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Last updated on Aug 13, 2021

20 Creative Writing Jobs for Graduates (+ Entry-Level Positions)

Being passionate about creative writing hasn’t always been associated with a stable career path, but that’s not to say that there aren’t any opportunities out there to bring well-written stories into your job. In fact, we’re here to talk about 20 different creative writing jobs — 20 professions that let the storyteller in you shine! We’ll discuss the industries, entry level jobs, and potential income for each job below. 

When it comes to creative writing, the first thing that pops up in our mind is books! While writing is the obvious option (and we’ll cover that later on in the post), most writers choose to work in one of the following positions in the publishing industry to gain financial stability first. 

❗ Note: The “per book” rates below are made with 50,000-60,000 word manuscripts in mind. 

1. Ghostwriter 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance writer, ghostwriter, editorial assistant 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $2,000-$9,000 per book or $0.10-$0.15 per word

If you’re all about creative writing but you’d prefer an upfront payment for your words, then ghostwriting is the job for you! Here’s how it works: an author hires you to help them write their story. It could (and usually is) a memoir or an autobiography which the author doesn't have the time or skills to write themselves. Fiction authors also sometimes use ghostwriters to help them write sequels and satisfy popular demands. 

Ghostwriters are freelancers, so you can start by getting some freelance writing gigs. As a beginner, you might start with short-form projects like articles, white papers, website content. Here are some resources, complete with tips from experienced professionals, that might be helpful:

  • How to Become a Ghostwriter in 6 Essential Steps (+ Tips from Professionals) 
  • How to Start Freelance Writing: 5 Steps to a Soaring Career
  • How Much Do Ghostwriters Make: The Ultimate Breakdown

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: editorial assistant

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$30,000 per year or $800-$1,000 per book

Writing is actually not all there is to creative writing jobs — if you really love stories and are always finding ways to make a story better, then editing is a suitable profession for you. There are many types of editors: some (like development editors) work more on the plot and theme of the book, and others (like copy editors ) specialize on its language and style. 

Editorial assistant jobs are the common first steps to this career path. Entry-level positions are quite competitive in publishing, so you’ll likely need a relevant degree (English Literature, MFA, etc.) to get the job. 

Freelancing, as always, is an option, but it can be quite difficult to get clients if you start without any editing experience. Oftentimes, editors start working in-house and later transition to freelance . 

Below are some more resources for you if you want to pursue this career path:

  • How to Become an Editor: A Guide for Beginners
  • Copyediting Certificates: Do You Need One and Where to Get It?
  • Editor Salary: Can Your Skills Pay the Bills
  • Working in Publishing: An Insider's Guide



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3. Proofreader

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance proofreader

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $550-$650 per book 

Proofreading comes after editing — the proofreader reads the manuscript one final time, after all the revisions are made, to see if any spelling and grammatical errors are missed out. They’re incredibly crucial to the production of a spotless book, so there’s never a shortage of proofreading jobs . 

This task is often done on a freelance basis, either by full-time freelancers or by editors who want to take on side jobs. You can specialize in proofreading alone, though most professionals will combine editing and proofreading crafts for better income. As a beginner, opportunities for short-form projects will often be more accessible — stay open-minded about taking them up, but also do some proofreading training to prepare for more exciting gigs. 

We’ve also got some resources for this topic for you to check out:

  • How to Become a Proofreader: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Choose Your Proofreading Rates

There’s more to journalism than just breaking news on CNN, which means there’s plenty of space for the creative writer in you to flourish in this industry! Let’s take a look at a couple of options you can consider. 

4. Columnist 

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: fellowships, junior writer/columnist, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$35,000 per year or $100-$300 per piece 

If you like creative nonfiction , you probably have already considered becoming a columnist. In fact, you can even be a books columnist! Job options range from book-specific sites like Electric Literature or Literary Hub, to prestigious newspapers like The Guardian or The New Yorker. But that’s not necessarily the only thing you can write about! You can become a columnist in just about any topic, from social issues to entertainment, as long as you’re interested in the niche. 

Look out for fellowships and junior writing jobs in newspapers and magazines and get ready to apply! A degree in relevant subjects like Journalism or English Literature is a great advantage, though your ability to follow up on leads, conduct thorough research, and keep up with the latest trends in a certain niche will be carefully assessed. You can also be a contributing writer first to forge a relationship with the editors before going after a full-time position. 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: junior writer, freelance writer

There’s a fine line between a critic and a columnist: critics are usually more academically inclined, and they often work more on the arts than columnists. Columnists cover social issues, sports, entertainment in their more general sense, while critics while home in on a particular piece of art, literature, theatre, or movie to offer expert assessment of it. 

Similar to the columnists, you can begin with junior writing positions and freelance gigs, in which you build up a writing portfolio of relevant work. Ideally, critics will be more savvy to the technicalities of whatever subject you critique — be it filmography or literature. In other words, formal training like a bachelor’s degree is a good launch pad. 

6. News journalist 

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $30,000-$35,000 per year 

Writing news articles is different from the writing column pieces: a journalist must maintain an impartial voice and be succinct. Moreover, you’re always looking out for the latest story, whether on social media or on the street (which is where your love for creative writing can come in). 

The most common way to get into news journalism is to get a salaried position. You can also apply to internships as well, and there are compensated ones to look out for. What you will need is a degree and some journalist training so that you can use shorthand, know what makes a good story, and know what sources to chase, among other things. 

7. Investigative journalist 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

And what if you’re a fan of true crime ? You might find yourself drawn to investigative journalism! You can chase the tail of anything under the sun, from kidnappings to factory production, from local to international events, so long as there’s an uncovered story there. The topic will often be assigned to you by an editor, and you’ll be given some time to collect information and write the article. It’s a slower pace than daily news, but it’s thrilling nonetheless. 

Similar to the news path, you’ll likely start off with an internship or a junior writing position. With this job opportunity, you can build a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to peel back the layers of the onion to reveal new insights to a matter. Again, a degree and training in journalism are essential. 


Copywriting is writing to sell a product or service, and it could be anything from newsletter emails to slogans to even commercial scripts! There’s definitely a creative element to it, as you’re always looking for a unique and memorable way to capture the attention of consumers. And since it's so rooted in consumption culture, copywriting is definitely a writing career that's in demand!

Below are several types of copywriting jobs you can go into. 

8. Technical copywriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: technical writer, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $32,000-$38,000 per year 

A technical writer works on instructional materials for manuals, white papers, and other informative pieces of writing. A technical copywriter combines that level of specialty with marketing tactics, thereby focusing on promoting products and services that are a bit more, well, technical. Think electronic companies, software developers, repair and maintenance services. 

Ideally, you’d have some education or experience in technical sectors (i.e. IT, engineering, finance). That way, you won’t take too much time to familiarize yourself with the jargon, and employers are more likely to hire you. You can also begin with technical writing, if you don’t mind working on material that’s a bit less creative. 

9. Advertising copywriter

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter, communications copywriter

For a more creative writing job, you can go for advertising. This often involves a lot of brainstorming with the creative team of your agency to come up with advertisement campaigns that will leave a mark. When working on this you can write all kinds of content, from slogans to image copies to web content. 

Having a bachelor’s degree in marketing or an essay-based discipline is usually beneficial if you’re looking for this kind of job. You can work for a big brand, which will constantly be needing new content, or you can work for a marketing agency, tailoring your work to every client. 

10. PR copywriter

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter

Public relations (PR) is, simply put, the art of building a good reputation, whether that’s for an individual or a brand. You’ll work on press releases, report and presentation writing, material for internal and external communications to present your client’s motivation and direction. 

For this kind of job, the precision of your language and your ability to stay up to date with the competitors will be important. A degree in communications or business administration are a plus point. And as is often the case in most writing jobs, the ability to find the human story behind everything will be your best tool. 

Content Marketing

Nowadays, traditional marketing on TV, billboards, and posters are only a part of the industry, the other is all about online content. And with so many things zooming about on the Internet, every company will be looking for the most creative person to help them stand out. Which means you get plenty of opportunities to be imaginative, working on website content, blog posts, social media posts, and even videos.

11. Social media manager 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/junior/freelance social media specialist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $30,000-$35,000 per year 

With our evermore online world, social media-related jobs definitely is a writing career that's in demand. So many things can happen on social media — you might very well go viral overnight! The challenge is getting there. As a social media manager, you get to be the voice of the company, interacting with customers in a friendly, casual way, while also learning their habits and preferences so that you and others on your team can better engage with them. 

This is a relatively hands-on job, so experience running a public social media account is the best thing you can have on your CV. A degree in communications can be beneficial, though many job postings don’t require anything specific.

12. Blogger

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: blogger, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $0.10-$0.15 per word

Blogging is probably something you’re familiar with as a writer — but do you know it can earn you a good penny? By focusing on a specific subject (it can be books , technology, fashion, the freelance life, etc.), you can attract companies who are looking to strengthen their brand awareness and will sponsor you. It’ll take time to build an attractive platform, but it’s definitely possible. 

Beyond that, you can write for others as well. There are plenty of websites that promote creative writing jobs all over, so you can sift through them for the suitable ones. No degree requirements for this job, just your skill with a (proverbial) quill! 

13. Content creator 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: content marketer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $27,000-$34,000 per year 

If you’re happy to do a bit of everything, then apply to become a content creator. You’ll also get to collaborate with a team to come up with an overall strategy in this position.

You can work for all kinds of companies in this career. A bachelor’s degree in Marketing, English, Communications are highly relevant, though adjacent, essay-based subjects tend to do the job, too. Brushing up on search engine optimization (SEO) is also wise. 

Pop culture, the latest rumors and gossip, interesting observations served on a pretty platter — if any of that sounds interesting to you, you can jump into the media industry. Here are some job options if you want to take this route. 

14. Screenwriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $9,000-$15,000 per project 

Everyone of us has probably at one point or another thought about entering the film and TV industry, and that career goal is definitely achievable, if you know where to look. A lot of people start with assistant positions to learn the ropes and get an opportunity to work on bigger productions. If you prefer to write from the get-go, you can go for lower-budget projects. 

To get one of the assistant positions and put yourself out there, touch up on craft skills like plotting, story structures , character-building to be prepared. No qualifications are specified in most cases. 

15. Broadcast journalist 

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer

We’ve covered written news — now comes broadcast news. From televised reports to radio sessions, you can be the writer behind the words that reporters or presenters read out. It’s a fast-paced job that deals with the latest real-life stories, which can be incredibly rewarding, even if it’s not explicitly creative. 

Many broadcast journalists work project by project (unless it’s periodical news), almost like a freelancer. You’ll still need to have all the skills necessary to put together a good news story, so some journalist training will be beneficial. 

16. Podcaster 

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer or producer 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $18-$25 per hour, or $26,000-$32,000 per year 

Along the same lines as a broadcast journalist is the job of a podcaster. This is a bit more topical than journalism, and you can really home into certain fields and explore it in depth. Another special thing about podcasters is they usually host the shows, too! So if you’re confident about your voice, and about interviewing others, there’s no reason not to try this out. 

As with screenwriting, the route to get into this sector can be a little bit challenging, since it’s often a case of catching an opportunity from the right people at the right time. Which is why assistant jobs are a strong start. 

And finally, we arrive at the section that hopeful writers often dream about more than anything else. Publishing a book is not easy, it requires not just time and effort but also finances, if only to keep you afloat while completing the manuscript. That said, it’s possible to do it on the side with another full-time job, as is the case for most published writers. 

The cool thing about this career is that you are your own boss — i.e. there are no entry level positions. You are an author the day you call yourself one. 

17. Short story writer

Short stories are charming in their own right, and with the booming literary magazine sphere , there’s no shortage of space to get your words out there into the world. Publishing an anthology with a publisher is also an option but it’s harder — you often need to have an established career first. 

In any case, most magazines aim to have enough funds to pay their contributors. Small ones can pay $15-$20 per story, bigger ones $100-$200. You can also enter writing contests to win higher prizes.

18. Novelist 

Being a novelist comes with the difficulty of having the time and finances to write a full draft before you can propose it to publishers, or even publish it yourself. It’s a long commitment, and it doesn’t guarantee a payoff. If it does get printed, a book deal can get you an advance in the $5,000-$15,000 range. If you self-publish, what you get depends on how well you market your books — emphasis on the plural noun!

That said, it’s not impossible. We’ve got a whole post on how to become a novelist here if you want some pointers from famous writers like Anne Lamott and Zadie Smith! 

19. Nonfiction author 

Who says creative writing jobs have to be all about fiction? Creative nonfiction is a growing field that’s always welcoming new stories. From memoirs and biographies to true crime, from self-help to essay collections, you can focus on many different topics with this option. 

The nice thing about it all is that unlike fiction writers, you can pitch your book proposal to publishers before you complete a whole manuscript for nonfiction titles, meaning you can be guaranteed some kind of results before you start writing. The advance amount is similar to that for novels.

And last but not least, you can become a poet! Poets tell stories with rhythm and rich imagery, and not just on paper but also with their voice. Performing poetry is one of the special advantages that comes with this form of writing. Not only does it let you and the audience experience in a new way, it’s also a great opportunity to grow as an artist. 

On top of that, you can also dabble in other industries (advertising, music producers…) as a lyricist. As it’s a gig-based employment, you probably want to diversify your work portfolio to make sure there’s always something you can work on. The rates are usually similar to that of a ghostwriter.

And voila, that’s the end to our master list of creative writing jobs! Hopefully, there’s something to help you passion live on among this many options.

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10 Jobs for Graduates with a Creative Writing Degree

Do you have a creative writing degree? Here are 10 jobs where you can put that degree to good use.

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Congratulations! First of all, you should be proud of your achievement. You just accomplished something that will open many doors that could lead you to a rewarding career.

Some may think that a Creative Writing Degree doesn’t lead you to many job opportunities, but that’s just not true.

Not only can you create any type of content you want and promote it online all by yourself, but every big company, especially the ones that have social networks to keep alive, need a creative writer.

Your career options are unlimited, especially if you take a look at the freelance world.

In order to show you how many opportunities you have we’re presenting our top 10 perfect jobs for graduates with a Creative Writing Degree or Diploma.

1. Content Writer/ Author

Even though it might be the most obvious job, it is still many people’s dream to become a writer. Now you have a degree to back you up, and a lot of knowledge to help you be successful.

You can write about anything you want – or anything a company wants! Novels aren’t the only things you can write; there’s poetry, prose, drama, short story, and the list goes on. If you have a dream, make sure you chase it until you make it because one of the most important keys towards success is our genuine passion.

2. Copywriter

Copywriting is probably the best way to start your career as a writer. And it pays well, even if you’re a beginner. But what is copywriting really about?

Copywriting means writing with the purpose of advertising and other forms of marketing. The product is called “copy” and it is actually written content whose purpose is to raise brand awareness and to make a possible customer take action. There are many forms of copywriting and it’s a crucial piece of any successful marketing strategy. That means a lot job opportunities.

3. Journalist

To be a journalist takes a lot of creativity. And journalism doesn’t only include the news or politics! You can be a journalist for the fashion world, sports, or even entertainment. There are a lot of options to choose from.

But beware, the competition in this field is very high. Consider this option only if you’re truly passionate about journalism and if you believe that you can make a change. It’s not for the faint of heart.

4. Travel Blogger

If writing and traveling are your two main passions, Travel Writer is the perfect job for you. You’ll get to travel all around the world and write amazing articles about your amazing experiences!

The best part is that you don’t really need to find someone to hire you to be a travel writer. You can take your backpack and start a blog about your own experiences. From there, you might become a leading influencer in the field or earn a few job offers.

5. Social Media Specialist

Most companies today leverages at least one social network. That’s where most customers spend their time and you can easily target them. But to make a possible customer take action and actually buy a product, you need well-written, compelling text. That can be written by you!

There are always hundreds of job offers for various types of companies, so it will be almost impossible to not find work in this field.

If you think of yourself as a persuasive and creative person, this job might be just right for you.

6. Email Marketing Specialist

If you’re usually giving your email to every website you’re purchasing things from, then you already know what email marketing looks like. If you ever bothered to read one of those emails you received, you’ll notice that their purpose is to give you some new information and to make you feel like a member of the community – and to make you buy their products.

To be an email marketer requires a lot of creativity. This job can be very well paid because you can make a real difference in their profits – the better you write, the more customer is convinced to make a purchase.

The writing process is not only about the creation part, the writing itself. It is also about improving and correcting the first draft until it is perfect and ready to send.

To be an editor doesn’t only mean to correct grammar errors and misspelled words.

It also means to make what the writer originally wrote sound better – take their idea and ensure that it will express the message effectively. Many writers make great editors because of their training.

8. Columnist

Many writers dream of having their own column in a famous magazine like Cosmopolitan, Vogue, or Forbes. They all started small – at local magazines and so on – but most importantly, they all started with a degree, like you.

The competition is high in this field too, but if you’re skilled and you believe in yourself there’s nothing to worry about. We all know that if you have a column in a magazine you are well paid and it can be a really nice and rewarding job, not to mention that you get to go places and meet amazing people, depending on the subjects you’re writing about.

9. Ghostwriter

One of the best ways to start your writer carrier is with  ghostwriting , especially if you’re not ready to put your name out for the public’s eyes. As a ghostwriter you have tons of opportunities – the  freelance world   is full of such opportunities, you can write anything you like or anything one demands, from books of all sorts, articles, blog posts, and the list can go on and on.

You can write articles about whatever topic you like and then just sell it to a company that needs it. You can work for some  essay writing company  as a ghostwriter. Or, if you want something more stable, there are many companies that are looking for ghostwriters to write their articles under the name of inexistent writers that have created.

10. Screenwriter / Songwriter

Probably the most creative jobs for a creative writer graduate are songwriting and screenwriting. Of course, is not easy to make a name of yourself in this field, but this is where your passion lays, you should definitely go for it.

In these jobs, you can dream as big as possible and the bigger you dream the more successful you’ll become. So, don’t let anyone stop you become a songwriter or screenwriter just because it is hard, or do you believe that you’re any less than anyone who already succeeded; they’re only human after all.

Above are just 10 great opportunities that you can leverage in your future, but remember, there are so many more opportunities that are waiting for a great writer like you to discover. Creative writing is a great career and the most important thing about it is that it will never die (hopefully), or, at least, not any time soon. You can write novels about your unbelievable fantasies, you can write for a blog that shares your main interests, and you can work from home as the freelance world has hundreds if not thousands of job offers for creative writers.

Your future looks bright from now on and never discourage yourself if you struggle at first to get a job because some things simply aren’t meant to be. Look at things from this point of view: you didn’t get the job because it is not the best option for you and a better job is waiting for you. You just have to be patient because great things take time.

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15 Jobs You Can Do With a Degree in Creative Writing

How to Write Better Essays: 10 Strategies You Should Consider

Last Updated on March 2, 2024

Table of Contents

Writing is an essential skill that humans have used for thousands of years to record their history, share their stories and communicate with each other. Today, writing is even more important, as we live in a highly digital world of emails, texts, posts and messages. Anyone who wants to write for a living needs a degree in creative writing, whether they want to be a novelist or a blogger. 

People who write regularly require additional talents as well, including grammatical knowledge and the ability to translate their work for international readers. The degree can help you develop these skills along with the writing techniques needed to tell a story or sell a product, which you had to master through such an unimaginable number of essay projects, that you had to go online to find someone to write your essays for you. It’s all part of the process of studying . If you are contemplating earning this major, you should spend some time becoming familiar with the many jobs with creative writing degree.

Here of creative writing degree jobs that graduates may be able to pursue.

1. Content Writer/Author

If you are creative and have a well of stories to tell, then careers that involve writing could be for you. Content writers create written content for websites, blogs, company brochures, social media posts, advertisements and more. The stories they tell can be both factual (to inform readers) or fictional (to engage them). To be a content writer, you will need a degree in creative writing, as well as a knowledge of relevant technology, such as desktop publishing software.

  • Average salary: is $20.36 per hour in United States or $52,272 per year.
  • Irregular work schedule.
  • Office/Freelancer.

2. Ghostwriter

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

Ghostwriters are in high demand, and not just for celebrities and business executives. Increasingly, busy professionals and families are hiring ghostwriters to help them create books, blogs and other written content celebrating their lives and careers. You will need to know how to bring your clients’ ideas to life while maintaining their voice and integrity.

A ghostwriter may freelance or work directly for a publisher or other content creator. Other options include work for an agency that manages the whole process of ghostwriting. Ghostwriters may specialize in a particular subject, such as cookbooks or children’s books, or they may write on a variety of topics. 

  • Average salary: is $25 per hour in United States or $55,753 per year.
  • Irregular work schedule
  • Office/Freelancer 

Publishing editors review manuscripts or other content before it is submitted to publications or a website. They also may oversee other writers and ensure that editorial policies and standards are followed. A creative writing degree will teach you the skills needed to complete these tasks, as well as give you an insider’s view of the publishing industry.

The publishing industry can be a competitive place, so it’s a good idea to get a foot in the door with an internship or volunteer work. Editors also may be able to move into a publisher role, which involves managing the entire publishing operation of a company.

  • Average salary: is $36 per hour in United States or $66,300 per year.

4. Speechwriter

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Speechwriters are in demand anywhere where politicians and other leaders make important public speeches. At the national or global level, speechwriters help leaders craft major addresses that will shape the public perception and even policy around international crises and social issues. At the local level, they create speeches for important ceremonies and events. You can go for this if you possess bachelors in creative writing jobs.

Beyond the basic skills of fact-finding and eloquent expression, the expert speechwriter will know how to craft a speech that will deliver a compelling message, sustain a consistent tone and serve the larger goals of its audience.

  • Average salary: is $56 per hour in United States or $142,466 per year.

5. Digital Copywriter

This is among the creative writing major jobs. Digital copywriters specialize in writing web content, landing pages and email marketing materials. They write to persuade a reader to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a newsletter. As such, copywriting is an essential component of online marketing and e-commerce efforts.

To become a copywriter, you’ll need to have a solid foundation in basic writing skills, as well as some experience or special interest in the niche you plan to specialize in. It’s essential for copywriters to constantly stay up-to-date with industry trends and new technologies.

  • Average salary: is $26 per hour in United States or $58,723 per year.

6. Technical Writer

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

With advancements in AI and automation, more and more companies are utilizing written instructions to help automate tasks and teach computers how to perform work traditionally done by humans. Technical writers are needed to develop these instructional manuals, websites and web pages that explain how things work. A creative writing degree can help you excel at this career, provided you also have strong technical skills (like a background in computer programming).

Technical writing may be done freelance, that will require a lot of self motivation , or you may work as a full-time employee for a company. Experienced technical writers may pursue opportunities for project management or Lead Writer roles.

  • Average salary: is $37 per hour in United States or $78,060 per year.

