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Essay on My Grandmother

A family makes a person complete. Each member of a family plays different role in making the family happy and connected. Out of all the most lovable member of family is grandmother. The love and care a child receives from grandmother is priceless and incomparable. She is the elder member of the family. People who have grandmother with them are the most fortunate people in the world. Therefore, to highlight the love of grandmother in our life today we will discuss My Grandmother in detail.

Short and Long My Grandmother Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Grandmother in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My Grandmother will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Grandmother Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) My grandmother is my favorite person of the family.

2) She always takes care of me and my siblings.

3) Whenever I feel bore, she finds something for us to do together.

4) She always has plenty of stories, and sweets to share with me.

5) She listens to me everytime and save me from mother’s scolding.

6) She always has a sparkle in her eye and a smile on her face.

7) She cooks my favorite food everyday for me.

8) She also inspires me with her life experiences. 

9) I’m so blessed to have my grandma in my life.

10) My grandma is an amazing person, I love her so much.

Short Essay on My Grandmother (250 – 300 Words)


My grandma is one of the most important person of my life. Although she is getting old but she still plays an active role in our family, and I absolutely love her. She is the backbone who keeps our family connected. She is the one by seeing whom every family member feels joyful. She is really a pillar of our family. At this age she is very active and does most of her stuffs on her own.

Personality of My Grandmother

My grandmother has achieved much throughout her life, and I have the utmost respect for her. My grandmother loves to talk and is a great conversationalist. She loves to tell stories about her childhood and her travels around the world. She can talk for hours and never become bored. She has helped countless other people in her lifetime.

Unconditional Love of My Grandmother

Ultimately, what I love most about my grandmother is her unconditional love. She’s always been there to support me no matter what I do. She is always proud of the things I do, even if I don’t always succeed. The best part is whenever I do wrong she still take my side and saves me from shouts of my mom and dad. Her unconditional love is something I will always cherish.

My grandmother is an amazing woman who touched the lives of many. She is kind, generous, and always put others before herself. She is a role model to many, and her legacy will live on in the hearts of those who knew her.

Long Essay on My Grandmother (500 Words)

My grandmother is an amazing and inspiring woman. She is the glue that holds our family together and is always there for us no matter what. She is wise and caring, and her unconditional love and support has been a constant source of strength for me throughout my life. Having a great sense of humor, she makes us laugh always. Her stories of the past bring joy, hope and insight into our lives, and she has a special way of making everyone feel loved.

Influence of My Grandmother

My grandmother’s influence on me has been powerful and lasting. She is an old-fashioned yet kind and caring person and has always encouraged me to strive for my goals. She is always available to me to listen and give me advice on right and wrong. She taught me many life-lessons and values. I remember her lessons about to be strong and independent in life. She also encouraged me to be kind and compassionate to others.

My Favorite Person: My Grandmother

My grandmother is the one person who I admire the most. She has always been supportive and helped me reach my goals. She is wise and caring and takes nothing for granted. She believes in the power of education and knows that no matter what I will achieve my dreams. She is a strong and courageous woman who has inspired me to never give up.

Importance of Grandmother

Grandmothers play a very important role in a family. They provide comfort, security and unconditional love. Grandmothers are also a great source of knowledge and support. They sometimes give us advice or just lend an ear when we need it. Grandmothers are always there to listen and offer a warm hug when we are feeling down.

Love of Grandmother

Grandmothers share a special kind of love and wisdom with all of their grandchildren. Their love is unconditional and they are always eager to share their experiences with the younger generation. Whether it’s baking cookies, playing a game, or simply providing a listening ear, grandmothers show that they care in as many ways as possible. Grandmothers will always hold a special place in the hearts of their grandchildren.

My grandmother has been a strong influence in my life. She has been there for me in the good times and the bad. She is wise, kind and loving and I feel so lucky to have her by my side through all the ups and downs. My grandmother is someone whom I love and admire and I will always cherish all the moments spent with her. She is a true blessing and I am so thankful to have her in my life.

I hope the above-provided essay on My Grandmother will be helpful to you in understanding the role and importance of grandmother in our life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Grandmother

Ans. Grandparents can provide love, stability and guidance, as well as pass down cultural values and traditions to the younger generations. They can also offer valuable life advice and be a source of emotional support.

Ans. Mothers of the dad or moms are called as grandmothers.

Ans. Granny, Grandma, Dadi, Nani, Aaji, etc. are some other names for grandmother.

Ans. It all depends on your grandparents’ interests and abilities. Some activities you could do together include gardening, baking, cooking, reading, going for walks, or watching movies.

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Descriptive Essay on Grandmother

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Most of us are blessed with a grandmother. However, some of us are lucky enough to spend more time with them than others. Grandmothers are a hidden blessing as they pour our love on us and lead us in the right direction. In this article, we will talk about grandmothers; we will look at how strong they are.

A grandmother is Hidden Angel

The sweet grandmothers are hidden angels for all the grandchildren. They went through all the pain and tried to do all the work for their grandchildren. They have gold hearts because they treat all of their grandchildren equally.

Despite the challenges, they are always there to support us. Most of the time, our parents do not signal to say no but to our grandmothers who try to do that which is not yes. This is their greatness and their love for us.

A grandmother is always kind to us. She always loves us much more than their children. Grandmothers are our childhood besties with whom we share all the secrets. Both grandmothers give equal love, whether she is our father’s mother or our mother’s mother. It is because of them that we eat such delicious food. Nothing can compare to the taste of grandma’s food. Usually, they do not tell us about their problems but always have a happy face to be happy. Although our grandmothers endured a lot, they never let that come to light. No matter what, they are always there to defend us.

The beautiful Example about Grandmother

My grandmother is an excellent example of who I want to be. She is over five feet [5 m] tall and very kind by heart. Her warm demeanor helps us to win the heart of anyone she meets. As a child, I used to hold her delicate, soft hands.

She has stories, many of them. She has faced different times, worlds, and difficulties, but she is still as strong as ever despite all these. Even though she has grown up without me, she always keeps up with me so that he doesn’t lose anything.

I love watching her taste her food, and I love it. She is usually the first one at the dinner table but always the last one to leave. She makes sure no one eats alone, so she stays until the end. A patient lady is my grandmother.

I enjoy spending my afternoon with her, sitting by the window and relaxing. She drinks a little tea while I listen to the stories she tells me—all the exciting stories about her childhood and her siblings.

My grandmother is a wonderful woman who taught me compassion and honesty. I owe him all his kindness and compassion. I hope she will live a long and healthy life full of love and warmth.

Conclusion of the Essay about Grandmother

Therefore, older women do not have to be celebrities to touch our lives. Our grandmothers have their own stories and struggles that make up a legacy that inspires amazingly loving children. I see my grandmother, and I am reminded of how she lives inside me and can make me strong every day.

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Essay on My Grandmother 500+ Words

In the tapestry of our lives, family plays a central role, and my grandmother is a thread of unwavering love, wisdom, and guidance. In this essay, we will explore the extraordinary impact of “my grandmother” on my life, focusing on her nurturing care, valuable life lessons, and enduring legacy.

A Source of Unconditional Love

“My grandmother” is a constant source of love and affection. Her warm hugs, kind words, and comforting presence have created a secure foundation in my life. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, a strong emotional bond with a grandparent positively impacts a child’s emotional well-being.

