macquarie university presentation template

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macquarie university presentation template

Resource repository – Rubrics

This PLaCE resources page includes information about:

  • Rubric examples and templates
  • Developing and (re)designing rubrics
  • Rubrics for specific types of assessment,
  • How to co-develop rubrics with students

macquarie university presentation template

Some examples of ‘good’ rubrics are included. We are also asking colleagues across MQ to ‘donate’ rubrics that they, other colleagues, and/or students have used, that have stood the test of time, or that have been particularly useful for specific types of assessment, and these will be added here. Contact [email protected] .

A collection of rubrics (read only access). Rubric examples for each Blooms level and for common areas such as communication, critical thinking, quantitative literacy, ethical reasoning, and many more (By Olga Kozar, MQ).
A list of links to online resources about rubrics.
Assessment and feedback templates for 3 different assessment tasks: an Article Critique, a Portfolio Annotated Bibliography and a Curriculum Assessment Investigation with descriptions for the general standards applied to all assessment tasks.
MQ toolkit on using assessment rubrics: includes a generic rubric that can be adapted which has descriptions at four levels of attainment across a range of
generic learning attributes that might be taught and assessed in a university context.
An example of a rubric for a blogging task.
Discussion paper: the various purposes of assessment, what formative assessment is and is not, importance of teacher decision making in the process of assessment that informs instruction and improves student learning. (National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana)
An online learning good practice guide from TEQSA.
Criteria for the generic skills of teamwork, ethics, communication, critical thinking and problem solving. (MQ resource)
An example rubric for students to use when assessing their peers and
self for a class project.
A group work assessment marking rubric (Western Sydney Uni)
An example of a minimalist rubric for providing feedback on a project/activity plan.
A example rubric for assessing participation in online learning activities.
An example rubric to guide students in writing original posts and replying to other
students in online discussion forums. (University of Wisconsin)
An example rubric for a podcast assessment task. (University of Wisconsin)
Guidelines and example rubric for using portfolios to asses program learning outcomes. (WSC Senior College and University Commission)
An example rubric for a Reflection Assignment covering the dimensions of deep thinking, analysis, synthesis, honesty and self awareness, specificity, thoroughness, clarity and correctness. (Bowling Green State University)
Example rubric for a reflective practice assessment task (MQ)
Assessment rubrics, marking guidelines and performance standards. (Slides from a workshop MQ School of Education)
An example rubric for evaluating student blogs.
An example rubric used for assessing use of Twitter for instructional assignments.
An example of a rubric rubric which assesses real-time sessions to foster community, present topics, and enhance learning.
An example of a rubric to assess a digital video assignment.
An example rubric for assessing video presentations.
Two assessment tasks are described and marking rubrics provided for a practical skill training task and a skill training project report on the topic of human motor learning and control.
A template with questions for students to use to reflect on comments made by classmates in a Voice Thread conversation.
An example rubric to use to assess student contributions in VoiceThread activities.
An example rubric for evaluating web pages.
A quick tour of the Why, What, and How of rubrics in this TECHE post – with links
Overview of what rubrics are, how to create and use within Turnitin, resources for rubric design plus some great exemplars. (Arts L&T site)
A generic rubric to assist in articulating what is worth learning (what to learn) in a discipline and how the various levels or standards of attainment are recognised (how well was it learned). An online learning good practice guide from TEQSA.
Discusses the role of rubrics in an effective assessment system, how to develop and evaluate rubrics, and how to involve students in developing and using rubrics to
further their own learning. (Educational Research Services, Virginia)
A quick (1 page) guide to creating and using rubrics that are easy for students and markers to understand. (MQ resource)
Lists of qualifiers, quantifiers, nouns, verbs and phrases including verbs organised by Blooms Taxonomy. (Developed by Moira Cordiner)
Practical guidelines for writing assessment criteria and standards. (Developed by Dr Clair Hughes (TEDI/The University of Queensland)).

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Macquarie University Quarto reveal.js Presentation Template


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Template for creating a new reveal.js article format for Quarto. See information about how-to use this repo template inside the template file.

This is a Quarto template that assists you in creating a presentation for use with Macquarie University branding. You can learn more about about Quarto using the official guide .

Creating a New Presentation

You can use this as a template to create a reveal.js presentation with a Macquarie University theme. To do this, use the following command in your Terminal:

This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your presentation.

Installation For Existing Document

You may also use this format with an existing Quarto project or presentation. From the quarto project or presentation directory, run the following command in your Terminal to install this format:

To use the format, you can use the format name mq-revealjs . For example:

or in your document yaml

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You asked, we answer: Shared ID and the new brand campaign


James Barrow, Creative Director in Group Marketing

Last month saw the launch of the University’s new brand campaign – a major milestone for the Shared Identity project. We asked James Barrow, Creative Director in the Group Marketing team, to answer some of the questions staff have been asking about the campaign.

