
Speeches in Oral Communication

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oral communication speech writing

Embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Speeches in Oral Communication with our comprehensive guide. Unlock the art of effective communication through enlightening examples that vividly illustrate each principle. From honing your communication skills to navigating various styles, this guide is your key to mastering the craft. Elevate your understanding with real-world Communication Examples, ensuring a seamless blend of theory and practical application in your oral communication endeavours. Dive in for a holistic exploration of impactful speeches and communication strategies.

What are Speeches in Oral Communication

Speeches in Oral Communication encompass verbal expressions designed for effective interpersonal communication. Simply put, they are structured talks delivered orally, aiming to convey information, persuade, or entertain. In essence, these speeches serve as a vital tool in conveying thoughts and ideas directly, fostering a deeper connection between the speaker and the audience. Explore the fundamental definition and significance of Speeches in Oral Communication in this insightful exploration.

Best Example of Speeches in Oral Communication

Speeches in Oral Communication

Among the myriad of impactful speeches, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” stands as an epitome of eloquence and inspiration. Delivered during the 1963 March on Washington, this iconic speech advocated for civil rights and equality. King’s masterful use of rhetoric, powerful metaphors, and unwavering passion left an indelible mark, transcending time. This example of Speeches in Oral Communication showcases the profound impact a well-crafted speech can have in shaping history and stirring societal change. Explore the nuances and brilliance of this timeless address.

30 Examples of speeches in Oral Communication

Uncover the richness of effective communication with these 30 Speeches in Oral Communication examples. From historic addresses to modern talks, this diverse collection offers a holistic view of impactful verbal expressions. Elevate your communication skills by studying these instances, each a masterclass in connecting with an audience, navigating various styles, and delivering messages with resonance.

Speeches in Oral Communication

  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream”: King’s eloquent call for civil rights resonates with timeless power, showcasing the impact of passionate rhetoric.
  • Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address: Jobs’ speech is a testament to the art of storytelling, inspiring graduates with personal anecdotes and wisdom.
  • Malala Yousafzai’s United Nations Speech: Malala’s courageous words advocate for education, exemplifying the transformative power of conviction.
  • Winston Churchill’s “We Shall Fight on the Beaches”: Churchill’s wartime oration is a model of resilience and leadership in the face of adversity.
  • Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes Speech: Oprah’s empowering address emphasizes the importance of truth and inclusivity, leaving an indelible mark on her audience.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: Lincoln’s succinct yet profound speech memorializes sacrifice and commitment to a united nation.
  • Emma Watson’s He For She Campaign Speech: Watson’s advocacy for gender equality showcases the impact of using celebrity influence for a noble cause.
  • Barack Obama’s Farewell Address: Obama’s farewell speech combines reflection and hope, offering a compelling narrative for the nation’s future.
  • J.K. Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech: Rowling’s candid revelations about failure and resilience make for a memorable lesson in life’s challenges.
  • Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural Address: Mandela’s speech embraces reconciliation, embodying the spirit of unity and forgiveness.
  • Elon Musk’s SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System Presentation: Musk’s visionary talk on interplanetary travel blends technical details with futuristic optimism, showcasing effective communication in complex fields.
  • Susan Cain’s “The Power of Introverts” TED Talk: Cain’s speech challenges societal perceptions, emphasizing the strengths of introverted personalities in a world that often celebrates extroversion.
  • John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: Kennedy’s iconic speech inspires with its call to civic duty and cooperation, setting the tone for a new era.
  • Sheryl Sandberg’s TED Talk on “Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders”: Sandberg’s frank discussion on gender and leadership offers practical insights, making it a landmark in the dialogue on workplace equality.
  • Ronald Reagan’s Challenger Disaster Address: Reagan’s empathetic and consoling speech during tragedy showcases the role of leadership in times of crisis.
  • TED Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on “We Should All Be Feminists”: Adichie’s eloquent advocacy for gender equality serves as a compelling example of using speech to challenge societal norms.
  • Abdul Sattar Edhi’s Acceptance Speech for the Nishan-e-Imtiaz: Edhi’s humble and heartfelt speech reflects his dedication to humanitarian causes, leaving a lasting impact on listeners.
  • Bill Gates’ Harvard Commencement Address: Gates’ speech combines humour and wisdom, offering valuable insights on success, failure, and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Michelle Obama’s Democratic National Convention Speech (2016): Obama’s emotional and powerful speech emphasizes unity and hope, resonating with a diverse audience.
  • TED Talk by Simon Sinek on “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”: Sinek’s Golden Circle concept provides a unique perspective on effective communication, urging leaders to start with “why.”
  • Harvey Milk’s “Hope” Speech: Milk’s historic address advocates for LGBTQ+ rights with a message of hope and solidarity, showcasing the power of conviction.
  • Aung San Suu Kyi’s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech: Suu Kyi’s graceful and composed speech underlines the importance of nonviolent resistance and human rights.
  • Al Pacino’s “Inches” Speech from “Any Given Sunday”: Pacino’s impassioned locker room speech illustrates the importance of determination and teamwork in the face of challenges.
  • Temple Grandin’s TED Talk on “The World Needs All Kinds of Minds”: Grandin’s speech demystifies autism, fostering understanding and acceptance through her personal experiences.
  • Robin Williams’ “Carpe Diem” Speech from “Dead Poets Society”: Williams’ portrayal of a teacher inspires students to seize the day and embrace individuality.
  • Indira Gandhi’s “Emergency” Speech: Gandhi’s announcement of a state of emergency demonstrates the complexities of political communication during crises.
  • Stephen Hawking’s TED Talk on “Questioning the Universe”: Hawking’s speech combines scientific insight with humour, making complex concepts accessible to a broad audience.
  • Charlie Chaplin’s Speech from “The Great Dictator”: Chaplin’s powerful plea for humanity transcends comedy, delivering a timeless message of peace and compassion.
  • George W. Bush’s 9/11 Address to the Nation: Bush’s speech during a pivotal moment in history conveys strength, resolve, and a call for unity in the face of adversity.
  • Greta Thunberg’s United Nations Climate Action Summit Speech: Thunberg’s passionate address on climate change exemplifies the impact of youth activism and urgency in communication.

Speeches in Oral Communication at Universities

Immerse yourself in the realm of Speeches in Oral Communication at universities, where eloquence meets academia. Navigate the nuances of addressing diverse academic audiences, honing persuasive techniques, and conveying complex ideas with clarity. This guide unravels the art of university-level oration, providing insights into captivating speeches that leave a lasting impact on both students and faculty.

  • Professor’s Inaugural Lecture: In university settings, professors often deliver inaugural lectures, setting the tone for their academic journey. A well-crafted speech here outlines their research focus and educational philosophy.
  • Student Council Election Speech: Student leaders use these speeches to articulate their vision, showcasing their communication skills and persuading peers to entrust them with leadership roles.
  • Convocation Address by Guest Speaker: Invited speakers deliver commencement speeches, offering wisdom and inspiration to graduates as they embark on their professional journeys.
  • Research Symposium Presentation: Academic conferences feature speeches where researchers present their findings, emphasizing the significance of their contributions to the field.
  • Dean’s Welcome Speech: Deans welcome new students, providing insights into the university’s ethos and fostering a sense of community among the academic cohort.
  • Alumni Success Story Speech: Alumni share their experiences and accomplishments, motivating current students and illustrating the transformative power of a university education.
  • Student Research Showcase: Students present their research projects in speeches, showcasing their investigative skills and contributing to the academic discourse within the university community.
  • International Guest Speaker Lecture: Universities often host renowned speakers, enriching the academic environment with diverse perspectives and fostering global awareness.
  • Graduate Thesis DĂ©fense: Grad students defend their theses in speeches, demonstrating their mastery of the subject matter and engaging with faculty in scholarly dialogue.
  • Interdisciplinary Symposium Keynote: Speeches at interdisciplinary events bridge gaps between academic fields, encouraging collaboration and showcasing the interconnectedness of knowledge.

Speeches in Oral Communication for Students

Explore the dynamic landscape of Speeches in Oral Communication tailored specifically for students. From interactive class presentations to extracurricular speeches, this guide illuminates the importance of effective communication in fostering academic growth, personal development, and future success.

