
Applications are now open, applications are now closed.

Applications will open as late as a few weeks before the next deadline.

The next deadline is 1st December 2024 (23:39 AOE) for internships in summer 2025.

Before applying, please take the time to review the instructions and the frequently asked questions below.

summer research program epfl

What do you need to apply?

When you register on the application website, you will need to fill some information about yourself, choose up to three domains of scientific interest , and upload some documents. To view the available scientific domains, check the research pages of the School of Computer and Communication Sciences. You will need to upload a CV , all your university transcripts , and a letter of motivation in PDF (ideally on one page and anyway not longer than two pages). You should use the letter of motivation to describe your scientific interests and the reasons that made you apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

In case of doubt, please review carefully the following questions as we will not answer enquiries if your question is covered here.

I will complete my Master before this year summer break. Am I eligible for Summer@EPFL?

Unfortunately not. To be eligible, you must be still enrolled in a Bachelor or a Master programme at the time of the fellowship.

summer research program epfl

I am a PhD student. Is there any way to come to EPFL for a summer project?

Yes, certainly, but not through the Summer@EPFL programme. You need to organize your project yourself, and for that you may want to contact researchers or faculty directly. If you decide to do that, be sure to include enough detail on yourself and on your specific interests on the research activities of the lab. Vague and generic letters have very small chances of success.

summer research program epfl

Will you help with accommodation? Will I receive accommodation from EPFL?

In principle you will be in charge of the accommodation. Yet, when offered a fellowship, the administrative personnel will almost invariably suggest a list of places where to look for it (billboards, student residences, etc.) or they may even find and offer you a specific place to stay. Finding an accommodation is not very easy in Lausanne, but do not worry: it is never a critical problem for a fellowship. (You may also want to note that it is particularly difficult to find rooms in gender-segregated compounds, as very few or none are in Lausanne. Please understand that if you are offered some accommodation by our administrative personnel and you decide not to take it, you are most free to do so but then you will generally have to find one yourself, as the offer is very slim and we do not have the possibility of matching any specific preferences.)

summer research program epfl

Can I see the list of projects? Can I choose my project before applying?

There is no list of predefined projects and therefore there is no way to choose a project in advance. Projects are suggested by the faculty directly to admitted candidates and can be discussed directly to find the best match between your research interests and the faculty goals. You should choose carefully your interests on the application website, because this will be important information for the faculty in the selection process.

summer research program epfl

On the form, I cannot find exactly the name of my programme. What shall I do?

Use your own judgement to select the programme in the list which is closest to yours (e.g., use "communications" for a programme in "telecommunication and network engineering") or to identify the dominant aspect in combinations which do not appear in the list (e.g., either "communications" or "computer engineering", as you personally see more fit, for a programme in "electronic communications and computer engineering"). If none is close enough (e.g., a programme in "applied mathematics"), use "other".

summer research program epfl

On the form, shall I quote my Bachelor or my Master institution? And which GPA?

When you apply on the web, complete the form with the details of your current institution and programme (Master or Bachelor) when completing the fields "Current programme", " Current Institution", "Current Cumulative GPA", etc. If you have no Master GPA yet, write NA under "Current Cumulative GPA". Additionally, if you are currently enrolled in a Master programme, use the fields "Previous programme", "Previous institution", "Previous GPA", etc. to include your Bachelor data. In any case, upload all available transcripts , including Bachelor's if you are currently in a Master programme.

summer research program epfl

On the form, shall I mention the GPA in a specific format?

When you apply on the web, specify the cumulative GPA at the time of application exactly in the format provided by your school on your transcripts, without attempting to rescale it to 0-100 or 0-4 or adapt it to any specific system. Do not give the GPA of the last semesters only, nor the GPA of your major only, but use the cumulative GPA . If your school does not compute an official GPA, please simply compute an average of all your grades , ideally with grades weighted by the number of credits of the courses. If you come from the German system, do not worry: we do know that 1.0 is the best possible grade.

summer research program epfl

On the form, I am not sure which preferred professors to select. What shall I do?

When you apply on the web, you are asked to select up to three domains you would like to contribute to and up to three preferred professors you would like to collaborate with. Please, definitely do express your preference of domains but do not specify any professor if you are not sure or have no particular choice in mind. Not specifying a professor is not going to have any negative impact on your application but specifying one who is not active in the domain you are interested in might be damaging.

summer research program epfl

What documents shall I send with my application?

When you apply on the web, you receive a mail with a link to upload three documents: a CV, your transcripts, and a letter of motivation. Transcripts can be in any form your university provides them and should cover the whole of your academic career (Bachelor and, if applicable, Master so far). If you only have them in paper copy, please scan them. If you cannot obtain official transcripts on time or some key recent grades are missing, please send a PDF printout from the university website (but please be aware that unofficial transcripts may jeopardize your applications, if the faculty has doubts on their originality). If they are not in English, please send both the originals and a translation (no need for the translation to be official, you can do it yourself). The only format we support is PDF.

summer research program epfl

I have recommendation letters. Can I send them?

No, we do not need nor consider recommendation letters for this programme. Please refrain from uploading them and do not ask us addresses where your referents could send them. Note that uploading letters of reference could jeopardize your application.

summer research program epfl

Are students from other disciplines eligible for this programme?

