Accounting at University of Florida

Accounting degrees available at uf, uf accounting rankings.

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Popularity of Accounting at UF

Salary of accounting graduates with a master's degree.

Graduates of the master's accounting program at UF make a median salary of $58,796. This is less than what their typical peers from other schools make. Their median salary is $59,102.

How Much Student Debt Do Accounting Graduates from UF Have?

Student debt of accounting graduates with a bachelor's degree.

While getting their bachelor's degree at UF, accounting students borrow a median amount of $18,003 in student loans. This is not too bad considering that the median debt load of all accounting bachelor's degree recipients across the country is $26,168.

UF Accounting Students

Uf accounting bachelor’s program.

Of the 110 students who earned a bachelor's degree in Accounting from UF in 2020-2021, 47% were men and 53% were women.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of Florida with a bachelor's in accounting.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American4
Hispanic or Latino24
Non-Resident Aliens8
Other Races6

UF Accounting Master’s Program

In the 2020-2021 academic year, 71 students earned a master's degree in accounting from UF. About 51% of these graduates were women and the other 49% were men.

The following table and chart show the ethnic background for students who recently graduated from University of Florida with a master's in accounting.

Ethnic BackgroundNumber of Students
Black or African American3
Hispanic or Latino15
Non-Resident Aliens2
Other Races3

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University of Florida

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Business Administration (Ph.D.)

Program information.

For the Ph.D. in Business Administration, students must have a concentration in one of the following:

  • Information Systems and Operation Management
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Real Estate and Urban Analysis

Minimum requirements for the various departments and specialties are given in the Graduate Degrees section in this catalog.

All candidates for the Ph.D. in business administration must satisfy the following general requirements:

Breadth requirement: All applicants for Ph.D. in the business administration program are expected to have completed prior business-related course work at either the advanced undergraduate or graduate level. Students entering without prior work are required to take a minimum of three graduate courses in at least two fields other than their chosen area of concentration. Most often, the appropriate courses will be found in the M.B.A. first-year core; the particular courses to be taken by a student will be decided in consultation with the student’s academic adviser. After a student enters the Ph.D. program, the courses taken to satisfy the breadth requirement must be taken in the College of Business Administration.

Research foundations requirement: All students must complete a six-course research skills sequence that prepares them for scholarly research in their chosen area of concentration. Research foundations are defined as essential methodological tools (e.g., statistics, quantitative analysis) and/or substantive content domains (e.g., psychology, economics) outside the student’s major field that are considered essential to conducting high quality research in the chosen field. The specific research skills required by each area of concentration can be found in the field descriptions in this Catalog.

Other requirements include satisfactory completion of graduate course work in the major field of concentration, as well as one or two minor fields designed to add depth to the student’s research training. Minors are selected by the student in consultation with their advisory committee, and may be within or outside the College of Business Administration.

For more information, please see the links above and our website: .

Degrees Offered with a Major in Business Administration

  • Doctor of Philosophy

Requirements for these degrees are given in the Graduate Degrees section of this catalog.

Accounting Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Financial Accounting2
Financial Accounting3
Financial and Managerial Accounting3
Managerial Accounting2
Managerial Accounting3
Advanced Accounting2
Governmental Accounting2
Auditing I2
Auditing II2
Accounting Regulation2
Accounting for Income Taxes2
Accounting Theory2
Financial Reporting and Analysis2
Accounting for Risk2
Issues in Audit Practice2
Forensic Accounting2
International Auditing2
Information Systems Assurance2
Data Analytics for Accounting2
Individual Work in Accounting1-4
Special Topics in Accounting1-4
Supervised Teaching1-5
Accounting Research and Analysis3
Data Analysis Skills2
Web Crawling and Textual Analysis2
Advanced Data and Regression Techniques3
Overview of Accounting Research4
Accounting Research II4
Research Analysis in Accounting3
Theoretical Constructs in Accounting3
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
Federal Income Tax 12
Federal Income Tax 22
Tax Professional Research2
Corporate Taxation2
Advanced Corporate Taxation2
Partnership Taxation2
International Taxation2
State and Local Taxation2

Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Business Financial Management3
Finance I: Asset Valuation, Risk, and Return2
Finance II: Capital Structure and Risk Management Issues2
Personal Financial Management1
Money and Capital Markets3
Investment Banking2
Corporation Finance3
Measuring and Managing Value2
Financial Decision Making2
Asset Valuation and Corporate Finance2
Study in Valuation2
Financial Statement Analysis2
Entrepreneurial Finance2
Financial Risk Management2
Mergers & Acquisitions2
Investment Concepts2
Asset Management Project1
Portfolio Theory2
Asset Allocation and Investment Strategy2
Derivative Securities2
Fixed Income Security Valuation2
Interest Rate Risk Management2
Special Topics in Fixed Income Securities2
Emerging Markets Finance I2
Emerging Markets Finance II2
Securities Trading2
Introduction to Computational Methods & Derivative Pricing2
Financial Management of the Multinational Corporation2
International Finance3
Open Economy Macrofinance2
International Finance2
Capitalism and Regulation2
Economics Organizations and Markets3
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Applications for Finance & FINTECH2
Investment Banking and Corporate Financial Modeling I2
Investment Banking and Corporate Financial Modeling II2
Individual Work in Finance1-4
Special Topics in Finance1-4
Finance Professional Speaker Series1
Special Topics In Investment Finance2
International Studies in Finance1-4
International Finance Study Tour2
Financial Theory I4
Financial Theory II4
Corporate Finance4
Finance Research Workshop1-4
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15
Fundamentals of Real Estate Development2
Introduction to Real Estate2
Real Estate Research and Technology1
Real Estate Appraisal2
Primary Mortgage Markets and Institutions2
Secondary Mortgage Markets and Securitization2
Real Estate Market and Transaction Analysis2
Investment Property Analysis2
Real Estate Securities and Portfolios2
Law of Real Estate Transactions2
Geographic Information Systems and Location Analysis2
Real Estate Development2
Individual Work in Real Estate1-6
Special Topics in Real Estate1-4
Real Estate Case Studies1-2
Capstone Seminar and Applied Project2

Information Systems and Operations Management Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Information Systems in Organizations3
Management Information Systems2
Advanced Business Systems Design and Development I2
Advanced Business Systems Design and Development II2
Business Database Systems I2
Business Database Systems II2
Business Telecom Strategy and Applications I2
Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II2
Business Telecom Strategy and Applications III2
Business Telecom Strategy and Applications3
Business Objects I2
Business Objects II2
Programming for Business Analytics2
Intermediate Business Programming2
Advanced Business Programming2
Business Programming2
Business Intelligence2
Introduction to Python2
Data Analysis for Decision Support2
Electronic Commerce and Logistics2
eCommerce Technologies2
Risks and Controls in eCommerce2
Business Data Presentation and Visualization2
Electronic Commerce Practicum2
Production and Operations Management2
Management of Service Operations2
Contemporary Issues in Supply Chain Analytics2
Principles of Logistics/Transportation Systems2
Purchasing and Materials Management2
Purchasing and Supplier Relationship Management3
Project Management2
Logistics and Distribution Management3
International Operations/Logistics2
International Logistics3
Managerial Statistics3
Introduction to Managerial Statistics2
Advanced Managerial Statistics2
Artificial Intelligence Methods in Business2
Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions I2
Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions II2
Business Process Analysis3
Quality Management and Control Systems2
Managerial Quantitative Analysis I2
Managerial Quantitative Analysis II2
Supply Chain Analytics: Gaming the Supply Chain2
Individual Work in Information Systems and Operations Management1-5
Supervised Research1-5
Special Topics in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
Analytics Processes for Business – Bootcamp1
Supervised Teaching1-5
Analytics Projects Practicum 11
Analytics Practicum 21
Analytics Practicum 31
ISOM Department Business Practicum2
International Studies in Quantitative Methods1-4
Research for Master's Thesis1-15
Stat Research Methods3
Special Topics in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
Seminar in Information Systems and Operations Management1-4
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Management Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Legal Environment of Business3
Law, Ethics, and Organizations2
Commercial Law for Accountants2
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility2
Law of Real Estate Transactions2
Employment Law2
International Business Law2
Individual Work1-5
Special Topics1-3
Entrepreneurial Opportunity2
Business Plan Formation2
Venture Finance2
Social Entrepreneurship2
Creativity in Entrepreneurship2
Individual Work in Entrepreneurship1-4
Special Topics1-4
Entrepreneurship Lecture Series1-4
Entrepreneurial Consulting Project2
Integrated Technology Ventures1-4
Entrepreneurship and Venture Finance3
Fundamentals of International Business2
Organizational Behavior3
Organizational Behavior2
Developing Leadership Skills2
Managing Groups and Teams in Organizations2
Compensation in Organizations2
Organizational Staffing3
Organizational Staffing2
Human Capital Analytics2
Art and Science of Negotiation2
International Aspects of Human Resource Management2
Global Strategic Management2
Global Strategic Management3
Business Policy3
Strategic Management2
Capstone Project2
Individual Work in Management1-5
Supervised Research1-5
Special Topics1-3
Supervised Teaching1-5
Project in Lieu of Thesis1-4
Seminar in Research Concepts and Methods in Management1-4
Seminar in Motivation, Attitudes and Leadership1-4
Seminar in Contemporary Approaches to Entrepreneurship and Organizations1-2
Org Behavior3
Seminar on Groups and Teams Research1-2
Seminar on Staffing and Selection1-3
Seminar in Behavioral Approaches to Strategy1-2
Seminar in Strategic Processes, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship1-2
Org Res Methods Sem4
Strategic Management3
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Marketing Departmental Courses

