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  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking

What Is a Keynote Speech? (+10 Speaker Tips to Deliver Powerfully)

Laura Spencer

  • Bahasa Indonesia

Being asked to give a keynote speech can be a little intimidating, especially if you've never given one before. You may even be wondering: what is a keynote address?

keynote speaker

Keynote speeches are important and being asked to give a keynote talk can be a great opportunity for you and your business. So, if you're asked, consider taking advantage of the opportunity. But first, you'll need to learn a little bit more about keynote speeches.

In this short tutorial, we'll cover what you need to know about giving a keynote message. We'll provide you with a keynote address definition. We'll provide you with some good keynote speech examples. Plus, we'll cover ten tips to help you become a better keynote speaker.

For valuable tips on how to create a top-notch presentation, be sure to download our free eBook:   The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations .  It'll help you master the complete presentation process.

Perfect presentation ebook

What Is a Keynote Speech?

So, you're probably wondering what a keynote speech is and how it differs from any other speech you might give. A keynote address is typically given to set the theme for an event . Examples might include the main speaker at business conference or even a guest speaker at a graduation.

Keynote speakers are sometimes well-known figures or even celebrities. In other instances, depending upon the audience, they may just be someone who's very accomplished in their field. Keynote speakers are often paid for their services and a professional keynote speaker who is in demand can earn quite a bit. Even if you've never given a keynote message before, being asked to give one is both an honor and a great opportunity.

Keynote speeches are usually based on the speaker's own experiences and knowledge. They can also include motivational and inspirational elements. Effective keynote speakers often make use of storytelling as well. But the most important factor for keynote message success is audience engagement. The keynote speaker needs to capture and hold the audience's attention and set the tone for the entire event.

If you're trying to learn about a particular type of public speaking, hearing an example can help. One good example of a good keynote speech comes from Oprah Winfrey, who gave the keynote address at the 2018 commencement for the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. You can listen to her speech for yourself:

what makes a good keynote speech

For even more examples of effective speeches, many of which could serve as keynote addresses, study this roundup of some of my favorite Ted Talks:

what makes a good keynote speech

How to Make Your Presentation Stand Out With a Slideshow

If the keynote address you'll be giving will include a slideshow presentation, you need to make sure that slideshow is the best it can be. Part of making effective use of a slideshow is to make sure that your presentation design is attractive and eye-catching. Admittedly, this can be tough to do if you're not a professional designer.

Fortunately, there's any easy way to create an engaging slideshow even if you're not a designer yourself. Envato Elements is a great way to find beautiful presentation templates for any need. These professionally designed templates will help your slideshow to really stand out. Plus, you'll be able download stock photos, WordPress and web templates, graphics, and more—all for a single flat rate! Download as much as you need as often as you need it. This is just the type of service a busy professional needs.

 But even if you're sure you're only going to give the one presentation and you don't need any of the other assets available through Envato Elements, we've still got you covered. You can purchase an affordable, one-time download of a professional slideshow template through GraphicRiver.

Now that you know where to find good slideshow templates, you may be wondering which templates to pick. The template roundup below can help:

what makes a good keynote speech

Now that we've discussed how to use a slideshow for your keynote message, it's time to examine some tips for giving a better keynote speech.

Speaker Tips for Giving a Keynote Speech

You're pulling your keynote message together and you need to make sure it's effective. But it's been a while since you've given a speech, or maybe this is your first one. How can you make sure your speech is a success?

Here are ten tips for public speakers that'll help you deliver a powerful keynote address:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is vital for any public speaker, but it's especially important for keynote speakers since it's vital that they establish rapport with their audience and also because they set the tone for the entire event. So, as early in the speech preparation as possible, give some thought to who you'll speaking to. Tailor your speech to their needs and interests. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Who'll be listening to this speech?
  • What do they already know?
  • What do they need to know?

What are these listeners interested in?

If you know nothing about your audience, try asking the contact person who invited you to speak.

2. Do Your Research

If you've been asked to give a keynote speech, there's a good chance that you're already quite familiar with your topic. But don't take that knowledge for granted. Double-check your facts. Also, look for recent developments and include any relevant updates to your material. Pay special attention to information that'll be useful to your listeners.

3. Tell a Story

Storytelling is a great way to connect with an audience. If you've got personal experiences that your audience can relate to turning those into a story can often help engage your audience. Even if you don't have personal experiences, you may be able to share the experiences of others. For example, sharing the story of how a client successfully overcame an obstacle may inspire your listeners—especially if they've faced a similar obstacle.

4. Consider Giving an Interactive Presentation

Adding an interactive element to your keynote message is another way to capture your audience's attention. There are several types of interactive elements you can add including getting audience feedback in real-time and incorporating a Q&A session into your presentation. To learn more about interactive presentations, review this tutorial:

what makes a good keynote speech

5. Practice Your Speech

Like any other speech you might give, you should practice a keynote speech until you're very familiar with the material. Strive to know your speech topic so well that you could talk about it without your notes if you needed to. As you practice, use your presentation notes or outline as a prompt rather than reading your speech. If possible, practice the speech in front of a friend or family member who's willing to provide feedback. The following tutorial includes a checklist for practicing a speech that could be helpful:

what makes a good keynote speech

6. Overcome Your Fear

Does the idea of getting in front of an audience and talking make you uncomfortable? Well, you're certainly not alone. Studies from the National Institute of Health (and other sources) have shown that as much as 77% of the general public may fear public speaking. With a keynote message the fear and pressure is sometimes greater since the presentation is such an integral part of the event. Fortunately, there are methods you can use to overcome the fear of public speak ranging from positive self-talk to body language and more. In the tutorial below you'll discover over 20 ways to fight the fear of public speaking:

what makes a good keynote speech

7. Stay Focused on Your Goal

If you're giving a speech, it's easy to become distracted. Unfortunately, if you stray too far from your topic you're likely to lose the interest of your listeners. This is where your speaker notes can be particularly helpful. Make sure that your speaker notes are visible (and use a large enough font that you can read them easily). If you do lose your pace or feel you've gone off topic, don't be afraid of a brief pause while you check your outline. You can learn more about creating speaker notes to your presentation tool in these short tutorials:

what makes a good keynote speech

8. Be Brief

Avoid overexplaining the topic of your keynote address. You can do this by stating each point once followed by your supporting detail for that point (including slides and other visual aids). Next, summarize the point and move on to the next point. If you expected the audience to react to a point and they don't respond in the manner you expected, resist the temptation to go back over the point. Finally, when your presentation is complete you can restate the main purpose of your talk. Being brief and being focused matter and the audience will appreciate you for it.

9. Get Enough Sleep

You probably already suspect that you're not at your best when you go without sleep. Now science supports what you've always suspected—lack of sleep negatively impacts your performance . So, do your best to get a good night's sleep before your keynote talk. But that may be easier said than done--especially if you're at a business conference where there's a temptation to stay up late socializing and visiting with colleagues and potential clients. There are some practical steps you can take, even when you're traveling, to improve your sleep. You'll find some of those steps in this tutorial:

what makes a good keynote speech

10. Share It Online

Once your keynote address is over, you can still benefit from it. One way to do that is to share your speech online. Sharing your speech online helps you to reach a larger audience than you initially spoke too. There are a number of ways to share your speech online, including:

  • YouTube.  This popular site is useful for sharing video presentations.
  • Vimeo.  Another site that can help you to share a live presentation.
  • Facebook live.  You can live stream your presentation through Facebook.
  • Other social media . You can include a link to your presentation on most other social media sites.
  • Your website . Including a video on your own website can be a great way to impress clients and prospective clients.
  • SlideShare . If your keynote address included a slideshow presentation, you can share it on SlideShare.
  • Email . You can also share links to your keynote speech through email.

To learn more about sharing your keynote address, study these tutorials:

what makes a good keynote speech

Make Great Presentations ( Free PDF eBook Download )

We also have the perfect complement to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully.

Free PDF eBook

Download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter.

Your Takeaways

You've just been given a keynote definition and some examples of great keynote speeches to follow. Now that you understand what a keynote address is and why it's important, you'll want to make your keynote message as good as possible. 

Even if you've never given a speech before, you can use the speaker tips in this article to give the best keynote address that you can. Once you've finished your keynote presentation, don't forget to share it for maximum impact. If you've enjoyed the tips in this tutorial, you may also enjoy our  Fundamentals of Public Speaking Learning Guide .

Have you given a keynote speech? What tips or advice would you add for others?

Editorial Note: This content was originally published in 2018. We're sharing it again because our editors have determined that this information is still accurate and relevant.

Laura Spencer

Here’s an Excellent Keynote Speech GUIDE: With 2 Great Examples

You’ve probably been asked to give a keynote speech and you are afraid of it. Well, if you’ve never done this before, then there’s no need to panic. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s start with the basics, shall we? 

So, what is a keynote speech? 

Being asked to give a keynote speech in front of a large audience can be a little intimidating. However, it’s the greatest honor to be selected as a keynote speaker. That said, you must deliver the best speech you possibly can. 

Now that we’ve covered what a keynote speech is, it’s time to key steps that you should take when preparing a keynote speech. 

How to prepare a keynote speech

Keynote speeches are very important. With that in mind, it’s one of the best opportunities for you and your business. Therefore, if you’ve been asked to be the keynote speaker, take advantage of such an opportunity. But, first, you will have to prepare your speech: 

1.     Find out the theme for the day

Basically, there are three main types of speeches. They include motivational, educational, and entertaining speeches. Start by deciding the type of speech you’d like to go with. But whatever your choice will be, remember that you are going up there to add value to your audience and not brag about your achievements and who you are. Therefore, if you are not going to motivate, educate, or even entertain your audience, then there’s no reason for you do go up there. Don’t do it, period!

2.     Outline your presentation

Before jumping into designing your presentation, the first step is to ensure you have a clear outline of your speech. The structure is vital to the design of your keynote speech and also to your delivery of it all. 

Sadly, most speakers always skip this part. And, it’s usually visible in their delivery and line of thought. The best way to handle this situation is by creating a sort of blueprint for your presentation which will include: 

3.     Now fill each section

Make sure that you are brief and clear when filling each section. More importantly, don’t crowd up your content. You will also need to ensure you have most of the keywords in your mind. This will save you the time you use to check on your keynote speech instead of maintaining eye contact with the crowd. 

4.     Make the work visually attractive

Without a doubt, you should always ensure that your work has some visual ideas that would be easy to interpret. Add graphs or charts where necessary, but only where necessary. Too much of anything will lead to you losing the attention of your audience. 

5.     Add personal stories

Play a game, add a question, or simply just maintain eye contact with your audience. This will help you gain their full attention throughout your speech. 

6.     Finally, rehearse

There’s no shortcut in this section. For you to present a killer speech in front of your audience without sounding nervous is through research. By rehearsing your speech several times, you can understand what it means to your audience and also see places where you can improve your speech. 

Now that you already know how to get ready for your speech, let’s take on how to open a keynote speech. 

The next points of discussion are: how to open a keynote speech, how long should a keynote speech be, and some great examples of keynote speeches. Before digging into that, let me add below some of the top related and interesting articles that can add to what you’re learning from this one. If any of the titles picks your interest, please click and open in a new tab, so you can check them out later. Enjoy!


Top 7 core interpersonal skills in leadership.

At any time, a leader is seen as one who guides one or more people to fulfill something stipulated; today, however, we understand that this journey comprises the achievement of results and the evolution, in some way, of all who participate in the process. Leaders are people with high power to inspire those around them,…

An Easy Guide to All 15 Types of Speech

How to open a keynote speech.

