What Is a Senior Thesis?

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A senior thesis is a large, independent research project that students take on during their senior year of high school or college to fulfill their graduation requirement. It is the culminating work of their studies at a particular institution, and it represents their ability to conduct research and write effectively. For some students, a senior thesis is a requirement for graduating with honors.

Students typically work closely with an advisor and choose a question or topic to explore before carrying out an extensive research plan.

Style Manuals and the Paper's Organization

The structure of your research paper will depend, in part, on the style manual that is required by your instructor. Different disciplines, such as history, science, or education, have different rules to abide by when it comes to research paper construction, organization, and modes of citation. The styles for different types of assignment include:

Modern Language Association (MLA): The disciplines that tend to prefer the MLA style guide include literature, arts, and the humanities, such as linguistics, religion, and philosophy. To follow this style, you will use parenthetical citations to indicate your sources and a works cited page to show the list of books and articles you consulted.

American Psychological Association (APA): The APA style manual tends to be used in psychology, education, and some of the social sciences. This type of report may require the following:

  • Introduction

Chicago style: "The Chicago Manual of Style" is used in most college-level history courses as well as professional publications that contain scholarly articles. Chicago style may call for endnotes or footnotes corresponding to a bibliography page at the back or the author-date style of in-text citation, which uses parenthetical citations and a references page at the end.

Turabian style: Turabian is a student version of Chicago style. It requires some of the same formatting techniques as Chicago, but it includes special rules for writing college-level papers, such as book reports. A Turabian research paper may call for endnotes or footnotes and a bibliography.

Science style: Science instructors may require students to use a format that is similar to the structure used in publishing papers in scientific journals. The elements you would include in this sort of paper include:

  • List of materials and methods used
  • Results of your methods and experiments
  • Acknowledgments

American Medical Association (AMA): The AMA style book might be required for students in medical or premedical degree programs in college. Parts of an AMA research paper might include:

  • Proper headings and lists
  • Tables and figures
  • In-text citations
  • Reference list

Choose Your Topic Carefully

Starting off with a bad, difficult, or narrow topic likely won't lead to a positive result. Don't choose a question or statement that's so broad that it's overwhelming and could comprise a lifetime of research or a topic that's so narrow you'll struggle to compose 10 pages. Consider a topic that has a lot of recent research so you won't struggle to put your hands on current or adequate sources.

Select a topic that interests you. Putting in long hours on a subject that bores you will be arduous—and ripe for procrastination. If a professor recommends an area of interest, make sure it excites you.

Also, consider expanding a paper you've already written; you'll hit the ground running because you've already done some research and know the topic. Last, consult with your advisor before finalizing your topic. You don't want to put in a lot of hours on a subject that is rejected by your instructor.

Organize Your Time

Plan to spend half of your time researching and the other half writing. Often, students spend too much time researching and then find themselves in a crunch, madly writing in the final hours. Give yourself goals to reach along certain "signposts," such as the number of hours you want to have invested each week or by a certain date or how much you want to have completed in those same timeframes.

Organize Your Research

Compose your works cited or bibliography entries as you work on your paper. This is especially important if your style manual requires you to use access dates for any online sources that you review or requires page numbers be included in the citations. You don't want to end up at the very end of the project and not know what day you looked at a particular website or have to search through a hard-copy book looking for a quote that you included in the paper. Save PDFs of online sites, too, as you wouldn't want to need to look back at something and not be able to get online or find that the article has been removed since you read it.

Choose an Advisor You Trust

This may be your first opportunity to work with direct supervision. Choose an advisor who's familiar with the field, and ideally select someone you like and whose classes you've already taken. That way you'll have a rapport from the start. 

Consult Your Instructor

Remember that your instructor is the final authority on the details and requirements of your paper. Read through all instructions, and have a conversation with your instructor at the start of the project to determine his or her preferences and requirements. Have a cheat sheet or checklist of this information; don't expect yourself to remember all year every question you asked or instruction you were given. 

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Every year, a little over half of Harvard’s senior class chooses to pursue a senior thesis. While the senior thesis looks a little different from field to field, one thing remains the same: completion of a senior thesis is a serious and challenging endeavor that requires the student to make a genuine intellectual contribution to their field of interest.

