Smart Nurse

How to Write a Nursing Essay Introduction

by ella | Feb 11, 2024 | Medical and Health

Writing an essay starts with making a good introduction. The introduction helps grab the reader’s attention and explains what the essay will be about. In nursing, it’s important to make your introduction clear, interesting, and related to healthcare. This article will guide you on how to write a nursing essay introduction step by step, making it easier to create a good start to your essay. Through simple tips and explanations, you’ll learn how to catch your reader’s interest and prepare them for what you will discuss in your essay. Introductory Paragraph Definition The introductory paragraph is the first part of your essay that readers see. It’s like a door to your essay. When readers go through it, they get to know what topic you’ll be talking about. This paragraph helps catch readers’ attention and gives them a reason to keep reading. It often starts with something interesting, like a surprising fact or a short story. Then, it briefly explains the topic of your essay. Finally, it states your main point or argument, a thesis statement. The introductory paragraph sets the ground for everything else in your essay, making it crucial for getting your readers interested and understanding what to expect as they read on. How Long Should an Introduction Be? When you write an essay, the introduction is the starting point where you tell your readers what the essay is about. Now, how long should this introduction be? A good rule is to make it about 8% to 9% of your essay’s total words. So, if your essay is 1000 words, the introduction would be around 80 to 90 words long. Why this length? Well, it’s long enough to give your readers a clear idea about your topic and get them interested, but not too long that it gets boring or gives away too much information. It’s just the right length to introduce your topic, grab the reader’s attention, and tell them your main argument, the thesis statement, without diving into the main points you’ll discuss in the rest of the essay. What Makes a Good Introduction A good introduction acts like a map that guides your readers into the main part of your essay. Here’s what makes an introduction good:

Catches Attention: A good introduction starts with something interesting to catch your reader’s attention, like a surprising fact, a question, or a short story.

Introduces the Topic: It tells your readers what the essay is about clearly and simply.

Has a Thesis Statement: A good introduction includes a thesis statement and a clear and strong point or argument you will make in your essay. It tells the reader what to expect as they read on.

Not Too Long or Short: It should be just the right essay length, not too long to lose interest, and not too short to miss important information.

Engaging: It should make your readers want to read more. It’s like inviting them into your essay, making them curious about what comes next.

Clear and to the Point: It should be clear, straightforward, and concise so readers can easily understand what the essay will discuss.

Previews What’s Coming: A good introduction previews what topics or points will be covered in the essay without giving away too much.

What Are the 3 Parts of an Introduction Paragraph? The introduction paragraph is important as it helps the reader understand what your essay will be about. It’s made up of three main parts: Part 1: Essay Hook The essay hook in the introduction of a nursing essay acts as a catalyst to ignite the reader’s curiosity and ensure they continue reading. In nursing, this initial hook carries a particular significance as it provides a window into a field that is as emotionally charged as it is technical.  For instance, in a nursing essay focused on patient care, the hook might take the form of a compelling narrative of a nurse’s experience on a hectic night shift. The activities in a ward, the emotions of patients and their families, and amidst it all, the steadfast presence of a nurse could be the scene set as the hook. This imagery captures the essence of nursing and resonates with the reader, drawing them into the narrative. Similarly, if the essay is geared towards exploring the evolving role of nurses in modern healthcare, the hook could present a stark statistic highlighting the growing responsibilities shouldered by nurses. Through the hook, the readers are not merely observers but become emotionally invested, making the subsequent exploration of the nursing profession deeply engaging and insightful. The 5 Types of Hooks for Writing Here are some simple ways to create a hook in your essay:

A Common Misconception: This is about sharing many people’s false beliefs or misunderstandings and correcting them. Example: “Many believe that nurses only follow doctors’ orders, but they make crucial decisions that impact patient care daily.”

Statistics: Sharing a surprising or interesting number or data related to your topic. Example: “Research shows that nurses spend up to 60% of their time on paperwork, taking them away from patient care.”

Personal Story: Telling a brief story from real life or your own experience that connects to your essay topic. Example: “My sister’s caring nature as a nurse brought comfort to fearful patients, making me realize the emotional impact nurses have.”

Scenes: Painting a picture with words about a certain scene or situation related to your topic. Example: “Imagine a busy hospital ward, nurses swiftly moving from one patient to another, showcasing their ability to multitask and provide personalized care.”

Thesis Statement: Stating the main point or argument of your essay in a clear and precise way. Example: “This essay will delve into the indispensable role of nurses in improving the patient experience and healthcare outcomes.”

Part 2: Connections “Connections” in an introduction represent the bridge between the initial hook and the main topic or thesis of the essay. This section further draws the reader into the central theme by establishing context, relevance, and the importance of the subject. It ensures the reader isn’t left hanging after the hook, making the transition smoother. In nursing essays, connections might explore why a particular misconception, statistic, or story (from the hook) is significant to the broader world of nursing or healthcare. For example, suppose the hook was a statistic about the number of hours nurses spend with patients. In that case, the connection might discuss the significance of nurse-patient interactions, how they are at the heart of patient care, or how they can significantly influence a patient’s recovery and overall hospital experience. In essence, the “connections” part links the specific instance or fact from the hook to the broader implications or themes you’re about to explore in your essay, ensuring the reader understands why what they’re about to read matters. Part 3: The Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most important part of an introduction paragraph. It is usually the last sentence of the introduction. The thesis statement clearly states the main idea or argument of the entire essay in one concise sentence. It answers the prompt or question asked in the assignment.  The thesis sets up the entire essay by establishing the focus and purpose of the writing. A good thesis statement is clear, focused, take a stand or position, and can be supported by evidence. The rest of the essay will provide details, facts, arguments, and evidence that support the thesis statement.  The thesis gives the essay direction and focus. The thesis statement must be narrow enough to fully cover the essay but broad enough for analysis and discussion. The reader should finish the introduction paragraph understanding exactly what the essay will be about based on the thesis statement. Steps to Write an Essay Introduction Here are the steps to write an effective nursing essay introduction: Step 1. Engage Your Reader The opening sentence or “hook” of an introduction paragraph grabs the reader’s attention. A strong hook makes the reader interested and want to keep reading. Here are some tips for engaging the reader right from the start:

Ask a thought-provoking question

Use an interesting, shocking, or intriguing statistic

Open with a relevant quotation, anecdote, fact, news story, vivid description, or definition

Create a conversation, scenario, or narrative to draw the reader in

Use humor, irony, or an unusual perspective to surprise the reader

The goal is to create curiosity, emotion, and connection immediately so the reader feels invested. An engaging hook gives a reason to care about the topic and hooks the reader into wanting to read more. After an attention-grabbing beginning sentence, the introduction can provide context and background to transition smoothly into the essay’s main argument. But a strong, thoughtful hook comes first to capture interest and attention. Step 2. Give Background Information After grabbing the reader’s attention with an opening hook, the next step is to give some context and background information about the essay’s topic. The background should be brief but informative, helping the reader understand the topic and its significance.  The background information should be connected to and help frame the essay’s main argument. It allows the writer to define key terms, frame the scope, provide historical context, or share social/political background before transitioning to the essay’s thesis.  The goal is to orient the reader without overloading them with too many details at the start. A few concise but meaningful sentences of background can set the stage before delivering the essay’s central argument in the thesis statement. Step 3. Expose Your Thesis Statement The thesis statement is the most integral part of an introduction. It comes at the end of the intro paragraph and establishes the essay’s central argument or main point. The thesis directly responds to the prompt or question posed in the assignment. It lays out the essay’s key position and focus in one concise, declarative statement. All the background information should lead up to and frame this thesis. This thesis takes a clear stand while summarizing the main argument. The rest of the essay will provide evidence and analysis to support and develop this position. The thesis statement gives the reader insight into the essay’s purpose and direction. It must be argumentative, focused, and thoughtful – a signpost for the essay’s content. With an engaging hook, informative background, and clear thesis statement, an introduction orients readers and sets an essay up for success. Step 4. Draft Your Essay Structure After writing a solid thesis statement, the next step is to map out the main points supporting and developing that central argument throughout the essay. Planning the basic structure gives the writer a logical progression and flow for the essay’s body paragraphs. For example, each body paragraph could contain a major reason why the thesis is true. Drafting a basic outline ensures the essay will thoroughly explain the thesis. The structure provides organization and direction. While the outline may change as the essay develops, having a planned structure guides the writer. The introduction doesn’t need to preview the full outline, but the thesis should directly lead to the topics of the body paragraphs. This continuity reinforces the central argument and establishes the logical support and analysis to validate the essay’s claim. Step 5. Revise After drafting the introduction paragraph, including an opening hook, background information, thesis statement, and outline, the next step is to revise. Revising allows the writer to strengthen and refine the introduction. Here are tips for revising an essay introduction:

Make sure the hook immediately draws in the reader.

Check that background info is brief but informative. Cut unimportant details.

Read the thesis statement carefully. Is it clear, focused, arguable, and well-written?

Ensure the thesis directly answers the prompt or assignment question.

Review that the essay outline logically flows from the thesis.

Check for varied sentence structure and smooth transitions between sentences.

Ensure the introduction is written in the student’s original, unique voice.

Ask – does this intro give the reader essential context and clearly state the essay’s central argument?

Revising the introduction allows the writer to catch any underdeveloped, awkward, or unclear areas. Refining the intro before writing the full essay ensures the foundation is established to convince readers of the thesis logically. Catchy Introductions for Different Essay Types Here are some examples of writing catchy introductions tailored to different essay types: Narrative Introduction The lights were bright and the room was freezing. I could hear the muffled cries of the two-day-old infant in the incubator beside me as I carefully calculated the dosage. This was my first time administering medication on the job as a nursing student in the NICU. I knew neonatal nursing would be challenging, but I realized in that moment it would also reshape my perspective.

The fragility of life was tangible, yet amidst wires and monitors, there was hope. This experience taught me that something as small as an injection has the power to heal and comfort. My nursing journey began with that first nervous med pass late one night in the NICU, starting me on a path I could not yet fully envision. This introduction establishes the narrative scene while hinting at the insights explored in the essay. The hook places the reader in the story while introducing the reflective tone and theme. The background about starting nursing school and working in the intensive care unit provides context. The thesis hints at a transformative experience that led to a new understanding, setting up the reflective narrative about this memory’s significance. The introduction draws readers into the moment while establishing the personal growth narrative to come. Analytical Introduction The current nursing shortage in the United States has reached critical levels, with the deficit of registered nurses projected to exceed 500,000 by 2025. This shortage impacts healthcare facilities nationwide, diminishing the quality of care and patient outcomes. While an aging workforce and increased healthcare demands contribute to the problem, the root causes are unsatisfactory working environments, leading to high turnover rates.

Inadequate staffing ratios, lack of leadership support, workplace violence, and burnout exacerbate nurse shortages. However, developing effective retention strategies to improve modifiable workplace factors could help healthcare organizations recruit and retain qualified nurses. Targeted interventions to empower nurses and cultivate supportive, collaborative environments will be essential to overcoming the nursing shortage crisis. This introduction establishes the nursing shortage problem and notes some surface-level contributing factors. The thesis then points to underlying workplace environment issues as the root causes. This analytical stance sets the essay to examine these modifiable factors and the solutions they highlight rather than just describing the problem. The introduction primes readers for an analytical discussion on empowering nursing workplace improvements. Persuasive Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed cracks in the foundation of the United States healthcare system. Addressing the longstanding nurse staffing crisis has become urgent as nurses comprise the largest segment of the health workforce. For decades, research has shown inadequate nurse staffing increases patient and nurse risks. However, hospitals and legislators have delayed mandating minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. With recent data revealing up to 20% of nurses plan to leave their positions, safe staffing levels are imperative.

Implementing minimum staffing ratios in every unit, improving work environments, and increasing wages can retain experienced nurses, attract new nurses, and ensure safe patient care. Now is the time to persuade lawmakers and healthcare administrators to enact evidence-based nurse staffing ratio legislation. Doing so will strengthen nursing, prevent future gaps in care, and ultimately save lives. This introduction uses the COVID-19 pandemic context to establish the urgent need for minimum staffing ratios. It references past research and alarming turnover data to highlight the significance of the problem. This leads to the thesis advocating minimum ratio legislation to improve staffing conditions and nurse retention. The intro generates urgency while summarizing the persuasive argument to come – that evidence shows implementing specific nurse staffing reforms will strengthen healthcare. Personal Introduction I remember the sterile smell of the hospital hallway as I walked into my patient’s room for the first time. As a nursing student, I had prepared extensively for this initial clinical rotation. I had memorized lab values, medications, and procedures. Yet textbook knowledge could not prepare me for the wave of nerves I felt seeing my patient lying in the stark, white hospital bed. She looked weary and frail. This was no rubber dummy I had practiced on. This was a living, breathing human who needed my care.

My textbook training came second to forging a true human connection at that moment. Sitting beside her, I listened as she shared her story, goals, and worries. The beeping monitors faded, and I saw her as so much more than a diagnosis. My first clinical rotation taught me that treating patients extends beyond treating their illnesses. In nursing, empathy and compassion for humanity manifest as acts of care. This personal nursing essay introduction draws readers into a poignant clinical scene. It sets up the student’s transition from textbook knowledge to human understanding. The vivid details and reflections establish the introspective tone and theme focused on compassion in nursing care. Tips for Writing a Winning Introduction Paragraph Here are some tips for writing an effective introduction paragraph that grabs attention and sets the stage for the essay:

Start with a strong, thought-provoking hook. Open with an interesting fact, statistic, question, an essay quote, anecdote, vivid description, etc.

Provide brief but valuable context and background on the topic. Define key terms and give relevant historical or social framing.

Build a smooth transition from the background to the specific focus of the essay. Use transitional phrases like “In light of this…”

State the thesis clearly and directly. Present the central argument or position in a concise, one-sentence statement.

Ensure the thesis responds to the prompt and launches the essay’s body.

Structure the introduction logically, moving from a broad to an increasingly narrow focus.

Engage the reader’s interest while also communicating the essay’s purpose.

Revise thoroughly to refine language, improve flow, and bolster impact.

An effective introduction grabs attention, provides a framework, presents a compelling thesis, and primes readers for future discussion. Crafting a thoughtful, polished introduction can get any essay off to a winning start. Final Thoughts The introduction of your nursing essay is your chance to grab the reader’s attention, provide insight into your chosen topic, and set the stage for the following discussion. It’s crucial to nail this part to make a compelling first impression. However, it’s a common struggle for many nursing students to pen down an engaging introduction amidst demanding academic and practical schedules. Struggling to Start Your Nursing Essay? Kickstart your nursing essay with an introduction that resonates. Click Here to Secure a Strong Start with Our Expert Assistance! Let us pave the way for your academic achievements.

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nursing paper introduction

How to Write a Nursing Essay with a Quick Guide

nursing paper introduction

Ever felt the blank-page panic when assigned a nursing essay? Wondering where to start or if your words will measure up to the weight of your experiences? Fear not, because today, we're here to guide you through this process.

Imagine you're at your favorite coffee spot, armed with a cup of motivation (and maybe a sneaky treat). Got it? Great! Now, let's spill the secrets on how to spin your nursing tales into words that not only get you that A+ but also tug at the heartstrings of anyone reading. We've got your back with nursing essay examples that'll be your inspiration, an outline to keep you on the right path, and more!

What Is a Nursing Essay

Let's start by dissecting the concept. A nursing essay serves as a focused exploration of a specific aspect of nursing, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge and its practical application in patient care settings.

Picture it as a journey through the challenges and victories of a budding nurse. These essays go beyond the classroom, tackling everything from tricky ethical dilemmas to the impact of healthcare policies on the front lines. It's not just about grades; it's about proving, 'I'm ready for the real deal.'

So, when you read or write a nursing essay, it's not just words on paper. It's like looking into the world of someone who's about to start their nursing career – someone who's really thought about the ins and outs of being a nurse. And before you kick off your nursing career, don't shy away from asking - write my essay for me - we're ready to land a professional helping hand.

How to Start a Nursing Essay

When you start writing a nursing essay, it is like gearing up for a crucial mission. Here's your quick guide from our nursing essay writing service :

How to Start a Nursing Essay

Choosing Your Topic: Select a topic that sparks your interest and relates to real-world nursing challenges. Consider areas like patient care, ethical dilemmas, or the impact of technology on healthcare.

Outline Your Route : Plan your essay's journey. Create a roadmap with key points you want to cover. This keeps you on track and your essay on point.

Craft a Strong Thesis: Assuming you already know how to write a hook , kick off your writing with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief anecdote. Then, state your main argument or perspective in one sentence. This thesis will serve as the compass for your essay, guiding both you and your reader through the rest of your writing.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Every great essay is like a well-orchestrated performance – it needs a script, a narrative that flows seamlessly, capturing the audience's attention from start to finish. In our case, this script takes the form of a well-organized structure. Let's delve into the elements that teach you how to write a nursing essay, from a mere collection of words to a compelling journey of insights.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Nursing Essay Introduction

Begin your nursing essay with a spark. Knowing how to write essay introduction effectively means sharing a real-life scenario or a striking fact related to your topic. For instance, if exploring patient care, narrate a personal experience that made a lasting impression. Then, crisply state your thesis – a clear roadmap indicating the direction your essay will take. Think of it as a teaser that leaves the reader eager to explore the insights you're about to unfold.

In the main body, dive into the heart of your essay. Each paragraph should explore a specific aspect of your topic. Back your thoughts with examples – maybe a scenario from your clinical experience, a relevant case study, or findings from credible sources. Imagine it as a puzzle coming together; each paragraph adds a piece, forming a complete picture. Keep it focused and let each idea flow naturally into the next.

Nursing Essay Conclusion

As writing a nursing essay nears the end, resist the urge to introduce new elements. Summarize your main points concisely. Remind the reader of the real-world significance of your thesis – why it matters in the broader context of nursing. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or a call to reflection, leaving your reader with a lasting impression. It's like the final scene of a movie that leaves you thinking long after the credits roll.

Nursing Essay Outline

Before diving into the essay, craft a roadmap – your outline. This isn't a rigid skeleton but a flexible guide that ensures your ideas flow logically. Consider the following template from our research paper writing service :


  • Opening Hook: Share a brief, impactful patient care scenario.
  • Relevance Statement: Explain why the chosen topic is crucial in nursing.
  • Thesis: Clearly state the main argument or perspective.

Patient-Centered Care:

  • Definition: Clarify what patient-centered care means in nursing.
  • Personal Experience: Share a relevant encounter from clinical practice.
  • Evidence: Integrate findings from reputable nursing literature.

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

  • Scenario Presentation: Describe a specific ethical challenge faced by nurses.
  • Decision-Making Process: Outline steps taken to address the dilemma.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Discuss any ethical theories guiding the decision.

Impact of Technology on Nursing

  • Current Trends: Highlight technological advancements in nursing.
  • Case Study: Share an example of technology enhancing patient care.
  • Challenges and Benefits: Discuss the pros and cons of technology in nursing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main ideas from each section.
  • Real-world Implications: Emphasize the practical significance in nursing practice.
  • Closing Thought: End with a reflective statement or call to action.

A+ in Nursing Essays Await You!

Ready to excel? Let us guide you. Click now for professional nursing essay writing assistance.

Nursing Essay Examples

Here are the nursing Essay Examples for you to read.

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

When it comes to crafting a stellar nursing essay, a few key strategies can elevate your work from ordinary to exceptional. Here are some valuable tips from our medical school personal statement writer :

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

Connect with Personal Experiences:

  • Approach: Weave personal encounters seamlessly into your narrative.
  • Reasoning: This not only adds authenticity to your essay but also serves as a powerful testament to your firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs in the nursing field.

Emphasize Critical Thinking:

  • Approach: Go beyond describing situations; delve into their analysis.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays are the perfect platform to showcase your critical thinking skills – an essential attribute in making informed decisions in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Incorporate Patient Perspectives:

  • Approach: Integrate patient stories or feedback into your discussion.
  • Reasoning: By bringing in the human element, you demonstrate empathy and an understanding of the patient's experience, a core aspect of nursing care.

Integrate Evidence-Based Practice:

  • Approach: Support your arguments with the latest evidence-based literature.
  • Reasoning: Highlighting your commitment to staying informed and applying current research underscores your dedication to evidence-based practice – a cornerstone in modern nursing.

