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January 2024, Volume 36, Issue 1

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Economic Systems Research

economic systems research papers

Subject Area and Category

  • Economics and Econometrics

Publication type

09535314, 14695758


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economic systems research papers

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Economics and Econometrics1999Q3
Economics and Econometrics2000Q2
Economics and Econometrics2001Q3
Economics and Econometrics2002Q3
Economics and Econometrics2003Q3
Economics and Econometrics2004Q3
Economics and Econometrics2005Q3
Economics and Econometrics2006Q2
Economics and Econometrics2007Q2
Economics and Econometrics2008Q2
Economics and Econometrics2009Q2
Economics and Econometrics2010Q2
Economics and Econometrics2011Q2
Economics and Econometrics2012Q1
Economics and Econometrics2013Q1
Economics and Econometrics2014Q1
Economics and Econometrics2015Q1
Economics and Econometrics2016Q1
Economics and Econometrics2017Q1
Economics and Econometrics2018Q1
Economics and Econometrics2019Q2
Economics and Econometrics2020Q2
Economics and Econometrics2021Q2
Economics and Econometrics2022Q2
Economics and Econometrics2023Q2

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)19990.186
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20001.290
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20010.765
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20021.080
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20030.641
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20040.852
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20050.976
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20060.812
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20071.227
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20081.174
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20091.453
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20101.389
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20111.854
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20122.183
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20133.191
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20143.880
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20155.082
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20165.019
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20175.864
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20183.929
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20193.363
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20203.302
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20212.717
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20222.872
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20233.202
Cites / Doc. (3 years)19990.186
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20001.340
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20010.821
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20021.102
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20030.695
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20040.783
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20050.746
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20060.879
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20071.273
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20081.100
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20091.301
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20101.493
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20112.029
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20122.632
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20132.507
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20144.420
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20155.014
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20165.573
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20173.435
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20183.353
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20193.381
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20202.614
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20212.489
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20223.022
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20233.134
Cites / Doc. (2 years)19990.179
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20001.371
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20010.675
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20021.375
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20030.789
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20040.488
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20050.841
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20061.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20071.182
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20080.938
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20091.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20101.468
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20112.489
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20122.065
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20132.614
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20143.978
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20156.038
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20162.982
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20172.737
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20183.625
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20192.625
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20202.267
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20212.406
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20222.895
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20232.920

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites19990
Self Cites200035
Self Cites200138
Self Cites200236
Self Cites200312
Self Cites200418
Self Cites200515
Self Cites200618
Self Cites200716
Self Cites200821
Self Cites200918
Self Cites201025
Self Cites201133
Self Cites201228
Self Cites201352
Self Cites201476
Self Cites201571
Self Cites201659
Self Cites201764
Self Cites201822
Self Cites201916
Self Cites202027
Self Cites202114
Self Cites202215
Self Cites202322
Total Cites19998
Total Cites200063
Total Cites200146
Total Cites200265
Total Cites200341
Total Cites200447
Total Cites200547
Total Cites200658
Total Cites200784
Total Cites200877
Total Cites200995
Total Cites2010109
Total Cites2011142
Total Cites2012179
Total Cites2013168
Total Cites2014305
Total Cites2015371
Total Cites2016457
Total Cites2017292
Total Cites2018285
Total Cites2019284
Total Cites2020230
Total Cites2021229
Total Cites2022269
Total Cites2023257

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document19990.186
External Cites per document20000.596
External Cites per document20010.143
External Cites per document20020.492
External Cites per document20030.492
External Cites per document20040.483
External Cites per document20050.508
External Cites per document20060.606
External Cites per document20071.030
External Cites per document20080.800
External Cites per document20091.055
External Cites per document20101.151
External Cites per document20111.557
External Cites per document20122.221
External Cites per document20131.731
External Cites per document20143.319
External Cites per document20154.054
External Cites per document20164.854
External Cites per document20172.682
External Cites per document20183.094
External Cites per document20193.190
External Cites per document20202.307
External Cites per document20212.337
External Cites per document20222.854
External Cites per document20232.866
Cites per document19990.186
Cites per document20001.340
Cites per document20010.821
Cites per document20021.102
Cites per document20030.695
Cites per document20040.783
Cites per document20050.746
Cites per document20060.879
Cites per document20071.273
Cites per document20081.100
Cites per document20091.301
Cites per document20101.493
Cites per document20112.029
Cites per document20122.632
Cites per document20132.507
Cites per document20144.420
Cites per document20155.014
Cites per document20165.573
Cites per document20173.435
Cites per document20183.353
Cites per document20193.381
Cites per document20202.614
Cites per document20212.489
Cites per document20223.022
Cites per document20233.134

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents19990
Non-citable documents20000
Non-citable documents20010
Non-citable documents20020
Non-citable documents20030
Non-citable documents20040
Non-citable documents20050
Non-citable documents20060
Non-citable documents20071
Non-citable documents20082
Non-citable documents20095
Non-citable documents20106
Non-citable documents20117
Non-citable documents20125
Non-citable documents20134
Non-citable documents20144
Non-citable documents20155
Non-citable documents20164
Non-citable documents20173
Non-citable documents20182
Non-citable documents20192
Non-citable documents20201
Non-citable documents20210
Non-citable documents20220
Non-citable documents20230
Citable documents199943
Citable documents200047
Citable documents200156
Citable documents200259
Citable documents200359
Citable documents200460
Citable documents200563
Citable documents200666
Citable documents200765
Citable documents200868
Citable documents200968
Citable documents201067
Citable documents201163
Citable documents201263
Citable documents201363
Citable documents201465
Citable documents201569
Citable documents201678
Citable documents201782
Citable documents201883
Citable documents201982
Citable documents202087
Citable documents202192
Citable documents202289
Citable documents202382

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents199937
Uncited documents200018
Uncited documents200133
Uncited documents200229
Uncited documents200335
Uncited documents200437
Uncited documents200539
Uncited documents200634
Uncited documents200731
Uncited documents200840
Uncited documents200936
Uncited documents201033
Uncited documents201132
Uncited documents201225
Uncited documents201322
Uncited documents201421
Uncited documents201522
Uncited documents201619
Uncited documents201713
Uncited documents201819
Uncited documents201924
Uncited documents202022
Uncited documents202120
Uncited documents202220
Uncited documents202317
Cited documents19996
Cited documents200029
Cited documents200123
Cited documents200230
Cited documents200324
Cited documents200423
Cited documents200524
Cited documents200632
Cited documents200735
Cited documents200830
Cited documents200937
Cited documents201040
Cited documents201138
Cited documents201243
Cited documents201345
Cited documents201448
Cited documents201552
Cited documents201663
Cited documents201772
Cited documents201866
Cited documents201960
Cited documents202066
Cited documents202172
Cited documents202269
Cited documents202365

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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Economic Systems Research

Number of papers107
Average citations3.794
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Impact Factor : 1.800 (based on Web of Science 2023)

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Altmetric Attention Score: 125

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Examining the complex causal relationships between the digital economy and urban tourist destination competitiveness

  • Published: 02 August 2024
  • Volume 57 , article number  152 , ( 2024 )

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economic systems research papers

  • Yan Zhang 1 &
  • Jiekuan Zhang 1  

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Tourism competitiveness has always been a crucial aspect of tourism research. With the emergence of the digital economy, it is important to understand how this new form of economic activity impacts tourism competitiveness. This paper utilizes the configurational theory of systems thinking to examine the complex causal impact of the digital economy on tourism competitiveness. The paper finds that none of the digital economy variables are necessary for tourism competitiveness. There are two basic paths for the digital economy to drive high tourist destination competitiveness: dual-driven model of digital infrastructure and finance occurring in less developed regions and digital regulation-led dual-driven model of digital innovation and finance occurring in developed regions. The reliability of the findings is confirmed by rigorous robustness tests. This research furnishes critical insights into the digital economy and tourism competitiveness theories and applications.

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economic systems research papers

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Zhang, Y., Zhang, J. Examining the complex causal relationships between the digital economy and urban tourist destination competitiveness. Econ Change Restruct 57 , 152 (2024).

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Received : 17 February 2024

Accepted : 16 July 2024

Published : 02 August 2024


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Integrating an abandoned farmland simulation model (AFSM) using system dynamics and CLUE-S for sustainable agriculture

  • Yang, Dazhi
  • Wang, Yanwei

Addressing the challenges of achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal SDG2 is complex, especially considering the profound impacts of population growth, environmental degradation, and disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic and armed conflicts on the global food supply system. Unjustifiable farmland abandonment poses a critical obstacle to food security, demanding a comprehensive knowledge framework for sensible decision-making in abandoned farmland reclamation. However, current research lacks systematic solutions. This research seeks to address the challenges of farmland abandonment through a comprehensive knowledge framework. Integrating remote sensing surveillance, mechanism analysis, and scenario projection, the primary objective is to develop the abandoned farmland simulation model (AFSM) by combining abandoned farmland identification, the system dynamics (SD), and CLUE-S. The AFSM facilitates explicit spatiotemporal abandonment simulation, contributing to a deeper understanding of the dynamic evolution and mechanisms involved in farmland abandonment. The AFSM is formulated through a logical sequence of "spatiotemporal data acquisition – quantity prognostication – spatial simulation." The process begins by tracking annual land use changes, identifying spatio-temporal changes in abandoned farmland. Subsequently, the research employs the SD model to establish an elucidative framework for abandonment mechanisms, facilitating the quantitative analysis of factors influencing farmers' decisions regarding farmland abandonment. Finally, the CLUE-S model is utilized to prognosticate the spatial abandonment trend. All modules of the model have passed the precision test and inspection. The AFSM outcomes reveal that the abandonment rate in the city of Jingdezhen fluctuated between 5.03% and 13.21% from 2003 to 2020, averaging 8.37%. The model systematically quantifies the multiple socio-economic variables that impact abandonment decisions. Key parameter groups delineate distinct development scenarios and make predictions. By 2032, the abandonment rate under the scenario of farmland protection is projected to be 10.88%, markedly lower than the inertial development and economic priority scenarios by 15.24% and 13.43%, respectively. The concentration of abandoned farmland is primarily observed in elevated, steep-sloped areas, exhibiting a "climbing mountain and slope" trend. The AFSM emerges as a crucial tool for policymakers, farmland managers, and researchers, empowering them to make well-informed decisions concerning abandoned farmland reclamation. The explicit spatio-temporal simulation, complemented by a clarifying framework for abandonment mechanisms, enables the quantification of the influence of various factors on farmland abandonment decision-making and realizes the coupling of quantitative and spatial simulation under various scenarios.