Course List by Depts
Code Title Credits
Problems and Methods in Marketing Management3
Problems and Methods in Marketing Management2
Marketing Ethics2
International Marketing2
International Marketing3
The Art and Science of Pricing2
Strategy and Tactics of Pricing3
Building and Managing Brand Equity2
Business-to-Business Marketing2
Business to Business Marketing3
Professional Selling2
Customer Analysis2
Customer Insights and Analysis3
Managerial and Consumer Decision Making3
Consumer and Managerial Decision-Making2
Marketing Research for Managerial Decision Making3
Marketing Research for Managerial Decision Making2
Marketing Analytics Methods2
Marketing Analytics 12
Marketing Analytics 22
Web-Based Marketing2
Advanced Marketing Management (MBA)3
Advanced Marketing Management2
Product Development and Management2
Brand Management3
Product Development and Management3
Customer Relationship Management2
Customer Relationship Management3
Individual Work1-4
Supervised Research1-5
Special Topics in Marketing1-4
Supervised Teaching1-5
International Studies in Marketing1-4
Research for Master's Thesis1-15
Perspectives on Consumer Behavior3
Consumer Information Processing and Decision Making3
Judgment and Decision Making3
Multivariate Statistical Methods in Marketing3
Research Methods in Marketing3
Marketing Decision Models3
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning3
Workshop in Marketing Research3
Advanced Research1-12
Research for Doctoral Dissertation1-15

Warrington College of Business Courses

Course List by College
Code Title Credits
Preparing to Teach in Business2
Professional Writing in Business1-3
Professional Communication in Business1-3
Foundations Review1-3
Professional Communication for Accountants2
International Business3
Individual Work1-4
Special Topics1-3
International Studies in Business1-4

Business Administration

2017-18 PhD SLO 1          Knowledge         Manage the technical tools (theory, methodology, statistical analyses, and reporting norms) essential to the  departmental area of study.

2017-18 PhD SLO 2          Skills      Interpret with technical tools to create new knowledge through original research.

2017-18 PhD SLO 3          Professional Behavior    Communicate specialized information from a field of expertise verbally and in writing.

2017-18 PhD SLO 4          Professional Behavior    Communicate specialized information from a field of expertise verbally at an educated layman or university  undergraduate student level.

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  • National Politics

University of Florida denies appeal of pro-Palestinian student protester's suspension

uf accounting phd students

The University of Florida has denied the appeal of a graduate student who was suspended for three years following pro-Palestinian protests in the spring, a national free expression group has announced.

“As a public school, the University of Florida has a duty to mete out punishment in a viewpoint-neutral manner," Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression attorney Jessie Appleby said in a Wednesday statement.

"The draconian response from UF and its refusal to reconsider the facts of these cases suggest that these students are being targeted for their beliefs, not their individual conduct," Appleby continued. "That’s a clear First Amendment violation.”

The student in question, Keely Gliwa , was supposed to graduate in May with a master’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology. But that all changed when she decided to participate in a pro-Palestinian protest in late April.

"Keely was hit with disciplinary charges for failing to immediately disperse when police broke up the protest," FIRE wrote in a press release. "But video and witness testimony backed up Keely’s story that she only stayed behind to help another student who was in distress."

She was one of nine people arrested during the campus protest. Various charges included failure to obey police, resisting arrest without violence, wearing a hood or mask on public property and trespassing. One student accused of spitting on a police officer was charged with felony battery.

University officials said they had repeatedly warned protesters to disperse the area or face arrest.

