• Graduate School

How to Write a PhD Motivation Letter with Samples and Expert Tips

PhD Motivation Letter Sample

Reading over some PhD motivation letter samples will give you an idea of how to make yours a strong, central component of your application to get into grad school . In addition to your grad school CV , a PhD motivation letter is a chance for you to demonstrate objectively why you are an excellent candidate for the faculty to which you are applying. Unlike a personal statement, a PhD motivation letter is distinct in its unique focus on your academic and research background with little mention of your personal story. This article will take you through the significance of the PhD motivation letter, describe what makes a stellar motivation letter, and provide examples. 

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Do you need to write a phd motivation letter .

Yes, you must write a PhD motivation letter. It is mandatory for most, if not all, PhD programs, regardless of your field of study. Disciplines ranging from arts and humanities to physics and computer science all consider motivation letters (aka “statement of purpose” in some countries) a major component of your application.

Of course, you will also have to fulfill the other documentation requirements, like submitting your transcripts, CV, personal statement, and letters of recommendation, but a motivation letter has a specific intent: to summarize your academic achievements up to the present and what you plan to achieve in the future at this particular school.

The faculty who ultimately consider your application look for how you and your PhD topic match with the mission and values of their program. Personal details and other motivations are best left to your personal statement or letter of intent because the motivation letter is strictly an academic summary.

A great PhD motivation letter should highlight how and why you are prepared for the rigors of PhD-level work. It should include the details of your academic career that have propelled you further into your field of study, like an inspiring professor or undergraduate course that sparked interest in your field.

The following list will provide more insights, but you should remember that whatever you write must be backed up by a concrete, real-world demonstration. It is not enough to say, “I am interested in XYZ because of XYZ.” You must include specific events in your undergraduate and graduate studies where you excelled.

If you are applying for a PhD, that in itself suggests you have a bevy of academic and extracurricular experience to glean from, be it co-authoring a published paper, your time as a TA, or some type of academic recognition. Many stand-out motivation letters single out specific instances when you showed an outsized passion for your studies.

Dos and Don’ts in a PhD Motivation Letter

1. Gain Skills and Experiences

The track to obtaining a PhD degree is a long one, which is why anyone who wants to become a PhD should commit early on to what it entails. All PhD candidates must have both an undergraduate and a master's degree to even apply, so that means structuring your studies around those requirements.

You should gain as much experience in your field, learn new skills related to your studies (a new language, for example, or technical skills), and participate in as many extracurricular activities as possible. Gathering the necessary skills and experiences to enter a PhD program should be the first step, since they are a reflection of your commitment.

2. Start Writing Early

You should begin drafting your PhD motivation letter at least a few months before the deadline. Because it is one of the most important parts of your application, you want to give yourself time to refine it. Refining means going through multiple drafts, soliciting and receiving feedback from other candidates, getting professional grad school application help, and making changes as you go along.

3. Consider Your Audience

The people who will read your motivation letter are renowned academics who have devoted their lives to one particular subject. Your letter needs to reflect your respect not only for them, but for the field of study that you both share. You should write with genuine verve when talking about your topic. Remind them of why they committed so full-heartedly to their career by demonstrating how enthralled you are with your studies.

4. Use Active Voice

You should put “you” in your story. Avoid using the passive voice and hiding behind your achievements as if they spoke for themselves. The admissions committee members want to read about how you approached your studies and learn about your insights into the future of your field of interest. They do not want a cold recitation of your CV but a spirited defense or explanation of what you value most about your topic.

1. Don’t Forget About the Formatting

PhD admission requirements differ between the many programs out there, so be cognizant of how they ask you to format your paper. If the requirements state a two-page limit, then write two pages. The same goes for other criteria like font size, paragraph spacing, and word length. A rambling, incoherent letter is the last thing you want to submit, so make sure to keep it within the guidelines.

2. Don’t Include Personal Stories

A personal statement is the place for formative stories from the past, not your motivation letter. You can include personal thoughts and opinions about your field of study, even unfavorable ones, to show you have a unique perspective, but steer clear of using personal elements like early childhood experiences or anything unrelated to your program.

3. Don’t Ramble

Keep in mind that your writing and organizational skills are also on display when you submit your motivation letter, along with everything else about you (grades, college letter of intent , transcripts). Again, remember who you are writing for: professors with years of experience researching and writing. They, more than anyone, know what good writing looks like, so be concise and clear in your writing.

4. Don’t Shy Away from Failures

The collected experience of those reading your essay guarantees that they know a thing or two about failure. Whether it was an unpublished paper, or a failed experiment, showing your determination in the face of adversity paints a complete picture of who you are as a researcher and academic.

But, again, setbacks in your personal life should not be mentioned. Limit your story to problems you encountered during your undergrad, graduate, or research fellowships and how you sought to overcome them. Mention a class or subject you struggled with or a drop in your grades and how you improved them.

Structure of Your PhD Motivation Letter

The structure of a great motivation letter is easy to follow because its focus is so narrow. The body of your letter should only mention highlights from your academic career, in a very specific chronology starting with your undergrad and progressing from there. But the structure should also cover three main points:

You can adjust the structure based on the requirements of the PhD program you are applying to, but it should cover the reasons you want to commit yourself to this program, what you plan on achieving, and how you have prepared yourself to accomplish those goals. If you already went to grad school, then you can rework your college statement of purpose to use as a template.

PhD Motivation Letter Sample #1

Dear Members of the PhD Selection Committee,

My name is David White, and I am writing to you to express my interest in pursuing a PhD in the Migration Studies program at X University. I recently completed a Master of Ethnography at Y University with an emphasis on the cultural exchange between migrant communities and their adopted homelands viewed through the lens of shared trauma and memory.

In the media, migration is often described as a “crisis,” a designation that has always made me bristle. I assert that migration is one of the most fundamental aspects of our species, yet it has been flagrantly mislabeled to serve the political and socioeconomic interests of a few.

My research is centered around the ways that migrants form new identities based on their experiences. Conversely, I have also explored how an innate identity based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation impacts a migrant’s journey and how those markers expose them to further exploitation or, at the other end, fortify their resolve and inspire perseverance in the face of tremendous odds.

The need for further investigation into identity and the interplay of migration and culture came into focus for me during my second-year undergrad Political Science degree at XYZ University. I was influenced by the work of writers like Franz Fanon and Edward Said, who questioned the foundations of a post-colonial identity and whether it was ever possible for colonized people to form an identity separate from their colonizers. I took an anthropology course, The Nature of Humans, that impacted me greatly. It prompted a Cartesian examination of my own beliefs around identity, as it firmly associated the emergence of human societies with factors such as migration, evolution, adaptability, and diversity.

During my time as a graduate student, I secured a place on a research project headed by Prof. Mohamed Al-Nasseri, a diaspora studies expert. Professor Al-Nasseri's thesis was that policymakers were ignoring the psychological profiles of migrants when assessing their material needs and financial assistance levels.

Our four-person investigative team liaised with a local, non-profit resettlement agency who connected us with volunteer migrant families based in University Town. Under the supervision of Professor Al-Nasseri, we formulated a questionnaire based on the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-V for traumatic events, while taking into account the newly revised definitions.

Mindful of the possible triggering effect our questions could have, we invited a peer, fellow survivor/migrant, and, in some cases, a religious leader before we conducted the interviews or to sit-in on our interviews.

During the interviews, I felt both inspired and indignant. I maintained my composure and objectivity, but the fire within raged. Unfortunately, our findings were inconclusive and what we discovered in our interviews did not wholly support Dr. Al-Nasseri’s thesis. But the experience and motivation I took from the project were enough to fuel my desire to explore the topic of identity formation in migrant communities who have undergone severe trauma.

The Migration Studies program at your institution will provide what I consider the perfect research and support network to further my investigation of these topics. I have followed the work of the esteemed Dr. Ellerman whose research into the treatment of post-traumatic stress has informed the direction of my own research. Dr. Ellerman has opened new pathways for thinking about trauma that I wish to incorporate into my thesis project when the time comes.

Until then, I am grateful for the opportunity to apply to this institution and am ready to discuss my future with you should my candidacy prove successful.

David White

My name is Melanie Hicks, and I am writing this letter to fulfill the admission requirements of the Visual Arts PhD Program at Z University. I have already submitted my audiovisual portfolio, CV, and transcripts, along with three letters of recommendation from, respectively, my master’s degree supervisor, Dr. Dana Redmond, my thesis supervisor, Dr. Allan Lee, and my research colleague, Mark Fowler.

I would like to take this opportunity to expand further on the conceptual themes I have focused on in my artistic output over the past decade, contextualize the pieces I have submitted, and elaborate on the goals I have should my application to this program be successful.

My artistic career, from very early on, has been defined by modes of observation, the interplay of observation and reflection between subjects and objects within a sociopolitical realm, and the harnessing of Blackness as a form of radical self-interpretation – all of it couched within the media of still and moving images.

During my undergrad as a Fine Arts student at X University, I was lucky enough to be showcased at the Kepler Gallery for my series, Painted Faces, a collection of photographs I took while working as a freelance photographer for an independent newspaper in Chicago. My focus in that series was the effort and preparation female congregants of an all-Black church put into readying themselves for Sunday services.

After my undergrad, I traveled to Boston to volunteer in local after-school programs with children from minority backgrounds who had an interest in photography. All of them had grown up with easy access to a phone capable of taking crisp, digital images and had never taken film photographs, so it fell to me to show them how to develop prints in a darkroom.

As part of my portfolio, I have submitted photos I took during that time, along with selections from my Painted Faces series. I never constructed a specific narrative with the photos I took during my volunteer work, but they were informed by the social realist photographers and photojournalists who captured the Civil Rights Movement by participating in protests and documenting the unrest.

Gordon Parks is a major influence and part of the reason I am pursuing my PhD studies at this institution. Prof. Alys is a foremost expert on Parks’ work and curated the Parks Retrospective at the Local Museum. Parks himself said that the subject was always more important than the photographer, and I agreed with that statement for a long time, until I began reading Arthur Danto and his artist-centered philosophy of art. While many disagree with Danto’s definition of art as an elitist utopia, I would argue that he opens the gates to everyone, and that anyone can gain entry to the “artworld.”

There is no better exemplar, I think, of the democratization of the “artworld” first posited by Danto than Basquiat, who was not only “allowed” access to the “artworld” but redefined it, in his indomitable way. Basquiat’s quality of outsider-turned-insider and Danto’s liberating of the parameters of what defined art are central themes of my project to understand whether “outsider” artists still exist, given how new technologies and platforms have pushed Danto’s definitions beyond their logical boundaries, if not obliterated them completely.

I hope this program can help me refine my project while matching my urgency to further expand the definition of art and artists to be more inclusive of not only racial minorities, but non-binary and trans people, who are at the forefront of questioning the validity of assigned identities through the curation of their very genders or lack thereof.

I am grateful to this esteemed panel for considering my application, and I would like to close by expressing my profound admiration for the achievements in art, art theory, and the philosophy of art each of you has contributed to a long, continuing train of thought.

I would be honored to accept a place beside you as a PhD candidate.

Melanie Hicks

Motivation letters are used in areas other than academia, but a PhD motivation letter is different for several reasons. Regardless of your particular field of research, the letter should include important points about your academic achievements, research interests, and why you want to continue your research at the faculty to which you are applying.

Even though PhD motivation letters tend to be short – between 500 and 700 words – their length is often the most vexing thing about them. Because students have a hard time condensing their years of study and research into a few words, we hope this article will help you focus your writing and give you insight into what to include.

No, they are not the same. A motivation letter has many different applications but is primarily a summary of your academic and professional achievements. A personal statement is an essay explaining your personal reasons for wanting to enter a specific profession or academic institution.

You should focus only on concrete, real-world examples of how you performed, learned, or grew as the result of an event in your trajectory toward a PhD and how you plan on contributing something new to your field of study. You should also make sure to have enough material, in the form of experience or academic goals, to write a compelling letter.

PhD motivation letters are important because they let prospective PhD candidates distill their background and experience succinctly, so that selection committees can more easily judge their character, commitment, and potential. 

Some people do find it challenging to write a letter about themselves without rambling or sounding incoherent. But if you prepare ahead of time, think honestly about your answer, and write several drafts, you should be able to write an above-average letter. If you are still struggling you can also get application help from professionals. 

Programs tend to ask for either a one or two-page letter, between 700 and 900 words. 

