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30+ A-Level History NEA Ideas

In A-Level by Think Student Editor May 3, 2024 Leave a Comment

When I took A-Level History, doing the NEA was my favourite part. Having so much more independence and control over my own work was exciting and much more engaging than just being in lessons or doing exams. However, it was also pretty daunting.

All kinds of A-Level coursework give you so much more academic freedom and independence than you’d previously experienced, which can make it a bit stressful to have all this responsibility. The first place this can come into play is right at the start when you have to choose your essay question. In this article, we’ll try to make this part a little bit less stressful by giving you some ideas for what you could do.

Continue reading to getter a better understanding of the A-Level History NEA as a whole and to see some ideas for your essay question. This article will take you through these ideas by going through some of the main topic areas that you could focus on.

Table of Contents

What is an A-Level History NEA?

The term NEA stands for non-exam assessment, which is relatively the same as coursework. For A-Level History, this piece of coursework is in the form of an extended essay, which may even be referred to as an “investigation” on a specific area of history that has different historical interpretations.

Due to this, students will need to research into different historical interpretations of their specific topic as well as use primary sources and factual evidence/ data to evaluate the different historical interpretations.

The specific requirements for this NEA will depend on the exam board, which is especially the case when it comes to the word count, which can vary quite a lot. For example, for students using the Pearson Edexcel exam board, the word count is between 3,000 and 4,000 words, whereas for the AQA exam board, there is a word limit between 3,500 and 4,500 words.

Unlike these exam boards that have a set maximum word count, the OCR exam board only has a recommendation of 3,000- 4,000 words, although there is no actual set limit.

Despite being quite a lot of work, the A-Level History NEA will generally be a fair low proportion of the A-Level in comparison to other factors. Typically, this will be worth 20% of the whole A-Level History qualification.

You can learn more about this by checking out the specifications of A-Level History courses by clicking on the links with the respective exam board: AQA (linked here and here) Pearson Edexcel , OCR , WJEC , CCEA .

How to choose an A-Level History NEA idea

Choosing an A-Level History NEA idea can come in a few different ways and may not even be your choice as a student. How this all works will depend on your sixth form or college.

The first most obvious option is that your sixth form/ college lets you choose the topic and question that you want to focus on. Alternatively, your sixth form or college may give you an approved topics list but allow you to submit your own topic question and consider options outside of this list.

The strictest form is where your sixth form or college chooses the topic(s) that you can do and may even give you pre-approved question ideas. You can learn more about these by checking out this guide by OCR.

As choosing your own idea and topic from scratch is by far the hardest, we’ll see primarily focusing on that in this article. When choosing your own idea, the first thing you should think about is which historical period you want to focus on.

There are obviously a wide range you can choose from, although exam boards tend to have some restrictions in this aspect too. First of all, you won’t be able to do the same topic as whichever piece of history you studied for your depth study. Other restrictions will vary by exam board, so it’s best to ask your teachers or to look directly at your exam board’s coursework information.

After you pick your main topic, you need to narrow it down to a specific historical debate within this topic. From here, you can shape it into an extended essay question that allows you to have a clear line of argument and be evaluative and analytical. To do this, you might want to use vocabulary such as “the most/ least important/ significant/ etc.”.

What makes a good A-Level History NEA idea?

To make sure you have a good A-Level History NEA idea, you need to make sure that it is something you can write an entire extended essay on. Remember the NEA will require students to do over 3000 words and write a full answer with several sections and a clear line of argument and judgement, depending on the style of your essay question.

To be able to do this, you need to make sure you have enough background information about this specific subsection of your topic area and that there are lots of interpretations and primary sources available.

Another step to making sure that you have a good topic and question title is to make sure that it is has the right level of detail. This is as you need to make sure the focus is very specific so it can be in-depth and analytical but also broad enough to give you a full answer and enough to write about.

A-Level History NEA ideas for 2024

Now that we’ve looked at the criteria for choosing a topic and what makes a good one, we can properly dive into some examples. However, as previously mentioned, an NEA idea needs to be focused on a specific area of history. Due to this, in this article, we’ll be looking at some ideas based on specific historical areas.

These historical areas have been chosen due to being commonly studied in A-Level History courses. You can learn more about this from this page of the Cambridge Assessment website as well as from the component options mentioned in each exam board’s specification, as linked above.

The ideas below are sourced from a mixture of exam board suggestions and information provided to me when I was doing the NEA myself. Exam board suggestions come from pages of the Pearson Edexcel website, OCR website, the WJEC website and the AQA website all linked respectively.

A-Level History NEA ideas for Russian dictatorship

When looking at the history of dictatorships in Russia, we’re generally referring to the period from 1855 to 1991/2. In this period of history, there were several different kinds of leaders of Russia, all of which can be focused on for your NEA. These types of leaders are the Tsar rulers, the Provisional Government and the communist leaders.

While you may want to look at the leaders and their regimes, you could also look at society at the time

Some ideas for Russia and its rulers are as follows.

  • In the context of the years 1861 to 1964, to what extent was the Russian Revolution of 1917 caused by the war?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Peter the Great was largely unsuccessful in his attempts to modernise Russia?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Alexander II was largely successful in his attempts to modernise Russia in the period after 1855?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Stalin’s main aim in the period 1924–1939 was to carry out the changes begun by Lenin?
  • ‘The lives of the Russian peasants were transformed for the better in the years between 1928 and 1964.’
  • How valid is assessment of the peasantry in Russia?
  • How far do you agree with the view that the Battle of Stalingrad was mainly responsible for Soviet victory in the Second World War?
  • To what extent do you agree with the view that by 1924, the people of Russia had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another?
  • Assess the reasons for the purges in 1930’s Russia
  • To what extent did Communism in Russia improve the lives of women in the years 1917-53?

A-Level History NEA ideas for civil rights in the USA

The civil rights movement in the USA spanned a long period and was made up of several significant events. Due to this, there is so much for you to focus on within this topic, from specific figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr. or Rosa Parks, to key legislation or specific protests or events.

Some of the essay question you could chose for the civil rights movement are as follows.

  • How far do you agree with the view that the most significant contribution to the success of the Civil Rights movement between 1954 and 1970 was made by people in local communities in the US?
  • ‘Martin Luther King had the greatest impact of any individual in advancing the civil rights of African Americans in the USA.’ How valid is this view of the years 1865 to 1968?
  • Assess the claims that the role of Martin Luther King in the civil rights movement was exaggerated.
  • Assess the view that the Civil Rights movement was the most significant cause of Second Wave Feminism?
  • To what extent did Rosa Parks change the nature of the Civil Rights Movement by 1965?
  • How far did World War II improve the lives of black Americans?
  • To what extent has the role of women in the Black Civil Rights Movement been undervalued?
  • To what extent did Malcolm X and the Black Panthers further the civil rights movement?
  • To what extent was the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) responsible for the successes of the civil rights campaign in the years 1945–57?
  • To what extent did life for black people in America improve between the end of the First World War and the Wall Street Crash of 1929?

A-Level History NEA ideas for Weimar and Nazi Germany

Weimar and Nazi Germany is a common topic, not only at A-Level, but also at GCSE and even at the start of secondary school, before starting GCSEs. Due to this, students will often have quite a bit of background knowledge on this topic, even if they haven’t studied it as part of their A-Levels. This can make it a bit easier for you to access this topic for your NEA.

Some NEA ideas for Weimar and Nazi Germany are as follows.

