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Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: 6 Tips That Actually Work

  • Julia Mlcuchova , 
  • Updated January 29, 2024 9 min read

Do you often turn to Reddit for answers to your burning questions? And, have you considered exploring this popular online forum to uncover what the best resume advice according to Reddit is?

Of course, Reddit can be notoriously difficult to navigate and not all of its users actually know what they're talking about.

Still, Reddit and other public forums can be valuable sources of first-hand experience in all things resume. 

We've painstakingly sifted through countless subreddits, all dedicated to resume writing and career tips, to save you the trouble.

Now, we present to you the crème-de-la-crème of Reddit resume advice. 

In this article, you'll find:

  • 6 best resume advice according to Reddit;
  • What we think about them; 
  • And, of course, examples. 

Table of Contents

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TL;DR: 5 Best resume advice according to reddit

1. use a single column layout to pass the ats.

  • 2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

3. Keep your job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs

4. use numbers to quantify your achievements, 5. less is more for both word count & job applications per day, 6. use resume builders to make your life easier, key takeaways: best resume advice according to reddit.

First, for those in a hurry, here's the TL;DR version of our top five resume advice gathered from Reddit:

  • Use a single column layout to pass the ATS.
  • Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'.
  • Keep you job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs.
  • Use numbers to quantify your achievements.
  • Less is more for both word count & job applications per day.
  • Use resume builders to make your life easier.

Now, let's look at the best resume advice according to Reddit users more closely. Here's what we think:

If you thought that layout doesn't play any significant role in the success rate of your resume, you thought wrong!

In case the company you're applying to uses an Applicant Tracking System, always opt for a single column layout . 

The reason? ATS compatibility. 

Even though all ATSs are designed to read text from top to bottom, left to right , not every ATS is programmed to distinguish between columns. 

And you just can't know with certainty which software you'll encounter. Therefore, reduce the risk of your resume being incorrectly processed or rejected by picking a one-column ATS friendly resume template . This will make the process of parsing and interpreting information easier and safer.

HOWEVER. That doesn't mean you should discard the two-column resume all-together. Here are some reasons why a two-column layout can still be beneficial :

  • Non-ATS employers . Many companies still don't use ATS systems, making the ATS compatibility argument less relevant in these cases. For these employers, the visual and organizational benefits of a two-column layout could be more advantageous.
  • Aesthetics . A two-column format can be more visually engaging, making your resume stand out.
  • Ease of reading . Smaller chunks of information can make the resume easier for the human eye to navigate.
  • Space management . For those with less experience, a two-column layout can help evenly distribute text and avoid large empty spaces.
  • Strategic organization . It allows for a more strategic presentation of information, guiding the recruiter's eyes through your resume efficiently.

Moreover, if you're just entering the workforce with no experience , your resume is probably still quite sparse. 

Because of this, you may end up with a large, unattractive empty space at the bottom of your document. And with one-column structure resumes, this is often the case. 

There' s an easy fix! Organizing your resume sections into a two-column structure can help spread the text more evenly.  

2. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'

Indeed, putting together a good resume is quite a tedious process.

There're so many rules and principles to think about, for instance:

  • Every single resume section, whether it be the resume summary , work experience section, education section, skills section, or any other optional section, requires your full and undivided attention. 
  • You must remember to always tailor your resume to fit a specific job description . 
  • Not to mention the subsequent formatting and proofreading!

By the time you've finished writing your resume, you're likely mentally drained. 

It's at this time that errors creep out from the most unexpected places.

One such error is not naming your resume file appropriately .

How to name your resume file: step-by-step.

When naming your resume file for submission, it's important to consider clarity, professionalism, and the likelihood of it being easily found by the recruiters.  

Here are our recommendations for naming your resume file:

  • Use your name. Start with your full name. This is the most crucial piece of information because it clearly identifies the document as yours. For example, "PeterStones" .
  • Specify the document type. Make it clear that the document is a resume . This helps distinguish your resume from other documents like a cover letter . For example, " Resume ".
  • Add the job title. This can be particularly helpful if you are sending the resume directly to a hiring manager. For example, " ProductManager ".
  • Use a professional format. Avoid using any unnecessary symbols or fancy formatting. Underscores (_) or hyphens (-) are acceptable to separate words.

A good file name for your resume could look like this: "PeterStones_Resume_ProductManager.pdf".

Finally, before hitting send, consider carefully what to write in an email when sending a resume . Of course, when you're applying for a job, every detail matters. Don't neglect the content of your email – it's also responsible for making a positive first impression.

Undoubtedly, you know that the work experience section is the heart and soul of your resume.  

The recruiters always pay it the most attention, and so you need to be extra diligent and patient while writing about your past employment. 

Consequently, many will try to fit in as much information as humanly possible, disregarding the readability and quality of their entries. To steer clear from such mistake, follow these two simple principles:

  • Organize your work descriptions into bullet points . Under each work experience entry, list 4-5 bullet points underlining your most notable responsibilities and achievements. That is to say, you should focus on demonstrating the impact your presence had on your former employment, rather than just stating your daily duties. 
  • Open the said bullet points with action verbs . The recruiters don't care about long winding sentences! That's why it's a good idea to start each bullet point with an action verb . This will not only make your writing more concise, but it'll also depict you as a proactive, and therefore valuable, employee.

For example, a well conceptualized work entry description can look like this:

Work experience entry example:

Senior Product Manager XYZ Tech Solutions, New York, NY | June 2019 – Present

  • Led a team of 8 in the development of an innovative mobile application, increasing user retention by 35% within six months.
  • Collaborated with cross-departmental teams to streamline product delivery, reducing time-to-market by 20%.
  • Managed product lifecycle from concept to launch, including market analysis, positioning, and rollout strategy.
  • Oversaw a budget of $1M, optimizing resource allocation and cutting costs by 15% without impacting product quality.

This is another great resume advice according to a Reddit user!

The recruiters adore to see numbers in your resume! Why, you ask?

It makes life a bit easier for them. By quantifying your accomplishments, you simultaneously allow recruiters to better gauge your abilities ; and add more weight to your words . 

Be as specific as you can - numbers are universal. 

Struggling to figure out how to incorporate numbers into your resume? Here are few examples of what you can quantify:

  • Revenue and sales increases. If you contributed to growing revenue or sales, specify the percentage or dollar amount of the increase. For example: " Boosted sales by 20% within a six-month period. "
  • Cost reduction. Similarly, if you implemented strategies that reduced costs, mention the amount or percentage saved. For example: " Cut operational costs by 15% through process optimization ."
  • Time efficiency. If you streamlined processes, indicate how much time was saved. For example: " Reduced project turnaround time by 30% ."
  • Team management. If you manage a team, you can specify the number of people you supervise. For example: " Led a team of 12 sales professionals ."
  • Project scope and delivery. Quantify the size or value of the projects you managed, then mention if you delivered them under budget or ahead of schedule. For example:  " Managed projects worth $2M, consistently delivering 10% under budget ."
  • Training and development. If you were involved in training, mention the number of people you trained or the improvement in performance post-training. For example: " Trained over 30 employees, leading to a 40% increase in overall team efficiency. "

Resume advice two-in-one!

As this Reddit user rightly pointed out, less is sometimes more . 

This is especially true when it comes to the content of your resume as well as the amount of job applications you send out each day .

When crafting your resume, keep in mind that you must show the recruiters that you have everything they're looking for . Chances are, you actually have much more – more diverse job experience; more interesting hobbies; or more fulfilling volunteer work you'd like to share with them. 

Obviously, resumes have their length limitations . Once you've started to write yours, you'll soon learn that you have to be picky! 

Recruiters prefer resumes that are focused, relevant, and straight-to-the-point. In other words, don't make them read information they didn't ask for. 

The same applies to applying for jobs.

Many in this situation start panic-applying to every single job posting they find. Because they assume that the more applications they send, the bigger their chances at landing a job will be. 

Makes sense right?

In theory, maybe. In practice? Hardly!

Believe it or not, there's such a thing as sending too many applications. Basically, if your solely focus on the quantity of applications, you're running the risk of sacrificing their quality . 

And that is a problem. If you'd like to learn how to go about this problem, including tips on how to manage the pressure of job hunting, take a look at what research says about the ideal number of job applications .

Now, hand over your heart!

Would you prefer to sit in front of your computer for hours, battling with Microsoft Word and its many settings? Trying to create a perfect resume design from scratch? 

Admit it, even the thought of setting margins and spacing makes you roll your eyes. 

Hence, arguably the best resume advice according to reddit is to make a resume with an online resume builder to avoid these inconveniences (politely said).

No need to scratch your head over a layout or the best colour palette! Instead, simply pick a resume template that best suits your needs (both aesthetic and practical), fill in all your information, and watch your resume come to life in seconds. 

Additionally, resume builders can proofread and correct any misspellings or typos you might've otherwise missed. 

Sounds good? If so, your perfect resume is one click away.

Resume template by Kickresume

This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

In conclusion, Reddit and other public forums can serve as a good starting point for seeking resume advice.

Apart from first-hand applicant experience, many posts are sumbitted by actual hiring managers.

However, there's a lot to weed out first to find the best resume advice according to reddit.

Plus, you should always compare your findings with reputable sources. Which is exactly what we did.

  • Don't forget to name your resume file appropriately.
  • Keep your job descriptions short with bullet points and action verbs.
  • Keep your resume concise and the number of daily applications reasonable. 
  • Use online tools (like Kickresume) to build your resume.

Ready to create the perfect resume?

Create a beautiful resume quickly with the help of AI and our customizable templates.

Julia has recently joined Kickresume as a career writer. From helping people with their English to get admitted to the uni of their dreams to advising them on how to succeed in the job market. It would seem that her career is on a steadfast trajectory. Julia holds a degree in Anglophone studies from Metropolitan University in Prague, where she also resides. Apart from creative writing and languages, she takes a keen interest in literature and theatre.

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The Top 10 Free Resume Builders of 2024 (That Are Actually Free)

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Is writing your resume giving you a headache? Let a free resume builder ease the pain and help you create a polished, professional resume in no time.

All you need to do is plug in your information. The resume builder takes care of the rest!

To get started, follow these four simple steps:

  • Choose a resume builder that suits your needs. Check out our list of the best free resume builder tools to find the perfect one for you.
  • Gather your materials . Make sure you have your current resume and the job description of the position you’re applying for on hand.
  • Follow the prompts provided by your chosen resume builder. Our ratings will help you gauge the level of effort each prompt requires.
  • Optimize your resume for ATS (applicant tracking systems) with Jobscan’s resume scanner .

The following resume builders are really free . We’ve even provided tips on how to use them without entering any credit card information. 

Give these builders a try and start crafting your winning resume today!

Table of Contents

The top 10 free resume builders of 2024, #1 – jobscan’s resume builder, #2 – cakeresume, #3 – resume genius, #4 – my perfect resume, #5 – indeed, #6 – zety, #7 – resume.com, #8 – novoresume, #9 – standard resume, #10 – canva.

Usability score: Extremely Easy

screenshot of jobscan's resume builder showing the licenses and certifications editor section

Why do we like it?

We have to admit, we’re a bit biased here! But we really like this resume builder. It’s incredibly easy to use and effortlessly guides job seekers through the process. 

Our favorite part is that it’s ATS-friendly . The templates are designed with applicant tracking systems in mind, ensuring that your resume stays optimized and has the best chance of getting past the initial screening process.

Another feature of Jobscan’s resume builder is the split-screen format . 

The first section prompts you to input the information you want to include in your resume. As you fill in your details, you can see the builder formatting that information into the second section , which becomes your final product. 