The senior thesis is a significant task for students to undertake, but there is a variety of support resources available here at Harvard to ensure that seniors can make the best of their senior thesis experience.

A woman walks through a library at Harvard.

Wandering the library stacks at Widener.

I do most of my research in Widener Library. Hannah Martinez

As a rising senior in the History department, I am planning on pursuing a senior thesis on the history and use of the SAT in college admissions, and I am using the following support systems and resources to research and write my thesis:

  • Staff at the History department. Every student within the department is assigned an academic advisor, who is a graduate student studying History at Harvard and knows the support available within the department. My academic advisor has helped me throughout the thesis process by connecting me with potential faculty members to advise my thesis and pick classes with a lighter course load so I can focus on completing my thesis. The Director of Undergraduate Studies in History (the History DUS) has also been pivotal in making sure that I attended a lot of information sessions about what the thesis looks like and how much of a commitment it is.
  • History faculty at Harvard! All of my professors in History have been incredibly helpful in teaching me how to write like a historian, how to use primary sources in my essays, and how to undertake a serious research project over the course of a semester. Of course, while the thesis will require me to go far beyond what I’ve ever done before, I feel prepared to take on such a task because of the unwavering support from the History faculty. My mentor, Emma Rothschild, is one of the members of the faculty who has been invaluable in encouraging me to go as far as I am able.
  • And last but certainly not least: funding. Funding, whether in term-time of the summer before senior year, is crucial towards making the senior thesis possible. Harvard’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships is dedicated to connecting Harvard students to funding sources across the university so they can pursue their research and get paid for it. This summer, I received a grant from the university of almost $2,000 so I am able to travel to libraries, buy books, and potentially take time off of work and do my research. Without such a grant, it would be incredibly difficult for me to do enough research so I can write a thesis this upcoming fall.

As you can see, there are multiple avenues for support and resources here at Harvard so your senior thesis is as easy as possible. While the senior thesis is still a challenging project that will take up a lot of time, Harvard’s resources make it possible for senior students to do their very best in all of their theses. I’m excited to start writing this fall!

Hannah Class of '23 Alumni

Hello! My name is Hannah, and I am a rising senior at Harvard concentrating in History from southeast Los Angeles County.

senior thesis definition

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Senior Thesis: A Daunting and Fulfilling Journey

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Senior Theses

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Student handing over thesis document.

Doing a senior thesis is an exciting enterprise. It’s often the first time students are engaging in truly original research and trying to develop a significant contribution to a field of inquiry. But as joyful as an independent research process can be, you don’t have to go it alone. It’s important to have support as you navigate such a large endeavor, and the ARC is here to offer one of those layers of support. 

Whether or not to write a senior thesis is just the first in a long line of questions thesis writers need to consider. In addition to questions about the topic and scope of your thesis, there are questions about timing, schedule, and support. For example, if you are collecting data, when should data collection start and when should it be completed? What kind of schedule will you write on? How will you work with your adviser? Do you want to meet with your adviser about your progress once a month? Once a week? What other resources can you turn to for information, feedback, and support? 

Even though there is a lot to think about and a lot to do, doing a thesis really can be an enjoyable experience! Keep reminding yourself why you chose this topic and why you care about it. 

Tips for Tackling Big Projects:  

