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Sample Trademark Assignment Agreement

This is a sample trademark assignment agreement between two companies, for the assignment of all rights, title and interest in and to trademarks, including "pending applications and registrations, together with the good will of the business symbolized by the Marks, and all causes of action and claims based on past actions or infringement related to the Marks."

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Trademark Assignment Agreement

A trademark assignment agreement transfers and assigns interest in a trademark from one party to another.

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trademark and domain name assignment agreement

Trademark Assignment Agreement – Procedure & Documents Required

  • 05 May 2023

Everything You Need to Know:

Trademarks are an essential asset for any business as they are used to distinguish a company's goods and services from those of its competitors. A trademark is a valuable intellectual property right that can be bought, sold, or transferred through a trademark assignment agreement.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about trademark assignment , including why they are necessary, the procedure for assigning a trademark, the documents required, the advantages of trademark assignment, and why you need an expert for trademark assignment.

What is a Trademark Assignment Agreement?

A trademark assignment agreement is a legal document that transfers the ownership of a trademark from one party (the assignor) to another party (the assignee). The assignor gives up all rights and ownership to the trademark, and the assignee becomes the new owner of the trademark.

Why is Trademark Assignment Necessary?

Trademark assignment is necessary when a business is sold or when a trademark is being transferred from one entity to another. It is also necessary when a trademark owner wishes to license their trademark to someone else or when a trademark is being used as collateral for a loan.

Procedure for Trademark Assignment:

The procedure for trademark assignment involves the following steps:

  • Drafting of Trademark Assignment Agreement: The first step in the trademark assignment process is to draft a trademark assignment agreement that clearly outlines the terms and conditions of the assignment.
  • Execution of Agreement: Once the agreement has been drafted, both the assignor and the assignee must sign the agreement to indicate their acceptance of the terms and conditions.
  • Filing of Trademark Assignment Application: The next step is to file a trademark assignment application with the relevant trademark office. The application must include a copy of the trademark assignment agreement and other required documents.
  • Review by Trademark Office: The trademark office will review the trademark assignment application and the supporting documents to ensure that the assignment complies with the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Approval and Recordal: If the trademark office approves the trademark assignment, the assignee's name will be recorded as the new owner of the trademark.

Documents Required for Trademark Assignment:

The following documents are required for trademark assignment:

  • Trademark Assignment Agreement: A legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the trademark assignment.
  • Certificate of Registration: A copy of the certificate of registration for the trademark being assigned.
  • Power of Attorney: A power of attorney signed by the assignee authorizing their representative to act on their behalf in connection with the trademark assignment.

Advantages of Trademark Assignment:

The advantages of trademark assignment include:

  • Transfer of Ownership: Trademark assignment allows for the transfer of ownership of a trademark from one entity to another.
  • License to Use: Trademark assignment allows for the licensing of a trademark to another party for use in connection with specific goods or services.
  • Collateral for Loans: Trademark assignment can be used as collateral for loans.

Why Need an Expert for Trademark Assignment:

Trademark assignment is a complex legal process that requires expert knowledge and experience. An expert can help ensure that the trademark assignment agreement is drafted correctly, that all necessary documents are filed, and that the assignment complies with all relevant laws and regulations.


Trademark assignment is an important legal process that allows for the transfer of ownership of a trademark from one entity to another. It is important to have a clear understanding of the procedure for trademark assignment, the documents required, the advantages of trademark assignment, and why you need an expert for trademark assignment. If you need assistance with trademark assignment, it is recommended that you consult with an expert in trademark law.

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          This SERVICEMARK, TRADEMARK AND DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made this 7 day of December, 1999 by and between:

          [], a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, with its offices at 723 S. Casino Center Blvd. 2/nd/ Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-6716 (“[A]”); and

          [B] Limited, an international business company organized and existing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, with its correspondence address at 22/nd/ Floor, Hutchison House, 10 Harcourt Road, Central, Hong Kong (“[B]”).

          WHEREAS, [A] is the registered owner of, and has set forth as Schedule I the domain name “[A]” and all other domain names consisting of the letter combination “tom” owned by it (other than tom.to) (the “Domain Name”);

          WHEREAS, [A] is the common law proprietor and beneficial owner of a certain service mark/trademark throughout the world, details of which are set out in Schedule II hereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark”), and has made applications in the United States and in the European Union for registration of such trademark, details of which are set forth in Schedule II hereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark Applications”); and

          WHEREAS, [A] has agreed with [B] that, for the consideration hereinafter appearing, and subject always to the terms and conditions hereof, [A] shall transfer to [B] all rights in and relating to the Domain Name, and, as beneficial owner, shall assign to [B] all rights in and relating to the Trademark and the Trademark Applications throughout the world.

          NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements described herein, the Parties agree as follows:


          Article 1.

Based on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and for the consideration set forth in Articles 3 and 4 below, [A] hereby sells,assigns and transfers to [B], and [B] hereby agrees to purchase from [A], all [A]’s right, title and interest in and to the Domain Name.

          Article 2.

Based on and subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and for the consideration set forth in Articles 3 and 4 below, [A] hereby sells, assigns and transfers to [B] and [B] hereby agrees to purchase from [A]:

          2.1   all the property, right, title and interest in and to the Trademark including all common law rights connected therein together with the goodwill of the business relating to the goods and services in respect of which the Trademark is used and all rights therein at common law;

          2.2   all the full benefit of the Trademark and the Trademark Applications including all of the rights [A] may have at common law to the intent that upon such Trademark Applications being in order for registration, this Agreement shall operate to vest the same in [B] as registered proprietor absolutely together with the benefit of any use of the Trademark and the Trademark Application prior to registration; provided, however, that it is distinctly to be understood that [A] neither warrants nor guarantees that such registrations will be granted by the respective governmental authorities involved, and

          2.3   all rights, both at law and in equity, to maintain and enforce any rights subsisting in the Trademark and Trademark Applications, including but not being limited to commencing and maintaining legal proceedings for passing off or infringement of Trademark or any such similar proceedings in respect of the Trademark and the Trademark Application.


          Article 3.

          3.1 The consideration (the “Consideration”) to be paid by [B] for the transfer of the Domain Name and the assignment of the Trademark shall be US$2.5 million. The Consideration shall be paid to the Escrow Agent (as defined in Article 7), who shall release the Consideration pursuant to the terms of the Escrow Agreement (as defined in Article 7) in three installments as follows:

                (i)   Upon the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Article 6, $1.5 million;

                (ii)  Upon the receipt by [B] of evidence satisfactory to [B] that Network Solutions, Inc. has completed the transfer of the Domain Name to [B], $500,000 (the “Transfer Date”);

                (iii) On the date that is ninety (90) days after the Transfer Date, $500,000; provided, however, that if within such 90-day period [B] has received written notice from any third party challenging the transfer of the Domain Name or [B]’s registration or use of the Domain Name (a “Claim”), the provision of Article 3.2 shall apply.

          3.2   If, within the 90-day period referred to in Article 3.1, [B] receives a Claim, [B] shall have the right to defend or settle such claim with counsel of its own choosing; provided that any settlement must be approve by [A], which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. [B] shall be entitled to apply all or a portion of the $500,000 remaining with the Escrow Agent (representing the third installment of Consideration) to cover [B]’s costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, incurred in defending or settling such claim. Immediately after resolution of the Claim, [B] shall instruct the Escrow Agent to pay the balance of the escrowed funds,  if any, to [A], together with accrued interest thereon from the Closing Date.

          3.3   Nothing in this Article 3 shall be deemed to modify or diminish [A]’s indemnification obligations pursuant to Article 18 of this Agreement.

          Article 4.  In addition, provided [A] is not in breach of its representations, warranties or obligations hereunder, [A] shall have the option (the “Option”) to purchase at the initial public offering price up to a total of US$2.5 million worth of shares in any of the [B] Group Companies (as defined below) that is publicly listed on a stock exchange or board. The exercise of the Option shall be subject to receipt of the preliminary prospectus by [A] and subject to all securities laws and other relevant reguhlations applicable to [A] and the relevant [B] Group Company. Te period in which the Option may be exercised and the other procedures with respect to the exercise of the Option shall be determined by [B] in consultation with the relevant [B] Group Company and its underwriters. [A] shall be notified of such procedures at the same time as the preliminary prospectus for the relevant offering is delivered to it. A [B] Group Company shall mean [B] and any company in which [B] holds at least 51 percent of the issued and paid-up shares of such company, and/or by any company that uses the Domain Name and/or Trademark under authorization of [B] or its designee.

          Article 5.   To effect the assignment of the Trademark and the Trademark Application, the Parties shall execute and have notarized the Trademark Assignment (the “Assignment”), substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix A. To effect the transfer of the Domain Name, the Parties shall complete, execute and have notarized the Registrant Name Change Agreement – Transfer (the “Transfer Form”), substantially in the form attached hereto as Appendix B. As between the parties, the assignment and transfer shall be effective from the date and the time hereof. [A] shall be responsible for filing the Transfer Form on the Closing Date and ensuring that Network Solutions, Inc. effects the transfer of the Domain Name and for notifying [B] of such transfer within two (2) days of receipt of notification of such transfer. As of the date of such assignment and transfer, it shall become the obligation of [B], as its sole cost and expense, to prosecute the trademark applications for registering and [A] shall have no further obligation with respect to such prosecution except to provide pertinent information and to sign all lawful documents and provide evidence within the knowledged an control of [A].

          Article 6.   Within one (1) day of the date hereof, [A] shall:

          6.1   Remove all of its content from the web site associated with the Domain Name and replace it with the latest content provided by [B] (or provide access to [B] to do the same).

