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Located on a scenic lakefront campus in Evanston, just 12 miles north of downtown Chicago, Northwestern University offers the best features of small-town and large-city living. There is easy access by public transportation to the cultural, sporting and recreational opportunities in one of the world's greatest cities.

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Financial economics, kellogg opens its global hub.

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The Financial Economics PhD program is a joint degree offered through the Finance Department at the Kellogg School of Management and the Economics Department at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. 

Students within Financial Economics will have access to a broad array of faculty across a variety of disciplines within economics, tapping into the interdisciplinary strengths found within our Finance-Economics curriculum. Additionally, this program benefits by location – our Economics department, PhD students, and research faculty are conveniently located within our new building, the Global Hub, just one floor down from the Finance department.

Some of the most active areas of current research are at the intersection of economics and finance. The aim of the Financial Economics program is to leverage the close ties and common research interests of the Economics Department and the Finance Department at Northwestern to train PhD students interested in these interdisciplinary areas. Students are required to do coursework in multiple fields in economics and finance, and are exposed to the most up-to-date models and methods in these fields. Faculty members from both departments supervise students as they develop their own research projects. PhD students also benefit from close collaborations with students in both departments, and participate in weekly seminar series that draw faculty and PhD students together for scholarly discussions across common research areas, including finance, macroeconomics, industrial organization, development economics, economic theory, and more. The program aims to produce scholars who can be successful in both economics and finance departments. 

Active Research Areas : The study of finance aligns with numerous areas within economics: macroeconomics, public finance, econometrics, household finance, economic development and economic history. This is why broad training in economics is essential for those who wish to do innovative work that straddles both finance and economics. Some examples include the financing and investment decisions of firms, households and governments; the interplay between asset prices, capital markets and the macro-economy; and the role and limitations of financial institutions in facilitating access to credit.  

Financial Economics PhD students will collaborate with world-renown scholars within our Finance and Economics departments. They include elected fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Econometric Society, the Society for Financial Econometrics, and the National Bureau of Economic Research. They serve/served as directors of the American Finance Association and past-presidents of the Econometric Society and Western Finance Association. Several faculty serve/served in editorial positions at leading journals, such as the American Economic Review , Econometrica , Journal of Economic Theory , Journal of Finance and RAND Journal of Economics . Recent publications within top economics and finance journals include American Economic Review , Econometrica , Journal of Finance , Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, and Quarterly Journal of Economics.

What We Are Looking for in Applicants

We seek students with strong training in mathematics and statistics and a solid background in economics, either through prior study or through work and research experience. Recommended coursework at an advanced level includes calculus, linear algebra, optimization, probability and statistics . Prior research experience is not required.

There are two points of entry into the Financial Economics program: as a new graduate student to Northwestern or as a transfer student from either the Economics or Finance PhD programs.

  • New Graduate Student to Northwestern – Applicants submit one application to the Financial Economics PhD Program that is reviewed by both Finance and Economics faculty, who then render a joint admission decision. Students enter the program as a first-year PhD student. 
  • Transfer Student – Economics or Finance PhD students who are completing their first year of study and have satisfied all the requirements within Economics may apply for a transfer by contacting the Director of Graduate Study in the program they are currently enrolled in. Applications must be approved by both the Economics and the Finance admissions committees. If the application is approved, the student will initiate a degree transfer request to The Graduate School.

Program Requirements

Coursework In years one and two, students take three or four courses each quarter (fall, winter, spring). The first-year students complete the three core sequences in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econometrics. In year two, students enroll in a minimum of nine approved courses including at least two courses from the sequence in asset pricing, at least two course in corporate finance, two economics field sequence of at least two quarters each, and at least one course in economic history. Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average (GPA).

Qualifying Exam At the end of year one, students are required to establish competence in the three cores areas of study: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, and Econometrics. This competence is satisfied by achieving a 3.0 GPA in each of the three-courses sequences.

During the summer following the student’s second year of study, students must pass a comprehensive qualifying exam designed to measure competence in both asset pricing and corporate finance or they demonstrate competence by maintaining a 3.6 GPA average across both course sequences.