Stories and Traditions

Through storytelling, “my grandmother” has shared family history and traditions, instilling a sense of heritage. These stories connect me to my roots and teach me valuable life lessons. The importance of preserving family history is emphasized by genealogy experts worldwide.

Lessons in Resilience

“My grandmother” has faced challenges in her life, and she shares her experiences with grace and resilience. These lessons in overcoming adversity have taught me the importance of perseverance and a positive attitude. According to experts at Harvard University, resilience is a key factor in achieving success and well-being.

Cooking and Bonding

In the kitchen, “my grandmother” has been my mentor, passing down treasured family recipes and culinary skills. Cooking together has strengthened our bond and created cherished memories. Studies show that shared cooking experiences enhance family connections and foster communication.

Generosity and Compassion

“My grandmother” exemplifies generosity and compassion through her actions. She volunteers at local charities, demonstrating the importance of giving back to the community. Experts in psychology affirm that acts of kindness and generosity have a positive impact on one’s mental and emotional well-being.

Valuable Life Skills

From sewing to gardening, “my grandmother” has taught me a variety of practical skills. These abilities not only enrich my life but also reflect the importance of self-sufficiency. Life skills education is recognized as essential by experts in child development.

Moral Values

“My grandmother” instills strong moral values in me, emphasizing honesty, kindness, and empathy. These values serve as my moral compass in making ethical decisions. Research conducted by the Institute for Research on Poverty highlights the positive influence of moral guidance from grandparents.

Academic Support

“My grandmother” is a dedicated supporter of my education. She helps with homework, encourages reading, and fosters a love for learning. Studies consistently show that parental involvement in education significantly enhances academic achievement.

Cultural Awareness

Through “my grandmother’s” teachings, I have gained a deeper understanding of our cultural heritage. She encourages us to embrace diversity and respect all cultures. Cultural awareness is recognized as an essential aspect of global citizenship by experts in multicultural education.

A Legacy of Love

As “my grandmother” imparts her wisdom and love, she is creating a lasting legacy. Her influence extends beyond our immediate family, touching the lives of those around us. This legacy of love is a testament to the enduring impact of grandmothers worldwide.

Conclusion of Essay on My Grandmother

In conclusion, “my grandmother” is a beacon of love, wisdom, and guidance in my life. Her nurturing care, valuable life lessons, and enduring legacy have shaped me into the person I am today. As I reflect on the profound impact she has had on my life, I am reminded of the priceless treasure she is. “My grandmother” is not just a family member; she is a source of strength and inspiration, and I am grateful for the privilege of having her in my life. Her influence will continue to shape me and future generations, making her a truly remarkable and cherished figure.

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School Essay

  • Essay on My Grandmother
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  • Reading time: 8 mins read

Essay on My Grandmother: Grandmother’s importance is paramount in everyone’s life. It is from the grandmother that a person gets the initial qualities of life. Mother’s love is as cold as grandmother’s love is sweet and sweet. Grandmother’s love is full of sweetness. Grandmother’s relationship is associated with the emotional feelings of her grandson or granddaughter. The love and bond between them are immense.

Set 1 – Essay on My Grandmother

There are quite a lot of people I admire, but the person I admire the most is my grandmother. She is an old woman. She is in her late seventies. Her name is Mrs. Deena. Her daily activities are unaffected although her age has now bent her back. This is why I admire her the most.

She is tall and thin. She has greyish hair. Her eyes are light brown. My grandmother has a friendly and welcoming personality. Her affectionate and humble face is full of wrinkles. As her vision is quite good, she can read without spectacles. She has a vast experience of life. She is very intelligent and has a lot of knowledge in various matters. She is a retired school Principal. As she has a very good command of the English language, she makes me sit with her to teach English.

Every morning she wakes up first in the house. Before we get out of our bed, she takes her bath. Immediately after the bath, she sits for her daily worship to Lord Ram and Sita Mata. She is a religious-minded woman. Her devotion to religion and God never disturbs the rest of the family. She distributes prasad to all the family members after she finishes her prayers. Every morning I eagerly wait for this moment.

I enjoy her company. She is firm and strict, but at the same time, she is kind and generous to the poor. She never scolds me. I have found that my grandmother has always sacrificed her wishes for the sake of the family. There is no generation gap between my grandmother and me. She is very understanding and is completely aware of what is going in and out of me.

My grandmother loves cooking. She enjoys baking yummy cakes. She prepares different types of pastries. She is very good at doing craftwork. She has great interest and skills in preparing woolen sweaters. Her active, caring, and hardworking nature admires me the most. Sometimes I get surprised seeing her moving quickly and easily. She keeps a close watch on all the important doings in the family.

Her endless love for me is her passion. My parents and uncle always seek her advice in most matters. Even women, young and old around the neighborhood come to her for advice. With great attention, she listens to their problems and guides them accordingly. Sometimes she shares her own experience in solving their problems. They listen to her with great respect and attention.

I love my grandmother very much. Even she loves me with her all heart. Like most aged women, she has certain orthodox beliefs and habits. However, she has a surprising quality to change with time. Many women can be a grandmother at some point of time in their lives, but it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be like my grandmother. I am thankful to God for such a loving grandmother.

Set 2 – Essay on My Grandmother

My grandmother is the most influential person in my life. She must be around 60 years old. But, she is very healthy. I have never seen her ill or taking medicines. She needs her spectacles only while reading. She always wears a simple cotton saree. She is very particular about cleanliness.

My grandmother is always cheerful. She takes care of my grandfather’s health. She always keeps herself busy. She is very fond of reading. She goes for a walk every evening with her friends. She likes to go to the temple during different festivals. All the dishes that she prepares are always tasty. She is much disciplined and always expects us to behave properly. My father always takes her advice before starting any important task.

I love my grandmother very much. She consoles me when my parents are angry with me. She appreciates when I come out with flying colors in the exams and encourages me to take part in different activities, too. She never forgets to tell me a story at bedtime. My grandmother is a very important person in our family. I love her very much.

Set 3 – Essay on My Grandmother

My grandmother is a tall and dignified lady. She has black dark hair with some silver threads in it. Her face has hardly any wrinkles. She holds herself erect and is active in her movements. She is fiftyeight years old.

She has simple and regular habits. She wakes up at six each morning. She has her bath and performs her worship. Then she spends her time in meditation and prayer.

She helps my mother in her household work. When we return from school she tells us stories. We love to hear her stories. We gather round her every evening and listen attentively to grandmother’s stories. She tells us interesting stories from Indian history as well as mythology. Sometimes we hear stories about what my father did when he was a little boy. We never know how time passes when we listen to grandmother’s stories. She is always willing to learn new things nowadays I’m teacher her computer. She takes me to my hobby class every day.

My grandmother is kind, loving and gentle. She is cheerful and happy. All of us love and respect her a great deal. We simply cannot do without her.

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Essay On Grandparents for Students and Children

500+ words essay on grandparents.

Grandparents are blessings from God who are irreplaceable. They are angels in disguise who are always looking over their kids and grandkids. As the times are evolving, people are losing touch of their tradition. Likewise, people are not realizing the importance of Grandparents. We see how they are mistreating them. While this happens in some cases, in most cases people love their grandparents.

Essay on Grandparents 

You ask a kid about who pampers them the most, most of them will answer saying their grandparents. Similarly, for grandparents, they are adored by their grandkids. They love us unconditionally and pamper us endlessly. However, they also correct our mistakes and scold us when necessary. Thus, we see how grandparents are great blessings not everyone is fortunate enough to have.

