• Modules (videos and slides) : All lecture materials will be delivered through modules, pre-recorded course videos that students can watch at their own time. Each week's modules are listed in the schedule and can be accessed here .
  • Faculty chats: In hopes of encouraging you to dive deeper into an AI-related topic that is of particular interest to you, during our class time on Mondays, we will have small-group discussions between students and faculty about current topics in AI. Each of these is a 25-minute session with a designated topic. Throughout the quarter, each student will be assigned to one session based on their topic preferences. Note: Since this is a synchronous component and attendance to your assigned session is mandatory, please make sure that you are available during class time on Mondays to attend the faculty chat.
  • Problem sessions: During our class time on Wednesdays, we will hold problem sessions where CAs will guide students to work together through practice problems.
  • Remote HW OH/Homework parties: We will hold weekly remote HW OH/homework parties for students to get together and work on homework. CAs will be present to answer any questions. We encourage you to come for these over 1:1 office hours whenever possible, since your fellow classmates might benefit from hearing your questions as well.
  • In-person open OH (limited availability): These are open to all students and require no appointment.
  • Homework OH, specifically for questions about the homework
  • General OH (i.e., non-homework OH), for all other questions (including about modules, quizzes, and projects)

We are also making two changes to the course structure:

  • Shorter exams: To lower the stress of having a single high-stakes assessment, we will have two 100-minute exams instead of one 3-hour midterm.
  • Optional project: The course project is optional this quarter. We still encourage students to do one, and we will provide mentorship and support to those who do.
  • Modules: Each week's modules will be posted in our schedule on the Friday of the previous week.
  • Faculty chats (Zoom): a 25-minute block between 1:30-3:00pm on a Monday (class time); see above for more details.
  • Problem Sessions (Zoom): Wednesdays 1:30-3:00pm (class time).
  • Remote HW OH/Homework Parties (Nooks): Thursdays 2-4pm, Saturdays 10am-12pm, Sundays 7-9pm.
  • Office Hours (Nooks or Huang): Throughout the week; sign-up links are on our class calendar . If you can no longer make it to your slot, please free it up as soon as possible so that other students can sign up.

Co-Head CA

Co-Head CA

  • Programming ( CS 106A , CS 106B , CS 107 )
  • Discrete math ( CS 103 )
  • Probability ( CS 109 )
  • Linear algebra (Math 51)
  • Russell and Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. A comprehensive reference for all the AI topics that we will cover.
  • Koller and Friedman. Probabilistic Graphical Models. Covers factor graphs and Bayesian networks (this is the textbook for CS228).
  • Sutton and Barto. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Covers Markov decision processes and reinforcement learning. Available free online.
  • Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman. The elements of statistical learning. Covers machine learning. Available free online.
  • Tsang. Foundations of constraint satisfaction. Covers constraint satisfaction problems. Available free online.
Exam 1 : released at 3:15PT on Friday, Oct 29; due at 3:15PT on Saturday, Oct 30 Exam 2 : released at 3:15PT on Wednesday, Dec 8; due at 3:15PT on Thursday, Dec 9 Length : 100 minutes each. Format : The exam will be distributed and administered through Gradescope and will be available for 24 hours. Students can choose any 100-minute block of time within the designated window above to take the exam. Conflict : If you have a major time conflict for either exam, you should let us know privately via email by Friday, October 8 (week 3).
  • engage with the materials beforehand,
  • show up on time to your assigned session, and
  • at the beginning of the session, introduce yourself and share your personal goal for the session (e.g., what particular question you'd like to discuss, what you hope to get out of the session).
  • Project interest form [p-interest] (due Tue Oct 5 )
  • Project proposal [p-proposal] (due Tue Oct 19 )
  • Project progress report [p-progress] (due Tue Nov 9 )
  • Project final report and video [p-final] (due Tue Nov 30 )

Regardless of the group size, all groups must submit the work detailed in each milestone and will be graded on the same criteria. Although we allow 1-2 person project groups, we encourage groups of 3-4 members. We encourage teams of 3-4 students because this size typically best fits the expectations for CS 221 projects. We expect each team to submit a completed project (even for team of 1 or 2). All projects require that students spend time gathering data, and setting up the infrastructure to reach an end result. A 3 or 4 person team can share these tasks much better, allowing the team to focus more on the interesting results and discussion in the project. Each member of the team should contribute in both technical and non-technical components of the project. We will provide resources on Ed and the project page that can help you find group members.

For inspiration, we have made some previous CS221 projects available for viewing.

  • Ed : You will be awarded with up to 2% extra credit if you answer other students' questions in a substantial and helpful way.

The programming assignments are designed to be run in GNU/Linux environments. Most or all of the grading code may incidentally work on other systems such as MacOS or Windows, and students may optionally choose to do most of their development in one of these alternative environments. However, no technical support will be provided for issues that only arise on an alternative environment. Moreover, no matter what environment is used during development, students must confirm that their code (specifically, the student's submission.py ) runs on Gradescope .

  • The original grader.py script (operating on the submitted submission.py ) may not exit normally if you use calls such as quit() , exit() , sys.exit() , and os._exit() . Also note that Python packages outside the standard library are not guaranteed to work. Therefore, do not use packages like numpy, scikit-learn, and pandas .
  • The code reads external resources other than the files given in the assignment.
  • The code is malicious. This is considered a violation of the honor code. The score of the assignment will be zero (0) and the incident will be reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs.
  • Looking at the writeup or code of another student.
  • Showing your writeup or code to another student.
  • Discussing homework problems in such detail that your solution (writeup or code) is almost identical to another student's answer.
  • Uploading your writeup or code to a public repository (e.g. github, bitbucket, pastebin) so that it can be accessed by other students.
  • Looking at solutions from previous years' homeworks - either official or written up by another student.

For assignments with a programming component, we will automatically sanity check your code in some basic test cases, but we will grade your code on additional test cases. Important : just because you pass the basic test cases, you are by no means guaranteed to get full credit on the other, hidden test cases, so you should test the program more thoroughly yourself!

Unless the assignment instructs otherwise, all of your code modifications should be in submission.py and all of your written answers in <assignment ID>.pdf . Upload the former to Gradescope under the "Programming" section, and the latter under the "Written" section.

Nooks links included in the schedule below assume you have already signed into our Nooks space following our class specific link shared on Canvas and Ed.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Sep 20 Sep 21
Sep 22
Sep 23 Sep 24 Sep 25 Sep 26



Faculty chat assignment survey due

Sep 27 Sep 28
Sep 29
Sep 30 Oct 1 Oct 2 Oct 3



Foundations HW due

Oct 4 Oct 5
Oct 6
Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9 Oct 10


Sentiment HW due

Final Study List Deadline

Oct 11 Oct 12
Oct 13
Oct 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 17


Reconstruct HW due

Oct 18 Oct 19
Oct 20
Oct 21 Oct 22 Oct 23 Oct 24


Blackjack HW due

Oct 25 Oct 26
Oct 27
Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 Oct 31

Pacman HW due

released at 3:15pm PT due at 3:15pm PT
Nov 1 Nov 2
Nov 3
Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7


Nov 8 Nov 9
Nov 10
Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 14


Scheduling HW due

Nov 15 Nov 16
Nov 17
Nov 18 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 21


Car HW due

Nov 22 Nov 23 Nov 24 Nov 25 Nov 26 Nov 27 Nov 28
Break week!

Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5

Live Lecture:
Conclusion (Percy)

Logic HW due

Dec 6 Dec 7 Dec 8 Dec 9 Dec 10 Dec 11 Dec 12
released at 3:15pm PT due at 3:15pm PT
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homework about artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence 101: The basics of AI everyone should know 

AI Explained in Simple Terms

Jamil Valliani

Head of Product, Atlassian Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI for short, is a groundbreaking technology that’s changing how we do everything. In this article, we’ll explore what AI can do and how it’s influencing our lives. From smart gadgets to chatbots, AI is everywhere, making tasks easier and faster. 

When you’re ready to use AI in the workplace, try Atlassian Intelligence . Atlassian Intelligence brings cutting-edge AI tools right into your workflow, whether you’re managing projects in Jira or collaborating in Confluence . 

Atlassian Intelligence is a suite of AI capabilities that streamlines tasks, boosts productivity, and provides insights into your work—with features tailored to enhance teamwork. With Atlassian Intelligence, you can simplify complex processes and achieve more effortlessly, using advanced technology for everyday project management and collaboration . 

But what is AI, and how exactly does it work? If you’re new to the concept of AI, you’re not alone. Whether you’re a project manager, marketer, or an executive, you can learn what AI is, how it works, and how it might influence your daily life. Keep reading to learn more about AI. 

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) involves creating machines that can think like humans and imitate their actions. This field uses various technologies to enable computers to do things that normally need human intelligence, like recognizing images, understanding speech, making decisions, and translating languages.

Essentially, artificial intelligence is like having a smart computer that can learn from experience, solve problems, and make decisions on its own — just like a human. 