Candidacy As students transition from coursework to research, they are required to write an original research paper in the summer of their second year supervised by a faculty advisor. Students present their completed research project to the faculty of the joint program in September following the summer quarter of their second year. At that time, their performance is reviewed by the faculty of the joint program, and upon successfully completing their coursework, passing of their qualifying exam and second-year paper, students are admitted to candidacy.

Third-Year Paper A second paper is typically completed by winter quarter of the third year and presented during the Economics 501 seminar of spring quarter of the third year. The research paper has to be sufficiently advanced to be part of the student's dissertation.

Research, Proposal & Dissertation The main activity in years three and four is research toward a thesis of publishable quality, under the direction of one or more faculty advisors.  A thesis proposal must be presented to the faculty committee no later than the end of the fall quarter of their fourth year of study. In their final year in the program, each candidate must complete a dissertation demonstrating original and significant research and must pass a final oral examination (“defense”) on the dissertation.

Teaching Requirement To promote engagement with faculty and integration with the intellectual life of the department, students serve as research assistants and teaching assistants during years two, three, and four. Research assistantships (RAs) are an excellent lead-in to research; teaching assistantships (TAs) prepare students for teaching after obtaining the PhD.


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] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

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; Also available as ; . For the presentation slides, ; Also available as ; . For the presentation slides, ; ; . ; Jul 2017 version available as . For the presentation slides, . ; Dec 2019 version available as . ; June 2020 version available as . For the latest presentation slides, . ; Nov 2020 version available as . For the latest presentation slides, . , which generalizes many key results but drops a few minor ones in ; For the latest presentation slides, , edited. For more detailed slides, . . For the latest presentation slides, . . For the latest presentation slides, .

, forthcoming. . For earlier versions, which contain some additional results, , and . For the latest presentation slides, , edited. For more detailed slides, . ," , (2023), vol.15, 235-265. For the lecture slides, , edited. , 200 (2022): 105415. . Also available as . For the presentation slides, . , 87 (March 2019): 497-528. with . For the presentation slides, . (formerly ), 71 (December 2017): 740-758. ; Also available as . For the presentation slides, . This is the updated version of "Geography of the World Economy" , delivered as the Inaugural Fukuzawa Lecture at the 1999 Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society in Singapore. , 163 (May 2016): 525-556. . For the presentation slides, . (formerly ), 68 (June 2014): 95-111. . For the presentation slides, , 12 (February 2014): 1-24. . For the presentation slides, , 81 (September 2013): 2009-2031. . For the presentation slides, ; See for the two-country case, more extensive references, and the derivations of the results for the two extensions, which were omitted from the final version. See Footnote 11 of for more discussion of the instability of the symmetric equilibrium. 8 (September 2013): 623-651. (& its ). (& its ) of this paper, with the title, "Good and Bad Investment: An Inquiry into the Causes of Credit Cycles", discusses some additional cases that are omitted from the final version. . 2011, Volume 3, 339-362. . For the presentation slides, . 7 (April-May 2009): 478-486. . For the presentation slides, . , Volume 22. . For the presentation slides, . This is a highly condensed version of lecture series I gave at various places. For the most recent slides for these lectures, ; ; ; , 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan. , 59 (June 2008): 139-155. , 97 (March 2007): 503-516. ; For the presentation slides, , 74 (January 2007): 237-253. . For the presentation slides, . Section 6 of has some extensions omitted from the final version. , 47 (May 2006): 327-360. ; For the presentation slides, , 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan. , 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan. , 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan. , 3 (April-May 2005): 714-723. ; For the presentation slides, , 72 (May 2004): 853-884. ; has some extensions (in Section 6), omitted from the final version. For the presentation slides, , 110 (October 2002): 1035-1070. , 92 (May 2002): 241-246. ; For the presentation slides,

