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Vault-Tec Experiment Review


Game tile Fallouit Shelter

Vault-Tec Experiment Review is a repeatable quest in Fallout Shelter .

Synopsis [ ]

Vault-Tec wants you to check up on some... experiments we're running in the other Vaults.

Objectives [ ]

Check in on the experiments in other Vaults.

Dialogue [ ]

  • No, I'm a ghost! Booooooo! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • Muwhahaha! Take this and run, little Dwellers! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • Ha! You can't hurt us! Wait... Ow! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • You're too late, Dwellers! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • This Vault is full of nothing but ghosts! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_2);
  • Boo! Boooooooooo! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_3);
  • You're not dead, you're just wearing a sheet. (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • Oh no, a ghost! Uh... We're so scared! What will we do?! (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • Let's see if ghosts can die twice. Attack! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • Monstrously horrific! Here. A reward. (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • Existentially dreadful, but not enough! Die! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • Ha! Now that's scary! For YOU! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • Fear is the only currency in this Vault. (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • Tell us something scary, or risk certain doom! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_2);
  • Three words: Never. Ending. Deathclaws. (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • You'll all die alone and unloved? (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • Forget this. We're just going to kill you. (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • Ha ha! Here you are. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • Here. One of my spare outfits. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • Here. Nothing about money scares us. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • Here. May you make something spooky with it. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • I am the Overseer. Behold our Vault of horrors! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • We trade in fear. A scare is worth more than Caps here. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • But we understand if other Vaults trade in less fearsome goods. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_3);
  • What can we send you back with? (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_4);
  • Nothing scarier than overwhelming firepower. (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • We need some spooky clothes. (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • You say you don't need Caps? We're happy to take all of them! (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • Any frightful crafting junk in this Vault? (_Conversation_3_Team_4);
  • Super-secret secrets, that's what! We'll never talk! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • Yes! Now take this briefcase. This meeting never took place... (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • Rogue agents! Code red! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • We've been breached! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • You can't have our secrets, Dwellers. (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_2);
  • Our precious, precious secrets. (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_3);
  • Secrets? What secrets? (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • Don’t worry. We'll keep your secrets. We were never even here. (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • We'll beat your secrets out of you! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • Excellent. You're our double-agents now! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • You think we're idiots? Get them! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • Contact! Kill everyone! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • Spying is all we know. All we live for. (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • Give us intel on your Vault, or else! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_2);
  • Of course. We'll tell you everything! (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • Here's some choice intel: it's underground. (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • No one spies on our Vault. Attack! (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • All I have is this, but you're welcome to it. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • This is our uniform. Take one. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • Fine. Take all you need. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • I like it. Here you are. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • Hello, fellow Dwellers. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • I'm the Overseer and Master Spy for this Vault. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • Secrets are our trade! But we're happy to give you goods. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_3);
  • Surely you have a secret doomsday weapon you can share? (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • How about some spiffy spy clothes? (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • Forget secrets. We only trade in bottlecaps. (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • We have some secret crafting projects we need junk for. (_Conversation_3_Team_4);
  • Such odd manners of speech! Off with you. (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • Here is the bounty from our last quest. (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • Have at thee! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • Zounds! Adventurers from some distant land! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • Have you come to trade with our fair kingdom? (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_2);
  • Or is your goal honorable combat? (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_3);
  • You're all ridiculous. (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • Huzzah! We are here to trade with you, good knights! (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • Face our blades... er... guns! Attack! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • We dub thee: Knights of the Realm! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • What nonsense! Away with thee! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • To arms! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • The Code of Chivalry rules here. (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • Honesty, bravery, and hospitality are our laws. (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_2);
  • Do you swear to uphold these virtues while in our castle? (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_3);
  • By our honor, we so swear! (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • News flash: you're in a Vault, not a castle! (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • We got your Chivalry right here! Get them! (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • And you shall have them. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • May this armor protect you from harm. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • The treasures of our land are yours. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • Our blacksmiths may have something of interest. Here. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • You may bow before the king! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • My land is generous, and noble. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • You may but name what you seek, and we shall provide it! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_3);
  • We seek weapons to protect our kingdom! (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • We dig the knight outfits. Can we have one? (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • Got any cash, king? (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • Any crafting junk in this land of yours? (_Conversation_3_Team_4);
  • Gary! Gary! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • Gary? Gary! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • What's wrong with you? (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • Uh... Gary? Gary, Gary? (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • No one calls us Gary! Attack! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • Gary! Gary Gary Gary! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • We know the answer to this. It's Gary. (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • Say something else! (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • That's it. You're all dead. (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • Gary! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • Gary! Gary Gary! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • (He points to a stash of items. Gifts?) (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • Uh... We'll take the weapon. (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • That outfit looks nice. (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • We're all about that sack of bottlecaps. (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • That junk looks useful for crafting. (_Conversation_3_Team_4);
  • Sorry, you lose. Better luck next time! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • You're a winner! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • The bets are off and the fix is in! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • Place your bets! Place your bets! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • Red or black? (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_2);
  • Red? (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • Black. (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • We bet on... Death! Kill them! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • Always your best bet! You win. (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • Loser! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • Looks like the house loses! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • This Vault is devoted to nothing but Lady Luck herself! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • I'm going to draw a card. Guess it right and win a prize! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_2);
  • Guess it wrong... and we just might have to kill you. (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_3);
  • Queen of Hearts? (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • Ace of spades? (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • How about we kill you first? Attack! (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • Critical hit! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • Take my lucky suit! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • All right. Let's cash you out. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • Hey, glad someone finally wants it! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • What are the odds? Fellow Dwellers! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • I'm the Overseer here. Lady Luck is always on my side! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • Turns out she's also on your side! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_3);
  • You get one prize of your choice. (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_4);
  • We like backing up our luck with weaponry. (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • We'll roll our fortunes on new clothes. (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • We'll take home our winnings in Caps. (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • We'll take that junk in the prize window. (_Conversation_3_Team_4);
  • What kind of talk is that? Out of the ring! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1);
  • Oh no! Such an awesome move! We're done for! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_2);
  • No holds barred! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_3);
  • Step into the ring, Dwellers! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_1);
  • Behold our signature move, the Radscorpion Hold! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_2);
  • Let's see your counter-move! (_Conversation_1_NPCStart_3);
  • We prefer boxing to wrestling. Sorry. (_Conversation_1_Team_1);
  • You'll never defeat... The Deathclaw Dive! (_Conversation_1_Team_2);
  • Our counter-move is we kill all of you! (_Conversation_1_Team_3);
  • A fearsome name to shake the ring for years to come! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_1);
  • Mocking the ring? Time to knock you down for the count! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_2);
  • Time to clean up your act! (_Conversation_2_NPCEnd_3);
  • All disputes in this Vault are solved by wrestling! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_1);
  • You want to stay, you need an awesome wrestling name! (_Conversation_2_NPCStart_2);
  • We are... The Vault Vigilantes! (_Conversation_2_Team_1);
  • Our team name is... The Only Ones Who Aren't Idiots. (_Conversation_2_Team_2);
  • This is dumb, and we're going to murder you. (_Conversation_2_Team_3);
  • Weapons are banned in the ring... But yeah, of course! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_1);
  • Oh yeah! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_2);
  • Here. From my last match. (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_3);
  • As it so happens, I have this. It's yours! (_Conversation_3_NPCEnd_4);
  • I am the undisputed Heavy Weight Champion! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_1);
  • As Overseer of this Vault, the people look to me! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_2);
  • And I am here to give back to all wrestling fans! (_Conversation_3_NPCStart_3);
  • Got any weapons we can take? (_Conversation_3_Team_1);
  • How about a wrestler outfit of our very own? (_Conversation_3_Team_2);
  • Care to share some Caps? (_Conversation_3_Team_3);
  • You guys don't have any junk for crafting, do you? (_Conversation_3_Team_4);