  • Abandoned farmland;
  • Scenario simulation;
  • Food security;
  • Spatio-temporal information;
  • Mechanism explanation

Margalla Papers


  • Raza Ali Khan PhD Scholar at the Department of International Relations, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad.

This research article explores the India-Middle East-Europe Corridor (IMEC) to ascertain whether it is a myth or a reality. It also examines its transparency, timeliness, and primary objectives. Against the backdrop of instability in the Middle East, mainly arising from the ongoing Gaza situation, the study assesses the regional and global implications of the IMEC, considering arguments both in favour and against the initiative. Nevertheless, the problem has a similar impact on all such ventures as China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) since the successful realisation is contingent upon the stable and enabling regional environment. This exploration suffers from the challenge of access to authentic sources. Given the contemporary nature of the subject matter, this study will primarily rely on secondary literature. Employing an Intergovernmentalism theoretical approach, this research delves into the dynamics of IMEC, discussing its intended objectives and challenges. The central argument contends that a meticulous analysis of the corridor's cause and effect on Pakistan's economic and geostrategic interests is imperative. The IMEC initiative exhibits the potential of a relatively cheap system, enhancing contemporary transportation infrastructure. However, the study asserts that the IMEC presents an obvious threat to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the BRI, potentially compromising Pakistan's economic and strategic interests. The paper adopts a nuanced perspective, emphasising that IMEC and BRI contrast in strategic planning and development approaches. Should the IMEC materialise according to its envisaged plan, it will yield substantial diplomatic, strategic, and economic benefits for India. The article concludes by underscoring the challenges faced by IMEC, including coordination complexities, financial constraints for some participating nations, and potential geopolitical tensions affecting corridor operations .

Bibliography Entry

Khan, Raza Ali. 2024. "India-Middle East-Europe Corridor (IMEC): Rhetoric, Realities and Implications for Pakistan."  Margalla Papers  28 (1): 75-92.

Author Biography

Raza ali khan, phd scholar at the department of international relations, national university of modern languages (numl), islamabad..

Raza Ali Khan is an author and PhD Scholar at the Department of International Relations, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad.

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Copyright (c) 2024 Raza Ali Khan

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A New Era of Financial Warfare Has Begun

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Washington and the West have begun a new phase of financial warfare against Russia and China—a powerful but also potentially risky escalation that, if people aren’t careful, could eventually give Moscow and Beijing exactly the outcome they are believed to be looking for.

How so? Because the unprecedented actions taken at the G-7 summit in June to hand over to Ukraine billions of dollars in profits earned on frozen Russian assets—along with new actions taken against Chinese banks—could begin to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S.-dominated international financial system, some experts say. And that could make Russian President Vladimir Putin and especially Chinese President Xi Jinping, who is said to want to create an alternative renminbi-based financial system, very happy in the end.

At a time when many nations are unsure about whether to do business with Russia and are falling into the debt-enforced embrace of China, the G-7 action sends a message: What was once sacrosanct in international finance may be no longer. A number of sovereign wealth funds, central banks, corporations, and private investors—especially from the smaller countries of the global south that are most vulnerable to sanctions—may well want to hedge against full investment in dollar- and euro-based holdings.

“This decision crosses the Rubicon,” said Ryan Martínez Mitchell, a law professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, by “weakening the norm of sovereign immunity for foreign central banks.”

“Any shift away from a U.S. dollar-based global financial system is not a near-term prospect, but decisions like these do probably add to the constituency that would welcome that kind of future,” Mitchell said. Others agree. “There were many forces pushing for a search for alternatives to [the U.S.] dollar, and this move will give an additional push to those efforts,” said Harold James, a financial historian at Princeton University. “I believe we are at a tipping point in which two worries coincide: one about the likely fiscal path of the U.S. and an unsustainably large burden; the second about seizure of assets, with secondary sanctions possibly being applied to countries that are in a supply chain with China and then indirectly with Russia.”

The “tipping point,” James warns, could come in the form of many countries, even U.S. allies, beginning to move their assets away from the dollar and euro. According to Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of India, nations are disturbed by the idea that Russia’s $300 billion in central bank reserves have been inaccessible for more than two years. “Some central banks have started diversifying reserves a little more as a result, including into gold,” Rajan said.

James added: “One sign that I find very telling is how Central European countries, the Czech Republic and Poland, both of which feel very close to the U.S. and who weren’t interested in gold reserves when they felt secure—indeed, the Czech Republic sold its gold reserves the day they entered NATO in March 1999—are now buying large amounts of gold.”

Putin himself spoke triumphantly of this trend in his notorious interview with renegade U.S. newscaster Tucker Carlson in February. Washington’s decision “to use the dollar as a tool of the foreign-policy struggle is one of the biggest strategic mistakes made by the U.S. political leadership,” Putin said , pointing to America’s fiscal profligacy. “Even the U.S. allies are now downsizing their dollar reserves.” At another point, Putin warned other countries that they “could be next in line for expropriation by the United States and the West.”

Wary of the risks of sending a destabilizing message, the G-7 did stop short of actually seizing the Russian assets at its summit in Italy. Instead, it adopted a complex scheme to transfer so-called windfall profits on earnings from frozen Russian central bank securities—the earnings of some $3 billion to $4 billion a year come from investments by Euroclear, the financial services company in Belgium that holds the Russian assets—to supply finance to Ukraine.

It was unprecedented all the same. As a senior Biden administration official described it: “Never before in history has a multilateral coalition immobilized the sovereign assets of an aggressor country and then found a way to unlock the value of those assets for the benefit of the aggrieved party as it fights for its freedom. That’s what happened at this G-7.”

However it’s done, making money off other nations’ assets—even aggressor nations, such as Russia, in total violation of global norms—is a risky precedent. “Once a new sanction becomes seen as effective, its usage tends to proliferate,” said Jon Bateman, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “In recent years, creative new uses of export control powers—such as the Entity List and the Foreign Direct Product Rule—have ping-ponged between Chinese and Russian targets, with each country serving as a proving ground for actions later taken against the other.”

Nor did the G-7 leaders stop there. They also indicated that new measures were being considered that might gradually cut Beijing out of the international financial system. While saying in a communiqué that they “recognize the importance of China in global trade” and affirming that they “are not trying to harm China or thwart its economic development,” the leaders obliquely threatened Chinese banks “and other entities in China” with measures to “restrict access to our financial systems.” That could ratchet up the war—and the risks to the system—dramatically.

China has already been quietly insulating itself from financial retaliation over its support of Russia in the past two years, said Hung Tran, a former deputy director at the International Monetary Fund, in a June 21 interview. “The major Chinese banks have been very cautious even in reducing their exposure and dealings with Russia. In place of that, smaller institutions not having any business with any U.S. entity have been set up to handle trade with Russia so that basically Russia-China trade is settled in renminbi and rubles.”

The senior administration official justified the decision to increase pressure on China by saying that “some of China’s actions to support the Russian war machine are now not just threatening Ukraine’s existence but European security and trans-Atlantic security.” The official added that among other “unrivaled policy distortions coming out of China”—meaning its unfair trade practices—Beijing was now openly supplying dual-use components and other economic aid to Russia. “There was unanimous agreement that the Russian military has been sustained by transforming its entire economy into a war machine and because China and other countries have been willing to serve” that effort, the official said.

In a blunt statement during his visit to Beijing in April, Secretary of State Antony Blinken reiterated these accusations, declaring that China was “powering Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine” as “the top supplier of machine tools, microelectronics, nitrocellulose, which is critical to making munitions and rocket propellants, and other dual-use items that Moscow is using to ramp up its defense industrial base.”

The actions taken at the G-7 summit may well have been necessary. Nearly two and a half years into the war, support for aid from the United States and Europe is flagging, Kyiv’s forces are exhausted, Russia’s economy is still looking fairly robust, and a new anti-Western alignment is hardening between Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, and most recently North Korea. “We are stepping up our collective efforts to disarm and defund Russia’s military industrial complex,” the G-7 leaders said in their communiqué.

This latest approach to squeezing Russia started slowly, even painfully, amid a great deal of tension between the United States and European governments about just how tough to get with Moscow. Immediately following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, none of those governments had a problem imposing the usual economic sanctions—import and export restrictions and the like—and quickly. They took a major step further when they froze Russia’s central bank assets—an unprecedented move against such a large country—in addition to real estate properties, stocks, bonds, and various investments held by Russian oligarchs.

But actually seizing those bank assets was seen as a step too far, especially by the Europeans, who fought off an effort led by the U.S. Congress, and ultimately backed by the Biden administration, to pursue full seizure. That meant tampering with the international financial system itself—the complex postwar network of norms, codes, and laws that has underwritten the greatest surge of prosperity in recorded history and enriched the West. That felt a little too much like playing with elemental fire because it meant threatening the idea of sovereign immunity that is central to the system and because it meant posing increased risks to the holding of dollar- and euro-denominated assets. And having established this precedent, what about China? What effect will the G-7’s warnings have on Xi?

The shot fired in the communiqué could deter Xi from doing even more to isolate China’s ailing economy than he already has—specifically by invading or blockading Taiwan. Or, alternatively, it could mean the beginning of the end of the postwar global economic system if Xi decides to move against Taiwan anyway. Indeed, he could easily gamble that the United States wouldn’t dare do to China what it’s doing to Russia for exactly that reason.