Address Ethical Considerations:

  • Approach: Explicitly discuss the ethical dimensions of your topic.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays provide a platform to delve into the ethical complexities inherent in healthcare, showcasing your ability to navigate and analyze these challenges.

Balance Theory and Practice:

  • Approach: Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
  • Reasoning: By bridging the gap between theory and practice, you illustrate your capacity to apply academic knowledge effectively in the dynamic realm of nursing.

Highlight Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

  • Approach: Discuss collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals.
  • Reasoning: Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare underscores your understanding of the importance of teamwork – a vital aspect of successful nursing practice.

Reflect on Lessons Learned:

  • Approach: Conclude with a thoughtful reflection on personal growth or lessons from your exploration.
  • Reasoning: This not only provides a satisfying conclusion but also demonstrates your self-awareness and commitment to continuous improvement as a nursing professional.

As we wrap up, think of your essay as a story about your journey into nursing. It's not just about getting a grade; it's a way to share what you've been through and why you want to be a nurse.

Imagine the person reading it – maybe a teacher, a future coworker, or someone starting their nursing journey. They're trying to understand your passion and why you care about nursing.

So, when you write, remember it's more than just an assignment. It's your chance to show why nursing matters to you. And if you ever need help – there's always support from our essay writer online .

Ready to Excel in Your Nursing School Essay?

Order now and experience the expertise of our professional writers!

How to Write a Nursing Essay?

How can a nursing essay effectively address ethical considerations, what are some examples of evidence-based practices in nursing essays.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

nursing paper introduction

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Creative Essay

A Complete Guide To Writing Nursing Paper For Medical Students

blog image

Medical students have to endure countless hardships during their tenure in the college. Among them, the difficult one is writing a nursing paper on a topic related to their field. It’s not just about composing words after going through the research. It relates to their future learning and demonstrating professionalism in their nursing career.

Don’t worry if this explanation seems daunting or a deal-breaker! Today, we will embark on a journey to understand this topic deeply from within. We will learn why these nursing topics are so complicated and how we can write them without any trouble. Furthermore, we will discuss the importance of evidence-based practice for nursing students. The bonus will be the medical topics that are sure to broaden the extent of your knowledge. Without further ado, let’s get ready!

Table of Contents

What Is a Nursing Paper? (What’s All The Fuss About)

A nursing paper is an assignment given to medical students to develop their understanding of clinical practices. They go through the topic under the strict guidelines from the American School of Nursing & Allied Health. By doing this, they collect vital information related to this field and equip themselves with practical knowledge prior to starting a professional career.

Since it’s a critical care profession that revolves around saving human lives, therefore it requires mistake-free decision-making. Every nursing professional must be equipped with nerves of steel because they cannot perform their job without it. Nursing assignments tend to challenge the student’s comfort zone and take them out of it. That’s why these learners require nursing paper writing service to complete their assignments appropriately.

Different Types of Nursing Papers

There are different types of nursing papers for medical students depending on the discipline they choose. Like medical science that has various branches, similarly, nursing has many types that are explained below.

  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Geriatric Nursing
  • Medical Nursing
  • Nephrology Nursing
  • Hepatology Nursing
  • Ophthalmology Nursing
  • Endocrinology Nursing
  • Neurology Nursing
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Orthopedic Nursing
  • Pulmonology Nursing
  • Oncology Nursing
  • Radiology Nursing
  • Dental Nursing
  • Emergency Nursing
  • Dermatology Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Research Paper?

It’s not easy to write a nursing paper without appropriate professional tips . Each word of nursing students is critically examined with a critical eye. They need to understand the subject and patient care that will be provided later in their profession. 

Let’s start learning the basics of writing a nursing assignment from scratch. It will be the best guide you’ll ever get in your career.

Understand the Prompt and Requirements

The first step that every student overlooks is not understanding the assignment prompt. A half-hearted look at the essay prompt is bad for your grades. If a student doesn’t understand or read what the assignment or their professor wants from them, it’s impossible to make it as required from them.

Secondly, every assignment has some requirements, such as making it on a specific disease or patient type. Similarly, your professor might want to assess your knowledge on the latest nursing guidelines or new major breakthroughs in patient care, etc. Here’s how you can improve your practices by following these steps:

  • Don’t just read your prompt but chew on it. Read at least three times to have knowledge from all perspectives.
  • Ask your professor promptly before you start your assignment blindly
  • Evaluate your skills in comparison with the demands of the topic
  • In case where you feel it will overwhelm you, ask your professor to change the subject.
  • Many students who have pre-existing phobias such as hemophobia should avoid such topics that discuss blood or anything related to its types. 
  • If you’re more interested in patient education than direct patient care, then you should discuss this with your professor to assign you topics related to that discipline.

Understanding the requirements also helps your professor to make an accurate judgment about your work. Since your task is about how you’ll cope with real-world pressure when helping or caring for patients, you must demonstrate your best skills at your subject. 

Choose a Nursing Research Paper Topic

The second step is choosing a topic that helps you present your stance on a subject. Whether it’s a topic you’ve been given or chosen, it has to justify your skills and capabilities as a certified nurse or medical practitioner. Your subject should be broad and can accommodate new research or findings to modify guidelines or challenge the existing ones.

In picking a topic, students must remember to do this process by targeting a niche that helps them navigate in one direction rather than all over the place. Subject selection is difficult if you’re doing it on your own, especially for new students. It’s a time-consuming one. To overcome your shortcomings in this part, you should brainstorm the topics that excite not only you but also your audience.

Secondly, for subject selection, you can explore new books, medical journals or articles related to nursing and patient care. Since patient care is a discipline that’s evolving continuously, therefore choosing a topic that talks about best nursing practices may take the crown. Here we will present an example of a topic related to nursing that may help you in this process:

Nursing Care in Type-1 Diabetics

Having a topic that has plenty of research available will help you broaden your investigation into a multi-faceted one. If you choose a topic that can only accommodate narrow or single-sided research, it’s better to choose a new one. Your subject is your hallmark so you must choose one that helps you expand your knowledge base and skill set. After the selection of the topic, you should move on to the research section.

Start Your Investigation

Research in nursing papers is pivotal to your success. To start your investigation into your topic, you must take a deep dive into reading books to gather credible sources. Research can be divided into two or three sections depending on the nature of the investigation and requirements. Here we will discuss the research methods that students will employ in making their nursing papers .

Research Methods For Nursing Papers

The first step for students is to gather primary sources of research methods. This part includes reading books, journals, and articles directly related to your topic and its outcomes. Since it’s the most valuable part of your investigation, you should give it ample time for appropriate evidence collection. Primary research sources are the ones that are written by doctors or physicians, medical experts etc. Adding these pieces of evidence makes your assignment paper strong and authentic.

In cases where it’s impossible to acquire primary data, you may gather secondary research sources. Secondary sources or evidence is the one that is based on primary evidence, reviews, interviews and expert’s opinion are its examples.

Sometimes your topic requires you to add secondary evidence to support primary research or evidence. This is known as consolidating your arguments in academic practices. So it’s essential to add both research sources in your nursing paper.

For higher education in nursing subjects where they are working alongside medical professionals, adding tertiary sources of research is a plus. Your three-way research supports your arguments and covers all the logic to strengthen your stance on the subject.

After you collect primary, secondary and tertiary sources of research, organize them according to their category. This way you’ll know where to use these evidences and understand their effective usage.

Develop Your Thesis Statement

Researching provides you with the ground for developing your thesis statement. Your thesis sentence is your short research-based answer on your research question. Without doing good research, you won’t be able to compose it. After having sufficient information, you may narrow down the answer into a few lines. Your entire paper will be based on it. In making a thesis statement, do remember the following points:

  • It should be between one or a maximum of two lines
  • Make it using persuasive words so your readers can grab the core idea without going through the entire content
  • Place your thesis statement in the introduction paragraph
  • Your entire paper must be based on your premise statement. Every argument and evidence should point to it.

After developing a thesis statement, you may start working on your paper’s content. A thesis sentence example may look like this if you’re working on your nursing paper.

“IDF (International Diabetes Federation) and ADA (American Diabetes Association) both agree that Type-2 Diabetics have three-fold risk of developing “Nephropathy” within five years of diagnosis”.

By following the above example, you can easily make a premise statement for your paper.

Write the Introduction Paragraph

The introduction part is where you need to make a difference. It’s the first writing part of your paper that will be seen and read by your professors and peers. Therefore, it must be good and thought-provoking. A nursing essay’s introduction contains three parts, a hook sentence, background information and a thesis statement. These parts of the intro’s outline are essential and help you present your opinion on the topic.

A hook sentence is the first sentence at the start of the paper and captures your reader’s attention quickly. It can be a quote, fact, historical information or thought-provoking statement. Its primary job is to make your readers stay on the page so they feel excited about the information you added in the paper.

Background information is where you provide information related to your topic’s history. Here you must inform your audience about the existence of the problem and the need for a solution. With historical context, it’s easy for your readers to understand the issue and show interest in finding its solution.

The last part is a thesis statement that we already talked about and it will be placed after providing a background to your readers. Let’s have a look at a nursing paper introduction example on “Diabetes”.

“According to the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), 90% of diabetics are suffering from CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease). From 1812 diabetes was classified as a disease but there was no information available related to its treatment and onset. In 1979 the classification and its mechanism was understood by physicians in America and the UK. Now diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) around the world with more than 10 million deaths every year”.

Add Your Arguments in Body Paragraph(s)

The body part is where you must add your arguments and supporting evidence. Your academic challenges start here and end here. An immaculate body paragraph guarantees your dominance over the subject under discussion. Medical students need to structure their papers in a specific, organized form that helps them convey their opinions.

Academic learners may start the body paragraph of their nursing assignment with a topic sentence that summarizes the entire content in one line. By reading this sentence, your audience knows what’s inside the paragraph and its content.

Key Points to Remember while composing body section

  • Topic sentence should start your paragraph and must be relatable to your thesis statement.
  • After writing this sentence, break it down and explain each point with evidence.
  • Evidence that you’ve collected from books, journals, articles or online videos must be mentioned here. You must back your argument with the evidence collected from the sources mentioned above.
  • Presenting evidence is not as important as analyzing it and proving your point. You might want to challenge the findings. Hence you must present your analysis on it.
  • If you have plenty of evidence, add them one by one and comment on them similarly.
  • Use transitions to connect two different ideas or continuation of your narrative.

Have a look at a mock example of a nursing research paper for a better understanding:

“Since the 1960s diabetes has caused a rapid increase in mortality and comorbidity in patients. On average, diabetics live 15 to 20 years less than non-diabetics. ADA (American Diabetes Association) conducted a study in 2001 that provides mean results that prove Diabetics live 8 years less than non-diabetics. Diabetes is the biggest reason for MI (Myocardial Infarction) and ACD (Acute Coronary Disease).

Moreover, Diabetes costs American insurance companies more than 25$ Billion every year in treatments. With continuous evolution in diagnostics and biotechnology in detecting early onset, diabetes is spreading rapidly. IDF (International Diabetes Federation) has predicted that by 2030, there will be a 12% increase in patients suffering from diabetes.

While many healthcare governing bodies like WHO, IDF, EASD and ADA are doing their best, it’s still not enough. UKPDS and ADVANCE-ON studies have shown quantitative results in which the majority of diabetics have no or less information regarding their disease. These results highlight the importance and value a “Diabetes Educator” can play in spreading valuable information to patients.

The benefits of a medical check-up with your physician are important, but a home visit by a diabetes educator can help in overcoming this pandemic. In France, it’s mandatory for patients to have a weekly home appointment with an educator. That’s a primary reason France has seen a 13% decline in hospitalization of diabetics in 2013.

Based on the above discussion, we can safely conclude that Diabetes is a global pandemic. Healthcare bodies are doing their best to curb its damages by issuing new guidelines and approval of new medicines such as “Semaglutide” , “DPP4” inhibitors and “Sulfonylureas”.  Along with physicians, diabetes educators can prevent the severity and further complications of this disease.

Add a Conclusion

A conclusion summarizes the paper’s discussion in one paragraph by a few techniques that we will mention here. To start a nursing assignment’s conclusion, you must restate your thesis statement and provide a connection between the intro, body and its ending. 

Secondly, a summary of the main discussion provides your audience with an overview of the entire story. Even if they missed an important point of the topic, they can read it in the summary of the main points. A conclusion provides you an opportunity for a last chance to persuade your readers and convince them of your stance. 

Common mistakes that might make your concluding paragraph powerless are mentioned below:

  • Using repetitive words, same as used in the above paragraphs.
  • Don’t force your audience but persuade them through evidence and their significance.
  • Use new words but don’t change your narrative because changing the narrative will also change the context.
  • A closing statement should not be your thesis statement but your personal opinion based on your research. Avoid repetition in making this part redundant.

An example of a mock conclusion

“In this paper, we have seen multiple results that point to premature deaths in diabetics regardless of the medication used. Diabetes does result in complications like nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, macro and microvascular complications. The role of primary care physicians, endocrinologists and diabetes educators is more important than anyone else. By making mandatory home visits, diabetes educators can help in managing diabetes and informing patients on the consequences of this disease.” 

Student attendants can follow this example and effortlessly write amazing research in nursing paper.

Choosing Appropriate Citation Style

The last part of writing a nursing research paper is choosing the appropriate citation style. This format style guides you on how to cite sources you’ve collected in APA or MLA. The most commonly used citation format is APA (American Psychological Association) and then MLA (Modern Language Association).

Nursing Papers Unveiled: Impact and Significance

Students need to understand the academic importance of nursing papers. These assignments played a significant role in their medical understanding and development of professionalism. Let’s discuss this topic thoroughly:

Importance of Nursing Papers in Student’s Life

Medical assignments are the most important factor in a student’s life. They help develop thoughts and provide opportunities to research and understand disease and its treatment. An assignment for medical nursing students plays the following role in their lives.

  • Providing hands-on experience in understanding the subject matter from a practitioner’s point of view.
  • It provides them with in-depth information on a particular topic and lets them brainstorm.
  • Promotes medical knowledge that will be pivotal in their clinical practices and patient care.
  • Enhancing problem solutions without wasting time.
  • Understanding the critical needs of patients and managing them appropriately.
  • Preparing students beforehand so they perform better in real-world or healthcare practice.
  • Finding better treatment prophylaxis and helping in the continual improvement of medical care.
  • Working with Medical Specialists and learning from their experiences

These are some of the important roles these medical assignments play in students’ lives.

Exploring Trending Nursing Paper Topics

If you’re searching for the best subjects for your nursing assignment, end your search here. Thoroughly check this list and choose any one of your likings that fulfills the criteria.

20+ Interesting Nursing Paper Topics

  • Managing patients in an oncology ward
  • Treatment for ACS (Acute Coronary Syndrome)
  • How to care for a first-degree burn patient?
  • Metabolic acidosis in CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) patients
  • Five basic rules of blood transfusion
  • Treatment prophylaxis for skin lesions
  • Protocols for Covid-19 patients
  • Use of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) in medical facility
  • Fundamentals of Dialysis Center
  • DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) and its protocols of treatment
  • Snake bites and use of anti-venom in standing urgent care and medical emergency
  • Food poisoning and its treatment
  • Supervision of cannabis usage in patients suffering from cancer
  • Managing patient care in remote areas
  • AIDS and patient care
  • Orthopedic patient care and mobility issues
  • Misuse of drugs by medical staff
  • Responsibilities of nursing staff
  • Sexual relationships between nurses 
  • Clinical malpractices and how to avoid it
  • Inaccurate physician’s assessment and tackling it 
  • Rapid plasma glucose checkup
  • Treating patients of STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease)
  • Needs of rape victims in a healthcare facility
  • Psychological support to patients 

Check this out, we have written 200 Nursing topics to help you better understand.

These carefully curated topics will help you find your niche in medical nursing assignments. Help yourself by choosing anyone and make a powerful impact on your class.

Integrating Evidence-Based Practice in Your Paper

It’s vital for students to establish evidence-based practice in nursing papers and create an effective plan to implement them in their work. There are many ways you can achieve the best results by following them:

  • Take guidelines from CMDT (Current Medical Treatment & Diagnosis).
  • Regularly visit the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) for new practice guidelines.
  • Apply for membership in the Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section. You can get authentic resources of practice and take notes of them for using them in your assignment.
  • Read CDC (Center for Disease Control) and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines on different disease treatment protocols and latest trials.

You can easily apply evidence-based practice in nursing papers by visiting these sources.

Nurturing Ideas: Crafting Pediatric Nursing Papers

Pediatrics is a field of medical science that deals with treating diseases that affect children up to the age of 16 years. It’s the same as treating general patients who are adults but treatment protocols here change due to the less potent immune systems of children and neonates. Similarly, pediatric nursing papers are the backbone of innovation and new drug introduction. Nursing students who like to practice in the pediatric department need to work twice as hard as in the general medicine department.

Additionally, pediatric nursing papers present new challenges, and students must be able to withstand them. A small mistake can have catastrophic outcomes. Hence students are required to do 6 months of supervision work with trained nurses before they are allowed to practice alone.

Guide to Geriatric Nursing Papers

Similar to pediatrics, geriatrics nursing papers are equally challenging. In medical science, geriatrics deals with patients older than 60 or 65 years. These patients require special care because of their age and vulnerability to getting sick quickly due to weaker immune systems.

To make geriatric nursing papers with absolutely no mistakes, students must spend a few hours in this speciality. Students may take notes from their ward visits, review each case and brainstorm for the best treatment and care solutions. Students are more likely to adopt best practices by doing this every day.

Ethics in Nursing Papers: Navigating Moral Dilemmas

Composing medical assignments challenges your skills and knowledge and offers a view for moral perspectives. There are many ethical considerations in nursing papers that students must adhere to. These reservations include the following points:

  • Always use scientific data from reputable sources.
  • Never claim anything without properly identifying the nature and results of the research.
  • Only use sources after getting prior authorization to use them in your nursing paper.
  • Patient care always comes first, regardless of the nature or conflicts in medical treatment.
  • Always acquiring and using patient data with signed and attested papers for research purposes and informing them of all the intricacies.
  • Never copy data or details of other students’ work to use in your research paper unless your professor allows it.

Nursing learners must adhere to these ethical considerations in nursing papers. Following these principles and moralities serve their profession well and make them honest in their work.

Avoid These Mistakes While Writing Your Research Paper on Nursing

Students make many mistakes when they start a research paper on nursing. Some of the common ones are mentioned below:

  • Using irrelevant data
  • Not doing thorough research
  • Not having enough understanding of the disease
  • Making assumptions on disease prognosis without evidence
  • Using proprietary research without authorization
  • Selecting a topic out of discipline or nature of scope
  • Using plagiarized content
  • Adding disputed research with dubious record
  • Non-adherence to academic rules and guidelines provided by your professor

Abstract Writing for Nursing Papers

An abstract is your summary of the entire research, it’s a concise 300 to 600 words section. Nursing paper abstracts are sometimes lengthier than typical research papers. Here is an example of this section:

“Diabetes causes various types of disease that range from macro and micro vascular ones to metabolic. This research paper has acquired data from IDF and EASD and came to a conclusion that more than 80% of patients suffer premature deaths and renal failures. The data acquisition method is quantitative with retrospective diagnosis and diagnostic tests such as eGFR, Random Blood Serum and Fasting Blood Serum Testing kits in use. Majority of the patients have elevated serum glucose level 240 mg/dl or above. eGFR of 92% patients was between 60ml/min that puts them on stage 3 CKD. It’s evident that diabetes causes mortality and renal failure.”

It’s hard for students to compose nursing paper abstracts from scratch. This mock example will help them in the long term.

Perfecting Your Nursing Paper: Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading is the last thing you must consider when making last-minute changes to your content. Polishing your nursing paper helps you present your opinion clearly and concisely without vague statements.

Writing a nursing paper is only possible when students know all the medical details of this profession. Our guide provides you with sufficient medical details related to this subject. Read it carefully, and you’ll be able to create amazing assignments for medical class. This expert’s guide helps to overcome the gaps in this field by allowing students to jump-start the learning process.

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Writing Tips for Nursing School Students

NurseJournal Staff

  • Nursing School Writing Types
  • Writing a Nursing Essay
  • Citations Guide
  • Common Writing Mistakes
  • Writing Resources

Are you ready to earn your online nursing degree?

Young African-American female sitting and working on her laptop in a coffee shop during the day.