7. Social Media Specialist

As a social media specialist, you will help create and maintain the online presence of a company or individual. This means creating and posting content to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as managing the profile information for your client. Specialists may work independently or as part of a larger team. Working independently means you’ll need the creativity to come up with consistent content to post, as well as the technical knowledge to manage your social media sites effectively. Working as a team means you’ll need to be able to coordinate with other members of the team to create and distribute content.

This position will require strong skills in marketing, communications, and technology. You’ll need to know how to research and write compelling content, as well as how to market a brand through social media.

  • Average salary: is $20 per hour in United States or $44,403 per year.
  • Regular hours + overtime

8. Cultural Consultant

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A growing trend in business today is to deliver content that is relevant, interesting and inspiring to your audience. Cultural consulting involves researching popular trends and current events, as well as historical context, in order to provide insights into how a given message will be received and resonate with a particular audience.

The career of cultural consulting is useful for organizations that need to communicate a message in a certain context; for example, a museum may need to tell about an upcoming exhibit in a way that’s engaging and informative, or a university — about its upcoming events in a manner that’s exciting and relevant to students. Professionals in cultural consulting specialize in researching and delivering contextual content for their organizations. You can go for this if you have chosen creative writing as a career.

  • Average salary: is $31 per hour in United States or $65,944 per year.

With the rise of food shows, celebrity cooking shows and food festivals, food criticism is growing in popularity. Anyone interested in writing about food — not just reviewing restaurants, but also sourcing and cooking unique foods — could benefit from a creative writing degree. Food critics need to have a deep knowledge of the culinary world in order to write compelling reviews that attract readers. 

In addition to food reviews, a creative writing degree can help you become a wine, beer or spirits critic — these culinary staples often go unnoticed until they negatively affect a meal. A critic writes with a keen eye for detail, recording the experience in a way that educates as it entertains.

Other opportunities for critics include entertainment reviews (think music festivals and art exhibitions). Critics may work independently or for a publication, and may also seek freelance work.

  • Average salary: is $18 per hour in United States or $38,902 per year.

10. Translator

Why the Travel and Tourism Industry Needs Translation

This is one of the jobs for writing majors. With so much international business being done, translators are vital to the operation of any company. From multinational corporations to small family-owned firms, companies rely on translators to facilitate communication between English-speaking clients and employees and their counterparts in other countries. Translation is also necessary when materials from research and other sources need to be translated into English for use by personnel at the company. So if you have a creative writing degree, and you’d like to transfer your skills into a real job, consider becoming a translator.

  • Average salary: is $25 per hour in United States or $56,272 per year.

11. Songwriter

If you can sing or play an instrument, a creative writing degree can help you channel your creative energy into songwriting. Many popular songs are written from a personal perspective, and the degree can help you develop the skill set needed to craft compelling songs. Songwriters write original songs as well as cover songs; cover songs are popular with bands looking to preserve a unique sound while maintaining copyright protections.

For careers with writing, it can be a full-time or a side hustle — it all depends on your goals. 

  • Average salary: is $41 per hour in United States or $84,260 per year.
  • Office/Freelancer

12. Email Marketing Specialist

If you love sending (and getting) emails, a career as an email marketer could be a good fit. Email marketers create and send promotional email messages for a brand, product or service; this career requires the ability to write in a conversational yet compelling manner. Most businesses hope their customers read and act on the content of these emails. 

Earning a degree in creative writing might give you a leg up in the field; email marketers must have strong writing and analytical skills, as well as the capacity to quickly determine which customers want which emails. Most email marketing positions are full time, though freelancing opportunities in this area may be available.

  • Average salary: is $30 per hour in United States or $59,145 per year.

13. Columnist

This is among the best jobs for writers. The columnist option demonstrates the wide variety of career opportunities. Columnists write articles of varying length on a given topic; the length and number of columns are most often determined by the publication for which they’re writing. Some popular columnists include writers of satire, advice, commentary and news. 

A creative writing degree helps columnists hone the critical thinking , research and writing skills they need to put together quality content. The length of a column is dependent on its subject and the type of publication it’s being released in — but whatever the length, you’ll need to ensure your writing is concise, engaging and persuasive. Column writing is a career for freelancers; most writers who want to make a living through it will need to self-promote and market their services.

  • Average salary: is $ 19.86 per hour in United States o r $41,823 per year.

14. Video Games Screenwriter

Gamer playing games on PC

This can be classified among the art writing jobs. Games are becoming an ever more popular form of entertainment; many video games include scripted cut scenes, dialogue and other parts that require the help of screenwriters. If you’re a fan of video games and movies, a screenwriting career may be the right choice for you. This job involves imagining and writing the dialogue, narration and character backstories. 

Screenwriters need strong critical thinking skills, along with the ability to imagine the scene they’re writing. Most of them enter this career through self-promotion and networking – after all, most screenwriters are huge fans of video games themselves! Screenwriting is a fast-paced career that’s always changing, and you need to be agile enough to keep up.

  • Average salary: is $30 per hour in United States o r $60,250 per year.

15. Advertising Copywriter

Advertising copywriters are responsible for writing the text used in advertisements. This includes creating an image for a brand through written word. Though advertising copywriters specialize in advertising, their skills are useful for any type of copywriting, including web and email content, and promotional and marketing materials.

The ad copywriter role is similar to that of a journalist; they have to quickly digest large amounts of information and accurately represent a brand while maintaining an engaging, persuasive voice. Copywriters who excel in this field possess excellent grammatical and writing skills, as well as a keen sense of how to effectively market a product.

  • Average salary: is $25 per hour in United States or $53,526 per year.

YouTube video

Can you pursue further education in creative writing and work?

Yes, you can. While a degree in creative writing isn’t a necessary entry-level requirement for many jobs, it does provide a great foundation for other career paths.

What skills do you need to become successful?

Creative thinking, problem-solving, tact and the ability to see things from different perspectives are just a few of the necessary skills required to pursue a successful career in writing.

Who hires professionals with creative writing degrees?

Aside from positions within schools and universities, writers with creative writing degrees can find employment with video game and software companies, entertainment companies, websites that feature user-generated content, publications, magazines, advertising agencies and nonprofit organizations.

How much does a Creative Writer make?

The salary of a creative writer depends on their experience and the industry in which they work. The median income of writers in the United States is $41,440 per year, according to PayScale. This falls right in the middle of the pay scale, making creative writing a viable career for many professionals.

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

Posted by: Igor Ovsyannnykov

Igor is an SEO specialist, designer, photographer, writer and music producer. He believes that knowledge can change the world and be used to inspire and empower young people to build the life of their dreams. When he is not writing in his favorite coffee shop, Igor spends most of his time reading books, taking photos, producing house music, and learning about cinematography. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games.

Writing Forward

26 Creative Writing Careers

by Melissa Donovan | Aug 4, 2022 | Creative Writing | 164 comments

creative writing careers

Creative writing careers — they’re out there!

If creative writing is your passion, then you’d probably enjoy a career in which you could spend all day (or at least most of the day) pursuing that passion.

But creative writing is an artistic pursuit, and we all know that a career in the arts isn’t easy to come by.

It takes hard work, drive, dedication, a whole lot of spirit, and often, a willingness to take big financial risks — as in not having much money while you’re waiting for your big break.

When we think of people who make a living through writing, novelists and journalists come to mind immediately. But what other jobs are out there for folks who want to make creative writing the work that puts food on the table?

The Creative Writing Career List

Here’s a list of creative writing careers that you can consider for your future. I’m not making any promises. You have to go out and find these jobs yourself, but they do exist. You just have to look for them and then land them.

  • Greeting Card Author
  • Comic Book Writer
  • Copywriter (business, advertising, marketing, etc.)
  • Writing Coach
  • Screenwriter
  • Songwriter (Lyricist)
  • Freelance Short Fiction Writer
  • Web Content Writer
  • Creative Writing Instructor
  • Legacy Writer (write people’s bios and family histories)
  • Critic/Reviewer
  • Ghostwriter
  • Article Writer (write, submit, repeat)
  • Video Game Writer
  • Personal Poet (write personalized poems for weddings, funerals, childbirths, etc.)
  • Speechwriter
  • Write sleep stories
  • Blogger (don’t tell me you don’t have a blog yet!)
  • Creative Writing Consultant
  • Specialty writer (food, travel, fitness, etc.)
  • Write guided meditations

I’m not saying you’re going to make a lot of money with some of these creative writing careers. You might have to earn your creating writing income part-time or on the side. But if you do what you love, the money (i.e. the success) just might follow. You’ll never know unless you try, right?

Do you have any creative writing careers to add to this list? Share your suggestions by leaving a comment.

Ready Set Write a Guide to Creative Writing



I find it so difficult to consolidate my thoughts when it comes to career paths. I know this is only a short post with some fairly obvious suggestions, but I really have to say cheers for arranging them in a way that means I can go “Oh yeah. I could do that. Or that..”

Baffled in the world of writing.

Melissa Donovan

Thanks, GrapeMe. I’m sure there are many more creative writing career paths, and hopefully some folks will stop by and add their suggestions. What I wanted to do with this post was present some starter ideas for career building. If you’re in school or have a full-time job, then these are great ways to get your feet wet, and you never know where these jobs will take you! Good luck to you!

Wayne C. Long

Great post!

I can tell you from personal experience that it IS possible to make a career in creative writing. My dream was to launch an on-line store where I could showcase and sell e-mail subscriptions to my collection of short stories. Additionally, I wanted to foster other short story writers by sponsoring short story contests.

Now, nearly three years later, LongShortStories is happily chugging along like The Little Engine That Could, bringing the best in short fiction to an ever-widening appreciative global audience.

It does take patience and perseverence, along with a huge leap of faith in yourself and the reading community at large, to create and maintain such an ongoing venture.

Am I successful? Yes. Am I rich? Yes, if by that you define success and richness as living out one’s creative dream. For that, I am so grateful to my loyal readers and contest entrants who see the power in the short story form.

Go for it, I say!

Wayne C. Long Writer/Editor/Digital Publisher

That’s one of the reasons I wanted to present this list — you never know where it will lead if you just start by dipping your toes in the water. And I think for those of us who are creative or artistic, there’s a true need to engage our creativity even if it’s not our full-time work. And if we can bring in a little extra spending money doing something we love, all the better!

Siddharth Misra

Hi Wayne Hi. Felt great to see your view and understande your perspective,on this important and required art. Writing is something which will indeed shape the future have already writen poems, want to publish them. Am a Multiple Sclerosis patient would appreciate support in my persuit to make my work visible.

Kelvin Kao

I’ve heard of most of these, except personal poet. Of course, the creative job (though not about writing) that I wonder most about is: who gets hired to design those patterns on paper towels?

I’ve been to several websites for personalized poetry. Actually, that’s something I briefly considered doing many years ago, but ultimately I chose another path. Funny you mention the paper towel patterns, because I have wondered the same thing many, many times!


Probably a clever little robot..


Children’s book author. 🙂 I completely agree with you that there is usually a way to turn your passion into a successful career, even if it involves looking for unconventional routes to do what you love.

Yes, those unconventional routes are the ones forged by pioneers, people who were compelled to follow their dreams. Reminds me of the saying, “Do what you love and the money will follow.”


Nice list, Melissa.

I routinely participate in two of the twenty on your list. However, I would be hard pressed to call either a career. More of a labor of love, compulsion, passion than a reliable way to pay the bills — even though I participate daily. Still, I am incredibly fortunate. I would not change my vague professional choices for anything. Best of success to all who tackle anything on the above list.

Thanks, Devin. I believe that if we combine our passion with a desire to make a living doing what we love, anything is possible. Best of luck to you!

I couldn’t agree more. I mostly just do what I love and somehow the bills get paid. believing in yourself is also very helpful — of course there is no reason not to.


Mrs. Melissa Donovan,

I wanted to write for theater newsletter a friend created.

She gave me the opportunity and not a thought would come to me.

Not a theater professional but I like theater and felt I had something to say about it.

Upon returning a few theater books to the library, I got lost in a Exploring Theater Playwriting, a topic jumped on me Rules of etiquette.

Finally, I have the first draft.


I need guidance to help me orient myself with writing and I hope to find it online. This list is a good start. I scrub toilets for a living, can’t help but read and write before and after work. Words, concepts and definitions are very important to me, can’t imagine not pursuing writing soon, yet I need to sell it too somehow. Custodian/janitorial work speaks for itself, words require a lot more compelling.

Christine Mattice

Great list of creative writing careers, Melissa. To this list, I would like to add:

1. Letter writer — writing personal and business letters for clients. 2. Resume writer

…and you’re right. If you do what you love, the money frequently DOES follow!

Thanks, Christine! These are great additions to the list. Resume and cover letter writing are especially notable because one can make a good living in that field. However, I’m not sure it constitutes as creative writing so much as business writing. In any case, definitely worth mentioning!


I’m not quite sure what I would want to do in the writing field. I don tknow because so many of them I think I could do well in. I am so grateful for this list because it shows a very organized way of showing so many possibilities in this creative field.

If you try different forms, styles, and genres of writing, you’ll eventually find the one that fits! Good luck to you!


Melissa. I hope I could maybe get into non fiction writing or even journalism.

Good luck. Just keep writing and submitting, and you’ll get there.


Im just a 12 year old girl who wants to know what I want to do with my life when I get older. All of my other friends know exactly what they are going to be, but I wasn’t sure. So, I went and looked on some websites about jobs that have to do with writing, and this website gave me a very good idea of what I want to be, a song writer because I also love singing. Thanks! 🙂

Songwriting is an excellent career. I love that songwriters get to be creative, work with lots of other artists, and are immersed in music but don’t have to deal with the spotlight and publicity (unless the songwriter is also a star). Nice career choice! Good luck to you.


I am too and my parents have recently asked me what I may have wanted to be and I didn’t even know so it kinda scared me and I have recently realized I like to write stories.I know how this economy works though with the unemployment and it makes me wonder if a writing career would work.I love to write though,am I crazy or something?

At twelve years old, there is no reason to be scared if you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. You have plenty of time! Lots of people start college without declaring their field of study, and lots of people start college thinking they’re going to do one thing and then change halfway through. But if you really love writing and want to pursue it, then there’s no better time to start than right now. No, you’re not crazy. Writing is a wonderful adventure. Also, you are living in the best possible time in history to be a writer. There are tons of wonderful opportunities available to writers that we did not have ten or twenty years ago. I wish you the best of luck, Thatgirl!


Melissa, I’m a former high school English teacher who realized a few years into teaching that writing was what I really wanted to do. I have a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in education but am trying to change careers. I’ve been working on a YA novel and have been getting EXTREMELY frustrated. I have to say I found your post on accident but have found it to be very inspiring. Thanks for surge of reassurance that it can be done!

You’re welcome! I think it’s wonderful that you’re working on a novel and normal that you’re frustrated. Just keep at it and the frustration will eventually pass. You’ll find that in a battle of willpower, commitment wins out over frustration every time.


I really want to write and it has always been a favorite passtime of mine. If i am not writing I feel empty inside like something is missing. The problem is I am scared to take that ‘leap of faith’ and make a career out of it. Instead, I search for everything else to become in life just to run from the truth that writing has been and always will be my destiny. It started back in high school when I was told writers don’t make much money. I let that get in the way of what I could be now and I quit. Now, I see writers that are better and are doing better than I am and I get jealous because I feel I am a better writer than them all!! Then I realize that talk is cheap without evidence to back it up. Can anybody offer a advice or words of encouragement for me to finally persue my one and only true love and happiness in life?? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you..

Well Skyi, I personally don’t think jealousy is going to get you anywhere. If you obsess over comparing yourself to your peers, you will be in a constant state of negativity. Also, you should keep in mind that regardless of how well you write, you are not entitled to success, especially in a field that you chose not to pursue. I think your best course of action would be to accept that you are where you are right now because of the choices that you (and you alone) made. Once you accept responsibility for your life, you can set a new course and start pursuing a career in writing. It’s never too late to become a writer. Stop focusing on what other writers are achieving and concentrate on writing the best you can. The only way to be a writer is to write.


Hey Melissa,

I think your website is great! I ran by it by mistake and really found the info helpful. I am venturing out into my writing career and can use all the info I can get my hands on. I do have a question: I have started a career and have ppl supporting me in this career but I am for certain that writing is where I belong and want to do. How do I make the transistion smoothly and let my supporters down easily? 🙂

Thanks in advance for the advice,

Thanks for your kind words. Your question confuses me. Why would you be letting your supporters down if you transition to writing as a career? If they are truly your supporters, it won’t be a let-down at all.

Wow! Is all I can say..I honestly thought that I was in this boat all by myself! Like you, I have ping ponged myself between careers and have always found my way back to writing. I mean literally I have been a secretary for over five years, graduated with a assoicates business degree, taken cosmetology courses and actually done freelance makeup artistry and STILL I find myself unhappy. I had to really sit myself down and think of what I was taking myself through…it didn’t make any sense for me not to pursue my passion; the one thing that I enjoyed most whether I was sad, mad, happy, etc. I have been writing since the tender age of six from poems to short ficition stories, won many rewards for my writing while I was in elementary through middle school. When I reached high school, I didnt want to be labeled as a “geek” and compared my life to peers which led me to where I am today. Don;t get me wrong, my life is not horrible; I have a good job and work with ppl that I am respected by but I know that life can be more fulfilling and better if I was to just do what in the heck I want to do! lol. It’s easier said than done and I know EXACTLY where you are coming from.

Like Melissa has mentioned, don’t spend your time comparing your life to others; your path to success is truly in your hands. 🙂 I wish the very best for you.


Thank you for this list! My dream career though is to be a show/concept writer for a theme park like Disney. There are stories for each ride and I would love to be one of the minda behind them.

Wow, writing a theme park ride would be a pretty awesome job. That never even occurred to me as a creative writing career. Thanks for adding it, Ren!


Hi Melissa, I’m coming up to my last year of high school and I’m trying to think of a career path. I love to write, but I’m not sure what the best way to start. What I would like to do the most is writing lyrics, and if not that poetry. However, I don’t think I would be able to. Do you know how I can get my writing out after college? How difficult was it for you? How did you start making a career out of your writing? What helped you the most? Thank you for your time, -Jessica

I believe it’s pretty difficult to make a living writing lyrics and/or poetry. But there are some careers in those areas, and just because it’s a challenging path doesn’t mean you shouldn’t pursue it. As a lyricist, you will need to partner with musicians, so building a network of musicians and learning about the music industry would be a good start. I understand that some slam poets are now making a living in poetry, but their form requires live (and recorded) performances, something not all writers are crazy about. (Search for “slam poetry” or check out IndieFeed Performance Poetry podcast for more info.) You can also write poetry for greeting cards (you’ll have to do a little research on how to get work in that field).

A good start for a poet like yourself is to take some poetry workshops, which will help you understand whether your work is publishable. But you should also submit your poetry to journals and literary magazines. Visit their websites, check their submission guidelines, and then send them your work. That is how you start.

I made a career out of writing by studying creative writing at university, which gave me the skills (and more importantly, the confidence) to start my own blog and copywriting business.

What helped me the most? Writing a lot and reading even more.

Good luck to you!


Thank you so much for this list. This will be my last year in high school before I start collage, and my dream has always been to be a writer, but sadly I have always been told that writing doesn’t pay very good unless your amazingly good. The comments as well as the posting, has given me hope about having a job in writing.

One could argue that few careers pay well unless you are amazingly good. I would further qualify that to say you don’t even have to be good, just hardworking and driven. There are plenty of viable career opportunities in writing. It’s probably easier to make a good living as a technical or scientific writer than as a novelist (assuming you acquire the proper training in those fields), but if you are sufficiently motivated, you can succeed at whatever you want.


I’ve always loved writing and video games. Me and some of my friends would literally sit and talk for hours about ideas for video games we had and would start writing them down. Even before graduating from high school, I’ve been trying to find a path that would allow me to become a video game writer. It’s been three years since I graduated from high school and I’m still left without answers. I went to college for two years for secondary English education but it just didn’t interest me the way writing for video games do. A few days ago, I went to Pittsburgh University of Greensburg and talked with a professor there to see what I should do if I want to become a video game writer. Once again, I was left without answers. She pretty much told me that she had never heard of such a thing before. Please, if you could provide me with any information, anything at all, I would greatly appreciate it.

I would suggest studying creative writing with a focus on fiction. Another good option might be screenwriting. Video games are stories, so you would want to develop writing skills in general and storytelling skills specifically. You might also take some courses in programming or application development. That’s not my area of expertise, so I can’t be more specific. You best bet is to find someone who writes for video games and ask their advice.


I came across this on accident. I was looking for different options to take for a career path on writing. I have not written much in my life. When I was in middle school and in high school I used to write in my Journal a lot. I had a couple friends who wrote poems and short stories I thought they were good and I wanted to try too. I wrote in my journal about many different things, but it never seemed satisfying to me. I was too embarassed to show everyone what I could write. So I continued to write secretivley. I stopped writing, and 2 years later when I felt as if my whole life was nothing I started writing again, and now I feel alive! i still don’t think my writing is the best but it has made me feel so much better about myself.I started writing a novel. My fiance is excited for me and wants me to follow my dream and do what I want to do. When I came across this I felt like someone was nudging me. Thank you so much! This has inspired me entirely!

Thank you for sharing your writing experiences. I’m so glad you found Writing Forward inspiring. I know what you mean about coming across something that gives you a little nudge. All my life, I’ve experienced little nudges and they have always pointed me toward writing (even way back when I had my sights set on other career paths). Those little nudges really make one wonder about destiny.


I’m one of the few that lived the dream, earned money from writing and hated it! It sounds terrible, but writing for money sucked all the joy out of the creative process for me. I loved to write for school and my unpaid internship (I have a Bachelor’s in English), but the minute I needed to pay bills with my writing, the whole process felt like a soul-suck. Suddenly it wasn’t enough to write when the inspiration hit throughout the week (when my best writing happens anyway), but I had to be witty and original at the snap of a finger. Yet it wasn’t enough to be witty: you have to care about what sells, what different editors think “good” writing even is and follow contradictory style guidelines. It wasn’t that I wasn’t used to these things, but now if it didn’t happen or I didn’t sell, my power goes off. I had panic attacks every time I sat down to write. I had to go back and get a traditional job.

But if I’m out of it, why search this stuff a month and a half after admitting defeat? It’s because I love the art of writing: the creative process, the big dreams of those starting out, the insights others have, the glory of a sentence fashioned just right after five pages of terrible ones. The monetary aspect destroyed that for me. Just goes to show, it’s not for everyone. To anyone that wants to write for a living, be willing to work long hours, open to constant criticism and have a plan B.

Hi Michelle. I would say there’s a big difference between commercial writing and creative writing. Commercial writing means you’re writing for payment rather than to express your own ideas. I can certainly understand how writing commercially zaps creativity or feels like a soul-suck. I’ve experienced it myself. But I hope you’re still pursuing your creative writing. In fiction and poetry, I believe the best writing comes from the heart and is not driven by money or the marketplace.


