighter.

Antonyms for all-nighter include early bird, morning person, and day shift.

There are no root words associated with the term all-nighter.

  • “I have to pull an all-nighter to finish this project before the deadline.”
  • “I’m going to an all-night party with my friends this weekend.”
  • “I work the night shift, so I’m used to staying up all night.”

In conclusion, an all-nighter is a term that is widely used to describe a period of time where a person stays awake throughout the night to complete a task or project. While the term is often associated with academic pressure and stress, it can also be used to describe social activities that last throughout the night. Regardless of the context, an all-nighter can be a challenging and exhausting experience for those who engage in it.

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  • Staying Awake All Night

How to Pull an All Nighter

Last Updated: June 24, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Ted Dorsey, MA and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA . Ted Dorsey is a Test Prep Tutor, author, and founder of Tutor Ted, an SAT and ACT tutoring service based in Southern California. Ted earned a perfect score on the SAT (1600) and PSAT (240) in high school. Since then, he has earned perfect scores on the ACT (36), SAT Subject Test in Literature (800), and SAT Subject Test in Math Level 2 (800). He has a BA in English from Princeton University and a MA in Education from the University of California, Los Angeles. There are 21 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 3,900,500 times.

There are many legitimate reasons to pull an all nighter on occasion. Perhaps you've got to cram before an important test or finish off an essay, or you just want to have a movie marathon. You might even be off your typical sleeping schedule due to travel abroad, so pulling an all nighter can help you get back on schedule. Whatever the reason, pulling an all-nighter doesn't come naturally to all people and it takes some practice to do it effectively and safely.

Planning Ahead

Step 1 Get lots of rest the night before.

  • Sleep in the night before. If you wake up around 8:00 or 9:00, you'll be less tired when it's time to start really staying up.
  • Try not only waking up really late but going to bed a bit late the night before. If you go to bed at nine at night the night before, your body will start getting tired around that time.
  • If you can, take an extended nap a few hours before you plan to stay up. This will give you an extra boost of rest and energy. [2] X Trustworthy Source American Psychological Association Leading scientific and professional organization of licensed psychologists Go to source

Step 2 Try to take a short afternoon nap.

  • If you get really tired during your all-nighter, you can take a quick nap again, but for no longer than 20 minutes. If you take a longer nap, you might sleep until morning!
  • Be sure to take out your contacts if you wear them, since leaving them in could harm your eyes and prevent proper sleep.

Step 3 Eat well during the day.

  • Have a big, healthy breakfast. Eat healthy carbs like oatmeal or wheat-based cereal, proteins like lean turkey or ham, and some fruits and vegetables. Add a yogurt or cottage cheese to your meal.
  • Have a healthy lunch. Eat a sandwich with wheat bread, a hard-boiled egg, or a big salad with avocado, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Whatever you eat should give you a boost of energy without making you feel sluggish.
  • Eat the right dinner for staying up all night. This will be the last meal you eat before you prepare to stay up all night, so make it count. Avoid greasy or fattening foods that will make you feel bloated or heavy. Instead, eat some chicken or turkey, couscous, whole grain pasta, fruits, and vegetables. Make sure you have some carbohydrates for energy, and some proteins like soy, chicken, or ham.
  • Avoid heavily caffeinated or sugary foods. [5] X Research source If you drink coffee all day or eat sugary snacks like candy, then you'll be crashing and ready for bed after dinner. [6] X Research source

Step 4 Stock up on healthy foods for the night.

  • Some healthy veggies. Carrot sticks and celery are a great snack that won't make you tired. You can even eat the celery with a bit of peanut butter.
  • Some healthy fruits. Apples and bananas are easy to carry and will keep you energized.
  • Some nuts. Almonds, walnuts, and cashews are a delicious and nutritious form of protein.
  • If you're staying at home, make sure you have some chicken, tofu, or turkey in your fridge, as well as some healthy pasta or couscous that you can cook in a pinch.

Staying Awake and Alert

Step 1 Stimulate your body.

  • Stretch. Stretching your forearms, calves, and wrists will make your body feel more active and less tight.
  • Roll your shoulders backward and forward and circle your head from side to side.
  • Give yourself a quick hand massage.
  • Tap your foot on the floor.
  • If you're really falling asleep, pinch yourself or bite down on your tongue.
  • Gently tug your earlobes.
  • Chew gum or suck on a mint to keep your mouth active.
  • If your eyes are getting tired, rest them out a window or gaze in a new location.
  • Try keeping music on in the background. If it has a good beat, you may find yourself naturally tapping your foot to the tempo.