If the United States and West were to respond to an invasion or blockade of Taiwan by freezing and leveraging Chinese assets, the result could be a freeze-up of the whole financial system and a devastating blow to the global economy. In the case of Russia, Washington needed to undergo many months of negotiation with the European Union because the vast majority of Russian assets are held in Europe and there was only about $300 billion or so to freeze. The same is not true of Chinese assets, which are huge and spread all over the world. Under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Washington would be able to freeze some $800 billion in Chinese Treasury bill holdings entirely on its own, which is only a portion of some $3 trillion in Chinese-owned sovereign assets overseas. But Beijing could easily retaliate against that nearly $6 trillion in Western investment in China.

As Tran argues, the threat of a kind of financial MAD, or mutual assured destruction, is far too great. In “terms of balance sheet exposures, China has about $3.4 trillion of identifiable international assets at risk of possible sanctions and up to $5.8 trillion of liabilities to, or assets in China of, international investors and companies largely from Western countries. China therefore has plenty of room to take retaliatory actions,” Tran wrote in a 2022 post for the Atlantic Council titled “Wargaming a Western Freeze of China’s Foreign Reserves.”

The deep cross-integration between China and the West is what has led both sides to avoid a complete decoupling of economies, reflecting what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers once called a “financial balance of terror.” As a result, “there will be more resistance to imposing the scope of sanctions we have imposed on Russia because Western economies are far more intertwined with China’s than they were with Russia’s,” said William Reinsch, a former U.S. commerce undersecretary now at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Reinsch notes there is an important “qualitative difference” as well: “The Russian assets being used are those seized from oligarchs who have supported/enabled Putin. There are some Chinese oligarchs, but their relationship with their own government is much different, as is their role in the economy. If you go beyond oligarchs, you get very quickly to seizing sovereign assets, which I doubt the West would do and for which the consequences would be significant.”

But according to some China experts, the latest moves might only spur Xi to further decouple his economy. The “dimmer” that peaceful reunification with Taiwan seems, “the more incentives Beijing would have to reduce vulnerabilities to sanctions in case of a militarized conflict,” said Zongyuan Zoe Liu, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and columnist for Foreign Policy . “China has been diversifying its foreign exchange reserves since the 2000s. While previously the primary motivation was to search for higher returns and strategic assets, now it is also to reduce vulnerabilities to sanctions.”

And while Xi’s dream of a renminbi-based system still “has a long way to go”—the yuan is a distant fifth in global reserve currency holdings—escalating Western moves “may ultimately weaken international law protections for everyone, not only their intended targets,” Mitchell wrote recently for the Quincy Institute. As a result, “intensified weaponization of Western currencies could indeed boost China’s yuan efforts, and, more significantly, provide a major stimulus to plans for a BRICS basket reserve currency. The move would simultaneously improve Beijing’s reputation as an apparently more responsible actor with respect to foreign assets, while also perversely incentivizing it to further experiment with its own nascent unilateral sanctions regime.”

Russia is much more willing than China to blow up the international system. But that doesn’t mean Xi won’t decide he can afford to see that happen as well. As Tran argues, Beijing has been pursuing a “dual-track” strategy of working within the current Western-led trading system “but also wanting to find alternative ways to do this trade without being exposed to dollar sanctions.” Further sanctions could only push Xi further in the radical direction of trying to set up an alternative renminbi-based financial trading system.

“Both sides are kind of upping their ante,” Tran said.

Michael Hirsh is a columnist for Foreign Policy. He is the author of two books:  Capital Offense: How Washington’s Wise Men Turned America’s Future Over to Wall Street  and  At War With Ourselves: Why America Is Squandering Its Chance to Build a Better World . Twitter:  @michaelphirsh

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The Costs of Long COVID

  • 1 Department of Economics and Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  • Research Letter BNT162b2 Vaccination and Long COVID After Infections Not Requiring Hospitalization in Health Care Workers Elena Azzolini, MD, PhD; Riccardo Levi, MSc; Riccardo Sarti, MSc; Chiara Pozzi, PhD; Maximiliano Mollura, MSc; Alberto Mantovani, MD; Maria Rescigno, PhD JAMA
  • Viewpoint Addressing the Long-term Effects of COVID-19 Rachel L. Levine, MD JAMA
  • Medical News & Perspectives The US Now Has a Research Plan for Long COVID—Is It Enough? Jennifer Abbasi JAMA

More than 6 million people have died from COVID-19 worldwide, including nearly 1 million in the US. 1 But mortality is not the only adverse consequence of COVID-19. Many survivors suffer long-term impairment, officially termed postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection and commonly called long COVID .

Long COVID—typically defined as symptoms lasting more than 30 days after acute COVID infection—has received some public attention, but it is not nearly as intense as it is for acute COVID-19 infection. Support groups are devoted to the condition, and Congress has allocated more than $1 billion to the National Institutes of Health to study it. But the relatively meager attention that has been paid to long COVID is unfortunate because its health and economic consequences are likely to be every bit as substantial as those due to acute illness.

People who have more severe COVID-19 are more likely to experience long COVID, but severe acute disease is not a prerequisite. Long COVID has been found in people with only mild initial illness. The most common symptom of long COVID is fatigue. 2 More severe cases involve damage to a variety of organ systems (the lungs, heart, nervous system, kidneys, and liver have all been implicated), along with mental health impairment. Researchers have hypothesized that physiological pathways may involve direct consequences of the viral infection along with inflammatory or autoimmune responses.

Because many prevalence estimates are based on convenience samples of members of COVID-19 support groups or people who had severe acute disease, the population prevalence of long COVID is not entirely known. 3 British population data suggest that 22% to 38% of people with the infection will have at least 1 COVID-19 symptom 12 weeks after initial symptom onset, and 12% to 17% will have 3 or more symptoms. 2

Rates this high translate to an enormous number of people with long COVID. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that as of May 5, 2022, the US has had roughly 81 million cases of COVID-19 and 994 187 COVID deaths. Even the lower-end estimate of 12% of people with 3 or more symptoms of long COVID implies that 9.6 million people in the US may have developed long COVID—roughly 10 times the number of COVID-19 deaths. It is not known how long people with long COVID will be symptomatic, but recovery in the first year of long COVID for affected individuals may be very slow. 4

Reduced health is not the only consequence of long COVID. People with the condition work and earn less than they would have otherwise. One survey found that 44% of people with long COVID were out of the labor force and 51% worked fewer hours. 5 In the economy as a whole, more than 1 million people may be out of the workforce at any given time because of long COVID. 6

This reduction in labor supply is a direct earning loss. If 1 million people are out of the labor force because of long COVID, the lost income would be more than $50 billion annually. People out of the workforce because of long COVID disproportionately worked in service jobs , including health care, social care, and retail. 7 The widely noted shortage of workers in these sectors is driving up both wages and prices. Part of the recent surge in inflation in the US may thus be related to long COVID.

People who are no longer able to work may also apply for Social Security Disability Insurance. To date, there has been no sustained increase in disability insurance applications since the onset of COVID-19. This is good news, though it bears watching as disability centers continue reopening from their COVID-19 shutdowns.

Increased medical spending is another consequence of long COVID. The medical costs for treating long COVID have not been estimated, but costs have been estimated for similar conditions. If treatment of long COVID is similar to treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome), these estimated costs could be about $9000 per person annually. 8

In an October 2020 analysis , we estimated 9 the then-nascent COVID-19 pandemic might result in $2.6 trillion of cost as a result of long COVID. Unfortunately, our estimate seems very much on target.

The massive cost of long COVID has several policy implications. Investing in treatments for long COVID is obviously a high priority. According to a recent report from the Rockefeller Foundation, progress to date has been “achingly slow” and that needs to change. 10 Experimenting with ways to make employment easier for people with long-term complications is also a high priority. People with chronic fatigue may be better able to work at home or with frequent breaks than they can with a time-delimited office day and a long commute. By speeding up the transition to telework, enhanced employment opportunities for those with long COVID may be possible.

In addition, the economic cost of long COVID reinforces the value of comprehensive actions to prevent and treat new infections. Mask mandates are unpopular in many areas and a substantial share of the public resists being vaccinated—though each action should still be encouraged. But additional progress might also be made through expanding rapid COVID-19 test capability, global surveillance to detect new SARS-CoV-2 variants, and immediate action should any such variants be detected. Such measures have associated costs, but no matter how large these costs are, they pale compared with the potential benefits.

Published: May 12, 2022. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.1809

Open Access: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC-BY License . © 2022 Cutler DM. JAMA Health Forum .

Corresponding Author: David M. Cutler, PhD, Department of Economics, Harvard University, 1805 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138 ( [email protected] ).

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Cutler reported being an expert witness in multidistrict litigation regarding opioids and JUUL products.

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Cutler DM. The Costs of Long COVID. JAMA Health Forum. 2022;3(5):e221809. doi:10.1001/jamahealthforum.2022.1809

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  • Open access
  • Published: 29 July 2024

Predicting hospital length of stay using machine learning on a large open health dataset

  • Raunak Jain 1 ,
  • Mrityunjai Singh 1 ,
  • A. Ravishankar Rao 2 &
  • Rahul Garg 1  

BMC Health Services Research volume  24 , Article number:  860 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

227 Accesses

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Governments worldwide are facing growing pressure to increase transparency, as citizens demand greater insight into decision-making processes and public spending. An example is the release of open healthcare data to researchers, as healthcare is one of the top economic sectors. Significant information systems development and computational experimentation are required to extract meaning and value from these datasets. We use a large open health dataset provided by the New York State Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) containing 2.3 million de-identified patient records. One of the fields in these records is a patient’s length of stay (LoS) in a hospital, which is crucial in estimating healthcare costs and planning hospital capacity for future needs. Hence it would be very beneficial for hospitals to be able to predict the LoS early. The area of machine learning offers a potential solution, which is the focus of the current paper.