          6.2   Delink all [A]-controlled hyperlinks or redirects that previously connected to the Domain Name.

          6.3   Transfer the Domain Name to the domain name servers designated by [B] and change all contact information and email addresses for the Domain Name to those designated by [B].

          Article 7.   The closing of the transactions contemplated herein (the “Closing”) shall take place on the date on which the conditions set forth in Article 8 are met. The date of the Closing shall be referred to herein as the “Closing Date.” Subject to the conditions to closing set forth in Article 8, [B] shall deliver to the escrow agent appointed by the Parties pursuant to the Escrow Agreement (the “Escrow Agent”), attached hereto as Appendix C, the Consideration, which shall be released to [A] in accordance with the provisions of the Escrow Agreement.

          Article 8.   (to ” Article I. Conditions Precedent”). Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, [B] shall not be obligated to deliver to the Escrow Agent the Consideration unless each of the following conditions has been satisfied (or waived by it at its sole discretion) as of the Closing Date:

          8.1   The representations and warranties made herein by [A] are true and correct as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as if made thereon;

          8.2   The conditions of Articles 5 and 6 have been satisfied.

          Article 9.   The Escrow Agreement shall provide that in the event of any material breach of the representations and warranties under Article 10, the Escrow Agent shall release the Consideration to [B].

      CHAPTER 3


          Article 10. [A] represents and warrants to [B] that:

          10.1 It is a limited liability company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of Nevada. It has the full legal right, power and authority required to enter into this Agreement and to perform fully its obligations hereunder. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by it, and constitutes the valid and binding obligations of such corporation enforceable against it in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

          10.2 It is the entity that registered the Domain Name and has good and marketable title and is the sole legal and beneficial owner of the Domain Name free and clear of any third party interests, claims, liens or other encumbrances or other rights or restrictions whatsoever.

          10.3 No license, assignment or legal or equitable charge has been granted or made in respect of the Domain Name or any interest therein.

          10.4 The Domain Name and Trademark do not and will not, when owned, used, or operated by [B], infringe upon any copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property rights of any third party, and there are no third party rights that would hinder [B]’s use of the Domain Name or the Trademark and there will be no such third party rights when the Domain Name and product are owned, used or operated by [B].

          10.5 The ownership and use of the Domain Name, the Trademark and Trademark Applications by [B] do not and will not violate any relevant laws, regulations and rules.

          10.6 All appropriate and necessary consents, approvals and authorizations in connection with the transfer of ownership and use by [B] of the Domain Name have been obtained and are in full force and effect.

          10.7 At the date hereof the Trademark Applications are subsisting and have been filed or made, and that, to the best of its knowledge and belief after due inquiry, nothing has been done nor has any event occurred whereby the same may be declared void or invalidated.

          10.8 Schedule II contains a complete and accurate list of all the countries in which it has filed or made applications for the registration of the Trademark.

          10.9 It has the right of proprietorship in the Domain Name, the Trademark and the Trademark Application, and that up to the date hereof it is not aware after due inquiry of any claim which has been made which may affect the Trademark or the Trademark Applications nor has it charged or encumbered the same in any way, and should it at any further date discover any such charge or encumbrance, it undertakes to disclose the same in writing to [B] as soon as

is possible and to terminate or discharge such charge or encumbrance as soon as is possible; provided always that all costs and expenses including attorneys’ fees, incurred by [A] in connection with such termination shall be borne by it and not by [B].

          10.10 It has not granted any registered user or license agreement in respect of the Domain Name, Trademark or the Trademark Applications, save as disclosed in writing to [B] on the date hereof, and should it at any future date discover any such registered user or license agreement, it undertakes to terminate such agreement or agreements as soon as is possible and to disclose the same in writing to [B] as soon as is possible; provided always that all costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by [A] in connection with such termination shall be borne by it and not by [B].

          10.11 It shall not at any time hereafter use the Trademark or any other mark so resembling any of the Trademark as to be likely to deceive or cause confusion.

          10.12 Pending any recordation and/or registration of [B] as proprietor of the Trademark Applications, [A] will lend its name to any proceedings for infringement or passing off or other analogous actions which [B] may bring against any person wrongfully using of the Trademark in any of the countries or territories mentioned in Schedule II hereto; provided always that with respect to all causes of action arising after the date hereof, all

reasonable costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by [A] in connection therewith shall be paid by [B] on a full indemnity basis.

          10.13 There are not notices, actions, suits, proceedings, claims, complaints, disputes, arbitrations or investigations (collectively, “Claims”) pending or, to the knowledge of [A], threatened, at law, in equity, in arbitration or before any Governmental Authority against [A] related to the Domain Name. No Order has been issued by any court or other Governmental Authority against [A] related to the Domain Name purporting to enjoin or restrain the execution, delivery or performance of this Agreement.

          10.14 It has not done any act or failed to do any act, and to the best of its knowledge and belief after due inquiry, no event has occurred, whereby the Domain Name, the Trademark or the Trademark Application may have been or may be declared void or invalidated.

          Article 11. [B] represents and warrants to [A] that:

          11.1  It is an international business company duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the British Virgin Islands.

          11.2  It has the full legal right, power and authority required to enter into this Agreement and to perform fully its obligations hereunder. This Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by it, and constitutes the valid and binding obligations of such corporation enforceable against it in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.


          Article 12. [A] hereby agrees to take all actions and to sign and execute any documents, forms or authorization in form or forms to be specified by [B] that may be reasonably required for procuring the registration, assignment, and absolute vesting of all right, title and interest in the Domain Name, the Trademark and Trademark Applications, recording or registering the transfer of rights in or to, or which may arise in respect of any of the, Domain

Name, the Trademark or the Trademark Application hereby assigned. If [A] defaults in signing and/or executing the same, [A] hereby appoints [B] or its nominee as the true and lawful attorney of [A] solely for this purpose, which appointment is irrevocable and coupled with an interest.

          Article 13. The Parties agree to keep the existence and terms of this Agreement in strictest confidence and shall not disclose the fact of the existence of or the terms of this Agreement to any third party.

          Article 14. Notices or other communications required to be given by any Party pursuant to this Agreement shall be delivered in person or sent in letter form by registered mail or international courier service, in either case postage prepaid, or by facsimile or similar telecommunications equipment to the address of the other Party set forth below or to such other addresses as may from time to time be designated by the other Party through notification to such Party. Any such notice shall be deemed given when so delivered personally or, if sent by registered mail, ten (10) days after the date of deposit in the mails or, if sent by international courier service, three (3) days after the date of deposit with the courier service or, if delivered by facsimile or similar telecommunications equipment, at the time of receipt thereof.

          [A]:  Rines & Rines

          Attention:    Robert H. Rines

          Facsimile No.:603-228-0210 or  617-973-9956

          [B]:   [B] Limited

          22/nd/ Floor, Hutchison House

          20 Harcourt Road

          Central, Hong Kong

          Attention:     Guy Look

            Facsimile No.: 011-852-2123-9588

          Article 15. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, which counterparts, when taken together, shall constitute a valid and binding agreement.

          Article 16. The execution, validity, interpretation and performance of, or the resolution of disputes under this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, the United States of America, without regard to its principles of conflicts of law.

          Article 17. All representations, warranties and obligations in this Agreement shall survive the Closing.

          Article 18. [A] hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless [B] and will pay to [B] the amount of any loss, liability, claim, damage, expense (including any reasonable experts’, consultants’ and attorneys’ fees) or diminution of value, whether or not involving a third-party claim arising, directly or indirectly, from or in connection with any breach of any representation, warranty or obligation of [A] in or under this Agreement or in or under any other certificate or document delivered pursuant to this Agreement. The remedies provided in this Article 18 shall not be exclusive or limit any other remedies that may be available to [B].

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties will have called this Agreement to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, as of the date first above written.

                                                              [B] LIMITED

By: /s/                                                By: /s/

    ———————————-        ———————————-

    Name:                                       Name:

    Title: Managing Member                    Title: Director




            SERVICEMARK, TRADEMARK ASSIGNMENT dated as of November , 1999 by and

between d/b/a [A], a Nevada limited liability company (“Assignor”), and [B] Limited, a British Virgin Islands international business company (“Assignee”).

          Assignor owns the trademarks and service marks (including the application for registration thereof (the “Trademark Applications”) listed on Schedule 1 attached hereto (the “Marks”). Pursuant to the Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement between Assignor and Assignee dated as of the date hereof, Assignor sold, transferred and assigned to Assignee all of Assignor’s right, title, and interest in, to, and under the Marks (the “Assignment of Marks”). Assignor and Assignee want to confirm the Assignment of Marks for purposes of filing the same with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (the “PTO”). The parties therefore agree as follows.

  • For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby transfers, assigns, and otherwise conveys to Assignee, all of Assignor’s right, title, and interest in, to, and under the following:
  • the goodwill associated with the Marks; and
  • all rights to proceeds of the foregoing, including, without limitation, any claim by Assignor against third parties for past, present, or future infringement of the Marks.
  • Assignor hereby authorizes and requests the PTO to issue the certificate of registration in respect of the Trademark Application to Assignee for its sole use, and for the use of its legal representatives and assigns, to the full end of the term for which such registration may be granted, as fully and entirely as the same would have been held by Assignor had this assignment

not been made.

          Assignor has caused this Trademark Assignment to be duly executed and authorized as of the date hereof.

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LIVE Current Status - Examination

WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark

WROCLAW FINAL 2025 United Kingdom Trademark Information

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The WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark was assigned an Application Number # UK00004092828 by the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO). Trademark Application Number is a Unique ID to identify the WROCLAW FINAL 2025 mark in UKIPO.