  • When you’re approaching a big project, it can seem overwhelming to look at the whole thing at once, so it’s essential to identify the smaller steps that will move you towards the completed project. 
  • Your advisor is best suited to help you break down the thesis process with field-specific advice. 
  • If you need to refine the breakdown further so it makes sense for you, schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach . An academic coach can help you think through the steps in a way that works for you. 
  • Pre-determine the time, place, and duration. 
  • Keep it short (15 to 60 minutes). 
  • Have a clear and reasonable goal for each writing session. 
  • Make it a regular event (every day, every other day, MWF). 
  • time is not wasted deciding to write if it’s already in your calendar; 
  • keeping sessions short reduces the competition from other tasks that are not getting done; 
  • having an achievable goal for each session provides a sense of accomplishment (a reward for your work); 
  • writing regularly can turn into a productive habit. 
  • In addition to having a clear goal for each writing session, it’s important to have clear goals for each week and to find someone to communicate these goals to, such as your adviser, a “thesis buddy,” your roommate, etc. Communicating your goals and progress to someone else creates a useful sense of accountability. 
  • If your adviser is not the person you are communicating your progress to on a weekly basis, then request to set up a structure with your adviser that requires you to check in at less frequent but regular intervals. 
  • Commit to attending Accountability Hours at the ARC on the same day every week. Making that commitment will add both social support and structure to your week. Use the ARC Scheduler to register for Accountability Hours. 
  • Set up an accountability group in your department or with thesis writers from different departments. 
  • It’s important to have a means for getting consistent feedback on your work and to get that feedback early. Work on large projects often lacks the feeling of completeness, so don’t wait for a whole section (and certainly not the whole thesis) to feel “done” before you get feedback on it! 
  • Your thesis adviser is typically the person best positioned to give you feedback on your research and writing, so communicate with your adviser about how and how often you would like to get feedback. 
  • If your adviser isn’t able to give you feedback with the frequency you’d like, then fill in the gaps by creating a thesis writing group or exploring if there is already a writing group in your department or lab. 
  • The Harvard College Writing Center is a great resource for thesis feedback. Writing Center Senior Thesis Tutors can provide feedback on the structure, argument, and clarity of your writing and help with mapping out your writing plan. Visit the Writing Center website to schedule an appointment with a thesis tutor . 
  • Working on a big project can be anxiety provoking because it’s hard to keep all the pieces in your head and you might feel like you are losing track of your argument. 
  • To reduce this source of anxiety, try keeping a separate document where you jot down ideas on how your research questions or central argument might be clarifying or changing as you research and write. Doing this will enable you to stay focused on the section you are working on and to stop worrying about forgetting the new ideas that are emerging. 
  • You might feel anxious when you realize that you need to update your argument in response to the evidence you have gathered or the new thinking your writing has unleashed. Know that that is OK. Research and writing are iterative processes – new ideas and new ways of thinking are what makes progress possible. 
  • It’s also anxiety provoking to feel like you can’t “see” from the beginning to the end of your project in the way that you are used to with smaller projects. 
  • Breaking down big projects into manageable chunks and mapping out a schedule for working through each chunk is one way to reduce this source of anxiety. It’s reassuring to know you are working towards the end even if you cannot quite see how it will turn out. 
  • It may be that your thesis or dissertation never truly feels “done” to you, but that’s okay. Academic inquiry is an ongoing endeavor. 
  • Thesis work is not a time for social comparison; each project is different and, as a result, each thesis writer is going to work differently. 
  • Just because your roommate wrote 10 pages in a day doesn’t mean that’s the right pace or strategy for you. 
  • If you are having trouble figuring out what works for you, use the ARC Scheduler to make an appointment with an Academic Coach , who can help you come up with daily, weekly, and semester-long plans. 
  • If you’re having trouble finding a source, email your question or set up a research consult via Ask a Librarian . 
  • If you’re looking for additional feedback or help with any aspect of writing, contact the Harvard College Writing Center . The Writing Center has Senior Thesis Tutors who will read drafts of your thesis (more typically, parts of your thesis) in advance and meet with you individually to talk about structure, argument, clear writing, and mapping out your writing plan. 
  • If you need help with breaking down your project or setting up a schedule for the week, the semester, or until the deadline, use the ARC Scheduler to make an appointment with an Academic Coach . 
  • If you would like an accountability structure for social support and to keep yourself on track, come to Accountability Hours at the ARC. 

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The Senior Thesis

From the outset of their time at Princeton, students are encouraged and challenged to develop their scholarly interests and to evolve as independent thinkers.

The culmination of this process is the senior thesis, which provides a unique opportunity for students to pursue original research and scholarship in a field of their choosing. At Princeton, every senior writes a thesis or, in the case of some engineering departments, undertakes a substantial independent project.

Integral to the senior thesis process is the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member who guides the development of the project. Thesis writers and advisers agree that the most valuable outcome of the senior thesis is the chance for students to enhance skills that are the foundation of future success, including creativity, intellectual engagement, mental discipline and the ability to meet new challenges.