100 (October 2001): 220-234. , 108 (December 2000): 1093-1120. has some extensions (in Section 4), omitted from the final version. , 67 (October 2000): 743-759. has an extension (in Section 4b), omitted from the final version. 67 (May 1999): 499-526. , 67 (March 1999): 335-347. , 65 (April 1998): 211-234. 1 (1997): 658-665. , 48 (September 1997): 240-266. 10 (December 1996): 419-439. , edited by M. Aoki, H. Kim, and M. Okuno-Fujiwara, Oxford University Press, 1996. , 49 (April 1996): 33-59. 9 (December 1995): 376-402. 33 (June 1995): 701-729. �65 (April 1995): 415-434. , Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1995: pp.52-69. 60 (April 1993): 283-307. 6 (December 1992): 347-364. 58 (December 1992): 317-334. . Also included in the Special Issue Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of , 2020. 59 (April 1992): 375-388. 59 (November 1991): 1617-1631. 106 (May 1991): 617-650. 32 (February 1991): 251-262. 15 (January 1991): 7-26. 105 (August 1990): 803-813. 80 (June 1990): 480-492. 28 (February 1990): 137-153. 25 (January 1990): 137-144. 28 (1988): 375-379. 55 (April 1988): 247-262. 23 (November 1987): 299-313. 35 (February 1985): 155-165.

, Sharkovsky Memorial Issue (2024, Vol.75, no.12): 1681-96. . , 126 (2019): 135-147. , 41 (November 2018): 119-143. . For the presentation slides, (with emphasis on economics behind the model), and/or (with emphasis on mathematics). , 28, 055917 (2018). . For the presentation slides, , 58 (May 2018): 287-302. . For the presentation slides, . , 91 (October 2016): 299-309. , 59 (February 2014): 13-27.

; For a recently reformatted version (no change in the content, but the figures are redrawn) . For the recent presentation slides, .

Spring 2015. ;

Spring 2021. ;

Winter 2019. ;

; Spring 2012. ;

; Spring 2009;

; Spring 2021;

; ;

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Become a Kellogg leader.

Now more than ever, the world needs strong, empathetic leaders, whose journey to success started with a commitment to personal growth. Your journey at Kellogg will see you learn more, dream more and do more. And as a result, you’ll become more — a Kellogg Leader.

From classroom to career

Kellogg Leaders video featuring Kellogg MBA alumni Daniel Gamba '97, Sam Shank '04, Ukonwa Ojo '05, Andrew Youn '06, and Joey Wat '00

Your business school, your MBA program

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Kellogg professor Leigh Thompson teaching mid- to senior-level executives in an Executive MBA classroom

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APPLICATION DEADLINES Full-Time MBA Program Round 1: Sept. 11, 2024 Round 2: Jan. 8, 2025 Round 3: April 2, 2025 Evening & Weekend MBA Program Winter: Sept. 25, 2024 Spring: Jan. 8, 2025 Summer: Mar. 26, 2025 Fall: June 4, 2025

Executive MBA Program Jan. 24, 2024 Apr. 3,  2024 June 5, 2024* Aug. 14, 2024 Oct. 2, 2024**

  * Last deadline to apply for Fall 2024 start ** Last deadline to apply for Winter 2025 start

Four Kellogg students of varying ethnicities and genders collaborate at two laptops, on a sunny day beside a Kellogg Global Hub glass wall

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The hedge fund in your pantry.

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  • Graduate & Professional

Master's Degree Options

The School of Education and Social Policy currently offers a variety of masters degree options across four academic areas. 

professors in a meeting, talking

MS in Education in Educational Studies

A highly customizable, one-year program. Candidates explore various areas of education, including equitable pedagogies, instructional design, and more. Subsequent endorsements are available for licensed Illinois teachers. Learn How to Apply

female teacher teaching little kids

MS in Education in Elementary Education

An 18-month program that prepares candidates to be social justice-oriented elementary teachers (grades 1-6). Graduates earn a teaching license. Additional ESL or Bilingual Education endorsements are available.  Learn How to Apply

teacher teaching students in the classroom

MS in Education in Secondary Education

An 18-month program that prepares candidates to be social justice-oriented secondary teachers (grades 5-12) in English, Math, Science, Social Science, or Spanish. Graduates earn a teaching license. Additional ESL or Bilingual Education endorsements are available. Learn How to Apply

female student holding a notebook and smiling

MS in Education in Learning Sciences

A one-year program that advances the understanding and practice of teaching and learning through theory, design, socio-cultural aspects of learning, cognition, and research. Interest areas include the design of learning environments, educational technology, and research. Learn How to Apply

