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Essays About Crush: Top 5 Essay Samples and 7 Prompts

Discover our guide with top examples and prompts for essays about crush , and share your feelings and thoughts about someone you may have a romantic interest in. 

Everyone has their experience of having a crush, and some even thought it was love. However, experts explain that crush and love have biological similarities but are still different. Nonetheless, these encounters made us both happy and nervous, and they can be intimidating to share through essays . 

There are very few essays about crushes, unlike those written about love. To have an excellent piece, you should be honest about your experience and let your feelings bleed through the paper.


5 Essay Examples

1. my crush by charlene lane.

  • 2. The Difference Between Crush and True Love by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com
  • 3. The Moment of Truth – My Crush Essay by Anonymous on
  • 4. A Crush Experience in My Life by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

5. Forever and Ever Essay by Anonymous on

1. what is a crush, 2. infatuation vs. crush vs. love, 3. puppy love and crushes, 4. my crush , 5. is crush considered as first love, 6. advantages and disadvantages of having a teenage crush, 7. my celebrity crushes.

“Every person has a crush; they said that it’s normal to have a feeling towards [the] opposite sex. But more than that, our crushes could be an inspiration to us, in doing the things that [are] sometimes hard for us to do. My crush would always be one of my inspirations in my life.”

Lane talks about how her crush became an important part of her life by letting her experience many things. He makes her feel happy when they are together, excited for his next surprise, angry when they don’t talk, and sad when she finds out he’s with someone else. Still, Lane considers him her motivator to be better in life. 

2. The Difference Between Crush and True Love  by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

“The feeling of love is naturally built into humans. It’s rare for someone not to feel love or at least a semblance of it. When we’re young, a hint of love can sometimes come to use in the form of a crush.”

The author defines a crush as a “good for the soul” infatuation, a type of admiration for someone that can be intense to the point of letting that person invade your thoughts. Having a crush offers opportunities for new connections. However, it’s a short love story that will never overcome the common issues in relationships that often lead to forgotten feelings . You might also be interested in these essays about drama .

3. The Moment of Truth – My Crush Essay  by Anonymous on

“At age 11 not many people would say girls are on a boys mind, but for me it wasn’t just girls that I was interested in, it was Vanessa Alistor. Brown skinned, curly haired, and athletic…”

The essay recounts how the writer’s unfortunate and embarrassing fall turns into an exciting and successful confession day. It begins with the writer describing the crush and their plans to get her to notice them. The author recalls an embarrassing series of events where they tried to get their crush’s attention. With failed attempts to gain the attention of their crush, the writer ends up asking them in a survey if they feel the same way. 

4. A Crush Experience in My Life  by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

“I would describe myself pretty much like a tomboy and I’m sure that’s what everybody thinks of me. Lean, tough, no fear. Nobody can think of me falling for a guy. Neither could I.”

The author regards themselves as a tomboy until they meet their first crush. The essay mentions how the writer first saw “Mr. Kind” and their primary purpose of talking to him, which led to the author being more interested. However, like other crushes, the author forgets Mr. Kind not just once but twice until fate brings them together again.

“When you like somebody, you don’t expect for anything in return. You’re contented as you are… When you love, no matter how slim the chances are, you will wait for that someone to love you back.”

This essay starts with a question asking the difference between crush and love. The writer follows it with more queries that lead them to share their experience about the topic. The author recounts a fifth-grade memory where a boy noticed them crying and wiped their tears. They admit they were fascinated with him for a while, but the crush faded because they thought he wasn’t a good person. The writer refers to this experience as a crush because they don’t know the boy well. 

7 Prompts for Essays About Crush

The exact meaning of “crush” is yet to be decided. However, it’s defined as an intense infatuation over someone. For this prompt, discuss its literal meaning versus experts’ interpretation. Then, tell your readers about your definition of a crush by sharing an experience . 

Essays About Crush: Infatuation vs. Crush vs. Love

Infatuation, crush, and love are often used interchangeably. However, they are different in one way or another. Include different views about these terms’ similarities and differences. Then, include things to remember so readers understand which of these feelings they have for someone.

For example, infatuation is a short-term admiration for someone, while a crush is an intense infatuation with someone impossible to like you back, and love is when you have a deep love for someone. For a related read, see intriguing ideas for essays about love .

Experts say it’s love when the crush lasts more than four months . Define and compare puppy love and crush. For example, you can write down the actions and feelings considered under puppy love and the age of the people who usually experience it. Don’t forget to include reliable statistics and your experience with puppy love and a crush if you can. 

If you used to have a crush on your partner, use this prompt to talk about them. Write about how you met, who your first crush was, how it turned into love, what your relationship is like now, and more. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing too many details, you can write a glimpse of your love story. If you’re not in any relationship now, you can pick any crushes you’ve had in the past and talk about your feelings and thoughts.

Some believe that their first crush is also their first love. For this prompt, offer your opinion on whether you agree with this belief. Include your reasons and back them up with either a personal experience or interviews with those who had related encounters. You can also use famous movie or book characters to explain your analysis.

Essays About Crush: Advantages and disadvantages of having a teenage crush

While having a crush can inspire, boost self-confidence, and relieve loneliness, it can also do damage, especially for teenagers. List the pros and cons of having a crush as a teenager and discuss the importance of each. Include information from reliable sources to make your essay trustworthy and exciting. Conclude your essay with your opinion on whether a teenager should have a crush and some advice to avoid its harmful effects.

Celebrities like  Chris Hemsworth and Emma Watsons are some of the most celebrity crushes in the world. Use this prompt to talk about your celebrity crush and your reasons. Write about their traits, personality, fashion, and other things you like about them. At the end of your essay, discuss if the characteristics of your celebrity crush are your criteria for having a crush in real life.

For help with your essays , check out our round-up of the best essay checkers.

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

By Author Zoella Woods

Posted on Last updated: July 5, 2023

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

Do you need a cute paragraph for your crush? And does it feel like mission impossible to put all of your feelings into words?

I know how you feel – I’ve totally been there. I know how hard it can be to express the way you feel about this special person.

Even though they mean the world to you, you still have no idea how to turn your feelings into words. How do you show this person all of the emotions you have for them when it’s so hard to get it all down?

To be honest, it now feels like everyone around you knows how to write down a cute paragraph for a crush except for you. You’re the only one struggling.

But worry no more as I’ve got exactly what you need right now. With this collection of paragraphs for your crush, you can be sure that you won’t go through this frustration ever again.

Now, you’ll have a year’s supply of adorable paragraphs for your crush that will melt their heart. Plus, you’ll get all of the credit for sending them these cute and loving words.

Paragraphs to confess your feelings to your crush!

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

This person literally makes your heart skip a beat. You’re swimming in emotions every time you look into their eyes.

But still, it feels unbelievably difficult to share your feelings with them. What if you say something wrong? What if you end up misunderstood?

You then won’t be able to fix your mistake and the damage will be done.

I know it’s extremely difficult to admit your feelings to the person you’re falling for. No matter if you are close or have just met each other, you don’t want to end up in a situation where you’ll be seen as a freak.

And saying the wrong words can definitely make you look like that.

But if you follow some of these examples, you stand a strong chance of winning your crush’s heart.

1. I must admit that the first thing I do when I wake up is to check if I have any messages from you. You’re also the last person I talk to before I go to bed. I secretly wish that your texts never stop coming and that our paths never part ways.

2. I gotta tell you that you’re one of the biggest reasons why I look forward to a new day. Spending time with you, getting to see your beautiful smile, and feeling all of the butterflies you give me – that’s what makes me happy. Everything else is irrelevant.

3. Sometimes, the whole day passes by and I realize that you’ve been the only thing on my mind. I guess this is how it feels when you find someone who makes you happy in every possible way. I wonder if you feel the same way about me …

DONE 40 Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart 2

4. Every time I daydream about my future, you always find your way into my thoughts. The idea of having you by my side forever puts an instant smile on my face.

5. I’m no writer or poet. Even though I’ve been trying all day to do it, I’m having trouble putting all of my feelings into words. But one thing is for sure. I like you a lot and I can only pray to God that you feel the same way.

6. All this time, you’ve been a great friend of mine. But I really think that we can be more than that. I see you as the person I can picture myself next to. What do you say?

7. Standing right next to you, I feel that I can move mountains and swim over the biggest oceans. You give me this special kind of strength that I didn’t even know existed. I guess that’s what makes you so special in my eyes.

8. Your wide smile and hope-filled eyes brighten my days. They take away the sorrows of the world and make everything ten times easier than it seems. I hope that you’ll always be by my side and you’ll never stop inspiring me with positivity that lights up the room.

9. I must confess, I dream about us a lot. I think of all those moments we could share together and how happy we’d be. But I first need to know if you’re up for that? Would you allow me to call you “mine”?

10. When I saw you yesterday, I had to stop for a second and appreciate every detail about you. You mesmerize me, you know that? You’re perfect in every way and I needed to tell you that. Do you think that there’s a chance for us to be more than friends since I really like you?

Long paragraphs for a crush!

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

Sometimes, a sentence or two don’t do the trick. You need a long paragraph for your crush so you can share all of your feelings with them.

1. I know that there are a ton of other people in the world, but none of them make me happy the way you can. Yeah, I know. I still haven’t met all of them, but I’m sure you’d still be my favorite person even if I did. And because of that, I’m convinced that I did something amazing in my past life for the universe to decide to send you to me. I’m lucky that I have a chance to spend time with you and I hope that this outburst of emotions won’t scare you away.

2. Whenever I’m with you, all of my worries and fears disappear. It’s like you’re a cure for my tired mind and a broken heart that doesn’t know what to do with life anymore. You inspire me to grow and never give up on love. With you, everything makes sense. I never want to say goodbye as time spent with you is the best part of my day.

3. I know that my day was a success if I made you smile. It might sound odd to you, but that’s what I live for. When I see you laughing, I know that I did the right thing. I know that I succeeded as a person. And as long as you’re making me a better person with your smile, I’ll know that I’m doing the right thing.

4. Before I met you, I didn’t know what people meant by saying that someone took their breath away. I thought that they were exaggerating. But the day I met you, I finally realized the real meaning of the words. I realized that you can meet a person and they can instantly show you why things never worked out with anyone before. Now, I just pray that this time, things will finally work out and I’ll never see your back.

5. Your presence in my life makes me the happiest I’ve ever been. It feels like a ray of light finally came through, making me realize that I have something to look out for. Thank you for being my sunshine in the world where everything used to be gray and gloomy. I’m forever grateful for that and I just want you to know how much you mean to me.

6. Every time I’m hanging out with you, I wish that the moment would last forever. I wish for the day to never end so we never have to part. Your presence makes me happy and you might think that I’m exaggerating, but I swear that I’ve never felt this way as I feel when I’m with you. Hopefully one day, I’ll be able to fall asleep and wake up next to you. That would make me the happiest person in the world.

7. You are the kindest person I’ve ever met in my life. You truly make me become the best version of myself because every time I look at you, I realize how much better I can be. I could try to explain to you how I feel but even days of writing wouldn’t be enough. So, with simple words – I like you a lot and I wish that we’ll always be in each other’s lives.

8. I’ve seen a ton of movies and read even more books. But none of them can portray the emotion I feel when I look deep into your eyes. I feel like our souls already know each other, that you’re my better half. The idea of a soulmate is finally clear to me and I pray that these feelings will last forever. Because I’ve never been happier.

9. Before you, I never thought that a person could make you feel excited and relaxed at the same time. I never thought that your heart could beat faster yet still somehow feel so calm. I guess that’s how you feel when you finally find someone who completes you. And in that case, you’re the person who makes my puzzle perfect. You’re the one I’ve been looking for.

Funny paragraphs for a crush!

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Are you looking for a funny paragraph to send your crush? Do you need something witty or cheesy to make them laugh and put a smile on their face the moment they read your message?

Have a look at these great lighthearted paragraphs that are sure to get a giggle out of your crush.

1. For once in my life, I’ll have to be cheesy. You’re the sugar to my coffee, the Phoebe to my Joe, and the cherry on my ice cream. You make me happy and it’s such a cliche, but I think that I can’t live without you.

2. I was just thinking about something. I believe that your hand fits perfectly into mine, so are you up to testing this great discovery? If I got it right, there’s a chance that we’ll end up being millionaires.

3. The moment I met you, you stole my heart. But I’m kinda not mad at you for that. I actually think that I’ve become a better person because of it.

4. I just need to let you know that you owe me something. Since the day you entered my life, you’ve been living rent-free in my mind. It’s time for you to pay up, but the only currency I take is either hugs or kisses. It’s your choice.

5. Since the day I met you, I’ve been having this weird feeling as if I’m celebrating something, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Now I finally realize that I’ve been honoring the moment you walked into my life. That’s the biggest holiday I could ever cherish.

6. Since you’re not around, I had to put a ton of sugar in my coffee. If you were next to me then I wouldn’t need any, as your sweet smile makes everything better.

7. You already have your place in my heart. And even if you decide to walk away someday, I believe that I’ll never be able to give the room that belonged to you to anyone else. You can laugh at me, but I’m dead honest.

Good morning paragraphs for a crush!

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

Sometimes, all you want to do is text your crush something cute so their day starts amazingly. But most of the time, you have no idea what to say to them.

You don’t want to sound tacky but you also want them to be aware of all of the feelings that you’ve been keeping so well hidden.

If that’s the case, here are some ideas of what you could say.

1. I woke up and instantly reached for my phone. It happened unconsciously and at first, I had no idea what I was doing. Then I saw your name and it was all clear. I had the urge to say good morning to you from the moment I opened my eyes.

2. Every day is better when it starts with hugs and kisses. So, I’m sending you both since I can’t be right next to you. I hope you have an amazing day!

3. Good morning to the person who keeps making me happy day after day. Maybe you’re not aware of the happiness you brought into my life, but let me assure you that your presence has made everything ten times better than it used to be.

4. Every day is a great day when I can start it by replying to your message. It makes me appreciate how amazing it feels when you have someone special in your life. Fingers crossed that you’ll never leave without taking me with you.

5. You’ve made my life better and as a small sign of gratitude, I want to at least make your day greater. Let your smile guide you and don’t ever forget how much value you carry within yourself. I can’t wait to hear back from you.

6. Good morning to the person who makes everything better. You’re my reason to smile, the person who turns my gray days into ones filled with color. As soon as you’re done with work, call me so we can hang out together?

7. I start every morning with a smile on my face because I know that there’s a chance that I’ll hear your calming voice and see that beautiful smile of yours. And when I think of that, I get as excited as a child on Christmas morning. I hope you feel the same way. Oh, and have a great day!

Good night paragraphs for a crush!

DONE 40 Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart 6

Besides wishing your crush a great start to the day, you might also want to send them a good night paragraph. Something that will make them dream about you.

So, let’s see what you could text them.

1. From the moment I met you, I’ve been falling asleep with a huge smile on my face. Hopefully, you’re experiencing the same, since I badly want you to know how it feels to experience all of these emotions about someone.

2. Good night to the person who changed my life for the better. I hope that one day, I won’t have to wish you sweet dreams through a text. Instead, I’ll roll to your side of the bad and hug you tightly. That hug will speak for itself.

3. I hope that all those nights where I fell asleep while Facetiming you will turn into nights falling asleep holding you in my arms. Good night to the only person who knows how to make me smile without saying a word.

4. I can promise you that every night you go to bed, I’ll be waiting for you in the morning. For as long as there are nights and dawns. I wish you sweet dreams and maybe we’ll see each other there as well.

5. The calm night, your hand in mine, and the promise that we’ll never part ways. That’s all I need in my life in order to be happy. Everything else is replaceable.

6. Good night to the only human being who makes my heart skip a beat. You’re unique in every way, and I couldn’t wish for anyone else to cross my path . You’re perfect, that’s all I can say.

7. I want to be the reason you fall asleep with a smile on your face. And I also want to be the reason you wake up and start your day right away because you know that you’ll see me. That’s the only wish I have.

Romantic paragraphs for a crush!

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

If you’re feeling brave enough, you can always send some romantic paragraphs to your crush. If you want to take a chance and turn the innocent crush into an actual relationship, then this part is just for you.

Good luck! Fingers crossed your crush feels the same way!

1. I never said this before but I really have to tell you how I feel about you. You probably already know that I like you. Actually, I guess everyone knows that. But there’s something else, something bigger that I feel for you. I love you, and now that I’ve said it, I will pray to God that you won’t block my number forever.

2. I’m nowhere near perfect but you still found your way into my life. I don’t know how’s that possible but I’m thankful for the moment when that happened. But since you’re already here, I need to let you know that you’re everything I’ve been dreaming of. And if it weren’t for you, I would’ve never known what happiness feels like.

3. Many people have walked in and out of my life. But a rare few have had as deep an impact on it as you do. I’m not really sure if you know, but you’ve changed everything for the better. You’ve given meaning to my life and I can’t thank you enough. The one last thing I want you to know is that I love you, and I’m ready to deal with the consequences of these words.

4. I guess that I finally realize what people mean when they talk about soulmates and true love. Before I met you, I couldn’t understand them but now, I can finally grasp the idea. If a day goes by where you’re not around then it’s a day wasted.

5. All this time, I’ve been telling you that you’re my best friend. And that’s no lie. But you’re also so many other things that I would need a dictionary to list them all. You’re the one I can picture myself with, my protector and my guardian angel. All of the best adjectives I know, I would use to describe you.

I hope that you’ll be able to find something that works for you among this list of paragraphs for a crush. Here’s hoping that your special person will realize how you feel about them and you’ll get your happily ever after!

40+ Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Will Melt Their Heart

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Live Bold and Bloom

Write A Thoughtful And Romantic Love Letter To Your Crush Using Our 13 Examples

When you’re deep in crushland, the world is a bright and shiny place.

Yes, being in love (or even just like) can make everything rosy – or at least appear to be.

Does your crush know how wildly happy and “in-crush” you are? 

No better time than right now to give them a clue.

Writing a letter to your crush helps you express all the butterflies and emotions that come with having feelings for someone. 

But what (and how much) should you say?

That's where we come in!

We've created sample love letters to use as a guide (or to copy outright – we don’t mind) for writing a letter to your crush. 

Whether you want to keep it short and simple or express your deepest, most passionate feelings, our dear crush letters can help you find the right romantic words to spill the beans.

Should I Write a Love Letter to My Crush?

Sweet letters to your crush, a letter to my crush about my feelings, short, sweet letter to your crush, deep letter for a crush, final thoughts.

When you have feelings for someone, it can be hard to decide the best way to express them, especially early on.

Should you reveal them by flirting? Should you be bold and ask them out on a date right away?

Writing a love letter to your crush might be a bit premature. But an “I’m kinda into you” letter is one of the best approaches.

  • It gives you time to work out how you feel. If you don't have the perfect words, you can rewrite the note a few times until you get it just right.
  • It has an old-fashioned charm. People don't receive hand-written notes very often these days, so it definitely has a romantic appeal. Even a digital letter, such as an email, has a stately charm.
  • You'll give your crush time to process what you’ve shared. Sometimes, people feel put on the spot when another person expresses romantic feelings. With a letter , the object of your crush has time to think about it. You allow them to respond in their own time.
  • Your letter can be a keepsake for your crush. Receiving any letter is special; however, getting one expressing tender feelings and admiration can be treasured forever (assuming the recipient reciprocates).

Even if your letter isn't reciprocated, it could still be a special moment.

You'll know that you've expressed your true feelings and taken a chance on love. And what better chance is there to take?

13 Example Love Letters for a Crush

Not sure what to say to your crush? It's time to dive in and unleash your feelings on the page. Below is our list of love letter examples in four different categories to get you started.

Use one of our sample letters to someone you like and see how they respond!

1. A Poetic Ode to My Crush

Dearest, you are the sunlight that brightens my world.

Your beauty and grace surpass what I've ever seen or heard.

Your smile warms my soul; it's like a flame against the cold.

My heart beats faster when I think of your face so bold.

You captivate me with your charm each and every day.

I'm grateful for the moments we get to spend together, I say.

Your presence puts a spell on me as no other thing does;

As long as you're around, I'm in love with life's buzz.

So if you ever feel lost or confused, just remember this:

I'll make it better with a tender, loving kiss.

2. A Nostalgic Glimpse of Our Past

Dear [name],

Over the past few months, I've come to learn so much about you. Every moment is precious and memorable. I still remember the day we first met; it was like a dream come true. You wore that stunning outfit that has become my favorite, and you looked beautiful in the afternoon sunlight.