Many students develop projects from ideas sparked in the classes they’ve taken; others fashion their topics on the basis of long-standing personal passions. Most thesis writers encounter the intellectual twists and turns of any good research project, where the questions emerge as they proceed, often taking them in unexpected directions.

Planning for the senior thesis starts in earnest in the junior year, when students complete a significant research project known as the junior paper. Students who plan ahead can make good use of the University's considerable resources, such as receiving University funds to do research in the United States or abroad. Other students use summer internships as a launching pad for their thesis. For some science and engineering projects, students stay on campus the summer before their senior year to get a head start on lab work.

Writing a thesis encourages the self-confidence and high ambitions that come from mastering a difficult challenge. It fosters the development of specific skills and habits of mind that augur well for future success. No wonder generations of graduates look back on the senior thesis as the most valuable academic component of their Princeton experience.

Navigating Colombia’s Magdalena River, One Story At A Time

For his senior thesis, Jordan Salama, a Spanish and Portuguese major, produced a nonfiction book of travel writing about the people and places along Colombia’s main river, the Magdalena.

Student doing thesis research

Embracing the Classics to Inform Policymaking for Public Education

For her senior thesis, Emma Treadwayconsiders how the basic tenets of Stoicism — a school of philosophy that dates from 300 BCE — can teach students to engage empathetically with the world and address inequities in the classroom.

Student holding a book

Creating A Faster, Cheaper and Greener Chemical Reaction

One way to make drugs more affordable is to make them cheaper to produce. For her senior thesis research, Cassidy Humphreys, a chemistry major with a passion for medicine, took on the challenge of taking a century-old formula at the core of many modern medications — and improving it.

Students working in a science lab

The Humanity of Improvisational Dance

Esin Yunusoglu investigated how humans move together and exist in a space — both on the dance floor and in real life — for the choreography she created as her senior thesis in dance, advised by Professor of Dance Susan Marshall.

Students dancing

From the Blog

The infamous senior thesis, revisiting wwii: my senior thesis, independent work in its full glory, advisers, independent work and beyond.

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A senior honors thesis is a chance to investigate an idea, theoretical issue, policy problem, or historical situation of keen economic interest. All economics senior thesis writers are required to take an ECON 985 Senior Thesis Seminar.  Attention Thesis-Interested Seniors: See the  Ec Thesis Canvas page for a recording of the spring Thesis Interest meeting and other key details! If you're not yet enrolled in an Ec 985 Thesis Seminar , check the Canvas page for important info!

Resources for Writing an Economics Thesis

  • Thesis Canvas page
  • Senior Thesis Guide , 2024-25 
  • Ec Thesis Registration Form  (due 10/7/24)
  • Non-Ec Thesis Agreement (due 10/7/24)
  • Thesis Formatting Guidelines , 2023-24
  • Check out Why to Write a Senior Thesis in Economics  by Professor Benjamin Friedman.
  • Our  Writing Economics guide is a great reference for thesis writers, as well as for anyone doing any writing in economics (course paper, RAship, etc.).
  • Sortable Thesis Advisor List, 2024-25  (updated 9/10/24)
  • Advice from  former thesis writers
  • Advice for  juniors thinking about a thesis
  • Economics Senior Thesis Titles through 2024 , available in Harvard Archives
  • Ec Dept Thesis Blog, launched May 2020!
  • Ec Thesis Prize Winners , 2024!
  • General (not ec-specific) thesis support from the Academic Resource Center  

Research Resources

  • Undergraduate Research at Harvard , a source of info on research funding, research opportunities like BLISS, PRISE, PRIMO, and more.
  • Resources for Economics Research
  • Diane Sredl , Data Reference Librarian extraordinaire!
  • HBS Baker Library: Data & Resources Overview ,  Financial Data FAQ .  HBS library contact:  Emilie Codega
  • Sources for research funding   on our website and through the College
  • Apply through Harvard's Committee on the Use of Human Subjects (CUHS).
  • Human Subject Training Seminars for undergraduates: details here .
  • Guidance  about research that may need IRB approval and steps to follow for approval.
  • FAQs  about human subjects research.
  • If you have questions, please reach out to  the econ IRB contact person  at CUHS. 
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The Senior Thesis

From the outset of their time at Princeton, students are encouraged and challenged to develop their scholarly interests and to evolve as independent thinkers.

