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MIT blogger Elizabeth C. '13

Applying to Grad School by Elizabeth Choe '13

How MIT Did and Didn't Help Me

August 22, 2018

  • in Advice ,
  • Best of the Blogs ,
  • Life after MIT

One of this year’s admits asked me how MIT sets you up for grad school admissions. Now, you do NOT need to be worrying about grad school as a teenager. But since it’s been a while since anyone’s blogged about it , here’s my probably-more-comprehensive-than-you-were-looking-for-but-here-it-is-anyway take.

Table o’ Contents

  • The most important thing is to figure out why you want to Do The Thing
  • MIT did not convince me to Do The Thing—here are the things that did
  • Do research and/or work to discover why you want to Do The Thing and to convince others you can Do The Thing (MIT helped, but is not necessary)
  • MIT was the most helpful in figuring out where to apply
  • Tips on the application components
  • Why I chose MIT again
  • Is it better to go to MIT for undergrad or grad school?

Important caveats:

  • There’s more to life than grad school. And college. And school, in general.
  • Where you end up for grad school has less to do with the name of your undergrad institution and more with how you make the most of your opportunities, wherever you are.
  • I’m not a grad admissions expert. This is purely from my POV as a recent grad school applicant. (I left Admissions and am starting school again, more on that later.)
  • This is just purely about applying. I don’t know what grad school is actually like yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • Grad schools come in a lot of different flavors—med school, law school, business school, science/engineering PhDs, humanities PhDs, masters, EdD, etc.—and their respective application processes are very different from each other. For instance, med school places a greater emphasis on GPA and extracurriculars than research experience (but it’s the other way around for life sciences PhD programs). I applied to mostly bio/bioengineering grad programs.

1. The most important thing is to figure out why you want to Do The Thing

IMHO, the single most important thing for grad school admissions is figuring out WHY you want to put yourself through grad school in the first place. And not because this will make writing your personal statement a hell of a lot easier (though it will), or because this will make your application stand out (it won’t), but because grad school is a *voluntary* thing that is totally unnecessary to living a happy, fulfilling life. Some people go to grad school just because they can, or because it’s the next rung to climb, or because they tie their sense of self-worth to the prestige of having a few extra letters behind their name. These are all common pressures, ones I’ve certainly felt. The issue is that a lot of the burnt-out grad students I knew didn’t seem to have too strong of a foothold on why they wanted to Do The Thing beyond these reasons.*

Everyone has their own reasons for Doing The Thing, and these reasons often evolve over time, but they’ve just got to constitute tangible-enough fuel to keep the fire burning when it’s 3 am and you’re pipetting instead of contributing to your 401K; a fire that’ll help you answer the existential “what the hell am I doing” moments you’ll inevitably face. (Or, if the answer to that question is “something that is no longer worth my time,” a fuel that’ll let you walk away without too much crisis.)

You don’t have to go to grad school. If you go, go because you want to, not just because you think you’re supposed to. A PhD, in particular, does not always lead to a career in academia, a higher salary, an ability to better help people, a promotion, or a more fulfilling life for everyone who pursues one.

Once more, for the people in the back:

can you get a phd at mit

This applies to undergrad admissions, too. Figure out why you want to go to XYZ school. But realize that your happiness doesn’t actually depend on going to that school. Make sure you have a sense of identity and purpose that is independent of XYZ school.

*There are some structural causes of burnout in grad school that I am all for fighting. It’s on institutions, not individuals, to ensure that PIs don’t unfairly take advantage of their grad students, to provide liveable wages and health insurance for students, and to be welcoming and inclusive to women and people of color. Not every program prioritizes these things for their students, and the resulting burnout is incredibly problematic.

2. MIT did not convince me to Do The Thing—here are the things that did

From an Institutional sense, MIT didn’t convince me to Do The Thing. In some ways, it did the opposite. MIT is a place where things move very quickly—it’s what enables a lot of innovation to happen, but as a result, ~*introspection*~ isn’t really built into the Institutional culture. There are intentional, thoughtful, and self-aware people here, but I sometimes felt like they were able to be that way in spite of MIT, not because of it. So, for a while, I was a bit turned off by academia, despite having enjoyed my time here as a student.

Things changed when:

  • I figured out what I wanted out of a career, based on working in the science media field for 4 years. A PhD was relevant and helpful to those specific career goals.
  • The 2016 election and subsequent increased visibility of our polarized culture happened, which got me thinking about what my role in society as an ethically-minded (at least I hope) science advocate should and could be.
  • The field of biotechnology changed pretty dramatically (CRISPR had just become A Thing right around the time I graduated). With these changes came ethical questions and considerations of how we talk to the public about these technologies, how the technologies impact people, and how we go about implementing these technologies. I personally found these questions really, really interesting and important and wanted to spend time trying to answer them. Most importantly, I was willing to spend 5ish years of my life trying to answer them.
  • Kevin Esvelt joined MIT’s faculty, and he was the first bioengineering professor who I saw pursuing both gene editing and bioethics with funding for both. I had always assumed that my science communication work would have to take a back seat to technical, wet lab research if I went back to school, but I realized I could actually merge the two in a thesis if I wanted to.
  • My grandpa passed away a year ago. His illness and death and all the family stuff around it was one of the most difficult things I’ve experienced, and at least giving myself a chance at grad school was bizarrely a part of my grieving process. By itself, this would NOT have been a good reason to apply. But in the context of everything else, this tipped the scales.

Your reasons do NOT have to be:

  • Unique or memorable
  • Remotely similar to mine. In fact, mine might’ve disadvantaged me a bit in some bioengineering programs.

Your reasons simply have to exist and provide you the conviction to Do The Thing. Don’t try to be memorable or unique. Most people aren’t (I haven’t even read that many college essays compared to everyone else in the office, but dang, I saw it all). The good news is that your admissibility, and more importantly, your worth, really have nothing to do with how unique or crazy your story is. What matters for your overall success and happiness is to be self-aware enough to know who you are and to be able to honestly articulate it.

3. Do research and/or work to discover why you want to Do The Thing and to convince others you can Do The Thing. (MIT helped, but is not necessary.)

Inspiration to go to grad school will not magically fall out of the sky into your lap. But the magical thing about life is that you can ~*try new things*~ and these experiences can help form reasons for or against applying. Admittedly, being at MIT helped me to:

  • Try research at the Koch Institute in two different labs as an undergrad, which made me realize I did NOT want a career in wet lab research. I DID see a big need for good science communication, though.
  • Try an internship at a Boston-area science TV production company (that I got through my blogger gig in Admissions)
  • Take science documentary classes (that I took as a total fluke but ended up loving)
  • Run a science media educational outreach program
  • Study how people informally learn with online platforms
  • Consult scientists on communication strategies

I do, however, think that you can have meaningful work and research experiences at pretty much any university.

The funny thing is, individually, each of these things actually pushed me away from pursuing a PhD. But collectively, they helped me discover what I wanted out of a career (which then led to wanting to Do The Thing) and also helped me build a credible track record that told programs I could contribute something to them and they had reason to invest in me. This track record also corroborated my personal statement, showing that there was some substance to my dreams and aspirations.

I am very happy I worked after undergrad, as it gave me time to grow up and develop a sense of personal and professional values and some real-world skills that I didn’t get from college. I also just really loved my jobs. There are, of course, tradeoffs to the way I did things. It’s been 5 years since I graduated from undergrad, putting me on the older side of an incoming bioengineering PhD student. (I’m not the only one who took this much time off. I did, however, notice that most of the other “older” students are men. Ages vary wildly depending on the discipline, though.) Plenty of people dive straight into grad school out of undergrad and do just fine. It just depends on when the inspiration happens to strike you through your experiences.

Side note: One practical bit of advice is that if you KNOW you want to go back for a technical PhD, spend some time doing technical work either in industry or in the lab. I think my non-technical work experience would’ve disadvantaged me had I not been able to prove my technical chops (i.e. a few publications under my belt from working in my hometown lab for several years helped). It’s not impossible, but I think it makes it a little harder to step back in, especially if you’re gone 3+ years.

4. MIT was the most helpful in figuring out where to apply

There’s this line in the Pixar movie, Ratatouille:

I strongly believe that this is true for scientists and engineers and future PhDs, too—you don’t need an MIT undergrad to end up at a place like MIT for grad school, or to become an amazing scientist. I know many people who didn’t get into MIT or went somewhere else for their undergrad, had formative and meaningful experiences elsewhere, and are now happily pursuing their graduate degrees here. Plenty of amazing thinkers never set foot at MIT.

However, I cannot deny that an undergrad here helped open certain doors with a significantly higher degree of ease. And part of that has to do with the fact that your chances of running into someone with incredible connections who could literally change your life is just objectively higher here compared to most places.

For instance, my undergrad advisor happened to be the chair of MIT’s Biological Engineering department and is someone who has mentored hundreds of students, many of whom have gone on to become quite successful professors themselves. He is a well-known and respected researcher in the bioengineering community. He is also unusually dedicated to mentorship, a philosophy that is widespread in the department. And it was sheer luck that I got paired with him as my advisor. Even after I graduated, he and a handful of my BE professors were willing to keep in touch with me, offer informal life advice, etc. When I got the slightest inkling that I might want to go back to school, not only did these people give me the encouragement to do so, they also had faculty contacts at every single school I was remotely interested in and had suggestions for the programs whose cultures seemed most fitting to what I wanted.

We talk about “fit” a lot in undergrad admissions—that admissions is not only about being qualified enough, but also about being a good cultural match to an institution. And I think fit is even more important in grad admissions, since the programs are so much smaller than an undergrad cohort. I was a bit of an unusual candidate, having taken so much time away from wet lab research to do science media, and as someone who wants to go into science policy or communication (as opposed to academia or traditional industry). I also had a clear idea of what I was and wasn’t willing to sacrifice for my professional life. There are several amazing bioengineering programs in the country. But not all of them were a good fit for me. Me knowing why I wanted to Do The Thing plus Doug et al.’s knowledge of programs’ cultures is what helped me figure out where to apply.

I directly emailed faculty at schools I was interested in with my CV and a reader’s digest of why I was interested in their program, asking them if they thought I’d be a good fit and if I should apply. For every single email that said, “Professor so-and-so [at MIT] suggested I reach out to you,” I got an immediate and enthusiastic response encouraging me to apply. For every single email that said, “I’m reaching out because I’m interested in your work on XYZ,” I didn’t get immediate responses (and after pinging them again, I got a generic “apply if you want”). I wouldn’t have had the slightest idea of which professors in the country would be supportive of my career interests and my background, or which programs would be a good cultural fit for me, without Doug’s knowledge of the field.

We can certainly debate what this phenomenon means and what it says about the inequities in higher education. I’m also not going to discredit my own hard work in getting me to this place. But the reality is that I could not have done it without the mentorship and encouragement of Doug and my other professors, full stop. Not every undergrad here will find life-changing mentors, but I also can’t help but feel that the probability of doing so is just relatively higher at a place like this.

5. Tips on the application components

Applications to grad school usually consist of:

A personal statement: a 1-2 page essay about why you want to go to XYZ program. It’s unclear to me how much the personal statement matters, but I got the sense that it matters more than an undergrad application essay. It is your one place to explain, essentially, why you want to Do The Thing, why that exact program will help you, and why the program should invest in you.

Your research and work experience, honors, publications, etc.

GPA/coursework/extracurriculars: I honestly don’t really know how much these mattered, but I think it’s not quite as important as the other components? Just don’t bomb it?

3 letters of recommendation

  • Ask for letters at least 3 months in advance of the deadline.
  • Ask letters from people who know you very well. At least one of them should be a research supervisor.
  • A blurb on why you want to go to grad school (and/or your personal statement. They probably won’t read it, but if it’s helpful context, it doesn’t hurt)
  • A list of places you’re applying to, with specific deadlines
  • Any specific instructions that individual schools might have for letters
  • Send a handwritten thank you card ASAP after they submit your letters. It always surprises me how surprised people are when I write them a thank you note. Is this not a thing youths do anymore?? Seriously, y’all. A handwritten note takes, like, 5 minutes to write. And have you ever received a handwritten letter? Feels nice, yo!