You can talk about anything that has do to with your past work to get to the PhD level, including aspects of your academic career, internships, independent or supervised research, fieldwork in a specific context, and any work experience you have related to your field of study. 

You should not mention any personal motivations for wanting to pursue a PhD. You can write about your intrinsic motivations to become a doctor of philosophy in your personal statement, if you are asked to submit one with your application. 

PhD programs around the world have various entry requirements that differ among schools. Some institutions ask for a motivation letter, while others ask for a personal statement or letter of recommendation and letter of intent, which has elements of a motivation letter but is not the same. 

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Best Motivation Letter for Phd: 07 + Samples

Best Motivation Letter for PhD Samples

When applying for a PhD program, one of the most important parts of your application will be your motivation letter. This is your chance to sell yourself to the admissions committee and convince them that you are the right candidate for the program. So how do you write a strong motivation letter?

One of the most important things to remember is to tailor your letter to the specific program you are applying to. Every school is looking for something different in their students, so you need to make sure that your letter highlights why you would be a good fit for that particular program. In addition, you need to demonstrate your passion for research and explain how your previous experiences have prepared you for a PhD program.

Finally, remember to proofread your letter carefully before submitting it. A well-written and error-free letter will make a strong impression on the admissions committee and could be the difference between being accepted into the program or not. So take your time and make sure that your motivation letter is the best it can be.

How To Write Motivation Letter for PhD

Many people believe that a successful PhD application must include a standout motivation letter. While it’s true that your CV and research proposal are important, the motivation letter is your chance to explain why you’re the best candidate for the program. In other words, it’s your chance to sell yourself! When writing a motivation letter for PhD, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, be clear about your goals and what you hope to achieve by pursuing a PhD. Second, make sure to demonstrate your passion for research and highlight your previous successes. Finally, be sure to proofread your letter carefully – mistakes can reflect poorly on your application. By following these tips, you can write a strong motivation letter that will help you get accepted into the PhD program of your choice.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Motivation Letter for PhD

Motivation Letter for PhD

Dear Sir or Madam,

So, I am writing to apply for a Ph.D. program in your esteemed university.

So, I have always been interested in research and academia, and a Ph.D. is the natural next step for me in my academic journey also, i am confident that I have the necessary skills and qualifications for a successful Ph.D. program, as well as the motivation and commitment to see it through.

Also, I am looking forward to contributing to your university’s research efforts, and I am confident that I can make significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in my field of interest. So, I would be grateful for the opportunity to pursue a PhD at your institution, and I thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, Your name

Related: Creative Motivational Letter for Learnership [7 Samples]

PhD motivation letter sample

Dear hiring manager,

Also, I am writing to apply for the Ph.D. program at your university. I am immensely excited about this opportunity to pursue my passion for research and contribute to knowledge in my field.

Also, I have always been driven by a deep curiosity and a desire to understand the world around me. My undergraduate studies in psychology gave me a strong foundation in scientific methods and critical thinking. I was particularly drawn to research on human cognition and behavior. My honors thesis, which investigated how people process and remember information, confirmed my interest in pursuing a career in research.

During my Masters’s degree, I had the opportunity to work as a research assistant on a number of projects, including a large-scale study of memory and aging. This experience solidified my interest in research and confirmed my desire to pursue a Ph.D.

I am confident that I have the skills and abilities necessary to be successful in a Ph.D. program. In addition to my academic achievements, I have developed strong research and analytical skills through my work experience. So, I am also familiar with a variety of statistical software programs, which will be essential in completing my doctoral research.

So, I am committed to pursuing a career in research and am confident that I have the skills and abilities necessary to be successful in a Ph.D. program. I would be grateful for the opportunity to pursue my studies at your university and contribute to my knowledge in my field.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Related: Great Psychology Motivation Letter : 9+ Samples

Motivation letter for Ph.D. application

Dear hiring committee,

I am writing to apply for the Ph.D. program in your department also i am very interested in pursuing a career in research and academia, and I believe that your program would be an excellent fit for me.

I have a strong academic record, having graduated with honors from my undergraduate and master’s programs and I have also published several research papers in peer-reviewed journals. My research interests include (name a few areas of interest), and I believe that I would be an excellent addition to your department.

I am eager to begin my Ph.D. studies, and I believe that your department would provide me with the necessary resources and support to succeed. I look forward to discussing my application further with you.

Sincerely, (Your name)

Related: Best Motivation Statement For UN Volunteer : 5+ Example

Motivation letter for PhD sample

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to apply for the PhD program in XXX at XXX University.Also, I am immensely interested in this program as it will allow me to explore my interests in XXX and develop my skills in research and academic writing.

So, I have always been passionate about XXX and have been fortunate enough to have had opportunities to pursue this interest through my studies and work experiences. My undergraduate research project in XXX was particularly instrumental in sparking my interest in pursuing a career in academia. Also, I am confident that I have the skills and motivation necessary to succeed in a PhD program and contribute to the field of XXX.

I would be grateful for your consideration of my application to the XXX PhD program. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, XXX

Related: 7+ Sample Motivation Letter for Masters Degree

Motivation letter for PhD scholarship

I am writing to apply for the PhD scholarship in your department. Also, I am immensely interested in pursuing a career in research and academia, and I believe that this opportunity would be invaluable in helping me reach my long-term goals.

So, I have completed my undergraduate and masters degrees with excellent grades, and I have been actively involved in research throughout my studies. I am confident that I have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in a PhD program.

In addition, I am passionate about making a difference in the world through my research. My previous work has focused on issues such as climate change and sustainable development, and I believe that my research can contribute to finding solutions to these pressing global problems.

I am confident that I can be a valuable asset to your department. And I look forward to contributing to your research program. I thank you for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Related: Best Motivational Letter For Graduate Program:7 Sample

5 Things To Include Motivation Letter for PhD

A motivation letter for PhD admission plays a significant role in determining whether you will be accepted into the program or not. The Although your transcripts and GRE scores provide valuable information about your academic accomplishments. The motivation letter gives you an opportunity to tell your story and demonstrate your passion for the field. When writing your motivation letter, be sure to include the following five elements:

  • First, provide an overview of your academic background and research experience. This will give the admissions committee a sense of your qualifications for the PhD program.
  • Next, describe your motivation for pursuing a PhD. What are you hoping to accomplish with your degree? What do you find most exciting about the field of study? Why do you want to attend this particular program?
  • Third, explain your research interests. What specific topics are you interested in exploring during your studies? How do these interests align with the research programs of the faculty at this university?
  • Fourth, identify your career goals. What do you hope to do after completing your PhD? How will this degree help you achieve those goals?
  • Finally, provide a summary of why you believe you would be an excellent candidate for the PhD program. What are some of your unique strengths and experiences that would make you an asset to the university?

By including these five elements in your motivation letter, you will give yourself the best chance of being accepted into the PhD program of your choice.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

I hope you found this blog helpful as you write your own motivation letter. The most important thing to remember is to be genuine and passionate about your research – admissions officers can tell when a student is simply trying to check off the boxes on a form. So, take your time, be honest with yourself, and let your excitement for learning shine through in your writing. Best of luck as you pursue your academic dreams!

Motivation letter for Ph.D. application

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Tips for Writing a Successful Motivation Letter for Ph.D. [+Sample]

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How To Write a Motivation Letter For Ph.D. Application [+Sample]

Ph.D. applications are not just sorted out in the same way as any other random application. There are processes involved without which your chances of getting in might be truncated.

If you’ve been considering applying for a Ph.D. then this post is especially directed at you. A motivation letter as used in the case of a Ph.D. application can be much likened to a Personal statement.

There is a need to know if you’re truly qualified to do a Ph.D. while writing an application to a school, so the motivation letter is the perfect insight into who you really are and they expect you to do it justice.   

  • An introduction which should state in clear terms which program you are applying for.
  • A Summary of your Academic Background.
  • Why do you want to do a Ph.D.?
  • The significance of your research on society.
  • Your career plans.

Avoid Making Spurious Claims

It is quite easy to get lost while writing a motivation letter and forget that motivation cannot be achieved without the necessary evidence to back it up.

Nobody’s really interested in how awesome you are while writing a motivation letter, no offense but anybody can look good on paper but without the proper evidence to back it up, they wouldn’t be any motivation.

For Example, it is very common to see people write; “I work well with other people, or I am an expert at working under pressure”. Well, it is not a cover letter , it’s a motivation letter and you need to give realistic scenarios such as; “my leadership ability was demonstrated when I had to be in charge of a group of colleagues during my internship which required intense marketing management skills.”

Try As Much As Possible to Be Specific

It is equally very important to avoid being vague while writing your motivation letter. The reason why you’re required to write a motivation letter is that someone or some people have to know, if not you wouldn’t have to attempt one.

Saying that your undergraduate days in Marketing was very interesting is too vague to fit into a motivational letter, it sounds like something that should rather be written to a pen friend. You should be more specific about the courses you took as an undergraduate, why you love them and what you learned from them.

Show How Much Skill or Work Experience You Have

While writing a motivational letter, it is very important to concisely include how much skill and/or working experience you possess. A Ph.D. is about more than just a sequel to your past academic endeavors, it is a true test of education and education is more than just owning degrees.

They will be interested in the skills and/or work experience you’ve gathered over the years, skills which are strong enough to make you qualified to bag a Ph.D. That research, data analysis, etc. skills you thought you’d never have to flaunt, well I think this would be a perfect opportunity to talk about them.

Be Professional

It is equally quite important that you are very professional while writing a motivation letter for a Ph.D. application . It will be in your own best interest to ensure that you present your motivation letter with professional grammar, font and the appropriate writing style in which you’d rather prefer to be accepted.

Your professionalism sends a good message about your personality and would go a long way into helping you get accepted. 

Sample Motivation Letter for a Ph.D. Application

motivation letter phd application

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How to Write a Successful PhD Motivation Letter

Yelena Skosyrskih

Table of Contents Hide

What are phd motivation letters, understanding the key components of a phd motivation letter, initiating your phd motivation letter, do your research, aim for clarity and conciseness, connect your background and experience, show your research potential, demonstrate your connection to the program, be authentic, effective conclusion for your phd motivation letter, ideal length of a phd motivation letter, formatting the phd motivation letter, common mistakes to avoid in phd motivation letter writing, writing a successful phd motivation letter.

When you are applying to a PhD program, one of the requirements is likely to be a motivation letter. This letter is similar to a personal statement in which you will describe reasons why you want to pursue the degree and explain why you should be accepted into the program.

A well-written motivation letter for a PhD can easily become a deciding admissions factor. If you are competing against hundreds of applicants, your letter should help you stand out from the crowd.

No matter what your specialization is or the type of program you’ve chosen, you need to learn how to write a motivation letter for a PhD. Otherwise, your application may not look as persuasive as it could.

Let’s dive deeper into writing a successful motivation letter for your PhD studies.

PhD motivation letters are also known as statements of purpose or personal statements. While not all PhD programs require applicants to submit these letters, writing one can improve your chances of getting accepted.

A motivation letter gives you a priceless opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee and explain why you are the top candidate. In this letter, you won’t just express your motivation, list research interests, and show yourself in the best possible light. You will demonstrate your commitment to studies and your mastery of words.

While the admissions committee already knows all about your credentials, they want to get to know you as a person. In this letter, you will be showing your passion for getting a PhD in a specific niche.

Interestingly enough, the Ph.D. motivation letter isn’t just a way to conquer the committee members’ hearts. It’s an opportunity to look deeper into what you really want. By writing and reading this statement, you can gain unexpected insight into what’s best for your professional future.

The structure and content of a motivation letter aren’t always the same. Each university may have a list of requirements. So, you won’t be able to write one letter and use it for each program you apply to. However, you can create a framework that makes writing several letters easier.

Here is what a general PhD motivation letter should include:

  • Introduction – a short introductory paragraph or two that catches the reader’s attention and explains what the letter will be about.
  • Research interests – a list and a brief explanation of your research interests, specific research questions, and topics you plan to explore during your PhD  studies.
  • Academic background – you can add a short summary of your academic background (degrees, coursework, research experience, publications)
  • Motivation – this is the most important part of the letter. You need to be clear about your motivation for pursuing a PhD in general and the reasons why this program is the perfect fit for your needs. This section must reflect your passion and enthusiasm.
  • Goals – briefly explain what your long-term career goals are and mention how obtaining a PhD  within this program can help you achieve them. Your ambition and commitment must shine through the words.