It’s a seamless and intuitive process that helps you create a polished and professional resume in no time.

Is this resume builder really free? How do you use it?

Yes, it’s free! And it’s incredibly easy to use.

All you have to do is select one of our ATS-friendly resume templates . Then you can personalize the template for each job you’re applying for by filling out our simple forms. 

Once you’re finished, you can download, print, and submit your resume to potential employers with confidence.

Along with the free resume builder, Jobscan offers cover letter templates , resume writing guides , and more, making it easy for you to put together a stellar job application.

  • Offers a variety of ATS-friendly resume templates to choose from.
  • Split-screen format shows you what your input looks like in real-time. 
  • Completely free to use, with no hidden fees or charges.
  • Provides a resume score showing how well your resume matches the job description.
  • Provides additional resources such as cover letter templates and resume writing guides.
  • Jobscan has a limited scan history, so you can’t see all your previous resume scans.

Says "Proven Resume Templates" with images of templates.

CakeResume really is a piece of cake to use. Simply drag and drop pre-made sections, update your information, and voila! 

You also have the option to showcase your professional brand even further by creating a public profile and uploading your LinkedIn information. 

This gives hiring managers who visit CakeResume the opportunity to view your information and potentially consider you for job openings.

CakeResume allows you to create one free basic resume. We suggest using the free download to create a basic resume that you can edit and update for different jobs.

Once you’re ready to download, just click the PDF button in the upper left corner to save a free copy of your resume to your computer.

  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop pre-made sections.
  • Option to create a public profile.
  • Easy downloading in PDF format.
  • The limited free version allows you to only create one basic resume.
  • Can only download your resume in PDF format.
  • Not guaranteed to be ATS-friendly. 

When you’re done building your resume with CakeResume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "The Genius Resume Builder" with an image of a resume.

Resume Genius is as easy as a resume builder gets. 

First, the builder guides you through a series of multiple-choice questions about your education and experience. This leaves only a few blanks for you to fill in with dates, roles, and other straightforward answers.

We especially like the “Add Pre-Written Bullet Points” feature. This time-saving tool allows you to select from a vast selection of pre-written bullet points that match your specific industry or job role.

This feature is an excellent way to streamline the resume-building process and to ensure that job responsibilities are written with precision and clarity.

When you’ve completed your resume, you’ll be directed to a pricing page that may seem to suggest that the most affordable option is a 14-day trial of Resume Genius for just $2.95, followed by a monthly subscription charge of $24.95. 

But there’s an alternate option that requires no credit card information. 

Simply click on this link , then log in again, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can see your saved resume. You can download it for free as a .txt file, which is a basic document that removes formatting. 

This is an excellent option for those seeking a budget-friendly and hassle-free solution to their resume-building needs.

  • User-friendly resume builder offers multiple-choice questions.
  • Option to add pre-written bullet points can save time. 
  • Allows you to download your resume for free as a .txt file.
  • Limited customization options compared to some other resume builders.
  • The .txt format lacks visual appeal.
  • No free option to download a PDF or Word doc.
  • Not guaranteed to be ATS-friendly.

When you’re done building your resume with Resume Genius, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score : Medium

Says "Create Your Perfect Resume Today".

My Perfect Resume understands the importance of highlighting critical skills and relevant keywords . As our extensive research at Jobscan has demonstrated, these factors are crucial to the success of any job search. 

With My Perfect Resume, you have the ability to search for specific skills by job title and add them with just one click. 

The final step of the process allows you to add optional sections, such as awards, certifications , and volunteer work . This can be especially beneficial for those embarking on a career change or entering the job market for the first time. 

When you’re finished building your resume, do NOT click “save and next.” Instead, select “download” on the left toolbar (if you reach the plans page, you’ve gone too far). 

Then, choose “Plain Text (.txt)” from the pop-up window. Your online resume will be downloaded for free as a basic document without formatting. 

  • Highlights critical skills and relevant keywords.
  • Can add specific skills by job title with just one click.
  • Allows optional sections to be added.
  • Users have reported difficulty canceling their subscriptions.

When you’re done building your resume with My Perfect Resume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

screenshot of indeed's resume builder

Indeed not only offers a lightning-fast resume builder, but it also allows you to automatically share your resume with potential employers on the site. 

This feature can vastly increase your resume’s visibility and help you stand out in a crowded job market.

Indeed’s resume builder also provides the option of uploading your current resume and automatically reformatting it, making the process even more efficient.

Indeed doesn’t hide the free options the way many of the other builders do. 

Simply sign up with your email and password, create your resume using the builder, and then download the finished product. 

What’s more, you’ll never be prompted to upgrade to a paid account at any point in the process.

  • Fast and efficient.
  • Your resume can be shared with potential employers on the site. 
  • Upload your existing resume to have it automatically reformatted.
  • No prompt to upgrade to a paid account during the process.
  • Format and design options are limited compared to other builders
  • No option to download a Word doc.

When you’re done building your resume with Indeed, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Usability score : Easy

Says "Resume Templates" with an image of a resume template.

Zety is a resume builder that truly understands the importance of customization . 

With this builder, you’ll enjoy an unparalleled level of control over your resume’s appearance and formatting. Choose your preferred color scheme, font size , line spacing, and even the way your dates are formatted. 

And that’s just the beginning – with Zety, you can also add links to your social channels, such as LinkedIn (a must-have for all industries) and Twitter or Facebook (particularly valuable for social media marketing positions).

Plus, you’ll receive tips and examples to help you write a compelling summary statement that captures your unique value as a candidate. 

While Zety does not offer the option to download your resume for free, the platform does provide an easy workaround. 

To create a free link to your resume, simply navigate to the “Online Resume” option in the header once you’ve completed your build. From there, generate a link to your resume and open it in your browser. 

Once you have the link open, simply right-click and select “Save” to download the document to your device. 

With this clever trick, you can enjoy all the benefits of Zety’s powerful resume builder without having to pay a cent.

  • Control over your resume’s appearance and formatting.
  • Tips and examples to help you write a compelling summary statement.
  • Add links to your social media channels.
  • Offers a variety of professional templates to choose from.
  • Zety does not offer a free download option for your resume.
  • Must use a “trick” to get your free resume.

When you’re done building your resume with Zety, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "Build a Professional Resume for Free".

Unlike other builders that feel like a black box, Resume.com is actually set up like a resume itself, which makes it easy to visualize the final product as you work your way through each section. 

This makes Resume.com a great choice if you want to maintain control over the process and fine-tune every aspect of your resume. 

What’s more, Resume.com offers a unique “Import LinkedIn” option, which allows you to seamlessly transfer information from your LinkedIn profile to the template with just a single click.

You can download your resume as a PDF, Word Document, Rtf, and Txt file for free, without any hidden fees or surprises.

  • See your resume come together in real-time as you work on each section.
  • Transfer your LinkedIn profile to the resume template.
  • Download your resume in multiple file formats for free.
  • Customization options are limited compared to other resume builders.
  • Some users report surprise charges or hidden fees after signing up.

When you’re done building your resume with Resume.com, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

An image of a resume template for Novoresume.

When it comes to building your resume on Novoresume, simplicity is key. 

The interface is user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate and create a polished resume in no time. 

After selecting your preferred resume format, simply fill in the necessary information and you’re good to go. 

There’s even the option to include additional sections like awards, certificates, foreign languages, volunteer experience, and more. You can easily remove sections that aren’t relevant to your specific needs.

If you’re using the Basic Account on this resume builder, you can download your resume for free, regardless of which template or features you choose to use.

  • User-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • Can easily add or remove sections as per your specific needs.
  • Basic account users can download their resumes for free.
  • Basic account offers limited functionality, features, and templates.  
  • Advanced customization options are not available.

When you’re done building your resume with Novoresume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Says "Creative Modern Professional Simple" with an image of a resume template.

One of the best things about Standard Resume’s builder is that it allows you to easily import your information from LinkedIn , saving you valuable time. 

Another cool feature is the ability to edit your resume on the go from your smartphone . 

Finally, Standard Resume offers real-time suggestions and tips for improving your resume, so you can rest assured that your resume is as polished and effective as possible.

Once you’re finished building your resume, you simply download it as a PDF.

While there are paid plans available that offer additional features and functionality, the basic version of Standard Resume is completely free to use. 

Just sign up and start using it.

  • Easy import of information from LinkedIn, saving time.
  • Mobile app allows for on-the-go editing of your resume.
  • Real-time suggestions and tips for improving your resume.
  • Basic version is completely free to use.
  • Free version only offers one resume format.
  • No option to download in other file formats besides PDF.

When you’re done building your resume with Standard Resume, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

screenshot of canva's resume builder

Canva offers a wide variety of resume templates in different categories, so you’re sure to find one that fits your style and needs. 

Using Canva to create your resume is a breeze – simply choose a template you like, add your information, and download your resume for free. It’s that simple! 

With Canva, you can use as many free resume templates as you want – there’s no limit. 

All you need to do is sign up for a basic account and you’re ready to start creating a winning resume. 

  • Canva offers a wide variety of resume templates in different categories.
  • Can use numerous free resume templates, without any limits or restrictions.
  • Simple to use drag-and-drop interface.
  • Lots of additional design features, such as icons, graphics, and fonts.
  • While Canva’s basic account is free, users may need to pay for certain features or upgrades in order to access more advanced customization options or features.
  • Manual input is required for certain formatting elements like alignment, text size, and fonts.

When you’re done building your resume with Canva, use Jobscan’s resume scanner to see how well it matches the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Remember, if you want to be 100 percent sure that your resume is ATS-friendly, try Jobscan’s resume builder .

Screenshot of Jobscan's resume builder.

  • 500 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume Today
  • How to Create an AI Resume

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Your Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)

person on laptop

Your resume is arguably the most valuable piece of paper for your career. But this document can be daunting for many. Maybe you’re not sure how to fit in all your information onto one page. Maybe you’re not sure about the right way to format and write your resume. Maybe you don’t even know what the heck a resume is!

Whatever your concern, we’ll break down everything you need to know about making the perfect resume, from scratch.

What Is a Resume?

What are employers looking for in a resume.

  • Pick Your Format
  • Start With Your Basic Information
  • Add in Your Work Experience
  • Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience
  • Don’t Forget Your Education
  • Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests
  • Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)
  • Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)
  • Edit and Refine It

What Are Some Examples of a Good Resume?

A resume is a summary of your career, whether yours is just getting started or has been going on for years. Coming in at around one page in length (two only under specific circumstances), it showcases the jobs you’ve held and currently hold, the responsibilities you’ve taken on, the skills you’ve developed, and the qualities you bring to the table as an employee. Together, those things make it super easy for any hiring manager to see your qualifications and fit for a role.

For all the work you may put into writing one, hiring managers actually spend very little time—mere seconds in many cases—looking at your resume. But despite this sad fact, it’s safe to say that creating a great resume (rather than hastily throwing one together) still matters.

“If you miss the mark, your resume may never be read. Even worse, you might be removed from the applicant pool by a computer before a human even knows you exist,” says Muse career coach Heather Yurovsky , founder of Shatter & Shine. So you want to get it right because, as she explains, isn’t the goal to “spend less time looking for a job and more time in a role you love?”

You might be wondering if you can lean on your LinkedIn profile instead of writing a resume. The answer, sadly, is no. Most hiring managers still expect you to submit a resume, even if they also look at your LinkedIn. Even if you don’t need a resume for a job you’re applying for now, you’re going to need one at some point in your career—they’re not anywhere close to going out of style. So it’s best to always have one at the ready should an opportunity pop up.

