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Abuse Practice of Power in Orwell's Animal Farm: A Historical Approach
2020, Abuse Practice of Power in Orwell's Animal Farm: A Historical Approach
It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader's bad use of absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which culminates in suffering and oppression of simple and naïve people in the Soviet Union. The language used in Animal Farm was not known by the majority and this leads to threat through different principles and laws. This enabled the leaders to exploit the others for their greedy desires and to do abnormal actions. As a result of the use of a vague language and the implementation of fear tactics then creating laws to help them to manipulate others, they could convince them and then they invented lies at the interest of leaders. Yet the others due to their simplicities were easily convinced, while power could be used to serve the entire population of the Soviet Union. The study uses historical approach for the analysis of the research.
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This study analyzed a socio-political phenomenon in Orwell’s Animal Farm. The study was aimed at explaining the manipulation of ideological values by the ruling classes as represented in the literary work. This research employed deconstruction approach In order to analyze the existing phenomenon. The investigation of the research resulted in several finding which dealt with the existing phenomenon. First, democracy was manipulated by the ruling classes into a brainwashing ideology which was used to transform people in the society into political weapon; in this case the manipulated democracy is then called as conspiratorial democracy. Second, by using the conspiratorial democracy, the ruling classes could prepare their own political weapon to take down their political rivals. By using it, the ruling classes could also gain both social control and political power in the society. Third, Further investigation found that after gaining the social control and political power, the ruling classes used Repressive State Apparatus (RSA) and Ideological State Apparatus (ISA) in order to sustain the power that had been gained. Fourth, from the overall investigation, it can be concluded that the ruling classes used the conspiratorial democracy to primarily create control in the society which then turned the people into brainwashed political weapon that they could use in the power dispute. Keywords: Animal Farm, deconstruction, ideology, conspiratorial democracy, RSA, ISA, power dispute.
Abstract This research paper tries to highlight that power and control are essential for the growth and development of any society but excessive control might create negative impacts. Mr. John tried to use the animals by disrespecting them and giving lowest food stuffs. Although, it was accepted by the animals but later on, all the animals decided to take measures against Mr. John. The same deed needs to be introduced by the citizens of the Russian society as well. They would need to carry out procedures that are not in favour of the ruler in order to rescue the section. In consequence, it may be said that mutiny is the ultimate force that may dwindle the intense power.
This research aims at elaborating (1) the forms of poverty which existing in Animal Farm, and (2) will analyze the political strategy of the seven commandements which used to alleviate the poverty. In order to analyze this research, the researcher uses the sociology of literature theory, as the main approach and the poverty theory based on Marxism as the additional approach. Furthermore, the researcher uses qualitative methodology both for collecting data and analyzing data. In collecting data, the researcher separates three data, those are Primary Data which taken from the novel itself, Secondaray Data which quoted from the previous researcher, and Suppoting Data that can support the analysis quoted from books, journal, internet, cetera. The results of research found that in shaping poverty in Animal Farm novel, Mr. Jones has committed many undemocratic ways such as monopolizing the base structure and decreasing the animal consciousness. On the other hand, in alleviating poverty and prospering the animal society, Snowball, as the main character also does several strategies id east (1) Propaganda, (2) Rebellion, (3) Controlling the Base Structure, and (4) Education.
English Literature and Language Review, 2019
The present research study attempted to provide an interpretation of George Orwell"s Animal Farm as an outcry against false revolutionary leaders who go back on their promises and turn into dehumanized dictators even worse than the dictators against whom they and their fellow revolutionaries rebelled. To achieve that objective, the researcher read the novella critically within its socio-political context and traced the transformation of the leading character, Napoleon, who stands for such revolutionary leaders. The data of the current research were all extracted from Orwell"s Animal Farm. The researcher used content analysis to analyze the selected data and developed an analytical comparison through which he closely examined Napoleon"s character before and after the revolution. The findings of the study revealed that Napoleon was an opportunistic revolutionary who used the revolution to an evil end. Napoleon"s dramatic transformation from a noble revolutionary into a ruthless, corrupt ruler proved that Orwell"s novella can be read as an attack on false revolutionary leaders who become dehumanized despots, far worse than the dictators whom they aspired to replace with democratic leaders.
There are many indefinite analogies between George Orwell’s 1945 book ‘Animal Farm’ and the 1917 Bolshevik revolution which become apparent during the novel. Both scenarios (fictional and historical) display a Marxist-inspired utopia destroyed by an alteration in their leaders who were affected by the power of a socialist totalitarian dictatorship. All animal characters in Animal Farm represent their real-life counterparts who partook in the events surrounding the 1917 revolutions and the growth of the Soviet Union. These events concerning the rise of Josef Stalin and the exploitation of Communism are parallel to how Napoleon altered Animalism to fit his needs and exiled Snowball in search of absolute power over the Animals of the farm. The major connection that can be made between these two events is the rise of one party (one species) state, being made possible for both only through fear, oppression, propaganda, and violence.