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Fallout’s Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games

From Vault 4 to Vault 76 and beyond

by Cass Marshall

Lucy (Ella Purnell) turning and looking at something over her shoulder with a Vault hallway behind her

[ Ed. note: This post contains spoilers for Fallout season 1, as well as information from the Fallout games.]

The Vault systems in the Fallout franchise are meant to be a utopia, a shelter away from the harsh apocalyptic Wasteland and nuclear fire.

Of course, nothing is ever as it seems, and a little bit of digging (Lucy’s journey in Fallout season 1 or playing to the end of Fallout 2 ) reveals that the Vault systems are actually a way to experiment on survivors. Some of the premises are so wild or impractical that it doesn’t seem like an experiment at all, and many failed spectacularly . (According to series creator Tim Cain, the purpose was to test humanity’s ability to travel through space , but this isn’t in any of the games so far.)

There are two experiments in the Prime Video show that we get to see: Vault 4 and the combined network of Vaults 31, 32, and 33. Something like Vault 4 is relatively straightforward: a society ruled by scientists. Unfortunately, the scientists’ experiments got out of hand, creating the monstrous gulpers and requiring a total restructuring of their society.

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Vaults 31, 32, and 33 are a little more complex. These interlinked Vaults rely on each other, with the members of 33 and 32 arranging marriages in order to diversify their populations. Early on, it appears that 32 fell to raiders. However, Norm and Chet soon find that the inhabitants of 32 died long before raiders ever arrived due to a terrible famine. As for Vault 31, we learn that Vault-Tec executives are frozen in here, and thawed whenever a new Overseer must be installed.

If you’re curious as to the other Vaults scattered across Fallout’s vast canon, here is a list of the monstrous experiments that Vault-Tec carried out after the apocalypse.

Lucy (Ella Purnell) holding her hand up and looking at something as she emerges from Vault 33

Vault 4: Those poor, unfortunate scientists. Now populated with the survivors, combined with refugees from Shady Sands. Chris Parnell plays the good-spirited Overseer, with a slightly strange single eye.

Vault 8: A control Vault, which means there was no active experiment. After 10 years, the Vault opened and used its Garden of Eden Creation Kit to found the large and successful Vault City.

Vault 11: This Vault had a psychology test in which the occupants had to vote for one human sacrifice each year or else lose all life support. The cruel conclusion of the experiment is that if the Vault Dwellers did refuse to sacrifice one of their own, the Vault would open and allow them to leave unharmed. Unsurprisingly, this is not what happened, and the results were tragic.

Vault 12: What happens if the Vault door doesn’t seal quite right, and radiation filters in? The answer is Necropolis, a community of Ghouls.

Vault 13: The home of the original Fallout ’s protagonist. Vault 13 was meant to stay closed for 200 years, but a faulty water chip led to one of their own trekking out into the world in search of a solution.

Vault 15: This Vault remained closed for 50 years, and the population was drawn from people of different walks of life and ideologies. Some of the population of this Vault went on to found Shady Sands, and eventually the New California Republic.

Vault 19: This Vault housed two societies, red and blue, each with one Overseer. What the occupants didn’t know is that they were flooded with subliminal messages to pit them against each other, which eventually culminated in civil war.

Vault 21: What if all conflict had to be resolved by gambling? The Vault would later be acquired by Mr. House and turned into a pleasant novelty hotel for tourists to New Vegas.

Vault 22: At first glance, it’s a botanist’s dream, in which the experiment is to develop plant life in the Vault with the help of sophisticated and advanced equipment. A parasitic fungus turned on the researchers and consumed the Vault.

Vault 27: Filled with double the sustainable population.

Vault 29: The age cap for occupants was 15 years old.

Vaults 31, 32, and 33: Lucy’s Vault (33), and the site of a lot of intrigue in season 1 of Fallout . The gist is that these three Vaults are interconnected, and 32 and 33 often exchange inhabitants to diversify the gene pool and create new generations. Things go horribly awry when the population of 32 is replaced with raiders, who attack — thus kicking off the events of the show. Lucy, and the other Vault inhabitants, do not realize that there is an experiment; they think this is the good life. And, as mentioned above, Vault 31 is there to house frozen Vault-Tec staff to bring into Vaults 32 and 33 as necessary.

Lucy (Ella Purnell) and her dad, Overseer Hank (Kyle Maclachlan) laughing over a science experiment in a still from Fallout season 1

Vault 34: The armory was stuffed with weapons, and there was no proper locking mechanism on the door. Eventually failed due to a riot and reactor damage.

Vault 36: Instead of proper food, the occupants were fed only a thin, watery gruel.

Vault 42: No lightbulbs of more than 40 watts were provided, which likely meant this Vault had a dim future.

Vault 51: This Vault was meant to test the limits of human tribalism, with an experimental AI running the show and selecting the Overseer. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the AI eventually killed the Vault’s occupants instead of rigorously testing them.

Vault 53: The equipment was designed to constantly suffer minor but repairable failures in order to study the effect stress had on the Vault’s inhabitants.

Vaults 55 and 56: In Vault 55, all of the entertainment tapes were removed. In Vault 56, they were all removed except for one really bad comedian. Truly, a terrifying fate.

Vaults 68 and 69: In Vault 68, the population only contained one woman. This ratio was flipped for Vault 69. This is one of the Vaults that feels especially disinterested in scientific curiosity in favor of cruelty; it’s hard to see any situation in which Vault 68 prospers.