  • Class Presentation on a Literary Analysis: Students enhance their speaking skills by delivering analyses of literary works, fostering critical thinking and articulation of ideas.
  • Debating Club Opening Statement: Engaging in debates sharpens students’ persuasive abilities, allowing them to present compelling arguments and counterpoints.
  • Peer Collaboration Workshop Speech: Students lead workshops, demonstrating effective collaboration techniques and emphasizing the value of teamwork.
  • Student-led Diversity Forum Address: Speeches in forums cantered on diversity and inclusion empower students to express their perspectives, fostering a more inclusive campus environment.
  • Public Speaking Course Final Presentation: Students showcase their progress in public speaking courses by delivering polished and impactful speeches on topics of personal interest.
  • Leadership Development Program Speech: Aspiring student leaders share their visions, emphasizing their commitment to enhancing campus life through effective leadership.
  • Extracurricular Club Recruitment Pitch: Students hone their persuasive skills by delivering pitches to recruit new members for various clubs and organizations on campus.
  • Volunteer Project Reflection Speech: After engaging in community service, students deliver speeches reflecting on their experiences, promoting a culture of civic responsibility.
  • Internship Experience Presentation: Students share insights gained from internships, emphasizing the practical application of classroom knowledge in real-world settings.
  • Study Abroad Reflection Speech: Those returning from study abroad programs share their transformative experiences, encouraging others to explore diverse cultures for personal and academic growth.

What is Speech Style in Oral Communication? 

Speech style in oral communication refers to the unique manner and approach individuals employ when delivering spoken messages. It encompasses a spectrum of elements, including tone, pace, pitch, and choice of words. Understanding the nuances of speech style is pivotal for effective communication, as it directly influences how a message is perceived and received. Let’s delve into the key components that define speech style and explore its significance in various contexts.

Speeches in Oral Communication

  • The tone of speech reflects the speaker’s attitude and emotional state. Whether it’s assertive, empathetic, or persuasive, the tone sets the overall mood of the communication. Inflection, or variations in pitch, adds dynamism and emphasis to key points.
  • The speed at which words are delivered contributes to the overall impact of a message. A well-modulated pace, coupled with a rhythmic flow, enhances listener engagement. Strategic pauses can also emphasize important ideas.
  • The selection of words and the precision of diction play a crucial role in conveying the intended message. Whether using formal language for a professional setting or employing colloquial expressions for a casual talk, the choice of words shapes the communication style.
  • Nonverbal communication, including gestures, facial expressions, and body language, significantly influences speech style. These cues complement spoken words, adding layers of meaning and aiding in the interpretation of the message.
  • Effective speakers tailor their speech style to suit the preferences and understanding of their audience. Adapting to cultural nuances, educational backgrounds, and expectations ensures that the message resonates with listeners.
  • The context in which a speech occurs greatly influences speech style. Whether it’s a formal presentation, an informal discussion, or a celebratory toast, being attuned to the context allows speakers to strike the right balance in their communication approach.
  • Speech style is most impactful when aligned with the overarching purpose of communication. Whether aiming to inform, persuade, inspire, or entertain, a purposeful and well-crafted speech style enhances the effectiveness of the message.
  • Cultural differences can significantly impact speech style preferences. Awareness of cultural norms regarding directness, formality, or informality helps speakers navigate diverse audiences with sensitivity.

In conclusion, the power of speeches in oral communication cannot be overstated. They serve as a conduit for ideas, emotions, and information, influencing audiences and shaping perspectives. For those keen on exploring further, resources like TED Talks offer a vast array of speeches from experts in various fields, providing inspiration and insight into the art of effective communication. Additionally, for practical guidance and skill development, the Toastmasters International website is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to hone their public speaking and leadership skills. These platforms not only provide examples of exceptional speeches but also offer tools and techniques to improve one’s own communication abilities.


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Writing speeches, quick links, keeping focus: the central point, main supporting points, introductions, conclusions.

Writing a speech consists of composing the central point or thesis, the main-point sentences, the introduction and conclusion, and planning effective oral style.

Since the organization of a speech is critical to the writing process, consult our organization page.

The central point is the message you attempt to communicate to your audience. Keeping focus on the central point is fundamental to speech writing.

Sometimes the central point is a thesis; sometimes the central point is a hypothesis. Sometimes, there is no stated thesis or hypothesis, but there is always a central idea and purpose that keeps you and your audience focused.

The Student Resources information on purpose is useful if you’re unsure about the central point.

For an additional resource related to writing for speeches, use The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , especially the “What’s your purpose?” section.

A thesis is a concise statement of your central point, normally included in the introduction and conclusion of a speech. However, your speech doesn’t have to be an argumentative to include a thesis statement.

A purpose statement is a clear statement about the objective you hope to accomplish. Whenever you write a speech, you have a purpose statement, although the purpose statement isn’t always explicitly stated—and it can get confused with a thesis statement. For help with the differences between a thesis and a purpose statement, we recommend “Thesis and Purpose Statements” by The Writing Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

If a thesis is necessary, the thesis section of the thesis section of the written rhetoric page may help as well.

There is no formula for success, but this video covers the essentials on speech thesis sentences.

The thesis is what you argue, and the main points are how you argue it. Because they’re so intertwined, you should carefully consider the main supporting points as you write your thesis. In other words, figure out what you intend to say before you try to capture it in a thesis.

Below are a few suggestions that experienced speech writers use when writing thesis statements:

  • Use a declarative sentence; not a question.
  • Use a complete sentence.
  • General thesis : “We honor Elie Wiesel for his noble characteristics and his campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • Specific thesis : “We honor Elie Wiesel for his determination, consistency, and for his faithfulness to Yahweh throughout his life-long campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • General : Foreign policies in the Middle East.
  • Focused : An analysis of the ways the United States has reacted to economic changes due to the oil industry in the Middle East.
  • Example 1: If you’re speaking to elementary schoolers, it would be inappropriate to use graduate level vocabulary.
  • Example 2: If you’re talking about architecture at an electrical engineering conference, use the thesis to connect the expected topic to the unexpected topic.

Here are a few high quality thesis examples (though possibly obscure topics):

  • “The process the United States would go through to use a nuclear weapon can be broken down into two stages: the command from the president, and the official launch of the nuclear warhead by the crew.”
  • “We honor Elie Wiesel for his determination, consistency, and for his faithfulness to Yahweh throughout his life-long campaign against ethnic oppression.”
  • “Salvador Dali’s surrealist artwork can be identified through its focus on illogical scenes and exploration of the unconscious.”

For further direction, we recommend the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) as an extra resource.

The main points support your thesis. The thesis is what you argue, the main points are how you argue it. Here are a few suggestions for writing main supporting point sentences:

  • If any of your main points don’t argue in favor of the thesis, either the main point or the thesis needs to be changed.
  • A main point should convey the purpose and focus of its respective section.
  • Use declarative statements and complete sentences to announce main supporting points.
  • Limit the number of main points for the audience’s sake. If you have more than four it will be hard for the audience to remember.

To reiterate, the main points of a speech are crafted as supporting evidence for the thesis .

If your thesis is: Typical characteristics of 1960’s Latin American fiction include non-linear narratives and magical elements.

The following would be satisfactory main point sentences:

  • Magical elements often appear in 1960s Latin American fiction.
  • Non-linear narratives characterize magical realism in 1960s Latin American fiction.

Additional resources related to main supporting points

  • University of Hawai'i Maui Community College Speech Department : general guidelines related to main points and other supporting material.
  • Calvin University—What Not to Do : a document about what not to do with speech main points.
  • Lumen Learning : a variety of topics relating to main points, from how many should you have to how to highlight them as main points. Start about half way down the page at the “How Many Main Points?” section. While Lumen Learning also covers different ways to organize your main points, we recommend using our organization page first.

It will help you to prepare the introduction after preparing the main points. Just consider how challenging it is to introduce a speech if you don’t know what the main ideas of your speech are.

The introduction has two main purposes: to capture the audience’s attention and to state your thesis. Introductions also preview the speech so that the audience knows where it’s headed.

There are many ways to capture the audience’s attention: quotes, statistics, examples, a short story, a fascinating topic, a gracious mention of the event that brings you together, or even a question.

Once you have the audience’s attention, state your thesis. Stating your thesis will inform the audience of the speech’s direction and will focus their attention throughout the speech.

For tips regarding introductions, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College . The tips are short, helpful, and if applied, will improve your introductions.

Finally, it’s also critical throughout the introduction to establish your credibility. For this reason, your introduction should be well practiced and should allow you to communicate confidence. In addition, if you have any expertise on the subject material that you believe your audience needs to know, inform them without being snooty.

Conclusions are the final remarks your audience will hear, so they’re the part that’s most likely to be remembered. So make sure you take the time to craft a clear and memorable conclusion.

In general, a conclusion should restate your central point, though in a new way. This is important because in speeches the audience can’t reread your message; they simply have to rely on memory. Restating your central point—and, depending on what your professor wants, reviewing your main supporting points--will help your message to stick.

