Graphical Representation of Data

Graphical representation of data is an attractive method of showcasing numerical data that help in analyzing and representing quantitative data visually. A graph is a kind of a chart where data are plotted as variables across the coordinate. It became easy to analyze the extent of change of one variable based on the change of other variables. Graphical representation of data is done through different mediums such as lines, plots, diagrams, etc. Let us learn more about this interesting concept of graphical representation of data, the different types, and solve a few examples.


Definition of Graphical Representation of Data

A graphical representation is a visual representation of data statistics-based results using graphs, plots, and charts. This kind of representation is more effective in understanding and comparing data than seen in a tabular form. Graphical representation helps to qualify, sort, and present data in a method that is simple to understand for a larger audience. Graphs enable in studying the cause and effect relationship between two variables through both time series and frequency distribution. The data that is obtained from different surveying is infused into a graphical representation by the use of some symbols, such as lines on a line graph, bars on a bar chart, or slices of a pie chart. This visual representation helps in clarity, comparison, and understanding of numerical data.

Representation of Data

The word data is from the Latin word Datum, which means something given. The numerical figures collected through a survey are called data and can be represented in two forms - tabular form and visual form through graphs. Once the data is collected through constant observations, it is arranged, summarized, and classified to finally represented in the form of a graph. There are two kinds of data - quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data is more structured, continuous, and discrete with statistical data whereas qualitative is unstructured where the data cannot be analyzed.

Principles of Graphical Representation of Data

The principles of graphical representation are algebraic. In a graph, there are two lines known as Axis or Coordinate axis. These are the X-axis and Y-axis. The horizontal axis is the X-axis and the vertical axis is the Y-axis. They are perpendicular to each other and intersect at O or point of Origin. On the right side of the Origin, the Xaxis has a positive value and on the left side, it has a negative value. In the same way, the upper side of the Origin Y-axis has a positive value where the down one is with a negative value. When -axis and y-axis intersect each other at the origin it divides the plane into four parts which are called Quadrant I, Quadrant II, Quadrant III, Quadrant IV. This form of representation is seen in a frequency distribution that is represented in four methods, namely Histogram, Smoothed frequency graph, Pie diagram or Pie chart, Cumulative or ogive frequency graph, and Frequency Polygon.

Principle of Graphical Representation of Data

Advantages and Disadvantages of Graphical Representation of Data

Listed below are some advantages and disadvantages of using a graphical representation of data:

  • It improves the way of analyzing and learning as the graphical representation makes the data easy to understand.
  • It can be used in almost all fields from mathematics to physics to psychology and so on.
  • It is easy to understand for its visual impacts.
  • It shows the whole and huge data in an instance.
  • It is mainly used in statistics to determine the mean, median, and mode for different data

The main disadvantage of graphical representation of data is that it takes a lot of effort as well as resources to find the most appropriate data and then represent it graphically.

Rules of Graphical Representation of Data

While presenting data graphically, there are certain rules that need to be followed. They are listed below:

  • Suitable Title: The title of the graph should be appropriate that indicate the subject of the presentation.
  • Measurement Unit: The measurement unit in the graph should be mentioned.
  • Proper Scale: A proper scale needs to be chosen to represent the data accurately.
  • Index: For better understanding, index the appropriate colors, shades, lines, designs in the graphs.
  • Data Sources: Data should be included wherever it is necessary at the bottom of the graph.
  • Simple: The construction of a graph should be easily understood.
  • Neat: The graph should be visually neat in terms of size and font to read the data accurately.

Uses of Graphical Representation of Data

The main use of a graphical representation of data is understanding and identifying the trends and patterns of the data. It helps in analyzing large quantities, comparing two or more data, making predictions, and building a firm decision. The visual display of data also helps in avoiding confusion and overlapping of any information. Graphs like line graphs and bar graphs, display two or more data clearly for easy comparison. This is important in communicating our findings to others and our understanding and analysis of the data.

Types of Graphical Representation of Data

Data is represented in different types of graphs such as plots, pies, diagrams, etc. They are as follows,

Data Representation Description

A group of data represented with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values is a .

The bars can either be vertically or horizontally plotted.

The is a type of graph in which a circle is divided into Sectors where each sector represents a proportion of the whole. Two main formulas used in pie charts are:

The represents the data in a form of series that is connected with a straight line. These series are called markers.

Data shown in the form of pictures is a . Pictorial symbols for words, objects, or phrases can be represented with different numbers.

The is a type of graph where the diagram consists of rectangles, the area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and the width is equal to the class interval. Here is an example of a histogram.

The table in statistics showcases the data in ascending order along with their corresponding frequencies.

The frequency of the data is often represented by f.

The is a way to represent quantitative data according to frequency ranges or frequency distribution. It is a graph that shows numerical data arranged in order. Each data value is broken into a stem and a leaf.

Scatter diagram or is a way of graphical representation by using Cartesian coordinates of two variables. The plot shows the relationship between two variables.

Related Topics

Listed below are a few interesting topics that are related to the graphical representation of data, take a look.

  • x and y graph
  • Frequency Polygon
  • Cumulative Frequency

Examples on Graphical Representation of Data

Example 1 : A pie chart is divided into 3 parts with the angles measuring as 2x, 8x, and 10x respectively. Find the value of x in degrees.

We know, the sum of all angles in a pie chart would give 360º as result. ⇒ 2x + 8x + 10x = 360º ⇒ 20 x = 360º ⇒ x = 360º/20 ⇒ x = 18º Therefore, the value of x is 18º.

Example 2: Ben is trying to read the plot given below. His teacher has given him stem and leaf plot worksheets. Can you help him answer the questions? i) What is the mode of the plot? ii) What is the mean of the plot? iii) Find the range.

Stem Leaf
1 2 4
2 1 5 8
3 2 4 6
5 0 3 4 4
6 2 5 7
8 3 8 9
9 1

Solution: i) Mode is the number that appears often in the data. Leaf 4 occurs twice on the plot against stem 5.

Hence, mode = 54

ii) The sum of all data values is 12 + 14 + 21 + 25 + 28 + 32 + 34 + 36 + 50 + 53 + 54 + 54 + 62 + 65 + 67 + 83 + 88 + 89 + 91 = 958

To find the mean, we have to divide the sum by the total number of values.

Mean = Sum of all data values ÷ 19 = 958 ÷ 19 = 50.42

iii) Range = the highest value - the lowest value = 91 - 12 = 79

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the graphical presentation of data

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Faqs on graphical representation of data, what is graphical representation.

Graphical representation is a form of visually displaying data through various methods like graphs, diagrams, charts, and plots. It helps in sorting, visualizing, and presenting data in a clear manner through different types of graphs. Statistics mainly use graphical representation to show data.

What are the Different Types of Graphical Representation?

The different types of graphical representation of data are:

  • Stem and leaf plot
  • Scatter diagrams
  • Frequency Distribution

Is the Graphical Representation of Numerical Data?

Yes, these graphical representations are numerical data that has been accumulated through various surveys and observations. The method of presenting these numerical data is called a chart. There are different kinds of charts such as a pie chart, bar graph, line graph, etc, that help in clearly showcasing the data.

What is the Use of Graphical Representation of Data?

Graphical representation of data is useful in clarifying, interpreting, and analyzing data plotting points and drawing line segments , surfaces, and other geometric forms or symbols.

What are the Ways to Represent Data?

Tables, charts, and graphs are all ways of representing data, and they can be used for two broad purposes. The first is to support the collection, organization, and analysis of data as part of the process of a scientific study.

What is the Objective of Graphical Representation of Data?

The main objective of representing data graphically is to display information visually that helps in understanding the information efficiently, clearly, and accurately. This is important to communicate the findings as well as analyze the data.

What Is Data Visualization: Brief Theory, Useful Tips and Awesome Examples

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By Al Boicheva

in Insights , Inspiration

3 years ago

Viewed 10,932 times

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What Is Data Visualization Brief Theory, Useful Tips and Awesome Examples

Updated: June 23, 2022

To create data visualization in order to present your data is no longer just a nice to have skill. Now, the skill to effectively sort and communicate your data through charts is a must-have for any business in any field that deals with data. Data visualization helps businesses quickly make sense of complex data and start making decisions based on that data. This is why today we’ll talk about what is data visualization. We’ll discuss how and why does it work, what type of charts to choose in what cases, how to create effective charts, and, of course, end with beautiful examples.

So let’s jump right in. As usual, don’t hesitate to fast-travel to a particular section of your interest.

Article overview: 1. What Does Data Visualization Mean? 2. How Does it Work? 3. When to Use it? 4. Why Use it? 5. Types of Data Visualization 6. Data Visualization VS Infographics: 5 Main Differences 7. How to Create Effective Data Visualization?: 5 Useful Tips 8. Examples of Data Visualization

1. What is Data Visualization?

Data Visualization is a graphic representation of data that aims to communicate numerous heavy data in an efficient way that is easier to grasp and understand . In a way, data visualization is the mapping between the original data and graphic elements that determine how the attributes of these elements vary. The visualization is usually made by the use of charts, lines, or points, bars, and maps.

  • Data Viz is a branch of Descriptive statistics but it requires both design, computer, and statistical skills.
  • Aesthetics and functionality go hand in hand to communicate complex statistics in an intuitive way.
  • Data Viz tools and technologies are essential for making data-driven decisions.
  • It’s a fine balance between form and functionality.
  • Every STEM field benefits from understanding data.

2. How Does it Work?

If we can see it, our brains can internalize and reflect on it. This is why it’s much easier and more effective to make sense of a chart and see trends than to read a massive document that would take a lot of time and focus to rationalize. We wouldn’t want to repeat the cliche that humans are visual creatures, but it’s a fact that visualization is much more effective and comprehensive.

In a way, we can say that data Viz is a form of storytelling with the purpose to help us make decisions based on data. Such data might include:

  • Tracking sales
  • Identifying trends
  • Identifying changes
  • Monitoring goals
  • Monitoring results
  • Combining data

3. When to Use it?

Data visualization is useful for companies that deal with lots of data on a daily basis. It’s essential to have your data and trends instantly visible. Better than scrolling through colossal spreadsheets. When the trends stand out instantly this also helps your clients or viewers to understand them instead of getting lost in the clutter of numbers.

With that being said, Data Viz is suitable for:

  • Annual reports
  • Presentations
  • Social media micronarratives
  • Informational brochures
  • Trend-trafficking
  • Candlestick chart for financial analysis
  • Determining routes

Common cases when data visualization sees use are in sales, marketing, healthcare, science, finances, politics, and logistics.

4. Why Use it?

Short answer: decision making. Data Visualization comes with the undeniable benefits of quickly recognizing patterns and interpret data. More specifically, it is an invaluable tool to determine the following cases.

  • Identifying correlations between the relationship of variables.
  • Getting market insights about audience behavior.
  • Determining value vs risk metrics.
  • Monitoring trends over time.
  • Examining rates and potential through frequency.
  • Ability to react to changes.

5. Types of Data Visualization

As you probably already guessed, Data Viz is much more than simple pie charts and graphs styled in a visually appealing way. The methods that this branch uses to visualize statistics include a series of effective types.

Map visualization is a great method to analyze and display geographically related information and present it accurately via maps. This intuitive way aims to distribute data by region. Since maps can be 2D or 3D, static or dynamic, there are numerous combinations one can use in order to create a Data Viz map.

COVID-19 Spending Data Visualization POGO by George Railean

The most common ones, however, are:

  • Regional Maps: Classic maps that display countries, cities, or districts. They often represent data in different colors for different characteristics in each region.
  • Line Maps: They usually contain space and time and are ideal for routing, especially for driving or taxi routes in the area due to their analysis of specific scenes.
  • Point Maps: These maps distribute data of geographic information. They are ideal for businesses to pinpoint the exact locations of their buildings in a region.
  • Heat Maps: They indicate the weight of a geographical area based on a specific property. For example, a heat map may distribute the saturation of infected people by area.

Charts present data in the form of graphs, diagrams, and tables. They are often confused with graphs since graphs are indeed a subcategory of charts. However, there is a small difference: graphs show the mathematical relationship between groups of data and is only one of the chart methods to represent data.

Gluten in America - chart data visualization

Infographic Data Visualization by Madeline VanRemmen

With that out of the way, let’s talk about the most basic types of charts in data visualization.

Finance Statistics - Bar Graph visualization

They use a series of bars that illustrate data development.  They are ideal for lighter data and follow trends of no more than three variables or else, the bars become cluttered and hard to comprehend. Ideal for year-on-year comparisons and monthly breakdowns.

Pie chart visualization type

These familiar circular graphs divide data into portions. The bigger the slice, the bigger the portion. They are ideal for depicting sections of a whole and their sum must always be 100%. Avoid pie charts when you need to show data development over time or lack a value for any of the portions. Doughnut charts have the same use as pie charts.

Line graph - common visualization type

They use a line or more than one lines that show development over time. It allows tracking multiple variables at the same time. A great example is tracking product sales by a brand over the years. Area charts have the same use as line charts.

Scatter Plot

Scatter Plot - data visualization idea

These charts allow you to see patterns through data visualization. They have an x-axis and a y-axis for two different values. For example, if your x-axis contains information about car prices while the y-axis is about salaries, the positive or negative relationship will tell you about what a person’s car tells about their salary.

Unlike the charts we just discussed, tables show data in almost a raw format. They are ideal when your data is hard to present visually and aim to show specific numerical data that one is supposed to read rather than visualize.

Creative data table visualization

Data Visualisation | To bee or not to bee by Aishwarya Anand Singh

For example, charts are perfect to display data about a particular illness over a time period in a particular area, but a table comes to better use when you also need to understand specifics such as causes, outcomes, relapses, a period of treatment, and so on.

6. Data Visualization VS Infographics

5 main differences.

They are not that different as both visually represent data. It is often you search for infographics and find images titled Data Visualization and the other way around. In many cases, however, these titles aren’t misleading. Why is that?

  • Data visualization is made of just one element. It could be a map, a chart, or a table. Infographics , on the other hand, often include multiple Data Viz elements.
  • Unlike data visualizations that can be simple or extremely complex and heavy, infographics are simple and target wider audiences. The latter is usually comprehensible even to people outside of the field of research the infographic represents.
  • Interestingly enough, data Viz doesn’t offer narratives and conclusions, it’s a tool and basis for reaching those. While infographics, in most cases offer a story and a narrative. For example, a data visualization map may have the title “Air pollution saturation by region”, while an infographic with the same data would go “Areas A and B are the most polluted in Country C”.
  • Data visualizations can be made in Excel or use other tools that automatically generate the design unless they are set for presentation or publishing. The aesthetics of infographics , however, are of great importance and the designs must be appealing to wider audiences.
  • In terms of interaction, data visualizations often offer interactive charts, especially in an online form. Infographics, on the other hand, rarely have interaction and are usually static images.

While on topic, you could also be interested to check out these 50 engaging infographic examples that make complex data look great.

7. Tips to Create Effective Data Visualization

The process is naturally similar to creating Infographics and it revolves around understanding your data and audience. To be more precise, these are the main steps and best practices when it comes to preparing an effective visualization of data for your viewers to instantly understand.

1. Do Your Homework

Preparation is half the work already done. Before you even start visualizing data, you have to be sure you understand that data to the last detail.

Knowing your audience is undeniable another important part of the homework, as different audiences process information differently. Who are the people you’re visualizing data for? How do they process visual data? Is it enough to hand them a single pie chart or you’ll need a more in-depth visual report?

The third part of preparing is to determine exactly what you want to communicate to the audience. What kind of information you’re visualizing and does it reflect your goal?

And last, think about how much data you’ll be working with and take it into account.

2. Choose the Right Type of Chart

In a previous section, we listed the basic chart types that find use in data visualization. To determine best which one suits your work, there are a few things to consider.

  • How many variables will you have in a chart?
  • How many items will you place for each of your variables?
  • What will be the relation between the values (time period, comparison, distributions, etc.)

With that being said, a pie chart would be ideal if you need to present what portions of a whole takes each item. For example, you can use it to showcase what percent of the market share takes a particular product. Pie charts, however, are unsuitable for distributions, comparisons, and following trends through time periods. Bar graphs, scatter plots,s and line graphs are much more effective in those cases.

Another example is how to use time in your charts. It’s way more accurate to use a horizontal axis because time should run left to right. It’s way more visually intuitive.

3. Sort your Data

Start with removing every piece of data that does not add value and is basically excess for the chart. Sometimes, you have to work with a huge amount of data which will inevitably make your chart pretty complex and hard to read. Don’t hesitate to split your information into two or more charts. If that won’t work for you, you could use highlights or change the entire type of chart with something that would fit better.

Tip: When you use bar charts and columns for comparison, sort the information in an ascending or a descending way by value instead of alphabetical order.

4. Use Colors to Your Advantage

In every form of visualization, colors are your best friend and the most powerful tool. They create contrasts, accents, and emphasis and lead the eye intuitively. Even here, color theory is important.