Writing is an essential skill nurses should achieve proficiency in early in their career. It is a crucial part of the profession, as nurses need to be able to effectively communicate with patients, families, and other healthcare professionals.

While verbal communication also plays a vital role in nursing, being able to write well builds the nurse’s ability to provide better care.

Being able to accurately detail a patient’s personal history, symptoms, and diagnosis allows for the execution of a precise treatment plan that is clearly communicated to all parties involved, both professional and personal.

From registered nurses to clinical nurses and beyond, being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is a critical soft skill that will help nurses in any role increase their ability to treat their patients.

This guide provides an overview of the types of writing nurses will experience throughout their educational training. Utilize the following tips and tricks to help strengthen your writing skills, which will ultimately help in the development of transferable career skills .

Types of Writing Nurses Will Do in School

Personal statements for nursing school.

Nursing schools want candidates who meet academic and professional requirements. They also want a candidate who demonstrates a sincere passion for patient care and individual connections. You should always craft a personal statement, even when the application doesn’t explicitly require one. Personal statements allow you to describe your goals, characteristics, credentials, volunteer work, and meaningful life experiences. A well-crafted essay can help you stand out among other qualified applicants. And, as with any piece of writing, you must take the time to revise.

In your personal statement, you should portray yourself as determined and empathetic, with characteristics, goals, work ethic, and healthcare philosophy that align with a program’s values. Some nursing schools ask for a general personal statement, while others require a specific prompt. Colleges commonly ask students to describe a hardship they overcame, a difficult task they accomplished, or a professional goal they hope to achieve through the program. Many schools also ask students to detail previous experiences in healthcare. You may decide to write about how you connect with patients or how you provide practical and emotional support to loved ones.

You will also encounter writing prompts during examinations, including standardized tests like the GRE or MCAT, nursing school entrance exams , and course-specific evaluations. You may also take exams to get state licensure or professional certification. In most of these instances, you will need to write one or several long-form essays. Proper planning is key. Though you won’t know what specific prompt the test will require, you can expect certain common topics. You can search online or use study guides to determine which prompts usually appear on each test.

On test day, you should begin by creating an outline that lists three main points in response to the prompt. Using these points, work backwards to write a central thesis to guide the essay’s structure. Review what you’ve written to ensure that the essay actually responds to the prompt at hand. Be sure to leave time to correct spelling, grammar, and stylistic errors.

Research Papers

Like essays, research papers follow a long-form structure. Unlike an essay, which heavily relies on the writer’s point of view, a research paper presents an in-depth investigation of a topic using data, expert opinions, and insights. While an essay evaluates general critical thinking and writing skills, a research paper tests your knowledge, research skills, and original contributions. Research papers also allow you to prove you understand what has been argued and discovered about a topic. Research papers, especially at the graduate and doctoral levels, require independent research and analyses. These papers sometimes take months or years to complete.

To write a successful research paper, you should pick a topic relevant to your interests and the nursing field. Possibilities include elderly care challenges, patient safety and ethics, mental health treatment and regulations in the U.S., and nursing shortages and possible solutions. Whatever your choice, you must plan accordingly. Advanced papers such as dissertations may require funding or help from professors. Research papers often consist of the following sections: abstract, introduction, literature review, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. You should keep this general structure in mind as you prepare notes and outlines.

How Do You Write a Nursing Essay?

In nursing school, essay writing includes academic papers, personal narratives, and professional compositions. You should become familiar with each of the five major forms below. There are many similarities between these essay types, such as an overarching thesis and a supportive, logical structure. You should support claims with factual, statistical, anecdotal, and rhetorical evidence. However, each form requires distinct skills to achieve specific results.


Cause and effect, citations guide for nursing students.

Citations allow readers to know where information came from. By citing sources, you avoid plagiarizing or stealing another person’s ideas, research, language, and analyses. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is one of the most egregious errors one can make. Consequences for plagiarism include automatic course failure, disciplinary actions from the university, and even legal repercussions. You should take special care to ensure you properly cite sources.

American Psychological Association (APA) Style

APA is the most commonly used style among natural scientists, social scientists, educators, and nurses. Like other citation styles, APA emphasizes clarity of font style, font size, spacing, and paragraph structure. APA citations focus on publication date, and in most cases, the date comes right after the author’s name. This order makes the style particularly useful for scientists, who value new research and updates on current findings. For more information on APA style, visit this official website .

(Author and year of publication, page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault, 1977, p. 9).

Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)

CMS (also known as CMOS or, simply, Chicago) features two citation systems, the notes and bibliography, and the author and date. This style is used primarily by historians, who place high importance on a text’s origin. The notes and bibliography include a superscript number with a corresponding footnote or endnote. Scientific professionals use the author and date citation, a generic parenthetical system with similarities to other citation styles. The CMS official website provides additional information, including changes to citation systems in the current edition.

“Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process”. 1 1. Michel Foucault, trans. Alan Sheridan, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (New York: Pantheon Books, 1977), 9.

(Author and year of publication, page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault 1977, 9).

Modern Language Association (MLA) Format

MLA format traces its history to 1951 when it was first published as a thin booklet. Today, MLA is the primary format used by academics and professionals in humanities, English, literature, media studies, and cultural studies. To adapt to the rapid growth of new mediums over the past few decades, MLA updates its citation system. Visit the MLA Style Center for in-depth information on new guidelines and ongoing changes. In general, in text citations consist of author and page number, or just page number if the author’s name appears in the text.

(Author and page number) “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process” (Foucault 9).

Associated Press (AP) Style

Published in 1952, the original AP Stylebook was marketed to journalists and other professionals related to the Associated Press. AP now stands as the go-to style for professionals in business, public relations, media, mass communications, and journalism. AP style prioritizes brevity and accuracy. The style includes specific guidelines regarding technological terms, titles, locations, and abbreviations and acronyms. Unlike the previous styles, AP does not use parenthetical or in-text citations. Rather, writers cite sources directly in the prose. For more information, including style-checking tools and quizzes, visit the Associated Press Stylebook .

In the book, “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison,” first published in English in 1977, philosopher Michel Foucault argues that “Punishment, then, will tend to become the most hidden part of the penal process”.

Which Style Should Nursing Students Use?

Because nurses rely on scientific terms and information, professionals in the field usually use APA style. Regardless of the purpose and specific genre of your text, you should always strive for concise, objective, and evidenced-based writing. You can expect to learn APA style as soon as you enroll in a major course. However, you should also prepare to learn other styles as part of your academic training. For example, freshman composition classes tend to focus on MLA guidelines.

Common Writing Mistakes Students Make

Active vs. passive voice.

Active and passive voice represent two different ways to present the same piece of information. Active voice focuses on the subject performing an action. For example, the dog bites the boy. This format creates clear, concise, and engaging writing. Using active voice, nurses might write, I administered patient care at 11:00. Passive voice, on the other hand, focuses on the object of the sentence or the action being performed. For example, the boy was bitten by the dog. A passive sentence is usually one that contains the verb “to be.” Using passive voice, you might write, patient care was administered at 11:00.

Professionals in the sciences often use passive voice in their writing to create an objective tone and authorial distance. Passive voice can prioritize specific terms, actions, evidence, or research over the writer’s presence. Additionally, nurses use passive voice because it is usually clear that the reported thoughts, actions, and opinions come from them. However, you must also learn how to use active voice.


There are 14 punctuation marks in the English language, each with multiple and sometimes overlapping uses. Additionally, certain punctuation marks only make sense in highly specific and nuanced grammatical instances. To master punctuation, you must learn through practice, particularly by revising your own writing.

For example, colons and semicolons are often used interchangeably, when they actually serve distinct purposes. Generally used before itemized lists, colons stand in for the phrases “here is what I mean” or “that is to say.” For example, I am bringing three things to the picnic: applesauce, napkins, and lemonade. Semicolons separate two independent clauses connected through topic or meaning. For example, It was below zero; Ricardo wondered if he would freeze to death. Comma splices, which create run on sentences, are another common mistake. You can identify a comma splice by learning the differences between an independent and dependent clause.

Grammar refers to the rules of a particular language system. Grammar determines how users can structure words and form sentences with coherent meaning. Aspects include syntax (the arrangement of words to convey their mutual relations in a sentence) and semantics (how individual words and word groups are understood). Unless you major in writing, literature, etymology, or another related field, you generally won’t examine English grammar deeply. Through years of cognitive development and practice, native users implicitly understand how to effectively employ the language.

Distinct grammatical systems exist for each language and, sometimes, even within a single language. For example, African American Vernacular English uses different syntactic rules than General American English. You should learn grammatical terms and definitions. Common errors include subject/verb agreement, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, and vague or incorrect pronoun usage. Hasty writers can also misuse phonetically similar words (your/you’re, its/it’s, and there/their/they’re).

Writing Resources for Nursing Students

Apa style central, reviewed by:.

Portrait of Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shrilekha Deshaies, MSN, RN

Shri Deshaies is a nurse educator with over 20 years of experience teaching in hospital, nursing school, and community settings. Deshaies’ clinical area of expertise is critical care nursing and she is a certified critical care nurse. She has worked in various surgical ICUs throughout her career, including cardiovascular, trauma, and neurosurgery.

Shri Deshaies is a paid member of our Healthcare Review Partner Network. Learn more about our review partners here .

Page last reviewed November 30, 2021

Whether you’re looking to get your pre-licensure degree or taking the next step in your career, the education you need could be more affordable than you think. Find the right nursing program for you.

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How to Write a Nursing Essay Quickly and Effortlessly?

nursing essay

Samuel Gorbold

In the demanding field of nursing career, efficient and effective essay writing is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance academic success. Whether faced with looming deadlines or seeking to streamline the essay-writing process, understanding how to compose a nursing essay quickly and effortlessly is crucial. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, offering practical tips, proven strategies, and insightful techniques tailored to the unique demands of nursing essays. From effective planning and nursing essay examples to honing research and writing skills, this article will teach you how to master the essay-writing process seamlessly, ensuring both academic excellence and time management in the dynamic world of healthcare education.

What Is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a written academic assignment that provides students in nursing programs with the opportunity to articulate their understanding of a particular topic, concept, or clinical experience. Nurse essay writing often requires students to explore and analyze nursing theories, healthcare practices, or case studies, demonstrating a deep comprehension of the subject matter. Additionally, nursing essays may involve critical reflection on personal experiences in clinical settings, allowing students to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical application.

The structure of a nursing essay typically includes an introduction, where the topic is introduced, and the thesis is stated, followed by the body paragraphs that elaborate on key points, provide evidence, and analyze the topic in depth. The conclusion summarizes the main arguments and reinforces the thesis, highlighting the significance of the discussed writing concepts in the context of nursing practice. Throughout the essay, students are encouraged to incorporate evidence-based information, uphold ethical considerations, and adhere to academic writing standards. Use our nursing essay writing service to get a better grip on structure and argumentation.

Medical essays play a crucial role in the educational journey to a nursing career, fostering critical thinking, effective communication skills, and a deeper understanding of the complexities within the healthcare field. These written works not only contribute to academic assessments but also serve as a means for students to articulate their perspectives, share insights gained from clinical experiences, and engage with the ongoing discourse in nursing practice and theory.

nursing essay writing purpose

How to Start a Nursing Essay?

Starting essays on nursing effectively involves capturing the reader's attention, clearly stating your thesis or main idea, and providing a roadmap for what the essay will cover. Here are some steps to help you begin your nursing essay:

  • Start with a Compelling Introduction

Begin your nursing essay with a strong and engaging introduction. You can use a thought-provoking question, a relevant anecdote, or a compelling statistic to grab the reader's attention. Clearly state the purpose of your essay and provide a concise overview of what you will discuss.

  • State Your Thesis

In the introduction, clearly state your thesis or main argument. This is the central point that your essay will revolve around. Make sure it is concise, specific, and reflective of the main theme of your essay.

  • Provide Context

Write some background or context related to the topic of your essay. This helps the reader understand the significance of the subject matter and sets the stage for the detailed discussions in the body of the essay.

  • Outline the Structure

Briefly outline the structure of your essay in the introduction. This provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Mention the main points or sections you will cover in the essay's body.

  • Maintain Clarity and Conciseness

Write your introduction clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary details or information that does not directly contribute to the main theme. Aim for a balance between providing context and maintaining brevity. In the next section, you will discover a nursing essay introduction example, as well as instructions on how to structure the main body and conclusion. 

nursing essay ideas

How to Structure a Nursing Essay?

Essay writing is an inalienable part of nursing education. A compelling paper parallels a meticulously executed performance, requiring a carefully crafted script and a narrative that unfolds effortlessly, captivating the audience throughout. In the realm of essay writing, this script manifests as a thoughtfully organized structure. Let's explore the components that guide the transformation of a nursing essay from a mere assortment of words into a captivating journey filled with valuable insights.


The nursing essay introduction should serve as a captivating gateway, enticing the reader to delve into the complexities of the topic. Start with a compelling hook that relates to the subject matter. For instance, you might begin with a thought-provoking question, such as, "How do nurses navigate the delicate balance between empathy and professionalism in patient care?" Following the hook, write a brief overview of the paper's focus, culminating in a clear and concise thesis statement. For example, "This nursing essay will explore the nuanced challenges nurses face in maintaining empathetic connections with patients while upholding the standards of professional healthcare."

The body of your nursing essay should unfold like a well-organized narrative, with each paragraph contributing to the overall storyline. Write each paragraph with a topic sentence that encapsulates a key aspect of your argument. Substantiate your points with relevant examples, drawing from nursing theories, personal experiences, or real-life case studies. For instance, if discussing the importance of effective communication in nursing, narrate a scenario where clear communication positively impacts patient outcomes. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs, allowing ideas to transition seamlessly. Address counterarguments and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic, supporting your claims with scholarly references and evidence.

Conclude your nursing essay by summarizing the key points and reinforcing the significance of your thesis. Avoid writing new information but rather synthesize the insights presented in the main body. Reflect on the broader implications of your findings for nursing practice or education. For example, if your essay explored the role of technology in modern healthcare, discuss the potential impact on patient outcomes and the evolving responsibilities of nurses. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader, prompting them to contemplate the complexities you've unraveled in your essay.

Nursing Essay Outline

Within the framework of nursing essay composition, the outline serves as a vital architectural blueprint. This section delves into the key elements constituting an effective nursing essay outline, offering a structured foundation for insightful and well-articulated academic discourse.

I. Introduction

  • Engaging question or relevant anecdote.


  • Brief context on the significance of the topic.

Thesis Statement:

  • A clear and concise statement of the main argument.

Paragraph 1:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduction of the first key aspect.
  • Example: Real-life scenario, personal experience, or case study.
  • Explanation: Analyze the example and relate it to the thesis.

Paragraph 2:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduction of the second key aspect.
  • Example: Another relevant illustration or supporting evidence.
  • Explanation: Elaborate on the connection to the overall argument.

Paragraph 3:

  • Topic Sentence: Introduction of the third key aspect.
  • Example: Additional supporting evidence or nursing theory application.
  • Explanation: Discuss the implications and significance.


  • Acknowledge opposing views and counter with supporting evidence.


  • Demonstrate connections between the discussed aspects.
  • Showcase a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

III. Conclusion

Summary of Key Points:

  • Recap the main points discussed in the body.

Thesis Reinforcement:

  • Reiterate the thesis and its significance.

Broader Implications:

  • Discuss the broader impact on nursing practice or education.

Thought-Provoking Statement:

  • Conclude with a memorable and reflective statement.

nursing paper introduction

How to Write a Nursing Essay Step-by-Step?

Before the writing process begins, remember to adhere to academic standards, cite your sources appropriately, and proofread your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical accuracy before submission.

Step 1 – Understand the Assignment

Begin by thoroughly understanding the essay prompt or assignment requirements. Identify the specific topic, guidelines, and any key components that must be addressed in your essay.

Step 2 – Research and Gather Information

Conduct thorough research on the chosen topic. Utilize reputable nursing sources, including academic journals, textbooks, and evidence-based literature. Collect relevant information to support your arguments and enhance the credibility of your essay.

Step 3 – Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the main argument or purpose of your nursing essay. Ensure that your thesis is specific, debatable, and reflective of the key themes you will explore.

Step 4 – Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts and structure your essay by creating an outline. Divide your essay into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Outline the main points you want to cover in each section, ensuring a logical flow of ideas.

Step 5 – Write a Compelling Introduction

Capture the reader's attention with a compelling introduction. Start with a hook, provide background information on the nursing topic, and end with a strong thesis statement that outlines the main focus of your essay.

Step 6 – Develop the Body Paragraphs

Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific aspect or key point related to your thesis. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence, support it with relevant examples or evidence, and provide analysis. Ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs to maintain the coherence of your nursing paper.

Step 7 – Craft a Thoughtful Conclusion

Summarize the main points discussed in the body of your essay and restate your thesis in the conclusion. Reflect on the broader implications of your findings, and end with a thought-provoking statement that leaves a lasting impression on the nursing readers.

How to End a Nursing Essay?

In concluding a nursing essay, the primary goal is to reinforce the key points made throughout the essay and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Begin by summarizing the main arguments and findings presented in the essay's body. This recap should concisely revisit the critical aspects of your discussion, emphasizing their significance in the context of nursing practice or theory. By summarizing, you provide a quick reference to the essential takeaways, ensuring clarity and reinforcing the coherence of your essay.

Following the summary, re-write your nursing thesis in a slightly different manner, connecting it back to the broader implications of your study. Discuss how the insights gained from your exploration contribute to the nursing field or address real-world challenges. In this section, it's essential to avoid introducing new information; rather, focus on synthesizing the information presented and showcasing the broader relevance of your work. Finally, leave the reader with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action that encourages further contemplation of the discussed concepts and their impact on the dynamic landscape of nursing. This concluding touch ensures that your nursing essay concludes on a strong and memorable note. Hire long essay writer on EssayHub to get a proper assistance with all academic struggles you have.

15 Nursing Essay Writing Tips

  • Clarify the essay requirements and ensure a precise understanding of the topic.
  • Craft a clear and focused thesis statement to guide your essay.
  • Utilize reputable sources and evidence-based nursing education literature for robust arguments.
  • Break down tasks to manage time effectively and avoid last-minute stress.
  • Create a well-organized outline to maintain a logical flow in your essay.
  • ECapture attention with a compelling hook and clearly state your thesis.
  • Dedicate each paragraph to a specific point supported by evidence.
  • Move beyond description; analyze and reflect on the significance of your points.
  • Use clear, concise, and professional language in your writing.
  • Check for grammar, spelling, and coherence errors before submitting.
  • Keep your essay focused on the main theme, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Properly cite all sources to uphold nursing integrity.
  • Seek feedback from peers or instructors to gain valuable insights.
  • Summarize key points and discuss broader implications in your conclusion.
  • Review your essay with a fresh perspective, making targeted revisions for improvement.

Nursing Essay Example

It’s a well-known fact that a writing example packed with practical insights into how to produce a certain type of academic document helps students cope with such an assignment faster. That’s why we’ve prepared a nursing essay example for your inspirational and consulting needs.

nursing paper introduction

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The Nursing Essay: Learning How to Write


Writing is an important development of humankind, which started during ancient times. It is a graphic representation of various languages of learning. The product from the application of scientific knowledge in information collection, communication, dissemination, and data retrieval technology.

In the nursing history, nurse writers emerged during the first world war as writing became their weaponry to open the window of insights about the nature of nursing and the impact of warfare (Hallett, 2016). Nurse writers were created when nurses started to speak the language of nursing, a voice that echoed to a wider distance.

When nurse theorists ’ and their work begun publishing to indoctrinate the people and elevate the nurses into a profession that can be trusted, writing became a useful avenue for nurses to educate the society by gaining affordable access to medical knowledge, health awareness, and enlightenment to health-related issues concerning the public.

Who can write?

Anyone can write, but not everyone can become a writer. A nurse writer is a nursing professional with a passion for writing to educate people about health care issues. They must have a strong foundation of knowledge obtained from several years of experience in the academe, hospital, community, institution, and company to provide guidance and personal knowledge in medical writing.

Writings are the product of knowledge, education, experience, objectivity, and expertise. These specialized knowledge, skills, and training can be translated into a form of writing material that can be educative, informational, meaningful, and helpful to nurse practitioners and the society it serves.