I am a senior in high school and plan on going to college to major in journalism. However, I do not know exactly what field of work to go into. I was thinking about writing for People’s Magazine. I know it seems far-fetched, but hey, it’s my dream! Do you know how a person might have a chance at writing for a such a successful magazine??

Jamie, it sounds like you have decided which field of work to go into (journalism). More specifically, it sounds like you want to write for a Hollywood gossip publication. There are probably many opportunities in that area, not limited to People Magazine. For example, there are tons of websites that focus on celebrity news, and you could also work as a writer for one of the entertainment news shows (like ET or Inside Edition). That’s definitely not my area of expertise, but it sounds to me like you’re already heading in the direction that’s right for you.

Thanks for the comment! I am not exactly positive that I want to write for People Magazine, but I do know that I want to write. What do you do for a living (if you don’t mind me asking)? I would love to write for any company, really. I just like to write. I am interested in entertainment. Which is why I want to write for a magazine. But, writing for something a little more discreet is fine too.

I’m a web designer and copywriter by trade. I help small businesses build effective online marketing campaigns. My livelihood is somewhat supplemented by the work I do here on Writing Forward. I’m also working on a couple of big writing projects (a novel and a book of creative writing exercises). The exercises book will be out soon and available here. The novel could take years! There are many opportunities for writers; you just have to find them.

That is really neat! I just want to do anything to make my family proud! I love to write! 🙂 I can’t wait to gain a higher education. Thanks for taking the time to read my comments and commenting back!

It fills my heart with hope to see a young person so excited about education. Something tells me that you’re going to do quite well, Jamie.


Hey, i found this while looking for it, oddly enough. I am currently attending college and in pursuit of a Creative Writing degree, I am about two years in! with almost completed half of my courses for my four year, I still have some question’s as most. My concentration will be in Technical writing, Grants and contracts, but i will be writing on the side to keep the creative spark. I was curious, however, if you could point me in the direction of a detailed description of a day in your shoes as a copy write. i would much oblige Thnx again.

That would be a lengthy essay indeed. I will say this: every day is different. Also, most of my time is not spent writing. It’s spent on marketing and taking care of administrative tasks.

Barbara Saunders

Liberating thought: even if writing does not provide a full living, it can provide enough of one to let a person withdraw from the pressure to move upward in another career. A decent-paying day job plus supplemental writing can add up to as much or more income as a hated rat race job.

I agree 100%. For many writers, it’s an outlet for creativity or it supplements their income — small things that have a big, positive impact on quality of life!


Melisa, Thanks for the list. I am a writer who intends to find my feet more in the art of writing. I am inspired by the list. My contribution is, if you love to write anything at all, start writing. You can’t imagine where it might take you. God bless you.

Thank you for your inspiring words.


hi I would like a career in writing but I just dont know what to do. I was into journalism but had a talk with a journalist a few weeks ago and got really discouraged. I have a blog and write short stories. But I just dont know what to do in my life. I am 18 years old and would like to stop wasting time and money in lectures I am not going to use. Currently I am doing a course on media production and I’m liking it. But it is like there is something missing. When I write I feel whole.

Many eighteen-year-olds have no idea what they want to do. It sounds like you know you want to write; you just need to figure out what form. College is a great place to figure that out. You can take classes in different types of writing (fiction, journalism, business writing) and find what fits. If you’re drawn to journalism, I don’t think you should give up on it just because one journalist discouraged you. Talk to more journalists, take some journalism classes, and do a little citizen journalism. Experiment and stick with your studies!


I am a short story writer, and a poet. But I am only 13. Trying to hook myself into this early <3

I started writing when I was thirteen too. Stick with it!

I will! Haha, even my boyfriend likes my writing.

That’s good. It’s important to have a support system. Try to find others who will appreciate and support your writing, too. Good luck!


I’m having a hard time finding a career path. I’m still in high school, but it’s not going too well.

My odd circumstances are going to leave me in dire straights soon, where I can either choose to drop out of high school and get my GED or go through with two more of high school. (I’m a senior, kind of. I left public school for home school, and it’s not working out. For myself or my mother.) So, I figured that now would be the best time to find a career path that is both logical but suited to my creative side.

Is there any security in being a creative writer? I mean, this list is comparatively small when you look at more practical things like nursing degrees or business degrees. I understand that the big blow up in internet culture, creative writing via blogging is becoming a fast hit with book publishers, but how likely is it that creative writing will be a degree that I can support myself (and/or a family) on?

In this day and age, I don’t think there is true security in any career field. Perhaps there never has been. Careers in the arts have a reputation for being harder than other careers, but I am not sure I believe that to be true. I think these careers are different in that you usually don’t have an employer, benefits, etc. You are hustling rather than working set hours for a regular paycheck. In my experience, people with self-discipline and drive create their own job security (in any field). Also, there’s a kind of competition in the arts that doesn’t exist in many other industries.

In terms of your education, my advice would be to finish high school. However, I’m not privy to the details of your circumstances. I just think there is a greater value in getting a diploma alongside your peers.

Nobody supports themselves on a degree. You can get a degree in astro-engineering and end up homeless. Success is the result of making smart choices, working hard, internal drive, external support system, and luck. You might find yourself eventually making a choice between living a more secure, conventional life and pursuing your dream of becoming a career writer. Sacrifice of one kind or another is inevitable.

My cousin has his undergrad degree in English and MFA (master’s in fine arts) in creative writing. He’s taught technical writing in college and now works at home as a contractor for corporate companies (tech writing.) He recently finished the first draft of his sci-fi novel by saving up and taking a few months off at a time. And, yes, he certainly is not a starving artist.

I am studying creative writing and education, both of which are terribly impractical, income-wise. But it’s possible to make a decent living if you’re passionate, dedicated and willing to take day jobs that you won’t necessarily enjoy.

See, I just don’t think these fields of study are impractical, especially studying education (we will always need teachers). With all the budget cuts, a career as a teacher might look improbable right now, but these cuts only apply to public schools. There are many other opportunities for teachers and places where their skills can be used.

Peter Minj

Thank’s Melissa for the encouragement.I will surely look into that.This blog page of yours is really helpful for all the aspiring writers.


I read the article and I loved it. I am an aspiring author (Junior in highschool), and wish to one day publish a succesful fiction novel, like many others. I always knew I wanted to write, but I was told constantly that it would not suit for a career, and that healthcare and buissness were far better choices, money-wise. I am aware that sacrificing wealth over happiness is a nessecity in this pathway, but I am not so interested in wealth. My love for writing and spreading messages to inspire people, and even entertain is what I strive for. I realize it is hard to make a successful fiction novel. I will forever write them, but I need a job that will at least get me by. I’m not so sure which would be best for a fiction novelist. I was leaning more on article writing, but that is more technical, I believe. I was inspired by the coments and your responses. Recently, I firmly decided to go with creative writing, but the desicion to pick what to do is dificult. I will continue writing, and hopefully, I’ll make it one day. 😀

You sound like my kind of writer, Karolina.

I once heard someone say that money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy comfort. Well, many writers find comfort in the craft. I wish you the best.

Oliver JK Smith

Hi there guys! I’ve really enjoyed reading everyones opinions and experiences. I could really do with some advice of my own- I’ve always considered myself a creative soul; I’m a songwriter, have written screen plays and am currently working on my first novel. My major passion in life is professinal wrestling (eg.wwe), I currently write a wrestling blog and love the idea of one day writing creativtly for the tv shows. Having scouted my dream job with wwe, I learnt that they require applicants to have a ba degree in creative writing or a similar field aswell as experience in scriptwriting for tv. I am 22 yrs old and looking to settle down with my girlfriend however the idea of finally going to uni and gaining the skill set to at least improve my writing has big appeal. I realise my chances of ever workibg in such a niche field are slim and would settle for any work in which I could contribute to a creative process, but is uni with all its costs and time it takes to complete worth it?

I majored in creative writing in college, and I definitely think it’s worth the time and money, especially if you plan on a career in creative writing. If the job that you’ve got your eye on requires a BA, then you should certainly pursue it if you can. Dream big!


This is a wonderful post and I thank you for it. I have been struggling over the last few years when it came to finally making a decision in regard to what I want to do with my life. This has definitely given me a few ideas and I will be getting the ball rolling as soon as I possibly can! :]

Thanks, Lisa-Marie. I’m glad you got some ideas out of this post, and I wish you the best of luck in your writing future!

Matt Thatcher

I recently just started a hobby of writing, they’re fictional based stories, but i was inspired by real events in my life & though the stories i write are fictional, they are realistic to a certain extent as well. Guess you could consider them historical fiction &/or drama & suspense stories. I’m kind of new at writing & i don’t know very many people that are well to do writters, so I’m kind of on my own. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of where i should start?

There are plenty of writers on the internet, and you can easily connect with them. You can search for writers’ groups. Look for writers on social media. Start a blog. Writers love to discuss the craft and share information, and the web makes it easy. If you’d prefer to do something in person, check your local community college for creative writing classes and workshops or poke around and see if you can find a writer’s group that is accepting new members. Best of luck to you, Matt.

OK, thank you !!

You’re welcome.


Hello Melissa! Thanks for this list.. I’m an English major with a Creative Writing minor, and lately I have been struggling to make a decision about my future career(s). I write poetry but my main focus is writing fantasy/mystery fiction, and I’d like nothing better than to just write novels for the rest of my life. However, I know I may never be able to support myself by doing just this. I’ve been stressed out lately thinking what career I could get into, but technical writing doesn’t appeal to me and I don’t have a burning desire to teach. This list reminds me that I have more options than I thought!

That’s great, Monica! I too majored in creative writing (at my school, it was called a concentration). I’ve also found that most employers appreciate a worker who has strong writing skills. I got more than one promotion and/or raise because of my writing when I was an office worker! I wish you the best of luck!

Tim Socha

I have always aspired to become a published author, and now that I am in the last years of my life I find myself wanting to have a writing career more than ever. All my life I have worked hard to make a living to raise my family, the physical demands of my jobs have paid their toll on me, and I think it is about time I settled down and did something I could enjoy. I have always excelled in the creative arts, from writing to acting to art, but have never held a job in which I could use these talents. Following is a list of the creative writing jobs I could do from your list: Greeting Card Author, Advertising (Creative), Freelance Short Fiction Writer, Columnist, Video Game Writer (includes storytelling/fiction!), I would also like to get a few novels published. I can also draw just about anything-ultimately I would like to get my own stories published- with not only my creative writing, but my illustrations as well. I have written several books and have ideas for many more, but because I have to make a living I have been unable to get anything published because the cost is too much. In other words, because I have had to take physically demanding jobs that paid little wages I have never had the capitol to get started. I have sent out many submissions and have entered many contests, but made little ground in the creative field. I want to write, I’m good at it, and I just need to find a way to get my work noticed-this has been very difficult. I would merely like to make a living in something I’m good at and I have a driving desire to do. Is there any advice you can give me, or any contact information for agents and publishers who might be interested in helping out a new author?

Hi Tim. It sounds like you’re passionate about art and writing. I’m not sure how much you’ve submitted your work, but I would say keep at it. If you have a lot of completed material, you can polish it and just keep submitting it. Chances are that eventually, your work will be accepted. You might also want to start a website to build a readership and audience. A professionally designed site will be an expense, but you can start with a free platform like WordPress.com. You can use your site/blog to post your writing and your art. You can also self-publish and build your own readership. However, I would note that running your own website is time consuming, and there can be a lot to learn in terms of marketing, so you might want to pick up a couple of books or hire someone to help you with the process. I wish you the best of luck!


Wow! Thank you so very much for creating this list! I actually haven’t really thought of doing some of the jobs listed on here. I’m only 20 years old and I’m finding it EXTREMELY hard to make it in the writing business! However, I am pursuing my dream and I am planning to do whatever it takes to make it. Thank you ever so much Melissa!

Many blessings to you,

Good luck to you, Nada!

I wish to be a writer some day.I am currently working in a IT company which offers a decent pay.But I have always loved writing since my school days even though I eventually graduated in Engineering.I want to make a career switch and pursue a career in writing.I now the pay is not that great in writing but then arts is always difficult.I want to take a shot at it and live my dream.I am very apprehensive about the future and don’t know how to tell it to my parents.I keep a blog for short-stories and poems.

Most writers start their careers while they have full-time jobs. You can definitely ease into a writing career. If you can get paid for a few freelance projects, get a blog and audience going, you’ll be able to lay a solid foundation for a future career. Best of luck to you!

Quadree Breeland

Hello, my name is quadree Breeland and I am a 19 year old college student in Delaware and I am looking to transfer to Columbia college in Chicago. I might not be the greatest writer but I love it. I have written 2 full short scripts. One is a police procedural and the serial killer who kills people with their own video games. Literally and the other is a thriller about a guy who quit the CIA because of problems with his father and a Russian terrorist comes back to try and kill him and anything around him. I love writing and I am very creative. My dream career is to write the dialogue, story, or the missions in video games. Basically, I wanna write for games. I know I won’t get a job like that as soon as I get out of college, but I have no problem applying for a job as a comic book writer, game or film reviewer, or writing for a web series. Im not really a novelist, but I wouldn’t mind taking a job like the ones I stated above when I graduate. I guess all I want is a reply with school advice and career advice. I am trying to find a good blog or site to post my stories at. I’m trying to find schools for me with film, or writing in the entertainment industry. I’m trying to find schools with dorms, clubs, and a good social life. You know, parties and stuff.

You have some great story ideas that would work well for scripts or video games. I would suggest that you try to find an internship with a company that produces video games. If you do that while you’re still in school, you’ll have a much better shot at landing a job in your chosen field when you graduate. Good luck to you!


Blogging sounds interesting and fun, but I don’t know how to pinpoint a topic to dedicate a blog to! I’m not an expert at anything and don’t do much of a hobby that I think could carry out well as a blog. Any ideas, suggestions, etc?

Hi Rachel. You could always write a personal blog in which you share your personal stories, ideas, and experiences. You can also do a photo or art blog. You do need some central theme or topic to write around.

Katherine Hou

When I was purusing an art undergraduate degree in philosophy and graduated in 2009, I had no idea that a career in the liberal arts can be this tough. My hobby of writing has started upon graduation, and had been looking for work that can utilize my writing skills ever since.

I have seen job posts that requires a degree in journalism if were to pursue staff writer, but no mention of a degree in philosophy.

I came across your website and like what you blog about.

Thanks, Katherine. Yes, it’s tough to get these jobs, and many work best as second jobs or extra income. Part of what determines whether you can land these positions is your skill level. It’s all about practice and getting in those 10,000 hours. Keep at it!


I want to add Medical Writing/Editing to this list. Although some may think that it is not “creative writing”, it can be very creative depending on the type of medical writing that you do. Medical Regulatory writing is more factual, but consumer medical/health writing can give you the chance to be creative and factual at the same time. Medical Writers/Editors are paid very well ($45,000 to $100,000) and you do not have to be a medical professional to write about health topics.

Resources to learn more about medical writing:

American Medial Writing Association

Hi J. I appreciate that you mentioned medical writing, but when we differentiate between business, academic, and creative writing, medical writing definitely does not fall under the creative category. It is a form of scientific writing. Copywriting (what I do) requires a lot of creativity but it’s still not creative writing; it’s a form of business writing. However, I’m glad you mentioned it, because for creative writers, there are a lot of opportunities in the field of business, scientific, and technical writing. While some of these careers may require education in their respective fields (and some may not), they are industries where one can make a good living as a writer.

Creating Writing high school freshman

Thank you SO MUCH for creating this article!


But isn’t making a career in writing only just … too dangerous. Because I’ve always wanted to be a novelist but I also want to make a (possible) career in the medical department. So I was thinking isn’t having a “back-up” plan better? And if so does it have to be from the same branch?

I wouldn’t call creative writing a dangerous career choice. There’s no reason you can’t study medicine and write. You could even be a medical writer. You might look into majoring in medicine and minoring in English. There’s nothing wrong with having a back-up plan, and no, it doesn’t have to be in the same discipline.


Thank you, Melissa, for this wonderful post. I have a BA in Creative Writing and really wish I had done more during uni to try out different writing careers, as internships seem extremely hard to come by for graduates. Any words of wisdom on how a graduate might gain professional experience in a particular writing field, short of going back to school?

Well it depends on which writing field — fiction, poetry, journalism? One thing you can do is submit your work to professional magazines and journals and build up your writing credits. You have a blog (that would have been my next suggestion). Get your work out there; that’s the best way gain experience.

I would really like to try my hand at journalism, but I’m starting to think the only way to do that (as a graduate without experience in the field) is to offer my services for free. But I also like your suggestion about submitting to magazines. I once read “Do good work. Then put it where people can see it.” Exposure is definitely something I need to work on! Thank you again.

Thanks, Julie. Writing is one of those careers where you may have to do some free work or take an internship to prove yourself before landing a paid gig. Musicians have to do the same thing. They play for free (or for pennies) — sometimes for years — before they start getting paid. Submitting to magazines is a great way to get experience and get paid since they often buy articles based on merit. Good luck to you, and keep writing!


Thank you so much for making this website, and I can see that you are very dedicated to helping people pursue a writing career. I’m a junior in highschool, and I have considered many careers, but whenever I thought i knew what I wanted to do, deep down I knew it wasn’t. I finally figured out why I’ve been unable to pick a career, and it’s because I absolutely love to write. I would write all day, everyday if I could. I just thought that writing was a hobby, and I couldn’t make a career out of it. I now know that I can make a career out of writing, and this is what I wish to pursue in college. Only problem is that my parents want me to be a doctor or something, but this doesn’t interest them. All they care about is me making enough money, but I feel that money isn’t everything, and I would rather do what I love, and be happy. I have faith in myself, that someday I can be a sucessful writer. I just wish my parents could see that this is what I love to do. By reading all your posts on this website, it has really helped brighten my day, and it has shown me that I’m not alone, and that I can do what I love, if I have faith in myself. thank you

You’re welcome! I’m glad you found strength and inspiration here, and I wish you the best of luck with all your writing and education. Keep writing, no matter what!

Jane Kashtel

“Now, I’m not saying you’re going to make a whole lot to live on with some of these creative writing jobs but if you do what you love, the money (i.e. the success) just might follow.”

Therein lies the problem with this article. That’s not how writing works; “success” is not synonymous with “the money.” The vast majority of novelists could not live completely off their book sales, and I can think of no short fiction writers who could make that claim. Don’t even get me started on poets; getting published in the most highly regarded journals in the country leads neither to fame nor fortune. 

Writing isn’t accountancy or business management. You don’t get into creative writing to fulfill some sort of career desire. You do it because you feel compelled to write, because you have something to say. It is the effective communication of the idea that defines success, not the money attached. 

The problem with your comment, Jane, is that is disregards the title of the post that it criticizes. Young and new writers often ask me about whether they can make a career out of creative writing. This article answers the question can I make a living doing what I love (writing)? You may feel there’s something wrong with that, but I don’t. In fact, I admire people who pursue their passions and attempt to turn them into viable careers. People do need to eat.

“You don’t get into creative writing to fulfill some sort of career desire. You do it because you feel compelled to write, because you have something to say. It is the effective communication of the idea that defines success, not the money attached.”

I don’t think anyone has the right to tell other people why they should write or how they should define success. You and I come from a similar place since these ideas reflect my own personal feelings about writing, but I would never tell someone else what constitutes a valid reason for writing or how they should define their own success. There are, indeed, people who get into writing to fulfill a career desire and who define success by how much money they make.

“The problem with your comment, Jane, is that is disregards the title of the post that it criticizes.”

It does indeed, because it’s a faulty premise. Let’s look at your list: there are very, very few novelists who are able to live completely off their royalties, and I don’t know of any short fiction writer anywhere who could make that claim. As for “personal poet,” even professional poets who win the country’s best prizes don’t “make a living” from their poetry sales. Calling these “careers” would be misleading.

But notice how many novels, shorts stories and poems get published every year. My point was that writing is a field not exclusive to professionals. Anyone can write a novel with the possibility of publishing, but it is disingenuous to call this a “career” when it’s not a main source of income for most.

“There are, indeed, people who get into writing to fulfill a career desire and who define success by how much money they make.”

Writing is not economics or finance, it’s a process of communication. Using this communication tool as a money-making strategy would involve telling people what they want to hear. There are descriptions reserved for those who only tell others what they want to hear.

Jane, you seem to be more interested in looking for minute points to argue rather than grasping the full intent of this post. There are plenty of novelists and other creative writers who have built full-time and part-time careers with their work. I happen to know “personal poets” who subsidize their income by writing personal poetry. Might I suggest that you open your mind to the possibility that the people you know and experiences you’ve had are not definitive? You are merely presenting your opinions and personal experiences as facts, and they are not facts.

I don’t care if a writer’s work is a main source of income, a part-time source of income, or if it doesn’t lead to any income at all. My job here is to encourage writers to pursue their dreams and that includes trying to make a career out of their writing, if that is what they want to do. I never said that writing is economics or finance. I said that some writers get into it as a career (James Patterson is an example — he himself says he’s a better marketer than writer). If you think such people are hacks or sellouts, then that is your opinion. I have my own opinions about it, but I don’t go around publicly judging other writers because I have not walked in their shoes. I do not know what is in their hearts. And neither do you.

“Using this communication tool as a money-making strategy would involve telling people what they want to hear. There are descriptions reserved for those who only tell others what they want to hear.”

There are also descriptions reserved for people who go around the internet stirring up malicious arguments and for people who lack manners. I neither appreciate nor welcome your insinuations. Such insults, however cloaked in wit, will only get you banned from commenting here. I built Writing Forward to be a positive, uplifting space for writers to explore their craft. It’s a shame that you’re so pessimistic about other people’s potential and what is possible for aspiring writers.


Thank you for your ideas in writing career paths, it gives me some things to think about. As a child and in my teen years I used to write short stories. However, as an adult I have lost that creative side and find that I am empty and in need to be creative. I have considered pursuing a MA in creative writing with hopes that I can find that creative side of again. I feel, however that spending the time and money on this degree may not deem worthy because it is incredibly difficult to obtain a job that pays well enough to keep the bills paid. Do you have any suggestions?

Yuly, I don’t think anyone can tell you whether it would be best for you to pursue writing on your own or to get an MA. If you are disciplined, I think you can do it on your own. If you need a lot of direction, guidance, and support, then an MA program might be better for you. Either way, you can pick up plenty of books to inspire you. When I’m uninspired and need to get more creative, I usually go through creative writing exercises and prompts, which always get my ideas flowing again. Good luck to you!