From that day onwards, our friendship has blossomed into something I cherish, and it’s grown stronger each day we've been together. We've shared moments of laughter, joy, and tears of sadness and frustration. You've been there for me through the good and bad, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

You are my beloved friend and confidante; you will always be in my heart, no matter what life throws our way.

Are you ready to make new memories with me?

Perhaps they can be ones filled with love and understanding. Maybe we will take our relationship to new levels. Either way, I'll never forget what you mean to me.

3. You're the Coolest

Did you know how absolutely, undeniably cool you are? It's truly inspiring how you always manage to be so calm and collected, no matter what happens. You never seem to let anything get to you—not even the little things that would otherwise make me go crazy.

Your aura is so chill, like a soothing balm for my soul. I could spend hours looking into your eyes, feeling the calmness that radiates from within. You have a unique way of seeing the world; you can understand how everything fits together by looking at things from a unique perspective.

The way you carry yourself makes me want to be equally chill and happy. Whenever I'm feeling down, all I have to do is look at you, and suddenly everything seems brighter.

Thank you for being you and sharing some of your coolness. I hope we can always be together as friends or more—no matter what the future holds. So let me know if you are interested in the “more.” If so, let’s be cool and happy together. 

3. I Have a Secret

I have a secret…I'm into you.

Yes, it's true! I can't keep quiet about my feelings any longer. You may already suspect that I have a big, fat crush on you, and I can't help but smile whenever I think of you.

My heart beats faster when I hear your name. But when I see your face, my world lights up, and all I can think about is how lucky I am to have you in my life.

I'm so happy just to talk with you—to laugh and share stories. You make me feel alive and warm inside; I'm on top of the world when I'm with you.

So here's my secret: I want to be more than friends. I don't know what lies ahead, but I do know that when we are together, it feels like nothing else matters.

Let me know if you feel the same way—I promise not to tell anyone!

4. Every Time You Walk Into a Room

I just wanted to let you know…

That every time you walk into a room, I feel like time stops. It's as if a soft light shines down on you, and your radiance and beauty blind me. I'm not often starstruck by someone, but you're star-material, and you shine so brightly.

It makes my pulse quicken and my heart race when I see you. You have this unique way of making me feel like I'm the only person in the room. It's like time stands still, and all that matters is us; it feels electric, almost magical.

I don't know exactly what draws me to you, but I can’t ignore these feelings, and I am curious to explore where they could take us.

If you feel the same pull toward me, let’s explore what’s next for us. If your feelings match mine, I will be the happiest person in the world.

Your Secret Admirer

5. You Brighten My Rainy Days

On the coldest, dreariest, and rainiest days, you always manage to be a ray of sunshine. Just the thought of you brightens my mood and makes me smile.

Your presence is like a warm embrace that wraps itself around me and comforts me when I'm feeling lost. Your words have healing power; they make everything seem okay, no matter what.

I feel appreciated and accepted for who I am when I'm with you. You have always been there for me, supporting and believing in me when no one else did. You are my secret weapon against a bad day—just your energy can lift the gloomiest of moods.

I hope my presence helps lighten the stresses of daily life and brings you the peace you give me. I want us to be there for each other as more than friends. Do you feel the same way? If so, we could be brilliant beacons of light for each other—no matter what storms we're facing.

Your Loyal Friend and Admirer

6. It's Hard for Me To Express Myself

Usually, my feelings are sealed up tightly. In a world where people always express themselves, I prefer to keep things close to the vest.

But with you, it's different. I can let go and share what's inside me without fear of judgment or rejection. You're the only one who truly knows me—all my thoughts, hopes, dreams, and fears.

I want to tell you how much you mean to me, but words don't always come easily. I want to show you, with my actions, how much impact you have had on my life and how I feel about you.

I don't know what lies ahead for us, but I know that when we are together, it feels like no one else matters. That's why I'm dedicated to letting you know just how special you are to me in whatever way I can.

Right now, that means opening my heart and revealing my deeper feelings for you. I don’t want to lose your friendship, but I can’t continue to pretend that’s all I feel for you. Do you feel the same?

Your loved one.

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7. Three Reasons Why You're The One

Let's cut to the chase; you're the best, and here are three reasons why:

First, you make me laugh. When I'm down and out, you're always there to bring a smile to my face with your silly jokes and puns.

Second, you are so smart and charming, and did I mention gorgeous?

Third, you're an incredible listener. You let me talk and express myself without judgment or interruption.

So, I’m wondering how you feel about me . If you have some reasons why you like me too, then maybe we should consider getting together with all of our good reasons.

What do you think?

8. Let's Go On An Adventure

Life's an adventure, and I'd love to share it with you as your “more than a friend” person. I can already tell the journey would be a wild one if we began it together.

We can explore the world around us, visit places we've only heard about in stories, and create new memories as we go.

So what do you say: Shall we make this journey together?

I am ready to take the plunge, and I hope you are, too,

Here’s to sharing the adventure and sealing it with a kiss.

9. Our Connection Is Electric

The moment I saw you, we had an undeniable energy and attraction. It felt like a spark of electricity connected our souls, and I knew immediately there was something special between us.

I still feel this force every time we are together—it's like a magnet that draws us closer and closer. It's hard to put what I'm feeling into words, but all I know is that it's real and powerful.

Don't be afraid of this unexplainable connection—embrace it. Let's explore what lies ahead together,

Your Friend and Perhaps New Lover.

10. Love Is In The Air

Is it the change of the seasons, or is it being around you that makes me feel the excitement of something new?

I can feel the intensity of your presence from miles away—it's like a gentle breeze that caresses my skin. It brings peace to my soul and joy to my heart.

Are you feeling the same way too? If so, let's take a step forward to explore the next season of our relationship. I know the future holds something special for us, and I'm ready to discover what it is.

11. Let's Make Our Own Destiny

Life can be unpredictable—we never know what tomorrow will bring, but that doesn't mean we should stop dreaming. Instead of waiting for fate to take its course, why don't we make our own destiny?

It's time to step outside our comfort zones and take more risks. We'll never know what lies ahead if we stay in the same place. Let's be brave enough to find out if we are meant to be together.

Do you need a partner to help you achieve your goals? I'm here to support you and journey beside you, no matter what. I want to make your biggest dreams come true, but I can only grant them if you let me in.

Take a leap of faith with me, and let's find out what the future holds for us.

Your Devoted Crush.

12. What Can We Become If We Come Together?

I look into your eyes, and I can feel the potential we have together. Our individual strengths come together to form something bigger and better than we could achieve alone.

So why not take a chance on what we can become if we ignite this spark we both feel?

Let's explore the depths of what our relationship could be. I'm willing to invest my time, energy, and heart into this journey—all I ask is for you to do the same.

If you are ready to take a leap of faith with me, let's make our dreams come alive together. In five years, we will be glad that we took this chance, and in 50 years, we will look back at our legacy. Are you ready to take this leap with me?

Your Love and Partner.

13. I've Never Felt This Way About Anyone Before

I'm not sure if I can ever express this in words, but what I feel for you is like nothing I've ever encountered before.

It's as if every cell in my body is alive with an energy that only manifests when we are together. You feel like an old friend, even though our relationship is new. I can trust you, I feel safe with you, and I know you’ll always have my best interests at heart.

I know it may seem soon to say, but I may want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know we aren't ready to make that decision yet, but we will only really know if it's right by taking one step in front of the other on the path of love and commitment.

So, will you take this walk with me? I would be delighted if you said yes.

Your Loving Admirer.

No matter what letter you choose, make sure to write it from your heart and include personal touches that make it unique to you and your crush. 

A letter written from the heart will help you express your feelings in a genuine way that, hopefully, will lead to a new romance.

37 Lovely & Super Cute Paragraphs To Send To Your Crush Now

Looking for some cute paragraphs to send to your crush? 

You’re in the best place to find those, RIGHT HERE!

Ah, crushes! We’ve all had them, and they’re exhilarating and absolutely terrible at the same time. All of those conflicting feelings, that uncertainty about what you should say and do.

How to dress, how to act, when to laugh, when to make a joke, when you should say something or stay silent.

It gets even harder when you just think of actually confessing to your crush. That’s where we come in, as we want to help you with some cute paragraphs to send to your crush.

When you know what’s inside your soul and your heart, but not how to lay it out on a table for your crush, this’ll come in handy.

You can send quotes throughout the day, at any given moment. Just select the ones you feel represent you best, and we’re sure that the person you really like will catch on.

If they don’t, hey, just send a few more! Sometimes you have to be a bit persistent, just don’t overdo it. After you’re together, remember to have quality conversations each day .

Paragraphs To Send To Your Crush Right Now

Stop designing your own enigmas and start actually talking to your crush! You like them for who they are, and we’re certain that they’ll like you back for who you are too.

There’s no need for you to become a love poet overnight either, as you can use our suggestions. These next 37 paragraphs for your crush will surely light a spark!

  • One of my wishes every day is to fall asleep as I’m talking with you on the phone, or texting you a sweet good night message. Every morning, I wake up hoping I have a message from you, or wanting to leave you a good morning text for when you wake up.
  • I think of you so often that I find myself wondering what’s real anymore. If I know one thing for certain, is that a reality that I want to live is one in which you’re by my side. Do you want to start a new journey with me?
  • You’re one of my top reasons for looking forward to a new day. Just thinking of meeting up, hearing your voice and seeing your beautiful smile is enough to make me happy. I wish I could always feel like I do when I’m with you.
  • Sometimes I just close my eyes and daydream. My mind oftentimes just wanders to this or that, but you are always part of my thoughts as well. I dream about us being together, and you knowing just how much I care about you.
  • I’m not the best at putting my feelings into words, but I want to try nonetheless, because I really care about you. Well, that’s it really, I’ve said it. I care about you and want to be more than friends. Do you feel the same?
  • When I’m by your side, it’s like all of my fears, worries and anxieties melt away thanks to your warm presence. I really feel blessed and thankful for having you in my life. Each day with you is a memory worth having.
  • I’ve been struggling with an uneasy feeling for a long time now, and I think it’s time I came straight to the point. Thing is, I love you. I’ve loved you since we first became good friends, and I hope you feel the same way; but if not, that’s ok.
  • I usually think about you a lot over a regular day, but the last time we met, damn, you were really beautiful. I keep thinking about you over and over and I just can’t get your smile out of my head; not that it’s a bad thing, mind you.
  • We’ve been friends a while now, and I find myself really drawn in to you. There’s just something that can’t be put precisely into words, but I feel like I love you. Not just as a friend, but I love you because we are such good friends. Does that make sense?
  • You’re never far from me even if we’re apart, because I always keep you in my heart.
  • When we first met, I don’t really remember what my impression of you was, but I never expected to fall in love. I was never a “fan” of love, and I didn’t expect these feelings I have to develop for you either, but I know that they’re true.
  • I just have this powerful feeling that as long as I have you, I don’t need anyone else. You’re my pillar, my reason for laughing, for seeing life in brighter colors. I love you, and it’s like I don’t need to love anyone else.
  • Even if I can’t always be by your side, I want you to know that a part of me is with you at all times, because you’re never out of my mind. You realize that, don’t you?
  • I think that telling someone they’re the most beautiful person in the world is extremely cliche, as that’s statistically very improbable. And yet, I find myself thinking that from billions of people out there, you surely are that person.
  • You know, I think perfection is made up. There are no perfect things, no perfect people. If you want to search for perfection, you’ll waste your time. What I like about you so much is that your flaws play nice with mine, and I’d be lucky if you wanted to be more than friends. So, what do you say?
  • My life can be stressful and annoying sometimes. I can feel overwhelmed, exhausted, like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and that’s how it’ll always be. But, when you’re near me, it’s like this great chasm in my soul is knit back together. You are my healer.
  • What I appreciate most about our friendship is how we make each other better. We’re like salt & pepper, and for a while now I’ve been wanting to take us to the next step. What do you think?
  • You must surely be a wizard/witch, because the spell you cast over me since we met just doesn’t seem to go away. I only want to meet up with you and stay up late to continue our conversations on & on into the night. I have no desire for this spell to end either.
  • Whenever I lack the inspiration or dedication to do something, I think of you. You’re my driving force each and every day, and I can’t even begin to thank you for that. Whenever I lack the courage or self-assurance to start something new, I know I have you there to back me up.
  • I’m pretty amazed that other people aren’t in love with you too, because no one could blame them. You are really amazing, and a wonderful person to be around. I couldn’t imagine a day passing by without having talked with you.
  • I know I’ve been taking up a lot of your time lately. It’s true that I’ve been greedy and want you all for myself, but it’s because you’re a great guy/girl. Everyone should have the pleasure of your company, but I’ll admit that I’d like it if you could spend all your time with me instead.
  • Hey, I’ve been looking for someone who really brightens up my day when I talk with them and whose laughter just makes my soul burst with joy. So, when you get a chance to look into a mirror, will you please let yourself know that you should give me a call?
  • Seeing you sad or hurt has become the hardest thing for me to do. I’m really not guilt tripping you here, I just want to point out that you’re a special person in my life, and that I’ll always try to do my best to make sure you’re always safe and happy.
  • Never fear, for your own superhero is always here! No matter your trials or tribulations, just look to your trusty phone and send me a message. I’ll put on my cape and be on my way to shield you from all evildoers and heartache!
  • You know, if I was a singer, I could write a really awesome love song. If I was a writer instead, well I’m sure I could create the greatest of love stories and it’d be a bestseller. I’m neither though, so how about you and me just stick to creating our own form of love ?
  • I’m not precisely sure where my life is going right now or what awaits me down the road, but I’ve come to know one thing for sure. Whatever happens, I want you to be a part of that. I want to continue to appreciate, respect, be amazed by and love you.
  • Your jokes must be the funniest things I’ve heard in my life. Not because they’re good, because they’re really bad, but that’s exactly why I love them. That’s exactly why I love you. You can make me laugh when no one else can, in your own unique way.
  • There’s no place that I can call ‘home”, because I don’t believe that home is a place. Home is a feeling, it’s the people around you. It’s when you feel safe, loved, and happy at the same time, like nothing bad could happen. It’s how I feel when I’m with you.
  • I realized that I love you. I know this might sound very sudden and strange, but I’m certain of it. How? I have no issue sharing my things and life with you. I’m ok with watching movies I don’t necessarily like if we’re together. You can eat all of my french fries and I don’t care. I know I can tell you anything, and you’ll keep it secret. Do you feel the same?
  • I’m thankful that I got to meet you. At the time, I felt like my life was going nowhere and that I had no one to care about or feel attached to. Then, I met you, and you’re the closest friend I’ve ever had. Thing is, I’ve come to really love you, and well, this is my telling you just that.
  • No one, and I mean no one has ever made me as happy as you have. From the laughter you bring into my life, to the everlasting joy you leave on each of my days that you’re part of, you’re one of a kind. I know now that I love you, and that I want to spend all my waking moments with you.
  • For a long time now, I’ve had a serious crush on you, but had no idea how to express it. I actually looked for some cute paragraphs to say to your crush so that I don’t come off as too pushy or inappropriate, but none of them matched my feelings. Only then did I realize that there’s no need for a fancy way to say “I love you”.
  • More and more I catch myself slipping away into daydreaming. I don’t realize it at first, but after my friends or colleagues go “hellooo? are you listening?”, I then come to my senses and notice what’s going on. You know the funny thing about it? Those daydreams are always about you.
  • I was never good with expressing my feelings, or talking about love. I’m more of a logical person and that’s who I want to be. However, I have this gnawing sensation in the depth of my gut that’s always there no matter what, and I finally figured out why. It went away the moment I admitted to myself that I love you.
  • Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’ve been flirty with each other a while now, and I don’t want it to be just a casual on & off thing. I really care about you as a person, and I want to think of you as my boyfriend/girlfriend because…I’m in love with you.
  • All right, I have something to say, so here goes: I have a big crush on you. Thing is, that’s the easy part for me; and I mean, being in love with you. The hard part is all the time that I am away from you.
  • All those childhoods stories I read with knights in shining armor and damsels in distress felt so silly. I never thought those love stories actually exist in the real world. But, I was wrong. Because, now I understand all of it, as I feel that way for you.

Wrapping It Up

Making your feelings known can be a stressful experience, as you’re letting yourself be vulnerable. However, just use our list of romantic paragraphs to send to your crush, and it’ll be easier.

Choose any that you think fit who you are best, or go ahead and fiddle with them to make them your own. After it works out and the two of you are together, here are 130 romantic quotes to brighten up your partner’s day !

Diana Indries

Helping millions of couples in 176 countries experience more love, joy, and connection!

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Home » For You » Relationships

13 Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush That Express Your Feelings

These adorable and heartfelt passages can most definitely melt the heart of your crush.

Amira Martin, LCSW-R, is a licensed clinical social worker with over 20 years of experience. She obtained her master’s degree from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College in 2002 and specializes in treating children and adults. In addition to being an adjunct lecturer at the Columbia University School of Social Work, Amira is the founder of Amira for Her, a well-established private practice serving a large group of clients. Read full bio of Amira Martin

Shivani Chandel is a postgraduate in English literature from Panjab University, Chandigarh and a certified relationship coach. She has four years of experience in copy editing and writing about entertainment, health, lifestyle, and beauty. Read full bio of Shivani Chandel

Asmita De is an associate editor with over three years of experience. She graduated in English Literature from the University of Calcutta. She has collaborated with several digital companies and reputed publishing houses as an editor. Read full bio of Asmita De

Image: Shutterstock

You can not resist writing paragraphs for your crush about how they make your heart skip a beat and make you happy. The butterflies in your stomach are soaring, reaching new heights. There is nothing wrong with being smitten and wanting to convey your feelings. So many ideas bounce around inside your head, but all you wish to do is turn them into adorable phrases to send to your crush. You want to express your love and warmth, whether it is through texts, notes, or captions. So now that you have landed on this page, take a deep breath, relax and let us help you. We have a variety of lines that you can use to send to your crush.

Take a moment to look over this article carefully before you make the leap of faith you have been waiting forever since you saw your crush for the first time. This article has a collection of cute paragraphs you can send to your crush and express your feelings. Scroll down to check them out.

In This Article

13 Adorable Paragraphs For Your Crush

To help you ace in writing sweet paragraphs for your crush, we have listed below a few examples. These paragraphs for your crush should sweep them off their feet before you even know it. Read on:

  • Being near you fills me with a fuzzy and bubbly feeling that I can’t quite explain. I find myself daydreaming about you more and more lately. Little things will remind me of you – a song you love comes on, a jacket just like the one you wore last week, your favorite snack at the store. And suddenly, you’re all I can think about.
  • I wanted to share something with you that’s been on my mind lately. It is amazing how you seem to be present in all the best moments of my life. Whether it is seeing your smile across the room or sharing a brief conversation, everything just feels a little brighter when you are around. It is like you have this magical ability to make every moment more special.
  • When I’m around you, the world seems to stop spinning for a moment. Your smile lights up every room you walk into, and I can’t help but get lost in your eyes. Every conversation we share, no matter how big or small, becomes the highlight of my day. You may not realize just how amazing you are, and I don’t know if you’ll ever feel the same, but I want you to know how remarkably special you are to me.
  • Little did I know that the cutest dialogue from the movie Flipped that goes, “The first time I met Bryce Loski, I flipped ,” was someday going to be super relatable to me. Yes, you are the Bryce Loski to my Julie Baker. When the crazy butterflies that wake up in my tummy the moment I look at that charming face of yours, I experience one of the most beautiful feelings I have ever felt.
  • I know you have seen me stutter whenever I meet you. As embarrassing as it may feel to me, you should know that you are at fault here. When your divine eyes meet mine, I can’t help but blush!
  • Would it be too much if I said that you are like a dream come true for me? Gosh! How did I get so lucky? I was not even really prepared for this, but, oh, I cannot cease imagining you in my arms on a beautiful starry night, talking endlessly about how you make me feel.
  • From dusk till dawn, there is barely any moment when I don’t imagine being with you. Is this normal, or am I going crazy? Because one thing I am certain about is that I am crushing on you massively!
  • Waking up to your messages makes my day already. I couldn’t ask for more because you are everything I ever wanted. Oh! What would I do without you?
  • I love it when you make sure that I do not feel like a damsel in distress no matter what. Yes, you are the kind of knight in shining armor I have always wanted beside me. You are my home!
  • It has been quite a while now, so I must tell you this. I have been secretly admiring you since the day we first met. You’re probably unaware, but you bring a smile to my face like no other. I know I am crushing on you, so I thought that you should know by now too. Also, you look adorable when you do that hair flip at times in the classroom. Okay, bye!
  • I was not much of a fan of romantic stories, but then I met you, and my life changed completely. I still wonder how you did it. The mesmerizing smile of yours takes my breath away. Also, Ever since I met you, I have been obsessing over all the romantic movies that I find on Netflix.
  • So I walked into the kitchen to grab some coffee. While adding sugar to the coffee, I wondered how inadequate the sugar feels now that you have brought unmatched sweetness into my life. Cheesy? Let it be! You got to bear it.
  • After growing up together as best friends since childhood, I was scared when I realized that I was beginning to crush on you. I thought it would change our relationship, our equation . Although initially, things were weird, I cannot thank God enough for making our paths meet when we were kids. Now that I fetch our childhood photographs and compare them with our current ones, I can’t stop blushing, and I feel so much at ease.