  • ‘Propaganda was the main reason for Hitler’s rise to power in 1933’. How far do you agree?
  • To what extent do you agree that the Holocaust was a long-term plan?
  • The Reichstag Fire was a deliberate plot hatched by Hitler’s henchmen to help consolidate the NSDAP’s control over Germany.’ How valid is this assessment of the Reichstag Fire?
  • Assess the view that the Wall Street Crash was the main reason the Weimar government lost support by 1930.
  • Assess the view that Hitler’s use of fear and violence the main reason why he was able to maintain control of Germany between 1933 – 45.
  • To what extent were the Nazis successful in winning over the hearts and minds of the youth?
  • To what extent were ordinary German people responsible for the Holocaust?
  • To what extent was music used as a form of opposition to the Nazi Regime?
  • To what extent was Stresseman right when he said ‘Germany was dancing on a volcano’ when implying that German democracy would inevitably fail?
  • Assess the view that the errors of Hitler were the main reason for allied victory in WWII.

A-Level History NEA ideas for the Tudors

Once again, the Tudors are commonly taught in some shape or form throughout, even starting in primary school. This can still make it easier to access the essay questions on this topic as you’ll already have some background knowledge.

Some NEA ideas are as follows.

  • In the context of the years 1485 to 1603, how effectively did Tudor government deal with rebellion in England?
  • How far do you agree with the view that the main reason for the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII was that they no longer served any useful purpose?
  • How far do you agree with the view that Mary, Queen of Scots, was the greatest challenge facing Elizabeth in the period after 1568.
  • Assess the reasons why there was there an attempt to put Lady Jane Grey on the throne in 1553.
  • Assess the view that the survival of Roman Catholicism in England during the reign of Elizabeth I depended on the role of the gentry
  • To what extent did Elizabeth I remain single to keep her political power?
  • ‘Anne Boleyn lost her head because of the large faction against her’ To what extent is this true?
  • Assess the view that Elizabethan propaganda was a success.
  • ‘The reign of Mary I was a complete failure.’ How fair is this assessment?
  • Assess the impact of the reign of Elizabeth I on the roles of women in Tudor society


ocr history coursework ideas

History Coursework: how to Choose the Best Question

  • Dr Janet Rose
  • June 13, 2020

So, just when you thought your first A-level History year was over and you could relax before tackling next year, you have to think about your history coursework. This will be the non-exam assessment (NEA) or Historical Investigation.  It can cause a lot of angst amongst students but taking some time and thinking it through carefully before you start can make the world of difference.

1. Choose to study something interesting for your history coursework

If you have the chance to choose whichever topic you like for your history coursework and set your own question, or if you are given a list of different topics, choose one you are genuinely interested in. You will be working on this piece for months, so it makes sense to choose something that will hold your interest.

2. Make sure there are no clashes with your other topics

In practice, there are constraints set by the various exam boards to make sure that your topic does not overlap with the components you are already studying for your A level or Pre U. Your exam centre (school, college or independent centre) will need to have your question approved by the exam board and they will not approve a topic with an obvious overlap. For example, if you are already studying the Tudors for AQA, it is unlikely that you can  study a topic set in England between 1485 to 1603. Therefore, if you are setting your own question, ask yourself if it overlaps in date or topic with one of your components. If it does, you will need to find an alternative. Each exam board has slightly different rules, so check on their website to see what the rules are for your exam board.

3. Find your source material early

For your history coursework, you will need to find two types of source material – primary and secondary:

P rimary sources are those that were written at the time and you will also need to find a range of these to support your investigation. To achieve high marks you should look for a variety of primary sources, for example, a letter, a report, a painting, a speech etc.

Secondary sources are scholarly books or articles by historians, or what the a-level exam boards call ‘interpretations.’ this means that your investigation will only be viable if historians have written about the topic and, preferably, argued over it. you will need to understand the arguments that provide a framework for your chosen topic. historians call this the historiography..

Therefore, the question you set yourself will only be able to achieve high marks if you make sure there are both secondary sources (scholarly argument) and primary sources (original material) to support your investigation. If you cannot find these, you should re-think your question.

History Coursework

4. Remember you actually have to answer the question!

It sounds really obvious – but remember that you actually have to answer the question you set yourself!  You need to choose something that is achievable in the time frame and gives you a good chance of success. A good question will give you a framework within which to research and write – you are looking for something that is not too vague nor too wide.

You also need something that you can address in the historical time frame (e.g. around 100 years for AQA) and a topic that you can analyse and evaluate in approximately 3, 500 words (check the word limit for your own exam board). In practice, any question that is too wide, too vague or unlikely to be achievable should be vetoed either by your school/college/independent centre or the exam board. However, this will waste your valuable time and is not totally foolproof, so choose an achievable project to give yourself a fighting chance of achieving that elusive A grade.

5. Choose a good format for your history coursework question

The standard ‘for and against’ question format will always be a good choice and will give you a framework within which to set your investigation. There are various ways to word such a question e.g. ‘How far…’, To what extent…’ ‘Within the context of … how important was…’ which will give you a clear framework and a direction for your investigation. Keep it simple is good advice here. Remember, though, to define your framework by including the date range in your question. For example ‘Within the context of 1790 to 1890, how important was…?’

Done well, the NEA or Personal Investigation will teach you a huge amount about how historians work, how sources are used and how to construct an argument. This will help you enormously when you come to the final exams and it can be a very valuable contribution to your qualification. It can also be enjoyable as it is your first chance to ‘do’ some real historical research. Choose your question with care and you automatically give yourself a head start.

Exam Board History Coursework Guidance

AQA Guidance

Cambridge Pre U Guidance

OCR Guidance

Edexcel Guidance

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A Level OCR History Primer for Teachers

A Level OCR History Primer for Teachers

Setting and marking every single History homework can take an awfully long time. Time that could have been spent on lesson planning, watching Manchester United lose, or with family.

However, this should no longer be the case. We wanted to try to support the formation of students' knowledge using the best History content and the best algorithms. Via this OCR History primer I aim to detail all the coursework sections that have been incorporated in the free Seneca revision courses.

Via the teacher platform you're now able to invite your students and set assignments in under 30 seconds. All of their History homework will be automatically marked, and their weaknesses automatically highlighted. But that's not all. You're now also getting insights into what topics the class understands well and what topics need attention during one of the upcoming classroom sessions. That way you can really bring your class to the next level, and even set individual homework based on each student's own progress.

AQA History A Level

See Seneca's OCR History Courses

Vital Resources for You:

  • Seneca teacher platform
  • OCR teaching resources
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  • Scheme of Assessment

Setting History A Level Homework on Seneca

The benefits for A Level History teachers are:

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- All revision courses are written by examiners and subject experts to ensure the content matches the exam board specifications.

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Set Homework for Biology AQA A Level

Set History Homework

Curriculum: History: OCR A A Level Democracy & Dictatorships in Germany, 1919–1963

1 The Weimar Republic, 1919-1933

1.1 Establishment of the Weimar Republic

1.1.1 Impact of WW1

1.1.2 Peace Settlement

1.1.3 The Weimar Constituion

1.1.4 Problems of Weimar Constitution

1.1.5 Political Turmoil

1.1.6 Economic Issues

1.2 The Golden Years

1.2.1 Stresemann Foreign Policy Aims

1.2.2 Foreign Policy

1.2.3 Economic Loans

1.2.4 Economic Recovery

1.2.5 Political Stability

1.2.6 Social Improvements

1.3 The Great Depression

1.3.1 Impact of the Great Depression

1.3.2 Elections & Governments 1929-1933

1.3.3 Rise & Appeal of Nazism

1.3.4 'Backstairs Intrigue'