Molly Kluever

I’m in the 8th grade, and it seems that whenever something is needed, such as a testimony of my school, a farewell speech for a retiring teacher, or a greeting at an event, my name always seems to come up. Then I get a phone call, saying what is needed and the deadline. I’m glad to do it, and obviously I don’t charge anything. However, if adults always think of me, a kid, when they need something written, surely other people will do the same when I’m older. Is my reasoning off, or is that a possible job opportunity?

If the school is calling on you for writing, then that is certainly a testament to your writing abilities. It’s a good indicator that you are a talented writer, and yes, I would say that if you enjoy writing, these are all signs that writing might be a good career option for you.


I just completed my engineering(Civil Engineering). I have absolutely no aptitude for that subject. I did it due to pressure from family. Now, its my career. My life. I feel its high time I take a stand. I have great passion towards writing. I have thereby, developed decent writing skills. So, I would like to pursue a career in the same. Right now, I need some place to start and venture into the world of writing. That’s exactly where I need help!

I have to admit that I honestly don’t understand why some families pressure kids to pursue one particular career. I guess I can empathize when it’s a family tradition (five generations of doctors or something like that) but I can’t get behind it at all. I think each person should pursue what’s in his or her heart. Do what you love!


What if their not sure what they want to do or where their passion lies? What should they do?

Every person has to find his or her own path. If I wasn’t sure about my passion, I’d try lots of different things until I found it.


I agree. Kids should decide for themselves. And where are the guidance counselors in all this?

Maybe some schools don’t have guidance counselors or the kids simply aren’t going to see them.


I’ve experinced the delima’s first hand similar to you,concerning family and friend’s who where great math major’s but couldn’t get through college without the English major’s writing their paper’s?I was the English major who didn’t even finish my assocites in literature because I couldn’t do Algebra.Yet my god given passion is english and the art’s ,and especially writing.All I can say is ,especially in are high tech world today,pursue what your gifted at,and if it’s writing ,do what your heart’s telling you,don’t be like so many and waite till your 50ty,you can still do it,don’t let friend’s and family say different,one dedicated art person that does give a dam.

There is a lot to learn by getting a degree, so I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t finish your associate’s in literature. However, there is a lot you can learn about the craft by simply reading and studying on your own. With or without a formal education, it takes a lot of work to make it as a writer. Good luck to you.

I’m a college student and I need some advice for a journalism career career. I love the entertainment industry as a whole. Video Games, movies, tv shows, celebrities, and music. I am currently in school for journalism and I just need help what kind of journalist I should be. I’ve already looked into entertainemt journalism and I live that. Writing articles/pieces about the entertainment industry looks like an awesome job. But what do entertainment journalists focus on. Do they just focus on being on the red carpet all the time or writing articles about celebrities all day? Do entertainemt journalists write articles about Video games, movies, tv shows, music, and other celebrity stuff. Should I become a freelance journalist? I guess my dream job is to write articles or do reports for ign in New York or another entertainment company with an office. Maybe a staff position?

Or maybe I should try games journalism? But dont entertainment journalist write about video games too? I’m a gamer and I would love to write about the newest games or movies coming out or do reviews.

I’m not an entertainment journalist (or a journalist for that matter), so I cannot give you career advice, but you might try reaching out to an entertainment journalist who can answer some of these questions for you. Good luck!


I am currently studying for a PhD in Creative Writing and I have to say that this is one of the most accurate lists I came across. What is good for aspiring writers to keep in mind, especially those with CW degrees, is that writing is a craft. It’s very practical, so unlike history, philosophy or literature degrees a writer has transferable skills. If you are a writer looking to make some money while writing a novel or a collection, you can offer editing and proofreading services. Becoming a content writer is a profitable pathway as well. A lot of companies look for skilled writers to produce their online articles and they usually pay well. And for the more daring, there is online publishing. Is not a guaranteed route but it gives you a boost of confidence; no matter how much you make, it’s good to know that somebody paid to read your work.

Thanks, Stephanie. I’ve taken the online and self-publishing route and haven’t looked back.


Just a little quibble: A history degree does produce transferable skills related to research and analysis, writing, word processing, etc.. It’s not “just learning names and dates.” 😀


Thinking about chaning careers. Although I got my B.G.S – General Studies and and a Masters in Management – I took a lot of creative wirting classes in college and it is something that I think I could be good at. This might be a good place to get some ideas on getting started. Thanks!

You’re welcome, and good luck to you!


i am doing engineering first year..i took the decision as i have always been quite good at maths and stuff..but i started writing last year simply for the passion that was ignited by some great novels and i am totally a novice in it..yet i like it a lot. So right now i am in a dilemma which career path i should take…one thats based on my interest but im not so good at(writing).. or the one in which i am good at(maths,science)??

I think most young people struggle with this same dilemma. Unfortunately, nobody can tell you which life path is best for you. You must find that answer within yourself. I do think that you can pursue both science and writing (you could, for example, become a science writer). You can also study writing and become better at it. It’s up to you.

I want to get into freelance writing in the entertainment industry. I love writing and I’ve looked into copywritimg and story producing. Any advice or any writing careers I should take on?

The best advice I can give you is to study writing and the entertainment industry. If you want to write entertainment news, you might want to major in journalism at a university. For screenwriting, you can major in film studies at many universities. Get to know the industry and keep working on improving your writing. There are also tons of resources you can get if you don’t go to university. Start with the “Writing Resources” section here at Writing Forward, then head to your favorite bookstore and search for books on your field of interest. Good luck!


wow! you guys really love writing. Me too but I’m taking up pre dentistry right now but i really love writing much more. Actually i just wanna try this course but i think i’m not gonna continue because writing is really my passion and i’d love to pursue it. my parents don’t know any of this yet and i’m planning to tell them..any advice for me guys? thanks to whoever answers this.. 🙂

One thing to keep in mind is that you can study dentistry and writing. You can choose writing courses for your electives and set aside a little time each day for your writing. As far as changing your studies, I believe that each individual has to find his or her own path. Once you find your path, I think you should follow it, because I believe one of the worst fates is a life of regret. Hopefully, the people in your life will be supportive, although unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Ultimately, only you can make this decision. It is a big one. Take your time to think about it. Consider talking to a career counselor, who should be open-minded and objective.


Okay, so I’ve been thinking about the popular question, “what do I want to be when I grow up?”. Writing has been my passion for as long as I can remember, and I LOVE books. Seriously. If I wasn’t on a competitive, year-round swim team, I could read all day. I have been thinking about jobs that circle around the actual “writing” idea, if you know what I mean. I’ve considered being an editor, since I love books, but I’m not quite sure what an editor does. Any ideas?

Editors do some writing but their main function is to make editorial decisions. Their duties vary depending on where they work. A magazine editor, for example, decides which stories go into each issue, which one gets the cover spot, and will also assign articles to the writers. An editor at a publishing house makes decisions about which books to publish. Editors also actually edit, meaning they review the writers’ work and make changes to improve it. I don’t know for sure, but I would think (hope) that someone would start out as a writer before becoming an editor. I suggest using Google to learn more about different careers for editors.


First of all, thank you for this post and all your replies. It’s very good of you to reply to everyone who needs direction. So, my dilemma is that I will be commencing my masters degree in September and lately I’ve been thinking of pursuing a creative writing masters instead.

I’ve just finished my undergraduate degree in communications and I was deputy editor and features editor of the monthly university arts magazine, which I absolutely loved and learned so much through. My undergraduate thesis was in the form of a creative writing novella, which was roughly 18,000 words. I had always wanted to try my hand at fiction writing and by completing the thesis I became fully aware how much I enjoyed it. I also received very positive feedback from lecturers.

Once I finished my undergraduate degree, I applied for and received a place on a masters in public relations, which I think I would enjoy as it’s media related. However, as mentioned, I’ve been seriously considering giving up the PR masters and applying for the creative writing one instead. My issue is that I am torn between a course that’s practical and could very well lead to a successful career, and a prestigious CW course that I’m highly interested in but may be quite impractical in the long run. I have this dream of travelling and writing novels (long shot I know) and a CW masters could help me bring my writing skills and ideas to the next level. So, I guess I’m asking if you think a CW masters is necessary in becoming an author?

And what would your opinion be on switching courses into CW or staying with the original choice? Would it be more wise to stick with PR (which I’m currently interning in) and try do some writing on the side? My only problem is, with writing I feel I need guidance, direction and deadlines. I may find it hard to do it on the side, especially when the majority of my energy would be going elsewhere.

Any info/advice would be great 🙂 And sorry for the long post.

No, you definitely do not need a CW masters to become an author. My guess is that most published authors don’t have masters. I once heard a bit of advice from an author (can’t remember who) that I thought was sound. She said if you’re self-driven and will do your writing and study the craft on your own, then you don’t need a masters. One of the benefits of a masters program is that it forces you to write and learn. If you do that on your own, you don’t really need the coursework (unless you want it for prestige). Having said that, my guess is that there is value in a masters program, in being immersed in writing and literature and surrounded with other writers, even for those who are self-driven.

Nobody can tell you what to study. It’s a classic dilemma: follow your dreams or do the “smart thing.” Only you know what is the right path for you.


I just graduated with a BA in creative writing about 5 months ago, and I’ve been applying for jobs in the creative field like crazy. I’ve applied for practically every advertising firm in the Chicago area and I’ve heard back from two of them. I don’t know if it’s because I lack experience, or the economy is just that bad. I’ve tried applying for jobs out of my field, but it’s still no dice. I hope I can find something extremely soon, as I’m near desperation at this point. I really hope there’s hope, so I don’t regret getting a BA in creative writing : (.

I held office jobs for several years after earning my BA in creative writing. Since I had a degree in English, my employers often gave me writing assignments (including editing and proofreading), which helped me build my experience. It doesn’t happen overnight. Get a job to pay the bills and keep writing. Eventually, you’ll find your path. Good luck!


Erm hello Melissa.. I actually want to do Creative Writing since I love writing, but I also want to do History since I love both. However my parents object to both and want me to pursue some medical degree or something. Can you erm like give me some points to argue my pitiful cause since I don’t really think I’m into doctoring since I’ve got a slight phobia of blood and ever since Biology dissecting stuff had never exactly been my thing?? I hope it’s not too much to ask.. thanks in advance

I am just going to be straightforward about this, because I get a lot of emails and comments from young people like yourself whose parents are pressuring them into some career they abhor. I believe that each of us knows in our hearts who we are and what we want to do with our lives. If you have a phobia of blood, then it’s blatantly obvious that a career in medicine would be completely inappropriate for you. Now, if you had that phobia but desperately wanted to be a doctor, I would encourage you to get over it. But since that’s not what you want, why should you torment yourself? I understand why some parents advocate certain careers for their kids – they associate success with money and prestige. I do not. I equate success with happiness. And I believe that once we become adults, it is our own responsibility to find our happiness. So, once you are an adult, it’s up to you to find your path and follow it. Do what you love.


What is the difference between journalism and creative writing? I am still not very sure even after researching on the net. I have a dilemma on which course to take. I want to be a novelist but that might take years to complete a book. So, what my mother advised is that I should get a stable job that ensures my survival while I work on the book first. Which one should I do?

Journalism can fall under creative writing. For example, if you wrote a literary nonfiction book on a specific person or subject, it could be both journalism and creative nonfiction. Journalism is one of those forms that has become a bit gray. Originally, journalism meant reporting on the facts, objectively. Nowadays, a lot of journalism is heavily colored by the author’s personal views and ideologies. A novel is creative writing and not journalism at all; it is fiction where journalism is fact-based.

I think getting a stable job while writing your first book is a pretty smart way to go. Do you even have a choice? I mean, unless someone is willing to support you while you write your book, you’re going to need a job to pay the bills.

Erica Barrus

I have always had a passion for writing, but never had confidence to let anyone read any of my work. I do not have a fancy education, but I do have an amazing imagination! The work I did when I was younger my mom found and was amazed by my story. I do enjoy wrting poetry and short stories. During the development of my son, I wrote in my journal Letters to Baby. As the pregnancy developed things were less than peferct and not very positive. I stopped writing my Letter’s to Baby because it was sad things written. I only wanted my child to know he was loved from day one no matter where life took us. The baby is now 10 yrs old and so much has inspired me to write again. I started a story that I hold dear to my heart and I am super excited about it. I dont expect publishing ever, but I would like to get an outside opinion from someone in the industry that could give me tips and tools to help my creativity develope. I also would like to know some avenues I can go down to continue writing for fun and just to get things out of my mind. I am sure it is hard to make a living writing, but if I can make a little something to put away for a rainy day that would be great! Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!!

I would actually recommend that you take a creative writing class or workshop. An in-person one would be best, but if you’re too busy, try to find an online course (community colleges are great for this). This is an ideal way to connect with other writers while getting mentoring from someone who is experienced (the teacher), and you’ll find that many other writers share your insecurities. Make sure you vet the class first to make sure it’s credible. You might also want to research the instructor a little.

Another option would be to find a local writing group, but that may be more challenging since writing groups often arise out of established relationships. However, there are some open writing groups, especially online and in larger cities.

Your first hurdle will be to work on your confidence and worry more about strengthening your work than what other people think. Everybody starts somewhere. As long as you’re willing to work at it and improve your skills, it does not matter where you are now with your writing.

Thomas Thyros

I am a discouraged writer in need of some information. I have been writing for a little over a year and I have had some success. I have been nationally published, being a staff member on one magazine start-up, an editor-in-chief of one failed start-up magazine, and I am a staff member for an online magazine for which I publish an article every three months. I have also been published on a few other informational websites. Additionally, I have ghost written close to 200 articles on a low paying website.

The problem I have faced (which has caused me to stop writing now for several months) is the total lack of pay I have received for my efforts. So many will ask you to write; however, they do not want to pay a reasonable rate for your craft. This is the only problem that I face as per my writing. I thoroughly enjoy writing, but I cannot continue to write for such low pay. Any tips, advice, what have you, would be appreciated. Otherwise, I will have to give up writing and move on to something else. Thanks.

I had the same problem when I first started freelancing. Then I realized that the reason I was getting low paying gigs was because I was accepting low paying gigs. The better paying jobs are harder to find, and in my case, I started my own website and business to attract clients and set my own rates. This involved a lot of marketing to get my own clients, and they are business people rather than content farms. However, there is a caveat: the writing must be at a professional level to warrant higher rates.

Hello Melissa,

Thanks for responding. I haven’t accepted a low paying writing job in some time now, nor have I used any content farms. I can market well as I am a singer songwriter, and I have made good progress with it in that realm. My writing is always professional and of the jobs I have found they have paid well. However, it seems as though it is near impossible to find enough well paying writing jobs to make ends meet. Anyway, again, thanks for responding and for your suggestions. Best of luck to you.

I wish I had some solid advice to give you, but I don’t know enough about your business and marketing strategies. There are plenty of self-employed and freelance content writers out there. I’m sure a lot of them struggle to make ends meet, but plenty of them have found considerable success. When I first started, I did my best to seek out successful writers and examine their approaches so I could learn from them. Getting your own website and operating as a business (or professional consultant) makes a huge difference.

Matthew Eaton

I was just having this discussion with a friend a while back about how people get locked into three options when they write and that’s it. There are so many other opportunities out there if you know where to look for them. You just have to be open and aware of what is really out there.

Thanks for sharing this, I am glad this came along at the right time. Maybe I’ll send this over her way today!

You’re welcome! I’m glad you found this article helpful, Matthew.


I saved this article months ago when I was in a funk, but I forgot to read it afterwards. Reading it now has made me think. Looking back at it, I’ve been writing for many years, ever since I was 13, and I’m 23 now. I’ve went to college twice, graduated both times successfully, but throughout that time I stopped writing fiction. I kept my ideas, but I never finished the stories.

I haven’t been lucky in finding a job ever since I graduated and the ones I did find were still out of reach, I went back to my writing because I needed to do something. Anything to get my mind clear and my thoughts straight like I used to because I became frustrated with myself. When I decided to go to college I had clear plans, but once I finished things didn’t go my way and I realized that I already had something that I should have never let go, my writing. Now I’m looking into finishing my ideas and self-publishing them. I’m glad I came back to this article and read it thoroughly this time.

I’m motivated now more than ever to focus on my true calling. It may be tough, but it’s the only thing I have ever done that made me truly happy even when things around me weren’t good. I think I’m gonna try writing my ideas separately in the form of a series of short stories/chapters/volumes since I’m not good at writing long works of fiction. Is there any advice that you can give me? I would love to write a story for a webtoon, but I’m not that good at drawing and I don’t know how to ask an artist for help.

Hi Lyric. Many of us take time off from writing. Sometimes it’s because we’re busy with a new job. Other times family obligations keep us from our writing. Occasionally it’s some other hobby. Thankfully, writing is always here for us, and we can return to it any time. I’m glad you did.

Madonna Weaver

Its so good to read through the interests in writing and thank you for the informative comments. I have self published a poetry book that people can use in their cards, tributes. on blurb.com called Handy Verse for Occasions with a possum on the front. I am working on my children’s stories and acitivities and will self publish in September this year. and I am blogging the challenge on madonnamm7.wordpress.com I had written the stories many years ago and did not have as much motivation and my husband encouraged me and I was inspired by the movie Julie and Julia (Meryl Streep) and started the year challenge.

Regards Madonna Weaver

That’s wonderful! I love the title Handy Verse for Occasions .


I have the most obscured dreams. I’d love to print a book with short stories of them. How may I accomplish that?

You might want to look into self-publishing through KDP or CreateSpace. Good luck!

Andy Li

I knew I wanted to write since I found out I like putting thoughts and ideas on paper. I kinda have it down, but I am struggling. Putting your thoughts and ideas is not easy as it looks, but that won’t stop me. I’m writing a book, but I just can’t seem to get past the first 10 paragraph. How do I focus my intent?

A lot of writers struggle with discipline. We get stuck and wander away from a project, we get lured away by some other idea, or life just gets in the way. The only way to focus…is to focus. Force yourself to do the work. I’ve known a lot of writers who got good results by adding writing to their daily schedule. Every day, at the same time, you sit down, and that’s your writing time. It could be twenty minutes or it could be two hours. And you do the work.

Graeme Watson

Thanks for the ideas. Given the current pandemic, being creative is something I need to look at more to try and get some additional income. Have published one collection of short stories but needing to do more.

You’re welcome, and good luck with your creative efforts!

In the past I have self published a poetry book people can put in their cards etc and also a book of children’s stories with Activities through Blurb.com I am writing a novel based on truth now. All the best to everyone in their writing. Regards Madonna Weaver

Thanks for sharing some of the opportunities you’ve carved out for yourself. These are great!

Iwan Ross

I have a creative writing career that I would like to add to your list. What about a Technical Writer? We have two technical writers employed in our company and I chat with them on a daily basis. It is a great job with above-average earning potential. Thanks for allowing me to post here.

That’s a great writing job, but it’s technical, not creative. Creative writing encompasses fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Great career though!


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Creative Primer

Creative Writing Jobs – What You Can Do with a Creative Writing Degree

Brooks Manley

A creative writing degree opens many doors, but which one is right for you?

Creative writing skills are highly sought after in various industries. From publishing to advertising, and academia to digital media, the creative writing jobs you can venture into are numerous. Let’s take a closer look at some of these options – we’re pretty sure you’ll easily identify at least one that suits your writing style and personality.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an artistic process, one that involves the expression of thoughts, feelings, and emotions, rather than just presenting the facts.

It includes multiple genres such as:

  • scriptwriting
  • creative non-fiction

Creative writing is often characterized by its imaginative narratives and expressive language, aiming to captivate the reader and evoke emotion. For a deeper understanding of creative writing, you can visit our article on what is creative writing .

Skills Acquired from a Creative Writing Degree

A creative writing degree goes beyond just teaching you how to write creatively. It equips you with a variety of skills that can be applied in multiple industries. Here are some of the key skills you can acquire:

  • Writing Skills: A creative writing degree naturally enhances your writing ability, teaching you how to construct engaging narratives, develop characters, and create vivid descriptions.
  • Critical Thinking: Creative writing encourages you to think outside the box and approach problems in unconventional ways. This fosters critical thinking skills, enabling you to analyze situations from different perspectives.
  • Research Skills: Whether you’re writing a historical fiction novel or a science fiction screenplay, research is a crucial part of the process. A creative writing degree helps hone your research skills, teaching you how to gather information effectively.
  • Communication Skills: Through creative writing, you learn how to communicate ideas effectively and articulate thoughts clearly, skills that are valuable in any profession.
  • Time Management: Writing projects often come with deadlines. Balancing creativity with discipline helps improve your time management skills.

These skills make creative writing graduates highly employable in various fields. From creative writing jobs in publishing and digital media to opportunities in academia and freelance writing, the scope is vast. This makes a creative writing degree a valuable asset, providing a strong foundation for a diverse range of careers.

For more on the value of a creative writing degree, check out our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Types of Creative Writing Jobs

A degree in creative writing opens up a plethora of opportunities in various fields. Let’s delve into the various creative writing jobs that you can pursue with such a degree.

Being a novelist is one of the most recognized roles in the realm of creative writing. A novelist crafts fictional stories, often drawing on their imagination, life experiences, and observations of the world around them. This role requires a deep understanding of character development, plot construction, and narrative techniques. A degree in creative writing fine-tunes these skills, thus providing a solid foundation for aspiring novelists.


A screenwriter creates scripts for television shows, movies, and web series. This form of writing requires a unique skill set, including the ability to write dialogue and stage directions , and the capacity to visualize scenes in a way that can be translated to the screen. Screenwriters often work closely with directors, producers, and actors to bring their scripts to life. A creative writing degree can provide the foundational skills needed to excel in this field.

Poetry is an art form that requires a keen understanding of language, rhythm, and imagery . Poets often express their thoughts, feelings, and perspectives on various topics through their work. They may publish their poems in literary magazines, anthologies, or self-published collections . A creative writing degree can enhance a poet’s ability to manipulate language and craft evocative pieces of work.

A copywriter creates compelling and persuasive text for advertising and marketing campaigns. They write content for a wide range of mediums, including websites, brochures, emails, and social media posts . The goal of a copywriter is to engage readers and motivate them to take a specific action , such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service. A degree in creative writing can help develop the creativity and persuasive skills necessary for this role.

Content Marketer

Content marketers create valuable content to attract, engage, and retain an audience , with the ultimate goal of driving profitable customer action. They produce a wide range of content types, including blog posts, articles, white papers, and social media posts. A creative writing degree can provide the storytelling skills needed to create engaging content that resonates with audiences.

These are just a few examples of the many creative writing jobs that are available for those with a degree in this field. Whether you’re interested in crafting fictional stories, writing for the screen, expressing yourself through poetry, or creating persuasive advertising copy, a creative writing degree can provide the skills and knowledge needed to excel in these roles.

To learn more about the value of a creative writing degree, visit our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Creative Writing in Publishing

The publishing industry offers a range of opportunities for individuals with a creative writing degree. Let’s delve into two prominent creative writing jobs in publishing: Literary Agent and Editor .