The culmination of this process is the senior thesis, which provides a unique opportunity for students to pursue original research and scholarship in a field of their choosing. At Princeton, every senior writes a thesis or, in the case of some engineering departments, undertakes a substantial independent project.

Integral to the senior thesis process is the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member who guides the development of the project. Thesis writers and advisers agree that the most valuable outcome of the senior thesis is the chance for students to enhance skills that are the foundation of future success, including creativity, intellectual engagement, mental discipline and the ability to meet new challenges.

Many students develop projects from ideas sparked in the classes they’ve taken; others fashion their topics on the basis of long-standing personal passions. Most thesis writers encounter the intellectual twists and turns of any good research project, where the questions emerge as they proceed, often taking them in unexpected directions.

Planning for the senior thesis starts in earnest in the junior year, when students complete a significant research project known as the junior paper. Students who plan ahead can make good use of the University's considerable resources, such as receiving University funds to do research in the United States or abroad. Other students use summer internships as a launching pad for their thesis. For some science and engineering projects, students stay on campus the summer before their senior year to get a head start on lab work.

Writing a thesis encourages the self-confidence and high ambitions that come from mastering a difficult challenge. It fosters the development of specific skills and habits of mind that augur well for future success. No wonder generations of graduates look back on the senior thesis as the most valuable academic component of their Princeton experience.

Navigating Colombia’s Magdalena River, One Story At A Time

For his senior thesis, Jordan Salama, a Spanish and Portuguese major, produced a nonfiction book of travel writing about the people and places along Colombia’s main river, the Magdalena.

Student doing thesis research

Embracing the Classics to Inform Policymaking for Public Education

For her senior thesis, Emma Treadwayconsiders how the basic tenets of Stoicism — a school of philosophy that dates from 300 BCE — can teach students to engage empathetically with the world and address inequities in the classroom.

Student holding a book

Creating A Faster, Cheaper and Greener Chemical Reaction

One way to make drugs more affordable is to make them cheaper to produce. For her senior thesis research, Cassidy Humphreys, a chemistry major with a passion for medicine, took on the challenge of taking a century-old formula at the core of many modern medications — and improving it.

Students working in a science lab

The Humanity of Improvisational Dance

Esin Yunusoglu investigated how humans move together and exist in a space — both on the dance floor and in real life — for the choreography she created as her senior thesis in dance, advised by Professor of Dance Susan Marshall.

Students dancing

From the Blog

The infamous senior thesis, revisiting wwii: my senior thesis, independent work in its full glory, advisers, independent work and beyond.

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Senior Thesis

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Through their Senior Thesis, majors learn to identify interesting economics questions, survey the existing academic literature and demonstrate command of theoretical, empirical, and/or experimental methods needed to critically analyze their chosen topic.

All seniors are encouraged to browse the Senior Thesis Database for examples of past work.

To see examples of papers that won Senior Thesis Prizes, see this article about Class Day and the Class of ’24 Award Winners .

Senior Thesis Coordinator Professor Andrea Wilson [email protected] 

Key Resources for Seniors

Senior Thesis Handbook Senior Thesis At-a-Glance Senior Thesis Advisors and Their Advising Interests Senior Thesis Proposal/Advisor Request Form Senior Thesis Advisor Assignments Exit form: Senior Thesis Research Integrity Form Exit form: Senior Thesis Advisor Evaluation Exit form: Departmental Survey

Senior Prizes

At the end of senior year, the department awards several prizes to acknowledge the best Senior Thesis projects from each class. Available awards are listed below.