The WROCLAW FINAL 2025 mark is filed in the category of Class 012 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. , Class 014 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments. , Class 016 Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery and office requisites, except furniture; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; drawing materials and materials for artists; paintbrushes; instructional and teaching materials; plastic sheets, films and bags for wrapping and packaging; printers’ type, printing blocks. , Class 018 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins and hides; luggage and carrying bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars, leashes and clothing for animals. , Class 024 Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic. , Class 025 Clothing, footwear, headwear. , Class 028 Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees. , Class 029 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and other milk products; oils and fats for food. , Class 030 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice, pasta and noodles; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; chocolate; ice cream, sorbets and other edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, seasonings, spices, preserved herbs; vinegar, sauces and other condiments; ice (frozen water). , Class 032 Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other non-alcoholic preparations for making beverages. , Class 035 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. , Class 036 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. , Class 038 Telecommunications. , Class 039 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement. , Class 004 Industrial oils and greases, wax; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting. , Class 041 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. , Class 043 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation. , Class 009 Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating devices; computers and computer peripheral devices; diving suits, divers’ masks, ear plugs for divers, nose clips for divers and swimmers, gloves for divers, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; fire-extinguishing apparatus. . The legal correspondent for WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark is Stobbs , Cambridge CB25 9PD, UNITED KINGDOM . The current status of the WROCLAW FINAL 2025 filing is Examination .

