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Read case studies on the best advertising, successful marketing and award winning commercial creativity. Learn how other award winning creatives think, get inspired and make it into your own thing.

70+ award winning case studies to inspire great creative work

Country Time Legal-ade

Country Time Legal-ade

Project Revoice

Project Revoice

Keeping Fortnite Fresh

Keeping Fortnite Fresh

David Bowie Is Here

David Bowie Is Here

The Truth is Worth It

The Truth is Worth It

Absolut Disco

Absolut Disco

Airwalk Invisible Pop-up Store

Airwalk Invisible Pop-up Store

AmEx Small Business Saturday

AmEx Small Business Saturday

Burger King

Burger King

Cadbury Gorilla

Cadbury Gorilla

Call Girl

Churchill Museum

Dove Evolution

Dove Evolution

Gatorade REPLAY

Gatorade REPLAY

HBO Voyeur

Hoxton Street Monster Supplies

IKEA Come into the Closet

IKEA Come into the Closet

Lynx Pulse

Meet the Superhumans

Old Spice Response Campaign

Old Spice Response Campaign

Plumen Light Bulb

Plumen Light Bulb


The Guardian Redesign


Take this Lollipop


Heart of the Arctic

British Airways Magic of Flying

British Airways Magic of Flying

Weapons of Reason

Weapons of Reason



Bundaberg Road to Recovery

Bundaberg Road to Recovery

SportEngland #ThisGirlCan

SportEngland #ThisGirlCan

Channel 4's Humans

Channel 4's Humans


G . F Smith

Always #LikeAGirl

Always #LikeAGirl



Channel 4 Rebrand

Channel 4 Rebrand

Dentsu World Table Championships

Dentsu World Table Championships

Samaritans We Listen

Samaritans We Listen

Spotify Year in Music

Spotify Year in Music

Dove Self Conscious

Dove Self Conscious

Guinness Never Alone

Guinness Never Alone

John Lewis Tiny Dancer

John Lewis Tiny Dancer

Printed by Somerset

Printed by Somerset

Vanguardist HIV Heroes Issue

Vanguardist HIV Heroes Issue

Through the Dark

Through the Dark


Type with Pride

It's a Tide Ad

It's a Tide Ad


iPhone People Talking Pixel 2

Live Looper

Live Looper



Palau Pledge

Palau Pledge

Fearless Girl

Fearless Girl

The Flip

Transformation of a Landmark

Bandido Coffee

Bandido Coffee

The Soy Sauce Posters

The Soy Sauce Posters

Eating Kabuki with Your Fingers

Eating Kabuki with Your Fingers

BVG x adidas The Ticket-shoe

BVG x adidas The Ticket-shoe



The Gut Stuff

The Gut Stuff

Ash to Art

The Lost Night

Trash Isles

Trash Isles

Amnesty International - Death to the Death Penalty

Amnesty International - Death to the Death Penalty

Amnesty International - It's Not Happening Here, But

Amnesty International - It's Not Happening Here, But

Help I Want to Save a Life

Help I Want to Save a Life

Paddy Power, Rainbow Laces

Paddy Power, Rainbow Laces

Ryman Echo: The World's Most Sustainable Font?

Ryman Echo: The World's Most Sustainable Font?


IKEA 25m2 Syria

Inglorious Fruits

Inglorious Fruits

Mein Kampf

Powered by Respect

Touchable Ink

Touchable Ink

Youtube Music

Youtube Music

Free creative brief templates.

Briefs are not just creative teaching tools, they are also sources of inspiration that should never be locked away. Hence we've decided to showcase a selection of our favourite advertising and design briefs from over the years for the world to see.

Example of a case study video

Making Impactful Case Study Videos: A Deep Dive

Explore crafting impactful case study videos: narrative structure, production nuances, and post-production fine-tuning for resonant customer journeys.

As we journey through the complex landscape of video content, one format stands out for its authenticity and credibility: the case study video. Let's pull back the curtain and delve into what makes these videos such a compelling tool for marketers and how top-tier video production companies craft them for maximum impact.

The Power of the Case Study Video

At its core, a case study video showcases a company's solution to a specific problem and demonstrates the results achieved. But beyond the surface, it's a tale of transformation, with your customer as the protagonist and your product or service as the game-changing element. When done right, it's not just about numbers and outcomes; it's a narrative that resonates, persuades, and drives action.

Setting the Stage: Crafting the Narrative

The success of a case study video hinges on its narrative structure. Here's how it's done:

  • Introduce the Hero : Start with the customer. Who are they? What challenges were they facing? Paint a vivid picture to create relatability.
  • Present the Conflict : Delve into the pain points. This builds tension, gripping the viewer and setting the stage for the solution.
  • Reveal the Solution : Enter your product or service. Showcase how it addressed the issues, but remember, it's not an overt advertisement. Keep it authentic and grounded in the customer's experience.
  • Celebrate the Transformation : Highlight the results, both quantitative (like growth percentages) and qualitative (like improved team morale or customer satisfaction).

The Nuances of Production

To elevate your case study video, it's essential to get the details right:

Real Voices : Use actual testimonials. Scripted lines can't compete with the authenticity of a genuine customer recounting their journey.

Visual Storytelling : Use before-and-after shots, day-in-the-life sequences, or animated graphics to visually represent the transformation.

Subtle Branding : While the focus is on the customer's story, weave in your branding elements subtly, ensuring it feels organic to the narrative.

Fine-Tuning with Post-Production

Editing can make or break your case study video. It’s about refining the story, ensuring pacing, and enhancing with graphics or animations. And don’t forget the sound – background scores and sound effects add layers of emotion and can accentuate the message.

The Distribution Strategy

Once you've got a polished video, think about distribution. Where does your target audience hang out? LinkedIn might be perfect for B2B solutions, while Facebook or YouTube might cater more to B2C. Tailor your video's length and format based on the platform.

Wrapping Up

Creating a compelling case study video isn't just about showcasing results; it's about telling a story that captivates, convinces, and converts. By diving deep into the journey, understanding the nuances, and crafting a sincere narrative, you're not just producing a video; you're creating a testament to the power of your brand's solution. For marketers peeking behind the scenes, it's clear: an impactful case study video is equal parts art, strategy, and heart.

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Written by Emily Malone Marketing Manager for Venture — a full-service video production agency that specialises in producing creative videos & campaigns that get real results.

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award winning case study videos

How to write an award-winning case study – even if it’s not an award you want

Whether you’re entering industry awards or reviewing your work internally, the best case studies focus on the things that matter to the judges and your business.

award winning case study videos

It is a real privilege to be invited to judge. It’s a great way to immerse myself in how other brands and categories deal with the challenges they face to grow, the creative solutions they develop, and how they demonstrate the value of marketing and brand building. This year I am delighted to be on the panel for the Marketing Society, the IPA Effectiveness Awards and, of course, the Marketing Week Awards, which celebrate the best work across the UK in the past year and are currently open to entries .

There are loads of reasons to be grateful that these and other bodies invest the considerable time it takes to organise awards, not least of which is to celebrate and recognise the best work.  Awards are about sharing best practice and new learning, but also inspiring other brands and, perhaps most importantly, creating conviction in the practice of brand building. Conversations between judges help flush out big cross-industry themes and calibrate our common understanding of what reputation we want to establish for marketing.

As I engross myself once again in case studies, I am struck that it is agencies who consistently write the best submissions. It’s telling, not just because of the emphasis they naturally place on how a message is communicated, but the recognition of the commercial value of storytelling for their business in marketing themselves to prospective brands. Honing our storytelling skills is an important area for us to develop further in our teams.

Like all great stories, you should be able to play it back simply – in no more than a couple of sentences, but with the same intensity of impact.

Without promising a sure-fire way to pick up an award, I am also struck by key themes in those submissions which rise to the top; or, if you wish to be less generous, whose absence holds back the other entrants. Most importantly, these strengths or deficiencies correlate with common areas we also need to improve across our industry: our understanding of how marketing works in practice, and how to explain and champion our work effectively within our own organisations – ideally with objectivity and unambiguous links to business growth.

Even if there is not an award at stake, it’s worth writing and sharing what you learned in the last year and what it means going forward. This discipline helps us stand back and make sense of what we do day to day and how to make it better. In any case, here’s how I advise going about it.

Firstly, pick the right category

It takes time and effort to put together a submission, so it can be tempting to enter it in multiple categories and often different awards. This is fine, but experience shows most entries excel in exemplifying one category the best – be it insight, communications, innovation, etc. At least, if reapplying a case study, refine it to fit the category or judging criteria of the different awards. Though you can adapt a case study for a different audience or to emphasise a different key message, it is about being clear that most stories have a dominant and powerful message, which will be the most valuable learning to you and other brands.

Dramatically capture the context and challenge your brand faced

Nothing will engage your audience more than this – bring jeopardy, opportunity and reward to the fore as you explain the forces shaping the destiny of your brand, your business, and your consumers. It will also serve as the exciting introduction to an inspiring and energising story, the ‘hero’s journey’ with your brand as protagonist.

Set out measurable KPIs – stretching but achievable

How else will the judge or your audience know what success looks like and whether you delivered everything you aspired to? It’s amazing how often in awards submissions or internal reviews this is vague or, worse still, absent. For your reader or audience this is deeply unnerving.

Think about your consumer or shopper as another key protagonist

Paint out vividly the insight into their motivations, attitudes or behaviours your brand was able to tap into. Pulling through a red thread of insight from the challenge through to the creative solution that delivers results is the stuff of magic. It is often refined retrospectively, which will help guide the next chapter of your brand’s work.

Plan a big finale

This should be the outcomes the work delivered, stacked up against the KPIs and based on evidence. Though critical for certain awards, it’s good to leave your reader certain it was the marketing which delivered the results – deal with other factors and explain things such as changes in competitor performance, which may stick out and foster doubt.

Let your story speak for itself

Some award submissions try it on with ‘social proof’ brags about other awards the work has won, in an attempt to influence. This can be counter-productive –maybe the judge will simply assume they have different standards, or the mix of entries is different. Just as in an internal review of your work, objectivity wins over sales tactics.

And finally, like all great stories, you should be able to play it back simply – in no more than a couple of sentences, but with the same intensity of impact. To make this straightforward be clear on what you discovered, developed and delivered.

The Marketing Week Awards are open for entries until Wednesday 18 May. Early bird rates are available until Wednesday 11 May. Click here to enter now.


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award winning case study videos

How to make a case study video – an award-winning producer’s tips

What is a case study video, types of case study video, elements of a successful case study video, getting more than just a case study video, creating your case study video plan, choosing the right customer, getting your customer on board, create your distribution plan, case study video pre-production, what happens in post-production, promoting and distributing your case study video, 83 questions to ask in a case study interview, three case study videos that we love.

Case studies are ideal for the decision stage in the marketing funnel. In fact, they are arguably the most positive form of PR you can receive. A third party endorsement from someone who really knows what they’re talking about – a customer who has worked with you, paid their money and still thinks you’re worth recommending – is pure marketing gold. Neil Patel points out that case studies help him increase his close rate by 70% , and even Apple uses case studies to drive its B2B PR and marketing strategy.

Video as a medium makes case studies more convincing and appealing. The viewer can see your customer’s face and judge for themselves whether they are being genuine. Video case studies humanise your work, demonstrate how your company solves real problems and deliver just the credibility needed to close a deal.

We sat down with our award-winning MD, Jamie Field , who has produced case study videos for governments, charities , global corporations and small businesses , to get his thoughts on how to make a case study video.

Before we get into how to make a case study video, it’s important to understand what we mean by “case study video” and how that differs from a testimonial video.

A testimonial video simply provides a comment from the customer about their experience with your company, whereas a case study video shows the detail of the project, product or service in use, highlighting the customer’s core problem, why they chose you, what the experience was like and what benefits they derived from working with you. A case study video might include a testimonial, but that will only be a small part of the video, usually at the end.

Case study videos can be filmed talking heads; animated with voice over and text; and they can feature real people, or they can be hypothetical.

We typically recommend using real customers in case study videos as this method is more authentic and engaging. We need a compelling business reason to animate a case study.

To get a case study video right, you will need:

  • A really successful client project that you want to shout about.
  • A customer keen to get involved and endorse you.
  • An excellent interview with that customer.
  • B-roll and background footage to set the scene.
  • Skillful post-production.
  • The right narration (if that’s the style you choose).
  • Stats and data to add real credibility to the case study video.

You might only be interested in how to make a case study video. But we urge you to think beyond that specific project, to what else there is to be gained from this process. Your customer has agreed to give of their time to be interviewed on film, and you might want to use the opportunity to:

  • Produce a great video case study of course.
  • Build an even better relationship with your customer.
  • Privately gather important information on how your product or service could be improved.
  • Identify opportunities to potentially sell more to this customer.
  • Find out whether this customer could refer you to any of the contacts in their network.

If you get the case study film production process right, it can add loads of value beyond the final video.

Here at Definition we are huge believers in CWAP . That’s Content With A Purpose. So we always start the production process by asking: why are we making this case study video? And who is it for?

Once you’ve answered those questions it’s time to think like your target audience. What will they be most interested in? It’s usually best to focus your case study video on a specific product or service that solves a particular problem rather than a more general piece on working together.

You’ll need to think about the narrative. A good case study is like any other video, it needs a compelling storyline. It’s generally wise to avoid jumping straight into the ringing endorsements of your company, but instead to set the scene and establish what problems the customer was trying to solve. A clear start, middle and end are essential.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but the best customer to feature in your case study video is not necessarily going to be your best or happiest customer. Sure, that might be how you build your initial shortlist, but it is much more important to ensure that the person being interviewed is relatable and can speak without needing a script. They need to be authoritative, passionate, senior (in B2B case studies), and articulate. But they also need to sound genuine, so the audience believes what they are saying – which means they need to have been involved in the project and be familiar with your business.

It’s always good to remember that a case study that looks great on paper might not translate well to video. The only way to find out is to speak to the potential interviewee first, and you’ll get much more information about their suitability if you can do so on a video call.

There’s a subtle art to getting your customer to agree to be featured in a case study video. You’re asking them to give up precious time to be filmed, and you’re asking them to be vulnerable: sharing a story of a challenge they faced and how they overcome it. Really happy customers are usually willing to be involved, in principle at least. It’s the practicalities that you have to get right.

You’re much more likely to be successful if you can make participation easy for them, by filming at their office, factory or shop at a time that works for them. We’re also big believers in giving case study participants the VIP treatment – they’re the star of the show, so make them feel like it. It may help to get your CEO to invite them to participate; offer hair and make-up; arrange the case study around a lunch with your senior team. Make them feel special and they will be happy to help you out.