When you design your chart, make sure you don’t use more than 5 or 6 colors. Anything more than that will make your graph overwhelming and hard to read for your viewers. However, color intensity is a different thing that you can use to your advantage. For example, when you compare the same concept in different periods of time, you could sort your data from the lightest shade of your chosen color to its darker one. It creates a strong visual progression, proper to your timeline.

Things to consider when you choose colors:

  • Different colors for different categories.
  • A consistent color palette for all charts in a series that you will later compare.
  • It’s appropriate to use color blind-friendly palettes.

5. Get Inspired

Always put your inspiration to work when you want to be at the top of your game. Look through examples, infographics, and other people’s work and see what works best for each type of data you need to implement.

This Twitter account Data Visualization Society is a great way to start. In the meantime, we’ll also handpick some amazing examples that will get you in the mood to start creating the visuals for your data.

8. Examples for Data Visualization

As another art form, Data Viz is a fertile ground for some amazing well-designed graphs that prove that data is beautiful. Now let’s check out some.

Dark Souls III Experience Data

We start with Meng Hsiao Wei’s personal project presenting his experience with playing Dark Souls 3. It’s a perfect example that infographics and data visualization are tools for personal designs as well. The research is pretty massive yet very professionally sorted into different types of charts for the different concepts. All data visualizations are made with the same color palette and look great in infographics.

Data of My Dark Souls 3 example

My dark souls 3 playing data by Meng Hsiao Wei

Greatest Movies of all Time

Katie Silver has compiled a list of the 100 greatest movies of all time based on critics and crowd reviews. The visualization shows key data points for every movie such as year of release, oscar nominations and wins, budget, gross, IMDB score, genre, filming location, setting of the film, and production studio. All movies are ordered by the release date.

Greatest Movies visualization chart

100 Greatest Movies Data Visualization by Katie Silver

The Most Violent Cities

Federica Fragapane shows data for the 50 most violent cities in the world in 2017. The items are arranged on a vertical axis based on population and ordered along the horizontal axis according to the homicide rate.

The Most Violent Cities example

The Most Violent Cities by Federica Fragapane

Family Businesses as Data

These data visualizations and illustrations were made by Valerio Pellegrini for Perspectives Magazine. They show a pie chart with sector breakdown as well as a scatter plot for contribution for employment.

Family Businesses as Data Visual

PERSPECTIVES MAGAZINE – Family Businesses by Valerio Pellegrini

Orbit Map of the Solar System

The map shows data on the orbits of more than 18000 asteroids in the solar system. Each asteroid is shown at its position on New Years’ Eve 1999, colored by type of asteroid.

Orbit Map of the Solar System graphic

An Orbit Map of the Solar System by Eleanor Lutz

The Semantics Of Headlines

Katja Flükiger has a take on how headlines tell the story. The data visualization aims to communicate how much is the selling influencing the telling. The project was completed at Maryland Institute College of Art to visualize references to immigration and color-coding the value judgments implied by word choice and context.

The Semantics Of Headlines graph

The Semantics of Headlines by Katja Flükiger

Moon and Earthquakes

This data visualization works on answering whether the moon is responsible for earthquakes. The chart features the time and intensity of earthquakes in response to the phase and orbit location of the moon.

Moon and Earthquakes statistics visual

Moon and Earthquakes by Aishwarya Anand Singh

Dawn of the Nanosats

The visualization shows the satellites launched from 2003 to 2015. The graph represents the type of institutions focused on projects as well as the nations that financed them. On the left, it is shown the number of launches per year and satellite applications.

Dawn of the Nanosats visualization

WIRED UK – Dawn of the by Nanosats by Valerio Pellegrini

Final Words

Data visualization is not only a form of science but also a form of art. Its purpose is to help businesses in any field quickly make sense of complex data and start making decisions based on that data. To make your graphs efficient and easy to read, it’s all about knowing your data and audience. This way you’ll be able to choose the right type of chart and use visual techniques to your advantage.

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the graphical presentation of data

Al Boicheva

Al is an illustrator at GraphicMama with out-of-the-box thinking and a passion for anything creative. In her free time, you will see her drooling over tattoo art, Manga, and horror movies.

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the graphical presentation of data

  • Graphic Presentation of Data

Apart from diagrams, Graphic presentation is another way of the presentation of data and information. Usually, graphs are used to present time series and frequency distributions. In this article, we will look at the graphic presentation of data and information along with its merits, limitations , and types.

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Construction of a graph.

The graphic presentation of data and information offers a quick and simple way of understanding the features and drawing comparisons. Further, it is an effective analytical tool and a graph can help us in finding the mode, median, etc.

We can locate a point in a plane using two mutually perpendicular lines – the X-axis (the horizontal line) and the Y-axis (the vertical line). Their point of intersection is the Origin .

We can locate the position of a point in terms of its distance from both these axes. For example, if a point P is 3 units away from the Y-axis and 5 units away from the X-axis, then its location is as follows:

presentation of data and information

Browse more Topics under Descriptive Statistics

  • Definition and Characteristics of Statistics
  • Stages of Statistical Enquiry
  • Importance and Functions of Statistics
  • Nature of Statistics – Science or Art?
  • Application of Statistics
  • Law of Statistics and Distrust of Statistics
  • Meaning and Types of Data
  • Methods of Collecting Data
  • Sample Investigation
  • Classification of Data
  • Tabulation of Data
  • Frequency Distribution of Data
  • Diagrammatic Presentation of Data
  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Mean Median Mode
  • Measures of Dispersion
  • Standard Deviation
  • Variance Analysis

Some points to remember:

  • We measure the distance of the point from the Y-axis along the X-axis. Similarly, we measure the distance of the point from the X-axis along the Y-axis. Therefore, to measure 3 units from the Y-axis, we move 3 units along the X-axis and likewise for the other coordinate .
  • We then draw perpendicular lines from these two points.
  • The point where the perpendiculars intersect is the position of the point P.
  • We denote it as follows (3,5) or (abscissa, ordinate). Together, they are the coordinates of the point P.
  • The four parts of the plane are Quadrants.
  • Also, we can plot different points for a different pair of values.

General Rules for Graphic Presentation of Data and Information

There are certain guidelines for an attractive and effective graphic presentation of data and information. These are as follows:

  • Suitable Title – Ensure that you give a suitable title to the graph which clearly indicates the subject for which you are presenting it.
  • Unit of Measurement – Clearly state the unit of measurement below the title.
  • Suitable Scale – Choose a suitable scale so that you can represent the entire data in an accurate manner.
  • Index – Include a brief index which explains the different colors and shades, lines and designs that you have used in the graph. Also, include a scale of interpretation for better understanding.
  • Data Sources – Wherever possible, include the sources of information at the bottom of the graph.
  • Keep it Simple – You should construct a graph which even a layman (without any exposure in the areas of statistics or mathematics) can understand.
  • Neat – A graph is a visual aid for the presentation of data and information. Therefore, you must keep it neat and attractive. Choose the right size, right lettering, and appropriate lines, colors, dashes, etc.

Merits of a Graph

  • The graph presents data in a manner which is easier to understand.
  • It allows us to present statistical data in an attractive manner as compared to tables. Users can understand the main features, trends, and fluctuations of the data at a glance.
  • A graph saves time.
  • It allows the viewer to compare data relating to two different time-periods or regions.
  • The viewer does not require prior knowledge of mathematics or statistics to understand a graph.
  • We can use a graph to locate the mode, median, and mean values of the data.
  • It is useful in forecasting, interpolation, and extrapolation of data.

Limitations of a Graph

  • A graph lacks complete accuracy of facts.
  • It depicts only a few selected characteristics of the data.
  • We cannot use a graph in support of a statement.
  • A graph is not a substitute for tables.
  • Usually, laymen find it difficult to understand and interpret a graph.
  • Typically, a graph shows the unreasonable tendency of the data and the actual values are not clear.

Types of Graphs

Graphs are of two types:

  • Time Series graphs
  • Frequency Distribution graphs

Time Series Graphs

A time series graph or a “ histogram ” is a graph which depicts the value of a variable over a different point of time. In a time series graph, time is the most important factor and the variable is related to time. It helps in the understanding and analysis of the changes in the variable at a different point of time. Many statisticians and businessmen use these graphs because they are easy to understand and also because they offer complex information in a simple manner.

Further, constructing a time series graph does not require a user with technical skills. Here are some major steps in the construction of a time series graph:

  • Represent time on the X-axis and the value of the variable on the Y-axis.
  • Start the Y-value with zero and devise a suitable scale which helps you present the whole data in the given space.
  • Plot the values of the variable and join different point with a straight line.
  • You can plot multiple variables through different lines.

You can use a line graph to summarize how two pieces of information are related and how they vary with each other.

  • You can compare multiple continuous data-sets easily
  • You can infer the interim data from the graph line


  • It is only used with continuous data.

Use of a false Base Line

Usually, in a graph, the vertical line starts from the Origin. However, in some cases, a false Base Line is used for a better representation of the data. There are two scenarios where you should use a false Base Line:

  • To magnify the minor fluctuation in the time series data
  • To economize the space

Net Balance Graph

If you have to show the net balance of income and expenditure or revenue and costs or imports and exports, etc., then you must use a net balance graph. You can use different colors or shades for positive and negative differences.

Frequency Distribution Graphs

Let’s look at the different types of frequency distribution graphs.

A histogram is a graph of a grouped frequency distribution. In a histogram, we plot the class intervals on the X-axis and their respective frequencies on the Y-axis. Further, we create a rectangle on each class interval with its height proportional to the frequency density of the class.

presentation of data and information

Frequency Polygon or Histograph

A frequency polygon or a Histograph is another way of representing a frequency distribution on a graph. You draw a frequency polygon by joining the midpoints of the upper widths of the adjacent rectangles of the histogram with straight lines.

presentation of data and information

Frequency Curve

When you join the verticals of a polygon using a smooth curve, then the resulting figure is a Frequency Curve. As the number of observations increase, we need to accommodate more classes. Therefore, the width of each class reduces. In such a scenario, the variable tends to become continuous and the frequency polygon starts taking the shape of a frequency curve.

Cumulative Frequency Curve or Ogive

A cumulative frequency curve or Ogive is the graphical representation of a cumulative frequency distribution. Since a cumulative frequency is either of a ‘less than’ or a ‘more than’ type, Ogives are of two types too – ‘less than ogive’ and ‘more than ogive’.

presentation of data and information

Scatter Diagram

A scatter diagram or a dot chart enables us to find the nature of the relationship between the variables. If the plotted points are scattered a lot, then the relationship between the two variables is lesser.

presentation of data and information

Solved Question

Q1. What are the general rules for the graphic presentation of data and information?

Answer: The general rules for the graphic presentation of data are:

  • Use a suitable title
  • Clearly specify the unit of measurement
  • Ensure that you choose a suitable scale
  • Provide an index specifying the colors, lines, and designs used in the graph
  • If possible, provide the sources of information at the bottom of the graph
  • Keep the graph simple and neat.

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Understanding Data Presentations (Guide + Examples)

Cover for guide on data presentation by SlideModel

In this age of overwhelming information, the skill to effectively convey data has become extremely valuable. Initiating a discussion on data presentation types involves thoughtful consideration of the nature of your data and the message you aim to convey. Different types of visualizations serve distinct purposes. Whether you’re dealing with how to develop a report or simply trying to communicate complex information, how you present data influences how well your audience understands and engages with it. This extensive guide leads you through the different ways of data presentation.

Table of Contents

What is a Data Presentation?

What should a data presentation include, line graphs, treemap chart, scatter plot, how to choose a data presentation type, recommended data presentation templates, common mistakes done in data presentation.

A data presentation is a slide deck that aims to disclose quantitative information to an audience through the use of visual formats and narrative techniques derived from data analysis, making complex data understandable and actionable. This process requires a series of tools, such as charts, graphs, tables, infographics, dashboards, and so on, supported by concise textual explanations to improve understanding and boost retention rate.

Data presentations require us to cull data in a format that allows the presenter to highlight trends, patterns, and insights so that the audience can act upon the shared information. In a few words, the goal of data presentations is to enable viewers to grasp complicated concepts or trends quickly, facilitating informed decision-making or deeper analysis.

Data presentations go beyond the mere usage of graphical elements. Seasoned presenters encompass visuals with the art of data storytelling , so the speech skillfully connects the points through a narrative that resonates with the audience. Depending on the purpose – inspire, persuade, inform, support decision-making processes, etc. – is the data presentation format that is better suited to help us in this journey.

To nail your upcoming data presentation, ensure to count with the following elements:

  • Clear Objectives: Understand the intent of your presentation before selecting the graphical layout and metaphors to make content easier to grasp.
  • Engaging introduction: Use a powerful hook from the get-go. For instance, you can ask a big question or present a problem that your data will answer. Take a look at our guide on how to start a presentation for tips & insights.
  • Structured Narrative: Your data presentation must tell a coherent story. This means a beginning where you present the context, a middle section in which you present the data, and an ending that uses a call-to-action. Check our guide on presentation structure for further information.
  • Visual Elements: These are the charts, graphs, and other elements of visual communication we ought to use to present data. This article will cover one by one the different types of data representation methods we can use, and provide further guidance on choosing between them.
  • Insights and Analysis: This is not just showcasing a graph and letting people get an idea about it. A proper data presentation includes the interpretation of that data, the reason why it’s included, and why it matters to your research.
  • Conclusion & CTA: Ending your presentation with a call to action is necessary. Whether you intend to wow your audience into acquiring your services, inspire them to change the world, or whatever the purpose of your presentation, there must be a stage in which you convey all that you shared and show the path to staying in touch. Plan ahead whether you want to use a thank-you slide, a video presentation, or which method is apt and tailored to the kind of presentation you deliver.
  • Q&A Session: After your speech is concluded, allocate 3-5 minutes for the audience to raise any questions about the information you disclosed. This is an extra chance to establish your authority on the topic. Check our guide on questions and answer sessions in presentations here.

Bar charts are a graphical representation of data using rectangular bars to show quantities or frequencies in an established category. They make it easy for readers to spot patterns or trends. Bar charts can be horizontal or vertical, although the vertical format is commonly known as a column chart. They display categorical, discrete, or continuous variables grouped in class intervals [1] . They include an axis and a set of labeled bars horizontally or vertically. These bars represent the frequencies of variable values or the values themselves. Numbers on the y-axis of a vertical bar chart or the x-axis of a horizontal bar chart are called the scale.

Presentation of the data through bar charts

Real-Life Application of Bar Charts

Let’s say a sales manager is presenting sales to their audience. Using a bar chart, he follows these steps.

Step 1: Selecting Data

The first step is to identify the specific data you will present to your audience.

The sales manager has highlighted these products for the presentation.

  • Product A: Men’s Shoes
  • Product B: Women’s Apparel
  • Product C: Electronics
  • Product D: Home Decor

Step 2: Choosing Orientation

Opt for a vertical layout for simplicity. Vertical bar charts help compare different categories in case there are not too many categories [1] . They can also help show different trends. A vertical bar chart is used where each bar represents one of the four chosen products. After plotting the data, it is seen that the height of each bar directly represents the sales performance of the respective product.

It is visible that the tallest bar (Electronics – Product C) is showing the highest sales. However, the shorter bars (Women’s Apparel – Product B and Home Decor – Product D) need attention. It indicates areas that require further analysis or strategies for improvement.

Step 3: Colorful Insights

Different colors are used to differentiate each product. It is essential to show a color-coded chart where the audience can distinguish between products.

  • Men’s Shoes (Product A): Yellow
  • Women’s Apparel (Product B): Orange
  • Electronics (Product C): Violet
  • Home Decor (Product D): Blue

Accurate bar chart representation of data with a color coded legend

Bar charts are straightforward and easily understandable for presenting data. They are versatile when comparing products or any categorical data [2] . Bar charts adapt seamlessly to retail scenarios. Despite that, bar charts have a few shortcomings. They cannot illustrate data trends over time. Besides, overloading the chart with numerous products can lead to visual clutter, diminishing its effectiveness.

For more information, check our collection of bar chart templates for PowerPoint .

Line graphs help illustrate data trends, progressions, or fluctuations by connecting a series of data points called ‘markers’ with straight line segments. This provides a straightforward representation of how values change [5] . Their versatility makes them invaluable for scenarios requiring a visual understanding of continuous data. In addition, line graphs are also useful for comparing multiple datasets over the same timeline. Using multiple line graphs allows us to compare more than one data set. They simplify complex information so the audience can quickly grasp the ups and downs of values. From tracking stock prices to analyzing experimental results, you can use line graphs to show how data changes over a continuous timeline. They show trends with simplicity and clarity.

Real-life Application of Line Graphs

To understand line graphs thoroughly, we will use a real case. Imagine you’re a financial analyst presenting a tech company’s monthly sales for a licensed product over the past year. Investors want insights into sales behavior by month, how market trends may have influenced sales performance and reception to the new pricing strategy. To present data via a line graph, you will complete these steps.