"The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they'll face the consequences," said UF spokesman Steve Orlando in a statement at the time.

But Fresh Take Florida reported that a university hearing body recommended Gliwa only get probation. In closed-door hearings, that was overruled by the new dean of students, Chris Summerlin.

Gliwa, in a statement, said she was "deeply disappointed."

"This battle is not over and I will continue to fight, not just for myself, but to ensure that future students will not be victimized by the university for speaking out about the ongoing genocide in Gaza," she said.

FIRE says it's also working with students Parker Hovis and Tess Segal, who like Gliwa received recommendations of light punishment that were overruled by Summerlin. UF also denied their appeals, according to FIRE.

Tensions have been high on college campuses across Florida and the nation since Hamas' Oct. 7 attack  on Israel and the resultant conflict that has leveled wide swaths of Gaza.

The appeal denial is the latest example of how Gov. Ron DeSantis and state higher education officials have  taken strict action  against pro-Palestinian protesters accused of breaking any law or university rule.

UF representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The USA TODAY Network-Florida sent public records requests to UF in early May for records regarding its response to the protest. The university still lists those requests as "in progress."

This reporting content is supported by a partnership with Freedom Forum and Journalism Funding Partners. USA Today Network-Florida First Amendment reporter Douglas Soule can be reached at  [email protected] .

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Accounting for a Company’s Stock and Dividend Transactions

Accounting for a Company’s Stock and Dividend Transactions

  • Share This: Share Accounting for a Company’s Stock and Dividend Transactions on Facebook Share Accounting for a Company’s Stock and Dividend Transactions on LinkedIn Share Accounting for a Company’s Stock and Dividend Transactions on X

Instructor: Denise Probert

Public companies issue stock to investors, who put money into a company in return for part ownership. They also issue dividends, or part of their net income, to stockholders as reward for their investment risk in the company. In this course, financial expert and educator Denise Probert explains how to account for the issuance of stock and dividends in a public company’s financial reporting. Learn how to account for stock issued for cash, stock issued as part of an acquisition, treasury stock, and the conversion of preferred stock into common stock. Go over how to account for cash, property, stock, and cumulative preferred stock dividends. Plus, explore what Earnings per Share (EPS) is, why it needs to appear on a public company’s financial statement, and how to calculate it.


Accounting Specialist

Apply now Job no: 532629 Work type: Staff Full-Time Location: Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) Categories: Business/Accounting/Finance, Office/Administrative/Fiscal Support, Grant or Research Administration Department: 29240101 - MD-HOBI-GENERAL

Classification Title:

Accounting Specialist

Job Description:
Expected Salary:

$58,000 - $66,000

Minimum Requirements:
Preferred Qualifications:

Knowledge PeopleSoft and Purchasing guidelines, UFGO/Concur system, and Enterprise Analytics

Special Instructions to Applicants:

In order to be considered, you must upload your cover letter and resume.

Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date.

This is a time limited position.

The University of Florida is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

Health Assessment Required: No

Advertised: 07 Aug 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 21 Aug 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

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Position Department Location Closes
29240101 - MD-HOBI-GENERAL Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
This position is the fiscal point of contact for the Department. The incumbent will be responsible for providing oversight and assisting in the processing of $12 million in procurement, travel, and journal transactions in the daily management of accounting operations for the Department of Health Outcomes & Biomedical Informatics and the Institute for Child Health Policy. These responsibilities include but are not limited to, using their knowledge to handle aspects of fiscal Post Award Administration, assisting the department Assistant Director of Finance with fiscal budgeting needs for the Department and Institute, and the knowledge base to make certain that the Department and Institute is in compliance with University, State, and Federal regulations and standards. This person must be a self-starter and highly motivated professional with the capacity for hard work and vast knowledge in the University, College of Medicine and Center & Institutes policies and procedures. Must be proficient in PeopleSoft, myUF Market, and UFGO/Concur.

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  • Staff Full-Time 1
  • Business/Accounting/Finance 1
  • Grant or Research Administration 1
  • Office/Administrative/Fiscal Support 1
  • Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) 1
  • 29240101 - MD-HOBI-GENERAL 1
  • Frequently Asked Questions
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Equal Opportunity Employer

The University is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

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  1. Students

    Gerson Hall 334. (352) 273-0227. Email. Prior to joining the Fisher School of Accounting, Kevin obtained his Bachelor of Science in Accounting with honors at Ohio University and his Master of Accountancy at Wright State University. Upon graduation, he sat for and earned his CPA license and spent 3 years in public accounting at PwC in Columbus, OH.

