Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay

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Advantages of part-time jobs for students, disadvantages of part-time jobs for students, works cited.

The supreme desire of every parent to take their children to school is for them to get the best education and excel at their studies. Despite this fact, there comes a point in time when the student needs to supplement the income from their parents or rather source funds to even cater for their education (Sloman, 652).

As a result, most students end up engaging in part-time jobs. It can be due to the necessity or desire to have some extra money to spend. The decision to engage in part-time jobs is entirely the student’s choice. Some get support from their parents, tutors, and friends, while others don’t.

But should students have part-time jobs? This essay tries to answer this question.

Before any decision to engage in part-time jobs is reached, three things have to be critically considered. These are the students themselves, their financial situation, and, finally, the type of work. The listed factors will allow a person to make decisions that they will not live to regret.

Therefore, this part-time job essay is an in-depth analysis of the advantages of students having jobs and a little discussion on the disadvantages.

Part-time jobs are of great essentiality since students are able to earn while at the same time studying. Most part-time jobs require that one works for about three to four hours a day, something that is manageable by almost every student, given the fact that lessons don’t take the entire day. Some of the benefits associated with part-time jobs for students include the following;

Relief of financial burden

Students who engage in part-time jobs get paid for the services offered; hence the earnings obtained can be used to partly relieve the students’ financial burden they could have.

This is because the cost of education has in the recent past sky-rated, making students from poor families not able to afford yet the banking systems have also failed to loan such students; therefore, engaging in part-time jobs makes such students meet their education expenses (Somoski 1). In addition, part-time jobs give students pocket money that they can spend on their own without nagging their parents with money.

Promotion of education

Students who undertake part-time jobs are able to upgrade their studies, making them understand whatever they learn in school even better. For instance, an accounting student who gets a part-time job in an accounting firm will be able to experience the theory learned in school practically hence having a better understanding of the course. The same applies to medicine, engineering, law, and biology students, among others (Pickett 1).

Accumulation of work experience

Engaging in part-time jobs enables the students to gain experience in their field of work hence boosting their resumes. This is important when it comes to job hunting after completion of studies.

Research has shown that students that have undertaken part-time jobs and gained relevant experience have the upper hand when it comes to getting jobs, unlike those that are just fresh from school. On the other hand, working part-time for recognized organizations increases one’s chances of landing a better job.

Time Management Skills

Having a part-time job helps students to acquire time management skills in the sense that they treasure every time they get and use it efficiently. This happens because their study time is now preoccupied with the job, thus having to restructure their schedule to fit in the study time, work time, leisure time, etc.

Learn the value of money

Most parents have complained that their children who are students do not know the value of money until they get jobs. Therefore, students who take part in part-time jobs while in school are in a position to understand the value of money, thus using it well in the future (Pickett 1). For instance, they are now able to refrain from impulse buying and resulting in smart shopping hence making their money last longer than before. This, as a result, makes them responsible adults even in the future.

Other benefits associated with part-time jobs are that the students get new ideas while in the workplace (Somoski 1). This happens mostly for challenging courses that need great minds, such as web design, whereby the students learn new technologies as soon as they are generated. Last but not least is the improvement in communication skills since the student interacts with different people at the workplace.

As mentioned above, the decision to engage in part-time jobs is wholly dependent on the student. This is because there are disadvantages that come in handy with a student engaging in part-time jobs.

Among them is the effect it has on students’ performance, given the less time allocated for study (Anti Essays 1). Other students may be overwhelmed by their greed for money and end up forgoing their studies to indulge in full-time jobs hence affecting their education.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the pros of part-time jobs for students outweigh the cons. From the discussion above, the benefits that a student gets on deciding to engage in part-time jobs are endless. The good thing is that the disadvantages attached to part-time jobs for students are manageable depending on the mind and focus of the students in their education and life.

Anti Essays. Benefits of Part-Time Jobs . 2011. Web.

Pickett, Theresa. What are the Benefits of Part-Time Jobs for Students? 1999-2011. Web.

Sloman, John. Economics . 2004- Penguin.

Somoski, Nick. Should students work part-time during the school year ? 2010-2011. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 5). Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay.

"Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." IvyPanda , 5 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay'. 5 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.

1. IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.


IvyPanda . "Should Students Have Part-Time Jobs? Essay." June 5, 2018.

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  • Feb 6, 2024
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10 Benefits of Part-Time Jobs (and 10 Drawbacks)

Part-time work: yay or nay?

Denny Nesbitt

Denny Nesbitt

Career Coach and Careers Writer

Reviewed by Chris Leitch

The pros and cons of part-time jobs

In today’s fast-paced world, part-time jobs have become more than just a gig; they are a lifestyle choice.

Whether you’re a student looking to gain valuable work experience or someone seeking flexibility, part-time employment offers a compelling array of advantages and disadvantages.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of part-time jobs , examining the pros and cons that come with this employment arrangement, helping you to figure out if it’s the right fit for you.

Let’s dig right in!

What is a part-time job?

Part-time jobs are a form of employment where individuals work for a reduced number of hours compared to full-time positions; a part-time job is anything less than 35 hours per week.

Jobs with part-time hours vary across industries, and while they’re traditionally associated with areas such as retail and hospitality, today’s changing nature of work means there is potential for part-time work in all sectors.

The pros of a part-time job

While full-time work might be seen as the most secure and well-paid choice of employment, there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of working arrangement. And for some individuals, at certain times of life, part-time work may be a more attractive option.

Why would you go part time? Some of the key advantages are outlined below.

1. You can work flexible hours

Part-time jobs often offer flexible schedules, such as split shifts, school hours or weekend and evening work. This allows individuals to tailor their work hours to accommodate personal responsibilities and interests outside of work.

It’s for this reason that part-time jobs are popular with students or professionals with caring responsibilities, allowing them to strike a balance between work and personal life while still contributing to the workforce.

2. You maintain a healthy work–life balance

Balancing long hours at work with personal commitments is often a juggle and can lead to stress, burnout and health concerns.

With fewer hours at work and a more flexible schedule, part-time workers have the potential for greater work–life balance. They may have more time for hobbies, exercise and friends, contributing to their overall wellbeing.

3. You can manage your wellbeing better

Part-time work can provide individuals dealing with health concerns the flexibility to manage their wellbeing more effectively. It allows for necessary medical appointments, treatment sessions and recovery periods, without the pressure of a full-time workload, all while keeping income coming in.

