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As a Student, How Do I Write Using Essaypop?

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Essaypop breaks essays into boxes or frames and makes essay writing easy. Here's how.

We recommend that you bookmark this article and watch this video that goes into detail about writing with essaypop.

Writing Frames Video

It's all about the boxes!

There are a lot of different types of essays (and even stories) you can write using essaypop. For this example, we'll use a short-response essay. Here's what the writing area will look like before you start writing. Notice the boxes (we call them writing frames) and the colors.

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And this is what it will look like when you write down your brilliant ideas. What's cool is you can write whatever section you want when you want. Heck, you can write your closer first if you want.

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And when you click the eyeball icon, watch what happens. The document converts to an MLA-formatted document in real-time. This is what your teacher will see. Cool, right?

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Now let's go back to the writing frames and take a look at what they can do to help you. First, you'll notice that you can access all kinds of help like explanations and examples in the sidebar that show what each essay element does. We also have sentence starters that help you get started with the different parts of your writing (and make you sound really smart at the same time) -- basically a cure for writer's block.

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And you can always add new frames if you want to add new ideas. You can also move the frames around, and put the boxes where you want them to go by dragging them around.

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That's basically it. You're well on your way to creating amazing and properly-structured essays, quickwrites, and stories. Your teacher will guide you through the process and soon you'll be using essaypop like an expert. Next up, you'll want to learn about the Hive which is the place where the teacher will see your writing and where you will be able to see the writing of your peers.

For additional guidance, this video takes you through the system as well.

To learn about the different parts of an essay, the essaypop Style Guide is excellent. Bookmark it; you'll be using it a lot --

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  • Personal Essay

How Medical Gaslighting Delayed My Treatment For Arthritis

Pain, leg, knee

My journey with juvenile arthritis began before I can remember. When I first began to walk, my parents noticed I was dragging my leg. I would also cry a lot if I had to walk longer distances, and my knees and ankle joints were often swollen. This led to a juvenile arthritis diagnosis at age 2, but the condition was controlled to a couple of joints, and by the time I was 10, I was considered in remission.

Even so, I felt like I experienced life differently, due to the regular doctor appointments and residual aches and pains that came with my diagnosis. But my parents enrolled me in sports that were gentle on my body and I was able to pass as able-bodied most of the time. They also never sat me down and explained what chronic illness was, so I never thought much about it. Only when my symptoms overwhelmed me in early adulthood did I have to confront the way juvenile arthritis impacts my life.

When I reached college, my chronic pain increased dramatically.

Swollen joints became my norm. Living away from home, without the childhood doctor I had seen for the last 20 years or my parents around to support me, I had to learn how to advocate for myself , fast.

The first doctor I visited for my symptoms told me that this new wave of chronic pain was not arthritis. They said I was showing clear blood work and looked healthy, so I was likely just overdoing it in the gym. I didn't know it at the time, but this was my first experience of the medical gaslighting that wrecked my 20s. I went on to see nine different doctors throughout college, each one just as unhelpful as the last, but desperation drove me back into waiting rooms time and time again.

Looking back I can see my own naivety. I still held tight to the belief we were all taught growing up: doctors are always right. I left each doctor's appointment thinking, "Maybe I'm being dramatic. Maybe I'm just imagining these symptoms. Maybe it's not a big deal that climbing the stairs is impossible. Maybe this is all in my head." Still to this day I feel the impact of that gaslighting. It lives like a voice in my head each time someone downplays my symptoms or I'm denied help for a flare.

Fast-forward to post-college, and I was living in New York City, working full-time as a nanny — a physical endurance test even for those without chronic pain. One day, a full-body flare hit me. I couldn't open my jaw, my arm was locked up, I couldn't walk. My body finally said enough is enough, and understandably so.

Up until this point I was relying exclusively on ibuprofen and intermittent physiotherapy, which isn't exactly a treatment plan for an autoimmune disease. That flare finally sent me into the office of a rheumatologist, who at least believed me and acknowledged my symptoms as arthritis. They sent me away with a prescription for a biologic shot, which can help relieve symptoms. But they didn't provide much information about living as an immunocompromised person or how to cope with other symptoms of the disease.

I felt isolated, alone in my illness, and I was grieving the spontaneity and freedom I saw other people in their 20s enjoying. This feeling of hopelessness paired with a lack of real ongoing medical support took me down an internet rabbit hole and into the arms of an "online health coach ." I drained my bank account to pay for the coach, only to be given a restrictive diet plan that made my symptoms worse, not better.

I started to forget what it felt like to not be in pain.