While the university may provide some requirements that can help you structure your motivation letter, the majority of it is your own creativity. Keep in mind that you aren’t just sharing cold facts but showcasing your personality.

In most cases, the introduction is the most important part of your PhD  motivation letter. While the committee is likely to read the entire letter anyway, if you don’t catch their attention immediately, they might simply skim through it.

Always begin with a compelling opening sentence. Consider using a thought-provoking statement or a curious question related to your potential field of study. For example, “My unwavering fascination with the intricate workings of the human brain is the power behind my passion for forensic psychology.”

Next state your purpose for writing the letter and your intention to apply for the specific program. Make sure to immediately highlight your enthusiasm, motivation, and genuine interest in pursuing the subject matter.

For example, “The opportunity to go further into the subject of forensic psychology and contribute to the advancements in the criminal landscape fills me with immense excitement and determination.”

How to Structure the Motivation Letter for PhD

Once you finish the introduction, you can go on to the body of the letter, which should include research interests, academic background, motivation, and goals. Here are a few important tips that can help you make the most out of this structure.

Understanding how to write a motivation letter for Ph.D. studies begins with in-depth research about the program. While you’ve probably done a lot of browsing online already, you’ve been mainly focusing on the way the program meets your needs.

Now, you need to do similar research from a different perspective. Ask yourself, “How do I meet the needs of the program?” The answer can help you make the right statements within your letter.

The admissions committee has to go through hundreds of documents and letters. A long letter with complex and confusing sentences is likely to cause frustration. This is exactly what you need to avoid.

Don’t include any unnecessary details or lengthy explanations. Just share the facts wrapped in positive emotions. If you manage to demonstrate your passion without boring the reader, you can stand out from the crowd.

Make sure to highlight all relevant academic, and especially, research experience. List and discuss projects or publications that demonstrate your knowledge. Talk about how the experience, whether professional or educational, has shaped your research interests. This is a great place to explain where your motivation comes from.

You need to demonstrate to the admissions committee your immense potential to excel in research. Here, you have to show that you possess the necessary critical thinking abilities and problem-solving solving skills. List research methodologies you have experience with.

Explain why this Ph.D. program is a good fit for your research goals. Discuss faculty members whose work aligns with your research (here is where your research will prove highly useful). Make sure to single out at least one unique opportunity that attracts you to the program. Show that you’ve done your homework and know exactly what you are applying for.

While it may be tempting to ask for assistance or use ChatGPT, outsourcing your motivation letter isn’t a good idea. An important part of the letter is demonstrating your own voice. You are the only one who can do it genuinely. Try to avoid any generic statements. Inject each sentence with passion and desire to achieve your educational goals.

The conclusion is the final impression you make on the reader. This is something they are likely to remember you by. Make sure to summarize the points you’ve made in the letter succinctly. This will serve as a reminder.

Next, talk about your goals for the future. Don’t try to share all of your educational and professional plans here. One strong goal is sufficient and easy to fit into a short conclusion.

Finally, express your gratitude to the program for the opportunity to apply and eagerness to hear from the committee soon.

Close the letter with “sincerely” or “best regards” and your full name. Don’t forget to provide your contact details.

The school of your choice is likely to define the length of your motivation letter for PhD. Usually, it’s between 500 and 1,000 words. However, even if the program doesn’t try to limit your writing, it doesn’t mean you have to go “all out.” The ideal letter should fit into one page. The font size shouldn’t be larger than 12 pt.

The font itself must be easy to read. Opt for Times New Roman or Arial. Avoid fancy fonts that can frustrate the reader.

Your motivation letter should contain several short paragraphs. Don’t make them longer than five lines. Otherwise, you could lose the reader’s attention.

Start your letter with “With whom it may concern.” Even if you know the names of the people on the admissions committee, you can never be sure which one of them will be reading the letter.

These common mistakes can hinder the quality of your letter:

  • Grammatical and spelling errors
  • Using generic or cliché statements
  • Lack of clarity
  • Overly lengthy explanations
  • Failing to tailor the letter to the program’s requirements
  • Lack of focus on the research interests and goals
  • Failing to demonstrate genuine passion and enthusiasm
  • Lack of understanding of the program
  • Irrelevant or unnecessary information
  • Poor organization of the letter

Many of these mistakes can easily be avoided by proofreading. Besides reading the letter several times yourself, ask someone else to do it. A fresh perspective or two can help you create a truly effective piece.

A PhD motivation letter is a wonderful opportunity to stand out from the crowd and get into the PhD program of your choice, even if you don’t meet the admissions requirements perfectly. It’s a chance to express your passion for studies and demonstrate your fit for the program.

Following a few simple formatting rules and keeping the letter authentic can help you achieve the desired admissions goals. Good luck!

Yelena Skosyrskih

PHD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Business Process Management, Faculty of Market Technologies IOM

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Motivation Letter for PhD: Format, Sample & Tips

Updated on 23 july, 2024.

Urvi Agrawal

Urvi Agrawal

Urvi Agrawal

As a student seeking higher education abroad, writing a compelling  Motivation letter for PhD is crucial as it showcases a candidate’s personality, motivations, interests, and commitment to the admissions authorities. 

Understanding how to write a motivation letter for PhD applications can significantly enhance your chances of acceptance. Based on my discussions with several students pursuing their PhDs abroad, I have described several key aspects of a motivation letter and letter of motivation samples for a PhD in this article.

Table of Contents

  • Format of Motivation Letter for PhD

Tips for Writing Successful Motivation Letter for PhD Programs

Phd motivation letter sample, what to avoid while writing motivation letter for a phd, free study abroad courses, important study abroad articles, format of motivation letter for phd .

There is no fixed format for a motivation letter for PhD applications. However, here are some points that you must keep in mind. 

  • Introduction - This should mention your purpose and the program being applied for. 
  • Main Body - This should contain a summary of your educational background, your reasons for doing your PhD, and the importance of your research work. It should also include information on your future goals. 
  • Conclusion - Sign off by reiterating your admission goals while thanking the admissions authorities for their time and consideration.  

You can check out a PhD motivation letter samples for more insights. Here are a few tips that can be of immense help: 

  • Make genuine statements about your application and documents. 
  • Be specific and avoid vague or abstract statements. 
  • Discuss your research experience, professional experience, skill sets, and academic credentials. 
  • Maintain a professional tone throughout the motivation letter without being casual or too personal. 

A motivation letter for a PhD sample will help you get a better idea.   

Read More: Get all your Study Abroad doubts clarified Now for FREE: Fix an Appointment Now

To Whom It May Concern, 

I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying for the Ph.D. project available in the (group name) under the project (project name) at the (institution name). I graduated with a master’s degree in civil engineering in (year) from the (institution name) in (location, city, country).

I have been drawn to 3D modeling and simulation technologies since my undergraduate years, which gave me a solid foundation in the subject. I learned the basic concepts of structural analysis, CAD, mechanics, and programming and data structures simultaneously. My master’s program helped me enhance these skill sets further, giving me an in-depth glimpse of building materials, earthquake engineering, construction management, using technologies for 3D modeling, and more such areas. 

I have also been associated with a research project at the institution, successfully enabling VR/AR-enabled digital walkthroughs for buildings. This was the inception of my interest in deploying artificial and augmented reality, virtual reality, and 3D simulation for building digital counterparts of physical environments, applying this knowledge to real estate projects, infrastructural projects, and other ventures which are mainstays in the world of civil engineering. It naturally prompted me to apply for the Ph.D. position at your institution, which has an enviable track record in terms of global rankings, research opportunities, infrastructure, partnerships with leading research firms, and reputed faculty. 

I believe my foundational knowledge of these core concepts and research experiences will contribute towards making me a good fit for the doctoral program at your institution. I am aware of the perseverance and commitment expected of doctoral students pursuing research in this intellectually stimulating yet challenging arena of study. I will do my best to meet the high standards of your institution on this count. It is a great opportunity to demonstrate my skill sets while acquiring invaluable knowledge and research exposure if I am chosen for your Ph.D. program. I remain at your disposal for any additional information. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


Read More: How to Apply for a PhD Abroad

Being a vital part of your PhD application process, you have to be very careful and make sure that the motivation letter is up to the mark and doesn't have the most common mistakes that many students tend to make. 

Here's a table summarizing the Dos and Don'ts for writing a motivation letter for a PhD program:

Highlight your academic achievements and research interests that align with the program.

Avoid vague statements about your interests or goals.

Demonstrate your understanding of the program and how it fits your career objectives.

Do not rehash your CV; focus on what makes you unique.

Showcase your passion for research and how you've prepared for a PhD. 

Refrain from overstating your qualifications or making false claims.

Provide specific examples of your research experience or academic work.

Avoid personal anecdotes that are not relevant to your academic or research goals.

Tailor your letter to each program, showing that you've done your homework.

Do not use a generic template for all applications.

Express gratitude for the opportunity to apply and for the consideration of your application.

Refrain from using overly formal language that may seem insincere.

Remember, each university may have its specific requirements, so it's important to check the official website of the institution you're applying to for any additional guidelines.

Writing a compelling motivation letter for a PhD application is vital for showcasing your qualifications and commitment. By structuring your letter effectively and avoiding common pitfalls, you can significantly improve your chances of acceptance. 

Tailoring your letter to each program and emphasizing your research experiences and future goals will make a strong impression. Remember to consult specific guidelines from each university to ensure your application meets their standards.

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What is Motivation Letter

Learn how to write a motivation letter and simplify your admission process.

How do I start a motivational letter for my PhD?

You should begin by talking about the program you are applying for and mentioning your purpose explicitly. You should also briefly introduce yourself, i.e., your last qualification and so on. 

You can then move on to the main body and discuss the reasons for choosing the course, institution, research interests, and other aspects.

How do I write a letter of Ph.D. request?

You should include details without going overboard and demonstrate your research approach, outlook, and methods. Justify these methods while ensuring they are viable. 

Also, mention whether any ethical aspects are connected to your field of research and how you wish to address them.

How to express interest in a PhD program?

To express interest in a PhD program, highlight your academic and research experiences, align them with the program's goals, and articulate why it's the right fit for you. Emphasize your strengths and how they prepare you for graduate studies.

How do I introduce myself in a PhD interview?

In a PhD interview, introduce yourself by discussing your academic background, research interests, and career goals. Highlight how your experiences align with the program's focus and express your enthusiasm for contributing to the field. 

It's also beneficial to prepare specific questions about the program and faculty to demonstrate your interest and engagement.

What are the factors affecting PhD student success?

PhD student success is influenced by a variety of factors, including academic preparation, research skills, mentorship quality, funding availability, and personal resilience. 

Additionally, networking opportunities, institutional support, and work-life balance play crucial roles. It's important for students to engage with their academic community and seek resources that can aid in their research and personal development.

Urvi has 3 years of experience as a content writer and marketer. Over years, she has established herself as a study-abroad expert and is adept at crafting compelling and engaging content for students. Self-driven and passionate professional, she likes writing poetry and has authored a poetry book ‘Thoughts of a Wallflower’.

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motivation letter for phd sample pdf

Differences between academic cover letter and business cover letter

Both these documents serve different purposes and people use them in different settings:

  • Academic cover letter is used when applying for positions in academia — most often for a PhD. More emphasis should be on education, research background and scholarly accomplishments. Moreover, it should explain what your contribution to the institution or field could be. It should also point the reader to your academic CV.
  • Regular (business) cover letter is normally used when applying for any kind of job . Hence, more emphasis should be on skills and past experience while being tailored to a specific job position. You should also explain why you're a good fit for the position at the given company. It should point the reader to your resume.

There are also other documents people often mistake for an academic cover letter. These include:

  • Motivation letter is especially relevant for fresh graduates when applying to a university, a non-profit organization, or voluntary work. A motivation letter focuses more on your interests and motives for applying.
  • Personal statement. Also used in an academic setting. It's always written by an applicant, often a prospective student, applying to college, university, or graduate school. You explain why you've chosen a particular course and why you'd be good at it. Other names include a statement of purpose or a letter of intent .