female student standing next to the blackboard

Accelerated MS in Education for Northwestern Undergraduate

Northwestern undergraduates have the opportunity to take classes toward a master's degree while earning their bachelor's degree. The Accelerated Master’s program is available in all concentrations: Educational Studies, Elementary Teaching, Learning Sciences, and Secondary Teaching.  Learn How to Apply

a group photo of students

MS in Higher Education Administration & Policy

The Higher Education Administration and Policy program prepares both new and current higher education professionals to be leaders who transform the lives of individuals, the trajectory of organizations, and the impact of institutions – all within the higher education landscape.  Learn How to Apply

professor looking at the student's work

MS in Learning & Organizational Change

The Master of Science in Learning and Organizational Change (MSLOC) offers an alternative to MBA programs and master's programs in organizational development, organizational behavior, industrial/organizational psychology, human resource development or similar graduate programs.  Learn How to Apply

female student talking and smiling

MS in Social & Economic Policy

This dual-degree program, designed by SESP and the Department of Economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), explores applied economics and its application to real world policies in both Chinese and US contexts.Students attend classes on campuses in Sha Tin, Hong Kong for 10 months and Evanston, Illinois for 7 months.  Learn How to Apply

Lakefront Drone Shot

89 'Cats Named Spring Academic All-Big Ten

6/12/2024 3:14:00 PM | Baseball, General, Men's Golf, Men's Tennis, Softball, Women's Golf, Women's Lacrosse, Women's Tennis, Academic Services & Student Development, Women's Fencing

ROSEMONT, Ill. – Eighty-nine Northwestern student-athletes earned Academic All-Big Ten honors, the conference announced on Wednesday. Northwestern's 89 Spring Academic All-Big Ten honorees brings its 2023-24 total to 278 student-athletes earning Academic All-Big Ten accolades, the 14th consecutive year that at least 200 Wildcat student-athletes have earned the distinction. To be eligible for Academic All-Big Ten selection, students must be on a varsity team (as verified by being on the official squad list as of May 1 for spring sports), have been enrolled full time at the institution for a minimum of 12 months and carry a cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or higher. Additionally, three Spring student-athletes representing three different programs posted unblemished GPAs, Dylan Amonte (Lacrosse), Max Bengtsson (Men's Tennis), and Angela Zedak (Softball). Baseball (13)


Graduate Student

Data Science

New Canaan, Conn.



Learning & Organizational Change

Lafayette, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Zionsville, Ind.



Learning & Organizational Change

Santa Monica, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Newport Beach, Calif.



Communication Studies

Chicago, Ill.



Data Science

Tarzana, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Tampa, Fla.




Colebrook, Conn.




Rogers, Ark.



Learning & Organizational Change

Smyrna, Ga.



Data Science

Flossmoor, Ill



Learning & Organizational Change

Edinburgh, Scotland



Data Science

Redmond, Wash.


Graduate Student

Sports Administration

Brookline, Mass.

Daniel Svärd




Jarfalla, Sweden




Portland, Ore.




Blacksburg, Va.




Irvine, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Hangzhou, China



Communication Studies

Seattle, Wash.




Shanghai, China




Syracuse, N.Y.



Communication Studies

Orinda, Calif.


Graduate Student

Sports Administration

Spencerport, N.Y.



Communication Studies

Barrington, Ill.


Graduate Student

Information Design & Strategy

Newton Square, Pa.



Learning & Organizational Change

Woodbury, N.Y.


Graduate Student

Post Baccalaureate

Cohasset, Mass.




Larchmont, N.Y.



Human Development in Context

Baldwinsville, N.Y.




Elmhurst, Ill.


Graduate Student

Sports Administration

Newburyport, Mass.



Learning & Organizational Change

Lindenhurst, N.Y.




New Canaan, Conn.



Learning & Organizational Change

Mendham, N.J.



Learning & Organizational Change

Summit, N.J.




Highlands Ranch, Colo.



Computer Science

Boxford, Mass.


Graduate Student

Master in Management

Clarkston, Mich.