Specialized courses in writing and publication are a must for a nurse writer to enter the world of writing. Nurse writers should have a strong foundation in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Anti-plagiarism requires nurses’ knowledge of writing styles and referencing. They are skilled communicators who should have some form of writing charisma to attracts readers and make people read their works. A nurse must be a wide reader, as someone who knows how to write must know how to read as well.

Start the Passion by Writing a Nursing Essay

A nursing essay is a piece of writing to convey the nurse writer’s perspective, point of view, and story. It is the outline of the writer’s experience, knowledge, and expertise in the practice of nursing. Writing can be structured as formal or informal in the form of a story, documentary, research presentation, or article. Writings that are academic, intellectual, and poised relevant topics in nursing and health currents trends are generally formal. While informal writings are more personal with humorous elements.

“Exagium” meaning to present one’s case, is the Latin word of essay. Wherefore, a nursing essay writing is a presentation of a piece of writing about the writer’s side of argument and discussions acquired in the nursing practice.

Harvard College Writing Center (2020) defines an academic essay as means of fashioning a coherent set of ideas into an argument presented in an order that makes the most sense and comprehensible to the readers or “reader’s logic.”

Types and Format of Nursing Essay

Nursing essay focuses on issues and topics concerning health care, nurse practitioners, and patient-centered care. Essays can be written in the form of the following types, according to Curtin University* (2015):

  • Descriptive*
  • Analytical*
  • Argumentative*
  • Exploratory*
  • Investigatory
  • Explanatory
  • Instructions
  • Cautionary advice or notice

Parts of Academic Essay

A nursing essay is a theoretical framework composed of three structural components such as:

1. Introduction

The title and introduction are the most difficult parts in writing an essay. As the old saying says  “ starting anything is so hard ” . An  introduction  is a form of statement which presents an argument that gives the reader an idea of what the writing is all about, the things they are about to learn, and where they are going to while reading the essay. An introduction should be catchy and engaging to attracts readers. In the introduction, the writer is introducing a new idea.

The middle part of the essay is the  Body , the section that provides shreds of evidence used to prove, persuade, and convince the readers in accepting the writer’s point of view, perspectives, and its validity. The statements written in the body are the supporting pieces of evidence to prove your declarations and arguments written in the introductory part of your essay. Proofs are scientific basis gathered from the evidence-based practice, best practices, and the works and knowledge of other writers, researchers, and theorists. There are some legalities we need to observe in writing such as intellectual property rights, intellectual theft, and anti-plagiarism.

3. Conclusion and Suggestion

Writing a conclusion is not as easy as saying goodbye. A conclusion recapitulates and summarizes the entire writings’ content and findings. It should lead to learning and realization on the part of the readers. A nursing essay can be ended with a suggestion as well.

5 Step Process in Writing Nursing Essay

There are no difficult rough roads for a pathway guided with directions. The following are guidelines in writing a good nursing essay strategically:

1. Identify or develop your topic.

  • Explore background information
  • Formulate a criterion of a good topic
  • Form a writing outline
  • Formulate a provisional statement
  • Write an introduction

2. Gather relevant data.

  • Be a wide reader
  • Conduct a research
  • Taking down important critical notes
  • Utilized scholarly sources and evidenced-based practice materials
  • Organize data and information
  • Reformulate statement (introduction should be supported by the pieces of evidence written in the body of your nursing essay)

3. Write the middle paragraphs (Body content) of your essay.

  • Outline proof of arguments
  • Integrate research evidence with properly formatted citations and references
  • Create paragraphs of statements

4. Write a conclusion and/or suggestion.

  • Summary and recapitulation
  • Findings and evaluation
  • Suggestion for future studies and writings

5. Edit and proofread.

  • Edit and review
  • Revision as needed
  • Check for outline corrections
  • Check for grammatical errors and English structural mistakes
  • Check for plagiarism and stylistic issues

When you write an essay you are making a case for the validity of a particular point of view, analysis, interpretation, or set of facts or procedures. Careful selection, critical evaluation, analysis, comparative study, organization, and presentation of facts should have scientific basis formed from evidence-based practice.

Characteristics of a Good Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay for different target audiences, the nurse often relies on their expertise and from experiences shared by colleagues to create engaging academic writing, conveys emotions and to establish connections among readers.

The following are characteristics of a good nursing essay:

  • Follows specific language
  • Direct to the point
  • Informative
  • Intelligible (comprehensible and self-explanatory)
  • patient-care centered
  • Allows continuous patient care and safety

Importance of Writing to Writers

Writing improves five competencies which include: writing skills , reading comprehension, listening comprehension, information literacy, and teaching information literacy.

Curtin University (2015) added the development and practice of transferable skills which are beneficial for both nursing students and nurses in writing a professional role. These transferable skills are the following:

  • Reading and note-making
  • Critical thinking and analysis
  • Organizing ideas
  • Arguing a case
  • Communicating effectively with a reader

The acquisition of these skills from writing can eventually lead to the rise of new breeds of nurse researchers and nursing theorists.

Topics and issues in nursing and health care will never be antediluvian, it will continue to grow and evolve, and nurse writing is a promising field for good candidates and passionate. A nurse can write for academic papers and dissertations which may have grants from the academe, hospital, or institution. They can also work as freelancers for medical journals, health-related publications, blog contents and educational websites. Nurses may put up writing business as well while working part-time or work from home.

To all aspiring nurse writers and for writers who want to advance their writing careers — writing and communication skills must be integrated with expertise along with a sense of compassion and empathy. Writing is the product of intellectual works and creativity, put your heart into writing and you will create life.

“ Writing requires time, focus, patience and practice. ”

  • Hallet, C.E. (2016). Nurse Writers of the Great War (Nursing History and Humanities) 1st Edition. Manchester University Press.
  • Harvard College Writing Center. (2020). Essay Structure. Retrieved on 19 September, 2020 from
  • Curtin University. (2015). What is an Essay? Retrieved on 17 September 2020 from


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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay (Guide for Nurse Students)

nursing paper introduction

If you are a nursing or medicine student, you are aware that you will come across or have already come across assignments requiring you to write a nursing reflection essay. At first, such a task always appears challenging, but given the understanding of the steps, things flat out, and you can write reflective essays and get better grades.

Reflective practice is highly encouraged in nursing. Reflection entails making sense of situations, events, actions, and phenomena in the workplace.

As a nursing student, you will be asked to write a reflective essay on your clinical placement, practicum, shadowing experience, shadow health DCE activities, personal nursing philosophy, why you want to become a nurse, nursing program, ethical dilemma, knowledge, skills, and abilities, systems, and processes.

The easiest way to complete the reflective essay assignment is by first determining what reflective writing entails, its significance, its steps, and some of the best tips that form the core of this ultimate guide.

Basics of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing is an analytical writing practice where the writer describes a real or imaginary event, scene, phenomenon, occurrence, or memory, including their takeaway. It entails the critical analysis of an experience, including recording how it has impacted you and what you intend to do with the new knowledge or how to act when such an occurrence recurs.

As you document the encounter, you can use first-person pronouns and write subjectively and objectively. This means that you can decide to either use personal experiences alone or support these experiences using citations from scholarly sources.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing, you must recount the events and give critical detail of how the events shaped your knowledge acquisition. Reflection helps nursing students develop skills in self-directed learning, which is directly associated with high motivation and improved quality of care .

In most cases, reflection occurs on what went well and what went wrong. It could be a successful operation, a thank you note from a patient, a patient who regained their health faster, or a new nursing care plan that worked. However, it can also be about adverse events such as death, postoperative complications, death of an infant at birth, dissatisfied patient, medical error, or a failed procedure.

As a nursing student, when you learn to reflect on situations, you grow to become a professional nurse who diligently does their noble duty.

When writing a reflective essay, you begin by setting the scene (explaining what, where, how, and who-the situation), detailing how you felt (emotional state), why it happened (making sense of the situation), critical review and development of insights, a note on what was learned, and strategies to address future recurrence.

Your professor may ask you to write a nursing reflective paper about various topics in your course or your experience working in a group, how you solved a problem, a healthcare issue, or clinical practice. Consider the following example of a reflective statement in nursing; in my clinical practices, I realized I focused more on the technical aspects but failed to explain what it was doing to improve their health. I would like to understand more about listening to patience and their concerns to better care for them.

As you will notice later, these reflective stages are structured into different reflective models and frameworks that we will explore in-depth. So, with the understanding of what comprises reflective writing and its importance in nursing, let's now get solid on the structure.

Related Reading:

  • Philosophy of Nursing Example.
  • Ideas and topics for nursing capstone or project papers
  • How to write a SOAP note paper
  • Top nursing debate topics
  • Nursing Theories and Theorists.

Structure of a Reflective Essay in Nursing

A reflective essay is an analytical writing piece describing and evaluating encounters or experiences. When asked to write one, you should know that an excellent reflective essay consists of different parts, just like a typical academic essay. It comprises the cover or title page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusions, and a references page.

The title page contains information about the assignment. If you are writing the reflective essay in APA, include these on the title page:

  • Title of the reflective essay
  • Course code and name
  • Instructors name
  • Name of your institution
  • Date of submission

When writing in Harvard format, the title or the cover page will consist of the following:

  • Title of the essay in title case and the page number (upper right margin),
  • Title of the essay in CAPS,
  • Name of class or course,
  • Name of the instructor,
  • Name of your school,
  • City and state where your school is located and,
  • The date of submission.


The introduction begins with an attention grabber or a hook sentence to attract readers' attention. It should then explain the essay's purpose and signpost the ideas that will come later in the essay. The introduction also has a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph- the last sentence. The thesis is concise, clear, and relatable and should reflect your position.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a reflective essay can be three or more, depending on the length of the essay. Essentially, the body comprises 80% of the total word count.

The first paragraph is where you describe the situation, including the events, why they occurred, how they occurred, and those involved.

The second paragraph entails your personal feelings or reaction to the situation and how it made you feel.

The third paragraph can include making sense of the situation. You have to think about why things happened the way they did. You should also critically review and develop insights based on the situation. Finally, think of the factors that could have influenced the situation.

The next paragraph should explain how the event or situation will change your practice, approach, decisions, perspective, or perception. This is where you evaluate the experience by detailing the knowledge and skills you took from the experience.

The last body paragraph should entail a critical reflection on the learning opportunities. First, describe the situation and what it made you learn. Next, elaborate on how you intend to make yourself better poised to address such situations.

Mostly, you should structure the body of your essay as per the preferred nursing reflective model.

After everything else falls into place, you need to summarize the information you presented in the essay. Then, finally, restate your thesis and have a call to action to bring a sense of closure to your readers.

Steps for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay � The Guide

When assigned to write a reflective essay for your nursing class, here are the surefire steps to get you to success.

Read the instructions

The first step after receiving an assignment is to begin reading the instructions. as you read, note what your instructor or professor expects in the paper you will submit for marking.

Reading instructions helps you to get informed on the scope of the paper, word count, number of references and pages, and the formatting style to use.

Besides, you also get to plan your paper with the deadline highlighted in the instructions.

You need to get a conducive environment where you can start writing.

The first step of writing is to brainstorm about situations during your clinical hours when you were shadowing a Nurse Practitioner or one you have read about.

Assess whether the situation or scenario you have thought, encountered, or chosen can help you write a reflective essay that meets the requirements.

Research and Plan

After choosing a scenario, the next step is researching the best reflective model.

You can use your class text, the instructions, the college library, course readings, and online nursing journals to get articles and resources with information about specific reflective models.

Select the best reflective model and take notes on the steps it entails.

As you research, write down notes on how to address your paper based on your selected framework or model of reflection . Additionally, research nursing journal articles with information you can use when critically analyzing a situation.

Plan how you will handle the paper as well. For instance, as you research, develop a thesis statement that grounds your entire paper, then draft an outline on how to develop the thesis.

Write an Outline

Outlining is a crucial aspect of writing. It helps you envision how you will meet the objective of writing a reflective essay. As an essential part of the essay writing process, outlining helps create a good flow of ideas and can come in handy in helping you overcome writer's block. Your outline should comprise the following:

  • The hook or attention grabber
  • Thesis statement
  • Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.)
  • Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action)

With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay. Writing with an outline helps avoid mistakes and also helps you write faster.

Describe the Experience

Once you have identified the relevant experience, begin describing it chronologically.

Describe the experience that prompted you to consider nursing your ideal career goal. Think of this experience's key elements, such as the setting, patient demographics, and significant events that impacted you.

Show how these events changed your perspective on life. Ensure you are as descriptive as possible to paint a clear picture for readers.

Consider the following questions to come up with a good description:

  • What happened?
  • Was there someone involved? If yes, what part did they play?
  • Where did the event take place?
  • What actions did you take?

Set the context of this experience by giving relevant background information. Ensure you are objective and pay attention to the facts.

Provide a Reflection

Talk about your feelings and thoughts concerning the particular experience you went through. You have to be honest and open up about your initial expectations and challenges you faced at each stage of the experience. The following questions can help you come up with a good reflection:

  • What was I trying to achieve?
  • What prompted me to act the way I did?
  • Are there any consequences for my actions? If yes, what are they?
  • How did I feel about this event as it was happening?
  • How did those around me react to it?
  • How do I know how those around me felt about it?

Analyze the Experience

Description of an experience is essential, but so is analysis. You have to move beyond the surface and give a critical analysis of your experience.

State your actions, and your overall experience will give insights into your experience. Think of how the experience has impacted your actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Give an Evaluation

Evaluate the skills and knowledge you got from the experience. Show how you can apply these skills and knowledge in your nursing practice. Also, state the actions and interventions you took during the nursing experience.

State whether you achieved the desired outcome and if there are any specific areas that you need to improve on.

Talk about how you built or improved skills like communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.

As you evaluate the experience, identify what you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses in the nursing experience. What have you learned from the experience? State the areas where you excelled and what abilities contributed to your success.

Talk about how those you were with during the clinical experience complimented you. Similarly, acknowledge your weaknesses.

What kind of mistakes did you make, and how did you improve them? Talk about the tasks that drain you most during the experience.

Illustrate Learning

Demonstrate elements of deeper thought and reflection levels. This is a great point to include nursing theories in your reflection essay to support analysis of your experience.

Relate your experiences to the theoretical frameworks you were taught in class. This is effective learning and will demonstrate your ability to apply knowledge to real-life nursing situations.

Doing this will also show that you can effectively deduce different things from observations made during the reflection process.

Ensure you also demonstrate a change in perspective, as this will prove that you learned something from the experience.

Write Your Conclusion

Conclude by summarizing your points and highlighting the lessons learned.

The lessons you reached as part of your reflection should support your overall conclusion.

Also, restate your thesis statement.

Come Up with an Action Plan

Now that you have learned from your reflection develop an action plan for future nursing practice.

This part should contain all the details you have learned and actions needed to improve when faced with a similar situation. Consider the following questions:

  • What would I change if faced with a similar situation?
  • How can I develop the necessary skills needed to face this situation?
  • How can I act differently in a similar situation?  

Ensure you identify areas to improve and set realistic goals to enhance your nursing skills. Discuss how you intend to seek additional education, training, or mentorship to address your shortcomings.

Finally, end the essay with a happy note so readers know you learned something from the experiences.

Proofread, Edit, and Polish

After doing your first draft, take a break to relax and get out of the writing mood - it helps you to become objective.

You can then resume reading out loud to yourself, make necessary tweaks, and ensure that every part you include meets the rubric requirements.

Edit for grammar, punctuation, tenses, voice, spelling, and use of language. You should also proofread the essay to adhere to the style, organization, and presentation requirements.

Ensure that all the in-text citations are accounted for in the reference list and are up-to-date. You are good to go when you have an essay that meets all the instructions.

Finally, you can submit the paper for grading.

Writing is not everyone's cup of tea. For that reason, you can hire a nursing reflection essay writer from our website to assist you in crafting a top-grade paper. In addition, we have nursing writers whose forte is writing various nursing papers.

Choosing the suitable Reflective Model or Framework

As you can see above, many reflective models are used for your reflective essay. We have not exhaustively listed and expounded on all of them. Other reflective models and frameworks you can also consider when writing a reflective essay in nursing include:

  • Bouds Reflective Model
  • Brookfield Reflective Model
  • Pender's Health Promotion Model
  • Roper Logan and Tierney Model
  • Driscoll Reflective Model
  • The Johari window model

Note that most nursing instructors will often suggest the models they prefer for you to use in your essay.

For example, in most nursing reflective essays. Whichever the case, readily available information expands on each model to make it easier to write a reflection essay on a specific aspect of nursing education or practice.

Read the assignment rubric and instructions to understand the specific model. If it is unclear, ask for clarification from your instructor early enough.

Tips for Writing a Good Nursing Reflective Essay

As you try to figure out how to write a nursing reflective essay, keep the following tips in mind.

Choose the Right Topic

If the instructions from your professors involve choosing a topic for the reflective essay, you must select one that is meaningful to you.

This will ensure you can easily write and easily develop relevant elements about the topic. Therefore, take time to pick a topic that you find interesting.

As you write, ensure you stay on topic, whether sharing a one-off event or a recurrent story.

Use the Right Tone

A reflective essay is more personal, unlike other types of academic essays. This means you don't need a strict or formal tone.

Since this is about your experiences, use personal pronouns such as I and Me.

Be Vulnerable

You must be extremely vulnerable to learn how to write a reflective essay in nursing.

Be open about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about something you went through that sparked an interest in nursing.

It's okay to share mistakes or things you did wrong that eventually led you to this career path.

Choose the Right Focus

A reflection essay is all about narrating your experience during the nursing experience.

While including other people in your experience is okay, please let them not be the center of your reflection.

This is your essay, so you should be the focus of attention.

Keep it Brief

A good nursing reflection essay should be between 300 and 800 consciously written words. Because of this length, you must only write relevant information about your reflection. Refrain from lengthy reflections, as they make it difficult to pass your points across.

Convey Your Information Wisely

Even though a nursing reflection essay is about your personal experiences, it doesn't mean you should reveal everything about yourself. Ask yourself whether something is appropriate before including it in your paper.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Reflection Essay in Nursing

A good reflection essay involves reflecting on your nursing studies and practices throughout school and career to demonstrate your competence. For this reason, there are certain mistakes you should be aware of when writing an essay.

Not including a Personal Story

Like food tastes bland without salt, so does a reflection essay without a personal story. At the center of a reflection essay is You. This means the essay should focus on your personal story that led you to want a nursing career. A lot of times, students miss out on this instead of talking about their story. You need more than just the personal qualities you think will be a great fit for the nursing program; you must also share a story that shows how well you contributed to nursing care.

Failing to Share Your Experience

You will lose points when you fail to include nursing-related experiences in your reflection essay. Mentioning that you want to be a nurse is great, but failing to show specific events that led to the desire will cost you a great point.

Plagiarizing Your Essay

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense because it is considered taking other people's ideas and using them as your own without crediting the author. So, provide relevant citations and references for any ideas that aren't your own. Also, an AI will not write your essay as a human writer would. 

Related Readings:

  • How to write a student nurse resume with no experience.
  • PICOT examples and guides

Sample of a Nursing Reflective Essay 

The following is a sample of a nursing Reflective essay using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Use this sample to guide you when writing your own.