No, this programme is only for the School of Computer and Communication Sciences. EPFL has other summer programmes, such as this one in the School of Life Sciences or this one in the School of Engineering. There is also this programme which is not restricted to any discipline but is open only to students of some partner institutions. If you are from a different discipline but with a strong interest and a provable record in the fields covered by this programme (e.g., courses, projects), feel free to apply but please discuss this clearly in the letter of motivation.

summer research program epfl

Are EPFL students eligible for this programme?

No, this programme is only for students from other institutions. EPFL has a special summer programme for EPFL students, called Summer in the Lab . Besides, EPFL students can usually inquire directly with faculty members for summer opportunities in their labs.

summer research program epfl

I am late, my school is on holidays, official transcripts take time to process, my latest grades will be known only a few days after the deadline. Can I have an additional delay to apply?

No, whatever the reason. After the exact deadline mentioned in the tables above, we usually leave the application website open to upload documents for some 24/48h more (no guarantee, though!). If you manage to apply because the website is still open, your application will be taken into account. If the application website is closed, we are sorry but it is too late and we cannot do anything for you. Please understand that we receive way too many applications to handle special exceptions and the selection schedule is too tight to accommodate delays.

summer research program epfl

How will I know if I am accepted for the programme?

Usually, if admitted to the programme after a first round of selection, you may receive an offer by a faculty member within approximately 4–6 weeks from the deadline. At the end of the selection process, unless you have been selected by a faculty member, you will receive a mail to inform you that the selection process is closed. Please do not mail and ask for the status of the application: again, please understand that we handle too many applications to enter any individual correspondence.

summer research program epfl

Shall I expect issues with the immigration visa?

If you are accepted in the programme, EPFL will inform you of the procedure to follow. Please read carefully the information you will receive and act promptly.

summer research program epfl

More questions?

Write us if you cannot find above the information you need!

summer research program epfl

Summer@EPFL 2024

  • AIML: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • ATCS: Algorithms & Theoretical Computer Science
  • CAIS: Computer Architecture & Integrated Systems
  • DC: Distributed Computing
  • DE: Digital Education
  • DMIR: Data Management & Information Retrieval
  • HCI: Human-Computer Interaction
  • ICT: Information & Communication Theory
  • NLP: Natural Language Processing
  • OSN: Operating Systems & Networks
  • PLFM: Programming Languages & Formal Methods
  • SIP: Signal & Image Processing
  • SP: Security & Privacy
  • VC: Visual Computing
  • Female applicants in Visual Computing → Ms topic:VC
  • Female applicants with more info on the result list → Ms ss:full
  • Absolute toppers of their programmes → "Rank 1/"
  • CE students from Turkish institutions → "Computer Engineering" TR
  • Applicants who selected Ienne as supervisor → presup:ienne
  • All those hired or interviewing → act:E or act:C
  • All those hired by Alice or in LAB → act:alice:E or act:LAB:E
  • All those Alice has selected → re:alice

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The site is not open for submissions at the moment.

EPFL School of Life Sciences International Summer Research Program

  • Undergraduate Research
  • / Funding Opportunities

General Description

The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is an 8-week hands on summer research experience. Each year the program accepts 20-25 undergraduate participants and provides a stipend to help cover housing and living expenses. Depending on lab assignment, students are housed together either in Lausanne or possibly Geneva. The majority of travel costs to and from Switzerland will be covered.

In addition to hands-on lab experience, participants will receive mentoring from faculty and staff, access to scientific seminars and personal development workshops, as well as social activities like a day hike to Swiss alps with raclette, BBQs, and other excursions.

More information about participating labs can be found on the EPFL website .

Eligibility Guidelines

  • Students must be  currently enrolled  in a university in biology, bio-physics, chemistry, bio-engineering, bio-informatics, quantitative biology, genetics courses or other life sciences related programs.
  • Minimum of GPA equivalent to a 3.75/4.0 grade or higher
  • Completed at least two years of undergraduate work  up to  the first year of a master’s degree before the start of the program.
  • Show a strong interest in pursuing a career in life sciences.
  • Must be present for the entire duration of the program.
  • Present a poster at the closing symposium.

Application Details

The selection is based upon

  • Your CV (1-2 pages)
  • Your motivation letter (maximum 750 words)
  • The explanation of 3 lab choices (2-3 sentences per lab)
  • University transcript or school official list of classes and grades
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Basic life sciences understanding is essential; previous lab experience is a plus.

Only applications with the full application material will be taken into consideration.

Applications must be submitted through the online application . No other formats are acceptable.

Please note that you must have your documents and referee details ready to upload when you start to fill out the application. There is no option to save and come back to it.   Also, the referees will only receive their link to upload your letter when you submit your application.  Please keep this in mind when organizing your application.

Research Offering Type

Independent Research, Internship, Research Assistant

Undergraduate School

College, Engineering, LPS, Nursing, Wharton

Contact Information

Program Coordinator, Alice Emery-Goodman

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Ecole polytechnique federale de lausanne (epfl) summer research program, opportunity description:.