First, you need to gather the data. In this case, your data will be the sales numbers. For example:

  • January: $45,000
  • February: $55,000
  • March: $45,000
  • April: $60,000
  • May: $ 70,000
  • June: $65,000
  • July: $62,000
  • August: $68,000
  • September: $81,000
  • October: $76,000
  • November: $87,000
  • December: $91,000

After choosing the data, the next step is to select the orientation. Like bar charts, you can use vertical or horizontal line graphs. However, we want to keep this simple, so we will keep the timeline (x-axis) horizontal while the sales numbers (y-axis) vertical.

Step 3: Connecting Trends

After adding the data to your preferred software, you will plot a line graph. In the graph, each month’s sales are represented by data points connected by a line.

Line graph in data presentation

Step 4: Adding Clarity with Color

If there are multiple lines, you can also add colors to highlight each one, making it easier to follow.

Line graphs excel at visually presenting trends over time. These presentation aids identify patterns, like upward or downward trends. However, too many data points can clutter the graph, making it harder to interpret. Line graphs work best with continuous data but are not suitable for categories.

For more information, check our collection of line chart templates for PowerPoint and our article about how to make a presentation graph .

A data dashboard is a visual tool for analyzing information. Different graphs, charts, and tables are consolidated in a layout to showcase the information required to achieve one or more objectives. Dashboards help quickly see Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You don’t make new visuals in the dashboard; instead, you use it to display visuals you’ve already made in worksheets [3] .

Keeping the number of visuals on a dashboard to three or four is recommended. Adding too many can make it hard to see the main points [4]. Dashboards can be used for business analytics to analyze sales, revenue, and marketing metrics at a time. They are also used in the manufacturing industry, as they allow users to grasp the entire production scenario at the moment while tracking the core KPIs for each line.

Real-Life Application of a Dashboard

Consider a project manager presenting a software development project’s progress to a tech company’s leadership team. He follows the following steps.

Step 1: Defining Key Metrics

To effectively communicate the project’s status, identify key metrics such as completion status, budget, and bug resolution rates. Then, choose measurable metrics aligned with project objectives.

Step 2: Choosing Visualization Widgets

After finalizing the data, presentation aids that align with each metric are selected. For this project, the project manager chooses a progress bar for the completion status and uses bar charts for budget allocation. Likewise, he implements line charts for bug resolution rates.

Data analysis presentation example

Step 3: Dashboard Layout

Key metrics are prominently placed in the dashboard for easy visibility, and the manager ensures that it appears clean and organized.

Dashboards provide a comprehensive view of key project metrics. Users can interact with data, customize views, and drill down for detailed analysis. However, creating an effective dashboard requires careful planning to avoid clutter. Besides, dashboards rely on the availability and accuracy of underlying data sources.

For more information, check our article on how to design a dashboard presentation , and discover our collection of dashboard PowerPoint templates .

Treemap charts represent hierarchical data structured in a series of nested rectangles [6] . As each branch of the ‘tree’ is given a rectangle, smaller tiles can be seen representing sub-branches, meaning elements on a lower hierarchical level than the parent rectangle. Each one of those rectangular nodes is built by representing an area proportional to the specified data dimension.

Treemaps are useful for visualizing large datasets in compact space. It is easy to identify patterns, such as which categories are dominant. Common applications of the treemap chart are seen in the IT industry, such as resource allocation, disk space management, website analytics, etc. Also, they can be used in multiple industries like healthcare data analysis, market share across different product categories, or even in finance to visualize portfolios.

Real-Life Application of a Treemap Chart

Let’s consider a financial scenario where a financial team wants to represent the budget allocation of a company. There is a hierarchy in the process, so it is helpful to use a treemap chart. In the chart, the top-level rectangle could represent the total budget, and it would be subdivided into smaller rectangles, each denoting a specific department. Further subdivisions within these smaller rectangles might represent individual projects or cost categories.

Step 1: Define Your Data Hierarchy

While presenting data on the budget allocation, start by outlining the hierarchical structure. The sequence will be like the overall budget at the top, followed by departments, projects within each department, and finally, individual cost categories for each project.

  • Top-level rectangle: Total Budget
  • Second-level rectangles: Departments (Engineering, Marketing, Sales)
  • Third-level rectangles: Projects within each department
  • Fourth-level rectangles: Cost categories for each project (Personnel, Marketing Expenses, Equipment)

Step 2: Choose a Suitable Tool

It’s time to select a data visualization tool supporting Treemaps. Popular choices include Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, PowerPoint, or even coding with libraries like D3.js. It is vital to ensure that the chosen tool provides customization options for colors, labels, and hierarchical structures.

Here, the team uses PowerPoint for this guide because of its user-friendly interface and robust Treemap capabilities.

Step 3: Make a Treemap Chart with PowerPoint

After opening the PowerPoint presentation, they chose “SmartArt” to form the chart. The SmartArt Graphic window has a “Hierarchy” category on the left.  Here, you will see multiple options. You can choose any layout that resembles a Treemap. The “Table Hierarchy” or “Organization Chart” options can be adapted. The team selects the Table Hierarchy as it looks close to a Treemap.

Step 5: Input Your Data

After that, a new window will open with a basic structure. They add the data one by one by clicking on the text boxes. They start with the top-level rectangle, representing the total budget.  

Treemap used for presenting data

Step 6: Customize the Treemap

By clicking on each shape, they customize its color, size, and label. At the same time, they can adjust the font size, style, and color of labels by using the options in the “Format” tab in PowerPoint. Using different colors for each level enhances the visual difference.

Treemaps excel at illustrating hierarchical structures. These charts make it easy to understand relationships and dependencies. They efficiently use space, compactly displaying a large amount of data, reducing the need for excessive scrolling or navigation. Additionally, using colors enhances the understanding of data by representing different variables or categories.

In some cases, treemaps might become complex, especially with deep hierarchies.  It becomes challenging for some users to interpret the chart. At the same time, displaying detailed information within each rectangle might be constrained by space. It potentially limits the amount of data that can be shown clearly. Without proper labeling and color coding, there’s a risk of misinterpretation.

A heatmap is a data visualization tool that uses color coding to represent values across a two-dimensional surface. In these, colors replace numbers to indicate the magnitude of each cell. This color-shaded matrix display is valuable for summarizing and understanding data sets with a glance [7] . The intensity of the color corresponds to the value it represents, making it easy to identify patterns, trends, and variations in the data.

As a tool, heatmaps help businesses analyze website interactions, revealing user behavior patterns and preferences to enhance overall user experience. In addition, companies use heatmaps to assess content engagement, identifying popular sections and areas of improvement for more effective communication. They excel at highlighting patterns and trends in large datasets, making it easy to identify areas of interest.

We can implement heatmaps to express multiple data types, such as numerical values, percentages, or even categorical data. Heatmaps help us easily spot areas with lots of activity, making them helpful in figuring out clusters [8] . When making these maps, it is important to pick colors carefully. The colors need to show the differences between groups or levels of something. And it is good to use colors that people with colorblindness can easily see.

Check our detailed guide on how to create a heatmap here. Also discover our collection of heatmap PowerPoint templates .

Pie charts are circular statistical graphics divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. Each slice represents a proportionate part of the whole, making it easy to visualize the contribution of each component to the total.

The size of the pie charts is influenced by the value of data points within each pie. The total of all data points in a pie determines its size. The pie with the highest data points appears as the largest, whereas the others are proportionally smaller. However, you can present all pies of the same size if proportional representation is not required [9] . Sometimes, pie charts are difficult to read, or additional information is required. A variation of this tool can be used instead, known as the donut chart , which has the same structure but a blank center, creating a ring shape. Presenters can add extra information, and the ring shape helps to declutter the graph.

Pie charts are used in business to show percentage distribution, compare relative sizes of categories, or present straightforward data sets where visualizing ratios is essential.

Real-Life Application of Pie Charts

Consider a scenario where you want to represent the distribution of the data. Each slice of the pie chart would represent a different category, and the size of each slice would indicate the percentage of the total portion allocated to that category.

Step 1: Define Your Data Structure

Imagine you are presenting the distribution of a project budget among different expense categories.

  • Column A: Expense Categories (Personnel, Equipment, Marketing, Miscellaneous)
  • Column B: Budget Amounts ($40,000, $30,000, $20,000, $10,000) Column B represents the values of your categories in Column A.

Step 2: Insert a Pie Chart

Using any of the accessible tools, you can create a pie chart. The most convenient tools for forming a pie chart in a presentation are presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Google Slides.  You will notice that the pie chart assigns each expense category a percentage of the total budget by dividing it by the total budget.

For instance:

  • Personnel: $40,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 40%
  • Equipment: $30,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 30%
  • Marketing: $20,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 20%
  • Miscellaneous: $10,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 10%

You can make a chart out of this or just pull out the pie chart from the data.

Pie chart template in data presentation

3D pie charts and 3D donut charts are quite popular among the audience. They stand out as visual elements in any presentation slide, so let’s take a look at how our pie chart example would look in 3D pie chart format.

3D pie chart in data presentation

Step 03: Results Interpretation

The pie chart visually illustrates the distribution of the project budget among different expense categories. Personnel constitutes the largest portion at 40%, followed by equipment at 30%, marketing at 20%, and miscellaneous at 10%. This breakdown provides a clear overview of where the project funds are allocated, which helps in informed decision-making and resource management. It is evident that personnel are a significant investment, emphasizing their importance in the overall project budget.

Pie charts provide a straightforward way to represent proportions and percentages. They are easy to understand, even for individuals with limited data analysis experience. These charts work well for small datasets with a limited number of categories.

However, a pie chart can become cluttered and less effective in situations with many categories. Accurate interpretation may be challenging, especially when dealing with slight differences in slice sizes. In addition, these charts are static and do not effectively convey trends over time.

For more information, check our collection of pie chart templates for PowerPoint .

Histograms present the distribution of numerical variables. Unlike a bar chart that records each unique response separately, histograms organize numeric responses into bins and show the frequency of reactions within each bin [10] . The x-axis of a histogram shows the range of values for a numeric variable. At the same time, the y-axis indicates the relative frequencies (percentage of the total counts) for that range of values.

Whenever you want to understand the distribution of your data, check which values are more common, or identify outliers, histograms are your go-to. Think of them as a spotlight on the story your data is telling. A histogram can provide a quick and insightful overview if you’re curious about exam scores, sales figures, or any numerical data distribution.

Real-Life Application of a Histogram

In the histogram data analysis presentation example, imagine an instructor analyzing a class’s grades to identify the most common score range. A histogram could effectively display the distribution. It will show whether most students scored in the average range or if there are significant outliers.

Step 1: Gather Data

He begins by gathering the data. The scores of each student in class are gathered to analyze exam scores.


After arranging the scores in ascending order, bin ranges are set.

Step 2: Define Bins

Bins are like categories that group similar values. Think of them as buckets that organize your data. The presenter decides how wide each bin should be based on the range of the values. For instance, the instructor sets the bin ranges based on score intervals: 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, and 90-100.

Step 3: Count Frequency

Now, he counts how many data points fall into each bin. This step is crucial because it tells you how often specific ranges of values occur. The result is the frequency distribution, showing the occurrences of each group.

Here, the instructor counts the number of students in each category.

  • 60-69: 1 student (Kate)
  • 70-79: 4 students (David, Emma, Grace, Jack)
  • 80-89: 7 students (Alice, Bob, Frank, Isabel, Liam, Mia, Noah)
  • 90-100: 3 students (Clara, Henry, Olivia)

Step 4: Create the Histogram

It’s time to turn the data into a visual representation. Draw a bar for each bin on a graph. The width of the bar should correspond to the range of the bin, and the height should correspond to the frequency.  To make your histogram understandable, label the X and Y axes.

In this case, the X-axis should represent the bins (e.g., test score ranges), and the Y-axis represents the frequency.

Histogram in Data Presentation

The histogram of the class grades reveals insightful patterns in the distribution. Most students, with seven students, fall within the 80-89 score range. The histogram provides a clear visualization of the class’s performance. It showcases a concentration of grades in the upper-middle range with few outliers at both ends. This analysis helps in understanding the overall academic standing of the class. It also identifies the areas for potential improvement or recognition.

Thus, histograms provide a clear visual representation of data distribution. They are easy to interpret, even for those without a statistical background. They apply to various types of data, including continuous and discrete variables. One weak point is that histograms do not capture detailed patterns in students’ data, with seven compared to other visualization methods.

A scatter plot is a graphical representation of the relationship between two variables. It consists of individual data points on a two-dimensional plane. This plane plots one variable on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. Each point represents a unique observation. It visualizes patterns, trends, or correlations between the two variables.

Scatter plots are also effective in revealing the strength and direction of relationships. They identify outliers and assess the overall distribution of data points. The points’ dispersion and clustering reflect the relationship’s nature, whether it is positive, negative, or lacks a discernible pattern. In business, scatter plots assess relationships between variables such as marketing cost and sales revenue. They help present data correlations and decision-making.

Real-Life Application of Scatter Plot

A group of scientists is conducting a study on the relationship between daily hours of screen time and sleep quality. After reviewing the data, they managed to create this table to help them build a scatter plot graph:

Participant IDDaily Hours of Screen TimeSleep Quality Rating

In the provided example, the x-axis represents Daily Hours of Screen Time, and the y-axis represents the Sleep Quality Rating.

Scatter plot in data presentation

The scientists observe a negative correlation between the amount of screen time and the quality of sleep. This is consistent with their hypothesis that blue light, especially before bedtime, has a significant impact on sleep quality and metabolic processes.

There are a few things to remember when using a scatter plot. Even when a scatter diagram indicates a relationship, it doesn’t mean one variable affects the other. A third factor can influence both variables. The more the plot resembles a straight line, the stronger the relationship is perceived [11] . If it suggests no ties, the observed pattern might be due to random fluctuations in data. When the scatter diagram depicts no correlation, whether the data might be stratified is worth considering.

Choosing the appropriate data presentation type is crucial when making a presentation . Understanding the nature of your data and the message you intend to convey will guide this selection process. For instance, when showcasing quantitative relationships, scatter plots become instrumental in revealing correlations between variables. If the focus is on emphasizing parts of a whole, pie charts offer a concise display of proportions. Histograms, on the other hand, prove valuable for illustrating distributions and frequency patterns. 

Bar charts provide a clear visual comparison of different categories. Likewise, line charts excel in showcasing trends over time, while tables are ideal for detailed data examination. Starting a presentation on data presentation types involves evaluating the specific information you want to communicate and selecting the format that aligns with your message. This ensures clarity and resonance with your audience from the beginning of your presentation.

1. Fact Sheet Dashboard for Data Presentation

the graphical presentation of data

Convey all the data you need to present in this one-pager format, an ideal solution tailored for users looking for presentation aids. Global maps, donut chats, column graphs, and text neatly arranged in a clean layout presented in light and dark themes.

Use This Template

2. 3D Column Chart Infographic PPT Template

the graphical presentation of data

Represent column charts in a highly visual 3D format with this PPT template. A creative way to present data, this template is entirely editable, and we can craft either a one-page infographic or a series of slides explaining what we intend to disclose point by point.

3. Data Circles Infographic PowerPoint Template

the graphical presentation of data

An alternative to the pie chart and donut chart diagrams, this template features a series of curved shapes with bubble callouts as ways of presenting data. Expand the information for each arch in the text placeholder areas.

4. Colorful Metrics Dashboard for Data Presentation

the graphical presentation of data

This versatile dashboard template helps us in the presentation of the data by offering several graphs and methods to convert numbers into graphics. Implement it for e-commerce projects, financial projections, project development, and more.

5. Animated Data Presentation Tools for PowerPoint & Google Slides

Canvas Shape Tree Diagram Template

A slide deck filled with most of the tools mentioned in this article, from bar charts, column charts, treemap graphs, pie charts, histogram, etc. Animated effects make each slide look dynamic when sharing data with stakeholders.

6. Statistics Waffle Charts PPT Template for Data Presentations

the graphical presentation of data

This PPT template helps us how to present data beyond the typical pie chart representation. It is widely used for demographics, so it’s a great fit for marketing teams, data science professionals, HR personnel, and more.

7. Data Presentation Dashboard Template for Google Slides

the graphical presentation of data

A compendium of tools in dashboard format featuring line graphs, bar charts, column charts, and neatly arranged placeholder text areas. 

8. Weather Dashboard for Data Presentation

the graphical presentation of data

Share weather data for agricultural presentation topics, environmental studies, or any kind of presentation that requires a highly visual layout for weather forecasting on a single day. Two color themes are available.

9. Social Media Marketing Dashboard Data Presentation Template

the graphical presentation of data

Intended for marketing professionals, this dashboard template for data presentation is a tool for presenting data analytics from social media channels. Two slide layouts featuring line graphs and column charts.

10. Project Management Summary Dashboard Template

the graphical presentation of data

A tool crafted for project managers to deliver highly visual reports on a project’s completion, the profits it delivered for the company, and expenses/time required to execute it. 4 different color layouts are available.

11. Profit & Loss Dashboard for PowerPoint and Google Slides

the graphical presentation of data

A must-have for finance professionals. This typical profit & loss dashboard includes progress bars, donut charts, column charts, line graphs, and everything that’s required to deliver a comprehensive report about a company’s financial situation.