The audience will lean in to try and hear your first few words. And at that moment, the audience will form their first impression of you with the first words you utter. An example of the first opening words include, ‘um, good evening everyone….I’m happy to be here in front of you. I will like to thank you so-so-so-so much…..’

To get the full attention of your audience, here are some quick tips on your opening statements. 

Before we go into how to open your keynote speech…

I would like to announce that you can get more insightful tips and how-to’s from our recently launched eBook, now available at Barnes & Noble , at $4.99. We tried to pack it with valuable information and price it below $5 to be as inclusive as possible with our pricing. Click below and Get a Copy!

Key tips on the opening statement in your keynote speech

How long should a keynote speech be.

You will know when the keynote does not last long enough when the message said by the speaker doesn’t have a deep effect on the audience. Additionally, the length of the keynote speech depends on the time allocated to the event. 

Examples of Excellent Keynote Speeches 

If you follow the instructions above, you won’t even need examples to sharpen your skills. However, here are some of the examples you can check out to give you a deeper understanding of keynote speeches

To wrap it all up…

A keynote speech is an incredible way to get over public speaking and be able to introduce yourself to the audience. It doesn’t matter the number of people in the gathering. Always remember to count every opportunity that comes your way. 


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What is a Keynote Speech: How to Leave a Lasting Impression

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As an event planner or someone responsible for organizing a conference or seminar, you understand the importance of finding the right keynote speaker.

A keynote speech sets the tone for the entire event, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. In this article, we will explore the world of keynote speeches and share insights on how to write and deliver a captivating keynote.

What is a Keynote Speech?

A keynote speech is a powerful presentation given by a keynote speaker at the beginning or end of an event.

It is designed to capture the audience’s attention, set the tone, and provide key takeaways that attendees can apply to their lives or work. A well-crafted and captivating keynote speech can inspire, motivate, and leave a lasting impact on the audience.

The Role of a Keynote Speaker

A keynote speaker plays a crucial role in the success of an event. They are experts in their field, often seasoned speakers who have honed their craft over years of experience.

A keynote speaker not only delivers a thought-provoking speech but also brings a unique perspective, shares personal stories, and engages the audience through humor, emotion, and relatability.

Writing a Captivating Keynote Speech

Writing a compelling keynote speech requires careful planning, organization, and a deep understanding of the audience. Here are some key steps to follow:

Understand Your Audience: Before writing your speech, spend time researching your audience. Who are they? What are their interests, challenges, and goals? Tailor your message to resonate with them.

Define Your Key Message: Every keynote speech should have a central theme or message that you want the audience to take away. Clarify this message and make it memorable.

Craft a Powerful Opening: Grab the audience’s attention from the start with a captivating story, intriguing statistic, or thought-provoking question. This will set the tone and create a sense of anticipation.

Organize Your Speech: Structure your speech logically and engagingly. Begin with an introduction, then move on to key points or stories, and end with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your key message.

Use Personal Stories: Personal stories are a powerful tool to connect with the audience emotionally. Share experiences or anecdotes that relate to your key message and make it relatable to the audience.

Incorporate Visuals: Visual aids such as slides or props can enhance your speech and make it more engaging. Use visuals sparingly to support your key points and avoid overwhelming the audience.

Practice and Rehearse: Delivering a flawless keynote speech requires practice. Rehearse your speech multiple times to ensure smooth delivery, confident body language, and effective use of pauses and intonation.

Engage with the Audience: Interact with the audience throughout your speech. Ask rhetorical questions, encourage participation, and create moments of connection. This will keep the audience engaged and make your speech memorable.

Tips for Giving a Motivational Keynote Address

Giving a keynote speech can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You have the unique opportunity to captivate an audience, inspire them, and leave a lasting impression. In this section, we’ll share some valuable tips to help you deliver a powerful keynote speech that engages your audience, conveys your message effectively, and ensures a memorable experience.

1. Know Your Audience Inside Out

Understanding your audience is crucial to giving a successful keynote speech. Research their demographics, interests, challenges, and goals. This knowledge helps you tailor your message to resonate with them and ensures that your content is relevant and relatable.

Connect with your audience by addressing their specific needs and aspirations. By showing that you understand them, you’ll build trust and captivate their attention from the start.

2. Craft a Clear and Compelling Key Message

Every great keynote speech has a clear and compelling key message. Define the central theme or idea you want to convey to your audience.

Keep it concise and memorable so that it resonates long after your speech concludes. Your key message should guide the entire structure and content of your speech, ensuring a cohesive and impactful presentation.

3. Start Strong with a Captivating Opening

The beginning of your keynote speech sets the tone for the entire presentation. Capture your audience’s attention from the outset with a powerful, attention-grabbing opening.

Engage them from the first moment with a captivating story, intriguing statistic, or thought-provoking question. A strong opening creates a sense of anticipation and hooks your audience, making them eager to hear more.

4. Structure Your Speech for Impact

A well-structured keynote speech keeps the audience engaged and enhances their understanding of your message. Organize your speech in a logical and impactful manner.

Begin with an introduction that establishes your credibility and builds rapport with the audience. Then, present key points or stories that support your key message. Finally, wrap up with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your main ideas and leaves a lasting imprint on your audience.

5. Use Stories to Connect Emotionally

One of the most powerful tools in a keynote speech is storytelling. Personal stories create an emotional connection between you and your audience. Share experiences or anecdotes that illustrate the key points of your speech.

Make them relatable and highlight the lessons learned. Emotionally compelling stories will leave a lasting impact, making your message memorable and inspiring.

6. Engage and Interact with Your Audience

Keep your audience engaged throughout your keynote speech by actively involving them. Ask rhetorical questions, encourage participation, or create moments of interaction.

This can be in the form of brief audience discussions, polls, or exercises. Interaction fosters connection and helps to break up the presentation, making it more dynamic and enjoyable for your listeners.

7. Utilize Visual Aids Effectively

Visual aids, such as slides or props, can enhance your keynote speech when used effectively. Use visuals sparingly and purposefully to support your key points, helping to reinforce your message visually.

Ensure your visual aids are clear, easy to read, and visually appealing. Remember, your spoken words should always be the main focus, with visual aids serving as supporting elements.

8. Practice, Practice, Practice

Delivering a flawless keynote speech requires practice and rehearsal. Practice speaking your speech out loud multiple times, focusing on your delivery, timing, and body language.

Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or seek feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors. This process allows you to refine your speech, build confidence, and ensure a smooth and impactful delivery.

9. Embrace Authenticity and Passion

Authenticity and passion are key to delivering a compelling keynote speech. Be true to yourself, speak from the heart, and let your enthusiasm shine through.

Your genuine passion for your topic will captivate and inspire your audience. Avoid trying to mimic someone else’s style or delivery. Embrace your unique voice and let your authenticity be the guiding force behind your speech.

10. Leave a Lasting Impression with a Memorable Conclusion

The way you conclude your keynote speech is just as important as how you start it. Summarize your main points, reiterate your key message, and provide a clear call-to-action for your audience to take away.

End on a high note, leaving your listeners feeling inspired and motivated. A memorable conclusion ensures that your speech lingers in their minds and prompts them to take action.

Finding the Right Keynote Speaker

When hosting a successful event, finding the right keynote speaker is paramount. This individual will not only set the tone for your gathering but also leave a lasting impression on your audience.

In this section, we will delve into the important factors to consider when searching for the perfect keynote speaker who will elevate your event to new heights.

Experience Speaks Volumes

Experience is a key ingredient in the recipe for a successful keynote speech. Look for speakers who have a proven track record of captivating audiences and delivering impactful presentations.

Seek out those who have spoken at similar events or within your industry, as they will have a better understanding of your audience’s needs and interests. Experienced speakers bring a certain expertise and authority that can leave a lasting impression on your attendees.

Expertise in Your Industry

While experience is important, finding a keynote speaker with expertise in your specific industry is a game-changer. These speakers have a deep understanding of the challenges, trends, and opportunities within your field.

They can relate to your audience on a deeper level and provide insights and anecdotes that resonate. By selecting a speaker with industry expertise, you are ensuring that your attendees receive targeted and relevant information that they can apply to their own work or lives.

Communication Skills that Command Attention

A keynote speaker may have an impressive resume and extensive knowledge in your industry, but if they lack communication skills , their impact will be diminished. Look for speakers who possess excellent public speaking abilities.

They should be able to engage the audience, hold their attention, and deliver their message with clarity and conviction. Seek out speakers who can combine storytelling, humor, and audience interaction to create a memorable experience.

Aligning with Your Event’s Goals

Every event has its own unique goals and objectives. When searching for a keynote speaker, it is crucial to find someone who aligns with your event’s overarching purpose. Consider what you want your attendees to take away from the event.

Do you want them to feel inspired, motivated, or educated? Look for speakers whose message and style resonate with your desired outcomes. Review their past performances and testimonials to gauge if they can deliver the results you are seeking.

Recommendations and Reviews

One of the best ways to find a keynote speaker is through recommendations from trusted sources. Industry colleagues, friends, or even professionals who have previously worked with speakers can provide valuable insights and firsthand recommendations.

Additionally, online platforms and speaker bureaus offer reviews and ratings from past clients, allowing you to make an informed decision. By tapping into the experiences of others, you can gain a sense of a speaker’s trustworthiness and suitability for your event.

Interviewing Potential Speakers

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential keynote speakers, it’s time to conduct interviews. This step allows you to assess their compatibility, professionalism, and understanding of your event.

Prepare a list of questions that delve into their experience, approach to speaking, and familiarity with your industry. During the interview, observe their communication style, responsiveness, and willingness to collaborate. A successful partnership with your speaker is essential for a seamless and impactful event.

Reviewing Past Performances

Before making a final decision, take the time to review recordings or videos of the potential speakers’ past performances. This will give you a firsthand glimpse into their presentation style, stage presence, and ability to engage an audience. Look for speakers who exhibit confidence, charisma, and an authentic connection with the audience.

Pay attention to their ability to tell compelling stories, convey key messages, and create an energized atmosphere. Trust your instincts and select a speaker who resonates with you and your event’s vision.

A well-crafted keynote speech has the power to captivate, motivate, and inspire an audience. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling message, and delivering it with passion and authenticity, you can leave a lasting impression on your audience.

The right keynote speaker can elevate your event, set the tone, and create a memorable experience for attendees. So, take the time to find the perfect fit and unleash the power of a captivating keynote speech.

what is a keynote speech

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How to Write a Keynote Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

Keynote speeches are an important part of many events, from corporate conferences and seminars to graduations and charity galas. If you have been tasked with delivering a keynote speech, you may be wondering where to start and how to create a presentation that will resonate with your audience. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll provide you with the tools and tips to help you write a compelling keynote speech that will leave a lasting impression on your listeners.

Understanding the Purpose of a Keynote Speech

A keynote speech serves as the foundation for the entire event. It sets the tone, establishes the main theme, and creates a connection between the speaker and the audience. Before you start working on your keynote speech, it's important to understand the various elements that make up a successful presentation.

When preparing for a keynote speech, it's important to consider the audience and their expectations. The speech should be tailored to the specific event and audience to ensure maximum impact. This means taking into account the demographics of the audience, their interests, and their level of expertise in the topic being discussed.