The Role of a Literary Agent

Literary agents play a crucial role in the publishing world. They act as intermediaries between authors and publishing houses , negotiating contracts and ensuring that the author’s work reaches the right audience. A literary agent needs to have a keen eye for compelling narratives, a strong understanding of the market, and excellent negotiation skills.

A degree in creative writing can provide a solid foundation for this role, equipping individuals with the ability to evaluate and critique a wide range of literary works.

Working as an Editor

An editor is another key player in the publishing industry. Editors work closely with authors to refine their work and prepare it for publication. This process can involve:

  • correcting grammar and punctuation
  • restructuring content for better flow
  • providing feedback to improve the quality of the work

Much like a literary agent, an editor needs to have a strong understanding of narrative structure and a knack for spotting errors. A creative writing degree can help develop these skills, fostering a deep understanding of storytelling techniques and attention to detail.

Both of these roles are integral to the publishing process , helping to bring an author’s vision to life and sharing it with readers worldwide. Whether you’re interested in becoming a literary agent or working as an editor, a creative writing degree can provide the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in these roles.

If you’re considering pursuing such a degree, our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it provides valuable insights.

Creative Writing in the Digital World

In the modern age, the digital world offers a plethora of opportunities for those with a creative writing degree. This digital landscape allows writers to venture into different styles and platforms, expanding the scope of creative writing jobs . Let’s delve into three aspects.

Blogging is a popular outlet for creative writers. It allows them to express their thoughts, share their knowledge, and engage with a global audience. With a blog, they can write about any subject they are passionate about, from travel and lifestyle to technical topics and personal experiences.

A creative writing degree equips individuals with the skills to create compelling content , develop engaging narratives, and use language effectively to capture the reader’s attention. Blogging also offers the opportunity to write in a less formal tone , which can be a refreshing contrast to more structured forms of writing.

For more insights into the world of creative writing, check out our article on what is creative writing .

Social Media Writing

Social media platforms have become a powerful medium for storytelling and communication. Creative writers can leverage these platforms to showcase their skills, engage with audiences , and even promote their own work.

Writing for social media requires a unique blend of creativity and brevity , as most platforms limit the length of posts. This can be an exciting challenge for creative writers as they must convey their message in a concise yet impactful way.

Those interested in inspiring others to pursue writing can find tips in our article on how to teach creative writing .

SEO Writing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) writing is another area where creative writers can excel. SEO writing involves creating content that ranks well in search engine results , making it more visible to online users. This requires not only engaging writing but also an understanding of keywords, meta descriptions, and search engine algorithms.

While it may seem technical, SEO writing still allows for creativity. Writers must create content that is both SEO-friendly and engaging for readers, striking a balance between readability and search engine visibility .

For those considering a creative writing degree, our article is a degree in creative writing worth it provides a comprehensive overview of the opportunities and challenges involved.

In the digital world, the possibilities for creative writers are vast and varied. From blogging and social media writing to SEO writing, there are numerous ways to apply creative writing skills and carve out a successful career in the digital sphere.

Creative Writing in Academia

The field of academia offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals with a degree in creative writing. From teaching creative writing to conducting research in this area, the academic world can be a rewarding path for those looking for creative writing jobs .

Teaching Creative Writing

One of the most fulfilling roles in academia for those with a creative writing degree is teaching.

As a creative writing teacher, one can:

  • impart essential writing skills
  • inspire creativity
  • help students discover their unique voices

Creative writing teachers can find work in various settings , including elementary and secondary schools, colleges, and universities. They might also lead workshops in community centers or offer private lessons. Their duties typically include developing lesson plans, providing feedback on student work, and fostering a supportive learning environment .

For more on how to inspire young minds through creative writing, see our article on creative writing activities for kids . If you’re considering teaching creative writing, our guide on how to teach creative writing offers valuable insights.

Research in Creative Writing

Another academic route for those with a creative writing degree is research. Creative writing researchers delve into various aspects of writing, exploring themes such as storytelling techniques, narrative structures, character development , and the role of creativity in writing.

Research in creative writing can lead to new insights into how stories are crafted and understood, contributing to the broader field of literary studies. Researchers may present their findings at conferences, publish them in academic journals, or use them to inform their teaching practices.

The world of academia offers a rich and rewarding path for creative writers, providing opportunities to inspire the next generation of writers and contribute to the understanding of creative writing as an academic discipline .

As you consider your path, remember that the skills acquired through a creative writing degree can open many doors. For more on the value of such a degree, see our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Exploring Freelance Opportunities

The versatility of a creative writing degree opens up a world of freelance opportunities. Writers can lend their talents to a variety of sectors, allowing for creative expression and the freedom to choose projects that align with their interests and strengths. Among the popular freelance creative writing jobs are freelance writing and ghostwriting , scriptwriting for theatre and radio , and speechwriting .

Freelance Writing and Ghostwriting

Freelance writing provides the flexibility to work on a variety of projects across different platforms. It can involve writing articles, blog posts, reports, or even books . Ghostwriting, a subset of freelance writing, entails writing on behalf of someone else. The ghostwriter’s work is officially credited to another person . This is common in the world of book publishing, where many prominent figures hire ghostwriters to pen their memoirs or novels.

Freelance and ghostwriting involve a high degree of creativity, the ability to adapt to different writing styles, and the capacity to work to tight deadlines. For more insights on the nature of creative writing, visit our article on what is creative writing .

Scriptwriting for Theatre and Radio

Scriptwriting for theatre and radio is another viable option for creative writers. This involves writing dialogues and narratives to be performed on stage or broadcast on radio . It requires a deep understanding of character development, plot structure, and dramatic tension. Additionally, scriptwriters need to keep in mind the auditory and visual elements that can enhance the performance.

Scriptwriting can be a collaborative process , with the writer working closely with directors, actors, and sound designers to bring the script to life. This requires strong teamwork skills and the ability to accept and incorporate feedback.


Speechwriting involves crafting speeches for individuals in various sectors such as politics, business, or entertainment. A speechwriter must be able to capture the speaker’s voice and convey their message in a compelling and engaging manner. This requires a strong understanding of rhetoric, audience analysis, and persuasive writing techniques.

In addition to writing the speech, the writer may also need to assist the speaker in rehearsing and delivering the speech effectively. This can involve coaching the speaker on pacing, intonation, and body language to ensure a successful delivery.

Freelance creative writing jobs offer a wealth of opportunities for writers to apply their skills in diverse and exciting ways. Whether you’re crafting articles as a freelance writer, weaving narratives as a scriptwriter, or shaping public discourse as a speechwriter, each role offers unique challenges and rewards.

For more insights into the world of creative writing, check out our articles on creative writing prompts and creative writing activities for kids .

Tips for Landing Creative Writing Jobs

When it comes to securing creative writing jobs , there are several strategies that can help you stand out from the crowd and showcase your unique skills. The following sections will discuss the importance of building a portfolio, networking, and constantly improving your craft.

Building a Portfolio

A portfolio is a collection of your work that showcases your writing skills and range. It can include:

  • short stories

When creating your portfolio, it’s important to include a variety of pieces that demonstrate your versatility . Be sure to highlight your best work and examples that show your ability to write in different styles and genres.

A strong portfolio can be an excellent tool for showing prospective employers what you can offer . It can be especially useful for those seeking creative writing jobs, where the quality and creativity of your work can be a deciding factor.

Editor’s Note : To add credibility to your portfolio, aim to get published, either in print or online. This might entail crafting content for free for reputable sites, but having your name against a published piece of work signals that you’re a serious and capable writer to future clients.

Networking and Making Connections

Networking is another important aspect of landing creative writing jobs. This involves making connections with other writers, editors, publishers , and anyone else in the industry who can provide opportunities or valuable advice.

Joining writing groups, attending literary events, and participating in online writing communities can all provide excellent networking opportunities. These activities can:

  • help you meet like-minded individuals
  • learn about job openings
  • gain insights into the industry

Don’t underestimate the value of personal relationships in the world of creative writing . Many job opportunities come from word-of-mouth referrals, so the more people you know in the industry, the better. If you’re interested in learning more about the value of a creative writing degree, you can read our article on is a degree in creative writing worth it .

Constantly Improving Your Craft

To be successful in any creative field, you must be dedicated to constantly improving your craft. This means regularly writing, reading, and seeking out new ways to improve your skills.

Consider participating in writing exercises or prompts to challenge yourself and explore new genres or writing styles. Our list of creative writing prompts can help inspire new ideas and push your writing boundaries.

Additionally, seeking feedback from others can be invaluable for growth. Share your work with others and be open to constructive criticism. This can help you identify any areas of weakness in your writing and give you the opportunity to improve.

Finally, don’t forget to keep reading . Reading a wide variety of literature can expose you to different writing styles, techniques, and perspectives that can inspire and influence your own work.

Remember, the path to securing creative writing jobs often involves a combination of talent, perseverance, and strategic career moves. By building a strong portfolio, networking with others in the industry, and continually working to improve your craft, you can increase your chances of landing a job that allows you to make a living doing what you love.

What Kind of Creative Writer are You?

Be sure to choose a path that aligns with your personality and your writing style – this will ensure the maximum job satisfaction possible. You want to enjoy your writing, whether it’s detailed research papers or fashion blog posts – your best writing will reflect your passion and love of words.

Stay true to yourself, keep writing, and find a way to share your world’s with the world – it’s a journey you don’t want to miss out on!

Brooks Manley

Brooks Manley

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

Creative Primer  is a resource on all things journaling, creativity, and productivity. We’ll help you produce better ideas, get more done, and live a more effective life.

My name is Brooks. I do a ton of journaling, like to think I’m a creative (jury’s out), and spend a lot of time thinking about productivity. I hope these resources and product recommendations serve you well. Reach out if you ever want to chat or let me know about a journal I need to check out!

Here’s my favorite journal for 2024: 

the five minute journal

Gratitude Journal Prompts Mindfulness Journal Prompts Journal Prompts for Anxiety Reflective Journal Prompts Healing Journal Prompts Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Journal Prompts Mental Health Journal Prompts ASMR Journal Prompts Manifestation Journal Prompts Self-Care Journal Prompts Morning Journal Prompts Evening Journal Prompts Self-Improvement Journal Prompts Creative Writing Journal Prompts Dream Journal Prompts Relationship Journal Prompts "What If" Journal Prompts New Year Journal Prompts Shadow Work Journal Prompts Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear Journal Prompts for Dealing with Loss Journal Prompts for Discerning and Decision Making Travel Journal Prompts Fun Journal Prompts

25 Creative Writing Prompts to Ignite Your Creativity

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jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

A Seriously Long List of Jobs That Involve Creative Writing

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

Who says you can’t make any money from creative writing?

Okay, so a lot of people. But they’re wrong. If you’re a creative writing major, have a degree in writing, or simply identify this skill as the best thing you’ve got to offer the world, there are a ton of ways to build a career with your talents.

In fact, writing skills are way more valuable than your Uncle Richie realizes (or whichever relative scoffed at your dreams last Thanksgiving). Anyone with a gift for words has the ability to communicate vital information, motivate others into action, and help others feel seen and understood.

The survival of many industries depends on their ability to connect with human beings. They need brilliant wordsmiths. And here’s the really exciting part: not everyone can do what you do as well as you can do it.

So no, being a writer does not mean you’re sentenced to a life as a “starving artist.” 

That said, some creative writing jobs are easier to snag than others. There’s also a difference in pay across different writing gigs. Some jobs will be easier to fill with AI in the future, and—the important detail—some will be more in line with your vision for your writing career. 

So here’s a comprehensive list of opportunities and considerations to help you narrow down your focus. You’re about to find out:

  • What writing jobs are out there
  • The skills you need to land work in the creative writing field
  • Which industries are looking for folks like you
  • What type of education or experience you need to get started

Let’s start by taking a look at your many, many options.

Career Opportunities in Creative Writing

The word "HIRING!" written in white chalk on a black background.

Before we launch into this very long list of creative writing jobs, I’d like to clarify the term “freelance writer.”

A freelance writer is a contractor. Rather than hiring them on as employees, an individual or business hires a freelance writer to complete specific tasks within their area of expertise. 

If you choose to work as a freelancer rather than an employee, you’d be your own boss. You’d set your own rates, determine your own schedule, and decide which projects to take on and which to skip. You’d also be free to work with as many different clients as you’d like.

The downside is that you don’t get benefits like paid time off, health insurance, and employer contributions to your retirement fund. You’re responsible for paying quarterly taxes directly to the government, as no one withdraws them from your paycheck. 

Depending on the specific creative writing career you’re building, you might also need to look into professional liability insurance or setting up an LLC. These topics get complicated and vary according to where you live, so I’m not even going to try to give you advice on any of that. It’s better to consult your accountant, mentor, and/or fellow freelance writers in your area.

The main thing I want to convey is that if you choose to freelance, you have to think of yourself as an actual business. That’s what you are after all. It comes with a lot of freedom and extra responsibilities. So weigh your options carefully.

One more quick note:

Salary Ranges Are Tough to Nail Down

Hands count money on a desk.

I’ve included an average salary range for each of the job descriptions below. These ranges are huge and the numbers are almost meaningless. I put them there because if I were you, I’d want to see them so I could at least get a sense of the income one might make from these different writing jobs.

But the standard salary for each job can vary widely depending on the size of the company hiring you and the cost of living in your (or their) area.

The income range gets massive when you add freelancers to the mix. A rookie freelance copywriter who’s just building their portfolio and client list might make $20,000 in a year. Meanwhile, an in-demand freelance writer could make well into six figures and out-earn an in-house copywriter.

So use the salary information I provide to get a general idea of what’s possible. For more concrete numbers, check out job listings in your area and talk to people who already do the kind of work you want to do.  

And what kind of work is that? Let’s decide! Here are a ton of ways you can make money as a writer.

Content Writing Jobs

The word "blog" spelled out in Scrabble tiles on a wooden surface.

Content is all the media that encourages consumers to engage with a brand—blogs, videos, social media, podcasts, you name it. Creative writers like you and I might prefer to think of those things as art, but in business-speak, it’s content.

And as a professional content writer, you’ll have to ride that line between creativity and capitalism. After some looking around, you should be able to find an employer or client who wants you to bring some creative vision to your work. But you’ll also have to care about which creative strategies get buyers to bite. 

More on that in a bit, though. For now, here are the most common content writing jobs.

Content Writer

A content writer focuses more on long-form writing that builds a relationship with the target audience. In other words, content writing is less about making a sales pitch and more about being helpful and conveying the brand’s personality.

Common content writing tasks include:

  • Email newsletters
  • Articles and blogs
  • Case studies

Average Salary: $40,000-$70,000 per year

A writer types on a computer at an outdoor cafe table.

A copywriter is more involved with the kind of creative writing that says, “Hey, you should spend money on this.” They compose things like:

  • Website copy
  • Landing pages
  • Print and online ads
  • Sales emails
  • Sales pages and mailers

In many businesses, the content writer and the copywriter are the same person. But if you freelance as a copywriter specializing in one specific area—sales emails, for example—get familiar with the other materials your client is putting out to make sure your sales copy builds on the relationship they're already building through content.

Average Salary: $60,000-$120,000 per year

Technical Writer

Technical writing is basically “how-to” writing. It includes:

  • Instruction manuals
  • Explainer video scripts
  • White papers
  • Spec sheets

Technical writing might be your jam if you’re great at grasping complex concepts and clarifying them for the rest of us. It’s truly a magical writing skill that involves simplifying and being thorough at the same time. 

If you can pull that off, it’s only a matter of time before you’re considered an irreplaceable rockstar in someone’s business.

Annual Salary: $60,000-$90,000 per year

Social Media Writer

You’ll sometimes see social media fall under the umbrella of content writing, but it’s also its own position in many businesses.

As you can probably guess, a great social media writer comes up with brilliant captions that engage audiences on social platforms. But there’s more to it than that.

To do this job well, you have to be on top of social media trends so you can jump on challenges and hashtags while they’re still fresh. You also need to understand which customer segments are more likely to be on which platforms and how to engage with them.

Depending on the size of the company you’re working with, there’s a good chance you’ll also have to come up with the visuals and create the videos that accompany your brilliant captions.

If you love social media, you’ll be in heaven. If you don’t, you probably won’t be able to fake it. 

Average Salary: $50,000-$80,000 per year

Journalism and Media Jobs

A newspaper and magazine on a white surface.

In this category of creative writing jobs, we’re looking at everything that has to do with news and mass communication.

I know. That includes a lot. So let’s get to it.

A journalist investigates, researches, and writes the news for print and/or online publications. That’s a tidy little sentence to describe a writing job that involves a lot of specialized skills and a strict code of ethics.

While journalism absolutely belongs under the heading of “creative writing careers,” it’s an area where you can’t get fast and loose with your creativity. Journalists are responsible for revealing the truth to the public. Ideally , they do this without guiding the reader’s opinion or embellishing actual events. 

The ability to compose engaging articles that inspire thoughtful questions without pushing an agenda is a remarkable skill in and of itself. Successful journalists also tend to be curious, driven, resourceful, and fast writers.

This is one of the few writing jobs where having a degree (usually in journalism) is relatively important, especially if you hope to work for a notable publication. 

Average Salary: $60,000-100,000 per year

Broadcast Writer

A broadcast writer prepares the news for television, radio, and online media. In other words, they take all the deets about what’s going on in the world and turn them into scripts to be read by news anchors.

Like a journalist, a broadcast writer faces the challenging task of conveying information in an unbiased way. They also need to be adept at writing pieces intended to be read aloud—scripts that flow naturally for the speaker and can be quickly understood by the audience. 

Much like journalists, broadcast writers must be able to work quickly, often under pressure. If you like the idea of being in front of the camera yourself, this creative writing career path can include conducting interviews, attending press conferences, and reporting the news.

Average Salary: $40,000-$100,000 per year


A table of scene cards spread out with a writer's hands folded on the table in the background.

A scriptwriter is anyone who writes a script for a play, movie, radio show, podcast, video game, or television show. Scriptwriters who write plays are called playwrights, movie writers are more commonly called screenwriters, and television writers are best known as—get this—television writers.

Playwrights and screenwriters almost always work on a freelance basis. Much like traditionally published book authors, they work with a literary agent and are constantly trying to sell their next project.

Television authors also need representation, though they’re usually hired onto the writing staff of a TV show as an employee. There is such a thing as freelance television writing where a writer steps in to pen a single episode of a show, but this practice isn’t as common as it used to be.

All of these jobs have the potential to be deeply fulfilling for a creative writer. They come with fun challenges like learning how to tell a great story purely through visuals and dialogue. 

Keep in mind that—much like becoming a successful author—it takes a long time to build a solid career in this field. There are a lot of gatekeepers and frequent rejection .

Film, theater, and television are also much more collaborative art forms than book publishing. Whatever you write, you have to be prepared for producers, directors, set designers, sound designers, actors, and editors to put their fingerprints on it, too. It’s entirely possible that the end product will be quite different from what you imagined.

In other words, if you’re precious about your work, this might not be your field.

Average Salary: $40,000-$80,000 per year

Publishing and Editing Jobs

A bookshop window.

Feel like your true home is in the book world? Then you’re looking for something in publishing.

When we think about creative writing jobs in publishing, we usually think of authors first. After all, that’s the dream for a lot of creative writers. But it’s no secret that authorship comes with rejection, requires a ton of patience, and doesn’t always cover the bills.

The good news is, you can still build your career around books even if you’d prefer to pass on all the uncertainty that comes with being an author. This field has plenty of other opportunities to flex those creative writing skills.

But we’ll get to those in a moment. First, let’s look at the best-known writing job in publishing.

As I mentioned before, authors are almost always freelance writers. This means that whether you plan to publish traditionally or self-publish, you have to think of yourself as a business.

Publishing traditionally means working with a publishing house to release your book into the world. This process usually involves finding an agent who then pitches your book to publishers and negotiates a book deal for you. We have a guide to the entire process right here .

Self-publishing means you produce and market your book yourself. This publishing model has boomed in both popularity and earning potential in the past decade and change. You must have an entrepreneurial spirit to succeed on this publishing path, though. You can learn more about it here . 

Whichever path they choose, successful authors build platforms and a following through channels like social media , email newsletters, and speaking engagements. Those platforms help them develop relationships with readers, give them more visibility, and make them more appealing to publishers.

You also need to some degree of sales smarts, whether you self-publish and take on the full responsibility of marketing your book or you decide to publish traditionally, which requires creating a compelling book pitch that gets agents and publishers onboard.

Average Salary: I can’t even give you a range in good conscience. So many factors influence author earnings, and only a small percentage of authors make a living on books alone. I recommend checking out this article for a clearer understanding of what you can make as an author. 

An editor holds a paper out to the camera.

As Doug can tell you , there are several kinds of editing you could do, including:

  • Developmental editing
  • Line editing
  • Sensitivity reading
  • Fact-checking

Each type of editing evaluates a different aspect of a written work. These options also allow you to zero in on your greatest strength as a creative writer. Are you the sultan of story structure ? You might be interested in developmental editing . Are you a research rockstar and a stickler for accuracy? Maybe fact-checking is for you. 

This is a job you can do as an employee of a publishing house or as a freelancer. If you go the freelance route, you’ll likely be working with a lot of indie authors.

Average Salary: $60,000-$80,000 per year

Copy Editor or Proofreader

Copy editors are magical beings who have the kind of superhuman focus that allows them to catch tiny issues like grammar errors, misspelled words, inconsistencies in story details, and the like.

It’s true that AI is getting better and better at catching these mistakes. That’s why Dabble uses ProWritingAid to power grammar, spelling, and style checks. It helps creative writers prepare a draft that isn’t utterly riddled with errors.

But at this moment in time, we still can’t count on AI to catch nuanced errors, recognize clever word play, or appreciate an author’s deliberate decision to shirk old grammar rules. We still need human eyes to do this job.

Often confused with a copy editor, a proofreader is the very last person to review a book, and they look for any and all errors. If there’s a missed typo, a messed up margin, or a wonky image, they’ll flag it. Think of them as quality control.

As you likely guessed, both jobs require you to be extremely detail oriented.

Average Salary: $50,000-$90,000 per year

Literary agent

A literary agent sits at a desk, smiling.

You probably associate this career path with sales more than creative writing. But the literary agents who succeed are the ones who understand what makes a book great . 

This job is best suited for someone who’s ready to do a ton of reading and enjoys rubbing elbows. You can expect to spend plenty of time on the phone, in lunch meetings, at publishing events, and in pitch meetings. You have to be good at building relationships and love talking books. 

What many creative writers don’t realize about agents is that their job also involves giving feedback on current projects and helping their clients talk through new ideas. The advice of a good agent can mean the difference between a book deal and a manuscript that never graduates beyond PDF status. 

Keep in mind that it takes time to succeed in this career. As a literary agent, you’ll make 15% of what your authors earn from their books. Expect some lean years as you build your client list.