Grandparents are True Blessings

Grandparents are truly a blessing in our lives. They are the ones who have made our parents the way they are. It is because of their upbringing that our parents love us immensely and care for us the same way our grandparents did when they were children. Moreover, grandparents are your support system. They are sometimes the only people who support you even if our parents don’t.

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Most importantly, grandparents are true believers in our skills and talent. They are the ones who push us to pursue our dreams when the world puts us down. Even though some of our dreams may not make sense to them, nonetheless, they still believe in us. They boost our confidence and allow us to perform better.

Furthermore, grandparents are one of the main reasons why we feel safe and protected. We know even if we don’t live with our grandparents, they are always praying for us. They are looking out for us. Almost everyone’s safe place is their grandparent’s home. We have a sense of calm and composure knowing we can always go to our grandparent’s place if the need arises.

Thus, we see how grandparents are blessings in disguise. They help in us so many ways, some of which we may not even realize. The ones who are lucky enough to have grandparents surely know their value.

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My Grandparents

I was lucky enough to grow up in my grandparent’s house. Our family lived with my grandparents since I was little. As my paternal grandfather passed away when I was very young, I only remember a few memories of him. One thing I surely remember is he used to brush his teeth twice daily without fail. I adopted this habit and ever since I have been doing the same.

My maternal grandparents have been my true systems of support. I am lucky enough to have grown up around such inspirational people. My grandfather was a principal of a college, so he always emphasized the importance of education . He helped us with our homework when my parents were not available. I spent my vacations at their place as I enjoyed living with them.

Similarly, my grandparents always embraced me with open arms. They used to wait for every holiday for our arrival. My grandmother made delicious pickles and meals which we relished greatly. She taught me a few recipes too and tips and tricks that are very useful even today. I simply adore my grandparents for instilling good values in me and my parents and for giving us a safe space to grow up in.

The FAQ on Essay on Grandparents

Q.1 Why are grandparents a true blessing?

A.1 Grandparents are like angels in disguise. They always watch out for us and pray for us even when we don’t know it. They provide us a safe space on which we can always count on.

Q.2 Why should one value their grandparents?

A.2 Grandparents are a blessing which not everyone is lucky enough to have. Thus, we must value them and respect them for all they have done for us and our parents.

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Essay on Grandmother | Grandmother Essay for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Veerendra

Essay on Grandmother:  The only real aim of grandmother’s life is service and sacrifice. Thus, she deserves appreciation, love and respect in our family. The busiest member of our family is my grandmother. She is the most significant wheel within the family vehicle. She is the lady who nurses and appears after the youngsters.

Grandmother gets up very early, and she does all her private work as well as she prepares breakfast. She reads holy books and recites in an exceedingly sing-song manner while sitting before the temple that she has found within the house. The grandmother is a nice cook.

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Long and Short Essay on Grandmother for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short of 150 words on the topic of Grandmother for reference.

Long Essay on Electoral Reforms in India of 500 Words In English

I love my grandmother substantially. Ever since I used to be born, she has taken care of me. She has taken great responsibility in bringing me up in a very healthy and disciplined way. My grandmother could be a very bold lady. We will learn lots of things from her. She could be a polite one who can handle any quiet situation in a very proactive way. My grandmother cooks fine, and she or he prepares delicious food whenever we visit our native.

There are plenty of things that are much enjoyable with my grandmother. When I was small, she has told me many fascinating stories and taught me singing too. She is extremely talented who is doing business for over 20 years. Her exertions and success in her business have motivated me to be the identical way in my life. Without my grandmother, I’d haven’t won prizes in many competitions. My grandmother gifts my precious books and things whenever I buy high marks in the examination. She gifted me a painting box for scoring out of out in Maths and Science this year.

Every year, we want to head to grandmother’s home during the Summer holidays. Our grandmother may be a great mentor; her teachings to us are very valuable. Only thanks to her, we’ve gained good conduct in our life. My grandmother may be a very nice person, and now I’m waiting to fulfil her within the next holiday.

She likes to prepare meals and serve delicious food, tall members of the family. She infects, acts sort of a machine. The time between 1 pm and 4 pm is reserved for stitching and needle working despite her age. She may be a healthy and stout lady. She takes care of every work of the house. We, therefore, love her abundantly. We all consult her all told matters to the family. Thus our family affairs are running smoothly; there’s no difficulty before us. There’s no quarrel among us. She isn’t keen on showy clothes or ornaments.

The grandmother is extremely hospitable. She is a perfect and pious lady. She incorporates a great love for the motherland. She could be a woman of plan living. She eats simple food-rice mixed with rice water, fruits, vegetable curry, and pickles. She may be a vegetarian. She takes her food once at noon and earlier within the night at 9 pm. She makes tea only 2 times: once within the morning and once within the evening.

Grandmother always puts on plain and lightweight coloured saree. She doesn’t like the sarees of gorgeous colours. This doesn’t mean that she is hostile to the fashions and designs. She is sweet at handy work. She will be able to knit sweaters for us. She never likes to sit down idle. She will be busy with some of the other work. She extends her help to my mother in her household work. She knows well a way to prepare sweets and styles of cakes.

Short Essay On Grandmother Of 150 Words In English

Grandmother may be a very sweet person. She likes me a great deal and takes care of my brother and me. Grandmother cooks okay. Grandmother prepares food when my mother goes for work. Her preparation is going to be delicious and that we will enjoy eating sweets made by her. My grandmother is extremely experienced in the drawing. Due to her, I used to be able to learn drawing okay. Last month, I participated in a painting competition and that I won first prize.

Grandmother also tells to keep things clean and also to be disciplined so that it will help me in future. I really like my grandmother, noticeably. She is extremely kind and considerate. She is incredibly bard working. She never wastes one moment of her life. She is usually busy during this work or that job. Thus our family is progressing by leaps and bounds under her guidance. She takes care of people.

Essay on Grandmother in English

10 Lines On Grandmother in English

  • I love my grandmother very much.
  • Grandmother has taken care of me ever since I was born.
  • Grandmother likes me and does anything for me.
  • The grandmother is my great inspiration.
  • I spend time with her every evening after I return from school.
  • The grandmother is very pious and talkative.
  • Grandmother tells us stories in the evening.
  • Grandmother loves to watch T.V. or to play cards.
  • The grandmother is strong and kind-hearted.
  • The grandmother is truthful, loving, and kind.

descriptive essay on grandmother

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Grandmother

Question 1. How do I bond with my grandmother?

Answer: Hug your grandmother when you are saying hi and tell them that you love them.

Question 2. Why is your grandmother important to you?

Answer: It helps to flow along; it gives the meaning of our relationships and adds a real point to our lives.

Question 3. How to treat grandmother with respect and care?

Answer: Be polite to them. When you act politely to your grandparents, it shows that you value and respect them.

Question 4. How to appreciate the grandmother?

Answer: You can write letters to her, listen to her stories, etc.

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Essay on Grandmother in 500 Words for Students


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  • Nov 30, 2023

Essay on grandmother

Essay on Grandmother: ‘Have you ever wondered what the circumstances surrounding your family may have been in the absence of an elderly figure? How would your parents have asked for advice when making certain decisions? When your parents scolded you, who would have pampered you? We as children are closer to our grandparents, especially our grandmother than any member of our family. Grandmother teaches us how to love, respect, care, and become responsible in life. God has blessed us with grandmothers because of their caring love and respectful attitude towards everyone.’

essay on my grandmother 500 words pdf

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‘Grandmother wakes up early in the morning and takes care of family stuff. She manages all the house choirs and prepares breakfast for everyone. In her free time, she sits on her rocking chair on the balcony and murmurs songs. Everyone in the family respects her and reaches out to her for her guidance.’