Now that you know what your case study is about, who you will be interviewing and you have a rough idea of your narrative, it’s time to put together your video distribution strategy . Where your case study video will be viewed will inform many of the production decisions throughout the process.

We don’t have a preference for aspect ratio when it comes to case study videos, but audio is really important, so we recommend taking that into consideration when you build out your distribution plan (e.g. consider which social platforms are now turning off audio by default).

Pre-production is really important when making a case study video. Here are some of the top considerations:

Never write a scrip t : If the client tries to do this, we stop them. Case studies should be unbiased and natural.

Choose your location wisely : The location should be easily accessible to the contributor, but also visually relevant to the story. That’s often the workplace of the interviewee, or at home if it’s a consumer.

Consider shot lists : We only do this if there is something technical to convey. Instead, we prefer to come up with some scene ideas, set up what is required, then choose the specific shots once we are there on location.

Choose the style : Often case studies are filmed and include interviews that need to be authentic and human, so that lends itself to warm casual interview styles and slow-motion, fluid b-roll. This can vary though and should be decided based on the subject matter.

Prepare for the interview : Preparing for your case study interview is important. We have provided below a long list of 83 case study interview questions, but please don’t ask them all! Researching them in advance (and answering as many as you can yourself before you speak to the interviewee) is an important part of the case study pre-production process. That enables you to impress the interviewee with your background knowledge and identify opportunities to improve the case study even further.

Prepare the theatrics: We believe in making the whole case study production process incredible for your customer. That might mean premium food and coffee on set. Or it could mean a celebrity make-up artist preparing them for the interview.

Choose your crew: The standard case study crew is usually a director, camera operator and a sound recordist. We think the best director is one that is producing the film as well (so they would be a producer/director). They will have a detailed understanding of the original brief and what your company wants from the edit when going into the interview.

How to handle the case study filming day

It’s finally time to get started with filming your case study video. And there are several things to consider on the day of filming, including:

Audio is more important than visuals: If interviewing, get the audio done properly, because the success of a case study video is very much down to what the interviewee is saying.

Hold multiple interviews: We will usually try to arrange to interview multiple people to give us variety of soundbites.

Make the interviewee feel comfortable: We’ve mentioned already that we like to make the interviewee feel like a celebrity on the day, but it’s also important that the director puts them at ease. Nervous interviewees are tricky to deal with. Try to relate to them and empathise. The director should take all formality out of the interview and not stress to much about “talking in soundbites”. Instead, just get relaxed content and work around it in the edit.

Ask open-ended questions, allowing the interviewee to take the answer in the direction they want – and don’t try to put words in their mouth. How they sound is more important than what they say, so let them answer in their own words. Ask questions to help set the scene, warm them up and get some human reactions from them. Tears and laughter are always the best a director can hope for.

Start with the interviews: We always shoot interviews at the start of the day. That way if the subject mentions something specific, we have time after the interview to film visuals of that.

Get plenty of b-roll: Make sure that any b-roll relates to what the subject is talking about. If there isn’t much opportunity to film b-roll, we recommend filming the interview with multiple cameras so that you can make the video interesting without b-roll.

After filming, the next step is to get stuck into post-production. Work with your editor to narrow down all useable interview clips into a shortlist (this is called a sync pull).

Then, order all the shortlisted clips into a coherent narrative that everyone is happy with. This is called a sync assembly.

Add all the beautiful b-roll, and motion graphics or animation if you’re trying to show something that can’t be easily shown with film. Add music, voice over (if needed) and send your video off to have closed captions produced.

Your promotion plan should be determined as part of your distribution strategy. We always recommend getting your customer involved in helping you promote the video. And don’t forget to thank them for their contribution!

This is a long list to guide you, but you really just need to consider what your target audience needs and how best to get the information out of your interviewee. The best answers are short, work as self-contained soundbites (where the audience understand what question is being asked) and are infused with emotion.

Please don’t read a list of questions! Rather, use these as a guide for an informal conversation with the interviewee. It’s important that the director knows when to push for better answers and when to be happy with what you’ve got.

Start with the admin questions

  • Can I confirm the spelling of your name?
  • Can I confirm that your job title is ______?
  • Can I confirm that your company name is spelled ______?
  • Which social networks do you use personally?

Learn about the company

  • I’ve read a little about your company, but perhaps you can share in your own words what ________ does?
  • Can I confirm that the company has been around since____?
  • And how long has your department been going?
  • How many employees do you have?
  • What is your revenue?
  • Are we allowed to include revenue data in the case study?
  • How many geographies do you operate in?

Understand the products and services

  • Can you please tell me a little bit about the products and services you offer?
  • Who is your target customer?

Get your head around their role

  • I know that your job title is _____, but what does your day-to-day role involve?
  • What are the objectives of your role?
  • How long have you been in the role?
  • How big is your team?
  • Who do you report to?

Clarify their relationship with your own business

  • How long have you been using our product or services?
  • How did you first come across us?
  • How long had you been looking?
  • What did you do before using our product?
  • What were the physical costs of this process?
  • What were the human resources costs of this process?
  • What was the opportunity cost of this process?
  • How were your customers impacted by this process?
  • What other challenges were you facing?
  • What were the major challenges you were facing to prompt you to look for a product?
  • Did our product replace another or was this the first time you had used such a product or services?
  • What were your biggest concerns or reservations before using our product or service?
  • Why didn’t you buy our product or similar product earlier?
  • What reservations did you have during the buying process?
  • What was the best thing about the buying process?
  • What was the worst thing about the buying process?
  • What would you change about the buying process?
  • How did you find the buying process? What was your experience?
  • How was the onboarding process?
  • What factors were important to you when choosing a product like ours?
  • Which alternatives did you consider?
  • What were the major reasons you chose us?
  • What decision-making criteria were there?
  • Who was involved in the decision to buy?
  • How long did it take to get set up or onboarded?
  • How many people in your company use our product?
  • How do you use the product?
  • Which features do you use the most?
  • Which features do you like the most?
  • Which features do you dislike the most?
  • Have you had to use our customer support services?
  • How have you found these services?
  • What is the biggest advantage our product has offered to your business?
  • Were there any surprising advantages of using our product?
  • What metrics do you track to do with our product?
  • Did you track these metrics before using our product?
  • Are you able to share these?
  • Is there anyone in your team who particularly uses or likes our product?
  • Is there anyone in your team who doesn’t really like our product?
  • How did your team implement the product?
  • How do you train people to use our product?
  • How long does it take someone to get up to speed on our product / service?
  • Has our product reduced cost in any way?
  • Has our product saved time in any way?
  • Has our product driven increased revenue in any way?
  • Has our product made your job easier?

Gauge their level of advocacy

  • Would you recommend our product to a friend or colleague?
  • Have you already recommended our product to anyone?
  • Can you think of anyone in your network who could really benefit from using our product?
  • Do you have any advice for other companies facing the similar challenges you were?
  • Do you think the investment in our product is worthwhile?

Identify potential new opportunities

  • Will you expand use of our product into other areas of the business?

Gather important feedback

  • Do you have any requests for new features?
  • Do you have any feedback on our customer support?
  • Do you have any general feedback or advice for our company?
  • What are the biggest challenges coming up for your industry?
  • Do you think our product will help you overcome those challenges?
  • Is there anything we can do to help you tackle those challenges?
  • Do you think you will continue to use our product next year?

Gain clarity about the process

  • Are you open to working with us on additional marketing collateral?
  • I noticed that your company has a presence on _____ social networks. Is that correct?
  • Would you be willing to share our case study on these networks?
  • Who within the business needs to approve this case study before it goes live?
  • Is there anything you have told me today that is confidential or shouldn’t be included in the final case study?
  • Finally, will you be available over the next few weeks to assist with approvals?

We’ve hand-picked three excellent case study videos to give you a feel for what great looks like.

iAuditor & E Light Electric Customer Story

A strong charismatic interview that draws the audience in. The juxtaposition of accounting software and visuals of a coffee shot/roasting is also interesting and we think it makes the viewer want to find out more (like “what is the link?”).

Xero: Truth Coffee

Wiley: Chemistry Europe: Ben Feringa

What makes this for us is the interview. The subject’s really fascinating and it’s so obvious that he loves what he does and is passionate about chemistry – it’s contagious.

So, that’s almost everything we know about how to make a case study video. If you’d like Jamie to help you make a case study video,

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2019 WINNER 5 FOR 50 5 FOR 50

Dove dove - campaign for real beauty, ogilvy *lead agency, edelman usa *lead agency.

In 2003 Dove set out to make beauty a source of confidence, not anxiety, for women. Fifteen years later millions of beauty insecurities have been dispelled and billions of dollars have been added to brand value. Dove’s campaign touched hearts, impacted lives, changed the beauty industry and made Dove the most meaningful beauty brand in the world. But the battle is far from won. As new beauty anxieties appear, Dove continues to pursue its bold vision for change.


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award winning case study videos

Boost Campaign Performance Through Video

Discover how to boost your next campaign by using video.

The Complete Guide to Creating Case Study Videos

Having confidence in your brand is great, but it can only get you so far.

You need to back your claims up with evidence.

Having a satisfied customer vouch for you can be far more effective than churning out dozens of self-promotional content pieces. If you’re looking to leverage your content towards attracting  potential  customers, show them how you’re helping  existing customers.  62.6% of marketers say that client case studies are effective at generating leads and are a critical component of a winning marketing strategy. They tie first place with content marketing and beat every other approach on the list.

The reason why is simple. Instead of focusing on yourself, case studies focus on your customers . They give new leads a window into the world you’re helping to create.

Video amplifies the trustworthiness of a case study and customer testimonial.

Transitioning away from traditional customer stories (i.e. blog post format) towards video case studies is worthwhile. Instead of reading about a customer’s excitement about your product, your users can literally see the excitement on that customer’s face. The psychological impact is clear.

What makes a great case study video?

Compelling case studies have proven themselves to be valuable conversion generators for a variety of industries. They are especially valuable for organizations that sell complex, expensive products.

The more invested users have to be before converting, the more the success story of a satisfied customer will resonate with them. This is why enterprise customer story videos tend to perform more successfully than small businesses.

Marketers who want to learn how to make a great case study video need to focus on three trust-building factors first:

  • An authoritative customer interview.
  • Complimentary shots of the office.
  • Post-production graphics and narration.

Let’s look at how successful video marketers incorporate these factors into the customer story video production process.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:


Pre-production includes everything that you plan before the day of the shooting. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before you start filming anything.

1. Choose the right customer

The customer interview is the centerpiece of your case study video. Your top priority is finding an individual customer who is motivated to provide a glowing review of you and your company.

Ideally, this person is in a position of authority who benefits directly from your business. If they don’t have hands-on experience working with your products or services, they won’t know what to say.

Keep in mind that an employee of a lesser-known company may be more excited about your product than someone who works for a big, well-known company. You might find that honest enthusiasm is more conducive towards creating a good case study, compared to a recognizable logo does.

2. Lead the interview process

Make sure that you come to the interview prepared . Make sure to come up compelling yet easy to answer interview questions. Use the pre-production process to get an idea of how your customer feels about your product. If you can agree on a story that fits, the entire interview process will be far easier to steer in a positive direction.

Interview preparation can be difficult work . The more time you spend preparing, the smoother and less stressful the actual interview experience will be.

3. pick a viewing format.

Is your target audience going to view the video on a desktop or on mobile? This is an important question you’ll want to ask early on. The answer will change the way you approach the entire filming process.

If you are thinking about shooting a mobile video, try setting up your shoot for vertical viewing.

Vertical video format can perform well on social media and other news feed-oriented platforms. Keep in mind that 90% of Twitter users engage the platform via mobile.

4. Use the proper equipment

The single most important factor you need to consider when shooting a case study video is lighting. Great lighting can make smartphone camera footage look professional. Steven Soderbergh famously filmed an entire feature film using an iPhone . If it’s good enough for an Academy Award-winning filmmaker, it’ll be good enough for your case study subject and video.

Production and shooting

Once you have picked a customer to interview, established the story you want to tell, and picked a place to tell it, you’re ready to film.

This is where your pre-production preparation is going to pay off:

1. Don’t veer off course

During the course of the interview, it’s natural for the dialogue to take unexpected turns. Everyday conversation is full of uncertain asides, half-articulated thoughts, and full-blown diversions.

Film dialogue – thankfully! – is not.

Part of leading the interview means catching these slip-ups and addressing them. Ask your customer to avoid industry jargon and to patiently pronounce acronyms your audience may not be familiar with.

Don’t be afraid to re-shoot responses that veer away from the customer use case scenario. You’ll be thankful you did.

2. shoot more footage than you need.

The vast majority of raw footage you obtain will be thrown away. The typical low-budget filmmaker shoots six seconds of material for every single second that makes it on-screen. For big-budget superhero movies, this figure can shoot to 400 seconds of material for every second on-screen.

You won’t need so much material, but you will need more than you publish. Having the option to add footage will translate to positive results.

3. Sweat the details

Developing a shot list can help you break the shooting day down into manageable chunks. This is especially useful for shoots that take place in multiple locations. You’ll want to spend some time organizing every little detail that goes into shooting day.

This includes setting up the interview location and ensuring it’s quiet enough to successfully record audio. It may include making wardrobe or hair adjustments – just about any visual element you’d overlook in regular life can end up looking odd on camera.

It’s a good idea to overestimate your shooting time in order to compensate for these unforeseen complications.


There is one thing you should do before loading raw interview footage into your video editing software:

Send a thank you email to your interview subject and their immediate superior. This will go a long way in maintaining a good relationship. These people took time out of their busy schedules to help you market your product, after all.

Plus, if anything goes wrong on the technical side of post-production, you may need to re-shoot. That will be much easier to do if your interview subject enjoyed your time together.

1. Add graphics and narration

Just about any video editing software will allow you to add graphics and voiceover narration. Adobe Premiere is the premium solution favored by professional filmmakers , while Biteable and Lumen5 are ideal for less experienced users learning how to make case study videos on a budget.

For a complete rundown of the best online video editing solutions click here.

You may even wish to outsource video editing to a freelance professional on a case-by-case basis.  An experienced freelancer may be able to help you achieve the polished final result your customers are looking for.

2. Let your customer help promote the video

Remember sending that thank you email to your interview subject? Now they are that much more likely to share the final result on their social media pages and broaden your video’s exposure.

Most customers are happy to earn themselves the extra exposure that your video creates. If they are reluctant to share the video, you may be able to sweeten the deal by offering a backlink to their website from yours.

