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Scientific Method

6th -  8th  , scince test, 11.9k plays, identifying variables, 4th -  5th  , 8th -  9th  , 9th -  12th  .


Qualitative and Quantitative Research

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  • 2. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt True or False? Qualitative research  uses statistical analysis to prove or disprove a particular hypothesis based on theory or previous studies True False
  • 3. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt True or False? Both qualitative and quantitative research relies on analyzing data, but qualitative research relies more on the researcher's own interpretation. True False
  • 4. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt True or False? Consistency of data collection and analysis by a neutral, unknowing party is a hallmark of good qualitative research. True False
  • 5. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt True or False? Reliability of data can be checked through statistical analysis or checking with participants themselves, depending on the methods used. True. False
  • 6. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Is the following practice more aligned with qualitative or quantitative research methods? It needs to address researcher bias in some way. Qualitative Quantitative Both None
  • 7. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Is the following practice more aligned with qualitative or quantitative research methods? Can use a reflection Journal kept by researcher. Qualitative Quantitative Both None
  • 8. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Is the following practice more aligned with qualitative or quantitative research methods? Relies on large sample size to make more valid. Qualitative Quantitative Both None
  • 9. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Is the following practice more aligned with qualitative or quantitative research methods? Experimental Design used. Qualitative Quantitative Both None
  • 10. Multiple Choice Edit 30 seconds 1 pt Is the following practice more aligned with qualitative or quantitative research methods? If you get data that does not support your theory, you can ignore it or throw it out. Qualitative Quantitative Both None

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