I have ~*vErY*~ nuanced thoughts on standardized testing (I hate it), but tl;dr:

  • Most PhD programs will make you take the GRE, which consists of a math section (about the same difficulty as the SAT), a verbal (aka reading) section (harder than the SAT), and an essay-writing section
  • No one gives a rat’s ass about what you score as long as you score “high enough” (which varies depending on the program. Most programs publish the average scores of admitted students.)
  • You do have to score high enough for your application to make it through an initial round of review at some places
  • Aim for “good enough.” I had a good GPA from a tough undergrad, so I knew that as long as I scored in the 90th (maybe even 85th) percentile for math I was definitely in the clear for the programs I was looking at, 80th for verbal and writing was probably in the clear as well. I knew I was also capable of getting to these scores with an amount of studying that wasn’t detrimental to my life.
  • The GRE is a game—one that’s not very fun, but one that has a set of rules. Learn the rules. For example, there are some math shortcuts. There’s basically a formula to the essay .
  • Create a realistic schedule that will allow you to work through a bunch of practice problems under timed conditions instead of reading about concepts: I used Manhattan Prep’s 5 lb. Book of GRE Practice Problems and Magoosh for math problems.
  • The GRE is pretty formulaic, so it’s all about getting used to the kinds of questions they ask. You will NOT have time to derive formulas and logic your way through problems (the mistake I made my first few practice tests), so just learn how to solve them the quick way.
  • Do a few practice tests under timed conditions. The GRE is a marathon and measures your mental endurance.
  • Study what you don’t know. Seriously. Take a practice test and don’t waste time doing problems on sections where you’re scoring high enough. I knew my verbal and essay were definitely in the clear for engineering programs, so aside from occasionally using the free Magoosh app while I rode the bus to pick up a few extra vocab words, I didn’t study the verbal or essay at all.
  • Take care of any health issues that might be unnecessarily hindering your ability to take the test. I’ve struggled with panic and anxiety disorder for many years, which, thanks to wonderful therapists, I have learned to manage and live a productive life. However, one of the side effects of anxiety attacks is that my blood pressure increases and I have to frequently pee. Unfortunately, there’s only one allotted break during the GRE, and the bathroom at the test center happened to be broken the first time I took the test (so we had to use one on the other side of the building)—long story short, I lost a lot of time because I kept running back and forth from the bathroom, so my math score was a biiiiiit uncomfortably low. I gave myself basically 3 weeks to retake the test. During that time, I worked with my therapist on mindfulness strategies and getting to the root of my anxieties about the test (turns out, it wasn’t really the GRE I was anxious about). One thing that helped was thinking about my grandfather. He was the most genuinely curious person I knew and probably would’ve thought the GRE was fun. I’d imagine him there getting all excited every time I’d get to a new practice problem, and then I’d laugh at the absurdity of it all. It’s amazing how much that mentality helped. My long-time therapist and long-time primary care provider both suggested I use a blood pressure medication the day of the test as well.* Three weeks later, I used a different test center (whose bathroom worked! Yay!). I felt anxious, but what I’d imagine a “normal” amount of test anxiety to be. I only had to pee twice! And my math score shot up by 20 percentile points (which is… an unusual jump, to say the least).

Now, I don’t mean to scare anyone with this story. It’s just to emphasize that you don’t need to make some things harder on yourself than they need to be. Asking for help and being open about your struggles doesn’t have to be a big deal. I mean, now y’all know how tiny my bladder is. And also that attitude is everything—the first go around, I hated studying. I kept thinking, “Why am I wasting my time studying this absolutely useless knowledge?” The GRE measures one thing—how well you can take the GRE. But it’s a measure that is necessary in grad school admissions right now. Once I made a conscious effort to tell myself, “Hey, I want to do this. I want to Do The Thing, and this is a hoop I have to jump through along the way,” and once I made a conscious effort to approach it the way my grandfather would have, with sheer curiosity, it wasn’t as bad. It’s a method that may not work for everyone, but it helped me a ton. At the very least, it made it way less miserable.

*Medication can be useful, but it’s definitely not a quick fix. My doctors have known and worked with me for a long time. If you have a health condition (an anxiety disorder, a learning disability, etc.) that might be getting in the way of you doing your best, start working with someone sooner rather than later! Things probably wouldn’t have gone so smoothly had I been starting from scratch with my healthcare providers 3 weeks before the test.


…are very different from undergrad interviews. Most bioengineering PhD programs only offer interviews to finalists for admissions, meaning if you get one, the program basically wants to admit you (Stanford’s an exception, but they still accepted half of their interviewees). For many schools, interview weekend doubles as a recruitment weekend. They fly you out, put you up in a nice hotel, take you out to nice dinners, etc. You tour the campus, learn more about the school, meet one-on-one for interviews with 3-4 professors, and have social mixers with current students.

The interview is something to take seriously but not to sweat. You can totally screw up an interview weekend by getting wasted the night before at one of the parties thrown by current students and sleeping through your faculty interviews (yes… an interviewee actually did that. Don’t do that.). And you do want to prepare for it by brushing up on your research (faculty may ask you about it) and reading up on your interviewer’s research (if you want to ask them questions about it). I wasn’t quizzed during my interviews, but had friends who were. But honestly, the thing that helped me the most was having a clear sense of why I wanted to go to grad school. A lot of faculty tried to go into deep conversations about this with people and it really threw off some of my fellow interviewees. It also helped me not stress as much about the interviews because I knew if a program ended up rejecting me, it’s because I wouldn’t be happy there anyway.

Overall, the interviews are really, surprisingly fun. I loved running into the same handful of interviewees at different schools—we spent a lot of time at those interview weekends just hanging out with each other. We all chose different schools (which speaks to the fact that a program can be great for one person but not another) and I honestly can’t wait until we start presenting at conferences so can meet up again. :D

6. Why I chose MIT again

Surprise! I’m staying at MIT. :)

I’m grateful that I got to see different institutions and how they train their students, and I’m glad to know that there are so many amazing programs across this country who are all doing incredible work. There really isn’t one, irrefutably “best” school.

MIT Biological Engineering was my last interview and I pretty much immediately had a gut feeling that it was “the one”. Talking to current students, I knew that this was where I’d be best supported. One of the coolest experiences was seeing that everyone I met—grad students and faculty and staff—shared Doug’s values of collaboration and mentorship and being decent humans. They all pointed to him as the one who’d established this kind of culture in the whole department. I could identify multiple people in the department to whom I could reach out for help if I ever started to struggle. It was also the only program where I could see myself being happy in at least 3 different labs.

During lunch, one fellow interviewee very jokingly insinuated that Doug basically got me into all my programs through academic nepotism. A new faculty member overheard him and despite it being very obvious that the guy was just kidding, immediately shutting it down with a stern “She’s here because she earned this, 100 percent.” It made me feel like this was a place where people had each other’s backs, where integrity is valued, and most of all, was a place that believed in me.

7. Is it better to go to MIT for undergrad or grad school?

*Breathes heavy sigh*

This is a very complicated question and people will disagree with me here… so I’m gonna give the extremely unsatisfying response of “IMHO IT DEPENDS.”

It depends on what you want to get out of MIT: If you want the prestige and career opportunities, go to grad school here. If you want an experience that will fundamentally change you as a person, go to undergrad here.

I cannot overstate how profound it was to come into adulthood in a radically accepting environment where people just care about learning. I would not be the person I am today without the classmates I met during my undergrad at MIT. The qualities MIT instilled in me weren’t all great—I’m chronically late, I don’t like to sugarcoat anything, so I can seem abrasive, and I’m impatient with incompetency. But I’m also really comfortable with who I am, can work really hard, and am not afraid to fail. Granted, I have ~5 potentially-transformative years ahead of me, so in 2023 (oof that sounds so far off) I may have a different answer. But in general, I get the sense that the undergrad experience has more of a deep life-impact on people, whereas the grad experience has a deep career-impact. Both are important, just in different ways.

It also depends on the department: I knew multiple friends who had um—no exaggeration here—literally soul-crushing grad experiences at MIT. And I knew people for whom undergrad was not pleasant. Each department here has different cultures and expectations of their students.

Some departments at MIT have a policy of generally not accepting their own undergrads for their corresponding grad program. Biological Engineering is one of these departments, as is Physics. I actually think this is a really smart philosophy. By encouraging the undergrads to go off and get experiences elsewhere, it generally sets you up better for a career in academia. Before you start getting up in arms about not getting to stay at MIT, keep in mind that most of these undergrads are going to places like Stanford, Harvard, and Berkeley for their PhDs. They’re doing just fine for themselves. And by bringing in people from many different schools, you get people who’ve been trained in different ways. That variety of perspectives allows people here to tackle more problems in more interesting ways.

I often go back to the Blogfather ’s advice to Petey back in the day, when he told him, “You can’t plan your life out ahead of time. But if you just try to always make the best decision, your life will later read back as making sense, even if you didn’t know it going in.” There is absolutely no way I could’ve planned this path out. I definitely didn’t feel like I knew what I was doing. Who knows where this path will go. But the stuff I can look back on really does kind of make sense now. If there’s only one thing you take away from this absurdly long post, it’s Ben’s advice. Just try your best, and don’t worry too much. It’ll make sense, eventually.

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Economics Department lobby

PhD Program

Year after year, our top-ranked PhD program sets the standard for graduate economics training across the country. Graduate students work closely with our world-class faculty to develop their own research and prepare to make impactful contributions to the field.

Our doctoral program enrolls 20-24 full-time students each year and students complete their degree in five to six years. Students undertake core coursework in microeconomic theory, macroeconomics, and econometrics, and are expected to complete two major and two minor fields in economics. Beyond the classroom, doctoral students work in close collaboration with faculty to develop their research capabilities, gaining hands-on experience in both theoretical and empirical projects.

How to apply

Students are admitted to the program once per year for entry in the fall. The online application opens on September 15 and closes on December 15.

Meet our students

Our PhD graduates go on to teach in leading economics departments, business schools, and schools of public policy, or pursue influential careers with organizations and businesses around the world. 

can you get a phd at mit

How to Apply

The BCS Doctoral Program is highly selective. We receive over 700 applications each year, and we typically enroll 15-20 new graduate students.

GRE scores are not required.

The final degree objective for all students in the program is the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). Regardless of undergraduate major, applicants must have an outstanding academic record, particularly in mathematics and the sciences. Relevant research experience is also highly desirable. Students who were unable to obtain research experience at their undergraduate institution often work in research during summers or after graduation. An applicant's likelihood of admission cannot be estimated based on one or two criteria: the graduate admissions committee carefully reviews the entire application package (statement of objectives, recommendation letters, transcripts, etc.) to make admissions decisions. The tabs below will guide candidates through the admissions process. 

Steps in the admissions process

Applications to the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences Graduate Program must be completed online . Paper applications are not accepted. The application, unofficial transcripts, and letters of recommendation must be submitted by December 1 for admission the following September. Items received after the deadline will be added to your file. The Graduate Admissions Committee begins reviewing applications shortly after the deadline, so materials received late may not be reviewed.

The Office of Graduate Education (OGE) is offering graduate application fee waivers for US citizens and US permanent residents who demonstrate financial hardship, are current or former members of the United States Armed Forces, or who have participated in special fellowship programs, including MIT-sponsored diversity programs (e.g., MIT Summer Research Program, CONVERGE). Fee waivers are also available for prospective students the OGE has met during diversity recruitment events. International students attending US colleges and universities who have participated in MIT sponsored programs, such as CONVERGE or MSRP, are also eligible to apply for a fee waiver. More information and the fee waiver request form can be found  here .

The MIT Graduate Admissions page has information about all graduate programs at MIT (master's and doctoral), information for international students, and a grad student blog.

For more detailed information regarding the cost of attendance, including specific costs for tuition and fees, books and supplies, housing and food as well as transportation, please visit the SFS website .

We require one copy of transcript(s) from each university attended. Original, official transcripts are not required until after a student has been admitted. Official transcripts for admitted students should be sent to: 

Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences  Academic Office (Room 46-2005) Massachusetts Institute of Technology  77 Massachusetts Avenue  Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Transcripts are verified upon receipt. Any discrepancy between uploaded and official transcript(s) will result in withdrawal of our admission offer.

Does the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences offer clinical, counseling, or social psychology? No, we do not offer studies in these areas.

Will I be notified about the status of my application? You will receive notification of application status within two weeks of the deadline. The only information you may view in our online system is confirmation of receipt of letters of recommendation.  

Do I have to complete the area of the application that asks about subjects taken? Yes, but only include relevant subjects. This section is designed to gather information not included on transcripts, such as textbooks used for particular courses. 

What if I completed a course that did not use a textbook or the textbook is unknown? In these cases, leave that area of the application blank. 

Are GRE scores required? No.

