Cover Letter and Resume tips for various skills and jobs

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Cover Letter Suggestion

[alert style=”info”]If possible, keep your covering letter to a single page. Too much information, especially if it is not relevant to the job, may detract from the letter. Your statement addressing the selection criteria is the place to give more detailed information about yourself and your ability to do the job.

What should your cover letter include?

  • Your personal/ contact details
  • A salutation/greeting
  • How you heard about the job/company
  • Why you believe you would be an asset to the team
  • How you will follow up
  • A closing/signature

[/alert] Following is a link to a Cover Letter sample [Australia format] which you could review to create your custom cover letter to be sent along with your Resume

General Australia Resume Format Suggestion

Following is a link to an article giving tips for creating an Australian style CV which you could review to create your custom Resume

Australian Teacher Aide Resume Template/Example

Bendigo, Victoria | +61-047536241 |  [email protected]

I am a motivated and committed professional with a strong career history in the delivery of quality learning and support services across the education sector.

With demonstrated competency in special needs requirements, I possess expertise in educating and supporting students of a variety of ages and cultural backgrounds.

My career objective is to apply my diverse skill set to a new challenge within the education sector. I am passionate about assisting students to reach their full potential within a nurturing and supportive environment.

Diploma of Education
Victoria University


Primary School, Bendigo
2014 to Present

– Assist students in specific learning areas.
– Assist with the communication between students and teachers
– Provide basic physical and emotional care for students
– Assist with toileting, meals, lifting, and administration of medication to students requiring special care
– Assist with the supervision of pupils in playgrounds, at camps, on excursions, in sporting activities, therapy activities and life skills.
– Assist in the preparation of student resources and equipment.
– Prepare basic curriculum support resources.
– Observe students and draw the attention of the teacher to them where necessary.
– Assist with communication between teachers and non-English speaking parents/students.
– Assist in the preparation of equipment and purchasing of materials and supplies as required.
– Ensure work areas and materials, equipment and appliances are maintained in a clean and ready to use condition.


Skills and Personal Attributes:

– Capable to undertake routine support tasks across a range of functions in one or more work areas within a school environment.
– Can communicate effectively with members of the school community including students and the capacity to provide support and/or attendant care to students where necessary.
– Proficient in the use of office systems, software and technical equipment
– Can work cooperatively with a range of people including teachers, education support, students and parents.
– Committed to professional learning and growth.
– Have neccessary certifications including: driver’s licence, first aid, safe food handling


[alert style=”info”]Be ready with names and contact details of at least two referees (either written referees or verbal) who can comment on your work experience[/alert]


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[alert]Click the button below for getting the PDF version and Printing this sample Resume template for building your own related Resume. [/alert]

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Cover letter template

Explain to the employer the purpose of your letter, why you’re applying for the job, how you meet the job criteria, and how they can contact you for an interview.

Cover letters for job applications

[your street number and name] [your suburb, state and postcode]

[title and name of addressee] [his/her position title if known]

[organisation’s name] [organisation’s address]

Dear [insert Ms/Mr Xxx or Sir/Madam]

    Application for position of [name of role], Reference Number [if given]

OPENING PARAGRAPH(S): The purpose of this letter, and why them.

Paragraph 1 : start by referring to the position you’re applying for (or “I am applying for the above position” if formatted as above) and where you saw the advertisement or heard about the role.

Paragraph 2 : explain why you’re interested in the role and the organisation. In order to do this, you need to have thoroughly read the selection criteria relating to the role and researched the organisation using their website, news sites, industry contacts, and so forth. If you’re applying through a recruitment agency and don't know the name of the hiring organisation, you can research the industry instead. Try to avoid clichés and make your interest in the organisation appear personal and genuine. A brief summary of your key selling points can be included at this point to highlight your ‘organisational fit’.

eg, GreenBuild’s recent exhibit at the Sustainable Cities festival was of particular interest to me as I have a passion for sustainable development. My skills in residential design developed through my Bachelor of Design in Architecture, along with my thorough knowledge of sustainable building practices acquired over two years as a project officer with the NSW Department of Environment and Heritage, would allow me to make a meaningful contribution to your mission to create Sydney’s greenest housing developments.


Paragraph 3 : this is where you provide evidence as to how your qualifications, skills and experience meet the selection criteria for the position. You can draw evidence from a range of experiences if relevant, including academic studies, extracurricular activities, placements, volunteer roles and paid employment history, including casual work. This section where you address the selection criteria should be the longest section in your letter. It may be necessary to divide it into more than one paragraph.

eg, My strong time management skills have been developed through balancing part time work at Bob’s Café with volunteering commitments at my local community centre while meeting all assignment deadlines to maintain a distinction average in my studies.


Paragraph 4 : this is where you express the hoped-for outcome of your letter. End on a positive note and a call to further action. You may want to reiterate how your relevant strengths make you a suitable candidate for the role and mention your availability for interview. Refer to any attachments such as resume, transcript, application form, etc.

Yours sincerely [your name typed]

[Note: Use ‘Yours sincerely’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear plus Addressee’s Name’ and ‘Yours faithfully’ for letters beginning with ‘Dear Sir/Madam’]

Speculative cover letters

Speculative cover letters are used when you are proactively seeking opportunities directly with an employer, rather than responding to advertised vacancies. For speculative letters, follow the format above, with the following adjustments:

Opening paragraph : If you’ve been referred by a friend or colleague known to the recruiter, mention this. As no job has been advertised, state that you’re seeking employment opportunities in a particular occupational area or role.

Final paragraph : You may wish to include your intention to contact the employer on a particular day to follow up. Make sure that you keep your promise by noting the date in your diary and contacting the addressee on the mentioned date, as planned.

Need more cover letter tips?

How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter is your first introduction to a potential employer, so it needs to show that you’re a suitable candidate.

Addressing selection criteria

Selection criteria are the skills, knowledge, and experience required to successfully do the job.

How to write a resume

A clear, tailored and professional resume is essential for any job application. It should aim to convince an employer that your qualifications, work experience and skillset make you a strong match for the job.

How to write a cover letter in Australia: Your guide to standing out

January 02, 2023

A cover letter is the megaphone your job application needs to stand out and intrigue hiring managers… but what if your hand is shaky on the on-switch? Find out how to write a great cover letter, even if you’re not confident with words. 

A woman dressed in yellow holding an illustrated megaphone against a textured background

When it comes to job hunting, there are two things that will never go out of fashion—the all-powerful resume, and its best buddy, the cover letter. Sure, your resume will change over time, and the final product will vary from a one-pager to a complete breakdown of your work history depending on your industry, but the letter portion generally stays the same (with some caveats for government, legal, STEM and finance roles). 

That said, hitting the right tone with your cover letter can be tricky. Too confident, and you’ll come across as braggy with no substance; too factual, and the reader may lose interest. Luckily, there’s a tried and tested approach for treading this line. 

What is the purpose of a cover letter?  

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s look at the purpose behind this one-page statement. A cover letter is there to help time-poor managers assess your application because it highlights the skills and accomplishments you feel are most relevant to the job. Think of it as a summary of your resume. 

While templates are easy (and tempting), generic cover letters can damage your chances of getting to the next stage. You risk rubbing your reader the wrong way with stock-like responses, a lack of research and vague statements in the place of demonstrated understanding. While you want to talk about the nitty gritty of the role and your career highlights, a cover letter is also the place to let your personality shine. You should bring yourself to the table and show the hiring manager how you align with their business from day zero. 