‘This loving member of our family is getting old and she deserves the best care. Grandmother endured all the family’s sufferings and made sacrifices for everyone. They never discriminate against their grandchildren and have equal love for everyone, They are always there for us, guiding us through here decades of experience and teaching us the realities of life.’

We often get to hear that grandmothers are emotionally closer to their grandchildren than their parents. This is because we as children spend more time with them and they have a golden heart. Consider this example: our parents often say ‘no’ to things we like or want, but our grandmother always considers our interests and tries their best to keep us happy. They don’t want to see us sitting sad in a corner and feeling neglected.’ 

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Role and Responsibilities of Grandmother

Grandmothers have certain roles and responsibilities which they fulfill by pouring their heart and soul into them. 

  • Grandmother offers guidance and social support to the family, making sure everything runs smoothly.
  • They work as role models and teach us important life lessons like accepting our mistakes, taking responsibility, respecting others’ opinions, and allowing others before us.
  • They teach us about our culture and encourage us to follow our traditional values and customs.
  • They work as family advisors, especially on issues related to women and children.

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5 Ways to Take Care of Grandmother

Our grandmothers have always offered love and care, more than anyone deserves. Therefore, we as their grandchildren must take good care of them.

  • Listen to everything they have to say.
  • Constantly ask them if they need anything.
  • Respect her in every situation.
  • Compliment her by saying how beautiful she is and how blessed the entire family is to have her.
  • Go on a walk or buy groceries with her and spend some time with her.

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5 Lessons We Can Learn From Grandmother

Grandmothers are considered the brains of the family due to their advice and guidance for the family’s welfare. There’s a lot we can learn from grandmother.

  • Never be afraid to ask for someone’s help.
  • Always offer your helping hand to others.
  • Try to be self-reliant and learn to do it yourself.
  • Do not panic in difficult situations and try to calm yourself down.
  • Before making an important decision, consult with your family members and ask for their opinions.

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100 Words Paragraph on Grandmother

A grandmother is the most respected member of the family. She teaches us the reality of life and how to deal with different types of people. Her experience and knowledge work like advice for the family, where she guides everyone in making important decisions. She is the first person to wake up in the morning and prepares breakfast for everyone. She makes sure everyone in the family is okay. Her respectful attitude tells us how kind. She is always there for everyone, offering her knowledge and sharing stories with her grandchildren. A grandmother is god’s personification in a family, offering her blessings without any discrimination.

Ans: Grandmother is the most respected member of the family. She offers her love and caring support for everyone without any discrimination. She is god’s personification on earth. She is the sweetest person in the world and is always there to help her grandchildren. Regardless of her old age, she takes care of everyone in the family and serves decisions food.

Ans: Our grandmother offers us warmth, wisdom, and unwavering love. Her presence comforting presence embraces us and is like a haven where one finds solace and understanding. In the tapestry of family, she is the thread that weaves generations together, creating a bond that transcends time. The memories of my grandmother are etched in the corridors of my mind like cherished paintings. She was a storyteller, a guardian of family lore, and her tales were not just narratives but lessons in resilience, love, and the passage of time. Her wrinkled hands spoke of a lifetime of experiences, each line a story waiting to be shared.

Ans: Our grandmothers can teach us how to have challenges in life, teach us to value our traditional and cultural values, we can learn practical skills like cooking, sewing, gardening and budgeting, learn the art of storytelling, etc.

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Paragraph on My Grandmother in 100, 150, 200, 250 & 300 Words

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Sometimes, the warmth of a hug or the wisdom in a story can make all the difference in a young person’s life. For many of us, that source of comfort and guidance is our grandmother. She is like a secret ingredient in our family recipe, making every moment more special with her presence. In this article, we will explore the incredible role my grandmother plays in my life, shining a light on her endless love, wisdom, and the unforgettable memories we share together. From her gentle care to her wise words, my grandmother is a remarkable figure who shapes our lives in profound ways

Paragraph on My Grandmother

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Grandmother in 100 words

My grandmother is a remarkable woman who has greatly influenced my life. She grew up in a different era, where education for girls was not prioritized. Despite this, she developed a love for learning, often reading books and newspapers to educate herself. Her stories about the past and her wisdom are invaluable. She encourages me to focus on my studies and always try my best. With her support, I have grown more interested in my academic subjects, especially history and literature, which are her favorites. My grandmother’s resilience and dedication to learning inspire me daily to pursue my educational goals with the same passion.

Paragraph on My Grandmother in 150 words

My grandmother, a wise and nurturing soul, has always been a pillar of strength and inspiration in my family. Born in a small village, her early education was limited, but that never stopped her from learning. She has an insatiable curiosity about the world and a deep respect for education, which she instilled in all her grandchildren. Even today, she spends her time reading books and encourages me to explore a variety of subjects.

Her knowledge of Indian history and culture has sparked my interest in these areas, leading me to delve deeper into my textbooks. She often helps me with my homework, sharing stories that make history come alive. Her guidance has not only helped improve my academic performance but has also taught me the value of perseverance and continuous learning. My grandmother’s influence has made me appreciate the importance of education in achieving my dreams.

Paragraph on My Grandmother in 200 words

My grandmother is an extraordinary figure in my life, whose experiences and wisdom have deeply influenced my perspective on education and personal growth. Born into a traditional family, she had limited formal education opportunities. However, her quest for knowledge was undeterred. She taught herself to read and write in her native language, eventually expanding her skills to English. Her life stories, filled with challenges and triumphs, are a testament to the power of self-education and determination.

Grandmother has always emphasized the importance of education, urging me to take my studies seriously. She believes that knowledge is the key to unlocking doors to the future. Her encouragement has led me to excel in subjects like mathematics and science, where her logical approach to problem-solving has been incredibly helpful. She also introduced me to the rich tapestry of Indian mythology and folktales, fostering my love for literature and storytelling.

Through her example, I have learned that education is not just about academic achievement but about developing a lifelong love for learning. She encourages me to be curious, ask questions, and seek knowledge in all its forms. Her dedication to learning, despite the obstacles she faced, inspires me to overcome my challenges and pursue my educational goals with zeal. My grandmother’s legacy is one of resilience, wisdom, and an unwavering commitment to education.

Paragraph on My Grandmother in 250 words

My grandmother is a remarkable woman with a heart full of love and a mind rich with wisdom. She has lived through many changes, witnessing the transformation of the world from a simpler time to the digital age. Growing up in a small village in India, she was one of the few girls in her community to attend school, a testament to her unyielding spirit and desire for knowledge. Despite the limited resources and opportunities available, she excelled in her studies, particularly in mathematics and history, subjects she fondly recalls and shares stories about.

Her academic journey was not just about personal achievement but also about paving the way for future generations in our family to value and pursue education. She often emphasizes the importance of hard work, discipline, and perseverance in achieving one’s goals. My grandmother’s love for learning did not stop at formal education; she is an avid reader of Indian classics and religious texts, and she enjoys discussing these topics, providing insights and lessons that are relevant even today.