Step 2 Stimulate your mind.

  • Pay attention. Notice everything that's going on around you, and ask questions if you don't understand something, like a section in your textbook that is unclear to you during a study session.
  • Strike up a conversation. If you're in the middle of a cram session, it's easy to keep talking to the people around you. If you're at home and struggling to stay awake, call up a night owl friend or have a quick conversation with a friend online. [10] X Research source
  • Stay engaged. If you're watching a movie, ask yourself questions about it to make sure that you understand everything that's going on.
  • Don't let yourself drift off. If you're watching television or having a conversation, make sure that you're focused on the task at hand instead of daydreaming.

Step 3 Take breaks.

  • Looking repeatedly at a clock may distract you from your work.
  • Taking breaks is especially important if you are working on the computer; it will help prevent headaches and eye strain. [12] X Research source

Step 4 Switch it up.

  • Switch tasks every 30 minutes. If you're watching a movie at a sleepover, take a bathroom or snack break from time to time. If you're cramming for an exam, switch from studying your notes to using flashcards.
  • Switch up your environment. If you can change your environment, it will be easier for you to stay stimulated. If you're cramming for an exam, move to a different part of the library or your dorm. If you're at a sleepover, just try getting everyone to hang out in a different room from time to time.
  • Hang out in a different part of the same room. If you're nodding off at your friend's New Year's party, just move from the couch to the kitchen and keep talking to people. If you have to keep sitting down, pick a different seat.

Step 5 Get some light exercise.

  • If you're at a party, take the stairs to the upstairs bathroom instead of using the one that's more conveniently located.
  • Take a ten-minute walk outside or even inside to wake up your senses.
  • If you're alone in your room, just do thirty jumping jacks or run in place for two minutes.

Step 6 Drink some caffeine in a pinch.

  • Start off with a cup of black tea. Its side-effects will be less intense than the effects of coffee.
  • If you're already a big coffee drinker, have 2 or 3 cups.
  • If you're really desperate, drink an energy drink like Mother, Monster or Red Bull.

Warning! Try to avoid consuming more than 4 cans at the maximum! This will certainly give you a boost of energy for an hour or two, but the crash afterwards can be significant. [16] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source

Step 7 Eat protein-rich foods to stay energized.

  • Avoid eating a heavy meal the evening of the all-nighter. This will leave you feeling lethargic and sleepy. Eat a light, healthy meal, such as a stir-fry.
  • Avoid alcohol, as this depressant will make you sleepy.

Ted Dorsey, MA

  • Eat a hard-boiled egg or quickly make an egg sunny-side up if you're at home.
  • Eat a handful of almonds, cashews, or pecans.
  • Eat a crispy apple, celery, or carrot sticks. Just crunching into these foods will wake up your mouth and will make you more alert. Bananas are great for all-nighters because they keep you awake for longer than usual and give you a great source of Vitamin B1 and potassium.
  • Have a piece of toast with a little bit of peanut butter.
  • If you're craving a fourth meal, try to have a healthy carbohydrate like brown rice and protein like turkey. If you can't avoid ordering out, try picking foods that aren't too greasy or fatty.

Step 9 Play hardcore metal music.

  • If others are sleeping around you, clearly you'll need to keep the level of the music low. Use earphones if necessary.

Step 10 Drink lots of water.

  • Drinking lots of water will make you have to go to the bathroom often. This can also help keep you from dozing off.

Staying Optimistic

Step 1 Make sure that pulling an all nighter is unavoidable.

  • To remain healthy, never stay awake for 2 whole nights in a row. Pull an all nighter as infrequently as possible.

Step 2 Think positively.

  • "I am almost done!"
  • "This is actually not too hard."
  • "I will get to see the sunrise."
  • "I will get a good grade."

Step 3 Reward yourself for each accomplishment.

  • Having rewards is like the carrot on the end of the stick; they will motivate you to keep going, despite your tiredness.
  • Make sure that you set the rewards before you begin. This way, your mind will anticipate them.

Enjoy TV Step 1.jpeg

Improving Your Workspace and Limiting Distractions

Step 1 Turn off all of your devices.

  • Download an application that blocks distracting websites, such as SelfControl. [27] X Research source
  • You could set your cell phone to Airplane mode, rather than turning it completely off, so that any incoming messages will be blocked until switching it back into its normal mode.

Step 2 Work with the windows open.