The benefits of cross-promotion are too valuable to pass up.

3. Wrapping up!

Don’t forget to enable closed captioning for your video. Most mobile video players automatically mute embedded video content. An overwhelming majority of Facebook videos are viewed with the volume off. You’ll need those captions to capture users’ attention and convince them to turn the volume up.

You may also wish to divide your case study video into chapters to improve user engagement. If you are using a professional video hosting platform , you can monitor user engagement and adjust your settings to optimize the results. Appropriate calls-to-action can be added at the end of th video, so interested viewers’ data can be captured. Be sure to check back on your video and monitor its performance regularly.

Keep learning

Cincopa launches new video editor, 5 top private video hosting sites for your business, best tips for editing training videos, elevate your b2b marketing with strategic video content: a step-by-step guide, 3 reasons to avoid self-hosting your videos in 2024, how to use interactive media on your videos and images , didn't find what you were looking for.


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The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

Grand jurors of the Foxglove Awards suggest actionable steps for young agencies.

Making an awards case study is like fencing, it is a noble art. Unfortunately, not everyone is as polished in this art form as they’d like to believe. But not to worry.

The Foxglove Awards, India’s biggest awards for agencies 12 years or younger, from afaqs!, has got you covered. We spoke to the grand jury, a crew of adland’s most creative folks, and absorbed knowledge on what agencies should keep in mind to make sure their case studies stand out from the pile of entries.

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

Josy Paul, chairperson, BBDO India

Josy Paul

Content is ‘King’, but context is ‘King Kong’. Within 20 seconds, you should be able to present the context. What’s the point when the inflexion happens? How do you articulate the idea? You have to articulate it very clearly.

How you execute and amplify it, has to be told clearly with a certain level of emotion, and can’t just be a matter of fact. Like any two-minute viral idea, it needs an emotional angle. Humanity needs to come through.

Jury members come from different places. They have different backgrounds. You can’t assume what you feel about an idea, is exactly how they will feel too.

People who come up with the idea, may not be the best ones to make a case study. They need to see it from an outside world. They can write it slightly differently. Give the idea to another person. That's why they have the concept of ambassadors.

Keep editing. It is all in the writing. The case study will live, or die, by the writing.

Karthik Nagarajan, head, branded content, GroupM

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

It’s important to completely internalise the award’s criteria. The write-up needs to match the criteria. Most jury members are doing it pro-bono, so, they are short on time. Design your entries like that. If you have the resources, always go for a video.

Every award entry is an elevator pitch, what you tell the jurors in that short time, say that in the case study. You don’t have to write screenplays or novels, get to the point. Bullet points are underrated. Four bullet points eat a paragraph for breakfast.

A good award entry is an original one. If you have done a launch campaign, there’s no need to market it as a cause marketing campaign. The jurors are marketers, so, they know how it works.

People will undervalue the hard work you've done. If it’s ‘100,000’, no need to put it in a million, in terms of impact. Some campaigns are small, some are big, there’s no need to dress up.

Navin Kansal, chief creative officer, 21N78E Creative Labs

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

As the jurors are always starved for time, the entries must be packaged well. Less is more. Restrict the case study video to two or two-and-a-half minutes. If you need more time to explain things, it clearly means that you haven’t sharpened the video.

If agencies are submitting entries in multiple categories, the case studies should be a reflection of the category in which they’re submitted. Jurors always look out for the relevance of a case study in that particular category.

Mayur Varma, ECD and creative head, 82.5 Communications

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

The jurors go through several ideas. So, it’s crucial to have a good hook. The first 10 seconds of the case study video should excite them and make them want to see the rest of the video.

Keep it short and, if possible, trim the case study video to 30 seconds. Start questioning every second after the 30-second mark. If the length is over two minutes, question the need to send that particular video.

Treat case studies like an ad; a great beginning where you get to the idea right away, and an end which stays with the viewer. Make your case studies entertaining and think hard about what you’d like to leave the jurors with, once the video ends.

Mukund Olety, chief creative officer, VMLY&R

Mukund Olety

Craft your case study like you’d craft a copy or a film. Don’t stop at the first cut, keep polishing it, and keep it within two minutes. Once you’ve crafted the case study video, show it to the people who don’t know the work. It will give you an outsider’s perspective.

Make sure the case study does justice to its category.

A case study can't be a bunch of facts, it's a piece of communication and has to be engaging. You need to think through on how to make it interesting, as opposed to, ‘Now I've done the work, I just need to put the case together’.

A case study is almost a business proposal for your agency. It’s something one has to invest time, effort and, if possible, money in. It will showcase the kind of agency you are, to your peers and clients.

Azazul Haque, chief content officer, Media Monks

Azazul Haque

When you’re creating something for recognition, it has to be brave, experimental, look young, and stand out. Seek inspiration from case studies submitted for global awards.

If your work is regional and doesn’t have subtitles, you can’t possibly connect with the jurors. Make sure your idea is told simply and effectively. Also, a case study should reflect its particular category.

Sumanto Chattopadhyay, chairman and chief creative officer, 82.5 Communications

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

Whether you’re writing or making a video, it should be very crisp. Look at the case study video like a creative piece and you need to hook the audience in the first 10 seconds, or else people will switch and not wait till the middle of the video to get to the main point.

Jurors have so many entries to go through, and they are exhausted and impatient. You need to make the experience of seeing your case study and/or video, rewarding.

Saugata Bagchi, head, global digital and content marketing, Tata Communications

The ultimate guide to create award-winning work

The first and foremost thing agencies should do, is study the category they’re submitting their entries in. Second, they need to be honest with themselves; carpet-bombing (excessive entries) doesn’t work and is sometimes counter-productive, because jurors may switch off after seeing the same entry in different categories.

Third, write the case study for the person who’s going to view it, and not yourself. Last, be authentic from the point of view of why the idea was conceived, what led to the brief of the idea, and if there were any discoveries in between which led to the elevation or improvement of the idea and the execution.

The winners of the Foxglove awards will be announced on 15th October 2022.

Cannes Lions Grand Prix 1

Cannes Lions 2023 Decoded. The 'why' of winning a Grand Prix: Part 1

Catch up on the grand prix winners' case studies at this year’s cannes lions festival of creativity.

28 June 2023

T he 70th Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity awarded 34 Grand Prix awards this year across 32 categories . The most coveted awards of the Festival, these Grand Prix awards give the strongest indication of where the industry is headed and what the future might hold. You have probably seen most of the Grand Prix winners already. We bring you the case studies videos - an inside look at the strategies behind the award winning campaigns and for that spark of inspiration.

A list curated with the help of LLLLTL.

Apple – Relax It’s iPhone – R.I.P. Leon  (by Apple, Cupertino)

ITV x CALM - The Last Photo (by Adam&EveDDB, London)

Read Full Story Here

Outdoor Lions

British Airways – A British Original (by Uncommon Creative Studio, London)

Print and Publishing Lions

AnNahar – Newspapers Inside The Newspaper (by Impact BBDO, Dubai)

Radio and Audio

Skinny - Phone It In (by Colenso BBDO, Auckland)

Microsoft – ADLaM An Alphabet to Preserve a Culture (by McCANN, New York)

Digital Craft Lions

Nike – Never Done Evolving (feat Serena) (by AKQA Sao Paulo, Portland, Melbourne)

Film Craft Lions

Kendrick Lamar – We Cry Together (by pgLang, Los Angeles)

Industry Craft Lions

JR Group – My Japan Railway (by Dentsu, Tokyo)

Creative B2B Lions

United Nations Global Compact – EART4 (by Almap BBDO, Sao Paulo)


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An inside look at the decision making and strategies behind the advertising and marketing campaigns entered into The Drum Awards . A host of case studies from brands entering into The Drum's industry leading awards shows.

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Five great advertising case study videos, or how to wow awards juries  /

Here's our collection and analysis of some of the best case study videos we've seen to date

James Swift

Header image for article Five great advertising case study videos, or how to wow awards juries

Case studies are advertising’s advertising. Some think they are a distraction, or even worse, a distortion. Good campaigns shouldn’t need slick videos to sell them to juries, they argue, and bad campaigns shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind them.

And to be fair, a lot of case study films, padded with tiresome clichés and propped up by results as robust as smoke, deserve criticism. Agency John St created a perfect parody of the genre in 2011, which is well  worth watching .

But just like advertising itself, case study films are going nowhere. Campaigns have become too complex for agencies to simply send juries the work and assume that all will be clear.

So, for as long as case study films are necessary, agencies may as well strive to get them right. Done well, case study videos can convey the disparate parts of a campaign as a cohesive whole, and do it with feeling.

We at Contagious watch a lot case study videos, and have become reluctant connoisseurs of the art form. Drawing on our collective experience, we have put together a collection of some of the best examples as inspiration (in no particular order).

Old Spice Responses (2011) by Wieden & Kennedy Portland:

Wieden & Kennedy does such a good job with its Responses case study, we’re willing to forgive the video for being almost five minutes long. The agency clearly sets out the brand’s challenge and then explains its strategy for overcoming it in terms of using persuasive and targeted advertising. At a time when so many brands seem to avoid discussing advertising honestly for fear of being regarded as manipulative, the Old Spice narrative is all the more compelling. Side note: any opportunity you get to use footage of Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres talking about your ad, you should take.

REI #OPTOUTSIDE (2016) by Venables Bell & Partners: 

It’s especially tough to separate the merits of REI’s case study from the campaign itself. But the film is proof positive that, with the right campaign, there’s no need to shy away from being earnest and unashamedly bombastic in a case study. The #OPTOUTSIDE awards film is a joy to watch. Slick and uplifting, the film borrows well-worn techniques from the movies to recreate the sense of scale and grandeur that surrounded the campaign -- not to mention the scale and grandeur of the great American Outdoors it celebrates. It’s an obvious appeal to emotion but never once slides into being saccharine.  Boost Mobile  also does this brilliantly.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches (2013) By Ogilvy & Mather Brasil:

The success of Dove’s Real Beauty campaign has been its ruin, in some respects. The flood of copycats and parodies (as well as Dove’s inferior follow-up ads) makes it almost impossible to view with fresh eyes. But try and you’ll see that this particular version of the Sketches case study film (made to promote YouTube) is restrained and effective. It uses high production-value interviews with Dove’s (former) global VP for skin to explain the campaign, and this technique pays dividends, coming across as intimate and sincere.

Ikea Great Home Studies (2015) by Instinct:

Gimmicks are risky. They can come across as tacky, but they can also be charming and engaging. This case study for Ikea falls into the latter category. The campaign was about a book, so the agency framed the case study as a book, explaining each step with the turn of a page. Modestly delightful.

DB Export Brewtroleum (2015) by Colenso BBDO:

Andrew Teagle, the SVP of strategy and insights at GSD&M, provided Contagious with one of its favourite quotes of 2017 when he said: ‘People have a limited tolerance for you talking about your purpose, but they have an extraordinary appetite for you operating from a place of purpose.’ We think the same can apply to case study videos. Good work can be undermined by an inflated sense of self-importance. DB Export’s Brewtroleum case study video tells a story of a brand acting to help the environment, but balances it with humour and some self-deprecation. It makes the whole thing easier to swallow.

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Corporate Video Awards: 17 Best Award-Winning Corporate Videos

The best 17 award-winning corporate videos ever made.

Full service creative agency

Find an Award Winning Corporate Video Producer: Video corporate gigs made with ease, so your Company Video can suceed.

This article features 17 of the best corporate videos ever made , featuring award – winning videos from some of the world ‘s top company video makers. When it comes to media production companies , the most effective videos creatively combine storytelling , visuals , and sound to create powerful and memorable stories . Find out which videos made the list and how you can use them as inspiration for your own projects . A corporate video is the catalyst that will take your business to the next level. Through well-crafted visual storytelling, you can effectively convey ideas, introduce offerings, increase brand awareness, and showcase your products.

Why are corporate videos so effective for your company?

In our digital age, video content takes preference because it is easy to consume and readily accessible. Businesses that invest in visual content report that they are able to more easily connect with a wider audience and drive sales.

Corporate videos are a powerful way to:

  • Spark excitement with a media production company for your product or service
  • Concisely share information about your corporate video brand
  • Showcase accomplishments to company video investors, and use our corporate video maker to connect with new audiences.
  • We can provide educational and corporate videography job training for employees
  • Boost your company’s website traffic

Visual content is an essential tool for marketing your business or organization. Contacts us to make professional quality visual content.

Ready to get started but need some inspiration first? We’ve gathered some of our favorite corporate videos for you to check out.

This video is a great example of how businesses can use humor to keep their audience engaged and entertained. The script is both funny and relevant at the same time. When making a corporate video, the best strategy you can take to increase viewership is to write a witty script and have fun while filming. If you enjoyed creating your video, it will translate to the content and come through to your audience.

Schedule a free consultation with a producer here (link). 

What are the qualities of an award winning corporate video? 

  • Well-crafted, engaging script

An award winning corporate video will have a well-crafted script that is precise, educational and entertaining. In the pre-production phase, focus on how to bring a personalized touch to your video that will engage the audience in a direct and personable way.

  • High production quality

Invest in producing a high quality video because the more polished you can make your video, the more your audience will trust that your brand has high standards and strives for excellence.

  • Authenticity

Whether you’re seeking to make an inspiring video, or hoping to get a laugh from your audience, make sure that the message your video delivers is authentic to your brand. Be yourself and showcase the best that your company or service has to offer.

Best Business YouTube Videos: Why Should You Have a Corporate Video Made?

Do you want more information on how to make a great corporate video, or do you just need some help choosing which company is right for you and your project? Let’s talk about that now.

Video Marketing Services | Facebook Ads | Youtube Ads | Kickstarter Videos | Social Media Content | TV Ads | Script Development

Best Corporate Videos 2021

This is one of the most amazing collection of Best Corporate Videos ever.

Video: it has become one of the most effective ways to promote products and services online. In fact, according to research conducted by eMarketer, nearly 80% of all Internet users watch videos every month. This means that almost 2 billion people view videos each month. With such numbers, it makes sense that businesses are starting to realize the importance of producing high-quality content. However, many companies still struggle to find time to create their own videos. As a result, they turn to professional videographers to produce videos for them.

Corporate Video Production Tips: How Do I Choose The Right Company?

Should my brand be in it too.

Notwithstanding, it is important to note that even if you have an established brand and your company has been around for years, there may be times when you need to create new content. This could include creating a video about how your product or service can help customers solve problems they face every day. Or perhaps you want to highlight some of your most recent achievements with clients . Whatever the case, having a well-produced video will give potential customers more information about who you are as a business. And this will make them feel like they know what to expect from working with you.