Introduction  Communication is an important element in healthcare practice as it determines patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. This essay will focus on reflecting on an experience I went through with a 40-year-old diabetic patient who also had a foot infected with an ulcer. When I approached the patient to sign the consent form, I noticed that he wasn't happy because of the news given to him about his health. I concluded that there must be a communication dilemma. I will reflect on the experience using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Using this model, I will identify and discuss the actions taken to resolve the issue. Description  This incident happened a few months ago when I was working as a wound nurse in a Methodist hospital in my hometown. I was part of a care team handling the case of a 40-year-old male patient with diabetes and an infected diabetic foot ulcer. After careful examination, a team comprising various specialists concluded that his leg needed amputation below the knee. After making this decision, the team left, and I was asked to give the patient a consent form to sign. When I came back from retrieving the form, I noticed the patient looked sorrowful because of the news given to him. Feelings  As soon as I saw the patient, I knew what he was going through. He perceived the situation to be irreparable, but I wasn't sure whether to console the patient or not. I was powerless and couldn't imagine what he was going through. At the same time, I was startled that the team left without showing any compassion. They could have handled the situation more delicately. I, on the other hand, could have relayed the information better. I wasn't sure whether my approach would be acceptable or appropriate. Evaluation  I always go back to that particular situation and wonder whether I could have acted better. The situation helped me better understand the importance of good communication in patient care, particularly in therapeutic care. Before the incident, I didn't acknowledge the role of nurses play in caring for patient's emotional needs. I realized nurses must show compassion and console patients in their low moments.  Analysis  Most healthcare professionals do not know how to deliver bad news to patients. They find the process extremely challenging and always feel psychologically unprepared. This has a negative impact on patients and could lead to bad health outcomes. Furthermore, how information is relayed could impact a patient's adherence to treatment. Because of these effects, multiple protocols and approaches were developed to help with communicating bad news to patients. One of the approaches that was proposed is emotion-centered. This proposes that a healthcare provider acknowledges how sad the patient is and builds a professional relationship based on empathy and sympathy. Action Plan I now understand the essence of communicating bad news with compassion. The experience allowed me to look closely at different aspects of my professional development that needed more improvement. Thus, I plan to be more empathetic and speak up in support of patient's emotional and psychological well-being, especially when presented with traumatic news about their health. Additionally, I now understand I am not powerless when dealing with a sorrowful patient. I believe I have learned from my experience, and I'm not able to communicate well with patients any more. Conclusion  The experience allowed me to value good communication in nursing and the need to incorporate it into daily nurse-patient interaction. Nurses must learn how to deliver bad news and manage patient's sorrow. This has been and will continue to be my biggest priority in patient care. References Street Jr, R. L., Makoul, G., Arora, N. K., & Epstein, R. M. (2009). How does communication heal? Pathways linking clinician–patient communication to health outcomes. Patient education and counselling, 74(3), 295-301. Buckman, R. (1992). Breaking bad news: why is it still so difficult? BMJ: British Medical Journal, 304(6842), 886. Ptacek, J. T., & Eberhardt, T. L. (1996). Breaking bad news: a review of the literature. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 276(6), 496-502.

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Nursing Essay Introductions can be difficult to write, but with a little bit of creativity and effort, they can be quite engaging. The following tips will help you to start your nursing essay and write an engaging nursing essay introduction that is sure to capture the reader’s attention.

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How to Start a Nursing Essay

Starting a nursing essay can be daunting, but with a little bit of planning and organization, it’s a relatively easy process. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Choose a topic that interests you. There are many different nursing essays to choose from, so if you have a specific idea in mind, go for it. However, if you’re not sure where to start, consider choosing a topic that will reflect your personal values and experiences as a nurse .

2. Research the topic thoroughly. There is no better way to show your mastery of the material than by doing your own research. Look up information on the health disparities faced by nurses , the history of nursing, and relevant case studies. This will help you develop an effective argument and make your essay unique.

3. Build an outline. Before you even start writing, it’s helpful to have an outline of what you want to say. This will help organize your thoughts and keep you on track while writing.

4. Use active voice whenever possible. Active voice is more engaging for the reader and makes your essay come alive. It also makes your points more understandable.

The following tips will help you to start your nursing essay and write an engaging nursing essay introduction that capture readers. As you continue,  has the top and most qualified writers to help with any of your assignments. All you need to do is  place an order  with us.

How to write a nursing essay introduction

Nursing Essays can be difficult to write, but with a little bit of creativity and effort, they can be quite engaging. The following tips will help you to create an introduction that is sure to capture the reader’s attention. 1. Start with a Hook. A good introduction should begin with a hook that captures the reader’s interest. Try to think of something that will make your essay stand out from the rest. For instance, if you are writing about pediatric nursing , might consider discussing how advances in technology are impacting the field. Or, if you are writing about critical care nursing , think about how your essay could impact patient care.n 2. Use Powerful Words and Phrases. When crafting your introduction, use powerful words and phrases to grab the reader’s attention. For instance, if you are writing about neonatal care, try using terms like “vital” and “critical”. This will help to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind and draw them in to your essay. 3. Add Depth and Substance. Your introduction should not just be a collection of high-flown words; it should contain depth and substance as well. Use examples to illustrate your points, and make sure to provide a thorough explanation of each topic. This will help the reader to better understand your essay, and may lead them to read further.

4. Be Concise. While you should still provide enough information to allow the reader to follow your argument, you should also keep your introduction concise. A lengthy introduction will not only be difficult to read, but it may also bore the reader. Try to keep your introduction under one or two pages in length, if possible.

5. End with a Powerful Statement. In the final paragraph of your introduction, try to provide a powerful statement that will leave the reader eager to read more. For instance, if you are writing about pediatric nursing , might argue that pediatric nurses are key contributors to improving patient care. Or, if you are writing about critical care nursing , might argue that critical care nurses play an essential role in saving lives.

Nursing Essay Introduction examples

Nursing Essay Introduction example 1 Concept analysis examines concepts in a study to define the inherent characteristics and refine and clarify theoretical, practice, and research concepts to establish a precise theoretical and operational meaning of research or developed instruments. Nursing has a titillating and broad history of conceptual works. Therefore, understanding the use of conceptual work in nursing is crucial to ensuring its progress. This paper describes the method of analysis of the peer-reviewed conceptual analysis paper and chapter 3 of the Theoretical Basis for Nursing, describing the analytical procedure and the application of the concept in practice. Nursing Essay Introduction examples

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Nursing essay introduction examples

Nursing Essay Structure Essentials

The following tips will help you to start your nursing essay and write an engaging nursing essay introduction that capture readers.

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Nursing essay structure essentials: a thesis statement

A thesis statement is the foundation of an essay. It should be a clear and concise statement of your main point. You should also include a reason for choosing this particular topic or idea as your focus. A strong thesis will help you organize your thoughts and help you focus on yourargumentative writing .

When writing a nursing essay , it is important to start by stating your purpose for writing the essay. Your thesis statement should reflect this purpose. For example, if you are writing an essay about why nurses should receive additional training, your thesis might be something like “Nurses are in need of more training in order to meet the changing needs of the population” or “The increasing complexity of care demands that nurses receive necessitates more specialized training”. Choosing a specific topic is also important when crafting a thesis statement; if you are not sure where to start, try looking at issues that are currently facing the nursing profession or those that will likely arise in the future.

Further read on 80+ Excellent Nursing Concept Analysis Paper Topics to Write About

Once you have chosen your thesis, you must develop a rationale for choosing it. This reasoning should be included in your introduction paragraph and substantiated throughout the body of your essay . For example, if you are writing about the importance of nurse training , you might argue that insufficient nurse training is a major contributor to the rising rates of health care associated with population aging. Supporting your argument with evidence from research studies or real-world examples will help make your point more convincingly.

A strong thesis statement will help you organize your thoughts and help you focus on yourargumentative writing . While it is not mandatory to include a thesis statement in every nursing essay , including one will help you ensure that your argument is clear and concise.

Nursing essay writing is not easy. It is a very important task to be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas in an effective way. The following article will provide you with tips on how to write a nursing essay in an effective and concise manner.

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The first step is to determine the main point of your essay. What are you trying to say? Once you have determined the point of your essay, you need to develop it in a clear and concise manner. Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Be sure to use clear language that everyone can understand. You also need to make sure that your essay has a well-organized structure. Follow a logical progression from start to finish. Avoid going off on tangents or skipping ahead without properly developing your ideas.

When writing your nursing essay , it is important to stay true to the topic at hand. Do not stray away from the topic or use generalities when discussing specific nursing concepts. Use specific examples and data when making arguments for or against certain policies or practices within the nursing profession. Be sure to cite sources when using information that you do not believe is 100% accurate.

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Nursing essays can be challenging, but with these tips, you will beable to write an effective essay that will communicate your ideas in a clear and concise manner.

1000 words Nursing Essay Outline

Nursing Essay Format [Thesis, Structure]

The following tips will help you to start your nursing essay and write an engaging nursing essay introduction that capture readers.

Nursing essay examples can be found all over the internet, but it is best to start with a few tried and true formats. The thesis statement should begin with a broad generalization about nursing and then narrow the focus by discussing one specific example . The body of the essay should follow this outline: introduction, overview of the example, discussion of key points, conclusion.

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There are a lot of different ways to write an essay . It all depends on what you want to communicate and how you want your readers to feel about your work. Here are some tips for writing an essay that will make it easier for you and more engaging for your readers.

1. Think about the main points you want to communicate in your essay. Make sure that all of your key points are included in the body of your work.

2. Use active language when writing your essay . This means that you should use words that describe what is happening rather than telling the reader what to think or feel.

3. Pay attention to the tone of your work. Are you trying to be humorous? Serious? Informative? All of these factors will affect the tone of your essay.

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4. Use transitions to help move from one section of your work to another. These can be words or phrases that indicate a change in mood or direction.

5. Check for grammar and spelling mistakes before you submit your work online or in a print format. These mistakes can make your essay seem amateurish and incorrect, which can Hurt your credibility as a writer.

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How to Write a Nursing Essay: The Definitive Guide

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What Is a Nursing Essay?

Nursing essay outline, nursing essay structure, how to start a nursing essay.

  • How to Write a Nursing Essay?

Nursing Essay Example

Faqs about nursing essays.

So, you're in nursing school, juggling clinical rotations and studying for exams, and suddenly, your professor drops the bomb - a nursing essay assignment. Don't panic just yet! This paper is basically your chance to show off your understanding of a particular topic or concept through the written word.

In this article, our paper writing service will share nursing essay examples to spark your creativity, a handy outline to keep you on track, and lots of tips for nailing your nursing career. So sit back, unwind, and let's breeze through those essays together.

You might be wondering, what exactly does a nursing essay definition entail? This assignment lets you express yourself, share your thoughts, and maybe even persuade your reader about something related to nursing. Whether dissecting evidence-based nursing practice, reflecting on clinical experiences, or analyzing healthcare issues, this essay showcases your expertise and critical thinking.

But it's not just about throwing together some fancy nursing jargon and hoping for the best. A good nursing essay requires some serious thought, research, and organization. You have to gather evidence, cite your sources properly, and present your ideas in a clear and logical way.

And let's not forget about the importance of addressing the specific requirements of your assignment. Whether it's a reflective essay, a research paper, or a case study analysis, you have to make sure you're hitting all the right points.

Similar to learning how to write a psychology case study , let's plan how to write a nursing essay that will keep us on track:


  • Begin with a compelling introduction that sets the stage for your essay.
  • Highlight the significance of the chosen topic within the nursing field.
  • Clearly state your thesis statement or the main argument you'll be addressing.
  • Provide background information on the issue or topic at hand, contextualizing it within the realm of nursing practice, education, or research.
  • Identify the key points you'll be discussing in your essay, such as nursing interventions, patient care strategies, ethical considerations, or research findings.
  • Support each point with evidence from credible sources, including nursing journals, textbooks, clinical experiences, and scholarly articles.
  • Analyze and interpret the evidence, demonstrating your understanding of its relevance and implications for nursing practice or policy.
  • Recapitulate the main arguments presented in your essay, emphasizing their significance in the context of nursing.
  • Reflect on the broader implications of your findings for nursing practice, education, or research.
  • Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or call to action that inspires further exploration or discussion in the nursing community.
  • Compile a list of all references cited in your essay, adhering to the citation style specified by your instructor or institution (e.g., APA, AMA).

In putting together a solid essay, it's important to follow a certain structure. When it comes to a good nursing essay, you'll want to include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Our nursing paper writing services will break down what each part does and give you some tips on how to write them.

nursing essay structure

Nursing Essay Introduction

A good nursing essay introduction example sets the stage. Start by introducing the main topic or question you'll be exploring in your essay. You could share a brief overview of why the topic is important in the field of nursing or mention a personal connection you have to the subject matter.

Then, end your introduction with a thesis statement—a clear, concise statement that outlines the main argument or purpose of your essay. This gives your reader a roadmap of what to expect in the upcoming sections.

Nursing Essay Body

The body of your essay is where you'll dive deep into your topic. Break down your main argument into several paragraphs, each focusing on a different aspect or supporting point.

For example, if you're discussing the importance of patient-centered care, you might have one paragraph exploring the benefits of empathy in nursing, another discussing effective communication strategies, and another addressing cultural competence.

Make sure each paragraph has a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point, followed by evidence, examples, or research to support your argument. Remember to cite your sources properly if you're using external information.

Nursing Essay Conclusion

The conclusion is your chance to wrap up your essay and leave a lasting impression on your reader. Start by restating your thesis statement and summarizing the main points you've made in the body of your essay.

Then, reflect on the broader significance of your argument and its implications for nursing practice or education. You could also offer suggestions for future research or discuss the potential impact of your findings on the field.

Finally, end your conclusion with a thought-provoking statement or call to action that encourages your reader to think critically about the topic you've discussed. This leaves them with something to ponder even after they've finished reading your essay.

When you're faced with that blank screen and the blinking cursor of your nursing essay, it's easy to feel a bit jittery, isn't it? But let's tackle this with the same cool demeanor we have when we're checking a patient's vital signs for the first time.

First things first, let's toss aside that intimidating blank page vibe. It's not as scary as it looks. Take a beat to gather your thoughts. What's the big idea you want to convey in this essay? Maybe it's your undying passion for nursing, or perhaps it's a personal story that made you want to become a nurse in the first place. Whatever it is, jot it down. Don't worry about fancy sentences or perfect grammar just yet. Just spill those thoughts onto the page.

Once you've got your main idea down, it's time to hook your reader. Think of it as introducing yourself to someone for the first time. You want to grab their attention and make them want to get to know you better, right? The same goes for a good nursing essay. Start with something that'll make your reader sit up and take notice—maybe a gripping story, a juicy question, or even a mind-blowing stat. Whatever you choose, make sure it sets the stage for what's to come.

And if you're still feeling stuck, why not try starting in the middle? Sometimes, the hardest part is just getting started, so why not skip ahead to a section you feel more comfortable with? You can always circle back and write the intro later. Plus, starting in the middle might just help get those creative juices flowing.

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nursing paper introduction

How to Write a Good Nursing Essay in 8 Steps?

Organize your nursing school essay.

Before you start typing away, take a moment to plan out your nursing essay. Think about the key points you want to cover and how you'll structure them. A well-organized essay flows smoothly and keeps the reader engaged from start to finish. Consider creating an outline to help you stay on track and ensure all your ideas are presented logically.

Start with an introduction that grabs the reader's attention and provides an overview of what to expect. Then, outline the main body paragraphs where you'll delve into your nursing practice experiences, motivations, and aspirations. Finally, wrap up with a conclusion that reinforces your main points and leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Ensure Your Distinctiveness

Your nursing essay is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd and showcase what makes you unique. Reflect on your experiences, strengths, and passions, and consider how they align with your aspirations in nursing. Whether it's a particular life experience that sparked your interest in the field, a skill or talent that sets you apart, or a personal quality that you believe will make you a standout nurse, make sure to highlight it in your essay.

Admissions officers are looking for individuals who will bring diversity and perspective to their nursing program, so don't hesitate to let your personality and individuality shine through in your writing. Emphasize what makes you distinctly you and how those qualities will contribute to your success as a nursing student and future nurse.

Express Your Aspirations

In your nursing essay, it's crucial to clearly articulate your aspirations within the field. Share your long-term career goals and how pursuing a nursing education aligns with them. Whether you aspire to specialize in a particular area of nursing, pursue advanced degrees, or make a difference in underserved communities, paint a vivid picture of where you see yourself in the future. Highlighting your aspirations demonstrates your commitment to the nursing profession and your enthusiasm for making a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Additionally, discuss how the nursing program you're applying to will help you achieve your goals and how you plan to leverage your education and experiences to fulfill your aspirations. By expressing your aspirations with passion and clarity, you'll leave a lasting impression on the admissions committee and showcase your dedication to becoming an exceptional nurse.

Demonstrate Your Compassion for Others

Nursing is a profession deeply rooted in compassion and empathy. Use your essay as an opportunity to demonstrate your genuine concern for the well-being of others. Share meaningful experiences where you've shown compassion, whether through volunteering, caregiving roles, or personal encounters. Discuss how these experiences have shaped your understanding of the importance of compassion in nursing and how you plan to integrate it into your practice.

Emphasize your ability to connect with patients on a personal level, provide empathetic care, and advocate for their needs. By showcasing your compassion for others, you'll illustrate your suitability for a career in nursing and your dedication to making a positive difference in people's lives.

Clarify Your Credentials

In your nursing essay, it's essential to clearly outline your credentials and qualifications. Provide a brief overview of your academic background, including relevant coursework, degrees earned, and any certifications or licenses you hold. Highlight any extracurricular activities, internships, or work experiences that have helped prepare you for a career in nursing.

Be sure to emphasize any specialized skills or areas of expertise that set you apart from other applicants. If you need medical school personal statement help , we've got your back! Our experts will help you craft a clear statement that tells the admissions team exactly why you're the perfect fit for their program.

Convey Your Motivation for Choosing Their Institution

Show the admissions committee why their nursing program is the perfect fit for you. Research the institution thoroughly and identify specific aspects that appeal to you, such as its curriculum, faculty expertise, clinical opportunities, or campus culture. Highlight how these elements align with your academic and nursing career goals and why you believe attending their institution will help you succeed as a nurse.

Whether it's the reputation of the program, the opportunities for hands-on, personalized learning , or the supportive community, convey your genuine enthusiasm for becoming part of their institution. By demonstrating your motivation and fit with their program, you'll strengthen your application and show your commitment to achieving excellence in your nursing education.

Seek a Peer's Feedback on Your Essay

Before submitting your nursing essay, it's essential to seek feedback from a peer or mentor. Choose someone you trust to provide honest and constructive feedback on your writing. Ask them to review your essay for clarity, coherence, and persuasiveness. Pay attention to their suggestions for improvement, and consider revising your essay accordingly.

Additionally, seek feedback on how well your essay reflects your personality, experiences, and aspirations. Does it effectively convey who you are as a nursing practice candidate for their program? Incorporating feedback from a peer can help you refine your essay and ensure that it makes a strong impression on the admissions committee.

How to Write a Nursing Essay

In this section, we've put together a sample essay to give you a glimpse of what a well-structured nursing essay should look like. From its layout and organization to the depth of its arguments, this essay offers a relaxed yet informative perspective on the complexities of nursing practice.

Title: Exploring the Ethical Dilemmas Faced by Nurses in End-of-Life Care

End-of-life care is a complex and emotionally charged aspect of nursing practice, requiring nurses to navigate numerous ethical dilemmas. As patients near the end of their lives, nurses often find themselves at the intersection of conflicting values, including patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. This essay aims to delve into some of the key ethical dilemmas faced by nurses in end-of-life care settings and examine strategies for addressing these challenges while upholding the principles of ethical nursing practice.

One of the primary ethical dilemmas encountered by nurses in end-of-life care revolves around the balance between patient autonomy and beneficence. Patients nearing the end of life may express their wishes regarding treatment options, including the desire to forego life-sustaining interventions such as mechanical ventilation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. While nurses are obligated to respect patients' autonomy, they must also consider the principle of beneficence, which requires them to act in the patient's best interest. However, determining what constitutes the patient's best interest can be challenging, especially when their wishes conflict with medical recommendations or societal expectations.

Furthermore, family dynamics often come into play in end-of-life care, with disagreements among family members regarding treatment decisions, goals of care, or the withdrawal of life support. Nurses may find themselves caught in the middle, attempting to facilitate communication and consensus while ensuring that the patient's wishes are honored. Negotiating these conflicts while maintaining the patient's comfort and dignity can pose significant ethical challenges for nurses.

In addition to familial conflicts, ensuring effective symptom management is another ethical dilemma faced by nurses in end-of-life care. While symptom control is crucial for promoting comfort and quality of life for patients, achieving it may require the use of medications or interventions that carry potential risks or side effects. Nurses must weigh the benefits and burdens of treatment options while considering the patient's preferences and goals of care. Striking the right balance between symptom relief and potential harm can raise ethical questions for nurses.

Moreover, end-of-life care is deeply influenced by cultural and religious beliefs, which may shape patients' perspectives on death, dying, and medical interventions. Nurses must be sensitive to these cultural and spiritual considerations, ensuring that care is delivered in a manner that aligns with the patient's values and beliefs. However, cultural and religious diversity can present challenges in reconciling differing viewpoints among patients, families, and healthcare providers, requiring nurses to navigate these differences ethically and respectfully.

To address these ethical dilemmas effectively, nurses must engage in effective communication with patients and families, facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration, and engage in ethical reflection and consultation when necessary. By upholding the principles of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice, nurses can navigate the complexities of end-of-life care with compassion and integrity, ensuring that patients receive care that is aligned with their values, preferences, and goals.