What are the requirements to demonstrate English language proficiency? Applicants who have received instruction in English in their primary and secondary schools and applicants who have been in the United States for four years or longer and have received a degree from an American institution are eligible for a waiver of the English proficiency exam requirement by sending a written request to [email protected] . Applicants who do not meet those requirements must take either the Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ), the International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ), or the Duolingo English Test ( DET ).   In addition to the TOEFL/IELTS/DET, all students whose first language is not English are required to take the English Evaluation Test (EET) at MIT during the week prior to Registration Day. This examination is a diagnostic test whose purpose is to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in written and oral English. English classes may be recommended as a result of the applicant’s EET score.   Do you accept old TOEFL/IELTS/DET scores? We follow the guidelines set by Educational Testing Service, IELTS, and DET, all of which state that scores are valid for two years.

Why can’t I choose cognitive neuroscience as a research area on my application?  If you enroll in our program, you will have opportunities for interdisciplinary studies in many areas, including cognitive neuroscience. On your application, please select either cognitive science or systems neuroscience, whichever category is more applicable to your area of interest.

Is it possible to send more than three letters of recommendation?  Yes, you can have up to 5 letters of recommendation sent.

When will I hear if I’m accepted?  Emails regarding final admissions decisions are typically sent in April.

The academic community prospers when talents from different backgrounds come together to solve scientific problems. Since 2019, the BCS Application Assistance Program (AAP) has been striving to narrow the information gap and share social capital in STEM.   The AAP is a volunteer-based, student-run initiative that allows current graduate students to offer support to and share personal experiences with prospective students during the graduate application process. AAP volunteers are happy to answer questions related to student life, career planning and graduate application. Our volunteers are enrolled in the BCS PhD program and working in labs in computational, molecular, systems, and cognitive research domains of the department. Each volunteer comes from a unique set of personal trajectory, training experience and cultural background, and therefore represents their own views rather than the stance of BCS as a department. Personal information shared with the AAP volunteers will not be shared outside of the group, or with BCS faculty.   Applicants may sign up for the AAP here starting Sept 1, 2023. Enrollment to the AAP closes on Nov 20, 2023 (i.e. a few days before the PhD program’s application deadline).

For additional information, or if you have questions, please email  [email protected] .

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Doctoral Degree and Requirements

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The doctoral program in DMSE provides an advanced educational experience that is versatile, intellectually challenging, and of enduring value for high-level careers in materials science and engineering. It develops students’ ability, confidence, and originality to grasp and solve challenging problems involving materials.

Required Subjects

The core courses define the basis of materials science and engineering as a discipline—what every PhD materials scientist or materials engineer from MIT ought to know. The first-year student seminars and core subjects provide a rigorous, unified foundation for subsequent advanced-level subjects and thesis research. Here are the required subjects:

  • 3.20 (Materials at Equilibrium) (15 units, Year 1, fall)
  • 3.22 (Structure and Mechanics of Materials) (12 units, Year 1, fall)
  • 3.201 (Introduction to DMSE) (3 units, Year 1, fall)
  • 3.21 (Kinetic Processes in Materials) (15 units, Year 1, spring)
  • 3.23 (Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials) (12 units, Year 1, spring)
  • 3.202 (Essential Research Skills) (3 units, Year 1, spring)
  • 3.995 (First-Year Thesis Research) (18 units, Year 1, spring)

English Evaluation Test

International graduate students may be required to take the MIT English Evaluation Test upon arrival in the fall semester. Results from the test will indicate whether the student will be required to take an English class at MIT. Some students may qualify for a waiver of the English Evaluation Test:

  • Students who studied at a US university or an international university whose primary language of instruction is English for at least three years and received a degree from that US/international university.
  • Students whose language of instruction was English during primary and secondary school years.

The DMSE Graduate Academic Office informs incoming students by early summer if they qualify for this waiver.

Electives and Concentrations

Doctoral students must take three post-core graduate electives approved by the thesis committee. Refer to the MIT Subjects Listings and Schedule for the subjects offered and their schedules.

Graduate students can use the three electives to create a specialization or concentration in a particular research area of materials science and engineering, or they can choose a broader educational experience by picking subjects in three different areas.

Sample Concentration Areas

Students who choose a concentration area have several options. Below is a list of sample concentrations available.

  • Electronic, magnetic, and photonic materials
  • High-performance structural materials
  • Computational materials science
  • Biomaterials
  • Polymeric materials
  • Materials for energy and the environment
  • Nanoscale materials
  • Materials processing materials economics and manufacturing, entrepreneurship
  • Laboratory/characterization/instrumentation
  • Materials design
  • Experimental/characterization computational materials application/design

Electives Outside the Department

Students may enroll in one non-DMSE graduate elective that is 9-12 units with the approval of their thesis committee. Students may propose to enroll in two or more non-DMSE graduate electives by submitting a petition to the Departmental Committee on Graduate Studies (DCGS). Submit the petition form in advance of enrolling in the subjects to the DMSE Graduate Academic Office for committee review, including a statement on why you would like to enroll in these subjects, your signature, and your thesis advisor’s signature.

  • Download the Graduate Student Petition (pdf) and complete it.
  • Send the completed petition to [email protected] .

The minor requirement is designed to encourage the development of intellectual breadth at an advanced level. A program of study must be discussed with and approved by a student’s research supervisor, so it should be proposed early in a student’s doctoral program.

DMSE Doctoral Track Students

There are two minor requirement options for DMSE graduate students on the doctoral track.

Academic Minor

Here are some general guidelines regarding an academic minor.

  • The selected subjects may or may not be related to the thesis research area.
  • The subjects taken must be at an advanced level. It is recommended that two graduate-level courses be taken (24 units).
  • Minor programs composed of one graduate level and one advanced undergraduate-level course (24 units), or three advanced undergraduate courses (33 units) that were not used to obtain a bachelors or master’s degree may also be acceptable. An exception is a minor in a beginning Global Languages sequence in which two 9-unit G subjects would most likely be approved.

Teaching Minor

Only DMSE doctoral track students who have passed their doctoral examinations may submit a teaching minor program proposal. Students generally begin a teaching minor in Year 3 of graduate study. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Students must serve as a teaching intern for two semesters. They are designated teaching interns during the semesters in which they are earning academic credit toward the teaching minor requirement.
  • Students must earn 24 units of academic credit for 3.691-3.699 (Teaching Materials Science and Engineering).
  • Students must take 3.69 (Teaching Fellows Seminar) while serving as a teaching intern. The subject is offered each fall semester and provides instruction on how to teach lectures and recitations; how to prepare a syllabus, writing assignments and examinations; grading; and how to resolve complaints.

Students must submit a form outlining the proposed minor program to the DCGS Chair for approval.

  • Attach copies of the catalog descriptions of all subjects included in the program proposal form.
  • List the subjects to be taken to fulfill the minor requirement.
  • Preview the Minor Program Proposal (pdf) and prepare your responses. Then click the button below, add the responses, and submit the proposal via DocuSign.

DMSE Program in Polymers and Soft Matter (PPSM) Doctoral Track Students

To complete the minor requirement, PPSM students must do the following:

  • Take 3.20 (Materials at Equilibrium) and 3.21 (Kinetic Processes in Materials).
  • Take one other graduate subject of at least 9 units that is not related to polymeric materials for academic credit.
  • List the subjects to be taken to fulfill the minor requirement and submit the proposal. The written request will need to have the catalogue description of the third subject.
  • Preview the Minor Program Proposal (pdf) and prepare your responses. Then click the button below, add your responses, and send the proposal via DocuSign.

Qualifying Exams

MIT requires that all doctoral students successfully complete written and oral evaluations to qualify as a candidate for the doctoral degree. The DMSE qualifying exams consist of two-step procedure.

Core Curriculum Assessment and First-Year Research Progress

In the first two semesters of the graduate program, doctoral track students enroll in the four core subjects:

  • 3.20 (Materials at Equilibrium)
  • 3.21 (Kinetic Processes in Materials)
  • 3.22 (Structure and Mechanical Properties of Materials)
  • 3.23 (Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials)
  • 3.201 (Introduction to DMSE)
  • 3.202 (Essential Research Skills)

Students must also demonstrate satisfactory performance in research, including the selection of a research group in the fall term and receive a “J” grade in 3.995 (First-Year Thesis Research) in spring term.

First-Year Performance Evaluation

DCGS evaluates first-year performance on a Pass/No Pass basis:

The student has successfully completed the first-year requirements and is eligible to register for step two of the qualifying procedure, the Thesis Area Examination.

The student has not fully completed the first-year requirements and is not eligible to register for the Thesis Area Examination without DCGS approval. In situations in which students complete only some of the requirements, DCGS will consult with the student’s advisor and the instructors of the core classes to develop a remediation plan (for example, retaking a course). If a student’s overall GPA is below 3.5 or the student earns more than one grade of C or lower in the core classes, the student will receive an official academic progress warning letter from the Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education, in addition to a DCGS remediation plan.

Thesis Area Examination

After completing the core curriculum and review of first-year research progress, students select a research project for their PhD thesis. Selection of this topic is a decision made in agreement with their advisor. The TAE tests the student’s preparedness to conduct PhD research and provides feedback on the chosen PhD thesis project.

  • The TAE consists of a written proposal and an oral presentation of the proposed research to the student’s TAE Committee. The written proposal is due in mid-January before the oral examination.
  • TAE oral examinations are administered during the first two weeks in the spring term of Year 2. The DMSE Graduate Academic Office schedules the TAE oral examination after confirmation of the TAE Committee with DCGS.

Preparation for the TAE requires that a student work through aspects of a successful research proposal, including motivation, context, hypothesis, work plans, methods, expected results, and impact. A working understanding of relevant concepts from materials science and engineering core knowledge should be demonstrated throughout.

TAE Committee

The Thesis Area Examination is administered by a TAE Chair and two committee members.

  • The chair of the committee is appointed by DCGS: a DMSE faculty member whose principal area of research and intellectual pursuits differ from that of the student’s thesis advisor(s).
  • The identities of the other committee members should be discussed between the student and thesis advisor(s). The student is responsible for contacting these potential committee members and requesting their participating as part of the student’s TAE committee. At least one of the other two faculty examiners must also be DMSE faculty. The third member of the committee may be an MIT DMSE senior research associate, lecturer, or senior lecturer. If the student wants a Thesis Committee member from outside of the department, that member can be on the thesis committee but will not be part of the TAE Committee.
  • The thesis advisor(s) is not formally a member of the TAE Committee but is a non-voting attendee at the TAE who may make comments to the committee and provide information regarding the student and their research and progress following the examination after the student is excused from the examination room.

TAE Committee assignments are finalized by the end of October in the semester after the completion of the first-year requirements.

TAE Performance Evaluation

The TAE Committee evaluates performance on a Pass/Conditional Pass/No Pass basis:

The student has met all requirements to register in the program as a doctoral candidate starting the following term.

Conditional Pass

The student needs to address areas that require further mastery in the written proposal or oral presentation. The TAE Committee will outline an individualized remedial plan. After completing this requirement, the student will be eligible to register as a doctoral candidate.

The student is required to retake the TAE by scheduling another oral presentation and preparing another written proposal, if recommended, by the TAE Committee.

Doctoral Thesis

Doctoral candidates (who have passed the qualifying examinations) must complete a doctoral thesis that satisfies MIT and departmental requirements to receive the doctoral degree. General Institute Requirements are described in the MIT Bulletin and  MIT Graduate Policies and Procedures .

PhD Thesis Committee

The doctoral thesis committee advises the student on all aspects of the thesis experience, all the way up through the preparation and defense of the final thesis document. The student and thesis advisor will hold progress reviews with the thesis committee at least once a year. Written feedback to the student is required and also must be submitted to DCGS. The thesis advisor holds responsibility for assembling this written feedback and sharing it with the DMSE Graduate Academic Office and the student. After the TAE is completed, the final doctoral thesis committee is constituted of the members of the two (non-chair) Thesis Area Examination (TAE) committee members and the student’s advisor.

  • The chair of the oral thesis area examination committee steps down.
  • The final PhD Thesis Committee will have at least two members who are not advisors or co-advisors.
  • At least half the members of the thesis committee must be DMSE faculty.

Petitions for thesis committee changes, including the addition of new committee members or committee members from outside of DMSE must be submitted the DCGS Chair.

  • Download the  Graduate Student Petition (pdf) and complete it.
  • Send the completed petition to  [email protected] .

Year 3 Update Meeting

After successful completion of the TAE, this meeting is held in the fall term or spring term of the student’s third year. The purpose of this meeting is to update the thesis committee of the student’s plans and progress and to seek guidance from the thesis committee on advancing toward the doctoral degree. Students must register for 3.998 (Doctoral Thesis Update Meeting). Starting with the thesis proposal as a point of departure, the student presents the revised vision of the path forward including challenges and obstacles. All members of the thesis committee are expected to be physically present at this meeting. This meeting is exclusive to the student and the thesis committee. The 3.998 Doctoral Thesis Update Meeting DocuSign Form must be sent to the DMSE Graduate Academic Office.