Vault 70: The Vault stopped producing jumpsuits after six months.

Vault 75: This experiment was focused on breeding the perfect human, with failures being incinerated and successes joining the scientific staff to try and improve the process for the next generation.

Seen from behind, two roughly costumed figures escort a woman wearing a Vault 76 jumpsuit

Vault 76: A control Vault, and the one from which all Fallout 76 players emerge.

Vault 81: A Vault focused on researching diseases and antibodies. Similar to Vault 75, the residents were openly used as guinea pigs.

Vault 87: Experimenting on humans using the Forced Evolutionary Virus, which leads to super mutants appearing in the Capital Wasteland of Fallout 3 .

Vault 92: This Vault was filled with talented musicians, and then they were exposed to white noise that subliminally implanted combat suggestions. The musicians all lost their minds and descended into murder and mayhem.

Vault 94: Filled to the brim with pacifists and chill folk, this Vault was meant to prove the innate goodness of humanity. One year after the Great War, the doors opened, and raiders promptly blew the entire thing up.

Vault 95: Every occupant was struggling with an addiction to drugs, and this Vault was designed to study their withdrawal, and then reexpose them to an endless amount of chems. The Vault collapsed shortly afterward.

Vault 96: The Vault was filled with embryos that would be artificially raised to adulthood and then released into the Wasteland with robot companions and protectors.

Vault 101: A Vault designed to remain in total isolation from the outside world — until the events of Fallout 3 kick off, and the Lone Wanderer takes off in search of their father, James. It’s a fun parallel with Lucy and her search for her father.

A character from Vault 101 in the Capital Wasteland mod (pictured not in the Vault).

Vault 106: Psychoactive drugs were released into the air after the door was sealed. We can only hope the inhabitants had good trips.

Vault 108: The Vault was left without reliable leadership, and during its isolation from the world, the survivors accidentally cloned a whole host of Gary. These clones stalk the Vault, only able to say one word: “Gary.”

Vault 111: The survivors in this Vault were cryogenically frozen, with staff, security, and scientists making sure their pods remained operational. The Vault failed in 2078, and 210 years later, the Sole Survivor emerges from their pod in order to find their son, Shaun.

Vault 112: Dr. Stanislaus Braun took a much smaller population into this Vault and hooked them into virtual reality pods, where they could experience a true utopia. Braun eventually became bored, and the experiment turned much more sinister as he hunted down each survivor in their virtual reality, killed them, wiped their memories, and began anew.

Vault 114: Members of higher social classes were welcomed into this Vault, only to find it overcrowded and minimally equipped. The Overseer was selected outside of the usual population, with the intent of finding the most ornery and anti-authority candidate possible.

Vault 118: This Vault was meant to be filled with the ultra-wealthy and the working poor. However, before the working poor could arrive, funding ran out. The rich inhabitants would remove their brains, implanting them in robots, in order to survive forever.

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Fallout: The 21 Most Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments


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  • Vaults in Fallout series were not just shelters, but sites of cruel experiments on unsuspecting inhabitants by Vault-Tec scientists.
  • Residents of Vault 87 were subjected to FEV, transforming them into Super Mutants, highlighting the extreme nature of these experiments.
  • Vault 101's totalitarian rule and Vault 11's cyclical human sacrifice show the depths of cruelty in Vault-Tec's post-apocalyptic experiments.

Although Fallout 's iconic vaults were billed to the public as impenetrable bastions meant to preserve the basis of American society in the face of nuclear fire, the reality of the situation was a little more complicated than that. Vaults were certainly more than capable of protecting and providing for their inhabitants after the bombs fell, but that purpose was practically secondary to their more nefarious ends.

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Since the Fallout games take place in America, you will come across some landmarks that are based on real-life locations.

The majority of the vaults found throughout the Fallout series were used to perform social and scientific experiments on the populations taking refuge within. Some of these studies were relatively tame, if not altruistic in nature. Others, however, ranged from incredibly bizarre to outright cruel. To outline the lengths that Vault-Tec went to in producing these experiments, here are the cruelest and most disturbing experiments that Vault-Tec ever cooked up for Project Safehouse .

Updated April 20, 2024 by Gregory Louis Gomez: When it comes to Vault-Tec in the Fallout universe, there is no end to their depravity. Though many of the infamous vaults did keep their occupants safe from the Great War of 2077, even this was simply part of a larger, more bizarre plan for the post-apocalypse.

Most vaults were designed to run horrendous experiments on their occupants in secret on behalf of the U.S. government, resulting in incalculable suffering. Virtually every Fallout title features the vaults and their heinous experiments to some degree. With this in mind, we've added a few more entries to the list of Vault-Tec's most disturbing post-war experiments .

Residents Served As Test Subjects For The FEV


  • First Appearance: Fallout 3
  • Location: Virginia

Vault 87 served as a research facility for forced evolutionary viruses, with all of its residents being used as test subjects. After being exposed to one particularly nasty virus upon their arrival, they were then monitored by scientists who had been tasked with observing and recording all of the subsequent changes that came about as a result of the testing . The results were — to put it bluntly — terrifying.

Within two weeks of their exposure, many of the vault's inhabitants were dead. They were arguably the lucky ones, however, as those who did survive were transformed into the Super Mutants and Centaurs that players would later encounter while exploring the Capital Wasteland. As shocking as these experiments were though, they are just the tip of the iceberg.

Children Separated From Their Families

Vault boy giving thumbs up as happy people enter the vault

  • First Appearance: None (Was Set To Appear In Van Buren)
  • Location: West Coast

The canceled Fallout 3 from Interplay, code named Van Buren , was set to feature a host of vaults all of its own, one of which being Vault 29. Though much of the information on this vault comes from the Fallout Bible , it has officially been referenced in canon, most notably in Fallout 76 .

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The primary experiment here was that only children under 15 were to be accepted, with their parents going into different vaults, effectively breaking up their families forever. Not much is known about the success of this experiment, though the inhumanity of dividing up families for scientific gain should be obvious to most.

A Society Controlled By Unethical Scientists

Vault 4 entrance on the surface

  • First Appearance: Fallout TV Show
  • Location: California

Vault-Tec and its vaults are a big focus in Amazon's Fallout show . One of the vaults featured in episode 6 is Vault 4, which, from the outset, is seemingly filled with compassionate people. Later on, it is revealed that the vault took in many survivors from the destruction of the NCR capital city, Shady Sands. Underneath all of this altruism, however, is the legacy of unregulated scientific experimentation by its original inhabitants.