Additionally, a good keynote speech should be well-structured and organized. It should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should grab the audience's attention and set the tone for the speech. The body should provide relevant and interesting information, and the conclusion should summarize the main points and leave the audience with a memorable takeaway.

Defining a Keynote Speech

A keynote speech is a presentation that is intended to inspire, motivate, and engage an audience. It's an opportunity for a speaker to share their ideas, vision, and insights on a particular topic. Unlike other presentations, a keynote speech is designed to be memorable and impactful. Good keynote speeches are able to capture the audience's attention and keep them engaged throughout the presentation.

One of the key elements of a successful keynote speech is the ability to tell a story. People are naturally drawn to stories, and a well-crafted story can help to convey a message in a memorable and impactful way. The story should be relevant to the topic being discussed and should help to illustrate the main points of the speech.

The Role of a Keynote Speaker

The role of a keynote speaker is to act as a thought leader and inspire the audience by conveying a compelling message that is relevant and meaningful to the event. They represent the values and goals of the event, and their speech should be aligned with the overall theme of the conference or gathering. The speaker should also be able to connect with the audience on a personal level, creating a memorable experience.

Another important aspect of being a keynote speaker is the ability to engage the audience. This can be done through the use of humor, storytelling, and interactive elements. Engaging the audience helps to keep them interested and invested in the presentation, which can lead to a more memorable and impactful experience.

Setting the Tone for the Event

A well-crafted keynote speech sets the tone for the entire event. The speech should establish the main theme, outline the goals of the conference, and motivate the audience to become more engaged. The speaker must understand the challenges facing the audience and offer insights that will help them overcome those obstacles.

In addition to setting the tone, a keynote speech can also help to build excitement and anticipation for the rest of the event. By providing a memorable and impactful experience, the audience will be more likely to stay engaged throughout the event and take away valuable insights and information.

Overall, a keynote speech is an important element of any event. It sets the tone, establishes the main theme, and creates a connection between the speaker and the audience. By understanding the various elements that make up a successful keynote speech, you can create a presentation that is memorable, impactful, and tailored to the specific needs of your audience.

Knowing Your Audience

One of the key elements of a successful keynote speech is understanding your audience. The more you know about the people you are addressing, the better equipped you are to craft a message that will resonate with them.

Researching Your Audience

Before you start writing your keynote speech, it's essential to research your audience. You need to know what their interests are, what motivates them, and what challenges they are facing. This will help you tailor your message to their needs and create a connection with them.

Adapting Your Message to the Audience

Once you have researched your audience, you need to adapt your message to their needs. This means using language and examples that resonate with them. You want to craft a message that is not only relevant but also compelling and memorable.

Engaging the Audience

Engaging your audience is the key to a successful keynote speech. You want to connect with them on a personal level and create an emotional response. This can be done through the use of storytelling, humor, and interactive exercises. It's essential to keep the audience engaged throughout your speech, so they leave feeling inspired and motivated.

Crafting a Compelling Message

A keynote speech needs to have a clear and compelling message that resonates with your audience. You want to provide insights and offer a new perspective that will leave a lasting impact.

Identifying Your Main Points

Your keynote speech should have a clear structure that outlines the main points you want to convey to your audience. Identify the key messages you want to communicate and how they relate to the event's theme. Make sure these key points are relevant to your audience.

Developing a Strong Thesis

Your thesis statement is the central message of your keynote speech. It should be clear, concise, and compelling. Your thesis should capture the main idea of your presentation and should be an underlying theme throughout your speech.

Using Stories and Examples

Stories and examples are a great way to engage your audience and make your message relatable. Use real-life examples and stories to illustrate your main points and help the audience understand the impact of your message.

Organizing Your Keynote Speech

The structure of your keynote speech is essential to its success. Proper organization helps the audience follow your message and stay engaged from start to finish.

Creating an Outline

A clear outline is the foundation of your presentation. It helps you create a roadmap that outlines the key elements of your keynote speech and ensures that you don't miss any important points. The outline should be structured in a logical order that makes sense to your audience.

Structuring Your Speech

Your keynote speech should have a clear structure that follows your outline. Begin with an opening that captures the audience's attention and establishes the main theme. Move on to the body of your speech, which should be structured around your main points. Finally, conclude your speech by summarizing your message and leaving the audience with a clear call to action.

Balancing Information and Entertainment

The best keynote speeches strike a balance between providing valuable information and entertaining the audience. You don't want to overload your listeners with too much information, as they may become overwhelmed. Use humor, personal anecdotes, and real-life examples to keep the audience engaged and entertained.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Keynote Speech

Chatgpt prompt.

Please craft a speech that will serve as the main address at an event, providing a comprehensive and engaging overview of the theme or purpose of the occasion. This speech should be well-crafted and thoughtfully written, incorporating a clear and compelling message that resonates with the audience and leaves a lasting impression.


Writing a successful keynote speech takes time, preparation, and effort. By following these step-by-step guidelines, you'll be able to create a speech that is engaging, inspiring, and memorable. Remember, the key to a successful keynote speech is understanding your audience, crafting a compelling message, and delivering it in an organized and entertaining way. So, get ready to inspire and motivate your audience with your powerful keynote speech!

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6 Keynote Speaker Speech Examples

Are you preparing to deliver a keynote speech but feeling unsure about how to structure your message for maximum impact?

A well-written keynote speech can inspire, educate, and leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Keynote Speaker Speech Examples

Keynote Speaker Speech Examples

As a seasoned speechwriter with 30 years of experience, I’ve had the privilege of writing speeches for a wide range of events and purposes.

In this article, I’ll share six keynote speaker speech examples that demonstrate effective techniques for engaging your audience and delivering your message with clarity and conviction.

1. The Power of Perseverance

Good evening, everyone. I stand before you today as a testament to the power of perseverance. When I started my business 20 years ago, I had no idea of the challenges that lay ahead. I faced countless setbacks, failures, and moments of self-doubt. But through it all, I held onto my vision and refused to give up.

The road to success is rarely a straight line. It’s filled with twists, turns, and obstacles that can make you question your abilities and your purpose. But I’m here to tell you that every challenge you face is an opportunity to grow, learn, and become stronger.

Perseverance is not about being perfect or having all the answers. It’s about having the courage to keep going, even when the path ahead is uncertain. It’s about believing in yourself and your vision, even when others doubt you. And it’s about embracing failure as a necessary step on the journey to success.

So today, I challenge you to embrace the power of perseverance in your own lives. Set big, audacious goals and pursue them with unwavering determination. When you face setbacks, don’t let them define you. Use them as fuel to propel you forward. And most importantly, never, ever give up on your dreams.


Commentary: This inspiring speech about perseverance is perfect for motivating audiences to overcome challenges and pursue their goals relentlessly. It draws on the speaker’s personal experiences to convey a powerful message of resilience and determination.

2. The Future of Innovation

Innovation. It’s a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. But what does it mean? And more importantly, what does it mean for the future of our society?

As someone who has spent my career at the forefront of technological innovation, I can tell you that the pace of change is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. New technologies are emerging every day that have the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with each other.

But with great power comes great responsibility. As we push the boundaries of what’s possible, we must also consider the ethical implications of our actions. We must ensure that the technologies we create are used for the greater good and not just for personal gain.

So what does the future of innovation look like? I believe it will be defined by three key trends: sustainability, inclusivity, and collaboration.

Sustainability means developing technologies that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. It means finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Inclusivity means ensuring that everyone has access to the benefits of innovation, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. It means creating technologies that are accessible, affordable, and user-friendly for all.

And collaboration means breaking down silos and working together across industries and disciplines to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. It means recognizing that no one person or organization has all the answers and that we’re stronger when we work together.

The future of innovation is not just about creating new technologies. It’s about using those technologies to create a better world for all. And that’s a future worth fighting for.

Commentary: This thought-provoking speech tackles the important topic of innovation and its implications for the future. It’s suitable for audiences interested in technology, sustainability, and social responsibility.

3. The Art of Leadership

Leadership. It’s a term that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it mean? Is it about having a fancy title or a corner office? Is it about giving orders and expecting others to follow?

In my experience, true leadership is about something much deeper. It’s about the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others towards a common goal. It’s about having the courage to make tough decisions and the humility to admit when you’re wrong. And most importantly, it’s about putting the needs of your team and your organization above your own.

So how do you become an effective leader? Here are three key principles that I’ve learned throughout my career:

First, lead by example. As a leader, your actions speak louder than your words. If you want your team to be honest, hardworking, and accountable, you need to embody those qualities yourself. You need to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work alongside your team, rather than just giving orders from on high.

Second, communicate openly and transparently. Your team needs to know what’s expected of them, what the goals and priorities are, and how their work fits into the bigger picture. They also need to feel heard and valued, which means creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas.

And third, invest in your people. Your team is your most valuable asset, and it’s your job as a leader to help them grow and develop. That means providing opportunities for learning and advancement, recognizing and rewarding great work, and being a coach and mentor to those who need it.

Leadership is not about having all the answers or being perfect. It’s about being authentic, empathetic, and committed to the success of your team. It’s about inspiring others to be their best selves and working together towards a common purpose.

So as you go forward in your leadership journey, keep these principles in mind. Lead by example, communicate openly, and invest in your people. And most importantly, never lose sight of the fact that leadership is a privilege and a responsibility, not just a title or a position.

Commentary: This insightful speech offers practical advice on effective leadership principles. It’s ideal for inspiring current and aspiring leaders in various fields to lead with authenticity, empathy, and a commitment to their team’s success.

4. Finding Your Purpose

Have you asked yourself what your purpose in life is? It’s a question that has puzzled philosophers, theologians, and ordinary people for centuries. But I believe that finding your purpose is not some abstract, esoteric pursuit. It’s a deeply personal journey that starts with understanding who you are and what you value most.

So how do you find your purpose? Here are three steps that have helped me on my journey:

First, identify your passions and strengths. What are the things that make you come alive? What are the activities that you lose yourself in, where time seems to stand still? What are the skills and talents that come naturally to you? These are clues to your unique gifts and the areas where you have the most potential to make a difference.

Second, look for the intersection between your passions and the needs of the world. Your purpose is not just about what makes you happy, but also about how you can use your gifts to serve others and make a positive impact. Look for the problems that need solving, the people who need help, and the causes that inspire you. Find ways to align your passions with a sense of purpose and meaning.

And third, take action. Finding your purpose is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process of discovery and growth. It requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Start small, but start somewhere. Volunteer for a cause you care about, take a class to develop a new skill or reach out to someone who inspires you. The more you engage with the world and explore your passions, the clearer your purpose will become.

Finding your purpose is not easy, but it’s worth it. It’s what gives your life meaning and direction, and what allows you to make a difference in the world. So don’t be afraid to ask the big questions and follow your heart. Your purpose is waiting for you, and the world needs what you have to offer.

Commentary: This thought-provoking speech encourages audiences to embark on a journey of self-discovery to find their true purpose in life. It offers practical steps for identifying passions, aligning them with the needs of the world, and taking action to make a positive impact.

5. Embracing Change

Change. It’s a word that can strike fear into the hearts of even the most experienced leaders. But in today’s fast-paced, constantly evolving business environment, change is not just inevitable – it’s essential for survival and success.

So how do you embrace change and lead your organization through times of uncertainty and disruption? Here are three strategies that I’ve found to be effective:

First, cultivate a mindset of adaptability and resilience. Change can be uncomfortable and even painful at times, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and innovation. Rather than resisting change or trying to maintain the status quo, embrace it as a chance to learn, experiment, and evolve. Encourage your team to do the same, and create a culture where taking risks and trying new things is celebrated rather than feared.