Cute Long Paragraphs For Your Crush

Sending a cute and well-knit note to a crush is challenging beyond the shadow of a doubt. In a bid to give your best while framing paragraphs for your crush, you constantly juggle between wanting to pour your heart out to them while putting the necessary constraints so as to avoid making them feel uncomfortable. If this is your worry too, you can count on us. We have put together the best paragraphs for your crush with the intent to make your job easier. Read below and take inspiration from the listed romantic paragraphs for your crush:

  • Calling you my fantasy will be an understatement. You are beyond that and always have been. You are my dream and my reality, both! It is almost as though you swish and flick an enchantment wand and light up my world in the blink of an eye. I often wonder how you do that. If this is what feels like crushing on someone unbelievably charming like you, oh, I would trade the world to feel this way for the rest of my life. I know all these sounds cheesy, but how do I stop myself from sounding like it?
  • I love how you are the first person I talk to when I wake up in the morning and the last before I go to bed every single day. It has been like this for ages now. But the strangest part is, I would not want to change one bit of this routine. If I am blessed, I would want to do the same forever. I am also sure that if there happens to be even a tad bit of change in this, my days will be disrupted big time. I may sound selfish here, but I am not alone. I bet you want the same, and this is what makes me feel I can move mountains when you are beside me because we are so aligned. No?
  • You awaken the butterflies in my tummy, and each day is a wonder for me whenever you are beside me. Dear antidote to my everything, you are my home, the sky, the earth, and everything beyond. These out-of-the-ordinary feelings that you make me feel merely by your presence around me is something I would never want to lose. Good, bad, or whatever times the Almighty has to offer, I would crave for you, and I know you shall be right there with me always and forever.

Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Your Crush

A cute paragraph for your crush to wake up to will definitely brighten their day. When your crush reads a nice little message from you first thing in the morning, you will be on their mind for the rest of the day. Let’s get you that:

  • Dear beautiful human, I know you’re yet to wake up, but I wish to be the first soul you speak to when you do. Rise and shine!
  • I should let you know that I just woke up from a peaceful night’s sleep because you are the last person I thought about before crashing, and it gave me the peace that most people fail to achieve. Thank you for being my wee bonnie lass!
  • The thought of you always brightens my day, and I love to wake up to that thought! The sun is up. I can’t wait to meet you!
  • When my phone chimes in the morning, I smile right away, for I know it is you. This is all I ever lived for! Good morning, crazy hair!
  • We have been together since forever, but you still give them butterflies in my belly whenever I see you. I am sure to have them today as we meet again. Good morning, my everything !

Cute Goodnight Paragraphs For Crush

  • As the day winds down, thoughts of you linger in my mind, filling it with warmth and joy. Your presence in my life, even if it is just through our conversations, brings a smile to my face. Tonight, as you close your eyes, I hope your dreams are as wonderful as you are. Rest peacefully, knowing that I am there for you. Goodnight!
  • Every night, I find myself eagerly looking forward to our interactions. Your laughter, your stories, and your kindness resonate with me long after our conversations end. You have this captivating way of making ordinary moments extraordinary. As the stars blanket the sky, I wish you the sweetest dreams and a peaceful night’s rest. Goodnight.

Infographic: Best Ways To Act Around Your Crush

People often feel awkward around their crushes. Although it is okay to feel that way, deep down, everyone wishes to be confident around them. In that case, we have got your back. Check out the infographic below on tips to act cool around your crush while you express your feeling of adoration and attraction.

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

You can take inspiration from our list to write paragraphs for your crush to express how completely crazy you are about them. You can tell in beautiful words how they make your heart skip a beat and give you butterflies. Your stomach butterflies are flying, reaching new heights. It is normal to be smitten and want to express your sentiments, so don’t be afraid to let them show. However, as all your feelings can leave you with racing thoughts, you may struggle to convey them in short paragraphs. So, don’t shy away from taking the help of the paragraphs given above and convey your affection,desire, yearning, and captivation in various ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is writing a note to my crush a good idea?

Yes, penning down your thoughts to your crush is a good way to let them know how you feel, especially if you want the friendship you share with them to grow into a relationship. It is brave to bare your heart out and let them know about the fondness you have for them. However, you should be prepared to receive both good and bad responses from them.

Is it okay to text my crush every day?

If you have a good friendship with them, it is fine to text them daily. However, there are a few things you should consider. Texting your crush too often can indirectly let them know how you feel. But, it may also come across as clingy.  Your crush might think that this is just an infatuation. If your crush takes too long to reply, they may not be interested in pursuing more than a friendship with you. In such cases, you may want to avoid texting them every day.

How do you tell your crush you like them?

You can drop subtle hints or be straightforward. Wait for the right moment and place and let them know how you feel, and see where the conversation goes.

What can I say to make my crush blush?

You can give them a genuine compliment. If they have helped you with a task, let them know how grateful you are. You can also send any of the paragraphs shared in the article that reflects your admiration, passion, devotion, longing, fascination, and tenderness. Ensure to use emojis and GIFs to make them blush.

Key Takeaways

  • It is a rite of passage for teens to develop crushes in school and be eager to convey their feelings through a love note.
  • The best way to tell your crush that you like them is to pen down a paragraph and share it via text or captions or through notes or cards.
  • The paragraphs above are some creative, warm, and cute ways to help you confess your feelings to your crush.
  • These paragraphs can be a conversation starter between you and your crush or can help develop your friendship into something more.

Amira Martin Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Psychotherapist

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Cute Paragraphs To Text Your Crush To Melt Their Heart

essay for crush boy

Falling in love is easy, but putting that love into words can be hard. As a rule, when you’re sure that you’ll be refused, that’s when it becomes impossible to find true happiness. Perhaps you feel so shy in your crush’s presence that you can’t even speak, or maybe you’re afraid of what you might say. If you can’t find the right words to express your feelings, but you just can’t hide your love anymore, then it’s time to open the lines of communication and starting sending that special someone a message to let them know how you feel.

We’ve written and found some sweet short messages for you to send to your crush, lover, spouse, or partner. You can start showing your appreciation by sending innocent paragraphs to your crush. Sending a sweet message along with some emojis is a great way to say good morning to your special someone, helping them start the day with sweet thoughts of you. You can also send goodnight texts to stay in touch. If your crush enjoys your short messages, they may love to get a longer, more in-depth dive into the language of your love.

You can also use these paragraphs if you find it hard to keep the conversation going. Our cute paragraphs will bring a smile to their face and contribute to their positive feelings about you. Keep the romance alive with these sweet paragraphs and letters. (Just getting started with your new partner? Try some of our quick love quotes for lovers. )

Cute Paragraphs About Love For Your Crush

essay for crush boy

  • I don’t know what it is about you that makes me feel so alive. I don’t know what it is about you that makes me look forward to each new day. I don’t know what it is about you that makes me grin like an idiot all the time. I don’t understand what it is that’s happening to me every time you’re around. I just hope you know, of all the people in the world, you’re special to me.
  • All I want is to be the reason that you fall asleep each night with your phone held in your hand.
  • You are not so far from me; in fact, you are in the middle of my heart!
  • You have been living in my dreams for a long time. Why don’t we make those dreams come true tonight?
  • You looked so beautiful the last time I saw you that I forgot my pickup line.
  • Send me a picture so I can send Santa my wish list.
  • You are my guardian angel. I believe you were sent to watch over me. There is never a moment where I don’t feel safe when you are by my side. I am truly blessed.

Universal Paragraphs With Emojis To Send To Your Crush

essay for crush boy

  • You are my optimism. Loving you is a fantastic treasure. Without you, my heart would be empty, filled with sorrow. I cherish you with all my heart, my sweet angel, and that is why I love you! ❤
  • The love I have for you is natural. There is no doubt in it, nothing that could make me stop loving you. You will belong to me forever, and there is nothing you can do about it! I love you! 🍓 😊
  • I’ve been stranded with passion since the day you left. I wish I were there to hug and kiss you, rest my head on your chest and fall asleep while my head is still on your treasure chest. I love you so much! You are the most interesting man I have ever met in my life. 💋
  • The insights you have shared mean the world to me. 👩
  • I always have fun when I am with you. ☀🐰
  • I sometimes dream about you and me, in a fairy tale. You are my prince charming, my knight in shining armor, and I am your princess and your soon-to-be-queen. And we will live happily ever after. 😉
  • You captured my heart because you sing a song that only my heart can hear. 😁

Cute Short Messages To Text Your Crush To Make Her Smile

A lot of women love men who can cheer them up even when everything in life seems like it’s falling apart. You can become an emotional knight in shining armor. Just be sure to bring along your courtly words, and you can become one of her gallant heroes by making her smile.

  • Has anyone told you how wonderful you are lately? Has anyone noticed just how great it is to be around you? Has anyone mentioned how you make it so much easier to smile and laugh all the time? Has anyone reminded you of that beautiful face that compliments your beautiful mind? Not yet?! Well, then let me be the first.
  • Whenever I am texting you, you can safely assume that I am smiling. The very thought of you lights up my life and makes everything seem so much brighter.
  • You are like a beautiful melody that I can’t get out of my head.
  • I love you so much that I will never let you go. I love you with all my soul and without ever looking back.
  • I keep on being amazed at your patience, despite all the ups and downs of life, you still find a reason always to love me. I can’t imagine that you belong to me because I only dreamed that I could have a woman like you, but today, in reality, you have become my partner. You are my dream come true. I love you!
  • How I wish for you to know how much I care about you. Though, you don’t realize how much your presence in my life has changed me for good. You are the best woman that has ever touched the surface of my heart. Since I have been with you, I have lost all sense of regret. I love you!
  • I appreciate that your suggestions help me make difficult choices.

Cute Wake-Up Paragraphs To Send Your Crush

Cute Paragraphs for Your Crush to Send Unexpectedly to Wake Up

  • Even nasty weather can’t spoil my day because just the very thought of you lights everything around and warms my heart. Good morning!
  • For the last 8 hours, I have missed you a lot. I can’t wait to see your smile. Wake up, my princess. Rise and shine. Good Morning 🙂
  • My life is beautiful just because of you. Good morning, my love.
  • The night ended yesterday, and the morning brings another day. May you smile like the sunny rays and leave your worries at the bright blue bay. Good Morning!
  • It makes me so happy, and this is what I’m going to do, send a good morning message right back to you. Good morning!
  • Every morning I wake up, and the thought of how much you love me gives me butterflies. Good morning beautiful.
  • Bae, I just can’t explain how much I love you, as words will fail me if I start to mention how much you mean to me. Good morning, have a great day.

Cheerful Paragraphs For Your Crush To Say “Good Morning”

Cheerful Paragraphs for Your Crush to Say “Good Morning”

  • Do you know why stars stop shining every morning? Because they can’t be compared to the brilliance of your beauty. Good morning!
  • I am incomplete at the moment because you are not with me. You complete me. Meet me soon, sweetheart. Good morning, dear.
  • Good morning to the most precious person in my life. You take my breath away.
  • Welcome to a new day with new possibilities and wonderful opportunities.
  • You can also access the goodness of the day if you step out of that bed.
  • Step out and take charge. Have a fantastic day, dear. I love you.
  • Waking up beside you is a goal, I’m yet to achieve.
  • Wrap a beautiful smile on your face as you read this because you are on my mind this morning.
  • Be bold and strong to handle what the day brings when you kick-start your day.
  • Morning Sunshine… You look great today. How did I know? Because you look great every day.
  • Start your day with a beautiful smile. Forget your worries. Keep sight of your target. Go after it, and have a purpose-filled day.
  • Be good, and always remember that someone out there wishes to see you glow. Good morning.

Cute Letters About Your Feelings To Send Your Crush

Cute Letters about Your Feelings to Send Your Crush

  • I used to love daydreaming. I used to come up with all sorts of fantasies in my head and sometimes wish they were real. And then I met you. That’s when I realized that I no longer needed my daydreams. Reality had become so much better with you around.
  • Just one message, look or touch from you is enough to send my spirits soaring through the roof. Baby, you mean everything to me.
  • You are the lottery ticket for me, the cream in the coffee, the ace in poker, the main gain in my life, in short, the best thing that could happen to me!
  • Just looking at you makes me smile. Thinking about you pauses my world for a while. Dreaming about you gives me sleepless nights. Girl, I like you with all my heart’s might.
  • When I am with you, my Mondays become Fridays, my nights are bright, and the air is cleaner. What kind of powers do you have?
  • Over the last few hours, I have read and reread hundreds of love quotes. Every quote I see makes me think of you. Even the computer screen, the kitchen door, and the carpet manage to remind me of you strangely and inexplicably. Why this is so, I do not know. All I know is that the entire world makes me think of you.
  • As our relationship has changed over time, the only thing that has remained is you and I. Your hand holding mine and your smile greeting me are all that I could ever want or need.

Best Sweet Paragraphs For Your Crush

Best Sweet Paragraphs for Your Crush

  • Each time that I hear your voice, my heart skips a beat. I trip and fall from the distraction of seeing your face all of a sudden. You cause my world to stop and are the source of all the best feelings and sensations that I have ever felt.
  • I have your face before my eyes. Your scent in my nose, for sound your voice in my ears, your name in my heart – just a thought in my head: I love you.
  • Please overlook my lisp, and please ignore my stammer. Please neglect my nervousness, please don’t listen to the nonsense that I utter. I am not a psycho, and I am just an average guy. But I get paralyzed by your beauty when I look into your eyes. I love you.
  • Don’t blame me because I like you, and it is your fault for having everything I love!
  • The light of your handsome face mesmerizes my heart, and it gives me a comfort that suits the temper of a sweet lady like me. I know you can’t resist my charm too, but you are so unique that I may die without you by my side, I love you! Good morning, handsome!
  • I love you. You make me feel like the only girl in your life. I hope this feeling of being in love with you never changes.
  • My love, you are the secret to my success. You are the one who brought good luck into my life through the leave of the Lord; you strengthen me, support me, and remained my true love when I needed you most. I love you, baby!

Gentle Things To Say To Your Crush To Make Him Smile

Gentle Things to Say to Your Crush to Make Him Smile

  • I miss being around you. I haven’t seen you in days, but it already seems like months, like years, like a long time. Being with you makes time fly, but being away from you appears to stop the world down. It’s like every second you’re away is a countdown to when I’ll get to see you again. I wish you were right here, but you’re not. You’re way over there. And “there” has no idea how lucky it is to have you.
  • Don’t be surprised if I start choking and panting out of the blue. My heart skips a beat, and I miss a breath every time I see you. I love you.
  • I may not be like Buzz Lightyear, but I love you to infinity and beyond!
  • They say that if you can be in silence next to someone without feeling awkward, it means that you two have a connection. With you, words don’t matter.
  • You must be a camera because you make me smile!
  • Do you bathe in sugar? Because you are very sweet!
  • I’m not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together.

Goodnight Paragraphs Devoted To Your Crush

Goodnight Paragraphs Devoted to Your Crush

  • I’m going to keep loving you. That’s one promise I’ve made to myself. And my greatest wish is that you someday get to love me just as much. Have a good night, lovely.
  • I don’t know what I’ll do without you. I can’t even imagine it. You mean so much to me, and I hope you give me a chance to love you, goodnight darling.
  • This message is being sent with several attachments. A smile to brighten your night, a kiss to warm your dreams, and a hug to remind you of me. Sweet dreams, angel.
  • To this cute friend of mine, I wish you a splendid night ahead.
  • Sweet dreams, beautiful. I cannot wait until tomorrow when I can see you again.
  • Goodnight dear, I wish you all the best of nightfall, okay?
  • Goodnight and sleep tight. Please dream of me all night.

Useful Paragraphs Explaining How Much You Love Someone

Sometimes it is a challenge to share words of love with your sweetheart. There’s nothing wrong with using a prepared text that expresses how you feel!

  • You have an adorable face that makes me smile. You care about me when no one is there. You look me in the eyes when we talk, and your voice is so strong and beautiful. Why can’t I have you!
  • When I’m with you, I act differently in a fantastic way. I smile more and laugh more. I don’t have to pretend that everything is perfect when it’s not. With you, I’m able to drop the fake smile and put on a real one. I don’t feel hurt and alone when I’m with you. Also, I feel secure and cherished. You’re easy to talk to, and you pay attention to me. I don’t worry about holding back with you. I don’t feel self-conscious. I don’t ever feel insecure or like I’m in a bad place. You show me that you genuinely do care, and you’re not just pretending. I really admire your company, due to the fact with you I’m extraordinary. With you, I’m glad.
  • I don’t know about physics or math, but the chemistry between us is definitely sizzling. I like you.
  • I like you more than waking up late.
  • When I saw your smile, I immediately knew that it was the smile I wanted to see every morning for the rest of my life.
  • If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.
  • I’m thinking about breakfast right now, but nothing seems good enough. I could get a fresh cup of coffee, and it wouldn’t warm me up as you do. I could make a pillow from pancakes, and they wouldn’t be as soft as your lips. I could get a crepe filled with whip cream, strawberries, and powdered sugar, and it still wouldn’t be as sweet as you.

Do you have any sweet messages you send your special someone? Any suggestions for some texts for a new crush? Comment down below and share the love! <3

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3 comments on “ Cute Paragraphs To Text Your Crush To Melt Their Heart ”

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You know it’s getting serious when they bring ealking up late into this

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none of these helped…. all of them were kinda creepy sounding. I am never saying any of those to my crush….❤

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Cute Paragraphs to Send to Your Crush

Published by Sarah Wahab

When the feelings of love bubble up in your chest, it can be difficult to find the right words to express all of the emotions you feel. This collection of cute paragraphs can inspire you, with the sentiment and loving words helping you declare your feelings to your crush.

Paragraphs to Send to Your Crush

Poets and songwriters seem to do it so easily, but for many of us, putting the feelings of love into words can be a struggle. You might know exactly how you feel, but you have no idea how to clearly say it in a way that will touch your lover's heart. These 30 paragraphs for your crush will help you!

essay for crush boy

I want to be the reason that you fall asleep every night with your phone held in your hand, and I want my words to be the first ones you read that make you smile every morning.

You have been living in my dreams for a long time. Every morning I awake, I look forward to the day that you will be in my reality, sharing my life with me and building our dreams together.

There is just something about you that makes me look forward to each new day. The thought of seeing your pretty face and hearing your sweet voice fills me with joy and excitement. I can't wait to feel the way I do when I'm around you.

Sometimes I dream about you and me. I close my eyes and think of how wonderful it will be and if we are blessed soon after, we'll be three. But first I need to know - a life together, do you agree?

I've been searching the internet for cute paragraphs for your crush, there are many, but none of them accurately describe just how wonderful you are and how much I long for you to be mine - so I'm sending you this paragraph instead!

You are like my guardian angel. I truly believe you were sent to watch over me. I feel so safe whenever you are by my side. I am truly blessed.

Our love is inevitable. I have no doubt in it, nothing that could make me stop loving you. You will belong to me forever, and there is nothing you can do about it!

You looked so beautiful the last time I saw you and now I can't get your face out of my mind. Your sweetness has left a lasting impression on me. I can't wait until I can see you and look into your beautiful eyes.

Of course, I love you, but also, I really like you. Of course, being around you excites me but I also feel so relaxed when you're near. Of course, our life together will be filled with love, but it will also be fun and filled with laughter.

Actually you are not far from me, you are in the middle of my heart.

essay for crush boy

When I first met you, I never thought that I would fall in love. I was not looking for love and I did not expect to have the feeling that I do for you. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know that my life will never be the same as it was before you walked into it.

Now that I love you, I don't need to love anyone else. You are my family and my friend and I really feel that as long as I have you, I won't ever need anyone else.

Whenever we have to be apart, I wish we could tear our hearts in two, so that a part of me will always be with a part of you.

There are billions of people in the world, there are millions of beautiful girls, there are probably thousands that I would like, but you are my absolute favorite. You are my soulmate, you are one in a million.