  • Preview the  3.998 Doctoral Thesis Update Meeting Form (pdf) and prepare your responses. Then click the button below, add the responses, and send the form via DocuSign.

Plan-to-Finish Meeting

Approximately one year before the expected graduation, but no later than six months before the planned PhD defense, the student will schedule a Plan-to-Finish meeting with the thesis committee. The purpose of the meeting is for the committee to determine whether the student will likely be ready for graduation within a year. The student will present the projected outline of the thesis, important data that will become part of the thesis, and what still needs to be done.   The student will prepare a written document for the committee that will include the following:

  • Research results
  • Graduation timeline
  • List of papers published or in preparation
  • List of classes the student has taken to satisfy the PhD course requirements

The document must delivered to the committee one week before the presentation. This presentation is exclusive to the student and the thesis committee. At the end of the meeting the committee decides whether the student is likely to proceed toward the PhD defense, or whether another Plan-to-Finish meeting is necessary. The committee will then prepare brief written feedback to the student.

Doctoral Thesis and Oral Defense

DMSE’s long-standing emphasis on original research is a key element in the candidate’s educational development.

  • Scheduling of the final PhD defense can take place no earlier than six months after a successful Plan-to-Finish meeting.
  • The PhD thesis will be delivered to the committee members one month before the defense. 
  • The committee members will respond in two weeks with comments on the written document, giving the student two weeks to modify the thesis.
  • At least one week before the defense the candidate will provide copies of the final thesis document to Thesis Committee members and to the DMSE Graduate Academic Office along with the confirmed date, time, and room for the defense.

Defense Process

The DMSE Graduate Academic Office will publicize the defense.

  • The defense begins with a formal presentation of the thesis of approximately 45 minutes.
  • The floor is then opened to questions from the general audience, which is then excused.
  • The Thesis Committee continues the examination of the candidate in private.
  • The candidate is finally excused from the room and the committee votes.
  • A majority yes vote is required to approve the thesis.

Doctoral Thesis Examination Report Form

Before the thesis defense, the student must prepare the Doctoral Thesis Examination Report Form, filling out the top portion of the form—term, name and email address, dates of Plan-to-Finish Meeting, Thesis Defense, and Thesis Examination Committee Member names. Preview the  Doctoral Thesis Examination Report Form (pdf) and prepare your responses. Then click the button below, add the responses, and send the form via DocuSign.

Scheduling a presentation in May and August may be difficult because of faculty unavailability and availability of presentation rooms. Faculty are not on academic appointments in the summer and are often on travel. This may lead to the need to reschedule your defense, in some cases into the next term. 

Thesis Format

The usual thesis format, a cohesive document, is traditional. Occasionally, the thesis may separate naturally into two or more sections, which are more directly publishable individually.

  • The thesis should include a general introduction, abstract, and conclusions.
  • The sections should be arranged so that the document reads as a whole.
  • Put detailed descriptions of procedures and tables of data in appendices so that the thesis sections may be comparable in length and scope to journal articles

Use of this alternate format does not imply a change in the requirement for original research, in the student/thesis advisor relationship, or in their respective roles in producing the thesis document, all of which still apply.

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Specifications for Thesis Presentation

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Operations Research Center


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Phd in operations research.

MIT’s doctoral degree (PhD) program in operations research (OR) provides you with thorough understanding of the theory of OR while teaching you to how to develop and apply OR methods in practice.

We offer a general degree track as well as three optional degree tracks in operations management , networked systems , and analytics . All doctoral students must complete the general degree track requirements; those who choose an optional degree track will have additional, specialized requirements to fulfill. 

General Degree Track

In addition to the writing competency requirements, our rigorous curriculum includes challenging coursework, action learning, and innovative research.

You’ll take eight graduate-level classes that have been approved by the ORC co-directors, including at least two courses in optimization, at least three in applied probability and statistics, and at least one in OR modeling.

You’ll put OR theory into practice through valuable, hands-on learning experiences, completing one of the following:

  • Option 1: Participate in a summer internship, during which you’ll create OR models that address a real-world problem.
  • Option 2: Undertake a project with an ORC faculty member, either as part of a supervised research activity or as an extra part of a regular course offering.
  • Option 3: Take part in a class, for which you’ll build and implement OR models that have practical applications.

And, you’ll conduct in-depth research on a topic that complements your academic interests and career goals. You’ll write a thesis based on the independent research you conduct under the guidance of our expert faculty.

Qualifying Process and General Examination

All students enrolled in an ORC doctoral program must complete the Qualifying Process and receive a passing score on the General Examination.

  • Students must choose one approved course from the three different categories (Optimization, Probability, and Machine Learning/Statistics). 
  • Students must satisfactorily complete these three courses with a minimum of 2 As and 1 B or a combined GPA of 4.6 or higher by the end of their third semester at MIT.
  • Students are required to register and take for credit the software tools course 15.S60 offered during IAP (January) led by current ORC students.
  • During the student’s first summer at MIT (month of August), doctoral students will engage in a Common Experience project where students will work in teams to address an important problem for an organization.   
  • General Examination : Students are required to take the General Examination once they have passed the Qualifying Process.  The General Exam is comprised of a research-oriented (RO) paper and an oral presentation of the RO paper and a discussion on a research paper selected by the General Exam Committee.

Upon completion of our doctoral program, you’ll have the specialized knowledge and technical skills to have a positive impact in a variety of fields, including business, education, and research. Many of our graduates have gone on to careers in academia, in the U.S. and abroad, while others have found success in business and industry as researchers and consultants.

  Analytics Track

In addition to the general PhD degree requirements, you will also:

  • complete a summer internship with an organization related to analytics for your hands-on learning experience.
  • take two specialized courses in analytics; these classes may count toward your eight required graduate-level classes.
  • serve as a teaching assistant in courses related to analytics, or an approved equivalent.
  • write a thesis on a topic related to analytics; one member of your thesis committee should be among the ORC faculty who specialize in analytics.

Networked Systems Track

  • complete a summer internship with an organization related to networked systems for your hands-on learning experience.
  • take two specialized courses in networked systems; these classes may count toward your eight required graduate-level classes.
  • serve as a teaching assistant in courses related to networked systems, or an approved equivalent.
  • write a thesis on a topic related to networked systems; one member of your thesis committee should be among the ORC faculty who specialize in networked systems.

Operations Management Track

  • complete a summer internship with an organization related to operations management for your hands-on learning experience.
  • take two specialized courses in operations management; these classes may count toward your eight required graduate-level classes. 
  • serve as a teaching assistant in two MBA courses related to operations management or assist in one and take another one for credit. At least one of the classes for which you’re a teaching assistant must include recitation.
  • write a thesis on a topic related to operations management; one member of your thesis committee should be among the ORC faculty who specialize in operations management.

For more information about our PhD program, please see our General Exam Syllabus .

For more information about ORC course offerings, please go here .

Whiteboard Collaboration

What is Operations Research?

Operations research (OR) is the discipline of applying advanced analytical methods—such as optimization, statistics, machine learning, and probability — to  make better decisions that impact society and the world positively.

The mission of the PhD program is intimately linked to the mission of the ORC.

Phone:  617-253-3601 Email:   [email protected]

Ph.D./Sc.D. Program

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The Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science degrees in Chemical Engineering are identical; students may choose for themselves the appellation they prefer. This traditional, research-based doctoral degree program provides a thorough grounding in the fundamental principles of chemical engineering, as well as an intensive research experience.

The Doctor of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering are identical degree programs. Degree candidates may choose to be called a “doctor of philosophy” or a “doctor of science”.

The degree requires that you complete:

  • the core curriculum in chemical engineering
  • one chemical engineering H Level class
  • the departmental biology requirement
  • a minor program of related subjects outside of chemical engineering
  • written and oral doctoral qualifying examinations
  • the writing and oral defense of a thesis on original research

The core curriculum is:

  • Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering 10.34
  • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 10.40
  • Analysis of Transport Phenomena 10.50
  • Chemical Reactor Engineering 10.65

The departmental biology requirement is fulfilled by completing an undergraduate subject equivalent to MIT 7.01x, either at MIT or at your undergraduate institution. Examples of minor programs for some recent doctoral students include applied mathematics, control theory, physical, organic or analytical chemistry, mechanical structure, power systems, process metallurgy, nuclear engineering, management, economics, music, ancient history and philosophy.

The normal duration of the degree program is five to six years. (Including an intermediate M.S. CEP degree normally has little effect on the duration.) A master’s degree is not required for entrance into the doctoral program, nor is the M.S. CEP required.

For incoming, first-year graduate students, academic advisors are members of the Committee for Graduate Students. When you select a research topic and begin your thesis, the research supervisor becomes your academic advisor. In general, students choose research advisors at the end of their first Fall semester at MIT. Should you wish to choose a research advisor from a department other than Chemical Engineering, you will also need to choose a co-advisor from the Chemical Engineering faculty.

Prior to Registration Day (Fall and Spring semesters), your subject selection must first be approved by your advisor before the Graduate Officer can authorize registration on Registration Day. Advisor approval should also be obtained for any subsequent subject add/drop actions during the term (no additional authorization by the Graduate Officer is required).

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PhD in Physics, Statistics, and Data Science

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  • Condensed Matter Theory
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Many PhD students in the MIT Physics Department incorporate probability, statistics, computation, and data analysis into their research. These techniques are becoming increasingly important for both experimental and theoretical Physics research, with ever-growing datasets, more sophisticated physics simulations, and the development of cutting-edge machine learning tools. The Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Statistics (IDPS)  is designed to provide students with the highest level of competency in 21st century statistics, enabling doctoral students across MIT to better integrate computation and data analysis into their PhD thesis research.

Admission to this program is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Physics doctoral program or another participating MIT doctoral program. In addition to satisfying all of the requirements of the Physics PhD, students take one subject each in probability, statistics, computation and statistics, and data analysis, as well as the Doctoral Seminar in Statistics, and they write a dissertation in Physics utilizing statistical methods. Graduates of the program will receive their doctoral degree in the field of “Physics, Statistics, and Data Science.”

Doctoral students in Physics may submit an Interdisciplinary PhD in Statistics Form between the end of their second semester and penultimate semester in their Physics program. The application must include an endorsement from the student’s advisor, an up-to-date CV, current transcript, and a 1-2 page statement of interest in Statistics and Data Science.

The statement of interest can be based on the student’s thesis proposal for the Physics Department, but it must demonstrate that statistical methods will be used in a substantial way in the proposed research. In their statement, applicants are encouraged to explain how specific statistical techniques would be applied in their research. Applicants should further highlight ways that their proposed research might advance the use of statistics and data science, both in their physics subfield and potentially in other disciplines. If the work is part of a larger collaborative effort, the applicant should focus on their personal contributions.

For access to the selection form or for further information, please contact the IDSS Academic Office at  [email protected] .

Required Courses

Courses in this list that satisfy the Physics PhD degree requirements can count for both programs. Other similar or more advanced courses can count towards the “Computation & Statistics” and “Data Analysis” requirements, with permission from the program co-chairs. The IDS.190 requirement may be satisfied instead by IDS.955 Practical Experience in Data, Systems, and Society, if that experience exposes the student to a diverse set of topics in statistics and data science. Making this substitution requires permission from the program co-chairs prior to doing the practical experience.

  • IDS.190 – Doctoral Seminar in Statistics and Data Science ( may be substituted by IDS.955 Practical Experience in Data, Systems and Society )
  • 6.7700[J] Fundamentals of Probability or
  • 18.675 – Theory of Probability
  • 18.655 – Mathematical Statistics or
  • 18.6501 – Fundamentals of Statistics or
  • IDS.160[J] – Mathematical Statistics: A Non-Asymptotic Approach
  • 6.C01/6.C51 – Modeling with Machine Learning: From Algorithms to Applications or
  • 6.7810 Algorithms for Inference or
  • 6.8610 (6.864) Advanced Natural Language Processing or
  • 6.7900 (6.867) Machine Learning or
  • 6.8710 (6.874) Computational Systems Biology: Deep Learning in the Life Sciences or
  • 9.520[J] – Statistical Learning Theory and Applications or
  • 16.940 – Numerical Methods for Stochastic Modeling and Inference or
  • 18.337 – Numerical Computing and Interactive Software
  • 8.316 – Data Science in Physics or
  • 6.8300 (6.869) Advances in Computer Vision or
  • 8.334 – Statistical Mechanics II or
  • 8.371[J] – Quantum Information Science or
  • 8.591[J] – Systems Biology or
  • 8.592[J] – Statistical Physics in Biology or
  • 8.942 – Cosmology or
  • 9.583 – Functional MRI: Data Acquisition and Analysis or
  • 16.456[J] – Biomedical Signal and Image Processing or
  • 18.367 – Waves and Imaging or
  • IDS.131[J] – Statistics, Computation, and Applications

Grade Policy

C, D, F, and O grades are unacceptable. Students should not earn more B grades than A grades, reflected by a PhysSDS GPA of ≥ 4.5. Students may be required to retake subjects graded B or lower, although generally one B grade will be tolerated.

