Two Tailed Test: Definition, Examples

Hypothesis Testing > Two Tailed Test

What is a Two Tailed Test?

two tailed test

A two tailed test tells you that you’re finding the area in the middle of a distribution. In other words, your rejection region (the place where you would reject the null hypothesis ) is in both tails.

For example, let’s say you were running a z test with an alpha level of 5% (0.05). In a one tailed test, the entire 5% would be in a single tail. But with a two tailed test, that 5% is split between the two tails, giving you 2.5% (0.025) in each tail.

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Two Tailed T Test


You may want to compare a sample mean to a given value of x with a t test . Let’s say your null hypothesis is that the mean is equal to 10 (μ = 10). A two tailed t test will test:

  • Is the mean greater than 10?
  • Is the mean less than 10?

If you choose an alpha level of 5%, and the f statistic is in the top 2.5% or bottom 2.5% of the probability distribution, then there is a significant difference in the means. That situation will also result in a p-value of less than 0.05. A small p-value gives you a reason to reject the null hypothesis .

Two tailed F test

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two tailed hypothesis test formula

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An f test tells you if two population variances are equal. A two tailed f test is the standard type of f test which will tell you if the variances are equal or not equal. The two tailed version of test will test if one variance is greater than, or less than, the other variance. This is in comparison to the one tailed f test , which is used when you only want to test if one variance is greater than the other or that one variance is less than the other (but not both).

Everitt, B. S.; Skrondal, A. (2010), The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics , Cambridge University Press. Gonick, L. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics . HarperPerennial.

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What Is a Two-Tailed Test?

Understanding a two-tailed test, special considerations, two-tailed vs. one-tailed test.

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What Is a Two-Tailed Test? Definition and Example

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

two tailed hypothesis test formula

Investopedia / Joules Garcia

A two-tailed test, in statistics, is a method in which the critical area of a distribution is two-sided and tests whether a sample is greater than or less than a certain range of values. It is used in null-hypothesis testing and testing for statistical significance . If the sample being tested falls into either of the critical areas, the alternative hypothesis is accepted instead of the null hypothesis.

Key Takeaways

  • In statistics, a two-tailed test is a method in which the critical area of a distribution is two-sided and tests whether a sample is greater or less than a range of values.
  • It is used in null-hypothesis testing and testing for statistical significance.
  • If the sample being tested falls into either of the critical areas, the alternative hypothesis is accepted instead of the null hypothesis.
  • By convention two-tailed tests are used to determine significance at the 5% level, meaning each side of the distribution is cut at 2.5%.

A basic concept of inferential statistics is hypothesis testing , which determines whether a claim is true or not given a population parameter. A hypothesis test that is designed to show whether the mean of a sample is significantly greater than and significantly less than the mean of a population is referred to as a two-tailed test. The two-tailed test gets its name from testing the area under both tails of a normal distribution , although the test can be used in other non-normal distributions.

A two-tailed test is designed to examine both sides of a specified data range as designated by the probability distribution involved. The probability distribution should represent the likelihood of a specified outcome based on predetermined standards. This requires the setting of a limit designating the highest (or upper) and lowest (or lower) accepted variable values included within the range. Any data point that exists above the upper limit or below the lower limit is considered out of the acceptance range and in an area referred to as the rejection range.

There is no inherent standard about the number of data points that must exist within the acceptance range. In instances where precision is required, such as in the creation of pharmaceutical drugs, a rejection rate of 0.001% or less may be instituted. In instances where precision is less critical, such as the number of food items in a product bag, a rejection rate of 5% may be appropriate.

A two-tailed test can also be used practically during certain production activities in a firm, such as with the production and packaging of candy at a particular facility. If the production facility designates 50 candies per bag as its goal, with an acceptable distribution of 45 to 55 candies, any bag found with an amount below 45 or above 55 is considered within the rejection range.

To confirm the packaging mechanisms are properly calibrated to meet the expected output, random sampling may be taken to confirm accuracy. A simple random sample takes a small, random portion of the entire population to represent the entire data set, where each member has an equal probability of being chosen.

For the packaging mechanisms to be considered accurate, an average of 50 candies per bag with an appropriate distribution is desired. Additionally, the number of bags that fall within the rejection range needs to fall within the probability distribution limit considered acceptable as an error rate. Here, the null hypothesis would be that the mean is 50 while the alternate hypothesis would be that it is not 50.

If, after conducting the two-tailed test, the z-score falls in the rejection region, meaning that the deviation is too far from the desired mean, then adjustments to the facility or associated equipment may be required to correct the error. Regular use of two-tailed testing methods can help ensure production stays within limits over the long term.

Be careful to note if a statistical test is one- or two-tailed as this will greatly influence a model's interpretation.

When a hypothesis test is set up to show that the sample mean would be only higher than the population mean, this is referred to as a  one-tailed test . A formulation of this hypothesis would be, for example, that "the returns on an investment fund would be  at least  x%." One-tailed tests could also be set up to show that the sample mean could be only less than the population mean. The key difference from a two-tailed test is that in a two-tailed test, the sample mean could be different from the population mean by being  either  higher or lower than it.

If the sample being tested falls into the one-sided critical area, the alternative hypothesis will be accepted instead of the null hypothesis. A one-tailed test is also known as a directional hypothesis or directional test.

A two-tailed test, on the other hand, is designed to examine both sides of a specified data range to test whether a sample is greater than or less than the range of values.

Example of a Two-Tailed Test

As a hypothetical example, imagine that a new  stockbroker , named XYZ, claims that their brokerage fees are lower than that of your current stockbroker, ABC) Data available from an independent research firm indicates that the mean and standard deviation of all ABC broker clients are $18 and $6, respectively.

A sample of 100 clients of ABC is taken, and brokerage charges are calculated with the new rates of XYZ broker. If the mean of the sample is $18.75 and the sample standard deviation is $6, can any inference be made about the difference in the average brokerage bill between ABC and XYZ broker?

  • H 0 : Null Hypothesis: mean = 18
  • H 1 : Alternative Hypothesis: mean <> 18 (This is what we want to prove.)
  • Rejection region: Z <= - Z 2.5  and Z>=Z 2.5  (assuming 5% significance level, split 2.5 each on either side).
  • Z = (sample mean – mean) / (std-dev / sqrt (no. of samples)) = (18.75 – 18) / (6/(sqrt(100)) = 1.25

This calculated Z value falls between the two limits defined by: - Z 2.5  = -1.96 and Z 2.5  = 1.96.

This concludes that there is insufficient evidence to infer that there is any difference between the rates of your existing broker and the new broker. Therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. Alternatively, the p-value = P(Z< -1.25)+P(Z >1.25) = 2 * 0.1056 = 0.2112 = 21.12%, which is greater than 0.05 or 5%, leads to the same conclusion.

How Is a Two-Tailed Test Designed?

A two-tailed test is designed to determine whether a claim is true or not given a population parameter. It examines both sides of a specified data range as designated by the probability distribution involved. As such, the probability distribution should represent the likelihood of a specified outcome based on predetermined standards.

What Is the Difference Between a Two-Tailed and One-Tailed Test?

A two-tailed hypothesis test is designed to show whether the sample mean is significantly greater than  or  significantly less than the mean of a population. The two-tailed test gets its name from testing the area under both tails (sides) of a normal distribution. A one-tailed hypothesis test, on the other hand, is set up to show only one test; that the sample mean would be higher than the population mean, or, in a separate test, that the sample mean would be lower than the population mean.

What Is a Z-score?

A Z-score numerically describes a value's relationship to the mean of a group of values and is measured in terms of the number of standard deviations from the mean. If a Z-score is 0, it indicates that the data point's score is identical to the mean score whereas Z-scores of 1.0 and -1.0 would indicate values one standard deviation above or below the mean. In most large data sets, 99% of values have a Z-score between -3 and 3, meaning they lie within three standard deviations above and below the mean.

San Jose State University. " 6: Introduction to Null Hypothesis Significance Testing ."

two tailed hypothesis test formula

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4.2 Two-tailed tests

Hypotheses that have an equal (=) or not equal (≠) supposition (sign) in the statement are called non-directional hypotheses . In non-directional hypotheses, the researcher is interested in whether there is a statistically significant difference or relationship between two or more variables, but does not have any specific expectation about which group or variable will be higher or lower. For example, a non-directional hypothesis might be: ‘There is a difference in the preference for brand X between male and female consumers.’ In this hypothesis, the researcher is interested in whether there is a statistically significant difference in the preference for brand X between male and female consumers, but does not have a specific prediction about which gender will have a higher preference. The researcher may conduct a survey or experiment to collect data on the brand preference of male and female consumers and then use statistical analysis to determine whether there is a significant difference between the two groups.