I have never believed in perfection. I believe in reality and balance. I never believed that I would find the perfect person, but now that I know you, I believe that you are perfect for me. Your amazing personality is more than what I could ever dream up, yet here you are in my reality. The few flaws you do have, are what makes you perfect, because they balance with mine!

You are my healer because whenever you are near, you remove any pain and all of my problems. The love that I feel for you erases all the sadness and stress in my life. I wish I can be near you always.

Just like peanut butter and jelly, just like ice cream and sprinkles, just like a burger and fries, not only do we go well together - we make each other better.

You are like a magician who has cast a spell over my heart. Now it's only your face I want to see and only your voice I want to hear. The crazy thing is, that this spell makes me so happy, I don't want to ever be free.

You are my inspiration. The thought of you gives me the courage I need to set big goals, the energy I need to read them and the belief that I can overcome any problem. For that I love you and I thank you.

Sometimes when I see you, all I can think about is how gorgeous you are! I can't believe why all the guys around you are not in love with you too, but if they were that would make me crazy!

essay for crush boy

I feel like I'm being greedy for wanting you all to myself when you are so wonderful that everyone should get to experience you too. But I'm like a child with his favorite toy - I just don't want to share!

Wanted: a girl with a smile that lights up the room, a laugh that tickles the spirit and a heart that wants mine. Wanted: you.

I wish I could take away anything that could ever hurt you. I wish I could absorb your pain and neutralize your sadness. I wish I could save you from any sickness and help you out of any problems, then you will always be happy and smiling just the way I like you to be.

Just think of me as your very own superhero, You can call me Captain Love. I will lift your heart out of trouble and fly it in my arms to safety. I will shield your heart with my force field of love.

I wish I could write a love song for you, but I am not a writer. I wish I could sing you a love song, but I am not a singer. So maybe I can be your love song and make you feel all the notes of affection I have for you.

You should let me love you, let me spoil you, let me build a future with you. You should let me be your man, let me protect you and provide for you. You should let me into your life and meet your family and become your family. Will you?

I love your sense of humor, not because it's good (because your jokes are lame and really not funny at all) but because of the way you laugh and your delight when you tell your weird little jokes. I am definitely laughing at you and not with you and it's so freaking cute!

Ever since the first moment I saw your face and heard your name, I just knew you were the one for me. There's something about you that feels like I'm coming home. Being in your presence fills me with peace and when I look in your eyes I see my future.

I know that I truly love you because I am happy to give you my last piece of chocolate, I let you pick the movie we watch and I don't mind your cold toes on my legs. When you wear my favorite sweater I am happy that it will smell like you. So it must be love, right?

I thank God I found you. You are my sweetest dream come true. When I didn't know my way, you were there to hold my hand, when I wasn't very sure, you were there to understand. I will love you all my life and I pray that one day you'll be my wife.

All of these paragraphs to send to your crush are different ways to let the person you love, know how much you care about them. So although it can be hard to make your romantic feelings clear, you no longer have to be at a loss for words. Choose a fitting paragraph from the list above and share your feelings with your crush.

Sarah Wahab

You may also like, author by sarah wahab.

Jan 1,1983 - United Kingdom

My education began in the UK, I spent a few years in elementary school in Chicago, Illinois, USA before returning to England. My favorite subject was English Language and Literature, where I developed my passion for writing. Now I am working as a Creative Writing Teacher and part-time writer. I enjoy copywriting and writing blogs on subjects such as fashion, relationships, and lifestyle.

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The 6 Stages of Having a Crush: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

As your feelings intensify, the urge to share becomes irresistible..

September 27, 2023 by 2bebetter Leave a Comment

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Are you currently in the throes of a crush? Ah, the exhilaration, the butterflies, the uncertainty — crushing on someone is a unique emotional rollercoaster. It’s a journey that can lead to love or heartbreak, filled with intrigue, curiosity, infatuation, and more. While there’s no precise formula for understanding the mysteries of crushes, there has compiled a comprehensive guide to the six stages we believe everyone goes through when experiencing a crush.

Stage 1: Interest

The story begins when you meet someone new, and an inexplicable intrigue takes hold. This initial spark of interest can strike like lightning or develop over time, especially when your crush is a close friend. Often, people grapple with their feelings before acknowledging them. But when you do, you’ll sense the magnetic pull of romantic attraction. This is the genesis of your crush.

Stage 2: Curiosity

Once the seed of interest is sown, curiosity takes over. Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your crush’s social media profiles, examining every post, tweet, or Instagram story? Perhaps you’ve even summoned the courage to add them on social media platforms. This digital sleuthing is your attempt to unravel the enigma that is your crush. You want to know them deeply — their likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams, and favorite things.

Some folks bravely approach their crush for conversation, while others shy away, opting for the safety of online reconnaissance. Regardless, curiosity fuels your desire to understand them better.

Stage 3: Infatuation

Ah, infatuation — the sweetest, most exhilarating stage of crushdom. Your world transforms into a Technicolor dreamland. Every day is brighter, more vibrant, and achingly beautiful. Each thought of your crush sends a flurry of butterflies dancing in your stomach. Every encounter feels like floating on cloud nine. A simple text from them can make your day, and their laughter lingers in your mind for days. Their name alone can induce blushing and swooning. At this stage, perfection seems attainable, and you want this feeling to last forever.

Stage 4: Sharing

As your feelings intensify, the urge to share becomes irresistible. You confide in your friends about your crush, not necessarily because they don’t already suspect it, but because you want to discuss your feelings openly. You pour your heart out, sharing what you adore about your crush. You seek advice on how to respond to their messages or what to say when you meet. You analyze their words and actions, seeking your friends’ wisdom, support, and honesty. It’s during these conversations that you might start to notice your crush’s imperfections or the direction your relationship is headed, which can lead to the next stages.

Stage 5: Falling in Love

Liking someone and falling in love are distinct realms. Sometimes, your crush evolves into something more profound, and you find yourself head over heels in love. At this stage, you’re no longer blinded by idealization; you see your crush for who they truly are. You’ve stopped placing them on a pedestal. Instead, you’ve grown closer, getting to know them on a deeper level. If fate smiles upon you and they reciprocate your feelings, you’re on the path to a romantic relationship. Congratulations, you’ve crossed the threshold into love.

Stage 6: Falling Out of Love

However, not all crushes end in eternal love. Some may lead you down a different path — falling out of love. After thorough contemplation, you might realize that your crush isn’t as extraordinary as you once believed. Perhaps you come to terms with the slim likelihood of them reciprocating your feelings. Regardless of the reason, falling out of love can be a painful, heart-wrenching experience. It takes time to accept, especially if your feelings were once profound. Yet, as time heals your wounds, you’ll appreciate your decision to let go. You’ll realize that this person wasn’t the right fit, and it just wasn’t meant to be. The next chapter awaits, and who knows what the future holds?

In conclusion, the journey of having a crush is a multifaceted adventure, full of highs and lows, excitement and uncertainty. Each stage brings its own set of emotions and challenges. Do you relate to any of the stages mentioned here? How does having a crush feel for you? Can you pinpoint the stage you’re currently experiencing? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

This post was previously published on

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150+ Cute Long Paragraphs To Send To Your Crush

Let your love interest know the deepest of your feelings.

Dr. Dorothee Ischler

Dr. Dorothee Ischler is a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist with over three decades of experience. She is a seasoned professional in mental health and relationship coaching, who adopts a holistic approach to intertwine mind, body, and soul. Read full bio of Dr. Dorothee Ischler

Shikha Thakur

Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. Read full bio of Shikha Thakur

Akshay Nair

Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing. Read full bio of Akshay Nair

150+ Cute Long Paragraphs To Send To Your Crush

image: Shutterstock

If your heart is racing fast and you feel a cascade of emotions inside, you know your crush is around you. Read on to explore some adorable paragraphs for your crush since most of you fall short of words at such times; these cute paragraphs could help express your adoration and devotion for them.

The volcano of emotions you experience when crushing on someone is beautiful; all the jitters in your tummies are sure to leave you amazed and speechless.

This post includes a collection of lovable and attractive paragraphs for your crush that may steal their heart and get them to keep yearning about you.

150+ Cute And Long Paragraphs For Your Crush

There are several ways to woo your crush. These well-written short love messages are a great way to express your feelings of tenderness and endearment towards them.

Sweet And Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush

Send any of these little paragraphs to bring a wide smile to your crush’s face. You may also use them to write heartfelt love letters to showcase your fondness for them.

  • Every morning , I wake up with a big smile on my face, thinking about spending my day with you. You are always on my mind, and I wait for every second to see you and have you by my side.
  • My life has a different meaning now, as you are a part of it. You make me feel weak in the knees and give me butterflies in the stomach. It is a wonderful feeling to be around you.
  • I never thought I could feel this about someone. It is incredible how your sheer presence makes me happy. I love the way you make me feel.
  • You make me grow. Every bit of me wants to be with every bit of you. My longing to be with you is immeasurable, and you make me better by being with me.
  • I love sleeping because even though we are away, I get to see you in my dreams, fulfilling every bit of my life. I see us sharing our lives and weaving our beautiful future. My dreams make my belief in ‘us’ stronger.
  • The jitters I experience inside me are something that I have never experienced before. It is irresistibly ecstatic to be in your presence and share the fondness that I have for you.

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  • You are an angel who has come to my life to make it worthy and meaningful. You are everything that my heart was looking for. I feel blessed to have you in my life.
  • My heart races every time you smile, and I skip a beat when you look at me. The feeling differs from infatuation, as I have never felt this way. Everything you do profoundly impacts me, and I cannot get over the thought of being with you.
  • When I saw you for the first time, I was struck by your magnetic aura. Something about you is so unique that it draws me towards you like a moth to a flame. It is irresistible to like you.
  • I know you a little more every day and like you even more. You are the cutest person I know and the kindest of all. Your pure heart, honesty, and sentimentality have won over me.
  • I used to think that love meant a waste of life. But ever since I met you, I realized that love could be a new path altogether. You have made me excited to explore and love the adventure of life.
  • I am going to have you arrested for captivating my heart the moment I saw you. You are a sight to behold and one of my favorite people. Your presence in my life has made it beautiful.
  • When you first held my hand, I knew what we have is special. You are my sunshine and the reason I adorn a smile throughout the day. You brighten my day and make my life better.
  • The one thing that I look forward to the most throughout my day is being with you. I cherish every moment we spend together and enjoy little episodes of laughter from simple things. I love how infectious your laugh is.

Cherishing every moment, paragraph for crush

Image: IStock

  • I am at ease around you. I can be comfortable in my skin, and you embrace me in true essence. That is what I love the most about you.
  • I keep smiling throughout the day for no reason. While you are away, the memory of your radiant face keeps bringing a smile to my face, and I long every moment to see you again.
  • Your morning text is the best way to start my day. I love chatting with you, and I wish you were with me. I wait for your messages eagerly, and it keeps me driving through the day.
  • I keep thinking of you the whole day. It is like you are a part of me and my life even when you are not around. I have never felt this way and love this feeling.
  • Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, and I can’t seem to take my eyes off you. You are always on my mind, and I dream about you every night.
  • Watching you from a distance when you are unaware is my favorite hobby. You are so beautiful that I love noticing your little traits and features.
  • I love spoiling you with gifts and treats. It is fantastic to see you excited with sparkling eyes. You truly make every gesture worth the effort.
  • When I first saw you, I could not take my eyes off of you. You are so charming and attractive—it is impossible not to notice you. You caught my attention from the moment I saw you and have never left my thoughts ever since.
  • What I love about us is the unique bond that we share. We are great friends , and I believe we would make a fantastic couple too.
  • Bringing you joy is my only motive. Making you smile and being the reason for your happiness is what I live for. It gives me pleasure.

Bringing you joy, paragraph for crush

  • The more I am with you, the surer I become about us. We are made for each other, and although it sounds clichéd, it is true. We are better together.
  • You have touched those places in my heart that I never knew existed. You have changed my life with your presence, and I want to keep feeling the same, now and always.
  • Even when a million people surround me, my heart seeks your presence. It waits to reach out to you and be in your company. You have captured my heart.
  • I genuinely hope you realize your incredible worth. You deserve an abundance of love and joy, and I aspire to be the one who provides it.
  • Your presence is enveloped in a remarkable air of positivity. Being around you guarantees happiness.
  • Your enthusiasm for life is infectious. It’s impossible not to feel exhilarated about the future when I’m in your company.
  • Every shared moment feels straight out of a fairy tale romance. I eagerly anticipate the unfolding chapters of our story.
  • Your messages consistently send my heart into joyful flutters. It’s as if a part of you is always by my side through them.
  • Whenever I witness your smile, my entire day instantly improves. Your remarkable talent for illuminating even the darkest days is truly exceptional.
  • I find myself irresistibly drawn into your eyes every time I gaze into them. They hold a captivating world of beauty and enigma that I’m eager to discover.
  • Your unique ability to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones is something I deeply treasure. I value every moment spent with you.
  • Your sense of humor complements mine perfectly, and your ability to make me laugh is unparalleled.
  • With each flowing conversation, your voice resonates in my mind like a comforting melody. I eagerly anticipate our next exchange, savoring every word you speak.
  • There’s an undeniable enchantment in how you capture my attention and set my heart racing when you’re close. It’s a feeling I’ve grown quite fond of.
  • Your eyes transport me to a world of endless possibilities, where time seems to halt, and I find myself immersed in the depth and beauty of your gaze.
  • Your unique talent for bringing laughter into life’s challenges is like a gentle breeze that sweeps away my worries, replacing them with joy.
  • It’s impossible not to notice the magnetic force that draws me toward you; it’s as if the universe conspires to ensure our paths intersect time and time again.
  • The way your kindness shines like a guiding light in a sometimes dark world is a testament to your exceptional soul, and I consider myself truly fortunate to have you in my life.
  • While my friends may tease me for frequently mentioning you, I can’t resist it. You occupy my thoughts, and I relish every opportunity to express my feelings.
  • In a world often marked by chaos and uncertainty, you serve as my unwavering constant, my anchor, and the source of profound gratitude for bringing your light into my life.
  • If I had a single wish, it would be to spend every moment by your side, crafting cherished memories and nurturing the ever-growing happiness we could build together.
  • Your presence, no matter how fleeting, injects newfound radiance into the world, and I eagerly anticipate the chance to create more memories and strengthen our beautiful connection.
  • Undoubtedly, you have the ability to make my heart race and my palms grow sweaty, and I want you to know it’s a sensation I wholeheartedly welcome and cherish.
  • Your extraordinary beauty, both on the inside and the outside, continues to astound me. It’s a rare and exceptional blend that I find incredibly captivating.
  • Whenever your name appears on my phone, a wave of happiness rushes over me, painting a smile across my face as I eagerly devour your messages.
  • Your intelligence and wit are qualities I hold in the highest regard, and each time we converse, I’m left in admiration of your brilliance and charisma.
  • Our discussions consistently leave me marveling at your unique perspective on the world—a beautiful and distinctive lens through which you perceive the wonders of life.
  • The sound of your laughter is akin to a delightful serenade for my ears, a melody that never fails to brighten my day and serve as a reminder of the joy you bring into my life.

Love Paragraphs For Your Crush

Saying ‘I love you’ would not be difficult with the love paragraphs mentioned below.

  • I love you, and I can keep saying this to you a gazillion times in a day. My love for you is endless, and I want to keep saying those magical words to make you feel loved.
  • I am lucky to find someone I want to love forever. You were, are, and will always be my ‘forever.’ I see a future with you and want to live all the beautiful moments of my life with you.
  • Your love takes me to the moon and back. It makes me feel special, and I am head over heels to make you feel the same way. I want you to be happy with me, and I want to be the reason for your smile. I want to bring loads of happiness to you and shape our beautiful life together.
  • You are like the perfect piece for the puzzle of my life. You complete me and give my life meaning. You make me thrive to become a better version of myself. Your love gives me the strength to fight every challenge that comes my way.
  • I did not know the true meaning of love until I met you. I experienced love in its purest and earnest form and understood what it is like to be loved. Making you feel loved every moment of your life is my only goal. I want to live to make you happy.
  • Love is about companionship and discovering each other while embracing all that comes along. I believe that our relationship is the ideal example of companionship. I could not have found a better person than you. You fulfill my life and bring it all together for us beautifully.

Love is companionship, paragraph for crush

  • I keep falling in love with you with each passing day. Being with you has been like a beautiful scenic journey that awaits a beautiful destination in the end. Each day encompasses a surreal landscape of happiness, love, and laughter.
  • Loving you has become my habit and a routine I never wish to change. Loving you makes me feel alive because you are all that my heart needs. You are my everything, my heart, soul, and world.
  • I genuinely believe that we are soulmates because the love I experience for you is like none other. It makes me want to hold on to you forever. My imperfect life becomes perfect with you in it.
  • You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. I want to spend my life making you feel the same way. Loving you is all I want to do, and being with you is my heart’s only passion and desire.
  • What we have is truly magical. It is like a romantic movie, and all I dream of is weaving our love story together. My heart knows there would be a happy ending with you in my life. Our story would be the perfect example of true love.
  • My guardian angels have been kind to send you into my life. You are my match made in heaven and what I feel for you is beyond anything that has ever been used to describe love. I love you the way no one must have ever loved. I am madly, truly, undeniably, and unconditionally in love with you.
  • I cannot spend a minute away from you. We are meant to be together, have a family, and grow old together. Our lives would be perfect, and I wish to spend every day making you feel loved and cared for.
  • We are forever tangled. Your success makes me proud and your happiness makes me happy. Your sadness makes me gloomy, and your presence makes me feel loved. With you, it is all so beautiful, and I want to keep feeling the same way forever. I love you, and I will love you, always.
  • There are no words in the dictionary to describe what I feel for you. Your enchanting smile makes my day, and your hug brings me to life. You are Romeo for me, happiness for my soul, and an angel in my life. I cannot say enough, I love you.
  • My soul reaches out to you to find happiness. You are the reason I want to be in this world and dream of having a spectacular life. Your love gives me hope that there are better and greater things waiting. I cannot imagine my life without you in it, and I love you. Thank you for being mine.
  • I am deeply attached to you. The warmth you give me makes me feel at ease. Your arms are the safest place on the planet for me. Hugging you and feeling your heartbeats reminds me of your worth. I value you even more and wish I get to be with you forever.
  • I thank my stars for bringing you to my life. I don’t know what I have done to deserve you, but I know that I want to make you feel loved. I want you to experience the same bliss I feel when I am with you. I want to love you in every way I can.
  • I need you are like a heart that needs a beat. I cannot live without you, and loving you is not an option for me, it is my necessity. We were bound to be together, and now that we are, I am never letting you go.
  • Finding true love is not easy. Although I did not believe in the idea of love, I do it now. Having you in my life has restored my faith in love and happiness. It is the best feeling in the world, and I am happy that I get to feel it every day in your presence.
  • I feel romantic in your presence. You bring out lovely colors in my personality, and I thrive on being my best when I am with you. I love being the romantic partner who would do everything to keep you happy.
  • All that you are is all that I would ever need. Together we are one, and it is almost like a fairy-tale, which is mystical yet true. You turn the dust of my everyday life into the golden glaze.
  • It was easy to fall in love with you. You are beautiful inside out, and it is irresistible not to fall for you. I cannot believe that you are with me, and now that you are, I want to make every moment of your life magnificent.
  • I love you to the infinity and beyond. Our eternal bond was meant to be, and I truly believe that the universe conspired to bring us together. You are my sun, moon, and stars.