Graduate Student

Integrated Marketing Communications

Fayetteville, N.Y.



Communication Studies

Mill Valley, Calif.



Learning & Organizational Change

Surrey, British Columbia



Human Development in Context

Wantagh, N.Y.



Communication Studies

Parkland, Fla.



Industrial Engineering

Pear River, N.Y.



Communication Studies

Timonium, Md.



Learning & Organizational Change

Union, Mo.



Biological Sciences

Clarkston, Mich.



Learning & Organizational Change

Whitehouse, Ohio



Learning & Organizational Change

Phoenix, Ariz.


Graduate Student

Information Design & Strategy

Camby, Ind.



Learning & Organizational Change

Iowa City, Iowa


Graduate Student

Master in Management

Leo, Ind.



Industrial Engineering

Canton, Mich.




Farmington Hills, Mich.



Human Communication Sciences

Indianapolis, Ind.



Learning & Organizational Change

South Lyon, Mich.




Moscow, Russia




Cincinnati, Ohio




Cincinnati, Ohio




Carmel, Ind.


Graduate Student

Project Management

Moorsetown, N.J.


Graduate Student


Hong Kong, China




Glenview, Ill.



Communication Studies

Lake Forest, Ill.




Lynnfield, Mass.



Chemical Engineering

Moscow, Russia



Mechanical Engineering

Peapack, N.J.




Barrington, R.I.



Cognitive Science

Takoma Park, Md.



Integrated Science Program

Eden Prairie, Minn.



Communication Studies

San Francisco, Calif.




Kinnelon, N.J.



Biomedical Engineering

Balatonfüred, Hungary



Communication Studies

Shenzhen, China




Durham, N.C.




Las Vegas, Nev.




Portland, Ore.



Gender and Sexuality Studies

Hermosa Beach, Calif.



Political Science

Chatham, N.J.



Biomedical Engineering

Arcadia, Calif.



Art Theory and Practice

Toronto, Ontario



Chemical Engineering

Houston, Texas



Learning & Organizational Change

Belle Mead, N.J.

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Register for the nca summer 2024 phd career development series.

A graphic depicting two students sitting on a stairway in front of a campus building. Some yellow flowers are seen out of focus in front of them.

Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA) will host a PhD summer career development series on  Mondays from June 24 – July 29 at 10:00 AM on the Evanston campus. NCA hosts this series every Winter and Summer Quarter for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars as an introduction to common job search topics.

Participants will have access to a Canvas page for resource sharing and document feedback. Those who attend the first three workshops will be paired with small group mentorship circles based on their professional interests. Participants are not required to attend every workshop but are encouraged to, as the series is designed as a career course with cumulative content. Register through the Handshake career development portal for the following workshops:

  • Identifying the Right Roles for You Monday, June 24 at 10:00 AM in TGS Commons at  2122 Sheridan Road
  • Foundations of Networking Monday, July 1 at 10:00 AM in TGS Commons at  2122 Sheridan Road
  • LinkedIn and Networking Monday, July 8 at 10:00 AM in TGS Commons at  2122 Sheridan Road
  • AI, Resumes, & You Monday, July 15 at 10:00 AM at  620 Lincoln Street  – Garden Level
  • Foundations of Interviewing Monday, July 22 at 10:00 AM at 620 Lincoln Street  – Garden Level
  • Salary Negotiation Monday, July 29 at 10:00 AM in TGS Commons at  2122 Sheridan Road

Please email Assistant Director of Career and Professional Development Aubrey Korneta with any questions.

Categories: Broad Interest, STEM, Humanities, Social Sciences


  1. Department of Economics

    economics phd northwestern

  2. Jacob Toner Gosselin

    economics phd northwestern

  3. Summer 2020 Newsletter : Department of Economics

    economics phd northwestern

  4. PhD Graduates: Department of Economics

    economics phd northwestern

  5. Graduate : Department of Economics

    economics phd northwestern

  6. Maria Betto

    economics phd northwestern


  1. PhD in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

  2. Columbia Economics Skit 2017

  3. The UCSC Genome Browser: Exploring Your Sequencing Data

  4. Applied Mathematics PhD Program: 2023-24 Virtual Information Session

  5. From PROTACs to Nanobodies to Exosomes: Keck Facility Services

  6. PHD


  1. Prospective Ph.D. Information: Department of Economics

    Northwestern's Ph.D. program in Economics owes its international reputation to an outstanding faculty, a well-organized program of study, extensive student-faculty interaction, and an excellent record of recruiting, training, and placing talented graduate students. In addition, the Department of Economics and the Finance Department in the ...