  2. PhD in Business Administration Accounting

    The Ph.D. Program in Accounting prepares students to conduct original research on accounting issues. Accounting research addresses substantive accounting issues with theories and methods drawn from disciplines such as economics, finance, psychology, mathematics, and statistics. Our faculty research represents a broad range of interests and ...

  3. UF Warrington College of Business

    Send GMAT scores to institution code J7Z-5J-13, "University of Florida - Warrington College of Business - PhD in Accounting.". We require a minimum of 650 for GMAT, including a score of 5 for the writing section. We accept GRE scores in place of GMAT. Send GRE scores to institution code UF5812. TOEFL scores for an applicant whose native ...

  4. Accounting < University of Florida

    A minimum of 28 credits must be in graduate-level courses; a minimum of 20 credits must be in graduate-level accounting courses. The remaining credits are selected from business core courses and elective courses. Students are cautioned to seek early advisement, since many graduate courses are offered only once a year.

  5. Business Administration (Accounting) < University of Florida

    Business Administration (Accounting) Overview. Degrees Offered. Courses. Program Information. The Ph.D. program offers a broad-based interdisciplinary training that prepares students to conduct empirical research. The curriculum consists of course work of three types: the major field, a breadth requirement, and a research foundation requirement.

  6. Accounting

    The Fisher School of Accounting at the University of Florida (UF) offers a comprehensive Bachelor of Science in Accounting (BSAc) program. This four-year degree equips students with a strong foundation in accounting and business, preparing them for success in a dynamic business environment. Graduates emerge well-prepared for further studies or professional careers.

  7. Accounting

    Website: UF Fisher School of Accounting. Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Paul Madsen · [email protected] · 352 273 0221. Graduate Staffer: Tiffany Gauthier · [email protected] · 352 273 0206. Apply.

  8. Accounting < University of Florida

    Accounting is more than just numbers and calculations. It's a dynamic and rewarding field that offers many career possibilities in different sectors and industries. At the University of Florida, students can earn a Bachelor of Science in Accounting degree that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the accounting profession. At UF, gain a solid understanding of accounting and ...

  9. Fisher School of Accounting < University of Florida

    Faculty. Director: Gary A. McGill Graduate Coordinators: J. Laibson and J. Tucker. As a professional school in a major public research university, the Fisher School of Accounting (FSOA) is committed to scholarly research, teaching, and service to advance knowledge and prepare future leaders for business, professional, and academic careers.

  10. Graduate Catalog < University of Florida

    106 Grinter Hall 1523 Union Road PO Box 115500 Gainesville, FL 32611-5500 352 392 6622 352 392 8729 [email protected]

  11. Online & Distance Learning

    Learn about applying to UF Online undergraduate and degree-completion programs. Online Undergraduate Admissions. Find instructions for applying to online master's, doctorate, specialist and certificate programs. Online Graduate & Certificate Admissions. Take credit or non-credit courses without enrolling in a Florida degree program.

  12. Graduate Student Salary & Tuition Costs

    Graduate Student Tuition. For NON-RESIDENT students, DSP recommends budgeting at $18,213 and a 5% annual increase thereafter. Resident tuition may be budgeted at $10,770. Please note that if a non-resident student is actually hired, the non-resident rate will be charged. DSP recommends budgeting at the non-resident rate for proposal submission ...

  13. The Accounting Major at University of Florida

    UF Accounting Master's Program. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 71 students earned a master's degree in accounting from UF. About 51% of these graduates were women and the other 49% were men. The majority of the students with this major are white. About 63% of 2021 graduates were in this category.

  14. Degrees

    Graduate Student Support. Graduate Student Support; Associate Dean; GradCare; ... Accounting (M) Business Administration (MP) Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (M) ... University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 UF Operator: (352) 392-3261 Website text-only version. Resources . ONE.UF;

  15. PhD Alumni

    University of South Carolina (retired) 1965: James B. Montgomery: Florida Atlantic University (retired) 1964: William Hart Anderson: Auburn University (retired) 1964: Gordon E. Bell: Florida Atlantic University (retired) 1964: Robert R. Sterling: Deceased: 1962: James E. Brown: Northern Kentucky University (retired) 1956: Delmas D. Ray: Deceased

  16. Waivers

    Graduate Assistant and Fellow Waivers. UF Graduate students; Research Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Fellows that have an active Letter of Appointment (LOA) file will have the waiver automatically entered by the department providing the tuition and or fee waiver on the student financial account.