And although LinkedIn has plenty of benefits, a resume has one clear advantage: While your LinkedIn is usually a broader picture of your career trajectory, your resume gives you the opportunity to tailor your career story to a specific role or company (more on that later).

Oh, and you’ve probably heard of something called a CV? It’s slightly different from a resume , and usually more common with academics and job seekers outside the U.S.

Hiring managers look for three things on your resume, “What did you do? Why did you do it? And what was the result?” says Muse career coach Martin McGovern , owner of Career Therapy. “If you can answer all three of these questions in...your resume bullet points, you’re going to be on the right track.”

Clear, easy-to-understand language is key. “The truth is that most resumes make no sense. They are stuffed with jargon, they are too technical, and they are filled with redundancies. Try to read a resume that isn’t yours and you will quickly realize that it feels like an alien wrote it,” McGovern adds. Put yourself in the shoes of a recruiter who has no idea how your role works—how can you make your resume accessible to them?

The hiring manager also cares about more than just you and you alone—they care about you in relation to them. “Hiring managers want to see if a candidate matches the requirements” of the role they’re hiring for, Yurovsky explains. “Your resume should paint this picture so the hiring manager not only knows what day-to-day responsibilities you can handle, but why you, above other[s], bring value to their organization.”

How Do You Write a Resume?

Whether you’re someone who’s never written a resume in your life, or you need a nice, thorough refresher on the process of creating one, follow these steps to go from a blank page to a complete—and dare I say beautiful—document.

Related: This Free Worksheet Makes It Easy to Create (or Update) Your Resume

1. Pick Your Format

Before you start typing one single thing, you have to decide what you want the overall resume to look like.

Resume builders can be helpful for this step—they’ll take all your basic information and organize it for you, eliminating some of the legwork. You can also use a pre-made outline, such as one of these free Google Docs templates .

But it’s often safest to start with a clean slate all on your own and eventually upgrade to a more advanced layout. (If you'd still like a place to write all the relevant information before you get started, check out our resume outline .) This allows you to course correct, edit and re-edit, and choose a resume format that best fits your particular situation (after all, not everyone has a career trajectory that’s easy to compartmentalize).

In general, you’re most likely to cover and/or include sections on the following:

  • Your work experience
  • Your non-work experience, including professional organizations, community involvement, or side projects
  • Your education and certifications
  • Your skills (specifically hard skills) and interests

So how do you format and organize all of that information?

By far the most common (and safest, if you’re not sure which route to take) option is reverse chronological order . This means you organize your experiences from most recent to least recent. So your work experiences would go above your education, and your current role would go above previous roles you’ve held. This of course has its exceptions—maybe you went back to grad school between jobs, or your most recent role is irrelevant to the job you’re applying for. So the whole page may not be exactly in reverse chronological order depending on your situation. It’s just a guideline.

There’s also something called a functional or skills-based resume . This is used pretty rarely, mainly with career changers and those with limited or complicated work histories. It gets its name because it’s primarily about listing your skills rather than experiences, and showcases them above your work history and education.

You can also opt for a combination resume , which is a mix between a reverse chronological resume and skills-based resume. It highlights your skills at the top, but allows just as much room below to cover your job and school experience.

Use caution when choosing these two formats: “Combo and skills-based [resumes] can be hard to follow, because [they force] the reader to hunt for connections between your skills and experience, and [don’t] provide the full context of your work,” says Muse Career Coach Angela Smith , founder of Loft Consulting. “I’ve also heard a lot of recruiters say that they automatically discount skill-based resumes because they feel the candidate is trying to hide something. I don’t necessarily believe that, but I think it’s important for job-seekers to know that perception is out there.”

2. Start With Your Basic Information

Your contact information should always go at the top of your resume. In this header you’ll want to include anything that could be helpful for a recruiter to get in touch with you. Usually, this means adding in:

  • Your full name (preferably the name you use across the web)
  • Your phone number
  • Your personal email address

You might also choose to include other basic information, such as your LinkedIn or personal website URL, your GitHub (for technical roles), your social media profiles (if relevant to the job), or your address. If you’re looking to move for a job, you may choose to leave out your address or write “open to relocating” to better your chances of getting an interview.

The key is to make this part as clear as possible. If a hiring manager can’t reach you, there’s no point in perfecting the rest of your resume.

3. Add in Your Work Experience

This section will most likely be the bulk of your resume. Even if you’re changing careers, employers still want to see where you’ve worked, what you’ve done, and the impact of that work to get a sense of your background and expertise.

Your “Work Experience” might be one entire category, or you might choose to break it up into “Relevant Experience” and “Additional Experience” to highlight the jobs that are most important for hiring managers to focus on. Either way, you’ll almost always want to have your most recent experience at the top and your older experience down below.

Within your work experience, you’ll want to include each official job title, the company (and possibly its location), and the years you worked there. Below that, you’ll add in two to four bullet points explaining what you did in that job, the skills you built and exercised, the tools you used, and the results of what you did. If you accomplished a lot during your time there, focus on the responsibilities that made the most impact or you’re the most proud of, as well as the ones that best align you with the job you’re applying for (more on that in the following sections). It’s key here to list, if relevant, quantitative as well as qualitative accomplishments.

For example, you might write:

Associate Accountant, Finances and Co., Ann Arbor, MI September 2017 – Present

  • Manage billing and invoicing for more than 50 clients, ensuring the deadlines and needs of our enterprise partners, including Big Company and Super Star Org, are met
  • Collaborate closely with sales, account management, and project management teams on project setup, maintenance, and invoice management
  • Assist in the streamlining of invoicing guidelines and procedures through documentation and the implementation of new software, resulting in an average two-week decrease in total time spent per client

Your resume bullets should be in past tense if you’re referring to past jobs and present tense if you’re talking about your current roles. In addition, your bullets should always start with a strong action verb that best describes what you did. And if you have examples of your work, consider hyperlinking them here as well.

If you have a ton of experience and this category is starting to run long (read: over one page), consider kicking out your oldest jobs unless they’re super relevant to the job you’re applying for, or extra impressive for your field.

Not sure where to start? “It’s helpful to do a brain dump and create a document that has everything and anything you consider as experience or an achievement,” says Yurovsky. From there, she explains, you can start to whittle down what is and isn’t important. And you can refer to this document later if you ever decide to update your resume for a specific role.

Need more specific advice on listing your work experience on your resume? Check out these additional resources:

  • When you’ve held multiple jobs at the same company: 2 Jobs, 1 Company: How to Show Multiple Positions on Your Resume
  • When you’re not sure what your accomplishments are or how to explain them: Resume Revamp: How to Turn Your Duties Into Accomplishments
  • When you want to spruce up a boring or insignificant job: How to Make Your Most Boring Jobs Sound More Interesting on Your Resume
  • When you’re considering fudging a job title: The Answer to “Can I Change My Job Title on My Resume to Make It More Accurate?”
  • When you’ve had a bunch of short-term gigs: How to List Temporary Jobs on Your Resume

4. Consider Including Volunteer Work or Other Experience

Anything you’ve done that’s not work experience—your side gig, volunteer work, special projects—can be hosted under clearly-labeled sections (“Volunteer Experience” or “Activities,” for example). Depending on how robust your work experience is, these things may be worth including, particularly if they’ve helped you level up your skill set or better align you with your dream job. Plus, they make you look that much more well-rounded, passionate, and hardworking.

If you’re a recent grad, you might also build out a section for on-campus activities, such as clubs, organizations, or leadership experience. This can be a great supplement if you’re lacking in the jobs department. You can frame these just as you would professional jobs—including your title, the organization’s name, and bullets describing what your role was and what you accomplished.

Read More: This Is Exactly How to List Volunteer Work on Your Resume

5. Don’t Forget Your Education

If you’re still in school or just graduated, your education can go at the top of your resume, but for pretty much everyone else, this goes near the bottom. Most people include their school, graduation year (for folks less up to about a decade out of school), major, and degree. Brand-new grads might also write in their GPA, honors and awards, study abroad, thesis, or other notable achievements. But keep this section super simple, as you don’t want it to take up too much space over your work experience.

It’s possible you have unique education experience, such as taking an online course or certification. If you did this specifically as a way to boost yourself within your industry, definitely include it. Again, list everything more or less reverse chronologically—so a grad school degree would go above an undergrad degree, and a more recent relevant online course would go above that.

Learn more about the ins and outs of listing your education on your resume:

  • How to (and How Not to) List Education on Your Resume
  • How to List Online Courses on Your Resume the Right Way (Because Yes, There Is a Wrong Way)

6. Top It Off With Some Skills and Interests

The skills section of a resume gets a bad rap, but it’s just as important as the rest of the stuff you include. It’s a quick list a recruiter can scan to see if your skill set aligns with what they’re hiring for. And it’s super ATS-friendly (ATS stands for “applicant tracking system,” the robot that in some cases reads your resume before a human does) because it allows you to add in keywords the machine is scanning for.

Usually this section goes at the bottom of your resume, but in special cases—such as a skills-based resume or when someone’s switching fields—you may place it further up.

What exactly do you throw in here? You’ll want to list any hard skills and applications you’re familiar with (Photoshop, SEO, JavaScript, to name a few examples), and, if relevant, your level of expertise. Avoid including soft skills here, like time management or public speaking—save those for your bullet points instead.

Be strategic when filling in your skills. Don’t list things you actually couldn’t do at a high competence level (I’m looking at those of you who say you’re “great” at Excel), and maybe nix skills that are completely irrelevant to the job you want. For example, you may not even need to include Excel if you’re applying for say, a design position, unless it’s listed as a job requirement.

Maybe you’re thinking, I’m a really good volleyball player, but that’s not a “skill,” right? No, it’s not, but it is a hobby. Adding in a hobby section at the bottom of your resume is underrated, and frequently a smart choice. It can be a great conversation starter with a hiring manager, and it can show that you’re a good culture fit—or a culture add—for the company. Also, it’s just a nice way to add in some of your personality. So tack on a bullet point listing out some of your interests, such as hiking, rowing, or crafting (no more than five to seven work-appropriate verbs), and you’re all set here.

7. Write a Resume Summary Statement (if Relevant)

You may have heard of a resume summary statement . They’re not super common, but they can be useful to include near the top of your resume if you’re looking to add clarity or context to your resume. If you’re a career changer, you might find a summary statement helpful in explaining your leap and tying your experience to your new path. Or if you’re a more experienced professional, you can use a summary statement to highlight a theme that brings your career trajectory together.

Overall, you probably won’t need a summary statement if your career is pretty linear and your bullet points do a great job of emphasizing what you have to offer in terms of skills and experience. But if you think it makes sense to include one, “Take the time to think about what the person reading your summary wants to know before you write it,” says McGovern. “Good summaries explain why you do what you do and how it can help. For instance: Merging a background in ABC, I help companies improve XYZ through 123. Summaries shouldn’t be any more complicated than that.”

So, taking McGovern’s example, you might say:

Merging a background in social media marketing and PR with seven years in the consumer tech space, I help companies improve their internal and external communication and brand awareness through data-driven, quality content and strategies that align with the modern trends of the space.

Yurovsky adds that “you don’t want your summary statement to be a dense paragraph with too much information. You want it to be easy to read, concise, and memorable. Almost like a tagline.”

Read More: 3 Resume Summary Examples That’ll Make Writing Your Own Easier

8. Tailor It to the Job (and the ATS)

Once you have your resume written out—you’ve broken down your work experience, tagged on some activities and additional experiences, and listed out your skills—it’s important to go back to the job description (or multiple job descriptions, if you’re applying to several similar jobs) and make sure that what your resume says matches up with the kind of candidate the employers are looking for. In other words, tailor it .