Average Salary: $50,000-$70,000 per year

Book Reviewer

As a creative writer, you’re probably great at explaining why books work. You have smart things to say about character development , plot structure, and pacing. And if you’re a fast reader—and would love to make reading part of your creative writing career—you’d probably enjoy being a book reviewer.

Book reviewers do exactly what you think they do: they review books. Many choose to specialize in a specific genre or two. Specializing can be an effective strategy when it comes to building a name for yourself and giving readers a reason to value your opinion. It’s a way of establishing yourself as a genre expert.

Just note that this isn’t an easy career to just plop into. While you can find job listings for book reviewers, there aren’t many of them. Most people who do this for a living start by writing reviews on a freelance basis or even for their own blog/social media platform.

As you build your portfolio and reputation, you can submit your reviews to other publications, monetize your own review website/podcast/vlog, or possibly land a job as an in-house reviewer for a magazine, newspaper, or online platform.

Average Salary: $20,000-$80,000 per year

We already covered what a copywriter is, so I won’t go too deep on the subject here. I just want to make sure you know that it’s possible to do copywriting work within the world of publishing.

Publishing houses have copywriters on staff to handle things like press releases, media kits, author bios, social media content, and marketing materials.

In this role, you’d be able to enjoy the stability of a marketing-focused creative writing job while still getting to think about books all day. Not too shabby.

Average Salary: $50,000-$120,000 per year

Advertising and Marketing Jobs

Items sitting on a white desk: a keyboard, cup of coffee, glasses, houseplant, and smartphone with the words "online marketing" on the screen.

If you’re on the lookout for creative writing jobs that make your value as an employee easy to quantify, advertising is the place to be. 

The goal of all advertising is to persuade your audience to make a purchase or take some other action that benefits the business you work for. 

Modern technology makes it easier than ever to track the success of your ad copy and marketing campaigns, which means you often have access to numbers that demonstrate what the return on investment is when someone hires you.

Now, all this might sound very cold and business-y, but this is an area where creative writers thrive because your goal is the same as it would be if you were writing a novel or screenplay. You’re trying to find the best words to connect emotionally with your audience.

Not everyone can do that. You can.

Let’s take a closer look at the different ways you can do that.

Advertising Copywriter

Oh, look! We’re talking about copywriters again. Since we’ve already covered this, I’ll give the abbreviated explanation for the article skimmers.

An advertising copywriter writes copy (go figure) advertising a product or service to potential buyers. This includes anything that could potentially lead to a purchase, including:

  • Marketing emails
  • Print or online ads

Brand Strategist

A Starbucks coffee cup sits on a cafe table.

If you already know what a brand strategist is, you might be surprised to see this position appear on a list of creative writing jobs. Brand strategists don’t write as much as they, well, strategize brands.

This person is responsible for conducting market research, analyzing trends, creating buyer avatars, planning campaigns, and overseeing the production of marketing materials. 

Depending on the size of the marketing team, a brand strategist might also write copy and content. But what makes this career a decent option for a creative writer is the storytelling aspect.

Brand strategists are responsible for translating the business’s message into a story that resonates with buyers. They also need to understand their consumer on a deeper level—a skill that comes more naturally to someone who’s spent time studying character development.

Creative Director

Much like a brand strategist, a creative director looks at the big picture of a company’s marketing efforts. What story is being told? How can they best use the creative resources available to tell that story in an emotionally compelling way?

The creative director leads all the creative professionals on a marketing team, including copywriters, designers, and social media content creators. They make sure everyone is on the same page, telling the same story and communicating the same message.

Average Salary: $120,000-$200,000 per year

Content Marketing Specialist

Remember when we talked about content writing? This is that, plus some added responsibility.

While a content writer is usually told what to write, a content marketing specialist is the person who decides what type of content will be most effective for the business. 

They strategize content like emails, blog posts, videos, and social media depending on which formats and messaging are most likely to help buyers connect with the brand. 

This person also selects the SEO and analytics tools to help them make sure their strategy is effective. They watch the results closely and regularly optimize their content marketing efforts to get better performance.

And yes, a content marketing specialist might also write some or all of the content themselves.

Skills Required for Creative Writing Jobs

The word "SKILLS" written in white chalk on a black background.

I tried to give you some sense of the skills required to stand out in each of the creative writing jobs we just went over. 

Nevertheless, if you’ve found something that interests you, I strongly suggest researching it further and connecting with someone who’s already killing it in that field. Get a sense of what it means to excel and you’ll be in a good spot to pursue your creative writing career seriously.

If you’re still not sure where you want this journey to lead, no problem! Follow your curiosity and let yourself gravitate towards the work that excites you. In the meantime nurture the following skills essential for every creative writing career.

Writing Skills

Okay, so I’m not exactly dropping a bone-rattling truth bomb here. Of course you need strong writing skills to build a career as a creative writer. You know that. That said, some writers underestimate the importance of building on the skills they already have. 

This is an issue I think tends to plague young writers the most. We catch wind of the fact that we’re “good writers” from teachers and peers and get attached to the idea that a good writer is something we already are. Like inherently.

I know I wasted a lot of energy in my early adult years worrying about whether or not people thought I was a talented writer instead of working to continuously become a better writer.  Ongoing improvement is how you’ll stand out from the crowd, especially as you zero in on the type of creative writing you want to do. 

If you want to be a copywriter, find a mentor and start a course on copywriting. If you dream of being a bestselling author who makes a living from books alone, join a writing group, attend writing conferences, and download this free e-book on writing a novel that rocks.

Keep sharpening those writing skills, no matter how exceptional you already are.

Research and Analysis Skills

Using a pen, a hand points to a bar graph on a piece of paper.

Research and analysis sounds like a skill set that only applies in marketing and technical writing. But in all creative writing jobs, research and analysis have the same goal: understanding what it takes to connect with an audience.

Now, if you become a screenwriter or a novelist, you might not pore over metrics the way you would if you were a brand strategist. What you will do (hopefully) is consume a ton of art in your genre to understand what works.

Constantly refresh your understanding of what speaks to readers, which trends are hot, and why current bestsellers are selling so well. It’s also important to stay on top of new developments in the publishing industry and strategize your career accordingly.

And if you plan to be a self-published author, your research and analysis skills will help you make important marketing decisions.                                                                                                                              

Creativity and Imagination

If there’s one area where you have a leg-up on AI, it’s this one. Everything AI creates comes from ideas and structures that already exist. As an adaptable, creative human being, you can find unique ways to express ideas that haven’t been explored before.

This skill is essential for all the creative writing jobs we’ve discussed. The best ad writers figure out how to write copy that stands out from the competition. Great editors help writers tap into their own original voices. Even in technical writing, imagination is crucial for finding new ways to simplify complicated topics.

Communication and Collaboration Skills

Two colleagues have a conversation at a small table.

There are no writing jobs that allow you to compose brilliance alone in your cave and release it into the world with no input from anyone else. 

You have to be open to feedback, and in ultra-collaborative fields like screenwriting, you must be ready for the possibility that your vision won’t often be everyone’s top priority. (It hurts, I know.)

If you’re still working on building your collaboration skills, I can offer a few suggestions.

One is to make a habit of identifying what’s important to you about every project you work on. What’s motivating you? What are your goals? When you can answer those questions, you’ll be more confident gently pushing back on things you care about and more open to offering compromising when it comes to less important issues.

Another tip is to cultivate a genuine appreciation for what others can contribute. As a writer who regularly wrestles with a stubborn, foot-stomping ego, I often return to this interview with Dolly Parton for a reminder of the kind of artist I want to be—someone humble enough to celebrate when another person makes my good thing better.

And of course, working with people you respect helps boost that collaborative spirit, too.

Finally, clear communication is absolutely essential. Make sure you know what clients, employers, or team members expect from you. Also manage their expectations by being frank about your availability, timeline, and expertise.

Adaptability and Time Management

Most writing jobs involve deadlines and your reputation as a reliable writer hinges on your ability to meet those deadlines. That means you’ve got to get good at managing your time.

This can be especially difficult if you’re a freelance writer, because there’s no one dictating your schedule. There’s just today, a deadline in the future, and all this space in between that can be whatever you want it to be.

Time management takes practice, and a quick Google search will take you to loads of suggestions for making the process easier. You can try time blocking , the Pomodoro Technique , deep work strategies … test whatever you think will do the trick.

For me, the most effective method is to remember two things. First, I need to maintain my reputation as a reliable writer if I want to pay my rent and gradually increase my income. Second, I don’t want to be stuck at my desk when my husband comes home from work or friends are inviting me out on the weekend.

Those two limits help me draw time boundaries on that wide-open calendar and keep me motivated to stick to it.

Even as you create structure for yourself, however, you have to keep in mind that things might change. A client might shift direction. A project could fall through. You might find yourself partnering with a collaborator on something you thought would be a solo situation.

It’s important to know your own work boundaries so you don’t get walked on. But being adaptable (within reason) is also crucial for building positive, long-term professional relationships.

Industries That Hire Creative Writers

Two people shake hands over a desk.

We’ve examined your professional opportunities by looking at the most common creative writing jobs. Now let’s take a look at them by industry.

If you’re already in the workforce, you might discover that there are writing jobs within your current industry—jobs you never even knew were there. If you’re in school pursuing something other than a creative writing major, you might discover that you can totally flex your wordsmith skills in your field of study.

And if you still have no idea how you want to put your talents to work, this list might help you uncover some less obvious job opportunities.

Entertainment Industry

You already know that the entertainment industry needs scriptwriters. You can probably guess that there’s a need for copywriters in those massive marketing departments, too. 

But there’s also song writing, video game writing, script reading/analysis, and script consulting. Every single thing you see on TV has a writer behind it—usually an entire writing staff —including award shows and reality television.

You can even get hired to rewrite or “punch-up” someone else’s script. 

Publishing and Journalism

We covered the big writing jobs in this industry earlier, so for now, I’ll just add this:

As technology advances, these creative writing careers are more accessible than ever. You develop specialized skills online, build your own platform, and publish your own work. It’s entirely possible to forge your own path in these industries that used to be heavily guarded by gatekeepers.

That’s not to say it’ll be easy to make a name for yourself, nor is it to say that I think everyone with a Wordpress account should feel free to market themselves as a journalist. 

What I mean to say is that if you want a career in these traditionally intimidating fields, there’s space for you. There are more ways than ever to learn what you need to learn and create what you want to create.

Advertising and Marketing

Again, we’ve talked about these writing jobs, so I’ll just tell you a quick story.

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I took an improv class (it’s mandatory here) with a woman who was a freelance namer. That was her whole job. She named products for major companies and made a whole entire L.A. living doing it.

While I can’t help but wonder if AI has taken over her job yet, it’s an important reminder that writing skills are worth a lot in marketing. The right words are straight-up gold . 

Education and E-learning

A young student holds a notebook to their chest and smiles.

Creative writing is a teachable skill. If you enjoy guiding others, teaching might be a solid career option for you. You could teach creative writing in a formal education environment (you’ll need a degree), at a local community center, or even online.

The education world also needs creative writers to put together written materials like textbooks, discussion guides, glossaries, and study guides. You could even write scripts for educational videos.

This is an area of creative writing that doesn’t get a lot of attention, but there’s an increasing demand for it. Not only do modern students turn to the Internet for information and homework help, the digital world has made self-directed learning easier than ever. You can find an online course for almost anything from auto repair to world literature. 

What’s great about this industry is that it allows you to combine your passion for creative writing with your interest in another subject. Plus, there’s the business about inspiring curious minds and all that.

Nonprofit Organizations

If you’re intrigued by the challenges of a job in marketing but want to feel like your work serves a greater purpose, consider writing for a nonprofit.

You’d be doing many of the same things you’d do for a for-profit business: email marketing, advertising, blogging, video creation, and the like. The goal is similar—you want to get the word out about the organization and create a positive association in people’s minds.

But there’s also a strong fundraising element, since that’s how a nonprofit stays afloat (and covers your paycheck). This means you can also expect to write grant proposals and oversee donor communications. 

You can do all of this as part of the team or on a contract basis. Grant writing in particular is a good option if you’re looking to set up shop as a freelance writer.

Corporate Communications

Corporate communications is an oversized novelty umbrella that covers a lot of stuff. Simply put, this term refers to the many ways a corporation communicates its mission, goals, successes, and functions to everyone. 

Seriously, everyone . The public, employees, shareholders, partners… every person who exists.

Now, if you work with a small startup, “corporate communications” could be your entire job. For larger companies, however, you’re more likely to work in a specific department. You might be on the marketing team or you could be responsible for internal communications like employee manuals and reports.

Bottom line: if you’re dreaming of a creative writing career in the corporate world, the job opportunities are definitely there.

Career Development and Education Options

A person smiles in front of a building, wearing a graduation cap.

You know what creative writing jobs are out there. You know what skills these different industries are looking for. What about education? What kind of training do you need in order to land the job and crush it?

It depends on the specific job as well as what kind of time and money you have to invest in your creative writing education. 

The good news is that you don’t have to rack up insane student loans in order to make a good living as a writer. There are certain positions where a degree is mandatory, but there are plenty of hiring managers who don’t care where you got your creative writing skills as long as you have them.

And it’s never been easier to find training as a writer. Let’s look at your options.

Degree Programs in Creative Writing

If you plan to get a four-year degree to boost your knowledge as a writer, you might be eyeballing a creative writing major. This area of study is most useful if you plan to become a fiction writer, screenwriter, poet, or the like.

If you’re mapping out a career that’s a little more predictable and a little less “artsy,” consider majors like journalism, communications, technical writing, or marketing.

Industries that are most likely to have a mandatory college degree requirement include journalism, academia, and large corporations or nonprofits.

If you plan to go into entertainment or work as a freelance writer, a formal education can help you develop essential skills. Although—real talk—many of those skills can be learned through the less expensive educational avenues we’re about to go over. 

Many folks who earned creative writing degrees will tell you that the biggest benefit of their program was the network it provided when they left college. That’s no small thing, but it’s also not what we think we’re going to college for. 

Writing Workshops and Online Courses

A person works on the computer in bed.

You can easily find live workshops, online courses, and writing groups to help you sharpen your skills or develop new ones. 

This option is a good compromise between a formal education and fully self-directed learning. There’s often a fee, but it’s tens of thousands of dollars less than you’d spend on a creative writing degree. There’s a structure to keep you on track but you don’t have to show up at a physical location multiple times a week for months at a time.

Whatever type of creative writing skill you want to work on, a quick Google search will help you find courses you can take. You can also search the course selection at sites like Coursera , Udemy , and Masterclass .

Finally, a lot of folks who sell online writing courses offer free webinars as a way to get you on their mailing list and pitch their full program. If you don’t feel like you have a clear enough goal to invest in an entire course, these webinars provide a great opportunity to pick up some basic insights and start practicing new skills.

Networking and Professional Associations

Look for networking events and professional associations specific to the field you wish to enter. You absorb so much information just by being around experts and peers, plus you’ll have access to seminars, boot camps, training programs, and more.

Many organizations also hold or participate in conferences. These conferences provide learning opportunities that not only sharpen your creative writing skills but also educate you about your chosen industry. If you don’t have the travel budget, you can attend many conferences online at a discount.

And don’t forget to build your own little network of creative writers! Even fiction-focused communities like Dabble’s Story Craft Café are full of writers who rely on more predictable writing work like copywriting and communications to pay their rent. These are great places to share information about building creative writing careers of all kinds.

Building a Portfolio and Gaining Experience

Finally, we learn best by doing. As you pick up new advice and information through your chosen educational channels, put that insight to work immediately.

Offer to write the press release for your cousin’s startup. Ask a strapped-for-cash nonprofit if they’d be interested in letting you write your first grant proposal on their behalf. Create a blog that allows you to showcase the kind of content you hope to one day get paid to write.

These things help you build a portfolio to show prospective clients or employers. They also give you an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, get feedback early, and discover the challenges that are unique to different writing jobs. 

The faster you experience those things, the faster you learn and the sooner you’re ready to make a living as a creative writer.

Runners lined up on the starting line.

Writing is an in-demand skill. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If you dream of paying your bills with your words—either as a full-time job or a side hustle—you absolutely can. It may take patience, diligence, and a lot of learning, but the work is out there.

The last bit of advice I’ll offer you is to find a community of writers who have your back. No one understands the journey like another writer. You can count on your network of fellow wordsmiths for moral support, job leads, feedback, and more.

If you’re still in the process of finding those friends, join us at the Story Craft Café—especially if fiction is part of your writerly aspirations. The community is free to join and a great place to talk craft, share your work, and stay productive with daily word sprints. Follow this link to get started.

Abi Wurdeman is the author of Cross-Section of a Human Heart: A Memoir of Early Adulthood, as well as the novella, Holiday Gifts for Insufferable People. She also writes for film and television with her brother and writing partner, Phil Wurdeman. On occasion, Abi pretends to be a poet. One of her poems is (legally) stamped into a sidewalk in Santa Clarita, California. When she’s not writing, Abi is most likely hiking, reading, or texting her mother pictures of her houseplants to ask why they look like that.


jobs for someone with a creative writing degree


Read. learn. create..

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

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No matter how much we want to ignore it, successful authors need a website. But there's more to a good author website than just throwing up a few nice words and pictures of your book. If you do it right, it could be your most powerful marketing tool.

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Looking for tips on how to write an engaging story all in verse? You'll find everything you need to know in this article, from crafting your narrative to managing your meter.

What Kind of Job Can Someone Get With a Creative Writing Degree?

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The Average Salary of Journalism Majors

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A talent for creative writing along with a college degree can open the door to interesting careers that leverage communication skills. Employers look for writers who can effectively convey ideas and evoke emotion for the purpose of entertaining, influencing, informing or educating the public. Exciting jobs with a bachelor’s in fine arts, or BFA, include reporter, public relations specialist and filmmaker. Jobs for an MFA in creative writing graduate can also include postsecondary teaching.

Feature Writer and Reporter

A bachelor’s degree in creative writing is excellent preparation for a journalism career in print, digital media or broadcasting. Feature writing, for example, allows creative writers an opportunity to dive deeply into the stories they’re covering. They may travel a lot and interview unique individuals about their experiences and backgrounds. Depending on their interests, reporters may write a column or specialize in investigative reporting, political commentary, or arts and entertainment. Completing an internship at a newspaper or magazine and developing a portfolio of published articles can help a BFA graduate in the job market.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS , reported in 2020 that news analysts, reporters and journalists in radio and television broadcasting earned a median annual salary of ​ $49,300 ​ per year, while those working for print publications earned ​ $37,900 ​ per year. Of course, famous journalists have much higher incomes. For example, Money Inc . reports that well-known radio and television anchor and correspondent, Anderson Cooper, has a net worth of ​ $200 million ​.

Public Relations Specialist

A bachelor’s degree in creative writing can lead to a successful career in the field of public relations. Large corporations, hospitals, politicians, celebrities and nonprofit organizations hire public relations staff to bolster their image and reputation. Much of the work entails writing ad copy, press releases, blogs, newsletters and public service announcements. Earning a minor in marketing or business can enhance skills in audience engagement, data analytics and communicating effectively across social media platforms.

The BLS reported that public relations specialists earned a median annual salary of ​ $62,810 ​ as of 2020. Those who had risen to the level of public relations managers for large companies and enterprises earned an impressive median annual salary of ​ $134,790 ​.

Script Writer and Filmmaker

Creative writing majors study the art of storytelling, including the development of interesting characters, building suspense, plot twists and riveting conclusions. Some students hone their craft by writing scripts for movies and television shows or making HD videos and films in the entertainment industy. BFA majors at schools like Hamline University with an interest in digital storytelling can take classes that introduce them to animation, storyboard creation, digital video and graphic arts.

The Indeed Career Guide suggests that a degree in creative writing is a helpful background for writing marketable scripts, pitching an idea to a producer, directing actors, and helping edit or do cinematography on a film. Indeed further reports that filmmakers earn an average annual salary of ​ $58,491 ​ as of January 2022.

Postsecondary Instructor

Teaching jobs for MFA creative writing graduates can be found at two- and four-year colleges. While universities typically require a Ph.D. to teach, the Master of Fine Arts, or MFA, is considered a terminal degree sufficient for many college teaching jobs, according to Southern New Hampshire University, or SNHU . In addition to teaching creative writing classes in literature and poetry, college professors immerse themselves in writing and publishing as part of their job.

Because competition is keen for English teaching jobs, being a graduate of one of the best MFA creative writing programs in the country may offer an advantage when looking for work. A few schools offer a Ph.D. in creative writing for aspiring tenure-track university professors. The BLS reports that postsecondary teachers working at a state university in 2020 earned a median annual salary of ​ $81,110 ​, while those employed at a state community college earned ​ $62,680 ​ per year.

  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: News Analysts, Reporters and Journalists
  • Money Inc.: The 20 Richest News Anchors in the World
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Public Relations Specialists
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Public Relations and Fundraising Managers – Pay
  • Indeed Career Guide: 20 Jobs for Creative Writers
  • Southern New Hampshire University: What Is an MFA Degree? What You Need to Know
  • U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Postsecondary Teachers

Mary Dowd holds a doctorate in educational leadership and a master’s in counseling and student affairs from Minnesota State Mankato. Helping students succeed has been her passion while serving in many areas of student affairs and adjunct teaching. Currently she is a dean of students at a large, public university. Dr. Dpwd’s writing experience includes published research, training materials and hundreds of practical online articles.

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25 Creative Jobs and Careers to Consider

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One of the most popular songs from the hit Broadway show Avenue Q poses the question:  What do you do with a B.A. in English?

Of course, you could replace “English” with any number of art degrees. Designers, visual artists, and writers alike tend to leave school wondering how to find jobs for creative people. How do I know this? I have a master’s degree in creative writing.

Beginning a  career in any creative field  is scary, but when you dig into the options, you’ll find a surprising number of opportunities. Here are 25 creative jobs to explore, broken down by different skills and interests. We’ll also discuss how to find creative jobs in this guide.

25 Creative Jobs to Explore

If you’re interested in design, 1. art director.

Most people would probably agree that “art director” is a vague job title. But in most cases, art directors (which often have similar titles to people with  creative director  jobs) are responsible for the overall visual aspects of an ad or media campaign. People who hold art director jobs also manage and mentor junior-level designers.

When it comes to artist jobs, art directors tend to be fairly senior-level employees. As such, the average salary for art director jobs in the U.S. is just under  $80,000 per year . They typically need at least a bachelor’s degree in art or design, plus several years of practical experience.

2. Multimedia Animator

Multimedia animators  create visual effects and animations for television, movies, video games, and more. Folks that hold these artist jobs tend to be self-employed and often work long hours, but they can charge upwards of  $36 per hour , depending on the scope of the project and the animator’s experience.