Love you till infinity, paragraph for her

  • I believe that only once in your life you find someone who turns the world around for you. I have found someone in you. I love you, and I am at peace with you. I feel at home with you.
  • There’s an undeniable, almost magnetic bond between us that I can’t disregard, and I sense an irresistible attraction toward you, as if fate had a hand in our meeting.
  • It’s impossible to deny that thoughts of you have become a delightful diversion in the most wonderful sense, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
  • You’ve become the most pleasant thought in my mind, the one that brings light to my day and fills my heart with optimism for a future of love and shared aspirations.
  • Your mere presence possesses the ability to soothe the turmoil in my thoughts, establishing a sense of belonging and tranquility that’s entirely new to me.
  • Within your eyes, I perceive a world filled with hidden treasures waiting to be uncovered, and I eagerly anticipate the journey of discovering the remarkable person you are.
  • You, my dear, are a rare gem in a sea of ordinary stones, and I’m grateful to have discovered your extraordinary presence in my life.
  • I might not be a poet, but whenever I’m with you, I feel like I could compose the most exquisite love verses ever, all inspired by the enchantment you bring.
  • Your laughter, with its infectious vivacity, acts as a soothing elixir for my soul, calming any concerns and replacing them with pure delight.
  • Your smile is a sight I adore, your voice is my favorite sound, and you, my dear, are my most cherished person in this world.
  • I admire the way your mind operates. Your thoughts, ideas, and dreams are endlessly intriguing to me. I aspire to be a part of your world and offer my support in every possible way.
  • Amidst countless faces, your smile shines as a guiding beacon, leading my heart back to safety. I hope that one day, you’ll find your way to my waiting embrace.
  • My heart resembles a garden, and you, my dear, are the most exquisite and treasured blossom it has ever known. I’ll nurture your soul with love and tenderness.
  • If my thoughts of you were stars, the night sky would be too brilliant for slumber. You’re the guiding constellation that leads me through life’s uncertainties.
  • My heart serves as a canvas, and you are the masterpiece that paints my world with love, ardor, and boundless potential.
  • Whenever we converse, it’s as if time halts, and I become immersed in the profundity of our discussions, wishing for their eternal continuation.
  • You’ve become an integral part of my thoughts, and I often find myself daydreaming about the exciting adventures we could share together.
  • I’ve lost track of the instances when I’ve blushed and felt a delightful sense of anticipation in your presence, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
  • Meeting you is akin to stumbling upon a hidden treasure in a world filled with mundane moments. I’m eager to continue exploring the depths of your remarkable character.
  • My life used to be like an old black-and-white movie, but with you, it has transformed into a vivid and colorful masterpiece, and I have no intention of reverting to a duller existence.
  • I’m absolutely certain that you possess magical qualities, as you’ve managed to make my heart vanish, only to have it reappear, overflowing with love for you.
  • If life were a coffee shop, you’d be the special element in my daily brew. Just as a perfect cup of coffee awakens my senses and enriches my world, your presence does the same.
  • Our love is like a distinct species thriving in the vast ecosystem of emotions, carving out its unique niche and flourishing with each passing day.
  • Your presence lingers in the air like a cherished memory, and I can’t help but inhale the essence of you, carrying it with me throughout the day.
  • Our love resembles an unwritten book with blank pages awaiting the stories of our days together. Each day with you marks a new chapter, and I’m eager to see where this narrative leads.
  • You’re akin to the secret ingredient that elevates an ordinary recipe into an extraordinary dish. Your love has transformed my world into something truly exceptional.

Long Paragraphs For Your Crush

Expressing your feelings to let your crush know how much you adore and respect them would not be stressful using these long and lovely paragraphs  for your crush.

  • Your little gestures make me smile. Your care for me makes me feel special. You constantly remind me how lucky I am to be loved so much by you. You are the spark to my bonfire heart and the reason I want to live. I keep going through hardships to fall for you. You are the reason for who I am today. I am deeply inspired and motivated by your presence in my life. I love you, and I want you to be mine forever.
  • Never in my life have I been so profoundly attached to anyone. You are my best friend, lover, partner-in-crime, and the most significant support of my life. Bringing you happiness is my sole motto. Being with you forever has been my life’s desire. I am elated even by the thought of spending my life with you. It would be an incredible journey together.
  • Time flies when I am with you. Your presence constantly reminds me of love and care. Your warmth brings me comfort and bliss. Knowing that you are by my side gives me contentment. It is a feeling that I have never experienced before. I feel complete and at peace.
  • My life took a 360° turn when I met you. My life has become better over time with you around. I am happier, motivated, driven, and constantly in the presence of love. Being with you lets me know I am always cared for and supported. Our relationship is a celebration of love, friendship, and companionship.
  • I love you, and I promise to be there for you the way you have been there for me. I am committed to ‘us,’ and I want to do all I can to keep the spark in our relationship alive. With you, I am constantly reminded of how excellent our relationship is and how much I am capable of loving someone . You are my universe.
  • You inspire me. You are my biggest motivator and an earnest critic. You push me to grow and encourage me to excel. I love you for the constant support you provide me. I am blessed to have someone like you who equally celebrates my successes and is there by my side when I am low. Life is less stressful and much happier in your presence. Falling in love with you has been the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • Love does not make the world go around, it makes the ride worthwhile. You make my life worthwhile. When you look at me, I feel I am in paradise. I feel the same gush of feelings that I felt when we first met. You keep the fire in our relationship going, and I feel loved every day when I am with you.
  • I cross my heart and promise to give you all that I have got to make your life as beautiful as mine is with your presence. You have added meaning to my existence.
  • I just wanted to let you know that you have been on my mind a lot recently. My heart skips a beat whenever I see your smile, hear your laugh, or simply the thought of you makes me smile. You’re beautiful, talented, and kind. You’re a perfect angel, without wings, and I love every part of you, faults and fabulous points alike.
  • I need to see you smile every morning—look into your beautiful eyes before I sleep in the night, hear your laughter all day, and share important moments of my life with you. With you is where I belong, and I want us to stay together till the very end.
  • Life is not about the number of breaths you take but about the moments that take your breaths away. Each moment spent with you is breathtaking, and I want every second of my life to be that way with you.
  • It is our imperfections that make us so perfect with each other. You are good for me in every way. My happily ever after starts with you. I would be with you through this bumpy ride called life—till death do us apart.
  • Thinking of you keeps me awake because my reality is better than my dreams. You are always on my mind, and I cannot think of a better person to spend my life with. You are my destiny.
  • I am vulnerable yet strong with you around. You make me nervous, and my heart melts with the thought of being with you. Around you, I am like that teenager who is putty and mushy with a gush of feelings.
  • I know what love is when I am with you. Even when we silently sit beside each other, gazing at the beautiful sky, I experience the calmness and joy inside. It is the sense of contentment and completeness that you bring to my life.
  • I believe that everything happens for a reason, and you were sent to my life to turn it around. Being with you has made me realize that I, too, could be loved. You make me worthy for more.
  • Your compassionate nature and your constant care for me have made me fall in love with you even more. You are the kindest soul I know, and I feel fortunate to be with you. You are my true and only asset.
  •  I draw my strength from you. You are my backbone and my faithful companion. Being with you is the best decision of my life, and I would do everything to keep you in my life.
  • You make my day brighter than the sunshine and lighter than the air. Your voice is music to my ears. In your presence, I am bewitched with your love. In your absence, I am swamped with the thoughts of being with you. You have enchanted my life by all means.
  • As a child, what I read in fairy tales is exactly what I have with you. Our bond makes me want to hold on to it forever. I want the world to see how great we are together. We are meant to be one.
  • Whenever I am low, just the thought of you elates me. You are the light towards the end of a dark tunnel, and my life has brightened with your light. I am thankful that you exist.
  • Everyone experiences that feeling which they want to hold on to forever. For me, that moment was when I realized you are made for me. It was when I knew in my heart that you are the one. I have held onto that feeling, and I reminisce it every day. I keep replaying that moment and fall in love with you even more.
  • I know that I could not love you more, yet I wake up loving you a little more each day. My feelings for you keep growing stronger, and every day I think of different ways to make you feel loved. All that is on my mind is to love you endlessly and immensely.
  • Seeing you hurt is the most difficult thing for me. I want to ensure that I am the reason you are happy and be your comfort partner when you have had a rough day.
  • If I were a poet, you would be the inspiration for my poems. If I were a writer, my stories would all be about you. If I were a singer, I would sing love songs only for you. All that I would do will always and only be for you.
  • Your wit blows me away. I laugh the hardest at your jokes. You are the perfect definition of fun. It is cute how being with you keeps me so happy and gleeful all the time. It makes me want to be with you even more. Your charisma has taken me for good.
  • Your presence in my life is an absolute blessing. It’s not just your external beauty that captivates me, but the radiance of your inner goodness that shines even brighter. Your genuine kindness and compassion for others are qualities that I deeply respect and aspire to embody.
  • In a world that can sometimes be overwhelming and suffocating, you are like a refreshing breeze, a comforting presence that brings serenity to my soul. I long for your companionship, eagerly anticipating more chances to create meaningful memories together.
  • Whenever we cross paths, my heart fills with happiness. Your existence sparks a vibrant vitality within me, and I’m sincerely thankful for the emotions you’ve stirred in my life. You are a remarkable and unique individual, and I feel incredibly lucky to have the honor of being acquainted with you.
  • There’s an undeniable magnetic pull between us, one that cannot be ignored. I’m excited about the possibilities it holds and eager to explore the path it may lead us on. I’m ready to embrace these opportunities and take a chance on what could become a beautiful journey together.
  • You are akin to an enduring work of art that continually captivates me. Every aspect of your existence holds my fascination, and I’m truly excited about the prospect of uncovering more about you. I hope you’ll grant me the privilege of deepening our connection and becoming a significant presence in your life.
  • If I could, I’d bottle up the way you make me feel and carry it with me everywhere so I could sprinkle a little bit of your magic on even the dullest of days.
  •  You’re akin to a treasure map I’ve stumbled upon, and as we journey together, we continue to unearth hidden gems of happiness and profound connection.
  • You’re not merely a star in my sky; you encompass the entire galaxy, and my world revolves around you. Each constellation represents the moments we’ve cherished together.
  • Our bond is akin to a timeless classic, a love story that transcends the constraints of time and space. Every moment we share feels like a precious relic from days gone by.
  • Our connection is like a secret code known solely to us. It’s a unique language born from our conversations, a language filled with laughter, shared dreams, and unspoken understanding.
  • Our connection resembles a bridge that unites two distinct worlds, and every time we meet, we strengthen the bond between them.
  • Our love, like a fine wine, continues to improve with time, and I eagerly look forward to relishing every moment we share as it matures into something even more exquisite.
  • Our bond feels akin to a hidden garden secluded from the outside world. I’m eager to explore its concealed corners and nurture the beautiful emotions and experiences it contains.
  • There’s an irresistible allure in your eyes that surpasses all else. They contain narratives, mysteries, and a myriad of emotions. When our gazes intersect, it’s like an unspoken dialogue between our souls, and in those instances, I feel a connection that transcends words. I could peer into your eyes indefinitely and still yearn for more.
  • Your intelligence is an extraordinary force. Your brilliant mind and your approach to tackling challenges and solving problems are both impressive and motivating. I’m truly in awe of your intellect, and I relish our conversations that not only stimulate my mind but also broaden my horizons.
  • Your confidence and grace in how you carry yourself are undeniably captivating. You possess a magnetic presence that naturally draws attention, yet you remain down-to-earth and approachable. I deeply admire your self-assured nature and your ability to inspire those around you. Witnessing your strength and poise is a privilege.
  • You’re like an extraordinary find in the vast desert of life—a unique, irreplaceable, and exceptionally beautiful discovery in every sense. You’ve etched an indelible mark on my heart, and I can’t help but contemplate the adventures we could embark on together, delving deeper into our connection.
  • I firmly believe that our meeting was not a matter of chance but a twist of fate. Our paths intersected for a purpose, and I eagerly anticipate uncovering the meaning behind our connection. You’ve brought joy, inspiration, and hope into my life, and I’m thrilled to see where our journey leads.
  • You are the main protagonist in the story of my life, the one who brings depth and meaning to every part. I often imagine our tale brimming with adventures, challenges, and a love that grows stronger with each new chapter.
  • Together, we form a harmonious symphony, where each note and melody signifies a shared moment. Our love story is the most melodious music my heart has ever encountered.
  • If given the opportunity, I’d freeze time during our shared moments to capture your essence – your captivating gaze, your heartwarming smile, and the fervor that ignites your eyes when you speak passionately. These instances are invaluable to me, and I yearn to safeguard them eternally.
  • Your love envelops me like a cozy, protective embrace. It’s a love I wish to nurture and safeguard, a love with the capacity to mend and fortify us both.
  • If I could pick a superpower, it would be the capacity to bring a smile to your face every day. Your happiness is my ultimate ambition, and I’d go to great lengths to witness that radiant grin on your countenance.
  • You are genuinely one-of-a-kind, and conveying the profoundness of my emotions for you is a difficult task. Your remarkable talent lies in transforming even the most ordinary moments into something enchanting and everlasting. Your presence is like a cozy, reassuring hug that I never wish to release. Just thinking of you naturally brings a smile to my face, and I eagerly anticipate the day when I can bring you the same happiness. Until then, I’ll remain here, patiently awaiting the opportunity to win your affection.
  • You’re like a stunning sunrise, illuminating the sky with hope and potential. Your presence has marked a new beginning in my life, filled with endless possibilities.
  • If it were possible, I’d pen heartfelt love notes to you daily, sharing the depth of my affection. But for the time being, understand that you’ve become the inspiration for my heart’s most profound emotions, and I eagerly anticipate crafting a wonderful love story where you are the central figure.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is writing a note to my crush a good idea?

Expressing your admiration, affection, and appreciation for your crush through a written note is not only adorable but might also result in something fruitful. You can send a sweet note saying how you feel about them. Ideally, keep your note short and don’t elaborate too much as it may have a negative impact or turn them off. Deliver this note personally and await their response.

2. How do I express my feelings to my crush over text?

Sometimes texting offers a safe space to express our heartfelt feelings. You can drop a hint about your ardor through a text or also send songs or quotes on love. You might also ask them out for coffee or a movie date, giving clues about how you like and adore them. But remember, using cheesy pickup lines can turn them off; hence be polite while texting your crush.

3. Is it okay to text my crush every day?

The rationale behind texting every day varies from person to person, but it is always a good practice to maintain some distance and give space. Not texting too often also has some advantages, such as they would miss you more and crave your presence. It can also help evaluate if they are the one for you. Therefore, don’t obsess over texting every day, as it can also come across as clingy or annoying.

Putting feelings for your crush into words could sometimes be an arduous task as you might not be able to find the right words or sentences. But with the help of these paragraphs for your crush, you can easily convey your feelings towards them and make them feel loved, and also help them realize that you care about them. We have included paragraphs of several genres so that you can find the one that you are looking for and dedicate it to the one that interests you.

Infographic: Lovely Paragraphs For Your Crush

lovely paragraphs for your crush (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Dr. Dorothee Ischler DMFT, LMFT, LP

Shikha Thakur

Shikha Thakur MBA

Akshay Nair

Akshay Nair MA

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Essay on First Crush

Students are often asked to write an essay on First Crush in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on First Crush

Understanding first crush.

A first crush is when you like someone for the very first time. It often happens when you’re young. You might feel shy or get butterflies in your stomach when you see this person. This feeling is normal and part of growing up.

Feelings and Emotions

Having a crush can make you feel excited and happy. You might think a lot about the person or want to be around them. Your heart may beat faster when you talk to them or you might blush.

Handling a Crush

It’s important to be respectful and kind to your crush. Remember, it’s okay if they don’t like you back. Crushes can change, and that’s part of life. Always stay true to yourself and your feelings.

250 Words Essay on First Crush

Understanding a first crush.

A first crush is a warm, fluttery feeling that often happens when you’re young. It’s when you like someone in a special way for the first time. You might feel shy or get butterflies in your stomach when you see them. This feeling is normal and part of growing up.

Signs of a Crush

Crushes are secret.

Many kids keep their crush a secret because they’re not sure how to express it or they’re afraid of being teased. It’s okay to keep it to yourself until you feel ready to share.

Learning from Crushes

Having a crush can teach you about your feelings and how to deal with them. You learn to like someone and appreciate them for who they are. It’s a step in understanding how to care for another person.

Crushes Pass

Most first crushes don’t last long. They fade away, and that’s all right. It’s part of learning and growing up. You’ll meet many people in your life, and each experience helps you understand more about yourself and others.

Remember, having a crush is a natural part of life. It’s sweet, sometimes confusing, but it helps you learn about your emotions. Enjoy the feeling, and know that it’s just one of many new experiences you’ll have as you grow up.

500 Words Essay on First Crush

What is a first crush.

A first crush is a warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you like someone for the very first time. It’s like having a new favorite flavor of ice cream; it excites you and makes you smile whenever you think about it. This feeling usually happens when you are young, maybe in school, and you find yourself thinking about a classmate or a friend in a special way.

Keeping a Secret

Many times, having a first crush is a secret you keep to yourself or share with a best friend. You might feel too shy to tell anyone else, especially the person you have a crush on. It’s like having a hidden treasure that makes you happy, but you’re not quite ready to share it with the world.

Learning from the Experience

Even though a crush might seem like a big deal, it’s also a chance to learn about yourself. You start to understand what you like in another person, such as their smile, the way they talk, or how kind they are to others. It’s a step in figuring out what kind of qualities you might want in a friend or even a partner when you’re older.

Handling Disappointment

After a while, you might find that your feelings for your first crush start to fade. You might meet new people and make new friends, and suddenly, the person you had a crush on doesn’t make your heart race anymore. This is normal, too. As you grow, your feelings will change, and that’s all part of learning about love and life.

The Joy of Memories

Even when the crush is over, you can look back on it with a smile. It’s a sweet memory of a time when you felt something special for someone else. It’s like a chapter in the story of your life that you can revisit and smile about, knowing it was just the beginning of many more chapters to come.

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essay for crush boy

58 Cute Paragraphs to Send to Your Crush


Love. It truly is a magical feeling when it’s shared. Slow down. It takes time and, yes, it usually begins with a crush. That can be scary because no one likes to feel rejected and crushes can work both ways. Or not. We’re here to help with lots of ideas on when and how to let your crush know your feelings are reaching a whole new intensity.

Finding the right words to say to your crush isn’t always easy. Where do you start? Even a simple “hi” can sometimes be awkward. How do you get the right message across once your feelings begin to escalate? Can you handle a bit of silence?

The fear of being rejected is a real stumbling block that makes you and your crush wary when the relationship starts to cross beyond the friendship zone.

(Do you know why being in love seems like a ride to a roller-coaster? Feeling warm yet afraid by just seeing your crush? Must be the work of the “ love hormone “ ! Read more about it here .)

Try not to over-think every spoken word. That’s a sure path to frustration. Just focus on how you two enjoy spending time together.

Still, when is the right time to express those feeling? Not now? When? You don’t always have to wait. Be creative. The sincerity of your feelings will show through and sometimes that’s all it takes.

Waiting for signs that the time is right? Look for these (1):

  • You make your crush happy . Does he or she seem happier when you’re together? Do you notice a glow or a smile?
  • Talking to one another becomes easier and easier. You connect easily day or late at night. He or she tells you it’s easy to communicate.
  • Is that crush of yours already in a relationship? Wait a while. It’s not yet the right time.

Those Three Little Words

Pick the perfect time and place to say “ I Love You .” Think about it twice. Three times. Those are precious words. Early stages of infatuation – of a crush – is the wrong time to say it. Saying it too early may result in a loss of sincerity. Of meaning.

“Even if you believe you are without doubt in love with a person, you might want to hold back for the meantime,” writes psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina, author of Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences . (2)

Here are some of the signs it’s a bit premature to be saying the three magic words:

  • You’ve only been dating for several months. Sociologist and a professor Pepper Schwarz at the University of Washington believes saying it before six months have passed can cast doubt on what’s ahead. The feelings between you may really still be infatuation, not yet love. (2)
  • You haven’t had sex together yet.
  • You really need know a great deal about your crush first. Spend lots of time together. “Profound love,” says Dr. Aaron Ben-Zeév, “needs time to develop. Saying ‘I love you’ after being together for just a relatively brief time doesn’t show you’re serious.” (3)
  • You or your partner can’t or aren’t willing to commit to a future together.

Expecting to hear those three little words back and not hearing them right away can be disappointing, even heart-breaking. Be willing to wait until your crush is ready to reciprocate. When that happens, you will be glad you waited. We have a term for that. That’s mutualism ! –where love is on a two-way street!

Get Creative

What to write to your crush? Find creative ways to express your feelings. The time and effort you put in creating something for your crush makes it truly special.

  • DIY messages. This simple DIY bookmark message (see Reference 4) is a helpful source of inspiration for turning your message for an amazing person into something useful while being catchy and unforgettable.
  • Create a poem or a song that is meant for him/her. Poetry can be a powerful tool to voice your innermost feelings. It often is written in the midst of powerful emotions, thus, incorporates deep emotions. (5)

Moving A Crush Into A Relationship

  • Convey your feelings for him or her as the right timing develops. Perhaps your crush feels the same way about you and you don’t know it yet.
  • Stay close physically to your crush whenever it’s appropriate. Be consistent.
  • Maintain eye contact. Don’t turn your gaze away.
  • Do something your crush really enjoys. But, don’t overdo it. Watch out for conveying a feeling of stalking or invading privacy.

We have lots of ideas for you below. Check them out.