How AI works

AI learns and becomes more intelligent. It works similarly to how humans learn how to ride a bike. Just like you get better by practicing, AI systems learn from examples and data to improve their performance over time. Instead of being explicitly programmed for every task, AI uses algorithms to learn from experiences. 

The more data AI systems have and the more they practice, the better they become at their tasks. This ability to learn and improve without constant human instruction makes AI so powerful and versatile in solving complex problems. 

AI terminology explained

When you’re first learning about AI, many of the technical terms may seem complicated. Let’s break down some of these terms to make them easier to grasp. 

Large Language Models (LLMs)

Imagine having a conversation with a knowledgeable computer that can understand what you’re saying and respond in a way that makes sense. That’s what large language models (LLMS) can do. They’re powerful systems that can generate human-like text and help us with tasks like writing articles or answering questions. 

Datasets are large collections of information that AI systems use to learn. They can include things like images, paragraphs of text, or even numbers from sensors. AI systems look at these examples and can figure out patterns, allowing them to make decisions just like we do when we learn from seeing examples repeatedly. 

Machine learning

Machine learning allows computers to learn from data. For instance, it allows a computer to recognize cats in pictures by being trained on many examples of images labeled as cats and images labeled as not cats. This training process involves the computer identifying patterns in the data, allowing it to make predictions or decisions based on new information.

An algorithm is a set of rules that tells the computer how to solve a problem or perform a task, just like following a recipe to bake a cake. Algorithms are used in everything from sorting numbers to recommending movies on streaming platforms. 

Neural networks

Neural networks are like a team of tiny brains inside a computer. They’re computational models inspired by how our brains work, designed to recognize patterns and solve complex problems. Each neuron in the network processes information and passes it on to others, working together to solve puzzles or identify objects in images. 

Natural language processing

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subset of AI that helps computers understand, interpret, and generate human language. It teaches computers to understand and talk like humans do, similar to how we interact with virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. NLP allows machines to read text, translate languages, and even generate responses in conversations. 

Big data refers to massive collections of information or data that AI uses to learn and make decisions humans might miss. AI images analyze a large amount of data, such as images, texts, or numbers, to find patterns and insights. This can help businesses and scientists make better decisions based on data rather than guesses. 

Deep learning

Deep learning uses neural network algorithms to process complex data and achieve high accuracy in tasks like recognizing faces in photos or understanding spoken language. Similar to how we learn from examples to get smarter, computers learn from vast amounts of data to improve their performance.

homework about artificial intelligence

Structured query language (SQL)

SQL is a programming language used to communicate with databases—huge libraries that store information and data. It allows people to ask specific questions (queries) and get answers quickly. Imagine a huge library where you can ask the librarian to find all the books published after 2010. SQL lets you ask the database similar questions to find specific information quickly.

Jira query language

Jira query language (JQL) is a unique language used within Jira. JQL works similarly to SQL, helping users search for and filter issues, which can be tasks, bugs, or other types of work items, within Jira based on specific criteria. 

For example, in Jira, you might use JQL to find all the tasks assigned to you due this week. This language allows you to specify conditions like who the task is assigned to, when it’s due, or its status. JQL helps you efficiently manage your work by finding and organizing tasks directly within Jira.

homework about artificial intelligence

Using AI in our everyday lives

Artificial intelligence is already seamlessly integrated into our daily routines. When you search the internet, AI algorithms work behind the scenes to understand your query and provide relevant results quickly. Whether you’re looking for a recipe, learning about a topic, or shopping, AI streamlines information retrieval and makes browsing more personalized. 

Think about how AI powers personalized recommendations on streaming platforms like Netflix or music services like Spotify. Artificial intelligence analyzes your viewing or listening habits and suggests content that matches your preferences, making entertainment choices more enjoyable and tailored to your tastes. 

Meanwhile, voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant also use AI to understand and respond to voice commands, helping you set reminders, play music, or even control smart home devices with natural language. 

AI represents a monumental leap in technology. It allows computers to respond to human commands and queries by letting you ask questions like a human and get answers tailored to your needs. Just as you would ask a friend for help, AI allows us to ask questions and get answers in intuitive and natural ways. 

Incorporate AI into your workflows with Atlassian Intelligence, a suite of AI capabilities embedded within tools like Jira, Confluence, Jira Service Management, and more. These tools streamline workflows by automating repetitive tasks , providing intelligent insights from analytics , and enhancing collaboration among teams. Whether you’re managing projects, tracking individual tasks, or sharing knowledge, Atlassian Intelligence helps teams work smarter .

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The AI Ate My Homework, and My Schoolwork Too

Artificial intelligence is changing not only the way students learn, but also what kind of knowledge is important.

homework about artificial intelligence

An early use of technology in the classroom.

As a college professor, I get a lot of questions about homework — and lately they have almost all been about how artificial intelligence will change it. After all, if AIs can pass many medical, bar and economics exams, then they can certainly handle high-school or college homework.

Homework has long been a staple of the academic experience. How will it evolve as more students master the capabilities of (rapidly improving) AI systems? Or, to ask a slightly more pointed question: How am I supposed to know whether I am grading the student or the AI?

homework about artificial intelligence

November 7, 2023

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How to use Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered technology for homework help

The use of artificial intelligence has come a long way in education. If you’re struggling with a difficult math problem or need ideas on how to start your research paper, you can get the help you need in seconds with AI. Microsoft Edge  comes with lots of updated features to help you with your homework, including AI-powered Copilot in sidebar and tools for accessibility and learning. Learn more about Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered features and how they can be useful companions for when you have assignments to complete.

Can you use Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered tools to complete your homework?

While AI can be a helpful tool, it’s important to understand the difference between using it to help with homework and using it to do your homework entirely. AI can generate full essays and answer complex problems with the touch of a button, which defeats the purpose of doing homework. When using AI-powered tools for your homework, think of it more as a tool to help you learn and create new ideas than as a platform that will do your assignment for you.

How Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered features can help you with your homework

Copilot is built into the Microsoft Edge sidebar, making it easy to find and use. Simply click on the Copilot icon in the upper right-hand side of the Microsoft Edge sidebar.

Using Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered tools for help writing essays

To get help with writing essays, try typing in a few prompts that can help you learn more about your topic. Use multiple prompts to get answers that are more specific to what you are writing about. Copilot in Edge will generate paragraphs about your topic to give you an idea of what to talk about. Additionally, Copilot will automatically provide hyperlinks to relevant pages on the internet, and you can use these links as sources for your paper. Be sure to fact-check the information before adding it to your paper!

Using Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered tools for help with math problems

Math problems require more than just an answer. Writing down the solution without showing work doesn’t prove that you know how to solve the problem on your own. However, Copilot can provide you with a thorough explanation of how to get to the solution, so you know how to apply the information to future problems. After typing in the problem, ask Copilot for an explanation of the answer to see how it got to the solution. Once you feel like you have a good grasp on answering the problem, you can use Copilot to check your answers.

Other Microsoft Edge features for homework help

In addition to Copilot, there are plenty of learning tools that can make doing your homework a little less stressful. Try features like Immersive Reader  and Read aloud  for assigned readings and simplify the way you do research with  Web capture  and Web select . You can also browse through Microsoft Edge’s many productivity features  to stay on track while doing your homework online.

Using Microsoft Edge’s AI-powered tools can make doing homework more efficient and satisfying. Get started on your homework help by downloading Microsoft Edge  today.

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AI Homework & Project Helpers

Choose your grade.

Unlock your academic potential with ClassX, your ultimate companion for all your homework and project needs. With our cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, we offer comprehensive assistance for all subjects from grade 1 to grade 12, covering an impressive range of 282 subjects.

But that’s not all! We also provide a unique 10-step AI project-based learning (PBL) helper for each subject, designed to guide you seamlessly through every stage of your project. With 10 sample project ideas per subject, you’ll never run out of inspiration.

So why wait? Start exploring ClassX today, and experience a transformative approach to learning that not only simplifies your homework and projects but also enhances your understanding and creativity.

working on laptop.png

Guidelines for Using ClassX's Homework Helpers

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  • Understand the Guidelines : Make sure to follow your school or university’s policy regarding the use of external help. Some institutions may have rules about using AI or other online resources.
  • Ask Specific Questions : If you’re struggling with a concept, ask a specific question about what you don’t understand. General questions might not give you the help you need.
  • Avoid Direct Answers : Instead of asking for direct answers to homework problems, ask for explanations, examples, or guidance that will help you understand the material and solve the problem on your own.
  • Use as a Supplement : ChatGPT is a tool and should be used alongside your textbooks, lectures, and other educational materials. Don’t rely solely on it for learning.
  • Verify Information : Since information may be outdated or incorrect, always cross-reference with authoritative sources like textbooks, academic websites, or your teacher’s guidelines.
  • Practice Ethics : Don’t use the tool to plagiarize or copy answers. Learning comes from understanding and applying concepts, not just getting the right answers.
  • Take Privacy into Account : Be cautious about sharing personal or sensitive information. It’s best to keep questions and discussions focused on the academic material.
  • Embrace the Process : Use ChatGPT to help foster a deeper understanding of subjects rather than looking for shortcuts. The process of learning, understanding, and applying knowledge is vital for academic growth.