  • John Glover Wilson Memorial Award: Awarded to the best thesis on international economics or politics.
  • Walter C. Sauer ’28 Prize (joint eligibility with Politics, SPIA): Awarded to the student whose thesis or research project on any aspect of United States foreign trade is judged to be the most creative.
  • The Griswold Center for Economic Policy Studies Prize: Awarded annually to the best five policy-relevant theses.
  • Burton G. Malkiel ’64 Senior Thesis Prize in Finance: Awarded for the most outstanding thesis in the field of finance.
  • Elizabeth Bogan Prize in Economics: Awarded for the best thesis in health, education, or welfare.
  • Daniel L. Rubinfeld ’67 Prize in Empirical Economics: Awarded for the best thesis in empirical economics.
  • Hugo Sonnenschein Prize in Economic Theory: Awarded for the best thesis on economic theory.
  • Wolf Balleisen Memorial Prize: Awarded for the best thesis on an economics subject, written by an economics major.
  • Halbert White ’72 Prize in Economics: Awarded to the most outstanding senior economics major, as evidenced by excellence in departmental coursework and creativity in the Junior Paper and Senior Thesis.


  1. How-To Senior Thesis: Tips & Tricks

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  2. Senior Thesis with Distinction Guidelines 1. A senior thesis is a

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  3. PPT

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  4. 101+ Engaging Senior Thesis Topics for Academic Excellence

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  5. Senior thesis: Tips from a senior

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  6. Mastering the Thesis Statement: Examples and Tips for Academic Success

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  4. Senior Thesis 2024- Joseph W: Long Term Effects of Child Abuse

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  1. What Is a Senior Thesis?

    A senior thesis is a large, independent research project that students take on during their senior year of high school or college to fulfill their graduation requirement. It is the culminating work of their studies at a particular institution, and it represents their ability to conduct research and write effectively. ...

  2. PDF The EPS Senior Thesis Guide

    The EPS Senior Thesis Guide Updated March 17, 2021 2 What are the expectations of a senior thesis student? 1. Work with a faculty advisor to define a research question that can be reasonably addressed within the time frame and physical constraints (available funding, lab equipment, etc.). 2.

  3. PDF Senior Thesis Guide

    2 Q: Why should I write a Senior Thesis? A: While writing a thesis is one way to become eligible for honors, and the only way to become eligible for the summa cum laude level of honors, the best motivations are a love of research and/or a burning question. You should not consider a Senior Thesis if your primary motivations are not intellectually based, but are instead more practical—i.e ...

  4. Senior Thesis Writing Guides

    Senior Thesis Writing Guides. The senior thesis is typically the most challenging writing project undertaken by undergraduate students. The writing guides below aim to introduce students both to the specific methods and conventions of writing original research in their area of concentration and to effective writing process. The senior thesis is ...

  5. Senior Thesis: A Daunting and Fulfilling Journey

    The senior thesis experience is a transformative journey that marks the culmination of an undergraduate academic career. The thesis process requires students to delve into the depths of their chosen field, applying years of accumulated knowledge and skills to produce a substantial piece of original research. This capstone project is not merely ...

  6. Preparing for a Senior Thesis

    Preparing for a Senior Thesis. Every year, a little over half of Harvard's senior class chooses to pursue a senior thesis. While the senior thesis looks a little different from field to field, one thing remains the same: completion of a senior thesis is a serious and challenging endeavor that requires the student to make a genuine ...

  7. PDF The Senior Thesis Guide

    SENIOR THESIS MID-YEAR PROGRESS REPORT STUDENT COMMENTS..... 26. 1 GUIDELINES FOR SENIOR THESIS WORK. GENERAL BACKGROUND. The promotion of independent thinking is one of the loftiest goals of higher education, and the ... Note that this definition transcends all fields and defines the common element in Princeton theses on topics as diverse as ...

  8. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in History & Literature

    ely cannot be. Let's get those out of the way right now.A senior thesis must be an original research project of no fewer than 10,000 words and no m. re than 20,000 words, not counting notes and bibliography. Students may petition the Direc. or of Studies to write a thesis that exceeds 20,000 words. Typical.

  9. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Social Studies

    ry should be spent writing additional body chapters. By the time spring term begins, you should have completed at least one more chapter (in addition to the chapter you turned in to your supervisor in December), and, if your thesis will have 4 or more body chapte.