 ‘I Love You’ Paragraphs For Your Crush

Love can seem like such simple word, but it‘s not at all. It reveals so many shades of feelings and emotions. Express it in a beautiful way when the time is right. Here are some sweet paragraphs to send to your crush. Get inspired!

  • One of the easiest ways to realize you are in love is by scrolling through love quotes. I have read through a thousand lists of cute things to say and quotes, but none of them perfectly describes exactly how I feel for you.
  • I love you so much that I would never hit the bed every night without reminiscing about you.
  • I know I say “I love you” all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe the way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much, you’re my everything, my entire heart, and the world.
  • If you ask me to express the depth of my feelings for you, I won’t be able to, because it’s not easier to explain to you how much I love you.
  • My life has never been perfect, but it has come closest to perfection during the moments that I am with you. It never ceases to amaze me that two parts who are far from perfect can create the most amazing thing just by being together. You are my everything.
  • Nobody has ever contributed such a great amount of bliss to my life as you have. With you and you only, I discover a true love I have never known. I find myself longing to spend every remaining moment on this earth with you. I can’t envision a single day where you are not by my side from here on out. I promise to love you to the end of time.
  • If I were an artist, I would paint for you the most beautiful painting on earth. If I were a musician, I would write you a really awesome love song. But I’m just a hopeless romantic who’s madly in love. So all I can say is that I feel blessed to be around you and I love you endlessly.
  • Life with you is an incredible journey that becomes more exciting with every single day. Your amazing personality and incredible beauty makes my soul burst with joy. My main life’s desire is to love you till my last breath.
  • You are a very special person for me. Your warm presence melts my heart, your sweet voice fills my soul with all the best feelings any person can have, and your dazzling smile is shining armor that conquers me every day. You make my life magnificent. I love you.

Long Paragraphs About Love To Send To Your Crush

You don’t need a special occasion to let your crush know how much you care about him/her. Send a long paragraph , a confession essay for crush, or even a propose letter for crush to describe your love. A long sweet message for crush will be appreciated.

  • No matter how many times we fight or argue, I always want to work it out. No one could ever take your place. You are amazing in every way and I don’t know what I would do or where I would be if I never met you. You understand me like no one else can and I can truly relate to you in every way. I mean it when I say that I am yours, and you are mine. I love you and will always fight for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with my amazing boyfriend.
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re my lover and my best friend and each day that goes by seems like I find something new to love about you. It’s amazing how one wonderful person can make such a huge difference in my life. You’ve given me so many reasons to smile. I’m a very lucky person to have you in my life. I’ve never been so happy with anyone or so in Love. I LOVE YOU. I promise to be there for you when you need me. I would do anything for you.
  • Never in my life have I felt more dedicated to anything. I pledge my life and my love to you and I promise to keep investing my time and energy into the wonderful relationship that we have together. Every day I learn something new about you and I am always reminded of how amazing you are. Together, we can have the greatest adventure of all time.
  • What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we only grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe or you.
  • When we first held hands, our souls became one. Seeing you is feeling everything is fine. My love, I share all my feelings with you. I know there are better girls than me, but I am sure you are the best boyfriend of all. I love you. Yours
  • Hey, beautiful:) I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been thinking about you all day and how much you mean to me. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. you’re cute funny smart nice, any guy would be lucky to have you. When I see you my heart skips a beat. I really like you, and I hope you will give me a chance and I promise to be there for you when you need me. I would do anything for you.
  • Every time I try, the words just never come out right. You are not only my crush but my best friend. I can tell you everything but why I can’t I telthat I found you. Ever since I met you, I never want to let you go. The attraction you and I share is one that is so intense and I never want to be separated from you.
  • I am a very lucky person because I have such an amazing guardian angel. You constantly remind me of how amazing this life can be. Your sheer presence makes me so happy. There are hundreds of beautiful words about love, but none of them can accurately describe those romantic feelings I have in my heart. I adore you. Sleep tight darling.
  • Thanks to you, I realized that all those childhood stories could come true. You have transformed my imperfect life and become the most significant support. I love you beyond words. Good night, the most amazing person in the world.
  • Being in love is like falling into a blissful sleep. It happens slowly, then very suddenly you find yourself asleep. You then find yourself never wanting to wake up again. Falling for you was just like that. I still don’t want to wake up and I hope I never have to. I hope with all my heart this is a reality. I hope you are not a dream, but that you are the girl of my dreams in real life. I hope you do not fade away, but that you stay with me forever.

Funny Things To Text Her; Make Her Smile

Be confident. Make her smile? Here are some funny and, yes, flirty, and cute paragraphs for your crush to make her smile.

  • Hey girl, tell me when you are free, I just wanted to renovate my home with your beautiful smile.
  • You are like my Princess Peach. If a giant turtle kidnapped you, I’m pretty sure I’d stomp on his head to get you back.
  • I was just wondering if you would like to hold this hand of mine while I go out for a walk? Actually, my hand really wants the company of yours.
  • If I were a chemist, I would be full of lithium, oxygen, vanadium, and europium. I’d also be dead, but at least I’d be in LOVE.
  • Come on lady, give me my heart back. How do you think I am going to live without it?
  • When I’m with you, every day feels like my birthday. So, what I’m trying to say is, where are all my presents?
  • Let me become your very own superhero. I will be your support, your hope, your lover, and your partner in crime. Even a million people around us won’t change this. I am yours forever.
  • Your flaws play nice with mine. I think that we could be more than just good friends. We could make a great couple. What do you think? Knock Knock! This is a sweet good night message for the most precious person in the world. You are a treasure that I will love and cherish all my life.

Wake Her Up With These Paragraphs

Jump-start her morning with one of our cute good morning paragraphs to wake your special person and get her attention. Let the good morning paragraph for crush be a sweet, thoughtful beginning of her day.

  • Even when you’re not around you know how to make me smile. Just now, I smiled! I could feel you opening up this message, tell you were thinking of me. The entire world got a little brighter, a bit warmer, and filled with even more love. Hope this message is making you smile the same way.
  • Except that day did not break then I won’t remember you—except that night did not come then your thoughts will not overshadow my heart. You are the light of passion I sense in my mind, I mean that pillar of joy that always live my face with a beautiful smile. I love you!
  • A smile can make a day complete. A hug can make a day better. So I’m sending my smiles and hugs your way. For you to have a complete and better day! Good morning!
  • Knock!!! Knock!!! May I come into your world? I bring no flowers, no cakes, but wishes to keep you fresh, prayers to keep you healthy, and love to keep you smiling … Good Morning.
  • This morning when I got up to make my coffee, I had to put in 5 scoops of sugar because I was missing your sweetness. And let me tell you, even that wasn’t enough. So, hurry up and come to me so I can taste the only sweetness I crave anymore, your lips
  • I thought there was no true love until that blessed day when you set your foot in my world; I began to realize how much it means to be in love with a true heart. I acknowledge your sacrifices just to make me happy—indeed you are wife material! I love you!
  • Being able to see your wonderful eyes and a dazzling smile every morning is the best feeling. You are unbelievably charming, and I have never been profoundly attached to anyone in my life. Maybe all these sounds too pompously, but I can’t help it. I am head over heels in love with you. Good morning sweetheart.
  • I am not good at writing romantic paragraphs. All I want to say is that I am deeply inspired by everything you do, and I want to spend all my waking moments with you.

Paragraphs That Say ‘Good Morning’ To Your Crush

Surprise her in the morning just as she wakes up. Here are some amazing good morning paragraphs to send to your crush:

  • Many beautiful things are waiting to welcome you to this new day. Wake up my beauty, wake up! Let this morning see your wonderful smile and energetic activities! Have a blessed morning.
  • I love you my dear angel the most beautiful girl that I have ever set my eyes upon. You are a powerful queen of beauty and that’s why my heart will always melt for your presence. You are so amazing my love—thank you for everything you have done in my life, I love you!
  • I never was a morning person before I met you. I still have trouble waking up, but as soon as I remember that you’re out there waiting for me, it’s easy to get out of bed. Unless, of course, you’re there beside me. Then it’s harder than ever before to climb out.
  • You have a cute yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hands. All that remains is a good morning message from me. Have a great morning!
  • I wish I can express the depth of my love for you in words but unfortunately, no single adjective can describe it. My heart, I have dedicated to you so that passion will flow in your heart like an electron—none stop movement. Just want to say I love you! Good morning baby.
  • Good morning love. I want you to know that you can always get ahold of me. Just call me and I’ll come running. I’ll do whatever I can to help you succeed. I know that you have everything you need within you, I know that you deserve all the success in the world. So, get up and face the day!
  • There are so many love stories in the world, but ours is my favorite. Good morning sweetheart.
  • I love you because you inspire me every day, I love you because you treat others with kindness and respect, I love you because we are such good friends, I love you because you fill my heart with a wonderful feeling – admiration.

essay for crush boy

Short Letters To Send To Your Crush

Forget we are in the age of electronics. Take a step back and actually handwrite a letter. Check out our set of short sweet letters to your crush and start writing.

  • Dear crush, You know but not that well. I hope you will ask me out soon but you need to know who I am I will tell you one thing I am a Marnier. You are the nicest boy in the grade and you are really cute. I hope that this letter will brighten your day. I love you! Love, Someone who loves you
  • I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much I love you. I love you so much that you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a beat. There are so many ways for me to express my love and I plan on showing you just how much love I have for you for the rest of my life. I hope that my actions let you know the extent of my affection, adoration, and commitment to you.
  • Hi Love, Knowing you are with me makes my life a dream come true. Remembering our first kiss is remembering since when my heart beats fl you how I feel? I wish I could hold your hand. I wish when you hug me that you will never let go. I wish you told me how you feel… I wish I knew how to be brave and tell you. I know you see it, everyone can. But why can’t everything work as planned? Sincerely, A.F.
  • My dear, your love has changed my worldview. Thanks to you, I became more sensitive, kinder, and more attentive to myself and the people around me. You breathed life into me and taught me to enjoy every moment. You are the last person I would want to hurt. I hope our idyll lasts a lifetime. If there is even a tad bit of change in it, my days will become gray and dreary. I love you infinitely.

Sweet Love Paragraphs For Your Crush

Your crush will be thrilled to receive some cute love paragraphs for crush showing how much you care.

  • Every other guy will have to be a loser because I am so much satisfied with your company. I have never experienced a relationship as sweet and beautiful as the one I am in with you. You belong to me forever and I will always cherish you, my dear angel. I love you!
  • Every smile that leaves your lips is like the world’s most brilliant sunrise. It sets the clouds aflame and brightens the entire day. For me, you are the sun, moon, and stars. Each breath that I take is because of you and in anticipation of seeing you again.
  • There’s just something about your presence that makes me feel so at ease. I don’t know what it is exactly. But just talking to you and being around you is enough to make any bad day better. Your radiant smile and your infectious laugh make me feel so lighthearted that I can’t help but feel uplifted. I can only hope to do the same for you one day.
  • Each morning when I wake up, I begin counting down the minutes until nighttime. I spend my entire day waiting patiently for the moment when I can wrap my arms around you again. From a comfortable position at your side, the entire world looks better. All I want is to be held and to hold you again.
  • I used to believe that there is nothing called true love until I met you and my thinking changed; in the deepest part of my heart, I felt it that there can never be a person like you again. I acknowledge your great attitude and your standard character. I love you, my dear love.
  • Has anyone told you lately about how wonderful you are? Has anyone noticed just how great it is to be around you? Has anyone mentioned how you make it so much easier to smile and laugh all the time? Has anyone informed you about that beautiful face that complements your beautiful mind? No one yet? Well then let me be the first.
  • I’ve been struggling with an uneasy feeling for a long time now, and I think it’s time I opened my heart to you. I fell in love with you at first sight, and my soul is forever devoted to you.

Make Him Smile With Sweet Thoughts Like These

Are you far away from him? Saying sweet things like these sweet paragraphs to send to your crush will bring you closer together.

  • I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eye-poppingly, life-changingly, spectacularly, passionately, deliciously in love with you.
  • If I only had one wish left, I want it to be YOU for the rest of my life. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are like sugar in my coffee, icing on my cake, and an apple to my pie. We are always the best combination.
  • There is no better music than your voice, no better book than your text messages and no better taste than your sweet kisses
  • Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me.
  • It does not matter how many times I see you, talk to you or hear your voice. Every time you enter my field of vision, butterflies start to do cartwheels in my stomach.
  • You are the sweetest guy I’ve ever known in my whole life. Even if you are tired from work, you always make time for me. I appreciate all the things that you have done for me. I promise to love you and to give you my best always.
  • I miss being around you. I haven’t seen you in days, but it already feels like months, like years, like decades.
  • I fall asleep with thoughts of you and wake up with your image in my heart. You are the most amazing man in the world! I love you.

Write Goodnight Paragraphs To Your Crush

Are you looking for good night paragraphs to send to your crush? Here are some ideas for sending a “goodnight” message with the perfect touch.

  •  Each night, I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Just the thought of seeing you again tomorrow makes me happy. Good night, gorgeous.
  • The twinkling of the stars is a temporary beauty that disappears each morning as the sunrise. In this world, the only thing permanent is my heart which beats permanently for you.
  • The thought of you was the only thought I had all through the day. I guess I’ve done well. And although it’s past bedtime, I just couldn’t close my eyes without saying “goodnight” to the one I love.
  • I’m going to keep loving you. That’s one promise I’ve made to myself. And my greatest wish is that you someday get to love me just as much. Have a good night lovely. Never in my life have I felt so alone. Without your warmth brightening each second of my life, I feel so lonely in the dark. Every second that we apart find me thinking of you dearly. Good night.
  • While looking at this blissful night with romantic moonlight and a cool breeze with glitters of stars up in the sky. I can only wish that you would have been with me. Good Night. I love you so much, babe.
  • I hope you enjoy a good night’s sleep, and that tomorrow is full of opportunities. Sweet dreams darling.
  • Here’s just one message for you. As you close your eyes tonight, know that you’re loved more than you could ever imagine. Sweet dreams.

How Much Do You Love Him/Her? Say It Like This

If you are wondering if there is a message to my crush about my feelings, then the answer is very simple – yes. Here are some cute things to say to your crush in a text message paragraph.

  •  I miss being around you. I haven’t seen you in days, but it already feels like months, like years, like decades. Being with you makes time fly, but being away from you seems to slow the world down. It’s like every moment you’re away is a countdown to when I’ll get to see you again. I wish you were here, but you’re not. You’re way over there. And “there” has no idea how lucky it is to have you.
  • It’s amazing the love and care you give me on a daily basis it’s unequaled I think I am safer with you, that’s why I am giving all myself to you, because my life is perfect with you, you are a bumper package, and I promise to love you and give you all you need, may God bless you continually for me, because you really deserve much more than I can give you. I love you so much.
  • There is no day that breaks that I do not love you more than I used to do. No matter the situation at hand, it is all the same to me. I can never be comfortable without you, so why should I stop loving you? You are the most handsome man I have ever met in life.
  • Before I met you, I never truly believed in love at first sight. I thought that Hollywood and little girls created this idea of instantaneous love as a beautiful, made-up story. From the second my eyes connected with yours, I realized that love, at first sight, was more than a trope from B movies. That moment changed my life and everything that I hoped for.
  • When I heard my first love story, I immediately started looking for the other half that would complete my own love story. I had no idea how blind that was. It was only later that I realized that you can’t just magically find that one person who completes the story. What you find is a person, and what happens next is you build a relationship that culminates in a romance. So I guess I’ve just accomplished the first part, and I can’t wait to complete the second part.
  • There is no feeling I love most than the one that comes when we are together watching the moon and the stars together I know I am in love with you. I am so much interested in you better than any way you can think about it. You are my river of love and passion and I will always love to swim in you. I love you, my superstar.

Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush With Emojis

Texting is a wonderful way to flirt. A cute copy and paste paragraph for crush with emojis is a nice alternative to love poems . Your crush will enjoy the back and forth. These emojis with their meanings can be a useful guide if you decide to add emojis to cute notes to give to your crush.

Emoji Name Meaning
Smiling Face with Hearts/In Love Face Expresses a range of happy feelings, especially being in love; conveys feeling good or special while not being too forward or intimate
Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Conveys enthusiastic feelings of love, infatuation, and adoration, e.g., I love/am in love with this person or thing
Face Blowing a Kiss Used to send a goodbye or good night kiss; conveys general feelings of love and affection
Kissing Face with Closed Eyes Conveys sentiments of romantic love and affection
Kiss Mark Used to send a kiss
Love Letter A love note or a love message
Red Heart Expression of love
Smiling Cat with Heart-Eyes Represents extreme love of something said or seen; conveys the feeling of attraction
Heart with Ribbon Conveys an act of offering your heart or love
Winking Face Conveys “a joke, flirtation, hidden meaning, or general positivity”


  • Shivani Dixit. (2018, February 15). What Are The Signs That You Should Propose To Your Crush . Lifealth.
  • Donaldson-Evans, C. (2017, June 29). 5 Signs It’s Too Soon to Say “I Love You.” Sheknows LLC. (2019, August 5). When to say I love you? 15 things you need to know first. Hack Spirit.
  • When to say I love you? 15 things you need to know first .  (2019, August 5).  Hack Spirit.
  • Corin Balkovek. (2018, November 23). 25 Unique (But Still Easy!) DIY Gifts For Book Lovers | Book Riot . BOOK RIOT.
  • The Secret to Writing Transformative Poetry . (2016). Psychology Today.
  • ‌4 Ways You Can Turn a Crush Into a Relationship . (2016). Psychology Today.

Cute Paragraphs for your Crush Images

essay for crush boy

Last Updated on March 27, 2023

16 Heartfelt Love Letters for Your Boyfriend to Make Him Melt

Tell him how you feel with the perfect words and in the perfect way.

Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

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Guys love receiving love letters just as much as anyone, but getting all those emotions you feel in a love letter for him can be a little tricky. Don't worry about finding the perfect words, though. We've got you covered with some great examples of love letters for boyfriends to help inspire you.

Writing a love letter is a great way to express all your feelings and show him just how much you truly care. There's just something about a real letter that becomes an instant keepsake - a memento he can look at weeks, months, or even years later. Whether you miss him, it's a special occasion, or you just want to share your feelings, find some inspiration to put your love into words.

Romantic Love Letter for a Boyfriend

If you wonder just how much I love you, wonder no more. You are the sun in my sky, the river that runs through my soul, and the very air I breathe. Before I met you, I didn't believe it was possible to love someone so deeply and completely, but you have given me faith that true love really does exist because I share it with you.

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"I Miss You" Love Letter for Him

I know you haven't been gone that long, but I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you already. It's silent here without you, even when life is busy and noisy. Without you to talk to and laugh with, everything feels just a little too quiet.

I miss being able to look into your eyes and touch your cheek. It's a little thing, but that touch really is such a big deal to me.

I'm counting down the days until I can touch you and see you again. In the meantime, please know I love you and am thinking of you all the time.

Deep Love Letter That Will Make Him Cry

I just want to write you a quick letter about this moment we're sharing right now in our lives. Everything moves quickly. Time never stands still, and I know how fleeting every second is. The thing is, there's just no one I'd rather be with as this world keeps turning and turning.

It's you I think of when I wake up in the morning - sometimes something specific you said that was funny or sweet, sometimes just your wonderful face. You make it easy to start every day because I know I'll be able to talk to you and laugh with you.

And as I go through my day, it's you I want to tell about the best moments and the worst. Sharing everything with you makes it all better. You bring me comfort in the hard things and increase my joy when everything is great.

At night, as I drift off to sleep, it's your love that keeps me warm. I feel safe just thinking about you, and the darkness, rather than being scary, holds me like your arms.

With every day that passes, I love you more. And as the seconds fly by, I know I'm using them well being with you. Some day, when the end of my life comes, I will know it was well spent because I got to spend it with you. Whether this love lasts a lifetime or not, every moment I get to share with you is one I will treasure for all of my days.

Love Letter About How Much You Appreciate Him

I know I tell you all the time how much I love you, but I'm not sure you understand how grateful I am for your love. Thank you for all the practical things you do (like cooking dinner when I'm tired or rubbing my shoulders after a long day). Thank you for the way you are with people, for being patient and showing such kindness and humor.

But thank you most of all for loving me. No one has ever really seen me the way you do, and I feel so accepted and cherished. I appreciate the million little ways you make my life so much better than it was before we met.

Cute Letter to Say 'I Love You' to Your Boyfriend

I used to laugh at all the rom-coms where two people perfectly fit each other and fall madly in love - but now I'm not so much of a skeptic. When we met, I think my heart literally skipped a beat, and it's never gotten quite back on track since. You're the one who holds not just my hand, but holds my heart, and makes me feel like the most incredible person in the world.