Remember, while ChatGPT can be a helpful tool, it’s not a substitute for the guidance of a teacher or professor, who can provide personalized instruction and feedback.

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homework about artificial intelligence


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Explained in Simple Terms


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The simplest explanation of ai, ai in more detail, how is ai being used today, the future of ai, key takeaways.

  • AI is like teaching computers to learn like humans by looking at data and making decisions, but it lacks common sense and emotions.
  • Machine learning allows algorithms to learn from data, while natural language processing involves computers understanding and speaking human language.
  • AI is used in chatbots, data analysis, product design, and art creation, but the future poses concerns about potential misuse and regulation.

Artificial intelligence is all the rage, with its huge potential causing a stir in almost every industry. But fully understanding AI can be tricky, especially if you're not well-versed in tech topics.

So, let's break down artificial intelligence into its most simple terms. How does AI work, and how is it being used?

Artificial intelligence is like teaching computers to learn just like humans, therefore simulating how humans think. AI does this by looking at lots of data or examples and then using that to make decisions or predictions.

Imagine you are learning to ride a bike. After falling a few times, you start understanding how to balance and pedal simultaneously. That's how machine learning, a part of AI, works. It looks at a lot of data and then learns patterns from it. Another part of AI, natural language processing, is similar to teaching computers to understand and speak human language.

But even with all this, computers still can't fully think or understand like humans. Modern AI systems don't have common sense, emotions, or consciousness.

chatgpt read aloud feature smartphone screen with chatgpt logo blur

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science aiming to build machines capable of mimicking human intelligence. It involves creating algorithms that allow computers to learn from and make decisions or predictions based on data rather than following only explicitly programmed instructions.

Machine Learning (ML)

Machine learning (ML), a subset of AI, involves systems that can "learn" from data. These algorithms improve their performance as the number of datasets they learn from increases.

Deep learning, a further subset of machine learning, uses artificial neural networks to make decisions and predictions. It is designed to mimic how a human brain learns and makes decisions.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural language processing (NLP) is another important aspect of AI, dealing with the interaction between computers and humans using natural language.

This often involves an AI system taking in a natural language request, analyzing it, deriving context, and then producing a natural language response.

For example...

  • Human: "Could you find me a few examples of toxic plants in South America?"
  • AI chatbot: "Sure! Here are some examples of toxic plants in South America..." [and so on]

Neural networks are used in NLP and come in many different forms, including:

  • Pretrained transformer neural networks
  • Recurrent neural networks
  • Deep belief networks
  • Convolutional neural networks
  • Self-organizing maps

The ability of machines to understand and respond to human language is crucial for many AI applications, like virtual assistants and AI chatbots (which we'll discuss in a moment).

Artificial intelligence can be classified into two main types: narrow AI, which is designed to perform a narrow task (such as facial recognition or internet searches), and artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is an AI system with generalized human cognitive abilities so that it can outperform humans at most economically valuable work. AGI is sometimes referred to as strong AI .

However, despite many advancements, AI still does not possess the full spectrum of human cognitive abilities, and we are still far from achieving true artificial general intelligence . The current AI technologies are task-specific and cannot understand context outside their specific programming.

AI has potential and applications that stretch far beyond the tech realm alone.

1. Chatbots

chatgpt dalle logo creation on smartphone screen

Even if you're not big into tech, you've probably heard the name "ChatGPT." ChatGPT (short for Chat Generative Pre-transformer) is a generative AI chatbot. But this isn't like the chatbots you may have used in the past. ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence to process natural human language, find data, and provide responses.

ChatGPT's capabilities form a long list, including fact-checking, checking spelling and grammar, creating schedules, writing resumes, and even translating languages.

HuggingChat, Claude, and Gemini (formerly Bard) are other examples of AI chatbots. These services all differ in certain ways. Some are free, some are paid, some specialize in certain areas, while others are better with general tasks.

2. Data Analysis

Data analysis is a key part of our world, whether in research, healthcare, business, or otherwise. Computers have been analyzing data for many years, but using artificial intelligence can take things to the next level.

AI systems can more effectively detect trends, patterns, and inconsistencies than a typical computer (or human, for that matter). For example, an AI system could more distinctly highlight less obvious user habits or preferences for social media platforms, allowing it to show more personalized advertisements.

3. Production and Design

When designing products, many elements must be considered. The cost of materials, how they're sourced, and how efficiently the product will perform are just a few factors that companies need to keep in mind, and this is where AI can help.

Because AI can learn and discover new things based on the information it is given, it can be used to carve out more cost-effective and sustainable materials and production practices for businesses. For instance, an AI system could list more eco-friendly materials that could be used in a product's battery given a comprehensive data set to work from.

4. Art Creation

microsoft copilot image creator browser version with four images

AI-generated art took the world by storm in 2022, with products like DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney becoming extremely popular. These AI text-to-image tools take a text-based prompt and generate an art piece based on the request.

For example, if you type "purple sunset on the moon" into DALL-E, you'll get more than one result. Some art generators also let you pick a style for your generated image, such as vintage, hyperrealistic, or anime. DALL-E has evolved a lot since its initial release and is now on its third version, DALL-E 3. You can use DALL-E on ChatGPT Plus to generate AI images in your chats.

microsoft image creator purple sunset on moon example

Some artists have rejected AI art generators , as they are trained on pre-existing online art to learn how to create their prompted pieces. Artists claim this is a breach of copyright and contributes to the theft of original art, an issue that already spans the web.

AI is already being used to develop new medicines, highlight more sustainable business practices, and even make our day-to-day lives easier by performing mundane tasks like cooking or cleaning.

However, many think that the future of AI is dark and dystopian. It's no surprise that this is a common assumption, given how sci-fi books and films have created some scary stereotypes around AI and its possible consequences.

AI can indeed be abused or mishandled, but this is true for any technology. We've seen cybercriminals exploit Wi-Fi, VPNs, email, and even flash drives to spread malware and push scams. However, the worry is concentrated on artificial intelligence because of its capabilities.

In January 2023, an individual posted to a hacking forum claiming they had successfully created malware using ChatGPT . It wasn't highly complex malware, but the ability to create malicious code via an AI chatbot got people talking. If less advanced AI is being abused now, what will happen if super-intelligent computers are exploited in the future?

At the moment, there are no AI systems that can think on the same level as a human. Many have predicted what such a machine would look like, but it's all hypothetical. While some think we'll create machines with human-level cognitive abilities in the next decade, others think it will take much longer.

If AI is regulated correctly, its development and use could be controlled to prevent bad actors from getting their hands on highly advanced technology.

Licenses, laws, and general rules of thumb all play a role in keeping AI out of the wrong hands. However, this will need to be done without restricting the development of and access to AI technology too tightly, as this could quickly become counterproductive.

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Best AI Tools for Homework

Best AI Tools for Homework

As a student, homework can be a daunting task. You may often feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of assignments, or frustrated by the difficulty of certain questions. But what if there was a way to make homework easier?

Enter artificial intelligence (AI) tools. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way students learn and do homework. By using AI tools, students can access vast amounts of information quickly and efficiently, and get help with complex problems.

Here is the list of the best AI tools that will help you with your homework and expand your knowledge on different subject matters.

ChatGPT is a helpful tool for students who are struggling with their homework. It can provide step-by-step explanations for math problems, generate code, write essays, translate text, and answer questions about a variety of topics. 

ChatGPT can generate code in a variety of programming languages, which can be helpful for students who are struggling with their computer science assignments. ChatGPT can write essays, stories, and other creative writing assignments. This can be helpful for students who are struggling with their writing assignments or who need help coming up with ideas.

ChatGPT can answer questions about a variety of topics, which can be helpful for students who are struggling with their homework or who need help with research.

2. Socratic

Socratic, a revolutionary app powered by Google AI, transforms how students learn and complete homework assignments. With its advanced artificial intelligence technology, Socratic offers step-by-step solutions to problems in various subjects, including math, science, and history. Whether students prefer to snap a picture of a problem or type in a question, Socratic generates detailed solutions complete with explanations and helpful tips.

Using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, the app recognizes different questions and provides relevant responses. Furthermore, Socratic includes video explanations and interactive quizzes, enabling students to understand the material better. With its user-friendly interface and reliable solutions, Socratic is a must-have resource for students looking to enhance their academic performance.

3. Oddity AI

Oddity AI is an innovative tool that lets students get the homework assistance they need simply and conveniently. All they have to do is sign up with their email and choose from a wide variety of subjects, such as math, science, literature, and history. They can ask any question and get clear and detailed answers.

Oddity AI is more than just a homework solver. It's also a learning enhancer. The app uses natural language processing and machine learning to help students grasp the core concepts of each topic. It gives personalized suggestions and feedback to help students boost their understanding.

Oddity AI is easy to use and fun to explore. It's a great tool for students who want to improve their academic skills. So if you're stuck on a hard math question or need help analyzing a complex literary work, Oddity AI is here to support you.