Among the myriad of horrific genetic experiments that their victim's descendants still pay for, many people were kept in cryogenic stasis for centuries, while mothers were forcibly (and fatally) impregnated with mutated abominations. Thankfully, the vault's first victims were eventually able to rebel against their torturers. By the time of the show, vault 4 is a haven for the victims of Vault-Tec's many crimes against humanity.

4 Vault 112

Humans frozen in time as playthings for a madman.


Another of Fallout 3 's vaults, Vault 112 sounds like something straight out of The Matrix . Residents were placed in a state of suspended animation and hooked up to a special virtual reality simulator. Where it differs from the iconic sci-fi series is that test subjects were fully aware of the simulation. Had they known all the details though, they probably wouldn't have gone along with it willingly.

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War Never Changes: The 16 Best Quotes From The Fallout Games

There have been a lot of awesome quotes sprinkled throughout the Fallout series. Here's a look at 10 of the all-time best.

Subjects were originally told that the simulation would provide them with a perfect life, but it ended up being more like a VR horror game instead. This is because the vault's Overseer, Dr. Stanislaus Braun, physically and psychologically tortured the residents using the technology; even getting the Lone Wanderer to help him do so at one point. Shockingly, Braun had previously been one of humanity's greatest minds, but, as the old saying goes: absolute power corrupts absolutely.

5 Vault 101

Indefinite totalitarian rule.

Vault 101 door.

Vault 101 was perhaps the first vault that most Fallout players experienced back in 2008. Yes, there were games (and therefore other vaults) before Fallout 3. However, the series didn't truly explode in popularity until this point. From the get-go, vault 101 seems like a quiet and safe place to live, if a little quirky at times. Over time, however, it becomes apparent that the vault's totalitarian style leadership structure is more problematic than suspected.

This was the primary experiment of the vault; to test the long-term effects of an all-powerful overseer on its inhabitants, and "long-term" meant "forever." As it turns out, Vault 101 was never supposed to open for any reason or at any time. This is partly so that the vault's residents can serve as a control group for the Enclave in its experiments as well.

An Experiment In Overcrowding

Fallout Shelter Promotional Image People Entering Vault

  • First Appearance: None
  • Location: Unknown

Vault 27 currently has yet to appear in a Fallout title. It is, however, mentioned in Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible , a collection of documents providing a wealth of information on the Fallout universe . Although these documents are no longer reliable as "official" Fallout canon, they still provide a lot of interesting information and insight into the Fallout world.

A group of Fallout 4 characters standing in front of a circular metal door and wearing the best armor in the game

Fallout 4: Best Armor Sets, Ranked

Fallout 4 contains many useful armor sets that players should definitely try to find, but these are arguably the best.

The experiment attached to Vault 27 is a relatively straightforward one; it was purposefully overcrowded by two times its maximum capacity. It isn't difficult to imagine the immediate impact of such drastic overpopulation, but, suffice it to say the specifics of the results are uncomfortable to visualize.

Psychologically Induced Tribalism

Vault 19 entrance and cafeteria area

Fallout: New Vegas

  • First Appearance: Fallout New Vegas
  • Location: Nevada

This vault can be explored during the events of Fallout: New Vegas , where it has since been taken over by the Powder Gangers. But, long before they arrived, its original purpose was to test the impact of subliminal messaging on its inhabitants.

Upon arrival, the residents were segregated into two groups and assigned one of two colors: blue, or red. Afterward, the vault exposed them to various stimuli that were intended to provoke feelings of paranoia and distrust. Terminal entries within the vault indicated that these subliminal messages were very effective and that the mutual distrust between its divided population was rapidly approaching a violent climax.

8 Vault 111

One of several cryogenic experiments.

Fallout Vault Overseers

  • First Appearance: Fallout 4
  • Location: Massachusetts

Fallout 4 really begins in Vault 111, located just outside of Boston near the suburb of Sanctuary Hills . While the Vault-Tec scientists claim that the newly arrived occupants are due for a decontamination procedure, that is just a lie to make enacting the real plan go more smoothly.

Fallout 3 Overpowered COVER

6 Ways To Become Overpowered In Fallout 3

Dominate the Capital Wasteland with these methods of becoming OP.

In reality, Vault 111's experiment was with suspended animation via cryo-freezing, specifically to see how the human body would react to long-term cryo-stasis. The result ended up being the death of nearly every occupant for one, mostly having to do with systems failing over time.

A Vault Without A Working Door

Vault 12 Open Door And Ghoul Scientist in New Vegas

  • First Appearance: Fallout

In what is perhaps Vault-Tec's most straightforwardly dishonest experiment, Vault 12 was designed with a purposefully faulty vault door that would not seal properly, allowing radiation to seep into it so that its impact on the human body could be studied.

This would naturally result in the majority of the vault's population becoming ghouls. They would eventually emerge to find the ghoul haven of Necropolis, which the Vault Dweller can explore throughout the original Fallout title.

10 Vault 75

Using children to create the master race.

Vault 75 entryway

The experiment attached to Vault 75 is a solid contender for the absolute cruelest experiment ever carried out by Vault-Tec. Situated beneath Malden Middle School in the Commonwealth of Fallout 4 , its stated purpose was to protect the school's students and their families in the event of a nuclear attack.

20 Hidden Locations In Fallout 4 You Didn’t Know Existed

20 Hidden Locations In Fallout 4 You Didn’t Know Existed

In typical Bethesda fashion, Fallout 4 is hiding quite a few unique secrets, and you probably won't discover these 10 right away.

Upon entry, the students' parents were separated from their children and were summarily executed by the security staff under the pretense that they were undergoing "orientation." The children were then subjected to rigorous physical and mental conditioning. Those that did not achieve satisfactory results were disposed of once they reached the age of eighteen, and those that did were "harvested" for their superior genes.

11 Vault 22

Plant experimentation gone horribly wrong.

Vault 22 And Spore Carriers in Fallout New Vegas

The experimentation carried out in Vault 22 wasn't necessarily disturbing at its core. It was designed to sustain life purely by way of "green" living, keeping its inhabitants alive by virtue of the plant life that was grown and cared for within. The results, however, are where things start to get dark.

Days Gone, Fallout, The Last Of Us feature image

6 Post-Apocalyptic Games Inspired By Movies

These games took inspiration from the world of film when it came to creating their post-apocalyptic settings.

A certain specialized fungus was used to keep pests from ruining their crops. Unbeknownst to them, however, were the mutagenic properties of the fungus. Once the spores took root in human hosts, they would gradually transform them into spore carriers, deadly and aggressively cannibalistic mutants that have claimed many lives since.

12 Vault 13

The original control group vault.