We investigated multiple machine learning techniques including feature engineering, regression, and classification trees to predict the length of stay (LoS) of all the hospital procedures currently available in the dataset. Whereas many researchers focus on LoS prediction for a specific disease, a unique feature of our model is its ability to simultaneously handle 285 diagnosis codes from the Clinical Classification System (CCS). We focused on the interpretability and explainability of input features and the resulting models. We developed separate models for newborns and non-newborns.

The study yields promising results, demonstrating the effectiveness of machine learning in predicting LoS. The best R 2 scores achieved are noteworthy: 0.82 for newborns using linear regression and 0.43 for non-newborns using catboost regression. Focusing on cardiovascular disease refines the predictive capability, achieving an improved R 2 score of 0.62. The models not only demonstrate high performance but also provide understandable insights. For instance, birth-weight is employed for predicting LoS in newborns, while diagnostic-related group classification proves valuable for non-newborns.

Our study showcases the practical utility of machine learning models in predicting LoS during patient admittance. The emphasis on interpretability ensures that the models can be easily comprehended and replicated by other researchers. Healthcare stakeholders, including providers, administrators, and patients, stand to benefit significantly. The findings offer valuable insights for cost estimation and capacity planning, contributing to the overall enhancement of healthcare management and delivery.

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Democratic governments worldwide are placing an increasing importance on transparency, as this leads to better governance, market efficiency, improvement, and acceptance of government policies. This is highlighted by reports from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) an international organization whose mission it is to shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well-being for all [ 1 ]. Openness and transparency have been recognized as pillars for democracy, and also for fostering sustainable development goals [ 2 ], which is a major focus of the United Nations ( ).

An important government function is to provide for the healthcare needs of its citizens. The U.S. spends about $3.6 trillion a year on healthcare, which represents 18% of its GDP [ 3 ]. Other developed nations spend around 10% of their GDP on healthcare. The percentage of GDP spent on healthcare is rising as populations age. Consequently, research on healthcare expenditure and patient outcomes is crucial to maintain viable national economies. It is advantageous for nations to combine investigations by the private sector, government sector, non-profit agencies, and universities to find the best solutions. A promising path is to make health data open, which allows investigators from all sectors to participate and contribute their expertise. Though there are obvious patient privacy concerns, open health data has been made available by organizations such as New York State Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) [ 4 ].

Once the data is made available, it needs to be suitably processed to extract meaning and insights that will help healthcare providers and patients. We favor the creation and use of an open-source analytics system so that the entire research community can benefit from the effort [ 5 , 6 , 7 ]. As a concrete demonstration of the utility of our system and approach, we revealed that there is a growing incidence of mental health issues amongst adolescents in specific counties in New York State [ 8 ]. This has resulted in targeted interventions to address these problems in these communities [ 8 ]. Knowing where the problems lie allows policymakers and funding agencies to direct resources where needed.

Healthcare in the U.S. is largely provided through private insurance companies and it is difficult for patients to reliably understand what their expected healthcare costs are [ 9 , 10 ]. It is ironic that consumers can readily find prices of electronics items, books, clothes etc. online, but cannot find information about healthcare as easily. The availability of healthcare information including costs, incidence of diseases, and the expected length of stay for different procedures will allow consumers and patients to make better and more informed choices. For instance, in the U.S., patients can budget pre-tax contributions to health savings accounts, or decide when to opt for an elective surgery based on the expected duration of that procedure.

To achieve this capability, it is essential to have the underlying data and models that interpret the data. Our goal in this paper is twofold: (a) to demonstrate how to design an analytics system that works with open health data and (b) to apply it to a problem of interest to both healthcare providers and patients. Significant advances have been made recently in the fields of data mining, machine-learning and artificial intelligence, with growing applications in healthcare [ 11 ]. To make our work concrete, we use our machine-learning system to predict the length of stay (LoS) in hospitals given the patient information in the open healthcare data released by New York State SPARCS [ 4 ].

The LoS is an important variable in determining healthcare costs, as costs directly increase for longer stays. The analysis by Jones [ 12 ] shows that the trends in LoS, hospital bed capacity and population growth have to be carefully analyzed for capacity planning and to ensure that adequate healthcare can be provided in the future. With certain health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, the hospital LoS is expected to increase due to the aging of the population in many countries worldwide [ 13 ]. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital bed capacity became a critical issue [ 14 ], and many regions in the world experienced a shortage of healthcare resources. Hence it is desirable to have models that can predict the LoS for a variety of diseases from available patient data.

The LoS is usually unknown at the time a patient is admitted. Hence, the objective of our research is to investigate whether we can predict the patient LoS from variables collected at the time of admission. By building a predictive model through machine learning techniques, we demonstrate that it is possible to predict the LoS from data that includes the Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) diagnosis code, severity of illness, and the need for surgery. We investigate several analytics techniques including feature selection, feature encoding, feature engineering, model selection, and model training in order to thoroughly explore the choices that affect eventual model performance. By using a linear regression model, we obtain an R 2 value of 0.42 when we predict the LoS from a set of 23 patient features. The success of our model will be beneficial to healthcare providers and policymakers for capacity planning purposes and to understand how to control healthcare costs. Patients and consumers can also use our model to estimate the LoS for procedures they are undergoing or for planning elective surgeries.

Stone et al. [ 15 ] present a survey of techniques used to predict the LoS, which include statistical and arithmetic methods, intelligent data mining approaches and operations-research based methods. Lequertier et al. [ 16 ] surveyed methods for LoS prediction.

The main gap in the literature is that most methods focus on analyzing trends in the LoS or predicting the LoS only for specific conditions or restrict their analysis to data from specific hospitals. For instance, Sridhar et al. [ 17 ] created a model to predict the LoS for joint replacements in rural hospitals in the state of Montana by using a training set with 127 patients and a test set with 31 patients. In contrast, we have developed our model to predict the LoS for 285 different CCS diagnosis codes, over a set of 2.3 million patients over all hospitals in New York state. The CCS diagnosis code refers to the code used by the Clinical Classifications Software system, which encompasses 285 possible diagnosis and procedure categories [ 18 ]. Since the CCS diagnosis codes are too numerous to list, we give a few examples that we analyzed, including but not limited to abdominal hernia, acute myocardial infarction, acute renal failure, behavioral disorders, bladder cancer, Hodgkins disease, multiple sclerosis, multiple myeloma, schizophrenia, septicemia, and varicose veins. To the best of our knowledge, we are not aware of models that predict the LoS on such a variety of diagnosis codes, with a patient sample greater than 2 million records, and with freely available open data. Hence, our investigation is unique from this point of view.

Sotodeh et al. [ 19 ] developed a Markov model to predict the LoS in intensive care unit patients. Ma et al. [ 20 ] used decision tree methods to predict LoS in 11,206 patients with respiratory disease.

Burn et. al. examined trends in the LoS for patients undergoing hip-replacement and knee-replacement in the U.K. [ 21 ]. Their study demonstrated a steady decline in the LoS from 1997–2012. The purpose of their study was to determine factors that contributed to this decline, and they identified improved surgical techniques such as fast-track arthroplasty. However, they did not develop any machine-learning models to predict the LoS.

Hachesu et al. examined the LoS for cardiac disease patients [ 22 ] and found that blood pressure is an important predictor of LoS. Garcia et al. determined factors influencing the LoS for undergoing treatment for hip fracture [ 23 ]. B. Vekaria et al. analyzed the variability of LoS for COVID-19 patients [ 24 ]. Arjannikov et al. [ 25 ] used positive-unlabeled learning to develop a predictive model for LoS.

Gupta et al. [ 26 ] conducted a meta-analysis of previously published papers on the role of nutrition on the LoS of cancer patients, and found that nutrition status is especially important in predicting LoS for gastronintestinal cancer. Similarly, Almashrafi et al. [ 27 ] performed a meta-analysis of existing literature on cardiac patients and reviewed factors affecting their LoS. However, they did not develop quantitative models in their work. Kalgotra et al. [ 28 ] use recurrent neural networks to build a prediction model for LoS.

Daghistani et al. [ 13 ] developed a machine learning model to predict length of stay for cardiac patients. They used a database of 16,414 patient records and predicted the length of stay into three classes, consisting of short LoS (< 3 days), intermediate LoS ( 3–5 days) and long LoS (> 5 days). They used detailed patient information, including blood test results, blood pressure, and patient history including smoking habits. Such detailed information is not available in the much larger SPARCS dataset that we utilized in our study.

Awad et al. [ 29 ] provide a comprehensive review of various techniques to predict the LoS. Though simple statistical methods have been used in the past, they make assumptions that the LoS is normally distributed, whereas the LoS has an exponential distribution [ 29 ]. Consequently, it is preferable to use techniques that do not make assumptions about the distribution of the data. Candidate techniques include regression, classification and regression trees, random forests, and neural networks. Rather than using statistical parametric techniques that fit parameters to specific statistical distributions, we favor data-driven techniques that apply machine-learning.

In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Lancet, a premier medical journal drew widespread rebuke [ 30 , 31 , 32 ] for publishing a paper based on questionable data. Many medical journals published expressions of concern [ 33 , 34 ]. The Lancet itself retracted the questionable paper [ 35 ], which is available at [ 36 ] with the stamp “retracted” placed on all pages. One possible solution to prevent such incidents from occurring is for top medical journals to require authors to make their data available for verification by the scientific community. Patient privacy concerns can be mitigated by de-identifying the records made available, as is already done by the New York State SPARCS effort [ 4 ]. Our methodology and analytics system design will become more relevant in the future, as there is a desire to prevent a repetition of the Lancet debacle. Even before the Lancet incident, there was declining trust amongst the public related to medicine and healthcare policy [ 37 ]. This situation continues today, with multiple factors at play, including biased news reporting in mainstream media [ 38 ]. A desirable solution is to make these fields more transparent, by releasing data to the public and explaining the various decisions in terms that the public can understand. The research in this paper demonstrates how such a solution can be developed.