Let’s explain further. You’ll want to begin by tackling the ATS . This means combing the job description to see if individual words and phrases line up. What skills are they asking for, and have you listed them (so long as you actually have them)? What words are they using to describe their ideal hire, and do you use similar language in your resume?

Next, take a bird’s-eye view. If you were the hiring manager for the role, where on your resume would your eyes be drawn to? And what would you be looking for? Whatever you think will be most important for the recruiter, make sure it’s near the top of your resume, or otherwise emphasized.

Finally, dig into the role and responsibilities of the job. Does your resume reflect similar experience? If not, is there a way you can spin it so that it’s clear you’re capable of doing the job (and doing it well)?

These articles can help you if the word “tailoring” makes you start to sweat:

  • What It Really Means to “Tailor Your Resume”
  • Your Guide to Making Unrelated Experience Look Relevant on Your Resume
  • A Cool Trick: How to Spin 1 Resume Bullet 5 Different Ways

9. Edit and Refine It

Please, please don’t just write your resume and shoot it out without giving it a second glance. Hiring managers may not spend hours browsing it, but if there’s one thing that sticks out more than anything else it’s a glaring typo.

The best approach? Write a rough draft, then leave and come back to it later with fresh eyes to give it an edit.

Cover the basics: Is your contact information correct and updated? Are you using the right verb tenses? Does everything look consistent and accurate in terms of spelling and grammar?

Then do some cutting if your resume’s quite long. It’s no longer a hard-and-fast rule that all resumes must be only one page—but consider it a smart guideline for most applicants, especially if you've got less than 10 years work experience. The exception is if you’re very senior or very established in your career; in this scenario, a two-page resume isn’t completely out of the question. Everyone else, read this article for advice on how to cut your resume down.

Formatting-wise, it’s key to consider a couple things. First, what font are you using , and is it legible (for a human and a robot)? When in doubt, go with one of these simple, but sleek, options: Arial, Arial Narrow, Calibri, Cambria, Garamond, or Helvetica.

Second, are you going to save it as a Word document or PDF ? Neither option is wrong, although a PDF helps ensure that your formatting is maintained, no matter what type of computer the hiring manager uses to open the document.

Third, is your resume formatted in a way that it’s skimmable? If it’s feeling crowded or overrun with words, read this: 12 Tiny Changes That Make Your Resume Easy for Recruiters to Skim .

Once you’ve given it a few good looks, it may be worth sending it to a friend or colleague (or even a career coach ) to get a second opinion. Don’t just have them edit it for spelling and grammar—they should dig into your bullets and offer feedback on whether or not your resume is showing you in the best possible light (it’s smart to also send them the job description for something to compare it to).

Here’s the thing: Your resume won’t ever look exactly like someone else’s, nor should it. How you choose to format it, organize your information, and talk about specific experiences depends not just on your career path, but on your field, the job you’re applying for, the company that job is at, and more.

So there isn’t a universal way to do a resume. But there are common themes. To give you some context as to how yours might turn out, here are three examples of different kinds of resumes.

The Most Popular: A Reverse Chronological Resume

As previously mentioned, a reverse chronological resume is preferred by many coaches and HR experts, mainly because it’s super readable. When everything’s in a clear order, it’s easy to skim and even easier to draw lines between experiences.

Who it’s good for: Just about everyone—from students applying to internships all the way up to senior-level executives (with an optional resume summary statement)

Download an Example Chronological Resume for a Software Engineer

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The Unorthodox Route: A Functional or Skills-Based Resume

Rather than listing out your experience in reverse chronological order, a functional or skills-based resume has bullet points that reflect how each of your skills is demonstrated by the work you’ve done over the course of your career. At the bottom, you’ll include everything else, such as your education, job history, professional achievements, community involvement, and other technical skills. This is a good option if you have a somewhat all-over-the-place work history and want to tie everything together neatly.

Who it’s good for: Career changers whose work experiences may not appear to be relevant and people with an abundance of temporary jobs or gaps in their work histories.

Download an Example Functional Resume for a Project Manager

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The Creative Angle: An Infographic Resume or Resume Website

This resume type is characterized by how it’s formatted visually. You may choose a reverse chronological order or skills-based style to organize your information, but also use graphics, colors, unique fonts, and even multimedia elements to help that information pop. Keep in mind that any creative resume is still likely subject to an ATS—and certain elements may be unreadable by a robot. So consider going this route only if you know a human will be reading your resume (and that said human might enjoy it).

Who it’s good for: People applying to creative roles (designers, editors, writers, marketers, video producers, for example), startups, or fun companies, or to jobs where a creative resume is encouraged, if not required.

Download an Example Infographic Resume for a Designer

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Not a designer but want your resume to look just as pretty as this example? Check out these articles:

  • 5 Sites to Create an Awesome Infographic Resume (Even if You’re the Least Creative Person Ever)
  • How to Build a Resume Website That Will Impress Every Hiring Manager Who Sees It
  • 5 Digital Tools That Will Make Your Resume Infinitely More Beautiful

Your resume is a living, breathing document. So while you won’t go through this whole process every time you apply for a job, you should be thinking about all these things as you go to update your resume for your next career step. You might decide later on to switch up the order, or remove or add things, or even get creative and try out a whole new format. If you’re not getting the calls back you expect, you may decide to scrap it and start over —and that’s totally OK.

Regardless of where this piece of paper goes and how it grows, when you give it the care and attention it deserves, you set yourself up for success. And you’ll make it that much more likely that you’ll land an interview and get the chance to prove to the hiring manager—over the phone or in person—what you’ve got to offer.

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Career Sidekick

10 Best Free Resume Builders

By Biron Clark

Published: February 15, 2024

Resume/CV | Reviews

Biron Clark

Biron Clark

Writer & Career Coach

There are quite a few free online resume sites, but some are MUCH better than others.

Some also appear to be free but will make you pay at the very end or you won’t be able to download your newly-created resume.

So in this article, I’m going to review the 10 best resume sites that offer completely free resume builders.

These are the websites that offer the best resume templates, best building software and user experience, and don’t charge you to download a printable resume.

Top 10 Free Online Resume Builders

1. cultivated culture.

Cultivated Culture provides free tools and information to job seekers. It’s run by Austin Belcak, who’s spent his recent career developing formulas for crafting effective resumes, writing engaging cover letters, and landing high-paying jobs at some of the world’s top companies.

His free resume builder includes eight resume templates that are ATS friendly , full design customization, and expert advice throughout the process to help you craft the perfect resume.

The tool is user-friendly and makes writing a resume simple. Here’s how it works:

  • Choose your resume template.
  • Select a color scheme.
  • Create your resume. You’ll be able to add information to the various sections of your resume , including personal information, experience, education, and skills . You can remove and add sections as needed.
  • Once you’re happy with your resume click “Finalize.” Here you’ll be able to adjust the font size, line spacing, and margins.
  • Download your resume as a PDF or Word file, or save it to your Google Drive.

You can use this tool to build an unlimited number of resumes.

Cultivated Culture also offers two other free tools that will help you develop a more professional resume. They have a scanner that offers suggestions and keywords based on your desired role and also provides a feature to help you write more effective bullet points.

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2. NovoResume

NovoResume is an online resume builder that offers eight free templates to choose from, a content optimizer, pre-written resume samples, a cover letter builder, and templates for your cover letter.

After you choose one of their resume template options you’re taken straight into their resume builder. You have to sign up for a free account before continuing, but this just takes a moment.

The free version of NovoResume allows you to build one single-page resume. Click on any of the resume sections to edit and customize it however you like. You can also change the font, template, design, or layout throughout the process if you’re not happy with the way it’s looking. 

If you want a little more flexibility you can upgrade to the premium resume builder, which lets you create unlimited resumes and gives you access to additional fonts, templates, and various customization options.

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3. LiveCareer

LiveCareer offers a free resume builder designed by certified resume writers. They also offer example resumes, templates, a cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and everything else you need to build an eye-catching resume.

The first thing you’ll notice about their resume builder is the number of templates they offer. There are over 30 templates to choose from, which gives you the freedom to create a resume that suits you. They’ll also recommend templates for you, based on your level of experience and the job title you’re applying for.

Once you choose one of their templates you have the choice of starting from scratch or uploading your current resume for LiveCareer to reformat. 

When creating a new resume, the resume builder will walk you through each section one at a time and ask you to provide the required information. During the resume-building process, LiveCareer will suggest bullet points that are related to the job titles you list in your work experience.

They’ll even provide a pre-written summary for you based on all the information you provide (although you also have the option to write your own summary if you like).

After you’re done you can download your resume to your computer in a PDF, Word document, or plain text. 

With LiveCareer’s free resume builder, you can make multiple resumes and download them in plain text format. However, if you want unlimited downloads in Word or PDF you’ll need to upgrade to one of their premium options. While there isn’t a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it .

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Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer’s attention. In addition to their online resume builder, they give you access to over 20 resume templates, writing tips, pre-written examples, a cover letter builder, templates for your cover letters, and more. 

Once you select one of their resume templates, you can choose to start a resume from scratch or build off of an existing document (Zety will reformat it for you).

You’ll find Zety and LiveCareer’s resume builders are virtually identical (they seem to be built on the same platform), and they have all the same features and download options. Zety also has the same payment structure, where to download multiple resumes or gain access to their more advanced tool options, you’ll need to purchase a premium subscription.

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5. USA Jobs

USA Jobs provides the best resume builder software when applying for government jobs.

Their online resume builder is geared toward the exact application process and requirements of the typical government role.

(And those requirements are quite overwhelming if you haven’t applied to many government jobs in the past, so it’s fantastic that their software helps.)

You’ll need to set up an account with USA Jobs to get started, but it’s well worth it.

After joining, follow these steps to start creating a resume for government jobs:

  • Sign into your account.
  • Go to your Documents.
  • Click “Upload” if you want to edit an existing resume or “Build Resume” if you want to create a new one.

From here, you can add text to the various sections of your resume (work experience, previous job title, education, references, etc.). There’s also a section where you can add additional information, like job training, languages, and affiliations. Once you finish your resume you’ll be able to access it in your documents list and can use it to apply to various government positions.

The big difference between USA Jobs’s resume builder and other similar tools is the amount of information it asks you to include. For example, federal government recruiters review, audit, and score a wide variety of information, and this builder ensures you don’t omit anything that the recruiters require for you to be considered.

I found out about this tool through a colleague on LinkedIn, and here’s how they explained it:

USA jobs - best resume builder software for government jobs

So, if you’re applying to any government jobs, this is THE resume builder to use .

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6. My Perfect Resume

My Perfect Resume offers free resume builder software and over 30 proven resume templates to help you get started. They also provide a resume optimizer, cover letter builder, cover letter templates, and several different customization options to help you land your dream job.

This resume builder uses the same platform as LiveCareer and Zety. You start by indicating how long you’ve been working and based on that My Perfect Resume will recommend a few templates for you. Then they’ll walk you through each section so you can fill in the correct information. They’ll offer suggestions along the way and will even write your bullets for you if you wish.

Once you’ve completed the process you can download your resume as a PDF, Word document, or plain text file. To enjoy unlimited downloads in Word or PDF, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid account. There is no free trial, but a 14-day full access for $2.95. After two weeks, the subscription auto-renews at $23.95 billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it.

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7. Resume.com

Resume.com is a completely free resume builder. They also offer information on how to write an effective cover letter, career advice for job seekers, and more.

Their resume builder is simple to use:

  • Enter the type of job you want to apply for.
  • Choose a resume template. Resume.com offers 15 different templates.
  • Click on each section of the template to edit it. Tips are provided for each section to help you craft the perfect resume.
  • When you’re finished, you can choose to print or download your resume as a PDF or text file.