1.3.5 Hitler Becomes Chancellor

2 Establishment of the Nazi State, 1933-1939

2.1 Consolidation of Power

2.1.1 Hitler's Consolidation of Power

2.1.2 Gleischaltung

2.1.3 Government & Propaganda

2.1.4 Machinery of Terror

2.1.5 Opposition

2.1.6 Social Policies

2.1.7 Economic Policies

2.1.8 Racial Policies

2.1.9 Benefits of Nazi Rule

3 The Impact of War & Defeat, 1939-1949

3.1.1 War Economy

3.1.2 Total War

3.1.3 Racial Policies

3.1.4 Opposition

3.2 Consequences of WW2

3.2.1 Impact of WW2

3.2.2 Development of the Cold War

3.2.3 Division of Germany

3.2.4 Development of the Cold War

3.2.5 Berlin Blockade

4 Divided Germany, 1949-1963

4.1 Creation of West Germany

4.1.1 Formation of West Germany

4.1.2 Economic Recovery

4.1.3 Political Stability

4.1.4 Social Stability

4.1.5 Foreign Policy

4.1.6 Berlin Wall

4.1.7 Adenauer's Decline

4.1.8 West Germany by 1963

4.2 Creation of the GDR

4.2.1 GDR in 19494.2.21953

4.2.3 Economy

4.2.4 Social Change

4.2.5 Control Over Society

4.2.6 East Germany by 1963

History: OCR A A Level Democracy & Dictatorships in Germany, 1919–1963

Set Homework

Curriculum: History: OCR A A Level England, 1485–1558: the Early Tudors

1 England, 1485-1547

1.1 Government of Henry VII & Threats to Rule

1.1.1 Henry VII's Consolidation of Power

1.1.2 Henry VII & Succession

1.1.3 Henry VII & The Nobility

1.1.4 Henry VII & Justice, Finance & Policies

1.1.5 Henry VII's Councils & Parliament

1.1.6 Henry VII & Rebellion

1.2 Henry VII's Foreign Policy

1.2.1 Henry VII's Relationship with Foreign Powers

1.3 Henry VIII & Wolsey

1.3.1 Henry VIII's Consolidation of Power

1.3.2 Henry VIII & His Government

1.3.3 Henry VIII's Relationship with Foreign Powers

1.3.4 Wolsey

1.3.5 Wolsey & the Church

1.3.6 Break from Rome

1.4 The Reign of Henry VIII After 1529

1.4.1 The Henrician Reformation

1.4.2 Religious Change & Opposition

1.4.3 Impact of Religious Upheaval

1.4.4 Cromwell

1.4.5 Factions at Court

1.4.6 Foreign Policy in the 1540s

2 Mid Tudor Crises, 1547-1558

2.1 Stability of the Monarchy

2.1.1 Constraints on Edward VI & Mary I

2.1.2 Mary I & Her Rule

2.1.3 Edward VI & the Succession Issue

2.1.4 Factions Under Edward VI

2.1.5 Factions under Mary I

2.2 Religious Changes

2.2.1 Protestantism Under Edward VI

2.2.2 Catholicism Under Mary I

2.3 Religion & Unrest

2.3.1 Edward VI & Rebellions

2.3.2 Mary VI & Rebellions

2.3.3 Social & Economic Developments

History: OCR A A Level England, 1485–1558: the Early Tudors

Curriculum: History: OCR A A Level England 1547-1603: the Later Tudors

1 Mid Tudor Crises, 1547-1558

1.1 Stability of the Monarch

1.1.1 Constraints on Edward VI & Mary I

1.1.2 Mary I & Her Rule

1.1.3 Edward VI & the Succession Issue

1.1.4 Factions Under Edward VI

1.1.5 Factions Under Mary I

1.2 Religious Changes

1.2.1 Protestantism Under Edward VI

1.2.2 Catholicism Under Mary I

1.3 Religion & Unrest

1.3.1 Edward VI & Rebellion

1.3.2 Mary I & Rebellion

1.3.3 Social & Economic Developments

2 Elizabethan England, 1558-1603

2.1 Elizabeth & Religion

2.1.1 Domestic Situation in 1558

2.1.2 Foreign Situation in 1558

2.1.3 Elizabethan Settlement

2.1.4 Puritan Threat

2.1.5 Catholic Threat

2.2 Elizabethan Government

2.2.1 Elizabeth & Court

2.2.2 Elizabeth's Royal Authority

2.2.3 Elizabeth & Government

2.2.4 Attitudes to Elizabeth & Marriage

2.2.5 Mary Queen of Scots

2.3 Finances, the Economy & Society

2.3.1 Finances

2.3.2 Trade

2.3.3 Poverty

2.4 Elizabethan Later Years, 1588-1603

2.4.1 Elizabeth & Parliament

2.4.2 Relations With Spain

2.4.3 Spanish Armada

2.4.4 Social Distress

2.4.5 Irish Rebellion

2.4.6 Essex's Rebellion

2.4.7 Elizabeth I's Reputation

History: OCR A A Level England 1547-1603: the Later Tudors

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OCR A Level History Coursework Exemplar

OCR A Level History Coursework Exemplar

Subject: History

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Unit of work

Arwa's Shop

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2 February 2021

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A Level History Coursework Edexcel – A Guide

  • Post author By admin
  • Post date November 16, 2023
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This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History coursework for Edexcel using ideas, resources, examples and structure. This coursework is weighted towards Assessment Objective Three (AO3) 15% and Assessment Objective One (AO1) 5%. This makes it substantially different from coursework assessed under AQA or OCR. For Edexcel coursework, the focus is on differing interpretations of the past and analysis of them, alongside your own view of the events.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Ideas, Examples and Resources

Question Format – The question that you decide to answer for the Edexcel Coursework will always use the following template.

  • Historians have disagreed about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ].
  • What is your view about [ the chosen question, problem or issue ]?

Thus, we can see that there are two parts to this coursework:

  • Part 1 – dealing with the historian’s viewpoints which is (AO3) and worth 15%
  • Part 2 – your own viewpoint which is (A01) and worth 5%  

Question Ideas, Example and Selection

There are two key points to consider when selecting a question, problem or issue for your coursework.

  • Is there enough debate around this question? – There needs to be a scholarly debate around the question or issue. This means differing views on the question from different historians. This makes it easier to select appropriate works to analyse and compare.
  • Can you access the appropriate resources? – You must use a minimum of three different key works as well as two supplementary works. Your three key works should hold opposing views about the question or issue. Let’s look at an example question to make this clear:

Historians have disagreed about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another. What is your view about the extent to which by 1924 the Russian people had exchanged one authoritarian regime for another?

  • View 1 – Tsarist Rule was more authoritarian. (C. Hill argues this)
  • View 2 – Bolshevik rule was more authoritarian. (R. Service argues this)
  • View 3 – The regimes were equally authoritarian. (R. Pipes argues this)

This is the ideal example of having three viewpoints that would be spread across the historiographical spectrum. This helps us to engage with the historical debate and hit the following criteria for the coursework:

  • analyse ways in which interpretations of the question or issue differ.
  • explain the differences you have identified.
  • evaluate the arguments, indicating which you found most persuasive and why.

You would then add to this a minimum of two supplementary works, (more is better) that would assist in helping you form your view and add weight to your analysis and arguments. Critically, you must be able to access all these resources to use them effectively in completing the coursework.  

Coursework Resources

  • Library – school, local, college, university – you should be able to borrow appropriate works.
  • Teacher – your teacher should be able to provide you with copies of appropriate resources to use.
  • JSTOR – – contains a large collection of journal articles from historical publications covering numerous topics. These will often engage in the historical debate by replying to opposing views.
  • Purchase Books – many second-hand books are available to purchase at very cheap prices through Amazon or similar sites.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – How to Research and Write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel

Researching the Coursework – When researching our coursework we use the resource record form, which acts as a bibliography to the books, articles and online resources we are using. As we go through these resources we want to make notes that help us to identify the overall argument of the historian. Key quotes or passages should be noted down, alongside a reference. If we then use this material in our write up, we can add the appropriate footnote.

Writing the Coursework – When writing our coursework we need to be aware of the total word count as well as making sure that we hit all the assessment criteria. This means dividing up the 4000 words (maximum word count) effectively between the assessment criteria. An example structure to implement this is shown in the next section.