What is ‘shared identity’.

Shared Identity (or ‘Shared ID’) is an ongoing project that aims to improve Macquarie’s relevance and distinctiveness in the higher education sector. Stage 1 of the project – launched in 2014 – saw the establishment of Macquarie’s new logo and visual identity.

Why did we need a stage two of Shared Identity?

A successful brand needs to be regularly tested and refined to ensure it continues to be relevant to its audiences. Our extensive market research revealed that Macquarie needed to more clearly articulate its position as an innovative university that delivers outcomes and impact, in a way that both differentiates us from our competitors and that is relevant to our many target audiences. By doing this we will become the preferred choice for more students, staff, researchers and industry partners.

What is actually changing with Shared ID 2.0?

Following quantitative and qualitative market research across all our external and internal audiences, we developed a new brand narrative that will help us better articulate our strengths to our various audiences and help us tie all our marketing activities together.

What is our ‘brand narrative’?

A brand narrative (also sometimes referred to as a ‘ brand proposition’ ) defines what an institution stands for and usually expresses how the brand meets its target audience’s needs and how it is differentiated from competitors, so the audience has a clear reason to choose the brand.

The short-form version of Macquarie’s new brand narrative is: “Macquarie is a vibrant university engaged with the real world. We foster collaboration across diverse fields of knowledge and human perspectives, pursuing innovative ways to address society’s complex problems and create a better future.”

A long-form version of the narrative can be found in section 1.2.6 of our brand guidelines .

What is a ‘brand essence’?

A brand essence is a distillation of the brand narrative, capturing what an institution stands for in just a few words.  A brand essence differs from a tagline in that it’s not used externally – rather, it is used internally to inform and bring consistency to marketing activities.

Our new brand essence is ‘connected intelligence’ , reflecting Macquarie’s unique position in the higher education sector. While some universities celebrate innovation through technology, we are the university of human-powered innovation – innovation that is brought to life through collaboration and connectivity, and that seeks solutions for real-world challenges.

What is a ‘brand campaign’?

A brand campaign is an external-facing series of advertising and marketing activities that brings a brand narrative to life and motivates audiences to find out more . Macquarie’s brand campaign centres around the equation ( YOU) us (or ‘You to the power of us’) – a human equation for success. It highlights the power of human collaboration and our belief that when we all work together, we multiply our ability to achieve remarkable things.

Is our logo changing?

No, our logo and visual identity (including our brand colours and fonts) remain unchanged.  

Should I be putting ‘(YOU) us ’ or ‘connected intelligence’ on my newsletter/flyer/website etc?

No. All ‘(YOU) us ’ brand campaign activities (including a specific recruitment campaign highlighting Macquarie’s priority courses) are being managed by Group Marketing, in consultation with the faculties.

‘Connected Intelligence’ should not be used on external-facing material, though we welcome ideas from staff about how their work demonstrates this concept. Staff can use the Suggest a story form to alert the Group Marketing team to these ideas, or they can contact their relevant portfolio partner .

Where can I find the brand guidelines?

The current brand guidelines are available on the Group Marketing team’s website. The site also provides branded templates (including Word and PowerPoint), as well as a style guide that outlines the correct spelling and format of commonly used terms.

Have any of the branded templates changed?

There are new versions of some templates – they won’t look different to the previous templates, but do contain some bug fixes.

How can I make sure my material is brand compliant?

All material that features the Macquarie brand should be emailed to [email protected] for a brand compliance check prior to publishing. You can learn  more about brand compliance on our website.

Does Group Marketing provide any training for creating branded material?

Aside from the advice provided on our website, we run various workshops on good marketing practice through the year. Staff should contact their relevant portfolio partner if they have a specific training need for their team and we’ll do our best to accommodate it.

macquarie university presentation template

We encourage active and constructive debate through our comments section, but please remain respectful. Your first and last name will be published alongside your comment.

Comments will not be pre-moderated but any comments deemed to be offensive, obscene, intimidating, discriminatory or defamatory will be removed and further action may be taken where such conduct breaches University policy or standards. Please keep in mind that This Week is a public site and comments should not contain information that is confidential or commercial in confidence.

I like the idea it promotes, however as a student (now PhD), I don’t think it has the same level of engagement as the Western Sydney University “Be Inspired” campaign. I also found the notion of (You)^us quite dehumanising at first, as it originally made me think that the university just thought of everyone as numbers.

It would also be good to know which of the groups targeted by the market research phase was most positive to the campaign. For example if it was students then that would bode well for the universities future, but if it was corporate interests then that would deviate, in my opinion, from the founding principles of the university as I know them.

Quite obviously I hope the campaign is successful and trust the university has made the right call because when the university succeeds we all benefit.

