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Essay About Achievements: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Are you having problems writing your essay about achievements ? Then, continue reading this article for samples and prompts to guide you in your writing .

Achievement influences our expectations and self- growth . It’s also often connected with an individual’s progress in life. It gives way for recognition in attaining a goal through standards . 

Achievement acknowledges successes, productiveness, and involvement. But sometimes, achieving doesn’t result in a feeling of satisfaction. Writing an achievement essay is usually based on experiences from yourself or others. You can explore different viewpoints, such as what they consider an “ achievement ,” how to overcome weaknesses, or why they want a specific achievement . Below are 5 examples and 6 writing prompts to assist you in your essay:

1. The Greatest Achievements In Life by Gerard Reese

2. greatest professional or academic achievement by james taylor , 3. essay on achievements from my professional life by bdoan, 4. my accomplishment by taylor wood, 5. when my weakness became my greatest accomplishment by jay merrill logan, 6 writing prompts on essay about achievements, 1. ways to achieve within different settings, 2. achievements in the small things, 3. how to build confidence, 4. the power of overcoming fear, 5. steps to be successful, 6. guide to building a strong character.

“Nobody succeeds on the first try, we take our mistakes and learn from them. Mistakes are the things that help us strive for greatness, which is why failure should not be viewed as something negative, but more as something we can use to attain [what] we want in life.”

Reese’s piece on achievement talks about learning from failure and trying again until you reach success. Time and failure are contributors to our achievements . He emphasizes that failure can be a steward and teacher to help us get where we want to be. He also provides lists of individuals who encountered crises in their lives until they reached their most successful phases. 

“My father always instilled in me the importance of education. He knew very well that in order for his children to be successful he needed to set them up for success and place them in a position where we would be afforded the opportunity to succeed.”

Family significantly impacts one’s interpretation of what achievements are about. Taylor’s essay highlights the idea of what his father taught him about education and success. He mentions how he embarked through life while keeping his father’s acknowledgment of his potential in the field he has chosen. His essay shows that family shapes one’s belief about what’s considered a successful life.

“I consider the experience in Japan as a big achievement and an important step in my career. The fact that I could master the complex situation gave me much self-confidence and showed that I could manage people successfully even in difficult situations. Today, this unique ability of handling teams attributed me as a strong leader for my people.”

Bdoan’s essay focuses on past experiences and how she handled cultural differences and beliefs, leading to her successful professional life. To achieve fulfillment in work, she breaks the barrier, communicates effectively, and embraces Japanese culture, which she set as a significant setting stone in her career life.

“Through the influence of my best friend, I have motivated myself to spend two hours during the night before I go to sleep to master the lessons the teacher has discussed in class. This helped me greatly since I would no longer have to cram and study everything for the exams later.”

Wood’s essay highlights the external factors that contributed to his achievements . External factors can lead a person to success or frustration. Through a piece of great advice, he changed his lifestyle by allowing himself to move forward and build a quality life. He compares this to Newton’s First law of motion, which he quoted and put at the beginning of his essay.

“…the more I thought about my own greatest personal academic achievement , I realized it was simply getting an A in a college history class my freshman year. Succeeding in this upper-level history class set the tone for all my future college courses and gave me the confidence I needed to achieve greatness, and I am not even a history major.”

Logan talks about his worst subject, History. He recounts how he approached his professor and overcame his weakness. This essay points out that words from others can influence self- growth and confidence. He says he developed faith in his study during college and attained his most outstanding accomplishment.

Are you having problems connecting your ideas smoothly? See this guide on transition words for essays.

After reading through the samples above, it’s time to explore your desired achievement subjects. Here are six prompts about achievements you can use:

Everyone sets expectations for themselves, dependent on the environment they’re in. It can be at work, school, or home. In these cases, the result is just as important as the process.

You can focus your essay on a relatable viewpoint, such as a student who wants to get A+ grades or an office worker who wants to get the Employee of the Month Award. Discuss ways they can excel in their surroundings. Your essay will serve as a guide to help them grow personally and professionally.

Achievements don’t need to be grand. Sometimes, simply getting out of bed is an achievement , especially for those suffering from mental illnesses such as depression. Center your essay on the simple things that can be considered achievements in their way. 

Your essay will not only serve as a reminder that it’s essential to appreciate the small things. It will also comfort those who are going through a hard time.

This topic asks you to highlight the relationship between confidence and achievements . You can interview someone confident in themselves. Ask for tips on building confidence and relay them to your readers while explaining the opportunities they can get by believing in themselves more.

In this busy world, fear is one of the most significant setbacks for people in accomplishing their goals in life. In this essay, you can explain to your readers how acknowledging their fears will help them advance.  

You can also conceptualize the effect of anxiety in achieving your desires and help you set your standard in developing self- growth . Feel free to share your experience with fears and how you plan to deal with them.

To be successful is everyone’s goal . However, sharing steps and tips on how to achieve success is general prompt many writes about. To make your piece stand out, you can tailor it to a group of individuals. For example, a student’s image of success is going on stage and graduating with honors.