Second, communicate early and often. Change can be unsettling for people, especially when they don’t understand the reasons behind it or what it means for them. As a leader, it’s your job to provide clarity, transparency, and reassurance throughout the change process. Share your vision for the future, explain the rationale behind decisions, and be honest about the challenges and opportunities ahead. Listen to your team’s concerns and feedback, and involve them in shaping the path forward.

And third, lead with empathy and compassion. Change can be emotionally taxing for people, and it’s important to acknowledge and support them through the process. Take the time to understand their perspectives and needs, and provide resources and support to help them navigate the transition. Recognize that everyone responds to change differently, and be patient and understanding as they work through their challenges and fears.

Embracing change is not easy, but it’s a critical skill for leaders in today’s world. By cultivating adaptability, communicating transparently, and leading with empathy, you can help your organization not just survive change, but thrive in the face of it.

Commentary: This practical speech offers strategies for leaders to embrace change and guide their organizations through times of uncertainty. It’s suitable for business audiences facing disruption and seeking to cultivate a culture of adaptability and resilience.

6. The Power of Storytelling

Stories have the power to captivate, inspire, and transform. They can transport us to different worlds, make us feel deep emotions, and connect us in profound ways. But stories are not just for entertainment – they are also a powerful tool for communication, persuasion, and leadership.

As a speaker, storytelling is one of the most effective ways to engage your audience and deliver your message with impact. Here are three reasons why:

First, stories are memorable. People may forget facts and figures, but they will always remember a good story. When you wrap your message in a compelling narrative, you make it easier for people to understand, relate to, and retain. You give them a hook to hang their understanding on, and a way to connect your ideas to their own experiences and emotions.

Second, stories are persuasive. Stories have the power to change minds and influence behavior in ways that logical arguments and data alone cannot. When you tell a story, you create an emotional connection with your audience that can break down barriers and open them up to new perspectives. You can use stories to challenge assumptions, highlight injustices, and inspire people to take action.

And third, stories are universal. No matter who your audience is or what your message is, stories have the power to transcend boundaries and bring people together. They tap into the shared human experience and create a sense of community and common purpose. When you tell a story, you invite your audience to see the world through your eyes and to empathize with your perspective.

So how do you become a master storyteller? Here are three tips:

First, know your audience. Before you craft your story, take the time to understand who you’re speaking to and what matters to them. What are their hopes, fears, and values? What challenges are they facing, and what solutions are they seeking? The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your story to resonate with them.

Second, be authentic. The best stories are the ones that come from the heart. Don’t try to be someone you’re not or tell a story that doesn’t feel true to you. Share your own experiences, vulnerabilities, and lessons learned. Be honest about your struggles and your triumphs. When you speak from a place of authenticity, your audience will sense it and connect with you on a deeper level.

And third, practice, practice, practice. Storytelling is a skill that takes time and effort to master. The more you do it, the better you’ll become at crafting compelling narratives, delivering them with confidence, and adapting to your audience’s responses. Seek out opportunities to tell stories in different contexts and formats, and get feedback from trusted peers and mentors.

The power of storytelling is within your reach. By understanding your audience, being authentic, and practicing your craft, you can become a master storyteller and use this powerful tool to inspire, persuade, and lead.

Commentary: This engaging speech highlights the power of storytelling as a tool for effective communication and leadership. It offers practical tips for crafting compelling narratives that resonate with audiences and inspire action, making it suitable for speakers and leaders across various fields.

Crafting a compelling keynote speech takes skill, practice, and a deep understanding of your audience and message.

By studying these six examples and incorporating the techniques they demonstrate, you can elevate your keynote speaking abilities and make a lasting impact on your listeners.

Remember, a great keynote speech is not about perfection, but about authenticity, connection, and the power of your ideas.

So be bold, be yourself, and let your passion shine through.

Your audience will thank you for it.

what makes a good keynote speech

What Is a Keynote? 5 Things You Should Know

  • The Speaker Lab
  • March 14, 2024

Table of Contents

Have you ever been so mesmerized by a speaker that their words stayed with you long after their speech ended? That’s the magic of a keynote . But what exactly is a keynote speech and why does it matter?

In essence, a keynote speech sets the tone for an event. It serves as its heartbeat, pulsating with ideas and insights that energize attendees. Picture yourself standing before an audience, delivering not just any speech but one where every word strikes like lightning, illuminating minds and sparking conversations.

This post promises to take you on a journey exploring captivating keynotes, dynamic speakers, and exciting events. Together, we’ll look at how keynotes influence everything from business success to social media activity; unveil strategies for creating impactful presentations; and provide tips on becoming an effective speaker yourself.

What is a Keynote?

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event. The term “keynote” in relation to speaking is based on the musical term “key note,” or the note around which the key is based. Just like a musical ‘key note’ defines the harmony of a composition, a keynote speech lays down the central theme or message of an event.

The Importance and Impact of Good Keynote Speakers

As one of the main highlights of an event or conference, keynote speakers are expected to inspire audiences with their unique perspectives and insights. A great speaker has the ability to not only communicate effectively but also engage with their audience in meaningful ways. This engagement forms the bottom line for successful presentations—it can make or break an event.

The Hallmarks of Professional Keynote Speakers

What sets apart good keynotes from merely average ones? The answer lies in several factors:

  • An understanding of both their subject matter and audience : Top-tier keynote speakers know how to connect deeply with those listening while delivering high-value content that resonates long after they’ve left the stage.
  • Dynamism and energy : Audience members are more likely to stay engaged when your presentation style mirrors your passion for what you’re discussing.
  • A knack for storytelling : Narratives help us process information better; therefore good storytellers often leave lasting impressions upon their audiences.

Fostering Engagement Through Effective Speaking Techniques

Surely we’ve all attended lectures where, despite our best efforts, our minds wandered off mid-presentation. So what’s different about engaging speeches?

One major difference is novelty. Unique insights delivered compellingly pique interest. Professional keynote speakers know how to weave facts and figures into a captivating narrative that is relevant to the audience.

Additionally, good keynotes strike an emotional chord with listeners. This not only keeps them engaged but also helps in better recall of information presented. A great speaker uses storytelling techniques effectively for maximum impact .

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Role of Keynotes in Events

As mentioned earlier, a keynote sets the stage for an event, serving as a compass that directs the overarching theme. Whether it’s delivered by national speakers or industry leaders, this keynote can ignite audience engagement and set the tone for what follows.

Opening vs. Closing Keynotes

While both have significant roles, there is a clear difference between opening keynotes versus closing ones.

An opening keynote often aims to energize attendees at the start of an event. It’s like turning on a lamp in an unlit area—suddenly, everyone can make out what is before them and where they are headed. This initial spark helps draw people into the experience and makes them eager to learn more.

In contrast, closing keynotes help solidify connections made during events, creating memorable moments that continue to resonate with attendees even when they’ve returned home or back to their desks. Professional keynote speakers are skilled at creating such lasting impressions through powerful storytelling techniques coupled with actionable takeaways.

Leveraging Keynotes for Business Success

Keynote speeches are more than just a way to kick off an event. They have the potential to become powerful tools in leadership development, client relationships, and attracting attendees. A good keynote speaker will help their audience visualize their own paths towards success.

The Role of Keynotes in Leadership Development

A keynote speaker has the power to ignite change within an organization or industry by providing new perspectives on established practices or unveiling innovative approaches to overcoming challenges. Their influence often extends beyond the stage as attendees continue discussing their ideas long after the event finishes.

This is particularly true when speakers share personal stories from their careers—experiences that demonstrate resilience during difficult times or highlight how unconventional thinking led them to unprecedented levels of success.

Creating Strong Client Relationships Through Keynotes

An engaging keynote speech also serves as a starting point for fostering strong client relationships. When a keynote speaker shares insights relevant to their clients’ industries or discusses issues close to their hearts, that speaker shows understanding and empathy. This resonates with audiences on both professional and personal levels, which can lead directly into fruitful partnerships down the line.

Drawing Attendees With Impactful Speeches

Beyond fostering connections with current clients, delivering compelling keynotes helps attract attendees too. Attendees are likely to show up if they hear a well-known figure in the industry is giving a talk. They look forward to learning from their insights and getting inspired by their journeys.

In conclusion, leveraging keynotes for business success involves understanding the multi-faceted role of these speeches in events. Whether it’s developing leadership skills among attendees or attracting potential clients, a powerful keynote can become your ticket towards achieving unparalleled growth and success.

Tips and Best Practices for Effective Keynote Speaking

Being a keynote speaker is no small task. To ensure a memorable presentation, there are several techniques to consider. Let’s explore some best practices.

The Power of Preparation

As any experienced public speaker will tell you, preparation is critical. Thoroughly understanding the subject matter helps build confidence, which translates into more effective delivery techniques. As a result, a keynote speaker needs to know what opinions are expressed in their field so that they’re able to anticipate questions from attendees and answer them competently during Q&A sessions.

Connecting With Your Audience

A successful keynote isn’t solely focused on delivering content; it’s also about making connections with the audience. By incorporating relatable stories or analogies, a good speaker will not only engage listeners, but also help simplify complex ideas for them. Want more storytelling tips? Check out this podcast episode with Ravi Rajani for more ways aspiring speakers can weave narratives into their talks for greater impact.

Constantly Improving: Asking for and Using Feedback

Although a keynote speaker may be tempted to pat themselves on the back after giving a talk, their job isn’t done yet. For any talk they give, it’s important to seek out constructive criticism in order to learn how best to improve. What worked? What didn’t? What did the audience find most engaging and why? The answers to all these questions are worth their weight in gold, and a good speaker knows it. By incorporating audience suggestions into his or her presentation, a keynote speaker ensures that they are at the top of their game.

The Digital Age and Keynote Speaking

As the digital landscape evolves, so does keynote speaking . Social media channels have become powerful platforms for speakers to reach event attendees and amplify their messages. In fact, these platforms are now a fundamental part of any successful speaker’s toolkit.

Online Presence of Keynote Speakers

Digital tools like social media offer than just exposure—they let speakers interact directly with potential audiences and industry peers alike, fostering relationships that transcend physical boundaries.

Live streaming options available on multiple social media platforms allow speakers to share their message with audiences near and far, while also providing attendees an unparalleled opportunity to connect with influential voices.

This broadened reach doesn’t only benefit the speakers themselves, but also enhances the overall experience for event attendees who get unprecedented access to their favorite thought leaders in real time.

Social Media as A Promotional Tool

The days when flyers were enough to attract attendees are long gone—we’re living in an age where captivating visual content reigns supreme. So, if you’re planning to deliver a keynote or organize an event soon, remember: your social media activity could be the starting point of creating buzz and anticipation around it.

Increasing Number of Digital Aids

From Canva to Prezi, there are now tons of digital tools designed for keynote speakers. This LinkedIn post provides a helpful list of these tools , as well as some pros and cons.

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FAQs on Keynotes

What is a keynote.

A keynote is a defining presentation or speech centered around the main theme of an event.

What is the purpose of the keynote?

The purpose is to energize, inspire, or challenge attendees to see things from a fresh perspective.

What is the difference between a keynote and a presentation?

A presentation shares information while a keynote aims to spark change. The latter inspires action through powerful storytelling around central themes.

What does it mean to give a keynote?

Giving a keynote means delivering an impactful speech that guides an event’s direction, motivates listeners, and provides valuable insights related to the core topic.