HI Anthony, we suggest you contact James by email ([email protected]) to see if he can give you some further information on the market testing of this campaign.

One of the problems with identirying Macquarie is in overseas presentations. People in, say, the US have no idea where “Macquarie Unive4rsity” is (unlike, say, the University of Sydney or University of Melbourne etc., which are geographically self-explanatory). You need to add “, Sydney” at least, and probably add , “Australia” too.

Comments are closed.

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Macquarie University theses

Macquarie university theses collection.

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Discover our theses collection

Read about the Macquarie University Theses Collection, how you can search the collection, and how to submit a thesis.

The Library holds copies of Macquarie theses for PhD, professional doctorates, masters and MRes in print, microfilm or digital formats. Limited honours theses are collected on advice of the Faculty. Submission of print theses is no longer required by the University.

The  Macquarie University Digital Theses Collection , the open-access digital collection of the University’s research and scholarly output, contains digital versions of Macquarie University higher degree theses deposited with the Library. Records of the Macquarie University theses are also searchable in  MultiSearch . Mandatory submission of digital theses commenced in 2011. For more information about digital submission of theses see  Theses @ Macquarie

Theses available in print only are located in the Library's Thesis Collection. Access to the Thesis Collection is restricted, and items must be used under supervision. For more information see our  Theses Finding guide

macquarie university presentation template

Learning and Teaching Hub

Faculty of Arts

  • iLearn Template
  • New to Arts
  • FoA Guidelines & Policies
  • Unit Guide Preparation
  • iLearn Unit Preparation
  • Moderation Report
  • Self-Guided Learning
  • Asynchronous Learning
  • Cooperative Learning Approaches
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Gamification and Game-Based Learning
  • Object-Based Learning
  • Peer Review
  • Team Teaching

The Faculty of Arts has implemented a standardised approach to the structure, design and conventions used in our iLearn units. Our students usually take 4 units each semester. In the past, these units were all designed in different ways, with different blocks, assignments in different places and non standard naming conventions which led to confusion and uncertainty among students many years. By taking a students first approach to unit design, we create a familiar and easier experience for our students and make life easier for us as well.

The template has been progressively rolled out to all units in the Faculty of Arts. with all undergraduate units covered by 2024.

  • For all new units, start with a blank Arts iLearn template when you create your unit in iTeach.
  • Create a new iLearn unit from the template and then import all of your content from a previous unit. 
  • Clone your existing unit and then import the template elements.
  • Request a migration and let us help you with one of the above steps.

A preview version of the template   is available and visible to all staff.

Elements of the template

Topic Zero is the name given to the top section of any iLearn page that is always visible when a student loads the unit.

Banner Image and Unit description - MANDATORY

The banner image contains a clean and simple image to represent the unit surrounded by Macquarie shard branding elements for consistency. The image should be public domain or creative commons, not be overly busy and be suitable as a simple visual anchor. Please contact us as in the image below with either some chosen images or ideas for imagery and we will add the branding and put it in your unit.

The unit description as it appears in the curriculum should be pasted below the banner image.

Unit guide link - MANDATORY

There must be a link to the unit guide in topic zero. This link must direct students to the official unit guide system of the University. There is never to be a pdf or word version of the unit guide anywhere in the unit as per University policy.

General Communication links - MANDATORY

macquarie university presentation template

All units should have: Announcements forum - one way communication to students without option for students to reply General Discussion forum (OPTIONAL) - open area for students to ask questions and discuss general topics Contact Teaching Staff dialogue - a way to communicate with students privately initiated by student or teaching staff. This is preferred over direct email contact.

Nothing else - MANDATORY

There should be no other items placed in topic zero. All other items should be put into one of the modules below topic zero.

The Assessment section must be the first section in all iLearn units and never be renamed.

All information and items pertaining to assessment should go in this section including all tools such as turnitin links, blogs, workshops, databases etc. (but not weekly quizzes or weekly forums).

Assessment At A Glance - MANDATORY

This styled table should contain all of the assessment tasks of a unit. Rows can be added or deleted as needed but the header row must remain as proscribed. Columns are not the be removed.

The assessment name , weight and learning outcomes should be entered exactly as they appear in the unit guide.

The submission method should be clear and obvious so that students know how to submit.

The due date should be clear and not change during the session. The return date is the date that students should expect to receive their marks and feedback for the tasks.

The learning outcomes should be entered as number values only as they appear in the unit guide.

Assessment items - MANDATORY

macquarie university presentation template

Brief and instructions - This page should be filled in and contain all the information and instructions for the task including submission instructions and rubric. The rubric can be entered into the preset table on this page or uploaded as a separate file.

Examples - There is an examples folder in the template for every assessment item to include exemplar submissions as per assessment policy. This can be removed for quizzes or exams where it is not possible but otherwise remain.