Vault 13 entry door and control panel

Not every vault created by Vault-Tec had a specific experiment attached to it, however, even this isn't something to celebrate. Some vaults, such as Vault 13, were primarily designed to serve as more or less an emergency stockpile of pure humans, or humans without damaged or mutated DNA from the wasteland.

These humans were to be called upon by the remnants of the U.S. government, or the Enclave as most know them, to serve as their lab rats and slaves with which they would rebuild the world. During the events of Fallout 2 , the Enclave would kidnap every Vault 13 resident (or rather, everyone that they hadn't already murdered) and imprison them aboard their headquarters off the coast of California, the Poseidon Oil Rig.

13 Vault 34

A vault with more guns than people.

Vault 34 dwellers

This vault is perhaps most famously remembered as the ancestral home of the Boomers faction in Fallout: New Vegas , where they resided before establishing their community at the Nellis Air Force base. It turns out that their affinity for weaponry has some deep and disturbing roots there.

Fallout Dark Choices-1

7 Darkest Choices in The Fallout Series

The Fallout series harbors some pretty dark choices which players can make of their own free will, and prove the mantra that war never changes.

Vault 34 was purposefully designed with cramped living conditions as well as an absurdly overstocked armory full of weapons and ammunition. The cramped vault would soon become overpopulated, and the residents would continuously request access to the armory to protect themselves, which the Overseer would deny. This would eventually result in violent rioting.

14 Vault 77

When man's only company is a box of puppets.

Promotional Comic Featuring A Resident Of Vault 77 Talking To A Puppet

While it was never featured in a game, Vault 77 is mentioned in Fallout 3 and is featured in a promotional comic for the game. The main experiment of this vault was to test how a human would react in prolonged isolation with nothing but a collection of puppets.

This individual, known as the "Puppet Man," was the sole occupant of vault 77 before exiting in 2079. Interestingly, the player can find his jumpsuit in Fallout 3 , as well as a holotape that implies that the Puppet Man went on to become a frightening legend among the raiders of the wasteland.

15 Vault 106

Psychoactive drugs contaminating the air.

Vault 106 and Player's Hallucination sequence

Vault 106 was designed to simply begin pumping psychoactive drugs into its air filtration system a mere ten days after the door had sealed itself shut. Perfectly aware of the vault's purpose, the Overseer directed security personnel to dismiss any complaints resulting from this.

fallout shelter vault tec experiment review

For everything Fallout 4 does right, it still gets a bit weird sometimes, as shown in these hilarious memes only true fans will understand!

The Lone Wanderer can explore this vault during Fallout 3 , and will quickly come to realize that these drugs are still being filtered into the vault when they begin experiencing vivid and violent hallucinations. The few survivors left inside have been driven insane by consistent exposure to them and will attack anyone on sight.

16 Vault 81

Secret testing of deadly diseases on the populace.

Fallout 4 Vault 81 Door and Alexis Combes

The conclusion of Vault 81's experimentation is a true rarity, as the Overseer realized the inhumanity of its purpose and put an end to it before any lasting harm came to its general population. In fact, the Sole Survivor can explore Vault 81 in Fallout 4 , meeting its population of relatively sane and decent inhabitants.

Originally, the vault's purpose was to expose the population to an array of deadly diseases and illnesses, while a science team operated from a secret locale to develop and test various cures on the subjects without their knowledge.

17 Vault 108

A vault with more than one inhumane experiment.

Vault 108's entrance and one of the Gary clones

  • Location: Maryland

One of Fallout 3 's most memorably creepy locations is Vault 108. The vault had several experiments in place at the same time. Most of the standard job positions were intentionally unfilled, there was no entertainment yet an excess in weaponry, and to top it off, the life support systems were designed to fail within twenty years.

Fallout Strangest Side Quests Feature Image

There are some truly unusual side quests lurking in the corners of the wasteland.

The most notable thing about this vault, however, is its cloning experiment, which resulted in a man named Gary being cloned countless times by the vault's scientists. By the time of the player's arrival, only the hostile Gary clones remain.

18 Vault 95

Tempting addicts with all the drugs they'd ever want.

Cait From Fallout 4 and Chems from Fallout 3

Vault 95's stated mission almost seems altruistic in nature. It was to serve as a rehabilitation clinic for chem addicts, allowing them to overcome their various addictions, even as the outside world collapsed under a volley of nuclear missiles. However, its true purpose was much less than kind.

Although its detox program was a great success, a massive stash of chems and alcohol was hidden inside the vault, and a planted resident would "unearth" this cache after five years. Predictably, the staged discovery of this cache precipitated the vault's program unraveling entirely, and its population plunged into chem-fueled anarchy.

19 Vault 92

Psychopathic suggestions via white noise.

Vault 92 Band Practice Room

Though it sounds like the ideal place for music lovers and artists of all kinds, Vault 92 is anything but. By the time the player comes across it, vault 92 is reduced to a decrepit ruin filled with Bloatflies and Mirelurks , however, it was once home to some of the brightest musical minds the old world had to offer. The pitch at face value was to preserve humanity's musical genius, but its real purpose was to test the effects of combat suggestions via white noise.

Lucy and Maximus in Power Armor in Amazon’s Fallout Show

Amazon's Fallout adaptation is out, but how loyal is it to the actual Bethesda video game franchise? Here's what the series absolutely nailed.

The vault's occupants were unknowingly subjected to white noise broadcasts through the vault's loudspeakers, eventually driving most of them insane with rage and leading to the death of virtually half of the vault's population.

20 Vault 11

Cyclical human sacrifice with an ironic twist.

Courier in the Vault 11 projector room

Of all the cruel experiments that Vault-Tec executed on unsuspecting victims, the one taking place at Vault 11 has to be the worst. Vault 11's inhabitants were instructed to select one of their own as a human sacrifice each year. If they refused, they were told that the vault would shut off its life support systems, and the entire population would die.

In reality, should the vault's residents refuse to sacrifice someone, the vault would provide an automated message congratulating them as " a shining example of humanity ." By the time they couldn't bear to sacrifice anyone else and bravely refused, its population had been whittled down to a mere five people. Unable to cope with their guilt after this brutal realization, four of those five people elected to commit suicide.

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Fallout: is vault-tec still monitoring experiments (& how).


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Fallout is one of Bethesda’s most recognizable titles, spanning six full titles and a handful of spin offs. The world of Fallout was a 1950s inspired dystopia before nuclear war turned vast swathes of North America into atomic wasteland. Things only deteriorated from there, with hostile aliens, strange mutants (including horrifically oversized bugs), raider gangs, shadow government forces (and worse) fighting for control. Pre-War civilization wondered who would shelter them come the inevitable nuclear Armageddon.