Based on Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) , the WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark is used in the following business: Bicycles, motorcycles, motor cars, trucks, vans (vehicles), buses, camping cars, refrigerated vehicles; airplanes and boats; air balloons, dirigible balloons (airships); automotive accessories namely glare shields, pneumatic tires, casings for pneumatic tires, luggage racks, ski racks, rims and wheel hubcaps; seat covers, vehicle covers, baby carriages, strollers, safety seats for infants and children (for vehicles); land vehicle engines; radiator heat shields for land vehicles; headlight shields; steering wheels for vehicles; trailers; cushions as car accessories; motors and drives for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles. , Jewelry; necklaces; watches; wristwatches, clocks; chronographs; wall clocks; medallions, pendants; brooches; bracelets; pins (jewelry); pins for teams and players (jewelry); tie clips and tie pins; cuff links; commemorative medals made of precious metal; ornamental hat pins, key rings (trinkets or fobs); decorative key rings; coins; medals for clothing; medallions for clothing; cases for alarm watches with insignia of precious metal; trophies, statues and sculptures all made of precious metal; collectors printed metal caps (pogs), all made of precious metal; leather bracelets; plastic bracelets; decorative key holders made of plastic; lapel pins for clothing (except those made of precious metal); decorative pins (not of precious metals); ornamental hat pins not of precious metal; lapel pins not of precious metal (including letters and figures); plastic lapel pins. , Coloring and drawing books; activity books; magazines; newspapers; books and journals, including those connected with sportsmen and women or sports events; page markers; printed teaching material; score sheets; programs for events; albums for events; photograph albums; autograph books, printed timetables, brochures; photographs of players for collectors; bumper stickers, stickers, albums, sticker albums; posters; photographs; paper tablecloths; paper serviettes; paper bags; invitation cards; greeting cards; gift-wrapping paper; coasters and table mats of paper; garbage bags of paper or plastic materials; food-wrapping paper; food preservation bags; paper coffee filters; paper labels; paper hand towels; toilet paper; napkins for removing make-up, of paper; handkerchief boxes of paper and cardboard; paper handkerchiefs; stationery and instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); typewriter paper; copying paper; envelopes; writing pads; document sleeves; tissue-paper; exercise books; paper sheets for note-taking; writing paper; binder paper; files; book cover paper; luminous paper; self-adhesive paper for notes; paperweights; crepe paper; cloth paper; paper badges or insignia; paper flags; paper pennants; writing instruments; fountain pens; pencils; ball-point pens; ball-point pen and pencil sets; felt-tip markers; fiber-tip pens and felt-tip pens; markers; ink, inking pads, rubber stamps; typewriters (electric or non-electric); lithographs, lithographic works of art; paintings (pictures), framed or unframed; paint boxes, paintings and coloring pencils; chalks; pencil ornaments; blocks for printing; address books; time planners; personal organizers of paper; road maps; tickets, admission tickets, lottery tickets; bank and travellers' checks; comic books; calendars; postcards; advertising panels, banners; transfers (decalcomanias); sticking labels; office requisites (except furniture); correction fluids; rubber erasers; pencil sharpeners; stands and containers for office articles; paper clips; thumbtacks; rulers; adhesive tapes for stationery, adhesive tape dispensers; staples; stencils; document folders; bulldog clips; memo pad holders; bookends; holders for books; stamps (seals); postage stamps for collectable purposes; commemorative stamp sheets; credit cards, telephone cards, cash cards, ATM cards, cards for traveling and for shows, check guarantee cards and debit cards being non-magnetic and of paper or cardboard; paper luggage labels; passport holders; checkbook holders; metal note clips. , Leather and imitation leather; leather straps/thongs; umbrellas; parasols; sports bags (other than those adapted to the products which they contain); leisure bags; traveling bags; backpacks; school bags; bags to be pinned on belts; handbags; cases for business cards; leather bags; beach bags; tote-bags; garment bags for travel; suitcases; document cases; labels for suitcases; straps for suitcases; briefcases (leather ware); vanity cases (empty), toiletry bags; key cases (leather ware); wallets; purses; whips; collars for animals; animal leashes; identity-card holders. , Bed linen; sheets; eiderdowns; bedspreads; pillow cases; curtains, shower curtains; fabrics for curtains; linen; hand towels, bath linen, dish towels; blankets; handkerchiefs of textile; wall hangings; flags, of textile; banners; advertising banners; pennants, of textile; tablecloths not of paper; textile labels; sleeping bags; sleeping bags (quilted). , Clothing; shoes and footwear; headgear; shirts; knitted fabrics (garments); pullovers; sleeveless pullovers; T-shirts; vests; singlets; sleeveless singlets, frocks; skirts; underwear; bathing suits; bath robes; shorts; trousers; sweaters; bonnets; caps; hats; sashes for wear; scarves; shawls; peaked caps; tracksuits; sweatshirts; jackets, sports jackets, stadium jackets (chasubles); blazers; waterproof clothing; coats; uniforms; neckties; bandanas; wristbands; headbands; gloves; aprons; bibs, not of paper; pyjamas; play clothes for infants and children; stockings and socks; stocking suspenders; belts; suspenders and braces; sandals, thong sandals; athletic footwear, namely outdoor shoes, hiking shoes, basketball shoes, cross-training shoes, cycling shoes, indoor sports shoes, running and track-field shoes, flip-flops, football shoes (indoor and outdoor), football boots, canvas shoes, tennis shoes, urban sports shoes, sailing shoes, aerobic shoes; sports apparel namely fleece tops, jogging suits, knit sportswear, sport casual pants, polo shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, soccer style shirts, rugby-style shirts, socks, swimwear, tights and leg warmers, tracksuits, functional underwear, singlets, bra tops, leotards, snow suits, snow jackets, snow pants. , Games and toys; coin-operated video games for game halls (arcade games); sports balls; playing balls; board games; tables for table football; dolls and plush toys; vehicles (toys); puzzles; balloons; inflatable toys; playing disks (pogs); playing cards; confetti; sport and gymnastics articles; football equipment, namely footballs, gloves, knee, elbow and shoulder pads, shin guards; football goals; sports bags and receptacles (adapted to the objects) to carry sports articles; party hats (toys); electronic games other than for use with a television set only; rubber or foam hands (toys); robots for entertainment (toys); appliances for gymnastics; kites; roller skates; scooters (toys); skateboards; scratch cards, for playing lottery games; small electronic games intended for use with a television set; video game apparatus; gamepads; hand- or voice-activated gamepads, steering wheels for video games and dancing mats for video games; electronic games with liquid crystal displays; game consoles; toys for pet animals. , Meat; fish; poultry; game; meat extracts; canned fish and meat; cooked fruit and vegetables; canned fruit and vegetables; edible oils and fats; potato crisps; French fries; prepared nuts; jams; marmalades and jellies; milk; milk products, dairy products; cheeses; soya milk (milk substitute); soups; bouillons. , Coffee; coffee based beverages; tea; cocoa, chocolates; sugar; honey; molasses; natural and low calorie sweeteners; yeast; artificial coffee; flour; soya flour; cereal preparations; cereals; bread; pastries; pâté (pastries); pasta; cakes; cookies and biscuits; crackers; ice cream; confectionery; chocolate confectionery; chocolate; rice; chips (cereal products); mustard; vinegar; sauces (condiments); spices; salt; food preservatives [salt]; sandwiches, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, pizzas; tea based beverages; ice tea; chocolate-based beverages. , Soft drinks; concentrates, syrups and powders for making non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and carbonated waters; other non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; energy drinks; hypertonic drinks, hypotonic drinks; diet beverages; beverages enriched with added vitamins not for medical use; fruit and vegetable drinks; fruit and vegetable juices; iced fruit beverages non-carbonated, non-alcoholic frozen flavored beverages; beers; strong brown ales; light beers and ales, beers with little or no alcohol. , Employment agencies; personnel recruitment; advertising services; advertising services provided by an agency publishing advertising texts; advertising agency services; advertising agency services on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; dissemination of advertisements; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time in film credits; television advertising, radio advertising; advertising in the form of animated cartoons; promotion agency services, promotion agency services for sports and public relations; market study services; market research services; public opinion polling services; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of advertising for trade fairs; compilation and systematization of data in data banks; data bank management services; compilation of statistics; advertising for sports events in the field of football; retail services connected with the sale of clothing, footwear, headgear, sports articles, stationery, apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images, books, newspapers, magazines, publications, video games, toys, dolls, badges of all kinds, key rings, watches and jewelry; retail services connected with the sale of bags, luggage, briefcases, umbrellas, flags and pennants, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery, medical apparatus and instruments, vehicles and accessories for motor cars, enabling consumers to conveniently compare and purchase those goods; retail services connected with the sale of solvents, paraffin, waxes, bitumen and petroleum; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely clothing, footwear, headgear, sports articles, stationery, apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images, books, newspapers, magazines, publications; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely video games, toys, dolls, badges of all kinds, key rings, watches and jewelry, bags, luggage, briefcases, umbrellas; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely flags and pennants, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery, medical apparatus and instruments; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely vehicles and accessories for motor cars; advertising and promotion services, information services with regard to advertising and promotion, commercial information agencies, all the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or via a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; design and compilation of advertisements for use as a web site on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; provision of space on web sites, for advertising of goods and services; auctioneering on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; collection of directories for publication on the Internet and on wireless electronic communication networks; business administration services for processing commercial services on a global computer network (Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; compilation and management of databases, namely collection of domain names in a register; sales promotion, namely creation of preferential programs for customers; implementation of bonus programs for customers in stadiums by distributing encoded loyalty and membership cards which can contain the personal data of the user; development, launch and administration of loyalty programs, namely issuing loyalty cards to fans, containing personal information on the identity of the card holder; electronic commerce (e-commerce) services, namely provision of information on goods via telecommunication networks for advertising or sales purposes; compilation of data into a computer database, especially still or animated images; e-commerce services, namely online services for providing contracts for the purchase and sale of goods on behalf of others; promotion of sports events in the field of football; promotion of the goods and services of others, through contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsoring) and licensing agreements, providing them with increased notoriety and enhanced image derived from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events; compilation and recording of data and information on sporting performances; provision of personnel, particularly for selling beverages and foods; promotion of football events; retail services connected with the sale of printed matter for interactive educational and entertainment purposes, interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs and computer games; retail sale services, particularly on a global computer network, for printed matter for interactive educational and entertainment purposes, interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs and computer games; presentation of computer programs for retail sale purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses] for sports events or entertainment; promotion of the goods and services of others, through contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsoring) and licensing agreements, providing them with increased notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or affinity derived from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events; ticket sales promotion services; financial sponsorship search for football competitions; issue of loyalty cards to fans, which contain personal data on the identity of the cardholder and are used for access control at sports stadiums; providing an online marketplace for the creation, display, sale, and transfer of virtual goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (nfts) and artwork authenticated by non-fungible token (nfts); providing an online marketplace for buyer and sellers of virtual goods, collectibles in digital format and crypto-collectibles authenticated by NFTs. , Issuance and management of credit cards and travelers' checks; financial services; banking, credit and investment services; insurance services; lease-purchase financing; hire-purchase financing services; financial sponsorship of sports events; information services related to finance and insurance, provided from a computer database or the Internet or on all wireless electronic communication networks; home banking services; banking services on the Internet or on all wireless electronic communication networks; payment services, including services provided from a computer database or via the Internet or via mobile telephones; safe deposit services; financial sponsoring of events in the field of football; financial payment services for electronic commerce, namely transfer of funds, all via electronic communication networks; financial payment services for electronic commerce in connection with the purchase of goods and services provided by others, all via electronic communication networks, and clearing and settlement of financial transactions via electronic communication networks; issue of vouchers in the form of travel vouchers; online information services in the field of valuation of collectibles, jewelry, memorabilia and antiques; conducting of crypto currency, value token and digital token transactions; fund management; financial investment services in the fields of securities, mutual funds and portfolio management; trading in money, currencies, financial debt recovery, shares, bonds, bond loans, securities, securities law, financial derivatives and discount notes. , Telecommunication services; communication by mobile telephones; telex communication; communication via electronic computer terminals linked to telecommunication networks, databases and the Internet or via wireless electronic communication devices; telegraph communication; telephone communication; communication by facsimile transmission; radio call services; telephone or video conference services; television program broadcasting; broadcasting of cable television programs; radio program broadcasting; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television program on sport and sporting events; news and news information agency services; message transmission services; rental of telephones, fax machines and telecommunication apparatus; transmission of commercial Internet pages on-line or via wireless electronic communication devices; transmission and broadcasting services for radio and television programs via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; electronic message transmission; simultaneous broadcasting of film recordings and sound and video recordings; provision of access to telematics servers and to real-time conversation forums; computer-assisted message and image transmission; telecommunication via fiber optic networks; provision of access to a global computer network or of interactive communication technologies for access to private and commercial purchasing and ordering services; telecommunication of information (including web sites), computers and other data; transmission of information (including telematics sites) by telecommunication, of computer programs and other data; electronic mail services; providing access to the internet or to any wireless electronic communication network (telecommunication services); provision of connections for telecommunications with a global computer network (Internet) or with databases; provision of access to web sites offering digital music on the Internet via a global computer network or via wireless electronic communication devices; leasing access time to MP3 web sites on the Internet via a global computer network or via wireless electronic communication devices; leasing access time to a database server center (telecommunication services); leasing access time to a computer database (telecommunication services); transmission of digital music by telecommunications; on-line transmission of electronic publications; digital music transmission on the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; digital music transmission via MP3 Internet sites; simultaneous distribution and/or broadcasting of film recordings and sound and video recordings; simultaneous distribution and or broadcasting of interactive educational and entertainment products, interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer programs and computer games; provision of access time to blackboards (information and notice boards), discussion forums (chatrooms) and blogs in real time via a global computer network (communication services); telecommunication services devoted to retailing by means of interactive communications with customers; telecommunication of multimedia; videotext and teletext transmission services; information transmission via communication satellite, micro-wave or by digital or analog electronic means; digital information transmission by cable, wire or fiber; information transmission via mobile telephones, telephones, facsimile transmission and telex; telecommunication services for receiving and exchanging information, messages, images and data; providing access to discussion groups on the Internet; providing access to internet platforms (also mobile internet) in the nature customized web pages featuring user-defined or specified information, personal profiles; provision of access to search engines to obtain data and information on global networks. , Operation of a travel agency, namely travel arrangement and reservation; travel ticket reservation services and travel information and travel ticket sales services; air, railway, bus and truck transportation services; boat transportation; arrangement of trips by boat; arrangement of tourist trips; vehicle rental; rental of parking spaces; taxi services; transportation of goods by boat, land and air; distribution of water, heat, gas or electricity; newspaper, magazine and book delivery; postal services, messenger and mail delivery services; storage of goods; distribution of solvents, paraffins, waxes, bitumens and oil products, excluding liquid gas; distribution (delivery) of films and of sound and image recordings; distribution (delivery) of interactive educational and recreational products, of interactive compact disks, of CD-ROMs, of computer programs and of computer games; professional consultancy services relating to the distribution of power and electricity; information relating to transport, rental of vehicles, rental of motor vehicles and utility vehicles; rental of vehicle roof racks; transportation information; transportation of vehicles; transport reservation; vehicle towing; warehousing services; transport; packaging and storage of goods; distribution (transport) of tickets; GPS navigation services; travel arrangement; towing; taxi services, motor vehicle transport, transportation logistics; rental of vehicles, in particular cars; passenger transport, in particular by bus; freight brokerage; delivery of goods and parcels; traffic information; tracking and monitoring of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus. , Lubricants; engine oils and fuels including petrol, gasoline, diesel oil, gas and bio fuels; candles; waxes; greases; natural gas; liquid gases; industrial oils and greases; lubricating oils and greases; fuels; liquefied petroleum gas; non chemical additives for motor fuel, for lubricants and for greases; dust absorbing, wetting and binding products; lighting fuel; lubricants, oils and greases and lubricating preparations for industrial use; cutting oils for industrial use; milling oils; cutting and milling fluids. , Education; training; entertainment; operating lotteries and competitions; sport-related betting and game services; hospitality services (sport, entertainment); hospitality services, namely customer reception services (entertainment services), including provision of admission tickets for sporting or entertainment events; issuance of tickets, including on a global computer network (the Internet), for sporting, entertainment, cultural and educational events; sports tickets agency services; providing online information in the fields of sports and sports events from a computer database or the internet; entertainment services relating to sporting events; sporting and cultural activities; organization of events and sporting and cultural activities; organization of sporting competitions; organization of events in the field of football; operation of sports facilities; fun park services; health and fitness club services; video and audiovisual systems rental; rental of interactive educational and recreational products, of interactive educational and recreational compact disks in the field of sports, of CD-ROMs and computer games; production of interactive compact discs and of CD-ROMS [film and/or music production]; television and radio coverage of sports events; production services for radio and television programs and videotapes; simultaneous distribution of film recordings and sound and video recordings; ticket reservation services and information for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; sports camps services; timing during sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; online betting and game services on the Internet or on any wireless electronic communication network; provision of services relating to raffles; information in the field of entertainment (including in the sports field), provided online from a computer database or via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; electronic game services transmitted via the Internet or on mobile telephones; book publishing; on-line publishing of electronic books and newspapers; audio and video recording services; production of animated cartoons for the movies, production of animated cartoons for television; rental of sound and image recordings for entertainment; information in the field of education provided online from a computer database or via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; translation services; photography services; rental of football stadiums; programming and/or rental of film recordings and of sound and video recordings; providing statistical and other information on sports performances, radio and television programming; provision of entertainment infrastructures, namely, VIP lounges and sky boxes both on and off site sports facilities for entertainment purposes. , Restaurants, snack-bars; reception services, namely supply of food and beverages; catering services; hotel services; accommodation and restaurant services, hotel and temporary accommodation reservations; hospitality services, namely provision of food and beverages at sporting events or entertainment. , Exposed films, slides; video games; video game cassettes; video game disks; software (recorded programs), including software for games; computer programs and databases; recorded or downloaded sounds, images or data; videotapes, magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, DVDs, mini-disks, floppy disks, optical disks, compact disks, CD-ROMs, video disks, memory cards, USB mass storage devices, either blank or pre-recorded with music, sound or images (which may be animated cartoons); holograms; electronic publications provided via CD-ROMs, databases and the Internet; spectacles, sunglasses, diving and swimming goggles; cases, cords and chains for sunglasses and spectacles; binoculars; magnets and ornamental magnets; directional compasses; sound and image recording, transmission and reproduction apparatus; satellite dishes; decoders, namely software and hardware capable of converting, supplying and transmitting sound and visual data; virtual reality game software; Graphic user interface software for computers; software related to value tokens, virtual currencies, digital tokens and crypto currencies; application software for mobile devices, in particular for mobile phones, tablets and laptops; television set-top boxes; battery chargers for use of mobile phones; computer software to enable uploading, downloading, accessing, posting, displaying, editing, blogging, and otherwise providing electronic media and information via computer and communication networks; software for sending and receiving electronic messages, graphics, images, audio and audio visual content via global communication networks; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer software for editing, modifying, compiling, storing and sharing video; computer software for interactive games; downloadable software namely virtual goods, being digital art, photographs, videos, or audio recordings; downloadable digital artwork and images; digital art, digital collectibles, namely photographs, videos or audio recordings, authenticated by non-fungible tokens (nfts); cryptographic software based on blockchain technology, related to digital Tokens; digital collectibles created with blockchain-based software in the nature of art, photos, images, videos, and audio recordings; downloadable software for providing access to, and related to, digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, non-fungible tokens nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for use in electronically buying, selling, receiving, sending, storing, trading, and processing transactions to and related to digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for providing information, communications, and authentications for social media, digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for downloading, receiving, sending, and storing software, data, links, video files, and image files from the internet; downloadable software for providing access to digital marketplaces and auctions; computer application software for blockchain-based platforms; televisions; flat screens, liquid crystal display screens, high-definition screens and plasma screens; radios; home cinema systems; video recorders; CD players; DVD players; MP3 players; cassette players; minidisk players; digital music players; loudspeakers; headsets, earphones; computers, including laptops, note books and tablets; karaoke systems; sound-editing and mixing systems; video image editing and mixing systems; electronic data processing apparatus; computer keyboards; computer screens; modems; computer mouse devices, mouse pads; navigation systems; personal digital assistants (PDA); electronic pocket translators; dictaphones; electronic diaries; scanners; printers; photocopiers; facsimile machines; telephones, automatic answering machines; videophones; mobile telephones; accessories for mobile phones included in this class, namely mobile phone cases and covers, hands-free kits for mobile phones, earphones and headsets for mobile phones, mobile phone keyboards, straps for mobile phones, special cases for carrying mobile phones, cameras and photographic camera attachments for mobile phones; remote controls for television sets and video systems; teleconference systems; calculators; credit card readers; currency converters; automated teller machines; video cameras, portable cameras with built-in video recorders; photographic equipment, photographic cameras, cameras (cinematographic cameras), projectors, special cases and cords for photographic cameras and instruments, electric cells and batteries; computer screen-saver programs; recorded or blank magnetic, digital or analog sound or image recording media; magnetic cards (encoded); memory cards (blank or pre-recorded); microchip or magnetic cards; microchip or magnetic credit cards; microchip or magnetic telephone cards, magnetic or microchip cards for change dispensers, magnetic or microchip cards for automated teller machines and currency conversion machines, prepaid magnetic or microchip cards for mobile telephones, magnetic or microchip cards for travelling and shows, magnetic or microchip check guarantee cards and magnetic or microchip debit cards; alarms; payment systems for electronic commerce, wind socks (wind-direction indicators); distance-measuring equipment; speed measuring and displaying equipment; protective gloves; audio receivers, sound amplifiers; decoders, namely, software and computer hardware which can convert, supply and transmit sound and visual data; disk drives for computers; protected semiconductors; integrated circuits with recorded programs for processing audio, visual or computer data; rechargeable batteries; central processing units and converters for audio and visual data; cables for data transmission; payment apparatus for electronic commerce; protective helmets for sports; magnetic identity bracelets; air and fuel coefficient analyzers; remote controls for locking cars; photovoltaic cells and solar module systems; security, safety, protective and signaling apparatus and equipment; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; electric weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving apparatus and instruments, included in class 9; warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); navigational equipment for vehicles; apparatus for navigation, navigational instruments; telematics apparatus; telematics terminal apparatus; electronic locks; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; electronic tickets, encoded; tickets in the form of magnetic cards. .