  17. Fisher School the No. 10 best accounting program in the nation

    GAINESVILLE, Fla. - The Fisher School of Accounting's undergraduate program was named the tenth best undergraduate accounting program among schools in the United States in U.S. News & World Report's "2023 Best Colleges" edition released Monday.. In the same ranking, for the second year in a row, the University of Florida was named among the top five public research universities in ...

  18. University of Florida business students gain industry insights in

    A record 500-plus students at the University of Florida Warrington College of Business had more opportunities than ever to expand their understanding of careers in the finance industry thanks to new programming within the Finance Professional Development program.. Introduced in 2022, the Finance Professional Development (FPD) program supplements Warrington's strong academic coursework for ...

  19. Gator Nurse mom to honor daughter during nursing pinning ceremony

    More than 80% of UF B.S.N. students pursue a graduate degree within three years of graduating, and the college is currently ranked No. 10 in the nation for National Institutes of Health research funding among public colleges of nursing. Additionally, it has the No. 1-ranked nursing B.S.N program in Florida in 2024, according to U.S. News ...

  20. Gator Nurse mom to honor daughter during nursing pinning ceremony

    On Aug. 9, Anastasia Albanese-O'Neill, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D., a three-time UF Gator Nurse graduate, got the rare honor of pinning her daughter, Cassidy O'Neill, as Cassidy also graduated as a Gator Nurse during the Summer 2024 College of Nursing Pinning Ceremony. Pinning is a traditional ceremony that symbolically welcomes graduating students to the nursing profession.…

  21. Academics

    From business classes in finance and accounting, to forensic classes like skeleton keys in our anthropology program, to a fully online physics lab where you perform live and virtual experiments, UF Online is providing interesting, rigorous and cutting edge online classes for its students. Check out the short videos of some of our courses below.

  22. Business Administration (Ph.D.)

    Business Administration. 2017-18 PhD SLO 1 Knowledge Manage the technical tools (theory, methodology, statistical analyses, and reporting norms) essential to the departmental area of study. 2017-18 PhD SLO 2 Skills Interpret with technical tools to create new knowledge through original research. 2017-18 PhD SLO 3 Professional Behavior ...

  23. UF denies appeal of suspended pro-Palestinian student protester

    The University of Florida has denied the appeal of a graduate student who was suspended for three years following pro-Palestinian protests earlier in the spring, a national free expression group ...

  24. Why UF Online

    Our programs, faculty, advisors, and UF Online team give our all to online students. We know life pulls students in many different directions, and it is a testament to the strength of support at the University of Florida that so many #GatorsOnline continue to succeed academically without missing a beat! We are proud of the momentum and excellence of the fully online bachelor's programs that ...

  25. Accounting < University of Florida

    School Information. Accounting at UF traces its roots back to 1923 when the first accounting course was offered. Today, as one of the nation's few free-standing accounting schools, the Fisher School of Accounting has cultivated a distinctive identity at the University of Florida and among the nation's top business programs. More Info .

  26. MBA programs at University of Florida ranked with best nationally

    The University of Florida MBA program rose in the ranks during the 2023-2024 academic year, according to leading publications such as U.S. News & World Report and Financial Times. National and global recognition affirms the program's standing as one of the best options for pursuing higher business education, and the legacy of the university's quality students, accomplished alumni and ...

  27. Accounting for a Company's Stock and Dividend Transactions

    Public companies issue stock to investors, who put money into a company in return for part ownership. They also issue dividends, or part of their net income, to stockholders as reward for their investment risk in the company.

  28. Courses and Curriculum

    Courses and Curriculum. During the first two years, students enroll in courses selected to provide the basic theoretical and empirical skills required to undertake research in accounting. Course work can be categorized into four areas: Finance, economics, decision and information science, mathematics, political science, psychology, or sociology.

  29. University of Florida

    The University of Florida is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment ...

  30. Civil Engineering Graduate Student Named 2024 Lifesavers Traffic Safety

    By Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M.S., Research Coordinator Bryce Grame, a doctoral student in the UF Department of Civil Engineering, is one of 19 students nationwide to be selected as a 2024 Lifesavers Traffic Safety Scholar (TSS). This recognition has also earned him a spot at the Lifesavers Conference on Roadway Safety, which was held April 7 […]