Multimedia animators tend to have a bachelor’s degree in fine art, computer graphics, or animation. Employers also prefer candidates who have at least some working experience.

3. Marketing Designer

Looking for jobs for creative thinkers? Marketing designers focus on projects that, well, a marketing team works on—which require more methodical planning and thought than you’d imagine. Marketing designers create a wide variety of assets, including ebooks, sales materials, and graphics for marketing campaigns.

Marketing designers range from  very  early in their careers to  very  experienced folks who operate in roles similar to creative director jobs. However, the average marketing designer in the United States earns a  salary of around $56,000 . They also typically hold at least a bachelor’s degree in fine art, computer graphics, or animation.

4. Graphic Designer

Graphic designers  do similar work as marketing designers—the big difference being they don’t focus solely on marketing projects. They’re in demand across several industries and build assets for the web, magazines, and even art installations, just to name a few.

The average graphic designer salary in the United States is just under $50,000 per year. However, the big difference is that many graphic designers  don’t  hold bachelor’s degrees . In fact, a growing number of them began their careers by  learning the basics online .

5. User Experience Designer

User experience   designers  (or UX designers) are tasked with making websites and other cloud-based products, well, usable. They take a designer’s sensibility and apply it to create online experiences that are both user-friendly and powerful.

UX designers also take home fairly large salaries at an  average of just over $113,000  per year. And while many UX designers hold a two or four-year degree, many others got their start by  enrolling in online courses  or boot camps.

6. Video Game Designer

Video game designers do exactly what you think they do—they design video games, using their skills to create immersive environments and  realistic-looking characters . Neat, right? This is one of the more unique visual development artist jobs on our list.

Much like UX designers, many video game designers got their foot in the door via online coursework or intensive boot camps. They also take home fairly healthy salaries, especially compared to many other  jobs for creative people , at an average of  just over $73,000 per year .

7. Web Developer

Wait, aren’t we talking about  creative  jobs? You bet—and that’s why  web developers  made our list. Not only do they need technical chops to build awesome websites, but they also need a designer’s eye to understand how to build awesome websites that people will actually use.

While you might need to supplement your current education with online coursework or a boot camp, U.S. web developers make an average  salary of $70,000 per year .

Want to take your knack for creating stunning visual experiences and apply it to everyday items such as lamps and children’s toys? The world of industrial design might be for you. This role requires equal amounts of talent in visual art, business, and engineering to create best-in-class products that people use daily.

Junior-level industrial designers tend to make an  average salary of $58,000 per year , depending on location, and are often expected to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in the field.

9. Photography Assistant

Photography assistant positions tend to be entry-level art jobs, but they’re ideal for someone interested in photography who’s  just  getting started. Photography assistants get a hands-on education from a professional photographer; they’re typically responsible for tasks including  coordinating photoshoots  and setting up before and after large shoots.

Photography assistant salaries tend to be hourly and fluctuate based on the photographer’s budget. However, since these are entry-level art jobs, there are no educational requirements other than a sincere interest in learning the finer details of photography.

10. Interior Designer

Interior designers  make interior spaces functional and beautiful by determining space requirements and selecting decorative items, such as colors, lighting, and materials. They’re most frequently associated with home decor but often work with companies to design unique workspaces.

Interior designers earn  an average salary of just over $57,000 per year . They also tend to hold at least a bachelor’s degree, although many of them did not attend school to be interior designers.

11. Set Designer

Ever wonder who designed the look and feel of your favorite television or Broadway show? Enter the set designer, who’s responsible for designing the vision for a set—and then getting their hands dirty and building it.

Set designers tend to work on a freelance basis, but Glassdoor finds that the average salary is roughly  $57,000 per year . Of course, take that with a grain of salt, especially considering that estimate is based on a 40-hour work week.

12. Museum Curator

Much like a set designer, a museum curator is responsible for the look and overall feel of, you guessed it, a museum. They’re tasked with choosing the art that guests will enjoy, while also designing programs and other supplemental materials to enhance the overall experience. Think of things like pamphlets, signage around the museum, and even audio guides.

This is one of the more difficult careers for creative people on our list to get into. Most museum curators hold at least a master’s degree in art history or a similar field of study. In exchange,  they earn roughly $52,000 per yea r.

13. Jewelry Designer

We probably don’t need to explain what a jewelry designer does. But while there are full-time jobs with large companies available, many other jewelry designers operate as small business owners. You’ll find dozens of them on marketplaces such as eBay and Etsy—and many of them report  very livable salaries .

The good news is that you don’t need a two or four-year degree to  design jewelry . But the salary will depend on whether you find an opportunity to work with a company, or if you launch your own business.

14. Video Editor

This probably falls in the category of visual development artist jobs that we don’t need to explain. But as video across the internet becomes just as popular (or in some cases,  more  popular) than network television, many video editors today focus on creating and editing videos for sites like YouTube and Vimeo. Others focus on  editing videos  of events such as weddings or corporate retreats.

In a similar fashion to many other roles on our list, video editors often work in a freelance capacity. According to Salary.com, the average “salary” for a video editor is roughly  $66,000 per year .

If You’re Interested in Creative Writing

15. copywriter.

Copywriting positions are among the first  creative writing jobs  that many people discover early in their search. They’re responsible for coming up with quippy, impactful taglines and product descriptions, just to name a few. Some focus on copy for the web, while others specialize in the language you’ll find on toothpaste or greeting cards.

The average salary for a copywriter is roughly  $57,000 per year . While many copywriters hold a bachelor’s degree, others learned their trade through intensive boot camps or online courses.

16. Content Marketer

Here’s one of the careers for creative people that I have a particular soft spot for. Why? Because it’s my full-time job! And it’s something I landed on when I first started searching for creative writing jobs several years ago.

Content marketers create assets such as blog posts and ebooks that attract potential customers without blatantly promoting their company’s products. They do this by addressing their target audience’s biggest pain points with well-researched content that solves a problem, even if the reader chooses not to buy the product.

Starting salaries for content marketers tend to be  just over $50,000 per year . And while I hold an MFA in creative writing, many of my counterparts hold either a two or four-year degree.

17. Social Media Marketer

Social media marketers are responsible for some of the same tasks as content marketers. These  jobs for creative thinkers  utilize content to attract potential customers via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. However, unlike content marketers, social media folks have a little more leeway to promote their company’s offering.

Entry-level social media marketers typically earn  $41,000 per year . However, many companies do not require a bachelor’s degree—and aspiring social media pros often learn the ins and outs online.

18. Ghostwriter

Ghostwriters are invaluable to thought leaders who have something unique to share but need help getting it down on paper. While you won’t get credit for writing a piece as a ghostwriter, you will find that quality ghostwriting is in high demand. As a bonus, ghostwriting is among the most flexible gigs for people looking for remote creative jobs.

Ghostwriters tend to operate on a freelance basis. And while rates will depend on the length of the project, some ghostwriters earn up to  $9,000 per full-length book .

When many people think about what jobs can you get with a creative writing degree, becoming an editor is one of the first goals they set. In addition to editing work by other writers, editors are responsible for evaluating pitches for their publications and assigning articles to both in-house and freelance journalists.

Depending on your location, Salary.com estimates that you can expect to earn between  $74,000 and $90,000 per year as an editor . In addition to a portfolio of published articles, many editors hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a field such as journalism or English.

20. Journalist

It would be easy to assume that by choosing these art degree jobs, you’re committing to a lifetime of writing for newspapers. That’s partially true—but as a growing number of people get their news primarily off the internet, you’ll find yourself writing for the web more often than not.

Journalism salaries are pretty inconsistent. Many beginners earn roughly  $39,000 per year , depending on their location. They also tend to hold at least a bachelor’s degree in journalism.

21. Communications Specialist

For a long time, I tried to answer the question: What jobs can I get with an MFA in creative writing? At one point, I was very close to taking a communications specialist job. Unlike journalists, who focus on external issues, communication specialists are in-house employees who are tasked with internal company communications. While they often cover fun and exciting events, they’re also responsible for crafting messaging around less-positive scenarios such as layoffs.

ZipRecruiter estimates that the average salary for a communication specialist is roughly  $57,000 per year . Typically, these folks hold bachelor’s degrees in journalism, communication, or a similar field.

22. Technical Writer

Looking for what jobs can you get with a creative writing degree? Technical writers combine their technical knowledge with their ability to craft compelling stories. They’re most often known for writing technical documentation, but they’ll often write external content about technical subjects for a wide variety of marketing campaigns.

The average salary for a technical writer is  roughly $70,000 per year . And while you don’t necessarily need a bachelor’s degree to do the job well, you should have some fairly extensive technical knowledge, especially if you’re joining a company with a very in-depth product.

If You’re Interested in a Variety of Creative Fields

23. marketing assistant or associate.

Looking for art degree jobs, but aren’t sure where to begin? Consider a  marketing assistant  (or associate) job. These roles expose you to every aspect of a marketing team, from lead generation to product marketing campaigns—and all of these facets require creative thinkers.

These tend to be entry-level roles and pay an  average of $42,000 per year . Many companies “require” a bachelor’s degree for these roles, but a growing number of organizations are open to candidates who don’t have a two or four-year degree.

Looking for help on how to write a resume for creative jobs like a marketing assistant? Check out  this Skillshare class .

24. Sous Chef

You might not have imagined working in a kitchen, but the best chefs know how to make food taste, look, and smell appealing. Where else can you combine  so  many aspects of being a creative person?

While you’ll find that many sous chefs have attended culinary school, there are plenty of examples of  very  popular chefs who got their start by washing dishes or waiting tables. The  average salary for a sous chef  in the U.S. is roughly $60,000.

25. Teacher

Want to equip the next generation of creatives to build or craft beautiful art? Art professor jobs of all levels are vital to the growth of budding artists, and they’re particularly appealing to creative folks who have a wide variety of interests.

If you’re looking for art professor jobs in a public school, you will need a bachelor’s degree and any required certifications for the state in which you’d like to teach. Higher education jobs usually require a master’s degree in a related field. The  average salary for a teacher  in the United States is roughly $58,000 per year.

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

16 High-Paying Jobs for Creative People in 2024

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As a kid, you might have imagined yourself thriving in jobs for creative people—perhaps as a painter or a rockstar. But as you grow up, it might seem like your only choices are careers that put you in front of a spreadsheet all day instead of a canvas or a cheering crowd. 

When you’re a naturally creative person, job searching can feel extra challenging. It’s easy to feel like any job that isn’t obviously artistic will force you to either give up an important part of yourself or settle for a low salary—but luckily, that just isn’t the case.

The internet and the numerous technological revolutions we've witnessed in the past few decades have opened a new plethora of roles—some of which we couldn't have dreamed of existing 20 to 30 years ago.  Now, not only are there plenty of jobs out there that let you bring your creative side to work, but many of them are also high-paying. Curious? Below, you’ll find a list of 16 good paying jobs for creative people.

What does “creative job” mean?

Creative work typically involves using a lot of imagination and innovation to develop something—from images and sounds to physical items—and often requires collaboration.

“The truth is that every job can be creative,” says career coach Nina Sasson . “Being creative is about harnessing your attention. You can use your attention to create and build anything no matter what job you have.”

There are obvious choices, including copywriting and graphic design , but no two paths to a creative career are alike. Everything from data analysis to marketing to software development can be creative—it all depends on your perspective.

Management and training roles offer a lot of creative opportunities for individuals who are outgoing, have strong communication skills, and are able to think through problems in unique ways. 

“Effective leaders apply their creativity to bring out the unique potential in those they lead,” says Anne Jacoby, founder and CEO of Spring Street , a consulting firm that specializes in helping to develop creative workplace cultures.

What counts as a “high-paying” job?

For the purposes of this list, we’re defining high-paying jobs as those whose average salary is above the median household income in the U.S., which was $74,580 in 2022 , the latest year with available data.

You’ll also want to think about your level of experience going into the job search. Some of the roles below are mid-level or senior-level positions, so if you’re just starting out, you may want to look at entry-level jobs in those areas. While a junior role may have a lower salary to start, you’ll be on the path to a high-earning position.

So what are these high-paying jobs for creative people?

Read on to learn what each role does and how to break into the industry, plus average salary ranges and relevant open jobs on The Muse that you can apply to right now.

1. Agile Coach

Average salary : $132,544 Salary range: $92,000–$175,000

An agile coach typically works with a specific team, often software developers or product engineers, to help them manage long-term projects and work more effectively as a group. 

Agile coaching requires a unique blend of creative skills—you need to be organized and good with visuals (there are often a lot of flowcharts and task boards involved!), but you also need high emotional intelligence. This is a great role for people who are natural leaders, mentors, and problem-solvers.

To get into this field, it's important to be well-versed in agile workflow methodologies, an approach to project management that helps cross-functional teams work together more effectively. 

For example, you might use Scrum or Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) methods. There are certifications available, including Scrum master certifications and project management courses, but you can also break into the field through on-the-job experience, especially at a smaller company.

Find agile coach jobs on The Muse

2. Social Media Director

Average Salary : $85,940 Salary range: $49,000–$147,000

A social media director is responsible for developing the strategies a brand will use to reach their customers through social media platforms. They day-to-day involves a combination of overseeing content channels, managing a team, analyzing performance of past and current efforts, and presenting data to demonstrate the success of social initiatives.

This is one of the best jobs for creative people who have a broad range of inventive and analytical skills. It requires a strong aesthetic sensibility, photo and video editing skills, copywriting, and sometimes even on-camera talent, but it doesn’t stop there. Social media directors also need to be strategic thinkers who can analyze and present data as easily as they can make new online friends.

So if you actually understand how the TikTok algorithm works and your camera roll has dozens of perfectly edited photos just waiting to be posted, you should probably consider working in social media. 

You might need to start as a social media coordinator or in another entry-level marketing job and work your way up to the manager level before you can become a director, but you’ll have a great time doing it. 

Find social media director , social media manager , social media coordinator , and other social media jobs on The Muse

3. UX Designer

Average Salary : $78,894 Salary range: $56,000–$113,000

In a UX (short for user experience) design role, you’ll be shaping how customers engage and interact with the product that your company makes. That can mean very different things for different businesses, which is one of the most exciting aspects of the field. 

At a software development company, you might be figuring out how users will go through the flow of adding items to their cart and checking out virtually, while at a retail business, you might be determining the best way to set up a physical checkout counter.

Some UX design roles are more visual, involving the creation of prototypes and wireframes, while others are focused more on writing copy and content for apps, websites, and physical spaces. Regardless, a problem-solving mindset and a constant desire to make things work better will set you up for success as a UX designer. 

You’ll also need to be good at research and testing, since you’ll want to go straight to the source—your product’s users—to better understand how to make it work for them. If you're seeking jobs for creative people at home, this might be a good alternative since it typically only requires a computer and internet connection. 

Find UX designer and other user experience jobs on The Muse

4. Product Designer

Average Salary : $91,176 Salary range: $61,000–$136,000

Product design can apply to everything from designing packaging, furniture, and toys to creating new software and digital products. In short, product designers shape the things that we use on a daily basis, from apps and web platforms to sneakers and headphones. This role is a good fit for anyone with strong drawing and drafting skills, especially if you’re interested in creating physical products. 

You’ll also need to work with cross-functional teams—collaborating with engineers, salespeople, and marketers—and find creative solutions that take into account engineering, budget, and other considerations. Product design can also be a great way to get into software or app development.

UX design and product design can be very similar, especially in the tech world. One main difference is the perspective: While UX designers are focused on making a product easy to use, product designers are primarily concerned with taking a concept or an idea and turning it into a product that people will want to buy, though they also have an interest in making their creations highly functional. 

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5. Creative Director

Average salary : $96,498 Salary range: $53,000–$165,000

Creative directors often straddle a few different artistic fields. What a creative director actually does depends on the industry, but the general responsibilities are to shape the aesthetic direction and messaging of a brand. 

If you work in-house for a fashion company, you’ll be determining the visual look and feel of everything from the clothing to the retail spaces to the e-commerce platforms, while the creative director at an advertising agency will oversee the visuals, words, sounds, and anything else that might go into ads for a number of different clients.

As a creative director, you’ll typically be responsible for managing a team of other creative individuals, so great leadership and communication skills are a must. And it’s worth noting that this is not an entry- or mid-level role. You’ll need to work up to this job, but there are a lot of ways to get there, such as copywriting, graphic design, or marketing strategy roles.

Find creative director jobs on The Muse

6. Operations Director

Average salary : $92,776 Salary range: $51,000–$162,000

Operations directors are like the CEOs of the business unit they’re in charge of, managing day-to-day functions including staffing, scheduling, budgets, and business negotiations. Operations can encompass HR, management, finance, marketing, and more, so operations directors typically touch every area of the business. 

Even though it may not seem creative at first glance, it’s a role that really plays to the strengths of creative leaders with a strong business sense, since you'll need to be able to solve problems on a daily basis, manage cross-functional teams, run meetings, and make smart hiring and professional development decisions.

One of the best parts about this high-earning role is that the primary qualification you need to grow into it is experience—anyone with a strong work ethic, good management skills, and an understanding of finances can get there. Almost any entry-level position can set you on the operations road if you find that you’re passionate about it, but roles like office manager and operations coordinator are good places to start.

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7. Software Developer

Average salary : $78,197 Salary range: $56,000–$114,000

A software developer writes code to build new pieces of software (or to update or add new features to existing software). Software developers are constantly using creative skills, from problem-solving to creating visually appealing user interfaces. It’s a role that requires strong analytical skills, since you’ll often be starting with a user problem or need and then reverse-engineering a solution.

And yes, being a software developer also draws on creativity. “Creative thinking shows up across a variety of jobs that require strategy, analysis, and the distillation of complex ideas,” Jacoby says, and these tasks make up a lot of a software developer’s role.

Solid coding skills are a must, but you also need to be good at seeing the big picture and understanding how individual components interact to create a functional system. Software developers will often find themselves working with teams of other developers and focusing on small components of a larger project. 

A degree in computer science is always helpful for anyone looking to become a developer, but if you’re a self-taught coder, many companies will hire you without one.

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8. Senior Copywriter

Average salary : $81,906 Salary range: $57,000–$109,000

Copywriting is one of the most straightforward creative careers out there. It’s perfect for anyone who loves to write and come up with clever catch phrases or slogans. You might work for an agency, where you’ll have multiple clients, or as an in-house copywriter, where you’ll focus on creating content for a single company. 

Expect to write anything and everything from website copy to Instagram captions and the text that goes on printed collateral like posters and brochures, all with the goal of educating customers about the brand you’re working for or promoting the products or services they sell.

This is a great role for people who love working as part of a creative team, since copywriters often work closely with designers, social media managers, product teams, and even executives. Senior copywriters tend to work on larger products or oversee teams of more junior copywriters. 

A degree in English or creative writing is helpful if you’re trying to get your foot in the door as a junior copywriter and work your way up to higher-level (and better paying) roles. 

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9. PR Manager

Average salary : $77,152 Salary range: $51,000–$112,000

If you're looking for business jobs for creative people, public relations can be a lucrative field for people who find creativity in storytelling. PR managers are responsible for getting the word out and fostering a certain perception about a company, brand, product, or individual. 

Your day-to-day might be spent strategizing with other team members to figure out the best way to get a new lip gloss into the hands of a beauty editor or to get social media influencers to try a new restaurant. 

You’ll write a lot (think emails, press releases, and invitations), but you might also plan events and experiential brand activations, oversee digital campaigns, work with influencers and social media teams, and more.

To become a PR manager, you’ll need to work your way up from an entry-level position—perhaps a PR coordinator or assistant—and there’s a lot of room to keep growing in this field to director levels and beyond. It’s perfect for people with strong written and verbal communication skills. 

Degrees in business, marketing, and English or creative writing can all be helpful when you’re looking to break into the field. 

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10. Training Manager

Average salary : $74,686 Salary range: $50,000–$110,000

A training manager is in charge of figuring out how to teach employees the skills they need to succeed in their roles, which means it’s another great fit for people with outgoing personalities and strong communication habits. 

This role can involve initial training and onboarding as well as continuing education over the course of an employee’s time with an organization. At some companies, training managers will need to travel to different locations, ensuring that employees are taught in a consistent manager.

Part operations, part HR, training managers need to be able to think on their feet, and understand how to teach the basics of a wide variety of job functions. They often create lesson plans, write and design training materials, and put together presentations—all of which can be great creative outlets. There’s the possibility to grow into regional or director-level roles, which means more opportunities to get a higher salary, too. Organizations hiring for training roles might be looking for a degree in communications or a related field, or they might be interested in candidates who have a degree that’s relevant to what their specific business does. 

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11. Business Development Manager

Average salary : $80,896 Salary range: $50,000–$132,000

Business development managers are responsible for helping a company find more revenue streams. They might identify new markets to sell into, pursue partnerships with other companies, and form strategic alliances to help their organization meet financial goals.

Expect to spend a lot of time meeting with existing and potential clients and partners, as well as brainstorming and executing on creative ways to attract new clients, partner with other businesses in ways that will benefit both sides, and bring big projects across the finish line. 

“Creativity is a huge asset when negotiating and considering what may persuade your counterparty,” Jacoby says, and business development managers will need it when discussing deals externally and suggesting new strategies internally.

This kind of role requires strong social and public speaking skills—which might include creating and giving presentations—as well as research, analysis, organization, and writing skills. You’ll need to work in an entry-level role such as business development associate or representative before you can snag the manager-level salary and title. 

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12. Email Marketing Manager

Average salary : $78,257 Salary range: $55,000–$108,000

Expect to flex a ton of different creative skills in this role, from copywriting to graphic design and strategy. Email marketing managers are responsible for figuring out the most effective way to communicate with current, past, and potential customers via email, and as anyone with an email account knows, businesses send a lot of emails.

Email marketing managers need to have solid writing skills and at least a basic understanding of graphic and layout design, even if you’ll mostly be working within templates. You’ll also need strong analytical skills, as the role requires A/B testing and analyzing data from past campaigns to see what is and isn’t working. If you studied business, marketing, or similar, and are hoping to flex both creative and quantitative skills, this might be a great path for you. 

Because email marketing can be a significant source of revenue for many businesses, it’s also a relatively high-paying job within marketing teams, though you may have to work your way up from an email coordinator or a generalist marketing coordinator or assistant role. 

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13. Art Director

Average salary : $75,538 Salary range: $51,000–$114,000

It's hard to talk about creative jobs for creative people without mentioning art directors. An art director is responsible for supervising and defining the visual style of projects. This involves articulating the visual narrative and storytelling to effectively communicate the creative vision.

As an art director, you can work across various industries and project types—including magazines, social media, television and film production, commercials, short stories, music videos, and even live performances.

It requires a degree in design, visual arts, or related areas, as well as previous working experience in this field or a similar one. You'll also need strong communication skills and a collaborative mindset since you will likely be part of a large team.