Essay About Achievements: Guide to building a strong character

Someone’s character is critical to achieving achievements . You can write about a well-known individual who went against the usual route of how success is reached. Such as Steve Jobs, who founded Apple but was a college dropout. 

There are many ways to reach a goal . Tell your readers that they don’t need to follow the conventional method of accomplishing things to get their hands on the achievements they crave.

Do you want to be more confident with your writing ? Here are 11 essay writing tips you need to learn today!

Student Essays

Essay and speech for my school achievments

12 Essays on my Achievements [ Academic & Extra Curricular ]

The achievements, successes or accomplishments we gain in school are the part of best school life years.  Those achievements in middle, high school or college student life may include personal academic achievements and sports or extracurricular achievements. They may be greatest, the best or the bad but we never forget them.

My Achievements  in Life | Individual, Academic & Extra Curricular Achievements | My Achievements that I am Proud of

Achievements are the desires that we love to have for. They are our those goals we struggle to achieve. The achievements in personal or professional life are the true identity of a successful and struggling person. The following essay reflects the importance of achievements and a firm call for us to set and struggle to achieve those aims.

1. Essay about the Achievements that You are Proud of

Achievement is associated with the targeted goals or aims in life. When we define our action in relation to something like a goal a task is created. A task when fulfilled is called an achievement earned. The struggle in life is the sum total of our achievements, success, failures, mistakes.

Therefore, my achievement, my success or my accomplishment is the name given to my fulfilled goals. The failure, in turns, is the names given to my mistakes, my setbacks, and my loss. Every person in life has some achievements, accomplishments, rewards and successes earned. At the same time mistakes, failures and setbacks as well.

Essay and speech for my school achievments

My achievements, my successes and my accomplishments are the one that make me happy and proud. Whereas, my mistakes, my failures and setbacks make me strong and bold.

There are various kinds of achievements one may have. There are some examples of achievements like personal achievements, academic achievements, sports achievements etc. There are various roles in which one achieves something. Taking myself as an example it would be like my achievements as a teacher, my accomplishments as student in school, college or in personal life.

My Academic Achievement

Academic achievements are those gains that are accomplished by a student during his high school, college or university life. These achievements are really the ones you remain prideful throughout your entire life.  Everyone who is well taught has some personal achievements including academic achievements as well.

  • My student life has given me many academic achievements that I must be proud of. Some of my academic achievements I have listed below.
  • My first academic achievement is that I have successfully completed my education till now with A+ throughout. It is my greatest achievement of life
  • My second greatest academic achievement is that I have successfully got admission in my desire career. My parents are proud of me.
  • They always wanted me to be a great doctor. It is my passion to serve my country.
  • My third biggest academic achievement is that on the basis of good scores and my professional degree, I got study scholarship for UK. I really loved my studying experience there.
  • My last academic accomplishment is that I am currently serving successfully as the head of city’s biggest health institute.


2. My Sports (Extracurricular) Achievements Essay

Extracurricular activities are the part of a healthy person. I always take pride in participating in various extracurricular activities in my school. There are a few extracurricular achievements I must be proud of.

  •  My first extracurricular achievement was that I won a medal in annual inter schools speech and debates competition. I won first prize in class 5th.
  • I am also an avid reader and good writer. My second extracurricular achievement was that I won a cash prize of 10,000 rupees on a essay writing competition. I won with my essay on “Save trees Save Earth” during inter schools essay writing competition. I was in 7th grade at that time.
  • I have great interest in sports. I can play cricket very well. It was my biggest sports achievement that I helped my team win the tournament this year, in class 10th. I was awarded man of the match. It is a moment of pride and my greatest extracurricular success.

Achievements and success are the part of one’s life. These are my achievements in my school as a student. I feel a great sense of pride for my student life accomplishment. I will try my level best to add more best personal achievements in my coming life days.

3. Short Essay On My Achievements that I am Proud of

Achievements are the signs of good student life. They show the talent, the worth and the status of a student. To achieve something we work hard and we become focused. Therefore, we learn a lot of things like self discipline , hard work, dedication, self respect and motivation.

School life achievements are good and they must be the part of student’s life. I have a good many my school achievements. I must be proud of whatever I have achieved through out my personal life. I am the student of class (your current class). Currently I am studying at the school (Write the name of your school). Throughout my years of schools I have achieved valuable success.

I have some personal achievements, some academic achievements and a few extracurricular achievements. I have been a diligent and dedicated student of my school. In fact, I am the favorite student in my school. It is my greatest achievement that I have been getting A+ in all of my exams and assessments.

This achievement is in fact due to the hard work done under the guidance of my teachers and prayers of my parents. I always take interest in extracurricular activities. I am good speaker and good at playing cricket. It is my great extracurricular achievement that I secured first prize in inter schools debates and speech competition, held last month.

All of my school fellows and my teachers are proud of me. Apart from that I represented my team in annual inter schools cricket tournament. We successfully won the final match. It is my biggest sports achievement of student’s life. I will never forget.