A Level History Coursework Edexcel write

A Level History Coursework Edexcel – Structure and Planning

First section – introduction to the overall question and key works (c. 1000 words).

Introduction to the overall topic. You need to put the question into context by providing relevant information regarding what was happening at the time. You then need to define any key terms in the question.

Example from our question above – authoritarian regime would be defined as ‘a regime in which power is highly centralised and maintained regardless of popular support, with the use of repression and violence’.

Finally, you need to set out valid criteria by which the question can be judged.

Example from our question and definition above – we need to compare the Tsarist regime to the Bolshevik regime in terms of:

  • Centralisation of power .
  • Power maintained despite lacking popular support.
  • Power maintained through repression and violence.

You should now have a complete introduction to the topic (1 paragraph)

Introduction to the debate by placing each of the key works in the historiographical debate. You can also place your supplementary works on the historiographical line here. (1 paragraph)

Set out the arguments in extended detail from the three key works. What are the historians’ views on this question? (1 paragraph)

Show how the arguments from each of the key works differ or are like one another. (1 paragraph)

Summary of the views of the key works. (1 paragraph)

Second Section – Explaining why the key works differ from one another (c. 1000 words)

Introduction – You need to set out three valid criteria to explain why the key works differ. Why is it that the historians’ arguments differ? There are several different potential criteria that could be used here: When was the work written? What sources and evidence did they use? Have they defined the key terms of the question differently? Have they defined the criteria to answer the question differently? Do they have different scopes of enquiry? What is the purpose of the work? What is the historians background and view?

Example from our question – The historians have defined the key term to answer the question differently – C. Hill has focused on authoritarian being defined as lacking popular support. R. Service is more focused on authoritarian being defined through repression. R. Pipes is mostly focused on authoritarian being defined as a centralisation of power.  

The historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently. (1 paragraph)    

Paragraphs – This is where you use the criteria set out from the introduction to this section. You want one paragraph per item of criteria that we are judging the key works on.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding how the historians have defined the key term ‘authoritarian’ differently.

Then you need to consider the three works in terms of the criteria set out for that paragraph. Show why there are differences in the key works regarding that criteria and how that leads the historian to arrive at their interpretation. Use evidence to support your points. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion – Brief conclusion that offers a summary of why the key works are different. (1 paragraph)

Third Section – Your own viewpoint on the question (c. 1000 words)

Brief introduction of your own viewpoint and line of argument that will be taken, remembering to re-instate the criteria by which the question can be judged . (1 paragraph)

Paragraphs that set out your own view on the question. This is where you should be using the criteria set out in your introductions. You want one paragraph per item of criteria.

Example from our question – one paragraph regarding ‘centralisation of power’.

Then you need to bring evidence and analysis to assess the criteria being judged. You can also use the key works and the supplementary works in this section to help you. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each criterion)

Conclusion that reaches a judgement on the question and follows your line of argument that has flowed throughout. (1 paragraph)

Fourth Section – Evaluation and Judgement of the key works and of the question (c. 1000 words)

Go through each of the key works and make a judgement on how convincing and valid the arguments from the historians are compared to the criteria. (3 paragraphs – 1 for each key work)

Form an overall judgement on the question and an overall judgement on which of the key works is most convincing. These should broadly align together. (1 paragraph)   

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Question papers, mark schemes and reports

2023 - june series, unit group 1.

  • Examiners' report - Topic based essay Y100/01/02 - PDF 430KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 677KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 399KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 401KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 Y102/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 399KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 401KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 720KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 409KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 5MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 427KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 4MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 402KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 400KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 401KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 403KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 6MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 408KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 3MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 404KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 691KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 403KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago

Unit group 2

  • Question paper - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 378KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 379KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 378KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c. 1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 444KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 836KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 380KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 423KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 4MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 379KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 3MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 374KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 685KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 377KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 379KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 395KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 9MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 406KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 14MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 380KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 381KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 431KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c1890 Y216/01 - PDF 3MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 378KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 401KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 565KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 379KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 669KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 382KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 729KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 933KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 376KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 7MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 422KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 3MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 674KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 379KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 675KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 421KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago

Unit group 3

  • Question paper - The Early Anglo‑Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Early Anglo‑Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 434KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 411KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 4MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - English government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - English government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 398KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - English Government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 386KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Renaissance c.1400 – c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Renaissance c.1400–1600 Y305/01 - PDF 407KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 679KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 385KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Tudor foreign Policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 5MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 679KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 413KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 388KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 388KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 7MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 424KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 993KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 390KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 630KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 407KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 380KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 386KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - From colonialism to independence: the British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 387KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Middle East 1908-2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 389KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 2MB 29 days ago
  • Modified papers ZIP 55MB 29 days ago

2022 - June series

  • Examiners' report - Topic based essay Y100/01/02 - PDF 380KB
  • Question paper - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 847KB
  • Mark scheme - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 373KB
  • Examiners' report - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 848KB
  • Mark scheme - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 375KB
  • Examiners' report - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 Y102/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 372KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 373KB
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 848KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 410KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 408KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 946KB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 418KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 758KB
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 869KB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 389KB
  • Examiners' report - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 847KB
  • Question paper - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 390KB
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 848KB
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 404KB
  • Examiners' report - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 848KB
  • Mark scheme - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 398KB
  • Examiners' report - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 667KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 847KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 418KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 5MB
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 388KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 831KB
  • Mark scheme - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 403KB
  • Question paper - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 831KB
  • Mark scheme - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 347KB
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 352KB
  • Examiners' report - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c. 1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 830KB
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 388KB
  • Question paper - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 340KB
  • Examiners' report - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 365KB
  • Examiners' report - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 344KB
  • Question paper - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 343KB
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 831KB
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 352KB
  • Examiners' report - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 352KB
  • Examiners' report - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 5MB
  • Question paper - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 353KB
  • Question paper - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 916KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 341KB
  • Examiners' report - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 394KB
  • Examiners' report - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c1890 Y216/01 - PDF 5MB
  • Question paper - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 348KB
  • Examiners' report - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 1024KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 340KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 338KB
  • Examiners' report - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 340KB
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 830KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 339KB
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 830KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 342KB
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 830KB
  • Mark scheme - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 344KB
  • Examiners' report - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - The Early Anglo‑Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 848KB
  • Mark scheme - The Early Anglo‑Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 374KB
  • Question paper - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 342KB
  • Question paper - English government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - English government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 342KB
  • Examiners' report - English Government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 360KB
  • Question paper - The Renaissance c.1400 – c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Renaissance c.1400–1600 Y305/01 - PDF 361KB
  • Question paper - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 355KB
  • Examiners' report - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 351KB
  • Question paper - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 371KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 849KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 380KB
  • Question paper - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 416KB
  • Question paper - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 357KB
  • Examiners' report - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 2MB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 846KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 551KB
  • Question paper - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 846KB
  • Mark scheme - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 551KB
  • Examiners' report - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Question paper - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 575KB
  • Examiners' report - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 530KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 346KB
  • Examiners' report - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 10MB
  • Question paper - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 847KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 338KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 6MB
  • Question paper - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 556KB
  • Examiners' report - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 3MB
  • Question paper - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 835KB
  • Mark scheme - From Colonialism to Independence: the British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 348KB
  • Examiners' report - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 9MB
  • Question paper - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 836KB
  • Mark scheme - The Middle East 1908-2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 350KB
  • Examiners' report - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 4MB