In conclusion, end-of-life care presents nurses with a myriad of ethical dilemmas that require careful consideration and thoughtful decision-making. By acknowledging these challenges and employing ethical principles in their practice, nurses can provide compassionate and patient-centered care to individuals nearing the end of life, thus honoring their dignity and autonomy throughout the dying process.

How Do You Write an Introduction for Nursing?

When crafting an introduction for a nursing essay, begin by providing background information on the topic to set the context. Consider outlining the purpose of your essay and briefly mention the main points you will discuss. Additionally, it's helpful to engage the reader with a thought-provoking question, relevant statistic, or a compelling anecdote related to nursing practice. Ensure clarity and conciseness while highlighting the significance of the topic within the nursing field.

How Long is a Nursing Essay?

The length of a nursing essay can vary depending on the assignment requirements and the depth of the topic being explored. Typically, nursing essays range from 1500 to 3000 words, but this can vary based on academic level and specific instructions from your instructor or institution. It's essential to adhere to any word count guidelines provided and focus on conveying your ideas effectively within the allocated length while maintaining clarity and coherence throughout the essay.

How Do You End a Nursing Essay?

Concluding a nursing essay effectively involves summarizing the main points discussed in the body of the essay and reinforcing the significance of your findings in relation to nursing practice or theory. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, offer insights or suggestions for further research or action. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader, emphasizing the importance of the topic and your analysis.

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Nursing Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Nursing Essay Examples That Will Help You Write a Stellar Paper

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

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Many nursing students struggle with writing effective nursing essays, which are an essential part of their education and professional development.

Poor essay writing skills can lead to low grades and an inability to effectively communicate important information.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to writing nursing essays with examples and tips for effective writing. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional looking to improve your writing skills, this blog has something for you. 

By following the tips and examples provided, you can write compelling nursing essays that showcase your dedication to the field.

Let’s get started.

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What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a type of academic writing that aims to explore a particular topic related to nursing. It also presents a clear and concise argument or viewpoint supported by evidence. 

Nursing essays can take many forms, including:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Reflective essays
  • Analytical essays
  • Persuasive essays

What is the Importance of the Nursing Essay?

Nursing essays are important for several reasons. First, they help nursing students develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze and evaluate information.

Second, they help students develop research skills by requiring them to locate and use credible sources to support their arguments. 

Third, nursing essays help students develop communication skills by requiring them to present their ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Finally, nursing essays are important for nursing education because they prepare students for the types of writing.

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To help students better understand how to write nursing essays, it can be helpful to review examples.

Below are some examples of nursing essays.

Nursing School Essay Examples

College Nursing Essay Examples

Graduate Nursing Essay Examples

Nursing Scholarship Essay Examples

Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples

Nursing Essay Examples of Different Fields

Nursing is a diverse field with many different specialties and areas of focus. As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. 

Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples

Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples

Leadership In Nursing And Healthcare Professionals - Essay Examples

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nursing Professionals And Pharmacists

If you're seeking additional examples of nursing essays, you're in luck! 

Below are some more examples that can help you gain a better understanding of nursing essays:

Health Care And Reflective Models For Nursing - Essay Examples

History Of Nursing Essay Examples

Ethical Dilemma In Nurses Work - Essay Examples

Mental Health Nursing Essay Examples

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Working In A Team And Collaboration In Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Essay

Writing a nursing essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience.

Here are the key steps involved in writing a nursing essay:

Understanding the Topic and Question

The first step in writing a nursing essay is to carefully read and understand the topic and question. 

This will help you determine what information you need to research and include in your essay. Make sure you understand any key terms or concepts related to the topic. Consider different perspectives or viewpoints that may be relevant.

Researching the Topic

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and question, it's time to research. 

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and government websites. 

Consider both primary and secondary sources, and make sure to take detailed notes as you read.

Organizing and Outlining the Essay

Once you have completed your research, it's time to organize your ideas and create an outline for your essay. 

Start by identifying the main points or arguments you want to make, and then organize them into a logical order that flows well. 

Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Writing the Essay

With your outline in place, it's time to start writing your essay. Make sure to follow your outline closely, and use clear and concise language that effectively communicates your ideas. 

Use evidence from your research to support your arguments, and cite your sources appropriately.

Editing and Revising the Essay

Once you have completed a first draft of your essay, take some time to edit and revise it. Look for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation, and make sure your essay is well-organized and flows well. 

Consider asking a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide feedback.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay, there are several key elements that you should include. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and purpose of your essay. It should also include a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point of view.

  • Background Information

Provide some background information on the topic to help the reader better understand the context of your essay. This can include relevant statistics, historical information, or other contextual details.

  • Evidence and Examples

Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic. Make sure to cite your sources appropriately and use a variety of sources to strengthen your argument.

  • Analysis and Evaluation

Provide analysis and evaluation of the evidence and examples you've presented. This can include discussing strengths and weaknesses, comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, or offering your own perspective on the topic.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. It should also offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Nursing Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing a topic for your nursing essay can be challenging, but there are many areas in the field that you can explore. Here are some nursing essay topic ideas to consider:

  • The role of technology in nursing practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare delivery
  • Nursing leadership and management in healthcare organizations
  • Ethical issues in nursing practice
  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing practice
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care
  • The role of nursing in promoting public health
  • Nursing education and the importance of lifelong learning
  • The impact of nursing shortages on healthcare delivery
  • The importance of communication in nursing practice

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can also explore other topics related to nursing that interest you or align with your academic or professional goals. 

Remember to choose a topic that is relevant, interesting, and feasible to research and write about.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing Essay

Writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write an effective nursing essay:

  • Writing Concisely and Clearly

Nursing essays should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. Use simple language and short sentences to help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

  • Stating a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and located at the end of your introduction.

  • Using Proper Citation and Referencing

Citing and referencing your sources is crucial in any academic writing, including nursing essays. Make sure to use proper citation and referencing styles, such as APA or MLA. Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

  • Seeking Feedback and Revising

Before submitting your nursing essay, seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Use their feedback to revise and improve your essay. Make sure that it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your point of view.

By following these tips, you can write a nursing essay that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.

In conclusion, writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. 

To showcase your knowledge in the field of nursing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. When writing your nursing essay, be sure to include relevant examples, incorporate current research, and use proper citation and referencing. 

And remember , seeking feedback and revising your essay is key to ensuring that it effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

If you need help with your nursing essay or any other type of academic writing, consider using our AI essay writer . 

Our nursing essay writing service can provide personalized support to help you succeed in your academic goals.

So, why wait? Contact us to get college essay writing help today! 

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nursing paper introduction

Nursing - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

An essay on nursing can emphasize the vital role nurses play in healthcare and patient well-being. It can discuss the education and training required for nursing, the diverse roles within the profession, the challenges nurses face, and the ethical considerations that guide their practice, highlighting their contributions to the healthcare system. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Nursing you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Teamwork and Collaboration in Nursing

A crucial part of nursing is being able to cooperate and work with others to provide the best quality of care possible for the people we care for. For us to achieve this we must work as a team and collaborate with others involved in the care process. Working together to achieve a common goal by having the ability to function effectively within nursing and interdisciplinary teams, while fostering open communication, respect for others, and shared decision-making to accomplish quality […]

Impact of Violence and Bullying in Nursing Shortage

Nurse bullying is not limited to victimizing the new nurses. Bullying behavior is a mechanism learned and a decision. Some new nurses may notice the bully behavior and accept it in hopes of fitting in or feeling included. Cliques may shape on nursing floors which may be a catalyst for nurture bullying. Cliques offer assistance a bully stow away from their activities and pick back up. This is usually one of the reasons why working environment bullying may be a […]

Role of Women in the American Revolutionary War

The achievements of men usually overshadow the role of women in the history of America. However, women have been very important in establishing liberal America that people live in today. The accomplishments of women in the American revolutionary war is hardly reported in historical books. During the American Revolution (1775-1783), women played a role in a variety of ways, including the creation of organizations, becoming camp followers, and by gathering intelligence for the Patriot cause. One of the roles of […]

We will write an essay sample crafted to your needs.

Risk Management in Nursing Practice

Bowers (2014) identifies the need for the preservation of safety as the most crucial objective for mental health nursing. However, this is a very isolative environment with seclusion being a part of this treatment and intervention. Clifton et al (2017) argues that this could lead to possible deterioration of social inclusion, independence and communication. Shared decision-making (SDM) is a frequently utilized model for the purpose of approaching sensitive decisions (Stiggelbout et al, 2015). This process is where clinicians and patients […]

The Profession of Nursing during World War II

The profession of nursing has been a significant aspect of many wars. World War II is no exception. World War II and its aftermath saw many changes for the nursing profession. Nursing during the war and nursing today are extremely different. The roles, working conditions, education and socioeconomic factors during the war impacted nurses both during that time period and today. The role of nurses before the start of the war was very different from nursing today. The majority of […]

A Career in Neonatology Nurse Practitioner

How To Prepare For a Career in Neonatology Nurse Practitioner In today's society many are pursuing medical field as their dream career. Mainly because medical field receives high salary and because they love helping others in need. However, not a lot of people realize who they will be caring for, and what educations are required for this career. In this case, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner are an advanced nurses who care for premature and sick infants in neonatal intensive care units; […]

Impact of Burnout in Nursing Shortage

Role Strain and Burnout in Nursing Causes, effects of role strain and Burnout among the nurses Nurses face a lot of challenges in their work. Among the most common challenges is stress. Psychologists and other experts point out that stress in workplace is an occupational hazard. Despite this recognition, nurses still experience stress in their workplace. These professionals work for long and engage in different activities under difficult environment making the job to be a challenge. Stress causes burnout among […]

Nursing Shortage: Solutions of the Problem

Introduction The field of nursing holds multiple roles and responsibilities that lead individuals into different aspects of the career field. Many of the roles that a nurse plays a part in are caregiver, manager, educator, advocate, and more. The down side to working in healthcare is the multitude of issues that people have to deal with, such as staff shortages, needle stick incidents, and HIPPA violations. After years of research, individuals have begun developing possible solutions to several of the […]

Self Assessment Toward Educational Environment

The educational climate surrounding students is considered one of the factors determining academic success. Students and teachers have become aware of the 'educational environment' of their institution. Nursing science courses in Alexandria University and King Abd El Aziz University employ a combination of traditional classroom and clinical learning methods. However, there is a scarcity of empirical evidence that evaluates this balance or the way nursing students perceive its delivery. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate nursing students' self-assessment toward the […]

Nursing Care Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a broad term used to describe feelings of worry, discomfort, or fear. Feeling anxious during stressful periods is an ordinary emotion. Although this term is used as a general description of an emotional state, it is crucial that nurses and other health professionals distinguish those who are feeling anxious from those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Assessments are key when dealing with anxious patients in order to determine their level of functioning. GAD is often a comorbidity to […]

The American Nursing Shortage

Nursing workforce: Then and now A nurse’s role is extremely important in healthcare in order to deliver safe, positive and successful patient outcomes. In fact, nurses are the fastest growing and have the largest numbers in the profession, with approximately 3.9 million registered nurses in the United States alone, 29 million worldwide (Haddad & Toney-Butler, 2018). However, even with this substantial number, there is still a shortage of one million nurses (Haddad & Toney-Butler, 2018). Nursing shortages have been a […]

Exception Letter for Course Enrollment in Medical University

I am writing to you with all urgency and hope that my situation will be taken into consideration. Throughout this examination period I had to complete four examinations that I have been working hard for during the academic year and the examination period which was a very overwhelming year as both my parents have been through a very serious car accident which required my personal effort and time to assist them. I must say that during that hard time, studying […]

King’s Theory and Nursing Process

My institution, Overlake Hospital has a multidisciplinary diabetes inpatient team that include, endocrinologists, diabetes specialist podiatrist, nurses, wound care specialist, dietitian and social workers. Often patients expressed their concern and fear over not being able to self-manage their condition. Lack of knowledge on how to treat, lack of understanding of proper food choices, exercise regimen and overwhelming burden of this chronic disease causes depression. Our interdisciplinary team focuses on care for each and every individual's complex need and educate, train […]

Nursing Care for End of Life Patient

Introduction Nurses have a responsibility of talking care to end of life patents. This ranges from providing medical need to having a sensitive conversation with the patient and family members. This is because days of the dying person, more especially during the last weeks are demanding and stressful. For this reason, nurses are required to exercise a broad range of ethical values. Besides, it is this last aspect that underpins the whole nursing care towards these patients. In this way, […]

Leadership in Nursing

Leadership is an art, skill or quality of an individual who can positively influence the people to achieve maximum in their life. A true leader is a person who can manage both success and failure with compassion. He or she tries to analyze what went wrong rather than blaming the team members. He has a vision and plan to accomplish the task. Along with the vision, he has a quality of conveying his vision in a way so that it […]

Nursing Metaparadigm

Nursing Metaparadigm in Advanced Clinical PracticeNursing concepts such as the metaparadigm of nursing profession which include person, health, environment and nursing profession. The nursing profession is anchored on the four concepts as they inform nursing theory, knowledge and practice (George, 2011). This article discusses advanced clinical care as a practice of the nursing profession by applying the four concepts. The nursing metaparadigm play a critical role in the advanced clinical care practice. The first concept, that is, the person requires […]

Practice is Based on Evidence in Preventing Dry Eye in Patients

The purpose of this research study was to determine the effectiveness of two nursing interventions in preventing dry eye in critically ill (ICU) patients. In determining which pharmaceutical approach to use, the authors compared two types of lubricating eye drops-liquid artificial tears (Lacribell), and artificial tears gel (Vidisic Gel) to help determine the most beneficial intervention for this group of patients (De Araujo et al., 2019). The authors collected quantitative data on dry eye prevention. The study design involved the […]

Middle Range Nursing Theory

The middle range theory in nursing has taken a tall order on most of the nurses in the industry today. It has even become more axiomatic that most of the current nurses tend to adopt the middle range theory. This theory gives a structure that encompasses two or more concepts that have been identified to be very significant in the nurse practice in health care (Robert, Samb, Marchal & Ridde, 2017). This theory is very important in that it brings […]

Ways i’ve Advanced my Nursing Career

I knew I wanted to pursue a career in nursing as soon as the blood started coagulating in my shoe. Before this moment, I was a directionless 22-year-old Californian transplant from Syracuse, NY. A friend convinced me to move out to California and train as a medical assistant. I did not know what a medical assistant was, but I was always fascinated with medicine and I did not really have anything else of interest going on, so I figured, “Why […]

Nursing in World War II

Starting in 1939 with Hitler's invasion of Poland, World War II would officially begin its terror among the world. With an increase in need for soldiers, came a rising need for care and nurses (Levine, 2018). Following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the United States officially entered this war and eventually brought a plethora of nurses with it (Wilson, 2018). American involvement in World War II had an extreme effect on the profession of nursing including the creation […]

The Danger of Nursing Shortage

Literature Review The researcher conducted a comprehensive search of the literature published between 2015 and 2020. Keywords used to conduct the search included nurse staffing, quality of care, nurses’ perceptions, nursing shortage, patient safety, nurse-patient ratios, Donebedian, Donebedian’s structure, process, outcomes, Donebedian’s framework. Nurse Staffing Nurse staffing can be defined as the total nursing care hours per patient day or staff mix (ANA, 2014). The American nurses association defines staff mix as the percentage of registered nursing care hours among […]

Compassion Can Save Life

When it comes to being a nurse, professionalism can be defined in many different ways. Being a professional nurse takes one to be confident, compassionate and accountable, these are just a few examples. Webster Dictionary defines professionalism as; the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. I feel it is also the ability to evaluate your own work and proactively take corrective action to improve your own performance. The first step into becoming […]

Teamwork and Collaboration in Perioperative Nursing and how it Effects Patient Safety

Teamwork is the combined efforts of a group of people in order to reach a common goal. Collaboration is the action of working together to produce a satisfying outcome. The combination of the two concepts cumulates an ideal perioperative environment. In perioperative nursing the teamwork and collaboration between the circulating nurse and scrub nurse is an important dynamic relationship in the operating room. The roles of the circulating and scrub nurse are key factors that contribute to the success of […]

Nursing Education has Become a very Diverse Community

Introduction In order for all those who attend to be successful, it is the duty of the educator to provide an experience that is welcoming and sensitive to all cultures, races, ethnicities, and genders. To do this, educators need to be willing to provide multimodal methods of teaching, whether it be through mind mapping, game based learning, or case studies, the use of several different learning styles must be used to reach all different students. The diversity of the students […]

The Implications of Nursing Shortage

As the Baby Boomer generation is beginning to get older, health care workers are facing an increase in patient loads. STAFF FQHC (YEAR) states, “the population of seniors (65 and older) in the US has passed 50 million for the first time in history and is projected to reach over 70 million in the next 25 years.” With an increase in the patient population comes an increase in workload for health care workers, the possibility of an increase in hours […]

3D Printing and the Future of Nursing Education

With the progress in technology, the contemporary world has become much more advanced than it was even ten years ago. Thus, the existing technology now serves the population in numerous industries and areas, and its assistance makes the lives of people more convenient and simpler. Moreover, the positive impact of technological progress appears to play a vital role in the life of the entire population, as people have been using various technologies specifically in the field of healthcare for many […]

The Growing Need for Nurse Practitioners Especially in a Rural Area

Primary care is vital to our healthcare system. Having access to primary care can lower mortality rates by providing preventative care. Currently, there is an increased demand for primary care providers, especially in rural and underserved areas. Many physicians are choosing to become specialists rather than internists or family physicians. The growing need for primary care providers has therefore opened the doors for nurse practitioners to come in and fill the void. Nurse practitioners are on the rise, now assuming […]

Importance of Nursing Theories

Nursing theories are important tools for the designing, understanding, and application of diabetes patient education (Anderson, Funnell, & Hernandez, 2005). Imogene King is one of the nursing theorists who has made significant contributions to nursing. King's Conceptual Framework and Theory of Goal Attainment (TGA) is valuable in the care of diabetes patients and adherence to treatment. In my unit most commonly-used nursing theories include, King's theory of goal attainment to the care of the adult with diabetes mellitus. TGA theory […]

Adverse Impact on Health Systems by Nursing Shortage

Dorothy, in a fetal position, was laying on a stretcher in a hospital hallway. She was fragile, slim, vulnerable, and shaking with cold. She was frightened and all alone with no family around. She had a low-grade fever being a sign of sepsis in the elderly. Her skin was flimsy with skin tears and bruises at different stages, patterning her whole body. She hadn’t been eating or drinking and was without heat and food. She was admitted for pneumonia, chest […]

Compassion Fatigue Impact Nursing Job Satisfaction

Compassion Fatigue Among Nurses Multiple studies have been conducted on compassion fatigue among nurses and the ultimate effect it has on the patients under the nurse’s care. Nurses experiencing the issue of compassion fatigue exhibit physical and/or psychosocial problems that can be detrimental to the nurse and the patients under the care of the nurse. Compassion fatigue is, “the term used to describe the combination of burnout and secondary traumatic stress” (Kelly, Runge, & Spencer, 2015). Journal of Nursing Scholarship […]

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How To Write An Essay On Nursing

Introduction to the field of nursing.

Writing an essay on nursing requires an understanding of the multifaceted nature of the profession. Nursing, an integral part of the healthcare system, is focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities to maintain or recover optimal health and quality of life. In the introduction of your essay, define what nursing means and its significance in healthcare. Highlight the broad scope of nursing that covers various specialties and settings. This introductory part should set the context for the essay, whether you are focusing on the roles and responsibilities of nurses, the challenges they face, or the evolution of nursing as a profession.

Exploring the Roles and Responsibilities of Nurses

The body of your essay should delve into the specific aspect of nursing that you wish to explore. If discussing the roles and responsibilities of nurses, describe the diverse functions they perform, from direct patient care to education, advocacy, and leadership roles in healthcare settings. Discuss the skills and qualities essential for nursing, such as empathy, communication, and critical thinking. You can also include how nurses collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care. This section should provide insights into how nurses contribute to patient care and the functioning of healthcare systems.