Smodin is designed for students that want instantaneous answers to homework problems. It is designed for students who want to see related information on problems to their homework they cannot easily get from searching on the web. Smodin is also designed to be a replacement for most tutor-related needs.

Their AI student answer generator can help students review material more effectively and efficiently. They can also provide students with automatic feedback and suggestions that they should incorporate into their work or study practices. 

Smodin will search their large question-and-answer database as well as the internet for the solution to your question. It can help popular languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Arabic, German, French, Norwegian, and many other languages.

5. Tutor AI

Tutor AI is a revolutionary digital tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to offer students unmatched homework help. Its advanced natural language processing features allow students to pose questions. The app provides detailed answers and explanations across various subjects, from math and science to history and literature.

With its easy and friendly interface, Tutor AI gives personalized, trustworthy support to students who want to improve their comprehension of coursework and excel academically. Whether you’re dealing with tricky algebraic problems or exploring the subtleties of a Shakespearean poem, Tutor AI is the ultimate partner for any student aiming for academic excellence.

6. AIR Math

For students struggling with math, homework can be a source of frustration and stress. That’s where AIR Math comes in – an innovative new tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide personalized assistance and instant feedback on math problems.

Using advanced machine learning algorithms, AIR Math analyzes the steps taken by students in solving problems, providing real-time feedback and guidance to improve their understanding of key concepts. This intuitive interface offers detailed explanations and step-by-step solutions to various math problems, making it an invaluable resource for students seeking to boost their math skills and confidence.

With AIR Math, students can enjoy the benefits of personalized assistance tailored to their learning style and pace. Whether you’re struggling with algebra, geometry, or calculus, this AI-powered tool has you covered. So say goodbye to hours of frustration and confusion – and hello to a world of math mastery with AIR Math.

7. Grammarly

In today’s fast-paced world, effective communication has become more critical than ever, and Grammarly is the perfect tool to ensure that your writing stands out. With its cutting-edge AI technology, Grammarly has become one of the top homework-help tools for students, professionals, and writers.

One of the primary reasons for Grammarly’s immense popularity is its ability to identify and correct grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Whether you’re working on a writing assignment, essay, or research paper, Grammarly provides helpful suggestions to improve the clarity and conciseness of your writing.

Grammarly also goes beyond correcting mistakes by providing detailed explanations and suggestions for improvement. As a result, it has become an invaluable educational resource for students looking to improve their writing skills.

Are you tired of struggling with your homework? Look no further than AISEO, the AI-powered writing tool that provides many features to help students excel academically. Although not exclusively designed for students, AISEO is highly effective in generating answers and helping with paraphrasing. Utilizing advanced algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, AISEO offers instant solutions and insights for various academic subjects. With the convenience of its Chrome extension, students can easily access its features from any location on the web.

Whether writing essays or seeking answers to complex questions, AISEO is the go-to resource for students looking to improve their academic performance. So why struggle with homework when AISEO can help you achieve your educational goals?

9. Nerdy Bot

Nerdify, the education technology company, has developed a cutting-edge AI tool called Nerdy Bot to revolutionize how students approach their homework. Using the latest advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, Nerdy Bot can provide students with instant answers and detailed explanations for a wide range of academic subjects, including math, science, history, and literature.

The tool is designed to quickly analyze a student’s question and generate a response in seconds, making it an efficient and reliable study companion. With its intuitive chatbot interface, Nerdy Bot is easily accessible to students of all ages and skill levels, making it an ideal tool for anyone seeking help with their homework. In addition to providing instant answers, Nerdy Bot offers personalized feedback and recommendations to help students improve their understanding of complex topics. So whether you’re struggling with a difficult math problem or need help analyzing a literary work, Nerdy Bot has covered you!

10. Explain Like I’m Five

Have you ever struggled to understand a difficult concept while doing your homework? Well, fear not! ELI5 (Explain Like I’m Five) is an innovative AI tool to help you. This user-friendly tool simplifies complex ideas and concepts, making them easy to understand. The name “ELI5” perfectly captures the essence of this tool, as it breaks down complex topics into simple and engaging language that is easy to comprehend.

Currently, in beta, ELI5 uses advanced natural language processing algorithms and machine learning to analyze your question and provide a clear and concise answer. By leveraging the power of AI, ELI5 helps students to learn more effectively and efficiently, making homework a breeze. Furthermore, with its conversational tone and playful language, ELI5 is an ideal resource for students looking to improve their understanding of various academic subjects. So next time you struggle with a challenging concept, just ask ELI5 for help and watch your understanding grow!

These are just a few of the many AI tools that can help students with their homework. With so many options available, you're sure to find the perfect tool to help you succeed in school. 

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Something peculiar and slightly unexpected has happened: people have started forming relationships with AI systems.

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person holding a phone wearing a wig with lipstick. The screen shows the OpenAi logo and voice icon

This story is from The Algorithm, our weekly newsletter on AI. To get it in your inbox first, sign up here .

When the generative AI boom started with ChatGPT in late 2022, we were sold a vision of superintelligent AI tools that know everything, can replace the boring bits of work, and supercharge productivity and economic gains. 

Two years on, most of those productivity gains haven’t materialized. And we’ve seen something peculiar and slightly unexpected happen: People have started forming relationships with AI systems. We talk to them, say please and thank you, and have started to invite AIs into our lives as friends, lovers, mentors, therapists, and teachers. 

We’re seeing a giant, real-world experiment unfold, and it’s still uncertain what impact these AI companions will have either on us individually or on society as a whole, argue Robert Mahari, a joint JD-PhD candidate at the MIT Media Lab and Harvard Law School, and Pat Pataranutaporn, a researcher at the MIT Media Lab. They say we need to prepare for “addictive intelligence”, or AI companions that have dark patterns built into them to get us hooked. You can read their piece here . They look at how smart regulation can help us prevent some of the risks associated with AI chatbots that get deep inside our heads. 

The idea that we’ll form bonds with AI companions is no longer just hypothetical. Chatbots with even more emotive voices, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o , are likely to reel us in even deeper. During safety testing , OpenAI observed that users would use language that indicated they had formed connections with AI models, such as “This is our last day together.” The company itself admits that emotional reliance is one risk that might be heightened by its new voice-enabled chatbot. 

There’s already evidence that we’re connecting on a deeper level with AI even when it’s just confined to text exchanges. Mahari was part of a group of researchers that analyzed a million ChatGPT interaction logs and found that the second most popular use of AI was sexual role-playing. Aside from that, the overwhelmingly most popular use case for the chatbot was creative composition. People also liked to use it for brainstorming and planning, asking for explanations and general information about stuff.  

These sorts of creative and fun tasks are excellent ways to use AI chatbots. AI language models work by predicting the next likely word in a sentence. They are confident liars and often present falsehoods as facts, make stuff up, or hallucinate. This matters less when making stuff up is kind of the entire point. In June, my colleague Rhiannon Williams wrote about how comedians found AI language models to be useful for generating a first “vomit draft” of their material; they then add their own human ingenuity to make it funny.

But these use cases aren’t necessarily productive in the financial sense. I’m pretty sure smutbots weren’t what investors had in mind when they poured billions of dollars into AI companies, and, combined with the fact we still don't have a killer app for AI,it's no wonder that Wall Street is feeling a lot less bullish about it recently.

The use cases that would be “productive,” and have thus been the most hyped, have seen less success in AI adoption. Hallucination starts to become a problem in some of these use cases, such as code generation, news and online searches , where it matters a lot to get things right. Some of the most embarrassing failures of chatbots have happened when people have started trusting AI chatbots too much, or considered them sources of factual information. Earlier this year, for example, Google’s AI overview feature, which summarizes online search results, suggested that people eat rocks and add glue on pizza. 

And that’s the problem with AI hype. It sets our expectations way too high, and leaves us disappointed and disillusioned when the quite literally incredible promises don’t happen. It also tricks us into thinking AI is a technology that is even mature enough to bring about instant changes. In reality, it might be years until we see its true benefit.

Now read the rest of The Algorithm

Deeper learning, ai “godfather” yoshua bengio has joined a uk project to prevent ai catastrophes.

Yoshua Bengio, a Turing Award winner who is considered one of the godfathers of modern AI, is throwing his weight behind a project funded by the UK government to embed safety mechanisms into AI systems. The project, called Safeguarded AI, aims to build an AI system that can check whether other AI systems deployed in critical areas are safe. Bengio is joining the program as scientific director and will provide critical input and advice. 

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Google deepmind trained a robot to beat humans at table tennis.

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The New Normal: AI and Homework in the Classroom of the Future

As technology advances rapidly in this era, artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly significant in numerous aspects of life, including education. A burgeoning body of research highlights AI’s potential influence on classroom dynamics and learning experiences . This article explores the anticipated ways AI systems will transform the assignment and completion of homework in future classrooms, providing educators with insight into the forthcoming developments.