Flexible scheduling can allow the individual to increase their working hours gradually as their health improves.

4. You develop your skill set

Part-time roles provide opportunities for skill development and enhancement. Employees can gain practical experience, especially in entry-level positions, fostering professional growth.

For students, this is important and provides a way to demonstrate their professional skills in a résumé. Additionally, for career changers, part-time work provides a low-risk way of developing skills in a new field.

5. You gain diverse work experience

Working part time in different roles or industries exposes individuals to diverse work environments, which helps them increase their skills, experience and network.

Not only does it keep boredom at bay, but it also makes individuals more adaptable to change because they have diverse skills and experience to fall back on, as well as a wider network.

6. They’re more accessible

Part-time jobs often have lower entry barriers due to their more casual nature. Employers are more likely to take a chance on someone new to the career or industry when it’s a part-time position.

This makes it easier for individuals, especially students or those with limited experience, to enter the workforce. This is important for career changers who may face barriers in entering a new industry.

7. You improve your income

While not always lucrative, part-time jobs contribute to financial stability by providing an income stream, helping individuals meet their basic needs. This is advantageous for students who are not able to commit to full-time work due to their studies.

They can also be a way for people to improve their income. For example, some individuals may freelance on a part-time basis alongside a full-time job in order to bring in extra cash.

8. They provide networking opportunities

Part-time work offers a unique networking advantage, fostering connections in various professional circles. With a diverse range of colleagues and industries, individuals can expand their professional network, gaining valuable contacts and insights.

These connections may lead to new opportunities, collaborations or mentorships , enhancing career prospects and providing a robust foundation for future professional growth.

9. They reduce commuting stress and costs

Part-time work reduces commuting stress and costs by minimizing the frequency of travel to and from the workplace. With fewer commuting days, individuals experience less traffic, saving time and lowering transportation expenses.

This not only contributes to improved work–life balance but also reduces environmental impact. The convenience of part-time arrangements alleviates the burden of daily commuting, enhancing overall job satisfaction.

10. They’re great for testing the waters

Part-time work serves as a valuable trial period for individuals exploring new career paths . By offering a reduced time commitment, it allows individuals to gain hands-on experience, assess job satisfaction and evaluate cultural fit without making a full-time commitment.

This flexibility enables informed career decisions, empowering individuals to make well-informed choices before fully committing to a new profession.

The cons of a part-time job

While the flexible nature of part-time jobs can be appealing, there are some disadvantages that warrant careful consideration.

1. They offer limited benefits

Part-time employees often receive fewer benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans and paid time off compared to their full-time counterparts.

Before stepping into this type of employment, you need to make yourself aware of your employee rights and consider how important these benefits are to you at this point in your life.

2. The money’s not always good

Simply put, less hours at work usually mean less pay. Not only does this impact your ability to budget and pay your bills on a day-to-day basis, but it can also have an impact on long-term savings for retirement or other important financial goals.

If you’re considering part-time work, you need to carefully consider the short- and long-term financial impact.

3. You have limited career advancement opportunities

Climbing the ladder may be a bit trickier. Some part-time gigs have limited growth opportunities, which could slow down your career train.

There can also be a perception, rightly or wrongly, that senior-level positions can’t be performed part time, so be prepared for this if you are a part-timer who is aiming for promotion.

4. Job security is low

Part-time work often comes with job insecurity, as employees may face uncertainty regarding hours, benefits and long-term stability. Part-time jobs are also more susceptible to economic downturns.

This lack of job security can lead to financial stress and hinder career advancement. Limited access to benefits like health insurance and retirement plans further compounds the challenges.

5. It’s difficult to manage multiple jobs

While part-time work is often associated with work–life balance, for those who are balancing multiple part-time jobs it can be challenging. Juggling multiple responsibilities can lead to increased stress and potential burnout, as individuals never feel like they can switch off.

If you have multiple part-time jobs on the go, it’s important to consider how this might affect you, both professionally and personally.

6. You’ll have fewer training opportunities

Part-time workers may have fewer opportunities for training and professional development, which could impact their overall career growth.

Consider how important this is to you, and take responsibility for your own personal development and training plan. Short course providers like Udemy and Coursera can be a low-cost way to keep developing vital skills.

7. They can result in decreased job satisfaction

Part-time workers can miss out on social and team events due to their shift pattern. They may also be overlooked for strategic projects and be less involved in long term planning in the workplace due to the more casual nature of their role.

This can make them feel less committed or engaged, leading to overall job dissatisfaction.

8. Your earnings may be inconsistent

The inconsistency of income is a notable drawback of part-time work, as earnings fluctuate based on variable hours. This instability can create financial challenges, making it difficult for individuals to budget and plan.

The absence of a consistent income stream may lead to financial stress and also can affect the ability to gain credit for loans, such as a mortgage.

9. You won’t always have set hours

Part-time work is often unpredictable, as it usually involves shift work.

As well as creating uncertainty of income, as noted above, this can also make it difficult for individuals to plan other aspects of their life such as social arrangements. They may need to cancel plans at the last minute if work requests arise and this can create stress and impact relationships.

10. You could be excluded from company culture

Part-time workers often find themselves excluded from the complete immersion in a company’s culture. Full-time employees may engage in team-building activities, social events and collaborative projects that part-time workers miss out on.

This exclusion can lead to a sense of detachment, and it can hinder the development of strong interpersonal connections within the workplace, potentially impacting job satisfaction and a sense of belonging in the organizational community.

Why students should work part-time

Part-time employment holds unique career benefits for students, offering them a chance to gain work experience, apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings and develop employability skills .

This provides experience for their résumé and gives them a foundation for their future careers. Additionally, part-time work contributes to financial independence, helping students cover educational expenses and reducing the burden of student loans .

While students may be concerned about the impact that part-time work can have on grades, it’s always possible to incorporate some form of part-time work into a busy student schedule. Students should see this as an opportunity to develop time management skills and get creative about the multitude of ways that they can earn income.

Key takeaways

Part-time jobs offer a diverse range of advantages and disadvantages, catering to individuals with various needs and preferences. As with everything, it depends on the person and their situation in life.

Whether you’re a student, a parent or someone seeking a more flexible work arrangement, weighing the pros against the cons is important in making informed decisions about your career path.

  • Strike the right balance. Part-time work can provide the illusive work–life balance, but it does come with compromises.
  • Evaluate benefits. Individuals should carefully evaluate the benefits offered by potential employers, ensuring they align with their needs.
  • Consider the money. Consider both the short-term and long-term financial impact of working part-time.
  • Plan for the long term. While part-time jobs can be a steppingstone, or offer flexibility in the short-term, individuals should also consider their long-term career goals.