Another way to make your speech stick is to use the conclusion to reemphasize your purpose. For example, in a persuasive speech, call people to action. In other words, be blunt about what you want them to do. If you want them to vote, tell them how they can register. If you want them to pick up painting as a hobby, then show them where they can buy painting materials.

Try to make your conclusion memorable.

By this, we mean it’s important to carefully consider your final remark to make sure it concludes on a strong note that fits your purpose. Speakers often trail off in the end, undermining their earlier work.

As a foundational resource, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College .

Style refers to the way words, sentences, and groups of sentences create tone and personality.

How is speech writing different than writing a paper?

Though they share many principles (ex: the preference for active voice verbs), they have different principles of style: people perceive style differently when listening than when reading.

The differences arise because the formats are different: written word and spoken word. For an analysis of the key differences between spoken and written language, we recommend the Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College .

This handout by Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program contains fundamental public speaking tips. Luckily, it also contains an encompassing look at the basics of an eloquent oral style. Read the section titled “Writing for Speaking”; the list will be useful when creating sentences that sound better in oral rhetoric.

The following stylistic choices are particularly helpful with the spoken word :

  • Brevity. Be as brief as possible. This article by Judith Kilborn (The Write Place, St. Cloud State University) provides a few ways to reduce wordiness.
  • Prefer shorter sentences to longer ones. Long sentences are harder to follow.
  • First person pronouns are widely accepted in speeches.
  • Repetition helps the audience remember (ex: think of the repetition in King’s “I Have a Dream.” In a paper the audience can go back and reread; they can’t do that when listening to a speech, so repetition helps the audience connect ideas and follow the argument.
  • The audience doesn’t have a dictionary with them; use words that are more tuned for the vernacular ear.
  • Make sure you can pronounce every word you plan on using.
  • Use transitions or “ signposts ” to announce, signal, and recap. This allows the audience to know where you’re and what to expect.
  • Abstract : There are several possible outcomes that this decision can lead to.
  • Concrete : Our choice to intervene in the Middle East can lead to destabilized elections, political turmoil, and religious conflict.
  • Dry sentence : A family member was hit by an animal.
  • Descriptive sentence : Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
  • The use of contractions is generally preferred in public speaking; contractions are more conversational, which tends to be preferred in public speaking. Say these two sentences aloud and you’ll agree: “I do not think that is a good idea” or “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  • Parallelism and alliteration create rhythm in a speech; use them wisely.
  • Use inclusive language .

For further style advice, though not specifically for the spoken word, use our written style resource.

For further direction, please stop in the Rhetoric Center.

Additional resources and tips related to oral style

  • Stand up, Speak out (University of Michigan Libraries) : An extensive and comprehensive resource on effective oral communication. Pay particular attention to the following sections: “Imagery,” “Rhythm,” “Parallelism,” “Alliteration,” and “Assonance.”
  • Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College : A list of phrases to avoid for various reasons in oral rhetoric.
  • Oral Communication Center, Hamilton College : A list of characteristics that help make every speech successful. Warning: the article uses language to make it sound like a checklist for an A on every speech; this is not the case. However, the list is helpful nonetheless.
  • Oxford Dictionaries Blog, Avoid cliches : Evoking images for an audience helps them to understand and remember your speech, but using a clichĂ© allows the audience to listen without visualizing. A creative example of effective imagery was when on the campaign trail Bill Clinton said “I will be with you until the last dog dies.”
  • Contrast, figures of speech, examples, and triads : How Winston Churchill spoke.

In the speech “Bridges should be beautiful,” Ian Firth demonstrates an awareness of oral style. For starters, his sentences are short and easy to follow. His opening is the perfect example, “The world needs bridges.”

Look at the following excerpt from Firth’s speech:

“In this case, this is in Peru. This is using grass which grows locally and is woven into ropes to build these bridges. And do you know they rebuild this every year? Because of course grass is not a durable material. So this bridge is unchanged since Inca times.”

This could’ve very well been two or three sentences in a written text, but Firth uses five short sentences. This makes him easy to follow. However, it’s not perfect. The phrase “In this case, this is in Peru,” could be shortened to simply “This is in Peru.”

At the same time, he limits the speech to three main points: bridges should be functional, safe, and beautiful. This ensures the audience won’t get lost.

Firth carefully chooses his words. He uses descriptive language to paint pictures for the audience: “Or sometimes up in the mountains, people would build these suspension bridges, often across some dizzy canyon, using a vine .” He also uses alliteration in an effective manner: “Or Robert Maillart's Salginatobel Bridge in the mountains in Switzerland —absolutely sublime .”

And he is able to easily pronounce the words he uses, even foreign phrases like “Pont Du Gard.”

Since Firth is an engineer who has designed bridges for years, this speech could’ve used highly technical language, but Firth used the vernacular to adapt to his more general audience. On occasion, when technical language was inevitable, Firth swiftly defined the technical terms.

In addition, Firth uses first person pronouns (“I firmly believe”). This makes him more conversational and personable.

This next example, a Boise State University commencement address, is more of a mixed result than Firth’s speech: it embodies both good and bad oral style.

Let’s start with what Tiara Thompson does well. In the beginning, she uses descriptive language that invokes images. The following are examples: “As my fingers fly over the keys,” and “spacebar still blinking.” She also uses parallelism, as you can clearly hear around 3:25.

However, the style can be improved (amongst other aspects of speech writing).

Towards the end of the speech, she uses more abstract language and seldomly gives examples. The speech would’ve been more effective if she kept using descriptive language and if more examples were used towards the end. Her language becomes vague and abstract when she thanks the teachers for their hard work, not recognizing any one of them individually. As an alternative, consider: how much more effective would it have been if she gave an example of a teacher working hard and afterhours to help her succeed on an assignment ? After that example, she could’ve generalized it to include all the teachers at her college.

In addition, the language she uses at the end of the speech gradually becomes more and more clichéd. For example, at 5:08, she says, “make this moment last” and “we are so fortunate to be where we are.” Clichés make imagery harder, as we mentioned in the oral style section.

Though not necessarily related to oral style, this speech focuses on the speaker more than the average commencement. If she focused on something else, her audience would’ve been able to connect with her more. (What works better: a political speech with a politician rambling on about themself or one where the politician identifies with problems larger than themselves, such as a Detroit congressperson sympathizing with the victims of the Flint water crisis?)

10 Tips for Improving Your Public Speaking Skills

Few are immune to the fear of public speaking. Marjorie North offers 10 tips for speakers to calm the nerves and deliverable memorable orations.

Marjorie North

Snakes? Fine. Flying? No problem. Public speaking? Yikes! Just thinking about public speaking — routinely described as one of the greatest (and most common) fears — can make your palms sweat. But there are many ways to tackle this anxiety and learn to deliver a memorable speech.

In part one of this series,  Mastering the Basics of Communication , I shared strategies to improve how you communicate. In part two, How to Communicate More Effectively in the Workplace , I examined how to apply these techniques as you interact with colleagues and supervisors in the workplace. For the third and final part of this series, I’m providing you with public speaking tips that will help reduce your anxiety, dispel myths, and improve your performance.

Here Are My 10 Tips for Public Speaking:

1. nervousness is normal. practice and prepare.

All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform poorly or make a fool of yourself. Some nerves are good. The adrenaline rush that makes you sweat also makes you more alert and ready to give your best performance.

The best way to overcome anxiety is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Take the time to go over your notes several times. Once you have become comfortable with the material, practice — a lot. Videotape yourself, or get a friend to critique your performance.

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2. Know Your Audience. Your Speech Is About Them, Not You.

Before you begin to craft your message, consider who the message is intended for. Learn as much about your listeners as you can. This will help you determine your choice of words, level of information, organization pattern, and motivational statement.

3. Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose.

Create the framework for your speech. Write down the topic, general purpose, specific purpose, central idea, and main points. Make sure to grab the audience’s attention in the first 30 seconds.

4. Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It.

Keep the focus on the audience. Gauge their reactions, adjust your message, and stay flexible. Delivering a canned speech will guarantee that you lose the attention of or confuse even the most devoted listeners.

5. Let Your Personality Come Through.

Be yourself, don’t become a talking head — in any type of communication. You will establish better credibility if your personality shines through, and your audience will trust what you have to say if they can see you as a real person.

6. Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use Effective Language.

Inject a funny anecdote in your presentation, and you will certainly grab your audience’s attention. Audiences generally like a personal touch in a speech. A story can provide that.

7. Don’t Read Unless You Have to. Work from an Outline.

Reading from a script or slide fractures the interpersonal connection. By maintaining eye contact with the audience, you keep the focus on yourself and your message. A brief outline can serve to jog your memory and keep you on task.