In addition to resume building, Resume.com partnered with Indeed. You’ll use a single account for both platforms. By creating a resume, you agree to create a public resume on Indeed and to receive job opportunities from employers. However, you can change this at any point.

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JobScan is known mainly for its flagship software that allows you to match your resume up to the job description before applying (also known as tailoring a resume ).

However, they recently launched a free resume builder that’s among one of the best we’ve seen. It features great resume templates and design options, and it also offers writing guides, cover letter templates, and more.

I’d certainly put this among the free best resume-making sites available right now.

Once you begin, their resume builder gives you the option of building a resume from scratch or editing an existing file. You can even download your LinkedIn profile as a PDF and parse it as an “existing resume.”

If you choose to create a new resume you’ll start by picking one of the three resume templates they have to offer. Then you’ll simply fill in the required information for each section of the resume. Additionally, unlike other resume builders, Jobscan offers 15 Google Docs resume templates, designed by their team.

JobScan provides labeled fields for all the details you need to provide for every section, and a number of these fields are required to ensure you don’t miss anything.

If you already have a resume you’re reasonably happy with you can upload it to the resume builder and JobScan will reformat it and fill in your information based on what’s provided in your resume.

Once you’re done building your professional resume you’ll have the option to scan it based on the job you’re applying for.

JobScan will give your resume a grade ( match rate score) that’s judged on several factors, including skills match, education match, ATS tips, keywords, word count, and more. Based on these results, you’ll be able to build a resume that’s perfectly suited to the job you’re applying for.

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9. Kickresume

Kickresume is one of the best resume builders I was able to find while researching. You’ll have to create an account before using it, however, this process only takes a moment.

Once you’re inside the resume builder you have the option of starting a resume from scratch, importing your resume from your LinkedIn profile, using one of their example resumes, or creating a new resume with AI.

Click on the different sections and fill in the fields to make your resume. You can also add and remove sections to personalize the document.

Click “Customization” along the left-hand side to change the colors, format, font, and template. There’s also an option to have it proofread by a professional, although there is a charge for this service.

When you’re happy with your resume, click “Download” to export it as a PDF file or Word doc, email it to yourself, or save it to Dropbox.

Kickresume also has a premium option. The free option should be good enough for most, as it allows you to build unlimited resumes and gives you access to plenty of resume examples and pre-written phrases for you to use.

But if you want access to all the resume templates and tools you might want to consider the premium option. You can choose a monthly, quarterly, or yearly plan. While they don’t have a free trial they do offer a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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Indeed is known mostly as a job search tool to find employment opportunities in your local area. However, the company also offers a free resume builder to help job seekers perfect their resume before applying for postings.

Once you choose one of their eight different templates you’re taken to the resume builder where you can edit the document. You can switch templates at any time, adjust the color scheme, and add or remove sections. Once you’re satisfied with what you created about can download your resume as a PDF file.

While there are better resume builders out there, if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a resume, this one is a good choice.

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Caution: Before Using ANY Online Resume Builder

There’s one more piece of information you should know before acting on ANY of the online resume builder reviews above.

In my experience, too many job seekers focus on an eye-catching resume design when applying for jobs or emailing recruiters , but they don’t put enough focus on writing great content and information that will appeal to the reader. So no matter which of these top 10 resume builders you choose, focus mostly on the text and information you add, not the design.

In fact, I still recommend a single-column layout.

And the truth is, if I were creating my own resume today, I’d use a regular Word template, not any online software or tool.

I discussed this with a colleague on LinkedIn here:

resume building websites vs writing your own resume

Microsoft Office has good templates available , and Hloom is another good site for templates.

I can understand if you don’t want to tinker with resume formatting , spacing, etc., and everything that comes with creating it in a Word doc, but that’s what I’d personally do.

Just keep this in mind when choosing any drag-and-drop software above; you should always pick a design that lets you focus on the content and info because that’s what employers want to see. Don’t choose a format that doesn’t give much space to describe your recent work, accomplishments, etc.

Because the FIRST place I look as a recruiter is your work history, under your one or two most recent roles.

I’d also never recommend a resume layout that doesn’t begin with your employment history on the top half of page 1.

Employment experience is often the first thing hiring managers look for (unless you’re an entry-level job seeker), and you should never make them scroll far down the page (or look on page 2) to find it.

Conclusion: Choosing the Best Online Resume Site for You

There isn’t one single best resume builder for all people in all industries, but the 10 choices above provide good, basic options that are user-friendly and will impress hiring managers.

I recommend visiting a few of the sites above and seeing which builder and templates look best to you. Each site offers different features/options, so you’ll want to get a sense of which one feels best to you before creating and downloading a resume.

And if you read my “Caution” statement above and decide to build your own resume in a document rather than in an online app, I have many free resources to help you here.

Biron Clark

About the Author

Read more articles by Biron Clark

More Resume Tips & Guides

Crafting the perfect resume for teens (template & expert advice), how to beat applicant tracking systems with your resume, what do recruiters look for in a resume, what happens when you lie on your resume 10 risks, don’t say you’re a quick learner on your resume, guide to resume sections, titles, and headings, 12 resume formatting tips from a professional, how artificial intelligence (ai) is changing resume writing, 22 resume bullet point examples that get interviews, are resume writers worth it.

The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

Caroline Forsey

Published: April 25, 2024

According to GetFive, only 30% of resumes are approved by applicant tracking systems (ATS). Once the resumes are approved, a hiring manager will only spend an average of six seconds reading each resume.

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If those stats stress you out, I hear you. Writing a great resume that gets you noticed is tough — that’s why I’m here to encourage you to try a resume builder.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

In this post, I've compiled a list of the best free resume builders that will help you create a personalized professional resume that passes ATS, stands out to the hiring manager, and helps you land your next job interview.

Why use a resume builder?

Writing a polished resume is second nature for some job applicants. But for others (and maybe most of us), creating a strong resume can be a struggle.

If you're one of the many people who need a little extra support, here are a few ways I think a resume builder can help out.

Resume builders offer templates, clean designs, and tips that speed up resume writing. They also make the process less stressful.

Offers Writing Tips

It takes a lot of work to promote yourself. And even if you enjoy self-promotion, writing isn't a skill everyone has. A resume builder can help you use the best words and phrases to show your experience and knowledge.

Improves Design

Each industry has different expectations for what a great resume looks like. If you're not familiar with design skills or tools, resume builders offer free templates to make your resume look as good as it sounds.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. And a good resume builder will help with formatting to make sure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

Best Free Resume Builders

  • Zety: Best for Expert Resume Creation Tips
  • Resume Genius: Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation
  • Wepik: Best for Customizing Pre-Made Resumes
  • My Perfect Resume: Best for Guided Resume Creation Help
  • Standard Resume: Best for Active LinkedIn Users
  • Kickresume: Best for Quick and AI-Assisted Resume Creation
  • Canva: Best for Design Creativity and Expression
  • Pixpa: Best for Creating Online Resume Websites
  • Indeed: Best for In-Platform Job Seekers
  • Resume.com: Best for Minimalist Resume Creation
  • Novoresume: Best for ATS-Friendly Resume Building
  • VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes
  • CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio
  • Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation
  • ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help
  • Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides
  • Hloom: Best for Resume Templates

We’ve discovered the best free resume builders on the market. These resume builders are great for all jobseekers, from entry-level to executive level.

Each free resume builder has a simple interface, customization options, and templates that help you create the perfect resume for your next job.

Featured Resource : HubSpot Resume Templates

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Available Resume Templates

There are 18 resume templates to choose from, including Cascade, Crisp, and Concept.

Zety is a fast and easy resume-building tool and I like that it offers writing help at crucial moments in the process. But you won't be able to take advantage of its simple and attractive resume templates without paying a small fee.

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12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

Fill out this form to access your free professionally-designed templates, available on:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Google Slides

Download Free

All fields are required.

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

2. Resume Genius : Best for Easy and Fast Resume Creation

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5 ai resume builders you should try in 2024.

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A resume builder should not be used as a magic wand, but it can certainly reduce anxiety in the job ... [+] search process and help you process your thoughts, skills and experiences in a way that will resonate with the recruiting team

In your quest to create the perfect resume, no doubt you've encountered several AI (artificial intelligence) applications all supposedly guaranteeing the same promise: to be able to save you time, worry, and stress, and generate a shiny new document that will get you past the gatekeepers and secure an initial interview.

If you've never used a generative AI tool before, you might be concerned and initially apprehensive.

And you should be.

After all, you don't want to take any chances and wreck an entire application that has already taken considerable painstaking effort.

With the plethora of options you have to choose from, it might be overwhelming to know which resume builders are worth your money (if you do need to pay anything at all) and which ones have the highest chances of success.

But as long as you follow these guidelines to make your resume with AI, you'll be on the right track:

How To Find A Good Resume Builder

When looking for a resume builder, you will need to carefully weigh up several factors including:

  • Ease of navigation and user experience
  • Your budget and pricing options available—including any free trials or free plans you might be able to take advantage of
  • Trustpilot and Product Hunt reviews, Reddit discussions and reviews, and even asking your professional connections on LinkedIn
  • Value for the price
  • Comparison of features and customization options—customization is extremely important for your resume to be effective
  • ATS compatibility

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A note on ATS compatibility: Applicant tracking systems are becoming more modernized, and as such, some features that would have been rendered unreadable and disqualify you from a position (such as double columns) are now accessible thanks to updated parsing technology, according to an Enhancv study .

However, it's worth bearing in mind that according to the study, a resume built with Canva or Microsoft Word tends to fare better overall without double columns—a 93% success rate compared to an 86% success rate for double columns.

At the same time, using a different software such as Google Docs yields an impressive 99% success rate, regardless of whether the resume was created with a single or double column.

5 AI-Powered Resume Builders

Below are five positively-reviewed AI-powered resume builder tools you can use to make your application truly stand out to hiring managers. Some, such as Enhancv, are tested against ATS software (applicant tracking systems that recruiters use to help screen candidate resumes) to ensure full compatibility:

  • Resumaker AI

How To Use A Resume Builder

Whichever resume builder you decide to use from the list above, it's essential to understand that AI is not a quick fix. While it certainly provides much needed assistance as you figure out how to make a resume that truly stands out to employers, you will need to ensure that you double check the final output for grammatical issues, spelling mistakes, inconsistencies, needless repetitions, and a lack of human flow in the writing style—all of which can be obvious tell-tale signs that your resume was written by AI.

Additionally, while AI can help with formatting and readability, you need to ensure that the final document reflects who you really are and is one that you are personally happy and comfortable with.

Using a resume builder doesn't take away from the fact that you need to sell yourself effectively. AI will only provide impetus to what you already have. An AI-powered resume builder won't do the selling for you. This means quantifying your achievements where possible and using this data to feed the resume builder.

Resume builders will also help you identify keywords to help you beat ATS—but you'll need to check over these to ensure they apply to you, and look out for any other resume keywords which are familiar terms in your industry so you can highlight the right keywords to catch the attention of recruiters.

Finally, it's essential to note that resume builders will not take away the necessity for mental effort. You still need to closely study job descriptions and highlight relevant experience, education, skills (including soft skills) and certificates that you possess, so that you can input these into the tool.

This is because resume builders may sometimes include skills that are not relevant to you, in an effort to match with the job description for the role you wish to apply for, so you'll need to ensure that you review these for accuracy. Also, some may only focus on your last role, so you'll need to add extra experiences to bulk up your resume and provide deeper context into your skills and experience.