The EPFL Summer Research Program offers international bachelor/1st year master’s students eight weeks of lab immersion during the summer. Selected students will join one of the EPFL's research groups and experience what it means to be part of the thriving science community in Switzerland.

Program Features

  • 25 participants each summer
  • 8 weeks of lab experience
  • Mentoring by faculty and scientific staff
  • Access to scientific seminars
  • Science related Friday afternoon workshops
  • Closing symposium with poster sessions from all participants
  • Rich program of social activities, including a day hike to Swiss alps with raclette, BBQ at a professors home and an excursion to the  CERN


  • 2 months – July to August, specific dates vary by year
  • Students must be present during the entire program

Stipend and Travel Costs:

  • Each student receives CHF 3,200 for the two-month period which covers housing and living costs.
  • Housing is reserved and paid for out of the stipends beforehand.
  • Students are housed together either in Lausanne or Geneva depending on lab assignment.
  • Students have either single rooms or double rooms and share a kitchen and bathroom facilities with their fellow SRP participants.
  • The majority of travel costs to and from Switzerland is covered. The program reimburses up to CHF 1,000 for overseas flights and CHF 500 for shorter distances

Minimum Qualifications and/or Eligibility Requirements: 

Students must

  • Be currently enrolled in a university in biology, bio-physics, chemistry, bio-engineering, bio-informatics, quantitative biology, genetics courses or a similar life sciences program
  • Have a minimum of GPA equivalent to a 3.75/4.0 grade or higher
  • Have completed at least two years of undergraduate work up to the first year of a master’s degree
  • Show a strong interest in pursuing a career in life sciences

Application Process: 

The selection is based upon

  • Your CV (1-2 pages)
  • Your motivation letter (maximum 750 words)
  • The explanation of 3 lab choices (2-3 sentences per lab)
  • University transcript or school official list of classes and grades
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Basic life sciences understanding is essential; previous lab experience is a plus

Please submit PDF uploads of all the above mentioned documents. Only applications with the full application material will be taken into consideration.

All materials should be submitted through the online application.

ATTENTION: Prepare all your documents (CV, Motivation Letter, Lab Explanations, Transcripts) and contact details for your 2 referees (name, institution, and email address) in advance. Once you begin your application, you must finish it in one sitting. You cannot save it and come back.

All applicants will receive an email about four weeks after the deadline with the result of their application.

Application deadline is January 31 every year. 

Research Opportunity Details

Home » Learning Abroad » Find Your Experience » Summer Research Exchange: EPFL Excellence Research Internship Program

Summer Research Exchange: EPFL Excellence Research Internship Program

EPFL (The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) is one of the world’s most cosmopolitan technical university with students, professors and collaborators of over 120 nationalities.

Located in full view of the Alps, on the north side of Lake Geneva, it is ranked among the top European Engineering Institutions. EPFL brings together a campus of over 17,000 people and has some 500 laboratories and research groups, in disciplines ranging from math and life science to architecture and engineering.

In the framework of the Excellence Research Internship Program (ERIP), selected students spend in average three months (possible extension under certain conditions) in an EPFL laboratory on campus undertaking research with renowned professors and researchers.

More information on research internships can be found here .

Summer Research Exchange Credit

Arts & Science (St. George/UTM/UTSC) or Daniels: Students must enroll in an Independent Research (or similar) course in the equivalent department at UofT. There will be no transcript issued by the host institution. Students must have completed 3+ years of study before the exchange. 

Applied Science and Engineering:  There are 2 options. Please indicate which option you are pursuing in the Study Plan section of the Learning Abroad application. (1) Students may pursue research on not-for-credit basis. Students will pay incidental fees but no tuition fee with this option. It is available only for students who will apply the summer research hours towards their degree requirements. Students must have room for this research experience as part of their practical experience requirement. (2) Students may enroll in an APS299Y0 course while on exchange and obtain credit for this research experience. Please check with your department to see if you are eligible to enroll in APS299Y0 and indicate the course code in the Study Section on the application form. 

Research projects :  ERIP

Housing:  Guaranteed or EPFL helps

Funding: Students applying to EPFL for 12 weeks should also apply for Globalink Research Award. Successful GRA applicants will not be considered for $3000 CIE funding and IE Award because the GRA amount is greater of the two.

Application Requirements: Nominated UofT students must be prepared to apply to the host institution by December 11, 2023 9:00 AM CET. Further information will be provided to nominated students.

Links: Testimonials 

Learn more about the Summer Research Exchange Program .


  • Accessibility

EPFL School of Computer and Communication Sciences

Summer research institute 2024, on systems, security, and privacy.

July 11th – July 12th 2024

The  Research Institute (SuRI)  is an annual event that takes place at the  School of Computer and Communication Sciences  of the  École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne , Switzerland. The workshop brings together researchers and experts from academia and industry for research talks and informal discussions.

The event is  open to everyone  and attendance is  free of charge . In case you plan to attend SuRI 2024, please register to facilitate the event’s organization. Registration covers attendance, coffee breaks, lunches, and dinner on the first day.

Registration to participate is now closed. If you would like to be informed “last-minute” if we have any cancellations, please enter your contact details here .