  • Not everyone improves their alertness in cold air. For some people, it works the other way around; warm air causes them to stay awake and the cold makes them fall asleep. Choose whatever works best for you. [28] X Research source

Step 3 Avoid working in comfortable places.

  • If possible, work somewhere far away from your sleeping area or bed, so that it's an effort to try to go back and sleep.
  • Try to be around people. Knowing that others may be watching you may motivate you from sleeping in your chair.

Step 4 Maintain an upright posture.

  • Try sitting in different places around the room.

Step 5 Acknowledge your limits.

  • Sometimes it's better to get 3 or 4 hours of sleep, rather than being in a complete daze the next day.

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  • Take a couple of 30-minute naps the day after your all-nighter to help you recharge. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • If it's winter or you can't open your windows, turn a fan or the AC on.

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  • ↑ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/05/040512041022.htm
  • ↑ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3280075/
  • ↑ Ted Dorsey, MA. Academic Tutor. Expert Interview. 11 December 2019.
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Ted Dorsey, MA

To pull an all nighter, start by removing all distractions, like your cell phone, television, and other electronics, so you can concentrate on your work. Avoid working in comfortable areas, like your bed or the couch, and make an effort to sit up straight, which can help you stay alert. It can also help to keep moving by tapping your feet, stretching frequently, and taking regular breaks. It's usually best to avoid caffeine, since it's dehydrates you and crashing from it is inevitable. Instead, try drinking 2 glasses of ice-cold water every 30 minutes to stay alert and hydrated. For more tips on creating a good working environment, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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all-nighter noun

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What does the noun all-nighter mean?

There are five meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun all-nighter . See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence.

This word is used in U.S. English.

How common is the noun all-nighter ?

How is the noun all-nighter pronounced?

British english, u.s. english, where does the noun all-nighter come from.

Earliest known use

The earliest known use of the noun all-nighter is in the 1870s.

OED's earliest evidence for all-nighter is from 1870, in Little Corporal .

all-nighter is formed within English, by compounding.

Etymons: all adj. , ‑nighter comb. form .

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Meaning & use

Pronunciation, entry history for all-nighter, n..

Originally published as part of the entry for all, adj., pron., n., adv., conj.

all-nighter, n. was revised in September 2012.

all-nighter, n. was last modified in July 2023.

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Revisions and additions of this kind were last incorporated into all-nighter, n. in July 2023.

Earlier versions of this entry were published in:

OED First Edition (1884)

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OED Second Edition (1989)

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“What? You mean you don't want to pull an all-nighter?”

You're working on a project at work with a group of people. You're not finished with it, but everyone is tired and it's getting late, so someone suggests picking it back up the next day. You think that's a good idea, but you want to joke that everyone should stay all night to work on it, so you say this.

What? You mean you don't want to pull an all-nighter?

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What? You mean (clause)?

This is a common type of joke . A person will say, "What? You mean..." and then pretend to be surprised by something. For example, a woman might say to her boyfriend:

What? You mean you'd rather stay home and watch football than go shopping with me?

This type of joke makes the most sense when the thing that you pretend to be surprised about is something obvious . In the example at top, no one wants to stay at work all night. So it's clear that the speaker isn't really surprised that people want to go home.

You can also use "What? You mean ___?" seriously , when someone says something that surprises you:

What? You mean you're not coming with us?

pull an all-nighter

"Pulling an all-nighter" means staying up all night to work on something. This is most often used to talk about students who stay up all night to finish a big homework assignment or to study for a test. You can also use it when you're talking about people staying at work all night to finish something.

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Tips on pulling an all-nighter for an important assignment?

So im pretty much stressing rn with school. Im taking my Senior thesis class which ive been putting all my time and energy towards it and in results my grades for my other 3 courses have been slipping. And because of this all my deadlines for those classes are coming up.

For my Senior thesis class I have to turn in a Field Study...Theyre 10 book reviews (4 to 5 pages doubled spaced) Only problem is that I have only read one book and we have to turn in at least 4 or 5 of these by Wednesday (the other half are due towards the end of the semester in May)

I plan on reading tonight and get started on it. However, tomorrow is what is going to be the most stressful. I work 5pm to midnight which means I Have to have at least 2 of these reviews done (Im aiming for 3 though) the other 2/ 3 of the reviews Im planning to type them up on Wednesday Morning before 4pm when its due.

Thats the majority of my stress is coming from since its a senior thesis course.

If i decide to pull an all nighter assuming that I have already written at least 2 of these reviews, what are some tips?

Should i drink coffee throughout the night? Energy Drink?