8. Use Your Voice and Hands Effectively. Omit Nervous Gestures.

Nonverbal communication carries most of the message. Good delivery does not call attention to itself, but instead conveys the speaker’s ideas clearly and without distraction.

9. Grab Attention at the Beginning, and Close with a Dynamic End.

Do you enjoy hearing a speech start with “Today I’m going to talk to you about X”? Most people don’t. Instead, use a startling statistic, an interesting anecdote, or concise quotation. Conclude your speech with a summary and a strong statement that your audience is sure to remember.

10. Use Audiovisual Aids Wisely.

Too many can break the direct connection to the audience, so use them sparingly. They should enhance or clarify your content, or capture and maintain your audience’s attention.

Practice Does Not Make Perfect

Good communication is never perfect, and nobody expects you to be perfect. However, putting in the requisite time to prepare will help you deliver a better speech. You may not be able to shake your nerves entirely, but you can learn to minimize them.

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About the Author

North is a consultant for political candidates, physicians, and lawyers, and runs a private practice specializing in public speaking, and executive communication skills. Previously, she was the clinical director in the department of speech and language pathology and audiology at Northeastern University.

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Structuring the Informative Speech

Outlining your speech.

Most speakers and audience members would agree that an organized speech is both easier to present as well as more persuasive. Public speaking teachers especially believe in the power of organizing your speech, which is why they encourage (and often require) that you create an outline for your speech. Outlines , or textual arrangements of all the various elements of a speech, are a very common way of organizing a speech before it is delivered. Most extemporaneous speakers keep their outlines with them during the speech as a way to ensure that they do not leave out any important elements and to keep them on track. Writing an outline is also important to the speechwriting process since doing so forces the speakers to think about the main points and sub-points, the examples they wish to include, and the ways in which these elements correspond to one another. In short, the outline functions both as an organization tool and as a reference for delivering a speech.

Outline Types

Carol Shafto speaking

“Alpena Mayor Carol Shafto Speaks at 2011 Michigan Municipal League Convention” by Michigan Municipal League. CC-BY-ND .

There are three types of outlines. The first outline you will write is called the preparation outline . Also called a working, practice, or rough outline, the preparation outline is used to work through the various components of your speech in an inventive format. Stephen E. Lucas [1] put it simply: “The preparation outline is just what its name implies—an outline that helps you prepare the speech” (p. 248). When writing the preparation outline, you should focus on finalizing the purpose and thesis statements, logically ordering your main points, deciding where supporting material should be included, and refining the overall organizational pattern of your speech. As you write the preparation outline, you may find it necessary to rearrange your points or to add or subtract supporting material. You may also realize that some of your main points are sufficiently supported while others are lacking. The final draft of your preparation outline should include full sentences, making up a complete script of your entire speech. In most cases, however, the preparation outline is reserved for planning purposes only and is translated into a speaking outline before you deliver the speech.

The second type of outline you will write is  full-sentence outline.   After you have done your research, you will rewrite your outline so that it includes all of the information you will be giving to your audience.  Your ideas will be written in full sentences and explained in detail.  Plan transitions and sign-posts.  Include in text citations, and plan how you will give them verbally.

A speaking outline is the final outline you will prepare, and the one you will use when delivering the speech. The speaking outline is much more succinct than the preparation outline or the full-sentence outline and includes brief phrases or words that remind the speakers of the points they need to make, plus supporting material and signposts. [2] The words or phrases used on the speaking outline should briefly encapsulate all of the information needed to prompt the speaker to accurately deliver the speech. Although some cases call for reading a speech verbatim from the full-sentence outline, in most cases speakers will simply refer to their speaking outline for quick reminders and to ensure that they do not omit any important information. Because it uses just words or short phrases, and not full sentences, the speaking outline can easily be transferred to index cards that can be referenced during a speech.

Outline Structure

Because an outline is used to arrange all of the elements of your speech, it makes sense that the outline itself has an organizational hierarchy and a common format. Although there are a variety of outline styles, generally they follow the same pattern. Main ideas are preceded by Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.). Sub-points are preceded by capital letters (A, B, C, etc.), then Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), and finally lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.). Each level of subordination is also differentiated from its predecessor by indenting a few spaces. Indenting makes it easy to find your main points, sub-points, and the supporting points and examples below them. Since there are three sections to your speech— introduction, body, and conclusion— your outline needs to include all of them. Each of these sections is titled and the main points start with Roman numeral I.

Outline Formatting Guide

Title: Organizing Your Public Speech

Topic: Organizing public speeches

Specific Purpose Statement: To inform listeners about the various ways in which they can organize their public speeches.

Thesis Statement: A variety of organizational styles can used to organize public speeches.

Introduction Paragraph that gets the attention of the audience, establishes goodwill with the audience, states the purpose of the speech, and previews the speech and its structure.


I. Main point

A. Sub-point B. Sub-point C. Sub-point

1. Supporting point 2. Supporting point

Conclusion Paragraph that prepares the audience for the end of the speech, presents any final appeals, and summarizes and wraps up the speech.


In addition to these formatting suggestions, there are some additional elements that should be included at the beginning of your outline: the title, topic, specific purpose statement, and thesis statement. These elements are helpful to you, the speechwriter, since they remind you what, specifically, you are trying to accomplish in your speech. They are also helpful to anyone reading and assessing your outline since knowing what you want to accomplish will determine how they perceive the elements included in your outline. Additionally, you should write out the transitional statements that you will use to alert audiences that you are moving from one point to another. These are included in parentheses between main points. At the end of the outlines, you should include bibliographic information for any outside resources you mention during the speech. These should be cited using whatever citations style your professor requires. The textbox entitled “Outline Formatting Guide” provides an example of the appropriate outline format.

If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. – Lao Tzu

Preparation Outline

This chapter contains the preparation and speaking outlines for a short speech the author of this chapter gave about how small organizations can work on issues related to climate change (see appendices). In this example, the title, specific purpose, thesis, and list of visual aids precedes the speech. Depending on your instructor’s requirements, you may need to include these details plus additional information. It is also a good idea to keep these details at the top of your document as you write the speech since they will help keep you on track to developing an organized speech that is in line with your specific purpose and helps prove your thesis. At the end of the chapter, in Appendix A, you can find a full length example of a Preparation (Full Sentence) Outline.

Speaking Outline

In Appendix B, the Preparation Outline is condensed into just a few short key words or phrases that will remind speakers to include all of their main points and supporting information. The introduction and conclusion are not included since they will simply be inserted from the Preparation Outline. It is easy to forget your catchy attention-getter or final thoughts you have prepared for your audience, so it is best to include the full sentence versions even in your speaking outline.

Using the Speaking Outline

Major General John Nichols

“TAG speaks of others first” by Texas Military Forces. CC-BY-ND .

Once you have prepared the outline and are almost ready to give your speech, you should decide how you want to format your outline for presentation. Many speakers like to carry a stack of papers with them when they speak, but others are more comfortable with a smaller stack of index cards with the outline copied onto them. Moreover, speaking instructors often have requirements for how you should format the speaking outline. Whether you decide to use index cards or the printed outline, here are a few tips. First, write large enough so that you do not have to bring the cards or pages close to your eyes to read them. Second, make sure you have the cards/pages in the correct order and bound together in some way so that they do not get out of order. Third, just in case the cards/pages do get out of order (this happens too often!), be sure that you number each in the top right corner so you can quickly and easily get things organized. Fourth, try not to fiddle with the cards/pages when you are speaking. It is best to lay them down if you have a podium or table in front of you. If not, practice reading from them in front of a mirror. You should be able to look down quickly, read the text, and then return to your gaze to the audience.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. – Albert Einstein
  • Lucas, Stephen E. (2004). The art of public speaking (8th edition). New York: McGraw-Hill. ↵
  • Beebe, S. A. & Beebe, S. J. (2003). The public speaking handbook (5th edition). Boston: Pearson. ↵
  • Chapter 8 Outlining Your Speech. Authored by : Joshua Trey Barnett. Provided by : University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN. Located at : http://publicspeakingproject.org/psvirtualtext.html . Project : The Public Speaking Project. License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
  • Alpena Mayor Carol Shafto Speaks at 2011 Michigan Municipal League Convention. Authored by : Michigan Municipal League. Located at : https://flic.kr/p/aunJMR . License : CC BY-ND: Attribution-NoDerivatives
  • TAG speaks of others first. Authored by : Texas Military Forces. Located at : https://www.flickr.com/photos/texasmilitaryforces/5560449970/ . License : CC BY-ND: Attribution-NoDerivatives

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Public Speaking and Presentations

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Public Speaking and Presentations: Tips for Success

This resource includes tips and suggestions for improving your public speaking skills.