Ready To Make A Corporate Video Of Your Own? Why Are They Called “Corporate” Videos?

Top 5 reasons companies use corporate videos.

In addition, it helps companies build trust among their customers and potential clients. When people see a professionally produced video they tend to think that the content was created by experts. This makes them believe that the product/service being offered has value and is worth paying attention to.

A corporate video gives businesses credibility because it shows that they take themselves seriously. People often look up to successful corporations and follow their lead. By producing a professional corporate video, your organization becomes one of those respected brands.

When done correctly, a corporate video can increase sales dramatically.

Ways Corporations Benefit From Using Top Corporate Videos

Plus, it allows you to create a memorable experience for your audience. In fact, according to research conducted by eMarketer, nearly half of consumers say they prefer watching online videos over reading text.

It provides a way to connect with current and prospective customers through different mediums such as email, websites, blogs, etc.

When used effectively, a corporate video can provide valuable insight into your products and services. For example, many organizations use corporate videos to explain new features, show testimonials, highlight key messages, introduce employees, promote events, showcase awards, and much more.

 Benefits of Creating a Corporate Video

Furthermore, it’s important to note that most small businesses do not have the budget or resources needed to produce high-quality corporate videos on their own. Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable options available in order to help make sure your company gets its message across.

For instance, some of the best solutions include:

1) Online Services – These types of platforms allow users to upload files directly onto the site without needing to download anything. It’s easy to set up and requires no technical knowledge whatsoever. Plus, all editing tools are included.

Things Every Corporate Videographer Must Know About Their Clients

Nevertheless, when choosing an option like this, be careful about what type of file format you choose. Some sites only accept.avi, while other will work with both Windows Media and Flash, still others can do .mp4 or .mov. You should always check before uploading so you don’t waste time trying to find out later that your chosen platform doesn’t support certain formats.

2) Software – There are several software programs available today which offer free versions along with paid ones. However, we recommend using the paid version since it offers better quality than the free alternatives.

3) Professional Editing Tools – Many

Steps to Create Great Content for Your Client’s Next Award Winning Corporate Video

Today marks a revolutionary moment in the world of digital advertising. Start Motion Media , a leader in digital video ad solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of its new services. The company is expanding its suite of solutions to include powerful, creative and highly tailored video ad campaigns with cutting edge analytics and targeted results.

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Start Motion Media has been in the digital advertising industry for over six years, innovating and advancing the way companies, organizations and brands create amazing video ads. The company has consistently provided the highest quality video ad campaigns for clients that span a wide range of industries, and now aims to offer even more innovative solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of these clients. The new solutions include an array of cutting edge features to help customers take their video ads to the next level.

Start Motion Media combines its best-in-class analytics and optimization platform, with expert video production and creative direction, to make sure each video ad captures the audience’s attention and resonates with their audience. The new services also offer customers the ability to build custom campaigns from the ground up, ensuring that each video ad specifically delivers on their marketing strategy.

This includes the ability to track, analyze, and optimize each ad campaign in real-time, as well as offering options to customize the delivery of the video ad across multiple digital platforms . Start Motion Media’s suite of services is designed to ensure that each video ad resonates with the audience, and provides the maximum return on investment. The company’s powerful analytics and optimization platform enables customers to track, analyze and optimize the performance of their video ads on a per-platform basis.

Start Motion Media also provides creative direction, production, and editing to make sure each video ad is as effective and tailored to each client’s needs as possible. The team of experienced video production professionals have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in creating video ads that are both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. The new services from Start Motion Media provide clients with the ability to create, monitor and optimize their video ad campaigns at a fraction of the cost of other digital advertising services.

The company’s suite of solutions also enables customers to tap into the ever-growing online video advertising marketplace and get the best return on investment. Start Motion Media’s new services are the perfect way for organizations, brands, and companies to reach their desired audiences with the perfect video ad campaign. Whether the goal is to increase sales, promote brand awareness, or simply create engaging content, Start Motion Media’s new services provide the capabilities to make that goal a reality.

So, if you’re looking for a powerful, creative and highly tailored video ad campaign, you know who to turn to: Start Motion Media. With its cutting edge analytics, expert video production, custom campaigns, and real-time optimization, Start Motion Media is the premier choice for all your digital video advertising needs.

Firstly, decide if you want to hire someone else to edit your video or if you would rather learn how to edit yourself. If you’re going to go down the route of hiring another person, then you’ll need to consider who exactly you’d like to collaborate with. Do you want to get a friend from college together with a local videographer? Or perhaps you’d like to team up with a well known production house? Either way, once you’ve decided upon whom you’d like to partner with, you’ll need to figure out where you want to shoot your video.

Then, once you’ve decided upon a service provider, here are steps to ensure that you get great results from your next project:

1) Research & Plan Ahead – Before starting any job, it’s essential to know exactly who you’re working with. Make sure you understand how long each step takes and whether or not you’ll need someone else involved. Also, consider if you want to hire a freelance videographer or go with a full-time employee. If you decide to go with a freelancer, ask him or her questions regarding his or her background and portfolio.

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Corporate Video Agency

1. How many years has he/she been doing business as a professional videographer?

2. What is his/her experience level ?

3. Does he/she specialize in one particular area such as weddings, events, etc.?

4. Will I receive a detailed proposal outlining my specific needs?

5. Is he/she willing to provide references?

6. Can I see samples of previous work ?

7. Are there additional fees associated with adding music or sound effects?

8. Who will be responsible for post-production services

Top Reasons to Get a Corporate Video Made

1. Choose a company that specializes in corporate videos. This ensures that they have extensive experience producing them.

Find a company that provides good customer service. They must respond quickly to emails and phone calls.

Be clear on what kind of content you require. For example, does your client need a promotional piece or something more formal?

Understand their budget. A cheap price may mean low quality footage.

Ensure that you review the contract carefully. Read everything thoroughly and make sure that you agree to every clause.

2. Choose a company that specializes in corporate videos. This ensures that they have extensive experience producing them.

Find out their pricing structure beforehand. Most companies charge by the hour but some may also include equipment rental costs .

Determine if you want to use a freelance videographer or employ a staff member.

Understand the process thoroughly. For example, does the company require you to sign contracts? And, if yes, make sure you read through everything carefully.

Be clear on what kind of content you want produced.

10 of the Best Corporate Videos Ever Why Shouldn’t Everyone Have One?

Does Anyone Need a Corporate Video?

What’s more, it has become one of the most effective ways to market yourself online. In fact, according to research conducted by Google, people spend over 2 hours per day watching content on their smartphones and tablets. This means that if you aren’t producing high-quality content regularly, you could be missing out on tons of potential customers.

So, whether you own a small business or run a large corporation, chances are you’ll eventually find yourself needing a corporate video. But, where do you start? Here are five things to keep in mind when deciding whether or not you really need a corporate video.

Get More Info & Pricing

What are corporate videos used for why would someone want a corporate video, how much does it cost to produce a corporate video how long do you plan on keeping it around what kinds of uses will people be able to put this video into, check out our breakdown of corporate video costs. , what are the goals for your corporate video | the ultimate guide.

Accordingly, in order to make sure that every customer gets exactly what he or she wants, companies must understand their customers’ requirements better than anyone else. In addition, businesses need to provide services and products which meet those specific demands. Therefore, it becomes important for companies to develop strategies that help them achieve success in meeting all kinds of different customer expectations.

In fact, many people believe that understanding how to reach out to potential clients is just half of the battle won. After all, even though it might seem obvious, it still takes time and effort to actually do things right.

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Licensed Video Agencies in 2021:








What is a Corporate Video?

A corporate video is any non-advertisement video commissioned by a business, company, corporation, or organisation.

What Are Corporate Videos?

The most common are: Staff training videos Safety videos Investor and shareholder relations videos Content strategy overview videos Product or service explanation videos Executive proposal videos The 2 most common types are:

What is a brand video?

A brand video is a high-quality clip that promotes your business by embodying its message and ethos without overtly selling the viewer a specific product or service.

How much does corporate brand video cost?

The general industry standard for producing a good corporate brand video starts at about £10,000.

Why Are Corporate Videos Important?

Corporate videos have become increasingly important in recent years because, as one HubSpot study found, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support!

What is an Explainer Video?

An explainer video is a short clip that, more often than not, uses a narrator to concisely explain anything about your company, product or service.

How much does a corporate explainer video cost?

The general industry standard for producing a good corporate explainer video starts at about $5,000.

Can You Make Money With Video?

No matter what your own industry or brand represents, you too can make an incredible corporate video, but only if you really believe in the power of providing value to your consumers by making it and not just because you have some money leftover in your marketing budget.

What is the Corporate Video?

In that case, the corporate video of Shopify could be a great example you can follow.

How to create corporate videos?

Moreover, this video’s branding is a perfect example of how you can create memorable corporate videos for your audience.

What is the message behind this video?

This corporate video gives the subliminal message that modern-day advertising needs to be done in an altogether different way, one which customers are looking to engage with like cat content, which has gone so viral till now.

What is the Corporate Video by AirBnB?

No fancy graphics, no heavy voiceovers, no nothing, just a simplistic video showing montages of real AirBnB hosts telling about their experiences with the service and how it has benefitted them.

What was the video about?

The video which focuses on “Catvertising” is one of the most humorous corporate videos out there, but don’t think that there are only humor and no information in there.

Why Corporate Videos?

When a business uses corporate videos in its marketing strategy, it can help it achieve up to a 49% increase in the amount of revenue it generates annually.

A corporate video should eschew your company’s culture and the way you work, making others become more willing to work with you.

What Are the Best Corporate Videos Ever Made?

Following this idea, you can make killer corporate videos for your next brand campaign with the assistance of your corporate video production company and if you want inspiration for it, then here are the 10 best examples of corporate videos made by brands from across the world: If we had to declare a winner for the “Best corporate videos ever made” category, then we would put DollarShaveClub.com at the top of the roost.

What is the Unsung Hero?

Thai Life Insurance’s main aim behind this video was to show how their products embodied care and growth for their customers and how exactly, everyone was a part of a larger family.

Titled the “Unsung Hero”, this is not your conventional corporate video.

What quality do you need?

Especially in B2B, you need some level of filming & editing quality to stay professional.

What is the Best B2B Video Marketing?

There’s always room for improvement, but the best B2B videos should get most of them right:

What is the most important aspect of a video?

No video works without grabbing the attention of its target audience and using their interests and concerns to hold on tight.

What is structure?

That can be something as emotive as a story, or something as simple as a series of logical points.

What’s the video?

You’re watching a corporate B2B video It features shots of the exterior of some offices.

What are the best B2B videos?

These are 9 of the best B2B videos I’ve ever seen.

What is the documentary style?

In this corporate video from Google , the videographers utilize an observational documentary style.

What are the benefits of corporate videos?

Some companies have managed push the form to a higher level, leading to better brand engagement.

What is the video?

The video (seen below) proves that you can convey what you need even when shooting on an iPhone as long as you compose your shots accordingly and utilize your edits appropriately.

What is aximizing engagement?

This video maximizes engagement due to its movement and exploration of the workspace.

How does it work?

The comedy on display in this video from Twitter combines some of the most popular comedic approaches of the last decade; it’s Tim and Eric Community The Office and it totally works.

Research has shown that storytelling videos have a significant impact:

  • Video can increase sales by up to 32%.
  • Descriptive videos are widely used in internal company communications
  • (27% of companies use video for HR messages and 29% of companies use video to cover operational and office messages).
  • 53% of companies believe video will help them raise awareness.
  • For 49% of jobs, video helped increase engagement.
  • 52% of companies say video helps build trust.

This video has a wholesome and heartwarming emotional tone which gives testimony to the company’s values. The viewer follows the young girl as she dances through her home, a symbol to inspire trust and security for the audience as they become familiar with this brand. The writers of this script took a creative and artistic approach and combined it with a high quality video, which shows audiences that the company commits to high standards.

This corporate video by Cadillac was featured in the commercials for the 2021 Super Bowl . It references the classic movie Edward Scissorhands to bring about a sense of familiarity and connection with the viewer. Its comical side keeps the audience engaged and curious. This is a great corporate video because it’s memorable, endearing, and lighthearted.

What qualifies as an award winning corporate video?

A corporate video is a powerful and versatile tool that companies use to share information about their business, introduce a service or product, market their brand, and provide educational training for employees.

What are the top 5 reasons why companies create corporate videos?

Educate customers and build brand awareness. Video content allows for your audience to easily consume information about your product or service. Video can serve to educate your viewers in a quick manner and allow for information to be shared concisely and effectively.

Increase sales and conversion rates. After watching a promotional video, viewers are more likely to ask and eventually purchase your product or service than if they were just looking at a print or digital advertisement.

Demonstrate your product or service easily. Video is the best way to easily explain how your product works or how a customer might benefit from your company’s services. Once a customer understands your product or service, they are more likely to purchase it.

Drive traffic to your website. 75% of viewers will visit a company’s website after watching their video. Businesses have the opportunity to drive traffic to their site by using this excellent tool in their marketing strategy.

Highlight your successes and improve your credibility. When you use video to tell your company’s story, your message is much more likely to land in a compelling way than if you were only using text or still graphics. Video allows for you to showcase your product or service in a unique and personal way and this can help create an emotional connection between your company and the audience it intends to serve.

What are the different types of corporate videos?

There are many different types of corporate videos depending on your objective. Here are a few common categories of corporate videos:

  • Company Profile and Branding
  • Promotional and Brand
  • Product Demos
  • Recruiting, Training and How-To
  • Testimonials

What should my business keep in mind when making our corporate video? 

When making your corporate video , you’ll want to brainstorm on a main objective and message that you hope to get across. Then, you’ll want to decide on an emotional tone. Do you want your video to be funny, serious, touching, or inspiring? Think clearly about what kind of impression you intend to make with your audience. Craft a compelling story that will keep your audience engaged and entertained. Be concise, specific, and authentic!

How do I choose the right award-winning corporate video production company? 

The right production company will help you craft a compelling story for your brand and develop a video that will keep audiences interested and engaged. When looking for a production company to work with, you’ll want to do your research first.

When looking for the best video production company in your area, here’s a checklist of things to keep in mind:

  • Study their video portfolio. Do they have experience creating videos similar to the style and vision you have in mind?
  • Read client testimonials and customer reviews.
  • Ask about their rates. How does their price compare to similar video production companies in your area?

At Start Motion Media , we love to uplift businesses and entrepreneurs through creating visual stories. We know you have an inspiring tale – let us help you bring it to life.