Overwhelming visuals

One of the mistakes related to using data-presenting methods is including too much data or using overly complex visualizations. They can confuse the audience and dilute the key message.

Inappropriate chart types

Choosing the wrong type of chart for the data at hand can lead to misinterpretation. For example, using a pie chart for data that doesn’t represent parts of a whole is not right.

Lack of context

Failing to provide context or sufficient labeling can make it challenging for the audience to understand the significance of the presented data.

Inconsistency in design

Using inconsistent design elements and color schemes across different visualizations can create confusion and visual disarray.

Failure to provide details

Simply presenting raw data without offering clear insights or takeaways can leave the audience without a meaningful conclusion.

Lack of focus

Not having a clear focus on the key message or main takeaway can result in a presentation that lacks a central theme.

Visual accessibility issues

Overlooking the visual accessibility of charts and graphs can exclude certain audience members who may have difficulty interpreting visual information.

In order to avoid these mistakes in data presentation, presenters can benefit from using presentation templates . These templates provide a structured framework. They ensure consistency, clarity, and an aesthetically pleasing design, enhancing data communication’s overall impact.

Understanding and choosing data presentation types are pivotal in effective communication. Each method serves a unique purpose, so selecting the appropriate one depends on the nature of the data and the message to be conveyed. The diverse array of presentation types offers versatility in visually representing information, from bar charts showing values to pie charts illustrating proportions. 

Using the proper method enhances clarity, engages the audience, and ensures that data sets are not just presented but comprehensively understood. By appreciating the strengths and limitations of different presentation types, communicators can tailor their approach to convey information accurately, developing a deeper connection between data and audience understanding.

[1] Government of Canada, S.C. (2021) 5 Data Visualization 5.2 Bar Chart , 5.2 Bar chart .

[2] Kosslyn, S.M., 1989. Understanding charts and graphs. Applied cognitive psychology, 3(3), pp.185-225.

[3] Creating a Dashboard .



[6] Jadeja, M. and Shah, K., 2015, January. Tree-Map: A Visualization Tool for Large Data. In GSB@ SIGIR (pp. 9-13).

[7] Heat Maps and Quilt Plots.


[9] About Pie Charts.

[10] Histograms. [11]

the graphical presentation of data

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Data Analysis, Data Science, Data Visualization Filed under Design

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What is data visualization? Presenting data for decision-making

Data visualization is the presentation of data in a graphical format to make it easier for decision makers to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data..

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Data visualization definition

Data visualization is the presentation of data in a graphical format such as a plot, graph, or map to make it easier for decision makers to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Maps and charts were among the earliest forms of data visualization. One of the most well-known early examples of data visualization was a flow map created by French civil engineer Charles Joseph Minard in 1869 to help understand what Napoleon’s troops suffered in the disastrous Russian campaign of 1812. The map used two dimensions to depict the number of troops, distance, temperature, latitude and longitude, direction of travel, and location relative to specific dates.

Today, data visualization encompasses all manners of presenting data visually, from dashboards to reports, statistical graphs, heat maps, plots, infographics, and more.

What is the business value of data visualization?

Data visualization helps people analyze data, especially large volumes of data, quickly and efficiently.

By providing easy-to-understand visual representations of data, it helps employees make more informed decisions based on that data. Presenting data in visual form can make it easier to comprehend, enable people to obtain insights more quickly. Visualizations can also make it easier to communicate those insights and to see how independent variables relate to one another. This can help you see trends, understand the frequency of events, and track connections between operations and performance, for example.

Key data visualization benefits include:

  • Unlocking the value big data by enabling people to absorb vast amounts of data at a glance
  • Increasing the speed of decision-making by providing access to real-time and on-demand information
  • Identifying errors and inaccuracies in data quickly

What are the types of data visualization?

There are myriad ways of visualizing data, but data design agency The Datalabs Agency breaks data visualization into two basic categories:

  • Exploration: Exploration visualizations help you understand what the data is telling you.
  • Explanation: Explanation visualizations tell a story to an audience using data .

It is essential to understand which of those two ends a given visualization is intended to achieve. The Data Visualisation Catalogue , a project developed by freelance designer Severino Ribecca, is a library of different information visualization types.

Some of the most common specific types of visualizations include:

2D area: These are typically geospatial visualizations. For example, cartograms use distortions of maps to convey information such as population or travel time. Choropleths use shades or patterns on a map to represent a statistical variable, such as population density by state.

Temporal: These are one-dimensional linear visualizations that have a start and finish time. Examples include a time series, which presents data like website visits by day or month, and Gantt charts, which illustrate project schedules.

Multidimensional: These common visualizations present data with two or more dimensions. Examples include pie charts, histograms, and scatter plots.

Hierarchical: These visualizations show how groups relate to one another. Tree diagrams are an example of a hierarchical visualization that shows how larger groups encompass sets of smaller groups.

Network: Network visualizations show how data sets are related to one another in a network. An example is a node-link diagram, also known as a network graph , which uses nodes and link lines to show how things are interconnected.

What are some data visualization examples?

Tableau has collected what it considers to be 10 of the best data visualization examples . Number one on Tableau’s list is Minard’s map of Napoleon’s march to Moscow, mentioned above. Other prominent examples include:

  • A dot map created by English physician John Snow in 1854 to understand the cholera outbreak in London that year. The map used bar graphs on city blocks to indicate cholera deaths at each household in a London neighborhood. The map showed that the worst-affected households were all drawing water from the same well, which eventually led to the insight that wells contaminated by sewage had caused the outbreak.
  • An animated age and gender demographic breakdown pyramid created by Pew Research Center as part of its The Next America project , published in 2014. The project is filled with innovative data visualizations. This one shows how population demographics have shifted since the 1950s, with a pyramid of many young people at the bottom and very few older people at the top in the 1950s to a rectangular shape in 2060.
  • A collection of four visualizations by Hanah Anderson and Matt Daniels of The Pudding that illustrate gender disparity in pop culture by breaking down the scripts of 2,000 movies and tallying spoken lines of dialogue for male and female characters. The visualizations include a breakdown of Disney movies, the overview of 2,000 scripts, a gradient bar with which users can search for specific movies, and a representation of age biases shown toward male and female roles.

Data visualization tools

Data visualization software encompasses many applications, tools, and scripts. They provide designers with the tools they need to create visual representations of large data sets. Some of the most popular include the following:

Domo: Domo is a cloud software company that specializes in business intelligence tools and data visualization. It focuses on business-user deployed dashboards and ease of use, making it a good choice for small businesses seeking to create custom apps.

Dundas BI: Dundas BI is a BI platform for visualizing data, building and sharing dashboards and reports, and embedding analytics.

Infogram: Infogram is a drag-and-drop visualization tool for creating visualizations for marketing reports, infographics, social media posts, dashboards, and more. Its ease-of-use makes it a good option for non-designers as well.

Klipfolio: Klipfolio is designed to enable users to access and combine data from hundreds of services without writing any code. It leverages pre-built, curated instant metrics and a powerful data modeler, making it a good tool for building custom dashboards.

Looker: Now part of Google Cloud, Looker has a plug-in marketplace with a directory of different types of visualizations and pre-made analytical blocks. It also features a drag-and-drop interface.

Microsoft Power BI: Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence platform integrated with Microsoft Office. It has an easy-to-use interface for making dashboards and reports. It’s very similar to Excel so Excel skills transfer well. It also has a mobile app.

Qlik: Qlik’s Qlik Sense features an “associative” data engine for investigating data and AI-powered recommendations for visualizations. It is continuing to build out its open architecture and multicloud capabilities.

Sisense: Sisense is an end-to-end analytics platform best known for embedded analytics. Many customers use it in an OEM form.

Tableau: One of the most popular data visualization platforms on the market, Tableau is a platform that supports accessing, preparing, analyzing, and presenting data. It’s available in a variety of options, including a desktop app, server, and hosted online versions, and a free, public version. Tableau has a steep learning curve but is excellent for creating interactive charts.

Data visualization certifications

Data visualization skills are in high demand. Individuals with the right mix of experience and skills can demand high salaries. Certifications can help.

Some of the popular certifications include the following:

  • Data Visualization Nanodegree (Udacity)
  • Professional Certificate in IBM Data Science (IBM)
  • Data Visualization with Python (DataCamp)
  • Data Analysis and Visualization with Power BI (Udacity)
  • Data Visualization with R (Dataquest)
  • Visualize Data with Python (Codecademy)
  • Professional Certificate in Data Analytics and Visualization with Excel and R (IBM)
  • Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization (UCDavis)
  • Data Visualization with R (DataCamp)
  • Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization Specialization (Macquarie University)

Data visualization jobs and salaries

Here are some of the most popular job titles related to data visualization and the average salary for each position, according to data from PayScale .

  • Data analyst: $64K
  • Data scientist: $98K
  • Data visualization specialist: $76K
  • Senior data analyst: $88K
  • Senior data scientist: $112K
  • BI analyst: $65K
  • Analytics specialist: $71K
  • Marketing data analyst: $61K

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17 Data Visualization Techniques All Professionals Should Know

Data Visualizations on a Page

  • 17 Sep 2019

There’s a growing demand for business analytics and data expertise in the workforce. But you don’t need to be a professional analyst to benefit from data-related skills.

Becoming skilled at common data visualization techniques can help you reap the rewards of data-driven decision-making , including increased confidence and potential cost savings. Learning how to effectively visualize data could be the first step toward using data analytics and data science to your advantage to add value to your organization.

Several data visualization techniques can help you become more effective in your role. Here are 17 essential data visualization techniques all professionals should know, as well as tips to help you effectively present your data.

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What Is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is the process of creating graphical representations of information. This process helps the presenter communicate data in a way that’s easy for the viewer to interpret and draw conclusions.

There are many different techniques and tools you can leverage to visualize data, so you want to know which ones to use and when. Here are some of the most important data visualization techniques all professionals should know.

Data Visualization Techniques

The type of data visualization technique you leverage will vary based on the type of data you’re working with, in addition to the story you’re telling with your data .

Here are some important data visualization techniques to know:

  • Gantt Chart
  • Box and Whisker Plot
  • Waterfall Chart
  • Scatter Plot
  • Pictogram Chart
  • Highlight Table
  • Bullet Graph
  • Choropleth Map
  • Network Diagram
  • Correlation Matrices

1. Pie Chart

Pie Chart Example

Pie charts are one of the most common and basic data visualization techniques, used across a wide range of applications. Pie charts are ideal for illustrating proportions, or part-to-whole comparisons.

Because pie charts are relatively simple and easy to read, they’re best suited for audiences who might be unfamiliar with the information or are only interested in the key takeaways. For viewers who require a more thorough explanation of the data, pie charts fall short in their ability to display complex information.

2. Bar Chart

Bar Chart Example

The classic bar chart , or bar graph, is another common and easy-to-use method of data visualization. In this type of visualization, one axis of the chart shows the categories being compared, and the other, a measured value. The length of the bar indicates how each group measures according to the value.

One drawback is that labeling and clarity can become problematic when there are too many categories included. Like pie charts, they can also be too simple for more complex data sets.

3. Histogram

Histogram Example

Unlike bar charts, histograms illustrate the distribution of data over a continuous interval or defined period. These visualizations are helpful in identifying where values are concentrated, as well as where there are gaps or unusual values.

Histograms are especially useful for showing the frequency of a particular occurrence. For instance, if you’d like to show how many clicks your website received each day over the last week, you can use a histogram. From this visualization, you can quickly determine which days your website saw the greatest and fewest number of clicks.

4. Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart Example

Gantt charts are particularly common in project management, as they’re useful in illustrating a project timeline or progression of tasks. In this type of chart, tasks to be performed are listed on the vertical axis and time intervals on the horizontal axis. Horizontal bars in the body of the chart represent the duration of each activity.

Utilizing Gantt charts to display timelines can be incredibly helpful, and enable team members to keep track of every aspect of a project. Even if you’re not a project management professional, familiarizing yourself with Gantt charts can help you stay organized.

5. Heat Map

Heat Map Example

A heat map is a type of visualization used to show differences in data through variations in color. These charts use color to communicate values in a way that makes it easy for the viewer to quickly identify trends. Having a clear legend is necessary in order for a user to successfully read and interpret a heatmap.

There are many possible applications of heat maps. For example, if you want to analyze which time of day a retail store makes the most sales, you can use a heat map that shows the day of the week on the vertical axis and time of day on the horizontal axis. Then, by shading in the matrix with colors that correspond to the number of sales at each time of day, you can identify trends in the data that allow you to determine the exact times your store experiences the most sales.

6. A Box and Whisker Plot

Box and Whisker Plot Example

A box and whisker plot , or box plot, provides a visual summary of data through its quartiles. First, a box is drawn from the first quartile to the third of the data set. A line within the box represents the median. “Whiskers,” or lines, are then drawn extending from the box to the minimum (lower extreme) and maximum (upper extreme). Outliers are represented by individual points that are in-line with the whiskers.

This type of chart is helpful in quickly identifying whether or not the data is symmetrical or skewed, as well as providing a visual summary of the data set that can be easily interpreted.

7. Waterfall Chart

Waterfall Chart Example

A waterfall chart is a visual representation that illustrates how a value changes as it’s influenced by different factors, such as time. The main goal of this chart is to show the viewer how a value has grown or declined over a defined period. For example, waterfall charts are popular for showing spending or earnings over time.

8. Area Chart

Area Chart Example

An area chart , or area graph, is a variation on a basic line graph in which the area underneath the line is shaded to represent the total value of each data point. When several data series must be compared on the same graph, stacked area charts are used.

This method of data visualization is useful for showing changes in one or more quantities over time, as well as showing how each quantity combines to make up the whole. Stacked area charts are effective in showing part-to-whole comparisons.

9. Scatter Plot

Scatter Plot Example

Another technique commonly used to display data is a scatter plot . A scatter plot displays data for two variables as represented by points plotted against the horizontal and vertical axis. This type of data visualization is useful in illustrating the relationships that exist between variables and can be used to identify trends or correlations in data.

Scatter plots are most effective for fairly large data sets, since it’s often easier to identify trends when there are more data points present. Additionally, the closer the data points are grouped together, the stronger the correlation or trend tends to be.

10. Pictogram Chart

Pictogram Example

Pictogram charts , or pictograph charts, are particularly useful for presenting simple data in a more visual and engaging way. These charts use icons to visualize data, with each icon representing a different value or category. For example, data about time might be represented by icons of clocks or watches. Each icon can correspond to either a single unit or a set number of units (for example, each icon represents 100 units).

In addition to making the data more engaging, pictogram charts are helpful in situations where language or cultural differences might be a barrier to the audience’s understanding of the data.

11. Timeline

Timeline Example

Timelines are the most effective way to visualize a sequence of events in chronological order. They’re typically linear, with key events outlined along the axis. Timelines are used to communicate time-related information and display historical data.

Timelines allow you to highlight the most important events that occurred, or need to occur in the future, and make it easy for the viewer to identify any patterns appearing within the selected time period. While timelines are often relatively simple linear visualizations, they can be made more visually appealing by adding images, colors, fonts, and decorative shapes.

12. Highlight Table

Highlight Table Example

A highlight table is a more engaging alternative to traditional tables. By highlighting cells in the table with color, you can make it easier for viewers to quickly spot trends and patterns in the data. These visualizations are useful for comparing categorical data.

Depending on the data visualization tool you’re using, you may be able to add conditional formatting rules to the table that automatically color cells that meet specified conditions. For instance, when using a highlight table to visualize a company’s sales data, you may color cells red if the sales data is below the goal, or green if sales were above the goal. Unlike a heat map, the colors in a highlight table are discrete and represent a single meaning or value.

13. Bullet Graph

Bullet Graph Example

A bullet graph is a variation of a bar graph that can act as an alternative to dashboard gauges to represent performance data. The main use for a bullet graph is to inform the viewer of how a business is performing in comparison to benchmarks that are in place for key business metrics.

In a bullet graph, the darker horizontal bar in the middle of the chart represents the actual value, while the vertical line represents a comparative value, or target. If the horizontal bar passes the vertical line, the target for that metric has been surpassed. Additionally, the segmented colored sections behind the horizontal bar represent range scores, such as “poor,” “fair,” or “good.”

14. Choropleth Maps

Choropleth Map Example

A choropleth map uses color, shading, and other patterns to visualize numerical values across geographic regions. These visualizations use a progression of color (or shading) on a spectrum to distinguish high values from low.

Choropleth maps allow viewers to see how a variable changes from one region to the next. A potential downside to this type of visualization is that the exact numerical values aren’t easily accessible because the colors represent a range of values. Some data visualization tools, however, allow you to add interactivity to your map so the exact values are accessible.

15. Word Cloud

Word Cloud Example

A word cloud , or tag cloud, is a visual representation of text data in which the size of the word is proportional to its frequency. The more often a specific word appears in a dataset, the larger it appears in the visualization. In addition to size, words often appear bolder or follow a specific color scheme depending on their frequency.

Word clouds are often used on websites and blogs to identify significant keywords and compare differences in textual data between two sources. They are also useful when analyzing qualitative datasets, such as the specific words consumers used to describe a product.