What qualifies as a keynote speaker?

A credible figure with expertise in their field who delivers engaging speeches inspiring change or providing new perspectives on pertinent topics usually qualifies.

The essence of keynote speaking lies in creating an overarching theme that captivates audiences from start to finish. Opening keynotes set the stage while closing ones wrap up event objectives with finesse.

Together, we’ve explored strategies for delivering engaging presentations and using social media for promotion.

Now you know that a great keynote isn’t about just standing before an audience; it’s about resonating with them long after you leave the stage. Remember this as you step onto your own path of public speaking !

  • Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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  • Event Planning Software

8 Essential Keynote Speaker Tips You Should Know

what makes a good keynote speech

In this post

  • What is a keynote speaker?
  • What is a keynote speech?

8 tips for delivering a keynote speech

Where to find good keynote speakers, how to book a keynote speaker, cost of a keynote speaker.

Some of the most gripping and inspiring speeches ever given are keynotes.

For example, Steve Jobs’ introduction of the iPhone (also called Stevenote); Barack Obama at the 2004 Democratic National Convention ; or Gary Vaynerchuk’s keynote speech at Inc 500 Seminar 2011 . They grip us. Move us.

What is a keynote speaker? 

But why are keynotes different from other speeches or presentations? Because they are the key moment of an event – often a conference. That’s why they are key notes .

In fact, the term stems from music: a capella singers need to hear a note to get the tune of a song right. That became the key note. The word carried over from music to the defining presentation at an event, and it’s supposed to move us – just like its origin.

Keynotes are also referred to as keynote addresses and are given to crowds at events like SXSW to commencement ceremonies. One of the most renowned commencement speeches comes from Steve Jobs. He was the keynote speaker at Stanford's 2005 graduation, the university he dropped out of years before.

A keynote speaker, often well-known in the field, gives the defining presentation of a conference and tunes the audience.

Some keynote speakers are professionals who do nothing else but speak. There is a certain art to that crossover between motivational and educational speaking. The best keynote speakers feel not only comfortable and confident on stage, they are also able to present an inspiring story or original idea within the context of the event.

Keynote speakers also play an important economic role: they raise interest in the event. Seeing someone famous is a great incentive to buy a conference ticket. I myself remember seeing Seth Godin, a great inspiration for me, for the first time at a conference I probably wouldn’t have attended if he hadn’t given the keynote. I then discovered other great speakers and presentations, but Seth was the door opener. He pulled me in.

On top of being great ticket-sellers, keynote speakers signal prestige. The more famous, the better. That means not just increased ticket sales the year of the event, but likely also the years that follow. Think about what it does for an event when Barack Obama gives the keynote. Not everybody can make that happen. It pulls a conference to the next level and makes interested parties more likely to purchase a ticket to your next conference in anticipation that you’ll bring big-name celebrities in to speak, thus increasing the overall value of your event.

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What is a keynote speech .

A keynote is a principal presentation or speech that introduces an event and is usually given by a famous speaker. It sets the frame and tone of the event by introducing a novel or big idea. 

The best keynote speeches are all inspirational and cover an important idea. They are so rich you could write a book about them, which might be the reason so many writers give them. It’s not enough to just tell a funny anecdote or a joke. A keynote needs to teach something to the audience and move them.

Most keynotes are motivational speeches, but not all motivational speakers give keynotes.

Though it’s the most common setup, keynotes don’t always have to start an event. They can set the stage for following speakers speakers and discussions, so why not start with a bang?! Event coordinators can also organize the day with a keynote used to wrap up a conference or accelerate the moment midday. Either way, organizers and speakers need to understand that those are quite different from each other and demand different formats.

Writing a keynote speech is similar to writing a book. There’s no perfect recipe for it, but there are guidelines. If this is your first time, prepare to face high standards and putting in more work than for regular presentations. The following eight steps and tips at the end should prepare you well.

1. Find out what “keynote” means in context to the situation

Acknowledge that many organizers use the term “keynote” for different things. Clarify whether it’s really the main presentation you’re giving or something else.

2. Learn the intent of your keynote

Know the organizer’s goal/context. Is it to shock, excite, entertain, or inform? It’s often all of these things, but there has to be an emphasis on one. The organizer or event planner surely has a vision in mind, and it’s your job to understand what that looks like and how it overlaps with yours.

3. Understand your audience

Get a feeling for what moves the audience you’ll be speaking to and what’s top of mind, how to connect with them, and what their expectations are. Good keynotes tell a story that’s directly related to the context or the conference itself.

Some audience research ideas:

  • Google the conference name and look for reviews or blog articles
  • Look at conference hashtags on Twitter and Instagram to see who attended last year and what they said/shared
  • Ask the organizer for audience reviews/feedback from past sessions/keynotes
  • Ask your social media followers or email subscribers if they’re attending and what they expect

4. Do your research

Research previous keynote speakers of the event and find out what worked well and what didn’t. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time. Learn from those who came before you. Most event websites have that information and sometimes even videos of previous keynotes.

5. Plan your story

Think about the story you want to tell. It can be a personal anecdote, something that was big in the news, or a surprising outcome from research. Whatever it is, it should have at least one of these attributes: funny, entertaining, inspiring, gripping, or moving – or a combination – as long as it makes sense. 

TIP: How long should a keynote speech be? Keynotes rarely reach 60 minutes in length. The more common length is between 15 and 45 minutes (exceptions apply).

6. Internalize your presentation

Finish your presentation a couple of weeks ahead of the event so you can internalize it. Make sure you have some slack. As a regular speaker, nothing drives more sweat through your pores than finishing a slide deck a couple of hours before the event starts. Keynotes have very high requirements in terms of speaker quality, so make sure you leave enough time to refine your slides and really learn the content by heart. 

7. Connect with the audience at the event

Coffee breaks or breakfast are good opportunities for getting to know some of the attendees. Later on, when you stand in front of a mass, it will help you to address specific people and talk to them. You will probably feel more comfortable on stage and your presentation will be smoother.

8. Use social media to solidify the connections you made

Reconnect with the audience after your keynote on social media or in person. Make yourself available, answer questions, and discuss your material with attendees. That increases the chance of better feedback/reviews, creates advocates and new followers, and allows you to connect deeply with the people who gave their time and attention listening to you.

  • Sketch out your story, sort your research and facts, and write down what you want to say before creating your slides. Do them last.
  • Use strong pictures/images to underline your message
  • Avoid text as much as possible 
  • Work with simple charts 
  • Cover no more than one idea per slide 
  • Back your claims up with data 
  • Practice your deck – a lot 

When planning out your presentation, you need to know the type of presentation software you intend to use. Even slight discrepancies in formatting, timing, and design can make a difference in how you present your keynote to your audience. Find the right solution first so you aren’t scrambling last minute. 

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A lot of “popular” speakers have a dedicated speaking section on their website. So, the first step would be to visit the website of people you know from the industry and want to book. But there are also agencies and speaker bureaus that specialize in keynote speakers and cover the whole process for you.

Be sure to stay flexible with your time and budget if you’re aiming for a big name. As it often goes, if you already have one famous speaker on board, it’s easier to get others to join. A lot of buzz will also make it easier to persuade a speaker to come and give a keynote. The audience size and sold (early bird) tickets are good door openers. Money and fame always works.

Keynote speakers can be booked directly or through an agency/speaker bureau. Many keynote speakers are represented by agencies that take a 20-30% cut from the speaking fee.

However, a growing trend is to run inquiries through a speaker's own website while self-manage gigs, depending on how famous speakers are in a certain niche. Agencies really only help with promotion and management, but that can be handled by the speakers themselves given the ease of access via internet. 

The average cost of a less experienced keynote speaker is between $1,500 and $5,000. Celebrities and famous speakers start at $25,000. Fees top out at around $100,000.

But money isn’t everything. There’s also fame, prestige, and promotion to be gained for keynote speakers. Giving the commencement speech at famous universities/colleges is a great honor, for example. It’s not uncommon for nonprofits to persuade good keynote speakers to speak for free if their cause is appealing.

Keynotes define an event and should be treated as such

Not to trigger your fear of public speaking , but keynotes should be original and unique. If you go for one as a speaker, the best way to not bomb out is to prepare an emotional story, collect interesting facts, and most importantly – practice, practice, practice.

However, that’s not just important to understand for the speaker, but also for the organizer. Set your speakers up for success by giving them all the information they need to be successful, especially about the audience. The worst-case scenario for a motivational and inspirational keynote is to be given to the wrong audience.

If it goes well, a keynote leaves the audience energized, inspired, motivated, and engaged. Whether the goal is to get them to come back next year as an organizer or making a name for yourself as a speaker, keynotes are a big deal and should be treated as such

Are you feeling inspired? Check out our list of the best TED talks to see examples of keynote speakers who blew the audience away. Keep your motivation high and help yourself create the greatest keynote speech of your life! 

Kevin Indig

Kevin is the formerr VP of SEO & Content at G2. He believes that technology can substantially improve our lives and wants to do everything in his power to make the right technology visible and available to the right people.

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what makes a good keynote speech

What is a keynote speaker? 7 things you need to know.

  • Updated on January 12, 2024

Wes Berry

  • Written and edited by Wes Berry

When you ask yourself, “ What is a keynote speaker? “, imagine being at an event where one person not only captures but also elevates the entire audience’s energy.

This individual, known as the keynote speaker , plays a pivotal role in setting the tone and delivering a message that resonates long after the event concludes.

In this article, we’re going to unravel the mysteries behind keynote speakers.

We’ll look at their roles, the unique traits that make them so influential, and the significant impact they have on events.

Whether you’re an event organizer or simply curious about the art of keynote speaking, you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s begin our exploration into the captivating world of keynote speakers.

Professional keynote speaker addressing an attentive audience at a conference, exemplifying the role and essence of keynote speaking.

Defining a Keynote Speaker: An Introduction

When we think about the heart and soul of a major conference or event, the image that often comes to mind is of a captivating figure on the stage – the keynote speaker.

But what exactly makes a keynote speaker so integral to these events?

Let’s uncover this together.

More Than Just a Speaker

At first glance, a keynote speaker might seem like just another presenter.

However, they are so much more…

Let’s discuss:

  • The Tone Setter: They set the overall tone and theme of the event.
  • The Big Draw: Often, they are a major draw for attendees, sometimes being well-known personalities or experts in their field.
  • The Message Carrier: Their speech is not just about conveying information but inspiring and motivating the audience.

The Art of Keynote Speaking

Keynote speaking is an art form.

It requires a blend of skills and attributes.

Here are 3 things I personally like to focus on when speaking to an audience:

  • Storytelling: The ability to weave facts, anecdotes, and messages into a compelling narrative.
  • Engagement: They don’t just speak; they engage with the audience, often leaving them with thought-provoking ideas or questions.
  • Adaptability: Being able to connect with diverse audiences, tailoring their message to resonate with different groups.

The Impact of Their Words

The impact of a keynote speaker is far-reaching.

Think of it in terms like this…

  • They can inspire change , encouraging individuals and organizations to think or act differently.
  • Keynote speeches often become the highlight of events , remembered and talked about long afterward.
  • They have the power to ignite innovation and spark new ideas among their audience.

Keynote Speakers in Various Fields

Keynote speakers come from a wide variety of backgrounds.

Below are just a few industries you can pull speakers from.

  • Business leaders, sharing insights on leadership and management.
  • Technology experts, unveiling the latest advancements and future trends.
  • Motivational speakers, uplift and encourage personal growth and development.