Trademark Information, Current Status and Owner(s)

Application Number UK00004092828
Word Mark WROCLAW FINAL 2025
Current Status Examination
Priority-Claim International Filing Deadline:
Filing Date Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Mark Type Figurative
Trademark Owner
Trademark Correspondent

Trademark Classification Information

Class 012 - Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water.

Class 014 - Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious and semi-precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments.

Class 016 - Paper and cardboard; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery and office requisites, except furniture; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; drawing materials and materials for artists; paintbrushes; instructional and teaching materials; plastic sheets, films and bags for wrapping and packaging; printers’ type, printing blocks.

Class 018 - Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins and hides; luggage and carrying bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; collars, leashes and clothing for animals.

Class 024 - Textiles and substitutes for textiles; household linen; curtains of textile or plastic.

Class 025 - Clothing, footwear, headwear.

Class 028 - Games, toys and playthings; video game apparatus; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for Christmas trees.

Class 029 - Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and other milk products; oils and fats for food.

Class 030 - Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice, pasta and noodles; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastries and confectionery; chocolate; ice cream, sorbets and other edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, seasonings, spices, preserved herbs; vinegar, sauces and other condiments; ice (frozen water).

Class 032 - Beers; non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and aerated waters; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other non-alcoholic preparations for making beverages.

Class 035 - Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions.

Class 036 - Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs.

Class 038 - Telecommunications.

Class 039 - Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement.

Class 004 - Industrial oils and greases, wax; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting.

Class 041 - Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities.

Class 043 - Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation.

Class 009 - Scientific, research, navigation, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, audiovisual, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, detecting, testing, inspecting, life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling the distribution or use of electricity; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmitting, reproducing or processing sound, images or data; recorded and downloadable media, computer software, blank digital or analogue recording and storage media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating devices; computers and computer peripheral devices; diving suits, divers’ masks, ear plugs for divers, nose clips for divers and swimmers, gloves for divers, breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; fire-extinguishing apparatus.

Trademark Goods and Services Description

Description, goods & services.

Class 012 - Bicycles, motorcycles, motor cars, trucks, vans (vehicles), buses, camping cars, refrigerated vehicles; airplanes and boats; air balloons, dirigible balloons (airships); automotive accessories namely glare shields, pneumatic tires, casings for pneumatic tires, luggage racks, ski racks, rims and wheel hubcaps; seat covers, vehicle covers, baby carriages, strollers, safety seats for infants and children (for vehicles); land vehicle engines; radiator heat shields for land vehicles; headlight shields; steering wheels for vehicles; trailers; cushions as car accessories; motors and drives for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles, anti-theft devices for vehicles.

Class 014 - Jewelry; necklaces; watches; wristwatches, clocks; chronographs; wall clocks; medallions, pendants; brooches; bracelets; pins (jewelry); pins for teams and players (jewelry); tie clips and tie pins; cuff links; commemorative medals made of precious metal; ornamental hat pins, key rings (trinkets or fobs); decorative key rings; coins; medals for clothing; medallions for clothing; cases for alarm watches with insignia of precious metal; trophies, statues and sculptures all made of precious metal; collectors printed metal caps (pogs), all made of precious metal; leather bracelets; plastic bracelets; decorative key holders made of plastic; lapel pins for clothing (except those made of precious metal); decorative pins (not of precious metals); ornamental hat pins not of precious metal; lapel pins not of precious metal (including letters and figures); plastic lapel pins.

Class 016 - Coloring and drawing books; activity books; magazines; newspapers; books and journals, including those connected with sportsmen and women or sports events; page markers; printed teaching material; score sheets; programs for events; albums for events; photograph albums; autograph books, printed timetables, brochures; photographs of players for collectors; bumper stickers, stickers, albums, sticker albums; posters; photographs; paper tablecloths; paper serviettes; paper bags; invitation cards; greeting cards; gift-wrapping paper; coasters and table mats of paper; garbage bags of paper or plastic materials; food-wrapping paper; food preservation bags; paper coffee filters; paper labels; paper hand towels; toilet paper; napkins for removing make-up, of paper; handkerchief boxes of paper and cardboard; paper handkerchiefs; stationery and instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); typewriter paper; copying paper; envelopes; writing pads; document sleeves; tissue-paper; exercise books; paper sheets for note-taking; writing paper; binder paper; files; book cover paper; luminous paper; self-adhesive paper for notes; paperweights; crepe paper; cloth paper; paper badges or insignia; paper flags; paper pennants; writing instruments; fountain pens; pencils; ball-point pens; ball-point pen and pencil sets; felt-tip markers; fiber-tip pens and felt-tip pens; markers; ink, inking pads, rubber stamps; typewriters (electric or non-electric); lithographs, lithographic works of art; paintings (pictures), framed or unframed; paint boxes, paintings and coloring pencils; chalks; pencil ornaments; blocks for printing; address books; time planners; personal organizers of paper; road maps; tickets, admission tickets, lottery tickets; bank and travellers' checks; comic books; calendars; postcards; advertising panels, banners; transfers (decalcomanias); sticking labels; office requisites (except furniture); correction fluids; rubber erasers; pencil sharpeners; stands and containers for office articles; paper clips; thumbtacks; rulers; adhesive tapes for stationery, adhesive tape dispensers; staples; stencils; document folders; bulldog clips; memo pad holders; bookends; holders for books; stamps (seals); postage stamps for collectable purposes; commemorative stamp sheets; credit cards, telephone cards, cash cards, ATM cards, cards for traveling and for shows, check guarantee cards and debit cards being non-magnetic and of paper or cardboard; paper luggage labels; passport holders; checkbook holders; metal note clips.