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14. Senior Interior Designer

Average salary : $75,380 Salary range: $58,000–$102,000

Do you love watching house makeovers on Queer Eye and Property Brothers? Perhaps you have a passion for interior design. This is one of the best jobs for creative people who enjoy expressing themselves through their spaces.

The main responsibility of an interior designer is to make indoor spaces more functional and, of course, beautiful. You'll need to be good at turning ideas into a concept and then using the right tools to make it real.

An interior designer can work solo or with architecture firms. They offer their services to different entities, such as companies, individuals, or even government agencies. To break into this field you'll probably need a degree in interior design, interior architecture, arts and design, or something similar.

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15. Senior Animator

Average salary : $89,582 Salary range: $51,000–$113,000

If you're fascinated by the movies studios like Disney and Pixar create, where not a single real person appears on screen, that's all thanks to the work of animators.

An animator is the professional behind all the movements and expressions you see in animated characters—not just in movies but also in video games, animated series, and even commercials.

In the beginning of your career as an animator, the annual salary is unlikely to exceed $62,000. However, a senior animator can earn around $90,000 and beyond. The average pay will vary depending on the field you're in, as well as your location.

Besides creativity, this role requires research, critical thinking, an innovative mind, and communication skills. Most companies expect a degree in computer graphics or related areas, along with a deep knowledge of animation software.

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16. Content Creator

Average salary  varies depending on platform monetization programs and paid partnerships

This list of high-paying jobs for creative people wouldn't be complete without mentioning content creation. Nowadays, content creators and influencers can make a living—and even become wealthy—by working full-time on the internet.

It's an interesting career route for creative minds who desire a profession outside traditional corporations. The money content creators make typically comes from paid partnerships with brands and sponsored content. Earnings in the beginning tend to be low and usually increase over time as you build an audience that not only follows you but also engages.

Companies like YouTube and TikTok have monetization programs to encourage creators to produce content on their platforms. To make money, your content must meet the specific criteria of each hub. If you're seeking good jobs for creative people without degrees, this could be a perfect fit. After all, you won't be working for a company, but for yourself. 

It's important that you dedicate time perfecting your filming, editing skills, and communication skills. You can easily find online courses to help you on this journey.

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No matter which career path you choose, make sure to be well-prepared to enter the job market. As you can see from this list, many high-paying creative jobs require not only degrees but also expertise in specific tools and a range of strong hard and soft skills. To seize these opportunities, consider pursuing education in your chosen field and seeking entry-level positions to gain experience, build a portfolio, and start networking.

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

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Jobs with a Bachelor's in Creative Writing

Creative writing is at its heart about storytelling. Whether you are writing a fiction novel, creating a marketing campaign or educating the next generation, a bachelor’s in creative writing can help you find success in a variety of career fields. As you consider how you want to use your writing skills to further your career goals, know that you can find the right fit for you, just as countless others have, through earning a degree in creative writing.

What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing takes on many forms. However, the focus of most creative writing bachelor’s programs – including the program at UM – will fall into three categories: fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

A bachelor’s in creative writing can encompass just one or a mix of these categories. The purpose of creative writing as a bachelor’s is to increase your understanding of the fundamentals of good storytelling, to learn about the existing literature, both classic and modern, and to apply the techniques used in that literature to create compelling and interesting stories of your own.

A career in creative writing will require strong writing skills; editing, attention to detail, and the ability to recognize and create provocative language and ideas. With a BFA in creative writing, you will be equipped to make readers want to take action, not just give your topic a look and then forget about it. At the University of Montana, you will be in good company as you pursue your creative writing bachelor’s, with professors and alumni who have won numerous awards in the field of creative writing.

Creative Writing vs. English Literature

While studying for your bachelor’s in creative writing you will study a lot of English literature, but the two fields are distinct. A bachelor’s in creative writing has a stronger focus on the practical side of literature, teaching those who pursue the degree how to create original works as well as how to recognize quality in the written word.

Where English literature has a broad-strokes approach to understanding the written word and the impact it has had on society, the bachelor’s in creative writing provides deeper context on how those works came to be so impactful, and provides a link to the heartbeat of society through that context.

Where a degree in English literature may be helpful for pursuing a career in education, a bachelor’s in creative writing can be helpful in a broader scope. The gaming industry seeks out creative writers for story development on AAA video game titles. The film industry looks for creative writing graduates, as well. Publishing houses and marketing firms also look for those with a degree in creative writing.

Why Choose a Career in Creative Writing?

When you have been part of the development of a new brand in marketing, a new intellectual property in film or television or have done your part to educate the next generation of creative writers, you will know the fulfillment that comes with a bachelor’s in creative writing.

Just as the name implies, there is a great deal of creative freedom that comes with a creative writing BFA. You will be prepared to work in the arts, in marketing, education and more.

Careers in Creative Writing offer flexibility

There is so much that you can do with a bachelor’s in creative writing. The world is ready for more creative, groundbreaking leaders in education, media and the art of storytelling. In addition to offering a broad array of career paths to pursue, creative writing jobs also offer the flexibility to work remotely.

Jobs with a Creative Writing Bachelor’s offer diverse options

A bachelor’s degree in creative writing is listed as a requirement for many careers in film, television, digital media, video games, education, marketing, and even politics as a speech and campaign writer. The possibilities are open to you, no matter your interests.

What Can You Do with a Creative Writing Bachelor’s?

The most common careers for those with a bachelor’s in creative writing are in the fields of marketing and advertising, publishing, higher education, and visual and written media. High profile companies like Sony, Disney and Random House all frequently have positions available in their employ which list a bachelor’s in creative writing as a prerequisite

As you pursue a career with your BFA in creative writing, the technical and artistic skills you have learned as a student at UM will become invaluable, setting you a cut above those with just experience in the field.

The choice to achieve your own bachelor’s in creative writing ultimately comes down to how you want to use it. If the arts are your desire, visual, written and digital media are there for you. If you are more interested in the printed word, marketing and publishing houses are there, too.

A List of Careers for a Creative Writing Bachelor’s Degree

There are many career paths available for you if you get a creative writing bachelor’s, as you’ve already seen. They span academic careers as well as the arts industry.

  • Literary Agent
  • Screenwriter
  • Video Game Story Writer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Marketing Copywriter
  • Website Developer

A list of careers for a Creative Writing Master’s degree

If you desire to take your education further, you can be assured that your prospects for a career increase as well. A creative writing master’s degree opens up additional doors, with a greater expansion into the field of academia.

  • Literary Historian
  • Marketing Management
  • Grant Writing
  • Public Relations

A list of careers for a Creative Writing Doctoral degree

Pursuing a Ph.D. in creative writing provides an incredible amount of prestige. It is a great undertaking, and will set you apart from every other person with a creative writing degree as less than 2% of the US population have a Ph.D. The career fields which are specifically open to those with a doctorate in creative writing are almost exclusively academic.

  • Literary Researcher
  • Creative Director
  • Governmental Writer

Where Do those with a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing Work?

A BFA in creative writing opens doors for employment in numerous fields. Frequently, those with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing work in universities as professors or adjunct staff, or as researchers. Much of the research work done by those with a bachelor’s in creative writing offers unique opportunities to read English texts from as far back as the 15 th century. Aside from these academic opportunities, earning you creative writing bachelor’s degreeopen doors to working in media marketing, digital arts and gaming. With some additional education, even teaching in high school and elementary school become options.

Among the possibilities of employment for those with a bachelor’s degree in creative writing are:

  • Universities
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Film Industry
  • AAA Gaming Industry
  • High Schools
  • Literary History Preservation

Start Your Creative Writing Career: Earn Your Bachelor’s in Creative Writing at the University of Montana

The creative writing bachelor’s at the University of Montana is a program with a rich history in publication, and with many prestigious alumni. Nearly all the professors for the program are published, with dozens of awards in literature across their diverse backgrounds.

The creative writing major at UM offers an array of classes in fiction, nonfiction and poetry, courses in reading and revision and a class in which students solicit, write and publish submssion to The Oval, UM's undergraduate literary magazine .  

As you consider the University of Montana as the place where you’ll get your own bachelor’s in creative writing, you can learn more about the individual professors and staff that make this program so incredible.

Learn more about the University of Montana’s Creative Writing Bachelor’s Program

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Creative Writing Careers: Exploring Future Prospects for Aspiring Writers

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

In a world where technology continues to evolve, and traditional job roles are being redefined, creative writing careers have emerged as exciting and viable options for individuals with a passion for words. Gone are the days when writing was solely confined to the realm of literature or journalism. Today, the demand for skilled writers extends across various industries, offering a plethora of opportunities for those seeking a career in writing. In this blog post, we will delve into the diverse career prospects available to future writers and explore how this field continues to evolve in the digital age.

1. Content Creation and Copywriting: 

As the digital landscape expands exponentially, the need for engaging and persuasive content has never been greater. Companies, both large and small, are constantly in search of skilled writers to create compelling content for their websites, blogs, social media platforms, and marketing campaigns. A content creation and copywriting career allows writers to showcase their creativity while delivering impactful messages to target audiences.

2. Editing and Publishing: 

Behind every great writer is an equally great editor. The publishing industry relies heavily on professionals with a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of language and grammar. Whether it's working for a publishing house, literary agency , or as a freelance editor, there are ample opportunities for aspiring writers to embark on a career path that involves refining and polishing the work of others.

3. Technical Writing and Documentation: 

Technical writing is a specialized field that involves translating complex concepts into clear and concise language. Software development, engineering, and healthcare industries require skilled technical writers to create user manuals, product documentation, and instructional guides. This career path blends writing with a strong understanding of technical subjects, making it an excellent option for those who enjoy both writing and problem-solving.

4. Journalism and Freelance Writing: 

While the rise of digital media has disrupted traditional journalism, it has opened up new avenues for writers to share their perspectives and expertise. Journalists now leverage online platforms, such as blogs and independent publications, to report on various topics and directly engage with their audiences. Additionally, freelance writing offers the flexibility to work on diverse projects, ranging from feature articles to ghostwriting books, enabling writers to build a versatile portfolio.

5. Teaching and Writing Education:

For writers who have a passion for sharing their knowledge and nurturing the next generation of wordsmiths, a career in teaching or writing education can be immensely rewarding. Many universities and educational institutions offer creative writing programs where experienced writers can serve as mentors and instructors. Moreover, online platforms and workshops allow writers to create their own courses and share their expertise with a global audience.

jobs for someone with a creative writing degree

The realm of creative writing careers has expanded significantly in recent years, offering aspiring writers a range of exciting prospects. From content creation and copywriting to editing, technical writing, journalism, and teaching, the opportunities in this field are diverse and ever-evolving. With the advent of the digital age, writers have found new platforms to express their creativity and connect with audiences worldwide. Whether you dream of becoming a novelist, a blogger, or a copywriter for a major brand, the path to a fulfilling writing career is within reach. Embrace your passion, hone your skills , and seize the opportunities that lie ahead as a future writer. For more ideas, check out The Big List of Careers for Writers .

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Are there jobs that can be applied using a writing degree?

My main goal is to become a creative writer but I feel like that is only for people who have reputation and connections. I feel so uncertain about what to do once I graduate, am I studying a useless degree??

I can't draw well either so it's not like I can make a comic. Maybe I need a business partner? Idk, just thought this post fits here.

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The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction.

The On-Campus and Online versions of Purdue OWL assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement. The Purdue OWL serves the Purdue West Lafayette and Indianapolis campuses and coordinates with local literacy initiatives. The Purdue OWL offers global support through online reference materials and services.

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The state of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year

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The latest annual McKinsey Global Survey  on the current state of AI confirms the explosive growth of generative AI (gen AI) tools . Less than a year after many of these tools debuted, one-third of our survey respondents say their organizations are using gen AI regularly in at least one business function. Amid recent advances, AI has risen from a topic relegated to tech employees to a focus of company leaders: nearly one-quarter of surveyed C-suite executives say they are personally using gen AI tools for work, and more than one-quarter of respondents from companies using AI say gen AI is already on their boards’ agendas. What’s more, 40 percent of respondents say their organizations will increase their investment in AI overall because of advances in gen AI. The findings show that these are still early days for managing gen AI–related risks, with less than half of respondents saying their organizations are mitigating even the risk they consider most relevant: inaccuracy.

The organizations that have already embedded AI capabilities have been the first to explore gen AI’s potential, and those seeing the most value from more traditional AI capabilities—a group we call AI high performers—are already outpacing others in their adoption of gen AI tools. 1 We define AI high performers as organizations that, according to respondents, attribute at least 20 percent of their EBIT to AI adoption.

The expected business disruption from gen AI is significant, and respondents predict meaningful changes to their workforces. They anticipate workforce cuts in certain areas and large reskilling efforts to address shifting talent needs. Yet while the use of gen AI might spur the adoption of other AI tools, we see few meaningful increases in organizations’ adoption of these technologies. The percent of organizations adopting any AI tools has held steady since 2022, and adoption remains concentrated within a small number of business functions.

Table of Contents

  • It’s early days still, but use of gen AI is already widespread
  • Leading companies are already ahead with gen AI
  • AI-related talent needs shift, and AI’s workforce effects are expected to be substantial
  • With all eyes on gen AI, AI adoption and impact remain steady

About the research

1. it’s early days still, but use of gen ai is already widespread.

The findings from the survey—which was in the field in mid-April 2023—show that, despite gen AI’s nascent public availability, experimentation with the tools  is already relatively common, and respondents expect the new capabilities to transform their industries. Gen AI has captured interest across the business population: individuals across regions, industries, and seniority levels are using gen AI for work and outside of work. Seventy-nine percent of all respondents say they’ve had at least some exposure to gen AI, either for work or outside of work, and 22 percent say they are regularly using it in their own work. While reported use is quite similar across seniority levels, it is highest among respondents working in the technology sector and those in North America.

Organizations, too, are now commonly using gen AI. One-third of all respondents say their organizations are already regularly using generative AI in at least one function—meaning that 60 percent of organizations with reported AI adoption are using gen AI. What’s more, 40 percent of those reporting AI adoption at their organizations say their companies expect to invest more in AI overall thanks to generative AI, and 28 percent say generative AI use is already on their board’s agenda. The most commonly reported business functions using these newer tools are the same as those in which AI use is most common overall: marketing and sales, product and service development, and service operations, such as customer care and back-office support. This suggests that organizations are pursuing these new tools where the most value is. In our previous research , these three areas, along with software engineering, showed the potential to deliver about 75 percent of the total annual value from generative AI use cases.

In these early days, expectations for gen AI’s impact are high : three-quarters of all respondents expect gen AI to cause significant or disruptive change in the nature of their industry’s competition in the next three years. Survey respondents working in the technology and financial-services industries are the most likely to expect disruptive change from gen AI. Our previous research shows  that, while all industries are indeed likely to see some degree of disruption, the level of impact is likely to vary. 2 “ The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier ,” McKinsey, June 14, 2023. Industries relying most heavily on knowledge work are likely to see more disruption—and potentially reap more value. While our estimates suggest that tech companies, unsurprisingly, are poised to see the highest impact from gen AI—adding value equivalent to as much as 9 percent of global industry revenue—knowledge-based industries such as banking (up to 5 percent), pharmaceuticals and medical products (also up to 5 percent), and education (up to 4 percent) could experience significant effects as well. By contrast, manufacturing-based industries, such as aerospace, automotives, and advanced electronics, could experience less disruptive effects. This stands in contrast to the impact of previous technology waves that affected manufacturing the most and is due to gen AI’s strengths in language-based activities, as opposed to those requiring physical labor.

Responses show many organizations not yet addressing potential risks from gen AI

According to the survey, few companies seem fully prepared for the widespread use of gen AI—or the business risks these tools may bring. Just 21 percent of respondents reporting AI adoption say their organizations have established policies governing employees’ use of gen AI technologies in their work. And when we asked specifically about the risks of adopting gen AI, few respondents say their companies are mitigating the most commonly cited risk with gen AI: inaccuracy. Respondents cite inaccuracy more frequently than both cybersecurity and regulatory compliance, which were the most common risks from AI overall in previous surveys. Just 32 percent say they’re mitigating inaccuracy, a smaller percentage than the 38 percent who say they mitigate cybersecurity risks. Interestingly, this figure is significantly lower than the percentage of respondents who reported mitigating AI-related cybersecurity last year (51 percent). Overall, much as we’ve seen in previous years, most respondents say their organizations are not addressing AI-related risks.

2. Leading companies are already ahead with gen AI

The survey results show that AI high performers—that is, organizations where respondents say at least 20 percent of EBIT in 2022 was attributable to AI use—are going all in on artificial intelligence, both with gen AI and more traditional AI capabilities. These organizations that achieve significant value from AI are already using gen AI in more business functions than other organizations do, especially in product and service development and risk and supply chain management. When looking at all AI capabilities—including more traditional machine learning capabilities, robotic process automation, and chatbots—AI high performers also are much more likely than others to use AI in product and service development, for uses such as product-development-cycle optimization, adding new features to existing products, and creating new AI-based products. These organizations also are using AI more often than other organizations in risk modeling and for uses within HR such as performance management and organization design and workforce deployment optimization.

AI high performers are much more likely than others to use AI in product and service development.

Another difference from their peers: high performers’ gen AI efforts are less oriented toward cost reduction, which is a top priority at other organizations. Respondents from AI high performers are twice as likely as others to say their organizations’ top objective for gen AI is to create entirely new businesses or sources of revenue—and they’re most likely to cite the increase in the value of existing offerings through new AI-based features.

As we’ve seen in previous years , these high-performing organizations invest much more than others in AI: respondents from AI high performers are more than five times more likely than others to say they spend more than 20 percent of their digital budgets on AI. They also use AI capabilities more broadly throughout the organization. Respondents from high performers are much more likely than others to say that their organizations have adopted AI in four or more business functions and that they have embedded a higher number of AI capabilities. For example, respondents from high performers more often report embedding knowledge graphs in at least one product or business function process, in addition to gen AI and related natural-language capabilities.

While AI high performers are not immune to the challenges of capturing value from AI, the results suggest that the difficulties they face reflect their relative AI maturity, while others struggle with the more foundational, strategic elements of AI adoption. Respondents at AI high performers most often point to models and tools, such as monitoring model performance in production and retraining models as needed over time, as their top challenge. By comparison, other respondents cite strategy issues, such as setting a clearly defined AI vision that is linked with business value or finding sufficient resources.

The findings offer further evidence that even high performers haven’t mastered best practices regarding AI adoption, such as machine-learning-operations (MLOps) approaches, though they are much more likely than others to do so. For example, just 35 percent of respondents at AI high performers report that where possible, their organizations assemble existing components, rather than reinvent them, but that’s a much larger share than the 19 percent of respondents from other organizations who report that practice.

Many specialized MLOps technologies and practices  may be needed to adopt some of the more transformative uses cases that gen AI applications can deliver—and do so as safely as possible. Live-model operations is one such area, where monitoring systems and setting up instant alerts to enable rapid issue resolution can keep gen AI systems in check. High performers stand out in this respect but have room to grow: one-quarter of respondents from these organizations say their entire system is monitored and equipped with instant alerts, compared with just 12 percent of other respondents.

3. AI-related talent needs shift, and AI’s workforce effects are expected to be substantial

Our latest survey results show changes in the roles that organizations are filling to support their AI ambitions. In the past year, organizations using AI most often hired data engineers, machine learning engineers, and Al data scientists—all roles that respondents commonly reported hiring in the previous survey. But a much smaller share of respondents report hiring AI-related-software engineers—the most-hired role last year—than in the previous survey (28 percent in the latest survey, down from 39 percent). Roles in prompt engineering have recently emerged, as the need for that skill set rises alongside gen AI adoption, with 7 percent of respondents whose organizations have adopted AI reporting those hires in the past year.

The findings suggest that hiring for AI-related roles remains a challenge but has become somewhat easier over the past year, which could reflect the spate of layoffs at technology companies from late 2022 through the first half of 2023. Smaller shares of respondents than in the previous survey report difficulty hiring for roles such as AI data scientists, data engineers, and data-visualization specialists, though responses suggest that hiring machine learning engineers and AI product owners remains as much of a challenge as in the previous year.

Looking ahead to the next three years, respondents predict that the adoption of AI will reshape many roles in the workforce. Generally, they expect more employees to be reskilled than to be separated. Nearly four in ten respondents reporting AI adoption expect more than 20 percent of their companies’ workforces will be reskilled, whereas 8 percent of respondents say the size of their workforces will decrease by more than 20 percent.

Looking specifically at gen AI’s predicted impact, service operations is the only function in which most respondents expect to see a decrease in workforce size at their organizations. This finding generally aligns with what our recent research  suggests: while the emergence of gen AI increased our estimate of the percentage of worker activities that could be automated (60 to 70 percent, up from 50 percent), this doesn’t necessarily translate into the automation of an entire role.

AI high performers are expected to conduct much higher levels of reskilling than other companies are. Respondents at these organizations are over three times more likely than others to say their organizations will reskill more than 30 percent of their workforces over the next three years as a result of AI adoption.

4. With all eyes on gen AI, AI adoption and impact remain steady

While the use of gen AI tools is spreading rapidly, the survey data doesn’t show that these newer tools are propelling organizations’ overall AI adoption. The share of organizations that have adopted AI overall remains steady, at least for the moment, with 55 percent of respondents reporting that their organizations have adopted AI. Less than a third of respondents continue to say that their organizations have adopted AI in more than one business function, suggesting that AI use remains limited in scope. Product and service development and service operations continue to be the two business functions in which respondents most often report AI adoption, as was true in the previous four surveys. And overall, just 23 percent of respondents say at least 5 percent of their organizations’ EBIT last year was attributable to their use of AI—essentially flat with the previous survey—suggesting there is much more room to capture value.

Organizations continue to see returns in the business areas in which they are using AI, and they plan to increase investment in the years ahead. We see a majority of respondents reporting AI-related revenue increases within each business function using AI. And looking ahead, more than two-thirds expect their organizations to increase their AI investment over the next three years.

The online survey was in the field April 11 to 21, 2023, and garnered responses from 1,684 participants representing the full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. Of those respondents, 913 said their organizations had adopted AI in at least one function and were asked questions about their organizations’ AI use. To adjust for differences in response rates, the data are weighted by the contribution of each respondent’s nation to global GDP.

The survey content and analysis were developed by Michael Chui , a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute and a partner in McKinsey’s Bay Area office, where Lareina Yee is a senior partner; Bryce Hall , an associate partner in the Washington, DC, office; and senior partners Alex Singla and Alexander Sukharevsky , global leaders of QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey, based in the Chicago and London offices, respectively.

They wish to thank Shivani Gupta, Abhisek Jena, Begum Ortaoglu, Barr Seitz, and Li Zhang for their contributions to this work.

This article was edited by Heather Hanselman, an editor in the Atlanta office.

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