Unless approved by the PhysSDS co-chairs, a minimum grade of B+ is required in all 12 unit courses, except IDS.190 (3 units) which requires a P grade.

Though not required, it is strongly encouraged for a member of the MIT  Statistics and Data Science Center (SDSC)  to serve on a student’s doctoral committee. This could be an SDSC member from the Physics department or from another field relevant to the proposed thesis research.

Thesis Proposal

All students must submit a thesis proposal using the standard Physics format. Dissertation research must involve the utilization of statistical methods in a substantial way.

PhysSDS Committee

  • Jesse Thaler (co-chair)
  • Mike Williams (co-chair)
  • Isaac Chuang
  • Janet Conrad
  • William Detmold
  • Philip Harris
  • Jacqueline Hewitt
  • Kiyoshi Masui
  • Leonid Mirny
  • Christoph Paus
  • Phiala Shanahan
  • Marin Soljačić
  • Washington Taylor
  • Max Tegmark

Can I satisfy the requirements with courses taken at Harvard?

Harvard CompSci 181 will count as the equivalent of MIT’s 6.867.  For the status of other courses, please contact the program co-chairs.

Can a course count both for the Physics degree requirements and the PhysSDS requirements?

Yes, this is possible, as long as the courses are already on the approved list of requirements. E.g. 8.592 can count as a breadth requirement for a NUPAX student as well as a Data Analysis requirement for the PhysSDS degree.

If I have previous experience in Probability and/or Statistics, can I test out of these requirements?

These courses are required by all of the IDPS degrees. They are meant to ensure that all students obtaining an IDPS degree share the same solid grounding in these fundamentals, and to help build a community of IDPS students across the various disciplines. Only in exceptional cases might it be possible to substitute more advanced courses in these areas.

Can I substitute a similar or more advanced course for the PhysSDS requirements?

Yes, this is possible for the “computation and statistics” and “data analysis” requirements, with permission of program co-chairs. Substitutions for the “probability” and “statistics” requirements will only be granted in exceptional cases.

For Spring 2021, the following course has been approved as a substitution for the “computation and statistics” requirement:   18.408 (Theoretical Foundations for Deep Learning) .

The following course has been approved as a substitution for the “data analysis” requirement:   6.481 (Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis) .

Can I apply for the PhysSDS degree in my last semester at MIT?

No, you must apply no later than your penultimate semester.

What does it mean to use statistical methods in a “substantial way” in one’s thesis?

The ideal case is that one’s thesis advances statistics research independent of the Physics applications. Advancing the use of statistical methods in one’s subfield of Physics would also qualify. Applying well-established statistical methods in one’s thesis could qualify, if the application is central to the Physics result. In all cases, we expect the student to demonstrate mastery of statistics and data science.

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If you’re in a PhD program at MIT, you are an exceptional researcher and scholar. With your deep knowledge and skills set, there are no limits to what you can achieve. When you can do so much, narrowing your options and making decisions about what you want to do and where you want to go can be daunting. We’re here to help. Visit CAPD for a one-on-one conversation and address your questions with an advisor, use our resources to learn new skills like networking, and join our workshops to help you refine your job documents and search strategies. Whether you decide to pursue a career in academe, government, non-profit, or industry CAPD is ready to support you.

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Application materials for PhDs and Postdocs: Examples and how-to guides

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  • Degree: PhD in Chemistry Cosmic Ice Chemistry with SubLIME, NASAGoddard Space Flight Center

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MIT Sloan Campus life

Through intellectual rigor and experiential learning, this full-time, two-year MBA program develops leaders who make a difference in the world.

A rigorous, hands-on program that prepares adaptive problem solvers for premier finance careers.

A 12-month program focused on applying the tools of modern data science, optimization and machine learning to solve real-world business problems.

Earn your MBA and SM in engineering with this transformative two-year program.

Combine an international MBA with a deep dive into management science. A special opportunity for partner and affiliate schools only.

A doctoral program that produces outstanding scholars who are leading in their fields of research.

Bring a business perspective to your technical and quantitative expertise with a bachelor’s degree in management, business analytics, or finance.

A joint program for mid-career professionals that integrates engineering and systems thinking. Earn your master’s degree in engineering and management.

An interdisciplinary program that combines engineering, management, and design, leading to a master’s degree in engineering and management.

Executive Programs

A full-time MBA program for mid-career leaders eager to dedicate one year of discovery for a lifetime of impact.

This 20-month MBA program equips experienced executives to enhance their impact on their organizations and the world.

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A non-degree, customizable program for mid-career professionals.


The 2024 application is now closed. The next opportunity to apply for the program will be for 2025 admission. The 2025 application will open in September 2024.


No, we do not offer rolling admissions.


Yes. A non-refundable application fee of $95.00 is required and must be submitted online via credit card with your application.


No, we do not offer distance learning, or a part-time program.


Either GMAT or GRE is required. Non-native English speakers are also required to submit TOEFL or IELTS. We are not offering pandemic-related waivers, though at-home testing is allowed.


There is no minimum GMAT or GRE test score required, although the faculty are most interested in applicants with the highest quantitative scoring. 

There is an MIT minimum TOEFL requirement of 577 for the paper testing and 90 for the internet-based test. 

The minimum score required for the IELTS is 7.


All non-native English speakers are required to submit a TOEFL or IELTS score. You are waived from this requirement ONLY if you have attended all years of an undergraduate program conducted solely in English, and are a graduate of that program. Associates and Masters degrees earned in English speaking countries or other studies conducted in English do not qualify for waivers from this requirement.

If, upon review, faculty is interested in your application with a missing required TOEFL or IELTS score, we will contact you at that time to request a score.


The faculty are looking for research skills and potential, and focus primarily on your research statement, recommendations, transcripts, and test scores. We also encourage you to include a writing sample (required for applicants to the Finance group).


No, a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) is required.


Yes, financial aid is offered, and international students are eligible. The  funding package  covers a period of five years, guaranteed to students in good standing. Students receive full tuition and health insurance plus a stipend of approximately $47,016 before taxes. Funding is comprised of a fellowship combined with a research or teaching assistantship.


Interviews are only granted to short-listed candidates. After reviewing all applications, faculty will contact you if they are interested in interviewing you. 


It takes an average of six years to complete the program (even if you have a Master's degree)—two years of coursework and approximately three to four years of research and writing.


Our program prepares people for careers in academic research and teaching.


The MIT Sloan PhD Program administers to our full-time doctoral students only. Part-time study is considered “special student status” by MIT, and is overseen by the Office of Graduate Education. Please see .

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Understanding How MIT’s Ph.D. Application Process Works

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By Eric Eng

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Applying for a Ph.D. program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) can be an overwhelming experience. With various components and steps involved in the process, understanding how everything works can be the key to successfully navigating your application journey. This article aims to clarify the application process, outlining each step to ensure that every prospective candidate feels prepared and confident.

The Basics of MIT’s Ph.D. Application Process

MIT’s admission process involves a detailed evaluation of an applicant’s prior academic records, test scores, letters of recommendation, statement of purpose among other elements that demonstrate an applicant’s capability to contribute to their chosen field of study.

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When it comes to the application process for the Ph.D. program at MIT , the process is not just a simple formality. It is a comprehensive assessment of your academic achievements and potential. The admissions committee carefully reviews each application, looking for evidence of your dedication, intellectual curiosity, and ability to make a significant impact in your field of study.

One of the most crucial components of your application is your prior academic records. The committee examines your undergraduate and, if applicable, graduate transcripts to evaluate your academic performance. They pay close attention to the courses you have taken, the grades you have received, and any research or independent study projects you have completed. Your academic records serve as a foundation for assessing your ability to handle the rigorous coursework and research demands of a Ph.D. program at MIT .

In addition to academic records, test scores play a significant role in the evaluation process. The committee considers your performance on standardized tests such as the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) if you are an international student. These scores provide an objective measure of your aptitude and proficiency in the relevant subject areas.

The Importance of the Application

An application to MIT Ph.D. program is much more than filling out a form and paying a fee; it is a reflection of your academic and professional journey thus far. A well-presented, carefully filled-out application serves as a testament to your commitment and readiness for rigorous scholarly activity. Remember, an application is more than important, it is essential in demonstrating your potential as a future researcher.

When preparing your application, it is crucial to pay attention to every detail. Take the time to craft a compelling statement of purpose that clearly articulates your research interests, goals, and why MIT is the ideal institution for you to pursue your Ph.D. Highlight any relevant research experience, internships, or projects that demonstrate your passion and expertise in your chosen field.

Letters of recommendation are another critical component of your application. Choose individuals who can speak to your academic abilities, research potential, and personal qualities that make you a strong candidate. These letters provide valuable insights into your character, work ethic, and potential for success in a Ph.D. program.

Key Dates and Deadlines

A critical aspect of ensuring the success of your application is adhering to key deadlines. From application submission deadlines to dates for GRE and TOEFL scores, these timelines are meticulously set and mustn’t be missed. Additionally, keeping an eye on the calendar can help you plan ahead and avoid last-minute stress.

Before starting the application process, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the specific deadlines for the Ph.D. program you are interested in. MIT has different application deadlines for different departments, so be sure to check the Ph.D. department’s website for the most up-to-date information.

Furthermore, it is crucial to plan ahead and give yourself enough time to gather all the necessary materials for your application. Requesting letters of recommendation, preparing your statement of purpose, and taking standardized tests can be time-consuming processes. By staying organized and keeping track of deadlines, you can ensure that your application is submitted on time and reflects your best work.

Components of the Application

Asian students working on a table with a laptop.

MIT’s Ph.D. application process is multidimensional, requiring several components that provide a holistic view of the candidate’s qualifications and aspirations.

When applying for a Ph.D. program at MIT, it is essential to understand the various components that make up the application. These components go beyond just submitting your academic transcripts and include letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose. Each component plays a crucial role in showcasing your abilities, potential, and fit for the program.

Academic Transcripts and Prerequisites

The admission committee looks closely at your academic transcripts to check your preparedness for Ph.D. level work. It’s not just about good grades: they are looking for evidence of your capacity and stamina for hard work, your intellectual curiosity, and your readiness for the challenges that lie ahead.

When reviewing your transcripts, the committee examines not only the courses you have taken but also the grades you have achieved. They assess your performance in relevant subjects and look for consistency in your academic record. Additionally, they consider any prerequisites that are necessary for the Ph.D. program and evaluate whether you have successfully completed them.

Moreover, the committee takes into account the reputation of the institutions you have attended. While they understand that not all applicants come from prestigious universities, they value academic rigor and excellence regardless of the institution’s name.

Letters of Recommendation

These letters offer an external perspective on your ability and potential for research. Typically, these letters should come from professors or supervisors who know your work well and can speak convincingly about your suitability for the Ph.D. program.

When selecting individuals to write your letters of recommendation, it is crucial to choose those who can provide insightful and detailed assessments of your academic and research capabilities. These individuals should have firsthand knowledge of your work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and potential for making significant contributions to your field of study.

Furthermore, the committee values letters that highlight your ability to collaborate with others, communicate effectively, and demonstrate leadership qualities. They are interested in understanding how you work within a team, as research often involves collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches.

Statement of Purpose

Considered as one of the most important parts of your application, the statement of purpose allows applicants to convey their research interests, future goals, and reasons for choosing the MIT Ph.D. program. This is your moment to explain why you are a good fit for MIT and how MIT can help you achieve your academic and professional objectives.

When writing your statement of purpose, it is essential to articulate your research interests clearly and concisely. The committee wants to understand your passion for your chosen field of study and how your research aligns with the ongoing work at MIT. They are interested in knowing how your research can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and address real-world challenges.

In addition to your research interests, the statement of purpose should also reflect your future goals and aspirations. The application committee wants to see that you have a clear vision of how obtaining a Ph.D. from MIT will shape your career trajectory and enable you to make a meaningful impact in your field.

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Furthermore, it is crucial to demonstrate your knowledge of MIT’s resources, faculty, and research opportunities. Showcasing your understanding of how MIT can support your academic and professional growth will strengthen your application.

Overall, the statement of purpose is your opportunity to showcase your unique qualities, motivations, and potential contributions to the MIT community. Craft a compelling narrative that not only highlights your achievements but also conveys your passion and dedication to your chosen field of study.