Can you think of any other benefits or drawbacks of part-time jobs? Let us know in the comments section below.

Originally published on February 5, 2015.

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Student Opinion

Should All High School Students Have Part-Time Jobs?

What can teenagers learn from working?

a part time job essay

By Shannon Doyne

Have you ever had a part-time job? If so, where did you work and what did you do? If not, do you want to have this experience by the time you graduate from high school? Why or why not?

What do you think teenagers can learn from working?

In the Opinion essay “ The Best Extracurricular May Be an After-School Job ,” Pamela Paul, a columnist who worked multiple jobs in high school during the late 1980s, presents an argument for why students today should work:

Lots of American teenagers need to work after school to help support their families. But there’s a case to be made that those who don’t need to work should get a job anyway. Conditions couldn’t be more optimal. Unemployment, close to a 50-year low , has made the kinds of jobs well suited to kids — no prior experience, minimum wage, part-time — more widely available. Yet fewer teenagers work nowadays than a generation ago. The share of teenagers in the work force has risen from a low of roughly a quarter in 2010 to about a third of older teenagers holding down a job of one kind or another since the pandemic. But when I was in high school in the late 1980s, around half of 16- to 19-year-olds held jobs. Gen X parents who grew up working after-school shifts at the local drugstore often lament the fact that their own children haven’t always had the same opportunities. Many instead favor an array of extracurricular activities that burnish their college applications, like student government and peer tutoring. This may be a mistake even for those parents and kids more concerned about college admissions than about what happens after that. Consider that having an afternoon job cultivates skills like time management and instills a sense of independence and personal responsibility — attributes that many college administrators say some students today lack . But after-school jobs teach more concrete lessons as well. Personally, I learned more from working outside school — starting with three afternoons a week when I was 14 and ending with three jobs juggled, seven days a week, my senior year of high school — than I did in the classroom.

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Part-time Job During High School Essay Example

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📌Words: 670
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 March 2022

There are numerous teenagers today who have part-time jobs at fast-food restaurants, grocers, or retail stores. These students have taken advantage of genuine experiences and have discovered how to excel in social environments because of the hands-on experiences that they gained from working. Every teenager should have a part-time job because they get the opportunity to earn their own money, apprehend how to be more responsible, and offer them real-life experiences.

Additionally, teenagers should work part-time jobs because it will give them the chance to earn their own money. There is no need to depend on your parents or ask them for money for that new watch you wanted to buy on Amazon. By students making their own money, they will learn how precious it is and how hard it is to earn; they will come to understand that money does not grow on trees, and they have to watch what they buy because no one wants to see large withdrawals from their bank accounts. In the long-term, these part-time jobs will support teens if or when they decide to go to college or university. The extra money that they make will benefit them. If their parents are paying for school, then the extra cash made will pay for their dorm and food expenses. Also, this income would be used to put teenagers through school if their guardians are not able to afford their post-secondary education. By students receiving a well-earned paycheck after every week, teens will feel accomplished and be proud of their efforts; they will work harder. 

Moreover, teenagers should work part-time jobs because it will help them be responsible. When one has a job, they must show up on time for work and call in when sick. Teens can no longer depend on their parents to make the necessary arrangements, as they are responsible for themselves, as an employee to your employer. When someone is on the clock, they are responsible for their actions because they represent the company. This means that one must not do things or say inappropriate things that will poorly influence the business; you must not "drag the company's name into the mud". When a teenager is working part-time, they need to be responsible by packing their own lunches, in order to not starve while on break and wake up at the necessary times in the morning, afternoon, or evening to be able to attend their work; they will learn time management skills. By students working part-time jobs, they will develop into responsible adult figures instead of being dependable children.

Furthermore, teenagers should work part-time jobs because it will give them real-life experiences. Life is not always bright and lustrous, as many portray it to be. In a work environment, teens will encounter different types of personalities of customers and get a better understanding of society. In this setting, students will meet co-workers that they like and don’t. They will comprehend how to adapt to tough situations and how to deal with individuals who require more attention. An example of this is when one is working at a fast-food restaurant and a customer orders something that the kitchen has run out of. The customer complains about the fact that the store has run out of this specific item. That employee cannot leave the customer furious because it is customer service to please all, ignoring one's ego. In addition, professionalism and realistic situations are the upsides of teens working part-time because of the challenging judgments that they will encounter; they will expand their skills in problem-solving. 

To conclude, there are many benefits of having a part-time job as a student in high school. Teenagers will learn the importance of working hard for a paycheck, being responsible for themselves, and learning how society and community works by encountering different customers. Work will provide them with another unique social environment aside from school, where not everyone thinks the same, talk the same or is the same age. Overall, if a student wants to go beyond education, a part-time job is the place to start, to increase themselves in developing a student's strengths and weaknesses. For example, if they believe that their communication skills are weak, then this part-time job will help further develop their struggling skill. Working will open the eyes of many teenagers and guide them into their futures; experience is key!

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IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Part-Time Jobs (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

by Dave | General Training | 0 Comment

IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training  Sample Answer Essay: Part-Time Jobs (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of part-time or hourly paid jobs from the real exam.

In the U.S.A., people typically say part-time work and in the U.K., hourly paid.

Employment is a really common topic on IELTS so reading this answer will help prepare you for similar questions on the real exam.

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In many countries, teenagers are encouraged to find part-time jobs. Some think this is a good development while others disagree. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. Real Past IELTS Exam/Test

Some believe that teenagers ought to take part in hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. In my opinion, though this can be an added burden for teenagers, it offers a host of benefits related to life experience.

Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure. There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time, let alone paid work. Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases, lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

Regardless, working is a maturing experience. Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others. Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education. They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills, organisation, and perseverance. The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career.

In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments.

1. Some believe that teenagers ought to take part in hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. 2. In my opinion, though this can be an added burden for teenagers, it offers a host of benefits related to life experience.

  • Paraphrase the overall topic for the whole essay.
  • Write your opinion – be clear!

1. Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. 2. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure. 3. There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time, let alone paid work. 4. Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases, lead to depression and nervous breakdowns. 5. Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

  • Write a topic sentence with a single, clear main idea at the end.
  • Begin to develop your main idea with specific ideas.
  • Be as specific as possible – use real countries!
  • Develop your specific examples.
  • State the final result to conclude the paragraph.