Non-directional hypotheses are also known as two-tailed hypotheses. The term ‘two-tailed’ comes from the fact that the statistical test used to evaluate the hypothesis is based on the assumption that the difference or relationship could occur in either direction, resulting in two ‘tails’ in the probability distribution. Using the coffee foam example (from Activity 1), you have the following set of hypotheses:

H 0 : µ = 1cm foam

H a : µ ≠ 1cm foam

In this case, the researcher can reject the null hypothesis for the mean value that is either ‘much higher’ or ‘much lower’ than 1 cm foam. This is called a two-tailed test because the rejection region includes outcomes from both the upper and lower tails of the sample distribution when determining a decision rule. To give an illustration, if you set alpha level (α) equal to 0.05, that would give you a 95% confidence level. Then, you would reject the null hypothesis for obtained values of z < 1.96 and z > 1.96 (you will look at how to calculate z-scores later in the course).

This can be plotted on a graph as shown in Figure 7.

A two-tailed test shown in a symmetrical graph reminiscent of a bell

A symmetrical graph reminiscent of a bell. The x-axis is labelled ‘z-score’ and the y-axis is labelled ‘probability density’. The x-axis increases in increments of 1 from -2 to 2.

The top of the bell-shaped curve is labelled ‘Foam height = 1cm’. The graph circles the rejection regions of the null hypothesis on both sides of the bell curve. Within these circles are two areas shaded orange: beneath the curve from -2 downwards which is labelled z < -1.96 and α = 0.025; and beneath the curve from 2 upwards which is labelled z > 1.96 and α = 0.025.

In a two-tailed hypothesis test, the null hypothesis assumes that there is no significant difference or relationship between the two groups or variables, and the alternative hypothesis suggests that there is a significant difference or relationship, but does not specify the direction of the difference or relationship.

When performing a two-tailed test, you need to determine the level of significance, which is denoted by alpha (α). The value of alpha, in this case, is 0.05. To perform a two-tailed test at a significance level of 0.05, you need to divide alpha by 2, giving a significance level of 0.025 for each distribution tail (0.05/2 = 0.025). This is done because the two-tailed test is looking for significance in either tail of the distribution. If the calculated test statistic falls in the rejection region of either tail of the distribution, then the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. In this case, the researcher can conclude that there is a significant difference or relationship between the two groups or variables.

Assuming that the population follows a normal distribution, the tail located below the critical value of z = –1.96 (in a later section, you will discuss how this value was determined) and the tail above the critical value of z = +1.96 each represent a proportion of 0.025. These tails are referred to as the lower and upper tails, respectively, and they correspond to the extreme values of the distribution that are far from the central part of the bell curve. These critical values are used in a two-tailed hypothesis test to determine whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis represents the default assumption that there is no significant difference between the observed data and what would be expected under a specific condition.

If the calculated test statistic falls within the critical values, then the null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the 0.05 level of significance. However, if the calculated test statistic falls outside the critical values (orange-coloured areas in Figure 7), then the null hypothesis can be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis, suggesting that there is evidence of a significant difference between the observed data and what would be expected under the specified condition.


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Two-Tailed z-test Hypothesis Test By Hand

Running a Two-Tailed z-test Hypothesis Test by Hand

HOW TO Video z-test Using Excel

Suppose it is up to you to determine if a certain state (Michigan) receives a significantly different amount of public school funding (per student) than the USA average. You know that the USA mean public school yearly funding is $6800 per student per year, with a standard deviation of $400.

Next, suppose you collect a sample (n = 100) from Michigan and determine that the sample mean for Michigan (per student per year) is $6873

Use the z-test and the correct Ho and Ha to run a hypothesis test to determine if Michigan receives a significantly different amount of funding for public school education (per student per year).

NOTE: This entire example works the same way if you have a dataset. Using the dataset, you would need to first calculate the sample mean. To run a z-test, it is generally expected that you have a larger sample size (30 or more) and that you have information about the population mean and standard deviation. If you do not have this information, it is sometimes best to use the t-test.

Step 1: Set up your hypothesis

Hypothesis: The mean per student per year funding in Michigan is significantly different than the average per student per year funding over the entire USA.

Step 2: Create Ho and Ha

NOTE: There are many ways to write out Ho.

Ho: mean per student per year funding for Michigan = mean per student per year funding for the USA

This can also be written as the following. Ho: Michigan mean – Population mean = 0

Ha: mean per student per year funding for Michigan ≠ mean per student per year funding for the USA

NOTICE1: The Ha in this example is TWO-TAILED because we are interested in seeing if Michigan is significantly different than the population mean. In a two-tailed test, the Ha contains a NOT EQUAL and the test will see if there is a significant difference (greater or smaller).

NOTICE2: The Ho is the null hypothesis and so always contains the equal sign as it is the case for which there is no significant difference between the two groups.

Step 3: Calculate the z-test statistic

Now, calculate the test statistic. In this example, we are using the z-test and are doing this by hand. However, there are many applications that run such tests. This Site has several examples under the Stats Apps link.

z = (sample mean – population mean) / [population standard deviation/sqrt(n)]

z = (6873 – 6800) / [400/sqrt(100)]

z = 73 / [400/10]

z = 73/ [40]

So, the z-test result, also called the test statistic is 1.825.

Step 4: Using the z-table, determine the rejection regions for you z-test. To do this, you must first select an alpha value . The alpha value is the percentage chance that you will reject the null (choose to go with your Ha research hypothesis as you conclusion) when in fact the Ho really true (and your research Ha should not be selected). This is also called a Type I error (choosing Ha when Ho is actually correct).

The smaller the alpha, the smaller the percentage of error, BUT the smaller the rejection regions and more difficult to reject Ho.

Most research uses alpha at .05, which creates only a 5% chance of Type I error. However, in cases such as medical research, the alpha is set much smaller.

In our case, we will use alpha = .05

This is TWO-TAILED test, therefore the rejection regions are denoted by + or – 1.96.

HOW TO Find Critical Values and Rejection Regions

NOTE: From the z-table, the critical values for a two-tailed z-test at alpha = .05 is +/- 1.96

Step 5: Create a conclusion

Our z-test result is 1.825

Because 1.825 < 1.96 it is NOT inside the rejection region.

Recall that the rejection regions for a two tailed test with alpha set to .05 is any value above 1.96 OR any value below – 1.96. Because 1.825 is not above 1.96 or below -1.96, it is NOT in the rejection region.

Therefore, this result is NOT significant. We CANNOT reject Ho. We CANNOT conclude that there is a significant difference between the funding for Michigan and the average funding for the USA.

Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis testing is a tool for making statistical inferences about the population data. It is an analysis tool that tests assumptions and determines how likely something is within a given standard of accuracy. Hypothesis testing provides a way to verify whether the results of an experiment are valid.

A null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis are set up before performing the hypothesis testing. This helps to arrive at a conclusion regarding the sample obtained from the population. In this article, we will learn more about hypothesis testing, its types, steps to perform the testing, and associated examples.


What is Hypothesis Testing in Statistics?

Hypothesis testing uses sample data from the population to draw useful conclusions regarding the population probability distribution . It tests an assumption made about the data using different types of hypothesis testing methodologies. The hypothesis testing results in either rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis.

Hypothesis Testing Definition

Hypothesis testing can be defined as a statistical tool that is used to identify if the results of an experiment are meaningful or not. It involves setting up a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. These two hypotheses will always be mutually exclusive. This means that if the null hypothesis is true then the alternative hypothesis is false and vice versa. An example of hypothesis testing is setting up a test to check if a new medicine works on a disease in a more efficient manner.

Null Hypothesis

The null hypothesis is a concise mathematical statement that is used to indicate that there is no difference between two possibilities. In other words, there is no difference between certain characteristics of data. This hypothesis assumes that the outcomes of an experiment are based on chance alone. It is denoted as \(H_{0}\). Hypothesis testing is used to conclude if the null hypothesis can be rejected or not. Suppose an experiment is conducted to check if girls are shorter than boys at the age of 5. The null hypothesis will say that they are the same height.

Alternative Hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis is an alternative to the null hypothesis. It is used to show that the observations of an experiment are due to some real effect. It indicates that there is a statistical significance between two possible outcomes and can be denoted as \(H_{1}\) or \(H_{a}\). For the above-mentioned example, the alternative hypothesis would be that girls are shorter than boys at the age of 5.

Hypothesis Testing P Value

In hypothesis testing, the p value is used to indicate whether the results obtained after conducting a test are statistically significant or not. It also indicates the probability of making an error in rejecting or not rejecting the null hypothesis.This value is always a number between 0 and 1. The p value is compared to an alpha level, \(\alpha\) or significance level. The alpha level can be defined as the acceptable risk of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis. The alpha level is usually chosen between 1% to 5%.

Hypothesis Testing Critical region

All sets of values that lead to rejecting the null hypothesis lie in the critical region. Furthermore, the value that separates the critical region from the non-critical region is known as the critical value.