Submission tools - All Turnitin links, blogs, assessments, database tools etc. should be placed under the relevant item.

Other items - Any other documents or links pertaining to the task specifically should go here as well. Any other items added should be indented once to the right to match the other items for ease of reading the section.

General assessment resources - MANDATORY

This section comes pre-populated with both to a link to the academic integrity policy as well as the student guide for using iLearn assessment tools including Turnitin. You can add any other items the relate generally to all or multiple assessment tasks. Any items that relate to individual tasks only should be placed under that task rather than here.

The Unit Information section should contain all documents and information pertaining to the unit that do not belong in either the assessment section or weekly topics. Many items that users would have previously put into topic zero should go here.

macquarie university presentation template

Section description - MANDATORY

The section description has been pre-populated with a statement of credit points, overall time commitment and time per week. These numbers will need to be updated if the unit is worth a different number of credit points or if it is delivered in a different schedule to the standard 13 week semester. 

The is also the basic prefix statement for learning outcomes and a list that should be updated with the unit learning outcomes as they appear in the unit guide. When adding another item to this list, rather than using the return key to go to a new line, hold shift and press return to get the formatting right.

Other documents - OPTIONAL

The template provides a basic unit schedule page as well as a page to provide information on how the unit has been designed (transparent pedagogy) and the modes it is delivered in. These documents are options.

Any other documents, labels or links can be included in the section including welcome videos, general resources and other resources not suitable to be placed elsewhere.

The Arts iLearn template includes a suggested, but OPTIONAL, weekly section layout. Working across many units in the Faculty, we have devised this layout to be the best fit for most of our units. Not all units use a weekly format, some are offered in block mode or thematically. This template should be flexible enough for any needs. Simply delete or rename the labels as required.

In simple terms, there are three distinct sections separated by labels with a intro blurb, icons for types of content and a weekly forum.

macquarie university presentation template

Weekly orientation text

As described in the screenshot to the right, A short orientation to the purpose of the section, the content and optional image banner help students to quickly and easily find their place each week and also makes revision easier. Simply edit the label that is already there. Use sub-label with caution as every item has already an icon. We do not want to "over-iconise" students' learning experience.

Main section labels

The three main pedagogical stages of the section are described by PREPARATION, ACTIVITIES and CONSOLIDATION. The brightly coloured full-width labels have been styled to break the section content into easy sections for the students. PREPARATION steps should be done before the lectures and/or tutorials, ACTIVITIES are the lectures and tutorials themselves (or commensurate activities for online students) and the CONSOLIDATION items are for after the main weekly tasks.

The text on these labels can be changed to suit however all text must be on one line only , in all caps and no other information be included on the label.

Content sub-labels

There are four basic sub-labels also added to the template for general commonly used subcategories of content. The icons attached to these sub-labels are built into iLearn and the full set can be seen on the left. They can be used in a variety of ways however, any use across a unit should be consistent.

As with the main labels, the text on these labels should be one line only and can be changed to suit the needs of individual units. Follow these instructions   on how to use these icons if you wish to add them to other labels or activities yourself.

As mentioned above, keep in mind that each item in iLearn has already a generic icon. Do not overload the site with too many sub-labels.

Weekly forum

We strongly advise all units to include a weekly forum for students to discuss that week or section content. These can be instead of or as well as the general discussion forum in topic zero . 

Apart from the labels described above, all other items in iLearn are to be indented at least one space to the right as can be seen in the forum in the above screenshot. This is for page readability and can help students more easily scan down a page to a section and from that section to what they are looking for.

The template has been pre-populated with a set of both Mandatory and Optional blocks for all Arts units.

Mandatory blocks

The Welcome to Country , Quicklinks and Arts Student Support blocks are both automatic and mandatory on all Arts iLearn units. They cannot be edited, deleted or moved.

As there was a variety of different approaches to Welcome to Country that were not consistent in message or accuracy, we have now consolidated to this standardised block as per University guidelines and in consultation with Indigenous members of our community. Other declarations of Welcome to Country in topic zero are no longer needed.

The Quicklinks and Arts Student Support blocks are basic sources of information and help for our students.

Optional blocks

There are several other blocks included in the template that are suggested but can be moved, edited or deleted as desired. We do, however, strongly recommend filling in the Teaching Staff block with photos of staff and clear contact methods and hours. This is especially important for online students and should include both convenors and tutors where possible. Information on any guest lecturers should be included in the relevant section and not in this block.

Week 0 - Kickstart (optional)

Many of the Faculty of Arts units were part of the Kickstart project which created structured resources for students to engage with before the start of session. This entire section can be deleted if the unit does not have Kickstart resources already. We are not currently running any new development projects for Kickstart resources.