Resume builders offer incredible features such as customization options, free trials, and assistance ... [+] with keywords.

Overall, crafting the perfect resume that actually gets you hired comes down to a combination of your personal input and self-belief in your abilities, and the complementary augmentation of artificial intelligence tools. Job searching can be an exhausting process, so utilize these resume builders to make your efforts easier and give you greater piece of mind—edging you closer to your dream job.

Rachel Wells

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15 Best Online Resume Builders in 2024

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Crafting a well-structured and detailed resume piece-by-piece can be hard.

If you’re using Microsoft Word, it takes time to get everything right and then editing a single section of the resume usually messes everything up.

That’s no good.

Luckily, you can just use a resume builder.

With a solid resume builder, you don’t have to invest your sweat , blood , and tears into crafting your resume. All you have to do is sign up, and the software does all the resume formatting for you.

And on top of that, you’ll be using a tried-and-tested resume template. This guarantees that you’ll present yourself in the best way possible.

But there are a ton of online resume builders out there - so, which one do you use?

In this guide, we’re going to be covering 15 of the best online resume builders on the market and give our thoughts on each.

15 Online Resume Builders Reviewed

Most resume builders have something unique to offer.

It’s hard to pick the perfect one , because well, perfection doesn’t really exist.

That’s right.

The resume builder you choose will most likely depend on what you’re looking for.

This is why we’re going to be covering some of the online resume builders by the following criteria:

  • Premium features
  • # of resume templates available
  • Cover letter builder availability
  • Pros and cons

Now, let’s dive into the huge world of online resume builders, starting with:

best online resume builder

Yes, that’s us.

Are we biased?

Maybe a little.

But hear us out - Novorésumé is awesome.

Creating a professional resume and cover letter has never been so easy. 

Our templates were designed to represent your skills and work experience in the best way possible. 

Using one of Novorésumé’s flexible resume templates , you can adjust , edit , and customize your resume based on the position or company you’re applying to.

Applying for a job in the creative industry?

Maybe you want to be a marketer or work in advertising.

Pick one of the more creative templates and stand out from the rest of the candidates!

Or, on the other hand, maybe you’re applying for a job in finance .

In that case, you can try one of our more traditional resume templates.

Whatever type of job you’re applying for, Novorésumé has the right template for you.

And speaking of resume templates, our templates are ATS-friendly (resume screening software that HR managers love to use). Meaning, if you have the right experience listed, you’re sure to get past the automatic software screening process.

Don't trust us? Check out what people have to say on Trustpilot :

novoresume ats friendly review

Not sure how to build a resume?

To put the icing on the cake, our resume builder also comes with a smart content optimizer that will analyze your progress and give you quality suggestions on how to improve each section.

That’s a lot of features.

So, how much does it cost? 

Let’s take a look:

Unlike other online resume builders, Novorésumé is very transparent about which of its services are included in the free version. When editing your resume, the premium features are marked with a star. If you choose one of these, a box will pop up to inform you that you’ll have to upgrade to premium in order to download your resume. This is extremely useful and helps you easily decide if upgrading is worth the cost.

  • Freemium : available
  • 1 Month Premium: $ 19.99
  • 3 Months Premium: $39.99
  • 12 Months Premium: $99.99

Unlike other similar companies, Novorésumé’s pricing isn’t subscription based. That means that after the month you paid for is over, you won’t be auto-charged for another month.

Premium Features

  • Up to 3 pages of a resume/CV
  • Cover letter builder
  • Custom layout
  • Multiple resume versions
  • Specialized sections, and more

# Of Resume Templates Available

  • Free Templates Available: 8
  • Paid Templates Available: 0

Cover Letter Builder

Available only for the premium version

  • A lot of professional templates to get you started
  • Creative resume templates that are guaranteed to stand out
  • Plenty of features and choices with the free version (that you’d have to pay for with other resume builders)
  • ATS-friendly resume templates that won’t get lost in the software screening process
  • Live smart feedback to improve your resume in case you missed something
  • A lot of free resources and guides on how to polish your resume
  • Transparent pricing model and no automatic renewal
  • Going over one page of your resume and some other premium options cost extra

cv maker

CVMaker is a barebones approach to resume making and allows you to create resumes effortlessly with a super simple interface.

Though most of their templates are minimalistic by nature, you can still customize the sections and the design on your own.

CVMaker includes up to 37 languages and you can create a printable resume in a matter of minutes.

The customization of the tool doesn’t have a lot going for it, but you can always add a custom section on your own.

Once done, you can then import your resume into a PDF, HTML, and TXT documents.

  • Freemium: available
  • Premium: $16/year
  • Premium themes
  • Special sections
  • Rich text editing

# of Resume Templates Available


  • Simple to use and get into
  • Easy to upload/edit resumes
  • Minimalistic approach to an online text-based resume maker
  • Not a lot of customization with the templates within the sections and design
  • No resources or tips on how to make your resume better

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Enhancv gives you a total of 4 different resume builder templates you can choose from based on your field and job experience.

The tool is fairly simple to use.

You pick from a number of templates and then customize the design based on sections , fonts , colors , layout , and more.

There is little to no learning curve with the tool as you can start creating a resume immediately once you log in.

Once you have a draft resume, you can get instant feedback on your resume through the app’s content analyzer tool.

The final result is that you end up with a professional, yet personal resume with a memorable design.

  • 7 days free trial
  • Pro Semi-Annual: $ 10.99/m
  • Pro Quarterly: $14.99/m
  • Pro Monthly: $19.99/m
  • Up to 10 resumes and cover letters
  • Remove branding on your resume
  • Instant tips to fix mistakes
  • Pro sections, colors, and backgrounds
  • Free Templates Available: 2
  • Paid Templates Available: 2

Available only for the premium version.

  • Easy to start
  • Solid resume design and layout regardless of the profession
  • Memorable design and a lot of room for adding and arranging sections
  • Feels limited with the freemium options
  • Some important resume sections require premium


VisualCV is an online resume builder that you can use to create PDFs resumes for just about any industry.

They have the option to upload your current resume to improve it, and a resources section with all the tips and tricks you’ll need on using VisualCV.

The site has plenty of resume templates depending on your background. Whether you’re a recent graduate , CEO , a freelancer , or anything in between, each of their template has something unique about them.

Whether it be the design, layout, or the structure, you can find one that speaks to you and also manage multiple resumes - depending on where you’re applying.

The website also has all the usual features like exporting and importing your CV, but what really helps them stand out is their resume analytics option.

What this means is that you can share your resume through their website, and keep track of who views or downloads your resume, to avoid getting lost in the hiring process.

  • Premium: $12 per month
  • Extra resume templates
  • Free templates available: 3
  • Paid templates available: 15
  • Analytics to track your resume performance is a fresh and welcome tool
  • Allows you to manage multiple resume versions
  • Can get feedback from VisualCV partners or share with friends
  • Can edit most resume sections with the free plan
  • Only 3 free templates available
  • Need the premium option to hide website resume branding
  • Freemium resume templates look very similar to each other


CakeResume is an extremely easy-to-use resume builder that starts you off with a generic template that you can then customize by using the site’s drag-and-drop feature.

How does that work?

Essentially, you choose a number of sections you’d like to add to your resume from the sidebar and add them as you please.

This way, you’re in charge of your resume and can build your own layout , based on how you want it to look like.

There are no unnecessary fluff sections and the UI is intuitive so everyone can start building out their layout in a matter of seconds.

If there’s a perfect resume structure that you have in your head and want to get it down on paper, this drag-and-drop approach can help you do that and differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Other than that, the website also has a number of different user-made resume samples, which you can use to discover what good resumes in your field look like.

  • Advanced: $7.95/m
  • Pro: $15.95/m
  • 20+ resume snippets (call-to-action, quotes, video slides, and more)
  • Resume tracking via Google Analytics
  • Free templates available: 1
  • Paid templates available: 0 
  • Can edit and customize your resume the way you want to through the drag-and-drop feature
  • Can browse through user-made resume templates for inspiration
  • A lot of options to edit your resume and make it unique
  • Some of the user-made resume samples can be unreliable as a reference. After all, you can never really know how skilled the person is at crafting a resume.
  • Can be hard to construct your resume with the drag-and-drop if you don’t know what you’re doing


ResumUP is another interesting take on the online resume builder as it focuses heavily on the visual side of resumes.

More specifically, the website focuses on turning your resume into an infographic .

They have a number of different types of templates and designs, but for the most part, they’re all on the heavy design side .

So, depending on where you’re applying this might be the way to go for you.

For example, if you’re applying to a social media and graphic design job where you’d be making a lot of visual content - turning your resume into an actual infographic can be a quick and easy way to stand out.

The site doesn’t offer a lot of different templates, but from the ones that they do, they’re guaranteed to attract attention.

  • Pro profile: $20/m
  • Lifetime access: $ 149
  • Certain sections (e.g. skills and achievements) require premium
  • Extra templates
  • Free templates available: 2
  • Premium templates available: 11
  • Stunning design choices and fancy templates
  • Templates available for different industries
  • Easy to create and modify despite all the visuals
  • Most templates are design-heavy and might be better only for certain jobs
  • Can be expensive compared to other resume builders


SlashCV is a really fast way to start creating a resume online as it doesn’t even require you to log in.

To get started, you can simply jump into the builder and already get a sense of what your overall resume will look like.

You can start off by picking one of the available templates.

Or if you’re feeling creative, you can create your own layout using the drag and drop builder.

Unfortunately, the website doesn’t offer a whole lot of customization beyond that. You can’t change the font, background, colors, etc.

As far as basic resume builder sites go - SlashCV is easy to set up and get it going.

  • Premium (to host your own resume online on their site): $4.99/year
  • Host your resume online
  • Paid PDF templates
  • Remove watermark
  • Free templates available: over 50
  • Premium templates available: 0


  • Fast, doesn’t require to log in and offers most sections you’ll need in a resume
  • Also has the option to add custom sections 
  • Can host your resume online as a PDF
  • Not a lot of features beyond basic ones
  • A lot of the templates look the same and there is little option to change the color schemes or make any other major edits



MyPerfectResume starts onboarding you by first asking your field , title , level of expertise , and then allows you to pick from a template based on your answers.

After that, you can either create a new resume or upload your current one to edit on their website.

When it comes to filling in your resume sections , the website holds your hand every step of the way, giving you tips on what to mention. So, it can be very useful for someone that’s a beginner creating their first resume.

They even offer a professional service of having a certified resume writer create a personalized resume and cover letter for you in just 3 days.

  • 14 day trial: $ 1.95, then $24.95/m
  • Annual: $5.95/m, $71.40/year
  • Resume writing and cover letter services cost extra
  • Download and save your resume in multiple formats
  • Scan your resume for common mistakes
  • Free templates available: 12
  • Premium templates available: 30+
  • Easy to follow and set up as it includes tips and guides each step of the way
  • Noticeable color schemes and design layouts that make a difference
  • Simple, yet powerful templates to get you started - great for beginners
  • Forced to fill in your resume sections step-by-step, without the ability to see how the end-result looks until you’re done with it
  • Need to sign up for a subscription to download or print your resume
  • A lot of templates but you can’t change the layout


Resume.com is an easy to use and straightforward online resume builder.

Starting from the dashboard, you get the option to select a resume or a cover letter template and start filling in the blanks.

The step-by-step process is fairly simple to follow as the website onboarding you asks for all the traditional information like your name, contact information, and so on.

Alternatively, you can upload your current resume to edit on their website or choose a sample resume to start with.

If you select to create one, the site walks you through the process of creating a resume by asking you questions on each section. Once you’re down, it creates a resume based on your answers.