This study aims to understand the strategic foundations of organizing within the context of political behavior. Organizing, whether viewed through a sociological lens or analyzed through the dynamics of power inside an organization, is an unavoidable need that necessitates skilled management. A comprehensive survey of the available literature shows notable publications that provide light on this topic. Notably, “Animal Farm,” George Orwell’s classic, was meticulously analyzed using qualitative data analysis paradigms. This investigation resulted in creating a conceptual framework outlining the organizational strategic principles. During this investigation, important themes developed that addressed topics such as: What causes an organization to form? What fundamental processes are at work? How is the current order modified? What motivational techniques are used? What shape is the emergent structure taking? What measures assure its longterm viability? How do standard unfreeze-change-refreeze sequences work? What causes the redesigned system to fail? According to these results, the study provides expanded insights useful for academic discourse and entities dealing with organizational complexities. Also, this intersection of literature study with in-depth qualitative analysis promises a more nuanced understanding, essential for scholars and practitioners negotiating the junction of politics and organizational behavior. Bu çalışma politik davranış bağlamında örgütlenmenin stratejik temellerini anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. İster sosyolojik bir bakış açısıyla bakılsın ister bir organizasyon içindeki güç dinamikleri üzerinden analiz edilsin, örgütlenme, yetenekli yönetim gerektiren kaçınılmaz bir ihtiyaçtır. Mevcut literatür kapsamlı bir şekilde incelendiğinde, konuya ilişkin önemli yayınlara rastlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda George Orwell’in klasiği olan “Hayvan Çiftliği” değerlendirmeye alınmış ve nitel veri analizi paradigmaları kullanılarak titizlikle analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma, örgütsel stratejik ilkelerin ana hatlarını çizen kavramsal bir çerçevenin oluşturulmasıyla sonuçlanmıştır. Araştırma sırasında şu konuları ele alan önemli temalar geliştirilmiştir: Bir örgütlenmenin oluşmasına ne sebep olur? Hangi temel süreçler iş başında yer alır? Mevcut düzen nasıl değiştirilir? Hangi motivasyon teknikleri kullanılıyor? Ortaya çıkan yapı nasıl şekillendiriliyor? Hangi önlemler onun uzun vadeli sürdürülebilirliğini garanti ediyor? Standart çözme-değiştirme-yeniden dondurma dizileri nasıl çalışıyor? Yeniden tasarlanan sistemin başarısız olmasına ne sebep oluyor? Bu sonuçlara göre araştırma, akademik söylem ve örgütsel karmaşıklıklarla uğraşan kuruluşlar için yararlı genişletilmiş bilgiler sunmaktadır. Ayrıca literatür ile niteliksel analizin bu şekilde kesişmesi, politik ve örgütsel davranış kavşağını müzakere eden akademisyenler ve uygulayıcılar için gerekli olan daha incelikli bir anlayış vaat etmektedir.
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 2020
This research is concerned with analysing pragmatically the power of language upon people. The analysis focuses on the British novel, 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell. This study aims at analysing the language used in the novel and showing how it can be used as an oppressive device that can be manipulated to lead to a totalitarian state. The model of analysis that is used in the current study is Grice's theory of implicature and the cooperative principles (1975). The researcher employs qualitative method to have deep understanding and examination to the data of the present study. The results of this research reveal that pragmatic analysis shows that language can be used as a tool to spread power and authority. It can lead to a whole totalitarianism when those in power imply their aims and intuitions in the words they use. The implied meaning occurs when the speaker violates the relevance, the manner, the quality and the quantity maxims and being uncooperative. The study also shows the role and power that the language has upon the thought and behaviour of people
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
This article aims to revisit Orwell's use of Squealer, one of the leading pigs in Animal Farm, as a sophist, a linguistic propagandist given that propaganda comprises more than this. In the wake of the Russian Revolution, the author intervenes with the publication of this political allegory as a warning to the world of the dangers of dictatorship and totalitarianism. These regimes ruled and still rule in some parts of the world in a more or less disguised form thanks to people like Squealer, the embodiment of public speakers. Mussolini, Hitler, Franco and the like were themselves at a time dictators and speakers. But this paper tries to show that this heuristic and dialectic role falls today mainly on the press or ministers of communication who falsify truth for the sake of dictatorship. It shows moreover that the voice, body language and Aristotelian appeals are devices and methods to which Squealer has recourse to persuade his listeners. Indeed, to achieve its objective as regards the impact of Squealer's speeches, this analysis draws especially on the formalistic approach thereby resulting in the assessment of Squealer as the pillar of modern dictatorship.
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Purpose: The purpose of this research study is to comparatively study George Orwell’s Animal Farm (1945) and Pakistani political scenario. The study attempts to find similarities between the two from various aspects such as economy, freedom of speech, leadership, etc., and their effect on the masses. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is mainly qualitative as the evidence is gathered from the novella Animal Farm and the public speeches, interviews, and from the social media handles of leading politicians. Critical Discourse Model (CDA), developed by Van Dijk (2001), is employed for the analysis and discussion. The selected texts were then contextualized for comparative analysis. Findings: The textual evidence collected from the novella Animal Farm and the speeches, interviews, and social media posts from the political leaders reveal that there are certain common elements in both parties. The common elements include censorship on freedom of expression, lack of deliverance on the...
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This research aims at elaborating (1) the forms of poverty which existing in Animal Farm, and (2) will analyze the political strategy of the seven commandements which used to alleviate the poverty. In order to analyze this research, the researcher uses the sociology of literature theory, as the main approach and the poverty theory based on ...
Voltaire and swift" In this research paper an allegorical and satirical significance is discussed. Animal Farm is an allegorical by George Orwell, published in England on 17 August 1945. This animal farm book is the refection of events related to the Russian Revolution of 1917. Orwell
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In this research paper the allegorical and satirical significance of the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell is highlighted. ... animals, about their suffering and struggle classless society. Animal farm is an animal story outwardly but inwardly this novel is an allegory and a satire about Russian revolution of 1971 with false qualities of class ...
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