Addressing the Challenges in Nursing

A significant part of your essay should address the challenges faced by nurses. Discuss issues such as staffing shortages, workplace stress, the emotional toll of patient care, and the challenges of keeping up with advancements in medical knowledge and technology. Explore how these challenges impact the quality of care and the well-being of nurses. This part of the essay can also examine how the nursing profession is adapting to these challenges, through strategies like education and training, policy changes, and the use of technology in healthcare.

Concluding with the Impact and Future of Nursing

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed and reflecting on the impact and future of nursing. Highlight the critical role that nurses play in the healthcare system and their contribution to patient outcomes. Discuss the evolving nature of nursing, including how it is adapting to meet the changing healthcare needs of society. Consider the future challenges and opportunities for the profession, such as the growing importance of community and public health nursing, and the increasing use of technology in healthcare. Your conclusion should not only tie together your analysis but also underscore the importance of nursing in the broader context of healthcare and society.

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Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Applying for nursing school is an exciting step towards a rewarding career helping others. The nursing school essay, also known as a personal statement, is a critical part of the application. This is your chance to showcase your passion for the nursing profession and explain why you want to become a nurse.

This guide will show you exactly what admission committees are looking for in a strong nursing school application essay. Let’s walk through how to plan, write, and polish your “why I want to be a nurse” personal statement so it stands out from the competition.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

Writing a compelling nursing school essay requires advanced planning and preparation. Follow these tips to create an effective personal statement:

Plan Your Nurse Essay

The first step is to carefully conceptualize your nursing school admissions essay. Jot down some notes answering these key questions:

  • Why do you want to go into nursing?
  • What personal experiences or traits draw you to the field of nursing?
  • How have you demonstrated commitment to caring for others?
  • What are your academic and professional qualifications for nursing?

From here, you can start mapping out a logical flow of key points to cover in your nursing school application essay.

Show an Emotional Connection to the Profession

Admission committees want to see that you have genuine passion and empathy for the nursing career choice. Dedicate part of your personal statement to describing your intrinsic motivations and positive impacts for desiring to become a nurse.

Avoid cliché reasons like “I want to help people.” Instead, get specific by sharing a personal anecdote that emotionally moved you towards nursing.

Here’s an example of how you could open your nursing school entrance essay by highlighting a meaningful patient-care interaction:

“Holding Mrs. Wilson’s trembling hand, I watched her fearful eyes relax as I reassured her that the medical team would take excellent care of her. At that moment, providing empathetic comfort to calm her nerves despite the clinical chaos around us, I knew deep down that nursing was my calling.”

This introduction immediately establishes an emotional pull towards the human side of healthcare. From here, explain how this or similar experiences instilled a drive in you to become a nurse.

Show That You Care

Much of nursing is providing compassionate, person-centered care. Therefore, your “why I want to be a nurse” essay should emphasize your ability to be caring, empathetic, patient, and comforting to others.

Share examples that showcase your natural inclination for caregiving:

“Volunteering at the Red Cross shelter after the wildfires by comforting displaced families demonstrated my patience and attentiveness to those suffering. Even as some evacuees grew frustrated by the chaos, I calmly reassured them that we would do everything possible to assist with their recoveries and ensure they felt cared for.”

This example highlights key soft skills needed in nursing as a career, like compassion, active listening, the desire to help, and providing a calming presence under pressure.

Share Your Aspirations

A strong application essay will also articulate your goals and vision for contributing to the nursing field. What are you hoping to achieve through a career in nursing?

Here is an example of discussing aspirations in a nursing school personal statement:

“My long-term aspiration is to become a nurse leader by earning an advanced degree and management experience. I aim to leverage my organizational, communication and critical thinking skills to mentor junior staff, improve operational workflows, and advocate for policies that enhance quality of care. In nursing, I’ve found my true calling – to provide critical care, and help others by being a source of compassion and driving excellence in healthcare delivery.”

This type of self-motivated, forward-looking vision demonstrates maturity, strong goals, and natural leadership qualities.

Describe Your Nursing Skills and Qualifications

Finally, your nursing school entrance essay should summarize the skills; profession offers, and experience that makes you an excellent candidate for the nursing program. Highlight relevant strengths like:

  • Academic achievements (science/healthcare courses, GPA, etc.)
  • Extracurricular activities (volunteering, internships, etc.)
  • Relevant work experience (patient care roles like CNA, medical assistant, etc.)
  • Other transferable skills (communication, leadership, teamwork, critical thinking, etc.)

For example:

“My passion for science, healthcare experience as a CNA, and volunteering at a community health fair have prepared me to thrive in the intellectually stimulating and collaborative nursing curriculum. I bring dedication, attention to detail, and a strong work ethic as demonstrated by my 3.8 GPA studying Biology at the University of Michigan.”

With application essays, it’s all about showcasing why you would make an outstanding addition to the nursing program, making a difference through your qualifications and intangible traits.

How Do You Write an Introduction to a Nurse Essay?

Now that you’ve brainstormed content ideas, it’s time to turn them into a polished personal statement. Here are some tips for crafting an attention-grabbing introduction to your nursing school essay:

Hook the Reader with a Personal Story

One of the most engaging ways to start writing your essay is by recounting a brief personal story that illuminates your drive to become a nurse. This can immediately immerse the reader in your intrinsic motivations.

For example , you could open with an anecdote describing a meaningful instance of care and comfort you provided to someone in need:

“Tears streamed down Mrs. Hernandez’s face as she told me about losing her husband to cancer last year. As a hospice volunteer, I held her hand, listening intently to her painful story of grief and loss…”

This type of vivid introduction pulls the reader into the narrative straight away. From here, you can continue sharing details about the scenario and its influence on your desire to pursue nursing.

Illustrate the Human Impact of Nursing

Another compelling way to begin your nursing personal statement is by painting a picture of nursing’s profound impact on patients and their families. This highlights your understanding of the profession’s vital role.

For instance:

“Looking a trembling new mother in the eyes as she first held her newborn, relieved knowing both were safe and healthy after a complicated delivery – that is the human difference nurses make each and every day.”

This type of introduction emphasizes nursing’s profound emotional impact on patients during vulnerable yet joyful moments. It activates the reader’s empathy by bringing them into the vivid scene while showing your own insight into the medical field.

Articulate Passion for Helping Others

Finally, you can start your nursing application essay by asserting your resounding passion for caring for others. This clear expression allows you to succinctly introduce central values like empathy and compassion.

“Ever since I was a young volunteer candy striper in my local hospital, I’ve held an unwavering passion for helping those suffering through the profound act of nursing. I was born to care for others.”

This authoritative opening clearly states your emotional connection to nursing in a compelling yet concise way. You can then build on this assertion of passion through personal examples and further explanation.

No matter how you start your nursing school essay, the introduction should vividly showcase your motivation and why you chose nursing. Set the tone early with your authorship and emotion.

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay Examples 

Now let’s analyze some complete sample nursing personal statements for inspiration on crafting your own:

Why I Want to Be a Nurse at a Hospital: Essay

Essay on why i want to be a nurse assistant, 1000-word essay on why i want to be a nurse, essay on why i want to be a nurse, why i want to be a nurse: argumentative essay, mental health nursing personal statement, why i want to be a pediatrics nurse, why i want to be a nurse practitioner essay, writing a why i want to become a nurse essay.

To craft a standout nursing school application essay, prospective students should engage the reader with an emotional opening that illuminates their calling to the profession, whether through a compelling personal anecdote or vivid imagery expressing the profound impact of nursing. 

The conclusion should be resolved by painting an inspiring vision of how the writer’s skills, values, and determination will be channeled into excellence as a nursing student and future registered nurse, making an empathetic difference in patients’ lives.

With focused, mature writing that radiates passion and preparedness, a “why I want to become a registered nurse” personal statement can stand out amidst the competition as a window into a promising applicant’s commitment to this vital healthcare profession.

nursing paper introduction

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How to Write a Nursing Paper Complete Guide

Whether at the end or in the middle of a nursing course, students will be required to write a nursing paper and broaden their practical skills by diving into several research sources and conducting their research. Writing a nursing term paper is not a cakewalk since it entails supporting the thesis with arguments, statistics, proper referencing, etc. However, with a complete guide on how to write a nursing paper. You are good to go.

What is a nursing research paper?

A nursing paper is a thesis-driven academic paper written on a specific topic given by the instructor, or sometimes it can be a student’s choice. As a nursing student, you must write nursing papers by providing supporting evidence on a given topic.

Nurses doing their practicum, doing their nursing courses, nursing methodology, or evaluation will sometimes be required to write a nursing paper. Writing a nursing paper includes systematic research to showcase given statistics, look into nursing theories and come up with conclusions. A nursing paper can vary from 5 pages onwards.

How to write outstanding Nursing Papers

The essence of nursing in the healthcare field is vital that research is required since it inherently betters the nursing field and improves healthcare services. Here is a step-by-step guide and no steps skipped process on how to write a nursing research paper .

Choosing a Topic for the Nursing Paper

The first step toward writing an outstanding term paper is choosing a nursing paper topic. The instructor will provide a nursing student with several topics to select from in most cases. If you don’t like or have no interest in the provided topics, you can opt for your nursing paper topic. It should be related to the specific nursing topic in your particular nursing area of specialization.

Most importantly, you should find a nursing paper topic that you deem interesting or one you are always deeply concerned about. Explore the topic you would like to write about and weigh if the theoretical knowledge is available and you have the necessary skills to write a nursing paper.

Topic Relevancy Matters

The relevancy of your topic to the specific course is just as crucial as your interest in the desired topic. You should select a topic that has been analyzed severally in the past, and that way, it will be easier to find relevant, credible, and up-to-date references. You should introduce some freshness into the area in the same line as your readers should be 100% original and not just copy-pasted from other publications. To master this, you should research some reputable sources and develop distinct viewpoints and perspectives on the point.

Always be mindful of the number of sources available, and they must be credible and relevant. The nursing paper shouldn’t be too broad and make it challenging for you to cover all the crucial points or structure the paper well. Conversely, if the nursing paper topic is too narrow, you will find it challenging to expound on the research later. So to be on the safer side, you should first consider the topic’s relevance and look for contemporary issues surrounding the topic.

Deriving from the tips listed above. Some of the best examples of nursing paper topics

  • The issue of racism inside the healthcare system.
  • Disorders of sleep in women
  • Innovations in EBP Nursing
  • Why Quantitative Studies Are Never Sufficient
  • Professional nursing functions
  • Guidelines for the fundamental treatment of catastrophe victims
  • Changes and limitations of the sensory system in older adults: nursing care approaches
  • Instruction for EBP
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of meditative therapy for individuals with cognitive development impairment
  • Misunderstandings Regarding Evidence-Based Practices Among Nurses
  • EBP Ability
  • Critical care nursing administration
  • Examining the effects of telephone care during postnatal therapy
  • Using machine learning to detect dementia in older adults: an evaluation of its effectiveness and precision
  • Works of nursing theorists
  • Bias towards women in the nursing profession
  • Establishing a medical practice
  • Between occupation and service to others
  • Recommendations Based on Evidence in Primary Care
  • Quantitative Studies and Sampling
  • Protocol standard for the treatment of adult headaches.
  • Nursing professionals
  • Evaluation Methodologies in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
  • Guidelines for basic gynecological education
  • The parenting experience of women: attachment and mother-child bonding
  • Healthcare contract constraints
  • Morality and homelessness treatment
  • EBP and Administration
  • History of eating disorder treatment and current treatment analysis
  • Pathogenesis, immunology, and therapy of HHV6
  • Difficulties for New Nurses Regarding EBP
  • Social Work and the Health Promotion Specialist’s Function
  • The evolution of nursing in the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed: Nursing’s Preferred Research Method

Look for reliable sources for Nursing essay writing

After selecting the nursing paper, it is time to look for relevant, credible, and up-to-date sources to help you fully explore different perspectives on your topic. you can use the library or the internet to find these sources. ensure you do your due diligence and get information from reliable and credible websites with online sources., today there are many irrelevant and unreliable websites, and you don’t want to risk your academic future. to avoid any self-doubt, use academic journals and specialized directories. look for:.

  • academic periodicals specializing in Nursing, Healthcare, Medicine, and other sub-fields; websites ending since they are pertinent and can be used for academic purposes;
  • general and specialized databases as well as digital libraries.

There are numerous websites and databases dedicated to nursing and medical-related issues. The most popular among them include:

  • CINAHL Plus – an online database including useful nursing and related health resources;
  • Nursing Reference Center Plus Is a database containing credible, evidence-based information about nursing practice;
  • Cochrane Library — an online library containing medical evidence that can be used to inform clinical treatment decisions;
  • PubMed is an online service that is part of the National Library of Medicine; it includes vital citations and more books and databases connected to nursing and other life sciences.
  • MEDLINE is a bibliographic database including scholarly publications in several medical disciplines, such as veterinary healthcare administration and nursing.

Planning and Preparing for nursing papers

After you have selected the preferred nursing paper topic and found a relevant, credible nursing paper, you already have a rough idea of what your nursing paper is going to look like. But you might not know where to start or go. To make everything more manageable, you need to have a prewriting practice that will help you articulate the main points of your nursing paper and come up with new ideas for your nursing paper to write an outstanding nursing paper.


The pre-writing practice should be centered around the information you have garnered on the given topic and other related issues. That is why it is crucial to initiate the writing process and gain the knowledge pertinent to the nursing paper topic before you begin writing the key points. Next, you should practice brainstorming techniques. Brainstorming includes jotting down all the key points pertinent to the topic in your mind.


Another crucial tip is to practice a strategy called freewriting. Freewriting is all bout jotting down in the form of sentence lists. This will help you expound on the initial ideas and create new viewpoints on which you might further explore the idea.


You can also use “mind-mapping”. You should create a visual presentation of your nursing paper. The mind mapping strategy will help you visualize your nursing pape ideas. You have to select the more leading ideas. Then on the key points, list down the supporting point you will use to support the main ideas.

Now that you have the ideas and the key points listed on the selected topic, it is time to create an outline of your nursing paper. An outline will help you structure all the parts of your paper and make it sound logical and professional. The nursing paper outline is centered around your topic, and the thesis statement also includes a list of the key points you intend to discuss in your nursing paper. You should also review the key points further and make sure it touches all the crucial points.

Nursing Papers outline

If you intend to obtain the highest grades on your nursing paper, you must follow a given format or structure. Go through your instructor’s instructions and stick to the provided instructions. In most cases, a nurse’s paper should be written according to the American Psychological Association (APA). In the APA format, it defines structure.

The APA format typically contains the title page. The abstract, main body, and reference list. Your nursing paper should be in Time New Roman and font 12. The in-text citations must have the author-date format. In these cases, you can include the page number if you insert the citation directly from a publication or an online source.

As mentioned earlier, the structure of your nursing paper should help you develop an outline. If your instructor provides some additional instructions, be sure to follow them, a typical Structure of Nursing Papers in APA contains the following.

The title page must have the running head, the name of the nursing paper, the student’s name, and the affiliated school or college.

Your abstract should be on a separate page. The title should be “abstract” and unsorted in the center. The main role of the abstract should contain the key points of your nursing paper and highlight the value you are adding to the existing knowledge and your interpretations of the findings.

The main body of the nursing paper has the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusions. The primary function of the introductory paragraph is to provide a background of the nursing paper and explain the problem your paper aims to solve. Your introduction must have a thesis statement which is usually the last part of the introduction that sums up the main argument of the nursing paper.

Next, the main body paragraphs should detail the arguments mentioned in the introduction and the abstract. Make sure to support your arguments with evidence, statistics, facts, and even real-life examples, not forgetting your evaluation of the issue.

In your conclusion, summarize all the disused points in the preceding paragraphs and again highlight the thesis statement. Remember, you should not add any new information in the conclusion section.

Reference Page

The reference page should be on a separate page. The title page should be titled References and be structured as per the APA referencing style guide.

Proofreading and edit

After you finish writing a nursing paper, next, you edit and proofread your paper. You will have to check punctuation and grammar issues a these are the most common needs you are likely to make when writing nursing papers. Thanks to technology, it has become easier to check grammar mistakes by using tools such as Grammarly that will help you perfect the grammar used on your nursing paper.

Use tools such as Copyscape and Turnitin to check for plagiarism since you don’t want to be penalized due to plagiarism problems with your paper.

After checking for grammar and punctuation, look for the choice of words in your nursing paper, as academic papers must have an official and academic tone. Avoid contractions and idioms in academic language. You can also solicit help from a friend or an expert to help you detect mistakes in your nursing papers. An extra eye looking into your paper will help you discover your writing weaknesses and work on improving them in due course.

How to Write the Best Introduction

The introduction of a nursing paper is crucial since the introduction will determine id the reader keeps on reading the rest of the nursing paper or not. As they say, first impressions matter a lot. A compelling introductory paragraph allows you to make an excellent first impression. A poorly written introduction confuses and puts off the reader.

To understand how to write a compelling introduction, you have to understand the critical aspects of your introduction. It must contain the following aspects.

  • Must be attention-grabbing
  • Contain the thesis statement
  • Introduce the nursing paper topic
  • Highlight the key points of the paper
  • Explain the problem your paper aims to solve.

Steps for writing the best introduction for a nursing research paper

1. Introducing the topic

When you begin your nursing paper, you must inform the reader about the topic and what you will discuss. You have to make your nursing paper introduction captivating to the readers interested in reading. You can begin by including a quotation, statistic, or a thought-provoking question.

2. Set the foundation

Each paper has its background setting. For instance, if you are writing a research paper, you need to offer a synopsis of the existing research on the topic and give insight into what your paper brings. You need to look at the problems and the missing gap in the preexisting research and fill them.

If you are writing an argumentative nursing paper , you have to trim it down to the title and offer insight into the topic to provide content. Avoid overloading the introduction with unnecessary details.

3. State the research problem

Your introduction should help convince the reader that your paper will address the research question. Demonstrate how your nursing paper will solve the research problems and address the questions you have not addressed in the existing research.

4. Thesis statement

You need to specify the primary goal of the research. You can use it as a thesis statement or throw in a research question with a paper. Your thesis statement should not be more than two sentences.

Tips for Writing Nursing Papers

These tips will come in handy if you want to navigate the process of writing a nursing paper quickly. In this simple but comprehensive list, you will learn the practical tips that will help you nail your nursing paper. Several nursing paper experts have verified these tips, and you should take them as the gospel.

Select a good nursing topic

Most nursing students disregard the importance of selecting a topic that excites or satisfies them. As a result, they struggle with developing a topic chosen for its reason. If you are free to choose the topic, select a topic that you find interesting. If you are interested in geriatric medicine, select topics such as falls or the management of an aging population.

Other possible topics include safety of patients, nurse training, nurse credentials, nursing state laws and regulations, morality, mental health treatment, healthcare informatics, and healthcare transformations.

As this is an advanced paper with a lengthy format, ensure that your nursing topic is supported by data or has been debated in science publications.

Carefully Read paper instructions

When beginning to write the paper, it is essential to comprehend the basis upon which you are to write it from the perspective of an external marker, your professor, or your instructor/teacher. Neglecting this stage is similar to beginning a mountain climb without the proper equipment. You will lose significant points or make tiny omissions that affect your grade.

Spending time reviewing the instructions will assist you in:

  • Determine the ages of the scholarly sources that are permitted.
  • Recognize and read other items necessary to complete the document related to the instructions.
  • Understand the deadline to plan the entire process
  • You will be able to develop an outline for a research paper if you learn how to organize your document.
  • Help you restrict the scope of the paper because you are aware of the required number of words or pages.
  • Select the appropriate theoretical or conceptual frameworks to apply throughout the paper.
  • Evaluate if you are required to use the specified sources or if you can also conduct your research.

Understand the topic you will be writing. Even if it is a research paper on a case study, you will know what components of the case study to discuss.

Before selecting a nursing paper topic or making significant progress, get clarification if you discover you do not understand the directions.

Plan your nursing paper

Nursing papers can be analytical, argumentative, or explanatory. According to the American Psychological Association (APA) style, they are consistently formatted. To complete a nursing project, you must display an exceptional command of knowledge, research skills, persuasion, and organization. This is only possible with sufficient planning.

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the nursing paper guidelines after receiving the project via the internet, email, or your institution’s method. Then, after determining the topic and word count, devote time to planning the paper. In most instances, this is where you will outline the structure of your paper to decide the primary sections and how to approach the topic.

Organize your nursing paper

Following the selection process, but the sources into a folder and use citation management tools to keep track of them. The following step is to organize your research paper’s bibliography using the information from step one. The bibliography must meet all of the guidelines for a standard research paper.