  • Online video advertising ideas for Beginners – Now Studio
  • Video Styles
  • Corporate Tube : Discovering the ROI of Corporate Video

This is an awesome case of how to utilize movement designs and voiceover in your video. This video fortifies the advantages of Rhapsody through a blend of striking on-screen content and voice over. This is joined with dynamic film of sprinters utilizing the application, set to a fiery drum beat. In only 60 seconds, you know all that you have to think about Rhapsody

This video is effortlessly a standout amongst the most enhance recordings. It claims to the two groups of onlookers Honda is endeavoring to achieve: adrenaline junkies and the family driver. The intelligent component was totally unique at the time.

This is exceptional as in it puts the purchaser 100% responsible for what they watch. Shockingly, the host site never again exists for this battle, yet you can see the crusade trailer beneath:

Stressed that the recordings above are excessively entangled, escalated, or costly? Bluehost has discovered the arrangement. They shot and altered this video throughout a solitary day. It is an extraordinary illustration that your video does not need to be convoluted to be powerful.

Amid the video, Bluehost demonstrates their workspace (which incorporates a winding slide), their worker benefits, (for example, free lunch) and the general energy and camaraderie of the organization. A advertisement, conversion optimized enrolling video is an awesome device to draw in new, similarly invested individuals to your organization.

University College

This video, from the University College, is a fantastic case of an instructive limited time video. They know their intended interest group and advance themselves as an inventive and dynamic college. The understudies enlighten you concerning the school, and show you around the grounds at the same time. It has humor, it is novel, and it targets a quite certain market.

You may see that Pitney Bowes doesn’t specify anything about their administrations, yet incorporates their logo toward the end. When you have an intense and critical video, this procedure can work to attract thoughtfulness regarding your organization by being ‘shareable’. Video works best when it’s streamlined to accomplish a solitary objective, as opposed to endeavoring to hit different targets.

Powerful and Motivational Videos

What’s In A Work From Home Wellness Box?

How Incredibly Successful People THINK Brendon Buchard is a New York Times Best Selling Author and motivational speaker. If you haven’t read Brendon’s book The Charge, I highly recommend it. This is one of my favorite clips on his YouTube channel, which talks about the difference in mindset between a successful person and an unsuccessful person.

Quote of the day from this video:  

“Success has been figured out – it’s a mindset game.” “Successful people say ‘I want to do that, but I don’t know how to do that’, but instead of stopping they say ‘then my job is to go learn that’. They take their current limitation and they put it on their agenda as a job to do”.

Are you looking for great team building videos? Dan Pink’s awesome TED Talk above is something that every leader and manager on your team needs to watch. It will challenge your understanding of what motivates people, especially in the workplace.

Quote of the day from this video:

“There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does.” “That new operating system for our businesses revolves around three elements: Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose.” There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does Click To Tweet Why Do We Fall Failure is inevitable in both personal and professional life. What matters isn’t IF you fail… it’s how you respond to that failure. Do you learn from your failures and move forward, or does failure become an excuse to give up entirely?

“A lot of people go to work everyday miserable, and all they do is just talk about is how miserable they are. But they don’t do anything about it.” “You’ve got remind yourself that you’ve got powers within you, talents within you, that you haven’t even reached for yet.” You’ve got to remind yourself that you’ve got powers within you Click To Tweet The Happiness Advantage One of my absolute favorite videos on what happiness truly means. I’ve watched this video at least 10 times and it’s still as impactful as the first time I watched it. Shawn is an amazing storyteller and his light-hearted humor is very engaging.

“If happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there.” “We’re finding it’s not necessarily the reality that shapes us, but the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality. And if we can change the lens, not only can we change your happiness, we can change every single educational and business outcome at the same time.” “What we found is that only 25% of job successes are predicted by I.Q. 75% of job successes are predicted by your optimism levels, your social support, and your ability to see stress as a challenge instead of as a threat.” If happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there Click To Tweet Prove Them Wrong

If you’ve ever had someone tell you that you can’t do something, that your dreams are unrealistic, or that your goals are too high then this video will strike a chord with you. Are you and your team willing to fail over and over again to get to the next level? To be better tomorrow than you are today? Some teamwork videos for employees are just fluff – this one is not.

“Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better.” Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better Click To Tweet A Pep Talk From Kid President to You

If you can watch this video without cracking a smile, you might be a robot. There are a lot of good lessons and laughs in this one. Enjoy!

“Boring is easy, everybody can be boring. But you’re gooder than that.” “It’s like that dude Journey said, don’t stop believing, unless your dream is stupid. Then you should get a better dream.” Boring is easy, everybody can be boring Click To Tweet How Bad Do You Want It?

We all claim to want success, but how much are we really willing to sacrifice to achieve it? This one is a staple for our Sales Team an amazing team motivation video.

“Most of you say you want to be successful, but you don’t want it bad. You just kind of want it. You don’t want it badder than you want to party, you don’t want it is as much as you want to be cool. Most of you don’t want success as much as you want to sleep.” “If you’re going to be successful, you’ve got to be willing to give up sleep.”

How we rated our corporate video awards

video production helps you build your brand and create content so that you can thrive. We’ve produced these tips for success so that you can take your video production seriously. This arena breaks down the best tips for success when picking corporate video production services.

What is corporate video production?

It refers to any production from internal communications or training, culture, or as a marketing or recruiting methods. A commercial video would be the ideal investment for a corporation if they are willing to see the benefits of commercial videography

This video from Foursquare positively has a one of a kind approach: to make the best ‘most exceedingly terrible video’. We think they’ve succeeded. This corporate video demonstrates every one of the things you would prefer not to do in a video: from the storyline , the distance to appalling impacts, this video truly has everything. Twitter adjusts a barely recognizable difference between an aggregate tumble and interesting spoof.

Do you need your own particular corporate video? We would love to visit. Round out the contact frame or call us 415 409 8075

What’s the history of video production companies?

Well, video commercials have been around for a while, in fact they start in 1941 to place ads during the early TV. The purpose of commercial videos is to make sure your communications are done in the absolute best way possible. The kinds of commercial videos include testimonial videos, product explainer videos, annual recap videos, as wells as TV commercials and video ads. The thing about advertising video production. In human resources you might use if for recruiting videos or for orientation or company culture, or for training and or safety, as well as your company announcements.

Most commercial video production companies dream of an iconic advertisement to help transform their industry, we build off of principles to make sure things go best.

Why make a video?

Discovering the ROI of Video

Well, it’s proven that brand video production is the most effective way to provide ROI to your company. The business base for your creative video productions comes to helping you predict what the effects of your marketing experience will be.

For your executives, 59% would rather learn from a video than read text, and 4 out of 5 shoppers feel that demo videos are helpful. And the numbers for revenue growth are sounding – it turns out that you can fro your revenue on average 49% faster that non video marketers.

So the best and most important part of pitching a video production agency to you corporate leads are that you can develop and estimated ROI, and find someone who has the right budget for your advertising video production.

With regards to drawing in new clients, it bodes well that video content is viable. It joins visual symbolism, sound, and additional items like impacts or content headings to illustrate your idea than any one part alone. Furthermore, since video is dynamic, it catches eye superior to static pictures or dividers of content.

So as to draw in new clients, this blend of eye catching media and an obviously clarified idea is critical, settling on video an incredible decision. Video frequently implies that watchers can see your item or administration in real life, preemptively addressing inquiries they may have had and showing genuine applications. This is incredible for driving buys.

The measurements underneath shed some light on the best way to utilize video to catch consideration, gain brand mindfulness, drive buys, and impact your general deals pipe.

Does video content catch consideration in a significant manner?

85% of advertisers state that video is a successful method to get consideration on the web. ( Animoto )

Watchers guarantee they hold 95% of a message when gotten through video. ( Social Media Week )

The normal video holds 37% of watchers right to the finish of the video. ( Hubspot )

The normal standard for dependability of customized recordings is 35% higher than non-customized recordings. ( Hubspot )

Is video content successful in picking up brand mindfulness?

Video advertisements were the #1 way shoppers found a brand they later obtained from. ( Animoto )

  • 94% of video advertisers state video has helped increment client comprehension of their item or administration. ( Wyzowl )
  • 30% of portable customers state video is the best vehicle for finding new items. ( Facebook )
  • 96% of individuals state they’ve viewed an explainer video to get familiar with an item or administration. ( Wyzowl )

Is video content compelling in driving buys?

  • 93% of brands got another client on account of a video via web-based networking media. ( Animoto )
  • 79% of individuals state a brand’s video has persuaded them to purchase a bit of programming or application. ( Wyzowl )
  • 92% of versatile clients report offering recordings to other people. ( Social Media Week )

Does video content influence the business channel?

  • 84% of advertisers state video has helped them increment traffic to their site. ( Wyzowl )
  • 81% of advertisers state video has helped them produce leads. ( Wyzowl )
  • 80% of advertisers state video has expanded harp time on their site. ( Wyzowl )
  • 41% of advertisers state that video has helped them lessen bolster calls. ( Wyzowl )


Channels for Distributing Video Content

Since we’ve secured the effect that video substance can have on shopper brand mindfulness and buy plan, we’re going to plunge into the choices you have for sharing your video content.

We’ll concentrate mostly via web-based networking media stages since there are such huge numbers of social channels to browse, yet there are other extraordinary channel alternatives outside of social also. The details underneath can help point you the correct way with regards to where to share your video content.

While this is extraordinary for the individuals who produce recordings, it likewise shows that soon you will have more challenge around there than any time in recent memory. Similarly as the expanded utilization of email as a showcasing channel is making it harder to be seen in swarmed inboxes, just as be seen as valuable to clients, advertisers will probably battle to get commitment from recordings as the business gets immersed.

This implies it is indispensable that advertisers remain in front of the challenge so as to convey the following enormous video type at the opportune time. Guaranteeing you utilize the most recent strategies or spotlight on the correct zones can assist you with continueing to see comes back from your video content.

To this end, we’ve investigated a portion of the large video promoting patterns for 2020, which you can use to advise your advanced showcasing procedure. Here are a portion of the patterns that we and industry specialists trust you ought to be considering in front of the new year:

Is utilizing video content via web-based networking media significant?

  • 58% of shoppers visit a brand’s online life pages before visiting their site. ( Animoto )
  • 24% of shoppers are making more buys because of promotions via web-based networking media than they did a year ago. ( Animoto )
  • 60% of customers who made a buy from a brand got some answers concerning them via web-based networking media. ( Animoto ) The main 3 buy driving stages are YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. ( Animoto )
  • Would it be advisable for me to utilize video content on Instagram?
  • 77% of advertisers have posted a video on IGTV. ( Animoto )
  • 41% of advertisers state that Instagram Stories has gotten progressively significant over the most recent a year. ( Animoto )
  • 1 of every 4 shoppers made a buy subsequent to seeing a story on Instagram. ( Animoto )

Would it be advisable for me to utilize video content on Twitter?

93% of Twitter video sees occur on portable. ( Twitter )

Recordings with negligible Tweet duplicate have a 13% higher brand and message review and in general view time than recordings with longer Tweet duplicate. ( Twitter )

Discover what video showcasing patterns you should know about for 2020 so as to all the more likely shape your advanced advertising system and convey results.

Online life, the ascent of Stories and the manner by which individuals devour media have all added to making video more significant than any time in recent memory, which means it pays to know about the video showcasing patterns for 2020. Truth be told, 83% of advertisers accept that video is getting progressively significant, which flag the beginning of more brands utilizing them as a feature of their computerized promoting systems.

It is evaluated that individuals will spend all the more day by day minutes watching video throughout the following not many years than any time in recent memory, bringing about more promoters putting resources into online video advertisements so as to drive commitment.

Customized recordings

Personalization is a gigantic popular expression at this moment and is something that advertisers need to pay attention to as well as need to get right. Not exclusively do 72% of buyers state they will now just connect with advertising messages that are customized, 60% of advertisers believe personalization to be a key procedure for improving the nature of their leads.

Past these measurements, personalization crosswise over advertising enables you to assemble an association with your crowd by giving them encounters that are custom-made to them. This encourages you to stand apart from the group, giving buyers motivation to buy and tending to their necessities and torment focuses.

Through personalization, you’re ready to give exceptionally focused on answers for buyers’ needs, adequately sparing them opportunity with regards to scanning for those arrangements and settling on a buy choice. You’ll additionally turn into significantly progressively essential , which is significant as over 90% of shoppers are bound to shop brands who they perceive and who give pertinent offers and proposals .

Over this, 48% of customers state that they need recordings to mirror the items/administrations they’re keen on with regards to illuminating their basic leadership. Strangely, a further 43% said they need recordings to be intelligent so as to enable them to choose what data they need to see and when, which could be the following stage to video personalization.

contact us start motion media video production get quote

While customized recordings have been around for a couple of years – much like site personalization – the expanded significance being put on personalization in general by shoppers implies that it is probably going to take off in 2020 and in light of current circumstances.

Brands that have utilized personalization in the past have seen extraordinary outcomes, for example, Cadbury, which propelled a customized video in 2014. This video consolidated watchers’ own substance (when they had consented to associate with the brand) to naturally produce a video that spoke straightforwardly to them. This crusade brought about an active visitor clicking percentage of 65% and a change pace of 33.6%. While this is a more established model, despite everything it shows the power that personalization inside video can have.

“Customized video is an under-used device and worth testing. From our experience, crusades often produce 50%+ email open rates and 40%+ CTRs. The outcomes represent themselves.”

Jon Mowat – Author and MD of Hurricane.

An information first approach

As we’re seeing crosswise over advertising in general, the one-size-fits-all methodology is never again conveying. An information first approach can guarantee you’re focusing on the correct crowd with the correct informing at the opportune time so as to build commitment and change. This is the reason this methodology will be applied more to video showcasing in 2020.

Download our Individual Member Resource – Video and YouTube advertising guide

Our manual for video showcasing will assist you with developing your business internet utilizing video substance and video stages.

Access the Video and YouTube advertising guide

Video is Twitter’s quickest developing promoting instrument. ( Twitter )

There are more than 2 billion video sees on Twitter every day, which is 67% development over a year ago. ( Twitter )

Tweets with video draw in 10x a bigger number of commitment than Tweets without video.

Advanced Tweets with recordings spare over half on cost-per-commitment.

Would it be a good idea for me to utilize video content on Facebook?