Enter Vault-Tec. Championed by the cheery thumbs-up-giving Vault Boy mascot and advertising themselves as saviors, Vault-Tec hid a sinister modus operandi. While a lucky few got to reside in the relatively benign control Vaults, most vault dwellers were subjected to a variety of macabre and often mind-boggling experiments. Post-apocalypse, the Vault-Tec executives appear to have fallen off the radar, failing to check in with their Vault Overseers. Could Vault-Tec still be out there, waiting?

Related:  Fallout 3's Darkest Vault-Tec Experiments

For one thing, players certainly know for a fact that Vault-Tec has connections within the Enclave. Contracted by the American government before the war for Project Safehouse, Vault-Tec was meant to provide shelter for the public in the event of nuclear devastation, however, only seventeen of the known Vaults in Fallout  were actually designed to do so. The rest of the Vaults, featuring experiments from the annoying to the downright lethal, were intended to supply the Enclave with information. It’s unknown what the Enclave intended to use this information for, but it is known that the Enclave has a habit of surviving protagonist-led destruction.

Fallout's Enclave May Be Monitoring Vault Experiments

Fallout Enclave

Vault 87 lends credence to the idea that Vault-Tec, via the Enclave, are still monitoring things to some extent. Appearing in Fallout 3 , Vault 87 was a testing ground for the FEV, or Forced Evolutionary Virus, intended to create super-humans but instead creating Super Mutants. While it's not the first place FEV has been deployed, nor the origin of the Super Mutants , it's hard to believe that the Enclave wouldn’t keep some tabs on the place. Indeed, in game the Enclave do appear in Vault 87 vying with the Lone Wanderer to retrieve a G.E.C.K. - another odd thing to leave in an unmonitored Vault. 

Players also know that some form of remote monitoring was in place for select Vaults. Vault 111 in particular, featured an experiment in cryostasis that was intended to be monitored from a distance after 180 days. It’s unclear if Vault-Tec did monitor this location, as they made no contact with on-site staff, as Fallout 4's protagonist the Sole Survivor uncovers. Without the all clear, the Overseer refused to allow the staff to leave, prompting a mutiny. Whether something went wrong or this was another twisted experiment into the human psyche, it’s undeniable that Vault-Tec were at least confident in their remote monitoring capabilities. 

An optional location in Fallout 4 hints at possible answers. Covenant, an anti-synth settlement in the Commonwealth, uses a modified version of the Vault’s G.O.A.T. test to root out suspected synths. Interestingly, though the player cannot fail the test, it is noted to be inaccurate in game, leaving open the possibility that the Sole Survivor could be a synth .  Combined with Vault-Tec’s links to the Enclave, and given a key part of the Enclave’s ideology is the sub-human status of all mutated humans, an interesting question arises. Is the Enclave, via Vault-Tec, trying to discover the essence of humanity? 

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If the Enclave is still involved with the experiments, then players may already know just how they are monitoring the Vaults. Developed by RobCo, the Eyebot has been used by the Enclave throughout the Fallout universe to spread propaganda, spy on wastelanders, and even call Enclave forces. Notably, Eyebots work underground in the subway networks the player can explore. It’s possible this same technology is used in the Vaults.

With more Fallout 76 content planned and the next single-player Fallout likely a ways out yet, the wait for more information on Vault-Tec’s agenda and current status could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. In the meantime, theories will abound. 

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Fallout 4: Vault-Tec – All Experiment Rewards & Results

On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: See what all those weird and wacky experiments actually do for you in the Vault-Tec Workshop expansion to Fallout 4.


The Vault-Tec Workshop add-on for Fallout 4 includes several settlement-boosting experimental prototypes your Sole Survivor can tinker with.

These four unique machines can make your settlers happier, provide cash bonuses, or even kill dwellers if you select certain variations. The in-game notes are extremely vague, only hinting at the actual results of these experiments. If you’re sick of guessing and want to know exactly how experiments provide benefits (or don’t), check out the full list of rewards and results below.

Explore Gameranx’s massive list of guides, how-to’s, secret locations, and everything else a fresh Vault 111 escapee needs to thrive on the Fallout 4 Ultimate Commonwealth Guide  and become a true post-apocalyptic survivor.

Uncover everything you need to know about the Vault-Tc Workshop DLC with these guides on Gameranx:

  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – Complete Overseer Quest Guide
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – All Achievements / Trophies Guide
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – ‘Explore Vault 88’ Quest & Locations Guide
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – How to Equip Settlers With Vault Suits
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – How to Unlock Secondary Vault 88 Entrances
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – How to Track Lost Companions
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – Improve Your Face & Hairstyle With New Stations
  • Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop – Get 100 Settlement Happiness the Easy Way

Vault-Tec – All Experiment Rewards & Results

Note: All experimental prototype variations are chosen during the quests given by Overseer Barstow in Vault 88. Once a choice is locked-in, it cannot be changed and will remain the same. Reload a save before completing the quests for Overseer Barstow to select different prototype variants. 

Power Cycle 1000:

  • Construction: (4) Steel, (3) Screws, (2) Rubber, (2) Copper
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Power Cycle to produce 2 Power (Only during daylight hours.)
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (3) Screws, (2) Rubber, (4) Copper
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Power Cycle to produce 4 Power (Only during daylight hours.)
  • WARNING: Sustained use will KILL SETTLERS .
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (3) Screws, (2) Rubber, (2) Copper, (4) Buffout
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Power Cycle to produce 2 Power

Soda Fountain:

  • Construction: (6) Steel, (3) Glass
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Fountain — Requires 2 Power, Produces 5 Happiness
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Fountain — Requires 2 Power, Produces 1 Food
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Fountain — Requires 2 Power, Produces  15 Happiness
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (25) Nuclear materials, (3) Glass, (2) Aluminum
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Phoropter — Requires 3 Power, Produces 5 Happiness
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (5) Nuclear materials, (3) Glass, (2) Aluminum, (2) Circuitry
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Phoropter — Requires 3 Power, Produces 15 Happiness
  • Unconfirmed, but may cause death following sustained usage. 
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (2) Nuclear materials, (3) Glass, (2) Aluminum
  • Results: Assign settlers to work on the Phoropter — Requires 3 Power, Produces 10 Happiness

Slot Machine:

  • Construction: (4) Steel, (2) Screws, (3) Plastic, (2) Gears, (2) Circuitry
  • Results: Requires 1 Power, Produces 10 Happiness
  • Results: Requires 1 Power, Produces 29 Caps Daily (Collect from the Workshop)
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (2) Screws, (3) Plastic, (2) Gears, (2) Circuitry, (2) Glass
  • Results: Requires 1 Power, Produces 5 Happiness & 10 Caps (Intermittently)
  • Construction: (4) Steel, (2) Screws, (3) Plastic, (2) Gears, (2) Circuitry, (500) Bottlecaps
  • Results: Requires 1 Power, Produces 15 Happiness

Source: [ 1 ]

About Kevin Thielenhaus

fallout shelter vault tec experiment review

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fallout shelter vault tec experiment review

The 10 Most Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments in Fallout, Ranked

Image of Ashley Erickson

Vault-Tec may have seemed like the saviors of humanity, but below the surface, they were enacting atrocious experiments in the vaults. Vault dwellers were subjected to malicious and illegal conditions without their consent or knowledge. These are the 10 most disturbing Vault-Tec experiments in Fallout ranked .