If I had to sum up our relationship in one word, I don't think I could do it. It's the fairy tale, the magic, and the romance all wrapped into a very real package with the person who isn't afraid to see me at my worst. You're smart, sweet, and everything I could want in a boyfriend - plus you're pretty cute too.

Short 'Just Because' Love Letter

You were already on my mind when I woke up this morning. Funny how I just can't stop thinking about you. Six months ago we hadn't even met, and now you are the most important person in my life. So, I just wanted to say I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.

  • Sweet & Cute Love Note Examples to Express Your Feelings

Reasons Why I Love You Letter

You always ask me why I love you, so I decided to write it all down so you can keep it and read it whenever you feel the need.

I love your sense of humor. It's one of the first things I noticed about you. You have a way of putting people at ease with a simple joke, and you always include everyone in the fun instead of using your humor to put someone down.

I love your optimistic nature. You always try to see the good in every person and situation, even when I can't see it myself. When I look at the world through your eyes, it's a better place.

I love the way you look. You're so handsome, but you don't seem to realize how good looking you are. I see the way other people look at you, and I know they envy me for being with you. I'd love you even if you weren't so darn handsome, but I'm glad you are.

I love your gentle hands. You're such a strong man, but you have such a soft touch. When you take my hand in yours, I feel safe and cared for. I can't tell you how wonderful that is.

I love your generous soul. Whenever someone's in need, you're the first person to lend a hand. Some people might think you're a little too generous and easily taken advantage of, but I know better. You just can't resist helping because you understand how easily you could find yourself in the same situation.

I love the way you kiss me. Your lips perfectly fit with mine. I love those quick kisses you shower me with throughout the day, and I love your deep, lingering kisses even more. They make my toes curl, and I shiver with delight.

Most importantly, I love the way you complete me. You are the soulmate I thought I'd never find. You cheer me up when I'm down and help me find balance when my world is out of control. You make me want to do the same for you.

When I think about all the reasons I love you, I begin to wonder why someone as special as you, loves me. Maybe someday you'll write a letter for me.

Letter Remembering the Night We Met

I can remember the day we met like it was yesterday. We were at that party. I was having a drink and talking with a few friends when I randomly looked around the room. My eyes stopped on you, and my heart felt a rush. You happened to look over at the same moment and smiled at me. The minute I saw your smile, I knew I had to get to know you.

I went back to talking to my friends and trying not to let my excitement show, but my heart was beating so hard I found it difficult to hear the conversation. One of my friends asked me if I was all right because my face looked flushed. I turned my head, so you couldn't read my lips, and I told her, "I think I just fell in love with that gorgeous guy over by the window." Of course, she had to take a look, and I grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the kitchen with me because it was so obvious I was talking about you.

You walked into the kitchen a couple minutes later to add some ice to your glass, and there I was, wishing I could think of something witty to say. When it became obvious I was completely at a loss for words, you broke the ice by saying hi and flashing another one of those brilliant smiles. I managed to say hi back to you, and that was the beginning of a lovely conversation that has been going on for a little over a year now. To think, it all started with your smile.

Sweet Love Letter to My True Love

Some people say there's no such thing as true love, but I know they're wrong. I have proof, after all. I've met you.

All it takes is one look at you for me to know that true love exists and that I'm so lucky to have found it. I'll adore you forever, and I'll never stop feeling grateful that I found the one you in this great big world.

Creative Love Letter to a First Boyfriend

I always dreamed of having a boyfriend, and I used to ponder what he'd be like. I imagined he'd be handsome and funny, and he'd be a great person too. Now you're here, and all my dreams have become a reality. It's so wonderful to have someone special to share everything with. You laugh at my dorky jokes, and we love listening to the same music.

I feel like I can tell you anything, and you understand exactly where I'm coming from. I've never been so happy, and it's all because of you. I hope you feel the same, and I promise I'll try to be the best partner you'll ever have.

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Heartfelt Love Letter for a Relationship Anniversary

It was two years ago tonight that you first told me you loved me and asked me to be your one and only. You changed my life that evening and put us on a path that has brought us such joy.

When I look at you today, I realize my love for you grows deeper, richer, and more satisfying as time goes by. Whenever something good happens, you're the first person I want to tell. When something bad happens, I know that I can count on you to take me in your arms and tell me everything will be all right.

I'm the luckiest woman in the world because I can truly say that I'm in love with my best friend. There's not another man in the world that can hold a candle to you, and I just wanted let you know that I love you more than even the most heartfelt words can express.

With love from the one who adores you.

Love Letter for a Boyfriend When You're in a Long Distance Relationship

Being apart from you is more difficult than I ever imagined. I see reminders of you everywhere I look, and they make me ache to be near you again.

I love you with all my heart. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I love you even more in the moments when we are apart . Tonight as I write this letter, it's like you are right here with me. I feel your hand on my shoulder, your fingers in my hair, and the soft breath of your kiss on my cheek. I miss you so much. Come home soon.

Birthday Love Note to Him

Today is your birthday, and I just wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I love you. Just being with you has made all my dreams come true, and I want to do everything I can to make you feel that way too.

You deserve to be treasured for being the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful boyfriend anyone could ask for, and believe me, I do treasure you. I hope we will celebrate your birthday together each year for the rest of our lives. Happy Birthday from your sweetheart.

Apology Love Letter to Send After a Fight

I realize that I overreacted last night, and I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. The truth is, I can't picture my life without you. When you walk into the room, my heart beats a little faster.

When I hear your voice, I melt a little inside. And when I see your sweet face, I know that you are my one true love. When you take me in your arms, it feels like coming home to the only place I belong. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you tonight.

Love Letter for Your First Christmas Together

I'm so excited we're about to spend our first Christmas together. This has always been my favorite holiday, but it will be even more special this year because we'll share it together.

I cannot wait to sit by the tree with you on Christmas Eve, share a little wine, watch the lights twinkle, and open our gifts to each other. We can visit friends and family Christmas Day, but let's make Christmas Eve our own private celebration.

Love Note to a Boyfriend in the Military

I hope this letter finds you safe and sound. I know you've only been deployed for a few weeks, but it already feels like an eternity. I miss the sound of your voice and being able to look at you and share a smile. I still haven't washed the shirt you left at my place because it smells like you. I like to put it on and imagine your arms are wrapped around me. You're the first thing I think of when I wake in the morning, the last thing I think of each night, and you're always in my dreams.

Even though I worry, I hope you know how proud I am of you and the sacrifice you're making for our country. You're the strongest, bravest person I know, and those are just a few reasons why I love you. I'll tell you the rest when you come home. Until then, stay safe my love.

There are lots of great ways to give him a love letter. You can send it through the mail, tuck it into his suitcase when he leaves on a trip, or leave it someplace where he'll find it in his everyday life.

How to Write a Love Letter to Your Boyfreind

When you're trying to figure out how to write a letter to someone you love, you may find that mere words don't express how you truly feel. It's totally normal to get frustrated or worry your sweet love letter for him sounds sappy and not at all like what you wanted to convey.

If you're not well-versed in the art of writing, you may feel as though your writing doesn't sound quite right. Here is the truth: when it comes from the heart, a love letter is always a romantic gesture.

Prepare to Write

You don't need a strict outline, but at least compose a list of the things you want to make sure to mention within the letter. What are the things you want to say to your loved one? Think about the main reason you're writing the letter. Is it to simply convey your love, or are you celebrating something specific like an anniversary or milestone in your relationship? Is your loved one having a difficult time at work and can use an emotional boost?

Whether you're writing a short love letter for your boyfriend or a long, epic message, keep your motivation in mind when you make your preparatory list of the things you want to mention.

  • 30 Love Letter Prompts for a Note They'll Treasure Forever

Start Writing

Compose a first draft where you just pour out all you emotions onto the paper (or screen), keeping your notes in mind. Don't worry initially about grammar, spelling, or even how the letter sounds.

After you're finished writing, walk away from it for an hour or so - a day is great, if possible. This allows you to review it with a clear perspective and see if it's along the lines of what you want to present.

Review the Letter

Read the letter out loud to yourself to hear how it really sounds. If you said these things to your loved one face-to-face, would they make sense and do they really express your feelings? Tweak anything that doesn't sound right and clean up the grammar and spelling.

End a Love Letter the Right Way

Knowing how to end a love letter can be a little tricky, but don't stress. Just sign your name or use a special nickname he likes to call you. The personal touch will make your letter even sweeter.

Present the Letter

Write or print the final draft of the letter on attractive paper with romantic font or handwriting. Making it a handwritten letter can make the letter feel even more personal and special. Hand deliver it or leave it somewhere it will be found.

Speak From Your Heart

As you can see from these samples, writing a love letter can be as simple or dramatic as you want it to be. You can even add personal touches like enclosing a photo of the two of you or misting the letter with a little of your perfume.

Whether you're writing a short love letter to your boyfriend or a longer message about the depth of your love, the truly important thing is to say what's in your heart - and say it in your own words so they ring true when your boyfriend reads them. If you get it right and your passion shines through, you just might receive a love note from him in return where he says how he feels about you.

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40+ long paragraphs for your crush to express your feelings

Having to interact with a crush is uncharted territory because you never know what to expect. Somehow, people tend to imagine the worst when it comes to their crushes, and as a result, they end up not communicating their true intentions. In reality, a crush is also human, and there is a chance that they also feel the same about you, but you won't know it without trying. To avoid being lonely and miserable for the rest of your life, you ought to develop a propensity for composing long paragraphs for your crush just to let them know what you feel.

long paragraphs for your crush

Since your crush is not a fortune teller to know your thoughts or even your future, you have no option but to up your game and make your case. Any wise person will tell you that you lose nothing by writing a paragraph for a girl you like.

essay for crush boy

50+ nice things to comment on your friend's post to hype them up

On the contrary, you may end up losing someone who would have been your life partner if you don’t give it a try. You may not believe it, but having a mastery of paragraphs to send to your crush may come in handy.

Long paragraphs for your crush

You probably think about them all the time, so there is no reason as to why you should not send cute letters to your crush to sweep her off her feet. If they mean the world to you, you have to find a way to let them know you cannot live without them.

Sweet paragraph for your crush

Failing to text your crush is like preparing for a life full of misery, disappointments and regrets. Try to draw a line between genuine interest and desperate psychopathy. Use these examples to write a sweet paragraph for your crush:

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130+ best flirty comments for your crush's pics on Instagram

  • I long to find security in your embrace. It is my desire to be lost in the comfort of your gaze. From the moment I set my eyes on you, my world has been revolving around you. I'd wish to explore the wonders of this world with none other than my special one.
  • Before meeting you, I had a feeling that my life was never complete. But, the day I met you, it became clear that the emptiness that haunted me for so long began to fill up. Now that I have you, I don't know how to stop losing myself in arousing thoughts of you. With you, I would spend an eternity and more.
  • My love for you is so immense that I cannot go to bed every night without reminiscing about you. While I have always thought that the best love quotes in the world can genuinely describe a person's feelings, I am yet to find one that can accurately describe what I feel for you. I believe that we are soul mates and will do anything in my power to prove how much I love you.
  • Even though the world is filled with billions of people, there is none whose face I want to see as much as yours. It must have been fate that brought me the most fantastic person out of all the people in the world. I feel that you are the only one I could ever love this much and cherish for an eternity.
  • Even though "I love you" are the three words I use most to describe what I feel about you, they are not near enough to express my true feelings. When I am in your presence, my hands shake, and my tummy flips for no reason. I have never been so in love before, and I do not think I can love another person this much. You are everything I will ever need, and for that, I love you to the moon and back.
  • There is something about you that makes my body come to life. There are no words for expressing how it makes me feel, but it is a feeling that puts me on top of the world. Having you in my life has opened up great things, which is why I look forward to every day with you.
  • There is something special about you that gives me great calmness. I may not know what it is, but being around you is all I need to improve on a bad day. The radiant smile on your face and infectious laugh uplift my soul and warm it with affection. I will make it my life mission to give you the same feeling.
  • Whenever I fall asleep, I dream that you are by my side. No words can describe the depression and loneliness I experience when I wake up to the realisation that I am only cuddling a pillow and not you. My wish is that a day will come when you feel the same way about me.

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long paragraphs for your crush

  • I don't know how to explain what is happening, but I can tell that it is the best feeling a person can have. I lack the words to say to you that things seem to happen so fast when I am around you. Sometimes I get confused and puzzled in your presence, but there is no doubt that you spice up my life.
  • I want to wish you a great day, and the day after, and the next! I know things may be rough at times, but it is you if anyone can find a way through them. I believe in you and the enormous talent you possess. You are my pillar and my inspiration. If you ever need anything or someone to talk I hope I will be the first person in your thoughts.
  • If I were asked to define the depth of my feelings towards you, I wouldn't be able to because it is easier to show than say it. However, no one has ever made my life more perfect like you do when I am around you. I am amazed that you have made me complete, and I realise that you are my everything.
  • Every time we spend time together, I feel excited, as if it is the first time I am meeting you. Having you around is like being with a magic wand that brings light and happiness into my life. So it's no wonder I always look forward to spending more time with you.
  • Knowing that I am the reason you fall asleep while holding your phone makes me feel that my life is beyond perfect. It makes me feel like I am on top of the world just by being the first person you talk to when you wake up in the morning. Still, I am intimidated by your beautiful face to the point I often forget what to say when I stare into your eyes .
  • We may not get to see each other as often as we wish, but that has never stopped me from thinking about you all the time. Whenever I am in a bad mood or feeling low, I think of the times we share, and suddenly, my mood lightens up. You are like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy, cloudy day.
  • There is no other person capable of contributing so much bliss in my life as you have done. You have managed to redefine the meaning of love in my world by making it more colourful. I can now say that I have discovered true love. I want to spend every second of my life with you.

essay for crush boy

50+ sweet paragraphs to send to your best friend today 2021

Cute love paragraphs for your crush to make her cry

You may not control how you feel towards your crush, but you are responsible for what you say to them. It is an opportunity for you to reveal the best of yourself, which cannot be achieved with empty words. They may be goodnight paragraphs to your crush or those of memorable moments.

  • I hope I can be the reason you see the need to allow someone to prove how much he feels for you. But, all I desire is for you to be the reason I will never give another person the opportunity to reveal how deep they feel for me.
  • Sometimes I can't help but search in agony and wish that you were by my side, and then I remember that you are always on my mind. When I want to see your beautiful face, all I have to do is close my eyes. Every time I wake up with a smile, you fill my dreams with so much happiness.
  • I had lost all hope of love until you came into my life and gave me the wonderful feeling of being in love again. If I had to provide you with a star for every moment I think about you; then I will end up giving you the entire sky. You are a blessing that has changed my life for the better, and for that, I shall love you with my last breath.
  • Just a thought of you is enough blessing to get me going throughout the whole day. Whenever I pray, I thank God for gifting me with such a treasure as your smile. I don't know what I ever did to deserve such a fantastic human, and I promise to give you the best life I can.
  • Out of all the fantastic things that can ever happen to a person, spending memorable moments with you remains the best for me. You will forever be the number one thing in my life, and I won't ever do anything to jeopardise that.
  • My feelings for you are so natural that it was effortless for my heart to connect with yours. Every moment I spend with you continues adding to the beautiful catalogue of great memories we have made together. May we grow old to the fondness of our beautiful memories together.
  • If I were asked to choose repeatedly, I would prefer you each time because the happiness you have given me compares to nothing on this earth. There is no other person who is perfect for me as you are. So I thank God for choosing us to walk on the same path.
  • You may not have a crown over your head, but you are the queen of my world. The thought of you is magical as it makes me swim in an ocean of imagination. Yet I do not doubt that everything I ever wanted is within you, my love.
  • I used to think that love is a process that takes time until I met you and realised that love at first sight exists. The moment I set my eyes on you permanently stamped a picture of your beautiful face on my heart. You have changed the way I view life and make me positive in whatever I do.

essay for crush boy

50+ long texts to send your boyfriend to make him feel special

long paragraphs for your crush

  • Every time I think of you, I make a wish that I may be able to hold you in my arms and shower you with affectionate kisses. I know that the tingling in my heart is here to stay for as long as you occupy it. I will go to great lengths to ensure that you remain cherished.
  • I want to do fantastic things with you, such as climbing on top of the tallest mountain in the world and shout until our lungs hurt. I want to hold your hands in mine as we grow old together and overcome all challenges that we may face.
  • I won’t let go of the peace and happiness you have brought into my life for anything in the world. Before, my life was dull, but you came into it with beautiful colours that have spiced it up. So I dedicate my entire existence to making you happy because you deserve it.
  • There is a lot to say, but I may never finish if I start saying it, so I will let it stay in my mind and heart. All you need to know is that life has been so purposive ever since I met you.
  • Life is beautiful when a person gets the things he loves, but it is even more beautiful when he finds the joy he desires in someone else. You are the light that has ignited a spark in my life with your charming smile. I want to spend the rest of my days basking in your warm company.
  • If you could listen to my heart, you would know that my life would be nothing without you in it. Thinking about you gets me going through challenging days. I go to bed each night with the joy of waking up to the face of an angel the next day.

essay for crush boy

50+ powerful quotes that hit hard because they are deep and true

Creative paragraphs to send to your crush

If you open up and confess your feelings, you will be surprised to see the crush loving you for who you are. Writing paragraphs to send to your crush to wake up to will cheer her the whole day. If you don't have the time to sit down and compose creative paragraphs for your crush, you should not worry as you can use the suggestions below:

  • Having to think about you every so often has made me wonder whether anything is real at all or not. You are like a drug that I am addicted to, and I would die if I ever withdraw from it. But, on the other hand, if there is a reality you don't exist, I will find it difficult to survive.
  • I am not the best when it comes to revealing my feelings and putting them in words, but the thought of losing you leaves me with no option but to say that I care about you. We have been the best of friends , but my feelings cannot allow me to be just friends with you. Are you willing to take our relationship to the next level?
  • Your mere warm presence around me can melt away all my fears, anxieties and worries. It is truly a great blessing to have you as part of my life. Each moment I am with you is a memory worth cherishing for an eternity.
  • My feelings have carried a heavy burden for quite a while, and now it is high time I came clean. The truth of the matter is that I love you! I have felt this way from the very first day we became friends. I hope you can agree that we are soul mates, but if not, I am cool with that.
  • We have been best friends for quite some time, and I find myself drawn to you. It is not something that I planned, but it just happened, and I don't know how to best put it into words other than saying I love you. I feel that we have a connection more than just friendship.
  • You are more myself than I am. Whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. My most outstanding achievement is to be able to live in you. If everything in the world perished and only you remained, then I will continue to be.
  • I may not be unique, and I may not have led a remarkable life. I don't have any monuments dedicated to me, and my name will soon be forgotten. The one thing in which I can say that I have succeeded gloriously as any other great man to walk the earth is to love another person with all my heart and soul. That person is you.

essay for crush boy

How to make a girl laugh over text: 100+ funny things to say to a girl

long paragraphs for your crush

  • If love were a single grain of sand, mine for you would be a universe of beaches. I have learnt to appreciate the simple things in life because of you. The moment I first saw you, I prayed for you to glance in my direction.
  • From the first time I saw you, I haven't known a moment where seeing you did not send my heart racing. I am yet to see a night in which your visage does not accompany me to sleep. There hasn't been dawn in which your image did not flutter behind my waking eyelids.
  • The thing about you is that you always make me feel so alive. What's more, something unique about you makes me grin like an idiot whenever I remember you. I can feel something changing in me as I spend more time with you. You've made me happy as I have never felt in a very long time.
  • The thing with love is that it is like a temporary madness. Without warning, it erupts like an active volcano before subsiding. I believe our hearts are intertwined and will never be separated by any volcano.
  • You have eliminated all my doubts about love. I love you, and I believe in us ultimately. You are my dear and my only reason to continue living.
  • Life is not governed by will or intention, but your love for me has granted me those two things to persevere through life. I fancy your strong character and promise to love you for as long as my heart beats.

essay for crush boy

120+ deep love messages for him to make him feel adored

How you communicate is what will ultimately determine whether the long paragraphs for your crush will be effective. Sometimes one may think that a message is romantic, but to another person, it may appear rude, creepy, stupid or even uncomfortable and won't bring any desirable results. So don't be too excited because no one wants a desperate person. Remember, the best paragraphs for your crush to make him cry are those he can relate to. published a post about inspiring WhatsApp status to uplift your lives. The most inspiring WhatsApp status about life gets you on high energy to perform better.

These words come in different forms, thus speaking a language you can understand when in need. They motivate you to pick yourself up and do whatever you ought to do to become the best version of you.