1. Regardless, working is a maturing experience. 2. Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others. 3. Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education. 4. They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills, organisation, and perseverance. 5. The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career.

  • Write another topic sentence with a main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • My example here is hypothetical.
  • Develop the example.
  • Finish developing your main idea.

1. In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. 2. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments.

  • Repeat your opinion.
  • Add in a final thought at the end.

What do the words in bold below mean?

Opponents of part-time work for teenagers seize on the mental repercussions of stress. Teenagers already deal with so many life problems ranging from the chemical changes inherent in puberty to social stress to academic pressure . There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the academic workload rarely allows for recreation time , let alone paid work . Adding in a job and its encumbent concerns can only worsen a teenager’s mental health and, in the most extreme cases , lead to depression and nervous breakdowns . Even students not affected as deeply are sure to be less happy due to stress.

Regardless , working is a maturing experience . Work continues and hastens the lifelong process of negotiating one’s own priorities against the expectations of others . Most high schoolers start with a low-paying part-time position and that may educate them about the importance of having a good education . They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will serve them well in a variety of future workplaces including teamwork skills , organisation , and perseverance . The experience will also give them a window into an industry and help them make more informed choices for their future career .

In conclusion, though work can take a toll on mental well-being it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a clear overview of possible working environments .

take part in do

added burden more pressure

host of benefits many advantages

part-time work hourly paid jobs

seize on point out

mental repercussions psychological effects

deal with handle

ranging from including

chemical changes inherent in puberty body changing as you become a teenager

social stress social anxiety

academic pressure stress to get good grades

academic workload amount of schoolwork you have

recreation time free time

let alone paid work not mentioning a real job

adding in also including

encumbent concerns related worries

worsen become bad

in the most extreme cases rare situations

nervous breakdowns losing your mind for a bit

deeply not superficially

regardless nonetheless

maturing experience makes you more of an adult

hastens speeds up

lifelong process over the course of your life

negotiating one’s own priorities bargaining your interests

expectations of others the interests of other people

low-paying part-time position menial work

importance of having a good education why you should get a degree

serve them well helps them later

future workplaces where you might work later

teamwork skills working together in a group

organisation keeping things in order

perseverance trying hard

give them a window into show them

industry economic sector

informed choices good decisions

future career what you will do for work later in life

take a toll on mental well-being psychological problems

clear overview good idea of

possible working environments potential jobs


teɪk pɑːt ɪn   ˈædɪd ˈbɜːdn   həʊst ɒv ˈbɛnɪfɪts   pɑːt-taɪm wɜːk   siːz ɒn   ˈmɛntl ˌriːpɜːˈkʌʃənz   diːl wɪð   ˈreɪnʤɪŋ frɒm   ˈkɛmɪkəl ˈʧeɪnʤɪz ɪnˈhɪərənt ɪn ˈpjuːbəti   ˈsəʊʃəl strɛs   ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈprɛʃə ˌækəˈdɛmɪk ˈwɜːkˌləʊd   ˌriːkrɪˈeɪʃən taɪm lɛt əˈləʊn peɪd wɜːk ˈædɪŋ ɪn   ˈɛnkʌmbɛnt kənˈsɜːnz   ˈwɜːsn   ɪn ðə məʊst ɪksˈtriːm ˈkeɪsɪz ˈnɜːvəs ˈbreɪkˌdaʊnz ˈdiːpli   rɪˈgɑːdlɪs məˈtjʊərɪŋ ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ˈheɪsnz   ˈlaɪflɒŋ ˈprəʊsɛs   nɪˈgəʊʃɪeɪtɪŋ wʌnz əʊn praɪˈɒrɪtiz   ˌɛkspɛkˈteɪʃənz ɒv ˈʌðəz ləʊ-ˈpeɪɪŋ pɑːt-taɪm pəˈzɪʃən   ɪmˈpɔːtəns ɒv ˈhævɪŋ ə gʊd ˌɛdju(ː)ˈkeɪʃən sɜːv ðɛm wɛl   ˈfjuːʧə ˈwɜːkˌpleɪsɪz   ˈtiːmwɜːk skɪlz ˌɔːgənaɪˈzeɪʃən ˌpɜːsɪˈvɪərəns gɪv ðɛm ə ˈwɪndəʊ ˈɪntuː   ˈɪndəstri   ɪnˈfɔːmd ˈʧɔɪsɪz   ˈfjuːʧə kəˈrɪə teɪk ə təʊl ɒn ˈmɛntl wɛl-ˈbiːɪŋ   klɪər ˈəʊvəvjuː   ˈpɒsəbl ˈwɜːkɪŋ ɪnˈvaɪərənmənts

Listen and repeat:

Vocabulary Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

Some believe that teenagers ought to t______________n hourly paid work while others feel this is not a good idea. In my opinion, though this can be an a________________n for teenagers, it offers a h_________________s related to life experience.

Opponents of p_________________k for teenagers s_________n the m____________________s of stress. Teenagers already d__________h so many life problems r____________m the c___________________________________y to s_______________s to a_________________________e . There are countries such as South Korea and Japan where the a__________________d rarely allows for r___________________e , l______________________k . A________________n a job and its e____________________s can only w_____________n a teenager’s mental health and, i______________________________s , lead to depression and n__________________________s . Even students not affected as d____________y are sure to be less happy due to stress.

R_____________s , working is a m_________________e . Work continues and h_____________s the l_______________s of n____________________________s against the e________________________s . Most high schoolers start with a l_____________________________n and that may educate them about the i_________________________________________n . They are also likely to begin developing the qualities that will s______________l in a variety of f_____________________________s including t_____________________s , o__________________n , and p_________________e . The experience will also g_________________________o an i_____________y and help them make more i_____________________s for their f__________________r .

In conclusion, though work can t___________________________________g it is a positive, overall maturing experience. Teenagers should try a variety of jobs in order to have a c_______________w of p_________________________________s .

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Answer the questions from the real speaking booklet below:

Why did you choose your job? How much work do you do in a week? Do you have to work on weekends as well?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related question below then read my sample answer:

Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is more important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Real Past IELTS Exam/Test
IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Job Satisfaction/Security (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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Guide to Choosing Part Time Jobs for Students

Part Time Jobs for Students

Working a part-time job while in college is very common. In fact, 70 percent of college students work part time while completing their degrees. Whether it’s to compensate for rising tuition costs or to supplement your student loan package, if you’re looking for work at the start of the semester, you won’t be the only one. But what kind of job is suitable for a college student to have? Here’s a simple guide to finding a part-time job while in college.