I am grateful to my school teachers and my parents. Thanks to those achievements and set goals I struggled and worked hard. Thereby, I have known how to work hard and how to make achievements. My school achievements are surely going to help me to grow and gain more in my upcoming life days.

4. My School Achievements Paragraphs:

As a high school student, my school achievements hold a special place in my heart. They represent all the hard work, determination and passion that I have put into both academics and extracurricular activities.

One of my proudest achievements is being part of the school’s debate team. Being able to voice my opinions confidently and effectively has always been something I struggled with. However, with the help of my coaches and teammates, I was able to improve my public speaking skills and even won several regional and state-level competitions.

Apart from debating, I have also excelled in academics. Throughout high school, I have maintained a GPA of 4.0 and have been consistently ranked at the top of my class. This has not only brought me personal satisfaction but also earned me recognition from my teachers and peers.

In addition to academics, I have been actively involved in community service projects organized by my school. Through these initiatives, I have had the opportunity to give back to society and make a positive impact in my community. One of the most memorable moments was when our team raised funds for a local orphanage and spent an entire day playing and interacting with the children. It was a heartwarming experience that taught me the value of compassion and empathy.

Moreover, I have also been an active member of various clubs and organizations in school, such as the Interact Club and National Honor Society. These extracurricular activities have not only allowed me to explore my interests but also develop important leadership skills.

Overall, my school achievements have shaped me into the person I am today. They have taught me the importance of hard work, perseverance, and teamwork. I am grateful for all the opportunities that my school has provided me with and will always cherish the memories and lessons learned. However, I also understand that these achievements would not have been possible without the support and guidance of my teachers, parents, and peers. I am proud to be a part of such a supportive and nurturing community that values both academic excellence and personal growth.

5. Short Essay on My School Achievements as a Student:

My school life has been a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs, but one thing that has remained constant is my determination to excel. Whether it was academics or extracurricular activities, I always pushed myself to be the best version of myself. As I look back on my journey, I am proud to say that my hard work and perseverance have paid off in the form of numerous achievements.

In terms of academics, I have always been a diligent student. I consistently topped my class and was awarded several academic excellence certificates. Along with maintaining good grades, I also actively participated in various school competitions like debates, elocution, and quizzes. These experiences not only helped improve my knowledge but also boosted my confidence.

Apart from academics, sports have always been a huge part of my life. I represented my school in various inter-school sports competitions and won several medals for both individual and team events. Being a part of the school’s sports teams also taught me important skills like teamwork, time management, and discipline.

Another achievement that I am extremely proud of is winning the title of “Best All-Rounder Student” in my school. This award is given to the student who excels in academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. It was a great feeling to be recognized for my overall performance and it motivated me to continue striving for excellence.

In conclusion, my school achievements as a student have not only brought me recognition but also shaped me into a well-rounded individual. I am grateful for all the opportunities my school provided me to showcase my talents and I will always cherish these memories. So, if you are a student reading this, remember to work hard and never give up on your dreams because your efforts will surely pay off in the end. Let your achievements speak for themselves!

6. Short Essay on My Greatest Accomplishment as a Student:

As a student, I have had the opportunity to learn and grow in various aspects of my life. However, if I were to choose one accomplishment that stands out above all others, it would be my ability to balance academics with extracurricular activities.

Throughout my academic journey, I have always been passionate about learning and achieving good grades. But at the same time, I also wanted to explore my interests in music, sports and volunteer work. Initially, it was challenging to juggle between academics and extracurriculars, but with determination and time management skills, I was able to excel in both areas.

One of the most significant milestones for me was when I received an award for academic excellence while simultaneously being recognized as the best athlete in the school. This achievement not only showcased my academic abilities but also highlighted my talent and dedication towards sports.

Moreover, I have always been drawn towards community service and making a positive impact in society. While balancing academics and extracurriculars, I actively participated in various volunteer projects, including organizing fundraisers for underprivileged children and contributing to environmental conservation efforts. Being able to balance my academic responsibilities and still make a difference in the community has been an incredibly fulfilling accomplishment for me.

In conclusion, balancing academics with extracurricular activities has been my greatest accomplishment as a student. It has taught me valuable lessons about time management, perseverance, and the importance of pursuing one’s passions.

This achievement not only reflects my hard work but also represents my holistic approach towards personal and academic growth. So, I encourage all students to strive for a balance between academics and extracurriculars, as it can lead to a well-rounded and fulfilling educational experience.

7. Short Achievement Essay For College:

As a college student, I have had my fair share of achievements and accomplishments. But one particular achievement stands out to me the most – being able to balance academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments.

During my high school years, I was always involved in various clubs and organizations such as student council, debate team, and community service groups. While these activities were fulfilling and allowed me to develop my skills in leadership, communication, and time management, they also required a significant amount of my time and energy. At the same time, I had to maintain good grades and prepare for college applications.

Juggling between these responsibilities was not an easy task, but it taught me invaluable lessons that have helped me succeed in college. I learned how to prioritize my tasks, manage my time effectively, and deal with pressure and stress. These skills are not only essential for academic success but also for personal growth.