Fallout Vaults Explained

The v aults developed by Vault-Tec were meant to be safe spaces to preserve deep underground where radiation and war couldn’t reach. With numerous bunkers throughout the US, the vaults were supposed to protect the best, brightest, and richest of mankind until the surface could be repopulated.

Fallout’s X Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments Ranked

Vault 4 door in the Prime series.

While many residents of the vaults were subjected to different stimuli, there were some experiments that are so disturbing they stand out above the rest. We’ve ranked the top 10 most sinister experiments from least to most disturbing.

Vault 118 — Social Experiment

Vault 118 was designed to have 10 wealthy individuals and what amounted to 300 slaves. The wealthy would have every luxury and total authority over the 300 people. Those people were set to live in filth, with little food, or fresh water.

Thankfully, the section for the slaves never finished due to a scandal, so only the 10 wealthy residents comprised this vault. If it had been finished, however, we know how bad things can get when people have complete control over others.

Vault 12 — Medical Experiment

Vault 12 sought to understand how the human body reacts to gradual radiation by making the vault door faulty. With the door unable to be sealed, radiation seeped into the vault. Slowly, everyone was turned into a Ghoul. While horrific, most survived and ended up founding the city of Necropolis.

Scavenger ghoul.

Vault 51 — Social Experiment

Instead of having an overseer selected when everyone first moved into the vault, there was ZAX AI. ZAX was meant to select a qualified overseer from the inhabitants. To discover who was qualified, the AI initiated various incidents for people to respond to. This eventually led to ZAX AI threatening actual harm and manipulating civilians to kill each other.

Vault 87 — Research Facility

If you’re familiar with Super Mutants, then you know that they were created in a vault. Vault 87, to be precise. Human subjects were given the Forced Evolutionary Virus, which was meant to rapidly adapt humans to an irradiated climate. Instead, Super Mutants were created. They ended up seizing control of the vault from the researchers.

Super mutant enemy in Fallout 76.

Vault 108 — Social Experiment

This Washington, D.C. vault focused on the social fallout revolving around leadership conflicts. All those appointed to management positions were ill, dying soon after the vault was sealed. All systems were designed to last no more than 20 years, there were no forms of entertainment provided, and a larger armory than usual was stocked. In addition to the leadership conflicts, one single person in the vault was cloned. Eventually, the clones went feral and took out everyone else in the vault 108.

Vault 106 — Medical Experiment

Chems are a significant part of the Fallout lore. From Stimpaks that rapidly heal you to Mentats that increase your creativity, there were endless applications that could be made from various drugs. In vault 106, a concoction of hallucinogens were constantly pumped into the living quarters of the dwellers to see what effect it would have. While the final outcome isn’t clear, we do know that most of the people were subjected to increased violence. The drugs remained in the air for 200 years, so anyone who entered would begin to lose their grip on reality.

Vault 4 — Scientific Experiment

According to what we learned in the games, Vault 4 was the first populated vault. The experiment was simply it being run by scientists, with the ability to do whatever research they wanted. Thanks to the Fallout Prime series, we now know the extent of those experiments.

*As a note, the next section contains spoilers for the Prime Fallout show.*

Please no spoilers.

Splicing humans with radiation-resistant species, the team in Vault 4 created the West Coast Gulper variant. People morphed into the mutated creatures. A pregnant woman gave birth to more of them, which subsequently ate her.

Not only was the Gulper made, but other experiments left the scientists’ descendants with abnormally placed appendages. At the time of the show, 220 years after the bombs dropped, the overseer is a cyclops, while another man has a second nose on his forehead.

Vault 92 — Medical Experiment

If you’re like me, then you hear white noise in everything. That’s the basics of what the inhabitants of Vault 92 experienced in their sleep. Originally, the white noise was targeted at musicians to see if there were possible benefits. The Overseer here added additional subliminal messaging that increased aggression and made all dwellers hear it in their sleep. Everyone went insane and killed each other.

Vault 77 — Social Experiment

Imagine it, one man, alone, locked in a giant vault with some puppets. As his only means of entertainment and social interaction, this man was subjected to solitary confinement with no end in sight. He lasted two years before he left the vault, his sanity broken from the extended period without other people. He even went on to become highly feared by Paradise Falls’ slavers.

Fallout 3 Vault 77 Penny Arcade Comic

Vault 112 — Social Experiment

While it was close between solitary confinement with puppets and the dastardly deeds of Stanislaus Braun, the virtual reality dictator’s vault won out as the most horrific in the Fallout franchise. Vault 112 was built for and overseen by Braun. There were multiple simulations he could operate, but none of the residents knew he had total control of them once they were loaded into VR.

He ended up torturing the occupants as Betty, a girl in the Tranquility Lane simulation. They couldn’t leave the simulation on their own, only moving on to another at his whim. When bored, he would kill each resident’s virtual persona, wipe their memory, and start again in another simulation. This went on for decades before the events of Fallout 3 took place.

Those are the 10 most disturbing Fallout vault experiments ranked. More vaults can always be added, so be sure to check this list in the future for any changes. If you’re in need of help finding different vaults, completing quests, or seeing how the show compares to the games, check out Fallout hub .

Psycho in Borderlands pointing a gun at the camera

Fallout Wiki

Agent provocateur

The following is based on information from or .

The agent provocateur is a common outfit in Fallout Shelter . It was added to the game with the 1.5 update.

  • 1 Characteristics
  • 2 Locations
  • 3 Breakdown

Characteristics [ ]

The agent provocateur can only be worn by female dwellers. It is a black belted jacket and black skirt. It provides +4 Intelligence .

Locations [ ]

  • Found in lunchboxes .
  • Optional reward (if asked for) from the weekly quest Vault-Tec Experiment Review (variant B).