  2. Admissions: Department of Economics

    Please email [email protected] with any individual requests or concerns. The Department of Economics and The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern encourages underrepresented students to apply for admission to our doctoral program. The application will be available in September. The application deadline is January 4, 2024, 11:59pm CST

  3. Economics : The Graduate School

    Total Units Required: 9 of which at least six are at the 400 level. Additional Economics (300- or 400-level) courses approved for graduate credit, excluding ECON 310-1, ECON 310-2, ECON 311-0 and ECON 499-0. Students cannot double count classes to meet the requirements of the Economics MA and their PhD. If any of these classes are also used to ...

  4. Department of Economics

    Economics at Northwestern. Our world-class department owes its reputation to outstanding faculty dedicated to teaching and research, as well as engaged students who take advantage of learning opportunities in and beyond the classroom. The Economics major and minor are open to all undergraduates. The Ph.D. program has 125 students in residence.

  5. Economics PhD < Northwestern University

    Other PhD Degree Requirements. Examinations: satisfactory grades in each of the three core areas (microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics); oral examination for approval of dissertation prospectus. Research/Projects: two research papers presented in the student seminar ( ECON 501-0 Graduate Student Seminar) or equivalent.

  6. Graduate Students: Department of Economics

    Danil Fedchenko. Year 4. Research Field: Applied Microeconomics, Econometrics, Economics of Organizations, Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory Office location: KGH 3220 [email protected]

  7. Managerial Economics & Strategy

    The PhD program in Managerial Economics & Strategy (MECS), a program offered jointly by the Departments of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences (MEDS) and Strategy, emphasizes the use of rigorous theoretical and empirical models to solve problems in both theoretical and applied economics. A distinctive feature of the program is its focus on ...

  8. Frequently Asked Questions: Department of Economics

    Typically, the graduate school does not permit more than one application each year to graduate school at Northwestern. However, applicants who wish to pursue graduate education in an Economics-based program at Northwestern University, either in the Kellogg School of Management or Department of Economics, are permitted to submit one application for a primary or first choice PhD program while ...

  9. Managerial Economics and Strategy: The Graduate School

    The PhD program in Managerial Economics & Strategy (MECS), a program offered jointly by the Departments of Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences (MEDS) and Strategy, emphasizes the use of rigorous theoretical and empirical models to solve problems in both theoretical and applied economics. A distinctive feature of the program is its ...

  10. Doctoral Program

    Doctoral study is rigorous and immersive—but it is rewarding. In the Kellogg PhD program, you will master an academic discipline—economics, psychology, sociology, operations research, or data science—and apply that mastery to real world problems facing managers and policy makers. This discipline-based approach prepares you to challenge ...

  11. Faculty: Department of Economics

    Professor of Economics, Abraham Harris Professor of Education and Social Policy. Phone number: 847-491-8207. Office location: KGH 3433. [email protected].

  12. Financial Economics

    The Financial Economics PhD program is a joint degree offered through the Finance Department at the Kellogg School of Management and the Economics Department at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Students within Financial Economics will have access to a broad array of faculty across a variety of disciplines within economics, tapping ...

  13. Graduate Programs : Northwestern University

    Filter graduate and professional programs and certificates by personal interests or Northwestern school. You can dive into a potential program's specifics on its departmental website, linked below. Find what's next. Explore Northwestern University's graduate and professional programs for certificates, master's, and PhD degrees.

  14. Graduate : Department of Economics

    For prospective students. Located on a scenic lakefront campus in Evanston, just 12 miles north of downtown Chicago, Northwestern University offers the best features of small-town and large-city living. There is easy access by public transportation to the cultural, sporting and recreational opportunities in one of the world's greatest cities.