  • Facebook is the #1 stage where advertisers intend to put resources into the following a year.)
  • 33% of advertisers have utilized Facebook Live as a channel.
  • On Facebook, 1 of every 5 recordings is a live communicated Would it be a good idea for me to utilize video content on LinkedIn?
  • 80% of video sees on LinkedIn happen with no stable.
  • Content on LinkedIn intended for quiet survey is 70% bound to be observed completely all the way to the finish. ( LinkedIn )
  • Would it be advisable for me to utilize video content on YouTube?
  • YouTube supplanted Facebook as the #1 stage that influences shopper conduct.YouTube is the #1 buy driver on social.
  • YouTube has 1 billion clients, which is nearly ⅓ of the Internet.
  • Over 70% of YouTube watchtime originates from versatile substance.
  • Consistently, individuals watch over a billion hours of video on YouTube.
  • 83% of purchasers overall lean toward YouTube to watch video content. Would it be a good idea for me to utilize different channels for video content?
  • 41% of video advertisers have utilized online course as a channel.
  • 11% of video advertisers have utilized augmented simulation as a channel.
  • Cisco predicts that live Internet video will represent 17% of Internet video traffic by 2022.

Video Marketing Industry Trends?

Since you know where you should post your video content, you may be considering how different organizations are moving toward video showcasing. Is video showcasing developing? Do organizations see the video showcasing as significant? These measurements shed some light on general patterns in the showcasing space and where the business may be moving in the coming years.

Is video content being utilized by different organizations?

  • 70% of organizations state they’re making more recordings presently contrasted with a similar time a year ago.
  • 96% of advertisers have put promotion spend on record.
  • 87% of organizations currently use video as a showcasing instrument.
  • 91% of video advertisers think about video as a significant piece of their showcasing system.
  • 84% of advertisers rank video creation aptitudes substantial when procuring for another promoting position.
  • 18 is the average number of recordings distributed by organizations every month.
  • 52% of little and medium-sized organizations utilize a blend of in-house and redistributed assets for video creation.
  • Cutting-edge and expert administrations organizations make the newest recordings every year.

Is video going to keep on developing?

  • By 2020, the number of recordings crossing the Internet every subsequent will move toward 1 million.
  • 99% of advertisers guarantee they will keep on utilizing video in their methodology.
  • 88% of advertisers are focused on giving more dollars to video battles later on.

Customer Preferences for Video Content

At this point, you can most likely tell that video content is viable and significant, yet do purchasers appreciate drawing in with them? The simultaneous measurements answer this inquiry and feature some particular inclinations shoppers have for video content. Look at them for subtleties on video length, arrangement, and shopper seeing propensities.

Do individuals like watching recordings?

  • 78% of individuals report watching recordings online every week, with 55% of those viewing consistently.
  • 68% of individuals state they’d most want to find out about another item or administration by watching a short video.
  • 54% surprisingly need advertisers to put out more video content.

Is video position significant?

  • The four most normal video types are explainers, item demos, how-tos, and tributes. 86% of the business-related video sees you occur on work area programs.
  • 82% of individuals think that it’s irritating to watch recordings with a “dark bar” where the videographer hasn’t adequately seen the video to show in their picked direction.
  • When seeing recordings, 75% of individuals like to observe on a level plane.)
  • 60% of clients film content on a level plane. (This methodology gives marks a superior comprehension of what works with regards to their recordings, including the best stage, who they have to target, and the substance of their recordings – among different elements. This data can be gigantically valuable with regards to returns, improving your video promoting ROI.

Various enormous brands are presently utilizing information to drive video imagination, and it is delivering profits. PepsiCo is one case of information gone video promoting conveying results. The organization needed to re-arrange the brand Quaker in the UK and utilized the knowledge to advise its video content, bringing about a business lift of 4.25%. Sometimes it was 2x the elevate seen with their nonexclusive methodology.

StartMotionMEDIA has a natural knack for storytelling. They have gone through the process of helping so many clients present their stories–and rally supporters around those stories–that I knew they would help me launch a successful project.

The quality of your work, applicability of your business’ focus to my need. -To understand the ins and outs of storytelling, and available tools. Thank you for sharing my passion.

Amazing day 1 “pop” of almost $30k, all due to their pre campaign “prime the pump” organized effort! Start Motion Media is a fantastic wealth of knowledge. It allowed me to harness the power of my network. It got people genuinely interested in the project which translated into huge earnings!

Their focus is strictly on video branding & marketing. The whole process was on rails. I didn’t have to worry about the details because he had me covered.

We got prompt responses.  Start Motion Media is very informational when it comes to actually marketing a project. This process can be very overwhelming and they will sit down and walk you through it. They want you to succeed and this is obvious.

You were extremely well organized with your thoughts and knowledgeable about the subject material. you clearly knew your space. It didn’t hurt that you were very competitively priced – worth every penny and then some.

Without Start Motion Media I would have never attempted to launch a KickStarter campaign. They are a real pro in the space and walk you through every step of your content plan.

It made me rethink my funnel by building it up first and testing it with customers on the list. I feel far more comfortable with the list so I can turn it on and have good content to send everyone.

Start Motion Media has an amazing track record, which is what was most appealing from the start.

The finished product was what I wanted but could not envision in advance.

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  • Advertising Video Production Company – Reviews
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  • Commercial Video Production Companies Near Me
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  • Contact (Demo)
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  • Film Agency Portfolio – Watch Now | Commercial Video Production
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Measuring Success: ROI Metrics for Social Media Video Ad Campaigns Success is subjective, and its metrics can vary for the client and the marketer, especially in the field of social media advertising. However, one thing about which both of them will agree is to get a great return on investment(ROI) on each dollar spent. The most crucial aspect of social media video ad campaigns is not how much you’ve spent but what you are getting in return compared to the total amount you’re spending.  There are many metrics to judge the impact of your social media video ad campaigns. Some examples of them are views rate, watch time, completion rate, click-through rate, conversion rate and cost metric. But, measuring the ROI metrics specifically is one of the most important parts of running successful video ad campaigns for social media.  In this article, you’ll get to know how you can measure your marketing success by analyzing the ROI metrics for social media video ad campaigns. So, let’s begin! The top four ROI metrics for social media video advertising are as follows:- View Count & Time According to SEO Toronto experts, this is one of the most important metrics to judge the impact of your advertising success. The video ad views can aid you in gauging the impact when you compare it with your organic video views on social media. So, you can better understand where your ad campaigns are going.  The view count and time also vary from platform to platform. For example, if the video ad campaign is being run on YouTube, the view count will be higher compared to other social media platforms. Moreover, the view time will also be considerably high due to the longer duration of YouTube ads.  In the case of Instagram, the video ads will be a lot shorter in duration, limited to just seconds. The result of these ads might also be not that much in terms of view time due to various reasons.  You have to analyze your video ad view counts and time in comparison to that of your organic social media videos. If it’s more than 50% then that will definitely give you a great ROI.  Engagement With The Ads Social media platforms run on the basis of the engagement of their users. These engagement metrics include likes, comments, followers and shares. The metrics are basically used to judge organic social media content, but they can very well be analyzed to know how well your video ad campaign is performing.  When it comes to the likes on your ads, the more, the better. With more likes, you’ll get to know your audience is interested in what you are offering.  If your ads are getting significant comments, understand the intent behind them. Judge these comments on the basis of whether they are positive, negative, or neutral. This will not only serve as feedback for your future ads, but you can also optimize your running ad campaigns accordingly.  One of the benefits of paid ads on social media is that your follower or subscriber count also increases considerably. In case your organic followers are not increasing even after executing multiple ad campaigns, you need to strategize again for them.  Social sharing is not that common in social media video ads. However, if several users are sharing your ads, that’s like having a double bonanza. It’s because you’re getting the benefit of organic sharing giving you more opportunities to engage with different sets of audiences. Due to this, the ROI for your ads will definitely be a lot higher than what you’d envisaged.  Click Through Rate(CTR) CTR is the metric which lets you know the percentage of people who clicked on the call to action link or button and took the desired action. By analyzing CTR, you can judge how effective you ad campaign has been.  You can know the CTR of your ads by following the formula below:- CTR=(Clicks/Impressions)x100 If your ad has a higher CTR, that means it’s reaching and engaging those users who you wanted to target. Moreover, it can serve as the benchmark for all your video ad campaigns. The more the CTR, the better cost efficiency you’ll get on the total amount spent. By analyzing CTR, you can get amazing insights as well.  Conversion Rate Conversion rate is the prime ROI metric to know your video ad’s performance. It lets you know how many people took the desired action after clicking on your social media video ad. There is a basic difference between CTR and conversion rate. The former measures the initial engagement, whereas the latter focuses on the ultimate goal of converting the prospect into a paid client. But conversion rate is the ultimate metric you should focus on! To measure the conversion rate, you can follow this formula:- Conversion Rate=(Conversions/Clicks)x100 By knowing the conversion rate of your social media video ad campaigns, you can measure their effectiveness in how many users converted overall. If the conversion rate is pretty good, that definitely means a higher ROI. In case, your ad has a great CTR but low conversion rate, that gives you an opportunity to analyze where your ad is lacking. As a result, you can refine and optimize your ad campaigns to get a better conversion rate, giving you a higher ROI.  Conclusion Social media video ad campaigns can be as effective as the search ad campaign and even more in some instances. However, you should know the metrics to better assess their performance.  Metrics such as view count & time, engagement, CTR, along conversion rate of the ads will give you a clear picture. These ROI metrics will let you know the results your video ad campaigns are getting as compared to the total amount spent on running these ads. These ROI metrics will help you not only in optimizing your current social media video ad campaigns but the future ones as well. Due to this, you’ll get a lot of leads with an amazing conversion rate and a great ROI on your social media video ad campaigns.  About The Author: Amir Waheed is the co-founder & CEO of SEO Toronto Experts. He intends to bring a massive transformation to eCommerce SEO Services.  His team of talented IT professionals knows the secret of getting huge conversions.  Social Profile Links https://ca.linkedin.com/in/amirwaheed https://twitter.com/amirwaheed?lang=en https://www.crunchbase.com/person/amir-waheed. 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Starting a new business campaign? Exciting! Yet, launching a fresh be can be daunting, filled with decisions and strategies that could make or break your business. But don’t fret, this guide aims to help. Throughout, the blog post is going to break down the essentials for jumpstarting a promising business campaign, ensuring you’re well-equipped for success. So, are you ready to elevate your business to new heights? Let’s dive in! Create A Strong Marketing Plan Creating a robust advertising strategy is the first step towards jumpstarting a successful business campaign. The experts working over at 1-vision.com will explain to you how a  good marketing plan acts as your roadmap, outlining the pathway to your business goals. It clarifies your objectives, identifies your target market, and describes how you plan to reach your audience.  A well-thought-out marketing plan has an understanding of your customer’s needs at its heart, ensuring that your campaign resonates with them on a personal level. It helps you define your unique selling proposition (USP) and distinguish your brand from the competition. Integrating your USP into your campaign ensures you deliver a consistent, compelling message that solidifies your brand image and loyalty. Moreover, a marketing plan helps allocate resources effectively. It identifies areas requiring investment, ensuring you get the highest return on your marketing dollars.  Finally, a marketing plan is measurable. Setting key performance indicators (KPIs) allows you to track the effectiveness of your campaign, make data-driven decisions, and adapt your strategies as necessary.  Identify Your Target Audience Identifying your target audience is a critical step in initiating a successful business campaign. Why? Because knowing your target audience inside and out gives your campaign direction and purpose. It allows you to understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors, which in turn, helps shape your products, services, and marketing efforts to cater specifically to them.  For example, if you’re targeting health-conscious millennials, you might focus on promoting organic, eco-friendly products and utilize social media platforms for marketing, as this demographic tends to engage with brands digitally and values sustainability.  Moreover, understanding your target audience can help improve the efficiency of your campaign. Instead of wasting resources trying to reach a broad, indifferent audience, you can focus your efforts on channels and methods that effectively reach your target demographic.  Finally, identifying your target audience enables you to create personalized, engaging content that resonates with them emotionally. This not only attracts potential customers but also helps nurture existing ones, building brand loyalty and advocacy. In summary, knowing your target audience can immensely contribute to jumpstarting a successful business campaign, ensuring your marketing efforts are not just heard, but truly listened to. Setting Goals Whenever you start a new campaign, you must have realistic goals in mind that you will want to reach throughout the process. These could be the following: brand awareness lead generation sales revenue customer acquisition website traffic engagement metrics conversion rate improvement influencer engagement social media metrics user engagement educational or informative goals customer feedback and reviews return on investment market penetration Setting goals acts as the cornerstone for a successful business campaign. Clear, concise objectives serve as your compass, guiding your campaign efforts and enabling you to maintain focus. Having concrete goals also fosters accountability, inspiring your team to work towards them and measure progress effectively.  Furthermore, goals help in resource allocation, ensuring your time and finances are invested in areas that align with your objectives. They also provide a benchmark for success, allowing you to assess the campaign’s effectiveness, make necessary adjustments, and celebrate victories.  Ultimately, goal setting infuses your campaign with direction, purpose, and motivation, acting as the driving force that propels your business forward. Whether your goals are related to brand awareness, sales, or engagement metrics, they are essential in jumpstarting your campaign and achieving business success. Clear Value Proposition Value propositions crisply articulate why your product or service is uniquely valuable to your target audience, effectively differentiating your brand from competitors. In essence, it’s your elevator pitch to customers, succinctly answering the question, “Why choose us?”  A compelling value proposition helps in jumpstarting a business campaign in several ways. Firstly, it grabs your audience’s attention, stimulating interest in your offering right off the bat. Secondly, it clarifies your brand’s unique strengths and benefits, building a solid foundation for your marketing messages. Thirdly, it inspires customer trust and loyalty, as it underlines your commitment to delivering value and meeting customer needs.  By ensuring your value proposition is clear, concise, and compelling, you can captivate your audience, boost your brand visibility, and ensure your business campaign hits the ground running. Remember, a well-articulated value proposition isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s a potent tool for sparking interest, driving engagement, and ultimately, propelling your business forward. Engaging Content Creation In today’s digital age, content is king – it’s the primary means through which you communicate with your audience, share your brand story, and promote your products or services. Engaging content that resonates with your target audience can substantially amplify your campaign’s reach and effectiveness. Firstly, engaging content attracts and retains audience attention, increasing your brand visibility and reach. If your content is interesting, valuable, and relevant, audiences are more likely to share it, thus extending your campaign’s reach even further.  Moreover, by creating proper content that aligns with your audience’s interests and needs, you foster stronger relationships with them. This not only attracts new customers but also nurtures existing ones, bolstering brand loyalty and advocacy. Lastly, engaging content boosts your SEO efforts, improving your search engine ranking and drawing more traffic to your website.  Website Optimization Every modern business needs to have a website, but just creating one is not enough – it should be optimized to its full potential. Here are some tips to achieve this: mobile responsiveness page loading speed user-friendly design high-quality content keyword optimization Meta tags and descriptions internal linking external linking schema markup image optimization secure connections social media integration CTA placement contact information sitemap Google analytics and search console optimized URLs responsive images and videos minimize redirects regular updates accessibility test cross-browser compatibility user feedback A/B testing Optimizing your website can significantly boost the success of your business campaign. It improves user experience, making navigation smoother and faster. This encourages visitors to stay longer, increasing your chances of conversion. Additionally, a well-optimized website ranks higher in search engine results, enhancing your online visibility and attracting more potential customers. Social Media Engagement Social media channels, with their extensive reach and interactive nature, offer a vibrant space for businesses to connect with their target audiences, create brand awareness, and drive engagement. More than just broadcast mediums, these platforms enable a two-way conversation with your audience. This fosters an interactive relationship, eliciting feedback, encouraging participation, and promoting a sense of community around your brand.  Regular interactions via comments, likes, shares, or direct messaging not only make your brand more relatable but also offer insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors. Additionally, strategically crafted and well-timed posts can go viral, exponentially increasing your campaign’s reach and visibility. Thus, active social media engagement sets the stage for a successful business campaign, enabling your brand to resonate with your audience, amplify your message, and ultimately, drive business growth. Influencer And Partnership Collaboration Partnering with influencers and other businesses can provide a significant boost to your business campaign. Influencers, with their established audiences and trusted voices, can lend credibility to your brand and expand your reach. Their endorsement can influence their followers’ purchasing decisions, driving increased traffic and conversions. Collaborations can also expose your brand to new audiences, increasing brand awareness and potential customer base.  Meanwhile, business partnerships allow for resource sharing, including customer bases, marketing resources, and industry expertise. By aligning with a company that shares your target audience, you can co-create content and campaigns that provide mutual benefits. This collaboration can lead to cost savings, increased brand credibility, and a wider audience reach.  In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, leveraging the power of influencers and strategic partnerships can jumpstart your business campaign, accelerating brand visibility, customer acquisition, and revenue growth. Data Analytics And Iteration Data analytics provide valuable insights into your target audience’s behavior, preferences, and needs. This informs your campaign strategy, enabling you to tailor your messages, offers, and channels to resonate with your audience. It also helps identify what’s working and what’s not, guiding you in optimizing your campaign for better results. Iteration, on the other hand, is the process of continually refining your campaign based on these insights. It involves testing different campaign elements (like headlines, images, or calls to action), measuring their performance, and implementing the most effective versions. This constant feedback loop ensures your campaign remains relevant and effective, continually improving over time. Together, data analytics and iteration form a powerful combo for a successful business campaign. They enable you to understand your audience better, craft more impactful messages, optimize campaign performance, and ultimately, achieve your business objectives more effectively. Ensuring the success of your business campaign is an ongoing process that requires thoughtful strategy, execution, and constant refinement. Engage with your audience through compelling content, optimize your website for user experience, utilize the reach of social media, collaborate with trusted influencers and businesses, and leverage data analytics for continuous improvement. Remember, your campaign’s success lies in staying relevant and responsive to your audience’s evolving needs and preferences. Stay committed, stay proactive, and watch your business grow. Start Motion Media News: Top Ways to Run and Grow a Social Media Account Unlocking Explosive Growth: Leading Social Media Hacks For 2… Youtube Ads Denver – Top 10 Video Companies 10 Best Social Media Marketing Companies: Unleashing Commerc… Kickstarter Video Production San Francisco | Crowdfunding Ca… Marketing With Video: The Definitive Guide – Entrepren…