Table of Contents

AI in Education: Situating the Conversation

Before delving into the specific applications of AI in homework tasks, it is essential to establish a broader understanding of how AI is poised to impact education as a whole. Several researchers have noted that AI-based systems can improve the learning experience by:

  • Providing personalized learning experiences
  • Enhancing efficiency in administrative tasks
  • Facilitating remote learning
  • Assisting students with special needs
  • Augmenting the roles of educators

Given this wide range of potential benefits, it becomes evident that AI is set to play a significant role in shaping the future of education. However, its impact on homework—an often-debated aspect of the schooling experience—warrants closer examination.

The AI-Driven Homework Approach: Personalization and Adaptation

One notable advantage of incorporating AI in the assignment and completion of homework involves adapting content to individual student needs. This represents a considerable shift from the traditional “one-size-fits-all” approach that frequently leaves certain students disengaged and others overwhelmed. Personalized homework can yield several benefits:

  • Better engagement:  Students are likelier to invest time and effort in tasks that align with their interests and abilities.
  • Increased learning outcomes:  Tailoring assignments to students’ current skill levels allows for optimal development and mastery of specific concepts.
  • Enhanced Learning Experience:  Students encountering difficulties in particular subjects can reap the advantages of tailored scaffolding and support that adapts according to their progress.

An example of personalized homework leveraging AI is software that adapts math problems to a student’s performance, increasing or decreasing difficulty as needed. Additionally, AI systems might analyze students’ reading comprehension, suggest appropriate texts, and generate relevant comprehension questions.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems: The New Homework Buddy

Another area in which AI is reshaping homework is through intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs). These systems are designed to provide instantaneous feedback to students as they work on assignments, mimicking the experience of receiving one-on-one instruction from a tutor.

ITSs function by:

  • Diagnosing a student’s skill level and knowledge gaps
  • Providing hints or step-by-step guidance during problem-solving
  • Offering immediate and targeted feedback on errors or misconceptions
  • Adjusting future tasks based on student performance

These systems hold significant potential for enhancing the learning experience, as they promote the development of self-directed learning skills, provide real-time support, and even increase motivation to complete assignments.

Streamlining Grading and Feedback with AI

Artificial intelligence can also streamline the grading process by automating assignment assessment components. The potential benefits of AI-assisted grading encompass the following:

  • Decreasing grading time for educators
  • Enhancing objectivity and consistency in grading
  • Providing immediate feedback to students
  • Detecting patterns in student performance to guide instruction

While AI grading systems may not yet be fully capable of evaluating complex written assignments, fields such as mathematics and multiple-choice assessments stand to benefit considerably from these advancements. Moreover, advances in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms suggest that the applicability of AI-driven grading tools will expand in future years.

Classroom Collaboration: AI-Facilitated Group Work

Even group assignments, where collaboration is critical, can benefit from AI-driven support. AI systems can optimize group composition to maximize each student’s strengths and ensure well-rounded teams by analyzing student profiles, class performance, and learning styles.

Moreover, AI can enhance the group work experience by:

  • Suggesting resources and tools based on the specific assignment
  • Monitoring group progress and participation, providing reminders to encourage accountability
  • Using natural language processing to analyze exchanged messages and detect any potential conflicts, offering mitigation strategies for promoting positive collaboration

Challenges and Concerns: Integrating AI into Homework Assignments

Although the potential benefits are apparent, incorporating AI into homework assignments also presents several challenges and concerns that educators and education professionals must address.

Data Privacy and Security

Data privacy and security concerns become increasingly crucial as AI-powered platforms gather and analyze vast student data. Schools and educators must ensure these platforms adhere to strict data protection standards and comply with relevant regulations such as the Data Privacy Act of 2012 in the Philippines.

Technology Access and Equity

The extensive adoption of AI in education raises questions about access to technology and the digital divide. Students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds may require additional resources or infrastructure to reap the benefits of AI-enhanced homework assignments. Educators must work towards equitable access to technology and contemplate alternative strategies for students lacking the necessary resources.

Teacher Professional Development

As AI continues to transform homework and various other aspects of education, educators must receive sufficient training and professional development opportunities. This training should ensure that teachers possess the knowledge and skills to integrate AI effectively into their teaching practices, manage potential challenges, and adapt to the evolving educational landscape.

Ethical Considerations

AI in education presents various ethical concerns, such as the potential for algorithmic bias and the impact on student autonomy . Educators must acknowledge these concerns and implement AI systems emphasizing fairness, transparency, and accountability.

Preparing for the Future: Advice for Educators and Education Professionals

To successfully incorporate AI into homework assignments and tackle the associated challenges, educators and education professionals should consider the following recommendations:

  • Invest in professional development opportunities centered on AI in education , equipping teachers with the knowledge and skills to effectively utilize AI-driven tools and platforms.
  • Collaborate with technology providers and other stakeholders to guarantee AI-driven homework platforms adhere to robust data privacy and security standards.
  • Develop strategies for addressing the digital divide, ensuring all students have equitable access to AI-enhanced homework resources.
  • Engage in ongoing research and evaluation of AI-powered homework tools to monitor their effectiveness, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make informed decisions regarding their adoption in the classroom.
  • Promote a culture of ethical AI usage within education , underlining the importance of transparency, fairness, and accountability in AI-driven systems.

As artificial intelligence advances, educators must stay informed about these technologies’ potential applications and implications in homework assignments. By leveraging AI for personalization, adaptation, and support, the future classroom can offer an enhanced learning experience tailored to individual student needs while promoting collaboration and simplifying assessment.

Overall, AI stands to play a transformative role in shaping the future of education, offering exciting possibilities for optimizing the homework experience ─ though it remains essential for stakeholders to address ethical concerns to ensure the responsible and equitable use of AI in the classroom.

To cite this work in APA style, please use the following format:

Llego, M. A. (2023, March 22). The New Normal: AI and Homework in the Classroom of the Future. TeacherPH. https://www.teacherph.com/ai-homework-classroom-future/

' src=

Mark Anthony Llego

Mark Anthony Llego, a visionary from the Philippines, founded TeacherPH in October 2014 with a mission to transform the educational landscape. His platform has empowered thousands of Filipino teachers, providing them with crucial resources and a space for meaningful idea exchange, ultimately enhancing their instructional and supervisory capabilities. TeacherPH's influence extends far beyond its origins. Mark's insightful articles on education have garnered international attention, featuring on respected U.S. educational websites. Moreover, his work has become a valuable reference for researchers, contributing to the academic discourse on education.

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Top 5 AI Homework Helper Tools

Artificial intelligence is all set to take your academic blues away. AI homework helper assists you with assignments, offers personalized support, boosts learning, and saves time. This article explores the best AI homework-helping tools that will take your school stress away in a snap like a genie.

Are you struggling with completing homework? Do you feel drowned in the piles of unfinished assignments? Or like you have no time for your personal life? If yes, then AI homework helper tools might be the perfect solution.

Like many other sectors, Artificial intelligence has revolutionized the education system . According to research, the AI education market will reach $20 billion by 2027. Another research revealed that students who study 3 or more hours a night most likely use AI .

AI homework helper tools are a literal lifesaver when it comes to academic tasks. Not only do AI tools like ChatGPT help students with homework, but they also enhance the understanding of the topic. The digital homework assistant can help you write, code, and solve problems. So, they save time and make homework less stressful for you.

In this article, we have discussed the top 5 AI homework helper tools for students. Read if you want an efficient helping hand for assistance.

Turn that roller-coaster-like academic life into a smooth sail.

What Is an AI Homework Helper Tool?

Before diving into the list, let's first discuss the definition of AI homework helper tools.

These are software/applications that use advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms and machine learning techniques to operate. It is designed to help students with homework and understanding complex topics across various subjects.

AI homework assistants are available in different forms, like

  • Mobile Apps
  • Websites, etc.

The AI tools adapt to your needs and learning style and provide personalized support with homework tasks. They can help students by

  • Solving maths problems
  • Simplifying complex scientific phenomena
  • Providing step-by-step guides or solutions
  • Providing links to valuable resources (books, articles, videos, etc.)
  • Writing essays and much more.

homework about artificial intelligence

Top 5 AI Homework Helper Tools Out There

There are plenty of AI homework helper tools for students in the market. But the following are the best five among them.

1. Socratic

Best for detailed explanations and solutions.

Picture this.

You are staring at a complex equation in a textbook, unable to solve it. The deadline is imminent, and your brain has reached a dead end.

You know the stress, right?

Well, Let me introduce you to a superhero - Socratic AI

It is not your average assignment assistant. Socratic is an AI homework helper tool built to save you from the shame of undone assignments.

The Socratic AI homework assistant is powered by Google AI. It further uses text and speech recognition to understand the query. So, you can either type in or talk the query. You can also upload the image . Socratic AI will analyze your question and generate a detailed solution.

Features of Socratic AI Homework Helper

Comprehensive explanations.

It provides detailed explanations so students can understand the underlying concept and principle behind the solution.

Diverse Range of Subjects

The tool covers a variety of subjects like maths, science, literature, etc. According to the developers, the app has already answered over 350,000 questions from 21 topics.