16. Network Diagram

Network Diagram Example

Network diagrams are a type of data visualization that represent relationships between qualitative data points. These visualizations are composed of nodes and links, also called edges. Nodes are singular data points that are connected to other nodes through edges, which show the relationship between multiple nodes.

There are many use cases for network diagrams, including depicting social networks, highlighting the relationships between employees at an organization, or visualizing product sales across geographic regions.

17. Correlation Matrix

Correlation Matrix Example

A correlation matrix is a table that shows correlation coefficients between variables. Each cell represents the relationship between two variables, and a color scale is used to communicate whether the variables are correlated and to what extent.

Correlation matrices are useful to summarize and find patterns in large data sets. In business, a correlation matrix might be used to analyze how different data points about a specific product might be related, such as price, advertising spend, launch date, etc.

Other Data Visualization Options

While the examples listed above are some of the most commonly used techniques, there are many other ways you can visualize data to become a more effective communicator. Some other data visualization options include:

  • Bubble clouds
  • Circle views
  • Dendrograms
  • Dot distribution maps
  • Open-high-low-close charts
  • Polar areas
  • Radial trees
  • Ring Charts
  • Sankey diagram
  • Span charts
  • Streamgraphs
  • Wedge stack graphs
  • Violin plots

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Tips For Creating Effective Visualizations

Creating effective data visualizations requires more than just knowing how to choose the best technique for your needs. There are several considerations you should take into account to maximize your effectiveness when it comes to presenting data.

Related : What to Keep in Mind When Creating Data Visualizations in Excel

One of the most important steps is to evaluate your audience. For example, if you’re presenting financial data to a team that works in an unrelated department, you’ll want to choose a fairly simple illustration. On the other hand, if you’re presenting financial data to a team of finance experts, it’s likely you can safely include more complex information.

Another helpful tip is to avoid unnecessary distractions. Although visual elements like animation can be a great way to add interest, they can also distract from the key points the illustration is trying to convey and hinder the viewer’s ability to quickly understand the information.

Finally, be mindful of the colors you utilize, as well as your overall design. While it’s important that your graphs or charts are visually appealing, there are more practical reasons you might choose one color palette over another. For instance, using low contrast colors can make it difficult for your audience to discern differences between data points. Using colors that are too bold, however, can make the illustration overwhelming or distracting for the viewer.

Related : Bad Data Visualization: 5 Examples of Misleading Data

Visuals to Interpret and Share Information

No matter your role or title within an organization, data visualization is a skill that’s important for all professionals. Being able to effectively present complex data through easy-to-understand visual representations is invaluable when it comes to communicating information with members both inside and outside your business.

There’s no shortage in how data visualization can be applied in the real world. Data is playing an increasingly important role in the marketplace today, and data literacy is the first step in understanding how analytics can be used in business.

Are you interested in improving your analytical skills? Learn more about Business Analytics , our eight-week online course that can help you use data to generate insights and tackle business decisions.

This post was updated on January 20, 2022. It was originally published on September 17, 2019.

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Home » Graphical Methods – Types, Examples and Guide

Graphical Methods – Types, Examples and Guide

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Graphical Methods

Graphical Methods


Graphical methods refer to techniques used to visually represent data, relationships, or processes using charts, graphs, diagrams, or other graphical formats. These methods are widely used in various fields such as science, engineering, business, and social sciences, among others, to analyze, interpret and communicate complex information in a concise and understandable way.

Types of Graphical Methods

Here are some of the most common types of graphical methods for data analysis and visual presentation:

Line Graphs

These are commonly used to show trends over time, such as the stock prices of a particular company or the temperature over a certain period. They consist of a series of data points connected by a line that shows the trend of the data over time. Line graphs are useful for identifying patterns in data, such as seasonal changes or long-term trends.

These are commonly used to compare values of different categories, such as sales figures for different products or the number of students in different grade levels. Bar charts use bars that are either horizontal or vertical and represent the data values. They are useful for comparing data visually and identifying differences between categories.

These are used to show how a whole is divided into parts, such as the percentage of students in a school who are enrolled in different programs. Pie charts use a circle that is divided into sectors, with each sector representing a portion of the whole. They are useful for showing proportions and identifying which parts of a whole are larger or smaller.

Scatter Plots

These are used to visualize the relationship between two variables, such as the correlation between a person’s height and weight. Scatter plots consist of a series of data points that are plotted on a graph and connected by a line or curve. They are useful for identifying trends and relationships between variables.

These are used to show the distribution of data across a two-dimensional plane, such as a map of a city showing the density of population in different areas. Heat maps use color-coded cells to represent different levels of data, with darker colors indicating higher values. They are useful for identifying areas of high or low density and for highlighting patterns in data.

These are used to show the distribution of data in a single variable, such as the distribution of ages of a group of people. Histograms use bars that represent the frequency of each data value, with taller bars indicating a higher frequency. They are useful for identifying the shape of a distribution and for identifying outliers or unusual data values.

Network Diagrams

These are used to show the relationships between different entities or nodes, such as the relationships between people in a social network. Network diagrams consist of nodes that are connected by lines that represent the relationship. They are useful for identifying patterns in complex data and for understanding the structure of a network.

Box plots, also known as box-and-whisker plots, are a type of graphical method used to show the distribution of data in a single variable. They consist of a box with whiskers extending from the top and bottom of the box. The box represents the middle 50% of the data, with the median value indicated by a line inside the box. The whiskers represent the range of the data, with any data points outside the whiskers indicated as outliers. Box plots are useful for identifying the spread and shape of a distribution and for identifying outliers or unusual data values.

Applications of Graphical Methods

Graphical methods have a wide range of applications in various fields, including:

  • Business : Graphical methods are commonly used in business to analyze sales data, financial data, and other types of data. They are useful for identifying trends, patterns, and outliers, as well as for presenting data in a clear and concise manner to stakeholders.
  • Science and engineering: Graphical methods are used extensively in scientific and engineering fields to analyze data and to present research findings. They are useful for visualizing complex data sets and for identifying relationships between variables.
  • Social sciences: Graphical methods are used in social sciences to analyze and present data related to human behavior, such as demographics, survey results, and statistical analyses. They are useful for identifying trends and patterns in large data sets and for communicating findings to a broader audience.
  • Education : Graphical methods are used in education to present information to students and to help them understand complex concepts. They are useful for visualizing data and for presenting information in a way that is easy to understand.
  • Healthcare : Graphical methods are used in healthcare to analyze patient data, to track disease outbreaks, and to present medical information to patients. They are useful for identifying patterns and trends in patient data and for communicating medical information in a clear and concise manner.
  • Sports : Graphical methods are used in sports to analyze and present data related to player performance, team statistics, and game outcomes. They are useful for identifying trends and patterns in player and team data and for communicating this information to coaches, players, and fans.

Examples of Graphical Methods

Here are some examples of real-time applications of graphical methods:

  • Stock Market: Line graphs, candlestick charts, and bar charts are widely used in real-time trading systems to display stock prices and trends over time. Traders use these charts to analyze historical data and make informed decisions about buying and selling stocks in real-time.
  • Weather Forecasting : Heat maps and radar maps are commonly used in weather forecasting to display current weather conditions and to predict future weather patterns. These maps are useful for tracking the movement of storms, identifying areas of high and low pressure, and predicting the likelihood of severe weather events.
  • Social Media Analytics: Scatter plots and network diagrams are commonly used in social media analytics to track the spread of information across social networks. Analysts use these graphs to identify patterns in user behavior, to track the popularity of specific topics or hashtags, and to monitor the influence of key opinion leaders.
  • Traffic Analysis: Heat maps and network diagrams are used in traffic analysis to visualize traffic flow patterns and to identify areas of congestion or accidents. These graphs are useful for predicting traffic patterns, optimizing traffic flow, and improving transportation infrastructure.
  • Medical Diagnostics: Box plots and histograms are commonly used in medical diagnostics to display the distribution of patient data, such as blood pressure, heart rate, or blood sugar levels. These graphs are useful for identifying patterns in patient data, diagnosing medical conditions, and monitoring the effectiveness of treatments in real-time.
  • Cybersecurity: Heat maps and network diagrams are used in cybersecurity to visualize network traffic patterns and to identify potential security threats. These graphs are useful for identifying anomalies in network traffic, detecting and mitigating cyber attacks, and improving network security protocols.

How to use Graphical Methods

Here are some general steps to follow when using graphical methods to analyze and present data:

  • Identify the research question: Before creating any graphs, it’s important to identify the research question or hypothesis you want to explore. This will help you select the appropriate type of graph and ensure that the data you collect is relevant to your research question.
  • Collect and organize the data: Collect the data you need to answer your research question and organize it in a way that makes it easy to work with. This may involve sorting, filtering, or cleaning the data to ensure that it is accurate and relevant.
  • Select the appropriate graph : There are many different types of graphs available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Select the appropriate graph based on the type of data you have and the research question you are exploring. For example, a scatterplot may be appropriate for exploring the relationship between two continuous variables, while a bar chart may be appropriate for comparing categorical data.
  • Create the graph: Once you have selected the appropriate graph, create it using software or a tool that allows you to customize the graph based on your needs. Be sure to include appropriate labels and titles, and ensure that the graph is clearly legible.
  • Analyze the graph: Once you have created the graph, analyze it to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. Look for outliers or other anomalies that may require further investigation.
  • Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis of the graph, draw conclusions about the research question you are exploring. Use the graph to support your conclusions and to communicate your findings to others.
  • Iterate and refine: Finally, refine your graph or create additional graphs as needed to further explore your research question. Iteratively refining and revising your graphs can help to ensure that you are accurately representing the data and that you are drawing the appropriate conclusions.

When to use Graphical Methods

Graphical methods can be used in a variety of situations to help analyze, interpret, and communicate data. Here are some general guidelines on when to use graphical methods:

  • To identify patterns and trends: Graphical methods are useful for identifying patterns and trends in data, which may be difficult to see in raw data tables or spreadsheets. Graphs can reveal trends that may not be immediately apparent in the data, making it easier to draw conclusions and make predictions.
  • To compare data: Graphs can be used to compare data from different sources or over different time periods. Graphical comparisons can make it easier to identify differences or similarities in the data, which can be useful for making decisions and taking action.
  • To summarize data : Graphs can be used to summarize large amounts of data in a single visual display. This can be particularly useful when presenting data to a broad audience, as it can help to simplify complex data sets and make them more accessible.
  • To communicate data: Graphs can be used to communicate data and findings to a variety of audiences, including stakeholders, colleagues, and the general public. Graphs can be particularly useful in situations where data needs to be presented quickly and in a way that is easy to understand.
  • To identify outliers: Graphical methods are useful for identifying outliers or anomalies in the data. Outliers can be indicative of errors or unusual events, and may warrant further investigation.

Purpose of Graphical Methods

The purpose of graphical methods is to help people analyze, interpret, and communicate data in a way that is both accurate and understandable. Graphical methods provide visual representations of data that can be easier to interpret than tables of numbers or raw data sets. Graphical methods help to reveal patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent in the data, making it easier to draw conclusions and make predictions. They can also help to identify outliers or unusual data points that may warrant further investigation.

In addition to helping people analyze and interpret data, graphical methods also serve an important communication function. Graphs can be used to present data to a wide range of audiences, including stakeholders, colleagues, and the general public. Graphs can help to simplify complex data sets, making them more accessible and easier to understand. By presenting data in a clear and concise way, graphical methods can help people make informed decisions and take action based on the data.

Overall, the purpose of graphical methods is to provide a powerful tool for analyzing, interpreting, and communicating data. Graphical methods help people to better understand the data they are working with, to identify patterns and trends, and to make informed decisions based on the data.

Characteristics of Graphical Methods

Here are some characteristics of graphical methods:

  • Visual Representation: Graphical methods provide a visual representation of data, which can be easier to interpret than tables of numbers or raw data sets. Graphs can help to reveal patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent in the data.
  • Simplicity : Graphical methods simplify complex data sets, making them more accessible and easier to understand. By presenting data in a clear and concise way, graphical methods can help people make informed decisions and take action based on the data.
  • Comparability : Graphical methods can be used to compare data from different sources or over different time periods. This can help to identify differences or similarities in the data, which can be useful for making decisions and taking action.
  • Flexibility : Graphical methods can be adapted to different types of data, including continuous, categorical, and ordinal data. Different types of graphs can be used to display different types of data, depending on the characteristics of the data and the research question.
  • Accuracy : Graphical methods should accurately represent the data being analyzed. Graphs should be properly scaled and labeled to avoid distorting the data or misleading viewers.
  • Clarity : Graphical methods should be clear and easy to read. Graphs should be designed with the viewer in mind, using appropriate colors, labels, and titles to ensure that the message of the graph is conveyed effectively.

Advantages of Graphical Methods

Graphical methods offer several advantages for analyzing and presenting data, including:

  • Clear visualization: Graphical methods provide a clear and intuitive visual representation of data that can help people understand complex relationships, trends, and patterns in the data. This can be particularly useful when dealing with large and complex data sets.
  • Efficient communication: Graphical methods can help to communicate complex data sets in an efficient and accessible way. Visual representations can be easier to understand than numerical data alone, and can help to convey key messages quickly.
  • Effective comparison: Graphical methods allow for easy comparison between different data sets, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and differences. This can help in making decisions, identifying areas for improvement, or developing new insights.
  • Improved decision-making: Graphical methods can help to inform decision-making by presenting data in a clear and easy-to-understand format. They can also help to identify key areas of focus, enabling individuals or teams to make more informed decisions.
  • Increased engagement: Graphical methods can help to engage audiences by presenting data in an engaging and interactive way. This can be particularly useful in presentations or reports, where visual representations can help to maintain audience attention and interest.
  • Better understanding: Graphical methods can help individuals to better understand the data they are working with, by providing a clear and intuitive visual representation of the data. This can lead to improved insights and decision-making, as well as better understanding of the implications of the data.

Limitations of Graphical Methods

Here are a few limitations to consider:

  • Misleading representation: Graphical methods can potentially misrepresent data if they are not designed properly. For example, inappropriate scaling or labeling of the axes or the use of certain types of graphs can create a distorted view of the data.
  • Limited scope: Graphical methods can only display a limited amount of data, which can make it difficult to capture the full complexity of a data set. Additionally, some types of data may be difficult to represent visually.
  • Time-consuming : Creating graphs can be a time-consuming process, particularly if multiple graphs need to be created and analyzed. This can be a limitation in situations where time is limited or resources are scarce.
  • Technical skills: Some graphical methods require technical skills to create and interpret. For example, certain types of graphs may require knowledge of specialized software or programming languages.
  • Interpretation : Interpreting graphs can be subjective, and the same graph can be interpreted in different ways by different people. This can lead to confusion or disagreements when using graphs to communicate data.
  • Accessibility : Some graphical methods may not be accessible to all audiences, particularly those with visual impairments. Additionally, some types of graphs may not be accessible to those with limited literacy or numeracy skills.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Blog Data Visualization 10 Data Presentation Examples For Strategic Communication

10 Data Presentation Examples For Strategic Communication

Written by: Krystle Wong Sep 28, 2023

Data Presentation Examples

Knowing how to present data is like having a superpower. 

Data presentation today is no longer just about numbers on a screen; it’s storytelling with a purpose. It’s about captivating your audience, making complex stuff look simple and inspiring action. 

To help turn your data into stories that stick, influence decisions and make an impact, check out Venngage’s free chart maker or follow me on a tour into the world of data storytelling along with data presentation templates that work across different fields, from business boardrooms to the classroom and beyond. Keep scrolling to learn more! 

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10 Essential data presentation examples + methods you should know

What should be included in a data presentation, what are some common mistakes to avoid when presenting data, faqs on data presentation examples, transform your message with impactful data storytelling.

Data presentation is a vital skill in today’s information-driven world. Whether you’re in business, academia, or simply want to convey information effectively, knowing the different ways of presenting data is crucial. For impactful data storytelling, consider these essential data presentation methods:

1. Bar graph

Ideal for comparing data across categories or showing trends over time.

Bar graphs, also known as bar charts are workhorses of data presentation. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of visualization methods because they can be used to compare data in different categories or display data changes over time. 

In a bar chart, categories are displayed on the x-axis and the corresponding values are represented by the height of the bars on the y-axis. 

the graphical presentation of data

It’s a straightforward and effective way to showcase raw data, making it a staple in business reports, academic presentations and beyond.

Make sure your bar charts are concise with easy-to-read labels. Whether your bars go up or sideways, keep it simple by not overloading with too many categories.

the graphical presentation of data

2. Line graph

Great for displaying trends and variations in data points over time or continuous variables.

Line charts or line graphs are your go-to when you want to visualize trends and variations in data sets over time.

One of the best quantitative data presentation examples, they work exceptionally well for showing continuous data, such as sales projections over the last couple of years or supply and demand fluctuations. 

the graphical presentation of data

The x-axis represents time or a continuous variable and the y-axis represents the data values. By connecting the data points with lines, you can easily spot trends and fluctuations.