Even if you’ve never spoken in front of a large group before, chances are you will encounter public speaking sometime during your life. Whether you’re giving a presentation for your classmates or addressing local politicians at a city council meeting, public speaking allows you to convey your thoughts and feelings in clear ways. Having the right tools can prepare you for successful public speaking and equip you with high-quality communication skills.

Know Your Audience

Different audiences require different modes of public speaking. How you address a room full of preschoolers will vary from how you address a group of professors at an academic conference. Not only will your vocabulary change, but you might alter your pacing and tone as well.

Knowing your audience also helps you decide the content of your speech. For example, if you’re presenting research to a group of scientists, you might not need to define all your scientific language. However, if you present that same research to a group of individuals who are unfamiliar with your scientific field, you may need to define your terms or use simpler language.

Recognizing the extent to which your audience is familiar with your topic helps you center your presentation around the most important elements and avoid wasting time on information your audience either 1) already knows or 2) does not need to know for the purpose of your speech.

Knowing your audience also means tailoring your information to them. Try to keep things straight and to the point; leave out extraneous anecdotes and irrelevant statistics.

Establish Your Ethos and Feel Confident in Your Subject

It’s important to let your audience know what authority you have over your subject matter. If it’s clear you are familiar with your subject and have expertise, your audience is more likely to trust what you say.

Feeling confident in your subject matter will help establish your ethos. Rather than simply memorizing the content on your PowerPoint slides or your note cards, consider yourself a “mini expert” on your topic. Read up on information related to your topic and anticipate questions from the audience. You might want to prepare a few additional examples to use if people ask follow-up questions. Being able to elaborate on your talking points will help you stay calm during a Q & A section of your presentation.

Stick to a Few Main Points

Organizing your information in a logical way not only helps you keep track of what you’re saying, but it helps your audience follow along as well. Try to emphasize a few main points in your presentation and return to them before you conclude. Summarizing your information at the end of your presentation allows your audience to walk away with a clear sense of the most important facts.

For example, if you gave a presentation on the pros and cons of wind energy in Indiana, you would first want to define wind energy to make sure you and your audience are on the same page. You might also want to give a brief history of wind energy to give context before you go into the pros and cons. From there, you could list a few pros and a few cons. Finally, you could speculate on the future of wind energy and whether Indiana could provide adequate land and infrastructure to sustain wind turbines. To conclude, restate a few of the main points (most likely the pros and cons) and end with the most important takeaway you want the audience to remember about wind energy in Indiana.

Don't be Afraid to Show Your Personality

Delivering information without any sort of flourish or style can be boring. Allowing your personality to show through your speaking keeps you feeling relaxed and natural. Even if you’re speaking about something very scientific or serious, look for ways to let your personality come through your speech.

For example, when Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek announced in March of 2019 that he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer, he still let his trademark dignity and professionalism set the tone for his address. He began his announcement by saying “it’s in keeping with my long-time policy of being open and transparent with our Jeopardy! fan base.” Later, he joked that he would need to overcome his illness in order to fulfill his contract, whose terms required him to host the show for three more years. Though the nature of Trebek's announcement could easily have justified a grim, serious tone, the host instead opted to display the charm that has made him a household name for almost thirty-five years. In doing so, he reminded his audience precisely why he is so well-loved.

Use Humor (When Appropriate)

Using humor at appropriate moments can keep your audience engaged and entertained. While not all occasions are appropriate for humor, look for moments where you can lighten the mood and add some humor.

For example, just two months after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, Reagan was in the middle of giving a speech when a balloon loudly popped while he was speaking. Reagan paused his speech to say “missed me,” then immediately continued speaking. This off-the-cuff humor worked because it was appropriate, spontaneous, and did not really distract from his message.

Similarly, at the end of his final White House Correspondents Dinner, Barack Obama concluded his speech by saying “Obama out” and dropping the mic. Once again, the humor did not distract from his message, but it did provide a light-hearted shift in his tone.  

Don't Let Visual Aids Distract From Your Presentation

Visual aids, such as PowerPoints or handouts, often go alongside presentations. When designing visual aids, be sure they do not distract from the content of your speech. Having too many pictures or animations can cause audience members to pay more attention to the visuals rather than what you’re saying.

However, if you present research that relies on tables or figures, having many images may help your audience better visualize the research you discuss. Be aware of the ways different types of presentations demand different types of visual aids.

Be Aware of Your Body Language

When it comes to giving a presentation, nonverbal communication is equally as important as what you’re saying. Having the appropriate posture, gestures, and movement complement the spoken element of your presentation. Below are a few simple strategies to make you appear more confident and professional.

Having confident posture can make or break a presentation. Stand up straight with your shoulders back and your arms at your sides. Slouching or crossing your arms over your chest makes you appear smaller and more insecure. However, be sure you’re not too rigid. Just because you’re standing up tall does not mean you cannot move around.

Eye contact

Making eye contact with your audience not only makes them feel connected to you but it also lets you gauge their response to you. Try to look around the room and connect with different audience members so you’re not staring at the same people the whole time. If you notice your audience starting to nod off, it might be a good time to change your tone or up your energy. 

Avoid distracting or compulsive gestures

While hand gestures can help point out information in a slide or on a poster, large or quick gestures can be distracting. When using gestures, try to make them feel like a normal part of your presentation.

It’s also easy to slip into nervous gestures while presenting. Things like twirling your hair or wringing your hands can be distracting to your audience. If you know you do something like this, try to think hard about not doing it while you’re presenting.

Travel (if possible)

If you are presenting on a stage, walking back and forth can help you stay relaxed and look natural. However, be sure you’re walking slowly and confidently and you’re using an appropriate posture (described above). Try to avoid pacing, which can make you appear nervous or compulsive.

Rehearse (if Possible)

The difference between knowing your subject and rehearsing comes down to how you ultimately present your information. The more you rehearse, the more likely you are to eliminate filler words such as like and um . If possible, try practicing with a friend and have them use count the filler words you use. You can also record yourself and play back the video. The more you rehearse, the more confident you will feel when it comes time to actually speak in front of an audience.

Finally, Relax!

Although public speaking takes time and preparation, perhaps one of the most important points is to relax while you’re speaking. Delivering your information in a stiff way prevents you from appearing natural and letting your personality come through. The more relaxed you feel, the more confident your information will come across.

Jerz's Literacy Weblog (est. 1999)

Oral presentation tips: how to deliver a speech for school or work.

Jerz >  Writing > [ Academic |  Technical ] This document briefly describes how to  write and deliver a formal oral presentation on an academic or professional subject. It should be useful for anyone who wants to know how to speak in public.

Note: by “formal presentation,” I don’t necessarily mean a Shakespeare monologue or a scientific treatise on robot-assisted microsurgery. Giving an oral presentation on  any subject–your favorite book, current events, a family story–can be “formal” and “technical” whenever its primary purpose is to communicate complex information.

The  content is the most obvious component of any oral presentation — after all, if you are talking, you had better have something worthwhile to say.  But a presentation is only as effective as its  delivery .

Part 1: Planning the Content

1.  Determine your goals. 2.  Prepare your material. 3.  Study a model. 4.  Arrange with your strongest points first . 5. Practice, practice, practice .

Part 2: Delivering the Content

6.  Make eye contact with your audience. 7. Engage actively with the audience. 8. A slide show is not a speech. 9.  Watch the time! 10.  Take questions in the middle, not the end?

1) Determine Your Goals as a Speaker


2) Prepare your material

Plan. Practice. Keep what’s good and try again. 

Good speakers usually aim to look like they are speaking effortlessly, tossing off words as they come to mind. What you don’t see is the preparation that paved the way for the polished performance. It’s all an act! You can do it too, if you plan ahead.

Once you know what your goal is, and you know what your audience wants, you can start strategizing. There is no single strategy that will guarantee success. How you plan depends on many variables.

How many minutes long is your speech? About how many words do you speak per minute?

Will your audience be lost if you use jargon? Will they feel talked down to if you spend time defining terms they already know?

Do you expect that your audience will disagree with you? (If so, you might need to give more examples and more evidence and spend more time addressing reasonable objections in order to sound convincing, which may mean talking a little faster.)

Do you expect your audience already agrees with the position you will take? (If so, they may check out if your speech simply rehashes arguments they already accept without question. What can you say to an audience that already agrees with you? Why would you listen to a speaker who is restating things you already accept as the truth?)

Graphics, inspirational quotations, and anecdotes are all well-respected methods of maintaining audience interest. However, Pinterest clip art, fancy computer transitions between slides, and vaudeville tricks get old pretty quickly (see Don McMillan’s hilarious “ Death by Powerpoint “), and they eat up time that you could use more effectively.