Her dedication to education has had a profound impact on our family, inspiring me and my siblings to pursue our studies with determination and passion. She supports us in our academic endeavors, offering help with homework, encouraging our curiosity, and celebrating our achievements. My grandmother’s life story is a testament to the power of education to transform lives and the importance of passing on the love for learning to future generations.

Paragraph on My Grandmother in 300 words

In the tapestry of my life, my grandmother stands out as a beacon of wisdom and strength. Born in an era when education for girls was not a priority, she broke societal norms by insisting on her right to learn. Her journey began in a modest school in India, where she was often the only girl in her class. Despite facing challenges, her thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. She excelled in her studies, especially in languages and science, subjects that intrigued her the most. Her stories of studying under the dim light of a lantern, as electricity was a luxury, are not just tales of the past but are lessons in resilience and determination.

My grandmother’s educational pursuits were not solely for her personal growth; they were imbued with a vision to uplift her family and community. She became a source of inspiration for many in her village, encouraging parents to educate their daughters. Her belief in the transformative power of education led her to actively participate in local educational initiatives, contributing to the setting up of a library and organizing free tutoring sessions for children who needed extra help.

Her commitment to education extended to her family, instilling in us a deep respect for academic achievement. She often helps me with my school projects, her insights adding depth and clarity. Her knowledge of Indian culture, history, and ethics enriches our lives, bridging the gap between traditional values and modern education.

Beyond academics, my grandmother teaches us the value of compassion, kindness, and integrity. She is a living example of how education goes beyond the classroom—it is about nurturing the heart and the mind to build a better world. Her legacy is not just in the academic successes of her family but in the lessons of perseverance, hope, and love that she embodies.

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Essay on Your Grandmother

Students are often asked to write an essay on Your Grandmother in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Your Grandmother

My loving grandmother.

My grandmother is a pillar of strength and love. She is a wonderful woman who has always been there for me. Her age doesn’t stop her from being active and lively.

Her Caring Nature

Her delicious cooking.

My grandmother is an excellent cook. Her dishes are mouth-watering and full of love. She always makes my favourite food whenever I visit her.

In conclusion, my grandmother is a blessing in my life. Her love and support mean the world to me.

250 Words Essay on Your Grandmother

The bedrock of my life: my grandmother, her resilience.

Born in an era of limited opportunities for women, my grandmother’s life was not without hardships. Yet, her resilience in the face of adversity was remarkable. She married young, bore the brunt of societal expectations, and raised her children single-handedly after my grandfather’s untimely demise. Her struggle taught me the importance of resilience and determination in overcoming life’s challenges.

The Fount of Wisdom

My grandmother was a repository of wisdom. Her anecdotes, rich with life experiences, were my first introduction to the realities of the world. She taught me to value honesty, integrity, and compassion above all. Her lessons on the importance of maintaining a strong moral compass have shaped my character and worldview.

Her Unconditional Love

The love and care I received from my grandmother were unconditional. She was my safe haven, always there to comfort, to listen, and to guide. Her love fostered a sense of security within me that I carry to this day.

My grandmother was more than just a family member; she was my mentor, my guide, and my friend. She taught me resilience, imparted wisdom, and showered me with unconditional love. Her influence on my life is profound and everlasting. As I navigate the complexities of adulthood, I often find myself reflecting on her teachings, realizing that her wisdom continues to guide me.

500 Words Essay on Your Grandmother

The quintessence of my grandmother.

My grandmother, a woman of strength, wisdom, and unwavering love, has been a significant influence in my life. Her life, brimming with experiences, has been an embodiment of resilience, compassion, and profound wisdom, shaping my perspectives and values.

Her Life: A Tale of Resilience

A beacon of compassion.

My grandmother’s compassion is her most defining attribute. She has always been a person who would go out of her way to help others, often putting their needs before her own. Her kindness extended not only to her family but also to the community. She spent countless hours volunteering at local charities, instilling in me the value of service and the importance of empathy. Her compassion has been a guiding light, shaping my actions and interactions with others.

A Source of Profound Wisdom

Throughout my life, my grandmother has been a wellspring of wisdom. Her life experiences, combined with her intuitive understanding of the world, have given her a unique perspective. Her insights, shared through stories and conversations, have imparted valuable lessons about life, relationships, and the pursuit of happiness. Her wisdom has greatly influenced my worldview, guiding my decisions and shaping my beliefs.

Her Influence: A Lifelong Impact

The influence of my grandmother in my life cannot be overstated. Her resilience has taught me to face challenges head-on, her compassion has inspired me to be kind and empathetic, and her wisdom has guided me in making sound decisions. As a college student, these lessons have proven invaluable, helping me navigate the complexities of academia and life.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Love and Wisdom

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Essay Samples on Grandmother

Crafting a college essay about grandmother is an invaluable opportunity to explore the profound impact she has had on your life. Grandmothers, the beloved matriarchs who have played pivotal roles in shaping our families and communities, hold a wealth of memories, experiences, and wisdom. Their unwavering love and nurturing presence create a bond that transcends generations.

How to Write an Essay About Grandmother

When approaching a grandmother essay for college, it is essential to infuse your personal narrative with heartfelt anecdotes and vivid descriptions. Begin by delving into the cherished moments you’ve shared, recounting the laughter, storytelling, and life lessons that have resonated deeply. Reflect on the values and virtues your grandmother embodies, such as resilience, compassion, or determination, and illustrate how these qualities have shaped your own character.

To make your grandmother essay truly stand out, incorporate specific details and sensory imagery that evoke a strong emotional response. Paint a vivid picture of your grandmother’s unique features — the way her eyes sparkle with wisdom, the gentle sound of her voice, or the comforting aroma that emanates from her kitchen. Share captivating anecdotes that bring her personality to life and showcase the profound impact she has had on shaping your perspective.

Furthermore, don’t forget to convey the invaluable life lessons you have gleaned from your grandmother. Whether she provided unwavering support during challenging times, offered guidance in navigating obstacles, or imparted invaluable advice, these elements will highlight the profound influence she has had on your personal growth and development.

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Best topics on Grandmother

1. My Grandmother’s Narrative: A Tapestry of Wisdom and Affection

2. A Tribute to a Special Person in My Life: My Grandmother

3. Love Letter to My Grandma – to One of the Greatest Person

4. My Grandmother as My Role Model: Her Role in Shaping My Identity

5. Precious Value Of A Gift From My Grandmother

6. Observing My Great Grandmother Change

7. Life Lessons My 90-Year-Old Grandmother Taught Me

8. The Pain of Leaving My Grandmother Behind for a Better Life

9. The Life of My Grandmother and the Lessons She Taught Our Family

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Essay on Grandmother for Students and Children in English

January 3, 2021 by Sandeep

Essay on Grandmother: Grandmothers are one of the eldest family members who are very warm, kind and caring by nature. She is the best example of selfless service who works tirelessly for her kids, grandkids, and every household member. She is the busiest member, preparing delicious culinary treats and reciting popular stories for her grandchildren.

Essay on My Grandmother 150 Words in English

Below we have provided My Grandmother Essay in English for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 school students.

A garden of love grows in a Grandmother’s heart.

Grandparents are always the source of joy in our households. They are like the pillars which support us. They are the most protective people around us. Their love for us is unconditional. For me, having my grandmother around is always a great thing. She is one of the most influential people in my life. My grandmother is the eldest member of the family. She is our mentor, and we always seek her advice.

My grandmother is sixty-seven years old. Her name is Naynika Gupta. Her hair might be silver but she is still young at heart. Her kindness and generosity make her stand out. She truly holds our family together. We all feel lucky we have her around us. Her guidance and deep words have always helped me in critical situations. My grandmother used to work in a research-based institution.