Do you need a cover letter? 

Yes. Submitting your application without one is a little like writing an assignment without including a list of references. You need to include a cover letter to show potential employers you have the initiative, dedication and attitude they want in their business. Even if tailoring your application takes a little longer than pressing send, it’s well worth it. Put yourself in the reader's position; would you interview the person who took the time to learn about the role, or the contender who attached their resume without so much as a hello, this is who I am and what I bring to the table? 

Mastering Australian cover letters

So how do you become a whiz at writing cover letters, and what are the steps that can make the process easier? If you take nothing else from this piece, remember this—preparation is key. If you’ve researched the role and identified your most relevant skills and achievements, writing a cover letter will be much easier.

Before you begin

Research the role.

By researching what you’ll be doing and getting a bit of background on the company, you’ll be able to learn more about the role and will find it easier to write the cover letter with this in mind. Look for recent articles on the company and its founders, and have a read of their website to get a feel for what they do. Make sure you understand the criteria that they’ve listed.

Brainstorm real-world examples

The worst thing you can be in a cover letter is generic. Comments like “I have great people skills” don’t really say anything. Once you know what the business is looking for, start thinking about real-world problems you’ve solved that meet the job ad’s criteria. Brainstorm things like:  How did you impact the company? Are there key performance stats that prove you made positive changes? Have these examples ready.

Gather contact details

If you can, find out the hiring manager’s name. LinkedIn or the company’s website can be great for this, so do a little digging. If all else fails, call the company and ask. It shows initiative.

Create a cover letter people care about in 5 steps

So you’ve got your background information and you’re armed with great examples of your achievements. Now’s the time to write a stand out cover letter.

1. Write a targeted introduction

Talk about what drew you to the role in the first place. Was it the culture? The company’s charitable work? Their reputation as industry leaders? Make sure you also say why that’s important to you—shared values are a great way to show company alignment. And remember, engagement is key, so you should be more conversational than you would be in a resume.

2. Explore your history and connect it with the role

How have you gotten here? Was it a straight path, or  did you start your career in another direction before finding your way to this industry?   If you’re changing industries, what have you done to learn about this one, and what prompted the change? Include some very brief context around this. 

3. Address the recruitment criteria in detail

It’s unlikely that you’ll tick every box in the job ad, but talk about what you’ve done in your previous roles and how your experience mirrors the job criteria. Be specific and use examples where you can. You can also mention any relevant qualifications you have if they’ve asked for them.

4. Refine your elevator pitch

You want to wind down with a quick overview. Remind the recruiter why you’re applying for this role, where you’ve come from, and why you’d like to take this path next.

5. Make a closing statement

Thank them for their time in reading your application, and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them soon. Tell them how and where you can be contacted so they don’t have to go digging through your resume for the details. 

Before you hit send

There’s no point writing a great cover letter if you  fall on the final hurdle. Here are some last steps you shouldn’t skip.

Proofread, leave it a day, then proofread again

This is your only chance to make a good first impression. It’s so easy to miss a typo when you submit your cover letter straight after writing it, but this looks sloppy. Give yourself the distance to spot those little errors.  

Ask someone you trust in the same industry to read it for you

This’ll give you insight into anything you’ve misunderstood, or areas you can focus more on. You could also learn valuable titbits about the industry that you may be able to weave into your cover letter.

Double-check the details 

There’s nothing worse than hitting ‘send’ only to realise you’ve called the hiring manager Mary when it’s actually Maree, so make sure you’ve got it right. It’s also good to check that all your contact details are correct.

Take a moment to breathe and visualise 

You’re almost there, and you’re doing great. Take a moment to visualise how fantastic it’ll be if you score an interview.

Organise your resume 

Make sure your resume is up to date and in the required format, with all the relevant skills clearly organised.

Send it away! 

Attach it to a brief email or onto the company’s application portal and you’re done!

Congratulations! You’ve just sent off your application. Pat yourself on the back for writing a clear, concise, targeted cover letter that shows how perfect you are for the role. Good luck.

Read next: How to make an impression at your job interview

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Resumes To Impress

Teacher Cover Letter Example (WA Department of Education)

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Nicole Wren</a>

Written by Nicole Wren

young female teacher at a whiteboard

by Nicole Wren | Nov 22, 2022 | Examples

When applying for a WA Teaching Job, as well as needing to supply a resume or CV, you may be asked to write a cover letter, or statement addressing the domains that govern the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, in the context of the role and business needs of the school. This may need to be one, two, three, four or even five pages in length, depending on the role. This is actually a selection criteria application. ​ The AITSL Domains and Professional Standards for Teachers Your statement (or cover letter) can be organised using the headings of the three AITSL Domains and seven Professional Standards for Teachers, as follows:


  • Know students and how they learn
  • Know the content and how to teach it


  • Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
  • Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
  • Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning


  • Engage in professional learning
  • Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

Department of Education Teacher Cover Letter Example Here’s an example for how to write part of your AITSL standards cover letter, for the Professional Practice Domain, which includes Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning .

Standard 5 includes the following focus areas (which are all addressed within the two examples below): Focus area 5.1 Assess student learning Focus area 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning Focus area 5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements Focus area 5.4 Interpret student data Focus area 5.5 Report on student achievement

​ “Professional Practice

[Note: your responses to Standards 3 and 4 would be expected to go in this section]

Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning Throughout my extensive teaching career, I have designed and implemented a range of assessment tasks for students, using both formative and summative assessment tasks. Using a range of assessments for individual learning activities ensures each student has an opportunity to demonstrate their acquired knowledge, since different students respond differently to various types of assessment. I have been able to use assessment data to adjust how I teach, and then provide feedback to both students and parents on student progress. ​ For example, as a Grade 1 Teacher at Example Primary School, I have completed the following: Using English Content Descriptions and Achievement Standards from the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline, I designed an assessment to obtain information about student ability in reading and rewriting a favourite story. My colleagues and I designed a rubric to assess vocabulary, spelling, sentence control etc. We discussed several samples as a group to ensure we were marking assessments consistently. Once marking was complete, I ranked my class and used this information to identify learning progress and future needs with my colleagues. For example, we noticed several students were struggling with vocabulary. I was able to plan an intervention for these students, focusing on this area for the following semester. I was also able to use this information to report back to parents about their child’s progress.   I also conducted a lesson on understanding of time and phrases used to refer to the past, present and future, in accordance with Humanities and Social Sciences Content Description and Achievement Standards from the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. After an initial class discussion on these terms, I divided the class into small groups, with each student in the group given one of three ‘time’ word cards e.g. ‘before, during, after’, ‘last week, just now, next week’ etc. Each student was required to group themselves into the correct order. I noticed several students struggled with this concept and provided additional feedback and explicit teaching to these students. ”

You’ll note these examples utilise the SAO format (Situation, Action, Outcome):

Need help writing your WA Department of Education teacher cover letter, to ensure it addresses the AITSL Standards? Review our selection criteria packages. Our Perth resume writers can also assist with your resume.

Nicole Wren

Nicole Wren

Senior Writer

Nicole is the principal resume writer at Resumes to Impress. Nicole loves writing and sharing her knowledge about all things job hunting and career guidance.

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FACT FOCUS: A look at false claims around Kamala Harris and her campaign for the White House

Democrats are quickly rallying around Vice President Kamala Harris as their likely presidential nominee after President Joe Biden’s ground-shaking decision to bow out of the 2024 race.