Class 018 - Leather and imitation leather; leather straps/thongs; umbrellas; parasols; sports bags (other than those adapted to the products which they contain); leisure bags; traveling bags; backpacks; school bags; bags to be pinned on belts; handbags; cases for business cards; leather bags; beach bags; tote-bags; garment bags for travel; suitcases; document cases; labels for suitcases; straps for suitcases; briefcases (leather ware); vanity cases (empty), toiletry bags; key cases (leather ware); wallets; purses; whips; collars for animals; animal leashes; identity-card holders.

Class 024 - Bed linen; sheets; eiderdowns; bedspreads; pillow cases; curtains, shower curtains; fabrics for curtains; linen; hand towels, bath linen, dish towels; blankets; handkerchiefs of textile; wall hangings; flags, of textile; banners; advertising banners; pennants, of textile; tablecloths not of paper; textile labels; sleeping bags; sleeping bags (quilted).

Class 025 - Clothing; shoes and footwear; headgear; shirts; knitted fabrics (garments); pullovers; sleeveless pullovers; T-shirts; vests; singlets; sleeveless singlets, frocks; skirts; underwear; bathing suits; bath robes; shorts; trousers; sweaters; bonnets; caps; hats; sashes for wear; scarves; shawls; peaked caps; tracksuits; sweatshirts; jackets, sports jackets, stadium jackets (chasubles); blazers; waterproof clothing; coats; uniforms; neckties; bandanas; wristbands; headbands; gloves; aprons; bibs, not of paper; pyjamas; play clothes for infants and children; stockings and socks; stocking suspenders; belts; suspenders and braces; sandals, thong sandals; athletic footwear, namely outdoor shoes, hiking shoes, basketball shoes, cross-training shoes, cycling shoes, indoor sports shoes, running and track-field shoes, flip-flops, football shoes (indoor and outdoor), football boots, canvas shoes, tennis shoes, urban sports shoes, sailing shoes, aerobic shoes; sports apparel namely fleece tops, jogging suits, knit sportswear, sport casual pants, polo shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, soccer style shirts, rugby-style shirts, socks, swimwear, tights and leg warmers, tracksuits, functional underwear, singlets, bra tops, leotards, snow suits, snow jackets, snow pants.

Class 028 - Games and toys; coin-operated video games for game halls (arcade games); sports balls; playing balls; board games; tables for table football; dolls and plush toys; vehicles (toys); puzzles; balloons; inflatable toys; playing disks (pogs); playing cards; confetti; sport and gymnastics articles; football equipment, namely footballs, gloves, knee, elbow and shoulder pads, shin guards; football goals; sports bags and receptacles (adapted to the objects) to carry sports articles; party hats (toys); electronic games other than for use with a television set only; rubber or foam hands (toys); robots for entertainment (toys); appliances for gymnastics; kites; roller skates; scooters (toys); skateboards; scratch cards, for playing lottery games; small electronic games intended for use with a television set; video game apparatus; gamepads; hand- or voice-activated gamepads, steering wheels for video games and dancing mats for video games; electronic games with liquid crystal displays; game consoles; toys for pet animals.

Class 029 - Meat; fish; poultry; game; meat extracts; canned fish and meat; cooked fruit and vegetables; canned fruit and vegetables; edible oils and fats; potato crisps; French fries; prepared nuts; jams; marmalades and jellies; milk; milk products, dairy products; cheeses; soya milk (milk substitute); soups; bouillons.

Class 030 - Coffee; coffee based beverages; tea; cocoa, chocolates; sugar; honey; molasses; natural and low calorie sweeteners; yeast; artificial coffee; flour; soya flour; cereal preparations; cereals; bread; pastries; pâté (pastries); pasta; cakes; cookies and biscuits; crackers; ice cream; confectionery; chocolate confectionery; chocolate; rice; chips (cereal products); mustard; vinegar; sauces (condiments); spices; salt; food preservatives [salt]; sandwiches, hotdogs, cheeseburgers, pizzas; tea based beverages; ice tea; chocolate-based beverages.

Class 032 - Soft drinks; concentrates, syrups and powders for making non-alcoholic beverages; mineral and carbonated waters; other non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; energy drinks; hypertonic drinks, hypotonic drinks; diet beverages; beverages enriched with added vitamins not for medical use; fruit and vegetable drinks; fruit and vegetable juices; iced fruit beverages non-carbonated, non-alcoholic frozen flavored beverages; beers; strong brown ales; light beers and ales, beers with little or no alcohol.

Class 035 - Employment agencies; personnel recruitment; advertising services; advertising services provided by an agency publishing advertising texts; advertising agency services; advertising agency services on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; dissemination of advertisements; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time in film credits; television advertising, radio advertising; advertising in the form of animated cartoons; promotion agency services, promotion agency services for sports and public relations; market study services; market research services; public opinion polling services; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of advertising for trade fairs; compilation and systematization of data in data banks; data bank management services; compilation of statistics; advertising for sports events in the field of football; retail services connected with the sale of clothing, footwear, headgear, sports articles, stationery, apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images, books, newspapers, magazines, publications, video games, toys, dolls, badges of all kinds, key rings, watches and jewelry; retail services connected with the sale of bags, luggage, briefcases, umbrellas, flags and pennants, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery, medical apparatus and instruments, vehicles and accessories for motor cars, enabling consumers to conveniently compare and purchase those goods; retail services connected with the sale of solvents, paraffin, waxes, bitumen and petroleum; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely clothing, footwear, headgear, sports articles, stationery, apparatus for recording, transmission and reproduction of sound and images, books, newspapers, magazines, publications; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely video games, toys, dolls, badges of all kinds, key rings, watches and jewelry, bags, luggage, briefcases, umbrellas; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely flags and pennants, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, confectionery, medical apparatus and instruments; bringing together of the following goods for the benefit of others (excluding transport thereof) to enable customers to conveniently view and purchase these goods in a store or on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices, namely vehicles and accessories for motor cars; advertising and promotion services, information services with regard to advertising and promotion, commercial information agencies, all the aforesaid services provided on-line from a computer database or via a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; design and compilation of advertisements for use as a web site on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; provision of space on web sites, for advertising of goods and services; auctioneering on a global computer network (the Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; collection of directories for publication on the Internet and on wireless electronic communication networks; business administration services for processing commercial services on a global computer network (Internet) or via wireless electronic communication devices; compilation and management of databases, namely collection of domain names in a register; sales promotion, namely creation of preferential programs for customers; implementation of bonus programs for customers in stadiums by distributing encoded loyalty and membership cards which can contain the personal data of the user; development, launch and administration of loyalty programs, namely issuing loyalty cards to fans, containing personal information on the identity of the card holder; electronic commerce (e-commerce) services, namely provision of information on goods via telecommunication networks for advertising or sales purposes; compilation of data into a computer database, especially still or animated images; e-commerce services, namely online services for providing contracts for the purchase and sale of goods on behalf of others; promotion of sports events in the field of football; promotion of the goods and services of others, through contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsoring) and licensing agreements, providing them with increased notoriety and enhanced image derived from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events; compilation and recording of data and information on sporting performances; provision of personnel, particularly for selling beverages and foods; promotion of football events; retail services connected with the sale of printed matter for interactive educational and entertainment purposes, interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs and computer games; retail sale services, particularly on a global computer network, for printed matter for interactive educational and entertainment purposes, interactive compact disks, CD-ROMs and computer games; presentation of computer programs for retail sale purposes; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses] for sports events or entertainment; promotion of the goods and services of others, through contractual agreements, particularly partnership (sponsoring) and licensing agreements, providing them with increased notoriety and/or enhanced image and/or affinity derived from cultural and sporting events, particularly international events; ticket sales promotion services; financial sponsorship search for football competitions; issue of loyalty cards to fans, which contain personal data on the identity of the cardholder and are used for access control at sports stadiums; providing an online marketplace for the creation, display, sale, and transfer of virtual goods authenticated by non-fungible tokens (nfts) and artwork authenticated by non-fungible token (nfts); providing an online marketplace for buyer and sellers of virtual goods, collectibles in digital format and crypto-collectibles authenticated by NFTs.

Class 036 - Issuance and management of credit cards and travelers' checks; financial services; banking, credit and investment services; insurance services; lease-purchase financing; hire-purchase financing services; financial sponsorship of sports events; information services related to finance and insurance, provided from a computer database or the Internet or on all wireless electronic communication networks; home banking services; banking services on the Internet or on all wireless electronic communication networks; payment services, including services provided from a computer database or via the Internet or via mobile telephones; safe deposit services; financial sponsoring of events in the field of football; financial payment services for electronic commerce, namely transfer of funds, all via electronic communication networks; financial payment services for electronic commerce in connection with the purchase of goods and services provided by others, all via electronic communication networks, and clearing and settlement of financial transactions via electronic communication networks; issue of vouchers in the form of travel vouchers; online information services in the field of valuation of collectibles, jewelry, memorabilia and antiques; conducting of crypto currency, value token and digital token transactions; fund management; financial investment services in the fields of securities, mutual funds and portfolio management; trading in money, currencies, financial debt recovery, shares, bonds, bond loans, securities, securities law, financial derivatives and discount notes.