A tip when presenting data with line charts is to minimize the lines and not make it too crowded. Highlight the big changes, put on some labels and give it a catchy title.

the graphical presentation of data

3. Pie chart

Useful for illustrating parts of a whole, such as percentages or proportions.

Pie charts are perfect for showing how a whole is divided into parts. They’re commonly used to represent percentages or proportions and are great for presenting survey results that involve demographic data. 

Each “slice” of the pie represents a portion of the whole and the size of each slice corresponds to its share of the total. 

the graphical presentation of data

While pie charts are handy for illustrating simple distributions, they can become confusing when dealing with too many categories or when the differences in proportions are subtle.

Don’t get too carried away with slices — label those slices with percentages or values so people know what’s what and consider using a legend for more categories.

the graphical presentation of data

4. Scatter plot

Effective for showing the relationship between two variables and identifying correlations.

Scatter plots are all about exploring relationships between two variables. They’re great for uncovering correlations, trends or patterns in data. 

In a scatter plot, every data point appears as a dot on the chart, with one variable marked on the horizontal x-axis and the other on the vertical y-axis.

the graphical presentation of data

By examining the scatter of points, you can discern the nature of the relationship between the variables, whether it’s positive, negative or no correlation at all.

If you’re using scatter plots to reveal relationships between two variables, be sure to add trendlines or regression analysis when appropriate to clarify patterns. Label data points selectively or provide tooltips for detailed information.

the graphical presentation of data

5. Histogram

Best for visualizing the distribution and frequency of a single variable.

Histograms are your choice when you want to understand the distribution and frequency of a single variable. 

They divide the data into “bins” or intervals and the height of each bar represents the frequency or count of data points falling into that interval. 

the graphical presentation of data

Histograms are excellent for helping to identify trends in data distributions, such as peaks, gaps or skewness.

Here’s something to take note of — ensure that your histogram bins are appropriately sized to capture meaningful data patterns. Using clear axis labels and titles can also help explain the distribution of the data effectively.

the graphical presentation of data

6. Stacked bar chart

Useful for showing how different components contribute to a whole over multiple categories.

Stacked bar charts are a handy choice when you want to illustrate how different components contribute to a whole across multiple categories. 

Each bar represents a category and the bars are divided into segments to show the contribution of various components within each category. 

the graphical presentation of data

This method is ideal for highlighting both the individual and collective significance of each component, making it a valuable tool for comparative analysis.

Stacked bar charts are like data sandwiches—label each layer so people know what’s what. Keep the order logical and don’t forget the paintbrush for snazzy colors. Here’s a data analysis presentation example on writers’ productivity using stacked bar charts:

the graphical presentation of data

7. Area chart

Similar to line charts but with the area below the lines filled, making them suitable for showing cumulative data.

Area charts are close cousins of line charts but come with a twist. 

Imagine plotting the sales of a product over several months. In an area chart, the space between the line and the x-axis is filled, providing a visual representation of the cumulative total. 

the graphical presentation of data

This makes it easy to see how values stack up over time, making area charts a valuable tool for tracking trends in data.

For area charts, use them to visualize cumulative data and trends, but avoid overcrowding the chart. Add labels, especially at significant points and make sure the area under the lines is filled with a visually appealing color gradient.

the graphical presentation of data

8. Tabular presentation

Presenting data in rows and columns, often used for precise data values and comparisons.

Tabular data presentation is all about clarity and precision. Think of it as presenting numerical data in a structured grid, with rows and columns clearly displaying individual data points. 

A table is invaluable for showcasing detailed data, facilitating comparisons and presenting numerical information that needs to be exact. They’re commonly used in reports, spreadsheets and academic papers.

the graphical presentation of data

When presenting tabular data, organize it neatly with clear headers and appropriate column widths. Highlight important data points or patterns using shading or font formatting for better readability.

9. Textual data

Utilizing written or descriptive content to explain or complement data, such as annotations or explanatory text.

Textual data presentation may not involve charts or graphs, but it’s one of the most used qualitative data presentation examples. 

It involves using written content to provide context, explanations or annotations alongside data visuals. Think of it as the narrative that guides your audience through the data. 

Well-crafted textual data can make complex information more accessible and help your audience understand the significance of the numbers and visuals.

Textual data is your chance to tell a story. Break down complex information into bullet points or short paragraphs and use headings to guide the reader’s attention.

10. Pictogram

Using simple icons or images to represent data is especially useful for conveying information in a visually intuitive manner.

Pictograms are all about harnessing the power of images to convey data in an easy-to-understand way. 

Instead of using numbers or complex graphs, you use simple icons or images to represent data points. 

For instance, you could use a thumbs up emoji to illustrate customer satisfaction levels, where each face represents a different level of satisfaction. 

the graphical presentation of data

Pictograms are great for conveying data visually, so choose symbols that are easy to interpret and relevant to the data. Use consistent scaling and a legend to explain the symbols’ meanings, ensuring clarity in your presentation.

the graphical presentation of data

Looking for more data presentation ideas? Use the Venngage graph maker or browse through our gallery of chart templates to pick a template and get started! 

A comprehensive data presentation should include several key elements to effectively convey information and insights to your audience. Here’s a list of what should be included in a data presentation:

1. Title and objective

  • Begin with a clear and informative title that sets the context for your presentation.
  • State the primary objective or purpose of the presentation to provide a clear focus.

the graphical presentation of data

2. Key data points

  • Present the most essential data points or findings that align with your objective.
  • Use charts, graphical presentations or visuals to illustrate these key points for better comprehension.

the graphical presentation of data

3. Context and significance

  • Provide a brief overview of the context in which the data was collected and why it’s significant.
  • Explain how the data relates to the larger picture or the problem you’re addressing.

4. Key takeaways

  • Summarize the main insights or conclusions that can be drawn from the data.
  • Highlight the key takeaways that the audience should remember.

5. Visuals and charts

  • Use clear and appropriate visual aids to complement the data.
  • Ensure that visuals are easy to understand and support your narrative.

the graphical presentation of data

6. Implications or actions

  • Discuss the practical implications of the data or any recommended actions.
  • If applicable, outline next steps or decisions that should be taken based on the data.

the graphical presentation of data

7. Q&A and discussion

  • Allocate time for questions and open discussion to engage the audience.
  • Address queries and provide additional insights or context as needed.

Presenting data is a crucial skill in various professional fields, from business to academia and beyond. To ensure your data presentations hit the mark, here are some common mistakes that you should steer clear of:

Overloading with data

Presenting too much data at once can overwhelm your audience. Focus on the key points and relevant information to keep the presentation concise and focused. Here are some free data visualization tools you can use to convey data in an engaging and impactful way. 

Assuming everyone’s on the same page

It’s easy to assume that your audience understands as much about the topic as you do. But this can lead to either dumbing things down too much or diving into a bunch of jargon that leaves folks scratching their heads. Take a beat to figure out where your audience is coming from and tailor your presentation accordingly.

Misleading visuals

Using misleading visuals, such as distorted scales or inappropriate chart types can distort the data’s meaning. Pick the right data infographics and understandable charts to ensure that your visual representations accurately reflect the data.

Not providing context

Data without context is like a puzzle piece with no picture on it. Without proper context, data may be meaningless or misinterpreted. Explain the background, methodology and significance of the data.

Not citing sources properly

Neglecting to cite sources and provide citations for your data can erode its credibility. Always attribute data to its source and utilize reliable sources for your presentation.

Not telling a story

Avoid simply presenting numbers. If your presentation lacks a clear, engaging story that takes your audience on a journey from the beginning (setting the scene) through the middle (data analysis) to the end (the big insights and recommendations), you’re likely to lose their interest.

Infographics are great for storytelling because they mix cool visuals with short and sweet text to explain complicated stuff in a fun and easy way. Create one with Venngage’s free infographic maker to create a memorable story that your audience will remember.

Ignoring data quality

Presenting data without first checking its quality and accuracy can lead to misinformation. Validate and clean your data before presenting it.

Simplify your visuals

Fancy charts might look cool, but if they confuse people, what’s the point? Go for the simplest visual that gets your message across. Having a dilemma between presenting data with infographics v.s data design? This article on the difference between data design and infographics might help you out. 

Missing the emotional connection

Data isn’t just about numbers; it’s about people and real-life situations. Don’t forget to sprinkle in some human touch, whether it’s through relatable stories, examples or showing how the data impacts real lives.

Skipping the actionable insights

At the end of the day, your audience wants to know what they should do with all the data. If you don’t wrap up with clear, actionable insights or recommendations, you’re leaving them hanging. Always finish up with practical takeaways and the next steps.

Can you provide some data presentation examples for business reports?

Business reports often benefit from data presentation through bar charts showing sales trends over time, pie charts displaying market share,or tables presenting financial performance metrics like revenue and profit margins.

What are some creative data presentation examples for academic presentations?

Creative data presentation ideas for academic presentations include using statistical infographics to illustrate research findings and statistical data, incorporating storytelling techniques to engage the audience or utilizing heat maps to visualize data patterns.

What are the key considerations when choosing the right data presentation format?

When choosing a chart format , consider factors like data complexity, audience expertise and the message you want to convey. Options include charts (e.g., bar, line, pie), tables, heat maps, data visualization infographics and interactive dashboards.

Knowing the type of data visualization that best serves your data is just half the battle. Here are some best practices for data visualization to make sure that the final output is optimized. 

How can I choose the right data presentation method for my data?

To select the right data presentation method, start by defining your presentation’s purpose and audience. Then, match your data type (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) with suitable visualization techniques (e.g., histograms, word clouds) and choose an appropriate presentation format (e.g., slide deck, report, live demo).

For more presentation ideas , check out this guide on how to make a good presentation or use a presentation software to simplify the process.  

How can I make my data presentations more engaging and informative?

To enhance data presentations, use compelling narratives, relatable examples and fun data infographics that simplify complex data. Encourage audience interaction, offer actionable insights and incorporate storytelling elements to engage and inform effectively.

The opening of your presentation holds immense power in setting the stage for your audience. To design a presentation and convey your data in an engaging and informative, try out Venngage’s free presentation maker to pick the right presentation design for your audience and topic. 

What is the difference between data visualization and data presentation?

Data presentation typically involves conveying data reports and insights to an audience, often using visuals like charts and graphs. Data visualization , on the other hand, focuses on creating those visual representations of data to facilitate understanding and analysis. 

Now that you’ve learned a thing or two about how to use these methods of data presentation to tell a compelling data story , it’s time to take these strategies and make them your own. 

But here’s the deal: these aren’t just one-size-fits-all solutions. Remember that each example we’ve uncovered here is not a rigid template but a source of inspiration. It’s all about making your audience go, “Wow, I get it now!”

Think of your data presentations as your canvas – it’s where you paint your story, convey meaningful insights and make real change happen. 

So, go forth, present your data with confidence and purpose and watch as your strategic influence grows, one compelling presentation at a time.

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the graphical presentation of data

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Data presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to create data presentation effectively and communicate your insights in a way that is clear, concise, and engaging.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing data presentation

Hey there, fellow data enthusiast!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on data presentation.

Whether you're an experienced presenter or just starting, this guide will help you present your data like a pro. We'll dive deep into what data presentation is, why it's crucial, and how to master it. So, let's embark on this data-driven journey together.

What is data presentation?

Data presentation is the art of transforming raw data into a visual format that's easy to understand and interpret. It's like turning numbers and statistics into a captivating story that your audience can quickly grasp. When done right, data presentation can be a game-changer, enabling you to convey complex information effectively.

Why are data presentations important?

Imagine drowning in a sea of numbers and figures. That's how your audience might feel without proper data presentation. Here's why it's essential:

  • Clarity : Data presentations make complex information clear and concise.
  • Engagement : Visuals, such as charts and graphs, grab your audience's attention.
  • Comprehension : Visual data is easier to understand than long, numerical reports.
  • Decision-making : Well-presented data aids informed decision-making.
  • Impact : It leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Types of data presentation:

Now, let's delve into the diverse array of data presentation methods, each with its own unique strengths and applications. We have three primary types of data presentation, and within these categories, numerous specific visualization techniques can be employed to effectively convey your data.

1. Textual presentation

Textual presentation harnesses the power of words and sentences to elucidate and contextualize your data. This method is commonly used to provide a narrative framework for the data, offering explanations, insights, and the broader implications of your findings. It serves as a foundation for a deeper understanding of the data's significance.

2. Tabular presentation

Tabular presentation employs tables to arrange and structure your data systematically. These tables are invaluable for comparing various data groups or illustrating how data evolves over time. They present information in a neat and organized format, facilitating straightforward comparisons and reference points.

3. Graphical presentation

Graphical presentation harnesses the visual impact of charts and graphs to breathe life into your data. Charts and graphs are powerful tools for spotlighting trends, patterns, and relationships hidden within the data. Let's explore some common graphical presentation methods:

  • Bar charts: They are ideal for comparing different categories of data. In this method, each category is represented by a distinct bar, and the height of the bar corresponds to the value it represents. Bar charts provide a clear and intuitive way to discern differences between categories.
  • Pie charts: It excel at illustrating the relative proportions of different data categories. Each category is depicted as a slice of the pie, with the size of each slice corresponding to the percentage of the total value it represents. Pie charts are particularly effective for showcasing the distribution of data.
  • Line graphs: They are the go-to choice when showcasing how data evolves over time. Each point on the line represents a specific value at a particular time period. This method enables viewers to track trends and fluctuations effortlessly, making it perfect for visualizing data with temporal dimensions.
  • Scatter plots: They are the tool of choice when exploring the relationship between two variables. In this method, each point on the plot represents a pair of values for the two variables in question. Scatter plots help identify correlations, outliers, and patterns within data pairs.

The selection of the most suitable data presentation method hinges on the specific dataset and the presentation's objectives. For instance, when comparing sales figures of different products, a bar chart shines in its simplicity and clarity. On the other hand, if your aim is to display how a product's sales have changed over time, a line graph provides the ideal visual narrative.

Additionally, it's crucial to factor in your audience's level of familiarity with data presentations. For a technical audience, more intricate visualization methods may be appropriate. However, when presenting to a general audience, opting for straightforward and easily understandable visuals is often the wisest choice.

In the world of data presentation, choosing the right method is akin to selecting the perfect brush for a masterpiece. Each tool has its place, and understanding when and how to use them is key to crafting compelling and insightful presentations. So, consider your data carefully, align your purpose, and paint a vivid picture that resonates with your audience.

What to include in data presentation?

When creating your data presentation, remember these key components:

  • Data points : Clearly state the data points you're presenting.
  • Comparison : Highlight comparisons and trends in your data.
  • Graphical methods : Choose the right chart or graph for your data.
  • Infographics : Use visuals like infographics to make information more digestible.
  • Numerical values : Include numerical values to support your visuals.
  • Qualitative information : Explain the significance of the data.
  • Source citation : Always cite your data sources.

How to structure an effective data presentation?

Creating a well-structured data presentation is not just important; it's the backbone of a successful presentation. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling and organized presentation that captivates your audience:

1. Know your audience

Understanding your audience is paramount. Consider their needs, interests, and existing knowledge about your topic. Tailor your presentation to their level of understanding, ensuring that it resonates with them on a personal level. Relevance is the key.

2. Have a clear message

Every effective data presentation should convey a clear and concise message. Determine what you want your audience to learn or take away from your presentation, and make sure your message is the guiding light throughout your presentation. Ensure that all your data points align with and support this central message.

3. Tell a compelling story

Human beings are naturally wired to remember stories. Incorporate storytelling techniques into your presentation to make your data more relatable and memorable. Your data can be the backbone of a captivating narrative, whether it's about a trend, a problem, or a solution. Take your audience on a journey through your data.

4. Leverage visuals

Visuals are a powerful tool in data presentation. They make complex information accessible and engaging. Utilize charts, graphs, and images to illustrate your points and enhance the visual appeal of your presentation. Visuals should not just be an accessory; they should be an integral part of your storytelling.

5. Be clear and concise

Avoid jargon or technical language that your audience may not comprehend. Use plain language and explain your data points clearly. Remember, clarity is king. Each piece of information should be easy for your audience to digest.

6. Practice your delivery

Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your presentation multiple times before the actual delivery. This will help you deliver it smoothly and confidently, reducing the chances of stumbling over your words or losing track of your message.

A basic structure for an effective data presentation

Armed with a comprehensive comprehension of how to construct a compelling data presentation, you can now utilize this fundamental template for guidance:

In the introduction, initiate your presentation by introducing both yourself and the topic at hand. Clearly articulate your main message or the fundamental concept you intend to communicate.

Moving on to the body of your presentation, organize your data in a coherent and easily understandable sequence. Employ visuals generously to elucidate your points and weave a narrative that enhances the overall story. Ensure that the arrangement of your data aligns with and reinforces your central message.

As you approach the conclusion, succinctly recapitulate your key points and emphasize your core message once more. Conclude by leaving your audience with a distinct and memorable takeaway, ensuring that your presentation has a lasting impact.

