Submission date and extension of time
This page outlines the final date by which your thesis should be submitted, the expected completion date and extensions of time.
Full-time students
Maximum submission date.
This is the final date by when your thesis should be submitted to the Examination Schools. Check whether you are required to submit sooner by any funding body supporting your studies.
The maximum submission date is usually 12 terms for DPhil students and nine terms for MLitt or MSc (by Research) students from the start date of your studies and is amended accordingly based on any suspension of status or extension of time. The Graduate Studies Assistant in your department / faculty will be able to tell you your maximum submission date.
Expected completion date
The expected completion date is the maximum submission date plus six months. This is to allow adequate time for your viva examination, and if requested by the examiners, to undertake any minor corrections required and to submit your revised thesis.
The extra six months is not additional time for you to complete your research as your maximum submission date remains the same.
Extension of time: DPhil students
You are expected to submit your thesis within 12 terms of starting your course. You will lose your DPhil status if you have failed to complete your thesis within 12 terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.
Extension of time: MLitt and MSc by Research students
You are expected to submit your thesis within nine terms of starting your course. You will lose your status as a MLitt or MSc by Research student if you have failed to complete your thesis within nine terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.

Applying for an extension: all students
In exceptional circumstances extensions of time can be given for up to six terms for DPhil students, and up to three terms for MLitt and MSc by Research students. Your department/faculty/division will normally only approve one term of extension at a time.
If you are funded by a research council or charity you may need to make a separate application to the funding body in parallel to that being made within the University. Your funding body’s regulations for extension of time will not necessarily be the same as those of the University. Ask your department for advice on extensions in the first instance.
If your application for an extension of time is declined by your department or faculty and you are dissatisfied with this decision, you can follow the University Student Complaints Procedure .
Part-time students
The maximum submission date is usually 24 terms (eight years) from the start date of your studies and is increased accordingly based on any suspension of status or extension. The Graduate Studies Assistant in your department / faculty will be able to tell you your maximum submission date.
You are expected to submit your thesis within seven or at most eight years of starting your doctoral course. You will lose your DPhil status if you have failed to complete your thesis within 24 terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.
In exceptional circumstances extensions of time can be given for up to three terms. Your department/faculty/division will normally only approve one term of extension at a time.
If you are funded by a research council or charity you may need to make a separate application to the funding body in parallel to that being made within the University. Your funding body’s regulations for extension of time will not necessarily be the same as those of the University.
If your application for an extension of time is declined by your department or faculty and you are dissatisfied with this decision, you can follow the University Student Complaints Procedure .
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