Furthermore, being involved in extracurricular activities has allowed me to develop a diverse set of interests and expand my knowledge beyond the classroom. It has also helped me build strong relationships with my peers and mentors, which have been crucial in my personal and academic development.

Overall, I am proud of my ability to balance multiple commitments and still maintain a high level of achievement. It has not only helped me achieve success in college but also prepared me for the challenges of the real world. Through this experience, I have learned that hard work, determination, and time management are key factors in achieving one’s goals and making the most out of college life.

So, my advice to fellow college students would be to not only focus on academics but also explore opportunities outside the classroom and strive for a healthy balance in all aspects of your life. You will be surprised at how much you can achieve when you find that equilibrium. Cheers to achieving more accomplishments in the future!

8. Short Essay on I am Proud of My School Because:

I am a student of XYZ School, and I am proud to be a part of this institution. This school holds a special place in my heart because it has shaped me into the person I am today. It has not only provided me with academic knowledge but also taught me important life lessons that will stay with me forever.

One of the main reasons why I am proud of my school is because of its commitment to academic excellence. The teachers here are highly qualified and dedicated to their profession. They go above and beyond to ensure that we understand the concepts clearly and excel in our studies. Moreover, the school provides us with all the necessary resources to support our learning, including a well-stocked library, computer labs, and extracurricular activities.

This has helped me develop a love for learning and strive to do my best in all my academic pursuits.

Apart from academic excellence, my school also focuses on holistic development. It encourages students to participate in various extracurricular activities such as sports, music, art, and debates. These activities have not only helped me discover my interests but also taught me important values like teamwork, discipline, and time management.

Furthermore, my school promotes a culture of inclusivity and diversity. It celebrates different cultures and encourages students to respect each other’s differences. This has helped me develop an open-minded perspective and appreciate the uniqueness of every individual.

In conclusion, I am proud of my school because it not only provides quality education but also instills important values that will guide me throughout my life. It has given me a strong foundation to build upon and has prepared me to face the challenges of the future with confidence. I will always be grateful for the role my school has played in shaping me into a well-rounded individual.

9. Short Essay on High School Accomplishments:

My high school experience was filled with ups and downs, as I’m sure most people can relate to. However, despite the challenges, I am proud of the achievements I made during those years.

One of my biggest accomplishments in high school was becoming a member of the National Honor Society. This was a goal I had set for myself since freshman year, and achieving it in my junior year was a moment I will never forget. Being part of this prestigious organization not only recognized my academic achievements but also allowed me to give back to the community through various service projects.

Another achievement that holds a special place in my heart is winning first place in the state science fair. Science has always been a passion of mine, and being able to showcase my research and receive recognition for it was an incredibly rewarding experience.

But my high school achievements weren’t just limited to academics. I also excelled in sports, particularly on the varsity soccer team. My team and I won multiple championships, and being a part of such a close-knit group taught me valuable lessons about teamwork and perseverance.

Lastly, I am proud of how much I grew as an individual during my high school years. From overcoming personal obstacles to taking on leadership roles in various clubs and organizations, I learned the importance of resilience and adaptability.

Overall, my high school achievements are a testament to the hard work and determination I put into everything I do. They have shaped me into the person I am today and will continue to inspire me as I embark on new challenges in the future. So, I encourage all high schoolers to set goals for themselves and never give up on achieving them, because the satisfaction of success is truly worth it. Now go out there and make your own high school achievements! The sky’s the limit!

10. Short Essay on My Great Achievement in Life:

Everyone has their own opinion on what constitutes as a greatest achievement in life. Some may view landing their dream job or marrying the love of their life as their biggest accomplishment, while others may see personal growth and overcoming obstacles as theirs. For me, my greatest achievement in life is something that I never thought was possible and it’s something that has shaped me into the person I am today.

Growing up, I struggled with self-confidence and always felt like I wasn’t good enough. This led me to constantly doubt myself and my abilities, which ultimately hindered my personal growth. However, a few years ago, I made a conscious effort to break out of this mindset and started taking small steps towards self-improvement.

One of the biggest challenges for me was to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. It was terrifying at first, but I slowly started seeing the positive impact it had on my life. I began to gain confidence in myself and my abilities, which allowed me to take on bigger challenges without fear or hesitation.

But the moment that truly solidified this as my greatest achievement was when I decided to pursue something that I never thought I could do – running a marathon. Despite never being a runner, I trained for months and pushed myself to the limit on race day. Crossing that finish line was one of the most empowering experiences of my life and it’s something that I will always cherish.

This achievement taught me that with determination, hard work, and self-belief, anything is possible. It also showed me that my greatest achievements in life are not just about reaching a specific goal, but the journey and growth that comes with it. I am proud of where I am today and I am excited to see what other challenges and accomplishments lie ahead. So, my greatest achievement in life isn’t just one moment or event, but rather an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

11. Short Results Day Speech:

Hello everyone,

Today is a very special day for all of us. It’s Results Day! I can see the excitement and nervousness in each one of your faces. Believe me, I know exactly how you feel because I have been there myself.