We describe the following three requirements of an ideal system for processing open healthcare data

Utilize open-source platforms to permit easy replicability and reproducibility.

Create interpretable and explainable models.

Demonstrate an understanding of how the input features determine the outcomes of interest.

The first requirement captures the need for research to be easily reproduced by peers in the field. There is growing concern that scientific results are becoming hard for researchers to reproduce [ 39 , 40 , 41 ]. This undermines the validity of the research and ultimately hurts the fields. Baker termed this the “reproducibility crisis”, and performed an analysis of the top factors that lead to irreproducibility of research [ 39 ]. Two of the top factors consist of the unavailability of raw data and code.

The second requirement addresses the need for the machine-learning models to produce explanations of their results. Though deep-learning models are popular today, they have been criticized for functioning as black-boxes, and the precise working of the model is hard to discern. In the field of healthcare, it is more desirable to have models that can be explained easily [ 42 ]. Unless healthcare providers understand how a model works, they will be reluctant to apply it in their practice. For instance, Reyes et al. determined that interpretable Artificial Intelligence systems can be better verified, trusted, and adopted in radiology practice [ 43 ].

The third requirement shows that it is important for relevant patient features to be captured that can be related to the outcomes of interest, such as LoS, total cost, mortality rate etc. Furthermore, healthcare providers should be able to understand the influence of these features on the performance of the model [ 44 ]. This is especially critical when feature engineering methods are used to combine existing features and create new features.

In the subsequent sections, we present our design for a healthcare analytics system that satisfies these requirements. We apply this methodology to the specific problem of predicting the LoS.

We have designed the overall system architecture as shown in Fig.  1 . This system is built to handle any open data source. We have shown the New York SPARCS as one of the data sources for the sake of specificity. Our framework can be applied to data from multiple sources such as the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS in the U.S.) as shown in our previous work [ 6 ]. We chose a Python-based framework that utilizes Pandas [ 45 ] and Scikit learn [ 46 ]. Python is currently the most popular programming language for engineering and system design applications [ 47 ].

figure 1

Shows the system architecture. We use Python-based open-source tools such as Pandas and Scikit-Learn to implement the system

In Fig.  2 , we provide a detailed overview of the necessary processing stages. The specific algorithms used in each stage are described in the following sections.

figure 2

Shows the processing stages in our analytics pipeline

Recent research has shown that it is highly desirable for machine learning models used in the healthcare domain to be explainable to healthcare providers and professionals [ 48 ]. Hence, we focused on the interpretability and explainability of input features in our dataset and the models we chose to explore. We restricted our investigation to models that are explainable, including regression models, multinomial logistic regression, random forests, and decision trees. We also developed separate models for newborns and non-newborns.

Brief description of the dataset

During our investigation, we utilized open-health data provided by the New York State SPARCS system. The data we accessed was from the year 2016, which was the most recent year available at the time. This data was provided in the form of a CSV file, containing 2,343,429 rows and 34 columns. Each row contains de-identified in-patient discharge information. The dataset columns contained various types of information. They included geographic descriptors related to the hospital where care was provided, demographic descriptors such as patient race, ethnicity, and age, medical descriptors such as the CCS diagnosis code, APR DRG code, severity of illness, and length of stay. Additionally, payment descriptors were present, which included information about the type of insurance, total charges, and total cost of the procedure.

Detailed descriptions of all the elements in the data can be found in [ 49 ]. The CCS diagnosis code has been described earlier. The term “DRG” stands for Diagnostic Related Group [ 49 ], which is used by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid services in the U.S. for reimbursement purposes [ 50 ].

The data includes all patients who underwent inpatient procedures at all New York State Hospitals [ 51 ]. The payment for the care can come from multiple sources: Department of Corrections, Federal/State/Local/Veterans Administration, Managed Care, Medicare, Medicaid, Miscellaneous, Private Health Insurance, and Self-Pay. The dataset sourced from the New York State SPARCS system, encompassing a wider patient population beyond Medicare/Medicaid, holds greater value compared to datasets exclusively composed of Medicare/Medicaid patients. For instance, Gilmore et al. analyzed only Medicare patients [ 52 ].

We examine the distribution of the LoS in the dataset, as shown in Fig.  3 . We note that the providers of the data have truncated the length of stay to 120 days. This explains the peak we see at the tail of the distribution.

figure 3

Distribution of the length of stay in the dataset

Data pre-processing and cleaning

We identified 36,280 samples, comprising 1.55% of the data where there were missing values. These were discarded for further analysis. We removed samples which have Type of Admission = ‘Unknown’ (0.02% samples). So, the final data set has 2,306,668 samples. ‘Payment Typology 2’, and ‘Payment Typology 3’, have missing values (> = 50% samples), which were replaced by a ‘None’ string.

We note that approximately 10% of the dataset consists of rows representing newborns. We treat this group as a separate category. We found that the ‘Birth Weight’ feature had a zero value for non-newborn samples. Accordingly, to better use the ‘Birth Weight’ feature, we partitioned the data into two classes: newborns and non-newborns. This results in two classes of models, one for newborns and the second for all other patients. We removed the ‘Birth Weight’ feature in the input for the non-newborn samples as its value was zero for those samples.

The column ‘Total Costs’ (and in a similar way, ‘Total Charges’) are usually proportional to the LoS, and it would not be fair to use these variables to predict the LoS. Hence, we removed this column. We found that the columns 'Discharge Year', 'Abortion Edit Indicator'' are redundant for LoS prediction models, and we removed them. We also removed the columns ‘CCS Diagnosis Description’, ‘CCS Procedure Description’, ‘APR DRG Description’, ‘APR MDC Description’, and ‘APR Severity of Illness Description’ as we were given their corresponding numerical codes as features.

Since the focus of this paper is on the prediction of the LoS, we analyzed the distribution of LoS values in the dataset.

We developed regression models using all the LoS values, from 1–120. We also developed classification models where we discretized the LoS into specific bins. Since the distribution of LoS values is not uniform, and is heavily clustered around smaller values, we discretized the LoS into a small number of bins, e.g. 6 to 8 bins.

We utilized 10% of the data as a holdout test-set, which was not seen during the training phase. For the remaining 90% of the data, we used tenfold cross-validation in order to train the model and determine the best parameters to use.

Feature encoding

Many variables in the dataset are categorical, e.g., the variable “APR Severity of Illness Description” has the values in the set [Major, Minor, Moderate, Extreme]. We used distribution-dependent target encoding techniques and one-hot techniques to improve the model performance [ 53 ]. We replaced categorical data with the product of mean LoS and median LoS for a category value. The categorical feature can then better capture the dependence distribution of LoS with the value of the categorical feature.

For the linear regression model [ 54 ], we sampled a set of 6 categorical features, [‘Type of Admission’, ‘Patient Disposition’, ‘APR Severity of Illness Code’, ‘APR Medical Surgical Description’, ‘APR MDC Code’] which we target encoded with the mean of the LoS and the median of the LoS. We then one-hot encoded every feature (all features are categorical) and for each such one-hot encoded feature, created a new feature for each of the features in the sampled set, by replacing the ones in the one-hot encoded feature with the value of the corresponding feature in the sampled set. For example, we one-hot encoded ‘Operating Certificate Number’, and for samples where ‘Operating Certificate Number’ was 3, we created 6 features, each where samples having the value 3 were assigned the target encoded values of the sampled set features, and the other samples were assigned zero. We used such techniques to exploit the linear relation between LoS and each feature.

According to the sklearn documentation [ 55 ], a random forest regressor is “a meta estimator that fits a number of decision tree regressors on various sub-samples of the dataset and uses averaging to improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting”. The random forest regressor leverages ensemble learning based on many randomized decision trees to make accurate and robust predictions for regression problems. The averaging of many trees protects against single trees overfitting the training data.

The random forest classifier is also an ensemble learning technique and uses many randomized decision trees to make predictions for classification problems. The 'wisdom of crowds' concept suggests that the decision made by a larger group of people is typically better than an individual. The random forest classifier uses this intuition, and allows each decision tree to make a prediction. Finally, the most popular predicted class is chosen as the overall classification.

For the Random Forest Regressor [ 56 , 57 ] and Random Forest Classifier [ 58 ], we only used a similar distribution dependent target encoding as a random forest classifier/ regressor is unsuitable for sparse one-hot encoded columns.

Multinomial logistic regression is a type of regression analysis that predicts the probabilities of the different possible outcomes of a categorically distributed dependent variable, given a set of independent variables. It allows for more than two discrete outcomes, extending binomial logistic regression for binary classification to models with multiple class membership. For the multinomial logistic regression model [ 59 ], we used only one-hot encoding, and not target encoding, as the target value was categorical.

Finally, we experimented with combinations of target encoding and one-hot encoding. We can either use target encoding, or one-hot encoding, or both. When both encodings are employed, the dimensionality of the data increases to accommodate the one-hot encoded features. For each combination of encodings, we also experimented with different regression models including linear regression and random forest regression.

Feature importance, selection, and feature engineering

We experimented with different feature selection methods. Since the focus of our work is on developing interpretable and explainable models, we used SHAP analysis to determine relevant features.

We examine the importance of different features in the dataset. We used the SHAP value (Shapley Additive Explanations), a popular measure for feature importance [ 60 ]. Intuitively, the SHAP value measures the difference in model predictions when a feature is used versus omitted. It is captured by the following formula.

where \({{\varnothing }}_{i}\) is the SHAP value of feature \(i\) , \(p\) is the prediction by the model, n is the number of features and S is any set of features that does not include the feature \(i\) . The specific model we used for the prediction was the random forest regressor where we target-encoded all features with the product of the mean and the median of the LoS, since most of the features were categorical.

Classification models

One approach to the problem is to bin the LoS into different classes, and train a classifier to predict which class an input sample falls in. We binned the LoS into roughly balanced classes as follows: 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4–6 days, > 6 days. This strategy is based on the distribution of the LoS as shown earlier in Figs.  3 and  4 .

figure 4

A density plot of the distribution of the length of stay. The area under the curve is 1. We used a kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel [ 61 ] to generate the plot

We used three different classification models, comprising the following:

Multinomial Logistic Regression

Random Forest Classifier

CatBoost classifier [ 62 ].