Other links

  • Modified papers ZIP 45MB

2021 - November series

  • Question paper - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 856KB
  • Mark scheme - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 341KB
  • Question paper - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 337KB
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 856KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 337KB
  • Question paper - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 650KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 336KB
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 339KB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: The early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: The early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 386KB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: The late Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: The late Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 389KB
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 365KB
  • Question paper - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 847KB
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 389KB
  • Question paper - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 360KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 361KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 647KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 370KB
  • Question paper - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 348KB
  • Question paper - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Mark scheme - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 363KB
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 929KB
  • Mark scheme - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 359KB
  • Question paper - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 827KB
  • Mark scheme - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 348KB
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445 - 1570 Y205/01 - PDF 316KB
  • Question paper - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Mark scheme - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 344KB
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 893KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500 - 1559 Y207/01 - PDF 366KB
  • Question paper - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 934KB
  • Mark scheme - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 368KB
  • Question paper - African kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: Four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 829KB
  • Mark scheme - African kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: Four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 365KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 334KB
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 345KB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 346KB
  • Question paper - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 829KB
  • Mark scheme - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 342KB
  • Question paper - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 829KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 356KB
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 829KB
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 408KB
  • Question paper - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 358KB
  • Question paper - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 423KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 434KB
  • Question paper - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 341KB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 363KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 922KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 351KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 362KB
  • Question paper - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 921KB
  • Mark scheme - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 363KB
  • Question paper - The Early Anglo-Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 845KB
  • Question paper - The Viking Age c. 790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - The Early Anglo-Saxons c.400–800 Y301/01 - PDF 427KB
  • Mark scheme - The Viking Age c. 790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 376KB
  • Question paper - English government and the church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 844KB
  • Mark scheme - English government and the church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 358KB
  • Question paper - The church and medieval heresy 1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - The church and medieval heresy 1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 363KB
  • Question paper - The Renaissance c.1400– c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 633KB
  • Mark scheme - The Renaissance c.1400–c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 352KB
  • Question paper - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 843KB
  • Mark scheme - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 843KB
  • Mark scheme - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 343KB
  • Question paper - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 843KB
  • Mark scheme - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 679KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 347KB
  • Question paper - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 344KB
  • Question paper - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 603KB
  • Mark scheme - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 352KB
  • Question paper - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 347KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 834KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 345KB
  • Question paper - The challenge of German Nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 612KB
  • Mark scheme - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 347KB
  • Question paper - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 338KB
  • Question paper - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 347KB
  • Question paper - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 337KB
  • Question paper - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 842KB
  • Mark scheme - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 349KB
  • Question paper - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 853KB
  • Mark scheme - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 337KB
  • Question paper - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 853KB
  • Mark scheme - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 336KB
  • Modified papers ZIP 42MB

2020 - November series

  • Question paper - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 869KB
  • Mark scheme - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 323KB
  • Question paper - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035–1107 Y102/01 - PDF 308KB
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 869KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 325KB
  • Question paper - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 323KB
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 369KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: The early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 435KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: The late Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 437KB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 337KB
  • Mark scheme - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 395KB
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 614KB
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 363KB
  • Question paper - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 Y111/01 - PDF 396KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 655KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 325KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 645KB
  • Question paper - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 675KB
  • Mark scheme - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 302KB
  • Question paper - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 903KB
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 328KB
  • Question paper - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 919KB
  • Mark scheme - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 364KB
  • Question paper - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 756KB
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445 - 1570 Y205/01 - PDF 277KB
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 277KB
  • Question paper - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 295KB
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 756KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500 - 1559 Y207/01 - PDF 300KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 300KB
  • Question paper - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Mark scheme - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 374KB
  • Question paper - African kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: Four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 675KB
  • Mark scheme - African kingdoms c.1400–c.1800: Four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 338KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 249KB
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 258KB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 288KB
  • Question paper - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 315KB
  • Question paper - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 828KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 328KB
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 356KB
  • Question paper - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 909KB
  • Mark scheme - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 285KB
  • Question paper - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 250KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 251KB
  • Question paper - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 251KB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 299KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 280KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 299KB
  • Question paper - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 296KB
  • Question paper - The Viking Age c. 790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 855KB
  • Mark scheme - The Viking Age c. 790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 304KB
  • Question paper - English government and the church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - English government and the church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 266KB
  • Question paper - The church and medieval heresy 1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 643KB
  • Mark scheme - The church and medieval heresy 1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 289KB
  • Question paper - The Renaissance c.1400– c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 643KB
  • Mark scheme - The Renaissance c.1400–c.1600 Y305/01 - PDF 283KB
  • Question paper - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 646KB
  • Mark scheme - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 262KB
  • Question paper - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 612KB
  • Mark scheme - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 280KB
  • Question paper - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 613KB
  • Mark scheme - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 284KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 613KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 279KB
  • Question paper - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 614KB
  • Mark scheme - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 294KB
  • Question paper - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558–1783 Y311/01 - PDF 268KB
  • Question paper - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 616KB
  • Mark scheme - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 264KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 612KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 281KB
  • Question paper - The challenge of German Nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 317KB
  • Question paper - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 post-exam correction Y315/01 - PDF 145KB
  • Mark scheme - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 322KB
  • Question paper - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 319KB
  • Question paper - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 644KB
  • Mark scheme - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 339KB
  • Question paper - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 312KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia and its rulers 1855-1964 Y318/01 - PDF 327KB
  • Question paper - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 614KB
  • Mark scheme - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 269KB
  • Examiners' report - Civil rights in the USA 1865-1992 Y319/01 - PDF 320KB
  • Question paper - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 615KB
  • Mark scheme - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 257KB
  • Question paper - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 614KB
  • Mark scheme - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 311KB
  • Modified papers ZIP 18MB