Visit College Career Center

Nearly all colleges have a student career center to help students look for employment and/or shape their career goals. Look for the resources that your institution offers first to see if anything is a good fit for you.

Pick a Place that Supports Your Studies

Some businesses love having students to fill in their part-time slots. And some places don’t understand that your main priority is your education. Make sure that they understand that your studies come first and that they can’t expect you to work the night shift the night before exams. Finding a place that can accommodate your class and study schedules is essential to making the work/study arrangement go smoothly.

On-campus jobs are ideal as you won’t have to waste any time going to and from your job. Whether you’re working as a library assistant or helping one of your professors with their research, on-campus jobs are the perfect option.

These days, remote work is becoming more and more popular, so you may be able to land a part-time job without even leaving your dorm room. You might find a job as an essay writer or do web design.

If you’re not able to land any on-campus jobs or remote work, make sure you choose a place that’s a reasonable distance from your school. It’s not worth it for you to endure a long commute to and from a part-time job. Look for something closer to your school or home.

Does it Pay Enough?

You’re probably looking for a job because you need some extra money to get you through to the end of the semester. Make sure that the hours and the pay are enough to meet your needs. If not, you’ll be sacrificing study time for a job that doesn’t even serve its purpose. Plan a budget beforehand to make sure you know how much you’ll need to make so you can decide which jobs are worth taking. Here are some salary negotiation tactics for college students.


Some part-time jobs such as being the desk clerk at a hotel or babysitting involves a lot of free time where you can crack open the books and get some studying in while you’re on the clock. Those types of jobs are ideal for students.

Training for Your Career

It may be possible for you to work at a place that has to do with your major or future career plans. For example, if you’re studying education, you may find some part-time work at a local school. Or if you’re studying nursing, you might find some work at a health center. These jobs have the added benefit of giving you work experience before you’ve even completed your degree.

Low Pressure

It’s important that you choose a job that’s not particularly high stress, nor one that wears you out physically or emotionally. You want a job where you can clock out and walk away after your shift is done without it taking a toll on your non-working hours.

Whatever job you choose, keep in mind that your main focus right now is your education and that the job is secondary. After you graduate, you can focus on your career, but for now, your studies are your main priorities. Make sure this job isn’t taking over your study time.

Stacey Wonder

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You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter, • introduce yourself • explain what sort of job you would like • and say what experience and skills you have

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Graham Kilmer

Supervisors Embrace Part-Time Roles, Schedule

Supervisors change start time of board meetings, reflecting truly part-time nature of job.

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Milwaukee County Courthouse. Photo by Graham Kilmer.

It’s been more than a decade since 2013 Wisconsin Act 14 curtailed the Milwaukee County Board’s powers and reduced supervisors to a part-time salary, and now, after much turnover on the board, supervisors have waved the white flag, finally surrendering to a part-time role in county government.

At their latest meeting, the board approved delaying the beginning of their meetings from 9:30 a.m. to noon. Why? To make it easier for supervisors to schedule the meetings around their other professional commitments.

Supervisor pay was reduced by legislation that also curtailed the board’s powers, transferring them to the office of then-county executive Chris Abele, who pushed for the legislation. Voters approved the salary reduction in a 2014 ballot referendum and it took effect in 2016. Supervisors are now payed $25,924 annually.

It was never spelled out in state statute, either before or after Act 14, whether the job of Milwaukee County Supervisor was full-time or part-time. However, before the legislation supervisors were compensated similarly to a state legislator, and they had health benefits.

The legislation was meant to diminish the board’s role in the government, which includes oversight and policy; the pay reduction telegraphed that they should spend less time doing the job; and it worked.

Today most supervisors work full-time jobs outside of the courthouse. They run for the office knowing the job is not compensated like a full-time role. The offices of the board are regularly empty. The video meetings that began during the COVID-19 pandemic continue. Meeting attendance is poor. In fact, it’s common for committees and even board meetings to run with at least one supervisor absent.

In March 2023, Chairwoman Marcelia Nicholson secured a change to county ordinance requiring committee chairs to be in-person at the courthouse during committee meetings. This followed a meeting that month, when department heads and members of the public offered testimony to an empty room, with the entire committee appearing virtually. Nicholson asked her colleagues to consider the message sent to the public when they are “testifying to an empty room.”

Sup. Shawn Rolland , chair of the committee that appeared entirely virtual, said he was in a hospital room with a family member, and implored his colleagues to make an effort to appear at committees in person. “ I had to beam in from a family member’s hospital room,” he said. “I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, I have to chair this meeting, because nobody else is in the committee room.'”

During debate over the new rule, Sup. Priscilla E. Coggs-Jones told her colleagues that she was forced to resign two different jobs in order to keep up with her supervisory duties. “ In my schedule, I have to be mindful of the hours that I work at my other job and the hours that I commit to the county,” she said.

At the same meeting, Sup. Steve Taylor offered his perspective on the changing culture of the board. “ It’s been frustrating coming back — after being here six years and being in this building and having the hall full of my colleagues — to coming down here and it’s a ghost town,” he said.

At the latest meeting of the full county board, supervisors debated a resolution to delay the start of full board meetings to noon. The sponsor, Sup. Kathleen Vincent offered a few arguments to support the proposal. Vincent also said she thought a later start time would benefit the general public.

But most of the debate concerned supervisors’ own personal schedules, and the struggle to balance the duties of elected office against work and personal life.

Sup. Sky Capriolo noted that she has a flexible work schedule, but added, “ I can only bend so far, before things in my life start falling apart.”

Sup. Jack Eckblad said the ability to take a full day off from work was a “privilege” and argued that making the job of supervisor more flexible would help the board attract “ a diverse set of perspectives” and “more of our best and brightest.”

Several supervisors, however, were not so convinced the board should go in this direction. Sup. Justin Bielinski said the later start would likely push board meetings past the closing time of the courthouse at 5 p.m. — necessitating overtime for the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Deputies working at the courthouse. The board has long harangued the sheriff’s office for its use of overtime.

Rolland worried that a hard stop at 5 p.m. would create a filibuster for the board. “ The timing could be used as a weapon by a supervisor who doesn’t want an item to come forward,” he said.