What if i begin to feel tired? Should i take a break and rest or just power through them?

So im pretty much-stressing rn with school. Im taking my Senior thesis class which ive been putting all my time and energy towards it and as a result my grades for my other 3 courses have been slipping. And because of this all my deadlines for those classes are coming up.

Im so closed to the finish line with this damn degree...Ive gotten good grades in the almost 2 years ive been at this college and I dont want to ruin all my hard work just because i feel burnt out and unmotivated.

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[ awl - nahy -ter ]

The poker game turned into an all-nighter. Are any of the grocery stores all-nighters?

I had to pull an all-nighter to get the paper done on time.

/ ˌɔːlˈnaɪtə /

  • an entertainment, such as a pop concert or film screening, that lasts all night

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Word history and origins.

Origin of all-nighter 1

Example Sentences

Without thinking twice, she remembers, Boyah would agree to work a weekend, pull an all-nighter, or travel a great distance.

Ojile likens it to chronic sleep deprivation: An occasional all-nighter is rough, but you bounce back.

It was April 3, 2012, and Michael Slaby was pulling his second all-nighter in a row.

This seemed to augur the perfect result, close enough for some drama but with enough separation to avoid an all-nighter.

You've been married thirteen years, and I suppose Lyster has always been what he calls an all-nighter.

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Definition of all-nighter noun from the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary


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all nighter assignment meaning

Conservatives take Toronto-St. Paul’s riding in major upset for Liberals

all nighter assignment meaning

Conservative candidate Don Stewart won the Toronto-St. Paul's by-election. Supplied

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals were hit with a stunning upset in a Monday night by-election, losing a midtown Toronto riding the party had held for three decades and raising even more questions about the minority government’s prospects in next year’s general election.

The dramatic result in Toronto-St. Paul’s even surprised Conservatives , who for weeks have said they were not expecting to win the long-shot seat.

Conservative candidate Don Stewart snatched the win from the Liberals with just 590 votes separating the two parties.

Mr. Stewart, a marketing and finance professional, won with 42.1 per cent of the vote, with all of the polls reporting around 5 a.m. on Tuesday. Liberal Leslie Church was second with 40.5 per cent of the vote and NDP candidate Amrit Parhar won 10.9 per cent of the vote.

Until last year, Toronto-St. Paul’s was represented by Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett, who had held the seat since 1997 and in the last election won with a 24-percentage-point margin over the second-place Conservatives. The Conservatives managed to close that gap Monday and win with a 1.6-percentage-point margin. The NDP vote share also fell compared to 2021, when they won 16.8 per cent.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre congratulated Mr. Stewart in a social media post, calling the result a “shocking upset in Toronto-St. Paul’s, where people voted to axe the tax, build the homes, fix the budget and stop the crime.”

He said the result shows the Prime Minister needs to call a “carbon tax election now.”

all nighter assignment meaning

A Conservative supporter watches a split screen displaying voting results and the Stanley Cup final, at an federal by-election event for Toronto-St.Paul's candidate Don Stewart in Toronto on Monday, June 24, 2024. Chris Young/The Canadian Press

The result stunned Liberals who went to sleep expecting a win and woke up to a loss that will be hard to overstate.

Around 12:30 a.m., Ms. Church was welcomed into her party’s headquarters by Liberal Party President Sachit Mehra as the riding’s “next MP for Toronto-St. Paul’s.”

Despite the fact that nearly half of the polls had not yet reported results, Ms. Church told supporters: “We are feeling great.”

Conversely, just before midnight on Monday, Mr. Stewart thanked his supporters and told them “the night is still young.”

In a brief scrum, Mr. Stewart told reporters his campaign’s performance showed “the country is waiting for change.”

On Tuesday morning, Ms. Church released a statement conceding defeat but promising a rematch in next year’s federal election. “It is a beginning, not an end,” she said.

Voters sent the Liberals a message that the party needs to “re-earn their trust,” she said.

“We’ve got 16 months until the next election, and I plan to be the Liberal candidate in St. Paul’s. We start working to earn back the trust of voters in this riding today.”

John Ibbitson: Regardless of leader, the Liberals are at risk of a worse fate after Toronto-St. Paul’s by-election

The result in a single riding though spells much more trouble for the Liberals and will dramatically increase the pressure on Mr. Trudeau and his tenure as leader. For months now he has adamantly said he will stay and try for a fourth mandate in government. But if the Liberals can’t win Toronto-St. Paul’s, it’s unclear what seats could still be considered safe for them, say political watchers. Even during the party’s worst defeat in 2011, it still held on to that seat with an 8-percentage-point margin.