Firstly, congratulations to all the students who have received their results. Your hard work and dedication has paid off and you should be proud of yourselves. Your journey has just begun and you have achieved a major milestone.

For those who may not have received the results they were hoping for, it’s important to remember that this is not the end. There will be other opportunities and challenges in your life, and this is just one small part of your journey.

I want to remind all of you that success is not defined by a piece of paper. It’s about your attitude, determination and resilience in the face of challenges. Your grades do not define you, but rather your character and values.

As you move forward, remember to always believe in yourself and never give up on your dreams. Celebrate your achievements today, but also continue to strive for excellence in everything you do.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and I have no doubt that each one of you will go on to do great things. Congratulations once again and keep reaching for the stars!

12. Short Essay on My Achievement in School as a Teacher:

As a teacher, my ultimate goal is to inspire and empower my students to reach their full potential. Every day, I strive to create a positive learning environment where my students feel motivated and encouraged to learn. Over the years, I have had many accomplishments as a teacher, but one that stands out to me the most is the impact I have made on my students.

During my time as a teacher, I have seen numerous students who struggled with their studies and lacked confidence in themselves. These students often felt discouraged and believed that they were not capable of achieving success. However, with patience, hard work, and dedication, I was able to help these students overcome their obstacles and witness them excel in their academics.

My achievement as a teacher is not just measured by the grades my students receive, but also by the positive changes I see in them. It brings me great joy to see my students grow not only academically, but also as individuals. I have had students come back to me years later and tell me how much of an impact I had on their lives, which is truly humbling.

As a teacher, I have learned that every student has their own unique learning style and it is my responsibility to cater to each one of them. I constantly adapt my teaching methods to ensure all my students are engaged and understand the material. This approach has not only helped me achieve success as a teacher, but also helped create a lifelong love for learning in my students.

In conclusion, my greatest achievement as a teacher is the positive impact I have made on my students’ lives. Being able to inspire and empower them to reach their full potential has been an incredibly rewarding experience. As a teacher, I am constantly learning and growing alongside my students, and I look forward to many more achievements in the years to come.

1. What are some accomplishments for school?

Answer: School accomplishments can include academic achievements, sports achievements, leadership roles, community service, awards, or recognition for various school-related activities.

2. How to start an accomplishment essay?

Answer: Begin an accomplishment essay with a strong, attention-grabbing introduction. You can use a compelling anecdote, a significant event, or a personal reflection related to the accomplishment you want to discuss.

3. What are your target achievements for this school year?

Answer: Your target achievements for the school year can vary, but they may include improving grades, getting involved in extracurricular activities, aiming for leadership roles, or setting personal goals for self-improvement.

4. Should I include high school achievements on my resume?

Answer: It’s generally a good idea to include significant high school achievements on your resume if you’re a recent graduate or if they are directly relevant to the job you’re applying for. However, as you gain more work experience, these high school achievements can be phased out in favor of more recent and relevant accomplishments

8 thoughts on “12 Essays on my Achievements [ Academic & Extra Curricular ]”

Thank you for these wonderful essays.

thank you for this wonderful essays.

It’s enormous that you are getting ideas from this article as well as from our argument made here.

Thx for these essays .They are really good essays

thanku so much for these wonderful essays.these are very helpful for me.

Thanks for sharing these insightful essays, they so helpful.

This is very useful..thank you so much

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“What Is Your Greatest Achievement?” Top Sample Answers

By Editorial Team on July 18, 2023 — 18 minutes to read

  • How to Structure Your Answer Part 1
  • Sharing Your Successes Part 2
  • “What Is Your Greatest Achievement?” Example Answers Part 3
  • Example Answers by Career Stage Part 4
  • Showcasing Soft Skills Part 5
  • How to Avoid Common Mistakes Part 6
  • “Can you share an example of a personal goal you achieved?” Part 7
  • “How did you overcome a major challenge?” Part 8
  • “What was your role in a significant project?” Part 9
  • “What was a difficult problem you solved at work?” Part 10
  • “How have you contributed to the growth of a company?” Part 11
  • “What is a unique skill or expertise you have…?” Part 12

Part 1 How to Structure Your Answer

When asked about your greatest achievement in a job interview, it’s important to understand what the interviewer is looking for in your answer. This question is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, accomplishments, and qualities that make you an excellent candidate for the position. It’s essential to provide an answer that highlights your best abilities, preferably one related to the job for which you’re interviewing.

To answer this question effectively, you should select an example of an accomplishment that demonstrates your capabilities, your ability to overcome challenges, and your dedication to your work. Be sure to explain the situation, the actions you took, and the positive results of your achievement. It’s also essential to express how this achievement has contributed to your personal growth or career development.

The STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) is a helpful way to organize your response:

  • Begin by describing the  situation  you faced, providing enough context for the listener to understand your initial challenge. Be specific about the circumstances and the environment, whether it was a demanding project at your previous job or a personal milestone.
  • Next, explain the  task  you had to accomplish. Tie this to your job description or responsibilities when possible, making sure to highlight the relevance of this accomplishment to the role you’re interviewing for. Keeping the focus on your past will help demonstrate that you have a history of success.
  • After setting the stage, move on to the  action  you took and the steps you followed to overcome the challenge. Be specific, as this shows your problem-solving abilities and thought process. Take this opportunity to emphasize the qualities that enabled you to achieve this outcome, like perseverance, creativity, and teamwork.
  • Finally, detail the  results  of your actions. Use specific numbers or quantifiable achievements to illustrate the impact of your success. Showcase how your accomplishment positively affected your team, organization, or even yourself personally. This will emphasize your ability to make a meaningful difference through your efforts.

By employing the STAR method, you’ll effectively highlight your greatest professional accomplishment in a way that showcases your strengths and adds credibility to your application.

Remember that your greatest achievement doesn’t have to be world-changing – it just needs to showcase your own growth and abilities.

Part 2 Sharing Your Successes

When asked about your greatest achievement, it’s important to share a success story that highlights your relevant skills, experience, and qualities. Consider a recent achievement that showcases your abilities as a candidate and relates to the job description you’re applying for.

For instance, if you’re applying for a team lead role, you could talk about how you guided your team through a tough project. Describe the challenges you faced, the strategies you employed, and the results you achieved. Make sure to emphasize the teamwork and leadership skills you developed along the way.

In case you have a strong educational background or an impressive feat in your field, don’t hesitate to mention it. Your academic accomplishments are worth noting, especially if they align with the strengths required for the job you’re pursuing.

Always try to demonstrate how your achievements translate into potential value for your prospective employer. To do so, relate your successes to the job description and show how your skills and experience make you the ideal candidate. This proves your capability to handle tasks and challenges with confidence and expertise.

While sharing your successes, try to remain clear, knowledgeable, and neutral in your tone. Avoid making exaggerated or false claims and keep it brief by focusing on the essential aspects of your achievement.

Part 3 “What Is Your Greatest Achievement?” Example Answers

“My greatest achievement was completing a challenging project ahead of schedule while working as a project manager. I organized and motivated my team, resulting in a successful and timely project completion. This accomplishment showed my ability to lead and manage a team under tight deadlines.”

“In my previous role as a marketing coordinator, I increased social media engagement by 40% within six months. Through strategic planning and constant analysis of our campaigns, I was able to boost our brand and effectively engage with our target audience.”

“As a sales representative, my greatest achievement was consistently exceeding my sales targets for three consecutive quarters, resulting in a promotion and a recognition award from my company. I believe my dedication to understanding clients’ needs and my proactive approach to problem-solving helped me achieve this success.”

“One of my greatest achievements was completing a marathon. This was a personal goal of mine that required months of training and dedication. I had to push myself physically and mentally to cross the finish line, but the feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. It taught me the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them.”

“My greatest achievement was starting my own business. It was a risky move, but I had a vision and was determined to make it a reality. I had to navigate through various challenges, such as securing funding and building a customer base, but the hard work paid off. Seeing my business grow and thrive was incredibly fulfilling.”

“One of my greatest achievements was when I successfully led a team of X members to complete a project that had been delayed for months. I created a detailed plan and delegated tasks based on each team member’s strengths. I also held regular meetings to ensure everyone was on the same page and motivated to complete the project. As a result, we were able to finish the project on time and within budget, which impressed both our clients and our manager.”

“My greatest achievement was volunteering for a humanitarian organization. I spent several months working in a developing country, helping to build infrastructure and improve the lives of local communities. It was a challenging experience, but also incredibly eye-opening. Being able to make a positive impact on people’s lives was a humbling and rewarding experience that I will never forget.”

“One of my proudest achievements was when I organized a charity event that raised over X amount of dollars for a local nonprofit organization. I worked tirelessly to reach out to potential sponsors, coordinate volunteers, and promote the event through social media and other channels. It was a rewarding experience to see the community come together and support a great cause, and I learned a lot about leadership, communication, and event planning in the process.”

“My greatest achievement was writing and publishing a book. It was a project that I had been working on for years, and finally seeing it in print was a dream come true. The process required a lot of discipline and perseverance, but it was worth it in the end. Being able to share my ideas and stories with others was a rewarding experience.”

“I consider my greatest achievement to be when I was able to increase sales by X% in my previous role. I accomplished this by analyzing customer data to identify areas of improvement, developing new marketing strategies, and training the sales team on effective communication and customer service. I also maintained strong relationships with key clients and followed up on their feedback to continuously improve our products and services.”

Part 4 Example Answers by Career Stage

Entry-level sample answer.

As an entry-level job seeker, your greatest achievement might be related to your academics or internships:

“During my final year of college, I led a team of students for our capstone project, which focused on creating a marketing campaign for a local non-profit. Our campaign resulted in a 20% increase in donations for the organization. This experience allowed me to develop my communication skills and demonstrated my ability to create a real-world impact.”