Gladys Mokeira Obiero (Lifestyle writer) Gladys is a content creator who has worked with Tuko since 2018, where she won the Best Writer Award in 2022. She previously held other positions, including an editing role at,, and She graduated from the University of Nairobi with a Bachelor’s Degree in Project Planning and Management. In 2023, Gladys finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Email: [email protected]

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Narrative Essay: My Crush

It’s been a long time since I last wrote a letter for Gary. He was really a special crush. My crush when I first set foot in seventh-grade, from middle school through high school. For treasuring him that long, it was inevitable for a special place in my heart to be created for him. I remembered putting initials of letter “G” to some of my things just to show how much I claim him to be part of my life already. I remember how ecstatic I am every time I see him come around me. He was the most handsome boy in my world and my wish had finally come true when we had our first conversation.

Everything else seized to exist and everyone faded in the background as if it was just the two of us. I felt a sudden urge to be by his side the intensity of which surprised me. I had seen him dozens of times, stood by him laughed with him but never once felt like this. This giddy feeling that made me want to jump out of my skin, rush across the room to be with him. It was madness. Yet I was helplessly drawn to him.

I couldn’t help but think about the way he looked, the way he talked, the way he walk, just everything about him and the more I thought about him was the more I had the urge to tell him how I felt. I had finally convinced myself to tell him that he was my crush. It was a rainy day and we were just leaving 3rd period, I saw him walking down the breezeway and I waved my hand trying to get his attention. He finally noticed and said “Hey Shondricka, how are you today?”

The Essay on Fashion Time Felt Loved

At the age of twenty-four I still had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I knew I had an interest in fashion, but I was uncertain what my future would hold. So I decided to go to school and major in fashion design and Merchandising. School was never my strongest point, but I knew if I wanted to have a career that was the sacrifice I had to make. I enjoyed the decision because for the first ...

“Hi Gary, I’m doing well and you?” I asked.

“I’m doing great. So, what’s going on? He responded.

My head started pounding and my heart dropped. It was finally time for me to tell him what was on my mind. As I tried to open my mouth, it felt as if my lips were stapled together. “Gary, there’s something I have to tell you” I stated. As I started to tell him how I felt I noticed how he smiled and how his eyes had gotten bigger. Once I finished talking there was a moment of silence. He gave me a huge hug and said “Wow! It’s funny how we both feel the same way about each other.” At that point I couldn’t do anything but smile because those were words that I didn’t expect to hear from him. I always thought that he was too much for me but as the days went by we were finally in a relationship and I was the happiest girl in the world.

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How to Impress Your Crush

Last Updated: February 28, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by John Keegan . John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 867,208 times.

You've developed feelings for someone special, but where should you go from there? Expressing your feelings for a crush usually starts with impressing them, but how can you go about making a good impression? For many, this may be easier said than done. Fortunately, whether you're already close with your crush or barely know them at all, there are plenty of things you can do to get them to see you in a new light. Being sure of yourself, and knowing how to strike up a fun, smart conversation are both great places to start. With a little time and effort, you'll be well on your way towards impressing your crush.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Step 1 Be confident....

  • For many people, learning to find confidence in themselves may be the hardest part of this entire process. If you're having trouble feeling secure in your chances of success, try writing down a list of things you like about yourself, and a list of personal qualities (e.g.: a great sense of humour, beautiful smile etc.) your crush would like you for.
  • Don't worry if you're shy—you can still show plenty of confidence if you're on the introverted side. People can feel really flattered if you feel slightly nervous around them. . [2] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source If you're shy, you might find that people are attracted to you for your mystery. Your best bet is to take comfort in what comes most naturally to you

Step 2 Dress to impress.

  • Don't try to overdo it with your appearance. Find a look that's fashionable but ultimately casual. You don't want to end up scaring your crush away!

Step 3 Try a new hairstyle.

  • If you decide to tell friends about your crush, whether for advice or simply to vent, make sure not to word the situation in bleak, fatalistic terms. Although you may feel pessimistic, it's much better to talk about it constructively. Not only will this positively correlate with the helpfulness of the advice your friends give you; thinking positively will also give you more confidence with your crush.
  • Make sure you're confiding in someone you can trust. If you have any doubt they might spread word of your feelings around (or even tell your crush prematurely!) it may be do more harm than good. If you have any doubts, it's best to keep any talk limited to your most-trusted friends.

wikiHow Quiz: Does He Like Me?

When you two are in a room filled with other people, how often do you catch him staring at you.

Constantly! I swear, he’s always looking right back at me.

I’ve noticed him staring a few times, yeah.

I think I’ve caught him staring once or twice.

Nope, I’ve never noticed that.

Catching Their Attention

Step 1 Seek out opportunities to be around them.

  • If, for whatever reason, they don't smile back, don't worry about it! There could be a number of reasons they didn't reciprocate the gesture. You may have caught them off guard; it's also possible that they're simply shy. Interpreting their actions as a sign they're uninterested in you should only be a last resort.

Step 3 Introduce yourself by saying

Cher Gopman

I recommend to just start talking to your crush. Show them that you're present, that you're there, and ask them questions about how they're doing. Showing genuine interest is going to make them start thinking about you. Try to find common ground between something they've been doing and something you've been doing. This way you can then mention doing something together in the future. Showing them a way that you can fit into their life will spark an image of you together in their mind.

Step 4 Break the ice with them.

  • If you've got a class together: "Hey, would I be able to share notes with you? I want to see if I missed anything."
  • If you're at a library/theater: "Any books or movies you could recommend me?"
  • If you're texting: "Wanna meet up sometime?"
  • If you're at a sports game: "Hey! Which team are you part of/rooting for?"
  • At a party: "Hey! How did you hear about this party?"

Step 5 Make your attraction apparent to your crush.

  • One thing you could do is try twirling your hair when you're around them if it's longer, or maintaining a strong posture.
  • You could also try keeping your feet pointing in their direction.
  • It's also a good idea to maintain eye contact with them and smile at them.

John Keegan

  • Although it sounds impersonal, talking online is a great, non-committal way to get to know someone pretty effectively. Things some people might have trouble discussing in person are much more easily divulged online.
  • If you go to school together, you might ask: "Want to eat lunch together sometime?" Again, this is a casual, easygoing way to get to know someone a lot better.
  • While you may feel obliged to wait for your crush to ask you out on a date, hinging upon social norms is a waste of time. If you're confident enough in your feelings, asking them to go out with you some night is a great way to demonstrate your confidence and make progress with impressing your crush.

Getting to Know Them

Step 1 Be kind and friendly.

  • Giving your crush compliments, like "I love your hair!" or "How did you get such good fashion sense?", will also go a long way towards making them feel great in your company. [13] X Research source

Step 2 Get to know your crush through inquisitive conversation.

  • "What's your family like? Any pets?"
  • "What do you/would you like to do for a living?"
  • If you attend the same school: "What are your favourite classes?"
  • Make sure to do some of the talking as well! No doubt there are plenty of things they would love to know about you. This way, it will feel more like a conversation, and less like an interrogation!

Step 3 Find your common interests.

  • Your circumstances of meeting can help inform your initial investigations into their interests. If you met at a rock concert, for example, there's a hefty probability you share musical interests. The same goes for an arts fair, a movie theater, or a sports event.
  • If you don't have any apparent interests in common, you can try opening yourself to things they're interested in. Ask them why he's into certain things, and see if you can see the appeal in it. If nothing else, the fact that you're making the initiative will demonstrate to them that you care.

Step 4 Make your attraction more apparent.

  • "You know, I think you're actually pretty cute."
  • "It's really attractive that you're so passionate about your interests."
  • Or even a simple "I really enjoy spending time with you."

Step 5 Win your crush...

  • Hugging, compliments and smiling are all valid forms of flirting.
  • Use the 'push-pull' mechanic. This simple trick might work to get your crush interested in you: give them a compliment and boost their ego. Upon doing that, back away and give them the cold shoulder. If done correctly, this will make them seek your approval and affection. Give it a try, and see how it goes.
  • Don't feel too discouraged if they don't reciprocate these advances at first. It's quite possible they've been taken off guard by how upfront you are, and it may take them some time to adjust.

Step 6 Confess your feelings.

  • If you're feeling particularly bold, planting a kiss on their cheek can leave a big impression.
  • If, for whatever reason, your crush rejects you, don't sweat it! There could be a million possible reasons why someone might not be interested in pursuing a relationship, and most of them have nothing to do with you. If things go sour for whatever reason, remember not to let it keep you from loving yourself and being open to whatever comes next in life.

Expert Q&A

John Keegan

  • Although all of this may sound daunting, remember that getting to know someone should be a fun experience! If you think of impressing your crush as work or stressful, chances are it will translate negatively into the manner you go about it. Thanks Helpful 22 Not Helpful 8
  • If ever you're feeling discouraged or that you may not be worth their attention, remember all of the good things about yourself. If you need any help, ask your closest friends to list some of their best-loved traits about you. Thanks Helpful 13 Not Helpful 4

Tips from our Readers

  • Just keep calm and smile—if you're relaxed and comfortable, chances are your crush will be too. As tricky as it may seem, try not to get too overwhelmed and apprehensive when you're around them.
  • Be brave and confident and tell your crush you like them. Maybe something good will come out of it! If not, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Don't change into someone you're not! Just be yourself.

essay for crush boy

  • No matter which way it goes, remember never to hold it against yourself. There are a lot of truly wonderful things about yourself, and the feelings of one crush are pretty insignificant in the long run. Thanks Helpful 176 Not Helpful 44
  • Don't overdo it! Although you should let them know how you feel, there is such a thing as going too far, too fast. The most common mistake people make with their crushes is getting impatient with the process of getting to know them. Take it easy, relax, and let things come naturally. If there's a natural chemistry, you'll finding yourselves clicking in no time. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 1
  • If you're interested in someone particular, make an effort not to flirt or show interest in other people; your crush might get the wrong impression and see you as unavailable. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 4

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About This Article

John Keegan

To impress your crush, try to smile and be positive when you're around them, which will make you seem fun and likable. Also, remember to act confident around your crush, even if you feel a little nervous, since people are attracted to confidence. Next, figure out your personal style, including the clothes you wear, so that you feel great when you're around them. As you get to know them better, flirt by offering compliments, or lightly touching their arm or shoulder while you talk, as this will make your attraction to them more obvious. For tips on how to build up your self-confidence and how to confess your feelings to your crush, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Shark bites 14-year-old boy on leg at North Carolina beach: Police

Beachgoers jumped into action to help the teen before EMS arrived, police said.

A 14-year-old boy is recovering after a shark bit him on the leg at a North Carolina beach, authorities said.

The attack unfolded around 12:30 p.m. Sunday, North Topsail Beach Police Chief William Younginer said. Beachgoers sprung into action, getting the boy out of the water and applying towels and pressure to slow the bleeding, he said.

Officers and emergency medical technicians were already at the beach responding to another call, so the response time was about two minutes, Younginer said.

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A police officer applied a tourniquet and EMS stabilized the teen before he was taken to the nearest trauma center, Camp Lejune Naval Hospital, Younginer said.

Doctors were able to repair the boy's leg and he's expected to be released soon, according to Younginer.

The police chief praised the bystanders who took immediate action.

MORE: Pipeline surfer who appeared in 'Blue Crush' killed in shark attack in Hawaii, emergency officials say

Also on Sunday, a well-known surfer and lifeguard was killed in a shark attack near the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, emergency officials said.

Tamayo Perry, 49, had been a lifeguard with Honolulu Ocean Safety since 2016. He was a local surf coach and competed for years in the Pipeline Master Trials, according to his official bio on his coaching site. Perry appeared in the 2002 movie "Blue Crush," along with episodes of "Hawaii Five-O" and "The Bridge," according to IMDb.

Click here for what to know about staying safe from sharks.

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Pipeline surfer who appeared in 'Blue Crush' killed in shark attack in Hawaii, officials say

Tamayo Perry, 49, was attacked in the water near Oahu's North Shore.

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OAHU, Hawaii -- A well-known surfer and lifeguard was killed in a shark attack near the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, emergency officials said.

Tamayo Perry, 49, was attacked in the water off Goat Island midday on Sunday, the Honolulu Emergency Services Department said in a statement.

Perry had been a lifeguard with Honolulu Ocean Safety since 2016. He was a local surf coach and competed for years in the Pipeline Master Trials, according to his official bio on his coaching site.

Perry appeared in the 2002 movie "Blue Crush," along with episodes of "Hawaii Five-O" and "The Bridge," according to IMDB.

Perry was a "well-known North Shore waterman," who "exemplified bravery, commitment and a deep sense of duty," Mayor Rick Blangiardi said in a statement.

"His heroic actions and tireless efforts to ensure the safety of our residents and visitors will never be forgotten," the mayor said.

Goat Island sits off Mlaekahana Beach on the northeastern coast of Oahu.

The first emergency call came in at about 1 p.m. on Sunday, officials said. Perry's body was brought on shore via a jet ski.

"A caller told dispatchers the man's body appeared to have suffered more than one shark bite," EMS officials said in a statement.

ABC News' Felicia Alvarez contributed to this report.

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Books | hillary clinton to release essay collection about personal and public life.

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Simon and Schuster announced Tuesday that Clinton’s “Something Lost, Something Gained: Reflections on Life, Love and Liberty” will be released Sept. 17.

Among the topics she will cover: Her marriage to former President Bill Clinton, her Methodist faith, adjusting to private life after her failed presidential runs, her friendships with other first ladies and her takes on climate change, democracy and Vladimir Putin.

“The book reads like you’re sitting down with your smartest, funniest, most passionate friend over a long meal,” Clinton’s editor, Priscilla Painton, said in a statement.

“This is the Hillary Americans have come to know and love: candid, engaged, humorous, self-deprecating — and always learning.”

Clinton, the former first lady, U.S. senator and secretary and presidential candidate, will promote her book with a cross country tour. “Something Lost, Something Gained” comes out two months before Bill Clinton’s memoir about post-presidential life, “Citizen.”

Financial terms were not disclosed. Clinton was represented by Washington attorney Robert Barnett, whose other clients have included former President George W. Bush and former President Barack Obama.

Clinton’s previous books include such bestsellers as “It Takes a Village,” “Living History” and “What Happened.”

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The People Who Dismantled Affirmative Action Have a New Strategy to Crush Racial Justice

Last summer, in Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College , the Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority struck down race-conscious admission programs adopted by Harvard College and the University of North Carolina as violations of the 14 th Amendment’s equal protection clause. In doing so, the court’s conservative supermajority both ignored that the Framers of the 14 th Amendment were the originators of affirmative action and turned a blind eye to entrenched racial inequalities that make a mockery of the constitutional promise of equal citizenship. Now, Edward Blum, who was behind the attack on affirmative action in the SFFA case, and other conservative litigants intent on blocking racial justice efforts have a new strategy: remake the nation’s oldest federal civil rights law, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, into a weapon to challenge private efforts to ameliorate systemic racial discrimination and to redress the racial wealth gap.

Last week, in American Alliance for Equal Rights v. Fearless Fund Management , a divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11 th Circuit became the first federal court of appeals to place its imprimatur on Blum’s new tactic. In a 2–1 ruling, the court of appeals held that Fearless Fund’s grant program to provide capital funding to small businesses run by Black women violated a key federal civil rights statute that dates back to the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Known as Section 1981, this law guarantees the equal right to make and enforce contracts.

The court’s opinion, written by Judge Kevin Newsom and joined by Judge Robert Luck, both Donald Trump appointees, held that Fearless Fund’s privately financed effort to rectify the near-total exclusion of Black women from venture capital and ensure that women of color have access to the resources they need to enjoy economic freedom and succeed in business was an unlawful form of racial discrimination. Adopting a strict colorblind reading of Section 1981, Newsom insisted that permitting a grant program open only to Black women “would be anathema to the principles that underlie all antidiscrimination provisions” and preliminarily enjoined its operation.

Newsom’s majority opinion works hard to portray the result as compelled by settled legal principles, but make no mistake, Fearless Fund is a big deal: It perverts a landmark civil rights statute aimed at guaranteeing basic rights of economic citizenship to Black Americans and redressing the long shadow of enslavement, and it creates new barriers to efforts to ensure racial inclusion. Never mind that eradicating racial subordination and guaranteeing economic justice lie at the very core of Section 1981. The two Trump-appointed jurists in the majority effectively read these fundamental precepts out of the statute, holding that Black-owned companies cannot put their own private money into the work of redressing the racial wealth gap and helping to ensure the success of Black-owned companies. According to the court of appeals, Fearless Fund’s grant program must be available to white-owned businesses as well.

The colorblind reading of Section 1981 advanced by Newson’s majority opinion is profoundly antitextual. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was intentionally written in a race-conscious manner. The act declares that citizens “of every race and color … shall have the same right … to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, and give evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property, and to full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of person and property, as is enjoyed by white citizens.” Recognizing that enslaved Black Americans never had rights to contract and property—rights essential to equal citizenship—Congress used sweeping language to ensure that persons of “every race and color” would “enjoy” the same economic freedoms as “white citizens.” The statute is not aimed at the use or consideration of race at all; instead, it uses the rights of white citizens as a baseline to guarantee to Black Americans rights of economic citizenship that white citizens have long taken for granted. Newsom quotes the relevant statutory language, but pays the text lip service.

Congress chose this text for good reason: The Reconstruction-era Civil Rights Act was critical to enforcing the 13 th Amendment, eradicating badges of slavery and ensuring that Black Americans freed from bondage were entitled to basic economic rights and enjoyment of the fruits of their labor. It came in direct response to former enslavers seeking to impose new forms of servitude and reduce Black Americans to serfdom. With these new race-conscious protections, the Reconstruction-era Civil Rights Act’s Framers insisted, “all features of slavery which are oppressive in their character, which extinguish the rights of free citizens, and which unlawfully control their liberty shall be abolished and destroyed forever.” The Fearless Fund ruling perverts the statute’s roots in securing economic justice, even as it forbids Black-led businesses from using their own money to ameliorate systemic patterns of economic exclusion and inequality.

The Congress that enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1866 knew that private efforts were crucial to racial and economic uplift. One of the singular successes of Reconstruction was the creation of the nation’s first schools and colleges for Black Americans in the South , spurred by charitable giving by abolitionists and others who devoted significant resources to education in recognition that knowledge is power. In throwing up new roadblocks to the use of private money to redress racial and economic inequality, the Fearless Fund ruling is both deeply antitextual and antihistorical.

Fearless Fund will be far from the last word on the meaning of Section 1981. As other courts consider Ed Blum’s conservative effort to rewrite that critical act, they should remember that the Civil Rights Act of 1866 sought to redress continuing badges of enslavement and to make economic justice a reality. Reconstruction’s great constitutional transformations were race-conscious to the core. In passing statutes like the Civil Rights Act of 1866, Congress understood the need for far-reaching remedies to rectify centuries of racial enslavement, oppression, and violence and to ensure some measure of economic justice to Black Americans. Getting this history right is essential to exposing the glaring flaws in conservative rulings, like Fearless Fund , and to addressing the next wave of coming cases seeking to roll back racial justice efforts.

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Mitch McConnell: We Cannot Repeat the Mistakes of the 1930s

A photo of soldiers coming ashore to a beach in Normandy on D-Day.

By Mitch McConnell

Mr. McConnell is the Senate minority leader.

On this day in 1944, the liberation of Western Europe began with immense sacrifice. In a tribute delivered 40 years later from a Normandy cliff, President Ronald Reagan reminded us that “the boys of Pointe du Hoc” were “heroes who helped end a war.” That last detail is worth some reflection because we are in danger of forgetting why it matters.

American soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines joined allies and took the fight to the Axis powers not as a first instinct, but as a last resort. They ended a war that the free world’s inaction had left them no choice but to fight.

Generations have taken pride in the triumph of the West’s wartime bravery and ingenuity, from the assembly lines to the front lines. We reflect less often on the fact that the world was plunged into war, and millions of innocents died, because European powers and the United States met the rise of a militant authoritarian with appeasement or naïve neglect in the first place.

We forget how influential isolationists persuaded millions of Americans that the fate of allies and partners mattered little to our own security and prosperity. We gloss over the powerful political forces that downplayed growing danger, resisted providing assistance to allies and partners, and tried to limit America’s ability to defend its national interests.

Of course, Americans heard much less from our disgraced isolationists after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Today, America and our allies face some of the gravest threats to our security since Axis forces marched across Europe and the Pacific. And as these threats grow, some of the same forces that hampered our response in the 1930s have re-emerged.

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