Are you starting to understand what a keynote speaker is now?

A keynote speaker is more than just a person who stands on a stage and talks.

They are the essence of the event, infusing it with energy, inspiration, and direction.

As we continue to explore the world of keynote speakers in the next sections, we’ll take a deeper look into their roles, traits, and the unforgettable impact they leave behind.

Professional keynote speaker addressing an attentive audience at a conference.

History and Evolution of Keynote Speaking

The art of keynote speaking is not a modern invention.

It’s a craft that has been refined over centuries, influenced by great orators and changing societal needs.

Let’s take a brief journey through the evolution of keynote speaking.

Ancient Roots

The origins of public speaking can be traced back to ancient civilizations.

Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Socrates were early masters of rhetoric, using their oratory skills to educate and influence.

Roman statesmen like Cicero later elevated public speaking into an art form.

Their impact on the art of persuasion and public speaking is still studied today.

The Middle Ages and Renaissance

During the Middle Ages, the art of speaking took a more religious turn, with sermons and religious discourses becoming the primary form of public speaking.

However, the Renaissance reignited interest in classical rhetoric, and scholars began to study and teach the principles of Aristotle and Cicero once again.

The Rise of Keynote Speaking in Modern Times

As we moved into the modern era, the role of the public speaker evolved.

The Industrial Revolution and the rise of large-scale events brought a need for speakers who could captivate and inspire large audiences.

This era saw the rise of the keynote speaker as we know it today – a central figure, who sets the tone for events and conferences.

Today’s Keynote Speaker

Today, keynote speakers are a blend of educators, entertainers, and inspirers.

They are often chosen for their expertise, experiences, and ability to connect with an audience on a deeper level.

The digital age has also expanded keynote speaker’s reach, with speeches being broadcasted globally, transcending physical boundaries.

For a deeper dive into the history of public speaking and its evolution, check out this insightful article from History.com .

The journey of keynote speaking is a testament to the enduring power of the spoken word.

As we continue to explore this fascinating topic, we’ll uncover more about the roles, responsibilities, and lasting impact of keynote speakers.

Timeline depicting the history of public speaking, from ancient philosophers to modern speakers.

Roles and Responsibilities of a Keynote Speaker

Understanding the roles and responsibilities of a keynote speaker is crucial to appreciating their impact.

A keynote speaker does much more than just ‘speak.’

Let’s explore the multifaceted nature of this pivotal role.

Inspiring the Audience

A keynote speaker’s primary role is to inspire and motivate their audience.

They bring energy and enthusiasm that can transform an event’s atmosphere, making their speech a memorable experience.

Setting the Event’s Tone

The keynote address often sets the tone for the entire event.

A well-delivered keynote can create a positive mood, establish the event’s theme, and provide a framework for the discussions that follow.

Providing Expertise

Keynote speakers are usually experts in their field.

They share valuable insights and knowledge, offering the audience a unique perspective on relevant topics.

Engaging with the Audience

Effective keynote speakers engage with their audience, creating a two-way dialogue.

They encourage participation, provoke thought, and often leave the audience with impactful takeaways.

To better understand the importance of these roles in successful events, read this insightful piece from Forbes on the importance of great keynote speakers at events.

As we take a closer look into the art and science of keynote speaking, it becomes clear that these speakers are much more than just voices on stage.

They are the catalysts for change, inspiration, and new ideas.

In the next section, we’ll explore the characteristics that make a keynote speaker truly effective and memorable.

Infographic illustrating the multifaceted roles and responsibilities of speaking.

Characteristics of an Effective Keynote Speaker

What transforms a good speaker into a great keynote speaker?

It’s a combination of several key characteristics.

Let’s explore these traits that make keynote speakers not just heard, but remembered.

Confidence and Charisma

  • Confidence: Great keynote speakers exude confidence. They command the stage with assurance and poise, making their presence felt.
  • Charisma: They possess a natural charm and charisma that captivates the audience, making their message more impactful.

Expertise and Knowledge

  • Depth of Knowledge: They are often experts in their field, bringing a depth of knowledge that adds credibility to their message.
  • Lifelong Learners: Effective keynote speakers are always learning and evolving, keeping up-to-date with the latest in their field.

Ability to Connect with the Audience

  • Engagement: They know how to engage with the audience, making each listener feel like they are being spoken to directly.
  • Empathy: These speakers can relate to their audience, understanding their needs and addressing them effectively.

Communication Skills

  • Clear Messaging: They can convey their message in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.
  • Storytelling: Great keynote speakers are also great storytellers. They use stories to illustrate their points and connect on an emotional level.

Adaptability and Flexibility

  • Adapting to the Audience: They can tailor their message to resonate with different audiences.
  • Handling the Unexpected: A skilled keynote speaker can handle unexpected situations or questions with ease and grace.

These characteristics combine to create a speaker who doesn’t just deliver a speech but creates an experience.

For more insights into what makes a keynote speaker stand out, check out this article from Psychology Today .

In the next sections, we’ll explore the impact these speakers have on events and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Stay tuned to uncover more about the incredible world of keynote speaking.

Confident and charismatic keynote speaker engaging with a diverse audience, showcasing traits like expertise and the ability to connect.

The Impact of a Keynote Speaker on Events

Throughout this article, we’ve explored what a keynote speaker is, their history, roles, and the characteristics that make them effective.

Now, let’s dive into the profound impact these speakers have on events and their audiences.

Setting the Event’s Atmosphere

  • A keynote speaker often sets the tone for the entire event. Their energy, enthusiasm, and message lay the groundwork for what attendees can expect.
  • As we discussed in the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ section, the right speaker can transform the mood and feel of an event.

Inspiring Change and Action

  • One of the most significant impacts of a keynote speaker is their ability to inspire change and action in their audience.
  • As highlighted in the ‘Characteristics of an Effective Keynote Speaker’ section, their expertise and persuasive communication skills can motivate attendees to think and act differently.

Facilitating Networking and Discussions

  • A compelling keynote speech can be a conversation starter, sparking discussions and networking among attendees.
  • This aspect ties back to the importance of engaging with the audience, a trait we emphasized earlier.

Educating and Informing

  • Keynote speakers often provide valuable insights and information, contributing to the educational aspect of the event.
  • Their depth of knowledge, a characteristic we’ve previously discussed, helps in enlightening the audience on specific topics.

Leaving a Lasting Impression

  • The message and delivery of a great keynote speaker often leave a lasting impression on the attendees, long after the event is over.
  • This lasting impact is a culmination of the various roles and characteristics we’ve explored in the previous sections.

The impact of a keynote speaker extends beyond the confines of the event.

They ignite ideas, inspire change, and leave a lasting imprint on their audience’s minds.

To understand more about the influence of keynote speakers on events, consider reading this insightful article from TED Talks , a platform known for its powerful keynote presentations.

As we move towards the conclusion of our exploration into the world of keynote speakers, we’ll next look at how to choose the right keynote speaker for your event, tying together all the aspects we’ve discussed thus far.

Energetically addressing a captivated audience, with visual elements symbolizing inspiration and the transformative impact of speeches.

How to Choose the Right Keynote Speaker for Your Event

Choosing the right keynote speaker is crucial for the success of your event. As we’ve seen in previous sections, a keynote speaker sets the tone, inspires change, and leaves a lasting impact.

Here’s a guide to help you select the perfect speaker for your event.

Understand Your Event’s Objective and Audience

  • Identify the main goal of your event and the type of audience attending. This will guide you in finding a speaker whose message aligns with your objectives.
  • Consider the demographic and interests of your audience to ensure the speaker can connect with them effectively.

Look for Expertise and Credibility

  • Choose a speaker who is an expert in the field relevant to your event’s theme, as discussed in the ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ section.
  • Check their credibility through past speaking engagements, publications, and audience feedback.

Evaluate Their Speaking Style and Ability to Engage

  • Every speaker has a unique style. Watch videos of their past speeches to gauge if their style fits your event.
  • As highlighted in the ‘Characteristics of an Effective Keynote Speaker’ section, their ability to engage and inspire the audience is crucial.

Consider Their Impact on Previous Events

  • Research the impact they have had on previous events. Did they inspire change or spark new ideas?
  • Feedback from previous event organizers can provide valuable insights into their effectiveness.

Ensure Logistical Compatibility

  • Confirm their availability for your event dates and consider any logistical requirements like travel and accommodation.
  • Discuss and agree on the fee and any additional expenses upfront to avoid surprises.

Selecting the right keynote speaker can elevate your event from good to unforgettable.

By considering these factors, you can find a speaker who not only delivers a great speech but also resonates with your audience and enhances the overall experience of your event.

For more detailed guidance on selecting keynote speakers, this article from Harvard Business Review offers great insights.

Having explored the various facets of keynote speakers, from their roles to their selection, we’re now ready to wrap up our journey with a conclusion that ties together all these insights.

Informative infographic detailing criteria for selecting the right speaker.

Conclusion: The Unforgettable Impact of a Keynote Speaker

As we reach the end of our exploration into the world of keynote speakers, it’s clear that their influence extends far beyond the stage.

From the ancient roots of public speaking to the dynamic presence of today’s keynote speakers, their role in shaping events and inspiring audiences is undeniable.

We’ve discovered that a keynote speaker is much more than just a figure delivering a speech.

They are the tone-setters, the inspirers, and the catalysts for change.

Their unique blend of confidence, charisma, and expertise empowers them to connect deeply with their audience, leaving a lasting impression that resonates well beyond the event itself.

Choosing the right keynote speaker, as we’ve outlined, is a critical decision.

It involves understanding your audience, recognizing the speaker’s ability to engage and inspire, and ensuring their message aligns with your event’s goals.

The right speaker can transform an ordinary event into an extraordinary experience, igniting minds and sparking innovation.

As you reflect on the insights shared in this article, remember that the power of a keynote speaker lies in their ability to weave stories, share wisdom, and inspire action.

Whether you’re organizing an event or simply attending one, the presence of a skilled keynote speaker can make all the difference, turning an event into a memorable journey of inspiration and learning.

Hopefully, this guide is useful for helping you choose your next keynote speaker!

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Keynote speaker conference

what makes a good keynote speech

Become a Great Keynote Speaker – A Step by Step Guide

February 02, 2023

So, you’ve been asked to be a keynote speaker and give a keynote speech. How do you make sure your speech stands out and gets remembered? How do you become a good keynote speaker?

Writing and giving a keynote speech is a real skill.  and it’s a skill you can learn.  over the last 15 years we’ve helped hundreds of people with keynote speaker training. , do please call us and we’ll tell you about our conference keynote speaker coaching – it’s fast and good value..

These are the top speaker tips from the coaching team at Benjamin Ball Associates, based on our 15 years’ experience of supporting business leaders.

What is a Keynote Speech? What is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote is more than an ordinary conference speech . Your keynote talk may be the reason people come to the event. It frequently sets the tone for the day. You’ll probably be the first speaker and that means your audience has high expectations .

Keynote speaking is also a powerful marketing opportunity. With these high stakes, the pressure is on you to deliver.

Learn how we can help – schedule a free consultation now

What makes a great Keynote speech?

You can only be a great event keynote speaker if you start with great content. That means writing a powerful keynote speech that your audience wants to hear. But what are the elements of a great keynote presentation? These keynote speech tips are some of the most important things to get right.

16 best keynote speaker tips: how to give a keynote speech

Let’s look at each of those Keynote Speaker tips in turn.