Additional tips for enhancing your data presentation

To take your data presentation to the next level, consider these additional tips:

  • Consistent design : Maintain a uniform design throughout your presentation. This not only enhances visual appeal but also aids in seamless comprehension.
  • High-quality visuals : Ensure that your visuals are of high quality, easy to read, and directly relevant to your topic.
  • Concise text : Avoid overwhelming your slides with excessive text. Focus on the most critical points, using visuals to support and elaborate.
  • Anticipate questions : Think ahead about the questions your audience might pose. Be prepared with well-thought-out answers to foster productive discussions.

By following these guidelines, you can structure an effective data presentation that not only informs but also engages and inspires your audience. Remember, a well-structured presentation is the bridge that connects your data to your audience's understanding and appreciation.

Do’s and don'ts on a data presentation

  • Use visuals : Incorporate charts and graphs to enhance understanding.
  • Keep it simple : Avoid clutter and complexity.
  • Highlight key points : Emphasize crucial data.
  • Engage the audience : Encourage questions and discussions.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation.


  • Overload with data : Less is often more; don't overwhelm your audience.
  • Fit Unrelated data : Stay on topic; don't include irrelevant information.
  • Neglect the audience : Ensure your presentation suits your audience's level of expertise.
  • Read word-for-word : Avoid reading directly from slides.
  • Lose focus : Stick to your presentation's purpose.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Definition : Data presentation is the art of visualizing complex data for better understanding.
  • Importance : Data presentations enhance clarity, engage the audience, aid decision-making, and leave a lasting impact.
  • Types : Textual, Tabular, and Graphical presentations offer various ways to present data.
  • Choosing methods : Select the right method based on data, audience, and purpose.
  • Components : Include data points, comparisons, visuals, infographics, numerical values, and source citations.
  • Structure : Know your audience, have a clear message, tell a compelling story, use visuals, be concise, and practice.
  • Do's and don'ts : Do use visuals, keep it simple, highlight key points, engage the audience, and practice. Don't overload with data, include unrelated information, neglect the audience's expertise, read word-for-word, or lose focus.

FAQ's on a data presentation

1. what is data presentation, and why is it important in 2024.

Data presentation is the process of visually representing data sets to convey information effectively to an audience. In an era where the amount of data generated is vast, visually presenting data using methods such as diagrams, graphs, and charts has become crucial. By simplifying complex data sets, presentation of the data may helps your audience quickly grasp much information without drowning in a sea of chart's, analytics, facts and figures.

2. What are some common methods of data presentation?

There are various methods of data presentation, including graphs and charts, histograms, and cumulative frequency polygons. Each method has its strengths and is often used depending on the type of data you're using and the message you want to convey. For instance, if you want to show data over time, try using a line graph. If you're presenting geographical data, consider to use a heat map.

3. How can I ensure that my data presentation is clear and readable?

To ensure that your data presentation is clear and readable, pay attention to the design and labeling of your charts. Don't forget to label the axes appropriately, as they are critical for understanding the values they represent. Don't fit all the information in one slide or in a single paragraph. Presentation software like Prezent and PowerPoint can help you simplify your vertical axis, charts and tables, making them much easier to understand.

4. What are some common mistakes presenters make when presenting data?

One common mistake is trying to fit too much data into a single chart, which can distort the information and confuse the audience. Another mistake is not considering the needs of the audience. Remember that your audience won't have the same level of familiarity with the data as you do, so it's essential to present the data effectively and respond to questions during a Q&A session.

5. How can I use data visualization to present important data effectively on platforms like LinkedIn?

When presenting data on platforms like LinkedIn, consider using eye-catching visuals like bar graphs or charts. Use concise captions and e.g., examples to highlight the single most important information in your data report. Visuals, such as graphs and tables, can help you stand out in the sea of textual content, making your data presentation more engaging and shareable among your LinkedIn connections.

Create your data presentation with prezent

Prezent can be a valuable tool for creating data presentations. Here's how Prezent can help you in this regard:

  • Time savings : Prezent saves up to 70% of presentation creation time, allowing you to focus on data analysis and insights.
  • On-brand consistency : Ensure 100% brand alignment with Prezent's brand-approved designs for professional-looking data presentations.
  • Effortless collaboration : Real-time sharing and collaboration features make it easy for teams to work together on data presentations.
  • Data storytelling : Choose from 50+ storylines to effectively communicate data insights and engage your audience.
  • Personalization : Create tailored data presentations that resonate with your audience's preferences, enhancing the impact of your data.

In summary, Prezent streamlines the process of creating data presentations by offering time-saving features, ensuring brand consistency, promoting collaboration, and providing tools for effective data storytelling. Whether you need to present data to clients, stakeholders, or within your organization, Prezent can significantly enhance your presentation-making process.

So, go ahead, present your data with confidence, and watch your audience be wowed by your expertise.

Thank you for joining us on this data-driven journey. Stay tuned for more insights, and remember, data presentation is your ticket to making numbers come alive! Sign up for our free trial or book a demo ! ‍

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Present Your Data Like a Pro

  • Joel Schwartzberg

the graphical presentation of data

Demystify the numbers. Your audience will thank you.

While a good presentation has data, data alone doesn’t guarantee a good presentation. It’s all about how that data is presented. The quickest way to confuse your audience is by sharing too many details at once. The only data points you should share are those that significantly support your point — and ideally, one point per chart. To avoid the debacle of sheepishly translating hard-to-see numbers and labels, rehearse your presentation with colleagues sitting as far away as the actual audience would. While you’ve been working with the same chart for weeks or months, your audience will be exposed to it for mere seconds. Give them the best chance of comprehending your data by using simple, clear, and complete language to identify X and Y axes, pie pieces, bars, and other diagrammatic elements. Try to avoid abbreviations that aren’t obvious, and don’t assume labeled components on one slide will be remembered on subsequent slides. Every valuable chart or pie graph has an “Aha!” zone — a number or range of data that reveals something crucial to your point. Make sure you visually highlight the “Aha!” zone, reinforcing the moment by explaining it to your audience.

With so many ways to spin and distort information these days, a presentation needs to do more than simply share great ideas — it needs to support those ideas with credible data. That’s true whether you’re an executive pitching new business clients, a vendor selling her services, or a CEO making a case for change.

the graphical presentation of data

  • JS Joel Schwartzberg oversees executive communications for a major national nonprofit, is a professional presentation coach, and is the author of Get to the Point! Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter and The Language of Leadership: How to Engage and Inspire Your Team . You can find him on LinkedIn and X. TheJoelTruth

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the graphical presentation of data

  • > Experimental Methods for Science and Engineering Students
  • > Graphical Presentation of Data

the graphical presentation of data

Book contents

  • Experimental Methods for Science and Engineering Students
  • Copyright page
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Preface to the First Edition
  • 1 Introduction to Experimentation
  • 2 Characteristics of Experimental Data
  • 3 Graphical Presentation of Data
  • 4 Dealing with Uncertainties
  • 5 Statistical Approach to Variability in Measurements
  • 6 Fitting a Line to x–y Data Using the Method of Least Squares
  • 7 Report Writing and Presentations
  • 8 Using Excel to Present and Analyse Data
  • 9 Computer-Aided Data Capture
  • Solutions to Exercises and Problems
  • Further Reading

3 - Graphical Presentation of Data

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  24 August 2019

Graphs are a powerful and concise way to communicate information. Representing data from an experiment in the form of an x - y graph allows relationships to be examined, scatter in data to be assessed and allows for the rapid identification of special or unusual features. A well laid out graph containing all the components discussed in this chapter can act as a 'one stop' summary of a whole experiment. Someone studying an account of an experiment will often examine the graph(s) included in the account first to gain an overall picture of the outcome of an experiment. The importance of graphs, therefore, cannot be overstated as they so often play a central role in the communication of the key findings of an experiment. This chapter contains many examples of graphs and includes exercises and end of chapter problems which reinforce the graph-plotting principles.

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  • Graphical Presentation of Data
  • Les Kirkup , University of Technology, Sydney
  • Book: Experimental Methods for Science and Engineering Students
  • Online publication: 24 August 2019
  • Chapter DOI:

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  • Accountancy
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  • Organisational Behaviour
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  • Entrepreneurship
  • CBSE Class 11 Statistics for Economics Notes

Chapter 1: Concept of Economics and Significance of Statistics in Economics

  • Statistics for Economics | Functions, Importance, and Limitations

Chapter 2: Collection of Data

  • Methods of Data Collection
  • Sources of Data Collection | Primary and Secondary Sources
  • Direct Personal Investigation: Meaning, Suitability, Merits, Demerits and Precautions
  • Indirect Oral Investigation : Suitability, Merits, Demerits and Precautions
  • Difference between Direct Personal Investigation and Indirect Oral Investigation
  • Information from Local Source or Correspondents: Meaning, Suitability, Merits, and Demerits
  • Questionnaires and Schedules Method of Data Collection
  • Difference between Questionnaire and Schedule
  • Qualities of a Good Questionnaire and Types of Questionnaires
  • What are the Published Sources of Collecting Secondary Data?
  • What Precautions should be taken before using Secondary Data?
  • Two Important Sources of Secondary Data: Census of India and Reports & Publications of NSSO
  • What is National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO)?
  • What is Census Method of Collecting Data?
  • Sample Method of Collection of Data
  • Methods of Sampling
  • Father of Indian Census
  • What makes a Sampling Data Reliable?
  • Difference between Census Method and Sampling Method of Collecting Data
  • What are Statistical Errors?

Chapter 3: Organisation of Data

  • Organization of Data
  • Objectives and Characteristics of Classification of Data
  • Classification of Data in Statistics | Meaning and Basis of Classification of Data
  • Concept of Variable and Raw Data
  • Types of Statistical Series
  • Difference between Frequency Array and Frequency Distribution
  • Types of Frequency Distribution

Chapter 4: Presentation of Data: Textual and Tabular

  • Textual Presentation of Data: Meaning, Suitability, and Drawbacks
  • Tabular Presentation of Data: Meaning, Objectives, Features and Merits
  • Different Types of Tables
  • Classification and Tabulation of Data

Chapter 5: Diagrammatic Presentation of Data

  • Diagrammatic Presentation of Data: Meaning , Features, Guidelines, Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Types of Diagrams
  • Bar Graph | Meaning, Types, and Examples
  • Pie Diagrams | Meaning, Example and Steps to Construct
  • Histogram | Meaning, Example, Types and Steps to Draw
  • Frequency Polygon | Meaning, Steps to Draw and Examples
  • Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve) and its Types
  • What is Arithmetic Line-Graph or Time-Series Graph?

Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation of Data

Chapter 6: measures of central tendency: arithmetic mean.

  • Measures of Central Tendency in Statistics
  • Arithmetic Mean: Meaning, Example, Types, Merits, and Demerits
  • What is Simple Arithmetic Mean?
  • Calculation of Mean in Individual Series | Formula of Mean
  • Calculation of Mean in Discrete Series | Formula of Mean
  • Calculation of Mean in Continuous Series | Formula of Mean
  • Calculation of Arithmetic Mean in Special Cases
  • Weighted Arithmetic Mean

Chapter 7: Measures of Central Tendency: Median and Mode

  • Median(Measures of Central Tendency): Meaning, Formula, Merits, Demerits, and Examples
  • Calculation of Median for Different Types of Statistical Series
  • Calculation of Median in Individual Series | Formula of Median
  • Calculation of Median in Discrete Series | Formula of Median
  • Calculation of Median in Continuous Series | Formula of Median
  • Graphical determination of Median
  • Mode: Meaning, Formula, Merits, Demerits, and Examples
  • Calculation of Mode in Individual Series | Formula of Mode
  • Calculation of Mode in Discrete Series | Formula of Mode
  • Grouping Method of Calculating Mode in Discrete Series | Formula of Mode
  • Calculation of Mode in Continuous Series | Formula of Mode
  • Calculation of Mode in Special Cases
  • Calculation of Mode by Graphical Method
  • Mean, Median and Mode| Comparison, Relationship and Calculation

Chapter 8: Measures of Dispersion

  • Measures of Dispersion | Meaning, Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion
  • Range | Meaning, Coefficient of Range, Merits and Demerits, Calculation of Range
  • Calculation of Range and Coefficient of Range
  • Interquartile Range and Quartile Deviation
  • Partition Value | Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles
  • Quartile Deviation and Coefficient of Quartile Deviation: Meaning, Formula, Calculation, and Examples
  • Quartile Deviation in Discrete Series | Formula, Calculation and Examples
  • Quartile Deviation in Continuous Series | Formula, Calculation and Examples
  • Mean Deviation: Coefficient of Mean Deviation, Merits, and Demerits
  • Calculation of Mean Deviation for different types of Statistical Series
  • Mean Deviation from Mean | Individual, Discrete, and Continuous Series
  • Mean Deviation from Median | Individual, Discrete, and Continuous Series
  • Standard Deviation: Meaning, Coefficient of Standard Deviation, Merits, and Demerits
  • Standard Deviation in Individual Series
  • Standard Deviation in Discrete Series
  • Standard Deviation in Frequency Distribution Series
  • Combined Standard Deviation: Meaning, Formula, and Example
  • How to calculate Variance?
  • Coefficient of Variation: Meaning, Formula and Examples
  • Lorenz Curveb : Meaning, Construction, and Application

Chapter 9: Correlation

  • Correlation: Meaning, Significance, Types and Degree of Correlation
  • Methods of Measurements of Correlation
  • Scatter Diagram Correlation | Meaning, Interpretation, Example
  • Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient in Statistics
  • Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation | Assumptions, Merits and Demerits
  • Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation | Methods and Examples

Chapter 10: Index Number

  • Index Number | Meaning, Characteristics, Uses and Limitations
  • Methods of Construction of Index Number
  • Unweighted or Simple Index Numbers: Meaning and Methods
  • Methods of calculating Weighted Index Numbers
  • Fisher's Index Number as an Ideal Method
  • Fisher's Method of calculating Weighted Index Number
  • Paasche's Method of calculating Weighted Index Number
  • Laspeyre's Method of calculating Weighted Index Number
  • Laspeyre's, Paasche's, and Fisher's Methods of Calculating Index Number
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) or Cost of Living Index Number: Construction of Consumer Price Index|Difficulties and Uses of Consumer Price Index
  • Methods of Constructing Consumer Price Index (CPI)
  • Wholesale Price Index (WPI) | Meaning, Uses, Merits, and Demerits
  • Index Number of Industrial Production : Characteristics, Construction & Example
  • Inflation and Index Number

Important Formulas in Statistics for Economics

  • Important Formulas in Statistics for Economics | Class 11

Diagrammatic and graphic presentation of data means visual representation of the data. It shows a comparison between two or more sets of data and helps in the presentation of highly complex data in its simplest form. Diagrams and graphs are clear and easy to read and understand. In the diagrammatic presentation of data, bar charts, rectangles, sub-divided rectangles, pie charts, or circle diagrams are used. In the graphic presentation of data, graphs like histograms, frequency polygon, frequency curves, cumulative frequency polygon, and graphs of time series are used.

General Rules for Construction of Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentations: 

1. Chronic Number: Each outline or chart should have a chronic number. It is important to recognize one from the other.

2. Title: A title should be given to each outline or chart. From the title, one can understand what the graph or diagram is. The title ought to be brief and simple. It is normally positioned at the top.

3. Legitimate size and scale: An outline or chart ought to be of ordinary size and drawn with an appropriate scale. The scale in a chart indicates the size of the unit.

4. Neatness: Outlines should be pretty much as straightforward as could be expected. Further, they should be very perfect and clean. They ought to likewise be dropped to check out.

5. File: Each outline or chart should be joined by a record. This outlines various sorts of lines, shades or tones utilized in the graph.

6. Commentary: Commentaries might be given at the lower part of an outline. It explains specific focuses in the chart.

the graphical presentation of data

Merits of Diagrammatic and Graphics Presentation:

The fundamental benefits or merits of a diagrammatic and graphical representation of data are as follows:

1. To simplify the data: Outlines and charts present information in a simple manner that can be perceived by anyone without any problem. Huge volume of data can be easily presented using graphs and diagrams.

2. Appealing presentation: Outlines and charts present complex information and data in an understandable and engaging manner and leave a great visual effect. In this way, the diagrammatic and graphical representation of information effectively draws the attention of users.

3. Helps with comparison of data: With the help of outlines and charts, comparison and examination data between various arrangements of information is possible.

4. Helps in forecasting: The diagrammatic and graphical representation of information has past patterns, which helps in forecasting and making various policies for the future.

5. Saves time and labour: Charts and graphs make the complex data into a simple form, which can be easily understood by anyone without having prior knowledge of the data. It gives ready to use information, and the user can use it accordingly. In this way, it saves a lot of time and labour.

6. Universally acceptable: Graphs and diagrams are used in every field and can be easily understood by anyone. Hence they are universally acceptable.

7. Helps in decision making: Diagrams and graphs give the real data about the past patterns, trends, outcomes, etc., which helps in future preparation.

Demerits of Diagrammatic and Graphics Presentation:

The demerits of diagrammatic and graphics presentation of data are as follows:

1. Handle with care: Drawing, surmising and understanding from graphs and diagrams needs proper insight and care. A person with little knowledge of statistics cannot analyze or use the data properly.