Breakdown [ ]

If the disassembly of the outfit is successful, junk is rewarded:


Gallery [ ]

Agent provocateur card

 Â·  Â·
  • 1 Securitron
  • 2 Ant (Fallout 76)
  • 3 Johnson's Acre

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  1. Fallout Shelter: Vault-Tec Experiment Review (Vault 108 Edition)

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  2. Fallout Shelter

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  3. Fallout Shelter Quest : Vault-Tec Experiment Review

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  5. Fallout Shelter Weekly Quest : Vault-Tec Experiment Review 4-29-17

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  6. Vault Tec Experiment Review #1

    fallout shelter vault tec experiment review


  1. Vault-Tec Experiment Review

    Vault-Tec Experiment Review is a weekly overseer quest in Fallout Shelter. The overseer is tasked with sending Vault dwellers into the Wasteland to explore Vaults in order to uncover the experiments Vault-Tec is performing on the inhabitants. The weapon and outfit rewards for different dialogues are usually Rare but some Legendary items have been reported. The reward may be random or it may ...

  2. Fallout Shelter

    Completing the VAULT-TEC EXPERIMENT REVIEW Quest (Weekly Quest) which consists of one mission. You have to check in on the experiments in other vaults.

  3. Vault-Tec Experiment Review

    "Vault-Tec wants you to check up on some...experiments we're running in other Vaults."Vault-Tec Experiment Review is a weekly overseer quest in Fallout Shelt...

  4. Vault-Tec Experiment Review

    Vault-Tec Experiment Review is a repeatable quest in Fallout Shelter. Vault-Tec wants you to check up on some... experiments we're running in the other Vaults. Check in on the experiments in other Vaults. No, I'm a ghost! Booooooo! (_Conversation_1_NPCEnd_1); Muwhahaha! Take this and run, little...

  5. Vault-Tec Experiment Review Quest

    Today I'm doing the Vault-Tec Experiment Review Quest. I'm still new to recording gameplay and commentary, so I'm still working out a few (!) technical difficulties.

  6. Fallout's Vaults have even crazier experiments in the games

    The new Fallout show begins in a Vault and has plenty of lore twists from there. What are all the Vault experiments? Vaults from Fallout 76, New Vegas, and more explained

  7. [Question] Are these normal Vault Tec Experiment Review rewards

    35K subscribers in the falloutshelter community. A Subreddit For Discussion of and Information about Fallout Shelter, the iOS and Android Vault…

  8. Vault-Tec Experiment Review quest rewards : r/foshelter

    I don't think I've ever seen a quest list no rewards, including the experiment reviews. If that's the case then the rewards are already set, you just have no way of knowing beforehand. I didn't have any reward preview and I got 4 quantums nuka colas I believe. Maybe some blue junk. 21 votes, 11 comments. 51K subscribers in the foshelter community.

  9. [Discussion] Challenges based off of Vault Tec experiments

    Here at Vault Tec we like to give newcomers a chance to hone their skills and experience what is it like to take care of a vault! Below are official vault simulations that you can choose from, each with there own set of problems.

  10. Vault Tec Experiment Review #1

    This is weekly quest in Fallout Shelter. Asked to check in on the experiments in other Vaults.No picking up items, complete quest as soon as possible.

  11. Fallout Most Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments

    Fallout's Vault-Tec is well-known for being morally bankrupt, and here are the most disturbing experiments they ever conducted.

  12. Fallout: Is Vault-Tec Still Monitoring Experiments (& How?)

    Fallout's Enclave May Be Monitoring Vault Experiments. Vault 87 lends credence to the idea that Vault-Tec, via the Enclave, are still monitoring things to some extent. Appearing in Fallout 3, Vault 87 was a testing ground for the FEV, or Forced Evolutionary Virus, intended to create super-humans but instead creating Super Mutants.

  13. The 10 Most Interesting Fallout Vault Experiments

    We may not be able to fully reproduce the authentic Vault-Tec vault experience in Fallout Shelter, but it does provide a good opportunity to look back on some of the best vaults in the series to ...

  14. Why is vault tec good in fallout shelter : r/Fallout

    So, in fallout shelter were building a perfect shelter as vault-tec, though in the lore, vault-tec was mostly bad, experimenting on people etc, so why dont we have experiments in fallout shelter ? Simple, the building of the colony is the experiment. I mean look at it this this way, we turning wasteland dwellers to the vault dweller life.

  15. Fallout 4: Vault-Tec

    On PC, PS4 & Xbox One: See what all those weird and wacky experiments actually do for you in the Vault-Tec Workshop expansion to Fallout 4.

  16. Whats the point of all these Vault Tec experiments? : r/Fallout

    The Vault project was basically taken over by the 'shadow government' of the United States, which would eventually become The Enclave. They were basically carrying out experiments to help develop new means of controlling the population. And Vault-Tec was raking in the cash hand and foot and was more than happy to go along with whoever was giving them the cash.

  17. Vault-Tec Experiment Review

    Quest gameplay from Fallout Shelter. Sent my maxed out level 50s in high level armour and weapons."Vault-Tec wants you to check up on some...experiments we'r...

  18. The 10 Most Disturbing Vault-Tec Experiments in Fallout, Ranked

    Vault-Tec may have seemed like the saviors of humanity, but below the surface, they were enacting atrocious experiments in the vaults. Vault dwellers were subjected to malicious and illegal conditions without their consent or knowledge. These are the 10 most disturbing Vault-Tec experiments in Fallout ranked. Recommended Videos

  19. Fallout Shelter: Vault-Tec Experiment Review (Vault 108 Edition)

    The premise of the quest shown in this video is going to a randomly selected vault and checking on the dwellers to see how the experiments are going, lets ju...

  20. Agent provocateur

    The agent provocateur is a common outfit in Fallout Shelter. It was added to the game with the 1.5 update. The agent provocateur can only be worn by female dwellers. It is a black belted jacket and black skirt. It provides +4 Intelligence. Found in lunchboxes. Optional reward (if asked for) from the weekly quest Vault-Tec Experiment Review (variant B). If the disassembly of the outfit is ...

  21. PS4 Fallout Shelter

    Check in on the experiments in other Vaults.*****If you enjoyed my video please don't forget to subscribe and to hit the Like button đź‘Ť. Than...

  22. Vault-Tec Experiment Review quest has no reward? : r/foshelter

    Vault-Tec Experiment Review quest has no reward? You get three dialogues, first two are three choices, red black fight, queen ace fight, final is 4 choices, weapon, outfit, caps, junk. I chose: Black- 2 cola Queen- 2 cola Weapon- rare shotgun. Also found a lunch box and rare sniper.