Detailed Program

Room location: BC Building/ BC 05

Thursday, July 11th

8:15 – 8:45Welcome coffee
9:00 – 9:50Patrick TraynorSystem and HW Security
9:50 – 10:20BREAK
10:20 – 11:00Reza ShokriML privacy
11:00 – 11:50Kaveh RazaviMicro-architectures
12:00 – 13:15LUNCH/ Coffee
13:15 – 15:00Mentoring
15:00 – 15:50Yan ShoshitaishviliSystem security/ Readiness
15:50 – 16:40Alyssa MilburnFirmware/ SoC security
17:00 – 18:30Poster session and drinksAtrium BC
from 18:30Pizza on the patioon the patio

Friday, July 12th

8:30 – 9:00Morning coffee
9:00 – 9:50Alexandra HenzingerApplied Crypto Systems
9:50 – 10:40Anwar HithnawiApplied Crypto and Privacy
10:40 – 11:00BREAK
11:00 – 11:50Soheil KhodayariWeb Security
11:50 – 12:40Sebastian KöhlerWireless Attacks
12:40 – 13:30McKenna McCallFormal Methods/Usable Sec
from 13:30

Invited Speakers

summer research program epfl

Alexandra Henzinger MIT

summer research program epfl

Anwar Hithnawi ETHZ

summer research program epfl

Soheil Khodayari CISPA

summer research program epfl

Sebastian Koehler Oxford

summer research program epfl

Clémentine Maurice CRNS

summer research program epfl

McKenna McCall CMU

summer research program epfl

Alyssa Milburn Intel

summer research program epfl

Kaveh Razavi ETHZ

summer research program epfl

Reza Shokri NUS

summer research program epfl

Yan Shoshitaishvili ASU

summer research program epfl

Patrick Traynor U of Florida

summer research program epfl

If you’re flying in,  Genève-Cointrin  is the nearest international airport. By train, it takes ~45 minutes to reach Lausanne. Zürich Airport is about ~2.5 hours away by train. To get information on train schedules, please see the  Swiss Rail website .

To reach the SuRI venue( BC building – room BC 05) from the EPFL M1 metro station, please check the map below.

EPFL’s Summer Research Institute has a long and successful history. For more information on past editions of the event refer to the links below.

2024 – 2023 – 2022  –  2020  –  2019  –  2018  –  2017  –  2016  –  2015  –  2014  –  2013  –  2012  –  2011  –  2010  –  2009 – 2008  –  2007  –  2006  –  2005  –  2004  –  2003  –  2002  –  2001  –  2000

summer research program epfl

summer research program epfl

EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024 (Fully Funded

  • December 18, 2023
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summer research program epfl

Explore cutting-edge research at the forefront of life sciences with the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024. This fully funded opportunity invites aspiring researchers to delve into an immersive experience, combining academic rigor with the stunning backdrop of the Swiss Alps. Elevate your scientific pursuits as you engage with renowned faculty and collaborate on groundbreaking projects. Seize this chance to expand your horizons in a dynamic learning environment, where innovation thrives amidst the natural beauty of Switzerland, immerse yourself in the pinnacle of scientific inquiry with the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024, a fully funded initiative that opens doors to unparalleled academic and cultural experiences. This program offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on research, allowing participants to contribute to groundbreaking projects in a diverse and collaborative setting. Nestled in the heart of Europe, this program provides an ideal platform for aspiring researchers to broaden their skills, connect with global experts, and embark on a transformative journey in the picturesque surroundings of Switzerland.

Chart your course to scientific excellence through the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024, a fully funded opportunity that beckons ambitious minds to the forefront of innovation. Engage with leading researchers, tackle real-world challenges, and immerse yourself in a vibrant academic community against the backdrop of Switzerland’s breathtaking landscapes. This program not only nurtures intellectual growth but also fosters cross-cultural connections, ensuring a holistic experience that goes beyond the laboratory. Elevate your research journey and seize this chance to make lasting contributions to the ever-evolving field of life sciences.

EPFL Summer Research Program 2024 Details:

Host Country: Switzerland

Host Institute: The École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

Duration: 3 Months

Eligible: All Nationalities

Deadline: January 31 2024.

Benefits of the EPFL Summer Research Program 2024 in Switzerland :

  • Fully funded opportunity with a CHF 3,400 stipend for two months
  • Covers housing and living costs, providing fine single or double sharing rooms
  • Inclusive travel coverage to and from Switzerland
  • Engage in cutting-edge research, acquiring new techniques and ongoing research experience
  • Hone critical thinking and experimental design skills
  • Holistic development for well-rounded individuals prepared for life sciences challenges.

Eligibility Criteria of the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland:

Educational Background: Completed at least two years of a bachelor’s degree and one year of a master’s degree in fields like biology, bioengineering, or related programs.

Academic Excellence: Maintained a GPA of 3.75 out of 4.0 or higher, showcasing dedication to academic achievement.

Professional Experience : Minimum of two years of work experience, demonstrating practical knowledge in the field.

Language Proficiency: Proficient in English, with potential proof through standardized tests.

Recommendation Letters: Submission of letters of recommendation from academic mentors or professors.

Commitment: Commit to the entire program duration, actively participating in all scheduled activities and research projects.