Vice President Kamala Harris arrives to speak from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Monday, July 22, 2024, during an event with NCAA college athletes. This is her first public appearance since President Joe Biden endorsed her to be the next presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

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The announcement that Vice President Kamala Harris will seek the Democratic nomination for president is inspiring a wave of false claims about her eligibility and her background. Some first emerged years ago, while others only surfaced after President Joe Biden’s decision to end his bid for a second term.

Here’s a look at the facts.

CLAIM: Harris is not an American citizen and therefore cannot serve as commander in chief.

THE FACTS: Completely false . Harris is a natural born U.S. citizen. She was born on Oct. 20, 1964, in Oakland, California, according to a copy of her birth certificate, obtained by The Associated Press.

Her mother, a cancer researcher from India, and her father, an economist from Jamaica, met as graduate students at the University of California, Berkeley.

Under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, anyone born on U.S. soil is considered a natural born U.S. citizen and eligible to serve as either the vice president or president.

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside,” reads the amendment.


There is no question or legitimate debate about whether a citizen like Harris is eligible to serve as president or vice president, said Jessica Levinson, a professor at Loyola Law School.

“So many legal questions are really nuanced — this isn’t one of those situations,” Levinson told the AP on Monday.

Still, social media posts making the debunked assertion that Harris cannot serve as president went viral soon after Biden announced Sunday that he was dropping out of the race and would back Harris for president.

“Kamala Harris is not eligible to run for President,” read one post on X that was liked more than 34,000 times. “Neither of her parents were natural born American citizens when she was born.”

False assertions about Harris’ eligibility began circulating in 2019 when she launched her bid for the presidency. They got a boost, thanks in part to then-President Donald Trump, when Biden selected her as his running mate.

“I heard today that she doesn’t meet the requirements,” the Republican said of Harris in 2019.

CLAIM: Harris is not Black.

THE FACTS: This is false. Harris is Black and Indian . Her father, Donald Harris, is a Black man who was born in Jamaica. Shyamala Gopalan, her mother, was born in southern India. Harris has spoken publicly for many years, including in her 2019 autobiography , about how she identifies with the heritage of both her parents.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
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Despite ample evidence to the contrary, social media users are making erroneous claims about Harris’ race.

“Just a reminder that Kamala Harris @KamalaHarris isn’t black,” reads one X post that had received approximately 42,000 likes and 20,400 shares as of Monday. “She Indian American. She pretends to be black as part of the delusional, Democrat DEI quota.”

But Harris is both Black and Indian. Indeed, she is the first woman, Black person and person of South Asian descent to serve as vice president. This fact is highlighted in her biography on and she has spoken about her ethnicity on many occasions.

Harris wrote in her autobiography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” that she identifies with the heritage of both her mother and father.

“My mother, grandparents, aunts, and uncle instilled us with pride in our South Asian roots,” she wrote. “Our classical Indian names harked back to our heritage, and we were raised with a strong awareness and appreciation for Indian culture.”

In the next paragraph, she adds, “My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters.” Harris again refers to herself as a “black woman” in the book’s next chapter.

CLAIM: Harris got her start by having an affair with a married man, California politician Willie Brown.

THE FACTS: This is missing some important context. Brown was separated from his wife during the relationship, which was not a secret.

Brown, 90, is a former mayor of San Francisco who was serving as speaker of the California State Assembly in the 1990s when he and Harris were in a relationship. Brown had separated from his wife in 1982.

“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago,” Brown wrote in 2020 in the San Francisco Chronicle under the article title, “Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?”

He wrote that he supported Harris’ first race to be San Francisco district attorney — just as he has supported a long list of other California politicians, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Harris, 59, was state attorney general from 2011-2017 and served in the Senate from 2017 until 2021, when she became vice president. She has been married to Doug Emhoff since 2014.

Harris’ critics have used the past relationship to question her qualifications, as Fox News personality Tomi Lahren did when she wrote on social media in 2019: “Kamala did you fight for ideals or did you sleep your way to the top with Willie Brown.” Lahren later apologized for the comment.

Trump and some of his supporters have also highlighted the nearly three-decade old relationship in recent attacks on Harris .

CLAIM: An Inside Edition clip of television host Montel Williams holding hands with Harris and another woman is proof that Harris was his “side piece.”

THE FACTS: The clip shows Montel with Harris and his daughter, Ashley Williams. Harris and Williams, a former marine who hosted “The Montel Williams Show” for more than a decade, dated briefly in the early 2000s.

In the clip, taken from a 2019 Inside Edition segment , Williams can be seen posing for photographs and holding hands with both women as they arrive at the 2001 Eighth Annual Race to Erase MS in Los Angeles.

But social media users are misrepresenting the clip, using it as alleged evidence that Harris was Montel’s “side piece” — a term used to describe a person, typically a woman, who has a sexual relationship with a man in a monogamous relationship.

Williams addressed the false claims in an X post on Monday, writing in reference to the Inside Edition clip, “as most of you know, that is my daughter to my right.” Getty Images photos from the Los Angeles gala identify the women as Harris and Ashley Williams.

In 2019, Williams described his relationship with Harris in a post on X, then known as Twitter.

“@KamalaHarris and I briefly dated about 20 years ago when we were both single,” he wrote in an X post at the time. “So what? I have great respect for Sen. Harris. I have to wonder if the same stories about her dating history would have been written if she were a male candidate?”

CLAIM: Harris promised to inflict the “vengeance of a nation” on Trump supporters.

THE FACTS: A fabricated quote attributed to Harris is spreading online five years after it first surfaced.

In the quote, Harris supposedly promises that if Trump is defeated in 2020, Trump supporters will be targeted by the federal government: “Once Trump’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation.”

The quote was shared again on social media this week. One post on X containing an image of the quote was shared more than 22,000 times as of Monday afternoon.

The remarks didn’t come from Harris , but from a satirical article published online in August 2019. Shortly after, Trump supporters like musician Ted Nugent reposted the comments without noting they were fake.

CLAIM: A video shows Harris saying in a speech: “Today is today. And yesterday was today yesterday. Tomorrow will be today tomorrow. So live today, so the future today will be as the past today as it is tomorrow.”

THE FACTS: Harris never said this. Footage from a 2023 rally on reproductive rights at Howard University, her alma mater, was altered to make it seem as though she did.

In the days after Harris headlined the Washington rally, Republicans mocked a real clip of her speech, with one critic dubbing her remarks a “word salad,” the AP reported at the time .

Harris says in the clip: “So I think it’s very important — as you have heard from so many incredible leaders — for us, at every moment in time, and certainly this one, to see the moment in time in which we exist and are present, and to be able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in the history and in the moment as it relates not only to the past, but the future.”

NARAL Pro-Choice America, an abortion rights nonprofit whose president also spoke at the rally, livestreamed the original footage. It shows Harris making the “moment in time” remark, but not the “today is today” comment.

The White House’s transcript of Harris’ remarks also does not include the statement from the altered video. Harris’ appearance at the event came the same day that Biden announced their reelection bid .

Find AP Fact Checks here: .


Harris Rallies Exuberant Wisconsin Crowd, Saying ‘When We Fight, We Win’

Vice President Kamala Harris visited a key battleground state and quickly went on the offensive against former President Donald J. Trump, casting the race as a contest between a prosecutor and a felon.

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Simon J. Levien and Nicholas Nehamas

Harris also secured the backing of the top Democrats in Congress.

In the first rally of her presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris greeted an exuberant crowd in Wisconsin and assailed the former president, telling them that she’d taken on fraudsters and cheaters as a prosecutor and “I know Donald Trump’s type.”

