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Turn your assignments into a social experience

Perusall makes your study sessions interactive and fun, helps you connect with peers, discuss challenging concepts, and master your subjects together! Find helpful resources, FAQs, and ways you can start your Perusall courses below.

Diverse group of students collaborate together on computer.

Features for students

Make connections with classmates.

Highlight and comment to start a conversation with your peers. Use hashtags, upvoting, emojis, gifs, and more to make challenging concepts fun!

Learn more: student collaboration

Students comment and respond to each other on video assignment. One student uses a GIF to express themselves. The other responds with a direct mention of the previous student.

Customize your Perusall experience

Personalize your profile account with a custom profile picture, your pronouns, and bio. Adjust settings to fit your needs.

Learn more: accessibility & inclusion

Create a book or journal club with your classmates

Organize your own course to discuss ebooks from our catalog or upload your own content.

Browse the book catalog

Perusall's feature to create a journal or book club. Students can upload their book or other materials to discuss their course content or start a study group.

It's easy to get started!

Clickable graphic for 'A Student’s Guide to Navigating Perusall' tutorial video with a 'Watch now' button, featuring the Perusall logo in red and the hashtag #SocialLearning at the bottom.

Student resources

Start your study session off with a curated playlist, find your answers in our perusall knowledge base, or learn more about our privacy and security policy. have a question contact us..

A cute bookworm named Paige,  wearing headphones, indicating that they are enjoying listening to a personalized study playlist. This image links to personalized study playlists.

What students are saying about Perusall!

An image of a student user of Peursall, who provides a written testimonial.

"The most beneficial feature of Perusall is the opportunity to engage with the text from a problem-centric approach. By this I mean that when my classmates asked questions, I redoubled my efforts to understand that material, even seeking outside sources which I could link within my annotations."

A University of South Carolina Logo, paired with a written testimonial of Perusall from a student.

"It has been so handy in helping connect the class with discussion about our textbooks and has sparked numerous classroom discussions. The website overall has really helped me with the learning process for this class and assists in keeping my thoughts in order and expanding upon them with other people's annotations or thoughts to give me more perspective."

A Wayne State University Logo, paired with a testimonial of Perusall from a student.

"I really enjoyed reviewing the material in this way. I've never used Perusall before this course, but it does make it easier to stay engaged with the text when you can see conversations along the way."

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