Mid-Career Sample Answer

At the mid-career stage, your greatest accomplishments likely center around your work experience and professional development:

“One of my proudest moments was when I was promoted to Team Lead after just one year at my current company. This was a recognition of my hard work and dedication, and it gave me the opportunity to mentor and support the career growth of the junior members of our team. This role has reinforced my passion for helping others succeed and has driven me to continuously improve my leadership skills.”

Experienced Professional Sample Answer

As an experienced professional, your greatest achievement often showcases your significant contributions to the success of your organization:

“In my previous role as Project Manager, I successfully led a team to complete a high-visibility project under tight deadlines and within budget. This project helped the company secure a prestigious new client, resulting in a significant increase in annual revenue. My ability to coordinate a diverse team, prioritize tasks, and communicate effectively with stakeholders was crucial to the project’s success.”

Part 5 Showcasing Soft Skills

When discussing your greatest achievement, it’s important to highlight your soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and creativity. These skills are often highly valued by hiring managers and can help you stand out as a job candidate.

Communication Skills: Think of an accomplishment where your communication skills played a key role. For example, perhaps you successfully negotiated a deal between two disagreeing parties or presented a complicated project in an easily digestible manner to a diverse audience.

Teamwork: Reflect on a time when you collaborated well within a group to achieve a shared objective. You might have led a team in completing a project on time and under budget, or resolved conflicts among team members to achieve a common goal. Showcasing your ability to work in a team environment can highlight how well you’ll fit into the company’s culture.

Creativity: You can highlight your creativity by describing an achievement that required innovative thinking or problem-solving. This could be a marketing campaign that generated significant results due to its unconventional approach or a solution you developed to improve a process within your organization.

Related: What Are Soft Skills? (and How to Showcase Them)

Part 6 How to Avoid Common Mistakes

Keep in mind these tips to avoid common mistakes:

  • Avoid lying about or exaggerating your achievements. Recruiters can usually spot false claims, which will damage your credibility. Instead, focus on being genuine and authentic in sharing your accomplishments. Using specific details and examples will help convey your achievements in a more meaningful way.
  • Avoid coming across as arrogant or bragging about your success. Instead, express your pride and gratitude for the opportunity you were given to achieve your goals. Keep a humble and realistic attitude when discussing your accomplishments.
  • On the other hand, don’t downplay your achievements by only talking about your greatest strength. While your strengths may be related to your accomplishments, focus on providing a well-rounded view of your overall success.
  • Avoid focusing only on personal successes. Remember that recruiters seek candidates who can contribute to the success of the company. Emphasize how your achievements have benefited others, such as your team, clients, or the organization you were working for.
  • Ensure that you are well-prepared for the interview, as stress and nerves can cause you to lose focus and become less articulate. Take the time to thoroughly research the company and reflect on your professional experiences, so you feel ready to discuss your achievements.

Tips on Preparation

Before the interview, research the organization’s mission, culture, and goals. This will allow you to tailor your response to align with the company’s values. It’s essential to understand what hiring managers are looking for in an ideal candidate.

Create a list of potential achievements and practice talking about them. This will make it easier for you to recall the details during the interview. However, be careful not to memorize your responses word-for-word, because you want your answer to sound natural and genuine.

When sharing your achievement, keep the focus on the positive impact you made and the outcomes you achieved. However, don’t forget to mention any challenges you faced and how you overcame them. This will help you come across as resilient and determined.

Try to acknowledge any team effort involved in your accomplishment. While you want to highlight your role, it’s essential to show that you are a team player and can collaborate well with others.

Confidence is key when discussing your greatest achievement. Speak with conviction and pride, communicating the significance of your accomplishment and its relevance to your potential performance in the role.

Additional Questions: Example Answers

Part 7 “can you share an example of a personal goal you achieved”.

When discussing your personal goal, explain your motivation for setting it, the steps you took to reach it, and any obstacles you faced along the way. This will demonstrate your ability to set ambitious targets and work diligently to achieve them.

Reflect on a time where you set a goal for yourself and successfully achieved it. It could be an educational milestone, physical fitness achievement, or a creative pursuit.

Example Answer 1

“One personal goal I achieved was learning a new language. I had always been interested in learning Spanish, so I enrolled in a language course and practiced speaking with native speakers. I also watched Spanish movies and listened to Spanish music to immerse myself in the language. After several months, I was able to have conversations in Spanish and even travelled to a Spanish-speaking country to practice my skills.”

Example Answer 2

“One personal goal I achieved was completing a volunteer project to renovate a community center. While I was the project leader, I was grateful to have a dedicated team of volunteers who worked tirelessly to complete the project on time. We faced several challenges, such as limited resources and unforeseen construction issues, but we worked together to overcome them. Through our efforts, we were able to provide a safe and welcoming space for members of the community to gather and participate in activities.”

Part 8 “How did you overcome a major challenge and achieve success?”

  • Give a brief overview of the challenge you faced: explain the context and why it was a challenge.
  • Next, describe the steps you took to overcome the challenge. Be specific and highlight any innovative or creative approaches you used.
  • Finally, explain how you were successful in overcoming the challenge. Describe the positive outcome and any lessons you learned from the experience.