2019 - June series

  • Examiners' report - Topic based essay Y100/01/02 - PDF 437KB
  • Question paper - Alfred and the making of England 871-1016 Y101/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Alfred and the making of England 871-1016 Y101/01 - PDF 493KB
  • Examiners' report - Alfred and the making of England 871–1016 Y101/01 - PDF 795KB
  • Question paper - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 Y102/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 Y102/01 - PDF 493KB
  • Examiners' report - Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 Y102/01 - PDF 983KB
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 514KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1199–1272 Y103/01 - PDF 698KB
  • Question paper - England 1377–1455 Y104/01 - PDF 878KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1377-1455 Y104/01 - PDF 513KB
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 284KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1445-1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 594KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y105/01 - PDF 745KB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485-1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 851KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y106/01 - PDF 619KB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547-1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 841KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y107/01 - PDF 518KB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603-1660 Y108/01 - PDF 849KB
  • Examiners' report - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y108/01 - PDF 421KB
  • Question paper - The making of Georgian Britain 1678–c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The making of Georgian Britain 1678-c.1760 Y109/01 - PDF 777KB
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783-1853 Y110/01 - PDF 656KB
  • Examiners' report - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y110/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846–1918 - Post exam correction Y111/01 - PDF 172KB
  • Mark scheme - Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846-1918 Y111/01 - PDF 582KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1900-1951 Y112/01 - PDF 581KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1900–1951 Y112/01 - PDF 756KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1930-1997 Y113/01 - PDF 783KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1930–1997 Y113/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Question paper - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - The rise of Islam c.550–750 Y201/01 - PDF 467KB
  • Question paper - Charlemagne 768–814 Y202/01 - PDF 886KB
  • Mark scheme - Charlemagne 768-814 Y202/01 - PDF 557KB
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095-1192 Y203/01 - PDF 622KB
  • Examiners' report - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095–1192 Y203/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167–1405 Y204/01 - PDF 911KB
  • Mark scheme - Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c. 1167-1405 Y204/01 - PDF 728KB
  • Question paper - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445–1570 Y205/01 - PDF 861KB
  • Mark scheme - Exploration, encounters and empire 1445-1570 Y205/01 - PDF 558KB
  • Question paper - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 912KB
  • Mark scheme - Spain 1469-1556 Y206/01 - PDF 888KB
  • Examiners' report - Spain 1469–1556 Y206/01 - PDF 407KB
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 929KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500-1559 Y207/01 - PDF 818KB
  • Examiners' report - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y207/01 - PDF 490KB
  • Question paper - Philip II 1556–1598 Y208/01 - PDF 676KB
  • Mark scheme - Philip II 1556-1598 Y208/01 - PDF 822KB
  • Question paper - African kingdoms c.1400–1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 901KB
  • Mark scheme - African kingdoms c.1400-1800: four case studies Y209/01 - PDF 858KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1645–1741 Y210/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1645-1741 Y210/01 - PDF 886KB
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 898KB
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740-1796 Y212/01 - PDF 631KB
  • Examiners' report - The American Revolution 1740–1796 Y212/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 676KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774-1815 Y213/01 - PDF 822KB
  • Examiners' report - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y213/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - France 1814–1870 Y214/01 - PDF 676KB
  • Mark scheme - France 1814-1870 Y214/01 - PDF 734KB
  • Question paper - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 861KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy and unification 1789-1896 Y215/01 - PDF 1006KB
  • Examiners' report - Italy and unification 1789–1896 Y215/01 - PDF 972KB
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803 – c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 721KB
  • Examiners' report - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c1890 Y216/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Japan 1853–1937 Y217/01 - PDF 910KB
  • Mark scheme - Japan 1853-1937 Y217/01 - PDF 489KB
  • Question paper - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 919KB
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890-1941 Y218/01 - PDF 447KB
  • Examiners' report - International relations 1890–1941 Y218/01 - PDF 575KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894-1941 Y219/01 - PDF 714KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894–1941 Y219/01 - PDF 624KB
  • Question paper - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 916KB
  • Mark scheme - Italy 1896-1943 Y220/01 - PDF 422KB
  • Examiners' report - Italy 1896–1943 Y220/01 - PDF 524KB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 861KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 Y221/01 - PDF 724KB
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y221/01 - PDF 606KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 923KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945-1993 Y222/01 - PDF 560KB
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y222/01 - PDF 674KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 932KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995 Y223/01 - PDF 754KB
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y223/01 - PDF 649KB
  • Question paper - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 676KB
  • Mark scheme - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948-1999 Y224/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Examiners' report - Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948–1999 Y224/01 - PDF 446KB
  • Question paper - The Viking Age c.790–1066 Y302/01 - PDF 876KB
  • Mark scheme - The Viking Age c.790-1066 Y302/01 - PDF 428KB
  • Question paper - English government and the Church 1066–1216 Y303/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - English government and the Church 1066-1216 Y303/01 - PDF 418KB
  • Question paper - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100–1437 Y304/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Church and medieval heresy c.1100-1437 Y304/01 - PDF 428KB
  • Mark scheme - The Renaissance c.1400-1600 Y305/01 - PDF 621KB
  • Question paper - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 Y306/01 - PDF 782KB
  • Examiners' report - Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603 Y306/01 - PDF 413KB
  • Question paper - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Tudor foreign policy 1485-1603 Y307/01 - PDF 716KB
  • Examiners' report - Tudor foreign policy 1485–1603 Y307/01 - PDF 495KB
  • Question paper - The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610 Y308/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The Catholic Reformation 1492-1610 Y308/01 - PDF 620KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606 Y309/01 - PDF 890KB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453-1606 Y309/01 - PDF 614KB
  • Question paper - The development of the nation state: France 1498–1610 Y310/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The development of the nation state: France 1498-1610 Y310/01 - PDF 878KB
  • Mark scheme - The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558 - 1783 Y311/01 - PDF 778KB
  • Question paper - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 785KB
  • Examiners' report - Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries Y312/01 - PDF 417KB
  • Question paper - The ascendancy of France 1610–1715 Y313/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The ascendancy of France 1610-1715 Y313/01 - PDF 889KB
  • Question paper - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The challenge of German nationalism 1789-1919 Y314/01 - PDF 786KB
  • Examiners' report - The challenge of German nationalism 1789–1919 Y314/01 - PDF 756KB
  • Question paper - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 876KB
  • Mark scheme - The changing nature of warfare 1792-1945 Y315/01 - PDF 786KB
  • Examiners' report - The changing nature of warfare 1792–1945 Y315/01 - PDF 772KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain and Ireland 1791-1921 Y316/01 - PDF 616KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain and Ireland 1791–1921 Y316/01 - PDF 685KB
  • Mark scheme - China and its rulers 1839-1989 Y317/01 - PDF 617KB
  • Examiners' report - China and its rulers 1839–1989 Y317/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 279KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia and its rulers 1855-1964 Y318/01 - PDF 871KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia and its rulers 1855–1964 Y318/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 878KB
  • Mark scheme - Civil rights in the USA 1865-1992 Y319/01 - PDF 887KB
  • Examiners' report - Civil rights in the USA 1865–1992 Y319/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Question paper - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - From Colonialism to Independence: the British Empire 1857 - 1965 Y320/01 - PDF 940KB
  • Examiners' report - From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857–1965 Y320/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 872KB
  • Mark scheme - The Middle East 1908-2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 723KB
  • Examiners' report - The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring Y321/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Modified papers ZIP 51MB
  • Summer highlights report H505 - PDF 366KB

Sample assessment materials

  • Alfred and the making of England 871-1016 H505/Y101 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 765KB
  • Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 H505/Y102 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 775KB
  • England 1199-1272 H505/Y103 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 779KB
  • England 1377-1455 H505/Y104 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 629KB
  • England 1445-1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII H505/Y105 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 617KB
  • England 1485-1558: the early Tudors H505/Y106 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 625KB
  • England 1547-1603: the later Tudors H505/Y107 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 697KB
  • The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603-1660 H505/Y108 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 623KB
  • The making of Georgian Britain 1678-c.1760 H505/Y109 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 698KB
  • From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783-1853 H505/Y110 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846-1918 H505/Y111 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 618KB
  • Britain 1900-1951 H505/Y112 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 623KB
  • Britain 1930-1997 H505/Y113 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 625KB
  • Exemplar - Britain 1930-1997 H505/Y113 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 2MB
  • The rise of Islam c.550-750 H505/Y201 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 745KB
  • Charlemagne 768-814 H505/Y202 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 735KB
  • The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095-1192 H505/Y203 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 713KB
  • Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c.1167-1405 H505/Y204 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 730KB
  • Exploration, encounters and empire 1445-1570 H505/Y205 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 715KB
  • Spain 1469-1556 H505/Y206 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 718KB
  • The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 H505/Y207 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 716KB
  • Philip II 1556-1598 H505/Y208 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 725KB
  • African kingdoms c.1400-c.1800: four case studies H505/Y209 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • Russia 1645-1741 H505/Y210 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • The rise and decline of the Mughal Empire in India 1526-1739 H505/Y211 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • The American Revolution 1740-1796 H505/Y212 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 636KB
  • The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774-1815 H505/Y213 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 724KB
  • France 1814-1870 H505/Y214 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 716KB
  • Italy and unification 1789-1896 H505/Y215 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 728KB
  • The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and civil war 1803-c.1890 H505/Y216 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 715KB
  • Japan 1853-1937 H505/Y217 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 734KB
  • International relations 1890-1941 H505/Y218 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 732KB
  • Russia 1894-1941 H505/Y219 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 729KB
  • Italy 1896-1943 H505/Y220 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 723KB
  • Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 H505/Y221 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 734KB
  • The Cold War in Asia 1945-1993 H505/Y222 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 737KB
  • The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995 H505/Y223 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 722KB
  • Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948-1999 H505/Y224 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 720KB
  • The early Anglo-Saxons c.400-800 H505/Y301 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 710KB
  • The Viking Age c.790-1066 H505/Y302 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 707KB
  • English government and the Church 1066-1216 H505/Y303 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 697KB
  • The Church and medieval heresy c.1100-1437 H505/Y304 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 692KB
  • The Renaissance c.1400-c.1600 H505/Y305 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 736KB
  • Rebellion and disorder under the Tudors 1485-1603 H505/Y306 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 712KB
  • Tudor foreign policy 1485-1603 H505/Y307 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 707KB
  • The Catholic Reformation 1492-1610 H505/Y308 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 692KB
  • The ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453-1606 H505/Y309 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 766KB
  • The development of the nation state: France 1498-1610 H505/Y310 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 767KB
  • The origins and growth of the British Empire 1558-1783 H505/Y311 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 705KB
  • Popular culture and the witchcraze of the 16th and 17th centuries H505/Y312 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 701KB
  • The ascendancy of France 1610-1715 H505/Y313 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 768KB
  • The challenge of German nationalism 1789-1919 H505/Y314 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 776KB
  • The changing nature of warfare 1792-1945 H505/Y315 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 703KB
  • Britain and Ireland 1791-1921 H505/Y316 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 703KB
  • China and its rulers 1839-1989 H505/Y317 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 692KB
  • Russia and its rulers 1855-1964 H505/Y318 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 776KB
  • Civil rights in the USA 1865-1992 H505/Y319 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 769KB
  • Exemplar - Civil rights in the USA 1865-1992 H505/Y319 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 1MB
  • From colonialism to independence: The British Empire 1857-1965 H505/Y320 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 772KB
  • The Middle East 1908-2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring H505/Y321 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 788KB