Passion for Life Sciences : Exhibit a strong passion for a career in life sciences, evident in motivation statements and academic history.

Required Documents :

  • Online Application Form
  • 1-2 page CV
  • 750-word Motivation Letter
  • Lab Preferences Explanation (2-3 sentences each for 3 labs)
  • University Transcript
  • Previous Lab Experience details, if applicable
  • Two Recommendation Letters

Application Deadline:

The last date to apply for the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024 is January 31, 2024.

Check  Fully funded scholarship in China 2024

How to Apply for the EPFL Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024:

Complete Online Application Form : Visit the official EPFL Summer Research Program website and fill out the online application form.

Prepare CV: Create a concise 1-2 page CV highlighting academic achievements, research experience, and relevant skills.

Write Motivation Letter : Craft a 750-word motivation letter expressing your enthusiasm, career goals, and how the program aligns with your aspirations.

Lab Preferences Explanation : Provide brief explanations (2-3 sentences each) for your top three lab preferences.

Submit University Transcript: Include an official transcript of academic records for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, with a minimum GPA of 3.75 out of 4.0.

Detail Previous Lab Experience : If applicable, share details of any previous lab experience, emphasizing contributions and acquired skills.

Submission : Ensure all documents are accurately completed and submitted before the specified deadline for comprehensive considerations

Osin David

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List of Research Internships for Undergraduate Students


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189 Commits

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Research internships for undergraduates, looking for someone to manage this repository in exchange for mentorship. apply here, this is a non-exhaustive list of opportunities available to undergraduate students. many of these positions are only focussed towards indian students..

I am making this list as an attempt to fill the void of any such open source list. Your contribution is vital to keep the list up-to-date for future students to use. Hence it's a humble request to each user to contribute any new opportunity you discover and update the old ones. Without updation, the web-links will break, and the list will become futile! I'll make sure that any such modification in the raised as an issue or submitted as a pull request be timely reviewed and added.

The following are some global research internship positions:

  • MITACS Globalink , for research positions in Canada.
  • University of Alberta Research Experience (UARE)
  • LPI Summer Intern Program in Planetary Science , for both national and international students.
  • NASA - CalTech Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) , for research positions at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology.
  • Santa Fe Institute Summer Research Experience
  • Robotics Institute for Summer Scholars , CMU
  • Data Science for Social Good Fellowship , CMU
  • QRLSSP Summer Program , Arizona State University: Only for US Citizens / Permanent Residents
  • Summer Undergraduate Research fellowship program , Rockfeller Institute
  • CalTech SURF Program
  • Space Astronomy Summer Program, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
  • Data Visualization Programming Summer Student Internship in New York City , Flatiron Institute. (NEW LINK NEEDED)
  • Summer Research Program, Princeton University
  • International Student Research Internship Program - McKelvey School of Engineering
  • Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering - Global Talent Attraction Program (GTAP)
  • BioChemCoRe (Biology and Chemistry Computational Research), Amaro Lab, UC San Diego
  • Global Research Experience in Advanced Technologies (GREAT) Program, UC Davis
  • ICT Summer Research Program
  • UC Berkeley Amgen Scholars program
  • Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB) (for Information Technology students
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF), Stanford University
  • IPAM UCLA Program


  • Research fellowship at ETH Zurich
  • CERN Summer Student Program
  • CERN OpenLab for Computer Science Undergraduates
  • E3, EPFL (Switzerland)
  • Summer at EPFL
  • Swissnex Program
  • Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics , for all students.
  • Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
  • Warwick Statistics Internship Scheme , University of Warwick
  • DAAD WISE Scholarship
  • HZDR Dresden, Summer student program (Germany)
  • MaxSIP (Max Planck Institute Summer Internship)
  • UROP International , RWTH Aachen
  • DSSGx UK Summer Fellowship , University of Warwick
  • Visual Geometry Group
  • ICTS LONG TERM VISITING STUDENTS PROGRAM for both International and Indian Students. Aims to provide opportunities to students of science, mathematics and engineering to spend a longer period of time (1 or 2 semesters).
  • ICTS SN BHATT Memorial Excellence Fellowship for Undergraduate students of science, mathematics and engineering, who are in their third, fourth or fifth year of the program are eligible to apply.
  • INSA-IASc-NASI SRFP for undergraduate and postgraduate students in Chemistry, Earth and Planetary sciences, Engineering including computer sciences, Life sciences, mathematics and physics. The fellowship period is 56 days and is quite prestigious for anyone who wishes to go into the field of research.