“One major challenge I faced was during my previous job, where I was leading a team that was struggling to meet its targets. I realized that the team lacked clear communication and direction, so I took the initiative to schedule regular team meetings to discuss our progress and identify areas of improvement. I also provided individual coaching to team members who were struggling. Through these efforts, we were able to improve our performance and meet our targets.”

“One major challenge I faced was during my college years when I struggled with time management and procrastination. I realized that I needed to develop better habits and discipline to succeed, so I started using a planner to schedule my tasks and set daily goals. I also joined a study group to stay accountable and motivated. Through these efforts, I was able to improve my grades and graduate with honors.”

Part 9 “What was your role in a significant project or accomplishment?”

Your role in a significant project could vary depending on your experience, skills, and the nature of the project itself. Consider a time where you successfully managed a project, led a team, or played a crucial part in developing a new product or service. Describe your specific responsibilities in that role, the challenges you faced, and how your actions ultimately contributed to the project’s success.

“In a previous job, I was part of a team that was responsible for implementing a new customer service program. My role was to lead the training and development efforts. I developed training modules and provided ongoing coaching to customer service representatives to ensure that they were equipped to provide excellent service to our customers. I also worked closely with the IT team to develop a new customer service platform that streamlined our processes. Through these efforts, we were able to improve customer satisfaction ratings and reduce customer complaints.”

“In a previous job, I was part of a team that was responsible for organizing a charity event. My role was to lead the marketing and outreach efforts. I developed a social media campaign and reached out to local media outlets to promote the event. As a result, we were able to attract a record number of attendees and raise a significant amount of funds for the charity.”

Part 10 “What was a difficult problem you solved at work and how did you do it?”

This answer can be an opportunity to showcase your analytical and problem-solving skills. Think about a situation where you identified a difficult issue, analyzed its root cause, and implemented an effective solution. Related: What is Problem Solving? (Steps, Techniques, Examples)

Describe the problem, the steps you took to analyze it, and the methods you used to solve it. Highlight how your solution improved the situation or resulted in a positive outcome for your team or company.

“One difficult problem I solved was a technical issue that was affecting our company’s website. I worked with the IT team to identify the root cause of the issue and develop a plan to resolve it. I also communicated regularly with stakeholders to provide updates on the status of the issue and manage their expectations. Through our efforts, we were able to resolve the issue and minimize the impact on our customers.”

“One difficult problem I solved was a conflict between two team members who had different work styles and personalities. I facilitated a meeting between the two and encouraged them to share their perspectives and concerns. I then worked with them to develop a communication plan and set clear expectations for their roles and responsibilities. We were able to resolve the conflict and improve collaboration within the team.”

Related: How to Manage Conflict in the Workplace [with Examples]

Part 11 “How have you contributed to the growth of a team or company?”

Contributing to the growth of a team or company can take many forms, from increasing sales to improving internal processes. Reflect on specific actions you took that had a measurable impact on an organization’s development.

Mention the context in which you made these contributions and the outcomes that resulted from your actions. Did you help secure a crucial client, streamline a process, or mentor junior team members? Show how your skills and expertise played a role in the company’s growth.

“In a previous job, I contributed to the growth of the company by developing a new sales strategy. I identified areas where we could improve our sales processes and developed a plan to implement changes, such as introducing new sales incentives and improving our customer relationship management system. I also worked closely with the sales team to provide training and coaching to improve their performance. We were able to increase our sales revenue and improve our market share.”

“In a previous job, I contributed to the growth of the company by implementing a sustainability program. I identified areas where we could reduce our environmental impact, such as reducing energy consumption and waste. I then developed a plan and worked with the facilities team to implement changes, such as installing energy-efficient lighting and composting food waste. Through these efforts, we were able to reduce our environmental footprint and improve our reputation as a socially responsible company.”

Part 12 “What is a unique skill or expertise you have that contributed to an achievement?”

Everyone has unique skills or expertise that can contribute to their accomplishments. Consider the specific abilities that have allowed you to excel in your field or achieve noteworthy successes.

Examples could include a specialized knowledge or proficiency in a specific technology, a talent for building relationships with clients, or strong presentation skills that have helped you win over stakeholders. Describe a situation where your unique skill played a vital role in achieving a desired outcome.

“One unique skill I have is my ability to adapt to change and learn quickly. In a previous job, I used this skill to transition to a new role that involved working with a new technology platform. I spent time learning the platform and working with the development team to identify areas where we could improve its functionality. As a result, we were able to improve the user experience and increase adoption of the platform, which had a positive impact on the company’s productivity.”

“One unique skill I have is my ability to think creatively and outside the box. In a previous job, I used this skill to develop a new product line. I researched market trends and identified a gap in the market for a specific type of product. I then worked with the design team to develop a unique and innovative product that met the needs of our target audience. Through these efforts, we were able to launch a successful product line and increase our market share.”

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Personal Goals / The Best Thing I Ever Accomplished: My Greatest Achievement In Life

The Best Thing I Ever Accomplished: My Greatest Achievement In Life

  • Category: Life
  • Topic: Personal Experience , Personal Goals , Personal Strengths

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