We used a Multinomial Logistic Regression model [ 59 ] trained and tested using tenfold cross validation to classify the LoS into one of the bins. The multinomial logistic regression model is capable of providing explainable results, which is part of the requirements. We used the feature engineering techniques described in the previous section.

We used a Random Forest Classifier model trained and tested using tenfold cross validation to classify the LoS into one of the bins. We used a maximum depth of 10 so as to get explainable insights into the model.

Finally, we used a CatBoost Classifier model trained and tested using tenfold cross validation to classify the LoS into one of the bins.

Regression models

We used three different regression models with the feature engineering techniques mentioned above ( Feature encoding section). These comprise:

Linear regression

Catboost regression

Random forest regression

The linear regression was implemented using the nn.Linear() function in the open source library PyTorch [ 63 ]. We used the ‘Adam’ optimization algorithm [ 64 ] in mini-batch settings to train the model weights for linear regression.

We investigated CatBoost regression in order to create models with minimal feature sets, whereby models with a low number of input features would provide adequate results. Accordingly, we trained a CatBoost Regressor [ 65 ] in order to determine the relationship between combinations of features and the prediction accuracy as determined by the R 2 correlation score.

The random forest regression was implemented using the function RandomForestRegressor() in scikit learn [ 55 ].

Model performance measures

For the regression models, we used the following metrics to compare the model performance.

The R 2 score and the p -value. We use a significance level of α = 0.05 (5 %) for our statistical tests.  If the p -value is small, i.e. less than α = 0.05, then the R 2 score is statistically significant.

For classifier models, we used the following metrics to compare the model performance.

True positive rate, false negative rate, and F1 score [ 66 ].

We computed the Brier score using Brier’s original calculation in his paper [ 67 ]. In this formulation, for R classes the Brier score B can vary between 0 and R, with 0 being the best score possible.

where \({\widehat{y}}_{i,c}\) is the class probability as per the model and \({I}_{i,c}=1\) if the i th sample belongs to class c and \({I}_{i,c}=0\) if it does not belong to class c .

We used the Delong test [ 68 ] to compare the AUC for different classifiers.

These metrics will allow other researchers to replicate our study and provide benchmarks for future improvements.

In this section we present the results of applying the techniques in the Methods section.

Descriptive statistics

We provide descriptive statistics that help the reader understand the distributions of the variables of interest.

Table 1 summarizes basic statistical properties of the LoS variable.

Figure  5 shows the distribution of the LoS variable for newborns.

figure 5

This figure depicts the distribution of the LoS variable for newborns

Table 2 shows the top 20 APR DRG descriptions based on their frequency of occurrence in the dataset.

Figure  6 shows the distribution of the LoS variable for the top 20 most frequently occurring APR DRG descriptions shown in Table  2 .

figure 6

A 3-d plot showing the distribution of the LoS for the top-20 most frequently occuring APR DRG descriptions. The x-axis (horizontal) depicts the LoS, the y-axis shows the APR DRG codes and the z-axis shows the density or frequency of occurrence of the LoS

We experimented with different encoding schemes for the categorical variables and for each encoding we examined different regression techniques. Our results are shown in Table 3 . We experimented with the three encoding schemes shown in the first column. The last row in the table shows a combination of one-hot encoding and target encoding, where the number of columns in the dataset are increased to accommodate one-hot encoded feature values for categorical variables.

Feature importance, selection and feature engineering

We obtained the SHAP plots using a Random Forest Regressor trained with target-encoded features.

Figures  7  and 8 show the SHAP values plots obtained for the features in the newborn partition of the dataset. We find that the features, “APR DRG Code”, “APR Severity of Illness Code”, “Patient Disposition”, “CCS Procedure Code”, are very useful in predicting the LoS. For instance, high feature values for “APR Severity of Illness Code”, which are encoded by red dots have higher SHAP values than the blue dots, which correspond to low feature values.

figure 7

SHAP Value plot for newborns

figure 8

1-D SHAP plot, in order of decreasing feature importance: top to bottom (for non-newborns)

A similar interpretation can be applied to the features in the non-newborn partition of the dataset. We note that “Operating Certificate Number” is among the top-10 most important features in both the newborn and non-newborn partitions. This finding is discussed in the Discussion section.

From Fig.  9 , we observe that as the severity of illness code increases from 1–4, there is a corresponding increase in the SHAP values.

figure 9

A 2-D plot showing the relationship between SHAP values for one feature, “APR Severity of Illness Code”, and the feature values themselves (non-newborns)

To further understand the relationship between the APR Severity of Illness code and the LoS, we created the plot in Fig.  10 . This shows that the most frequently occurring APR Severity of Illness code is 1 (Minor), and that the most frequently occurring LoS is 2 days. We provide this 2-D projection of the overall distribution of the multi-dimensional data as a way of understanding the relationship between the input features and the target variable, LoS.

figure 10

A density plot showing the relationship between APR Severity of Illness Code and the LoS. The color scale on the right determines the interpretation of colors in the plot. We used a kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel [ 61 ] to generate the plot

Similarly, Fig.  11 shows the relationship between the birth weight and the length of stay. The most common length of stay is two days.

figure 11

A density plot showing the distribution of the birth weight values (in grams) versus the LoS. The colorbar on the right shows the interpretation of color values shown in the plot. We used a kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel [ 61 ] to generate the plot


We obtained a classification accuracy of 46.98% using Multinomial Logistic Regression with tenfold cross-validation in the 5-class classification task for non-newborn cases. The confusion matrix in Fig.  12 shows that the highest density of correctly classified samples is in or close to the diagonal region. The regions where out model fails occurs between adjacent classes as can be inferred from the given confusion matrix.

figure 12

Confusion matrix for classification of non-newborns. The number inside each square along the diagonal represents the number of correctly classified samples. The color is coded so lighter colors represent lower numbers

For the newborn cases, we obtained a classification accuracy of 60.08% using Random Forest Classification model with tenfold cross-validation in the 5-class classification task. The confusion matrix in Fig.  13 shows that the majority of data samples lie in or close to the diagonal region. The regions where our model does not do well occurs between adjacent classes as can be inferred from the given confusion matrix,

figure 13

Confusion matrix for classification of newborns. The number inside each square along the diagonal represents the number of correctly classified samples. The color is coded so lighter colors represent lower numbers

The density plot in Fig.  14 shows the relationship between the actual LoS and the predicted LoS. For a LoS of 2 days, the centroid of the predicted LoS cluster is between 2 and 3 days.

figure 14

Shows the density plot of the predicted length of stay versus actual length of stay for the classifier model for non-newborns. We used a kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel [ 61 ] to generate the plot

A quantitative depiction of our model errors is shown in Fig.  15 . The values in Fig.  15 are interpreted as follows. Referring to the column for LoS = 2, the top row shows that 51% of the predicted LoS values for an actual stay of 2 days is also 2 days (zero error), and that 23% of the predicted values for LoS equal to 2 days have an error of 1 day and so on. The relatively high values in the top row indicates that the model is performing well, with an error of less than 1 day. There are relatively few instances of errors between 2 and 3 days (typically less than 10% of the values show up in this row). The only exception is for the class corresponding to LoS great than 8 days. The truncation of the data to produce this class results in larger model errors specifically for this class.

figure 15

Shows the distribution of correctly predicted LoS values for each class used in our model. Along the columns, we depict the different classes used in the model, consisting of LoS equal to 1, 2, 3 …8, and more than 8. Each row depicts different errors made in the prediction. For instance, the top row depicts an error of less than or equal to one day between the actual LoS and the predicted Los. The second row from the top depicts an error which is greater than 1 and less than or equal 2 days. And so on for the other rows, for non-newborns

Figures  16 and 17 show the scatter plots for the linear regression models. The exact line represents a line with slope 1, and a perfect model would be one that produced all points lying on this line.

figure 16

Scatter plot showing an instance of a linear regression fit to the data (newborns). The R 2 score is 0.82. The blue line represents an exact fit, where the predicted LoS equals the actual LoS (slope of the line is 1)

figure 17

Scatter plot for linear regression. (non-newborns). The R 2 score is 0.42. The blue line represents an exact fit, where the predicted LoS equals the actual LoS (slope of the line is 1)

Figure  18 shows a density plot depicting the relationship between the predicted length of stay and the actual length of stay.

figure 18

Shows the density plot of the predicted length of stay versus actual length of stay for the classifier model for non-newborns. We used a kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel [ 40 ] to generate the plot. The best fit regression line to our predictions is shown in green, whereas the blue line represents the ideal fit (line of slope 1, where actual LoS and predicted LoS are equal)

Most of the existing literature on LoS stay prediction is based on data for specific disease conditions such as cancer or cardiac disease. Hence, in order to understand which CCS diagnosis codes produce good model fits, we produced the plot in Fig.  19 .

figure 19

This figure shows the three CCS diagnosis codes that produced the top three R 2 scores using linear regression. These are 101, 100 and 109. The three CCS Diagnosis codes that produced the lowest R 2 scores are 159, 657, and 659

We provide the following descriptions in Tables  4  and 5 for the 3 CCS Diagnosis Codes in Fig.  19 with the top R 2 Scores using linear regression.

Similarly, the following table shows the 3 CCS Diagnosis Codes in Fig.  19 for the lowest R 2 Scores using linear regression.

Models with minimal feature sets

We trained a CatBoost Regressor [ 65 ] on the complete dataset in order to determine the relationship between combinations of features and the prediction accuracy as determined by the R 2 correlation score. This is shown in Fig.  20

figure 20

The labels for each row on the left show combinations of different input features. A CatBoost regression model was developed using the selected combination of features. The R 2 correlation scores for each model is shown in the bar graph

We can infer from Fig.  20 that only four features (‘'APR MDC Code', 'APR Severity of Illness Code', 'APR DRG Code', 'Patient Disposition') are sufficient for the model to reach very close to its maximum performance. We obtain similar concurring results when using other regression models for the same experiment.