It is a massive win, said Ginny Roth, a partner at Crestview Strategy and previously a senior adviser to Mr. Poilievre during his leadership campaign.

“To me, that means the Liberals are under 15 seats in a general election,” she said. The party currently holds 155 seats and, in 2011, it held on to 34.

For the Liberals, it is a “bolt of political lightning,” said Scott Reid, a Liberal strategist and principal at communications firm Feschuk.Reid.

“There is no language too hyperbolic to describe the significance of this failure,” he said. “If you can lose in St. Paul’s, then the Liberal Party can lose anywhere, and that means it can lose everything.”

Mr. Reid said the result is particularly stinging for the Prime Minister “because it tells him in indisputable, undeniable and implacable terms, that his leadership harms his own party.”

“The message for Liberals – and for the Prime Minister in particular – is unmistakable: Change or leave. Because the status quo risks carrying the party to an historic humbling.”

“The only political comparison that will now be moving through the minds of Liberals is 1993 for the Progressive Conservatives, and that is devastation at a near-extinction-level event.” In that election, the incumbent party was reduced to just two seats, from which it never recovered.

As Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland ’s former chief of staff, Ms. Church has deep roots in the Liberal Party, but was relatively unknown in the riding. In the tough polling climate earlier this year, the Liberals delayed calling the vote as they searched for someone with better name recognition.

Among those courted by the party was the area’s city councillor, Josh Matlow, who three sources said was heavily lobbied by top Liberals.

The Globe and Mail is not identifying the sources because they were not permitted to disclose the internal party strategy.

Despite the early nerves, Liberals had become much more confident in a win in the final week of the race; they poured immense resources into the riding, sending a steady stream of federal cabinet ministers, MPs and Parliament Hill staffers to help in the campaign.

In a statement Tuesday, the Liberal Party sought to play down what it had expected from the results, despite its own president declaring victory just after midnight.

“We knew this would be a tough race, with by-elections not often favouring the governing party,” said spokesperson Parker Lund.

“We know that there’s lots of hard work ahead of us, and our Liberal team is ready to keep working to reach Canadians with our positive plan to deliver fairness for every generation.”

Turnout in the by-election was higher than typical for such races with 44 per cent of voters casting a ballot. In the most recent Durham by-election, turnout was just 28 per cent.

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  1. What Does All Nighter Mean?

    What Does All Nighter Mean? The term all nighter is a slang phrase that describes the act of staying awake throughout the entire night, typically to complete a task or participate in an activity. It is commonly used by students who need to finish assignments or study for exams, but it can also be used in other contexts such as work or entertainment.

  2. Understanding "pull an all-nighter" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage

    Origins and Historical Context of the Idiom "pull an all-nighter" The phrase "pull an all-nighter" is a common idiom used to describe staying up all night to complete a task or project. This expression has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially among students who are studying for exams or finishing assignments.

  3. All Nighter Definition & Meaning

    All Nighter definition: A project or event lasting all through the night, especially an intense bout of study or work. ... Pulled an all nighter to finish the assignment on time. American Heritage. Something that lasts through the night, as a work or study session or a party.

  4. How to Pull an All-Nighter and Still Do Well on Your Exam

    Continuing our recent series on study tips, we bring you one of our most popular non-grammar related posts ever on Tumblr. If you're currently studying for final exams (or if you will be pretty…

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  6. Ask a Professor: How to Pull an All-Nighter in College

    1. Get Some Sleep. Yes, an all-nighter technically means not sleeping. But scheduling in a power nap the afternoon before your long night or in the early morning hours can make a big difference. The Sleep Foundation recommends a 10-to-20-minute nap to get the most benefits without the grogginess of longer naps. 2.

  7. Exam revision: the ultimate guide to pulling an all-nighter

    All-nighter revision sessions and caffeine go hand in hand for most students, but you'll have a much smoother ride if you resist the coffee and energy drinks, especially if you're going into an exam the next day. Too much caffeine can make you feel jittery and unpleasant or can lead to caffeine crashes, which is exactly what you don't want.

  8. Tips and Advice on Pulling an "All-Nighter"

    the foregoing of a full night's sleep; having to complete a large amount of studying ("cramming"), or an important assignment in a small amount of time; usually having to work up until the deadline; If you find yourself in this bind here are some quick tips that may help you get the most out of your efforts. Start the Night Off Right Get It ...