  15. PDF Economics

    An MA degree is only available to Economics PhD students who have successfully completed the first year of the doctoral program, to students enrolled in other doctoral programs at Northwestern, and to

  16. Financial Economics

    Financial Economics. The Financial Economics PhD program is a joint degree offered through the Finance Department at the Kellogg School of Management and the Economics Department at the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Students within Financial Economics will have access to a broad array of faculty across a variety of disciplines within ...

  17. Finance

    The Finance doctoral program trains students to apply empirical methods and theoretical tools to advance our understanding of how financial markets and institutions work, and how they may contribute to economic development. The program aims to produce scholars who develop rigorous and creative research in finance and economics. Students are ...

  18. Managerial Economics & Decision Sciences

    This research is taught in economics and political science departments across the world and is in leading PhD textbooks. Our MEDS faculty is world-renowned for research and teaching in microeconomics, game theory, political economy, decision theory, probability and statistics. Faculty in the MEDS department have won numerous research awards and ...

  19. Financial Economics: The Graduate School

    Degree Types: PhD. The PhD Program in Financial Economics is offered jointly by the Department of Economics in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and the Department of Finance in the Kellogg School of Management. The joint program requirements are a combination of those for the existing PhD programs in each departments.

  20. Kiminori Matsuyama, Northwestern University

    My office is KGH 3325 in Kellogg Global Hub. Telephone: 847-491-8490. Facsimile: 847-491-7001. e-mail: [email protected]. CURRICULUM VITAE. Vita updated on 2024/06/04 . LECTURE SLIDES. Note: The following slides, only occasionally revised, do not represent the content of my most recent graduate lectures.

  21. Dual Master's Degree in Applied Economics (CUHK) and Social and

    A pathbreaking dual-degree program—jointly designed by the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University and the Department of Economics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)—opens the door to the study of applied economics and its application to real-world policies in both Chinese and US contexts.

  22. Kellogg School of Management: Build Your Legacy

    PhD degree Doctoral Program  Become an expert in your field and apply that mastery to global, real-world problems. ... Northwestern University 2211 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208 847.491.3300. Contact Us  Maps & Directions ...

  23. JD/PhD Combined Degree Program

    The JD/PhD Combined Degree Program prepares students to conduct innovative research on law at the cross section of disciplines. Recognizing that a growing trend among top law schools is to hire faculty who have PhDs as well as law degrees, Northwestern offers the most efficient, cohesive, and affordable option for future academics wishing to ...

  24. Master's Degree Options

    A one-year program that advances the understanding and practice of teaching and learning through theory, design, socio-cultural aspects of learning, cognition, and research. Interest areas include the design of learning environments, educational technology, and research. Learn How to Apply. Application Deadline: January, March and May 2024.

  25. PDF ASHESH RAMBACHAN Email: asheshr@mit

    2017-2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Working Papers "Evaluating the World Model Implicit in a Generative Model" (with Justin Chen, Keyon Vafa, Jon ... (Economics); Northwestern (Economics); University College London (Economics); Bristol (Economics). 2022 Princeton (Economics); Microsoft Research New England ...

  26. Northwestern University

    ROSEMONT, Ill. - 89 Northwestern student-athletes earned Academic All-Big Ten honors, the conference announced on Wednesday. Northwestern's 89 Spring Academic All-Big Ten honorees brings its 2023-24 total to 278 student-athletes earning Academic All-Big Ten accolades, the 14th consecutive year that at least 200 Wildcat student-athletes have earned the distinction.

  27. PDF Curriculum Vitae MICHAEL WOODFORD June 2024 John Bates Clark Professor

    National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, Economics, 1980-83. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Prize Fellowship, 1981-86. National Science Foundation Research Grants, 1987-89, 1989-92, 1992-95, 1995-98, 1998-2001, ... Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics, Northwestern University, 2024. Professional Honors and Affiliations ...

  28. Register for the NCA Summer 2024 PhD Career Development Series

    Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA) will host a PhD summer career development series on Mondays from June 24 - July 29 at 10:00 AM on the Evanston campus. NCA hosts this series every Winter and Summer Quarter for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars as an introduction to common job search topics.