2. Specific information: Graphs and diagrams do not depict true or precise information. They are generally founded on approximations. The information provided is limited and specific.

3. Low precision: Graphs and diagrams can give misleading results, as they are mostly based on approximation of data. Personal judgement is used to study or analyze the data, which can make the information biased. Also, data can easily be manipulated.

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Presentation of Data

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Statistics deals with the collection, presentation and analysis of the data, as well as drawing meaningful conclusions from the given data. Generally, the data can be classified into two different types, namely primary data and secondary data. If the information is collected by the investigator with a definite objective in their mind, then the data obtained is called the primary data. If the information is gathered from a source, which already had the information stored, then the data obtained is called secondary data. Once the data is collected, the presentation of data plays a major role in concluding the result. Here, we will discuss how to present the data with many solved examples.

What is Meant by Presentation of Data?

As soon as the data collection is over, the investigator needs to find a way of presenting the data in a meaningful, efficient and easily understood way to identify the main features of the data at a glance using a suitable presentation method. Generally, the data in the statistics can be presented in three different forms, such as textual method, tabular method and graphical method.

Presentation of Data Examples

Now, let us discuss how to present the data in a meaningful way with the help of examples.

Consider the marks given below, which are obtained by 10 students in Mathematics:

36, 55, 73, 95, 42, 60, 78, 25, 62, 75.

Find the range for the given data.

Given Data: 36, 55, 73, 95, 42, 60, 78, 25, 62, 75.

The data given is called the raw data.

First, arrange the data in the ascending order : 25, 36, 42, 55, 60, 62, 73, 75, 78, 95.

Therefore, the lowest mark is 25 and the highest mark is 95.

We know that the range of the data is the difference between the highest and the lowest value in the dataset.

Therefore, Range = 95-25 = 70.

Note: Presentation of data in ascending or descending order can be time-consuming if we have a larger number of observations in an experiment.

Now, let us discuss how to present the data if we have a comparatively more number of observations in an experiment.

Consider the marks obtained by 30 students in Mathematics subject (out of 100 marks)

10, 20, 36, 92, 95, 40, 50, 56, 60, 70, 92, 88, 80, 70, 72, 70, 36, 40, 36, 40, 92, 40, 50, 50, 56, 60, 70, 60, 60, 88.

In this example, the number of observations is larger compared to example 1. So, the presentation of data in ascending or descending order is a bit time-consuming. Hence, we can go for the method called ungrouped frequency distribution table or simply frequency distribution table . In this method, we can arrange the data in tabular form in terms of frequency.

For example, 3 students scored 50 marks. Hence, the frequency of 50 marks is 3. Now, let us construct the frequency distribution table for the given data.

Therefore, the presentation of data is given as below:



























The following example shows the presentation of data for the larger number of observations in an experiment.

Consider the marks obtained by 100 students in a Mathematics subject (out of 100 marks)

95, 67, 28, 32, 65, 65, 69, 33, 98, 96,76, 42, 32, 38, 42, 40, 40, 69, 95, 92, 75, 83, 76, 83, 85, 62, 37, 65, 63, 42, 89, 65, 73, 81, 49, 52, 64, 76, 83, 92, 93, 68, 52, 79, 81, 83, 59, 82, 75, 82, 86, 90, 44, 62, 31, 36, 38, 42, 39, 83, 87, 56, 58, 23, 35, 76, 83, 85, 30, 68, 69, 83, 86, 43, 45, 39, 83, 75, 66, 83, 92, 75, 89, 66, 91, 27, 88, 89, 93, 42, 53, 69, 90, 55, 66, 49, 52, 83, 34, 36.

Now, we have 100 observations to present the data. In this case, we have more data when compared to example 1 and example 2. So, these data can be arranged in the tabular form called the grouped frequency table. Hence, we group the given data like 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, ….,90-99 (As our data is from 23 to 98). The grouping of data is called the “class interval” or “classes”, and the size of the class is called “class-size” or “class-width”.

In this case, the class size is 10. In each class, we have a lower-class limit and an upper-class limit. For example, if the class interval is 30-39, the lower-class limit is 30, and the upper-class limit is 39. Therefore, the least number in the class interval is called the lower-class limit and the greatest limit in the class interval is called upper-class limit.

Hence, the presentation of data in the grouped frequency table is given below:

20 – 29


30 – 39


40 – 49


50 – 59


60 – 69


70 – 79


80 – 89


90 – 99


Hence, the presentation of data in this form simplifies the data and it helps to enable the observer to understand the main feature of data at a glance.

Practice Problems

  • The heights of 50 students (in cms) are given below. Present the data using the grouped frequency table by taking the class intervals as 160 -165, 165 -170, and so on.  Data: 161, 150, 154, 165, 168, 161, 154, 162, 150, 151, 162, 164, 171, 165, 158, 154, 156, 172, 160, 170, 153, 159, 161, 170, 162, 165, 166, 168, 165, 164, 154, 152, 153, 156, 158, 162, 160, 161, 173, 166, 161, 159, 162, 167, 168, 159, 158, 153, 154, 159.
  • Three coins are tossed simultaneously and each time the number of heads occurring is noted and it is given below. Present the data using the frequency distribution table. Data: 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 0.

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10 Superb Data Presentation Examples To Learn From

The best way to learn how to present data effectively is to see data presentation examples from the professionals in the field.

We collected superb examples of graphical presentation and visualization of data in statistics, research, sales, marketing, business management, and other areas.

On this page:

How to present data effectively? Clever tips.

  • 10 Real-life examples of data presentation with interpretation.

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Your audience should be able to walk through the graphs and visualizations easily while enjoy and respond to the story.

[bctt tweet=”Your reports and graphical presentations should not just deliver statistics, numbers, and data. Instead, they must tell a story, illustrate a situation, provide proofs, win arguments, and even change minds.” username=””]

Before going to data presentation examples let’s see some essential tips to help you build powerful data presentations.

1. Keep it simple and clear

The presentation should be focused on your key message and you need to illustrate it very briefly.

Graphs and charts should communicate your core message, not distract from it. A complicated and overloaded chart can distract and confuse. Eliminate anything repetitive or decorative.

2. Pick up the right visuals for the job

A vast number of types of graphs and charts are available at your disposal – pie charts, line and bar graphs, scatter plot , Venn diagram , etc.

Choosing the right type of chart can be a tricky business. Practically, the choice depends on 2 major things: on the kind of analysis you want to present and on the data types you have.

Commonly, when we aim to facilitate a comparison, we use a bar chart or radar chart. When we want to show trends over time, we use a line chart or an area chart and etc.

3. Break the complex concepts into multiple graphics

It’s can be very hard for a public to understand a complicated graphical visualization. Don’t present it as a huge amount of visual data.

Instead, break the graphics into pieces and illustrate how each piece corresponds to the previous one.

4. Carefully choose the colors

Colors provoke different emotions and associations that affect the way your brand or story is perceived. Sometimes color choices can make or break your visuals.

It is no need to be a designer to make the right color selections. Some golden rules are to stick to 3 or 4 colors avoiding full-on rainbow look and to borrow ideas from relevant chart designs.

Another tip is to consider the brand attributes and your audience profile. You will see appropriate color use in the below data presentation examples.

5. Don’t leave a lot of room for words

The key point in graphical data presentation is to tell the story using visuals and images, not words. Give your audience visual facts, not text.

However, that doesn’t mean words have no importance.

A great advice here is to think that every letter is critical, and there’s no room for wasted and empty words. Also, don’t create generic titles and headlines, build them around the core message.

6. Use good templates and software tools

Building data presentation with AI nowadays means using some kind of software programs and templates. There are many available options – from free graphing software solutions to advanced data visualization tools.

Choosing a good software gives you the power to create good and high-quality visualizations. Make sure you are using templates that provides characteristics like colors, fonts, and chart styles.

A small investment of time to research the software options prevents a large loss of productivity and efficiency at the end.

10 Superb data presentation examples 

Here we collected some of the best examples of data presentation made by one of the biggest names in the graphical data visualization software and information research.

These brands put a lot of money and efforts to investigate how professional graphs and charts should look.

1. Sales Stage History  Funnel Chart 

Data is beautiful and this sales stage funnel chart by Zoho Reports prove this. The above funnel chart represents the different stages in a sales process (Qualification, Need Analysis, Initial Offer, etc.) and shows the potential revenue for each stage for the last and this quarter.

The potential revenue for each sales stage is displayed by a different color and sized according to the amount. The chart is very colorful, eye-catching, and intriguing.

2. Facebook Ads Data Presentation Examples

These are other data presentation examples from Zoho Reports. The first one is a stacked bar chart that displays the impressions breakdown by months and types of Facebook campaigns.

Impressions are one of the vital KPI examples in digital marketing intelligence and business. The first graph is designed to help you compare and notice sharp differences at the Facebook campaigns that have the most influence on impression movements.

The second one is an area chart that shows the changes in the costs for the same Facebook campaigns over the months.

The 2 examples illustrate how multiple and complicated data can be presented clearly and simply in a visually appealing way.

3. Sales Opportunity Data Presentation

These two bar charts (stacked and horizontal bar charts) by Microsoft Power Bi are created to track sales opportunities and revenue by region and sales stage.

The stacked bar graph shows the revenue probability in percentage determined by the current sales stage (Lead, Quality, Solution…) over the months. The horizontal bar chart represents the size of the sales opportunity (Small, Medium, Large) according to regions (East, Central, West).

Both graphs are impressive ways for a sales manager to introduce the upcoming opportunity to C-level managers and stakeholders. The color combination is rich but easy to digest.

4. Power 100 Data Visualization 

Want to show hierarchical data? Treemaps can be perfect for the job. This is a stunning treemap example by that shows you who are the most influential industries. As you see the Government is on the top.

This treemap is a very compact and space-efficient visualization option for presenting hierarchies, that gives you a quick overview of the structure of the most powerful industries.

So beautiful way to compare the proportions between things via their area size.

When it comes to best research data presentation examples in statistics, Nielsen information company is an undoubted leader. The above professional looking line graph by Nielsen represent the slowing alcoholic grow of 4 alcohol categories (Beer, Wine, Spirits, CPG) for the period of 12 months.

The chart is an ideal example of a data visualization that incorporates all the necessary elements of an effective and engaging graph. It uses color to let you easily differentiate trends and allows you to get a global sense of the data. Additionally, it is incredibly simple to understand.

6. Digital Health Research Data Visualization Example

Digital health is a very hot topic nowadays and this stunning donut chart by IQVIA shows the proportion of different mobile health apps by therapy area (Mental Health, Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and etc.). 100% = 1749 unique apps.

This is a wonderful example of research data presentation that provides evidence of Digital Health’s accelerating innovation and app expansion.

Besides good-looking, this donut chart is very space-efficient because the blank space inside it is used to display information too.

7. Disease Research Data Visualization Examples

Presenting relationships among different variables is hard to understand and confusing -especially when there is a huge number of them. But using the appropriate visuals and colors, the IQVIA did a great job simplifying this data into a clear and digestible format.

The above stacked bar charts by IQVIA represents the distribution of oncology medicine spendings by years and product segments (Protected Brand Price, Protected Brand Volume, New Brands, etc.).

The chart allows you to clearly see the changes in spendings and where they occurred – a great example of telling a deeper story in a simple way.

8. Textual and Qualitative Data Presentation Example

When it comes to easy to understand and good looking textual and qualitative data visualization, pyramid graph has a top place. To know what is qualitative data see our post quantitative vs qualitative data .

9. Product Metrics Graph Example

If you are searching for excel data presentation examples, this stylish template from Smartsheet can give you good ideas for professional looking design.

The above stacked bar chart represents product revenue breakdown by months and product items. It reveals patterns and trends over the first half of the year that can be a good basis for data-driven decision-making .

10. Supply Chain Data Visualization Example 

This bar chart created by ClicData  is an excellent example of how trends over time can be effectively and professionally communicated through the use of well-presented visualization.

It shows the dynamics of pricing through the months based on units sold, units shipped, and current inventory. This type of graph pack a whole lot of information into a simple visual. In addition, the chart is connected to real data and is fully interactive.

The above data presentation examples aim to help you learn how to present data effectively and professionally.

About The Author

the graphical presentation of data

Silvia Valcheva

Silvia Valcheva is a digital marketer with over a decade of experience creating content for the tech industry. She has a strong passion for writing about emerging software and technologies such as big data, AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things), process automation, etc.

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MBA Notes

  • Graphical Presentation of Data

Table of Contents

Graphical presentation of data is an essential tool for researchers and decision-makers to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner. It involves using different types of charts, graphs, and diagrams to represent numerical data visually. In this blog, we will explore the different types of graphical representation and their applications in research.

Types of Graphs and Charts

  • Bar Graphs: Used to compare discrete values, such as sales figures for different products.
  • Line Graphs: Used to show trends over time, such as stock prices over a period.
  • Pie Charts: Used to represent parts of a whole, such as the percentage of revenue by product category.
  • Scatter Plots: Used to show the relationship between two variables, such as the correlation between temperature and ice cream sales.
  • Heat Maps: Used to show the density of data, such as the concentration of customer complaints by region.

Choosing the Right Graphical Representation

The choice of graphical representation depends on the nature of the data and the purpose of the analysis. Some factors to consider include:

  • Data type (discrete or continuous)
  • Data distribution (normal or skewed)
  • Number of variables
  • Audience preferences

Best Practices for Graphical Presentation of Data

  • Keep it simple and uncluttered
  • Use appropriate scales and axes labels
  • Use colors and patterns judiciously
  • Avoid 3D effects and unnecessary embellishments
  • Provide clear titles and captions
  • Use appropriate fonts and font sizes
  • Ensure readability for colorblind individuals

Graphical presentation of data is a powerful tool for visualizing complex information and communicating insights effectively. By selecting the appropriate chart or graph for the data and following best practices for presentation, researchers and decision-makers can make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of their data.

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Research Methodology for Management Decisions

1 Research Methodology: An Overview

  • Meaning of Research
  • Research Methodology
  • Research Method
  • Business Research Method
  • Types of Research
  • Importance of business research
  • Role of research in important areas

2 Steps for Research Process

  • Research process
  • Define research problems
  • Research Problem as Hypothesis Testing
  • Extensive literature review in research
  • Development of working hypothesis
  • Preparing the research design
  • Collecting the data
  • Analysis of data
  • Preparation of the report or the thesis

3 Research Designs

  • Functions and Goals of Research Design
  • Characteristics of a Good Design
  • Different Types of Research Designs
  • Exploratory Research Design
  • Descriptive Research Design
  • Experimental Research Design
  • Types of Experimental Designs

4 Methods and Techniques of Data Collection

  • Primary and Secondary Data
  • Methods of Collecting Primary Data
  • Merits and Demerits of Different Methods of Collecting Primary Data
  • Designing a Questionnaire
  • Pretesting a Questionnaire
  • Editing of Primary Data
  • Technique of Interview
  • Collection of Secondary Data
  • Scrutiny of Secondary Data

5 Attitude Measurement and Scales

  • Attitudes, Attributes and Beliefs
  • Issues in Attitude Measurement
  • Scaling of Attitudes
  • Deterministic Attitude Measurement Models: The Guttman Scale
  • Thurstone’s Equal-Appearing Interval Scale
  • The Semantic Differential Scale
  • Summative Models: The Likert Scale
  • The Q-Sort Technique
  • Multidimensional Scaling
  • Selection of an Appropriate Attitude Measurement Scale
  • Limitations of Attitude Measurement Scales

6 Questionnaire Designing

  • Introductory decisions
  • Contents of the questionnaire
  • Format of the questionnaire
  • Steps involved in the questionnaire
  • Structure and Design of Questionnaire
  • Management of Fieldwork
  • Ambiguities in the Questionnaire Methods

7 Sampling and Sampling Design

  • Advantage of Sampling Over Census
  • Simple Random Sampling
  • Sampling Frame
  • Probabilistic As pects of Sampling
  • Stratified Random Sampling
  • Other Methods of Sampling
  • Sampling Design
  • Non-Probability Sampling Methods

8 Data Processing

  • Editing of Data
  • Coding of Data
  • Classification of Data
  • Statistical Series
  • Tables as Data Presentation Devices

9 Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data: Nonparametric Tests

  • One Sample Tests
  • Two Sample Tests
  • K Sample Tests

10 Multivariate Analysis of Data

  • Regression Analysis
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Factor Analysis

11 Ethics in Research

  • Principles of research ethics
  • Advantages of research ethics
  • Limitations of the research ethics
  • Steps involved in ethics
  • What are research misconducts?

12 Substance of Reports

  • Research Proposal
  • Categories of Report
  • Reviewing the Draft

13 Formats of Reports

  • Parts of a Report
  • Cover and Title Page
  • Introductory Pages
  • Reference Section
  • Typing Instructions
  • Copy Reading
  • Proof Reading

14 Presentation of a Report

  • Communication Dimensions
  • Presentation Package
  • Audio-Visual Aids
  • Presenter’s Poise


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  8. 2: Graphical Representations of Data

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