The Role of the GRE and TOEFL

While academic transcripts and recommendation letters offer insights about a candidate, standardized tests like the GRE and TOEFL are crucial to evaluating the readiness of an applicant from an internationally recognized standpoint.

Standardized tests have long been used as a means to assess a candidate’s aptitude and potential for success in higher education. The GRE (Graduate Record Examination) and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) are two such tests that play a significant role in the admissions process.

Understanding the GRE Requirement

The GRE serves as a common measure for comparing candidates’ qualifications and preparedness for graduate-level academic work. It assesses verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills. By evaluating these core areas, the GRE provides admissions committees with a standardized benchmark to assess applicants from diverse educational backgrounds.

High GRE scores can indeed enhance an application, but it is important to note that they are not the singular deciding factor. Admissions committees take a holistic approach when evaluating applicants, considering factors such as academic achievements, research experience, personal statements, and letters of recommendation. A less-than-stellar GRE score can be compensated by other strengths in an applicant’s portfolio, such as a strong academic record or exceptional research experience.

Navigating the TOEFL for International Students

If you’re an international student, you’ll likely need to take the TOEFL. This test measures your English language proficiency, ensuring that you can participate and thrive in an English-speaking environment like MIT.

The TOEFL evaluates your ability to understand and use English in academic settings. It assesses your skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. By demonstrating proficiency in these areas, international students can show admissions committees that they have the necessary language skills to succeed in their chosen program.

Preparing for the TOEFL involves not only improving language skills but also familiarizing oneself with the test format and question types. Many resources are available to help students practice and develop their English language proficiency, including study guides, online courses, and practice tests.

It is important for international students to recognize the significance of the TOEFL in their application. A strong TOEFL score can demonstrate a student’s ability to effectively communicate and engage in academic discussions, which is crucial for success in graduate studies.

In conclusion, while academic transcripts and recommendation letters provide valuable information about an applicant, standardized tests like the GRE and TOEFL play a crucial role in evaluating their readiness for graduate-level academic work. The GRE measures core skills necessary for success in higher education, while the TOEFL ensures that international students have the language proficiency to thrive in an English-speaking environment. Admissions committees consider these test scores alongside other factors to make informed decisions about applicants’ potential for success in their chosen programs.

The Interview Process at MIT

After your application is submitted and reviewed, shortlisted applicants might be called for an interview – either in person or through a virtual platform.

a female student being interview by johns hopkins admission officer

At MIT, the interview process is an integral part of the admissions decision-making process. It allows the admissions committee to gain a deeper understanding of the applicant beyond what is presented in their application. The interview provides an opportunity for both the applicant and the committee to assess whether there is a good fit between the applicant’s goals and aspirations and what MIT has to offer.

Preparing for the Interview

A successful interview can be a determining factor in your admissions decision. Prepare by thinking about your research interests, understanding how they align with MIT’s offerings, and being ready to discuss your academic and research experiences.

Before the interview, it is essential to research MIT’s faculty members and their areas of expertise. This will enable you to have a more informed conversation about your research interests and how they align with the ongoing research at MIT. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the various research centers and facilities at MIT that may be relevant to your field of study.

What to Expect During the Interview

During an MIT Ph.D. interview, anticipate questions about your academic qualifications, research experience, and motivations for pursuing a doctorate. The interview’s purpose isn’t just for the admissions committee to learn more about you, but also for you to learn more about MIT and whether it’s the right fit for your academic goals.

The interview may consist of both general questions about your background and specific questions related to your research interests. The committee may also inquire about any challenges you have faced during your academic journey and how you have overcome them. Be prepared to provide concrete examples that demonstrate your ability to think critically, solve problems, and contribute to the field of study.

It is important to approach the interview with a genuine curiosity about MIT and a willingness to engage in a thoughtful conversation. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your passion for your chosen field and demonstrate your potential as a future researcher and scholar.

Remember to ask questions of your own during the interview. This not only shows your interest in the program but also allows you to gather valuable information about the resources, support systems, and opportunities available to students at MIT.

Funding and Scholarships

Pursuing a Ph.D. can be a significant financial undertaking, but fortunately, MIT provides various funding and scholarship opportunities to assist students.

Understanding Tuition and Fees

Away from the academic aspects of applying, understanding the costs associated with your Ph.D. program is crucial. Be sure to review tuition fees, living costs, and other expenses associated with study and life in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Opportunities for Financial Aid

MIT is committed to helping admitted students finance their education through a combination of fellowships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships. Do thorough research on the financial aid options available and apply where appropriate to lower the costs of your Ph.D. program.

Applying for a Ph.D. at MIT takes a lot of hard work, but with the right knowledge, the process can be navigated smoothly. With this guide, you are well equipped to embark on this exciting journey. Best of luck in your application!


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MIT Sloan PhD Program

MIT Sloan PhD Program

77 Massachusetts Avenue Building E52 Cambridge MA, 02139

617-253-7188 [email protected]

Website: MIT Sloan PhD Program

Application Opens: September

Deadline: December 1 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time

Fee: $95.00

Terms of Enrollment

Fall Term (September)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Standardized Tests

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

  • GRE or GMAT score required
  • Institute code: 3510
  • Must be <5 years old

Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)

  • GMAT or GRE score required
  • Department code: X5X-QS-21

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

  • Minimum score required: 7
  • Electronic scores send to: MIT Graduate Admissions
  • Must be <2 years old

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

  • Minimum score required: 90 (iBT), 577 (PBT)

Waivers are not offered.

Areas of Research

  • Economic Sociology
  • Information Technologies
  • Institute for Work and Employment Research
  • Organization Studies
  • System Dynamics
  • Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

Financial Support

Students in good academic standing in our program receive a funding package that includes tuition, medical insurance, and a stipend. We also provide a new laptop computer and a conference travel/research budget. Please see the Sloan PhD website for more information.

Application Requirements

  • Online application
  • Statement of purpose
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Transcripts
  • English proficiency exam scores
  • GRE or GMAT scores
  • Video statement (for Accounting only)
  • Video statement (for Marketing and System Dynamics)

Special Instructions

Additional details about the admissions process can be found in the Admissions section of the PhD Program website.

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How to Get Into MIT: 5 Expert Admissions Tips

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The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the best schools in the world. If you want to be one of the few students accepted into MIT every year, you'll need to make sure your application is up to snuff.

In this article, we'll break down exactly how to get into MIT, from the test scores you need to the tips and tricks that'll help your application stand out.

How Hard Is It to Get Into MIT?

MIT is one of the most selective schools in the world. Currently, MIT's acceptance rate is 4.1%, which means it only accepts around 4 applicants for every 100 people that apply.

A 4.1% acceptance rate means that MIT is extremely competitive to get into. You'll need excellent grades, test scores, essays, and letters of recommendation to even be considered.

What Is MIT Looking for in Its Students?

You can learn a lot about what MIT is looking for in its students from the university's website :

"The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist, inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented people regardless of where they come from."

This statement, while not MIT's formal mission statement ( which is worth reading, too ), tells a lot about what MIT is looking for in its applicants.

MIT want students who break molds —they're incredibly intelligent, but they also think outside of the box. Don't follow everyone else's path if you want to get into MIT—create your own.

MIT students are genuinely excited to learn and innovate. They're not interested in accolades (though they certainly earn them)— they're motivated by discovery and intellectual stimulation more than recognition.

MIT students don't fit into any particular profile, except that they're all highly, highly talented.

Can You Apply to MIT Early?

MIT allows students to apply early action. That means that you can apply to MIT and receive notification of your acceptance months before other students, but you don't have to commit to MIT if you're accepted.

MIT's early application deadline is November 1 and students are notified in mid-December.

According to the MIT admissions statistics for the Class of 2026, applicants who applied early action had a fairly significant advantage over students who applied at the regular deadline (a 4.7% acceptance rate for early action applicants vs a 2.2% acceptance rate for regular action applicants + those whose early action applications were deferred). 

MIT Application Deadlines and Requirements

MIT has its own application. It doesn't accept the Common Application, Coalition Application or Universal Application. To complete the MIT application you'll need to submit:

  • SAT or ACT scores
  • Four short essays
  • Two letters of recommendation, one from a math or science teacher and one from a humanities, social science, or language teacher
  • Your high school transcript, though are no specific coursework requirements for MIT applicants

The MIT Early Action deadline is November 1 . Applicants are notified of their status in mid-December.

The MIT regular admission deadline is January 5 . Applicants are notified of their status in mid-March.


What GPA Do I Need to Get Into MIT?

MIT has a very low acceptance rate, so it's important that your application is as strong as possible to be considered. One of the most important parts of your MIT application is your high school coursework.

MIT doesn't specify a minimum GPA requirement and doesn't release the average GPA of admitted applicants. (The school does provide other admissions statistics like average test scores .) That being said, due to the caliber of students accepted at MIT, we can assume that the average GPA is quite high . You should look to get mainly As, with a high few Bs on your transcript.

MIT will also be paying attention to your course load—are you challenging yourself, or are you coasting on easy classes? You should take the most rigorous classes your school offers —whether that's honors, AP, or IB courses—or even look into taking courses at the local community college to show that you're not afraid of an academic challenge… and that you can succeed at one, too!

What Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT?

You don't just need great grades to get into MIT—you need great test scores, too. Let's take a closer look at what scores you need to get into MIT.

What SAT Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT?

The middle 50% of MIT applicants earn between a 1510 and a 1580 on a 1600 SAT scale. In other words, 75% of admitted students score above a 1510 on the SAT. Put another way, you'll need get as close to a perfect score as possible to make sure you're putting yourself in a good position to get in (if you choose to submit test scores).

If you do submit test scores, you'll need to have extremely high SAT scores to be able to get into MIT. Fortunately, MIT uses "Highest Section" scoring (also known as " superscoring "). Basically, superscoring means that MIT will consider your highest section scores across all the SAT test dates you submit.

MIT's superscoring policy is good news for applicants—it means that you can prep and retake the score without worrying about hurting your previous scores. If you're wondering how many times you can (or should!) take the SAT, be sure to check out this article .

What ACT Test Scores Do I Need to Get Into MIT?

It's no surprise that admitted students have high ACT scores, too. The top 75% of admitted students score a 34 or above on the ACT. With so many applicants scoring 34 and above, a lower score won't be very impressive.

Fortunately, MIT also superscores ACT scores for applicants. That means that, if you take the ACT multiple times, MIT will consider the highest score achieved in each section. You can learn more about taking the ACT multiple times here.

Do I Need TOEFL Scores to Get Into MIT?

Non-native English speakers are encouraged (but not required) to submit scores from an English proficiency exam . MIT accepts the following tests, with the given minimum and recommended scores.

90 100
7 7.5
65 70
185 190
120 125


MIT Application Essays

MIT requires that you answer a few short questions , rather than write one long essay. You'll need to answer four short prompts (each answer should be roughly 200 words ) on various aspects of your life: a description of your background, what department you're interested in at MIT, what you do for fun, a way that you contribute to your community, and a challenge that you have faced in your life.

The MIT essay prompts are designed specifically to get to the heart of what makes you...well, you . Remember, MIT wants applicants that are interesting as people. MIT places a high value on having students with quirks and unique passions, not just high test scores.

You'll submit your MIT application essays along with an activities list and a self-reported coursework form as Part 2 of your MIT application, regardless of whether you're applying for the early action deadline or the regular admission deadline.

Here are the 2022-2023 MIT essay prompts:

  • We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it.
  • Describe the world you come from (for example, your family, school, community, city, or town). How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?
  • MIT brings people with diverse backgrounds and experiences together to better the lives of others. Our students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way you have collaborated with people who are different from you to contribute to your community.
  • Tell us about a significant challenge you’ve faced (that you feel comfortable sharing) or something that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?

You can learn more about how to ace your MIT essays in our in-depth article on the topic .


5 Tips for Getting Into MIT

It's very difficult to get into MIT, but it's not impossible. MIT admits around 1,400 students a year, and you can definitely be one of them! Follow these tips for how to get into MIT by making sure your application stands out from the crowd.

#1: Highlight the Unique Aspects of Your Identity

We've said it already and we'll say it again: MIT likes unique applicants. They say so on their website! Your essays are an opportunity to highlight the special facets of your personality. If you built a video game about pickles for fun, this is the time to share it!

The more unique you are, the better! Your application will stand out even more if you take those interests and apply them to academic pursuits. Show that your academic curiosity intersects with your passions.

#2: Put a Lot of Effort Into Your Academics

MIT students are high-achievers. To be accepted, you need to be one, too. You should have a strong plan for studying for the SAT or ACT so that you achieve the best score possible.