“ “. Most  inexperienced speakers who approach a professional oral presentation this way end up cutting themselves off from their audience.
Whether your goal is to convince your audience to accept your position on a complex topic, to provide as much useful information as you can to the decision-maker who needs to know it, or something else, keep that goal in mind first. How will the words you say help you and your audience to reach some mutual goal?
Instead, think about “ “.TV talk show hosts don’t think about talking to millions of people at once… they think of talking directly to one individual person who wants to be part of a conversation. Make your audience feel welcome.
.  Many, many speakers spend too much time on background, which forces them to rush through their final statements. , your demonstrations of software, or your visits to web pages just as thoroughly as your introductory and concluding statements. When you “wing it”, you will tend to eat up too much time. .  Find out how to shut off the lights, to lower the screen, to focus the overhead projector, etc. .  The network may crash, your monitor may start to flicker, or you may drop your notes. These things happen.   Prepare a low-tech backup — overhead projections or paper handouts, a discussion question to engage the audience, whatever.

3) Study a Model

The internet is of course full of examples of good speeches, but the YouTube users who vote on videos may not have much in common with the audience who will hear your oral presentation.

Do you have access to speeches that your discourse community values? Your instructor or supervisor may not have ready access to video recordings from last year’s class or last quarter’s budget meeting, but you can pay attention to the speaking techniques deployed by people with authority in your field.

For instance, I have a colleague who never says, “This is taking too long, and I’m watching the clock, so let’s get on with it already.” Instead, this person says, “I’m conscious of everyone’s time, so shall we move on to the next item?”

Bear in mind that

  • if you have been assigned to deliver a speech that defends a position on a topic (such as, whether Huckleberry Finn should be taught in middle school)…
  • but your instructor usually refrains from stating any one answer is the best (preferring instead to present several viewpoints and letting the students decide for themselves)…
  • then your instructor’s open-ended lecture (intended to spark a discussion) is not a good model of a position statement (intended to showcase your ability to latch onto a specific solution).

While this handout aims to provide general tips, you should ignore any general tip that contradicts something specific you learn about the goals, context, or genre of the specific speech you are preparing.

General Model

Successful oral presentations typically share some basic characteristics, owing to the nature of the spoken word.

  • Tell them what you’re going to tell them.
  • Tell them what you told them.

When we read, we can go back and reread passages we skimmed over the first time, and we can skip ahead when we’re bored. In a live oral presentation, the audience can’t re-read or skip ahead. If the audience doesn’t know why they are listening to your anecdote about winning the spelling bee, or why they should care what version of the software was installed on the computer that you used to crunch your numbers, their attention will wander and it will be hard to get it back.

When we listen, we gratefully cling to orientation phrases that help us understand what the whole shape of a speech is, where we are within the overall structure, and when we are transitioning from one section to another.

Your specific occasion for delivering a speech may involve specific contextual details that don’t mesh with the general advice I’m providing here.

  • Introduction :   "I am Pinky J. Witzowitz from the U.S. Department of Bureaucracy, and I have been asked to speak for 20 minutes on 'The Government's Plan for Preventing Situation X in America's Heartland.'"
  • "Situation X is the worst thing that can happen to you and your family." [ Startling claim ; follow up by citing the source of this quote, or giving evidence that supports it.]
  • "It happened once to a family in Dubuque, and they were never heard from again." [ Anecdote ; follow up with details.]
  • "I am here today to tell you how to prevent this terrible tragedy from striking you." [ Demonstrates relevance ; move directly to your  road map ]
  • Main Content :  Put up a slide with topics to cover, a specific problem to solve, or a series of questions to answer. Promise that your talk will address the material on that slide. You might even return to that slide each time you start a new subsection, with the current place in the talk highlighted.

  • Questions/Comments from the Audience? Even though most people save the question period until the end, they lose the opportunity to modify their conclusion to address the interests of the audience.
  • Recap :  Our earnest “Situation X” speaker might give microencapsulated answers to all the questions on the main road map:  "We have learned that Situation X is a blah blah blah; that we should all care about it because yada, yada, yada..."
  • Wrap it up : After reminding the audience how all these factors fit together, the speaker might say,  "Now that you understand how the U.S. Department of Bureaucracy helps you keep Situation X out of your life, please take one of our pamphlets home to your family and put it by the telephone where you can get it in an emergency; your family will thank you."
  • Invite Questions :   If there is time, and if you haven’t already done so.

4) Arrange with Your Strongest Points First

In rare cases — such as when you are facing a hostile audience, you might want to start out by emphasizing where you agree with your audience, and then carefully working your way towards your most divisive, most daring claims.

  • If the question is actually important to your talk,  you’ll probably be able to answer right away.
  • If you can’t answer right away, or you don’t want to take the time, just promise you’ll follow up via e-mail , and then go right back to your presentation. Most  audience members will probably have been annoyed by the interruption.  They will be  delighted that you  didn’t take the questioner’s bait .

5) Practice, Practice, Practice.

Set a timer, and deliver your speech to a willing co-worker or family member, your pet fish, or the bathroom mirror.

My students are often surprised at how hard it is to fill up 3 minutes for an informal practice speech early in the term, and how hard it is to fit everything they want to say into a 10-minute formal speech later in the term.

Once you have the right amount of content, make a video recording of yourself practicing. If you plan to show a video clip, or ad-lib an explanation of a diagram, or load a website, or pass out paper handouts, or saw an assistant in half, actually do it while the camera is rolling, so that you know exactly how much time it takes.

Time it out.

  • Script out a powerful introduction and conclusion.
  • Know how long each section of your speech should take.
  • which example or anecdote you will cut if you are running long?
  • what additional example you can introduce if you need to fill time?

If you know your conclusion takes you 90 seconds to deliver, make sure to start your conclusion when you have at least 90 seconds left.

At several key points during your speech, maybe while you are playing a video or while the audience is taking in a complex image, glance at the clock and check to see — are you on track?

If you notice you’re starting Section 3 60 seconds later than you had intended, try to make up for time by rushing through your second example in section 3 and cutting the third example in section 4, so that you still have the full 90 seconds at the end to deliver that powerful conclusion.

Technological Considerations

  • Do you know how to connect your computer to the overhead projector? (If you don’t know, who does?)
  • What will you do if you can’t get your computer connected to the projector? (Back in 2003, when I applied for my current job at Seton Hill University, I was asked to give a teaching demonstration. I couldn’t get my laptop to work with the overhead projector, but I had posted the most important links on my blog, and I had brought along a printout of my speech, just in case. My preparations have paid off, because I got the job.)
  • In the room where you will be speaking, will you be using a microphone, or relying on your unamplified voice?
  • Will you be able to walk around with the microphone — perhaps to gesture at details in the slides — or is the mic attached to a stand? (Do you need to borrow a laser pointer, or get a volunteer to advance slides for you?)

6) Make Eye Contact With Your Audience.

oral communication speech writing

I once sat through a four-hour training session, during which this was all I could see of the instructor.

Go ahead and write your whole speech out so you can read robotically if you blank out, but you should practice your speech so you know it well enough that you can glance up from your notes and look at your audience as you speak.

when you run your PowerPoint presentation.
, either; your audience isn’t down there.
Position your visual aids or keyboard so that you .

7) Engage with the audience.

Pay attention to the audience, and they will pay attention to you.

Don’t try to recite from memory . If you spend your energy worrying about what you’re supposed to say next, you won’t be able to pay attention to whether the audience can hear you, or whether the overhead projections are focused.

Preparation : Set up before the audience files into their seats. If you have scheduled a presentation for a class, don’t sit in your seat like a lump while your professor calls the roll and hands out papers. Few things are more boring than watching a presenter log into the computer, fiddle with the video data projector, hunt around for the light switches, etc.

Introduction : As the audience files into their seats, have a title card displayed on the screen — or at least write your  name and the title of your talk on the whiteboard.  In a formal setting, usually a moderator will usually introduce you, so you won’t need to repeat everything the moderator says.  Avoid canned introductions like “Principal Burch, members of the faculty, and fellow students, we are gathered here today…”

Hashtag : If it’s likely that many people in your audience use the same social media network, consider encouraging them to post their thoughts there. When you introduce yourself, give your social media handle and suggest a hashtag.

Handouts : Consider distributing handouts that present the basic facts (names, dates, timelines) and your main points.  You can keep the conclusion just slightly mysterious, if you don’t want to give everything away immediately, but the idea is to free the audience from the feeling that they have to write everything down themselves. (Note: Simply printing up all the overhead slides wastes a lot of paper.)