Hypothesis Testing Formula

Depending upon the type of data available and the size, different types of hypothesis testing are used to determine whether the null hypothesis can be rejected or not. The hypothesis testing formula for some important test statistics are given below:

  • z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\). \(\overline{x}\) is the sample mean, \(\mu\) is the population mean, \(\sigma\) is the population standard deviation and n is the size of the sample.
  • t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\). s is the sample standard deviation.
  • \(\chi ^{2} = \sum \frac{(O_{i}-E_{i})^{2}}{E_{i}}\). \(O_{i}\) is the observed value and \(E_{i}\) is the expected value.

We will learn more about these test statistics in the upcoming section.

Types of Hypothesis Testing

Selecting the correct test for performing hypothesis testing can be confusing. These tests are used to determine a test statistic on the basis of which the null hypothesis can either be rejected or not rejected. Some of the important tests used for hypothesis testing are given below.

Hypothesis Testing Z Test

A z test is a way of hypothesis testing that is used for a large sample size (n ≥ 30). It is used to determine whether there is a difference between the population mean and the sample mean when the population standard deviation is known. It can also be used to compare the mean of two samples. It is used to compute the z test statistic. The formulas are given as follows:

  • One sample: z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\).
  • Two samples: z = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

Hypothesis Testing t Test

The t test is another method of hypothesis testing that is used for a small sample size (n < 30). It is also used to compare the sample mean and population mean. However, the population standard deviation is not known. Instead, the sample standard deviation is known. The mean of two samples can also be compared using the t test.

  • One sample: t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\).
  • Two samples: t = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{s_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{s_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

Hypothesis Testing Chi Square

The Chi square test is a hypothesis testing method that is used to check whether the variables in a population are independent or not. It is used when the test statistic is chi-squared distributed.

One Tailed Hypothesis Testing

One tailed hypothesis testing is done when the rejection region is only in one direction. It can also be known as directional hypothesis testing because the effects can be tested in one direction only. This type of testing is further classified into the right tailed test and left tailed test.

Right Tailed Hypothesis Testing

The right tail test is also known as the upper tail test. This test is used to check whether the population parameter is greater than some value. The null and alternative hypotheses for this test are given as follows:

\(H_{0}\): The population parameter is ≤ some value

\(H_{1}\): The population parameter is > some value.

If the test statistic has a greater value than the critical value then the null hypothesis is rejected

Right Tail Hypothesis Testing

Left Tailed Hypothesis Testing

The left tail test is also known as the lower tail test. It is used to check whether the population parameter is less than some value. The hypotheses for this hypothesis testing can be written as follows:

\(H_{0}\): The population parameter is ≥ some value

\(H_{1}\): The population parameter is < some value.

The null hypothesis is rejected if the test statistic has a value lesser than the critical value.

Left Tail Hypothesis Testing

Two Tailed Hypothesis Testing

In this hypothesis testing method, the critical region lies on both sides of the sampling distribution. It is also known as a non - directional hypothesis testing method. The two-tailed test is used when it needs to be determined if the population parameter is assumed to be different than some value. The hypotheses can be set up as follows:

\(H_{0}\): the population parameter = some value

\(H_{1}\): the population parameter ≠ some value

The null hypothesis is rejected if the test statistic has a value that is not equal to the critical value.

Two Tail Hypothesis Testing

Hypothesis Testing Steps

Hypothesis testing can be easily performed in five simple steps. The most important step is to correctly set up the hypotheses and identify the right method for hypothesis testing. The basic steps to perform hypothesis testing are as follows:

  • Step 1: Set up the null hypothesis by correctly identifying whether it is the left-tailed, right-tailed, or two-tailed hypothesis testing.
  • Step 2: Set up the alternative hypothesis.
  • Step 3: Choose the correct significance level, \(\alpha\), and find the critical value.
  • Step 4: Calculate the correct test statistic (z, t or \(\chi\)) and p-value.
  • Step 5: Compare the test statistic with the critical value or compare the p-value with \(\alpha\) to arrive at a conclusion. In other words, decide if the null hypothesis is to be rejected or not.

Hypothesis Testing Example

The best way to solve a problem on hypothesis testing is by applying the 5 steps mentioned in the previous section. Suppose a researcher claims that the mean average weight of men is greater than 100kgs with a standard deviation of 15kgs. 30 men are chosen with an average weight of 112.5 Kgs. Using hypothesis testing, check if there is enough evidence to support the researcher's claim. The confidence interval is given as 95%.

Step 1: This is an example of a right-tailed test. Set up the null hypothesis as \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 100.

Step 2: The alternative hypothesis is given by \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) > 100.

Step 3: As this is a one-tailed test, \(\alpha\) = 100% - 95% = 5%. This can be used to determine the critical value.

1 - \(\alpha\) = 1 - 0.05 = 0.95

0.95 gives the required area under the curve. Now using a normal distribution table, the area 0.95 is at z = 1.645. A similar process can be followed for a t-test. The only additional requirement is to calculate the degrees of freedom given by n - 1.

Step 4: Calculate the z test statistic. This is because the sample size is 30. Furthermore, the sample and population means are known along with the standard deviation.

z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\).

\(\mu\) = 100, \(\overline{x}\) = 112.5, n = 30, \(\sigma\) = 15

z = \(\frac{112.5-100}{\frac{15}{\sqrt{30}}}\) = 4.56

Step 5: Conclusion. As 4.56 > 1.645 thus, the null hypothesis can be rejected.

Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals

Confidence intervals form an important part of hypothesis testing. This is because the alpha level can be determined from a given confidence interval. Suppose a confidence interval is given as 95%. Subtract the confidence interval from 100%. This gives 100 - 95 = 5% or 0.05. This is the alpha value of a one-tailed hypothesis testing. To obtain the alpha value for a two-tailed hypothesis testing, divide this value by 2. This gives 0.05 / 2 = 0.025.

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Important Notes on Hypothesis Testing

  • Hypothesis testing is a technique that is used to verify whether the results of an experiment are statistically significant.
  • It involves the setting up of a null hypothesis and an alternate hypothesis.
  • There are three types of tests that can be conducted under hypothesis testing - z test, t test, and chi square test.
  • Hypothesis testing can be classified as right tail, left tail, and two tail tests.

Examples on Hypothesis Testing

  • Example 1: The average weight of a dumbbell in a gym is 90lbs. However, a physical trainer believes that the average weight might be higher. A random sample of 5 dumbbells with an average weight of 110lbs and a standard deviation of 18lbs. Using hypothesis testing check if the physical trainer's claim can be supported for a 95% confidence level. Solution: As the sample size is lesser than 30, the t-test is used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 90, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) > 90 \(\overline{x}\) = 110, \(\mu\) = 90, n = 5, s = 18. \(\alpha\) = 0.05 Using the t-distribution table, the critical value is 2.132 t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\) t = 2.484 As 2.484 > 2.132, the null hypothesis is rejected. Answer: The average weight of the dumbbells may be greater than 90lbs
  • Example 2: The average score on a test is 80 with a standard deviation of 10. With a new teaching curriculum introduced it is believed that this score will change. On random testing, the score of 38 students, the mean was found to be 88. With a 0.05 significance level, is there any evidence to support this claim? Solution: This is an example of two-tail hypothesis testing. The z test will be used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 80, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) ≠ 80 \(\overline{x}\) = 88, \(\mu\) = 80, n = 36, \(\sigma\) = 10. \(\alpha\) = 0.05 / 2 = 0.025 The critical value using the normal distribution table is 1.96 z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\) z = \(\frac{88-80}{\frac{10}{\sqrt{36}}}\) = 4.8 As 4.8 > 1.96, the null hypothesis is rejected. Answer: There is a difference in the scores after the new curriculum was introduced.
  • Example 3: The average score of a class is 90. However, a teacher believes that the average score might be lower. The scores of 6 students were randomly measured. The mean was 82 with a standard deviation of 18. With a 0.05 significance level use hypothesis testing to check if this claim is true. Solution: The t test will be used. \(H_{0}\): \(\mu\) = 90, \(H_{1}\): \(\mu\) < 90 \(\overline{x}\) = 110, \(\mu\) = 90, n = 6, s = 18 The critical value from the t table is -2.015 t = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}}\) t = \(\frac{82-90}{\frac{18}{\sqrt{6}}}\) t = -1.088 As -1.088 > -2.015, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Answer: There is not enough evidence to support the claim.

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FAQs on Hypothesis Testing

What is hypothesis testing.

Hypothesis testing in statistics is a tool that is used to make inferences about the population data. It is also used to check if the results of an experiment are valid.

What is the z Test in Hypothesis Testing?

The z test in hypothesis testing is used to find the z test statistic for normally distributed data . The z test is used when the standard deviation of the population is known and the sample size is greater than or equal to 30.

What is the t Test in Hypothesis Testing?

The t test in hypothesis testing is used when the data follows a student t distribution . It is used when the sample size is less than 30 and standard deviation of the population is not known.

What is the formula for z test in Hypothesis Testing?

The formula for a one sample z test in hypothesis testing is z = \(\frac{\overline{x}-\mu}{\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}}\) and for two samples is z = \(\frac{(\overline{x_{1}}-\overline{x_{2}})-(\mu_{1}-\mu_{2})}{\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_{1}^{2}}{n_{1}}+\frac{\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n_{2}}}}\).