  10. Senior Theses

    Doing a senior thesis is an exciting enterprise. It's often the first time students are engaging in truly original research and trying to develop a significant contribution to a field of inquiry. But as joyful as an independent research process can be, you don't have to go it alone. It's important to have support as you navigate such a large endeavor, and the ARC is here to offer one of ...

  11. PDF Advice on Writing a Senior Thesis

    Writing a senior thesis is an engaging intellectual experience, students should be given this great opportunity if they want to take it! Students are usually glad they did it, then enjoy the 1 on 1 process with their adviser, they like to dig in. For some students, having an honors degree is important.


    A senior thesis is the crowning point of students' undergraduate years of study. The process of producing a senior thesis requires two semesters, during which time students carry out an independent research project on a topic of their choice. Thus, every senior thesis is uniquely each student's own. The benefits of doing a senior thesis are ...

  13. PDF Senior Thesis Guide

    This senior thesis guide applies to all CEE students who are satisfying the senior thesis requirement by signing up for CEE 478. Senior thesis can be co-advised by several faculty from CEE or out of CEE; however, at least one faculty from CEE must be co-advisor. Students in the "Architecture and Engineering - Architecture Focus" track are ...

  14. Senior Thesis in Philosophy

    Senior Thesis Writing. A senior thesis is a substantial piece of philosophical work undertaken at the undergraduate level during the senior (final) year of study. Theses are intended to serve as the culmination of a period of focused study of a topic, problem, theme, or idea within philosophy. It is the result of thorough research conducted by ...

  15. The Senior Thesis

    Integral to the senior thesis process is the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member who guides the development of the project. Thesis writers and advisers agree that the most valuable outcome of the senior thesis is the chance for students to enhance skills that are the foundation of future success, including creativity, intellectual engagement, mental discipline and the ability ...

  16. Senior Thesis

    Senior Thesis. A senior honors thesis is a chance to investigate an idea, theoretical issue, policy problem, or historical situation of keen economic interest. All economics senior thesis writers are required to take an ECON 985 Senior Thesis Seminar. Attention Thesis-Interested Seniors: See the Ec Thesis Canvas page for a recording of the ...

  17. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Social Studies

    ere are a fe. other tips to keep in mind as well.1. Be Flexible! There is no one set way to do your thesis. research or examine a par-ticular research question. If and when you hit roadblocks during the research project, evaluate the kinds of roadblocks you are encountering to decide what, if anything, you shou.

  18. 2022-2023 Senior Thesis Guide

    The Senior Thesis is a full year, 12 month, effort which really starts during the end of the junior spring semester. Be prepared to devote at least the amount of time that ... Month Problem Definition Doing the work Writing Summer & September October November December January February March April . Please do not underestimate how long it takes ...

  19. The Senior Thesis

    Integral to the senior thesis process is the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member who guides the development of the project. Thesis writers and advisers agree that the most valuable outcome of the senior thesis is the chance for students to enhance skills that are the foundation of future success, including creativity, intellectual engagement, mental discipline and the ability ...

  20. Senior Thesis

    Through their Senior Thesis, majors learn to identify interesting economics questions, survey the existing academic literature and demonstrate command of theoretical, empirical, and/or experimental methods needed to critically analyze their chosen topic. All seniors are encouraged to browse the Senior Thesis Database for examples of past work.

  21. PDF A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in History and Literature

    • A Senior Thesis must be an original research project of no fewer than 10,000 words and no more than 20,000 words, not counting notes and bibliography. Students may petition the Director of Studies to write a thesis that exceeds 20,000 words. Typical theses run somewhere in the range of ... define your thesis, toward thinking in terms of the ...

  22. PDF 1. IMPORTANT DATES 2019-20

    2 keeping in mind the standards below as norms (for a creative thesis). The Senior Champagne Reception follows the thesis deadline, in the Thompson Room, Barker Center. April 30, May 1, May 4, 2020 Oral examinations scheduled for those thesis writers who might be candidates for the summa cum laude degree. *Note for JOINT CONCENTRATORS: you must follow the deadlines and formatting/style guidelines

  23. Senior Thesis Definition

    A senior thesis is a multifaceted assignment that serves as a culminating academic experience for students, typically at the end of high school. Skip to the content About