Grabber : Grab the attention of your audience with a startling fact or claim, an inspiring quotation, or a revealing anecdote.   This is not the time to try out your nightclub act; the “grabber” is not just comic relief, it also helps you set up the problem that you are going to address.  If the audience will be diverse and general, you can use the “grabber” as a metaphor, helping the audience see why the topic is so important to you, and how it might be important to them, too.  If your audience shares your technical specialty, and thus needs no special introduction to the topic, feel free simply to state your purpose without much to-do; but bear in mind that even technical audiences don’t want to be bored.

Road Map : Once you have established the problem or the main point of your talk, let the audience know how you are going to get to a solution.  You might put up a series of questions on a slide, then as your talk progresses, proceed to answer each one.  You might break each question down into a series of smaller questions, and answer each one of these in turn.  Each time you finish a subsection, return to the road map, to help your audience keep track of where you have been and where you are going.

Conclusion : To give your presentation closure, return to the “grabber”, and extend it, modify it, or otherwise use it to help drive home your main point.  Recap your main points, and demonstrate how they all fit together into a thought that the audience members can take with them.

8) A Slide Show Is Not a Speech

Don’t read word-for-word with your nose buried in a stack of papers . If you bother to show up to hear a person speak, how do you feel when the speaker mumbles through page after page of written text? Do you feel you should have just asked for a copy of the paper in the mail?

When you present, make every effort to include your audience; after all, they are the reason you are speaking in the first place.

If you do feel that you must write out your speech word-for-word, you should be familiar enough with it that you don’t need to look at the paper all the time. (And hold the page up when you glance at it, rather than bending down to look at it.)

Your slides should present an  (not just the bare framework) of your talk.

If you begin with a slide that lists a series of topics or questions, your audience will expect the rest of your talk to work through that list in more detail (just as this web page began with a list of tips, then followed up with details about each tip.)

If each page throws up more lists, your talk will seem random.

Larry Lessig (an ethicist, open-source culture activist, and politician) has developed a very sparse PowerPoint style that assists his spoken voice. His slides sometimes contain just a single word, and he times the slides so that the written words (and occasional images) emphasize the spoken words. (See:

Vague and pointless slides are alienating.
A slide that simply presents the bare structure of your talk is pointless.

Rather than a slide labeled “Introduction,” ask a question that actually introduces some idea.

Rather than a slide labeled “Case Study 1,” give a startling fact from the case study.

Cluttered and wordy slides can be overwhelming.
People can read faster than you can speak, so don’t bore the audience by reading a slide full of text word-for-word.

By the time you get to the end of the slide, we will already probably be liking cat pictures on Instagram.

Spinning and bouncing text impresses nobody (and fools nobody).

The people in your audience probably see dozens of slide shows every month. They want to evaluate your ideas.

Proving that you can select a cool transition from a drop-down list is not going to earn you any points or win you a contract.

9) Watch the time!

To help pace yourself, at the top of each page of your notes,  write down what time it should be ; as you turn each page, you can glance at the clock and see whether you are on track.

(The first time I gave this advice to a technical writing class, I mimed the action of “looking at the clock” — and noticed that I was running ten minutes behind, eating into time that I had promised to a student for an in-class testing session.  That was a rather humbling experience!)

See the “preparation” section above. If you have already practiced your speech and timed out the various sections, you’ll know whether you are running long. If you are, don’t talk faster — cut  something that you already marked out as optional.

Decide in advance which examples, which anecdotes, which subsections you can drop, without damaging the whole presentation.

I was at a conference in 1998 where the first speaker talked for 40 minutes — double  her allotted time.  (Why the moderator allowed this is a mystery to me.)

  • None of the other speakers on the panel felt like cutting their talks to compensate.
  • The result was that the last scheduled speaker — who had paid for an international plane ticket and a week in a hotel — did not get to speak at all.

10) Take questions in the middle, not at the end?

The benefits include:

  • If you spark a good Q & A session, your audience will remember and appreciate it.
  • If nobody has any questions,  you can just fill up the space with more of your own material .  That would be much harder to do if you have already wrapped up your talk and had nothing left to say.
  • If you really know your material, you can  adjust your conclusion to address the questions raised by the audience.  Even if someone in the audience steals a little of your thunder by bringing up points you were saving for your big finish, you will appear smart for having predicted that audience response. At the same time, someone in your audience will feel smart for having anticipated what you were going to say.

Dennis G. Jerz , 01/27/2009 07:24:28 Oct, 1999 — first written 03 Dec, 2000 — posted here 03 June 2003 — tweaked and updated 30 Oct 2011 — updated and added video links 31 May 2016 — major update; separated into “preparation” and “presentation” sections. 26 Jan 2018 — blackboard -> whiteboard

Many writers have no trouble  the content of a conversation or  facts, but they they freeze up when asked to formulate a theory or critique an argument.  Writing Effective E-Mail: Top 10 TipsThese ten tips will help teach you how to write effective, high-quality e-mails in today’s professional environment. Write a meaningful subject line; keep the message short and readable; avoid attachments; identify yourself; don’t flame (and more).

What can you do to increase your chances of having a successful group project?



50 thoughts on “ Oral Presentation Tips: How to Deliver a Speech for School or Work ”

Thanks alot for your teachings

Thank a lot , really great tip for oral presentation, i’ll implement these tips, and will let you know.

Very helpful tips.

this is awfully helpful. I am a teacher in France and my students have to do presentations in English. I wish they could read this and understand.

Thank you for these very useful tips on Oral presentation. I am taking an Organizational Behavior class and need to do a 5 minute oral presentation on a real life situation about Conflict Management in the Workplace. I am not sure how to structure or begin the presentation.

I like it Really helpful for me

Thank you for helping me to do my presentation…..and I have learned so much from oral presentation.

thankyou thankyou thankyou this helped me so much!!! : )

thankyou thankyou thankyou this helped me so much in english!!! : )

Thanks. Really helpful

Hi, I going to do 3 minute presentation and my topic is My son. what is a best tips to talk about the this topic. I am not sure where to start. Any tips to help me with.

Is that the topic you were assigned? Are you taking a public speaking class, a child development class, a class in writing personal memoirs, or are you learning English as a second language? I don’t know how your instructor will evaluate your work, so I am not sure how to help.

You might find it useful to look at this handout on writing personal essays. http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/creative1/personal-essays/

Hi, I going to do minute presentation and my topic is My son. what is a best tips to talk about the this topic. I am not sure where to start. Any tips to help me with.

This sort of helped

Denise Gillen Caralli liked this on Facebook.

Enter your comment here…Thanks a lot… I will follow your instructions..I’m hopeful those tips will work. .. Thanks once again….

Thanks so much will follow your instruction tomorrow where I will be having presentation with 180 Head masters about suplimetary feeding on their hunger striken ares

Yeah ,thanks and good luck to all of you from a powerful Jamaican girl

That’s great… It will work well for those who are aiming for like me. Thanks!

The tips are totally handy until now I am still applying it.

Appreciate it. =)

Very helpful for my presentation. Thanks!

I have learned a lot on this…thanks

Thanks a lot I have learned so much on this

I suppose to give out a presentation on Monday on someone or something in either an athlete or an actor and I don’t know how to start

i have a question i am supposed to give a speech but it has to have a power point or a drama thing the only problem is that i can’t have a power point because it won’t work into my speech and neither will a drama thing what should i do?

I suggest you talk to whoever set up the requirement for a slideshow/drama component. Maybe there is some flexibility, or maybe you’ll find a way to work that component into your speech.

Thank you heaps this really helped a lot

that is such good information and i believe im going to pass my speeches.

wow!!this are really helpfull stuff..but im just not confident enough to stand infront of all those people..wish i could do it without them looking at me

blind fold them! just joking…I’m getting ready to do mine and I’m having the same problem as you.

this is a helpfull site

this isn’t helping me with how nervous I am!! bye!!

love it really helped

thanks you are good

I have to do a presentation about “Importance of learning English”. There are 6 people in my group including myself. The presentation has to be exactly 8 minutes. We can’t use PowerPoint. Can you give us any unique, memorable and creative idea?

What are some lessons or life experiences that you find unique and memorable? I’d probably do a play, with a character who gets into trouble because he/she doesn’t know English, and then has a chance to correct those problems by demonstrating how learning English can fix the problems.

Hello mr.Dennis,I go straight to it.how can I become the most sought after Master of Ceremony(M.C.)/tv show presenter extra-ordinaire in my country before going international?any useful tips?

Sorry, that question is not something I cover on this page.

really well writen loved how you added steps so its easy to follow clear easily can be understaned and really helps us and gives us tips that we should actually think about and use at times

Yeah! I found it quite impressive. I hope it’z gonna be helpful for me to develop my speech techniques.