Supporters who seemed to be releasing pent-up energy after weeks of uncertainty over the future of the Democratic campaign chanted Ms. Harris’s name as she forcefully contrasted herself with Mr. Trump. She vowed to protect access to abortion and nodded to her relative youth, saying now “the baton is in our hands.” Ms. Harris closed her remarks by telling the fired-up audience, “When we fight, we win!” before leaving the stage to Beyoncé’s “Freedom.”

Here’s what else to know:

Open to debate: Mr. Trump said in a call with reporters that he “absolutely” would debate Ms. Harris and was “willing to do more than one debate.” But he once again said he did not want the debate to be hosted by ABC, even though he previously agreed to a debate with President Biden hosted by the network.

Key endorsements: A day after she clinched commitments from enough delegates to secure the party’s presidential nomination, Ms. Harris got the backing of Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Hakeem Jeffries , the two top Democrats in Congress. Mr. Schumer said they were giving her their support “now that the process has played out from the grass roots, bottom up.”

Biden to address the nation: Mr. Biden, who was isolating with Covid when he decided to drop his re-election bid on Sunday, will address the nation on Wednesday night , three days after he said he would end his re-election campaign and endorsed Ms. Harris to take his place at the top of the ticket. Mr. Biden, who for weeks resisted intense pressure to drop out after his poor debate performance last month, said in a social media post that his remarks would focus “on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people.”

Piling up the cash: The Harris campaign said it had raised more than $100 million between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening, far outstripping what either Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump had been able to raise in that amount of time. And a coalition of groups that support paid family leave is spending $500,000 to run a mostly biographical advertisement about Ms. Harris, the first announced independent expenditure to support her candidacy.

Clooney backs Harris: On Tuesday, the actor and Democratic donor George Clooney — who wrote a scathing essay in The New York Times two weeks ago calling on Mr. Biden to drop out — endorsed Ms. Harris for the presidency , pledging to do “whatever we can” to get her elected.

Virtual vote: The Democratic Party will nominate its presidential candidate in an online vote by Aug. 7 , giving the party just over two weeks to deliberate over the selection after swiftly coalescing behind Ms. Harris.

Running mates: Ms. Harris will have a series of potential vice-presidential running mates to choose from ahead of the Democratic National Convention, which begins Aug. 19 in Chicago. Here’s a look at the candidates in contention.

Trump’s schedule: Mr. Trump’s next campaign rally is scheduled for Wednesday in Charlotte, N.C. He wrote in a social media post that he will meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Friday at Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s private club and residence in Palm Beach, Fla.

Chris Cameron contributed reporting.

Theodore Schleifer

Theodore Schleifer

A super PAC tied to Elon Musk will be led by former aides to Ron DeSantis.

Two Republican operatives who played senior roles helping the presidential campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida have taken on leadership roles in a new pro-Trump super PAC that could spend tens of millions of dollars in the presidential race and has ties to Elon Musk.

The aides, Generra Peck, who initially managed the DeSantis campaign, and Phil Cox, a former head of the Republican Governors Association who ran the DeSantis political operation in the years before his run, are quietly guiding the group, America PAC, according to three people briefed on the matter who were not authorized to discuss it publicly.

The super PAC has acquired an air of mystery in the Trump orbit, with other outside groups largely in the dark about its plans. The involvement of Mr. Cox and Ms. Peck may help legitimize it within the Republican establishment as it aims to become one of the leading groups on behalf of Mr. Trump. Ms. Peck and Mr. Cox are two of the party’s most prominent operatives and now lead a public affairs firm, P2 Pathway Public Affairs, and their involvement also helps unify the DeSantis and Trump orbits even further.

Also involved, according to a separate person briefed on the matter, is Charlie Spies, a senior election lawyer for the Republican Party. Mr. Spies, Ms. Peck and Mr. Cox declined to comment.

The group has taken pains to be secretive. Joe Lonsdale, an Austin-based tech entrepreneur, has played a key role in the group, recruiting many of his friends — including the Jimmy John’s founder, John Liautaud; Antonio Gracias, a former director of Tesla; and the Craft family of Kentucky — to help fund the effort. Mr. Musk, who recently endorsed former President Donald J. Trump and is a friend of Mr. Lonsdale, has described himself as having “created” the group and is expected to donate, but the amount remains unclear.

Ms. Peck rose to prominence as the initial campaign manager for Mr. DeSantis’s bid. By the end of the Republican primary race, she had drawn criticism for the Florida governor’s failure to live up to expectations. Mr. Cox worked for outside groups backing Mr. DeSantis during the primary contest.

Another Republican consultant, Dave Rexrode, who has led the political operation of Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia and is also a former director of the R.G.A., is playing a smaller role in the group than Ms. Peck and Mr. Cox, with whom Mr. Rexrode has worked closely.

The group has spent $21 million on independent expenditures — primarily on a voter turnout program.

On Monday, Mr. Musk confirmed that he was connected to the group, saying that he created it in part to serve as a moderating influence in politics. Some donors to the group have similarly expressed a belief that it is not meant to be partisan but merely aims to deliver a ground game that ensures a “fairly conducted” election, according to one donor to the organization.

Mr. Musk dismissed a report that he would spend $45 million a month on the group as “not true.”

“It’s not meant to be sort of a hyperpartisan PAC,” he told the conservative commentator Jordan Peterson, adding that he wanted to “promote the principles that made America great in the first place. I wouldn’t say that I’m, for example, MAGA, or Make America Great Again. I think America is great. I’m more M-A-G, Make America Greater.”

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Who Might Kamala Harris Pick as Her Running Mate?

The first big decision for Ms. Harris: Who will be her running mate if she is nominated by the Democratic Party to run for president in August.


Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

The Trump campaign files a complaint over the transfer of Biden funds to Harris.

Donald J. Trump’s campaign filed a complaint on Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission against President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing them of violating campaign finance laws by rolling Mr. Biden’s campaign funds over to Ms. Harris.

The complaint, filed by the Trump campaign’s general counsel, David Warrington, came after Mr. Biden’s team amended the name of its committee on Sunday to “Harris for President,” once Mr. Biden announced he was no longer running for a second term.

The fight is over what is left in Mr. Biden’s coffers that he is turning over to Ms. Harris, who had been his running mate.

“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended,” Mr. Warrington wrote in the complaint.

Mr. Warrington accused the president, Ms. Harris and the campaign treasurer of “flagrantly violating the Act by making and receiving an excessive contribution of nearly one hundred million dollars, and for filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate.”

Not all campaign finance legal experts share Mr. Warrington’s view — some believe the Harris team is on legally safe ground — and it’s unclear what the F.E.C. will decide. But the Trump team is looking to grind the gears in the transition from Mr. Biden to Ms. Harris in any way they can.

Mr. Trump’s advisers had made clear they would seek to legally block Mr. Biden from transferring funds to Ms. Harris, suggesting a lawsuit was likely. Instead, they are filing a complaint with the F.E.C., which may not be resolved before Election Day.

An F.E.C. spokeswoman said the agency could not comment on pending enforcement matters.

Charles Lutvak, a spokesman for the Harris campaign, pointed to a giant campaign fund-raising haul the vice president’s expanded team has raised since Mr. Biden endorsed her.

“Republicans may be jealous that Democrats are energized to defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA allies, but baseless legal claims — like the ones they’ve made for years to try to suppress votes and steal elections — will only distract them while we sign up volunteers, talk to voters and win this election,” he said.