Teaching Staff Notes

There is a special section at the bottom of the template called Teaching Staff Notes that is, and must remain, hidden from students. This space in the unit is for ideas and reflections to improve the next running of this unit. This is also a space for handover notes and files and for sharing information with your Tutors /convenor. In particular, we recommend that you export any Turnitin rubrics you have used and put the .rbc files here.

Resources for styling your iLearn unit

This is another special section at the bottom of the template that is, and must remain, hidden from students. There are links to quick guides, explanations on how to use the labels and pre-made versions of all the sub labels that can be duplicated as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I rename the 3 established sections in the weekly sections? YES
  • Can I add new sections? For instance, I usually have a section for External/OUA students especially, as well as sections for listening practice and external resources, and there aren't any provided. YES
  • Can I use my own images instead of the style icons? YES
  • Can I change the names of the labels? I don't have lectures or tutorials YES
  • Can I change the language that the section titles are written in? YES
  • Can I remove labels from special weeks that don't follow the normal plans (e.g. test weeks?) YES


  • Macquarie University Library
  • Subject and Research Guides

Systematic Reviews

  • Step 10: Templates, Write & Publish
  • Step 1: Check Protocols & Guides
  • Step 2: Form a Question
  • Step 3: Develop a Search Strategy & Criteria
  • Grey Literature
  • Documenting the Search
  • Step 5: Export Results with EndNote, Mendeley
  • Review Software and Tools
  • Step 6: PRISMA Flow Diagram & Screen
  • Step 7: Extract Data
  • Step 8: Appraise Studies & Assess Risk of Bias
  • Step 9: Synthesise & Interpret, Meta-analyses
  • Non-Health Systematic Reviews

Writing Your Review

When writing up your systematic review keep in mind the specific guidelines for structuring your review. Systematic review standards are elements that should be reported in any published systematic review. Also there may be other 'Instructions to Authors' provided by the journals or organisations in which you plan to publish.

The PRISMA statement can be followed to ensure reliable coverage of the systematic review methods, results and conclusions. The PRISMA Elaboration and Explanation (E&E) document that accompanies the PRISMA statement provides instructions for each of the items on the checklist.

  • PRISMA Statement
  • PRISMA Elaboration and Explanation Document
  • Moher D, Shamseer L, Clarke M, Ghersi D, Liberati A, Petticrew M, et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 statement

Strategic Publishing

  • RV2 Checklist To help make informed decisions before publishing, MQ has developed the RV2 checklist to assist with selecting appropriate peer-reviewed journals.
  • Strategic Publishing Guide Strategic publishing guide by DVC-R and the Library
  • Think Check Submit Think. Check. Submit. helps researchers identify trusted journals for their research. Through a range of tools and practical resources, this international, cross-sector initiative aims to educate researchers, promote integrity, and build trust in credible research and publications.

Templates for SRs

This link is to best practice examples from Cochrane on how to write about your searches in a Cochrane review.

You can adapt examples to suit your systematic review.

  • Search Text Templates for Reviews and Updates

Further reading

  • Article: Choosing the right journal for your systematic review
  • << Previous: Step 9: Synthesise & Interpret, Meta-analyses
  • Next: Non-Health Systematic Reviews >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 1, 2024 1:06 PM
  • URL:

Macquarie University

Macquarie University on Overleaf

Quick start.

Macquarie University is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history.

Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing your research papers and project reports much quicker for both you and your collaborators. Overleaf can also be linked to other services to best fit into your workflow.

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Welcome to the Macquarie University quick start guide to Overleaf. We've put together some useful resources and links in the sections below, and if you have any questions about how to get started please let us know and we'll be happy to help!

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If you prefer to edit directly in LaTeX, you can! Overleaf provides a full collaborative online LaTeX editor you can switch to at any time.

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You can also submit your paper directly to a number of journals and other editorial and review services via the publish menu in the editor. Simply open the publish menu from any document and follow the appropriate 'Submit to ...' link.

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Introducing students to latex.

Overleaf has several on-demand webinars available that address a variety of beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics.

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Featured LaTeX Templates

Macquarie University Thesis

FAQ & Help

Who should i contact if i have questions about overleaf or the macquarie license.

Please use our contact form and we'll make sure your question gets to the right person in our team. You can also direct Macquarie-specific questions to your Research or Clinical Librarian .

I'm new to Overleaf, how should I get started?

We've put together a short How do I use Overleaf help page to give you pointers on exactly that :)

How do I upload an existing LaTeX project into Overleaf?

Here's an FAQ on how to import existing LaTeX documents into Overleaf .

What packages does Overleaf support?

Overleaf supports the packages listed here .

How should Macquarie University Theses be formatted?

Information for Macquarie University HDR candidates can be found on the Higher Degree Research website .

Included are general instructions for thesis presentation . Please discuss the particulars of format and referencing style with your Supervisor.