1. Know your audience

A top keynote speaker talks about their audience .  Whatever the subject of your talk, when preparing your keynote, you need to talk about what it means for them.  For example:

  • If you are talking about new laws, then tell us how will these improve the lives of the audience. 
  • If you are talking about changes in your business, what will that means for those in the audience. 

This means you write your speech for your audience and no one else.   See how Dan Gilbert involves his audience in his talk. “The Surprising Science of Happiness”

YouTube player

2. Have a clear intent to your keynote speaker speech

Great talks have a singular purpose . You should decide exactly what you want to achieve with your keynote. The clearer your intent in your keynote address, the more likely you will achieve this. For example, in his TED talk, Christopher Emdin uses his six minutes to achieve his one objective. 

How to do this? Write your intent on a post it note and keep this over your desk as you prepare your talk.  This should be your guiding light.

YouTube player

3. Prepare clear messages in your keynote presentation

Great talks are easy for your audience to listen to and understand. One way you can make it easy for your audience is by having clear messages that you want your audience to take away. We often use the TakeAway Test to check the clarity of our clients’ messages.

4. Tell stories when speaking

Storytelling is at the heart of any great talk . One of our top bits of advice for clients is that “Facts get forgotten; Stories get repeated.” You can use stories in many ways – to start; to connect with your audience; to give examples; to illustrate what you mean. See how Susan Cain uses stories in her TED talk The Power of Introverts.

YouTube player

You can learn more about powerful storytelling here

5. use all the tricks of great keynote speakers.

Speech writing is an art and a science. That’s why speech writing is a paid profession. Simon Lancaster, a well-known speech writer, talks about speech writing tricks including speaking in threes, using contrasts and metaphor in his TED talk. So, if you want help using these tools and turning your speech into an impressive Keynote address, please get in touch.

YouTube player

What mistakes do you need to avoid in a keynote?

In our experience, these are the biggest mistakes made by speakers over and over again. Read this and make sure you don’t fall into any these public speaking traps.

6. Don’t be boring as a speaker

It may sound obvious, but this is the key failing of keynotes. Because people don’t prepare properly, they deliver a mediocre speech. The good news is that it can be relatively simple to turn an ordinary conference talk into a powerful keynote .

We’d be delighted to transform your draft into a compelling Keynote with our public speaking coaching.

7. Don’t let your keynote speech be too formal

Great leaders speak using a conversational style. Short words, short phrases, simple words and colloquial phrases make a talk easy to listen to. Good writing is hard work, so keep at it until you know you have a great talk. Or use an experienced public speaking coach to help you draft your words.

8. A keynote speaker does not give a sales pitch

Some of the worst keynote speeches are promotional pitches . Much better is to grab attention and demonstrate how good you are, rather than tell people how good you are. Let your audience conclude that you are brilliant – don’t tell them.

9. Don’t say too much

It is easy to try and cover too much in your talk. A common mistake is to pack your talk with more information. But the best talks tend to be simple and focused. We’ve improved more talks by cutting stuff than by adding stuff. A great talk will say less, but say it better.

10. A keynote speech is not an essay

The spoken word and the written word are completely different. You need to write for the ear, not the page. You need to learn how to write a keynote speech. This is where a speech writer or a public speaking coach are so useful because they can help you translate your ideas into powerful spoken language.

11. Don’t rely on PowerPoint

Prepare a great keynote speech first. Only then decide if you need visual aids. And visual aids do not need to be PowerPoint. A PowerPoint presentation is not the same as a speech.

How to give a keynote address

Once you have written a great talk, you then need to deliver it well. If you have a bad speech, it will be hard to deliver and you will never look good. But with a well-written keynote and a carefully prepared speaker, you can be very impressive. These are some things that you need to consider:

12. Project your voice

The best Speaker is a performer. Speaking as you would in a small room will not work. You need to look and sound impressive to make an impact. What does this involve? You need to think about the energy you put into your voice; how you vary your pace and tone and how you command the room. Fortunately all these techniques can be learned. We do this every week for leaders giving keynote talks.

13. Use many pauses in your keynote

Pauses are the secret trick that the best speakers know. Pauses are powerful because they help your audience and they help you. As a rule of thumb, great speakers will use pauses every 5-10 words, and will frequently pause for somewhere between ½ – 2 seconds.

14. Own the stage

With your body language and your eye contact you can look impressive. A speaker will seen to be comfortable and will look as if being on stage is natural to them. All this is a trick. Many speakers feel nervous, but they have learned how to appear confident . We can help you look confident.

15. A great speaker will look the part

What you wear, how you behave and what you say must all link together. If what you are saying and how you say it do not match, you will lose your audience.


16. Practise

The one thing that distinguishes great business keynote speakers from ordinary ones is the time they spend rehearsing their speech . Obviously, the more public speaking you do, the better your will get. So if you don’t speak frequently, dedicate extra time to practising your talk.

And by practising, you should keep improving and refining what you say. Never be happy with the first draft of your speech. The best speakers are editing right up to the last minute. And of course, call us in to help. We can transform you from a nervous speaker into a confident, compelling communicator.

How to Deliver The Best Keynote Speech

So, how do you prepare your next keynote talk you are welcome to use all the advice above. or, to make it simpler, we could help you., before you give your next keynote presentation, get in touch. we’d be delighted to help you prepare and deliver a compelling speech. our keynote speaker training is fast and efficient. we’ve been doing this for over 15 years and have trained thousands of business executives., transform your presentation skills with tailored coaching.

Benjamin Ball Associates  Presentation skills coaching team

We can help you present brilliantly. Thousands of people have benefitted from our tailored in-house coaching and advice – and we can help you too .

“I honestly thought it was the most valuable 3 hours I’ve spent with anyone in a long time.” Mick May, CEO, Blue Sky

For 15+ years we’ve been the trusted choice of leading businesses and executives throughout the UK, Europe and the Middle East to improve corporate presentations through presentation coaching, public speaking training and expert advice on pitching to investors.

Unlock your full potential and take your presentations to the next level with Benjamin Ball Associates.

Speak to Louise on +44 20 7018 0922 or email [email protected] to transform your speeches, pitches and presentations.

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Rice Speechwriting

Master the art of keynote speech: expert tips, keynote speech mastery: expert tips for success.

Keynote speaking is a powerful tool that can make or break an event. Whether it’s a business conference, a fundraising gala, or a product launch, the keynote speech sets the tone for the entire event and takes it to the next level. Crafting and delivering an impactful keynote address requires a unique set of skills that differ from those of regular speeches. In this blog post, we will take you through the art of keynote speaking, covering everything from understanding the essence of a keynote address to choosing your speech topic, structuring your speech, engaging your audience, and overcoming common challenges. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the tips and tricks needed to deliver an unforgettable keynote speech that inspires and motivates your audience.

Introduction: How to write a keynote speech

When crafting a keynote speech, it’s essential to focus on capturing the audience’s attention and setting the tone for the event. By tailoring your speech to the theme of the event and the needs of the attendees, you can ensure that your message resonates with them. To make your keynote speech memorable, use storytelling, humor, and personal anecdotes. Engage your audience by starting with a clear message or theme and an attention-grabbing opening that shows empathy towards their needs. Throughout your speech, maintain organization and focus, using transitions to smoothly move between ideas. End your speech with a strong call-to-action or takeaway message. Enhance the impact of your presentation by using visual aids and engaging body language.

Brief overview of the significance of a keynote speech in setting the tone for an event.

A keynote speech plays a vital role in setting the tone for an event, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. It gives the keynote speaker the opportunity to inspire, motivate, and leave a lasting impression on the audience. By addressing the core message or theme of an event, program, or conference, a keynote speech brings clarity to the attendees and establishes a framework for the rest of the program. Delivering a successful keynote speech requires a strong presence, eye contact, and the ability to capture the audience’s attention from the very beginning. When done well, a keynote speech can leave a lasting impact on the audience and contribute to a memorable event.

The difference between a regular speech and a keynote address.

A keynote address goes beyond a regular speech, offering a unique and memorable experience for the audience. While a regular speech focuses on conveying information, a keynote address aims to inspire, motivate, and challenge the audience’s thinking. Being offered the opportunity to deliver a keynote address is a great honor. Keynote speakers are chosen for their name recognition, expertise, and ability to deliver a powerful message. Unlike a regular speech, a keynote address is typically delivered at the beginning of an event, setting the tone for the rest of the program. Keynote speakers often work with a speakers bureau to ensure they match the event’s theme and audience’s expectations.

Understanding the Essence of a Keynote Address

A keynote address aims to leave a memorable impression on the audience, inspiring and motivating them. It provides direction, guiding individuals towards success and personal growth. Keynote speakers have the opportunity to connect with the audience on a deeper level by sharing personal stories, insights, and lessons learned. Delivering a successful keynote speech requires hard work, preparation, and an understanding of the event’s topic. With the power to shape the event’s narrative, keynote speakers have the ability to make a lasting impact. Understanding the needs and interests of the audience is essential, as well as utilizing effective communication techniques such as body language, storytelling, and visual aids. Keynote speaking requires practice and confidence to deliver a powerful message that resonates with the audience, just like the last time you were at an event.

The primary goal and purpose behind delivering a keynote speech.

Delivering a keynote speech serves several key purposes. Firstly, it allows the speaker to establish credibility and showcase their expertise in a particular field. By sharing their knowledge and unique perspective, they build trust with the audience. Additionally, a successful keynote speech should inspire and motivate listeners. It should leave them feeling energized and ready to take action towards their goals. Engaging the audience throughout the speech is critical; a captivating keynote speech captures attention and maintains interest. The speaker aims to deliver a specific message or theme effectively, ensuring that the audience understands and internalizes the intended takeaway. Finally, building a connection with the audience is vital for enhancing engagement and making the message resonate on a personal level.

How a keynote address can inspire, motivate, and provide direction to an audience

Keynote speakers have the ability to inspire and motivate their audience by sharing their experiences, insights, and knowledge. They can provide direction and vision for organizations and teams, guiding them towards success. Connecting with the audience is crucial for a keynote speaker to make a lasting impression. Keynote speaking is also a powerful way to build credibility and visibility within an industry. Effective presentations require good preparation, storytelling skills, and audience engagement techniques. By incorporating these elements, a keynote address can leave a profound impact on the audience, inspiring them to take action.

Choosing Your Keynote Speech Topic

When choosing your keynote speech topic, it’s essential to consider your target audience and their interests. Think about your expertise and unique perspective, as this will help you bring a fresh and insightful angle to your speech. Research current trends and events in your industry to stay relevant and engaging. Your chosen topic should inspire your audience and leave a lasting impression. Practice and refine your speech to ensure that it resonates with your audience at the end of your speech.

Tips for selecting a topic that resonates with the event’s theme and audience.

When choosing a topic for your keynote speech, it is crucial to thoroughly research the event and understand its objectives and target audience. This will help ensure that your topic aligns with the event’s theme and goals, making it the perfect topic of the event. Consider the audience’s interests, knowledge level, and expectations to make the topic relevant, engaging, and actionable. Avoid common or overused topics and offer a unique perspective that resonates with the attendees. By selecting a topic that truly connects with the event’s theme and audience, you can deliver a memorable and impactful keynote speech.

The importance of relevance and timeliness in a keynote address.