Start Motion Media News: News Advertising Video Production Services Team | SMM Commercial Production Company Marketing With Video: The Definitive Guide – Entrepren… The Best Commercial Video Production Company – Denver Services

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Showcasing Impactful Campaigns: A Deep Dive into Video Marketing Case Studies The world of video marketing is vibrant and diverse, with campaigns that have not only achieved commercial success but also sparked significant social conversations and change. Here’s an exploration of some notable campaigns, highlighting the creative strategies and impactful storytelling that set them apart. Vice News and Dentsu Webchutney: “Guerrilla Tour of the British Museum” Objective: To bring attention to under-reported issues of colonialism by creating an unconventional tour of the British Museum. Strategy: Partnering with Dentsu Webchutney, Vice News used guerrilla marketing tactics to spotlight colonial narratives, engaging viewers with thought-provoking content. Outcome: The campaign was celebrated for its daring approach and success in fostering discussions on historical narratives, earning accolades for its bold storytelling. Pepsi and Alma DDB Miami: “The Pepsi Challenge” Objective: To demonstrate consumer preference for Pepsi over its competitors through a blind taste test. Strategy: Executed by Alma DDB Miami, this campaign utilized engaging methodologies to highlight consumer choices in a direct comparison with Coke. Outcome: The findings garnered widespread attention, with the campaign being lauded for its engaging approach and insightful contributions to market research. Change the Ref and Leo Burnett Chicago Objective: To illuminate the tragic impact of gun violence on youth, advocating for gun reform. Strategy: Through poignant visuals and narratives, the campaign presented the harsh realities of gun violence, aiming to humanize the statistics and drive legislative change. Outcome: “Change the Ref” resonated deeply, sparking dialogue and action towards gun reform, highlighting the power of emotive storytelling in social advocacy. Spotify and FCB New York: “A Song for Every CMO” Objective: To showcase Spotify’s personalized music curation capabilities while engaging with Chief Marketing Officers of major brands. Strategy: FCB New York created personalized playlists for CMOs, blending direct marketing with entertainment to demonstrate Spotify’s targeting and customization prowess. Outcome: The campaign reinforced Spotify’s innovative advertising approach, cementing its reputation as a leader in digital music streaming. Channel 4 and 4creative: “Super. Human” Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Campaign Objective: To challenge and change perceptions of disability, celebrating the extraordinary capabilities of Paralympic athletes. Strategy: Through emotive advertisements, the campaign portrayed Paralympians as superheroes, inspiring and redefining narratives around disability and sport. Outcome: “Super. Human” not only promoted the Paralympic Games but also ignited crucial conversations about diversity, inclusion, and human potential. Sandy Hook Promise and BBDO New York Objective: To raise awareness of gun violence warning signs and promote preventative actions. Strategy: The campaign created impactful ads to highlight the prevalence of school shootings and the importance of proactive intervention. Outcome: Sandy Hook Promise effectively increased awareness and advocacy for gun violence prevention, demonstrating the role of strategic communication in societal change. These case studies exemplify how video marketing can transcend traditional boundaries, creating meaningful connections and driving significant social, cultural, and brand conversations. Start Motion Media, leveraging its expertise in storytelling and strategic marketing, embodies the qualities seen in these successful campaigns, aiming to produce content that not only achieves business objectives but also contributes to broader societal discourse and change. Start Motion Media News: Youtube Ads Denver – Top 10 Video Companies 10 Best Social Media Marketing Companies: Unleashing Commerc… How To Jumpstart A New And Promising Business Campaign Kickstarter Video Production San Francisco | Crowdfunding Ca… Marketing With Video: The Definitive Guide – Entrepren… Airbnb of Education

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Start Motion Media News: Kickstarter Video Production San Francisco | Crowdfunding Ca… Advertising Video Production Services Video Styles Related Posts The Best Commercial Video Production Company – Denver 10 Ways to get Leads and Customers with Video Advertising

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How To Make Case Study Videos That Transform Your Sales

A middle aged attractive woman sitting at a personal work desk. She is the subject of a case study video.

Case study videos can be your most powerful sales tool if used correctly. Let’s check out the secret sauce to make them finally work for you.

Case study videos done right, have the power to revolutionize your sales process. They are quite an effective approach to video production , since they are honest, less braggy, and most importantly, they tell a great story. 

The one problem with them?

They don’t often turn out that engaging, and as a result, they don’t generate revenue the way other types of videos do.  

Here are some of the problems I’ve seen with case study videos:

  • The narrator isn’t engaging or charismatic
  • They ramble on
  • No storytelling strategy 
  • A measurable success isn’t highlighted
  • Missing a clear call to action for the viewer

As a result, these videos fall flat. 

But there is a way to make sure your case study videos transform your sales.

Let’s look at what we can do to overhaul the whole process and create a case study videos that actually work.

What is a Great Case Study?

A great case study is a great success story.

It functions similar to a testimonial video because it tells the story of your brand from your client’s perspective. Think of it as a 2 minute documentary.

First, the biggest benefit of a case study is that you have an expert (someone who has no financial stake in the company) vouching for your brand. 

“The fact that you have customers who are willing to vouch for you speaks volumes about the quality of your product or service.” – Sales Force

While testimonials simply tell a story, a case study can incorporate facts and figures that prove a measurable improvement. These aren’t just good words. They are proof!

Second, a defining element to a case study video is that it highlights the benefits of your brand, and not the features. It’s all about what happens afterwards; the result. 

Once your potential client has an understanding of what you offer, the result is all that matters to them. This is where the case study video starts to make an impact on your sales.

Third, it can handle a specific objective your prospect may have. This is where you can really make your video effective. Consider designing it to help overcome your potential client’s most common challenge in moving forward – and you’ll have a powerful weapon in your arsenal. 

Advantages Of A Case Study Video

Sell Without Selling

The first advantage of a case study is that they sell without selling . 

Instead, they sell with storytelling. Brand storytelling is the most natural, organic, and authentic way you can sell your product. By just telling a great story, you can actually get someone excited to buy something, even if that wasn’t your intention!  


What’s great about a case study is that the story is narrated by your current or past client. Your future client will relate far more to your client than they will to you. 

It’s also a huge relief, because it takes the pressure off you to sound or speak a certain way on camera. Phew!

Amazing Sales Tool

It’s also a powerful tool for your sales team. They can send out the video via email and build trust and authority in your brand. Video is really effective in this process especially with email marketing.

Insivia reported that 90% of people found a video far more helpful in their buying process than reading text. 

Your sales team will love you for it!

Types Of Case Study Videos

Well that’s enough text, let’s actually watch one!

We produced this case study video for Widerfunnel, a website optimization agency. It features two marketing experts from Dollar shave club.

Can’t film in person?

No problem. You can always conduct an interview through a virtual call, such as Zoom, or any of the other options (as long as you have the ability to record the call). Then you can take the video recording to the editing room and turn it into a case study video.  

In this example below, we used some footage we had banked from a shoot the year before, and used it to spice up the video. 

Keep in mind, it’s near impossible to achieve the same production quality as a live camera crew, however, if you can’t enter someone’s home, this is your best solution.

How To Structure Case Study Videos

Our philosophy is this: 

How you plan the story of your case study video is the most important part of the entire video process!

If you’re going to tell a story, make sure you’re using proven storytelling structure to develop your narrative.

Here are the main ingredients in proper order.

The first part of the case study should start with a big problem! We stole this from Hollywood movies. Pretty much any exciting movie has a problem happen early on in the movie. The same psychology applies here. Make it interesting, and make the problem be the same one your potential clients are having, and they will pay more attention to your video.

This is the part where you introduce your brand into the story. You don’t need to spend a lot of time on “the how”. Instead, go into things like how great your staff is, and the emotional impact they client experience, either through the product, or the customer service. Great customer service is always a fantastic selling feature. Either way, a great experience is what the potential client is looking for. Most won’t really care how you do it, they want to know it’s going to go well for them.

This is also the part where you explain a clear and measurable benefit. This is what takes your case study video from average, to excellent!

Call To Action

No video is complete without a call to action. If you’re going to pull on their heartstrings and get them emotionally engaged, you’ll want to leverage that motivation. Make sure your call to action is clear, simple, easy for anyone to accomplish.

Focus On Script

Using the 3 main story points laid out above, you can begin to form a script, or general story points that you want your client to follow. It’s important to give your interviewees this guide well in advance, and most of them will be grateful for it. Knowing what to say is most people’s biggest fear when it comes to being on camera. The more they can follow a pre-made script, the better it will be for them and you.

It’s important that the video doesn’t drag on. At the end of the day it’s not a Hollywood or Netflix level production here. Try to keep it short and sweet. 

We always use this Video script timer and make sure the length isn’t getting out of hand. 

Type Of Case Studies To Avoid 

Self Taping

Avoid a situation where the person shoots the video themselves without any direction as to how the video looks. If they aren’t a video expert, they can end up making the video too dark, too light, or make many other film mistakes. Most likely they will make at least one big mistake and it will lower your video quality and even make it harder to want to watch.

Try to consult a video expert ahead of time, and get feedback on how the shot is looking, and how you can improve it.

At a bare minimum, make sure they study and follow these virtual video tips , so that they are aware of what steps make or break their video. 

Your script is your most important asset to a successful video. If you leave the storytelling to the interviewee to handle on their own, most likely they will make a video that isn’t engaging. It won’t evoke emotions, and it won’t work. 

Storytelling is an art and a science. So consult an expert beforehand to ensure the best quality, and the best result.

Choosing The Right Person For Your Case Study

Excited People: Choosing the right person to go on camera is critical. Make sure they are excited about the results they got from you. Afterall, they’ve been designated to get someone else excited about your brand.

Getting an excited person may not always be possible, but try your best to find someone who fits this profile.

Otherwise, just give them tons of coffee.

Charismatic People: Try to find someone who has a bit of charm, and someone who is comfortable on camera. If they are deathly afraid of the camera, they likely aren’t going to be a good spokesperson for your brand. 

Great Clients: If you can’t find someone who’s excited or comfortable on camera, try to find someone who has a great success story. Their story may be charismatic enough on it’s own to enrapture your audience. 

Where To Use Case Study Videos 

There are two stages where case study videos are best used. Since case study videos highlight your benefits, both should come after someone is familiarized with your features and basics of what you offer. 

Top Of Funnel: A case study video is a great tool for your sales team, when dealing with top of funnel clients that don’t have much awareness of your brand. This video can help them trust you enough to take the next step, and can even get them excited to work with you!

Middle Of Funnel: This is where they’re familiar with your offerings, and know a little bit about you, but are having trouble making a decision to invest money. It’s the most common place where prospects fall off (sometimes into a black hole of obscurity). The case study can handle your client’s most common resistance. It can literally be the thing that gets them off the fence.

Secrets To Create Mass Appeal

Smiles: It’s important that you have lots of smiling happy people in your video.  Show that people are happy and excited in your video, and as a result, this will broadcast to your viewer and get them excited too. I know, this may sound cliche or cheesy, but it’s important – and it works!