From there, you can edit and rearrange sections as you wish, and also change the following styling options:

With the cover letter , you also get a lot of options, based on your industry and career expertise .

  • Not Available
  • Free templates available : 24
  • Completely free to use
  • The resume builder is functional and extremely easy to follow
  • 200+ cover letter examples and samples, depending on the industry
  • Though there’s a lot of resume templates to choose from, a lot of them look very similar and common. Meaning, it’s going to be very unlikely for your resume to stand out


KickResume helps you get noticed and hired faster.

They offer all the usual stuff - resume templates, cover letters, different designs and layouts , and also the ability to turn your resume into a living, breathing, website .

Through KickResume, you can turn your resume into a personalized, one-click website.

This way, you can take your resume online, include more sections about you and let your future employers learn more about you by simply Googling your name.

  • Premium: $8/m
  • Grammar Correction: $29 per resume
  • Unlimited number of resumes and cover letters
  • 20,000+ pre-written phrases you can use in your resume
  • Real resume examples
  • Email and live chat support
  • Free templates available: 4
  • 2 templates available for the free version
  • 20+ templates for the premium option
  • A lot of strong features, resume and cover letter templates available for the freemium version
  • Pre-written phrases to help you out in case you’re not sure how to phrase your achievements
  • Grammar correction proofreading services available, if needed
  • Most templates are creative and sometimes too vibrant - can be a bad thing depending on where you’re applying
  • Can be hard to turn your resume into a website, if you don’t know what you’re doing


Vizualize is another heavy visuals-based approach at an online resume builder.

You have two ways to create a resume with Vizualize:

  • Export your LinkedIn profile and creative a Vizualize resume automatically
  • Sign-up with your email and input your information manually

Then, the software automatically turns your resume into a timeline spaced over a certain timeframe. 

It’s important to note that you should only ever take this approach if you’re sure it’s relevant to your job.

For example, if you’re applying for any company with ATS, you probably won’t pass with this.

Instead, you should only ever use this if you know for a fact that the HR will read your resume manually.

And even then, you should really be sure that they’ll appreciate an infographic resume.

For now, Visualize is still in beta, so here’s what that includes:

  • Templates available: 6
  • Easy to set up and convert your LinkedIn profile into an infographic
  • A lot of options to change the resume styles (colors, font background, etc.)
  • Still in beta
  • Using an infographic resume might really backfire on your (it’s not standard)


Resumonk is a very straightforward approach to creating beautiful and professional resumes online.

The website has a number of different templates, depending on the occasion, that help you stand out from other candidates to get the call back for the interview.

You can move the sections around as you see fit and modify quite a bit, even with the free plan .

Resumonk doesn’t require you to sign up, and you can start messing with the layout to get a feel of the tool within seconds.

Though, to gain control of some of the more powerful features and options - you really need the premium plan.

  • Premium plan: $29/year
  • Forever plan (one-time payment): $89
  • Cover letter
  • Additional fonts and color options
  • Custom URL to host your resume online
  • Track analytics for your resume
  • Freemium templates available: 4
  • Premium templates available: 17
  • Easy to jump into creating and modifying your resume
  • Can download as PDF or host online (if premium)
  • Clunky interface
  • Need premium for a lot of basic features (e.g. changing colors, removing branding logo, etc.)



ResumeGenius is a clean online resume builder that wastes no time in letting you customize your resume.

You start by choosing a resume template ( Word or PDF ), then answer a few questions about your background (work experience, education, etc.). 

The builder is a bit misleading though - they make you fill in everything on your resume, and in the end, they hit you with a paywall - $1.95 for a 14 day period.

If you’re going for this option, make sure to cancel your subscription, or they’re going to start charging you $39.95 at the end of the first 14 days! 

Regardless of your work experience, the software was designed to generate a complete resume for every kind of job seeker.

Throughout the process of creating a resume, the website helps you format it in detail and gives you tips and tricks along the way..

For each section of your resume, ResumeGenius helps you think of what you should write where and how to format it accordingly.

Finally, if needed, they also have a “ask an expert” option for the pro plan, in which a professional resume expert will go over your resume, and review it for accuracy and clarity.

  • 14 day access: $ 1.95, then $39.95/m
  • Annual payment: $95.40/year
  • Unlimited resumes, cover letters, and downloads
  • Resume critique and feedback from an expert
  • Track your resume analytics
  • Freemium templates available: 0
  • Paid templates available: 17
  • Straightforward, easy to work with resume builder
  • Resume templates look and feel unique, and there are a lot of options depending on where you’re applying
  • No freemium option
  • Expensive compared to other options (after the 14 day access)
  • Can’t edit certain resume layout details (e.g.month formatting), and this can lead to inconsistency

resume now

Resume-now uses a tried-and-tested resume templates to help you land your dream job twice as fast.

You can choose between regular templates, or pick ones created for specific fields and industries.

You choose a template and fill in the information about your background manually, but beyond that - you’re on your own.

This resume builder doesn’t come with a content optimizer, so if you’re new to resumes, it might be a bit hard.

  • 14 day trial: $ 1.95, then $39.90/m
  • Premium plan: $39.90/m
  • Access to all format downloads (PDF, MS Word, Plain text)
  • Multiple versions of resume and cover letter
  • Salary calculator
  • Premium templates available: 15
  • Can freely rearrange resume sections
  • Pre-written text available for resume and cover letter, depending on the job role
  • Not a lot of resources and tips as you create the resume
  • Expensive compared to other options after the trial
  • Assumes you already know how to structure and format resume details



GotResumeBuilder is a free online resume builder that has a little bit of everything for everyone.

At first, it looks like an extremely straightforward resume builder, with each resume section set up as tabs which you can modify as you move through the resume.

But once you get into the details of the resume builder, you can see where exactly it shines.

Once you start filling out your resume sections, the site starts giving you suggestions based on the keywords used.

If you’re not sure what to write, this is an extremely intuitive way to phrase your job descriptions.

Other than that, you can also manage multiple resumes , organize and rearrange your resume sections, and manage multiple formats .

With each section, you also get a real-time guide and hints on what to include and how.

For a free online resume builder, you’re getting a lot of features and options.

  • Free templates available: 6
  • A lot of detailed tips and how-tos for each section for a free resume builder
  • Can download resume as PDF, Word, ODT, Text, or email it from site
  • Extremely intuitive and simple - ideal for students and entry-level jobs
  • Very basic templates
  • Little customization in terms of color and design
  • Not a lot of features for advanced job seekers with experience

Key Takeaways

There are a lot of online resume builders out there.

Realistically, all of them can get the job done. Whichever one you end up using, you’ll end up with a functional resume at the end of the day.

Picking the right resume builder and the right resume template, though, can have a huge impact on whether you get hired or not.

So, to help you pick, consider the following points:

  • Is it affordable ? 
  • Does it have a fitting design and all the features you need (e.g cover letter, template customization, etc.)?
  • Does it come with a content analyzer to help you fill in your resume?
  • Does the resume builder come with a range of different template options?
  • Is the resume template you’re going for the right one for your field?

If you’re not sure and need further guidance on how to build your resume, be sure to check out our career blog for more practical and actionable advice 

Suggested readings:

  • How to Write a Resume & Land That Job [21+ Examples]
  • What to Put on a Resume [7+ Job-Winning Sections]
  • How to Write a Cover Letter & Get the Job [5+ Real-Life Examples]

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South Africa

AFG vs BAN Highlights, T20 World Cup 2024: Afghanistan Secure Historic T20 WC Semis Berth, Australia Out

T20 world cup 2024 afg vs ban highlights: afghanistan create history, reach their first semi-final in a major icc event..

how to make the best resume reddit

Afghanistan vs Bangladesh Highlights, T20 World Cup 2024:  Afghanistan sealed a famous win by 8 runs (via DLS method), in a dramatic rain-affected Super 8 encounter against Bangladesh. Australia are sent packing from the tournament, as they needed a Bangladesh win to qualify. This will be Afghanistan's first appearance at the semi-finals of a major ICC event. Despite Litton Das carrying the bat to the end with a battling half-century, Rashid Khan's four-wicket haul inspired Afghanistan to victory, defending a low total. Earlier, Rashid had also hit a 10-ball 19 run cameo with the bat, which took Afghanistan beyond the 100-run total. ( SCORECARD )

T20 World Cup 2024 Highlights: Afghanistan vs Bangladesh Highlights Straight From Arnos Vale Ground, Kingstown, St Vincent 

how to make the best resume reddit

Afghanistan vs Bangladesh, T20 WC Live

  • Last 5 updates
  • Last 10 updates
  • Last 20 updates
  • Full Commentary

And then there were four! It has been a long and humdinger of a tournament but we now know the four teams that will battle it out in the knockout phase of the competition. It will be South Africa taking on an upbeat Afghanistan in the first semifinal at the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba, Trinidad on Thursday 27 June at 6 am IST (12.30 am GMT). Then, it will be a repeat clash of the semifinal from the last T20 World Cup where the reigning T20 World Champions England will take on an unbeaten Indian side at the Providence Stadium in Guyana also on 27 June but that game will begin at 8 pm IST (2.30 pm GMT). You can join us for the early build-up for both those matches but till then, take care and goodbye!

Rashid Khan, the skipper of Afghanistan says that it's like a dream for them as a team. Says the belief came when they defeated New Zealand. Says he is out of words to describe the emotions. Mentions that he thought they were 10-15 runs short but also says that 115 was the best score on this track. Further adds that they knew Bangladesh would come hard against them and that they needed to be clear with the execution of plans. States they put in that requisite effort. Also says that rain is not in their control but they gave their 100% on the field. On Fazalhaq Farooqi and Naveen's bowling, he says if you have a strong base in bowling, it gives a good advantage and opportunity to attack in the middle overs. Then goes onto appreciate Naveen and Farooqi saying they are skillful and he is very happy with the way they delivered. Says it is a great achievement for them. They reached the Under 19 semifinals as before so it is a special win for them and the country will be proud of them. Ends up by saying that now they will have to go with a clear plan for the semis.

Najmul Hossain Shanto, the captain of Bangladesh says that they bowled really well but as a batting unit, they made some poor decisions, especially in the middle overs, and that cost them. Adds that the plan was to go hard till losing three wickets and then it was just about getting the win. Mentions that throughout the tournament they bowled well and lauds the likes of Rishad Hossain and the pacers and even the fielders but adds that going forward, they need to think about their plans with the bat. Mentions that with the rain stopping play can be frustrating but the ball also gets wet and comes on nicely to bat and it was just about the batters not executing well enough.

Naveen-ul-Haq is the PLAYER OF THE MATCH for his sensational bowling at the top and at the backend as well. He begins by saying that they had been dreaming for the past few years about this day and says that he is at a loss for words to describe the feeling. Adds it is a very special moment for them as a team and as a country. He further adds that they knew Bangladesh was going to come hard in the powerplay to chase it down in 12.1 overs and says that they needed wickets inside the first six. Also adds that these are the kinds of games where you don't know what is going to happen and the margin of error is very small. But also says that they knew if they don't give away easy runs, they will be in the game. Ends up by saying they worked very hard for this day and are looking for a good semifinal performance.

The Presentation ceremony...

Earlier in the game, Rashid Khan opted to bat first on a used pitch, the exact one on which they beat the Aussies in the last game and once again, the duo of Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Ibrahim Zadran was able to put on a stand at the top. It wasn't a brisk one and neither of them could convert it into a big score this time around. Bangladesh fought back hard with the ball and managed to pick up wickets along with keeping runs to a minimum and it was the leggie Rishad Hossain who was the star as he picked up three wickets. Afghanistan huffed and puffed but skipper Rashid Khan managed to put away a couple of balls into the crowd at the death and that virtually got them the win.