Her thoughts and ideologies are always insightful. Books are her best friend. Once in a while, she writes abstract verses and poems. I am so thankful that we stay in the same place. My grandmother and I are very close to each other. We love to spend time together.

She constantly motivates and supports me in my aspirations. Her values strengthen my perspectives. She is my guide as well as my best friend. My grandmother has always taken care of everyone throughout her life. I wish she stays healthy and happy in the upcoming years of her life. She is one of the most important people in my life. And I love my grandmother.

10 Lines on Grandmother in English

  • My grandmother’s name is Namita Mishra.
  • She is seventy years old.
  • She is a retired headmaster at our local school.
  • She is very affectionate as a person.
  • My grandmother is a pious lady who visits the temple daily.
  • She likes to dress simple.
  • Her love for us has no bounds.
  • She is one of my greatest inspirations.
  • She loves to paint, sing, and write poems.
  • I love my grandmother and look up to her.
  • Paragraph Writing
  • Paragraph On My Grandmother

Paragraph on My Grandmother - Check Samples for 100, 150, 200, 250 Words

A family comprises a father, mother, children and grandparents. Lucky are those who have got a chance to hear the stories of grandmothers and to sleep on her lap. Before our parents and teachers, grandmothers are the ones who teach us life lessons and helped us build a great future. One is blessed if they have their grandmothers with them.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on my grandmother in 100 words, paragraph on my grandmother in 150 words, paragraph on my grandmother in 200 words, paragraph on my grandmother in 250 words, frequently asked questions on my grandmother.

Writing a paragraph on grandmother? Refer to the samples provided below before writing the paragraph.

My grandmother is the mother of the whole house. She is the one who takes care of the whole family with a beautiful smile on her face. She is the prettiest lady I have ever seen in my life. Her smile makes her the prettiest lady on this earth. She carries all the burdens on her shoulders but never forgets to carry the smile. She taught me how to overcome all the struggles of life. She has taught me to respect the elders and the youngsters. The stories she told me every night have a strong meaning hidden behind it.

My grandmother is the eldest member of my family and takes care of my entire family. She is one of the reasons behind all the success I have achieved in my life. I have learnt how to pay respect to my elders and do great in my life from her. She is the prettiest lady who takes care of the entire family selflessly. I feel I am the luckiest person to have my grandmother with me. I have seen her since my childhood, and she carries the same smile on her face. She is 70 years old now, but she takes the burden of the whole family and still remembers all the stories which she had learnt in her childhood. She narrates the same stories to me every night, which have happy endings with strong morals. Because of her, I have understood the reality of life, and now I know how to lead a successful life ahead and overcome all the hurdles.

My grandmother is the most beautiful and elegant lady in the world. She is the eldest member of my family. We are a family of 10 members, but she calmly handles everyone and takes care of everyone with lots of love. She is perfect at her work and never finds an excuse for not doing her work. She is 70 years old now but remembers the stories which she had heard from her grandmother. She never fails to narrate the same stories to me every night, and she makes sure that I understand the morals hidden in the stories. She knows how to brainstorm my mind when I am not in the mood to study. If I am successful in my life today, then most of the credit goes to her. Since my parents were working, she was the one who took the best care of me. Even though she is not a professional teacher, she used to teach me maths and science, and after that, I never forgot the formulae she taught me. Even today, she takes care of my father like a small child. My behaviour and mannerism are appreciated only because of her. I could do well in the exam only because of her guidance.

My grandmother is the eldest member of my family; she is 70 years old now but looks as if she is just 20 years old. She takes good care of the entire family and makes sure that everyone lives peacefully in the family. I live in a joint family of 10 members, and my grandmother is the one who takes care of everyone with lots of patience. She still takes care of my father and his brothers like small children. At this age, she is still so perfect at her work and never gives an excuse for her work. She still remembers the stories she had heard from her grandmother, and she narrates the same to my cousins and me every night. She makes sure that we think about the story and find the moral of it. Every story she narrates has a beautiful moral hidden behind it. Those morals give us teachings for the rest of our lives. She knows how to brainstorm my mind when I am not in the mood to study. If I am successful in my life today, then most of the credit goes to her. She used to teach me Maths and Science during my school days because my parents were working. Even though she is not a professional teacher, she is the best teacher I have ever got. I still remember the formulae she taught me during my childhood. She is one of the reasons behind my success. If I am appreciated today for my behaviour and good manners, it is only because of her. She taught me how to be respectful to elders.

Why is a grandmother important in our life?

Grandmothers are important in our lives because of the moral lessons we get from them, the love and affection we get from them, and for being the biggest support of our life.

How can I write a paragraph about my grandmother?

You can write about your grandmother by explaining her role in your life. You can explain how she has been your biggest influencer and best friend.

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Essay on “My grandmother” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

My grandmother

My grandmother is a godless in the form of a woman. The sole aim other life is service and sacrifice. Thus she deserves claims and commands and respect in our family.

My grandmother is the busiest member of the family. She is the most important wheel in the family vehicle. She is the lady who nurses and looks after the children. She is a religious woman. Soon after getting up before dawn, she takes her bath and absorbs herself in prayer. She reads holy books and recites in a sing song manner while sitting before the temple that she has set up in the house.

My grandmother is good cook. She loves to prepare meals and serve delicious food tall members of the family. She infect, acts like a machine. The time between 1 P.M. and 4 P.M. is reserved for sewing and needle working spite of her age. She is a healthy and stout lady. She looks after every work of the house. We therefore love her very much. We all consult her in all matters to the family. Thus our family affairs are running smoothly, there is no difficulty before us. There is no quarrel among us.

She is very kind and considerate. She is very bard working. She never wastes a single moment of her life. She is always busy in this work or that work. Thus our family is progressing by leaps and bounds under her guidance. She takes care of us. She is not fond of showy clothes or ornaments. She is very hospitable. She is an ideal and pious lady. She has a great love for the motherland.

Essay No. 02

My Grandmother

Any Old Woman

A Senior Citizen

My grandmother’s name is Mrs. Sushila Rani. She is a very old lady.  She may be .a hundred years old or somewhere around it. She does  not exactly know her age. She does not know her date of birth. She has  never celebrated her birthday.

She has silver white hair. She has lost all her teeth. Her eyesight is  very weak. Even with the spectacles on her nose, she cannot see very  clearly. Sometimes, she takes a small bundle of black woollen article  for a cat and cries out to scare it away.

She always keeps mumbling something behind her lips. We guess  that she is always praying to God. She is an illiterate lady. She is a very  superstitious lady. She has a firm faith in God. She worships the idols  both in the morning and in the evening.

She is very weak, She walks with a stick. Even with the stick she can’t walk much. She laments that she is no longer able to go to the temple. She spends much of her time in bed.

 She suffers from so many ailments. Sometimes, she has cough. Sometimes, she feels a severe pain in her legs, stomach or head. But she has a great power of tolerance. When she has any trouble, she prays to God instead of weeping, crying and moaning. Still, rarely she has bouts of depression when she recalls her childhood and youth. It is very surprising that even though her memory has gone very weak, she can recall clearly certain happenings of her life. Even if she is illiterate, she exhorts me to pay full attention to my studies. Though she loves all mankind, she loves me in particular and hugs me off and on. I also love her dearly and try to help her in walking and other activities. May she live for many more years!