Provision of Visual Aid

Socratic AI also responds with visual explanations to improve understanding of the topic. It provides videos, diagrams, charts, etc., for enhanced comprehension.

How to Use The Socratic AI Homework Buddy?

The AI homework helper for students is easy to use. Below are the steps to use it .

Download the App

The Socratic mobile app is available for download on Android and iOS both. Visit the Google Play or App Store to install the AI tool.

Once downloaded, click on the app to open it. Sign in using your Google account.

Ask question

Before asking questions, identify the method to approach the Socratic AI homework helper. As mentioned above, there are three ways of entering queries

  • Upload the picture of the queries that are too complex to speak or type.

Socratic Scan Question Feature

  • Click on the microphone and voice the query.

Socratic Voice Question Feature

  • Type in the question.

Socratic Type Question Feature

Use the Explorer Feature

Besides asking questions, you can browse the subjects to gain more information.

  • Scroll down to explore topics like Biology, History, Fiction, etc.
  • Then, click the subject of your choice, and a list of subtopics will appear.
  • Tap any subtopic and study the Explainers to get in-depth knowledge about it.

Socratic Explorer Feature

  • User-friendly interface.
  • Time-saving.
  • The detailed step-by-step solution to complex problems.
  • Deeper understanding for better learning.
  • It covers 21 different subjects.
  • New questions and answers are constantly being added to its database.
  • It can lead to cheating.
  • Answers for languages and humanities-related subjects can be vague sometimes.
  • Previously asked questions are not stored in the app.

Free to use.

2. Grammarly

Ai writing assistant for students.

Imagine it is late at night, and you have an essay due tomorrow. Your brain has hit a creative block, and you keep staring at the blank page. The jumbled words are dancing in your head, but you cannot assemble them on paper.

I know it is the worst feeling ever.

But thanks to Grammarly .

Its AI tools can help the students write the best essays of their lives.

Grammarly's AI essay helper can be an essential learning tool for students. It is an AI writing assistant that helps you complete assignments on time.

Grammarly aids you with correcting the spelling, punctuation, and grammar of the content. It also provides personalized feedback to improve the essay/article. You can further observe the readability, clarity, and engagement of content. Moreover, it allows you to set a voice or tone for your essay.

Ways To Use Grammarly AI

The generative AI feature of the homework helper for students can help you with the following.


Students can use the AI homework helper to think of topics to write on.

Grammarly AI Brainstormed Article Ideas on AI in Entertainment


It can summarize lengthy articles in a few moments only.

AI in Grammarly Summarized a Length Article


The AI homework buddy can also proofread the text for typos like grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, missing punctuation, etc.

AI in Grammarly Proofread a written document

Accurate citations are an unavoidable part of academic writing. However, formatting citations is time-consuming. Grammarly homework helper automates the citation process for the students.

AI in Grammarly Cited a Written Document

Generating Outline

You can use Grammarly AI to create an outline for the essay you got as homework.

Grammarly AI generated an essay outline

AI Recommendations

Grammarly AI can also provide suggestions to the students. For example, we asked it about the best articles on Gemini AI. It responded with the following list.

Grammarly Suggested Best Articles on Gemini AI

  • Enhanced writing style.
  • Error-free essay/article.
  • Real-time feedback to improve the content.
  • May not identify colloquial language.
  • AI proofreading cannot replace human checking.
  • AI suggestions might be inaccurate.

The free plan costs you $0. But you only get 100 AI prompts a month. So, to get more prompts, subscribe to either

  • Premium: 1000 AI prompts/month for $12
  • Business: 2000 AI prompts/month for $15

3. PhotoMath

Ai-driven maths tutoring app.

Mathematics is not every student's cup of tea. Yawns and boredom stirred by geometry, algebra, and calculus make it less likable to most.

But PhotoMath is here for students to make maths homework easy and interactive.

It is the most used Maths app that has gathered over 220 million downloads during the pandemic. It also secured $23 million in Series B funding led by Menlo Ventures.

The AI maths helpertool was created in 2014 by a tech company, PhotoPay (now Microblink). The founder of the magic app is Damir Sabol, a father who wanted to help his son with maths homework.

How to Use PhotoMath?

Following are the few steps to solve the tricky maths problems.

PhotoMath is available on both Google Play and App Store for installation. Open the app after downloading. Fill in the required information. Now you are all set to get the Maths homework done.

Input the Problem

  • Use the camera mode to take a picture of the problem written on a sheet or book. Scan the question and get a detailed solution in an instant.

PhotoMath Scanned a Scanned and Solved an Algebra Question

  • You can also use PhotoMath's built-in calculator. Here, you can type the question instead of taking a photo.

PhotoMath Built-in Calculator

Solve Using PhotoMath

The AI homework helper uses advanced AI and image processing technology to analyze the problem. Then, it will solve the problem by breaking it down into small, simple steps. The app also provides a detailed explanation about each step for your clarity.

Features of PhotoMath AI Homework Helper

Diverse topics.

The AI Homework partner covers a variety of topics for maths topics. So, it can be your study buddy from second grade to high school.

Multiple Solutions

The AI homework helper provides multiple ways of solving an equation.

Animated Tutorials

Besides showing written solutions, the app provides audio-visual tutorials for better learning.

PhotoMath Animated Tutorials Feature

The homework app has a feature that lets you access previously solved problems.

PhotoMath History Shows Previously Asked Questions

Math Dictionary

Instead of providing mere solutions, PhotoMath aims to enhance student's understanding of the concept. Therefore, it explains the definitions of the highlighted terms in the solution.

  • Enhanced Maths proficiency.
  • Step-by-step solutions.
  • No Internet is required.
  • Supports 30 different languages.
  • Efficient Scientific calculator.
  • Interactive graphs.
  • Textbook solutions.
  • It may lead to cheating.
  • Over-reliance on the AI.

The basic version is free of cost. However, access to advanced features costs 9.9 USD a month.

PhotoMath Pricing

4. OddityAI

Chatgpt-powered ai homework helper.

OddityAI is another great AI homework helper for students. It is like a brainy study partnerthat sits in your pocket.

Instead of just giving answers, it also explains the in-depth principle behind the problem. So, besides helping with homework, it betters your understanding of the schoolwork.

OddityAI displays numerous ChatGPT-4 enabled bots, each for a separate subject. The homework bots work as your AI tutor to support you with assignments and learning.

You can either

  • Upload a picture of the problem from the textbook, notes, etc.
  • Or type in your assignment question in the box.

The AI homework helper will analyze and provide detailed answers with explanations.

Features of OddityAI

Diverse subject range.

The AI homework helper covers a variety of subjects. Examples are maths, chemistry, physics, English, business, etc. Each AI bot is assigned to deal with the subject-specific question.

Oddity AI Homework Answer Bots

24/7 AI Tutor

Besides AI homework bots, you can access the AI tutor bots. OddityAI tutors are not designed to provide answers like homework answer bots. Instead, they are meant to explain the topics to enhance learning and understanding.

Oddity AI Tutor

Essay Writer

The AI homework helper for students also features an AI essay writer. It generates a personalized and unique essay with every use. The AI writer provides an outline after you fill in the required information. You should then edit and humanize it to avoid cheating.

Unlike a question, an AI essay consumes two credits.

Oddity AI Essay Writer

AI Flash Cards

The flash card feature of the AI homework partner will enhance your learning and memorization. AI flash cards are a new addition to Oddity and cost 0 credits. To use the feature, upload a picture of your notes/homework. You can select up to three images at a time. Then, click Generate Flash Cards . You can use the auto-generated flashcards to keep track of your progress.

OddityAI Auto-generated Flashcard

AI-generated quizzes by Oddity AI are the best way to prepare for school tests. In the same way as AI flashcards, this feature is also new and free.

The process is simple

  • Upload the picture of homework
  • Click Generate quiz
  • Solve the quiz

OddityAI-generated Quiz Question

The AI homework helper also shows your result at the end. So you can identify the wrong answers and topics you log in.

  • Time-Saving.
  • Fast responses.
  • Accurate and reliable.
  • Affordable.
  • Wide range of subjects.
  • Enhanced understanding of the topic.
  • Limited to the website only.
  • Imprecise answers to complex, niche-specific questions.
  • No multi-language support.
  • Requires internet
  • Free Trial: 10 free questions
  • Buy Credits: 250 answers for $4.99
  • Subscription: Unlimited access for $9.99/month

Oddity AI Pricing

AI Homework Tool for Young & Experienced Students

Last on the list of top AI homework helpers is ClassX . It contains numerous AI features to assist you with homework and academic learning.

The ClassX homework helper is also powered by ChatGPT , like OddityAI. So, the platform is interactive and provides detailed solutions in easy and natural language.

Features of ClassX

Wide variety of subjects.

Students can rely on the AI homework helper for over 280 different subjects from grade 1 to grade 12. The subjects range from STEM to English, grammar, Arts, Economics, Psychology, etc.