I didn't realize I'd adapted so many movements in my daily life — I practically stopped letting my wrists bear any weight because it was so excruciating. With chronic illness , our brains just continually figure out ways to keep going, but the patchwork of bandage solutions isn't sustainable in the long run.

While trying and failing to find doctors who would listen to me, I leaned heavily on alcohol to keep up with my abled-bodied friends who wanted to spend the weekends partying after full-on working weeks in the city. Alcohol felt great in the moment — it numbed my physical pain and mental struggles. But the highs didn't last forever. My friends became concerned that I was spinning out of control. They tried to intervene, but I didn't have the words to communicate what I was going through.

When the pandemic hit, everything came crumbling down at once. At this point, I'd spent the last decade in pain and feeling like I was losing my mind because I wasn't being believed. It was a dark time, but it was also almost a relief to accept that things really were that bad, so bad that I knew I needed to get better help for these symptoms. I needed to feel heard.

Once I found the right specialist — a doctor who took the time to read my history and discover that psoriatic arthritis runs in my family — I was able to get a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. And that led to me being able to get my physical symptoms under control for the most part. My treatment plan included a new trio of medications (methotrexate, biologics, and Celebrex) alongside important lifestyle changes like cutting out alcohol and finding a gentle exercise routine. Still, the previous 10 years had destroyed my mental health. I had to pick up the pieces.

On my worst days, I felt that I hadn't tried hard enough in the past to get help. But now I realize I was never the problem — it wasn't my fault I wasn't taken seriously. I had to forgive myself.

I'll never forget when my husband had a kidney stone. The hospital instantly listened to his concerns, placing him on morphine the moment we arrived. That told me everything I needed to know about the way women with chronic pain are systemically dismissed.

Of course, it's important to educate women on how to advocate for ourselves in medical settings. But too often our pain is viewed as inconsequential, hysterical even, and that's something that urgently needs to change.

— As told to Hannah Turner

Hannah Turner is a disabled writer and journalist living with complex chronic illnesses. Her writing focuses on disability, anti-wellness culture, and pop culture. Her words have appeared in many places, including PS, Refinery29, Mashable, and Dazed.

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A teacher who designs tools for teachers

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Michael Hicks has been teaching in Los Angeles inner-city schools since 1993, and writing instruction has always been his passion. Hicks, along with co-founder and programmer, Steve Torres created essaypop , an interactive, cloud-based writing platform, because they wanted to simplify and demystify academic writing for kids.

According to Hicks, “Students need a predictable and repeatable structure when they approach writing, and with essaypop, I think we’ve achieved that. But engagement and interactivity also need to be part of the process. Writing should be fun, and learning communities should be places where peer-to-peer mentorship happens. Our primary objective is to create great writers who become great coaches. We also want to make life as easy as possible for teachers.”

These notions have become the foundational groundwork for essaypop’s technologies and products and are responsible for the platform’s meteoric growth in the last year. Essaypop has signed up more than 100,000 students and teachers since it went live in March 2020.

To set up a meeting or webinar with Michael Hicks drop us a message at [email protected]

The essaypop platform is supported by three essential pillars

The frame-writing system is an intuitive and structured writing method that breaks essays into their constituent elements so that student writers can approach academic writing from the ground up. It’s literally the cure for writer's block.

The Hive is a social, interactive environment where students write, collaborate, and give and receive feedback from the teacher and their peers in real-time.

The lesson library provides users with a comprehensive collection of pre-made lessons that enhance a teacher's repertoire.

The assessment tool cuts teacher assessment time by 75% and yields critical student growth metrics.

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Students Can Now Write Stories Using essaypop

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” — Louis L’Amour

Finally, and as a result of popular demand (and much cajoling), students can now write stories using essaypop . The app that has become so popular as the ultimate essay writing tool, now allows students to create compelling narratives using our intuitive and easy-to-use frame-writing approach. Just as with essay writing, students approach storytelling one box at a time, an approach that has shown to be the antidote for writers block.

Here’s how it works:

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Once the writer has an idea for his or her story and has established a basic plot or story structure, she can begin laying out the narrative in what we call sections . Sections are layed out from left to right at the top banner of the essaypop writing frame area, The structure can be chronological, but, of course, it does not have to be.

Some writers might structure stories using the basic elements of plot (section one = exposition – section two is the first part of rising action, etc…)  Others will organize their narratives by chapter. Still others might section their stories into acts and/ or sub-acts. The specific, narrative organization is totally dependent on the writer’s idea.