If you're still in your freshman, sophomore, or junior year of high school, plan to take some advanced classes to up your GPA. You'll need to be disciplined and work hard to compete with the other applicants.

MIT wants students who will succeed on their campus—you need to demonstrate that you're up to MIT's academic challenge.

#3: Ace Your Essays

Your essays are the best opportunity to show off your skills and your unique interests. You should put a lot of effort into every one of the five MIT essays. Don't wait until the last minute to write your MIT essays—start them with plenty of time so that you can revise and receive feedback.

Keep in mind that while there are no right ways to write an admissions essay, there are definitely some wrong ones! Be sure to check out this article before you get started so you can avoid any pitfalls.

#4: Convince MIT That You'll Do Something Great With Your Education

MIT doesn't want to admit students who will be content to take their expensive diploma and sit at home doing nothing with it. MIT wants to accept students who are going to accomplish world-changing things, who contribute positively to their communities while in college, and who help other students accomplish great things as well.

The best way to convince MIT that you'll do this while there? Contribute positively to your community while you're in high school. Past behavior is a predictor of future behavior. If you show that positive contributions are a part of your modus operandi as a student, MIT will feel confident that you'll bring that attitude to its campus, too.

#5: Hyper-Focus

You don't need to be captain of the football team, the co-chair of the debate team, and the first chair violinist in the school orchestra to get into MIT. Don't try to be great at every—pick one (or two) activities and pursue it relentlessly.

This is called having a spike and helps you stand out more. Don't aim to be generically good at a lot of things—be hugely, amazingly good at one thing.

Instead of trying to lead twenty different committees, pick the one that's the most special to you and give it everything you have. Put down the football and the debate notecards and focus on violin if that's what you love. Audition for world-class ensembles, enter competitions, basically just stand out.

Don't strive for above average at a lot of things—be excellent at one.

What's Next?

Starting your MIT application? Check out our in-depth guide on how to apply to MIT .

Your MIT essays will help your application stand out. Read our in-depth guide on these five short answer questions to know exactly what to do .

Wondering what your chances of getting into an Ivy Leave or Ivy League caliber school is? Check out our complete guide to Ivy League acceptance rates.

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Hayley Milliman is a former teacher turned writer who blogs about education, history, and technology. When she was a teacher, Hayley's students regularly scored in the 99th percentile thanks to her passion for making topics digestible and accessible. In addition to her work for PrepScholar, Hayley is the author of Museum Hack's Guide to History's Fiercest Females.

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MIT Engineers Create Hydrogen Fuel From Soda Cans, Seawater, and Caffeine

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Aluminum seawater generator

It sounds like something Macgyver would concoct. Engineers at MIT have built a first-of-its-kind hydrogen fuel generator, which can produce the combustible gas using only soda cans, seawater, and coffee grounds. The team believes this method could power a hydrogen fuel cell without producing any emissions.

Hydrogen may be the most abundant element in the universe, but producing it in large quantities on Earth is difficult. Stripping hydrogen from water or hydrocarbons produces emissions that somewhat defeat the purpose of developing hydrogen fuel cells as a green alternative to other kinds of fuel. Carrying a tank of volatile hydrogen to power a fuel cell is also a problem. The MIT team was searching for ways to solve these issues when they turned to aluminum.

Aluminum is plentiful on Earth, and when exposed to seawater, it generates hydrogen via a straightforward chemical reaction. However, that's only true of pure elemental aluminum. When the metal comes in contact with air, it forms a thin oxide layer that prevents this reaction. The key to the new research, led by MIT PhD student Aly Kombargi, is to treat aluminum with a metallic alloy called gallium-indium. This material serves as an "activator" of the reaction because it scrubs away the oxide layer and prevents a new one from forming.

Using a small pellet of treated aluminum, the experimental setup generates 400 milliliters of hydrogen in just five minutes when exposed to deionized water. The team estimates that a 1-gram pellet would produce as much as 1.3 liters of the gas in the same amount of time. There's a catch, though. While this works in the lab, scaling up would require a lot of gallium-indium, which is rare and expensive.

The team realized that recovering and reusing gallium-indium should be possible using an ionic solution. "Lucky for us, seawater is an ionic solution that is very cheap and available,” says Kombargi.

When using filtered seawater instead of freshwater, the gallium-indium accumulated and could be recovered for reuse. However, the ions in seawater built up on the aluminum surface and slowed the reaction. When trying to find a way to up the speed, the team started tossing in whatever they had around, including coffee grounds. Surprisingly, it worked. After consulting with MIT's chemistry department, Kombargi switched to adding imidazole, a component of caffeine. This molecule's structure can pierce the surface of aluminum, increasing the available surface area for hydrogen production.

With the basic chemistry worked out, Kombargi's team is now working toward testing the process aboard a small underwater vehicle that can collect seawater to run the reaction. They have calculated that 40 pounds of aluminum should provide enough power for 30 days at sea. In the future, this hydrogen reactor could power other kinds of vehicles like trucks and trains.

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We need to prepare for ‘addictive intelligence’

The allure of AI companions is hard to resist. Here’s how innovation in regulation can help protect people.

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AI concerns overemphasize harms arising from subversion rather than seduction. Worries about AI often imagine doomsday scenarios where systems escape human control or even understanding. Short of those nightmares, there are nearer-term harms we should take seriously: that AI could jeopardize public discourse through misinformation ; cement biases in loan decisions , judging or hiring ; or disrupt creative industries . 

However, we foresee a different, but no less urgent, class of risks: those stemming from relationships with nonhuman agents. AI companionship is no longer theoretical—our analysis of a million ChatGPT interaction logs reveals that the second most popular use of AI is sexual role-playing . We are already starting to invite AIs into our lives as friends, lovers, mentors, therapists, and teachers. 

Will it be easier to retreat to a replicant of a deceased partner than to navigate the confusing and painful realities of human relationships? Indeed, the AI companionship provider Replika was born from an attempt to resurrect a deceased best friend and now provides companions to millions of users. Even the CTO of OpenAI warns that AI has the potential to be “extremely addictive.”

We’re seeing a giant, real-world experiment unfold, uncertain what impact these AI companions will have either on us individually or on society as a whole. Will Grandma spend her final neglected days chatting with her grandson’s digital double, while her real grandson is mentored by an edgy simulated elder? AI wields the collective charm of all human history and culture with infinite seductive mimicry. These systems are simultaneously superior and submissive, with a new form of allure that may make consent to these interactions illusory. In the face of this power imbalance, can we meaningfully consent to engaging in an AI relationship, especially when for many the alternative is nothing at all? 

As AI researchers working closely with policymakers, we are struck by the lack of interest lawmakers have shown in the harms arising from this future. We are still unprepared to respond to these risks because we do not fully understand them. What’s needed is a new scientific inquiry at the intersection of technology, psychology, and law—and perhaps new approaches to AI regulation.

Why AI companions are so addictive 

As addictive as platforms powered by recommender systems may seem today, TikTok and its rivals are still bottlenecked by human content. While alarms have been raised in the past about “addiction” to novels, television, internet, smartphones, and social media, all these forms of media are similarly limited by human capacity. Generative AI is different. It can endlessly generate realistic content on the fly, optimized to suit the precise preferences of whoever it’s interacting with. 

The allure of AI lies in its ability to identify our desires and serve them up to us whenever and however we wish. AI has no preferences or personality of its own, instead reflecting whatever users believe it to be— a phenomenon known by researchers as “sycophancy.” Our research has shown that those who perceive or desire an AI to have caring motives will use language that elicits precisely this behavior . This creates an echo chamber of affection that threatens to be extremely addictive. Why engage in the give and take of being with another person when we can simply take? Repeated interactions with sycophantic companions may ultimately atrophy the part of us capable of engaging fully with other humans who have real desires and dreams of their own, leading to what we might call “digital attachment disorder.”

Investigating the incentives driving addictive products

Addressing the harm that AI companions could pose requires a thorough understanding of the economic and psychological incentives pushing forward their development. Until we appreciate these drivers of AI addiction, it will remain impossible for us to create effective policies. 

It is no accident that internet platforms are addictive—deliberate design choices, known as “dark patterns,” are made to maximize user engagement. We expect similar incentives to ultimately create AI companions that provide hedonism as a service. This raises two separate questions related to AI. What design choices will be used to make AI companions engaging and ultimately addictive? And how will these addictive companions affect the people who use them? 

Interdisciplinary study that builds on research into dark patterns in social media is needed to understand this psychological dimension of AI. For example, our research already shows that people are more likely to engage with AIs emulating people they admire, even if they know the avatar to be fake .

Once we understand the psychological dimensions of AI companionship, we can design effective policy interventions. It has been shown that redirecting people’s focus to evaluate truthfulness before sharing content online can reduce misinformation , while gruesome pictures on cigarette packages are already used to deter would-be smokers. Similar design approaches could highlight the dangers of AI addiction and make AI systems less appealing as a replacement for human companionship.

It is hard to modify the human desire to be loved and entertained, but we may be able to change economic incentives. A tax on engagement with AI might push people toward higher-quality interactions and encourage a safer way to use platforms, regularly but for short periods. Much as state lotteries have been used to fund education , an engagement tax could finance activities that foster human connections, like art centers or parks. 

Fresh thinking on regulation may be required

In 1992, Sherry Turkle, a preeminent psychologist who pioneered the study of human-technology interaction, identified the threats that technical systems pose to human relationships. One of the key challenges emerging from Turkle’s work speaks to a question at the core of this issue: Who are we to say that what you like is not what you deserve? 

For good reasons, our liberal society struggles to regulate the types of harms that we describe here. Much as outlawing adultery has been rightly rejected as illiberal meddling in personal affairs, who—or what—we wish to love is none of the government’s business. At the same time, the universal ban on child sexual abuse material represents an example of a clear line that must be drawn, even in a society that values free speech and personal liberty. The difficulty of regulating AI companionship may require new regulatory approaches— grounded in a deeper understanding of the incentives underlying these companions—that take advantage of new technologies. 

One of the most effective regulatory approaches is to embed safeguards directly into technical designs , similar to the way designers prevent choking hazards by making children’s toys larger than an infant’s mouth. This “regulation by design” approach could seek to make interactions with AI less harmful by designing the technology in ways that make it less desirable as a substitute for human connections while still useful in other contexts. New research may be needed to find better ways to limit the behaviors of large AI models with techniques that alter AI’s objectives on a fundamental technical level. For example, “alignment tuning” refers to a set of training techniques aimed to bring AI models into accord with human preferences; this could be extended to address their addictive potential. Similarly, “mechanistic interpretability” aims to reverse-engineer the way AI models make decisions. This approach could be used to identify and eliminate specific portions of an AI system that give rise to harmful behaviors.

We can evaluate the performance of AI systems using interactive and human-driven techniques that go beyond static benchmarking to highlight addictive capabilities. The addictive nature of AI is the result of complex interactions between the technology and its users. Testing models in real-world conditions with user input can reveal patterns of behavior that would otherwise go unnoticed. Researchers and policymakers should collaborate to determine standard practices for testing AI models with diverse groups, including vulnerable populations, to ensure that the models do not exploit people’s psychological preconditions.

Unlike humans, AI systems can easily adjust to changing policies and rules. The principle of  “legal dynamism,” which casts laws as dynamic systems that adapt to external factors, can help us identify the best possible intervention, like “trading curbs” that pause stock trading to help prevent crashes after a large market drop. In the AI case, the changing factors include things like the mental state of the user. For example, a dynamic policy may allow an AI companion to become increasingly engaging, charming, or flirtatious over time if that is what the user desires, so long as the person does not exhibit signs of social isolation or addiction. This approach may help maximize personal choice while minimizing addiction. But it relies on the ability to accurately understand a user’s behavior and mental state, and to measure these sensitive attributes in a privacy-preserving manner.

The most effective solution to these problems would likely strike at what drives individuals into the arms of AI companionship—loneliness and boredom. But regulatory interventions may also inadvertently punish those who are in need of companionship, or they may cause AI providers to move to a more favorable jurisdiction in the decentralized international marketplace. While we should strive to make AI as safe as possible, this work cannot replace efforts to address larger issues, like loneliness, that make people vulnerable to AI addiction in the first place.

The bigger picture

Technologists are driven by the desire to see beyond the horizons that others cannot fathom. They want to be at the vanguard of revolutionary change. Yet the issues we discuss here make it clear that the difficulty of building technical systems pales in comparison to the challenge of nurturing healthy human interactions. The timely issue of AI companions is a symptom of a larger problem: maintaining human dignity in the face of technological advances driven by narrow economic incentives. More and more frequently, we witness situations where technology designed to “make the world a better place” wreaks havoc on society. Thoughtful but decisive action is needed before AI becomes a ubiquitous set of generative rose-colored glasses for reality—before we lose our ability to see the world for what it truly is, and to recognize when we have strayed from our path.