Like every cover letter, an academic one also needs to include specific elements and content sections. These are:

  • Header. Here, provide your contact information, such as your name, address, phone number, and email in the header of the document.
  • Formal salutation. In an official letter like this one, you should address the reader in a professional and formal way. If you know who'll be reading your cover letter, go with Dear Dr. [Surname] or Dear Professor [Surname] . If you don't, go with Dear Sir/Madam .
  • The specific PhD program or position. Clearly state in your letter which research position you're applying for or the name of the PhD program. A cover letter is usually read before a CV, so you need to make sure everything is clear.
  • Your motivation. Explain why you're interested in the specific PhD position — it's one of the key elements you should include.
  • Your academic background. Now, we don't mean you should list in detail every single university course you ever took. Instead, focus on the most relevant course for the PhD and describe in detail what you learned, any projects you worked on, why it was interesting (and optionally, what knowledge gap you identified). In this way, you also show a certain level of understanding of the field.
  • Your ambition. Briefly mention what your ambitions, intentions, and plans are regarding your contribution to the field when securing your PhD position. How is your research going to enrich the field? How will the institution benefit from it?
  • Conclusion. Keep the conclusion short. Contrary to a regular cover letter ending , there's no place for reiterating everything here. Simply thank the reader for your consideration and prompt them to read your academic CV.
  • Formal sign-off. Just pick from the usual: Sincerely, Respectfully, Regards... Then throw in your full name in the following line.

And that's all you need to include!

Now, let's take a look at how to write your cover letter step-by-step.

Applying for a PhD will be a lot less stressful if you follow these tips on how to write a cover letter for a research position:

Consider researching the background of the organization, department, ongoing research projects, and their past and current projects. All that before you start writing your cover letter. Knowing these things will help you tailor your letter to the specific PhD opening.

Before you actually start writing, try to sit down and take a moment to think first. Assess how your past experiences helped you prepare for the PhD position and scribble down those that are most relevant and significant for the specific program. These include any research experiences, research projects, courses, or internships.

In the first few sentences of your letter, you need to convey some basic information about yourself and what specific position you're applying for. The opening should also state firmly why you're a strong candidate for the position/program, by using a persuasive and convincing wording. Here's an example: "As an MChem Chemistry graduate with a narrow focus on the sustainable synthesis of biologically active molecules from the University of Dundee, I am excited to apply to a "Synthesis Of Small Molecule Inhibitors Using Enzymes" PhD programme at an institution with such a strong foundation and numerous research groups in this field."

This is the place where you may explore more extensively on the educational journey that brought you here. Set the foundation for demonstrating how your Master's degree and research experience seamlessly translate into the next phase — the PhD program. Emphasize how your thesis contributes to the field's body of knowledge. Mention any other publications that support your thesis. And, if you can, identify any knowledge gaps or topics that can be explored further.

This paragraph provides the opportunity to neatly tie in together everything the reader has learned about you so far. You can show how your previous experience, coupled with what you'll learn during the PhD program, will come together to produce something novel to enrich the field. First, identify the courses or topics within the PhD program that interest you the most and how they relate to you developing your research further. Second, introduce your future research aspirations and goals. Third, point out how this future work will enrich the field and what will the intellectual merit be.

When ending your PhD cover letter, briefly refer your reader to your academic CV and encourage them to examine all of the remaining projects, courses, publications, or references . Finally, thank the reader for their time and consideration and let them know you look forward to hearing from them. Sign off.

Put the letter in a drawer and don't think about it for a day or two. Then, when you read it again, you'll have a fresh pair of eyes to see the cover letter in a new light. Maybe you decide some things are redundant, or you think of something that's more relevant. Or you know, find a typo here and there.

Just like an academic cover letter needs to contain certain content components, the formatting should also align with the structural expectations for this type of document.

How long should a cover letter be? How to finish a cover letter? And what about the cover letter font and spacing?

Here's a recommended academic cover letter format:

  • Length. While STEM PhD candidates should aim for half a page to one page, humanities candidates can do 1–2 pages.
  • Font. Use one of the classics: Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial. Just no Comic Sans, we beg you. Keep the size between 10–12 points. Also remember to keep the text clean — no underlining, no bolding, and no color. However, you can use italics if appropriate.
  • Spacing. Cover letter spacing isn't complicated. Just single-space your text, make sure there's a space between each paragraph, and leave a space between the concluding paragraph and your formal sign-off.
  • Margins. The only rule here is that the margins on your cover letter should match those on your CV.
  • Consistence with your CV. Your academic cover letter should match your academic CV in all formatting aspects — including the cover letter font and spacing. For example, Kickresume lets you choose a matching template for your CV and your cover letter, so no need to worry about this.

If the institution provided any instructions for formatting your academic cover letter, don’t get creative and follow their guidelines.

Finally, to help you tie everything we talked about together, here's a cover letter sample from a real person admitted to a PhD program at Lyon University in France.

These things ensured Herrera's cover letter was successful:

  • She clearly states her motivation in the opening. In the first two paragraphs, Herrera introduces herself and her motivation to apply for the given PhD program.
  • She describes educational and research background thoroughly. The main body of the letter is dedicated to describing Herrera's educational background, research projects, internships, and skills acquired throughout the way.
  • She presents research aspirations in the letter. Herrera writes: "I have a history of proven results and profound findings. Given opportunity, I’m confident in my abilities to earn similar ground-breaking results while being part of your team."

Even though this example lacks some of the key elements, such as mentioning the specific PhD program or identifying the topics within the PhD program that interest her the most, this PhD cover letter still managed to impress the University of Lyon.

Lyon University PhD Student Cover Letter Sample

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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How To Write A Good Motivation Letter For Scholarship (4 PDF Sample Examples)

Published: 19 Sep 2020 Scholarship Application 43,672 views

How To Write A Good Motivation Letter For Scholarship (4 PDF Sample Examples)

Are you looking for how to write a motivational letter for university scholarship or a motivation letter for masters scholarship? Don't worry any further. Today, we are going to deliberate on how to write the best motivation letter for scholarship.

Particularly, we will discuss the following;

  • What is scholarship motivation letter?
  • Difference between scholarship application letter and scholarships motivation letter.
  • Parts of a scholarship motivation letter.
  • What to do in scholarship motivation letter.
  • What not to do in a scholarship motivation letter.
  • Letter Formatting for scholarship motivation letter.
  • Sample Scholarship Motivation Letter.
  • Sample Scholarship Motivation Letter pdf.
  • Various Scholarship Motivation Letter samples.
  • Motivation letter for PhD
  • Motivation letter for Master's Degree
  • Motivation letter for Undergraduate / Bachelor

Before you start reading, checkout; ongoing scholarships for international students - study abroad scholarships


A scholarship motivation letter is a statement that aims at convincing a scholarship committee that you are a perfect candidate for the scholarship. You are expected to express why you should be chosen for the award with reasonable arguments. Like in a bursary motivation letter template, you are also expected to incorporate your goals as to how you will utilise the education you receive. How important is this scholarship motivation letter?  Very important.

You see, the university board usually employs the method of requesting a scholarship motivational letter to abridge the number of people applying for the award. In essence, in order to be confident that you would continue with the application process, your motivation letter has to be smashing.


Now in this previous article, we learnt about the features of an application letter. And you may surmise that the application letter and motivation letter are identical. Well, you are not necessarily wrong. Some sources find these two documents as interchangeable. However, these two letters serve different purposes.

A scholarship application letter is written to indicate one's interest in a scholarship award with proven examples. A motivational letter is meant to convince the committee that the author is a perfect fit for scholarship. The latter appeals to the committee's sense of empathy, compassion while the formal appeals to logic and rational evidence. Therefore, the structure, formatting and guidelines of writing a motivational letter would quite different. So follow along as we proceed with the parts of a scholarship motivation letter.


When composing a motivation letter for study assistance, there are a number of factors to consider. Your motivation letter for scholarship will entail pivotal elements of your resume, your work experience and past education. With the information fetched from these sources, you are expected to compose a 500 - 1000 words content. Lastly, your letter should be flexible and fit into the goal, values and aspirations of the sponsor of the scholarship. So let's see the structure of the sample motivation letter for fellowship program.

  • Paragraph one : Introduction
  • Paragraph two  : Work experience
  • Paragraph three : Education
  • Paragraph four  : Conclusion ( future aspirations)


Start with a mouthwatering sentence and proceed with vital information. This would include your name, education and the degree program you are hoping to attain.

Work Experience

In this paragraph, you will discuss about your professional experience. Don't leave unpaid internships and volunteering out. They are equally important and they reflect your wealth of experience. You are also advised to explain your job responsibilities in detail as the reader can get full grasp of your content.

In this education section, you can briefly explain the skills you acquired and the knowledge you have so far. Then, quickly proceed with the degree you want to pursue and why. Restate the institution's goals and values and prove how you can contribute to their actualization by granting you the scholarship.

Is there any extent you wish toreach after completing the scholarship program? Perhaps a PhD? Are there companies you want to work for in the future? Are there any organizations you would like to develop? In these concluding remarks, you are allowed to incorporate all of these and end with a smashing farewell sentence.


While writing the scholarship motivation letter, there are few facets to consider and there are other things you should exclude. Let's proceed with "what to do".

Include the core values, vision and mission of the university

The institution must have been long established them. Thus, there must be a well - structured organizational culture. It's your duty as a scholarship candidate to recognize that.

Include volunteering work and community service.

Have you served a particular community or volunteered for a non - governmental organization? This is ace in your sleeve. This would reflect team spirit, problem solving and collaboration skills on your part.

Include future plans and aspirations

Don't be oblivious of your reasons for taking up a scholarship application. Express how far your scholarship application can take you and how it may even contribute to the improvement of your community.

Don't fail to research on past scholarship .

The institution you are interested in may have initiated the scholarship application process many sessions ago. It would be very prudent on your part to take your time and research on the winning scholarship.

Don't submit without be proofreading .

Time and again in other articles , we have reiterated the importance of cross checking your work. This is equally be essential in this case. Convincing the committee of your eligibility should be error - free.


Let's reiterate a point here. The content of the letter is as important as the structure of the letter. This means the motivation letter for scholarship format has to be set in a way that makes the content edible and appealing. It can also serve as a scholarship letter format for school. So how about you follow the few guidelines below:

  • Use the correct spacing: 1 or 1.5.
  • Don't be tempted to use justification. Left side align is easy on the eye.
  • There should be one - inch margins for some white space and friendly impression.
  • When it comes to the paragraph, there should be double spacing between them.
  • Fonts like Calibri, Arial and Times New Roman are welcome.


Here is a letter of motivation for scholarship sample that would be of great help in grasping the above steps fully.

Gregory Lions

45, Walkway, Queensland,

Michigan, USA,

P.O. 56789.

University of St Hector's,

60, Samson street,

Texas, Pennsylvania,

My name is Gregory Lions. I am a graduate of Accounting and Finance from the University of Michigan. I have passion in assisting clients with giving their shots in the stock market and real estate. My academic record and professional experience can clearly testify to the smooth path I am trying to pave in my career. Therefore, I am applying for the scholarship award for Masters in Investment Management.

I have been working as an investment banker in one of the top notch wealth management companies in the state. My job entails developing different types of financial models to value debt and equity, develop recommendations for product offering and create presentations for client portfolios. In time, I have been able to develop strong communication and networking skills.

As an intern in a commercial bank, I was opportune to practice impeccable research and quantitative analysis and learnt to explain market events. My supervisors were all proud of my ability to organize and track overlapping tasks and assingnment.

As earlier mentioned, I studied Accounting and Finance. Throughout my courseworks, I learnt to analyze and utilize financial information in order to evaluate a business financial position. I was trained in handling basic book - keeping and managing balance sheets and income statements. However, I want to take my career a step further.  That's why I would love to study investment management because I will be able to professionally determine the optimal strategy for achieving a clients' goal, perform portfolio allocation between bonds and stocks and issue buy and sell recommendations.

I understand that the values of St' Hectors University consists of consistency, commitment and efficiency. This is one of my major reasons for applying. Your core values resonate with me as they have guided me through my academic progress and work experience. I strongly believe that I can contribute to the accomplishment of the institution's mission. I am looking forward to discussing how the Department of Investment Management fosters learning for its students and how it plans to research on Investment Management.


The above sample is on a motivation letter for scholarship application pdf version for faster accessibility and assistance in drafting your own motivational letter. Kindly download the sample motivation letter for scholarship pdf version


So now we will proceed with manifold sample motivation letters for scholarship examples. There are various samples to look up to. Let's take a look at each purpose and back it up with a sample from various sources.

Sample Motivation Letter for Undergraduate scholarship.