Tailoring the message to specific audiences and events is crucial for a keynote speaker. It ensures that the audience can connect with the content on a deeper level. Additionally, incorporating personal anecdotes and stories adds an element of relatability and makes the keynote more engaging and memorable. To maintain relevancy, it is essential for the topic of the keynote speech to align with current events and trends. Using accessible language and avoiding jargon further enhances the speaker’s ability to effectively communicate with the audience. Ultimately, a successful keynote address should leave the listeners feeling inspired and motivated.

Structuring Your Keynote Speech

Structuring your keynote speech is crucial for delivering a compelling and impactful presentation. To capture your audience’s attention from the start, begin with a strong opening that grabs their interest. Introduce yourself and your credentials to establish credibility with the audience. Outline the main points of your speech in a logical flow to ensure clarity and coherence. Use stories, examples, and anecdotes to make your points more memorable and relatable. Incorporate visuals like slides or videos to enhance your message and engage your audience visually. Finally, end your keynote speech with a clear call to action or takeaway that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Crafting a compelling introduction to grab attention.

To craft a compelling introduction that grabs attention during your keynote speech, there are several effective techniques you can employ. One approach is to start with a captivating personal anecdote that immediately draws the audience in and creates a connection. Another option is to begin with a thought-provoking question that gets the audience thinking and actively engaged from the start. Alternatively, you can use a powerful quote that sets the tone for your keynote speech and captures the audience’s attention. Opening with a surprising statistic or fact can also be an effective way to grab the audience’s attention right from the beginning. Lastly, consider engaging the audience from the start by sharing a relatable and relevant story that they can connect with. By incorporating these strategies into your introduction, you can create a captivating opening that sets the stage for the rest of your keynote speech.

Building the body of the keynote speech with clear points and supporting evidence.

To build a compelling keynote speech, it’s crucial to break it down into clear sections, each highlighting a main point. These main points should be supported by strong evidence, whether it’s research, data, or personal experience. Visual aids, such as graphs or charts, can enhance the audience’s understanding of these main points. Additionally, incorporating storytelling techniques can make the main points more relatable and memorable. Finally, ensure there is a logical flow in your speech, seamlessly connecting your main points. This way, your audience will be engaged and gain valuable insights from your keynote speech.

Concluding with a memorable and impactful message.

In order to leave a lasting impression on your audience during your keynote speech, it is crucial to have a strong and impactful conclusion. One way to achieve this is by summarizing the main takeaways of your speech, reinforcing the core message that you want to convey. Additionally, ending your speech with a call-to-action can inspire the audience to take a specific next step, whether it’s signing up for your newsletter or taking action on a cause. Leaving the audience with a powerful, thought-provoking question to contemplate can also make your message stick in their minds. Another effective technique is to close your speech with a personal story or anecdote that resonates with the audience and leaves a lasting impression. Lastly, finishing off with a strong, memorable quote that encapsulates your message can leave a powerful impact on the audience and make your speech more memorable for your next keynote. By incorporating these techniques into your keynote speech, you can ensure that you conclude with a memorable and impactful message that resonates with your audience.

Engaging Your Audience

To truly engage your audience during a keynote speech, it’s crucial to establish a personal connection. By sharing stories and experiences, you make your message relatable and create a sense of authenticity. Incorporating humor at appropriate moments keeps the audience entertained and attentive. Visual aids, such as slides or videos, can enhance your presentation by adding visual interest and supporting your key points. Additionally, encouraging audience participation through Q&A sessions or interactive group activities makes them feel involved and invested in your speech. These techniques ensure that your audience remains engaged throughout your keynote address.

Techniques to maintain audience interest and engagement throughout the keynote address.

To maintain audience interest and engagement throughout a keynote address, it is crucial to start with a strong opening that captures their attention. Storytelling is an effective technique to connect with the audience and make the presentation memorable. Incorporating humor and relatable examples keeps the audience engaged. Visual aids such as slides or videos break up the presentation and make it more interactive. Finally, ending with a strong closing leaves a lasting impression on the audience’s attention. By incorporating these techniques, a keynote speaker can ensure a captivating and engaging presentation.

The role of storytelling, anecdotes, and real-life examples in a keynote speech.

Storytelling, anecdotes, and real-life examples play a crucial role in a keynote speech. They have the power to engage the audience, making the message more memorable. By incorporating storytelling, speakers can create a narrative that captures attention and resonates with the listeners. Anecdotes provide specific examples related to the topic being discussed, simplifying complex concepts and enabling the audience to understand and relate. Real-life examples add credibility and authenticity to the speaker’s message, making it more impactful. However, it’s important to strike a balance between these elements and the overall purpose of the keynote speech. Practicing delivery and timing ensures seamless integration of storytelling, anecdotes, and real-life examples, enhancing the effectiveness of the speech.

Visual Aids and Presentation Tools

Visual aids play a crucial role in enhancing a keynote presentation. They help to capture and maintain the audience’s attention, making the message more memorable and impactful. There are various types of visual aids that can be used, including slides, videos, and props. When creating slides, it’s important to ensure they effectively convey the main points and complement the speaker’s message. Presentation tools like PowerPoint and Keynote can be used to create visually appealing slides and seamlessly integrate them into the presentation. Additionally, the speaker’s body language and non-verbal communication also play a significant role in enhancing the effectiveness of visual aids.

Enhancing your keynote address with effective visuals and multimedia.

To enhance the impact of your keynote speech, it’s important to use visual aids and multimedia elements effectively. When selecting visuals, prioritize relevance, quality, and their ability to support your message. Consider incorporating videos and animations to add variety and interest to your presentation. Ensure that all attendees, including those with disabilities, can access and engage with your visuals and multimedia. Practice your delivery with these elements to seamlessly integrate them into your keynote address. Remember, visuals and multimedia should enhance, not distract from, your overall message.

Tips for integrating slides, videos, and graphics without overshadowing the speech.

When incorporating slides, videos, and graphics into your keynote speech, it is essential to strike the right balance. These visual aids can enhance your message and engage the audience, but they should never overshadow your speech. One important tip is to ensure that your visuals align with the theme of the event and support your key points. Additionally, make sure you have enough time to prepare and practice with the multimedia elements, as last-minute adjustments can be distracting. Remember, the focus should always be on your words and delivery, with the slides, videos, and graphics complementing your message.

Practicing and Perfecting Your Keynote Speech

To deliver a successful keynote speech, ample practice is vital. Dedicate enough time to rehearse your speech and ensure you feel confident and prepared. Seek feedback from trusted individuals who can provide valuable insights and suggestions for improvement. This process allows you to refine your message and delivery, ensuring clarity and impact. Overcoming common challenges, such as nerves, technical glitches, or unexpected interruptions, requires adaptability and composure during your keynote address. By practicing and perfecting your keynote speech in its entirety, you maximize your ability to engage and inspire your audience with your message.

The value of rehearsal in delivering a confident keynote address.

Rehearsing your keynote speech multiple times is crucial in delivering a confident and impactful presentation. By practicing, you internalize your message and become more familiar with the content, allowing you to deliver it with confidence. Taking the time to rehearse helps ensure a polished presentation, allowing you to work on your body language and eye contact with the audience. Additionally, rehearsing allows you to identify any areas of your speech that may need improvement, giving you the opportunity to address them beforehand. Seeking feedback and making refinements further ensures clarity and impact.

Seeking feedback and making refinements to ensure clarity and impact.

To ensure clarity and impact in your keynote address, it’s essential to seek feedback from trusted colleagues or a speaking coach. Their insights can provide valuable guidance for refining your message and enhancing the overall effectiveness of your speech. Continuously working on refining your keynote speech is crucial for making a strong impact on the audience. By incorporating feedback and making necessary adjustments, you can gauge the clarity and impact of your speech, ensuring that it resonates with the audience and delivers the intended message. Seeking feedback and making refinements are critical steps towards delivering a powerful and impactful keynote speech.

Overcoming Common Keynote Speech Challenges

To ensure your keynote speech captivates the audience, utilize storytelling techniques that hold their attention. Smoothly handle any technical glitches that arise, maintaining the flow of your speech. Craft strong call-to-actions that inspire the audience to take action after your address. Overcome nerves by practicing relaxation techniques before delivering your keynote. Be prepared to deal with unexpected interruptions without losing focus. By employing these strategies, you can overcome common challenges and deliver a memorable and impactful keynote speech.

Addressing common pitfalls and challenges in crafting and delivering a keynote speech

Crafting and delivering a successful keynote speech requires careful consideration of common pitfalls and challenges. To maintain a strong and professional speaking presence, it’s essential to avoid filler words like “um” and “uh.” Captivate the audience by crafting your speech with a clear main message and theme. Strategic use of visual aids can enhance their understanding of your keynote address. Tailor your speech to the event’s topic, ensuring relevance and engagement. Additionally, incorporating personal experiences and storytelling techniques can make your keynote speech relatable and impactful. By addressing these challenges, you can deliver a memorable and inspiring keynote speech.

Strategies to handle nerves, technical glitches, and unexpected interruptions during the keynote address.

To ensure a smooth and successful keynote address, it is crucial to employ effective strategies for handling nerves, technical glitches, and unexpected interruptions, as used by professional speakers. One of the most important things you can do is practice, practice, practice. By rehearsing your speech until you know it like the back of your hand, you will feel more confident and less likely to be thrown off track by nerves. Additionally, visualizing success can help alleviate anxiety and boost your overall performance. Take some time to imagine yourself delivering a successful keynote speech before the actual event, envisioning positive outcomes and a captivated audience.

While technical glitches can be frustrating, being prepared for them can make all the difference. Bring backup equipment and have a technician on standby to quickly resolve any issues that may arise. This way, you can maintain a seamless flow and keep the audience engaged. In the face of unexpected interruptions, it’s important to handle them with grace. Stay calm, address the interruption briefly, and then smoothly transition back to your main points. Lastly, using humor strategically throughout your speech can help ease tension and keep the audience relaxed and engaged. By incorporating these strategies, you will be well-equipped to navigate any challenges that may arise during your keynote address.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes a great keynote speaker.

A great keynote speaker captivates and motivates their audience, delivering a message that resonates deeply. They exude confidence, authenticity, and passion for their topic, adapting it to suit the interests and needs of their listeners.

How can a speaker engage their audience during a keynote speech?

To engage the audience during a keynote speech, speakers should start with a captivating opening. They can connect emotionally through storytelling and personal anecdotes. Interactive elements like audience participation and multimedia presentations help keep the audience engaged. Tailoring the speech to the specific interests and needs of the audience also contributes to engagement.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when delivering a keynote speech?

To deliver a successful keynote speech, avoid reading directly from slides or notes. Respect the event schedule by not exceeding your allotted time. Focus on key points instead of trying to cover too much material. Steer clear of using jargon that may confuse your audience.

How can a speaker prepare for and rehearse their keynote speech?

Preparing and rehearsing a keynote speech involves several important steps. Begin by outlining the main points and structure of your speech. Practice your delivery in front of a mirror or with a trusted friend, and time yourself to ensure your speech fits within the allotted time frame. Consider recording yourself to analyze your body language and tone of voice.

In conclusion, mastering the art of keynote speaking requires careful planning, effective communication, and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs. A successful keynote address can set the tone for an event, inspire and motivate the audience, and provide valuable insights and direction. By selecting a relevant and timely topic, structuring your speech with clear points and supporting evidence, and engaging your audience through storytelling and visual aids, you can deliver a memorable and impactful keynote address. Remember to practice and seek feedback to refine your speech, and be prepared to overcome challenges that may arise. If you’re interested in learning more about keynote speaking or need assistance with your next event, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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