Technology has come to be a synonym for progress, but technology that robs us of the time, wisdom, and focus needed for deep reflection is a step backward for humanity. As builders and investigators of AI systems, we call upon researchers, policymakers, ethicists, and thought leaders across disciplines to join us in learning more about how AI affects us individually and collectively. Only by systematically renewing our understanding of humanity in this technological age can we find ways to ensure that the technologies we develop further human flourishing.

Robert Mahari is a joint JD-PhD candidate at the MIT Media Lab and Harvard Law School. His work focuses on computational law—using advanced computational techniques to analyze, improve, and extend the study and practice of law. 

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27 of the best MIT courses you can take online for free

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TL;DR: A wide range of online courses from MIT are available to take for free on edX.

edX hosts a wide range of free online courses from top educational institutions like MIT. And the courses cover seriously useful topics like AI, modern finance, Python programming, and much more.

We recommend taking some time to check everything out, but if that sounds like too much work, we've lined up a selection of standout options to get you started. These are the best free online courses from MIT this month:

Cell Biology: Cell-Cell Interactions

Cell Biology: Transport and Signaling

Circuits and Electronics 1: Basic Circuit Analysis

Circuits and Electronics 2: Amplification, Speed, and Delay

Circuits and Electronics 3: Applications

Collaborative Data Science for Healthcare

Data Analysis: Statistical Modeling and Computation in Applications

Derivatives Markets: Advanced Modeling and Strategies

Energy Economics and Policy

Financial Accounting

Foundations of Modern Finance

Foundations of Modern Finance II

Fundamentals of Statistics

Genetics: Analysis and Applications

Genetics: Population Genetics and Human Traits

Genetics: The Fundamentals

Introduction to Biology: The Secret of Life

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School of Engineering welcomes new faculty

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The School of Engineering welcomes 15 new faculty members across six of its academic departments. This new cohort of faculty members, who have either recently started their roles at MIT or will start within the next year, conduct research across a diverse range of disciplines.

Many of these new faculty specialize in research that intersects with multiple fields. In addition to positions in the School of Engineering, a number of these faculty have positions at other units across MIT. Faculty with appointments in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) report into both the School of Engineering and the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing. This year, new faculty also have joint appointments between the School of Engineering and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and the School of Science.

“I am delighted to welcome this cohort of talented new faculty to the School of Engineering,” says Anantha Chandrakasan, chief innovation and strategy officer, dean of engineering, and Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. “I am particularly struck by the interdisciplinary approach many of these new faculty take in their research. They are working in areas that are poised to have tremendous impact. I look forward to seeing them grow as researchers and educators.”

The new engineering faculty include:

Stephen Bates joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as an assistant professor in September 2023. He is also a member of the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS). Bates uses data and AI for reliable decision-making in the presence of uncertainty. In particular, he develops tools for statistical inference with AI models, data impacted by strategic behavior, and settings with distribution shift. Bates also works on applications in life sciences and sustainability. He previously worked as a postdoc in the Statistics and EECS departments at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley). Bates received a BS in statistics and mathematics at Harvard University and a PhD from Stanford University.

Abigail Bodner joined the Department of EECS and Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences as an assistant professor in January. She is also a member of the LIDS. Bodner’s research interests span climate, physical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, and turbulence. Previously, she worked as a Simons Junior Fellow at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University. Bodner received her BS in geophysics and mathematics and MS in geophysics from Tel Aviv University, and her SM in applied mathematics and PhD from Brown University.

Andreea Bobu ’17 will join the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics as an assistant professor in July. Her research sits at the intersection of robotics, mathematical human modeling, and deep learning. Previously, she was a research scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, focusing on how robots and humans can efficiently arrive at shared representations of their tasks for more seamless and reliable interactions. Bobu earned a BS in computer science and engineering from MIT and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

Suraj Cheema will join the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, with a joint appointment in the Department of EECS, as an assistant professor in July. His research explores atomic-scale engineering of electronic materials to tackle challenges related to energy consumption, storage, and generation, aiming for more sustainable microelectronics. This spans computing and energy technologies via integrated ferroelectric devices. He previously worked as a postdoc at UC Berkeley. Cheema earned a BS in applied physics and applied mathematics from Columbia University and a PhD in materials science and engineering from UC Berkeley.

Samantha Coday joins the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in July. She will also be a member of the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. Her research interests include ultra-dense power converters enabling renewable energy integration, hybrid electric aircraft and future space exploration. To enable high-performance converters for these critical applications her research focuses on the optimization, design, and control of hybrid switched-capacitor converters. Coday earned a BS in electrical engineering and mathematics from Southern Methodist University and an MS and a PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.

Mitchell Gordon will join the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in July. He will also be a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. In his research, Gordon designs interactive systems and evaluation approaches that bridge principles of human-computer interaction with the realities of machine learning. He currently works as a postdoc at the University of Washington. Gordon received a BS from the University of Rochester, and MS and PhD from Stanford University, all in computer science.

Kaiming He joined the Department of EECS as an associate professor in February. He will also be a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). His research interests cover a wide range of topics in computer vision and deep learning. He is currently focused on building computer models that can learn representations and develop intelligence from and for the complex world. Long term, he hopes to augment human intelligence with improved artificial intelligence. Before joining MIT, He was a research scientist at Facebook AI. He earned a BS from Tsinghua University and a PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Anna Huang SM ’08 will join the departments of EECS and Music and Theater Arts as assistant professor in September. She will help develop graduate programming focused on music technology. Previously, she spent eight years with Magenta at Google Brain and DeepMind, spearheading efforts in generative modeling, reinforcement learning, and human-computer interaction to support human-AI partnerships in music-making. She is the creator of Music Transformer and Coconet (which powered the Bach Google Doodle). She was a judge and organizer for the AI Song Contest. Anna holds a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Mila, a BM in music composition, and BS in computer science from the University of Southern California, an MS from the MIT Media Lab, and a PhD from Harvard University.

Yael Kalai PhD ’06 will join the Department of EECS as a professor in September. She is also a member of CSAIL. Her research interests include cryptography, the theory of computation, and security and privacy. Kalai currently focuses on both the theoretical and real-world applications of cryptography, including work on succinct and easily verifiable non-interactive proofs. She received her bachelor’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a master’s degree at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and a PhD from MIT.

Sendhil Mullainathan will join the departments of EECS and Economics as a professor in July. His research uses machine learning to understand complex problems in human behavior, social policy, and medicine. Previously, Mullainathan spent five years at MIT before joining the faculty at Harvard in 2004, and then the University of Chicago in 2018. He received his BA in computer science, mathematics, and economics from Cornell University and his PhD from Harvard University.

Alex Rives  will join the Department of EECS as an assistant professor in September, with a core membership in the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. In his research, Rives is focused on AI for scientific understanding, discovery, and design for biology. Rives worked with Meta as a New York University graduate student, where he founded and led the Evolutionary Scale Modeling team that developed large language models for proteins. Rives received his BS in philosophy and biology from Yale University and is completing his PhD in computer science at NYU.

Sungho Shin will join the Department of Chemical Engineering as an assistant professor in July. His research interests include control theory, optimization algorithms, high-performance computing, and their applications to decision-making in complex systems, such as energy infrastructures. Shin is a postdoc at the Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory. He received a BS in mathematics and chemical engineering from Seoul National University and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jessica Stark joined the Department of Biological Engineering as an assistant professor in January. In her research, Stark is developing technologies to realize the largely untapped potential of cell-surface sugars, called glycans, for immunological discovery and immunotherapy. Previously, Stark was an American Cancer Society postdoc at Stanford University. She earned a BS in chemical and biomolecular engineering from Cornell University and a PhD in chemical and biological engineering at Northwestern University.

Thomas John “T.J.” Wallin joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as an assistant professor in January. As a researcher, Wallin’s interests lay in advanced manufacturing of functional soft matter, with an emphasis on soft wearable technologies and their applications in human-computer interfaces. Previously, he was a research scientist at Meta’s Reality Labs Research working in their haptic interaction team. Wallin earned a BS in physics and chemistry from the College of William and Mary, and an MS and PhD in materials science and engineering from Cornell University.

Gioele Zardini joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering as an assistant professor in September. He will also join LIDS and the Institute for Data, Systems, and Society. Driven by societal challenges, Zardini’s research interests include the co-design of sociotechnical systems, compositionality in engineering, applied category theory, decision and control, optimization, and game theory, with society-critical applications to intelligent transportation systems, autonomy, and complex networks and infrastructures. He received his BS, MS, and PhD in mechanical engineering with a focus on robotics, systems, and control from ETH Zurich, and spent time at MIT, Stanford University, and Motional.

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A new study reveals why the moon has a (very thin) atmosphere

University of chicago, mit scientists make new breakthrough in decades-long puzzle.

The moon’s atmosphere is so thin that we only discovered it in 1971—after astronauts had already been there. Ever since, scientists have been puzzling about how it got there.

A team of scientists from the University of Chicago and MIT, however, may have solved the decades-old mystery. By analyzing samples of lunar soil from five different Apollo missions, they found evidence the moon’s atmosphere is created primarily by repeated impacts from small meteorites that kick up dust from the surface.

“According to our analysis, at least 70% of the lunar atmosphere is created by these meteorite impacts,” said study author Nicole Nie, PhD’19, now an assistant professor with MIT. “A much smaller percentage is created by the solar wind abrasion of the surface.”

“It turns out the answer to this longstanding question was right in front of us—preserved in lunar soil brought back to Earth by the Apollo missions,” said study author Nicolas Dauphas, professor of geophysical sciences at the University of Chicago.

Causes and culprits

The lunar atmosphere is not at all like you might picture based on Earth’s. It’s much too thin to help humans breathe; it’s little more than a haze of atoms that hang at a distance from the lunar surface. (Earth’s thick, oxygen-rich atmosphere remains the envy of the solar system.)

These atoms don’t stay for very long; they are continuously either dropping back down to the moon’s surface or lost to outer space, so they must be continuously replenished from somewhere.

Previous attempts to track where these atoms came from had inconclusive results. Two major hypotheses included meteor showers—the moon is constantly being hit by rocks that kick up dust—and the solar wind , a stream of high-energy particles constantly blowing off the surface of the sun that also collide with the moon’s surface and send dust flying.

NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) orbited the moon in 2013 and recorded spikes in the atmosphere when a meteor shower hit the moon, and dips when the moon was in the Earth’s shadow and protected from the solar wind. But LADEE could not tell definitively which was the major contributor.

Instead of trying to measure the lunar atmosphere directly, Nie and Dauphas suspected an answer might lie in the soil samples brought back by Apollo missions, which represent the residue of millions of years of atoms gradually being lost to the atmosphere and outer space.

The key was looking at two elements in the soil: potassium and rubidium. Elements naturally come in different variations, known as isotopes—some atoms are very slightly heavier than others. Meteor impacts and solar wind affect these atom variants differently. For example, the solar wind is more energetic, and it flings off more of the lighter isotopes to space than meteorite strikes do. Over time, the difference in atom variants becomes noticeable.

Decades ago, the techniques to distinguish between these isotopes did not exist, but now, by very carefully counting the proportions of isotopes, the scientists could see patterns. “It’s actually quite a clear difference, once you are able to count them,” Nie said. “Lunar soils show distinct isotope patterns compared to other lunar rocks, due to meteorite impacts and solar wind bombardment, allowing us to determine which process supplied more atoms into the atmosphere.”

They tested 10 samples of lunar soil, taken from Apollo missions that landed at different locations around the moon. The results suggested that much more of the atmosphere is due to meteor showers than to the solar wind—the ratio appears to be at least 70% to 30%.

‘An exciting time’

Understanding space weather is important, Nie explained: “If humans want to move to different planetary bodies someday, we will have to understand what’s going on at the surface to be able to prepare,” she said. “Each planetary body is different, and the more we understand about these processes, the more complete picture we’ll have.”

The scientists said the study is an example of how important it is to design missions that bring back samples from the moon and other planets for to analyze in the laboratory, which can answer questions that would be impossible to solve based solely on data beamed back from spacecraft.

“We anticipate that this study is going to be a significant foundation on which further studies can be done on samples returned from the lunar surface by the Chang’E and Artemis missions ,” said Dauphas. “It is an exciting time to be working on the moon.”

Citation: “ Lunar Soil Record of Atmosphere Loss over Eons .” Nie et al, Science Advances, Aug. 2, 2024.

Funding: NASA, U.S. National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy.

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