What is the p Value in Hypothesis Testing?

The p value helps to determine if the test results are statistically significant or not. In hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis can either be rejected or not rejected based on the comparison between the p value and the alpha level.

What is One Tail Hypothesis Testing?

When the rejection region is only on one side of the distribution curve then it is known as one tail hypothesis testing. The right tail test and the left tail test are two types of directional hypothesis testing.

What is the Alpha Level in Two Tail Hypothesis Testing?

To get the alpha level in a two tail hypothesis testing divide \(\alpha\) by 2. This is done as there are two rejection regions in the curve.

t-test Calculator

Table of contents

Welcome to our t-test calculator! Here you can not only easily perform one-sample t-tests , but also two-sample t-tests , as well as paired t-tests .

Do you prefer to find the p-value from t-test, or would you rather find the t-test critical values? Well, this t-test calculator can do both! 😊

What does a t-test tell you? Take a look at the text below, where we explain what actually gets tested when various types of t-tests are performed. Also, we explain when to use t-tests (in particular, whether to use the z-test vs. t-test) and what assumptions your data should satisfy for the results of a t-test to be valid. If you've ever wanted to know how to do a t-test by hand, we provide the necessary t-test formula, as well as tell you how to determine the number of degrees of freedom in a t-test.

When to use a t-test?

A t-test is one of the most popular statistical tests for location , i.e., it deals with the population(s) mean value(s).

There are different types of t-tests that you can perform:

  • A one-sample t-test;
  • A two-sample t-test; and
  • A paired t-test.

In the next section , we explain when to use which. Remember that a t-test can only be used for one or two groups . If you need to compare three (or more) means, use the analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) method.

The t-test is a parametric test, meaning that your data has to fulfill some assumptions :

  • The data points are independent; AND
  • The data, at least approximately, follow a normal distribution .

If your sample doesn't fit these assumptions, you can resort to nonparametric alternatives. Visit our Mann–Whitney U test calculator or the Wilcoxon rank-sum test calculator to learn more. Other possibilities include the Wilcoxon signed-rank test or the sign test.

Which t-test?

Your choice of t-test depends on whether you are studying one group or two groups:

One sample t-test

Choose the one-sample t-test to check if the mean of a population is equal to some pre-set hypothesized value .

The average volume of a drink sold in 0.33 l cans — is it really equal to 330 ml?

The average weight of people from a specific city — is it different from the national average?

Two-sample t-test

Choose the two-sample t-test to check if the difference between the means of two populations is equal to some pre-determined value when the two samples have been chosen independently of each other.

In particular, you can use this test to check whether the two groups are different from one another .

The average difference in weight gain in two groups of people: one group was on a high-carb diet and the other on a high-fat diet.

The average difference in the results of a math test from students at two different universities.

This test is sometimes referred to as an independent samples t-test , or an unpaired samples t-test .

Paired t-test

A paired t-test is used to investigate the change in the mean of a population before and after some experimental intervention , based on a paired sample, i.e., when each subject has been measured twice: before and after treatment.

In particular, you can use this test to check whether, on average, the treatment has had any effect on the population .

The change in student test performance before and after taking a course.

The change in blood pressure in patients before and after administering some drug.

How to do a t-test?

So, you've decided which t-test to perform. These next steps will tell you how to calculate the p-value from t-test or its critical values, and then which decision to make about the null hypothesis.

Decide on the alternative hypothesis :

Use a two-tailed t-test if you only care whether the population's mean (or, in the case of two populations, the difference between the populations' means) agrees or disagrees with the pre-set value.

Use a one-tailed t-test if you want to test whether this mean (or difference in means) is greater/less than the pre-set value.

Compute your T-score value :

Formulas for the test statistic in t-tests include the sample size , as well as its mean and standard deviation . The exact formula depends on the t-test type — check the sections dedicated to each particular test for more details.

Determine the degrees of freedom for the t-test:

The degrees of freedom are the number of observations in a sample that are free to vary as we estimate statistical parameters. In the simplest case, the number of degrees of freedom equals your sample size minus the number of parameters you need to estimate . Again, the exact formula depends on the t-test you want to perform — check the sections below for details.

The degrees of freedom are essential, as they determine the distribution followed by your T-score (under the null hypothesis). If there are d degrees of freedom, then the distribution of the test statistics is the t-Student distribution with d degrees of freedom . This distribution has a shape similar to N(0,1) (bell-shaped and symmetric) but has heavier tails . If the number of degrees of freedom is large (>30), which generically happens for large samples, the t-Student distribution is practically indistinguishable from N(0,1).

💡 The t-Student distribution owes its name to William Sealy Gosset, who, in 1908, published his paper on the t-test under the pseudonym "Student". Gosset worked at the famous Guinness Brewery in Dublin, Ireland, and devised the t-test as an economical way to monitor the quality of beer. Cheers! 🍺🍺🍺

p-value from t-test

Recall that the p-value is the probability (calculated under the assumption that the null hypothesis is true) that the test statistic will produce values at least as extreme as the T-score produced for your sample . As probabilities correspond to areas under the density function, p-value from t-test can be nicely illustrated with the help of the following pictures:

p-value from t-test

The following formulae say how to calculate p-value from t-test. By cdf t,d we denote the cumulative distribution function of the t-Student distribution with d degrees of freedom:

p-value from left-tailed t-test:

p-value = cdf t,d (t score )

p-value from right-tailed t-test:

p-value = 1 − cdf t,d (t score )

p-value from two-tailed t-test:

p-value = 2 × cdf t,d (−|t score |)

or, equivalently: p-value = 2 − 2 × cdf t,d (|t score |)

However, the cdf of the t-distribution is given by a somewhat complicated formula. To find the p-value by hand, you would need to resort to statistical tables, where approximate cdf values are collected, or to specialized statistical software. Fortunately, our t-test calculator determines the p-value from t-test for you in the blink of an eye!

t-test critical values

Recall, that in the critical values approach to hypothesis testing, you need to set a significance level, α, before computing the critical values , which in turn give rise to critical regions (a.k.a. rejection regions).

Formulas for critical values employ the quantile function of t-distribution, i.e., the inverse of the cdf :

Critical value for left-tailed t-test: cdf t,d -1 (α)

critical region:

(-∞, cdf t,d -1 (α)]

Critical value for right-tailed t-test: cdf t,d -1 (1-α)

[cdf t,d -1 (1-α), ∞)

Critical values for two-tailed t-test: ±cdf t,d -1 (1-α/2)

(-∞, -cdf t,d -1 (1-α/2)] ∪ [cdf t,d -1 (1-α/2), ∞)

To decide the fate of the null hypothesis, just check if your T-score lies within the critical region:

If your T-score belongs to the critical region , reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

If your T-score is outside the critical region , then you don't have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

How to use our t-test calculator

Choose the type of t-test you wish to perform:

A one-sample t-test (to test the mean of a single group against a hypothesized mean);

A two-sample t-test (to compare the means for two groups); or

A paired t-test (to check how the mean from the same group changes after some intervention).


Left-tailed; or


This t-test calculator allows you to use either the p-value approach or the critical regions approach to hypothesis testing!

Enter your T-score and the number of degrees of freedom . If you don't know them, provide some data about your sample(s): sample size, mean, and standard deviation, and our t-test calculator will compute the T-score and degrees of freedom for you .

Once all the parameters are present, the p-value, or critical region, will immediately appear underneath the t-test calculator, along with an interpretation!

One-sample t-test

The null hypothesis is that the population mean is equal to some value μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ .

The alternative hypothesis is that the population mean is:

  • different from μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ ;
  • smaller than μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ ; or
  • greater than μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ .

One-sample t-test formula :

  • μ 0 \mu_0 μ 0 ​ — Mean postulated in the null hypothesis;
  • n n n — Sample size;
  • x ˉ \bar{x} x ˉ — Sample mean; and
  • s s s — Sample standard deviation.

Number of degrees of freedom in t-test (one-sample) = n − 1 n-1 n − 1 .

The null hypothesis is that the actual difference between these groups' means, μ 1 \mu_1 μ 1 ​ , and μ 2 \mu_2 μ 2 ​ , is equal to some pre-set value, Δ \Delta Δ .

The alternative hypothesis is that the difference μ 1 − μ 2 \mu_1 - \mu_2 μ 1 ​ − μ 2 ​ is:

  • Different from Δ \Delta Δ ;
  • Smaller than Δ \Delta Δ ; or
  • Greater than Δ \Delta Δ .

In particular, if this pre-determined difference is zero ( Δ = 0 \Delta = 0 Δ = 0 ):

The null hypothesis is that the population means are equal.

The alternate hypothesis is that the population means are:

  • μ 1 \mu_1 μ 1 ​ and μ 2 \mu_2 μ 2 ​ are different from one another;
  • μ 1 \mu_1 μ 1 ​ is smaller than μ 2 \mu_2 μ 2 ​ ; and
  • μ 1 \mu_1 μ 1 ​ is greater than μ 2 \mu_2 μ 2 ​ .