ClassX AI Homework Helper Grade 1-12 Selection

Coding Assistance

The AI homework tool also specializes in coding other than STEM and Arts. So, it can help you with school assignments related to coding and programming languages.

ClassX Solved Coding Question

AI Project Helper

ClassX offers a 10-step project-based learning. The AI project helper is a way to explore the subject of your interest. And create engaging projects to showcase your learnings.

ClassX AI Project Helper for Grade 6 Astronomy

Video Lessons

The AI homework helper provides video lessons for experienced students. You can search and watch videos on various subject-related topics. After that, you can ask the AI Xtutor questions related to the video to enhance your understanding. Furthermore, it displays the definitions of the tricky terms to improve your vocabulary.

ClassX Video Lesson

AI Conversations

It is the most fun feature of the AI homework helper. It lets you

  • Interview the AI version of a Historical figure to increase your knowledge

ClassX AI Historical Figure Interview

  • Converse with the Xtutor about the book you are reading.

ClassX AI Book Chat

  • Chat with AI-powered country guides to learn about the economy, culture, geography, etc, of various countries.

ClassX AI Country Guide

Numerous AI Homework Tools for Students

ClassX features plenty of AI tools for students, like

  • Sentence generator
  • Grammar Corrector
  • Ancient Text Translator, etc., all driven by AI.

In addition, it also helps young kids with alphabet, phonics, music, etc. homework.

  • User-friendly.
  • Enhanced learning.
  • More than 280 different subjects.
  • Offers support in coding assignments.
  • The AI homework helper Requires an Internet Connection.
  • It can create dependency on AI.
  • It cannot replace human feedback and tutoring
  • Free Version: You can access the Xtutor and all the lessons for homework free of cost. But you only get ten questions/ day with the free version.
  • Premium: It is $6.95/ month. A premium subscription lets you access most of the advanced features. And you get 2000 AI queries for a day instead of 10.
  • Pro: You get all the premium features plus AI images. And 10,000 queries every day. It costs $14.95/month.

ClassX AI Homework Helper Pricing

AI Homework Helper Tools Price Comparison

Here is the price comparison to help you make decision according to your budget.

AI Homework Helper Tools Price Free Option
Socratic Free
Grammarly $12/month
PhotoMath $9.9/month
OddityAI $4.99/month
ClassX $6.95/month

Ethical Considerations of Using AI Homework Helper

AI Homework helpers have proven to be a valuable resource for students. From completing school work to enhancing learning, AI homework tools benefit students in plenty of ways.

However, there is a fine line between assistance and cheating .

In 2017, one of the Socratic app founders was asked how the homework app reduces academic honor violations.

He replied (quoted by Time)

"Every student today goes to the Internet, goes to Google to ask all of their questions - this is something that's happening anyway."

So, the main ethical concern with using AI in homework is plagiarism . Submitting an AI-generated essay/assignment without proper attribution breaches Academic honor codes . Secondly, students using AI homework helpershave an advantage over students without access to these tools. This inequality fuels unfair competition and devalues academic achievements. Other than that, over-reliance on AI can reduce the problem-solving skills of the students. Use of an AI homework helper can also lead to the loss of critical thinking in the students. Lastly, failing and making mistakes is an essential part of learning. AI homework tools might interfere with the natural learning curve of the student

homework about artificial intelligence

Final Thoughts

Above mentioned are our recommended top 5 AI homework helper tools. They will not only assist you with assignments but will also enhance your knowledge and learning.

But no matter how efficient, the homework tools are AI-driven nonetheless. They can never replace a teacher's intellect and feedback. Nor can they build an emotional connection with students.

So, the key is to strike a balance between AI power and human genius . Use the tools for assistance, but do not rely entirely on AI for school work.

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artificial intelligence


Russian chess player Garry Kasparov thinks about a move during a match against a computer. The…

What Is Intelligence?

For more than 50 years scientists have been trying to make a machine with artificial intelligence that is close to human intelligence. So far they have not been successful. One reason is that intelligence involves so many ways of making decisions and doing tasks. Scientists have figured out how to make computers do some of these things but not others.

Part of AI is trying to figure out what human intelligence is. Then scientists can try to copy it. The final goal of AI is to create computers that can “think” as humans do.

Computer “Intelligence”

Artificial intelligence comes from sets of instructions that people write. These instructions are called programs. Computers use programs to analyze, or study, large amounts of information quickly. Then they pick answers or actions from among many choices. Computer programs can be used for playing games, making medical decisions, translating languages, and even designing computers.

But analyzing information is not the same as understanding a problem as humans do. Computers can only use logic, or the relationships among facts, to figure out problems. Humans use many skills besides logic when making decisions. They use such things as imagination, awareness, emotion, and values. No one knows yet whether these abilities can be programmed into a computer.

The study of AI began with a paper written in 1950 by a British mathematician named Alan Turing. Turing made up a test to decide if a computer is intelligent. A human judge asks questions using a computer. The questions go to a person hidden from view and to a computer at the same time. The person and the computer both answer the questions. The judge then tries to tell which answers came from the computer and which came from the person. If the judge cannot tell them apart, the computer is intelligent. So far no computer has come close to passing the test. This test is now known as the Turing test.

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Do your homework

Chat GPT

Are your students using AI bots to do theirs? After all, AI is readily available and capable as we found out

We gave ChatGPT a prompt to ‘write an editorial (300 words) for a readership of teachers on the danger of students using AI bots to do their homework for them’. This what it produced:

A cartoon of a projection of a robot coming from a laptop

Source: © Shutterstock

Could you spot a chemistry homework written by an AI bot?

As teachers, we have all seen the impact that technology can have on the classroom. From smartphones and tablets to educational software and online resources, there are countless tools that can help our students learn and grow. However, there is also a dark side to technology in education, and it is something that we need to be aware of and address.

One of the biggest concerns is the use of AI bots to do students’ homework for them. With the rise of artificial intelligence and the increasing availability of AI-powered tools, it is becoming easier and easier for students to use these bots to complete their assignments without actually learning the material.

We need to make it clear that cheating is unacceptable

On the surface, this may seem like a harmless way for students to save time and effort, but it is actually a serious problem for several reasons. First and foremost, using AI bots to do homework undermines the entire purpose of education. The goal of homework is to reinforce the concepts that students are learning in class, not to simply churn out answers without understanding them. By using AI bots to do their homework, students are cheating themselves out of a valuable learning opportunity.

Furthermore, using AI bots to do homework sets a dangerous precedent. It teaches students that they can take shortcuts and cheat their way through school, rather than putting in the hard work and effort that are necessary for success. This attitude can carry over into other areas of their lives, leading to a lack of motivation and a lack of real-world skills.

As teachers, it is our responsibility to educate our students about the dangers of using AI bots to do their homework. We need to make it clear that cheating is unacceptable and that the only way to truly learn and grow is through hard work and dedication. By taking a strong stance on this issue, we can help our students develop the skills and values that will serve them well throughout their lives. 

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These 2 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Are a Buy After the Recent Sell-Off

  • Intel's plans include ambitious cost-cutting and advancements in manufacturing, and don't forget its widespread presence in AI-training systems.
  • SoundHound AI is shifting from a popular but unprofitable song-identification service to an early-stage growth company with an impressive growth plan.
  • Both Intel and SoundHound AI present unique buying opportunities due to their innovative technologies and recent share price drops.
  • Motley Fool Issues Rare “All In” Buy Alert


Soundhound ai.

SoundHound AI Stock Quote

Exciting shifts are happening among AI companies. See why a couple of top-notch AI stocks are must-buy investment opportunities right now.

Artificial intelligence (AI) stocks were on a roll for a while, but they have run into some skeptical market makers lately. As a result, some top-notch AI experts are on fire sale right now, and I expect them to come back strong in the long run.

Read on to see why semiconductor company Intel ( INTC -2.08% ) and voice-recognition expert SoundHound AI ( SOUN -1.10% )  look like no-brainer buys right now.

Intel's several key roles in AI

You would think Intel would be a market darling right now, but it's not.

  • Its Xeon processors play a vital role in managing the data flows into AI accelerator chips, so there are lots of Xeons in many AI-training supercomputers.
  • Intel also offers its own AI accelerator chips with bang-for-your-buck performance comparable to the best from Nvidia ( NVDA 0.95% ) .
  • At the same time, the company manufactures AI chips for other companies, including longtime computing partner Microsoft ( MSFT 0.48% ) .

So Intel has its finger on the AI pulse from several different angles. Yet, the stock has been swooning instead of soaring in the AI boom. While Nvidia's stock more than quintupled over the last three years and the S&P 500 ( ^GSPC 0.15% ) market index gained 26%, Intel investors were stuck with a decline  of 60%.

INTC Total Return Level Chart

INTC total return level data by YCharts.

The bearish pressure on Intel's stock is getting lighter, however. The company fell short of Wall Street's consensus targets in the recent second-quarter report but announced ambitious cost-cutting and timely progress in the next leading-edge manufacturing node, code-named Intel 18A.