Classification trees

We used a random forest tree approach to generate the trees in Figs.  21 and 22 .

figure 21

A random forest tree that represents a best-fit model to the data for newborns. With 4 levels of the decision tree, the R 2 score is 0.65

figure 22

A random forest tree using only a tree of depth 3 that represents a best-fit model to the data for non-newborns. The R 2 score is 0.28. We can generate trees with greater depth that better fit the data, but we have shown only a depth of 3 for the sake of readability in the printed version of this paper. Otherwise, the tree would be too large to be legible on this page. The main point in this figure is to showcase the ease of interpretation of the working of the model through rules

We used tenfold cross validation to determine the regression scores. The results are summarized in Tables  6 and 7 .

We computed the multi-class classifier metrics for logistic regression, using one-hot encoding for non-newborns. The results are presented in Table  8 . The first row represents the accuracy of the classifier when Class 0 is compared against the rest of the classes. A similar interpretation applies to the other rows in the table, ie one-versus-rest. The macro average gives the balanced recall and precision, and the resulting F1 score. The weighted average gives a support (number of samples) weighted average of the individual class metric. The overall accuracy is computed by dividing the total number of accurate predictions, which is 49,686 out of a total number of 105,932 samples, which yields a value of 0.47.

For the category of non-newborns, Fig.  23  provides a graphical plot that visualizes the ROC curves for the different multiclass classifiers we developed.

figure 23

This figure applies to data concerning non-newborns. We show the multiclass ROC curves for the performance of the catboost classifier for the different classes shown. The area under the ROC curve is 0.7844

In Table  9 we compare the performance of our multiclass classifier using logistic regression developed on 2016 SPARCS data against 2017 SPARCS data.

In order to compare the performance of the different classifiers, we computed the AUC measures reported in Table  10 . Figure 24 visualizes the data in Table 10 and Fig. 25 visualizes the data in Table 11 . In Tables 12 and 13 we report the results of computing the Delong test for non-newborns and newborns respectively. In Tables 14 and 15 we report the results of computing the Brier scores for non-new borns and newborns respectively.

figure 24

A bar chart that depicts the data in Table  10 for non-newborns

figure 25

A bar chart that depicts the data in Table  11

Model parameters

In Table  16 we present the parameter and hyperparameter values used in the different models.

Additional results shown in the Appendix/Supplementary material

Due to space restrictions, we show additional results in the Appendix/Supplementary Material. These results are in tabular form and describe the R 2 scores for different segmentations of the variables in the dataset, e.g. according to age group, severity of illness code, etc.

The most significant result we obtain is shown in Figs.  21 and 22 , which provides an interpretable working of the decision trees using random forest modeling. Figure  21 for newborns shows that the birth weight features prominently in the decision tree, occurring at the root node. Low birth weights are represented on the left side of the tree and are typically associated with longer hospital stays. Higher birth weights occur on the right side of the tree, and the node in the bottom row with 189,574 samples shows that the most frequently occurring predicted stay is 2.66 days. Figure  22 for non-newborns shows that the features of “APR DRG Code”, “APR Severity of Illness Code” and “Patient Disposition” are the most important top-level features to predict the LoS. This provides a relatively simple rule-based model, which can be easily interpreted by healthcare providers as well as patients. For instance, the right-most branch of the tree classifies the input data into a relatively high LoS (46 days) when the branch conditions APR DRG Code is greater than 813.55 and the APR Severity of Illness Code is less than 91.

The results in Fig.  19 and Table  4 show that if we restrict our model to specific CCS Diagnosis descriptions such as “coronary atherosclerosis and other heart disease”, we obtain a good R 2 Score of 0.62. The objective of our work is not to cherry-pick CCS Diagnosis codes that produce good results, but rather to develop a single model for the entire SPARCS dataset to obtain a birds-eye perspective. For future work, we can explicitly build separate models for each CCS Diagnosis code, and that could have relevance to specific medical specialties, such as cardiovascular care.

Similarly, the results in Fig.  19 and Table  5 show that there are CCS Diagnosis codes corresponding to schizophrenia and mood disorders that produce a poor model fit. Factors that contribute to this include the type of data in the SPARCS dataset, where information about patient vitals, medications, or a patient’s income level is not provided, and the inherent variability in treating schizophrenia and mood disorders. Baeza et al. [ 69 ] identified several variables that affect the LoS in psychiatric patients, which include psychiatric admissions in the previous years, psychiatric rating scale scores, history of attempted suicide, and not having sufficient income. Such variables are not provided in the SPARCS dataset. Hence a policy implication is to collect and make such data available, perhaps as a separate dataset focused on mental health issues, which have proven challenging to treat.

Figures  16 and 17 show that a better regression fit is obtained when a specific CCS Diagnosis code is used to build the model, such as “Newborn” in Fig.  16 . To put these results in context, we note that it is difficult to obtain a high R 2 value for healthcare datasets in general, and especially for large numbers of patient samples that span multiple hospitals. For instance, Bertsimas [ 70 ] reported an R 2 value of 0.2 and Kshirsagar [ 71 ] reported an R 2 value of 0.33 for similar types of prediction problems as studied in this paper.

Further details for a segmentation of R 2 scores by the different variable categories are shown in the Appendix/Supplementary Material section. For instance, the table corresponding to Age Groups shows that there is close agreement between the mean of the predicted LoS from our model and the actual LoS. Furthermore, the mean LoS increases steadily from 4.8 days for Age group 0–17 to 6.4 days for ages 70 or older. A discussion of these tables is outside the scope of this paper. However, they are being provided to help other researchers form hypotheses for further investigations or to find supporting evidence for ongoing research.

Table 3 shows that the best encoding scheme is to combine target encoding with one-hot encoding and then apply linear regression. This produces an R 2 score of 0.42 for the non-newborn data, which is the best fit we could obtain. This table also shows that significant improvements can be obtained by exploring the search space which consists of different strategies of feature encoding and regression methods. There is no theoretical framework which determines the optimum choice, and the best method is to conduct an experimental search. An important contribution of the current paper is to explore this search space so that other researchers can use and build upon our methodology.

The distribution of errors in Fig.  15 shows that the truncation we employed at a LoS of 8 days produces artifacts in the prediction model as all stays of greater than 8 days are lumped into one class. Nevertheless, the distribution of LoS values in Fig.  4 shows that a relatively small number of data samples have LoS greater than 8 days. In the future, we will investigate different truncation levels, and this is outside the scope of the current paper. By using our methodology, the truncation level can also be tuned by practitioners in the field, including hospital administrators and other researchers.

Our results in Fig.  7 show that certain features are not useful in predicting the LoS. The SHAP plot shows that features such as race, gender, and ethnicity are not useful in predicting the LoS. It would have been interesting if this were not the case, as that implies that there is systemic bias based on race, gender or ethnicity. For instance, a person with a given race may have a smaller LoS based on their demographic identity. This would be unacceptable in the medical field. It is satisfying to see that a large and detailed healthcare dataset does not show evidence of bias.

To place this finding in context, racial bias is an important area of research in the U.S., especially in fields such as criminology and access to financial services such as loans. In the U.S., it is well known that there is a disproportional imprisonment of black and Hispanic males [ 72 ]. Researchers working on criminal justice have determined that there is racial bias in the process of sentencing and granting parole, with blacks being adversely affected [ 73 ]. This bias is reinforced through any algorithms that are trained on the underlying data. There is evidence that banks discriminate against applicants for loans based on their race or gender [ 74 ].

This does not appear to be the case in our analysis of the SPARCS data. Though we did not specifically investigate the issue of racial bias in the LoS, the feature analysis we conducted automatically provides relevant answers. Other researchers including those in the U.K [ 21 ] have also determined that gender does not have an effect on LoS or costs. Hence the results in the current paper are consistent with the findings of other researchers in other countries working on entirely different datasets.

From Table  6 we see that in the case of data concerning non-newborns, the catboost regression performs the best, with an R 2 score of 0.432. The p -value is less than 0.01, indicating that the correlation between the actual and predicted values of LoS through catboost regression is statistically significant. Similarly, the p -values for linear regression and random forest regression indicate that these models produce predictions that are statistically significant, i.e. they did not occur by random chance.

From Table  7 that refers to data from newborns, the linear regression performs the best, with an R 2 score of 0.82. The p -value is less than 0.01, indicating that the correlation between the actual and predicted values of LoS through linear regression is statistically significant. Similarly, the p -values for random forest regression and catboost regression indicate that these models produce predictions that are statistically significant.

We examine the performance of classifiers on non-newborn data, as shown in Tables  10 and 12 . The Delong test conducted in Table  12 shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the AUCs of the pairwise comparisons of the models. Hence, we conclude that the catboost classifier performs the best with an average AUC of 0.7844. We also note that there is a marginal improvement in performance when we use the catboost classifier instead of the random forest classifier. Both the catboost classifier and the random forest classifier perform better than logistic regression. We conclude that the best performing model for non-newborns is the catboost classifier, followed by the random forest classifier, and then logistic regression.

In the case of newborn data, we examine the performance of the classifiers as shown in Tables  11 and 13 . From Table 13 , we note that the p -values in all the rows are less than 0.05, except for the binary class “one vs. rest for class 3”, random forests vs. catboost. Hence, for this particular comparison between the random forest classifier and the catboost classifier for “one vs. rest for class 3”, we cannot conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between the performance of these two classifiers. From Table  11 we observe that the AUCs of these two classifiers are very similar. We also note that only about 10% of the dataset consists of newborn cases.

From Table  14 we note that the Brier score for the catboost classifier is the lowest. A lower Brier score indicates better performance. According to the Brier scores for the non-newborn data, the catboost classifier performs the best, followed by the random forest classifier and then logistic regression. Table 15 shows that for newborns, the random forest classifier performs the best, followed by the catboost classifier and logistic regression. The performance of the random forest classifier and catboost classifier are very similar.