Marking instructions are included at the beginning of specimen assessment material mark schemes and were accurate at the time of publication. Marking instructions may be revised in live papers as appropriate during the lifetime of the qualification.

We're currently revising our SAMs to update third-party copyright agreements. For question examples see our question papers, marks schemes and reports.

Candidate exemplars

2018 - june series.

  • The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y216/01 - PDF 4MB

Candidate style answers

  • Unit 01 enquiries (Y101, Y103-105) These responses have been provided to help to illustrate how the sample assessment questions might be answered and to provide some commentary on what factors contribute to an overall grading. PDF 532KB
  • Unit 01 enquiries (Y102, Y106-113) These responses have been provided to help to illustrate how the sample assessment questions might be answered and to provide some commentary on what factors contribute to an overall grading. PDF 595KB
  • Unit 02 part 1 comparison question These responses have been provided to help to illustrate how the sample assessment questions might be answered and to provide some commentary on what factors contribute to an overall grading. PDF 833KB
  • Unit 03 These responses have been provided to help to illustrate how the sample assessment questions might be answered and to provide some commentary on what factors contribute to an overall grading. PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 392KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - England 1485-1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 1MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 677KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 401KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 678KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 384KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - The early Stuarts and the Origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 694KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Britain c1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 692KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Britain c. 1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 413KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 676KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 370KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 676KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 365KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894-1941 Y249/01 - PDF 729KB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 676KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 369KB 29 days ago
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 Y251/01 - PDF 4MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 676KB 29 days ago
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 371KB 29 days ago
  • Modified papers H105 - ZIP 7MB 29 days ago
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 826KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 439KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1485-1558: the Early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 6MB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 833KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 440KB
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 673KB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 353KB
  • Question paper - Britain c1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain c. 1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 353KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1930-1997 Y143/01 - PDF 4MB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 839KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 346KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 342KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894-1941 Y249/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 971KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 511KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y252/01 - PDF 838KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y252/01 - PDF 465KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 832KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 354KB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: The early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: The early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 339KB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: The late Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 859KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: The late Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 384KB
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 860KB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 339KB
  • Question paper - Britain 1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 615KB
  • Mark scheme - Britain 1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 378KB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 855KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 273KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 306KB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 856KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 335KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y252/01 - PDF 843KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y252/01 - PDF 343KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 856KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 293KB
  • Question paper - England 1199–1272 Y133/01 - PDF 876KB
  • Mark scheme - England 1199–1272 Y133/01 - PDF 690KB
  • Question paper - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y135/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1445–1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Y135/01 - PDF 642KB
  • Question paper - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1485–1558: the early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 815KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1485-1558: the Early Tudors Y136/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - England 1547–1603: the later Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 761KB
  • Examiners' report - England 1547-1603: the Late Tudors Y137/01 - PDF 713KB
  • Question paper - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603–1660 Y138/01 - PDF 563KB
  • Examiners' report - The Early Stuarts and the Origins of the Civil War 1603-1660 Y138/01 - PDF 642KB
  • Question paper - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783-1853 Y140/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783–1853 Y140/01 - PDF 534KB
  • Question paper - Britain c1930-1997 Y143/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Mark scheme - Britain c. 1930–1997 Y143/01 - PDF 456KB
  • Examiners' report - Britain 1930-1997 Y143/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The Crusades and the Crusader States 1095-1192 Y233/01 - PDF 958KB
  • Question paper - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500-1559 Y237/01 - PDF 988KB
  • Mark scheme - The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500–1559 Y237/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The American Revolution 1740-1796 Y242/01 - PDF 956KB
  • Mark scheme - The American Revolution 1740-1796 Y242/01 - PDF 1003KB
  • Question paper - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774-1815 Y243/01 - PDF 962KB
  • Mark scheme - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774–1815 Y243/01 - PDF 1001KB
  • Examiners' report - The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774-1815 Y243/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - The USA in the 19th century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803-c1890 Y246/01 - PDF 977KB
  • Mark scheme - The USA in the 19th Century: Westward expansion and Civil War 1803–c.1890 Y246/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Question paper - International Relations 1890–1941 Y248/01 - PDF 977KB
  • Mark scheme - International relations 1890 - 1941 Y248/01 - PDF 965KB
  • Question paper - Russia 1894-1941 Y249/01 - PDF 962KB
  • Mark scheme - Russia 1894–1941 Y249/01 - PDF 753KB
  • Examiners' report - Russia 1894-1941 Y249/01 - PDF 632KB
  • Question paper - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 Y251/01 - PDF 874KB
  • Mark scheme - Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919–1963 Y251/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 Y251/01 - PDF 633KB
  • Examiners' report - Democracy and Dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 Y251/01 - PDF 5MB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Asia 1945-1993 Y252/01 - PDF 969KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Asia 1945–1993 Y252/01 - PDF 911KB
  • Question paper - The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995 Y253/01 - PDF 964KB
  • Mark scheme - The Cold War in Europe 1941–1995 Y253/01 - PDF 1MB
  • Examiners' report - The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995 Y253/01 - PDF 634KB
  • Alfred and the making of England 871-1016 H105/Y131 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 792KB
  • Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest 1035-1107 H105/Y132 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 837KB
  • England 1199-1272 H105/Y133 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 785KB
  • England 1445-1509: Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII H105/Y135 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • England 1485-1558: The early Tudors H105/Y136 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 782KB
  • England 1547-1603: The later Tudors H105/Y137 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 711KB
  • The early Stuarts and the origins of the Civil War 1603-1660 H105/Y138 - Sample question and mark scheme. PDF 753KB
  • The making of Georgian Britain 1678-c.1760 H105/Y139 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 793KB
  • From Pitt to Peel: Britain 1783-1853 H105/Y140 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 726KB
  • Liberals, Conservatives and the rise of Labour 1846-1918 H105/Y141 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 709KB
  • Britain 1900-1951 H105/Y142 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 710KB
  • Britain 1930-1997 H105/Y143 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 719KB
  • The Crusades and the Crusader states 1095-1192 H105/Y233 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 762KB
  • Genghis Khan and the explosion from the Steppes c1167-1405 H105/Y234 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 683KB
  • The German Reformation and the rule of Charles V 1500-1559 H105/Y237 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 686KB
  • Philip II 1556-1598 H105/Y238 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 688KB
  • Russia 1645-1741 H105/Y240 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 680KB
  • The American Revolution 1740-1796 H105/Y242 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 677KB
  • The French Revolution and the rule of Napoleon 1774-1815 H105/Y243 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 680KB
  • France 1814-1870 H105/Y244 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 827KB
  • Italy and Unification 1789-1896 H105/Y245 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 753KB
  • The USA in the 19th century: westward expansion and civil War H105/Y246 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 689KB
  • International relations 1890-1941 H105/Y248 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 684KB
  • Russia 1894-1941 H105/Y249 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 686KB
  • Italy 1896-1943 H105/Y250 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 685KB
  • Democracy and dictatorships in Germany 1919-1963 H105/Y251 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 685KB
  • The Cold War in Asia 1945-1993 H105/Y252 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 828KB
  • The Cold War in Europe 1941-1995 H105/Y253 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 701KB
  • Apartheid and reconciliation: South African politics 1948-1999 H105/Y254 - Sample question paper and mark scheme. PDF 688KB

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OCR History Coursework

Recently my school has started the coursework portion of the A-Level, and they are giving us complete freedom as to what question we choose. The only problem is every idea I have is getting shot down (so in reality not complete freedom). I wanted to either do something Georgian or Victorian but have started to run out of ideas. Any Help?

