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list of ch words speech therapy

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CH Word List Speech Therapy Materials

CH word list for speech therapy

If your child is having trouble saying CH, you have come to the right place! 

If you are a speech therapist and you need some CH speech therapy materials, hopefully, our CH word list can help you!

Below you will find lots of free materials!

  • First, there is a FREE worksheet (for non-members) and link (for members) to access new articulation materials.
  • Second, there is a word list for  quick viewing .
  • Next, you can sign up for a FREE newsletter and receive  A LL THE WORD LISTS in one Folder in your Google Drive.
  • After that, check out a brief explanation on how to say the target sound.
  • Last, there are ideas for  articulation practice  that do not require flashcards or word lists. This is the most functional option and appropriate for children working on generalization.

Enjoy the FREE materials!!!

CH Worksheets and More!

We have articulation worksheets for teaching, drill practice, generalization, and language-based artic games! 

  • If you are a member, simply log in, download, and you are ready to roll here. 
  • If you want to join,  sign up here.

list of ch words speech therapy

To access the free smashmat, just fill out the form below!

21 free smashmats.

Sign up below to receive your free materials.

list of ch words speech therapy

CH Word List

Google drive word list.

Sign up with your email address to receive all the word lists instantly! They will be yours now and forever!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Google Drive. I can access my word lists from any device; laptop, desktop, or phone.

If you want a copy, fill out the form above. I put all the word lists in one folder.  Once you receive your email with the materials, make a copy of the files and they are yours to use and tweak as needed.

  • If you need help saving the word lists to your Google Drive, click here:  Save Google Document
  • If you LOVE Google Drive as much as I do, check out our  Speech Therapy Documentation Page.

Complete CH Articulation Packet

list of ch words speech therapy

This is MY FAVORITE NEW RESOURCE! I HONESTLY use it all the time for each articulation session and handouts for home practice.

The words chosen for speech therapy can make all the difference between a good therapy program and a great one! For the generalization phase, it is crucial to use high-frequency words!! It only makes sense to use words that the client will actually say outside of the therapy room. Right?!

For only $5, you will receive  35 pages  of materials including:

  • Flashcards that can be used as Cariboo Cards too, yeah!
  • Flashcard free games that can be used as home practice
  • Dot sheets, smash-mats, and/or coloring pages
  • Articulation warm-up sheets which can be used as a goal review sheet
  • Flashcards which contain word, phrase, and sentence level practice
  • Cut/paste sentence level worksheets
  • Self-assessment sheets
  • Parent handouts

Check it out here

How To Say CH

We say "CH" by putting the middle sides of our tongue on the top of our mouth (in the middle).

  • Have your child say "achoo" as he pretends to sneeze for practice.

Articulation Games for CH

The "CH" sound is a later developing sound, usually mastered by age 4.

Take turns with your child saying the desired words during the games listed below. It is important to practice  hearing  as well as  saying  the words.

  • Chicken - Say "chicken" as you dance around like chickens
  • Change - Say "change" as you count change in a wallet
  • Chocolate - Say "chocolate" as you eat chocolate
  • Chip - Say "chip" as you organize playing chips by color
  • Touching - Put objects in a bag and then reach in and say "I'm touching...."
  • Beaches - Talk about what you see on beaches, say "on a beach, I see..."
  • Questions - Say "question" before asking a question during a game of 20 questions
  • Couch - Say "couch" by saying what or who can sit on a couch
  • Catch - Say "catch" before you catch a ball
  • Stretch - Say "stretch" as you do all your favorite yoga moves

Membership Site

  • If your child has trouble saying multiple sounds AND 
  • you want a step-by-step guide to help your child AND 
  • you want ideas on how to increase vocabulary, improve grammar, follow directions, and much more....

consider our  member's site . It has it all!

If you are a professional and you want: 

  • Articulation screening tools
  • Data tracking sheets
  • Templates in Google Drive for easy data tracking and graphing
  • Homework sheets/parent handouts on articulation therapy
  • General flashcard games
  • 36 flashcards for each sound: B, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, N, P, R, S, T, V, Z, SH, TH, CH
  • 8-10 functional games for each sound
  • Language-based worksheets to spice things up!
  • Picture description tasks
  • Short story stimuli

Our  membership might be just what you need!

About the Author

Bridget giraldo, ms  ccc-slp .

Hi, I’m Bridget! I’m a speech-language pathologist from Illinois, USA. I’ve worked with children and adults of all ages in schools, preschools, hospitals, rehab facilities, and now in my own private practice. My expertise is my ability to create effective, research-based materials and speech therapy techniques that streamline and simplify our professional lives!  I graduated from University of Wisconsin, Madison with my masters degree in Communication Disorders. 

  • Top Word Lists For Speech Therapy
  • CH Word List For Speech Therapy

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  1. How to Teach CH Sound: Articulation Activities, and Word Lists for

    list of ch words speech therapy

  2. CH Word List For Speech Therapy

    list of ch words speech therapy

  3. Things That Start With Ch

    list of ch words speech therapy

  4. List Of Ch Words Speech Therapy

    list of ch words speech therapy

  5. Ch Final Sound

    list of ch words speech therapy

  6. CH Word List For Speech Therapy

    list of ch words speech therapy


  1. Parts of Speech || English Grammar || All Competitive Exams || KARTAR SIR || KT Sir ||

  2. 😇Uff ye masumiyat

  3. Speech Therapy || Articulation ch Sound || Tongue Positioning || Mis articulation || Teach Sound

  4. I Spy L Words

  5. பறவைகளின் பெயர்கள்