You can also save your favorite websites to your browser’s bookmarks. There are even better options for linking your sources, such as citation management systems or a digital bibliography. To give yourself the best opportunity to read, comprehend, criticize, and present ideas, it is imperative that you begin writing your paper as soon as you have completed your research. In the beginning, you should write a thesis statement for your nursing paper.

The outline should serve as a guide for your paper’s writing process. You can use it to help you organize your paper’s flow and convey important ideas and parts. If you can, use the Pomodoro approach to complete your paper, in which you finish sections and take a break before moving on to the next piece.

Begin researching and writing early

When writing a nursing paper for a nursing program, do not wait until the last minute; this increases your chances of failing. Begin your research as soon as possible to ensure that your paper will be a success.

Find credible sources in the scholarly nursing databases and sift through the data as needed. As you research, you would have already or somehow, along the road, developed your thesis statement. You can then choose from a variety of academic sources. Do not fear seeking information from Gray search on Google or Wikipedia.

You can use these sources to expand your knowledge and better understand topics, but you are not allowed to credit some of them when writing. You can learn a lot about a topic by looking at available sources, finding keywords to use in your research, and getting a sense of the sheer volume of knowledge. However, the sources you utilize in your paper should be relevant, credible, and reliable.

Use Citations tools

Use citation management programs like Zotero, EndNote, Legacy, and RefWorks to keep track of your citations.

Several tools might help you arrange your citation database. As a bonus, you can ensure that the citation style is correct because they offer AMA, APA, ASA, or Harvard formatting options.

With such tools, you can create bibliographies and paste them into your research paper once you’ve finished it. Avoiding intentional plagiarism is easier when you write first and cite later. A citation is much more likely to be lost when using the latter method. You’ll also find that quoting while writing helps keep your thoughts flowing and critically examine your reporting data.

Proofread and edit nursing paper

You should first congratulate yourself on finishing your paper. An excellent job, but you are still in the woods. You must make sure your nursing paper complies with all established standards. It’s always a good idea to edit your work before submitting it.

Look at the structure, organization, length, and wording of the text before beginning nursing paper editing. Look at your thesis and how you’ve developed it in your paper. Is it necessary to adjust it? Make changes to your introduction and conclusion if you think it’s necessary. Using our nursing paper checklist, you can ensure that everything is in order.

You can hire a nursing research paper editor to review your paper’s instructions and requirements. The editor will make any necessary adjustments if necessary. They are also capable of doing a thorough proofreading job. Nursing paper writing experts from Online Nursing Papers can always help you if you need someone to integrate the changes.

The Bottom Line

If you have followed this blog up to this point, you are already an expert on writing nursing papers. You need to choose a suitable nursing paper topic, look for credible and relevant nursing sources, use a nursing paper outline and proofread your paper before submission. These are just some crucial steps that will help you nail your nursing papers.

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Nurses play an important role in the healthcare industry. They are the ones that take care of the patients, administer medicines, keep a check on their vitals, and communicate with the doctors regarding the health of the patients. If you have chosen this noble profession you are going to become the backbone of the healthcare industry and have invested a lot in your education, especially with nursing research paper.

Nursing research paper-1

Nursing is a highly demanding career involving many roles and responsibilities. If you are pursuing a degree in nursing you will have to put in a lot of time and effort. As a part of your curriculum, you will have to submit a large number of projects and assignments including reports, thesis, essays, etc. You will also have to write a nursing research paper for each of your classes.

Writing a research paper helps you learn how to organize information, document research, manage your time and write professionally. Nurses need to learn how to communicate effectively while writing as they have to document a patient’s medical history.

A nursing research paper like any other research paper is used to assess your knowledge, research capabilities, and analytical skills. It can be argumentative, expository, or analytical and consists of an introduction, the body of the paper, and a conclusion.

Introduction of a Nursing Research Paper

The introduction of a research paper is important as a good introduction will encourage the reader to continue to the main parts of the research paper. A well-written introduction gives you the chance to make a good first impression. If the introduction is disorganized and filled with errors, the reader will feel disoriented and confused. 

Read on to find out how to write the best introduction for a nursing assessment research paper.

Before learning how to write an introduction, you need to understand what the introduction of your paper should accomplish. The introduction of your nursing research paper should fulfill the following responsibilities

  • Grab the attention of your reader
  • Introduce the topic
  • State the theses
  • Explain the relevance of the study
  • Outline the main points of the research

Steps for writing the best introduction for a nursing research paper

Nursing Research Paper

1. Introducing the topic

When you start by introducing the topic of your research paper you need to tell your readers what the topic is and how it is important. You need to make your readers interested so that they are hooked to your paper. You can engage your audience by opening the introduction with a compelling story or a thought-provoking question. You can also include a quotation, a statistic, or an anecdote.

Though grabbing the attention is important, do not forget to convey the relevance of the topic while trying to make the introduction appear catchy. A simple way to emphasize the importance of your research is to highlight the benefits it has. This way the reader focuses on the positives of the research. 

2. Setting the background

The background will differ depending upon the nature of the research paper. If your research paper is empirical then you can provide an overview of relevant research already done on the topic and establish how your research differs from them.

While doing so you can also state the limitations or gaps in the previous research that you plan on filling. You can refer to the available literature for this but should refrain from the formal literature review in the introduction section. This will show your awareness of previous research as well. 

On the other hand, if your research paper is argumentative, you can just narrow down your topic and provide a general background to set the context. Remember this is only the introduction and if your paper needs more background information you can include it in the main body of the paper. 

3. Stating the research problem

The next step is establishing your research problem. You need to convince the reader how your work helps to address the research question. You can demonstrate how your research can fill gaps or limitations of any previous work on the same topic. The contribution your work can bring to the existing knowledge on the subject can be pointed out here. 

4. Specifying the objectives of the paper

Now you specify what you intend to achieve as a result of the research. You can either present a thesis statement or propose a research question with a hypothesis. A thesis statement should not be of more than one to two sentences and should only state your position on the topic with any specific arguments. 

5. Outlining the structure of the paper

The last part of the introduction is reserved for giving a brief overview of the research paper. Describing the structure of the paper makes it easier for the reader to understand the flow. You can also highlight the important points that you intend to make in the paper. If your paper strays away from the usual structure of introduction, body, and conclusion, providing an outline becomes important.

6. Citing the sources

If you have referred to any literature in the introduction section make sure to cite all the sources correctly. Missing out on giving credit or wrongly citing a source can land you in trouble. You can use the referencing style followed by your institute or any academically approved referencing style such as Chicago, APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.  TutorBin can provide you access to professionals who are experts in writing nursing research papers.

Though the introduction is at the beginning of every research, you can write it at the end or revisit it after completing the paper. This will make it more compelling and will be easier for you to write. 

Nursing paper help with TutorBin

Still, struggling with writing the perfect introduction for your nursing research paper? Just get in touch with TutorBin for high-quality assignment help with your research paper. These experts can write a brilliant introduction for your research paper on a variety of topics. The research writing service offered by TutorBin is sure to get you good grades, save time, and will fit your budget. 

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NursingPaper Releases Complete Guide to Finding Reliable Writing Services

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / June 25, 2024 / NursingPaper announces the release of a detailed guide aimed at helping nursing students identify and select reliable nursing paper writing services. The guide addresses the common challenges nursing students face in managing academic workloads, clinical practice, and personal responsibilities.

Life as a college student can be frustrating, especially when enrolled in a nursing program. Top nursing programs tend to come with huge workloads, requiring attendance at lectures and workshops, writing various nursing papers, and finding time for clinical practice. Adding work, family responsibilities, and extracurricular activities to this list can make college unbearable.

Interestingly, authorities and educational institutions understand this, yet the workload on nursing students only increases over the years. At some points, it even becomes so unbearable that, without the help of nursing paper writing services, completing graduation seems impossible.

However, when deciding to buy a nursing paper, another problem arises: finding reliable help. Numerous suspicious writing services and writers exist on the Internet, making the search difficult. prepared this article with tips on finding the best writing service, emphasizing the importance of spending some time researching.

What Does a Nursing Paper Writing Entail

As with other academic papers, nursing writing assignments aim to equip students with the skills needed for future careers. Writing a nursing paper develops critical thinking, the ability to analyze information, and the application of this knowledge to practice. The nursing writing skills acquired at the academy will be helpful in future work. Despite innovations in the nursing field, such as EHRs or telehealth, the responsibilities of nursing specialists still include a significant amount of paperwork. Academic nursing papers introduce students to these responsibilities.

Forms and Requirements for Different Nursing Papers

The concept of a nursing paper is a collective one because it includes many different writing tasks and comes in various forms. These may include essays, case studies, research papers, clinical reports, SOAP notes, teaching plans, and more. The common feature is that each nursing paper should be evidence-based, meaning all information included must be backed by credible and verifiable evidence.

While there may be variations in writing expectations between the disciplines in nursing, all students are expected to follow specific standards. A nursing paper should be concise, clear, and grammatically correct. The writing must include accurate punctuation, and all sources should be cited according to the required formatting style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

Writing such papers requires specific skills and attention to detail. If unsure of the ability to complete the work or lacking the time, seek professional help. The following steps will guide in finding a professional nursing paper writer who can handle challenging nursing tasks effectively.

Understand the Needs for Help with Writing Nursing Papers

Choosing the best nursing paper writing service requires research. Avoid ending up with copy-pasted or poorly done work. Before hiring someone to write a paper, understand what is expected. This will help in evaluating the outcome of cooperation with the nursing writer service.

Read and reread the instructions before deciding to share them with a service. Once the expectations of the professor are clear, it becomes easier to anticipate what to expect from the nursing paper writing service and make an informed decision on whether to request a revision.

Make a List of Top Nursing Paper Writing Services

Finding services that assist with academic papers isn't hard. It is more difficult to find those who specialize specifically in writing nursing papers and can guarantee quality. Tailor searches in Google using relevant keywords and create a list of about ten of the most used writing platforms. Then, start exploring the service websites or check external feedback first. Gather information from reviews and testimonials from those who have used such services.

Explore Reviews of Chosen Nursing Paper Writing Service

The best way to find information about nursing paper writing service platforms before trusting them with a paper is by reading online reviews. Previous customers' feedback provides insights into the quality of the writing services offered. Reputable review platforms also research top services and provide information, saving students valuable time. Check the details, but always remember that the ideal nursing writing service should be accessible, competent, and secure.

Assess Their Websites and Nursing Writing Services

Once a list of some of the best platforms that offer help with nursing papers online is compiled, it is time to explore their service websites, features, pros, and cons. Evaluate the website's appearance; a service that invests in the design of its website is likely to take the work seriously.

Check the availability of competent writers, the ordering procedure, and policies relating to privacy and payment. Pricing should be another factor, indicating that the best nursing writers are neither too cheap nor too expensive. Evaluate offers and discounts available when ordering the writing service.

Engage customer support and observe the response time. Avoid assigning urgent tasks to a nursing paper writing service being used for the first time. This approach ensures that there is ample time for proofreading and possible revisions.

A Bit About Writing Service Experts

When discussing nursing paper writers and their competencies, several key aspects are important:

  • Education: Verification and appropriateness are crucial. An MSN capstone in Health Administration would not be entrusted to a service writer with an RN in pediatrics.
  • Experience in helping students: A service writer should be open to communication, meet specific needs, and follow given instructions.
  • Background and language skills: The best nursing writers are native English speakers who have graduated from leading universities.

Decide Whether Nursing Writing Service Can Handle Your Paper

The considerations discussed earlier assist in deciding on good nursing paper writing services. However, this does not guarantee the service can handle specific tasks. Therefore, study the types of papers they assist with, such as essays, case studies, and evidence-based practice reports. Assess the subjects they cover, including anatomy, pharmacology, and nursing fundamentals, as well as the academic levels they support, such as RN, BSN, and MSN.

For large-scale projects like coursework, term papers, capstones, or theses, it becomes more complex. Find out about the possibility of consulting before ordering. Understand how the service will work on the paper and submit chapters, whether the same nursing writer will handle the project, and if it is possible to pay for the service in installments.

Most importantly, review samples of their previously completed nursing papers, particularly those within the relevant subject area. This comprehensive evaluation ensures the service can effectively meet the specific requirements of the nursing paper.

Finding a reliable service at the last moment is not advisable, as it can result in spending more time and effort on the paper than planned. Allocate sufficient time to conduct thorough research beforehand. The hours spent choosing the best nursing paper writing service will ensure quality and prevent future hassles.

Contact Information

Nursing Paper [email protected] 1-718-736-2941

SOURCE: Nursing Paper

nursing paper introduction

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nursing paper introduction


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  3. Apa Nursing Paper Examples Inspirational Examples Of Nursing Research

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  6. Nursing Capstone Paper: A Guide, Examples, Outline, and Tips

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  1. How to Write a Great Nursing Research Paper (Guide + Tips)

    The introduction should have an attention-getter or a hook that can be a statement, statistic, or fact. It should be 10% of the entire word count. It also has background information that details the nursing issue or topic you are exploring. It also comprises a well-thought-out thesis statement related to the topic.

  2. How to Write a Nursing Essay Introduction

    Part 1: Essay Hook The essay hook in the introduction of a nursing essay acts as a catalyst to ignite the reader's curiosity and ensure they continue reading. In nursing, this initial hook carries a particular significance as it provides a window into a field that is as emotionally charged as it is technical.

  3. How to Write a Nursing Essay

    Nursing Essay Introduction. Begin your nursing essay with a spark. Knowing how to write essay introduction effectively means sharing a real-life scenario or a striking fact related to your topic. For instance, if exploring patient care, narrate a personal experience that made a lasting impression. Then, crisply state your thesis - a clear ...

  4. Writing A Nursing Paper From Scratch: The Fundamentals

    The introduction part is where you need to make a difference. It's the first writing part of your paper that will be seen and read by your professors and peers. Therefore, it must be good and thought-provoking. A nursing essay's introduction contains three parts, a hook sentence, background information and a thesis statement.

  5. Nursing Essay: Guide, Steps, Tips, Structure, Format, & Topics

    A typical nursing essay writing process takes three stages: prewriting, writing, and post-writing. Of course, this also applies when writing a nursing research paper or a case study, for that matter. Note that the time, effort, and dedication required may differ depending on the essay's type, length, and scope.

  6. A Comprehensive Guide to Writing a Nursing Research Paper

    Writing a nursing research paper is an essential skill for nursing students and professionals alike. It serves as a platform to contribute to the ever-expanding body of knowledge in the field, fostering evidence-based practice and promoting advancements in healthcare. ... The introduction is the first part of your nursing research paper, taking ...

  7. Writing Tips For Nursing School Students

    Expository essays usually follow a basic five paragraph structure. These essays explain or inform the reader about a specific topic. An expository essay features a clear structure and logical transitions between the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Be prepared to provide ample evidence to reinforce your claims. Persuasive

  8. PDF Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students

    nursing and making a case regarding how the nurse might proceed. At the end of the essay we offer notes that explain the critical thinking and writing features of Stewart's work. N.B. Remember, copying essays such as this, submitting them as a whole or in part for assessment

  9. How to Write a Nursing Essay Quickly and Effortlessly?

    Nursing Essay Outline. Within the framework of nursing essay composition, the outline serves as a vital architectural blueprint. This section delves into the key elements constituting an effective nursing essay outline, offering a structured foundation for insightful and well-articulated academic discourse. I. Introduction. Hook:

  10. The Nursing Essay: Learning How To Write

    A nursing essay is a piece of writing to convey the nurse writer's perspective, point of view, and story. It is the outline of the writer's experience, knowledge, and expertise in the practice of nursing. ... and where they are going to while reading the essay. An introduction should be catchy and engaging to attracts readers. In the ...

  11. 10 Tips to Write an Effective Nursing School Essay

    Follow these 10 nursing school tips for a more impactful essay. 1. Read the Essay Guidelines Thoroughly. Following the directions is essential, as every nursing school establishes its own nursing school essay policies, topics and procedures. For example, you may need to write within a minimum or maximum word count range, and you'll likely ...

  12. How to Write a Nursing Essay

    The first step in writing a nursing essay is to choose a topic. Nursing essays can be written on a wide variety of topics, from the role of nurses in society to the importance of empathy in nursing. When choosing a topic, pick one that is both interesting and relevant to the Nursing profession. 2. Do your research.

  13. Nursing Reflection Essays: A Guide, Outline, Models, and Tips

    The hook or attention grabber. Thesis statement. Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.) Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action) With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay.

  14. How to Start a Nursing Essay [Nursing Essay Introduction]

    Nursing Essay Structure Essentials. The following tips will help you to start your nursing essay and write an engaging nursing essay introduction that capture readers.. Here are 100+ Excellent Nursing Informatics essay Topics [+Outline]. Nursing essay structure essentials: a thesis statement. A thesis statement is the foundation of an essay. It should be a clear and concise statement of your ...

  15. Nursing Paper Example: APA Setup & Template

    Nursing Paper Example: APA Setup & Template; Search this Guide Search. Archive: APA 6th Edition: Nursing Paper Example: APA Setup & Template. APA Toggle Dropdown. ... Sample APA Paper. This guide has has been put together by the State College of Florida BSN Faculty for the Nursing Department. It can be used as a template.

  16. How to Write a Nursing Essay: Your Complete Handbook

    Nursing Essay Introduction. A good nursing essay introduction example sets the stage. Start by introducing the main topic or question you'll be exploring in your essay. You could share a brief overview of why the topic is important in the field of nursing or mention a personal connection you have to the subject matter.

  17. Explore 15+ Nursing Essay Examples: Effective Tips Included

    As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays: Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples. Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples. Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples.

  18. PDF Suggestions for Writing a Nursing Paper

    The basics: When writing a nursing paper at IWU, the professors expect students to use APA 7th edition, unless stated otherwise. The font is 12-point New Times Roman or 11-point Calibri. Because nursing papers are written in the APA format, the paper needs to be as precise as possible. Papers should read like a textbook.

  19. Nursing Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    Nursing Shortage: Solutions of the Problem. Words: 2438 Pages: 8 6561. Introduction The field of nursing holds multiple roles and responsibilities that lead individuals into different aspects of the career field. Many of the roles that a nurse plays a part in are caregiver, manager, educator, advocate, and more.

  20. Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay (What to Include + Essay Examples)

    Here are some tips for crafting an attention-grabbing introduction to your nursing school essay: Hook the Reader with a Personal Story. One of the most engaging ways to start writing your essay is by recounting a brief personal story that illuminates your drive to become a nurse. This can immediately immerse the reader in your intrinsic ...

  21. How to Write a Nursing Paper Complete Guide: Best format

    The introduction of a nursing paper is crucial since the introduction will determine id the reader keeps on reading the rest of the nursing paper or not. As they say, first impressions matter a lot. A compelling introductory paragraph allows you to make an excellent first impression. A poorly written introduction confuses and puts off the reader.

  22. Nursing Research Paper: How to Write the Best Introduction

    The introduction of your nursing research paper should fulfill the following responsibilities. Grab the attention of your reader. Introduce the topic. State the theses. Explain the relevance of the study. Outline the main points of the research. Steps for writing the best introduction for a nursing research paper.

  23. Introductions

    gument. A good introduction grabs the reader's attention and sets the stage for the rest of the paper to hold that attention by outlining the steps the writer will take in the rest of the paper. There is no one right way to write an introduction. The length and content of an intro-duction will change based on the type of writing you are doing.

  24. Sample Nursing Papers

    At, we're proud to showcase our quality and work. We've put together some sample academic papers, written by our nursing and healthcare experts to show their writing skills and attention to detail. Take a look at what we can produce with the following nursing essay samples created at a range of levels and subjects.

  25. <em>Nursing in Critical Care</em>

    1 INTRODUCTION. Since the early 2000s, emphasis on patient- and family-centred care (PFCC) has been increasing in a variety of health care settings, spinning from paediatric to health care facilities for adults and older adults. 1, 2 Supported by literature that PFCC improves patient and family experiences, this approach has been broadly embraced by health care institutions. 3 Aligned with ...

  26. PDF

  27. NursingPaper Releases Complete Guide to Finding Reliable Writing Services

    NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / June 25, 2024 / NursingPaper announces the release of a detailed guide aimed at helping nursing students identify and select reliable nursing paper writing services.The ...