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  1. History A level coursework OCR FULL MARKS reconstruction in the US

    ocr history coursework ideas

  2. Complete A Level OCR History Notes

    ocr history coursework ideas

  3. Ocr History A2 Coursework Examples

    ocr history coursework ideas

  4. OCR A Level History Coursework Exemplar

    ocr history coursework ideas

  5. A level history ocr courseworks

    ocr history coursework ideas

  6. Ocr a2 history coursework examples

    ocr history coursework ideas


  1. Lec 1

  2. Exam Walk Through

  3. A Level History: Coursework Video 1

  4. OER Project Presents: Graphic Biographies

  5. 5.3.2 qualitative analysis

  6. Coursework Advice


  1. PDF OCR A Level History A

    The History A unit Y100 Topic based essay is an independently researched essay of 3000- 4000 words in length. This unit is a non exam assessment. The work will be marked by centres and moderated by OCR.

  2. 30+ A-Level History NEA Ideas

    A-Level History NEA ideas for Weimar and Nazi Germany Weimar and Nazi Germany is a common topic, not only at A-Level, but also at GCSE and even at the start of secondary school, before starting GCSEs.

  3. Titles proposal tool

    This tool is for teachers to find and propose titles for A Level History H505 Unit Y100 non-exam assessment topic-based essays using our database of pre-approved titles. Use this tool to Find, choose and submit pre-approved titles as candidate title choices. The list of pre-approved titles is extensive and we would advise choosing from this ...

  4. PDF OCR AS and A Level History A

    This guide has been written by Dr Leif Jerram, a Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Manchester. This guide gives excellent insight into skills and techniques that you could use to plan and write their coursework; as well as indicating the kinds of skills that will be developed if you go on to study History at University.

  5. Exemplar Coursework

    Recommended for you 46 OCR A Level History Revision Guide A Level History A Class notes 100%(27) 81 1C The Tudors England 1485 1603 Revision Notes A Level History A Class notes 100%(16) 3 Henry VII timeline A Level History A Summaries 100%(10)

  6. History Coursework: how to Choose the Best Question

    1. Choose to study something interesting for your history coursework If you have the chance to choose whichever topic you like for your history coursework and set your own question, or if you are given a list of different topics, choose one you are genuinely interested in. You will be working on this piece for months, so it makes sense to choose something that will hold your interest.

  7. A Level History Topics

    The following list of A Level History topics will help you to understand exactly which topics you are studying and how your course is broken down in terms of assessment. This post covers all the three main exam boards of AQA, Edexcel and OCR.

  8. PDF OCR AS and A Level History A

    They may wish to study an aspect of local history when their main course has been predominantly based on national history. They may wish to pursue a cultural or intellectual topic - a study of the arts or philosophy or literature in a particular period.

  9. OCR History A-Level NEA coursework essay 38/40 A* example 2021

    This is my final OCR History a level coursework for unit Y100. It is an independently researched essay titled 'to what extent do you agree that there was a crisis in the Mid-Tudor period (1547-1558)? Contains both primary and secondary sources all referenced as well as historians views. This was scored 38/40 marks (A*).

  10. A Level OCR History Primer for Teachers

    A Level OCR History Primer for Teachers Setting and marking every single History homework can take an awfully long time. Time that could have been spent on lesson planning, watching Manchester United lose, or with family.

  11. Ideas for History a-level coursework

    Ideas for History a-level coursework. A. Krrrrrr.06. 1. I am interested in doing cold war and its impact of america , however cannot do anything on reagen as that is part of my paper 1 question 3 . Therefore i am struggling to get ideas on what question to narrow to for thye cold war . Any ideas?

  12. Ocr History A Level Coursework Examples

    The document discusses some of the key challenges students often face when completing A-Level coursework in history. It outlines that coursework requires extensive research, critical thinking skills, strong time management abilities, and a high level of academic writing proficiency. Seeking assistance from expert writing services can help alleviate some of these burdens by providing well ...

  13. Getting ready for A Level History coursework

    Getting ready for A Level History coursework - Mike Goddard. The basics. As anticipated, we've had a notable increase in queries about coursework and titles submitted for approval over the last few weeks. So I thought it would be a good idea to post a reminder of a couple of key documents about the unit: you can access the official teacher ...

  14. A Level History OCR Complete Women Civil Rights Notes and essay plans

    This a fantastic bundle of notes and essay plans from the OCR Womens Civil rights from 1865-1992 Unit that includes heavily detailed notes in essay form divided into paragraphs of social, political and economic factors. These notes also include model essays that have been granted all A-A* level 18-25/25. It includes questions on Female own ...

  15. A-Level History coursework ideas

    Original post by PetitePanda I dont do OCR so definitely look at what you need to do but I'm currently doing Industrial revolution and that is a bit of economic history, especially with real wages and consumption per capita, so maybe look if you would be interested in that area.

  16. OCR A Level History Coursework Exemplar

    OCR A Level History Coursework Exemplar. Subject: History. Age range: 16+. Resource type: Unit of work. File previews. docx, 32.64 KB. Russia coursework on Stalin's rise and consolidation of power. Achieved 36/40, which was an A*. Tes paid licence How can I reuse this?

  17. A-Level history coursework ideas??

    A-Level history coursework ideas?? A. crazysteve. So for my history coursework we have to choose a approx. 100 year period of history to study and we can pick our own question.

  18. A Level History Coursework Edexcel

    This guide shows you how to plan, research and write A Level History coursework for Edexcel using ideas, resources, examples and structure.

  19. Understanding History coursework assessment objectives

    The Assessment Objectives. Let us look at some key bullet points for each of the assessment objectives. The focus here will be on common themes aimed at supporting overall improvements. AO1. Ensure descriptive narrative isn't overly credited.

  20. A Level History: What deadlines do I need to be aware of for ...

    A Level History: What deadlines do I need to be aware of for submitting coursework? All coursework titles need to be approved, using the title proposal form on the OCR website. The deadline for submitting titles for approval is 31 January in the year of entry. Titles need to be approved even if they are the same as the previous years'.

  21. AS and A Level

    For free online courses to support marking and moderation sign into My Cambridge and click OCR Train. If you need a login, ask your exams officer. OCR AS and A Level History A (from 2015) qualification information including specification, exam materials, teaching resources, learning resources.

  22. OCR History Coursework : r/6thForm

    I did history OCR coursework. I'd recommend you pick a very broad question to get you started. I personally did Italy and why it unified. My question was about the 1848 revolutions within Italy and their causes.

  23. PDF OCR Nationals

    A2 Unit F987: Historical Significance This Coursework Guidance is designed to accompany the OCR Advanced Subsidiary GCE and Advanced GCE specification in History B for teaching from September 2008.