Needing 115 to win initially, Bangladesh needed a special start as they needed to gun down the target in 12.1 overs if they were to qualify for the semifinals but they kept on losing wickets early on. They had to stop-start their innings on a few occasions as well but after the first 7-8 overs where they really pushed the envelope, they fell flat as they had lost too many wickets and focused on just getting the win. Litton Das who hasn't been in the best of forms in the last year or so was the only one who showed grit and determination. Das hit a stellar half-century and took his side to the brink of victory but simply couldn't hog the strike as much as he needed to and numbers 10 and 11 fell on successive deliveries leaving Das stranded at the other end. This is only the second time that a batter has carried his bat in a losing cause in the T20 World Cup.

One of the most epic matches you will ever witness in a World Cup and this game had everything except a Super Over. We had three, no, four rain stoppages, the DLS method also came in but eventually, it was Afghanistan who prevailed in this game and will face South Africa in a bid to play in the Grand Finale. Defending a meager total of 114 runs, Afghanistan needed early wickets and it was yet again Naveen-ul-Haq who stepped up and took the bull by its horns and picked up back-to-back wickets in the third over. After the Powerplay, Rashid Khan weaved his magic and bowled four stellar overs, picking up four wickets and that put his side on top of proceedings. Noor Ahmad and the others bowled economically but it was just slipping out of their grasp with 2 overs to go. And yet again, Naveen bowled the crucial penultimate over and picked up back-to-back wickets yet again to seal the most memorable win for his side in their history which is what we said in the last game when they beat Australia but such is the nature of this win that this win edges even the last game.

AFGHANISTAN HAVE DARED TO DREAM AND HAVE TURNED A NEAR IMPOSSIBLE DREAM INTO REALITY! Afghanistan storm into their first-ever T20 World Cup semifinal and this is their first semifinal at the senior level at any World Cup and they have knocked the reigning ODI World Champions, Australia out of the competition. The sheer delight on the faces of the Afghan players, coaching staff and fans alike is a sight to be seen and the players storm the pitch in celebration. As for Bangladesh, they were in with a real chance but have ended up finishing winless in the Super Eight stage of the competition.

OUT! LBW! AFGHANISTAN HAVE DONE IT! THEY HAVE TURNED THE TABLES UPSIDE DOWN FROM HAVING BACKS AGAINST WALL! They came, they dreamt, they executed and they got the desired result! They defeated the Kiwis, executed an audacious heist against the Aussies and now they are through by defeating Bangladesh in the most historic manner! The celebrations begin from Kabul to Kandahar as Afghanistan advances to the semifinals for the first ever time in the T20 World Cup history. A glorious day for Afghanistan cricket. Naveen-ul-Haq spears in a fuller-length delivery which angles back into the batter from the off stump line, Mustafizur Rahman is rooted in the crease and is trapped on the front foot and gets beaten on the inside edge. The ball takes the whisker of the inside edge and pings his front pad. Mustafizur Rahman goes upstairs. UltraEdge comes up and shows that there's no nick when the ball passes through the inside edge. Ball Tracking confirms three reds. OUT it is and Afghanistan creates history by winning this game by 8 runs by DLS method and this means, Australia is officially eliminated from this ICC Men's T20 World Cup.



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Get help with your resume! Please read the Wiki before posting. Check out the COMMUNITY BOOKMARKS for helpful info.

Which resume should I use?

The problem: I’ve been using the resume site Worded to improve my resume to get past the automated searches most HRs use (can’t remember what those programs are called). I eventually got my resume to 80/100 (site says to aim for 85), and was feeling pretty good about it.

I asked my BIL (masters in emergency response, works for one of the local big cities) to give me some feedback as a professional. He helped cut down on the verbiage and really tighten the resume up, and I like it a lot! But Worded rates his changes as 40/100.

I’ve not been getting callbacks on either resume, and don’t know which to use, or how to improve.

Who I am: I’ve been a small scale GC for 5 years, real estate agent for the same 5. I’ve managed $200k+ property rehabs, on million dollar properties, and know how to network and work with subcontractors, city permitting/inspection folks, etc.

I’m currently working as foreman for a larger GC, but I don’t see the position going anywhere, and it honestly isn’t meeting all our bills right now. So I’m looking to leverage my business management experience, real estate experience, and past management experience to move into higher paying roles with bigger GCs in my area.

I want to move away from doing the physical work and more into managing the work. While I feel trapped in my field, I’m still happy to work in it as long as I can increase my take home pay.

I’m currently taking my OSHA 30 training to increase my resumes, and am thinking about taking getting a PMP cert as well.


  1. I've reviewed 1,000+ good (and bad) resumes. Here are my ...

    6. Back up your experiences with data & numbers. All the entries on your resume should be super-specific. This allows you to stand out from the other candidates & show the recruiter that you're a high-achiever. DO: Managed and optimized the client's Facebook ad account, increasing the ad ROI from 42% to 65%.

  2. Can anyone recommend a good FREE resume builder? : r/jobs

    Also, don't discount your own skills. I've written resumes for many of my friends. They've landed junior professional all the way to low-level executive roles using my resumes. I'm a software engineer, not a pro resume writer. I make this service available only to my close friends (of course, free of charge).

  3. I'm an ex-recruiter for some of the top companies in the world ...

    If your resume is good, a nice, short, original (never cookie-cutter), company-specific letter can improve your odds, separate you from similar applicants, and make a great first impression. The best cover letters are short (1 paragraph), written from scratch, and have the same tone as the company's culture. Hope this is helpful!

  4. Best Resume Advice According to Reddit: Tips That Actually Work

    First, for those in a hurry, here's the TL;DR version of our top five resume advice gathered from Reddit: Use a single column layout to pass the ATS. Don't name your resume 'resume.pdf'. Keep you job descriptions short. Use bullet points and action verbs. Use numbers to quantify your achievements.

  5. How to Make a Resume in 2024: Writing Guide + Examples

    Alright, now here's how to make a resume in 9 simple steps: 1. Choose the Right Resume Format. Before you start writing your resume, you need to take care of the canvas prior to painting your application. It'll help you organize your document; recruiters will bid in interviews when they see your craftsmanship.

  6. 40+ Resume Tips to Help You Land a Job in 2024

    Here's some resume tips and tricks for this section: 21. Put experience first, education later. Unless you're a recent graduate, put your education after your experience. Chances are, your last couple of jobs are more important and relevant to you getting the job than where you went to college. 22.

  7. The Top 10 Free Resume Builders of 2024 (That Are Actually Free)

    Choose a resume builder that suits your needs. Check out our list of the best free resume builder tools to find the perfect one for you. Gather your materials. Make sure you have your current resume and the job description of the position you're applying for on hand. Follow the prompts provided by your chosen resume builder. Our ratings will ...

  8. How to Make the Perfect Resume (With Examples!)

    5. Don't Forget Your Education. If you're still in school or just graduated, your education can go at the top of your resume, but for pretty much everyone else, this goes near the bottom. Most people include their school, graduation year (for folks less up to about a decade out of school), major, and degree.

  9. [OFFICIAL] Excellent and Exemplary Resume Sharing Thread

    This resume got me at least a dozen interviews this semester, running from Capital One fast track to onsites, Raytheon, Honeywell, NSA, Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc, and I was able to land about 7 different offers with these companies, eventually accepting a job at Google for their Engineering Residency program.

  10. 8+ Best Resume Layout Examples for 2024

    Simple resume layout. Download This Resume. A basic resume layout like this is perfect for anyone who wants to put together a clean, formal application. The classic font, dark color scheme, and straightforward design make this resume a great choice for formal industries like finance and law.

  11. 35+ Best Resume Tips to Help You Land a Job in 2024

    Before you decide on using a builder, you should research the best resume builder websites and find one that fits your budget. 11. Avoid buzzwords. "Go-getter", "results-driven", "synergize" - a lot of job seekers think using buzzwords like these on their resume will magically impress employers.

  12. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Best resume format example. The chronological resume format is what most job seekers should be using when applying for jobs: Download a Chronological Resume. When to use this format: You have no obvious gaps in your employment and want to emphasize your career progression. The chronological resume format is the most common type of resume.

  13. 10 Best Free Resume Builders

    While there isn't a free 30-day trial, for just $2.95 you can try it for 14 days. However, after 14 days, the plan auto-renews at $23.95, billed every 4 weeks, unless you cancel it. 4. Zety. Zety offers all the tools you need to build a resume that will catch an employer's attention.

  14. The 17 Best Free Resume Builders We've Ever Discovered

    VisualCV: Best for Multimedia Resumes. CakeResume: Best for Resumes With an Online Portfolio. Resume Now: Best for Time-Saving Resume Creation. ResumeNerd: Best for Resume Writing Help. Jofibo: Best for Comprehensive Guides. Hloom: Best for Resume Templates. We've discovered the best free resume builders on the market.

  15. I've reviewed and screened thousands of resumes, and I am ...

    Nearly everyday on Reddit, I address numerous postings for students and professionals who have applied to endless companies with no response. My answer is typically that they either have (1) a bad resume format; or (2) they have little to no experience, which means their resume format should be reworked - see (1).

  16. 5 AI Resume Builders You Should Try In 2024

    Below are five positively-reviewed AI-powered resume builder tools you can use to make your application truly stand out to hiring managers. Some, such as Enhancv, are tested against ATS software ...

  17. Best Resume Builders for 2024: Top 11 Resume Builder Sites

    Build My Resume. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 2. Indeed Resume Builder. While Indeed is mostly known as a job board, they also provide one of the best free resume builders online.

  18. Reddit, what are your resume tips? : r/resumes

    7: Leave out the nonsense. If you slung t-shirts while getting your IT degree, do not put Hot Topic on your resume. (Unless you worked in IT) 8: Standards. Standards. Standards! The best resumes are easy to read. No two peoples resumes use the same standard, but the best are intuitive when you look at them, adhering to an internal standard.

  19. 15 Best Online Resume Builders in 2024

    EnhanCV. Enhancv gives you a total of 4 different resume builder templates you can choose from based on your field and job experience. The tool is fairly simple to use. You pick from a number of templates and then customize the design based on sections, fonts, colors, layout, and more.

  20. The Best Fonts for Resumes in 2024: Examples & Font Sizing

    A resume should be font size 10 to 12. Most fonts between size 10 and 12 make the content of your resume clear enough for an employer to read. However, some fonts look small at font size 10 (like Garamond), and big at size 12 (like Merriweather). As you make your resume, try different fonts at different font sizes to see what works best.

  21. How to make the best resume : r/resumes

    1. Reply. AffectionateMove4478. • 10 mo. ago. Cut the summary. Remove all soft skills in the skills sections Efficient collaboration, effective communication and creativity. Make all that you have colored blue into black. Remove the oldest experience you have as a social media marketer. 1.

  22. Afghanistan vs Bangladesh LIVE, T20 World Cup 2024: Afghanistan Secure

    T20 World Cup 2024 AFG vs BAN LIVE Score: Afghanistan make history, reach their first semi-final in a major ICC event.

  23. Which resume should I use? : r/resumes

    Also. Look other places than indeed. Construction and contracting space may be different in that regard but go to actual companies websites. Ik smaller companies may not have a careers page, but if you see a construction company or a company you want to work for, look them up and see if they have a jobs page.

  24. How to Make a Resume With No Experience (With Examples)

    Here's how to write a resume when you have no formal work experience, step-by-step: Build My Resume. Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. Choose the best format and style for your resume.