Uplifting Music: Have boring music, and your video will be boring. Have uplifting music, and your video will be uplifting. Brilliant. I know.

Well-Illuminated Subject: This is where you’ll want to have a video team consulting you, especially if you’re recording a virtual meeting. There are certain tricks we use to make the interviewee more charismatic such as making sure their eyes are glistening, for instance. This adds tremendous value to the production quality.

Here’s an example of cast study where the narrator is well illuminated during her interview :

Humour In Case Study Videos

If you really want to step up your case study and knock it out of the park, consider peppering in some humour. This can always be done in a professional way. It just requires some foresight and extra planning, but it’s totally worth it. 

Here’s an example of an excellent case study video that includes humour. It’s incredible!

award winning case study videos

Anthony is the Director at UpMedia Video, and an expert at Video Marketing, with a rapidly growing business. He’s spent over 18 years in media production, from award winning television shows (on Netflix and HBO), to producing ads for large corporations such as Toyota, Flight Center, and Canada Life.

award winning case study videos

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Get video that turns your product into a market leader.

Top-tier video production for fast-moving brands. We manage everything end-to-end, with a process so smooth you'll barely feel it. Power up with storytelling that actually works and creative that wins across every channel.

The better way to get creative production done for video design illustration


Magnetic storytelling, with a proven creative production process.

Get a perfect blend of creative, production and marketing strategy. Have your product communicated with a high degree of precision, and creative tact. Across video, design and illustration, get all the creative production your company needs.

Search our videos, design and illustration projects. Get inspiration for your next brief.

Real results for tech brands, and industries embracing technical innovation.

We’ve successfully communicated products of all shapes and sizes, from fast growing startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Creative video that works

We’ve battle-tested what works over hundreds of projects and campaigns. Whether it’s increasing ROAS by 5.8x or getting view rates consistently 90%+. We produce creative that works.

End-to-end. Fully managed

We’ll manage the whole production process for you, from briefing to creative development and scripting, right through to production and post-production.

Dynamic and evergreen

Make changes to your content over time. Localise for international markets. Change ratios across social channels. Make cut-downs, split-test, and leverage your content in inifinite ways.

Choose a video type

A huge range of video capabilities , all under one roof. Vidico is the video production company for growing tech brands. Get an evolving, 360 degree view on what kind of video content is right for your marketing strategy.

We make videos that caters to each stage of the funnel for Engagement, Acquisition and Retention. 

Brand Video

Careers video, case study video, crowdfunding video, explainer video, overview video, social video, walkthrough video, trusted by global brands, whose products you use every day., karim zuhri.

With Vidico, every single detail matters. They make sure everything looks clean, beautiful and very professional. Really caring about the outcome and following up, again and again, to make sure you're happy with the results. A real customer-focused team.

+ Avg. view duration 56s (93% view rate). + Over 1.4 million views on Youtube.

Adam Harder

The ROI we were getting, the cost per acquisition and the ARPU just for the views have really been effective. The cost has been low per customer when they’re transitioning from our youtube to our website and purchasing our platform via that video.

+ Over 3.7 million views on Youtube. + Lowered CPA.

The Vidico team is a joy to work with -- talented copywriters and animators, seamless communication, and timely delivery despite our 14-hour time difference. Our product video came out beautifully, and we'd gladly work with Evan, Michael, and the team again.

+ 3x commercials produced and localised for USA.

How is Vidico different?

1. Dedicated team: Vidico literally gives your marketing and creative teams superpowers. You can rapidly bring any idea to life and make it work for your business.

2. Fully managed: Skip the hassle of managing video production on your own and plan, shoot, edit, and produce your content through Vidico.

3. Results-first : We’ve battle-tested what works and what doesn’t work over hundreds of different campaigns and for a variety of different businesses and industries.

What is your video production process like?

We’ve streamlined the entire production process to ensure quality is high:

  • Creative briefing and onboarding: We provide you with a creative brief to collect your product value propositions and your existing brand guidelines and logo files.
  • Pre- production: We develop a concept and a script, then locate the best talent available.
  • Production: for animation, we’ll then illustrate the entire storyboard before heading into motion.
  • Post-production: an editor or motion graphics expert handles all the editing from start to finish.
  • Delivery: once the editing is completed, all the media files will be made available for download following your final sign-off.

What types of video content do you produce?

It’s typical for video production agencies to only produce live-action or animation — at Vidico, we have expert teams that work together to provide both.

Our team has more than 200+ years of experience in live-action and animated video.

Where are you located?

We have teams in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Barcelona, and South Africa to help you produce engaging video content.

We have loyal clients from Canberra, the Blue Mountains, Perth, and Gold Coast- with half of our clients in the United States; we have an international presence extending to video production houses in Australia, Singapore, and the United Kingdom.

What type of video is right for our business?

This typically depends on one of three goals: customer acquisition , engagement or retention . We also consider audience and distribution channels (TV, Facebook, Youtube, TikTok).

What makes a good video marketing strategy?

New formats and channels bring new opportunities. Every brand, marketer, and agency is investing in video content.

Do you need a product strategy or help develop an existing strategy further? We’ve got you covered. Book a call with our video strategy team.

What briefing materials should I provide?

Here’s what our Communications manager and production team needs:

1. A clear and concise description of the project goals and what you’d like your video to achieve. 2. A detailed description of the target audience and the channels that you’re looking for the video to be distributed across. 3. A list of required deliverables, including cut-downs, ratios, or localisations. 4. Timeline 5. Ideal budget range. 6. If you’re after multiple videos, the scope of video production services you’re looking for.

If you need help choosing a style, you can use our portfolio search tool.

Does Vidico focus on corporate video production?

We specialise in corporate video production and produce video content for both enterprise and challenger brands. Read the full review about us from fixthephoto.com


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Case Study Video Production

A powerful way to bring personality to your organisation

What are case study videos?

Case study videos are a powerful way to bring personality to your organisation and show the impact your products and services can make. 

Because case study videos feature real-life examples of people’s experiences with your organisation, they can help your target market relate to the situation, add some personality and emotion to the facts and figures, and better understand who you are and why they should care. 

They can add credibility to your organisation too. Think about it. If you meet a bloke called Dave at a party and he tells you how great he is at something, you probably think he’s either misguided or arrogant. But if you’re chatting to someone else, and they tell you how amazing Dave is and how he’s helped them to achieve things they never thought possible, you’ll probably believe them, and you’ll probably want to meet Dave yourself.

Why work with Liquona to produce your case study videos?

At Liquona, we're more than just a video production company; we're your partner in making you shine. 

For every project we undertake, including producing video case studies, we take the time to truly understand your brand and your objectives, and we’ll bring fresh and innovative ideas from our wealth of experience in both broadcast TV and commercial film production.

Our results speak for themselves, as seen in the testimonials from satisfied clients who have experienced the transformative power of our work. 

LinkedIn and ITV case study

Back in 2010, we made history as the first agency outside the USA to create films like this for LinkedIn. 

This case study film features ITV, one of LinkedIn's clients, and the impact that using LinkedIn’s recruiting solutions has had on ITV’s business. 

The brief was to tell the story of how LinkedIn played a pivotal role in boosting ITV's recruitment strategy. They wanted to connect with passive candidates, elevate their brand presence in the market, and achieve a more cost-effective 'cost per hire.'

The video also has broad appeal and is suitable for a diverse audience, whether the viewer is new to the topic or a seasoned pro.

Eye Surgery Case Study

For this case study film we had dual clients – working with STAAR Surgical & a number of eye clinics.   They wanted to create a series of case study films to spread the word about how effective the product is and how it can help people.  2,000,000 lenses have been sold worldwide but in the UK the market isn’t as established – so we were instructed to help build the UK brand.  The clinics also wanted to build trust in their surgeons & showcase their clinics. Ultimately, they all wanted to direct interested people to more detailed information about the procedure on their websites.

RNCF case study

The Royal National Children's Foundation (RNCF), is a British charity that supports around 400 vulnerable and underprivileged children by giving them the incredible opportunity to attend state and independent boarding schools and day schools. 

While the number of lives that RNCF transform is huge, this case study video shows the power of a personal, individual story, as we hear from Chinonso and the impact the charity has had on her.

Capsule CRM case study

And here’s a case study video we produced for a supplier we use at Liquona, Capsule CRM. This case study addresses some of the challenges that many of Capsule’s target market might be facing themselves and explains how Capsule’s product solves them. Because it’s told from the client’s perspective it’s much more effective and credible than if Capsule created a sales video listing the features and benefits available.

Are you looking to grow your business?

Obviously that's a rhetorical question. So call today to find out how we can help you!

  • What are the benefits of using case study videos? Case study videos offer loads of benefits to businesses, making them an invaluable tool for marketing and communication: Credibility and trust: Case study videos provide real-world evidence of a business's capabilities. They showcase successful outcomes and satisfied customers, boosting credibility and trust among potential clients or partners. Engagement: Videos are inherently engaging. They combine visuals, audio, information, emotion and storytelling to capture and maintain viewers' attention, making it easier to convey complex information and hold the audience's interest. Lead capture: Well-optimised case study videos can attract potential customers who are actively searching for solutions to their problems. They can also be gated behind forms to capture lead information for further engagement. Demand Generation: As well as capturing leads from people who are already looking for your solutions, case study videos can create additional demand too. At any given moment, most of your target market is not looking for your solution. Many of them might not even be aware they’re experiencing a problem and are just living with it as a challenge in their lives. Case study films provide a unique way to highlight the challenges you address and show your target audience the solutions that are available to them. Increased conversions: For big ticket items and B2B sales, potential customers need to be reassured that they’re making the right decision before they sign a contract or part with their cash. Case study videos are able to give them that confidence as they’ll hear from real people they can relate to. Competitive advantage: Businesses that use case study videos stand out in a crowded marketplace, particularly if you’re able to showcase some household names or marque brands you work with for a particular niche.
  • How can you promote your case study video? Your website is the shop window for your business, and case study videos are a great asset to add to your site. But it doesn’t need to be the only place you use them. Because case studies provide reassurance to potential customers that your customers are happy with your offering, you should make them easy to find for your sales team so they can include them in proposals they send to prospective customers. Similarly, you might also include links to your case study films in email nurturing campaigns. Case studies can also open the eyes of your potential market to challenges they’re facing that you’re able to help them overcome. Video works brilliantly in social media, both paid ads and organic, so can reach your target market who might not be looking for your solutions at that point in time. For the same reason, you can also embed a thumbnail of the case study video into the email signatures of some of your employees, particularly ones who are often in contact is prospects or existing customers. By featuring a relevant case study video in the email signature of your customer support or account managers, you can raise awareness of new products and services which your existing customers may not be aware of. You can showcase study films on screens on a stand at a conference or exhibition you’re attending. These venues are usually noisy so, even if you have the sound on you’ll want to use captions. However, moving image helps capture the eye of delegates as they walk around the exhibition hall, and increase the likelihood of of them stopping by your stand.
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2RPi Giving Day Video

2RPi Giving Day Video

From the nominator.

This video was created for our 2RPi Giving Day on June 28, 2023. 2RPi Giving Day is a virtual day of giving back in support of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) students. The day featured fun and engaging donor matches and challenges, with a goal of 628 gifts. The video was produced internally by the advancement communications team and features RPI students, President Martin Schmidt '81, his wife Lyn, and their two dogs, Jofa and Easton. The playful tone and stop-motion editing created an eye-catching and impactful video to engage donors via social media and on the web.

From the Judges

This video was well crafted, and its stop-motion editing was executed flawlessly. The timing is impeccable, making it a fun watch that culminates in a strong call to action.

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10 free online courses with certificates in 2024.

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There are many ways to progress and launch a successful, high-income career, without needing to take ... [+] the expensive, time-consuming, and debt-plunging four-year degree route

Did you know that there are many ways to build and launch a successful career without ever needing to undertake a four-year degree at a college?

As increasing numbers of employers adopt the skills-based hiring trend, the number of short courses on offer by leading colleges and universities have also witnessed an uptick.

For example, universities such as the University of New York, and Harvard University, are collaborating with MOOC platforms (edtech websites that are providers of massive open online courses) such as Coursera, to deliver in-demand training relevant to professionals seeking to upskill and learn high-income AI skills.

They are adapting to the demand for short online courses and have developed easily accessible and affordable learning pathways and modules for those seeking to brush up their skills, or gain a foundational level understanding.

If you're seeking to take your career to the next level and expand your knowledge and expertise, there are several short courses taught by the world's leading prestigious universities and colleges—including Ivy League and Russell Group educational institutions, which are not only cheaper than undertaking the full degree route, but are totally free.

These courses—and the skills they teach—are in high demand and widely recognized by employers. Additionally, obtaining these certifications results in higher earning potential.

It is important to note that when searching for free online courses, whether offered by universities or not, the certificate you receive at the end will not always be free. For example, with courses offered by edX, you may need to pay a small fee to obtain the certificate, while with Coursera, you may be able to obtain it for free if you are eligible for funding.

China Delivers Another Economic Blow To Russia

‘the acolyte’ rotten tomatoes score keeps falling, and maybe it should if we ever hope to find balance in the force, dr. disrespect issues shocking statement, finally revealing why he was banned from twitch.

You should also check the entry prerequisites as you may need to brush up on your knowledge and take another preliminary course first.

In any case, here are 10 free online courses with certificates, spanning a wide range of skill areas, that you might want to consider studying in 2024:

1. CS50's Introduction to Computer Science

  • University : Harvard University
  • Where to find it: edX

2. Introduction to Marketing

  • University : University of British Columbia

3. Machine Learning

  • University : Stanford University
  • Where to find it : Coursera

4. The Science of Well-Being

  • University : Yale University
  • Platform : Coursera

5. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

  • University: University of Michigan
  • Where to find it: Coursera

6. Professional Certificate In Digital Marketing

  • University : University of Maryland
  • Where to find it : edX

7. Introduction to Corporate Finance

  • University: Wharton Online

8. Introduction to Cyber Security Specialization

  • University: New York University Tandon

9. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Ethics

  • University: University of California—Davis:

10. AI for Business Specialization

  • University: University of Pennsylvania

Universities are recognizing the demand for short online courses and have partnered with edtech ... [+] platforms to make them accessible for free

Taking these courses is a worthy investment of your time, whether you are currently job hunting, planning your next career move, or simply want to improve your skills and get better at what you do each day. Go ahead and enrol on a certificate. Your will thank yourself later.

Rachel Wells

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