Such a move is a real concern, said Sup. Sheldon Wasserman . A former state representative, Wasserman said Democrats in the Legislature used a time limit on meetings against Republicans during his tenure in the Capitol. Wasserman, who is also a physician, told his colleagues that he delivered two babies in the middle of the night before the meeting that day. “ I’m awake here, I can do it, it’s my job,” he said.

Several supervisors also suggested that the board reduce the amount of time it spends on ceremonies before the meeting. The board will often award citations and plaques to members of the public for various good deeds and services. It has also held ceremonies for Pride Month, Womens History Month and Juneteenth among other events.

However, none of these other considerations won the day. At issue was a proposal aimed at helping supervisors fit their part-time job into their full-time work schedules.

Sup. Sequanna Taylor was among the first supervisors elected after the board was reduced to part-time pay. Nicholson was too. Taylor said she sympathized with her new colleagues trying to balance their various responsibilities and noted that she also had to leave other jobs and offices to focus on her supervisory duties.

“This is part-time pay, but it’s not a part-time job,” Taylor said. “For those who didn’t know that, sorry to be the one to tell you, you will be working more than part-time.”

Steve Taylor said he was certain, given past experience, that the board would run up against 5 p.m. at future board meetings. This new time pressure would cause supervisors to choose between rushing or ending debate, or incurring new overtime expenses in the sheriff’s office, he said.

“ I understand what some of you are going through, but [the full board] meeting is the one that matters,” he said.

The board passed the later start time by 14 to three. Supervisors Rolland, Steve Taylor and Nicholson voted against the resolution. Sup. Deanna Alexander did not attend the meeting.

The adjustment to this may not be smooth. Before the vote, Sup. Anne O’Connor queried county staff about the implementation of the new meeting time: “ I have a question as to when this would take effect, personally, in July it would be a problem for me.”

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10 high-paying remote jobs hiring now that pay up to $150,000 in 2024.

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Securing a high-paying remote job offers you the opportunity to make money from home through other ... [+] ventures

Ever wondered which remote jobs are the most lucrative?

It turns out that working from home doesn't necessarily indicate a decline in pay after all. The greater the demand and the more highly specialized the role, the greater your chance of making six figures.

What's more, landing a well-paid remote job gives you the opportunity to use the time you have back from the commute to focus on other interesting pursuits such as your hobbies and interests. Some of these hobbies and interests can be turned into high-income endeavors later, making you even more money while working from home.

When searching for remote jobs, it's best to look out for the ones that are in high demand. This ensures that there is a steady flow of positions available, and it gives you more options when it comes to choosing employers.

FlexJobs recently analyzed more than 60,000 companies and their job posting histories in their database for the first half of the year—between January 1 and May 31, 2024, and the findings were very intriguing.

They revealed that the top 10 companies in their job board that are hiring for hybrid remote and fully remote jobs include employers such as Robert Half International, Veeva, AECOM, Lee Hecht Harrison, and CVS Health.

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The remote jobs analysis also concluded that, out of the vacancies listed on the FlexJobs website since the start of the year, the 10 remote jobs listed below were the most popular—meaning employers posted and hired for them more than any other job category.

  • Accountant (average salary $90,540)
  • Software engineer (average salary $130,050)
  • Customer service representative (average salary $38,993 but has the potential to move into management with a salary of $100,744)
  • Product manager (average salary $149,827)
  • Executive assistant (average salary $71,873)
  • Account executive (average salary $105,673)
  • Sales development representative (average salary $66,577 plus uncapped uncommission in many instances)
  • Business development representative (average salary $65,980 plus uncapped uncommission in many instances)
  • Project manager (average salary $143,357)
  • Product marketing manager (average salary $141,223)

Skills Required For These High-Paying Remote Jobs

What's noteworthy about this list is that FlexJobs created another report with recent analysis of work-from-anywhere jobs , and some of the roles from that list cross over to the jobs mentioned here.

For example, product manager and account executive were both cited as the most popular remote jobs, within the remote jobs category (where one works from home all or part of the time) and also in the work-from-any-location-in-the-world category.

Another interesting insight is that, although the above-listed roles are unique and require job-specific skills, when you look at the skills required for these high-paying remote jobs, they share quite a few in common.

To give an example, think about three of the jobs above: customer service representative, sales development representative, and business development. All three jobs work to ultimately serve the customer and share the skill set of communication skills (to present, sell, and understand customer needs), problem-solving skills (to solve client pain-points), and relationship-building (to establish trust and credibility).

Communication is the number one skill in demand by employers for 2024, according to LinkedIn, and this is evidently a necessary prerequisite for success in all 10 of these high-paying jobs. Communication is more than the mere act of talking or receiving information; it is when you make an intentional and deliberate effort to understand another's point of view, and convey your ideas in a way that can be easily grasped.

Especially when working remotely, communication skills are needed, since you will rely more heavily on digital mediums for communication with co-workers and customers, and digital communication can easily be misunderstood.

Some of the other skills that appear frequently amongst the jobs listed above include critical thinking, adaptability, time management and organization, analytical thinking, and strategic thinking, and they are fundamental for career progression, pay raises, and your leverage to secure competitive salaries.

The number one skill for remote jobs today is communication, followed by critical thinking and ... [+] problem-solving

Don't just wish for a high-paying remote job. Work for it. Show you have what it takes to be a stellar remote employee, by demonstrating these skills throughout your application, and highlighting examples of where you've worked remotely recently.

Rachel Wells

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Family Support Worker - Early Steps (Part-Time)

Apply now Job no: 532091 Work type: Staff Part-Time Location: Main Campus (Gainesville, FL) Categories: Counseling/Community Outreach/Social Work, Health Care Administration/Support, Medicine/Physicians, Early childhood education/Childcare Department: 29090700 - MD-PEDS-DEI

Job Classification

Family Support Worker

Job Description:

Will implement local systems of family involvement within a ten county region to ensure families have access to local information, resources and peer to peer support within their communities. Organizes support groups for families to meet other families who have children with special needs. Responsible for networking with local PT, OT, SPL and EI therapists to help form play groups for children with special needs living within our 10 county area. Will provide input and convey needs on behalf of families to recommend state policy changes that positively impact families.

Will participate in face-to-face meetings with families to facilitate understanding of the Early Steps process as well as assisting with access to other available needed services. Position often attends with a service coordinator to the “First Contact” appointment in which the family has requested ES services and an interview is done with the family as part of creating an Individualized Family Support Plan. Attend the “Transition Meetings” when the family is informed as to what services are available to them after their child turns three years old and Early Steps can no longer provide case management or services for them. This position provides the support of a parent who has “been there” while the case managers, evaluators and therapists are all talking with the parents about services. 