Essay No. 03

My Grand Mother

My grandmother is very dear to me. She is an old woman. My grandmother’s name is Mrs. Santosh Gupta.

She is sixty-five years old. Even at this age she is very active. She takes care of my every need.

She gets up early in the morning. She is a religious lady. Her hair is white as snow. She is tall and thin. She wears clean and loose clothes.

She is very nice lady. She is old but dear to everybody. She supervises all important jobs in the family. She is simple in every way. She eats very little food.

My parents seek her advice in all matters. She likes to see religious films. She is always seen praying to God.

At night, she tells me stories. She also asks me to pay attention to my studies. She loves me very much. I love her very much. May she live long and make my life comfortable!

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I love my grandmother very much…

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Very useful

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I am sure that it is a best essay for me.

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Good and useful

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nice. thanks.. useful post

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My grandmother is the best grandmother in world. I love my grandmother very much. This essay is best.

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Grandmother name is very joy ful name in the world Grand mother is my life This essay is perfect every child

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very very useful and understandable

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It is very useful to me and thx for helping me

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Thanks for helping me it’s very useful

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I just wish my grandmother is still live.Thanks it help me so much

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Superb essay on grandmother I love my grandmother I love u so much

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This is very nice essay Tq for this essay

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Useful and well written article

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Very useful For ME

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Very NICE 😎😎👍😎👍😎👍😎👍😎👍👍

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Very very good

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This is very nice easy for me

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Grandma is my story-teller.

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I am nothing she is everything

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It is very useful for me for my tuition

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So sweet lines🥰🥰

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The essays were great thankyou🙃

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Am inspirating by you

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Very good I like my grandmother very much i love her very much

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Very good I like my grandmother.I love her very much 😘😘😘😘

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I love my grandmother very much and I will go her home every day

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its to good

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  • My Grandmother Essay in 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 Words for Students

Here we are sharing some beautiful essays on my grandmother in 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 words. These essays are very easy to learn for any students.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Grandmother: Short Essay (100 Words)

We are a big family living together. My grandma is the head of the family. She is the oldest person here. We love her. My grandmother name is Rabeya Khatun and she is 78 years old. In this age, she is still strong enough and can do so many own works. My grandma is a really good woman.

She wakes up early in the morning and starts her day with prayer. She encourages us to pray more and more. She is the busiest person in our family because she takes care of all of us. She loves to spend time in the kitchen. I love my grandmother a lot.

My Grandmother: Short Essay (150 Words)

My grandmother is the eldest member of our family. She has sacrificed a lot for this family. Now she deserves respect and love from us. We all grandchildren are a fan of her. She used to spend most of her time with us. The most interesting thing about my grandma is she shares lots of amazing stories.

Especially in the night, the stories of ghosts are really scary to us. But we love to hear these stories. She is almost 80 years old, but it’s not appropriate, because she doesn’t know her birth date. She has never celebrated her birthday. But at this age, she still can move properly like other young peoples.

She is such a strong and good mentality woman. She is a caring woman and takes care of the whole family. She is like a driver who operates a big bus. We love our grandma a lot.

My Grandmother: Essay (250 Words)


Grandparents really love, they love their grandchild’s a lot. Today I am going to sharing my experience with my own grandma. She is an amazing woman, I have ever seen in my entire life. We, whole family and cousins, love and respect her a lot. I think elderly people like her should be respected and loved by us. This will make the families better for them.  

My Grandmother:

My grandmother’s name is Sunita Mehta; she is about 75 years old. She was a school teacher at a young age. My father and uncles used to share lots of stories about her. They share how she has sacrificed a lot in her life for this family. She was an absolutely hardworking woman, who was really committed to make this family a better place. When my grandfather was struggling with his job, she came out and helped him working as a teacher. Besides this, she has done so many things for the family.  

What She Does:

She is a religious woman. Most of her time, she spend doing prayer and Puja . In her leisure time, she sat with us and share lots of stories. Her stories are really addictive and that’s made us a fan of her. At this age, she still goes to the kitchen and takes care of the cooking. She was an amazing cook.  


My mother and aunties love my grandma a lot. They respect her and help her in all of her works. We all cousins also try loving her. She is the most amazing woman in my life.    

My Grandmother: Essay (300 Words)

Most of the family, there is the eldest member. In our family, we have gone our grandma as the eldest member. She is the leader and the guide for the whole family. Before doing anything, we ask her for permission. It’s all about love and respect for her. In her time, she has done so much sacrifice for the family. Today I am going to share my experience with grandma.  

The name of my grandma is Nazma Ahmed. She is about 70 years old and she is still can walk, and move properly. She is an interesting character. She is very talkative and loves to share stories with us. I and my cousins are really curious about spending time with her.    

Her Daily Routine:

She wakes up early in the morning and starts her day with Morning Prayer. She is a very religious person. She encourages the whole family to pray more and more. In her this age, she still goes to the kitchen just to take care of the cooking situation. She was an amazing cook in her time. She takes her bath at 1 PM, before the noon prayer. In the afternoon, she sat with all of us and teaches us some time. She doesn’t have any major health issues yet.  

How Much I Love Her:

I love her a lot. She is like my best friend. From childhood , I am spending most of my time with her. Not only, there a couple of cousins are we raising together and spending time together with her. She always loves us a lot. Even the whole family loves her.  

She is the most senior person in our family and we respect her for this. She has done so many things to make this family better for us.

My Grandmother: Essay (400 Words)

Grandparents are the eldest member in every family. My grandfather is no more, but there is my grandma who is fulfilling the blank space of grandpa. Today I am going to share my love and feeling about my grandma. She is such an amazing woman I have ever seen in my entire life.  

My grandma:

Her name is Ruksana Ahmed, and she is 74 years old. In this age, she is still strong enough. She can walk, and do a few little works too. At this stage of life, she still takes care of the whole family. As usual, she is the most important person in the family. Everyone values her decision and ask her before doing anything major. She is a religious woman. Most of her time, she used to spend praying. She teaches us the holy book Quran. In the time, when I was a kid, she used to teach me and a few of my cousins together. Now she doesn’t have good eyesight, but she still can read with her glasses.  

Her life in a few words:

My grandma had a colorful life. My father and uncles have shared lots of stories of her. Her marriage with my grandpa has arranged so big and awesome celebration. She was the most beautiful girl in the area. Grandpa falls in love and asks her father to marry her.

Both families agreed and they got married. The most touching part of her life is, they faced some financial problems as a family. She started working as a part-time school teacher. She was really hardworking. That was really tough to maintain the whole family, lots of household works after doing teaching in the school.

But she did these successfully. Her hard work pays off and she was able to create a better place for the next generation. We love her a lot. She was a true fighter.  

I and my cousins best friend:

She is my best friend. Not only I, but there also are lots of my cousins who used to spend most of the times with her. She loves us too. She never refuses us in anything. She always loves to tell us stories and teach us small lessons. She is very friendly.  

After all, the whole family loves her. She has lots of contributions to this family. That’s why they never let her be down. Everyone respects her as like deities. I love my grandmother a lot too.  

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Essay on My Grandmother

Short essay for kids my grandmother.

My grandmother is an old woman. She is a religious lady. She wears very simple dress. She has silvery hair. She is particular about her eating and living habits. She is the first to get up and last go to bed. She is loving and affectionate. She has a big heart. She loves me very much. Her gentle eyes and loving hands are always around me. She takes care of my needs. My parents respect her very much. She does not look to her own comforts.