  • SPIKE @ UNIST , Summer Program for Internship and Korean Experience
  • SPIKE@UNIST (South Korea)
  • GIST Global Internship Program (South Korea)
  • Research internship @ Yonsei University
  • Yonsei University
  • NTHU Summer Internship Program
  • TIGP-IIP , Academia Sincia, Taiwan
  • ITRI Global Internship program
  • TEEP@Asia (Taiwan)
  • TEEP Internship, Taiwan
  • University of Tokyo , Amgen Scholarship Japan (only Bio Tech and Bio-Chem Programs)
  • OIST Research Internship Program , Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
  • NIMS (Japan)
  • Hennge Global Internship Program , for remote internship in a Japan-based tech start-up.
  • [Internet Initiative Japan Internship] ( ), for on-site tech internship in Japan.
  • ISternship Summer Student Program , IST Austria
  • HKU, Computer Science Department
  • IVISP, HKUST (only for senior year undergraduates + postgraduates)
  • SURP (Hongkong)
  • UNSW Civil and Environmental Engineering Research Internship
  • UNSW Research Internship (Australia)
  • Summer Intern at the Kupcinet Getz International Summer Science School of the Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Summer Training Program,CNIO
  • Computer Vision Center Internship Program
  • OECD Internship Programme (France)


  • KAUST (Saudi Arabia)

United Arab Emirates

  • Research internship program for AI
  • Koç Üniversitesi Research Program
  • HSE University, Moscow Computer Science Internships


  • IPAM UCLA, RIPS Program
  • Amgen Scholars Program
  • UX Research Internship, Red Hat
  • Allen Institute for AI, Research and Engineering Internships

The following are some research internships for Indian students:

  • S.N. Bose Scholarship sponsored by IUSSTF , it's been closed for almost two years now.
  • ICTS Summer research program , by ICTS-TIFR.
  • DAAD Wise Scholarship , for research positions in Germany
  • Shastri Research Student Fellowship by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute
  • Viterbi India Program , sponsored by IUSSTF and USC Viterbi
  • Khorana Program for Scholars , sponsored by IUSSTF
  • Charpak Global Scholarship , funded by French Embassy in India
  • Indian Student Internship Program at NTHU
  • IBM Blue Mix Research Internship
  • IBM Extreme Blue (limited to IITs and NITs)
  • LIGO IndiGo at CalTech, funded by US NSF
  • IIITD Summer Internship , IIIT, New Delhi
  • Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2021 , IISc, IAS, INS
  • Quantitative Research Summer Internship , WorldQuant India
  • Internship At CMI , Chennai Mathematical Institute
  • Shastri Student Internship Project , Eligible universities here
  • Cisco Summer internship
  • Hackerrank SDE intern
  • SSERD Research Intern for research work in topics like Space Settlement, Astrophysics, Space Mission Design etc.
  • IISER Kolkata Summer Student Research Programme , IISER Kolkata
  • IITM Summer Fellowship Programme , IIT Madras
  • IITB Research Internship Award , IIT Bombay
  • IITK SURGE Program , IIT Kanpur
  • SPARK , IIT Roorkee
  • SRIP , IIT Gandhinagar
  • IIT Ropar Summer Internship [Information] , IIT Ropar
  • Bhaba Atomic Research Centre
  • ISI Kolkata Summer Internship
  • IIT (ISM) Dhanbad SRIP Programme
  • Summer Program, CeNSE IISc Bangalore

Contributors 51


Applied Data Science: Machine Learning

women coding on laptop with python book

This online program, delivered by one of the most prestigious universities in the world, will give you hands-on experience in one of the hottest areas of data science. You’ll learn the techniques and tools for data acquisition, transformation and predictive analysis, ensuring you have a solid foundation in working with the entire data pipeline.

Two female professionals

SDTP 2010, Memorial Museum of Astronautics (Moscow)

  • Swiss Space Center
  • BMSTU Youth Space Center
  • Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU)
  • All Swiss Space Center news
  • All School of Engineering | STI news


Neuroscience Institute

Summer undergraduate research program in computational neuroscience.

Undergraduates interested in receiving research training in computational neuroscience are encouraged to apply to an NIH-sponsored summer program at the Neuroscience Institute in Pittsburgh, PA. The environment at Carnegie Mellon University has much to offer to students interested in computational approaches. We benefit from a partnership with the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, a joint interdisciplinary program of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh. Starting on May 27, 2024 and continuing through August 3, 2024, a select group of talented undergraduates will embark on a 10-week residential program that provides intensive, mentored research experiences in computational and theoretical neuroscience. Admitted students will receive a stipend of $4500, travel to/from Pittsburgh, PA,  and university dormitory housing.

The core of the program is the opportunity to carry out an individual mentored research project working closely with a faculty mentor. Other aspects of the scientific program include: faculty research talks, student presentations and discussion of articles from the scientific literature, presentations on career options and scientific ethics, and a concluding symposium in which students present their research.

This program is intended for students who wish to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation. Any undergraduate may apply, but we are especially interested in attracting students with strong quantitative backgrounds. Many of our trainees are from colleges and universities that do not have extensive research programs, but all must be United States citizens or permanent residents, must be enrolled at a 4-year accredited institution, and must be in their sophomore or junior year at the time of application.  We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all students and we encourage applications from women, under-represented minorities, and individuals with disabilities.

The application for the Summer 2024 program is now available.

Application Receipt Deadline: February 15, 2024.

In addition to the online application, please email the following items to [email protected] :

  • A brief (one page) essay about your interest and experience in neural computation
  • Official transcript from the institution you are attending
  • Two letters of reference from someone who knows you well professionally or academically (for example, a professor, teacher or your employer). NOTE: You should contact your recommenders and ask them to email letters directly to [email protected] .

Applications are due February 15, 2024.

Upnc research from previous summers.