Will act as an advocate for families representing their interests with other agencies, and at community events and forums. Assist families with information about their rights in our program, how to navigate the school system and their rights as persons with disabilities. Ensures the protection of the family’s rights. Position is a member of the State wide Early Steps Service Implementation Work Group where she helps with policy revision.

Will develop partnerships with community resources and other agencies to encourage collaboration and provide families with greater opportunities for services and resources.

Will provide specific training as required by the Dept. of Health to families, Early Steps staff, and community providers. Responsible for presenting a series called "A New Star" created by the Dept of Health State Early Steps office to present information about the difficulties encountered by families who have children with special needs and helps people to become aware of sensitivity to cultural differences, health differences, financial differences that are encountered throughout this diverse population of people.
Provide trainings to contracted service providers, who are typically Early Interventionists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech Therapist within the 10 county area.

Expected Salary:

$17 per hour

Minimum Requirements:

High school diploma or equivalent and one year of experience working with children or families.

Preferred Qualifications:
Special Instructions to Applicants:

In order to be considered, you must upload your cover letter and resume.

The University of Florida is committed to non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations, genetic information and veteran status in all aspects of employment including recruitment, hiring, promotions, transfers, discipline, terminations, wage and salary administration, benefits, and training.

This is a time limited position.

This position is eligible for veteran’s preference. If you are claiming veteran’s preference, please upload a copy of your DD 214 Member Copy 4 with your application for consideration. See our Veteran's Preference Page for more specific information.

Application must be submitted by 11:55 p.m. (ET) of the posting end date.

Health Assessment Required: No

Advertised: 25 Jun 2024 Eastern Daylight Time Applications close: 01 Jul 2024 Eastern Daylight Time

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Search results

Position Department Location Closes
29090700 - MD-PEDS-DEI Main Campus (Gainesville, FL)
The position of Family Resource Specialist is required by the Dept. of Health, Early Steps Program, and is responsible for assisting families in improving family functioning in raising health children by providing education, training, support, resource referral and advocacy for the families whose children are enrolled in the Early Steps (Part C) program, which serves families with children who have special needs.

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  • 29090700 - MD-PEDS-DEI 1
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Grants and Contracts Administrator, Campus Grants Management Remote

Durham, NC, US, 27710

Duke University:

Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Today, Duke is regarded as one of America’s leading research universities. Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke is positioned in the heart of the Research Triangle, which is ranked annually as one of the best places in the country to work and live. Duke has more than 15,000 students who study and conduct research in its 10 undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. With about 40,000 employees, Duke is the third largest private employer in North Carolina, and it now has international programs in more than 150 countries.

Occupational Summary

This position is with the Campus Grants Management Team, a dynamic and growing unit in the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, which provides cradle-to-grave grant management services for specifically identified departments. CGMT is dedicated to providing high-quality customer service and compliant award management to our customers.

Pre-award activities include assisting departmental faculty/PI in the development, preparation, and submission of research proposals. Ensure all applications meet agency and university guidelines, published time tables and deadlines. Ensure proposals are entered and routed in a timely manner for further review. Post-award activities include detailed reconciliation of assigned project budgets, preparing complex budget reports, preparing adjustments and corrections in assigned project budgets and closing out projects in line with university and sponsor guidelines.

We are particularly interested in candidates who work well in a fast-paced environment, are strong critical thinkers and problem solvers. Pre-award activities include assisting departmental faculty/PI in the development, preparation, and submission of research proposals. Ensure all applications meet agency and university guidelines, published time tables and deadlines. Ensure proposals are entered and routed in a timely manner for further review. Post-award activities include detailed reconciliation of assigned project budgets, preparing complex budget reports, preparing adjustments and corrections in assigned project budgets and closing out projects in line with university and sponsor guidelines.

This position is responsible for managing and overseeing an assigned portfolio of complex grants and contracts with a firm grasp of rules and regulations, technical expertise, analytical skills and an aptitude for using good judgement in applying grant management practices and procedures. The successful candidate for this position will be someone with a strong analytical background and someone who is a high level excel user.

Work Performed

Pre Award Job Responsibilities (30%)

  • Prepare and submit grants and contracts through pre-award process utilizing both Sponsor and Duke regulations.
  • Advise the faculty/PI on administrative requirements in preparing proposal submissions.
  • Prepare, coordinate and review proposal elements such as biosketches, budgets, justifications and facilities & resources for consistency, accuracy, and completeness.
  • Monitor compliance with agency and University regulations regarding submission; verify all financial information, including the application of the appropriate overhead rate for the project.
  • Manage the subcontract process with pre award office and collaborating organizations.

Post Award Job Responsibilities (50%)

  • Manage budget, reporting and compliance timelines through the lifecycle of the grant or contract; communicate new WBSEs to appropriate department personnel.
  • Advise faculty/PI on budget adjustments and revisions necessary to meet the sponsor requirements.
  • Provide ad hoc reports to unit business manager and PIs as requested
  • Establish sub-recipient financial and reporting requirements; coordinate issuance of sub-agreements with the pre award office.
  • Reconcile monthly budget reports and inform faculty/PI and/or supervisor of corrections/adjustments that have been made.
  • Identify and submit the cost transfers resulting from budget reconciliation.
  • As requirements change, prepare and submit requests for re-budgeting/modifying the funded project.
  • Reconcile and close all sub-recipient cost objects and obtain all sponsor-required reports.
  • Monitor compliance with agency and University regulations regarding reporting.
  • Maintain financial records per the institutional document retention guidelines.
  • Manage overdrafts in line with unit procedures and institution guidelines.
  • Ensure proper recording of revenue associated with all projects; applying revenue management standards.
  • Close all funded projects consistent with university processes and timelines.

Administrative Job Responsibilities (20%)

  • Develop project management plan for review by the faculty/PI or senior level grants administrator.
  • Monitor and implement cost sharing to reflect appropriate labor distribution or related cost sharing obligations.
  • Apply federal and university rules to appropriately manage effort for individuals compensated, in whole or in part, from sponsored awards.
  • Submit reports to central and unit management as required.

Perform other related duties incidental to the work described herein. The above statements describe the general nature and level of work being performed by individuals assigned to this classification. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities and duties required of personnel so classified.