You may find this template suitable but as requirements differ between disciplines you should check its suitability with your supervisor.

How do I know what referencing style and presentation I should use for my assignment?

Follow the instructions of your Unit Convenor when preparing assignments. Information about the format and referencing style required will be available in iLearn . For more information about referencing styles see our Referencing Guide .

Can I use BibTeX for referencing in Overleaf?

See this short instructional video to get you started with bibliographies using BibTex.

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  • Track changes and comments
  • Joining an institutional subscription
  • Using the Overleaf history feature
  • Helpful how-to guides

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MKTG3011 – Brand Management

2023 – session 1, in person-scheduled-weekday, north ryde, general information.

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Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor and Lecturer
Credit points Credit points
Prerequisites Prerequisites
Corequisites Corequisites
Co-badged status Co-badged status
Unit description Unit description

Important Academic Dates

Information about important academic dates including deadlines for withdrawing from units are available at

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you will be able to:

  • ULO1: Critically evaluate the theories underpinning branding.
  • ULO2: Critically evaluate the process of brand strategy planning and implementation.
  • ULO3: Develop strategies to launch and maintain a brand, and communicate the strategies in a professional manner to the audience, individually and in collaboration

General Assessment Information

Late Assessment Submission Penalty (written assessments)

Unless a Special Consideration request has been submitted and approved, a 5% penalty (of the total possible mark) will be applied each day a written assessment is not submitted, up until the 7th day (including weekends). After the 7th day, a grade of ‘0’ will be awarded even if the assessment is submitted. Submission time for all written assessments is set at 11.55pm. A 1-hour grace period is provided to students who experience a technical concern.    

  For any late submissions of time-sensitive tasks, such as scheduled tests/exams, performance assessments/presentations, and/or scheduled practical assessments/labs, students need to submit an application  for  Special Consideration .  

Assessment Tasks

Name Weighting Hurdle Due
20% No Week 2 to week 13
40% No Week 9 to 11
40% No Week 13

Practice-based activities

Assessment Type 1 : Participatory task Indicative Time on Task 2 : 10 hours Due: Week 2 to week 13 Weighting: 20%

Contribute to class discussion and class activities, both online and face-to-face. Unit participation and engagement will be marked every two weeks starting from week 2.

  • Critically evaluate the theories underpinning branding.
  • Critically evaluate the process of brand strategy planning and implementation.

Assessment Type 1 : Project Indicative Time on Task 2 : 20 hours Due: Week 9 to 11 Weighting: 40%

This assessment is designed to examine students’ knowledge in creatively planning and implementing branding strategies to launch a new brand. The evaluation of visual and verbal branding strategies, the choice of brand elements, and employing effective supporting branding strategies are expected to be addressed in this assessment task.

It includes a group presentation with supporting materials

(20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q&A, 25 slides, Individual: 30%, Group: 10%).

  • Develop strategies to launch and maintain a brand, and communicate the strategies in a professional manner to the audience, individually and in collaboration

Assessment Type 1 : Report Indicative Time on Task 2 : 20 hours Due: Week 13 Weighting: 40%

This assessment is designed to examine students critical thinking, critical analysis, and discussion of branding strategies, their degree of effectiveness and relevance in developing consumer-brand relationship. This is an applied report, and students are expected to provide actionable managerial recommendations. Length: 2000 words.

1 If you need help with your assignment, please contact:

  • the academic teaching staff in your unit for guidance in understanding or completing this type of assessment
  • the Writing Centre for academic skills support.

2 Indicative time-on-task is an estimate of the time required for completion of the assessment task and is subject to individual variation

Delivery and Resources

This course will be delivered in online and face-to-face modes.

Students enrolled in ONLINE DELIVERY: there will be  1-hour online pre-recorded lecture on a weekly basis, plus a 1.5-hour online weekly workshop, and 0.5-hour asynchronous activities.

Students enrolled in FACE-TO-FACE DELIVERY: there will be  1-hour online pre-recorded lecture on a weekly basis, plus a 1.5-hour face-to-face weekly workshop on campus, and   0.5-hour asynchronous activities.

Unit resources:

Recommended textbooks:

Keller,  K.L; Swaminathan, V (2019),  Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity . Global 5th edition. Pearson: Sydney.

Aaker, D. (2014).  Aaker on branding: 20 principles that drive success . Morgan James Publishing.

Additional recommended books and resources will be provided on iLearn. 

Internet sites of interest​ /

Technology used and required

Students are required to learn how to use MS PowerPoint, word processing, and learning management systems (iLearn).

Unit webpage

Please note that the unit's logon iLearn address can be found here:

Satisfactory completion of unit:

To pass this unit students need an aggregate mark of 50 or more.