What if you just jumped be out of high school want to get a bachelor's degree. Unlike a motivation letter for phd scholarship , a motivation letter for scholarship bachelor is a lot different for other degrees.

Download motivation letter for undergraduate scholarship

Sample Scholarship Motivation Letter for PhD

You may want to apply to a  University for a PhD  but might be clueless on how to wow the committee. This example of motivation letter for scholarship application  would be a perfect fit for you. Check out the following statement of motivation for scholarship.

Download motivation letter for Ph.D Scholarship

Sample Motivation Letter for Masters Degree

You may want to further your education through Masters Degree. The following example shares some very important features to consider when writing a motivation letter for scholarship master’s degree. Check this motivation letter for master scholarship out.

The above motivation letters samples are a great guide for you to proceed with your application process. It is most likely to be required by the institution or sponsor you are applying to. So being fully equipped is an amazing asset. And we have it all with a platter of gold. A successful motivation letter for scholarship, if properly composed is a tool that sets you apart from others. Before you embark on the scholarship interview ,or presentation of your resume , a motivation letter is a great opportunity to show the committee that you are the real deal

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motivation letter for phd sample pdf

  • Writing an Academic Cover Letter for a PhD Application
  • Applying to a PhD
  • The aim of an  academic cover letter  is to convince the supervisor that you are a strong candidate for the PhD position on offer.
  • Your cover letter should be  half a page to a full page  in length; it should be concise and to the point.
  • Your PhD cover letter should include your  personal details , the position you’re applying for, your  motivation  for applying, what you know about the project, what  relevant experience  you have and what makes you suited for the position.

The two documents crucial to get right when  applying to a PhD  are your CV and covering letter.

In this article, we’ll set out the core guidelines you should follow to create an effective academic cover letter.

What Is An Academic Cover Letter?

An academic cover letter is a written document that accompanies your CV and application form when applying for a PhD.

It’s different from a CV as instead of being a structured summary of your skills and experience, it is a summary of why you believe you are suited for a particular PhD programme. As a result, all academic covering letters should be tailored for the specific position you are applying for and addressed to the supervisor who is overseeing the project. They also shouldn’t repeat what is already stated in your CV, but rather expand on the details most related to the position you are applying to.

Note:  An academic cover letter is sometimes referred to as a PhD application letter, but never a motivation letter. The latter is different in that it concerns the reasons as to why you want to undertake research, while a cover letter focuses on demonstrating your suitability for a programme. This is an important distinction to note.

What Is the Purpose of An Academic Cover Letter?

The aim of an academic cover letter is to convince the PhD supervisor that you are the perfect candidate for the PhD project.

Academic cover letters should complement your CV and sell you as a person – will your potential supervisor be excited to work with you after having read your cover letter?

What Should I Include in My Academic Cover Letter?

You should demonstrate that you have the skills which make you suited for research. It is essential that you recognise these skills in you and that you use them to promote yourself.

1. Your Personal Details

Include your name, address, email address and phone number in the top right corner of the letter. This is so the supervisor can reach you should they have questions or require any further information.

2. The Position You’re Applying For

Help the supervisor establish exactly which PhD position you are applying for as there may be several positions being advertised at one time. If they provide a reference number as part of the project description, it would be a good idea to include it in brackets.

3. Why You’re Interested in The Position

Use this section to explain your motivations for applying to the specific PhD and where your research interests stem from. Is it related to the dissertation you produced as part of your final year undergraduate dissertation, etc?

Whatever your motivation for applying to the PhD, make sure that your enthusiasm comes across clearly. The supervisor will appreciate how great a role self-drive plays in completing PhD projects and you will want to convince them you have the level of drive required to be successful.

4. What You Understand About the Project

Besides explaining your motivations for undertaking the project, show that you possess a basic understanding of it. In doing so, make sure you reinforce each point with some level of evidence; avoid making general statements or talking loosely around the research subject. This will show the PhD supervisor that you’ve taken the time to research the background to the project.

5. What Relevant Experience You Have

In this section, briefly discuss your academic background and any relevant experience you have within the field of research. Don’t worry if you have little experience in this area as this will be the case for most applicants. If this the case, then use this section to explain how you will be committed to the PhD research project. If you have experience in conducting research, explain what your role was, the analytical methods you used and any other aspects of your work which may be relevant. Similarly, discuss any teaching experience if you happen to have it.

6. Closing Statement

Keep this short and concise. Thank the supervisor for taking the time to read your application and let them know that you’re looking forward to hearing from them.

How Long Should My Academic Cover Letter Be?

Your academic cover letter should be between half a page to one full page .

To keep it effective, make it as concise as possible and only discuss points which are either relevant to the project or the aspect of being a doctoral research student. This may feel difficult to do, especially if you have much you want to include, but keep in mind that your cover letter can also be used as evidence of your communication skills, more specifically, whether you can convey important information in a clear and logical manner. As this will be a key skill of any research candidate, the prospective supervisor will take it into account when evaluating your capabilities.

How to Format an Academic Cover Letter for A PhD Application

Your cover letter should be written in paragraph format, with bullet points only reserved for situations where a list would improve clarity. This is because a cover letter is one of the few places where you are expected to show your personality, so using too many bullet points will diminish your ability to do this. The best way to approach writing your application letter is to see it as a very short personal essay.

Use a common font like Times New Roman or Calibri, and if possible, avoid the use of highlighting, underlining and tables as they become too distracting. Keep your font size between 10 to 12 points and your margins to at least 0.5 inches around all edges. Try to match the font size, type, line spacing and margin size to your academic CV for neat and consistent presentation.

Your cover letter should be addressed to the PhD supervisor, starting with a “Dear [academic title] [surname]”, for example, “Dear Professor Williams”.

Hopefully, you now know what it takes to write a successful cover letter for a PhD application. While a strong cover letter will go a long way to helping you stand out, you will need to learn how to create an equally strong CV if you really want your application form to excel. To this effect, we recommend you next read our step-by-step guide for creating effective academic CVs .

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  • 27 Motivation Letter for Scholarship Samples / Templates (pdf)

UK Universities 2,094 views 23 April

27 Motivation Letter for Scholarship Samples / Templates (pdf)

Do you want to write a motivation letter that will wow any academic committee you submit to? This article on a motivation letter for scholarship application sample pdf  is just what you need.

In this guide, we'll teach you how to write a good motivation letter that will stand out among the hundreds of other submissions. 

To set you on the path for success, we have also included pdf's you can download and use to compose your own.

What is a motivation letter?

A motivation letter or letter of Motivation or statement of purpose is a one page statement that supports a job, volunteer or scholarship application.

It is usually attached to a resume and explains why a candidate is a good fit for a position. In a motivation letter, you are expected to give enough points to convince the recipient of why you should be chosen for the role or award.

For a scholarship or degree, the letter of motivation reflects the individual's personality, skills, interests and accomplishments.

Whereas, for a job or internship, it is presented more like an application letter which outlines more of your skills and experiences on a professional level. 

A motivation letter begins with an outline stating the contents of the letter. Then, a brief introduction, introduces yourself to the reader. 

After the introduction, is the body of the letter. In the body, you are expected to explain the points you stated in the outline. 

Keep it brief and compelling to keep the reader's attention. Remember, the purpose of the letter is to convince the reader. 

Lastly, you write the conclusion which summarizes and closes the letter with a final note appreciating the reader for considering your application.

In the following sections, we'll show you how to write Motivation letters for different purposes.

Tips for Writing a Good Motivation Letter

If you want your application to stand out from that of other applicants, a good motivation letter is just what you need.

The best motivation letters are concise, and simple and highlight the candidate's aspirations, motivations, skills and interests. It is also written in a semi formal tone and is free from any kind of grammatical errors.

Before we show you how to write a motivation letter, we would like to share a few tips to follow when writing your essay. The tips we have listed below cover general info like what to include, what not to include, the number of words, the right tone to use etc. 

A captivating introduction 

The introduction should be compelling enough to grab the reader's attention and encourage them to read to the end.

When starting your motivation letter, outline the content of your essay. State the role or scholarship you're applying for and why you applied.

Proofread before submitting

Proofreading your letter is very important. A good motivation letter is expected to be error - free.  After writing, you can send a copy to a friend to check for errors before you submit. This way you will have a more objective viewpoint.

Research the school or company you're applying to

Investigate the school or company you want to study or work at.  Get a clear picture of what the scholarship provider or institution is looking for before you write your letter.

This is necessary because it'll help you match your skills and abilities perfectly.

Keep it Brief

The letter should contain every information that can convince the reader that you're the ideal candidate for the award in 500-1000 words.

Use Simple words and sentences

When writing a motivation letter, avoid the use of unnecessarily complex words or cliche terms. 

Write sentences that are understandable and easy to read. 

Format of motivation letter for scholarship

A motivation letter for a scholarship must include essential elements of your work experience, education, interests and personal accomplishments. 

It should explain key points like: Why are you a suitable candidate? How do your skills and abilities contribute to the university or country? etc.

The letter is expected to have 500 - 1000 words content and be flexible to fit your motivations and goals.

A motivation letter for a scholarship is structured into 5 parts: Header, introduction, work experience, education, and conclusion. Now, let's look at how to write a good motivation letter for scholarship.

The header should include the Applicant’s full name, applicant’s address, postal code, date, phone number, and e-mail.

It should be positioned in the top left corner of the motivation letter. 

“Lyle Grant

45, Walkway, Queensland,

Michigan, USA,

P.O. 56789.


University of St Hector's,

60, Samson Street,

Texas, Pennsylvania, 

P.O. 67890”

Paragraph One: Introduction

Start with an attention-grabbing intro that will keep the reader interested for as long as possible. Introduce yourself, and your career and outline why you're applying to the scholarship and what motivated you.

You should also write about how your passion, interest or experience aligns with the scholarship objectives.

In this paragraph, you would want to get straight to the point because long sentences may bore the reader.

The recipient most likely has other applications to read and wouldn't spend all their time on yours. 

Avoid unnecessary stories, quotes and exaggerated facts about your life or the role.

“My name is Tamara Johnson. I am a graduate of Business management from the University of Birmingham. 

I am writing this letter to express my interest in the scholarship award for a Master in Business Administration at the University of Birmingham.

While studying for my first degree, I developed a passion for helping businesses improve their profitability and productivity. 

Therefore, I am applying for the scholarship opportunity.”

Paragraph two: Work Experience

This is where the main content of the letter should be. In this paragraph, you'll include any work experience you have.

This can include full-time work, volunteering jobs, and paid and unpaid internships.

You should show the growth of your career in chronological order, from the moment you graduated to present.

“I have been working as an investment banker in one of the top notch wealth management companies in the state. 

My job entails developing different types of financial models to value debt and equity, develop recommendations for product offering and create presentations for client portfolios. 

In time, I have been able to develop strong communication and networking skills”.

Paragraph three: Education

This paragraph should include a summary of your academic achievements so far and how it brings value to the scholarship.

It should answer questions like “How do your skills and qualifications contribute to the scholarship initiative? why are you applying? etc”

“As earlier mentioned, I studied Accounting and Finance. Throughout my coursework, I learned to analyze and utilize financial information to evaluate a business's financial position. 

I was trained in handling basic books - keeping and managing balance sheets and income statements.”

Paragraph four: Plans and aspirations

In two or three sentences, express what you hope to gain from the scholarship application and how you will contribute to the university you are applying to.

Provide more insight into the goals you stated in your introduction. For example, How the knowledge and skills you will gain from the program will help you to achieve your goals?

“However, I want to take my career a step further. That's why I would love to study investment management because I will be able to professionally determine the optimal strategy for achieving a clients' goal, perform portfolio allocation between bonds and stocks and issue buy and sell recommendations.”

Paragraph five: Conclusion

Your conclusion should be a summary, re-emphasizing why you should be considered for the scholarship. 

Avoid repetition in this paragraph and ensure you end on a positive note.

“This scholarship is a special opportunity for me to develop my professional portfolio and I am determined to make the most of the program. 

I want to thank you for considering me for the scholarship and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours Sincerely, 

Tamara Johnson.”

Now that you know the structure to use to compose your motivation letter, we're going to tell you the correct format that'll make your letter appealing and digestible.

Do limit your words to 500-1000 words

Do not write more than 30 words in a sentence. 

Use a spacing of 1 or 1.5.

Don't justify your letter. The left-side alignment is preferable

Use an engaging tone and slightly formal tone.