Required Qualifications at this Level


Work requires communications, analytical and organizational skills generally acquired through completion of a bachelor's degree program. Research or grants education and/or certification is preferred.

Successful completion of Financial Services Introduction to R3, Introduction to Duke GL, Introduction to Accounting, Sponsored Research Reporting, Research Administration at Duke (online), Basic Compliance (online), Duke Human Research Training (online), Budget Development and Negotiation Training, and Industry Funded Clinical Research—Process for Contracts within first six months of hire is required.

Successful completion of the Research Administration Academy (RAA) is expected. Employees hired into this classification without RAA training will work closely with their manager to schedule and complete the training within 12 months of start date. The expectation is that the staff member will maintain the requirements for their level. Failing to meet these requirements will be addressed through the performance review process.

Upon successful completion of expected training, the employee must maintain certification(s) by completing continuing education requirements.


No experience required for candidates who possess a Bachelor's or Master's degree in a field of study directly related to the specific position.



Minimum Qualifications

Work requires communications, analytical and organizational skills requirements. generally acquired through completion of a bachelor's degreeprogram. process. Research or grants education and/or certification is preferred. Successful completion of Financial Services Introduction to R3, Introduction to Duke GL, Introduction to Accounting, Sponsored Research Reporting, Research Administration at Duke (on-line), Basic Compliance (on-line) within first six months of hire is required. Successful completion of the Research Administration Academy (RAA) is required. Employees hired into this classification without RAA training will work closely with their manager to schedule and complete the training within 12 months of start date. The expectation is that the staff member will maintain the requirements for their level. Failing to meet these requirements will be addressed through the performance review Upon successful completion of expected training, the employee must maintain certification(s) by completing continuing education

No experience required for candidates who possess a Bachelor's or position. Master's degree in a field of study directly related to the specific

Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas—an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.

Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.

Nearest Major Market: Durham Nearest Secondary Market: Raleigh

Duke is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual’s age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Read more about Duke’s commitment to affirmative action and nondiscrimination at


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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Elektrostal Demography

Information on the people and the population of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Population157,409 inhabitants
Elektrostal Population Density3,179.3 /km² (8,234.4 /sq mi)

Elektrostal Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal .

Elektrostal Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East
Elektrostal Area4,951 hectares
49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi)
Elektrostal Altitude164 m (538 ft)
Elektrostal ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Elektrostal and the biggest cities of Russia.

Elektrostal Map

Locate simply the city of Elektrostal through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Elektrostal Nearby cities and villages

Elektrostal Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Elektrostal.

Elektrostal Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Elektrostal.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
23 June02:41 - 11:28 - 20:1501:40 - 21:1701:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
24 June02:41 - 11:28 - 20:1501:40 - 21:1601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
25 June02:42 - 11:28 - 20:1501:41 - 21:1601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
26 June02:42 - 11:29 - 20:1501:41 - 21:1601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
27 June02:43 - 11:29 - 20:1501:42 - 21:1601:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
28 June02:44 - 11:29 - 20:1401:43 - 21:1501:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00
29 June02:44 - 11:29 - 20:1401:44 - 21:1501:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 01:00

Elektrostal Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Elektrostal classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Located next to Noginskoye Highway in Electrostal, Apelsin Hotel offers comfortable rooms with free Wi-Fi. Free parking is available. The elegant rooms are air conditioned and feature a flat-screen satellite TV and fridge...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Surrounded by green parklands, this hotel in the Moscow region features 2 restaurants, a bowling alley with bar, and several spa and fitness facilities. Moscow Ring Road is 17 km away...

Elektrostal Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Elektrostal and its surroundings.

Elektrostal Page

Direct link
DB-City.comElektrostal /5 (2021-10-07 13:22:50)

Russia Flag

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  • Sunrise and sunset /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#sun
  • Hotel /Russian-Federation--Moscow-Oblast--Elektrostal#hotel
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a part time job essay

Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.

BREAKING NEWS: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty to espionage charge


Hillary Clinton to release essay collection about personal and public life

The Associated Press

June 25, 2024, 9:47 AM

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Hillary Clinton’s next book is a collection of essays, touching upon everything from marriage to politics to faith, that her publisher is calling her most personal yet.

Simon and Schuster announced Tuesday that Clinton’s “Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty” will be released Sept. 17.

Among the topics she will cover: Her marriage to former President Bill Clinton, her Methodist faith, adjusting to private life after her failed presidential runs, her friendships with other first ladies and her takes on climate change, democracy and Vladimir Putin.

“The book reads like you’re sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal,” Clinton’s editor, Priscilla Painton, said in a statement.

“This is the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning.”

Clinton, the former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary and presidential candidate, will promote her book with a cross country tour. “Something Lost, Something Gained” comes out two months before Bill Clinton’s memoir about post-presidential life, “Citizen.”

Financial terms were not disclosed. Clinton was represented by Washington attorney Robert Barnett, whose other clients have included former President George W. Bush and former President Barack Obama.

Clinton’s previous books include such bestsellers as “It Takes a Village,” “Living History” and “What Happened.”

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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Time in Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia now

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  • New York 00:37
  • Los Angeles 21:37

Time zone info for Elektrostal

  • Elektrostal does not change between summer time and winter time.
  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

Time difference from Elektrostal

10 hours10 hours
8 hours8 hours
7 hours7 hours
7 hours7 hours
6 hours6 hours
3 hours3 hours
2 hours2 hours
2 hours2 hours
1 hours1 hours
1 hours1 hours
1 hours1 hours
+1 hours
+2.5 hours
+5 hours
+5 hours
+5 hours
+6 hours
+7 hours

Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Elektrostal

  • Sunrise: 03:40
  • Sunset: 21:18
  • Day length: 17h 37m
  • Solar noon: 12:29
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 29 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

Best restaurants in Elektrostal

  • #1 Tolsty medved - Steakhouses food
  • #2 Ermitazh - European and japanese food
  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

Find best places to eat in Elektrostal

  • Best pubs & bars in Elektrostal
  • Best steak restaurants in Elektrostal
  • Best bbqs in Elektrostal

The 50 largest cities in Russia


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  27. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  28. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  29. Hillary Clinton to release essay collection about personal and ...

    Hillary Clinton's next book is a collection of essays, touching upon everything from marriage to politics to faith, that her publisher is calling her most…

  30. Time in Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia now

    Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Elektrostal. Sunrise: 03:43AM. Sunset: 09:07PM. Day length: 17h 24m. Solar noon: 12:25PM. The current local time in Elektrostal is 25 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.