Class 038 - Telecommunication services; communication by mobile telephones; telex communication; communication via electronic computer terminals linked to telecommunication networks, databases and the Internet or via wireless electronic communication devices; telegraph communication; telephone communication; communication by facsimile transmission; radio call services; telephone or video conference services; television program broadcasting; broadcasting of cable television programs; radio program broadcasting; broadcasting and transmission of radio and television program on sport and sporting events; news and news information agency services; message transmission services; rental of telephones, fax machines and telecommunication apparatus; transmission of commercial Internet pages on-line or via wireless electronic communication devices; transmission and broadcasting services for radio and television programs via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; electronic message transmission; simultaneous broadcasting of film recordings and sound and video recordings; provision of access to telematics servers and to real-time conversation forums; computer-assisted message and image transmission; telecommunication via fiber optic networks; provision of access to a global computer network or of interactive communication technologies for access to private and commercial purchasing and ordering services; telecommunication of information (including web sites), computers and other data; transmission of information (including telematics sites) by telecommunication, of computer programs and other data; electronic mail services; providing access to the internet or to any wireless electronic communication network (telecommunication services); provision of connections for telecommunications with a global computer network (Internet) or with databases; provision of access to web sites offering digital music on the Internet via a global computer network or via wireless electronic communication devices; leasing access time to MP3 web sites on the Internet via a global computer network or via wireless electronic communication devices; leasing access time to a database server center (telecommunication services); leasing access time to a computer database (telecommunication services); transmission of digital music by telecommunications; on-line transmission of electronic publications; digital music transmission on the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; digital music transmission via MP3 Internet sites; simultaneous distribution and/or broadcasting of film recordings and sound and video recordings; simultaneous distribution and or broadcasting of interactive educational and entertainment products, interactive compact discs, CD-ROMs, computer programs and computer games; provision of access time to blackboards (information and notice boards), discussion forums (chatrooms) and blogs in real time via a global computer network (communication services); telecommunication services devoted to retailing by means of interactive communications with customers; telecommunication of multimedia; videotext and teletext transmission services; information transmission via communication satellite, micro-wave or by digital or analog electronic means; digital information transmission by cable, wire or fiber; information transmission via mobile telephones, telephones, facsimile transmission and telex; telecommunication services for receiving and exchanging information, messages, images and data; providing access to discussion groups on the Internet; providing access to internet platforms (also mobile internet) in the nature customized web pages featuring user-defined or specified information, personal profiles; provision of access to search engines to obtain data and information on global networks.

Class 039 - Operation of a travel agency, namely travel arrangement and reservation; travel ticket reservation services and travel information and travel ticket sales services; air, railway, bus and truck transportation services; boat transportation; arrangement of trips by boat; arrangement of tourist trips; vehicle rental; rental of parking spaces; taxi services; transportation of goods by boat, land and air; distribution of water, heat, gas or electricity; newspaper, magazine and book delivery; postal services, messenger and mail delivery services; storage of goods; distribution of solvents, paraffins, waxes, bitumens and oil products, excluding liquid gas; distribution (delivery) of films and of sound and image recordings; distribution (delivery) of interactive educational and recreational products, of interactive compact disks, of CD-ROMs, of computer programs and of computer games; professional consultancy services relating to the distribution of power and electricity; information relating to transport, rental of vehicles, rental of motor vehicles and utility vehicles; rental of vehicle roof racks; transportation information; transportation of vehicles; transport reservation; vehicle towing; warehousing services; transport; packaging and storage of goods; distribution (transport) of tickets; GPS navigation services; travel arrangement; towing; taxi services, motor vehicle transport, transportation logistics; rental of vehicles, in particular cars; passenger transport, in particular by bus; freight brokerage; delivery of goods and parcels; traffic information; tracking and monitoring of fleet vehicles using navigational and positioning apparatus.

Class 004 - Lubricants; engine oils and fuels including petrol, gasoline, diesel oil, gas and bio fuels; candles; waxes; greases; natural gas; liquid gases; industrial oils and greases; lubricating oils and greases; fuels; liquefied petroleum gas; non chemical additives for motor fuel, for lubricants and for greases; dust absorbing, wetting and binding products; lighting fuel; lubricants, oils and greases and lubricating preparations for industrial use; cutting oils for industrial use; milling oils; cutting and milling fluids.

Class 041 - Education; training; entertainment; operating lotteries and competitions; sport-related betting and game services; hospitality services (sport, entertainment); hospitality services, namely customer reception services (entertainment services), including provision of admission tickets for sporting or entertainment events; issuance of tickets, including on a global computer network (the Internet), for sporting, entertainment, cultural and educational events; sports tickets agency services; providing online information in the fields of sports and sports events from a computer database or the internet; entertainment services relating to sporting events; sporting and cultural activities; organization of events and sporting and cultural activities; organization of sporting competitions; organization of events in the field of football; operation of sports facilities; fun park services; health and fitness club services; video and audiovisual systems rental; rental of interactive educational and recreational products, of interactive educational and recreational compact disks in the field of sports, of CD-ROMs and computer games; production of interactive compact discs and of CD-ROMS [film and/or music production]; television and radio coverage of sports events; production services for radio and television programs and videotapes; simultaneous distribution of film recordings and sound and video recordings; ticket reservation services and information for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; sports camps services; timing during sports events; organization of beauty contests; interactive entertainment; online betting and game services on the Internet or on any wireless electronic communication network; provision of services relating to raffles; information in the field of entertainment (including in the sports field), provided online from a computer database or via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; electronic game services transmitted via the Internet or on mobile telephones; book publishing; on-line publishing of electronic books and newspapers; audio and video recording services; production of animated cartoons for the movies, production of animated cartoons for television; rental of sound and image recordings for entertainment; information in the field of education provided online from a computer database or via the Internet or via any wireless electronic communication network; translation services; photography services; rental of football stadiums; programming and/or rental of film recordings and of sound and video recordings; providing statistical and other information on sports performances, radio and television programming; provision of entertainment infrastructures, namely, VIP lounges and sky boxes both on and off site sports facilities for entertainment purposes.

Class 043 - Restaurants, snack-bars; reception services, namely supply of food and beverages; catering services; hotel services; accommodation and restaurant services, hotel and temporary accommodation reservations; hospitality services, namely provision of food and beverages at sporting events or entertainment.

Class 009 - Exposed films, slides; video games; video game cassettes; video game disks; software (recorded programs), including software for games; computer programs and databases; recorded or downloaded sounds, images or data; videotapes, magnetic tapes, magnetic disks, DVDs, mini-disks, floppy disks, optical disks, compact disks, CD-ROMs, video disks, memory cards, USB mass storage devices, either blank or pre-recorded with music, sound or images (which may be animated cartoons); holograms; electronic publications provided via CD-ROMs, databases and the Internet; spectacles, sunglasses, diving and swimming goggles; cases, cords and chains for sunglasses and spectacles; binoculars; magnets and ornamental magnets; directional compasses; sound and image recording, transmission and reproduction apparatus; satellite dishes; decoders, namely software and hardware capable of converting, supplying and transmitting sound and visual data; virtual reality game software; Graphic user interface software for computers; software related to value tokens, virtual currencies, digital tokens and crypto currencies; application software for mobile devices, in particular for mobile phones, tablets and laptops; television set-top boxes; battery chargers for use of mobile phones; computer software to enable uploading, downloading, accessing, posting, displaying, editing, blogging, and otherwise providing electronic media and information via computer and communication networks; software for sending and receiving electronic messages, graphics, images, audio and audio visual content via global communication networks; computer software for the collection, editing, organizing, modifying, transmission, storage and sharing of data and information; computer software for editing, modifying, compiling, storing and sharing video; computer software for interactive games; downloadable software namely virtual goods, being digital art, photographs, videos, or audio recordings; downloadable digital artwork and images; digital art, digital collectibles, namely photographs, videos or audio recordings, authenticated by non-fungible tokens (nfts); cryptographic software based on blockchain technology, related to digital Tokens; digital collectibles created with blockchain-based software in the nature of art, photos, images, videos, and audio recordings; downloadable software for providing access to, and related to, digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, non-fungible tokens nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for use in electronically buying, selling, receiving, sending, storing, trading, and processing transactions to and related to digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for providing information, communications, and authentications for social media, digital art and collectibles, crypto-collectibles, nfts, application tokens, and digital currencies; downloadable software for downloading, receiving, sending, and storing software, data, links, video files, and image files from the internet; downloadable software for providing access to digital marketplaces and auctions; computer application software for blockchain-based platforms; televisions; flat screens, liquid crystal display screens, high-definition screens and plasma screens; radios; home cinema systems; video recorders; CD players; DVD players; MP3 players; cassette players; minidisk players; digital music players; loudspeakers; headsets, earphones; computers, including laptops, note books and tablets; karaoke systems; sound-editing and mixing systems; video image editing and mixing systems; electronic data processing apparatus; computer keyboards; computer screens; modems; computer mouse devices, mouse pads; navigation systems; personal digital assistants (PDA); electronic pocket translators; dictaphones; electronic diaries; scanners; printers; photocopiers; facsimile machines; telephones, automatic answering machines; videophones; mobile telephones; accessories for mobile phones included in this class, namely mobile phone cases and covers, hands-free kits for mobile phones, earphones and headsets for mobile phones, mobile phone keyboards, straps for mobile phones, special cases for carrying mobile phones, cameras and photographic camera attachments for mobile phones; remote controls for television sets and video systems; teleconference systems; calculators; credit card readers; currency converters; automated teller machines; video cameras, portable cameras with built-in video recorders; photographic equipment, photographic cameras, cameras (cinematographic cameras), projectors, special cases and cords for photographic cameras and instruments, electric cells and batteries; computer screen-saver programs; recorded or blank magnetic, digital or analog sound or image recording media; magnetic cards (encoded); memory cards (blank or pre-recorded); microchip or magnetic cards; microchip or magnetic credit cards; microchip or magnetic telephone cards, magnetic or microchip cards for change dispensers, magnetic or microchip cards for automated teller machines and currency conversion machines, prepaid magnetic or microchip cards for mobile telephones, magnetic or microchip cards for travelling and shows, magnetic or microchip check guarantee cards and magnetic or microchip debit cards; alarms; payment systems for electronic commerce, wind socks (wind-direction indicators); distance-measuring equipment; speed measuring and displaying equipment; protective gloves; audio receivers, sound amplifiers; decoders, namely, software and computer hardware which can convert, supply and transmit sound and visual data; disk drives for computers; protected semiconductors; integrated circuits with recorded programs for processing audio, visual or computer data; rechargeable batteries; central processing units and converters for audio and visual data; cables for data transmission; payment apparatus for electronic commerce; protective helmets for sports; magnetic identity bracelets; air and fuel coefficient analyzers; remote controls for locking cars; photovoltaic cells and solar module systems; security, safety, protective and signaling apparatus and equipment; navigation, guidance, tracking, targeting and map making devices; electric weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision), life-saving apparatus and instruments, included in class 9; warning lamps for vehicles (not parts of vehicles); navigational equipment for vehicles; apparatus for navigation, navigational instruments; telematics apparatus; telematics terminal apparatus; electronic locks; electronic controllers and electronic control systems; electronic tickets, encoded; tickets in the form of magnetic cards.