Formally, to perform a t-test, we should additionally assume that the variances of the two populations are equal (this assumption is called the homogeneity of variance ).

There is a version of a t-test that can be applied without the assumption of homogeneity of variance: it is called a Welch's t-test . For your convenience, we describe both versions.

Two-sample t-test if variances are equal

Use this test if you know that the two populations' variances are the same (or very similar).

Two-sample t-test formula (with equal variances) :

where s p s_p s p ​ is the so-called pooled standard deviation , which we compute as:

  • Δ \Delta Δ — Mean difference postulated in the null hypothesis;
  • n 1 n_1 n 1 ​ — First sample size;
  • x ˉ 1 \bar{x}_1 x ˉ 1 ​ — Mean for the first sample;
  • s 1 s_1 s 1 ​ — Standard deviation in the first sample;
  • n 2 n_2 n 2 ​ — Second sample size;
  • x ˉ 2 \bar{x}_2 x ˉ 2 ​ — Mean for the second sample; and
  • s 2 s_2 s 2 ​ — Standard deviation in the second sample.

Number of degrees of freedom in t-test (two samples, equal variances) = n 1 + n 2 − 2 n_1 + n_2 - 2 n 1 ​ + n 2 ​ − 2 .

Two-sample t-test if variances are unequal (Welch's t-test)

Use this test if the variances of your populations are different.

Two-sample Welch's t-test formula if variances are unequal:

  • s 1 s_1 s 1 ​ — Standard deviation in the first sample;
  • s 2 s_2 s 2 ​ — Standard deviation in the second sample.

The number of degrees of freedom in a Welch's t-test (two-sample t-test with unequal variances) is very difficult to count. We can approximate it with the help of the following Satterthwaite formula :

Alternatively, you can take the smaller of n 1 − 1 n_1 - 1 n 1 ​ − 1 and n 2 − 1 n_2 - 1 n 2 ​ − 1 as a conservative estimate for the number of degrees of freedom.

🔎 The Satterthwaite formula for the degrees of freedom can be rewritten as a scaled weighted harmonic mean of the degrees of freedom of the respective samples: n 1 − 1 n_1 - 1 n 1 ​ − 1 and n 2 − 1 n_2 - 1 n 2 ​ − 1 , and the weights are proportional to the standard deviations of the corresponding samples.

As we commonly perform a paired t-test when we have data about the same subjects measured twice (before and after some treatment), let us adopt the convention of referring to the samples as the pre-group and post-group.

The null hypothesis is that the true difference between the means of pre- and post-populations is equal to some pre-set value, Δ \Delta Δ .

The alternative hypothesis is that the actual difference between these means is:

Typically, this pre-determined difference is zero. We can then reformulate the hypotheses as follows:

The null hypothesis is that the pre- and post-means are the same, i.e., the treatment has no impact on the population .

The alternative hypothesis:

  • The pre- and post-means are different from one another (treatment has some effect);
  • The pre-mean is smaller than the post-mean (treatment increases the result); or
  • The pre-mean is greater than the post-mean (treatment decreases the result).

Paired t-test formula

In fact, a paired t-test is technically the same as a one-sample t-test! Let us see why it is so. Let x 1 , . . . , x n x_1, ... , x_n x 1 ​ , ... , x n ​ be the pre observations and y 1 , . . . , y n y_1, ... , y_n y 1 ​ , ... , y n ​ the respective post observations. That is, x i , y i x_i, y_i x i ​ , y i ​ are the before and after measurements of the i -th subject.

For each subject, compute the difference, d i : = x i − y i d_i := x_i - y_i d i ​ := x i ​ − y i ​ . All that happens next is just a one-sample t-test performed on the sample of differences d 1 , . . . , d n d_1, ... , d_n d 1 ​ , ... , d n ​ . Take a look at the formula for the T-score :

Δ \Delta Δ — Mean difference postulated in the null hypothesis;

n n n — Size of the sample of differences, i.e., the number of pairs;

x ˉ \bar{x} x ˉ — Mean of the sample of differences; and

s s s  — Standard deviation of the sample of differences.

Number of degrees of freedom in t-test (paired): n − 1 n - 1 n − 1

t-test vs Z-test

We use a Z-test when we want to test the population mean of a normally distributed dataset, which has a known population variance . If the number of degrees of freedom is large, then the t-Student distribution is very close to N(0,1).

Hence, if there are many data points (at least 30), you may swap a t-test for a Z-test, and the results will be almost identical. However, for small samples with unknown variance, remember to use the t-test because, in such cases, the t-Student distribution differs significantly from the N(0,1)!

🙋 Have you concluded you need to perform the z-test? Head straight to our z-test calculator !

What is a t-test?

A t-test is a widely used statistical test that analyzes the means of one or two groups of data. For instance, a t-test is performed on medical data to determine whether a new drug really helps.

What are different types of t-tests?

Different types of t-tests are:

  • One-sample t-test;
  • Two-sample t-test; and
  • Paired t-test.

How to find the t value in a one sample t-test?

To find the t-value:

  • Subtract the null hypothesis mean from the sample mean value.
  • Divide the difference by the standard deviation of the sample.
  • Multiply the resultant with the square root of the sample size.

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Choose test type

t-test for the population mean, μ, based on one independent sample . Null hypothesis H 0 : μ = μ 0  

Alternative hypothesis H 1

Test details

Significance level α

The probability that we reject a true H 0 (type I error).

Degrees of freedom

Calculated as sample size minus one.

Test results

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Statistics By Jim

Making statistics intuitive

Test Statistic: Definition, Types & Formulas

By Jim Frost 10 Comments

What is a Test Statistic?

A test statistic assesses how consistent your sample data are with the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test. Test statistic calculations take your sample data and boil them down to a single number that quantifies how much your sample diverges from the null hypothesis. As a test statistic value becomes more extreme, it indicates larger differences between your sample data and the null hypothesis.

When your test statistic indicates a sufficiently large incompatibility with the null hypothesis, you can reject the null and state that your results are statistically significant—your data support the notion that the sample effect exists in the population . To use a test statistic to evaluate statistical significance, you either compare it to a critical value or use it to calculate the p-value .

Statisticians named the hypothesis tests after the test statistics because they’re the quantity that the tests actually evaluate. For example, t-tests assess t-values, F-tests evaluate F-values, and chi-square tests use, you guessed it, chi-square values.

In this post, learn about test statistics, how to calculate them, interpret them, and evaluate statistical significance using the critical value and p-value methods.

How to Find Test Statistics

Each test statistic has its own formula. I present several common test statistics examples below. To see worked examples for each one, click the links to my more detailed articles.

Formulas for Test Statistics

T-value for 1-sample t-test Take the sample mean, subtract the hypothesized mean, and divide by the .
T-value for 2-sample t-test Take one sample mean, subtract the other, and divide by the pooled standard deviation.
F-value for F-tests and ANOVA Calculate the ratio of two .
Chi-squared value (χ ) for a Chi-squared test Sum the squared differences between observed and expected values divided by the expected values.

Understanding the Null Values and the Test Statistic Formulas

In the formulas above, it’s helpful to understand the null condition and the test statistic value that occurs when your sample data match that condition exactly. Also, it’s worthwhile knowing what causes the test statistics to move further away from the null value, potentially becoming significant. Test statistics are statistically significant when they exceed a critical value.

All these test statistics are ratios, which helps you understand their null values.

T-Tests, Null = 0

When a t-value equals 0, it indicates that your sample data match the null hypothesis exactly.

For a 1-sample t-test, when the sample mean equals the hypothesized mean, the numerator is zero, which causes the entire t-value ratio to equal zero. As the sample mean moves away from the hypothesized mean in either the positive or negative direction, the test statistic moves away from zero in the same direction.

A similar case exists for 2-sample t-tests. When the two sample means are equal, the numerator is zero, and the entire test statistic ratio is zero. As the two sample means become increasingly different, the absolute value of the numerator increases, and the t-value becomes more positive or negative.

Related post : How T-tests Work

F-tests including ANOVA, Null = 1

When an F-value equals 1, it indicates that the two variances in the numerator and denominator are equal, matching the null hypothesis.

As the numerator and denominator become less and less similar, the F-value moves away from one in either direction.

Related post : The F-test in ANOVA

Chi-squared Tests, Null = 0

When a chi-squared value equals 0, it indicates that the observed values always match the expected values. This condition causes the numerator to equal zero, making the chi-squared value equal zero.

As the observed values progressively fail to match the expected values, the numerator increases, causing the test statistic to rise from zero.

Related post : How a Chi-Squared Test Works

You’ll never see a test statistic that equals the null value precisely in practice. However, trivial differences been sample values and the null value are not uncommon.