Intel's stock was already affordable before this report but still fell another 26% the next day. The company is going through an unprofitable period of expensive investment in manufacturing equipment, setting it up for fantastic business results in the long run. With $120 billion of stockholder equity (also known as book value), the stock trades at a price-to-book ratio of 0.69.

That's an all-time low and a valuation usually reserved for companies on the brink of bankruptcy. Meanwhile, Intel has plenty of growth catalysts in play, often related to the AI revolution. Thanks to this imbalance between robust business prospects and falling market value, I see a great buying opportunity in Intel's current price dip .

SoundHound AI's mass-market transition

SoundHound AI is an early-stage growth story, not a turnaround effort. The company is only getting started on a moneymaking business plan after running a popular but not very profitable song-identification service for nearly two decades.

The stock soared earlier this year as investors caught wind of Nvidia buying $3.7 million of SoundHound AI stock, but the elevated price didn't last. Shares have traded sideways for three months, following a steep price drop in March and April.

So the stock looks sleepy, but there's nothing boring about the underlying business story. Last week's second-quarter report edged out analysts' average expectations across the board. After the buyout of conversational AI specialist Amelia, SoundHound AI raised its full-year revenue guidance from roughly $71 million to at least $80 million, followed by a jump to over $150 million in 2025.

The company is starting to convert its enormous order backlog into cash-based sales. If that's not exciting enough, it keeps adding household names to its customer list. Recent examples include sports grill chain Beef O'Brady's and sandwich vendor Jersey Mike's.

Automotive partners range from mass-market brands Honda and Hyundai to exclusive top-end names like the Stellantis ( STLA 1.07% ) marque Alfa Romeo. SoundHound AI's advanced voice controls are rolling out across Stellantis' many brands right now, starting in overseas markets such as Europe and Japan. You'll see that wave reach American shores soon enough.

Long story short, I expect big things from management's promising business plans. I'll admit that the stock looks a bit pricey at the moment, but it's one of those high-octane growth stories that might take off in a hurry. I'm talking about both the business results and the stock chart.

That's why I recommend picking up a few SoundHound AI shares at this brief lull in its growth story. This little company is going places, and I don't think it will stay small much longer.

Anders Bylund has positions in Intel, Nvidia, and SoundHound AI. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Microsoft and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends Intel and Stellantis and recommends the following options: long January 2025 $45 calls on Intel, long January 2026 $395 calls on Microsoft, short August 2024 $35 calls on Intel, and short January 2026 $405 calls on Microsoft. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

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Classes across the country help seniors interact with a world altered by AI

Classes across the country are working to teach seniors about AI’s ability to transform how they interact with the world – and the threat the technology poses. (AP video: Teresa Crawford, Sharon Johnson, Nathan Ellgren)


Barbara Winston uses a computer at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024, several days after taking an introduction to artificial intelligence class at a local senior center. “I saw ice boxes turn into refrigerators, that is how long I have been around, ... And I think [AI] is probably the greatest technical revolution that I will see in my lifetime,” she says. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

  • Copy Link copied

People listen to an artificial intelligence seminar at the Forsyth County Senior Center, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in Cumming, Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Seema Nagrani, left, and Caroline Key, listen to a seminar about artificial intelligence at the Forsyth County Senior Center, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in Cumming, Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

A woman listens to an artificial intelligence seminar at the Forsyth County Senior Center, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in Cumming, Ga. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Barbara Winston uses a computer at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024, several days after taking an introduction to artificial intelligence class at a local senior center. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

Barbara Winston, 89, sits for a portrait at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024. When she got home from an artificial intelligence class, the retired professor downloaded books on the technology, researched the platforms she wanted to use from her kitchen table and eventually queried ChatGPT about how to treat a personal medical ailment. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

Barbara Winston uses a computer and a smartphone at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024, several days after taking an introduction to artificial intelligence class at a local senior center. (AP Photo/Teresa Crawford)

NORTHFIELD, Ill. (AP) — The students — most with gray hair, some with canes, all at least in their 60s — couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

“Oh, my God,” whispered a retired college professor.

“Does it come with viruses?” wondered a bewildered woman scribbling notes in the second row.

A 79-year-old in a black-and-white floral shirt then asked the question on many minds: “How do you know if it is fake or not?”


This is how older adults — many of whom lived through the advent of refrigeration, the transition from radio to television and the invention of the internet — are grappling with artificial intelligence: taking a class. Sitting in a classroom in an airy senior center in a Chicago suburb, the dozen students were learning about the latest — and possibly greatest — technological leap in their lives.

And they are not alone. Across the country, scores of such classes have sprung up to teach seniors about AI’s ability to transform their lives and the threats the technology poses.

“I saw ice boxes turn into refrigerators, that is how long I have been around,” said Barbara Winston, 89, who paid to attend the class put on at the North Shore Senior Center in Northfield. “And I think this is probably the greatest technical revolution that I will see in my lifetime.”


Older adults find themselves in a unique moment with technology. Artificial intelligence offers significant benefits for seniors, from the ability to curb loneliness to making it easier for them to get to medical appointments .

But it also has drawbacks that are uniquely threatening to this older group of Americans: A series of studies have found that senior citizens are more susceptible to both scams perpetrated using artificial intelligence and believing the types of misinformation that are being supercharged by the technology. Experts are particularly concerned about the role deepfakes and other AI-produced misinformation could play in politics.

Winston left the class to start her own AI journey, even if others remained skeptical. When she got home, the retired professor downloaded books on the technology, researched the platforms she wanted to use from her kitchen table and eventually queried ChatGPT about how to treat a personal medical ailment.

“This is the beginning of my education,” she said, her floral cup of coffee nearby. “I’m not worried about protecting myself. I’m too old to worry about that.”

Classes like these aim to familiarize aging early adopters with the myriad ways the technology could better their lives but also encourage skepticism about how artificial intelligence can distort the truth.

Balanced skepticism, say experts on the technology, is critical for seniors who plan to interact with AI.

“It’s tricky,” said Michael Gershbein, the instructor of the class in Northfield. “Overall, the suspicion that is there on the part of seniors is good but I don’t want them to become paralyzed from their fears and not be willing to do anything online.”

The questions in his class outside Chicago ranged from the absurd to the practical to the academic. Why are so many new shoes no longer including shoelaces? Can AI create a multiday itinerary for a visit to Charleston, South Carolina? What are the geopolitical implications of artificial intelligence?

Gershbein, who teaches classes on a range of technological topics, said interest in AI has ballooned in the last nine months. The 52-year-old teaches an AI course once or twice a week, he said, and aims to create a “safe space where (seniors) can come in and we can discuss all the issues they may be hearing bits and pieces of but we can put it all together and they can ask questions.”


During a 90-minute-long session on a June Thursday, Gershbein discussed deepfakes — videos that use generative AI to make it appear someone said something they did not. When he played a few deepfakes, the seniors sat agog. They could not believe how real the fakes seemed. There are widespread concerns that such videos could be used to trick voters, especially seniors .

The threats to seniors go beyond politics, however, and range from basic misinformation on social media sites to scams that use voice-cloning technology to trick them. An AARP report published last year said that Americans over 60 lose $28.3 billion annually to financial extortion schemes, some assisted by AI.

Experts from the National Council on Aging, an organization established in 1950 to advocate for seniors, said classes on AI at senior centers have increased in recent years and are at the forefront of digital literacy efforts.

“There’s a myth out there that older adults don’t use technology. We know that that’s not true,” said Dianne Stone, associate director at the National Council on Aging who ran a senior center in Connecticut for over two decades. Such courses, she said, are meant to foster a “healthy skepticism” in what the technology can do, arming older Americans with the knowledge “that not everything you hear is true, it’s good to get the information, but you have to kind of sort it out for yourself.”

Striking that balance, said Siwei Lyu, a University at Buffalo professor, can be difficult, and classes tend to either promote AI’s benefits or focus on its dangers.

“We need this kind of education for seniors, but the approach we take has to be very balanced and well-designed,” said Lyu, who has lectured to seniors and other groups.

Seniors who have taken such AI classes said they came away with a clear understanding of AI’s benefits and pitfalls.

“It’s only as good as the people who program it, and the users need to understand that. You really have to question it,” said Linda Chipko, a 70-year-old who attended an AI class in June in suburban Atlanta.

Chipko said she took the class because she wanted to “understand” AI, but on her way out said, “It’s not for me.”

Others have even embraced it. Ruth Schneiderman, 77, used AI to help illustrate a children’s book she was writing, and that experience sparked her interest in taking the Northfield class to learn more about the technology.

“My mother lived until she was 90,” Schneiderman said, “and I learned from her if you want to survive in this world, you have to adjust to the change. Otherwise you are left behind.”

The Associated Press receives financial assistance from the Omidyar Network to support coverage of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at AP.org

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    Barbara Winston, 89, sits for a portrait at her home in Northbrook, Ill., on Sunday, June 30, 2024. When she got home from an artificial intelligence class, the retired professor downloaded books on the technology, researched the platforms she wanted to use from her kitchen table and eventually queried ChatGPT about how to treat a personal medical ailment.