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Latest status update, this trademark was filed on tuesday, august 27, 2024 ., the current status for this wroclaw final 2025 trademark - examination ..

On Tuesday, August 27, 2024 , Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) filed a United Kingdom trademark application for WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark. Union des Associations Européennes de Football (UEFA) is located at Nyon 1260, SWITZERLAND .

It is important for you to keep up to date on the status of your trademark. Missing a deadline could result in your trademark becoming abandoned.

You can get the free status update report for this UK trademark. Click here

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  6. Domain Name Assignment Agreement Template

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  1. What is a Freename domain?

  2. Can You Trademark Your Domain Name? (Yes, But Use It Right!)

  3. Freename NEW AI-Powered Reseller Page: Your brand, your vision. Sell Web3 domains your way

  4. What is Trademark? How to get Trademark Registration!

  5. Trademark registration: Resubmitting a trademark request in Assignment Center

  6. Trademark & Domain Name Dispute Resolution Mechanisms


  1. PDF Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement

    Trademark Usage Policy "). 4. Domain Names. Upon the mutual agreement of the Parties, as of the date Eclipse formally approves the Project (the " Project Effective Date "), Assignor shall cause any related Domain Names (including all sub-domains and related URLs) to redirect directly to the URLs designated by Eclipse with no interstitial ...

  2. PDF Assignment of Trademark

    ereby agree as follows:Trademark Assignment, the Assignor hereby sells, transfers and assigns to the Assignee, its successors and assigns, the Assignor's entire right, title and interest in and to the Trademark application and/or registrations, together with (i) the benefit of any use of the Trademark by the Assignor (ii) the goodwill of the ...

  3. Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement

    1.7 "Domain Name" shall mean the Internet domain names listed on Exhibit A. 1.8 "Icing Marks" shall mean the US Icing Marks and the Non-US Icing Marks. 1.9 "Intellectual Property Rights" shall mean any patent, trademark, service mark, tagline, trade dress, copyright, design, trade name, business name, domain name, any registration or application for registration for any of the ...

  4. Deed of Trademark and Domain Name Assignment

    ASSIGNMENT. 2.1. In consideration of the sum of US$1 now paid by the Assignee to the Assignor (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the Assignor hereby assigns to the Assignee, and the Assignee hereby accepts the assignment of, all of the Assignor s rights, titles and interests in and to the Mark and the Domain Names. 2.2.

  5. Form of Trademark Assignment Agreement

    Assignor hereby irrevocably transfers and assigns to Assignee, and Assignee hereby accepts and assumes from Assignor, all of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to (i) the trademarks set forth in Schedule A hereto, (ii) any trademark, service mark, trade name, domain name or other source identifier that is a derivative of or ...

  6. PDF Trademark Assignment Agreement Checklist

    Trademark Assignment Agreement Checklist Michael Lisi ... Do the to-be-assigned trademark assets include any domain name registrations, email accounts, social media or website accounts, telephone number mnemonics (e.g., 800-ATTORNEY) or similar

  7. Servicemark, Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement

    Pursuant to the Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement between Assignor and Assignee dated as of the date hereof, Assignor sold, transferred and assigned to Assignee all of Assignor's right, title, and interest in, to, and under the Marks (the "Assignment of Marks").

  8. Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Definition

    Define Trademark and Domain Name Assignment. means the trademark and domain name assignment, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit D. "Transaction Documents" means (i) this Agreement, (ii) Assignment and Assumption Agreement, (iii) Xxxx of Sale, (iv) Employment Agreement, (v) each Seller's income tax withholding form, in the form provided previously to Purchasers, (vi ...

  9. Trademark and Domain Assignment Definition

    Related to Trademark and Domain Assignment. Trademark Assignment shall have the meaning specified in Section 3.2(c).. Trademark Agreement means the Trademark License Agreement between the Company, on the one hand, and Trimble, on the other hand, to be entered into at the Closing in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit E.. Trademark Assignment Agreement has the meaning set forth in ...

  10. Sample Trademark Assignment Agreement

    Sample Trademark Assignment Agreement. March 30, 2023. This is a sample trademark assignment agreement between two companies, for the assignment of all rights, title and interest in and to trademarks, including "pending applications and registrations, together with the good will of the business symbolized by the Marks, and all causes of action ...

  11. Trademark Assignment Agreement

    Servicemark, Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement - Vortexx 2000 LLC and Heyami Ltd. (Dec 7, 1999) Trademark Assignment - Web Ignite Corp. and ValueClick LLC (May 1, 1998) Trademark Purchase and Assignment Agreement - McGregor II LLC and McGregory International Licensing NV (Oct 31, 1997) Assignment of Patents, Trademarks and ...

  12. Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement definition

    Define Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement. means the trademark and domain name assignment agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit D attached hereto, pursuant to which the Rhofade Trademarks and the Rhofade Domain Names are sold and transferred to Buyer.


    EX-10. DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT. EXHIBIT 10.5. DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT. WHEREAS Mark Bruk, a Canadian resident having a principal place of residence at Suite 302, 738 Broughton Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6G3A7 ( Transferor ), has adopted, used and registered with an InterNIC domain name registrar the following ...

  14. Trademark Assignment Agreement

    The following documents are required for trademark assignment: Trademark Assignment Agreement: A legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the trademark assignment. Certificate of Registration: A copy of the certificate of registration for the trademark being assigned. Power of Attorney: A power of attorney signed by ...

  15. Trademark and domain name assignment agreement [Videos]

    A trademark assignment agreement outlines the transfer of a trademark owner's rights, title, and interest in and to the service mark/trademark. During the assignment process, the assignor transfers property rights in the mark to the assignee. However, a trademark assignment differs from a license.

  16. SEC.gov

    Exhibit 10.2 . TRADEMARK AND DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT . This TRADEMARK AND DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT (this "Assignment"), effective as of May 5, 2017 ("Effective Date"), is entered into by and between Wantickets RDM, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Assignor"), and LiveXLive Tickets, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Assignee").As used in this Assignment, Assignor and ...

  17. PDF Microsoft Word

    8) Entire Agreement: This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the Parties to the subject matter hereof and supersede all previous understandings or arrangements between the Parties. 9) Modification: This Agreement may be modified only by an instrument in writing signed by both the Parties hereto. 10)


    This SERVICEMARK, TRADEMARK AND DOMAIN NAME ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is made this 7 day of December, 1999 by and between: [], a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, with its offices at 723 S. Casino Center Blvd. 2/nd/ Floor, Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-6716 ("[A]"); and

  19. Trademark and Domain Name Assignment and License Agreement Definition

    Define Trademark and Domain Name Assignment and License Agreement. means the trademark and domain name assignment and license agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit F, to be entered into by and between NTELOS and Wireline.

  20. eBay Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement definition

    Define eBay Trademark and Domain Name Assignment Agreement. means the agreement to be entered into between eBay and the Company on the Closing Date in respect of the assignment of the Eachnet trademarks and URLs to the Company, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule 9;

  21. Trademark Assignment Agreement

    This Trademark Assignment Agreement (the Agreement ) is entered into this 21st day of December, 2006 (the Effective Date ) by and between Applied Digital Solutions, Inc., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri and having it principal place of business at 1690 S. Congress Avenue, Suite 200, Delray Beach ...

  22. WROCLAW FINAL 2025 United Kingdom Trademark Information

    The WROCLAW FINAL 2025 trademark was assigned an Application Number # UK00004092828 by the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO). Trademark Application Number is a Unique ID to

  23. and Domain Name Assignment Agreements

    Define and Domain Name Assignment Agreements. means each patent, trademark, copyright and domain name assignment agreement to be reasonably agreed by the Parties prior to the Closing and to be entered into at the Closing by Seller and/or one or more Asset Transferring Companies, as applicable, on the one hand, and Purchaser and/or one or more of Parent's Subsidiaries, as applicable, on the ...