Interpreting Test Statistics

Test statistics are unitless. This fact can make them difficult to interpret on their own. You know they evaluate how well your data agree with the null hypothesis. If your test statistic is extreme enough, your data are so incompatible with the null hypothesis that you can reject it and conclude that your results are statistically significant. But how does that translate to specific values of your test statistic? Where do you draw the line?

For instance, t-values of zero match the null value. But how far from zero should your t-value be to be statistically significant? Is 1 enough? 2? 3? If your t-value is 2, what does it mean anyway? In this case, we know that the sample mean doesn’t equal the null value, but how exceptional is it? To complicate matters, the dividing line changes depending on your sample size and other study design issues.

Similar types of questions apply to the other test statistics too.

To interpret individual values of a test statistic, we need to place them in a larger context. Towards this end, let me introduce you to sampling distributions for test statistics!

Sampling Distributions for Test Statistics

Performing a hypothesis test on a sample produces a single test statistic. Now, imagine you carry out the following process:

  • Assume the null hypothesis is true in the population.
  • Repeat your study many times by drawing many random samples of the same size from this population.
  • Perform the same hypothesis test on all these samples and save the test statistics.
  • Plot the distribution of the test statistics.

This process produces the distribution of test statistic values that occurs when the effect does not exist in the population (i.e., the null hypothesis is true). Statisticians refer to this type of distribution as a sampling distribution, a kind of probability distribution.

Why would we need this type of distribution?

It provides the larger context required for interpreting a test statistic. More specifically, it allows us to compare our study’s single test statistic to values likely to occur when the null is true. We can quantify our sample statistic’s rareness while assuming the effect does not exist in the population. Now that’s helpful!

Fortunately, we don’t need to collect many random samples to create this distribution! Statisticians have developed formulas allowing us to estimate sampling distributions for test statistics using the sample data.

To evaluate your data’s compatibility with the null hypothesis, place your study’s test statistic in the distribution.

Related post : Understanding Probability Distributions

Example of a Test Statistic in a Sampling Distribution

Suppose our t-test produces a t-value of two. That’s our test statistic. Let’s see where it fits in.

The sampling distribution below shows a t-distribution with 20 degrees of freedom, equating to a 1-sample t-test with a sample size of 21. The distribution centers on zero because it assumes the null hypothesis is correct. When the null is true, your analysis is most likely to obtain a t-value near zero and less likely to produce t-values further from zero in either direction.

Sampling distribution for the t-value test statistic.

The sampling distribution indicates that our test statistic is somewhat rare when we assume the null hypothesis is correct. However, the chances of observing t-values from -2 to +2 are not totally inconceivable. We need a way to quantify the likelihood.

From this point, we need to use the sampling distributions’ ability to calculate probabilities for test statistics.

Related post : Sampling Distributions Explained

Test Statistics and Critical Values

The significance level uses critical values to define how far the test statistic must be from the null value to reject the null hypothesis. When the test statistic exceeds a critical value, the results are statistically significant.

The percentage of the area beneath the sampling distribution curve that is shaded represents the probability that the test statistic will fall in those regions when the null is true. Consequently, to depict a significance level of 0.05, I’ll shade 5% of the sampling distribution furthest away from the null value.

The two shaded areas are equidistant from the null value in the center. Each region has a likelihood of 0.025, which sums to our significance level of 0.05. These shaded areas are the critical regions for a two-tailed hypothesis test. Let’s return to our example t-value of 2.

Related post : What are Critical Values?

Sampling distribution that displays the critical values for our t-value.

In this example, the critical values are -2.086 and +2.086. Our test statistic of 2 is not statistically significant because it does not exceed the critical value.

Other hypothesis tests have their own test statistics and sampling distributions, but their processes for critical values are generally similar.

Learn how to find critical values for test statistics using tables:

  • T-distribution table
  • Chi-square table

Related post : Understanding Significance Levels

Using Test Statistics to Find P-values

P-values are the probability of observing an effect at least as extreme as your sample’s effect if you assume no effect exists in the population.

Test statistics represent effect sizes in hypothesis tests because they denote the difference between your sample effect and no effect —the null hypothesis. Consequently, you use the test statistic to calculate the p-value for your hypothesis test.

The above p-value definition is a bit tortuous. Fortunately, it’s much easier to understand how test statistics and p-values work together using a sampling distribution graph.

Let’s use our hypothetical test statistic t-value of 2 for this example. However, because I’m displaying the results of a two-tailed test, I need to use t-values of +2 and -2 to cover both tails.

Related post : One-tailed vs. Two-Tailed Hypothesis Tests

The graph below displays the probability of t-values less than -2 and greater than +2 using the area under the curve. This graph is specific to our t-test design (1-sample t-test with N = 21).

Graph of t-distribution that displays the probability for a t-value of 2.

The sampling distribution indicates that each of the two shaded regions has a probability of 0.02963—for a total of 0.05926. That’s the p-value! The graph shows that the test statistic falls within these areas almost 6% of the time when the null hypothesis is true in the population.

While this likelihood seems small, it’s not low enough to justify rejecting the null under the standard significance level of 0.05. P-value results are always consistent with the critical value method. Learn more about using test statistics to find p values .

While test statistics are a crucial part of hypothesis testing, you’ll probably let your statistical software calculate the p-value for the test. However, understanding test statistics will boost your comprehension of what a hypothesis test actually assesses.

Related post : Interpreting P-values

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two tailed hypothesis test formula

Reader Interactions

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July 5, 2024 at 8:21 am

“As the observed values progressively fail to match the observed values, the numerator increases, causing the test statistic to rise from zero”.

Sir, this sentence is written in the Chi-squared Test heading. There the observed value is written twice. I think the second one to be replaced with ‘expected values’.

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July 5, 2024 at 4:10 pm

Thanks so much, Dr. Raj. You’re correct about the typo and I’ve made the correction.

' src=

May 9, 2024 at 1:40 am

Thank you very much (great page on one and two-tailed tests)!

May 6, 2024 at 12:17 pm

I would like to ask a question. If only positive numbers are the possible values in a sample (e.g. absolute values without 0), is it meaningful to test if the sample is significantly different from zero (using for example a one sample t-test or a Wilcoxon signed-rank test) or can I assume that if given a large enough sample, the result will by definition be significant (even if a small or very variable sample results in a non-significant hypothesis test).

Thank you very much,

May 6, 2024 at 4:35 pm

If you’re talking about the raw values you’re assessing using a one-sample t-test, it doesn’t make sense to compare them to zero given your description of the data. You know that the mean can’t possibly equal zero. The mean must be some positive value. Yes, in this scenario, if you have a large enough sample size, you should get statistically significant results. So, that t-test isn’t tell you anything that you don’t already know!

However, you should be aware of several things. The 1-sample test can compare your sample mean to values other than zero. Typically, you’ll need to specify the value of the null hypothesis for your software. This value is the comparison value. The test determines whether your sample data provide enough evidence to conclude that the population mean does not equal the null hypothesis value you specify. You’ll need to specify the value because there is no obvious default value to use. Every 1-sample t-test has its subject-area context with a value that makes sense for its null hypothesis value and it is frequently not zero.

I suspect that you’re getting tripped up with the fact that t-tests use a t-value of zero for its null hypothesis value. That doesn’t mean your 1-sample t-test is comparing your sample mean to zero. The test converts your data to a single t-value and compares the t-value to zero. But your actual null hypothesis value can be something else. It’s just converting your sample to a standardized value to use for testing. So, while the t-test compares your sample’s t-value to zero, you can actually compare your sample mean to any value you specify. You need to use a value that makes sense for your subject area.

I hope that makes sense!

May 8, 2024 at 8:37 am

Thank you very much Jim, this helps a lot! Actually, the value I would like to compare my sample to is zero, but I just couldn’t find the right way to test it apparently (it’s about EEG data). The original data was a sample of numbers between -1 and +1, with the question if they are significantly different from zero in either direction (in which case a one sample t-test makes sense I guess, since the sample mean can in fact be zero). However, since a sample mean of 0 can also occur if half of the sample differs in the negative, and the other half in the positive direction, I also wanted to test if there is a divergence from 0 in ‘absolute’ terms – that’s how the absolute valued numbers came about (I know that absolute values can also be zero, but in this specific case, they were all positive numbers) And a special thanks for the last paragraph – I will definitely keep in mind, it is a potential point of confusion.

May 8, 2024 at 8:33 pm

You can use a 1-sample t test for both cases but you’ll need to set them up slightly different. To detect a positive or negative difference from zero, use a 2-tailed test. For the case with absolute values, use a one-tailed test with a critical region in the positive end. To learn more, read about One- and Two-Tailed Tests Explained . Use zero for the comparison value in both cases.

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February 12, 2024 at 1:00 am

Very helpful and well articulated! Thanks Jim 🙂

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September 18, 2023 at 10:01 am

Thank you for brief explanation.

' src=

July 25, 2022 at 8:32 am

the content was helpful to me. thank you

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Statistics Tutorial

Descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, stat reference, statistics - hypothesis testing a proportion (two tailed).