From a practical perspective, it may make sense to use a catboost classifier on both newborn and non-newborn data as it simplifies the processing pipeline. The ultimate decision rests with the administrators and implementers of these decision systems in the hospital environment.

Burn et al. observe [ 21 ] that though the U.S. has reported similar declines in LoS as in the U.K, the overall costs of joint replacement have risen. The U.K. government created policies to encourage the formation of specialist centers for joint replacement, which have resulted in reduction in the LoS as well as delivering cost reductions. The results and analysis presented in our current paper can help educate patients and healthcare consumers about trends in healthcare costs and how they can be reduced. An informed and educated electorate can press their elected representatives to make changes to the healthcare system to benefit the populace.

Hachesu et al. examined the LoS for cardiac disease patients [ 22 ] where they used data from around 5000 patients and considered 35 input variables to build a predictive model. They found that the LoS was longer in patients with high blood pressure. In contrast, our method uses data from 2.5 million patients and considers multiple disease conditions simultaneously. We also do not have access to patient vitals such as blood pressure measurements, due to the limitation of the existing New York State SPARCS data.

Garcia et al. [ 23 ] conducted a study of elderly patients (age greater than 60) to understand factors governing the LoS for hip fracture treatment. They used 660 patient records and determined that the most significant variable was the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification system. The ASA score ranges from 1–5 and captures the anesthesiologist’s impression of a patient’s health and comorbidities at the time of surgery. Garcia et al. showed a monotonically increasing relationship between the ASA score and the LoS. However, they did not build a specific predictive model. Their work shows that it is possible to find single variables with significant information content in order to estimate the LoS. The New York SPARCS dataset that we used does not contain the ASA score. Hence a policy implication of our research is to alert the healthcare authorities include such variables such as the ASA score where relevant in the datasets released in the future. The additional storage required is very small (one additional byte per patient record).

Arjannikov et al. [ 25 ] developed predictive models by binarizing the data into two categories, e.g. LoS <  = 2 days or LoS > 2 days. In our work, we did not employ such a discretization. In contrast, we used continuous regression techniques as well as classification into more than two bins. It is preferable to stay as close to the actual data as possible.

Almashrafi et al. [ 27 ] and Cots et al. [ 75 ] observed that larger hospitals tended to have longer LoS for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Though we did not specifically examine cardiac surgery outcomes, our feature analysis indicated that the hospital operating certificate number had lower relevance than other features such as DRG codes. Nevertheless, the SHAP plots in Fig.  7 and Fig.  8 show that the hospital operating certificate number occurs within the top 10 features in order of SHAP values. We will investigate this relationship in more detail in future research, as it requires determining the size of the hospital from the operating certificate number and creating an appropriate machine-learning model. The Appendix contains results that show certain operating certificate numbers that produce a good model fit to the data.

A major focus of our research is on building interpretable and explainable models. Based on the principle of parsimony, it is preferable to utilize models which involve fewer features. This will provide simpler explanations to healthcare professionals as well as patients. We have shown through Fig.  20 that a model with five features performs just as well as a model with seven features. These features also make intuitive sense and the model’s operation can be understood by both patients and healthcare providers.

Patients in the U.S. increasingly have to pay for medical procedures out-of-pocket as insurance payments do not cover all the expenses, leading to unexpectedly large bills [ 76 ]. Many patients also do not possess health insurance in the U.S., with the consequence that they get charged the highest [ 77 ]. Kullgreen observe that patients in the U.S. need to be discerning healthcare consumers [ 78 ], as they can optimize the value they receive from out-of-pocket spending. In addition to estimating the cost of medical procedures, patients will also benefit from estimating the expected duration for a procedure such as joint replacement. This will allow them to budget adequate time for their medical procedures. Patients and consumers will benefit from obtaining estimates from an unbiased open data source such as New York State SPARCS and the use of our model.

Other researchers have developed specific LoS models for particular health conditions, such as cardiac disease [ 22 ], hip replacement [ 21 ], cancer [ 26 ], or COVID-19 [ 24 ]. In addition, researchers typically assume a prior statistical distribution for the outcomes, such a Weibull distribution [ 24 ]. However, we have not made any assumptions of specific prior statistical distributions, nor have we restricted our analysis to specific diseases. Consequently, our model and techniques should be more widely applicable, especially in the face of rapidly changing disease trajectories worldwide.

Our study is based exclusively on freely available open health data. Consequently, we cannot control the granularity of the data and must use the data as-is. We are unable to obtain more detailed patient information such as their physiological variables such as blood pressure, heartrate variability etc. at the time of admittance and during their stay. Hospitals, healthcare providers, and insurers have access to this data. However, there is no mandate for them to make this available to researchers outside their own organizations. Sometimes they sell de-identified data to interested parties such as pharmaceutical companies [ 79 ]. Due to the high costs involved in purchasing this data, researchers worldwide, especially in developing countries are at a disadvantage in developing AI algorithms for healthcare.

There is growing recognition that medical researchers need to standardize data formats and tools used for their analysis, and share them openly. One such effort is the organization for Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) as described in [ 80 ].

Twitter has demonstrated an interesting path forward, where a small percentage of its data was made available freely to all users for non-commercial purposes through an API [ 81 ]. Recently, Twitter has made a larger proportion of its data available to qualified academic researchers [ 82 ]. In the future, the profit motives of companies need to be balanced with considerations for the greater public good. An advantage of using the Twitter model is that it spurs more academic research and allows universities to train students and the workforce of the future on real-world and relevant datasets.

In the U.S., a new law went into effect in January 2021 requiring hospitals to make pricing data available publicly. The premise is that having this data would provide better transparency into the working of the healthcare system in the U.S. and lead to cost efficiencies. However, most hospitals are not in compliance with this law [ 83 ]. Concerted efforts by government officials as well as pressure by the public will be necessary to achieve compliance. If the eventual release of such data is not accompanied by a corresponding interest shown by academicians, healthcare researchers, policymakers, and the public it is likely that the very premise of the utility of this data will be called into question. Furthermore, merely dumping large quantities of data into the public domain is unlikely to benefit anyone. Hence research efforts such as the one presented in this paper will be valuable in demonstrating the utility of this data to all stakeholders.

Our machine-learning pipeline can easily be applied to new data that will be released periodically by New York SPARCS, and also to hospital pricing data [ 83 ]. Due to our open-source methodology, other researchers can easily extend our work and apply it to extract meaning from open health data. This improves reproducibility, which is an essential aspect of science. We will make our code available on Github to interested researchers for non-commercial purposes.

Limitations of our models

Our models are restricted to the data available through New York State SPARCS, which does not provide detailed information about patient vitals. More detailed physiological data is available through the Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care (MIMIC) framework [ 84 ], though for a smaller number of patients. We plan to extend our methodology to handle such data in the future. Another limitation of our study is that it does not account for patient co-morbidities. This arises from the de-identification process used to release the SPARCS data, where patient information is removed. Hence we are unable to analyze multiple hospital admissions for a given patient, possibly for different conditions. The main advantage of our approach is that it uses large-scale population data (2.3 million patients) but at a coarse level of granularity, where physiological data is not available. Nevertheless, our approach provides a high-level view of the operation of the healthcare system, which provides valuable insights.

There is growing interest in using data analytics to increase government transparency and inform policymaking. It is expected that the meaning and insights gained from such evidence-based analysis will translate to better policies and optimal usage of the available infrastructure. This requires cooperation between computer scientists, domain experts, and policy makers. Open healthcare data is especially valuable in this context due to its economic significance. This paper presents an open-source analytics system to conduct evidence-based analysis on openly available healthcare data.

The goal is to develop interpretable machine learning models that identify key drivers and make accurate predictions related to healthcare costs and utilization. Such models can provide actionable insights to guide healthcare administrators and policy makers. A specific illustration is provided via a robust machine learning pipeline that predicts hospital length of stay across 285 disease categories based on 2.3 million de-identified patient records. The length of stay is directly related to costs.

We focused on the interpretability and explainability of input features and the resulting models. Hence, we developed separate models for newborns and non-newborns, given differences in input features. The best performing model for non-newborn data was catboost regression, which used linear regression and achieved an R 2 score of 0.43. The best performing model for newborns and non-newborns respectively was linear regression, which achieved an R 2 score of 0.82. Key newborn predictors included birth weight, while non-newborn models relied heavily on the diagnostic related group classification. This demonstrates model interpretability, which is important for adoption. There is an opportunity to further improve performance for specific diseases. If we restrict our analysis to cardiovascular disease, we obtain an improved R 2 score of 0.62.

The presented approach has several desirable qualities. Firstly, transparency and reproducibility are enabled through the open-source methodology. Secondly, the model generalizability facilitates insights across numerous disease states. Thirdly, the technical framework can easily integrate new data while allowing modular extensions by the research community. Lastly, the evidence generated can readily inform multiple key stakeholders including healthcare administrators planning capacity, policy makers optimizing delivery, and patients making medical decisions.

Availability of data and materials

Data is publicly available at the website mentioned in the paper,

There is an “About Us” tab in the website which contains all the contact details. The authors have nothing to do with this website as it is maintained by New York State.

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We are grateful to the New York State SPARCS program for making the data available freely to the public. We greatly appreciate the feedback provided by the anonymous reviewers which helped in improving the quality of this manuscript.

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Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

Raunak Jain, Mrityunjai Singh & Rahul Garg

Fairleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ, USA

A. Ravishankar Rao

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Raunak Jain, Mrityunjai Singh, A. Ravishankar Rao, and Rahul Garg contributed equally to all stages of preparation of the manuscript.

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Jain, R., Singh, M., Rao, A.R. et al. Predicting hospital length of stay using machine learning on a large open health dataset. BMC Health Serv Res 24 , 860 (2024).

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Received : 19 June 2023

Accepted : 24 June 2024

Published : 29 July 2024


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