Nice tips….i think it will help me. but it’s too lengthy,it takes so much of time to read.

This really helps to prepare for all sort of things, Thanks a lot

Really helpful! Thank you

Pingback: Oral Presentation Readings « readwriteredroom

i love this helpful tips of oral presentation.. hope to visit this again or i just make a hard copy of this… thank you very much for that…

it was quite helpful

thank you for the great tip, but my problem is actually that I have a presentation on ‘All About Me’ and I have to keep the audience ‘engaged’ like by making a guessing game or something. If anyone has any other ideas please help!!

This may help: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/creative1/showing/

This really helped me prepare my oral presentation…thanks very much!!!!

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Teaching Oral Communication Online

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When teaching oral communication online, it's important to think carefully through the affordances and challenges of mediated presentations -- and adjust your pedagogy importantly.

For a fully online writing & speaking class, our expectations about what a presentation look like need to shift.  Instead of requiring students to perform (and possibly record) a TED-talk style conversation, where we see their full body, large presentation screen behind them, we need to adjust to the parameters of mediated presentations through live Zoom or pre-recording:

  • Narrated PowerPoint/Keynote with no speaker visually present (i.e. zoom or google slides pre-recorded)
  • PowerPoint with speaker window/webinar (i.e. zoom pre-recorded)
  • Multimedia with visuals of speaker interspersed (i.e. video edited footage of speaker with animations, audio, slides, images, photo stills, zoom background visuals or video cut into the presentation)

This type of presentation is one they might already be familiar with from YouTube bloggers, webinars, or other online presentation moments, so in that sense, we're helping them develop a particular type of delivery strategies that they might draw on in many academic and non-academic contexts.

Some Beat Practices

Oral Communication lecturer Helen Lie has offered some of the following suggestions for teaching oral communication online (courtesy of Helen Lie):

Remember that students presenting online still experience speech anxiety, so scaffold the major presentation assignments by offering many low stakes opportunities for students to practice their presentation skills  

Students may also suffer from tech anxiety in preparing or delivering their presentations. 

  • Be sure to integrate technological skills incrementally into your scaffolding assignments (i.e., for one assignment, have them practice sharing a screen in Zoom; for another assignment, layer in recording a short speech, etc.)
  • Don't grade low-stakes assignments, and make sure students are aware that they won't be graded down on major assignments for unavoidable technological issues

Help students also understand their responsibilities as an audience

  • Consider having all student audience members activate their video, if they have access to video, for the presentations and speaking activities so that presenters get the benefit of seeing their live audience
  • Talk to students about ways to think about nonverbal feedback that they can give as audience members (such as nodding, making eye contact, giving complete attention), which might be particularly vital in online spaces
  • If your students are pre-recording major presentations, give them the benefit of a live audience in small group dress rehearsals or through a live Zoom Q&A after everyone has watched the presentations on their own
  • Balance synchronous and asynchronous feedback; create a space on a Canvas discussion forum for students to comment on each other's presentations, whether they have watched them live or recorded; offer a live Q&A or feedback opportunity on Zoom

Help students think about the specific dynamics of digital presentations

  • Encourage them to think about their "presentation stage" when delivering remotely -- Where will they sit? What will they wear?  What sort of lighting is available.  Suggest that they try to find a place with good lighting (i.e. a light behind you casts a shadow on your face), free of clutter, connecting with a stable connection if possible (sitting close to a router or connected to the router with an ethernt cable), away from distractions (i.e., people who might walk behind the presenter or otherwise interrupt)
  • However given that students sometimes do not have much control over their environments in online learning contexts, make sure they also understand that they are not graded on their ability to have a polished "presentation stage" and that everyone in the class will be understanding if their "stage" is less than ideal.
  • Think about whether you want students to read off a script or not, which might be their inclination even more than in in-person presentations.  If you don't want them script-bound, consider implementing short scaffolding assignments that require them to speak rather than just read.
  • Engage them in vocal delivery activities designed to help them understand the importance of voice in digital presentation contexts

Activity idea  - watch a TED talk - transcribe it, mark it for pauses, and then practice in the same way ias the speaker and present (imitatio)

See Helen's Full Slidedeck from her March 14 Presentation on Teaching Digital Presentations.

Technological Recommendations

If students are sharing their presentations asynchronously: 

  • Ask students to record themselves at their screen, using a web camera, the built-in microphone on their computer, and screen sharing software combined to capture both their faces/persons as well as the slides on the screen. 
  • If students want to use presenter notes while recording in Zoom in particular, they can follow the instructions  to use two monitors with screen sharing . If students do not have access to two monitors, they can also use the screen sharing function in Google Slides  by selecting to share only the window with the final slidedeck and NOT to share the window that pops up with the presenter notes. (i.e. "squish" both windows so they could appear side-by-side).
  • Voiceover narration in slidedeck creation software can also be used via  Keynote  (Mac),  PowerPoint  (Mac or PC), or  Quicktime  (Mac).
  • If students submit the recording via Canvas Assignments, the file will only be visible to the instructor. If students submit the recording via Canvas Discussions, the file will be visible to the full class community. 
  • If using Discussions, students can use  an audio-video recording tool built directly into Canvas  to record audio-video content. Note that with this tool, only the students’ web camera content will be recorded and saved, not the students’ screen (or their slidedeck). Given this constraint, a short reflection or oral presentation without slides or visuals would be most appropriate for recording with Canvas’ recording tool.
  • If students submit the recording via Stanford Box, make sure the appropriate share settings have been enabled for students to upload their own files to a Box folder that you have created. See  Folder and Account Sharing Settings in Box  for more details.
  • If students do not have access to a laptop computer or webcam, they can also use the voice memo feature on a phone to record audio, save audio files, and upload the audio files to either Canvas or Stanford Box. Invite students to share their slidedecks and audio/video files separately if necessary.
  • Ask students to use Zoom to give a live presentation for their peers. See  Advice for Using Zoom For Synchronous Class Sessions  for suggestions and technical tips for using Zoom to this end.

Student-Facing Handouts About Presenting Online 

See these tech-oriented handouts developed by Jenae Cohn, Sarah Pittock, and Jennifer Johnson, ready for distribution to your students or adaptation to suit your own specific class needs:

  • Handout: Delivering Your Presentation Live on Zoom
  • Handout: Pre-Recording Your Presentation
  • Handout: Instructions for Sharing Streaming Video Content Over Zoom

Oral Communication Program Video Workshops

The Oral Communication Program created several student-facing video workshops that instructors can incorporate into their classes. 

Check out the list of available video workshops

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About oral communication support.

The Oral Communication Program provides opportunities for undergraduates, graduate students, and instructors to improve their presentation and communication skills.

Tom Freeland lecturing CTL 115/215, Voice Workshop

In these courses in Oral Communication, students refine their public speaking skills and enhance their general facility and confidence in oral expression

OCT Teresa Nguyen conducts a speaking skills workshop

We work directly with departments and campus organizations to offer specialized workshops. We also conduct regular workshops including T.E.A. and Vocal Yoga.

See a Tutor

OCT Tessa Smith welcomes students to the center while seated on a large couch.

Meet with an Oral Communication Tutor (OCT) to: brainstorm, rehearse your presentation, videotape your speech, design effective visual aids, reduce speech anxiety, or practice your job interview

Become a Tutor

A tutor helps a student, motioning toward her computer screen.

Oral Communication Tutor applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are currently closed but please check back in Winter 2023 for 2024-25 academic year applications.

Oral Communication in Context Module: Principles of Speech Delivery

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.

After learning the different principles, techniques and process in writing, setting a very clear objective you should have in your writing speech, using the principles of effective speech writing and exhibiting appropriate verbal and non – verbal behavior in a given speech context, you are now ready to deliver an effective speech.

Think of a speaker that one has heard and seen. Why do you think the audience would like speech? Is it the speaker’s confidence, articulation or pronunciation of words, appearance, or mastery of the language? All these answers are definitely correct. A good speaker has to have a clear voice and utter words understandably with the audience. The speaker also uses the right facial expressions and appropriate gestures. However, a great speaker talked directly to the audience with a convincing proposition and eye to eye contact. The speaker also moves with confidence on stage showing mastery of Public Communication. In this module, the learners are expected to understand wholeheartedly the principles of speech delivery.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. practice articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expressions, gestures and movements and rapport with the audience; and

2. deliver a speech in an audience observing the principles of effective speech delivery learned.

Oral Communication in Context Quarter 2 Self-Learning Module: Principles of Speech Delivery

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