Ensure your grammar, punctuation, and spelling are accurate.

Leave a one-inch margin for some white space.

Keep a double spacing between paragraphs.

Use fonts like Calibri, Arial and Times New Roman are easy on the eye.

Motivation letter for scholarship example 

In this section, we have written a Motivation letter for a scholarship example for you, which you can use as a guide to write yours. 

Whether you're applying to an undergraduate or postgraduate scholarship, this sample is a right fit for you. 

We understand that there are different types of scholarship motivation letters.  We have taken our time to carefully write out some of the best motivation letters so you may excel in your application. 

Here are some samples with downloadable pdfs you can refer to later. 

Scholarship motivation letter for masters

Here is a motivation letter sample for scholarship of Lyle Grant, a candidate applying for Masters in Project Management.

60, Samson street,

P.O. 67890  

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Lyle Grant. I am writing this letter to express my interest in the scholarship award at the University of Birmingham.

I recently graduated from York University with a cumulative GPA of 3.8, the third-highest GPA in the Department of business management.

I developed an interest in project management by helping my mother plan budgets and record sales for her clothing business. 

My passion led me to study a bachelor's honors degree in business management where I learned the knowledge and skills to help businesses improve their profitability and productivity. 

After graduating with my degree, I have been fortunate to work as an operating manager at one of the biggest finance companies in my home country, where I trained to lead project teams and develop strategies & solutions to keep projects on budget and on time.

Now, I want to take my career even further to build the skills to professionally handle business and project strategies for achieving a clients' goal, on an international level.

I aspire to become a program manager, and I believe that the masters International business and project management in the University of Birmingham will help me achieve my dreams. 

So far, my academic devotion combined with my work experience and desire to be of service to others, have helped me to build strong leadership, communication and networking skills which align with the requirements for this scholarship opportunity.

Should you consider me for this scholarship, I promise to make the most of it and become the best program manager in my chosen field.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Lyle Grant.”

Download: Scholarship Motivation letter for masters 

Letter of motivation for phd scholarship

Want to write a letter of motivation for a PhD scholarship but don't know how to go about it? This sample below is just what you need.

“Tony Stark

My name is Tony Stark. I recently completed a masters in Management from Oxford University. My passion is to further my education in the field of management and I intend to get this scholarship to prove myself in the field of business management. 

I have a lot of potential that needs to be recognized by a reputable institute. I have been a student of the sciences. I have shown a distinction during my previous educational career.

This scholarship is likely to provide me opportunities to harness new prospects by gaining benefits from further education in a reputed institute. I can make positive changes in this field if I get this scholarship will help me to develop my research qualities. 

I am excited about the opportunity to join a community of intellectuals, and I am confident I am a strong candidate for the position as my foundational knowledge, skills and research experiences will contribute towards making me a good fit for the scholarship at your esteemed institution.

I look forward to the possibility of becoming a member of your dynamic department at [Name of University/College].

Thank you for considering my application.


Tony Stark”

Download: Letter of Motivation for PhD Scholarship 

Motivation letter for fellowship application

Check out the following motivation letter for fellowship application.

“Lucy Hales

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing this letter to express my interest in applying for the Women in Engineering Fellowship. It would be a huge privilege to be a part of the program, as it would bring me a step closer to becoming a civil engineer.

My name is Lucy Hales and I graduated with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the (institution name) and intend to pursue an engineering Master's Degree at the University of Oxford.

From a young age, I have been very clear about the career path I want. Watching my mother build a career as a civil engineer while single-handedly catering for myself and my two siblings inspired me to pursue a career even bigger than hers. My undergraduate program at the University of [University name] further fueled my passion to advance my engineering skill set and push technological boundaries towards fulfilling my future goals of becoming one of the best civil engineers in my country.

I believe wholeheartedly in the Fellowship's mission to build “a world where female engineers thrive.” and with this fellowship, I can further my career in engineering and bring skills and knowledge to improve the failing infrastructures in my country.

I will be happy to provide any further documents or information if required.

I look forward to your positive response. Thanks for your time.

Kind Regards,

Lucy Hales. ”

Motivation letter for bachelor degree scholarship

“Blake Donovan

Respected Sir/Madam,

I write this Letter of Motivation to express my strong interest in the Great African Literary Students Scholarship at your esteemed university. 

I am Blake Donovan and I have had a passion for reading and writing and stories ever since I was a child.

The theories of how words help shape our perception of life, transport us to unimaginable realms and connect us to millions of people from around the world have intrigued me to take a closer look at the field ever since I was introduced to Literature in 8th grade. 

As a highschool student, I decided early on that I would study courses that explored the depth of literature and creative writing in my bachelor's education.

Over the course of my life, my interest in story writing has always been encouraged by my parents which led me to write a few plays, one of which has been published in the New Yorker magazine in 2020, excerpts of which I have attached along with this letter.

I am certain that the bachelor's literature program at the [University Name] will prepare me for a successful career and be a part of a vibrant literary community from an esteemed department of high standard. 

With this, I would like to close the letter stating that I shall be greatly honored to be considered for a scholarship at your esteemed department. Thank you for taking time to review my application.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Warm Regards

Blake Donovan.”

Motivation letter for scholarship template pdf

Here are some of the best scholarship templates for you.

Motivation letter for accounting scholarship

If you want to apply for a degree in accounting, download this motivation for accounting scholarship pdf.

Download: Motivation Letter for Accounting Scholarship pdf

Motivation letter for agriculture scholarship

The following pdf can be used as a guide when writing your motivation letter for an agriculture scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for Agriculture Scholarship pdf

Motivation letter for biology scholarship

Do you want to apply for a biology scholarship? Check this motivation letter biology scholarship out.

Download: Motivation Letter for Biology Scholarship 

Motivation letter for chemical engineering scholarship

You may want to apply to a  University for a Chemical Engineering scholarship but might be clueless on where to begin. Check out the following statement of motivation for the chemical engineering scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for Chemical Engineering Scholarship 

Motivation letter for chemistry scholarship

This pdf contains a well written template for a chemistry scholarship application. Check it out below. 

Download: Motivation Letter for Chemistry Scholarship 

Motivation letter for climate change scholarship

Need a scholarship template that'll guarantee you a positive response? This motivation letter for climate change is a perfect fit for you.

Download: Motivation Letter for Climate Change Scholarship 

Motivation letter for computer science scholarship

You may want to apply for a computer science scholarship, follow this template below to compose your own motivation letter.

Download: Motivation Letter for Computer Science Scholarship 

Motivation letter for Daad scholarship sample pdf

A Daad Scholarship offers a wide range of scholarship opportunities to eligible students who want to study in Germany. If you're interested in applying for a Daad scholarship, take a look at the sample we have created for you below.

Download: Motivation Letter for Daad Scholarship Sample PDF

Motivation letter for data science scholarship

Data science scholarships are awarded to students who want to complete a data science course in a university or college. Check a motivation letter sample for data science below.

Download: Motivation Letter for Data Science Scholarship 

Motivation letter for economics scholarship

This motivation letter for economics is perfect for students applying for an economics degree.

Download: Motivation Letter for Economics Scholarship 

Motivation letter for Electrical Engineering scholarship

A motivation letter for an electrical engineering scholarship is an important part of the application. Here is a sample motivation letter for an electrical engineering scholarship.

Download: Motivation letter for electrical engineering scholarship

Motivation letter for engineering scholarship 

Striving to get an engineering scholarship is a great goal to set. Most engineering courses are expensive, so a scholarship may help you reduce substantial financial strain.

If you need help with writing your motivation letter for engineering school: Look at the sample below.

Download: Motivation Letter for Engineering Scholarship

Motivation letter for International Scholarship

Here is a sample motivation letter for an international scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for International Scholarship 

Motivation letter for law scholarship

If you need a scholarship to study law in college or in University, a motivation letter is an essential part of your scholarship application for law. 

Download: Motivation Letter for Law Scholarship 

Motivation letter for mathematics scholarship

Here is a sample motivation letter for the mathematics scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for Mathematics Scholarship 

Motivation letter for MBA scholarship

For faster accessibility, download the Motivation Letter for the mba scholarship sample PDF below.

Download: Motivation Letter for MBA Scholarship 

Motivation letter for Medical Scholarship

If you're applying for a scholarship to go to medical school, use the template below to draft your motivation letter.

Download: Motivation Letter for Medical Scholarship 

Motivation letter for nursing scholarship

Here is a sample of a motivation letter for a nursing scholarship 

Download: Motivation Letter for Nursing Scholarship 

Motivation letter for pharmacy scholarship

Check out this motivation letter for the pharmacy scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for Pharmacy Scholarship

Motivation letter for scholarship in business administration

Applying for a scholarship to study business administration is a great way to fund your education. This motivation pdf sample will come in handy when applying for a scholarship. 

Download: Motivation Letter for Scholarship in business administration

Motivation letter for software engineering scholarship

Use this motivation letter for software engineering scholarship to write your motivation letter.

Download: Motivation Letter for Software Engineering Scholarship 

Motivation letter for sports scholarship 

Here is a pdf sample of a motivation letter for sports scholarship.

Download: Motivation Letter for Sport Scholarship 

Motivation letter for scholarship study abroad

Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students to achieve a degree in their dream country. If you need a motivation letter that'll impress the academic committee and guarantee you a spot in the university, Download the pdf below.

Download: Motivation Letter for Scholarship study abroad 

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motivation letter for phd sample pdf

How to Write a Motivation Letter for PhD, Postdoc, or Any Position: Sample Motivation Letter

How to Write a Motivation Letter for PhD, Postdoc, or Any Position: Sample Motivation Letter

A Successful motivation letter helps the admissions board or Professor to compare outstanding students and impressive ones. With help of  motivation letter, they can prosper in ending up choosing worthy research students. But Still, admission boards will surely think of this as the classification to significantly find a suitable candidate for his research group. Showing you are preferred depending on what you write, however much more on just how you design, particularly the tone you use and the level of interest you receive in your writing that matters a lot.

While applying for a Ph.D. or Postdoc or any research position, you will need to write a research proposal and a Motivation Letter. Especially, a motivation letter is more required for Ph.D. candidates. This defines why you wish to embark on that position and why you would be appropriate for studying there. Yet what requires to go in this, and what tone is suitable for it? To give you some suggestions, today, we’re sharing all about motivation letters, so you can see what your motivation letter needs to include or correct.

How to write a Postdoc Job Application or Email

How to write a phd motivation letter.

A motivation letter has many similarities to a cover letter and a personal statement, and institutions will not ask you to submit all of these. However, it is a unique document and you should treat it as such. In the context of supporting a PhD application, the difference is nuanced; all three documents outline your suitability for PhD study. However, compared to a cover letter and personal statement, a motivation letter places more emphasis on your motivation for wanting to pursue the particular PhD position you are applying for.

Academic cover letters are more common in UK universities, while motivation letters are more common abroad.

For admission staff, academic qualifications alone are not enough to indicate whether a student will be successful in their doctorate. In this sense, a motivational letter will allow them to judge your passion for the field of study, commitment to research and suitability for the programme, all of which better enables them to evaluate your potential.

Polite Follow-Up Email to Professor : When and How You should Write

Steps for writing research motivation letter.

1. The first step to writing a good motivation letter is to read the job ad carefully 2. The second step is to try to understand the researchers and the kind of research they do 3. The third step is to carefully read a previous motivation letter and try to understand why the letter was successful 4. The fourth step is to make sure that you address the letter to the right people 5. The fifth step is to explain why you choose to apply to this position and this lab. 6. The sixth step is to explain how your research interests align with the research of the lab 7. The seventh step is to explain how your previous research background relates to the position 8. The eighth step is to explain why you are applying for that position

Looking  Funded PhD Positions Click Here

Searching Postdoctoral Positions Click Here

How to Start a Motivation Letter

Introduction: Start with a brief introduction in which you clearly state your intention to apply for a particular programme. Think of this as describing what the document is to a stranger.

Education: State what you have studied and where. Your higher education will be your most important educational experience, so focus on this. Highlight any relevant modules you undertook as part of your studies that are relevant to the programme you are applying for. You should also mention how your studies have influenced your decision to pursue a PhD project, especially if it is in the same field you are currently applying to.