The Trump campaign’s complaint with the F.E.C. argues, among other things, that Ms. Harris isn’t yet the official nominee — that will happen at the Democratic National Convention next month — and that Mr. Biden, by saying he won’t be a candidate in the general election, isn’t in a position to keep the general-election contributions he has received.

“To date, Biden for President has provided no indication that it will return or redesignate all of its general election contributions,” Mr. Warrington wrote. “Thus, each and every general election contribution received by Biden for President is an excessive contribution.”

And Mr. Warrington accused the campaign’s treasurer and Ms. Harris of “attempted fraud” of the F.E.C. by using their forms to “rename and repurpose” the committee, seeking a Justice Department referral.

He argued in the letter that the commission should address the matter quickly and that Ms. Harris “is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history and she is using the Commission’s own forms to do it.”

Trump has scheduled a finance event in the Hamptons on Aug. 2, per an invite I’ve seen. The event is stacked with loyalists and not many new names: It will be hosted by Howard Lutnick in Bridgehampton, and co-hosts include Trump friends such as Steve Witkoff, Woody Johnson and John Paulson. Tickets range from $25,000 to $500,000.

Nicholas Nehamas

The Democrats lay out a timeline for when Harris’s nomination will be set in stone.

The Democratic National Committee offered new clarity on how the party will formalize its next nominee, who is almost certain to be Vice President Kamala Harris, in a set of draft rules released on Tuesday.

According to the proposed rules, candidates for the nomination must demonstrate they have met the qualifying criteria by the evening of July 30, principally by having acquired the support of at least 300 delegates, with no more than 50 from a single state.

If only one candidate meets that threshold — that is, if Ms. Harris remains unchallenged — delegates will begin voting virtually on Aug. 1. The D.N.C. had previously said the vote must be complete by Aug. 7.

No plausible Democrats have stepped forward to challenge Ms. Harris after President Biden withdrew from the race and endorsed her. On Monday, she secured the pledges of the majority of delegates needed to become the nominee. She will choose her running mate separately.

On Wednesday, the Democratic National Convention’s rules committee will vote on the proposed rules in a public meeting.

Kate Conger

Kate Conger

A lawmaker flags concern over X users being blocked from following Harris.

After some users on X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter, were blocked from following Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign account in recent days, members of the House Judiciary Committee aired concerns that the platform might be censoring political speech.

In a letter to Representative Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio and the committee’s chair, Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York and the ranking member, wrote: “X may be intentionally throttling or blocking Vice President Harris’s ability to communicate with potential voters. If true, such action would amount to egregious censorship based on political and viewpoint discrimination.”

But employees of X who were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter said the campaign account was most likely caught in an anti-spam tool the company uses. The tool flags accounts that acquire a lot of new followers at once, since such activity is often linked to spam.

Some X users were also blocked from following Senator JD Vance’s personal account after he was announced as former President Donald J. Trump’s pick for vice president, those employees said — an indication that political bias was not the root of the issue.

Michael C. Bender

Michael C. Bender

Reported while traveling with Senator JD Vance from Ohio to Virginia.

JD Vance is adjusting to his new role, aboard a plane with his name on it.

Senator JD Vance was unsure where to stand or where to put his hands.

With a fresh haircut and a closely tailored blue suit on his first day of solo campaigning as the Republican vice-presidential nominee, Mr. Vance walked to the back of his chartered airliner to chat with reporters on Monday. Briefly uncertain of how to start, he furrowed his brow and looked from side to side.

His unease was understandable — the utilitarian design of airplane seating does not exactly facilitate group discussion — but also revealing.

Where a more seasoned politician may have simply leaned against a seat, Mr. Vance in his initial confusion hinted at the inexperience of a 39-year-old embarking on his maiden national campaign just one year after being sworn in to his first elected office. When a flight attendant approached and urged everyone to fasten their seatbelts before landing, Mr. Vance plopped into an empty seat in the press cabin and quickly buckled up — as if he were just another passenger, and not the only one inside the plane with his name on the outside of it, too.

The in-flight candidate is, in many ways, a useful metaphor for the moment: a gifted yet fledgling political talent — whose calling card is his connection to the working class — adjusting to a new life with his own chartered Boeing 737 as the newly minted member of a Republican ticket headed by a three-time presidential contender.

Mr. Vance had arrived in Milwaukee last week for the Republican National Convention not knowing if he would be picked as Mr. Trump’s running mate, and he left town at the end of it on his own chartered jet.

“When President Trump asked me to be his running mate, I really had no idea what was coming,” Mr. Vance said during his speech in Ohio. “I thought he might ask me, but I thought he might ask somebody else — there were a lot of good guys running.”

As a first-time candidate in 2016, Mr. Trump and his campaign did not reserve a plane for the vice-presidential nominee, Mike Pence. Instead, that task of lining up air travel fell to the team surrounding the then-governor of Indiana. Mr. Trump was irate when he found out the Pence team had rented a plane, telling one aide that he preferred to use his own private jets.

Eight years later, Mr. Trump’s third campaign is a bit more professional. His 2024 operation started raising money online weeks ago for the running mate’s plane, which they refer to as Trump Force Two. In 2016, reporters referred to the Republican fleet as Hair Force One and Hair Force Two.

The red and blue Trump-Vance logo is stripped across the front of the plane, straddling the first dozen windows behind the cockpit. The tail is wrapped with names of dozens of contributors who helped underwrite the cost of the charter: Edward M. from Georgia, Victoria W. from Alabama, Barbara M. from Michigan.

Inside the jet, Trump campaign material is inescapable. If you were curious what the price of gasoline was during Mr. Trump’s last year in office, or how much the G.D.P. grew during that time, you can find the answers plastered on the walls above the windows along the 17 rows of the plane. Each overhead bin is wrapped with broad policy goals, in Trump-trademark all-caps: “Free, honest and lawful elections” and “Secure borders and reclaim national sovereignty.”

To be sure, the Trump campaign widely viewed Mr. Vance’s first day on the trail as a success.

“President Trump is thrilled with the choice he made with Senator Vance, and they are the perfect team to take back the White House,” said Steve Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman.

Mr. Vance drew large crowds in Middletown, Ohio, and in Radford, Va., where he made his case for supporting the Trump campaign by leveraging folksy tales about his hardscrabble upbringing. And he easily sparred with reporters on his plane, showing off his quick wit and combative instinct when asked about criticism from Gov. Andy Beshear, a Kentucky Democrat, that Mr. Vance has overstated his blue-collar roots.

“It’s very weird,” Mr. Vance shot back, “to have a guy whose first job was at his dad’s law firm and who inherited the governorship from his father criticize my origin story.”

But there were plenty of signs of Mr. Vance’s inexperience, too.

He spoke mostly without a teleprompter at the two rallies, but some of his lines did not quite land. He made a strained joke about how Democrats may attack him as racist because he enjoyed Diet Mountain Dew.

In Ohio, he either ignored or was unaware of one headline-generating moment at his rally. State Senator George Lang, speaking shortly before Mr. Vance took the stage, told the crowd, “It’s going to take a civil war to save the country” if Republicans fail to win the White House in November. Mr. Lang issued a statement after the rally saying he regretted the “divisive remarks.”

On his plane, Mr. Vance explained to reporters that his anti-abortion positions would take a back seat to Mr. Trump as the party’s presidential nominee. But on the campaign trail, he said it was fair game to make Ms. Harris answer for all of the Biden administration’s policies.