A population proportion is the share of a population that belongs to a particular category .

Hypothesis tests are used to check a claim about the size of that population proportion.

Hypothesis Testing a Proportion

The following steps are used for a hypothesis test:

  • Check the conditions
  • Define the claims
  • Decide the significance level
  • Calculate the test statistic

For example:

  • Population : Nobel Prize winners
  • Category : Women

And we want to check the claim:

"The share of Nobel Prize winners that are women is not 50%"

By taking a sample of 100 randomly selected Nobel Prize winners we could find that:

10 out of 100 Nobel Prize winners in the sample were women

The sample proportion is then: \(\displaystyle \frac{10}{100} = 0.1\), or 10%.

From this sample data we check the claim with the steps below.

1. Checking the Conditions

The conditions for calculating a confidence interval for a proportion are:

  • The sample is randomly selected
  • Being in the category
  • Not being in the category
  • 5 members in the category
  • 5 members not in the category

In our example, we randomly selected 10 people that were women.

The rest were not women, so there are 90 in the other category.

The conditions are fulfilled in this case.

Note: It is possible to do a hypothesis test without having 5 of each category. But special adjustments need to be made.

2. Defining the Claims

We need to define a null hypothesis (\(H_{0}\)) and an alternative hypothesis (\(H_{1}\)) based on the claim we are checking.

The claim was:

In this case, the parameter is the proportion of Nobel Prize winners that are women (\(p\)).

The null and alternative hypothesis are then:

Null hypothesis : 50% of Nobel Prize winners were women.

Alternative hypothesis : The share of Nobel Prize winners that are women is not 50%

Which can be expressed with symbols as:

\(H_{0}\): \(p = 0.50 \)

\(H_{1}\): \(p \neq 0.50 \)

This is a ' two-tailed ' test, because the alternative hypothesis claims that the proportion is different (larger or smaller) than in the null hypothesis.

If the data supports the alternative hypothesis, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.


3. Deciding the Significance Level

The significance level (\(\alpha\)) is the uncertainty we accept when rejecting the null hypothesis in a hypothesis test.

The significance level is a percentage probability of accidentally making the wrong conclusion.

Typical significance levels are:

  • \(\alpha = 0.1\) (10%)
  • \(\alpha = 0.05\) (5%)
  • \(\alpha = 0.01\) (1%)

A lower significance level means that the evidence in the data needs to be stronger to reject the null hypothesis.

There is no "correct" significance level - it only states the uncertainty of the conclusion.

Note: A 5% significance level means that when we reject a null hypothesis:

We expect to reject a true null hypothesis 5 out of 100 times.

4. Calculating the Test Statistic

The test statistic is used to decide the outcome of the hypothesis test.

The test statistic is a standardized value calculated from the sample.

The formula for the test statistic (TS) of a population proportion is:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\hat{p} - p}{\sqrt{p(1-p)}} \cdot \sqrt{n} \)

\(\hat{p}-p\) is the difference between the sample proportion (\(\hat{p}\)) and the claimed population proportion (\(p\)).

\(n\) is the sample size.

In our example:

The claimed (\(H_{0}\)) population proportion (\(p\)) was \( 0.50 \)

The sample size (\(n\)) was \(100\)

So the test statistic (TS) is then:

\(\displaystyle \frac{0.1-0.5}{\sqrt{0.5(1-0.5)}} \cdot \sqrt{100} = \frac{-0.4}{\sqrt{0.5(0.5)}} \cdot \sqrt{100} = \frac{-0.4}{\sqrt{0.25}} \cdot \sqrt{100} = \frac{-0.4}{0.5} \cdot 10 = \underline{-8}\)

You can also calculate the test statistic using programming language functions:

With Python use the scipy and math libraries to calculate the test statistic for a proportion.

With R use the built-in math functions to calculate the test statistic for a proportion.

5. Concluding

There are two main approaches for making the conclusion of a hypothesis test:

  • The critical value approach compares the test statistic with the critical value of the significance level.
  • The P-value approach compares the P-value of the test statistic and with the significance level.

Note: The two approaches are only different in how they present the conclusion.

The Critical Value Approach

For the critical value approach we need to find the critical value (CV) of the significance level (\(\alpha\)).

For a population proportion test, the critical value (CV) is a Z-value from a standard normal distribution .

This critical Z-value (CV) defines the rejection region for the test.

The rejection region is an area of probability in the tails of the standard normal distribution.

Because the claim is that the population proportion is different from 50%, the rejection region is split into both the left and right tail:

Choosing a significance level (\(\alpha\)) of 0.01, or 1%, we can find the critical Z-value from a Z-table , or with a programming language function:

Note: Because this is a two-tailed test the tail area (\(\alpha\)) needs to be split in half (divided by 2).

With Python use the Scipy Stats library norm.ppf() function find the Z-value for an \(\alpha\)/2 = 0.005 in the left tail.

With R use the built-in qnorm() function to find the Z-value for an \(\alpha\) = 0.005 in the left tail.

Using either method we can find that the critical Z-value in the left tail is \(\approx \underline{-2.5758}\)

Since a normal distribution i symmetric, we know that the critical Z-value in the right tail will be the same number, only positive: \(\underline{2.5758}\)

For a two-tailed test we need to check if the test statistic (TS) is smaller than the negative critical value (-CV), or bigger than the positive critical value (CV).

If the test statistic is smaller than the negative critical value, the test statistic is in the rejection region .

If the test statistic is bigger than the positive critical value, the test statistic is in the rejection region .

When the test statistic is in the rejection region, we reject the null hypothesis (\(H_{0}\)).

Here, the test statistic (TS) was \(\approx \underline{-8}\) and the critical value was \(\approx \underline{-2.5758}\)

Here is an illustration of this test in a graph:

Since the test statistic was smaller than the negative critical value we reject the null hypothesis.

This means that the sample data supports the alternative hypothesis.

And we can summarize the conclusion stating:

The sample data supports the claim that "The share of Nobel Prize winners that are women is not 50%" at a 1% significance level .

The P-Value Approach

For the P-value approach we need to find the P-value of the test statistic (TS).

If the P-value is smaller than the significance level (\(\alpha\)), we reject the null hypothesis (\(H_{0}\)).

The test statistic was found to be \( \approx \underline{-8} \)

For a population proportion test, the test statistic is a Z-Value from a standard normal distribution .

Because this is a two-tailed test, we need to find the P-value of a Z-value smaller than -8 and multiply it by 2 .

We can find the P-value using a Z-table , or with a programming language function:

With Python use the Scipy Stats library norm.cdf() function find the P-value of a Z-value smaller than -8 for a two tailed test:

With R use the built-in pnorm() function find the P-value of a Z-value smaller than -8 for a two tailed test:

Using either method we can find that the P-value is \(\approx \underline{1.25 \cdot 10^{-15}}\) or \(0.00000000000000125\)

This tells us that the significance level (\(\alpha\)) would need to be bigger than 0.000000000000125%, to reject the null hypothesis.

This P-value is smaller than any of the common significance levels (10%, 5%, 1%).

So the null hypothesis is rejected at all of these significance levels.

The sample data supports the claim that "The share of Nobel Prize winners that are women is not 50%" at a 10%, 5%, and 1% significance level .

Calculating a P-Value for a Hypothesis Test with Programming

Many programming languages can calculate the P-value to decide outcome of a hypothesis test.

Using software and programming to calculate statistics is more common for bigger sets of data, as calculating manually becomes difficult.

The P-value calculated here will tell us the lowest possible significance level where the null-hypothesis can be rejected.

With Python use the scipy and math libraries to calculate the P-value for a two-tailed tailed hypothesis test for a proportion.

Here, the sample size is 100, the occurrences are 10, and the test is for a proportion different from than 0.50.

With R use the built-in prop.test() function find the P-value for a left tailed hypothesis test for a proportion.

Here, the sample size is 100, the occurrences are 10, and the test is for a proportion different from 0.50.

Note: The conf.level in the R code is the reverse of the significance level.

Here, the significance level is 0.01, or 1%, so the conf.level is 1-0.01 = 0.99, or 99%.

Left-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests

This was an example of a two tailed test, where the alternative hypothesis claimed that parameter is different from the null hypothesis claim.

You can check out an equivalent step-by-step guide for other types here:

  • Right-Tailed Test
  • Left-Tailed Test

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One and Two Tailed Tests

Suppose we have a null hypothesis H 0 and an alternative hypothesis H 1 . We consider the distribution given by the null hypothesis and perform a test to determine whether or not the null hypothesis should be rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis.

There are two different types of tests that can be performed. A one-tailed test looks for an increase or decrease in the parameter whereas a two-tailed test looks for any change in the parameter (which can be any change- increase or decrease).

We can perform the test at any level (usually 1%, 5% or 10%). For example, performing the test at a 5% level means that there is a 5% chance of wrongly rejecting H 0 .

If we perform the test at the 5% level and decide to reject the null hypothesis, we say "there is significant evidence at the 5% level to suggest the hypothesis is false".