Work experience: Next summarize your professional work experience. Remember, you will likely be asked to submit your academic CV along with your motivation letter, so keep this section brief to avoid any unnecessary repetition. Include any other relevant experiences, such as teaching roles, non-academic experience, or charity work which demonstrates skills or shows your suitability for the research project and in becoming a PhD student.

Looking for more Career Advice Click He r e

How Write Main Body of Motivation

Key skills: Outline your key skills. Remember the admissions committee is considering your suitability for the specific programme you are applying for, so mention skills relevant to the PhD course.

Motivation for applying: Show your enthusiasm and passion for the subject, and describe your long-term aspirations. Start with how you first became interested in the field, and how your interest has grown since. You should also mention anything else you have done which helps demonstrate your interest in your proposed research topic, for example:

  • Have you attended any workshops or seminars?
  • Do you have any research experience?
  • Have you taught yourself any aspects of the subject?
  • Have you read any literature within the research area?
  • Finally, describe what has convinced you to dedicate the next 3-4 years (assuming you are to study full time) of your life to research.

How to End a Motivation Letter

In the closing of your Motivation Letter, including a couple of sentences on your research’s impact on your life, research location, and experience generally. This will certainly aid you in showing the value of your research study in the context of a bigger photo. Mostly, demonstrate how the research community and also college can benefit from having you as a pupil.

Finally, thank the reader for considering your application.

Motivational letter for PhD, Postdoc, Scholarship etc.

It should be noted that a European-style motivation letter focuses on academic background and research history, avoiding too much personal information. The US-style personal statement, on the other hand, is much more ‘life experience’ based. Here, we focus on the European-style.

What is the Difference Between a Motivational Letter and Cover Letter?

Students frequently misunderstand the difference between a motivational letter and a cover letter. It’s crucial to remember that a cover letter’s objective is to highlight specific information from your CV and match it with the job criteria and company profile. To put it simply, a motivating letter is primarily used to highlight how your interests, goals, and objectives complement the academic program you want to study or a job profile you want to apply for, whereas a cover letter is more of an introduction to your resume to the hiring authority. Every one of the top firms is looking for someone who could be a valuable addition to their corporation. As a result, it must to convey your eagerness and intent while driving home the main point. 

Each document that a recruiter or university requests has a specific function. Most of the time, candidates are unsure of the difference between a motivation letter and a cover letter. A professional letter sent with a CV or resume to an employer or recruiter is called a cover letter. While motivation letters are utilized by internships, educational institutions, and university entrance offices, cover letters are typically used by businesses, employers, and recruiters. These letters provide candidates the opportunity to elaborate in detail about their motivation, interests, accomplishments, and career/academic future, as well as to tell the recruiter or educational officer why they are the ideal choice.

(01) Motivational letter Sample PhD Molecular Modeling

Dear Prof. XXXX

I am writing this letter to express my interest to apply for the PhD position available in the group XXXX under the project “Molecular modeling study of the activation of transmembrane receptors involved in chemical senses” at the University of XXXX.

In 2009, I graduated from the University of XXX in XXX with a five years degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Through my years of studying, I became fascinated by the research field in Computational

Chemistry and by the way how these techniques are applied to the design of new molecules with possible biological activity. For this reason during my last 3 years of bachelor degree I joined a research group and participated in different research projects under this research line. Between the projects I worked in this group, the most significant for me was my bachelor thesis titled “Theoretical Study of morphine derivatives using molecular modeling” with which I got an excellent mark of 4,8/5,0 and therefore a Meritorious qualification.

The Molecular modeling study of the activation of transmembrane receptors involved in chemical senses caught my attention immediately because it gives me the chance to apply computational techniques to biological systems that is what I like and enjoy the most. Besides, studying physiological phenomena related with the intersensoriality between taste and smell is a really fascinating topic that can have excellent applications in the field of new molecules design. I would like to be selected for this PhD position because I think this project gives me the opportunity to develop and improve in a research field that is part of my professional goals. I think this PhD position offers to me the possibility of receiving a complete training in computational chemistry applied to biological systems as well as the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary environment, of a highly qualified academic level.

I am aware of the dedication and perseverance that is needed to achieve the best results in this field and I believe that my experience will allow me to get it. I think that it is a great opportunity for me to demonstrate my abilities and acquire new skills, so I hope to be selected for this PhD position.

I remain at your disposal for any further information, thanking you in advance for your attention.



(02) Motivational letter Sample Marine Biology

Dear xxxxxxx,

I am writing to apply for the PhD position at xxxx Institute (Paris, France), for the subject « What shapes planktonic biodiversity hotspots in the open ocean?»

In 2008, I graduated from the University of Padova in Italy with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology, with a curriculum of Marine Biology. Following my first degree, I remained at the same university, where in October I am abut to receive a Master Degree in Evolutionary Biology. Through my years of studying, I became fascinated with marine environment, and marine ecology especially. I still remember with great emotion my first boat trip in the lagoon of Chioggia (VE) where we were taught how to conduct an oceanographic campaign, how to take oceanographic chemical and physical data as well as biological samples, and how to use technical tools onboard. During university years, I also had the opportunity to take a diving license, thank to whom I could discover by myself for the first time that amazing underwater world I previously could see just in marine documentaries. Living in such an anthropogenically-modified environment, what I most like about marine world is the fact that, in spite of his often-dramatic effects, man has not already managed to put his “footprint”. From just a curiosity, marine environment and its preservation became my goal.

In the meantime, I attended a two-year Master Course in Science Communication at ISAS (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste. This experience not only provided me the opportunity to practice different forms of scientific communication (newspapers, radio, multimedia, museums) and to deal with the overall of scientific subjects, but also developed my capacity of interacting with different actors: public, scientists, journalists, scientific and governmental institutions.

I am currently in an Erasmus exchange program at the University of Paris XI, where I chose to conduct my Master thesis project in the field of ecological modelling, at the Department of Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution. There I had the opportunity to work with interesting people from all over Europe coming from different research experiences, who kindled my enthusiasm about prosecuting my studies with an international context. Furthermore, I could develop new skills in statistical analysis and software programming. I work especially in R software environment on a negative binomial model, readjusting the model by optimization search of new equation parameters with a maximum likelihood method. I could not say it was easy at the beginning, I did not know the language at all, and was be able to do hardly anything. But with a little help to start, I studied the language by myself, searched courses to
attend, and become able to manipulate a script in order to act autonomously on it and provide original improvement.

I decided to pursue my career with a PhD in a foreign UE country, in order to acquire a highlevel international profile. I find working in a collaboration with three prestigious institutions like University Pierre et Marie Curie, Ecole Normale Superieur and MIT extremely challenging and as additional motivation for me. Moreover, this project would provide me the rare opportunity to join two different study fields: on one side, marine ecology, which still represent my strongest subject of interest; on the other side, statistical ecological modelling, a scientific approach which, even if difficult and not intuitive, I consider really satisfying for a science like biology, still in search of rigorous methodologies to deal with the complexity of living systems.

My academic curriculum provided me a solid knowledge of the different theoretical subjects implied in the research project: physical and chemical ocean dynamics, ecological processes, as well as marine organisms physiology are among the subjects I enjoyed and in whom I succeeded the most. My studies were characterized by great heterogeneity, but, far from being a defect, I consider it my best quality. In a project that aims to compare and integrate satellite data, virtual simulation, field and molecular data in a wide international cooperation, a person who is used to switch among different subjects and interact among different professionals could be undoubtedly of help. Finally, even if I could not say to be an expert of software programming at the moment, my master stage experienced proofed my strong motivation and tenaciousness, which allowed me to acquire autonomously new working skills, and the will to learn even more.

Given my record of good academic achievement and strong interest in your research program, I am certain that, if given the opportunity, I will enjoy working on the topics that ignite my curiosity the most. In addition to my academic qualifications, I am confident that my interdisciplinary and international background will meet your research school expectations.


Thank you for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,

(03) Motivational letter Sample 

Dear Sir/ Madam,

First of all let me introduce myself, I am …………and recently (August 2007) I passed my M.Sc in Telecommunication Engineering from Technical University of Denmark (DTU). I was drawn to the Radioplanlaegningenior opening at SONOFON, Denmark by my strong interest and skills in GSM Radio Frequency planning, optimization, link budgeting, nominal planning , drive test, interference calculation, site survey for site selections and command on using Radio Frequency planning tool like TEMS and NetAct Planner.

I did my M.Sc Telecommunication thesis project “Modeling Long Term Evolution (LTE) of 3G Mobile Networks” in collaboration with CommWyse A/S Denmark and Research Center COM at DTU. In my M.Sc thesis I have developed a working model for LTE mission critical applications to get the targeted performance evaluation specified by 3GPP which includes maximum data rate (100 Mbps in downlink and 50 Mbps in uplink), network latency (user and control plane), mobility management and radio resource management. The model covers the concepts of all interface, protocol heavy programming skills and UMTS, OFDM and HSPA. During this degree program I gained in depth knowledge of WCDMA, UMTS and HSPA at radio access as well as radio access network level.

I have done my M.Sc in Engineering Management and Bachelor of Electronics/Electrical Engineering (4 years degree program) degrees from University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, (…..Link…. ), which is rated as one of the best Engineering University in Canada.

I have worked in a GSM Mobile Communication operator engineering company, Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan, as BSS and RF Planning Engineer for more than 1 year. My scope of work there consisted of installation, commissioning of BSS part and RF planning and optimization for GSM network. Where I completed project related to RF planning and optimization for giving the best coverage, capacity and QoS and solved the issues related to interference. I also worked in fiber optic based DXX and wireless communication system in PakDataCom (PVT) Ltd, Islamabad, Pakistan for about one year.

This is an ideal opportunity for me to apply the GSM/3G mobile communication RF planning experience I acquire during my academics and professional career so far. I would like to take this opportunity to apply for the said Radioplanlaegningenior position in your prestigious organization.

I am waiting for your kind and positive response. Thank you for your time and consideration. I‟ll be more than happy to provide any further information or documents if required.

Sincerely yours,
Skodsborgvej 190, 1, 2408
2850 Nearum

(04) Motivational letter Sample Biology Physiology

Dear XXX,


I am writing to apply to Institute, for the phD project regarding (topic)–.


In 2010, I graduated from Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Following my first degree, I remained at the same university, where I ***will receive in October a Master’s(?? compare with original) Degree in Evolutionary Biology.


Through my years of studying, I became fascinated with ecology and environmental issues. After taking my high school diploma, in summer 2004, I worked as a volunteer in Riserva Naturale Isola di Lampedusa to support the local equipe in protecting sea turtles during reproductive season and ***educating tourists on our environment. ***At a camp for applied Eco-Ethology at Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, ***I studied the impact of the institution of natural reserves on local population. ***Through these activities, I ***became passionate about our environment and its preservation.


I ***completed my Bachelor’s thesis on animal pshysiology, studying adaptations of a sea water crustacean (Upogebia pusilla) to lower oxygen environments. ***I enjoyed my three month period field work in the lagoon of Chioggia (Venezia, Italy).(prior sentence needs more work) During Master’s degree, I excelled at animal ethology where I learned (xxx). (They have your transcripts and will see your marks. This letter should be self-contained.)


In the meantime, I attended a two-year Master Course in Science Communication at ISAS (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste (Italy). This experience not only provided me the opportunity to practice different forms of scientific communication***, but also developed my capacity to ***interact with the public as well as scientists, journalists, scientific and governmental institutions. Through my studies, I learned how to use write and promote articles, (need more stuff here to make this flow smoothly) multimedia, animation work in science festivals, realisation of exhibitions, organisation of scientific events.

***At present, I am in an Erasmus exchange program at the Université Paris-Sud XI, where ***I am conducting my Master thesis project in the field of ecological modelling, at Department Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution. In this framework (framework??, doesn’t feel right) I had the opportunity to work with students and researchers ***from all over Europe, who kindled/strengthened my enthusiasm about prosecuting (nobody is prosecuting your studies…doesn’t make sense) my studies with an international research experience, and made me acquire a deeper appreciation of the different perspectives in ecology.(You have a habit of making your sentence long with extraneous non-valued added stuff at the end. Try making your sentences shorter with only essential information.) Furthermore, I sharpened my critical thinking and analysis as well as acquired new skills and techniques. (prior sentence is vacuous because you don’t support it.) I am working in R software environment on a statistical model describing reproductive pattern of sea turtles, readjusting it by search of new parameters by optimization. Attending extracurricular classes, I learned how to apply the R language on the analysis of biological and ecological data (this whole paragraph needs more work. I am not sure what the main purpose of this paragraph is. Is it that you’re an exchange student? Became more passionate about your studies? Or that you are working with soem statistical software? Help your reader by telling her exactly what she needs to read and understand. Everything else, eliminate.)