  9. How to properly pull an all-nighter

    A full sleep cycle will take about 90 minutes, meaning if you want to wake up without feeling groggy, try aiming for a complete series of sleep cycles — 90, 180, 270, etc. minutes. If you find yourself really pressed for time (given this is an all-nighter, we can assume this is the case), we can cut down the necessary sleep a little bit more.

  10. vocabulary

    1. As Fumble commented, "all-nighter" is a noun meaning something that lasts all night long. I'm my experience (in America) it is almost exclusively used to mean a study session (or similar event, such as writing a paper) that takes so long the person doing it is not able to get any sleep at all before starting their next day.

  11. All-nighter

    Define all-nighter. all-nighter synonyms, all-nighter pronunciation, all-nighter translation, English dictionary definition of all-nighter. or all-night·er n. Informal A project or event lasting all through the night, especially an intense bout of study or work: pulled an all nighter to finish...

  12. All-nighter

    Being up the whole night. When someone pulls an all-nighter, it means they didn't sleep at all during the night. It's a common phrase among students who stay up late to complete assignments, essays, or homework that they've left until the last minute. But it's not only students who pull all-nighters. Anyone can do it for various reasons.

  13. Why All-Nighters Are "All Bad" for You

    The adverse effects of all-nighters include anxiety, attention loss, and pain. All-nighters rarely make for productive study sessions. People pull all-nighters for all types of reasons ...

  14. All Nighter)

    All Nighter) synonyms, All Nighter) pronunciation, All Nighter) translation, English dictionary definition of All Nighter). or all-night·er n. Informal A project or event lasting all through the night, especially an intense bout of study or work: pulled an all nighter to finish...

  15. All-nighter

    An all-nighter is a term that is often used to describe an extended period of time where a person stays awake throughout the night to complete a task or project. The term is widely used in academic circles, where students often pull all-nighters to finish assignments or cram for exams.

  16. English Phrase: pull an all-nighter

    pull an all-nighter. "Pulling an all-nighter" means staying up all night to work on something. This is most often used to talk about students who stay up all night to finish a big homework assignment or to study for a test. You can also use it when you're talking about people staying at work all night to finish something.

  17. How to Pull an All Nighter (with Pictures)

    3. Eat well during the day. If you want to pull an all-nighter, you have to eat three healthy and balanced meals the day before you try to stay up, or your body will feel tired from unhealthy foods or fatigued from undernourishment. Here's what you should eat the day before: [4]

  18. all-nighter, n. meanings, etymology and more

    There are five meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun all-nighter. See 'Meaning & use' for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. This word is used in U.S. English. See meaning & use. How common is the noun all-nighter? About 0.03 occurrences per million words in modern written English . 1890: 0.0008: 1900: 0.0007: 1910: 0.001: 1920:


    ALL-NIGHTER meaning: 1. an event that lasts all night 2. a time when you spend all night studying, especially for an…. Learn more.

  20. all-nighter noun

    Definition of all-nighter noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.


    ALL-NIGHTER definition: 1. an event that lasts all night 2. a time when you spend all night studying, especially for an…. Learn more.

  22. Pulling an All-Nighter Guide: 12 Tips for Before, During, and After

    Tip: Instead of trying to bank sleep the night before, aim for 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep in a cool, calm environment. 2. Have a Plan. Pulling an all-nighter is no easy feat. To make sure you stay on track, create a plan of action and set concrete goals beforehand.

  23. "What? You mean you don't want to pull an all-nighter?"

    pull an all-nighter. "Pulling an all-nighter" means staying up all night to work on something. This is most often used to talk about students who stay up all night to finish a big homework assignment or to study for a test. You can also use it when you're talking about people staying at work all night to finish something.

  24. Tips on pulling an all-nighter for an important assignment?

    Rest if you are tired. Caffeine naps are a thing (drink caffeine, take a 20 min nap or something, Google the time, wake up and feel more refreshed). Napping 20ish min or 90ish min is best (in the middle you hit deeper sleep/rem and harder to wake up in my experience, 90 min lets you go through a whole REM cycle.

  25. ALL-NIGHTER Definition & Meaning

    All-nighter definition: something that lasts, is available, or is open for business throughout the night. See examples of ALL-NIGHTER used in a sentence.

  26. all-nighter noun

    Definition of all-nighter noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  27. Conservatives take Toronto-St. Paul's riding in major upset for

    Justin Trudeau's Liberals were hit with a stunning upset in a Monday night by-election, losing a midtown Toronto riding the party has held for three decades and raising even more questions about ...