Unit Schedule

Please refer to  iLearn

Policies and Procedures

Macquarie University policies and procedures are accessible from Policy Central  ( ). Students should be aware of the following policies in particular with regard to Learning and Teaching:

  • Academic Appeals Policy
  • Academic Integrity Policy
  • Academic Progression Policy
  • Assessment Policy
  • Fitness to Practice Procedure
  • Assessment Procedure
  • Complaints Resolution Procedure for Students and Members of the Public
  • Special Consideration Policy

Students seeking more policy resources can visit Student Policies  ( ). It is your one-stop-shop for the key policies you need to know about throughout your undergraduate student journey.

To find other policies relating to Teaching and Learning, visit Policy Central  ( ) and use the search tool .

Student Code of Conduct

Macquarie University students have a responsibility to be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct:

Results published on platform other than eStudent , (eg. iLearn, Coursera etc.) or released directly by your Unit Convenor, are not confirmed as they are subject to final approval by the University. Once approved, final results will be sent to your student email address and will be made available in eStudent . For more information visit or if you are a Global MBA student contact [email protected]

Academic Integrity

At Macquarie, we believe academic integrity – honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, fairness and courage – is at the core of learning, teaching and research. We recognise that meeting the expectations required to complete your assessments can be challenging. So, we offer you a range of resources and services to help you reach your potential, including free online writing and maths support , academic skills development and wellbeing consultations .

Student Support

Macquarie University provides a range of support services for students. For details, visit

The Writing Centre

The Writing Centre  provides resources to develop your English language proficiency, academic writing, and communication skills.

  • Chat with a WriteWISE peer writing leader
  • Access StudyWISE
  • Upload an assignment to Studiosity
  • Complete the Academic Integrity Module

The Library provides online and face to face support to help you find and use relevant information resources. 

  • Subject and Research Guides
  • Ask a Librarian

Student Services and Support

Macquarie University offers a range of Student Support Services including:

  • Accessibility and disability support  with study
  • Mental health  support
  • Safety support  to respond to bullying, harassment, sexual harassment and sexual assault
  • Social support including information about finances, tenancy and legal issues
  • Student Advocacy provides independent advice on MQ policies, procedures, and processes

Student Enquiries

Got a question? Ask us via AskMQ , or contact Service Connect .

For help with University computer systems and technology, visit . 

When using the University's IT, you must adhere to the Acceptable Use of IT Resources Policy . The policy applies to all who connect to the MQ network including students.

Changes from Previous Offering

There have been no changes from previous offering in terms of assessment types, and weighting. 

The assessment description and requirements of the individual report have been revised and modified. Please see iLearn unit page for assessment descriptions.

Unit information based on version 2023.03 of the Handbook

Resumes and CVs

Optimise your resume.

Resume and CVs are the first point of contact between you and a potential employer. The way you present yourself will determine whether you progress through to the next stage of the recruitment process.

In order to write a successful resume, make sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Your resume should not be longer than two pages.
  • Make sure it is grammar and spelling error free.
  • Tailor the content to address the selection criteria from the job advert.
  • Organise the content in order of importance for the role.
  • The overall presentation and layout must be clear and professional with plenty of white space and clear headings.
  • Use a mixture of paragraphs and bullet points for ease in reading.

In Australian applications do not include:

  • physical characteristics
  • date of birth
  • disability or health issues
  • marital status
  • lies or sarcasm

More on Resumes

Access detailed resume guidelines in Employability Connect, join a resume workshop, or try the CV builder

Careers and Student Employment

One-on-one career advice

Get your resume reviewed by a careers advisor.

Related links

  • Resume checker
  • Career and Employment Service
  • MyMQ Career Zone


  1. Online Resources

    Level 24, 123 Pitt Street. Sydney, NSW 2109. +61 2 9234 1700. Follow us. Acknowledgement of Country. Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the Dharug Nation - whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture, the land since ...

  2. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    Application Process. a)Partner institution specific templates and requirements to be completed b)The MQ application form on our websitec)Overarching Process Map on our website (handout). We recommend students plan 2-6 months in advance (exchange with existing partner) Step 4. HIGHER DEGREE RESEARCH OFFICE.

  3. Macquarie University

    Templates. Decision support tools and guidelines. MQ Health Clinical Research Governance Application form (For clinical research and sponsored CTs not run within MQ CTU) CRG Project synopsis. Example of synopsis. Decision tool clinical research vs clinical trial. Clinical Research Governance IICT application form (For Investigator Initiated ...

  4. Visualise Your Thesis Programme

    MQ VYT presentation template; Entrant Pack for MQ presenters; ... (Macquarie Medical School) Presentation title: Butyrate, a potential therapy for Machado Joseph Disease. ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the Dharug Nation - whose ...

  5. Prepare for completion

    Review the content, presentation and formatting requirements for your thesis. Find out more. Submit your thesis. Submit your thesis via the Graduate Research Examination Portal. ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the Dharug Nation ...