Summer 2021 Summer 2020 Summer 2019 Summer 2018 Summer 2017

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2025 Summer Analyst Programme

Make things possible this summer at Goldman Sachs

Our Summer Analyst Programme is an nine to ten week summer internship for undergraduate students. You will be fully immersed in our day-to-day activities.

As a participant, you will:

  • Attend orientation where you’ll learn about our culture, as well as the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of the firm
  • Receive training designed to help you succeed
  • Have the opportunity to work on real responsibilities alongside fellow interns and our people 

Date: Summer 2025

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2024 LEAP Summer REU Program

LEAP’s 2024 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program offers summer undergraduate research experiences (SUREs) on synergistic innovations in data science and climate science. This 10-week Program is in partnership with the NSF Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS)  program at  UCAR .

The REU Program hosts undergraduate researchers and offers a wide array of enrichment learning and networking opportunities. LEAP is committed to building a diverse research community at the intersection of climate science, data science, and climate and social justice. We care about the future of our planet and want to apply our research to help make informed decisions when it comes to the communities most affected by climate change.

All students will be supported by a team of researchers and graduate student mentors. We want our students to succeed and learn what it takes to make a larger impact on the world via STEM research. Upon completion of the Program, students may have the opportunity to continue their research or present their findings at academic conferences.

Interested applicants must review all the details on this page to complete the application (see more application details below).

summer research program epfl

2024 Important Dates

  • March 1 : Virtual info session ( View Here )
  • March 10 : APPLICATION deadline
  • March 31 : Application decision notification
  • May 26 : Move in to campus housing
  • May 28 – August 2 : On-campus Research Experience
  • August 3 : Move out of campus housing


I have no programming or coding experience. Can I still apply? YES! All admitted students will receive guidance regarding how to best prepare for the research experience through self-guided learning materials.

  • Keep in mind : the REU experience begins with the Momentum Bootcamp, which will equip students with the skills necessary to complete the research experience.
  • To get the most out of the REU Program, you  should have some prior experience with or knowledge of coding, but  all eligible students are encouraged to apply , regardless of coding and/or programming background.
  • And please note : this is a learning experience and you are not expected to produce a research paper or “solve” a problem. Research takes time, and this is only one part of the journey!
  • The students who will benefit most from the REU Program are interested in learning about how data science skills can be applied toward climate science research. 

Are there resources that may help me evaluate my experience and understanding of some basic concepts before I apply? YES! In addition to undergraduate coursework and the Momentum Bootcamp, you may also take advantage of supplemental resources to gain or hone your skills and prepare for the REU Program, such as: 

  • An Introduction to Earth and Environmental Data Science (Ryan Abernathey, et al.)
  • Intro to Computer Science – Python (Khan Academy)
  • Learn Python (CodeAcademy)
  • Python Data Science Handbook (Jake VanderPlas)

summer research program epfl


Who can apply to the 2024 REU Program? We invite applications from students who will be a rising sophomore, junior, or senior in Fall 2024 at a college/university in the United States. (We are only able to offer admission to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.) We invite students from groups underrepresented in the STEM discipline in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, family history of post-baccalaureate opportunity, gender identity and gender expression, disability, or military service to apply. Former LEAP REU participants are also welcome to apply.

What are the application requirements?

  • Academic transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)
  • Statement of interest (500 words about your research goals this summer and your future plans)
  • Letter of recommendation from an academic professor with whom you have studied at your home institution
  • Please be sure to read each project description carefully before submitting the application.

How do I apply? And what are the deadlines?

  • The APPLICATION is available online.
  • Applications are due by Sunday, March 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (EDT).
  • Letters of recommendation should be submitted via email to [email protected]  by Sunday, March 10, 2024, 11:59 p.m. (EDT).
  • We anticipate notifying applicants with a decision at the end of March 2024.

The 2-week Momentum Bootcamp (May 28 – June 7) will be led by: 

  • Juan Nathaniel (PhD student, Dept. of Earth + Environmental Engineering, Columbia University; Gentine Lab, Columbia Engineering)
  • Candace Agonafir (Postdoc, Depts. of Data Science + Civil Engineering, Columbia University)

summer research program epfl

The 8-week Research Experience (June 10 – August 2) will be led by the following Project Leads/Mentors:

  • Dhruv Balwada
  • Greg Elsaesser
  • Stephan Mandt
  • Brian Medeiros
  • Mike Pritchard
  • Yongquan Qu
  • Sara Shamekh
  • Eliot Wong-Toi
  • Qingyuan Yang

Click the image below to learn more about the Summer 2024 REU Research Projects and Project Mentors.

summer research program epfl

Where will the 2024 REU Program be located?  The 2024 REU Program — including enrichment and social activities — will be held at Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus and Manhattanville Campus. LEAP’s office is located in the Columbia Innovation Hub ( 2276 12th Avenue, New York, NY 10027 ). 

Are there activities, workshops, and other events planned for the summer? YES! LEAP will support summer researchers in their professional development goals. The 2024 REU Program will include various workshops on graduate school planning and professional development, research seminars, social events, and more. LEAP will also provide additional learning and enrichment opportunities throughout the summer.