“There is simply no way that you can sit here and say the policies of Joe Biden have worked, which is to say that we’ve got to kick Kamala Harris out of the Oval Office,” Mr. Vance said in Radford. “Don’t give her a chance to run away from the Biden record — the Biden record is the Kamala Harris record.”

At the end of the day, as the sun set over the Appalachian Mountains and Mr. Vance climbed up the stairs for his return flight home to Ohio, he paused when a reporter on the runway shouted a question asking how he had enjoyed his first day on the trail.

“It was fun,” Mr. Vance shouted back.

Reporters, mostly stunned that he had stopped to answer, didn’t immediately offer a follow-up question. So Mr. Vance ducked back into his plane.

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

Donald Trump announces he will meet with Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday at Mar-a-Lago.

Former President Donald J. Trump, who often calls himself the staunchest ally of Israel to ever sit in the Oval Office, will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Friday in Palm Beach, Fla., Mr. Trump said on Tuesday.

“Looking forward to welcoming Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago,” Mr. Trump wrote in a post on his social media site, referring to his private club and residence.

The pair’s meeting will follow Mr. Netanyahu’s address to Congress in Washington on Wednesday and his meeting with President Biden at the White House on Thursday. (Mr. Trump announced three different dates: An initial post on Tuesday afternoon said he would meet with Mr. Netanyahu on Wednesday, then he deleted that post and replaced it with one saying Thursday. Minutes later, he said the meeting was moved to Friday at Mr. Netanyahu’s request.)

Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Trump were close allies during Mr. Trump’s presidency. But their relationship became strained when the prime minister congratulated Mr. Biden on winning the 2020 presidential election.

Mr. Trump, who has continued to insist falsely that he won the election in 2020, saw the move as disloyal. And days after Hamas’s deadly attacks on Israel in October, Mr. Trump criticized Mr. Netanyahu and Israeli intelligence officials as being poorly prepared.

In the months since, Mr. Trump has retreated from his criticism. He has voiced support for Israel’s right to defend itself and forcefully denounced pro-Palestinian protesters on American college campuses. He has suggested that he supported greater use of force in Gaza.

Mr. Trump has also expressed criticism, saying that images of devastation in Gaza were detrimental to Israel’s global image and were costing it public support.

Since the war in Gaza began, Mr. Trump has insisted that he would have it ended immediately if elected, though he has not provided a clear plan for doing so. He has denounced Mr. Biden and Democrats as doing little to preserve peace, an assertion he repeated in his social media post on Tuesday.

“Millions are dying, and Kamala Harris is in no way capable of stopping it,” Mr. Trump wrote, a new line of criticism against the vice president now that she is poised to replace Mr. Biden on the Democratic ticket. Mr. Netanyahu is also expected to meet with Ms. Harris.

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump repeatedly tries to paint himself as pro-Israel, citing how he moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem and reminding supporters of the role he played in deals that established formal diplomatic ties between Israel and three Arab states.

Since the Gaza attacks, he has often criticized Mr. Biden as being insufficiently supportive of the country.

Mr. Trump has for years been trying to peel American Jews, many of whom are liberal, away from the Democratic Party, a push that has intensified since the war in Gaza exposed divisions among Democrats over how the Biden administration has handled it.

Mr. Netanyahu is set to join a handful of global leaders who have met with Mr. Trump during his third presidential campaign. Mr. Trump has met twice with Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary, a right-wing leader with whom he shares anti-immigration and populist views.

While standing trial in Manhattan in April, Mr. Trump hosted the right-wing president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, at Trump Tower.

Mr. Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. comes as he faces anger at home over the prolonged war in Gaza and failure to bring home the hostages held in the enclave.

Noah Weiland

Noah Weiland

Doug Emhoff attacks Trump over abortion during visit to Virginia clinic.

Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris, visited an abortion clinic in the Washington suburbs on Tuesday, a Biden administration event that doubled as a sort of kick off for Mr. Emhoff as he began taking Ms. Harris’s abortion message on the road.

“We’re here because of the former president,” Mr. Emhoff said, condemning what he referred to as the “post-Dobbs hellscape that Donald Trump created.”

He was added to the event schedule late Monday night, underscoring the urgency of the campaign’s attention to abortion rights.

Ms. Harris, during a stop on Monday with Mr. Emhoff to what had been the Biden-Harris campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Del., promised to sign a federal law that would codify reproductive rights, if Congress were to pass one. “The government should not be telling a woman what to do with her body,” she said.

The visit on Tuesday to Meadow Reproductive Health & Wellness, a small clinic in McLean, Va., was part of a nationwide tour focused on reproductive rights and led by Xavier Becerra, the health and human services secretary. The clinic was established last year as an effort to expand abortion access after Roe v. Wade was overturned; its organizers say they spent a year searching for a landlord willing to lease space.

Dr. Jessica Rubino, the medical director of the clinic, once practiced as an abortion provider in Austin, Tex., before the state’s efforts to ban abortions made the work untenable, she said at the Tuesday event. She grew impatient only being able to conduct ultrasounds and talk to patients.

“When someone says they need an abortion, when they ask you for that — that’s when they need their abortion,” Dr. Rubino said. “They don’t need it delayed. It’s wrong of me as a provider to instruct them to go get on a plane and go to another state.”

Now, she added, calls were coming from all over the country to the Virginia clinic, including from communities where she used to work.

Mr. Emhoff blamed Mr. Trump, saying that he “deigns to run for president again on a platform of taking us backward.”

Ms. Harris, he said, rejected the kind of environment the abortion clinic was operating in, “where freedoms are taken away, where autonomy is taken away, where they’re telling you you can’t read this book, they’re telling you you can’t learn these facts. They’re telling you you can’t vote.”

Ms. Harris “has united the party. She’s going to unite the country,” Mr. Emhoff said, then added: “She’s going to win this election.”

Trump says he is willing to debate Harris multiple times.

Former President Donald J. Trump said on Tuesday that he would “absolutely” be willing to debate Vice President Kamala Harris, who has already clinched commitments from enough delegates to become the Democratic presidential nominee.

“I would be willing to do more than one debate, actually,” he said.

In a call with reporters hosted by the Republican National Committee, however, he also said he was “not thrilled” about having a debate hosted by ABC — even though he and President Biden agreed months ago to take part in a debate put on by that network in September.

Mr. Trump’s remarks were his first extensive comments on Ms. Harris since Mr. Biden announced he would drop out of the presidential race on Sunday. It was the second time this week he appeared to try to change the terms of a debate.

On Sunday, after Mr. Biden declared he would end his bid, Mr. Trump posted on Truth Social that the debate that had been scheduled for September should be moved to Fox News, a channel on which he generally gets more favorable coverage, from ABC.

During Tuesday’s call, Mr. Trump — who for months insisted he would debate Mr. Biden anytime and anywhere — told reporters that the debate terms he agreed to applied only with Mr. Biden.

“I haven’t agreed to anything. I agreed to debate with Joe Biden,” Mr. Trump said. “But I want to debate her, and she’ll be no different because they have the same policies.”

Mr. Trump spent most of Tuesday’s call criticizing Ms. Harris’s record on immigration and the U.S. border with Mexico, trying to tie her to an issue he made central to his attacks against Mr. Biden for the last year.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly used the word “invasion” when he talks about the record number of crossings at the southern border, a surge that has slowed from its height earlier this year. And he blames migrants for a host of issues that he says Democrats ultimately bear responsibility for.