Once the basic story structure is laid out (and this structure can easily and quickly be modified), the writer then begins composing the narrative in vertical frames or chunks, just as they would compose an essay in essaypop . These frames are selected by the writer as needed and include general text , characterization , setting , dialogue , narrative action , transition .  

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Advantages of frame writing narratives in essaypop

  • Writers receive substantive feedback in the Hive whose members are composed of the teacher, classmates and guests.
  • Writers may easily insert narrative elements in between each frame, making revision elaboration and story-building simple.
  • All elements are color-coded, making identification of of narrative elements easy for writers, teachers, classmates and guests in the Hive .
  • Writers can easily jump back and forth between elements and sections.
  • When finished, writer’s instantly export their stories to the document format of their choice.

Our beta testers are loving this new feature, so get started on storytelling with essaypop.  Go to the prompt library for some premade narrative writing assignments.

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09-13-2024 DESIGN

K-pop giant Hybe has gone to war with NewJeans, and wants Google’s help

The BTS record label asked a federal court to unmask ‘defamatory’ YouTube users, part of a battle over the lucrative girl group.

K-pop giant Hybe has gone to war with NewJeans, and wants Google’s help

[Photo: The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins/Getty Images]

BY  Mark Wilson 2 minute read

The world’s largest K-pop company does not take well to accusations of plagiarism—even from YouTube fan accounts.

Entertainment group Hybe, home to BTS and other bands, is asking a U.S. court to force Google to reveal the identities behind seven YouTube accounts. In court documents filed Monday and reported on by Music Business Worldwide, Hybe says that these YouTube accounts issued “defamatory and harassing statements” about two of its girls groups, Illit and Le Sserafim. It describes the people behind these YouTube channels as “cyber wreckers.” The company is pursuing civil litigation against these accounts in South Korea. (Neither Hybe nor Google responded to requests for comment.)

The petition appears to be an escalation of one of the biggest conflicts in K-pop history: Hybe’s battle over control of its lucrative girl group, NewJeans, whose five members recently held a live stream where they alleged mistreatment by the company. The court documents filed by Hybe are particularly focused on identifying YouTube streamers that have accused Hybe and Illit of “plagiarizing content” from NewJeans. Illit has been called out across social media in recent months for similarities to the style and sound of NewJeans.

NewJeans, launched by K-pop auteur Min Hee-jin in 2022 under her sub-label Ador, has been a massive success for Hybe. The company made $83 million off NewJeans in 2023, thanks to the group’s global hit songs and brand campaigns with the likes of Apple and Coca-Cola. NewJeans members also serve as brand ambassadors for major luxury labels, including Chanel, Gucci, Burberry, Dior, and Louis Vuitton. The mix of creative and business savvy earned Hybe and Ador a place on Fast Company’s list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies of 2024 .

But Min and Hybe have spent the past several months fighting over Ador and NewJeans. This spring, Hybe launched an investigation into whether Min was trying to wrest control of the label and take it independent. Min, in turn, accused Hybe of launching Illit as a competing girl group, while trying to drive her from the company. She released a statement in April declaring that Hybe is “blinded by short-term profits and is mass-producing unoriginality by copying successful cultural content without hesitation.”

Min held a unique role as CEO and producer of Ador, handling both the business and creative of NewJeans. Fast Company spoke with her at length in a multi-hour interview from November 2023 —before these controversies started. She described her role as allowing her to both creatively direct NewJeans and act as CEO of Ador. “In most cases, people separate the creative side and the business side. But I thought that the two things had to be together in order to be perfect,” she said.

After months of tension and investigation into Min’s own practices at Ador, the label announced that Min would step down as CEO in late August , though she would still fulfill her creative roles. The five members of NewJeans responded earlier this week by launching a live stream on YouTube (on an account unrelated to Hybe’s new suit), where they highlighted their mistreatment by Hybe and called for the reinstatement of their founder by September 25. Hybe’s shares dropped 6.2% following the stream.

This case isn’t the first time Hybe has asked U.S. courts to force YouTube to release the identities of people besmirching its artists. Ador, under Min, made similar demands earlier this year .

Apply to the Most Innovative Companies Awards and be recognized as an organization driving the world forward through innovation. Final deadline: Friday, October 4.


Mark Wilson is the Global Design Editor at Fast Company. He has written about design, technology, and culture for almost 15 years   More

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  14. As a Student, How Do I Write Using Essaypop?

    It's all about the boxes! There are a lot of different types of essays (and even stories) you can write using essaypop. For this example, we'll use a short-response essay. Here's what the writing area will look like before you start writing. Notice the boxes (we call them writing frames) and the colors.

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