I found a great interest on this topic of research because it puts together some of my favourite topics: ecology, animal physiology and ethology. Moreover, I retain the opportunity to work in a prestigious institution like Université Pierre et Marie Curie extremely challenging and as an additional motivation for me. (This passion topic is repetitive. Not sure what you are trying to communicate here.)

My varied academic curriculum provided me a solid knowledge of the different subjects implied in the research project. I also developed good skills in science communication, which could make me easy to spread research results in scientific contexts as journals, workshop and conferences, as well as public ones, like newspapers, magazines and expositions. (Hasn’t your media stuff already been communicated? So why repeat? Given your emphasis on communication, a reader expects more from you. She expects tight, concise prose. Otherwise, she will question your prior communication studies.)

Given my record of ***solid academic achievement and strong interest in your research program, I am certain that, if given the opportunity, I will enjoy ***excel. (You want to leave the impression that you will excel at the entire program) In addition to my academic qualifications, I am confident that my interdisciplinary and international background will ***strengthen your ***class/students/something.

Thank you for considering my application, ***and I look forward to your acceptance.

Yours sincerely,

(05) Motivational letter Sample Finance

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to apply for the Master in Finance & Accounting program at the London School of Economics and Political Science starting in the autumn 2022. The degree from one of the most recognized and prestigious business schools is my chance to make a substantial progress in personal career and thus contribute to Ukrainian economic development.

Ukrainian economy is an emerging market whose economic evolvement is extremely dependent on investments. I started explorations in investment valuation when studied at the university. I found out that low sovereign risk was one of the most important factors for successful investment activity in emerging markets. My research was concentrated on development of an econometric model for measuring a sovereign risk of Ukraine. The model allowed not only to obtain a quantitative assessment of Ukrainian sovereign risk but to define macroeconomic factors that influenced it the most. The results of my explorations were highly evaluated by Emly Mann’s and Ivan Puluy’s Foundations as I won two scholarships. Studying at the Cambridge School of Economics and Political Science will allow me to obtain necessary skills and knowledge in investment valuation and analysis to proceed with my explorations and make my model widely circulated among domestic and foreign investors.

In addition, the Master’s degree from the LSE is crucial for my career growth. I have already made a substantial career progress from an intern position to a senior analyst at Metinvest Holding, the largest steel & mining company in Ukraine. It took me only two years to grow up and prove to my colleagues that my knowledge and abilities were enough to work in a highly competitive and complex business environment. My future career perspectives strictly depend on educational progress due to the fact that my managers and directors already have foreign institutions’ diplomas that allow them to communicate with our overseas partners in one language of business and financial terms.

As a senior analyst at Strategy & Business Development department I studied opportunities for steel consuming sectors development in Ukraine. One of the most attractive options exists in wind energy sector that is very steel intensive. During the project I had a chance to participate in the international conference devoted to consideration of successful factors to implement wind energy projects in Ukraine. All of participants, included foreign wind turbine manufacturers, investment banks and international financial institutions, pointed out that they needed reliable partners to start business in Ukraine. As a representative of Metinvest Holding I experienced lack of world-class investments valuation and expertise practice to assure foreign investors that our company could be a reliable partner in this complex and cross-industrial business. Diversification of energy sources is one of top priorities in the long-term national energy policy that is why succeeding in wind energy projects is significant for energy independence of Ukraine.

I am pretty sure that acquaintance with world-class investment valuation and risk assessment procedures is my chance to make substantial career progress. As the Master of Science in Finance & Accounting I would manage complex investment projects in steel and related industries, for example, wind energy attracting foreign investments in Ukraine. I would also be able to assure foreign investors that sovereign risk can be easily measured and we know what factors influence it.

Since studying at the university I have been steadily developing personal communication and presentation skills. I participated in more than ten international and regional student scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad. There were no conferences where I did not take a prize place. My presentation skills were significantly strengthened during work at Metinvest Holding as I was urged to prove rationale of various investment projects and market strategies to company’s top management. During studying at the university I also managed to demonstrate leadership potential. I was a captain of a team which participated in student business games. Our team showed very good results at the regional stage and was chosen to participate in the final. I highly appreciate this experience as it was my first serious successful management practice.

To sum up, I am at the beginning of my career path, but I have already attained substantial progress in it. I aspire to study at the London School of Economics and Political Science in order to obtain urgently needed investment valuation and analysis skills to make further progress in personal career. My educational results as well as communication and leadership potential prove that I am basically prepared to apply for the Master in Finance & Accounting program.


Yours faithfully,

(06) Motivational letter Sample Biology Ecology

Dear ————–,

I am writing to apply to ————– Institute, for the phD project regarding —-(topic)—— —–.

In 2009, I graduated from Oxford University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. Following my first degree, I remained at the same university, where I am about to receive a Master Degree in Evolutionary Biology, in October. Through my years of studying, I became fascinated with ecology and environmental issues. After taking my high school diploma, in summer 2004, I worked as a volunteer in Riserva Naturale Isola di Lampedusa to support the local equipe in protecting sea turtles during reproductive season and doing environmental education among tourists. I also took part in the camp for applied Eco-Ethology at Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi, to study the impact of the institution of natural reserves on local population. I discovered how much application of my studies to conservation and environmental protection was satisfying for me.

I conducted my Bachelor’s thesis on animal pshysiology, studying adaptations of a sea water crustacean (Upogebia pusilla) to lower oxygen environments. During this three month period, I experienced field work in the lagoon of Chioggia (Venezia, Italy) with strong enthusiasm. During Master’s degree, through exams like Ethology and Organisms Interaction, as well as divulgative lectures, I acquired a strong interest in animal ethology, as is demonstrated by excellent results gained in those subjects.
In the meantime, I attended a two-year Master Course in Science Communication at ISAS (International School for Advanced Studies), Trieste (Italy). This experience not only provided me the opportunity to practice different forms of scientific communication and deal with the overall of scientific subjects, but also developed my capacity to deal with public as well as scientists, journalists, scientific and governmental institutions, through realisation of articles, multimedia, animation work in science festivals, realisation of exhibitions, organisation of scientific events.
I am currently in an Erasmus exchange program at the Université Paris-Sud XI, where I have chosen to conduct my Master thesis project in the field of ecological modelling, at Department Ecologie, Biodiversité et Evolution. In this framework I had the opportunity to work with students and researchers coming from all over Europe, who kindled my enthusiasm about prosecuting my studies with an international research experience, and made me acquire a deeper appreciation of the different perspectives in ecology. Furthermore, I sharpened my critical thinking and analysis as well as acquired new skills and techniques. I am working in R software environment on a statistical model describing reproductive pattern of sea turtles, readjusting it by search of new parameters by optimization. Attending extracurricular classes, I learned how to apply the R language on the analysis of biological and ecological data.

I found a great interest on this topic of research because it puts together some of my favourite topics: ecology, animal physiology and ethology. Moreover, I retain the opportunity to work in a prestigious institution like Université Pierre et Marie Curie extremely challenging and as an additional motivation for me.

My varied academic curriculum provided me a solid knowledge of the different subjects implied in the research project. I also developed good skills in science communication, which could make me easy to spread research results in scientific contexts as journals, workshop and conferences, as well as public ones, like newspapers, magazines and expositions.
Given my record of good academic achievement and strong interest in your research program, I am certain that, if given the opportunity, I will enjoy working on the topics that ignite my curiosity the most. In addition to my academic qualifications, I am confident that my interdisciplinary and international background will meet your research school expectations.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours sincerely,

(07) Motivational letter Sample PhD Law

To: Admission department
University of Cambridge

Dear Sir/Madam:
I am writing to apply for the B.A. in Law program, in which I am enormously interested. The degree from one of the most prestigious, elitist and respected universities is my chance to enrich my knowledge and professionally outgrowth thereby contribute to the development of the humanity and the strengthening of the values of human rights and fundamental freedoms, promoting peace in the world by contributing the development of democracy in my native country and a whole world.
I am a human rights activist, public figure of my own and students’ community, master in photography, and creator of my fortune. Ukraine is my native country. My country is an independent and young state. It is developing but it has a lot of problems. By observing and analyzing these problems I am aware that everybody’s well-being depends on a solution of social and global problems.

I know that England is a country with a perfect system of human rights protection and solutions of social problems. Active youth human rights advocates assert its rights decisively and implements new ways of solving of social problems. As a leader of the youth community and a member of NGO I have a lot of goals and plans. These goals are improvement of youth well-being, involvement of young people into social life, finding and promotion of young leaders. It’s very important for me. That’s why I strive to take part in your educational establishment together with progressive international youth. I aim to join in researching and developing of projects together with the best world academics, journalists, activists, officials, and leaders in human rights protection in order to solve global problems of mankind as well as challenges of my community.

From the very beginning of my public activity I’m engaging social projects aimed at protecting citizens and especially youth and children. The project is based on my research which allowed evaluating the degree of human rights violation in the Ukrainian province and applying a number of measures of their solution, and consequently increasing a level of social welfare. My projects have been highly appreciated by experts of Klitschko brothers Foundation, Charitable Fund “Ukraine 3000″, International Women’s Fund, Youth Union of Ukraine.

Studying in University of Cambridge will allow me to explore the long-term experience of democracy building, gain knowledge and skills in the field of law and leadership, which can be used for creating better instruments of protection of the individual and promotion of democracy.

Large role in the promotion of social projects has the status of leader, their credibility, especially in the case of projects the national and international level. Therefore my personal status, that besides depends on the success and rating of the institution, will provide additional opportunities to my community. I have already done much for social improvement of my community as volunteer, author of projects, member of NGO, secretary of student parliament and deputies assistant; but life changes and new challenges require new ideas, knowledge, skills and partners. After training in the Visegrad Summer School and Ukrainian Summer School of Human Rights, I ascertain that the experience, knowledge and desire of even one person with an active social position can change the lives of others people, communities and countries.

Moreover, taking part in The B.A. in Law program is a perfect chance to develop both my personal and professional experience by interacting with top students and leaders of other nationalities, discovering new culture and traditions. Being an active participant of the Ukrainian meetings of youth, I know how enriching it is to meet new people, sharing ideas and broadening our horizons beyond a single nation’s vision.

I am sure that the knowledge I shall receive in The B.A. in Law program will be able to be applied in the future in order to become a professional, I could help people and teams to develop their own 2 potential, to overcome obstacles and to achieve their goals. While working in the public sector we all strive for positive changes in our society. I am sure all changes we want in society have to start with NGO and ourselves. I shall develop national programs, which could help to adjust long-term relations among cultures and continents.

This is my way, the way of a person who wants, for certain, to change the fortune of Ukraine and its’ folk. I am a drop of my Ukrainian people and the fortune of all the ocean depends on my personal experience, knowledge which I can and want to pass the other people.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I am eager to gain new experiences, improve my skills and broaden my understanding of the dynamic economic world, and I am persuaded that studying in the B.A. in Law program would contribute to my development as a specialist of international level in the best possible way.

Thank you very much for considering my application.

Yours faithfully,

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PhD Application CV Templates

Make your PhD application shine!

Discover our professionally designed CV templates tailored for PhD applications.


  1. How to Write a PhD Motivation Letter with Samples and Expert Tips

    1. Don't Forget About the Formatting. PhD admission requirements differ between the many programs out there, so be cognizant of how they ask you to format your paper. If the requirements state a two-page limit, then write two pages. The same goes for other criteria like font size, paragraph spacing, and word length.

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  5. How to Write a PhD Motivation Letter

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  7. PDF Motivation Letter

    Profile: PhD in a relevant discipline; excellent communication skills in English; advanced knowledge of evolution, microbiology and statistics. To apply: Send a single pdf file containing (1) a cover letter describing your research interests and motivation, (2) a CV and (3) contact details for two or three referees to

  8. Sample Motivation Letter For Your PHD Application

    1. The document provides a sample motivation letter for applying to a PhD program, including what information should be included and tips for an effective letter. 2. The sample letter introduces the applicant's interest in the program, relevant academic background, proposed research topic, potential impact, and plans after completing the PhD. 3. The letter highlights the applicant's skills and ...

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  22. Motivation Letter For PHD Scholarship

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