On the call, Mr. Trump claimed that Ms. Harris “was appointed border czar” in March 2021, misleading language that Republicans have often used to refer her. The mission that Mr. Biden deputized her for was a diplomatic one, focused on solving the “root causes” of migration that prompt people from Central America to make the journey.

He argued that her views on immigration were to the left of Mr. Biden’s, picking at her record in California as a senator. And he criticized her time as San Francisco’s district attorney. Ms. Harris, for her part, aggressively hit at Mr. Trump during her remarks in Wisconsin and said she would “proudly put my record against his every day of the week.”

Mr. Trump’s criticisms offered a window into how he and his campaign are likely to shift their focus from Mr. Biden to Ms. Harris. His advisers plan to attack Ms. Harris by linking her to unpopular aspects of Mr. Biden’s tenure and suggesting she is more liberal than Mr. Biden.

Reid J. Epstein

Reid J. Epstein and Simon J. Levien

Reid J. Epstein reported from Washington, and Simon J. Levien from West Allis, Wis.

Harris rallies exuberant Democrats in Wisconsin: ‘The baton is in our hands.’

Harris holds first rally as the likely democratic nominee, vice president kamala harris listed her campaign pledges, which included expanding abortion rights, building a strong middle class and protecting unions..

So Wisconsin, I am told as of this morning that we have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination. I was elected attorney general of the State of California, and I was a courtroom prosecutor before then. And in those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So here me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type. [cheering] And now Wisconsin, the baton is in our hands. We who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will make sure every American has the ability to cast their ballot and have it counted. And we who believe in reproductive freedom — we’ll stop Donald Trump’s extreme abortion bans because we trust women to make decisions about their own body, and not have their government tell them what to do.

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Delivering a jolt of enthusiasm to a party reeling from weeks of infighting, Vice President Kamala Harris rallied Democrats on Tuesday in Wisconsin and laid out a fierce argument against former President Donald J. Trump.

Ms. Harris vowed, in her first rally as the de facto Democratic presidential nominee, to defeat Mr. Trump by attacking him as a prosecutor would. She defined herself as a tribune of the middle class fighting against a tool of billionaires and as a champion of abortion rights against a man who would deny such rights to all Americans.

Ms. Harris offered a far more energetic denunciation of Mr. Trump than President Biden, in front of a crowd that her campaign said was the largest she or Mr. Biden had addressed since their re-election bid began over a year ago. She walked out to cheers to the tune of Beyoncé’s “Freedom,” which the singer had allowed her to use. As one attendee put it, the moment felt like a release of months of pent-up Democratic energy.

Interrupted several times by chants of “Ka-ma-la,” Ms. Harris demonstrated how Mr. Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race and her elevation have transformed a desultory, almost perfunctory campaign into a bastion of enthusiasm. She highlighted the $100 million in contributions since Sunday and took a victory lap for effectively wrapping up the Democratic presidential nomination within 48 hours.

“We have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination,” Ms. Harris said. “I am so very honored and I pledge to you I will spend the coming weeks continuing to unite our party so that we are ready to win in November.”

The vice president recycled phrases from her 2020 presidential campaign, calling her bid “people-powered” and promising that, as president, she would prioritize the needs of the middle and working class over the desires of corporate interests and the wealthy.

And in a nod to her relative youth — she is 59, decades younger than the 81-year-old Mr. Biden and the 78-year-old Mr. Trump — and her potential to become the first woman elected as president, Ms. Harris placed the 2024 campaign on a continuum with the civil and voting rights struggles of America’s past.

“The shoulders on which we stand, generations of Americans before us led the fight for freedom and now, Wisconsin, the baton is in our hands,” she said. “We who believe in the sacred freedom to vote will make sure every American has the ability to cast their ballot and have it counted.”

The vice president drew perhaps her largest cheers during the section of her stump speech that compared her biography to Mr. Trump’s. She told of being a local prosecutor and attorney general in California who investigated “fraudsters” and “cheaters,” among other miscreants, and reminded the crowd that Mr. Trump was found liable of sexual assault by a Manhattan civil court.

“So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump’s type,” she said. “In this campaign, I promise you I will proudly put my record against his every day of the week.”

She accused Mr. Trump of aiming “to take our country backward” and said Trump allies’ plans, known as “Project 2025,” would damage the middle class. (Mr. Trump has sought to distance himself from the voluminous conservative policy proposals.)

“We know we got to take this seriously,” she said. “Can you believe they put that thing in writing? Read it! It’s 900 pages.”

Ms. Harris arrived in Wisconsin riding a 48-hour wave of momentum from a Democratic Party that swiftly united around her after more than a year of intramural hand-wringing about whether Mr. Biden was its best shot at defeating Mr. Trump.

Also on Tuesday, the Democratic National Committee released draft rules setting the schedule for when it will formalize its nomination. Any candidates must meet certain criteria by July 30. If Ms. Harris remains unchallenged, delegates will begin voting virtually on Aug. 1. The rules will be voted on on Wednesday.

Even before Ms. Harris arrived in Milwaukee, it was clear that local Democrats were excited about the change to the top of the ticket. The Harris campaign said every Democratic statewide officeholder — even the public schools superintendent — would attend the rally in the Milwaukee suburb of West Allis, a stark contrast from Mr. Biden’s last Wisconsin visit, when Senator Tammy Baldwin held her own event 190 miles away from the president’s stop in Madison.

As Ms. Harris stepped off Air Force Two at the Milwaukee airport, Lt. Gov. Sara Rodriguez embraced her and insisted on a selfie , as Gov. Tony Evers and Ms. Baldwin hovered in the background.

Public opinion research conducted by Priorities USA, a Democratic super PAC, immediately after Mr. Biden’s exit from the race showed Ms. Harris generating more enthusiasm than he had among young voters — a key group that had never warmed to the president’s re-election bid.

Among Democratic-leaning voters in battleground states who are between the ages of 18 and 34, the percentage of voters who said they would definitely vote increased by five percentage points in the 24 hours after Mr. Biden’s withdrawal, according to the data, which was shared with The New York Times. The Priorities USA survey also found Ms. Harris faring four points better among Black voters and three points better among Latinos than Mr. Biden had.

In a state in which the vast majority of communities are either deep red or deep blue, West Allis, an inner-ring, working-class Milwaukee suburb named for a tractor manufacturing plant that once dominated the community, is a rare battleground city. Mr. Biden won 55 percent of the city’s vote in 2020 .

In the school gymnasium, the crowd held up signs reading “Kamala” and “USA.” One group held up letters that spelled out “Yes we Kam!” in a play on former President Barack Obama’s winning 2008 campaign slogan.

Among the crowd, the most common reactions to Ms. Harris’s presidential run were “excited” and “relieved.”

“We are part of the groundswell,” said Renee Borkowski, a 56-year-old rallygoer from Lake Forest, Ill., adding that this was the first rally she had attended since Jimmy Carter’s 1976 campaign.

Ellen Holly of Elkhorn, Wis., wore a Biden-Harris campaign shirt but took painter’s tape and covered Mr. Biden’s name. She scrawled over it with what has become a rallying cry for the Harris campaign: “Let’s win this.”

“I would vote for a dead animal in the road before I vote for Trump,” said Ms. Holly, 67, a retired teacher who also supported Mr. Biden.

Other attendees highlighted the historic nature of Ms. Harris’s first presidential campaign rally while expressing cautious optimism.

“I’m worried, but I’m more hopeful than I was last week,” Katrice Battle, 37, a Milwaukee photographer, said of Ms. Harris’s candidacy, adding she was invigorated as a Black woman to try to elect the first female president.