  6. Macquarie University

    By 13 August (one week before the workshop) Send your pre-recorded poster presentation to help our AUSLAN interpreters and captioning service to prepare. Install or upgrade Zoom to the latest version. Please save the Zoom url for the 'Zoom foyer' that you will be emailed 48 hours before the workshop.

  7. Rmarkdown template for PDF presentations using the Macquarie University

    Rmarkdown Beamer template for Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Macquarie University. Allows quick creation of PDF beamer presentations using the Macquarie branding template. Beamer is superior to MS Office applications for typesetting mathematical or other scientific content since it uses LaTeX as a backend to typeset the output.

  8. A Theme for Macquarie University Presentations and slide decks using

    A Theme for Macquarie University Presentations and slide decks using Beamer and LaTeX 1 star 5 forks Branches Tags Activity. Star Notifications Code; Issues 0; Pull requests 0; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights mqTeXUsers/Macquarie-University-Beamer-Theme. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a ...

  9. Design for PowerPoint

    Enhance your class delivery through better design of presentation slides. Kylie Coaldrake on 21 June, 2023. 21 June, 2023 - 31 December, 2024 All Day. ... PowerPoint is a key 'tool of the trade' for delivery of classes in person and online at Macquarie University. Poor slide design adversely impacts the ability of the presenter to deliver a ...

  10. Resource repository

    Contact [email protected]. A collection of rubrics (read only access). Rubric examples for each Blooms level and for common areas such as communication, critical thinking, quantitative literacy, ethical reasoning, and many more (By Olga Kozar, MQ). Assessment and feedback templates for 3 different assessment tasks: an Article ...

  11. Templates

    Macquarie University Thesis. This thesis template was created by Dr Kelly Williams, NHMRC Early Career Fellow with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at Macquarie University. Feedback on this template is welcome and can be submitted by emailing [email protected]. Kelly Williams. About.

  12. Macquarie University Quarto reveal.js Presentation Template

    Template for creating a new reveal.js article format for Quarto. See information about how-to use this repo template inside the template file. This is a Quarto template that assists you in creating a presentation for use with Macquarie University branding.

  13. You asked, we answer: Shared ID and the new brand campaign

    The short-form version of Macquarie's new brand narrative is: "Macquarie is a vibrant university engaged with the real world. We foster collaboration across diverse fields of knowledge and human perspectives, pursuing innovative ways to address society's complex problems and create a better future."

  14. Thesis collection

    The Library holds copies of Macquarie theses for PhD, professional doctorates, masters and MRes in print, microfilm or digital formats. Limited honours theses are collected on advice of the Faculty. Submission of print theses is no longer required by the University. The Macquarie University Digital Theses Collection, the open-access digital ...

  15. Milestones

    an oral presentation to a group including peers and academic staff, with written and/or verbal feedback; and; verbal discussion and defence of the research proposal. ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the Dharug Nation - whose cultures ...

  16. iLearn Template

    The template has been progressively rolled out to all units in the Faculty of Arts. with all undergraduate units covered by 2024. For all new units, start with a blank Arts iLearn template when you create your unit in iTeach. Create a new iLearn unit from the template and then import all of your content from a previous unit.

  17. Step 10: Templates, Write & Publish

    When writing up your systematic review keep in mind the specific guidelines for structuring your review. Systematic review standards are elements that should be reported in any published systematic review. Also there may be other 'Instructions to Authors' provided by the journals or organisations in which you plan to publish.

  18. Templates

    Perfect for lectures, thesis defenses, and research seminars, this template allows you to showcase your content effectively while maintaining a polished and academic tone. Easily customize it to reflect your institution's branding for a cohesive presentation. 中央民族大学Beamer模板,基于THU Beamer Theme。. LaTex beamer theme for ...

  19. Macquarie University

    Overview. Macquarie University is providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history. Overleaf is designed to make the process ...

  20. Unit Guide

    Unit convenor and teaching staff. Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor and Lecturer. Abas Mirzaei. [email protected]. Contact via 0298508560. 4ER, Room 214. By Appointment. Credit points. Credit points.

  21. PDF Resumes & Cover Letters

    Macquarie University NSW 2109 Australia T: +61 (2) 9850 7372 [email protected] CRICOS Provider No 00002J . COVER LETTER STRUCTURE AND CONTENT Your name . Your address . ... Presentation, style and layout of resume and cover letters • Resume is no longer than 2 pages • Cover letter is 1 page

  22. Resumes and CVs

    The overall presentation and layout must be clear and professional with plenty of white space and clear headings. ... Macquarie University acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land where Macquarie University is situated, the Wallumattagal Clan of the Dharug Nation - whose cultures and customs have nurtured, and continue to nurture ...