She is always ready to sacrifices for the whole family. She is good adviser. In difficulties we rush to her to seek her advice and help. Even the neighbors a are all praise for her. May she live long! essay on my mother for class 1 essay on my grandmother in english my mother daily routine essay my grandfather essay in english english essay my mother scholarship essay examples sample scholarship essays essay about your grandmother essay on grandparents factual description of my grandmother my grandfather essay essay of my mother an essay on my mother my inspiration essay my mother essay i love my grandmother tribute to my grandma tribute for grandmother

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My Grandparents Essay

  • Essay on My Grandparents

Grandparents are a tremendous blessing in our lives. They are responsible for the characteristics of our parents. Our parents are incredibly loving and take care of us in the same way that our grandparents did when they were young because of the upbringing they received. In addition, grandparents are a source of support.

100 Words Essay on My Grandparents

200 words essay on my grandparents, 500 words essay on my grandparents, my grandparents.

My Grandparents Essay

My grandparents are really special to me. I hold them in high esteem. They have done beyond and over for me. I will always be thankful for all of their help and kindness. They are the coolest people one will ever meet since they are updated with all knowledge about computers, technology, the internet, and other related topics.

They are the sort of individuals with whom you can discuss anything, even sensitive or confidential matters. In addition to being a buddy, my grandfather is also the finest teacher I have ever had. He has taught me all I know today. He made learning enjoyable for me and never gets upset with me when I mess up. He played a part in helping me realise my goals.

My grandparents are adorable, kind, wise, and understanding. They have always taught me to respect elders and taught me how to live an honourable and prosperous life. They serve as my role model and have always supported me in all aspects of my life. They give their insights that can direct me toward living a good life. I don't have to worry about anything because they are helping me make decisions. My grandparents are 70 and 73 years old, respectively. They still appear to be young in heart and do not appear to be as elderly as other persons their age. They read books, newspapers, and magazines frequently, which contributes to their strong general knowledge.

Why I Love Them

I feel really fortunate to have such kind, endearing, and special grandparents. Every day I learn a lot of new things. They serve as my inspirations. Therefore, they are older now, they still serve as the foundation of our family. I respect my grandparents because they instilled moral principles and ideals that have aided me in everyday life. They both take great care of their physical and mental well-being. They constantly practise yoga and meditation to stay active at their age. They have always cared about my health and urged me to live a healthy lifestyle.

My grandparents' personalities are fascinating. They were always an important role model for me. Throughout the day, they are energetic and active constantly. Everyone in our family adores them. They have a limitless affection for us. They frequently interact with others with a lot of love and caring.

My grandfather regularly takes early walks. He speedily crosses our neighbourhood park every morning as soon as he gets out of bed. He returns and settles down to read one of his favourite books on the lawn. My grandparents share their tales with me. I can never feel down when they are around. My grandparents were the ones who first instilled in me the value of comedy. They both significantly contributed to my character development, and I am grateful to have them in my life.

I seemed to have great luck growing up at my grandparents' home. Since I was a child, our family has lived with my grandparents. I only have a few recollections of my paternal grandpa because he went away when I was a very little child. He used to clean his teeth twice a day without fail. I developed this practice and have continued to do so ever since.

My real support systems have been my maternal grandparents. I am privileged to have been raised by such wonderful people. My grandpa constantly emphasised the value of education because he was a college principal. When my parents were away, he helped us with my homework.

Similarly, my grandparents greeted me with open arms every time me and family visited them. Every holiday, they used to wait for us to come. We loved the delicious dinners and pickles that my grandma cooked. She also taught me several recipes and helpful advice that I still use today. I appreciate my grandparents for teaching moral principles to both my parents and me and for providing a secure environment for us to grow up in.

I learned the fundamental principles of life from my grandparents. They have taught me the true meaning of goodness, love, and affection. They boosted my willpower and helped me become a better person. They are incredibly dear to me. And he has improved our life in so many different ways. I appreciate having them near me.

I Love My Grandparents

I never needed to form friends because my grandparents were my best friends. Thus I never felt the urge to do so. They protected me from my parents whenever I did something wrong. Together, we played many indoor and outdoor activities like cricket, Ludo, and hide and seek.

My granddad and I ride bikes around the neighbourhood and to the park. When I'm bored, he is always willing to play with me. He sings songs and gives me general advice. My grandmother is a positive person. She always smiles and is ready to make what I desire. I enjoy making jokes with them and getting pampered by them. My grandmother taught me how to behave appropriately and looked after me when I was ill. My grandfather buys all the foodstuffs I like.

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The Influence of Grandmother on My Life

  • Categories: Childhood Grandparent Personal Experience

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 715 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The Influence of Grandmother on My Life Essay

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essay on my grandmother 500 words pdf


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    essay on my grandmother 500 words pdf


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  1. Essay on My Grandmother for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    1) My grandmother is my favorite person of the family. 2) She always takes care of me and my siblings. 3) Whenever I feel bore, she finds something for us to do together. 4) She always has plenty of stories, and sweets to share with me. 5) She listens to me everytime and save me from mother's scolding.

  2. Descriptive Essay on Grandmother in 500-600 Words

    A grandmother is always kind to us. She always loves us much more than their children. Grandmothers are our childhood besties with whom we share all the secrets. Both grandmothers give equal love, whether she is our father's mother or our mother's mother. It is because of them that we eat such delicious food.

  3. Essay on My Grandmother 500+ Words

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  4. Essay about Grandmothers for Students and Children

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  17. Paragraph on My Grandmother

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  18. Essay on "My grandmother" Complete Essay for Class ...

    My grandmother. My grandmother is a godless in the form of a woman. The sole aim other life is service and sacrifice. Thus she deserves claims and commands and respect in our family. My grandmother is the busiest member of the family. She is the most important wheel in the family vehicle. She is the lady who nurses and looks after the children.

  19. My Grandmother Essay in 100, 150, 250, 300, 400 Words for Students

    My Grandmother: Short Essay (100 Words) We are a big family living together. My grandma is the head of the family. She is the oldest person here. We love her. My grandmother name is Rabeya Khatun and she is 78 years old. In this age, she is still strong enough and can do so many own works. My grandma is a really good woman.

  20. PDF to the disease that was shattering my grandparents' world. It wasn't

    My grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. I'll be honest, the news didn't exactly shock or surprise me. I'll be even more honest and say I wasn't devastated or sad, or really any emotion close to it. Despite my grandmother living only a 30 minute drive away, we weren't close. She had always been quiet, reserved.

  21. Short Essay or Paragraph on My Grandmother for Kids & Student

    Short Essay for kids My Grandmother. My grandmother is an old woman. She is a religious lady. She wears very simple dress. She has silvery hair. She is particular about her eating and living habits. She is the first to get up and last go to bed. She is loving and affectionate. She has a big heart.

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    500 Words Essay on My Grandparents. My grandparents' personalities are fascinating. They were always an important role model for me. Throughout the day, they are energetic and active constantly. Everyone in our family adores them. They have a limitless affection for us. They frequently interact with others with a lot of love and caring.

  23. The Influence of Grandmother on My Life

    The essay "The Influence of Grandmother on My Life" is a heartwarming personal narrative. The writer uses personal anecdotes to describe the positive impact their grandmother has had on their life. However, the essay would benefit from improvements in organization and grammar. The writer should create clear topic sentences to introduce each ...