But she acknowledged that once the rah-rah feelings of a new campaign fade, Ms. Harris has ground to make up against Mr. Trump. “It was relief, then trepidation,” Ms. Battle said.

Donald Trump, in a press call, said that he still would have chosen JD Vance to be his running mate if he’d known that Biden would drop out of the race and that Harris might be his opponent. “I’d do the same pick," Trump said. "He’s doing really well, he’s really caught on.”

Eric Lee

President Joe Biden boards Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. This is the first public appearance since Biden contracted Covid and announced he would step aside in the presidential race to make way for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump, in a call with reporters, accused Kamala Harris of being part of the “willful demolition of American borders” and tried to tie her to the Biden administration’s immigration policy, which he has repeatedly blamed for a spike in crime that has not been supported by available data. Trump’s remarks, focused entirely on Harris’s stance on immigration, were his first extensive comments on Harris since Biden said he would suspend his re-election bid.

Trump said that if Harris, who is not yet her party’s nominee, becomes president, she would make “the invasion” at the border “exponentially worse.”

Tim Balk

Vice President Kamala Harris leads former President Donald J. Trump by two percentage points, 44 percent to 42 percent, in a Reuters/Ipsos poll published Tuesday. The survey was conducted Monday and Tuesday — a relatively short period — and Harris’s lead was within the margin of error, according to Reuters . But the survey may be welcome news to Democrats looking for early signs that Harris has a better chance than President Biden of defeating Trump.

Trump, in a call with reporters, said he “absolutely” wants to debate Kamala Harris if she becomes the nominee and that he would be “willing to do more than one debate.” But he once again said he did not want to have the debate hosted by ABC, even though he agreed to a debate with Biden hosted by the network.

That was a short stump speech but, judging from the crowd’s reaction, an effective one for Democrats. Her condemnations of Donald Trump seemed especially to hit home. Biden often struggled to deliver a consistent message against his Republican rival.

Simon J. Levien

Harris concluded her speech, saying that “when we fight, we win!” Beyonce’s “Freedom” is playing again.

Katie Rogers

Katie Rogers

As someone who has covered campaign events led by Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris, the enthusiasm of her crowd looks and sounds much like what I saw in high school gyms in the Midwest back in 2008. It’s much later in the cycle, of course, but this energy was missing for much of the time Joe Biden was campaigning.

Harris delivered a full-throated message on abortion access, declaring to applause that if Congress passed a law to protect access she would “sign it into law.” Democrats had hoped that Biden would press on this policy issue at the debate, but he flubbed his response.

Harris is listing out her campaign pledges, including building a strong middle class, protecting unions, and preserving and expanding abortion rights. They are essentially the same promises as Biden’s. What’s different is the messenger.

Michael Barbaro

Michael Barbaro

How will Harris make her relative youthfulness an issue in this race? We just got a potential answer. She made a subtle but important reference to it by mentioning the generations that came before and the idea that now “the baton is in our hands.”

“What kind of country do we want to live in?” Harris asks. “A Kamala one!” an attendee shouts out, to cheers. She laughs.

The crowd is now chanting: “We’re not going back.” Even on TV, the energy feels higher than the Biden rallies I attended.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris says. Her reference to Project 2025, a document authored by Trump allies as a plan for the next conservative administration, draws boos from the crowd — suggesting that her campaign's attempts to hammer the plan as a threat to the nation is working, at least among committed Democrats.

“We are focused on the future, the other, focused on the past,” Harris said, comparing her message to Trump’s. At rallies in recent months, Trump has said the opposite, arguing that Democrats are so focused on dragging him down that they have no policies focused on the future.

Harris said that she knows "Donald Trump’s type,” comparing him to the criminals she has prosecuted. The line drew chants of her name from the crowd, just as it did yesterday when she used it in a speech at her campaign headquarters.

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Harris is directly comparing her record as a prosecutor to Trump’s legal issues and convictions. In her first campaign stop, Harris is pushing the contrast between the parties that Democrats have already begun messaging on: the 2024 presidential race as a race between a prosecutor and a felon.

Harris points out that there are only 105 days until the election. Even for a politician with a national profile, that’s an extremely short window to reintroduce herself to voters, demonstrate her vision for the nation and shrug off the burden of President Biden’s low approval ratings.

Harris is grinning ear to ear. She is delivering her remarks with confidence, and the crowd is eating it up.

Reid J. Epstein

The beginning of this Harris speech in Wisconsin has the feel of Democrats letting out 16 months of pent-up nervous energy they had been holding in while President Biden was their nominee.

Vice President Kamala Harris walked out to wild cheers and chants from a crowd on their feet, as “Freedom“ by Beyonce played.

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Theodore Schleifer Michael C. Bender and Rebecca Davis O’Brien

JD Vance hits the money circuit after joining Trump’s ticket.

Senator JD Vance of Ohio is moving aggressively to raise money for the Republican presidential ticket, making fund-raising one of his earliest priorities as he seeks to convert his donor relationships into cash as the running mate for former President Donald J. Trump.

Bringing in money is always part of a running mate’s duties, but Mr. Vance’s team plans to lean into this role even more than usual. Mr. Vance, who spent some of his early years working in Silicon Valley’s tech industry , has some unique connections among major donors, and he could persuade some contributors who have resisted supporting the Republican nominee to get on board.

Mr. Vance has at least seven fund-raisers coming up across the country over the next week, according to invitations for each event seen by The New York Times. On Wednesday, he is scheduled to headline an event in Fort Wayne, Ind., hosted by the Indiana businessman Bill Bean, a longtime friend and supporter of former Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Bean said last week that he expected up to 400 people could attend.

On Thursday, Mr. Vance and Mr. Trump are headlining a fund-raiser in Doral, Fla. On Friday, Mr. Vance has two fund-raisers — a breakfast in St. Louis and a sold-out luncheon in Oklahoma City hosted by an Oklahoma banking executive, Mark Davenport, and co-hosts like the billionaires Joe Craft and Harold Hamm. On Saturday, he heads to Minneapolis for a reception.

Next week, Mr. Vance is set to head to California for two fund-raisers, including an intriguing event on Monday in Silicon Valley, where he worked as a junior venture capitalist and a biotech executive. He is scheduled to headline a dinner in Palo Alto, although no hosts are listed on the invitation, unlike the other events on his calendar.

On July 31, he is scheduled to be in Coalinga, in Central California’s agriculture belt, where he will be toasted by John Harris, a prominent farming executive. Fellow hosts of that lunch include Richard Spencer, a major Republican fund-raiser in the state.

Mr. Trump wanted a running mate who could help him bring in big money , and vice-presidential hopefuls like Mr. Vance were eager to flaunt their donor relationships . Mr. Vance is also likely to take the lead on lower-dollar events that may not raise as much money as fund-raisers headlined by Mr. Trump.

Mr. Vance, who lives in Cincinnati and must balance his campaign travel against Senate commitments in Washington, had only one public event on his schedule as of Tuesday as he focused on fund-raising: a rally on Saturday in Minnesota.

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  22. A look at false claims around Harris and her campaign for the White

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  23. Biden Drops Out of Presidential Race and Endorses Harris

    After intense pressure from within his own party, President Biden said he was ending his campaign and backing Vice President Kamala Harris to run in his place. Ms. Harris said she would seek the ...

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  25. Harris Rallies Exuberant Wisconsin Crowd, Saying 'When We Fight, We Win

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