One-Tailed Test

We choose a critical region. In a one-tailed test, the critical region will have just one part (the red area below). If our sample value lies in this region, we reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative.

Suppose we are looking for a definite decrease. Then the critical region will be to the left. Note, however, that in the one-tailed test the value of the parameter can be as high as you like.

Suppose we are given that X has a Poisson distribution and we want to carry out a hypothesis test on the mean, l, based upon a sample observation of 3.

Suppose the hypotheses are: H 0 : l = 9 H 1 : l < 9

We want to test if it is "reasonable" for the observed value of 3 to have come from a Poisson distribution with parameter 9. So what is the probability that a value as low as 3 has come from a Po(9)?

P(X < 3) = 0.0212 (this has come from a Poisson table)

The probability is less than 0.05, so there is less than a 5% chance that the value has come from a Poisson(3) distribution. We therefore reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative at the 5% level.

However, the probability is greater than 0.01, so we would not reject the null hypothesis in favour of the alternative at the 1% level.

Two-Tailed Test

In a two-tailed test, we are looking for either an increase or a decrease. So, for example, H 0 might be that the mean is equal to 9 (as before). This time, however, H 1 would be that the mean is not equal to 9. In this case, therefore, the critical region has two parts:

Lets test the parameter p of a Binomial distribution at the 10% level.

Suppose a coin is tossed 10 times and we get 7 heads. We want to test whether or not the coin is fair. If the coin is fair, p = 0.5 . Put this as the null hypothesis:

H 0 : p = 0.5 H 1 : p =(doesn' equal) 0.5

Now, because the test is 2-tailed, the critical region has two parts. Half of the critical region is to the right and half is to the left. So the critical region contains both the top 5% of the distribution and the bottom 5% of the distribution (since we are testing at the 10% level).

If H 0 is true, X ~ Bin(10, 0.5).

If the null hypothesis is true, what is the probability that X is 7 or above? P(X > 7) = 1 - P(X < 7) = 1 - P(X < 6) = 1 - 0.8281 = 0.1719

Is this in the critical region? No- because the probability that X is at least 7 is not less than 0.05 (5%), which is what we need it to be.

So there is not significant evidence at the 10% level to reject the null hypothesis.

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An Introduction to t Tests | Definitions, Formula and Examples

Published on January 31, 2020 by Rebecca Bevans . Revised on June 22, 2023.

A t test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. It is often used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or whether two groups are different from one another.

  • The null hypothesis ( H 0 ) is that the true difference between these group means is zero.
  • The alternate hypothesis ( H a ) is that the true difference is different from zero.

Table of contents

When to use a t test, what type of t test should i use, performing a t test, interpreting test results, presenting the results of a t test, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about t tests.

A t test can only be used when comparing the means of two groups (a.k.a. pairwise comparison). If you want to compare more than two groups, or if you want to do multiple pairwise comparisons, use an   ANOVA test  or a post-hoc test.

The t test is a parametric test of difference, meaning that it makes the same assumptions about your data as other parametric tests. The t test assumes your data:

  • are independent
  • are (approximately) normally distributed
  • have a similar amount of variance within each group being compared (a.k.a. homogeneity of variance)

If your data do not fit these assumptions, you can try a nonparametric alternative to the t test, such as the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test for data with unequal variances .

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When choosing a t test, you will need to consider two things: whether the groups being compared come from a single population or two different populations, and whether you want to test the difference in a specific direction.

What type of t-test should I use

One-sample, two-sample, or paired t test?

  • If the groups come from a single population (e.g., measuring before and after an experimental treatment), perform a paired t test . This is a within-subjects design .
  • If the groups come from two different populations (e.g., two different species, or people from two separate cities), perform a two-sample t test (a.k.a. independent t test ). This is a between-subjects design .
  • If there is one group being compared against a standard value (e.g., comparing the acidity of a liquid to a neutral pH of 7), perform a one-sample t test .

One-tailed or two-tailed t test?

  • If you only care whether the two populations are different from one another, perform a two-tailed t test .
  • If you want to know whether one population mean is greater than or less than the other, perform a one-tailed t test.
  • Your observations come from two separate populations (separate species), so you perform a two-sample t test.
  • You don’t care about the direction of the difference, only whether there is a difference, so you choose to use a two-tailed t test.

The t test estimates the true difference between two group means using the ratio of the difference in group means over the pooled standard error of both groups. You can calculate it manually using a formula, or use statistical analysis software.

T test formula

The formula for the two-sample t test (a.k.a. the Student’s t-test) is shown below.


In this formula, t is the t value, x 1 and x 2 are the means of the two groups being compared, s 2 is the pooled standard error of the two groups, and n 1 and n 2 are the number of observations in each of the groups.

A larger t value shows that the difference between group means is greater than the pooled standard error, indicating a more significant difference between the groups.

You can compare your calculated t value against the values in a critical value chart (e.g., Student’s t table) to determine whether your t value is greater than what would be expected by chance. If so, you can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the two groups are in fact different.

T test function in statistical software

Most statistical software (R, SPSS, etc.) includes a t test function. This built-in function will take your raw data and calculate the t value. It will then compare it to the critical value, and calculate a p -value . This way you can quickly see whether your groups are statistically different.

In your comparison of flower petal lengths, you decide to perform your t test using R. The code looks like this:

Download the data set to practice by yourself.

Sample data set

If you perform the t test for your flower hypothesis in R, you will receive the following output:

T-test output in R

The output provides:

  • An explanation of what is being compared, called data in the output table.
  • The t value : -33.719. Note that it’s negative; this is fine! In most cases, we only care about the absolute value of the difference, or the distance from 0. It doesn’t matter which direction.
  • The degrees of freedom : 30.196. Degrees of freedom is related to your sample size, and shows how many ‘free’ data points are available in your test for making comparisons. The greater the degrees of freedom, the better your statistical test will work.
  • The p value : 2.2e-16 (i.e. 2.2 with 15 zeros in front). This describes the probability that you would see a t value as large as this one by chance.
  • A statement of the alternative hypothesis ( H a ). In this test, the H a is that the difference is not 0.
  • The 95% confidence interval . This is the range of numbers within which the true difference in means will be 95% of the time. This can be changed from 95% if you want a larger or smaller interval, but 95% is very commonly used.
  • The mean petal length for each group.

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See an example

two tailed hypothesis test formula

When reporting your t test results, the most important values to include are the t value , the p value , and the degrees of freedom for the test. These will communicate to your audience whether the difference between the two groups is statistically significant (a.k.a. that it is unlikely to have happened by chance).

You can also include the summary statistics for the groups being compared, namely the mean and standard deviation . In R, the code for calculating the mean and the standard deviation from the data looks like this: %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarize(mean_length = mean(Petal.Length), sd_length = sd(Petal.Length))

In our example, you would report the results like this:

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Chi square test of independence
  • Statistical power
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Pearson correlation
  • Null hypothesis


  • Double-blind study
  • Case-control study
  • Research ethics
  • Data collection
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Structured interviews

Research bias

  • Hawthorne effect
  • Unconscious bias
  • Recall bias
  • Halo effect
  • Self-serving bias
  • Information bias

A t-test is a statistical test that compares the means of two samples . It is used in hypothesis testing , with a null hypothesis that the difference in group means is zero and an alternate hypothesis that the difference in group means is different from zero.

A t-test measures the difference in group means divided by the pooled standard error of the two group means.

In this way, it calculates a number (the t-value) illustrating the magnitude of the difference between the two group means being compared, and estimates the likelihood that this difference exists purely by chance (p-value).

Your choice of t-test depends on whether you are studying one group or two groups, and whether you care about the direction of the difference in group means.

If you are studying one group, use a paired t-test to compare the group mean over time or after an intervention, or use a one-sample t-test to compare the group mean to a standard value. If you are studying two groups, use a two-sample t-test .

If you want to know only whether a difference exists, use a two-tailed test . If you want to know if one group mean is greater or less than the other, use a left-tailed or right-tailed one-tailed test .

A one-sample t-test is used to compare a single population to a standard value (for example, to determine whether the average lifespan of a specific town is different from the country average).

A paired t-test is used to compare a single population before and after some experimental intervention or at two different points in time (for example, measuring student performance on a test before and after being taught the material).

A t-test should not be used to measure differences among more than two groups, because the error structure for a t-test will underestimate the actual error when many groups are being compared.

If you want to compare the means of several groups at once, it’s best to use another statistical test such as ANOVA or a post-hoc test.

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Bevans, R. (2023, June 22). An Introduction to t Tests | Definitions, Formula and Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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Rebecca Bevans

Rebecca Bevans

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  23. An Introduction to t Tests

    An Introduction to t Tests | Definitions, Formula and Examples. Published on January 31, 2020 by Rebecca Bevans.Revised on June 22, 2023. A t test is a statistical test that is used to compare the means of two groups. It is often used in hypothesis testing to determine whether a process or treatment actually has an effect on the population of interest, or whether two groups are different from ...