I have another summer commitment (e.g., research position or employment); can I still participate in LEAP’s 2024 REU Program? The 2024 REU Program is a full-time commitment that requires students to participate in research, seminars, and workshops. We strongly recommend that participants plan to keep other weekly commitments to a minimum (less than 15 hours per week).

How much is the stipend? The 2024 REU Rrogram offers a competitive stipend of $700 per week for the duration of the program.

Is my 2024 REU stipend taxable? 1099 forms will be issued to students. Please visit the 1099 tax withholding page for more information. You should save documentation of the direct deposit of your stipend. 

Will travel funds be provided? A travel stipend will be available for eligible students.

Will housing be provided? Are housing costs covered? Students who require summer housing will be housed on Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus for the duration of the program. This will allow students to take advantage of Columbia’s resources, facilities, and social events throughout the summer.

  • Campus information
  • Shared facilities

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Columbia University Innovation Hub 2276 12th Ave, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10027

Copyright © 2024

Students contribute, and learn, through summer research fellows program

summer research program epfl

Aaron Swiney ’25 wanted to know more about how the earth formed, so he spent the summer as a paid research fellow, following his curiosity into tectonics research with Ruth Aronoff, associate professor of earth sciences. The experience, which included a trip to Colorado for field work, has informed his path after Furman University.

Stella Peters ’25 spent the summer in a Furman art studio doing research with Kevin Kao, a ceramicist and sculptor, studying the human body as a vessel and unpacking what it means to be human.

Peters and Swiney were among 282 undergraduate Furman students who worked as summer research fellows this year. They came from majors as diverse as chemistry and classics, history and health sciences. It’s the largest group of summer research fellows ever in a fast-growing program. Watch videos below with Swiney  and Peters in which they discuss their research.

A young man with dark hair sits at a lab bench with a microscope in front of him. He's looking to the side and laughing.

Aaron Swiney ’25 research plate tectonics with Ruth Aronoff, associate professor of earth sciences. Photo by Owen Withycombe, Furman University.

Some research projects are ongoing, like work in psychology or chemistry. Others are new, like a jazz project that culminated in an album of original student work. Students went to Costa Rica to collaborate with a local university on sustainable agriculture and outreach, while others in sociology and communication studies are researching demographic shifts in Greenville.

Summer research fellows receive discounted summer housing and stipends, from $3,500 to $4,500, said Erik Ching , the Walter Kenneth Mattison Professor of History, interim associate provost for Engaged Learning, and director of Undergraduate Research .

The program is part of The Furman Advantage , which includes the promise that every student will have the opportunity to participate in at least one research project, internship or study away.

Furman has a long history of providing research opportunities for undergraduates. A concerted effort started in earnest in 2016, when 150 students and 61 faculty members studied over the summer. That year, Furman received the Council on Undergraduate Research’s Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishments.

Because The Furman Advantage includes constant reassessment and improvement, summer research shifted focus in 2017, from faculty-centric projects to focusing on mentoring and students’ needs, while still creating original scholarship. Participation, Ching said, has grown rapidly since then.

The benefits don’t stop when summer ends. Swiney and Peters both say they’ve gained insight into their futures. Reflecting on their work is also part of The Furman Advantage.

Students complete assessments before and after their experience and write a separate reflection about it. They also take a professional development program that helps them leverage their summer experience in job interviews and graduate school applications. Some will author research papers and some will present at professional conferences. Every student will have the chance to present at Furman Engaged , an annual event in the spring celebrating student work.

A Coloradan's impression of Greenville, S.C.

Anderson '19 celebrated during disability pride month, frank selvy, furman paladin basketball great, dies at 91.


  1. Epfl School Of Life Sciences International Summer Research Program

    summer research program epfl

  2. Summer Research Program ‒ SV ‐ EPFL

    summer research program epfl

  3. EPFL Summer Research Fellowships 2022 for Undergraduate International

    summer research program epfl

  4. EPFL School of Life Sciences Summer Research Program

    summer research program epfl

  5. EPFL School of Life Sciences Summer Research Program 2022 (Funded to

    summer research program epfl

  6. Summer Research Program at School of Life Sciences EPFL

    summer research program epfl


  1. Summer Research Program ‒ SV ‐ EPFL

    EPFL School of Life Sciences Summer Research Program. Cutting-edge research ranging from engineering to quantitative biology at the shores of Lake Geneva. The SRP Online application is now closed for SRP 2024. See you in mid-November when the application reopens for SRP 2025. Program dates: July 3rd to August 28th 2024.

  2. Research internship ‒ International ‐ EPFL

    The vitality of home-grown entrepreneurs and the international networks established with other centers of excellence reinforce this innovative spirit. EPFL's Excellence Research Internship Program (ERIP) offers the opportunity to outstanding students to experience research during three months in this stimulating environment.

  3. Program Description ‒ SV ‐ EPFL

    Program Description. Program features. Science related & personal development Friday afternoon workshops. Closing symposium with poster session or presentations from all participants. Rich program of social activities, including a day hike to Swiss alps with raclette, BBQs and a few possible excursions to points of interest such as. Length and ...

  4. Summer@EPFL

    A summer fellowship at EPFL is a highly motivating learning experience in a competitive research environment, and it is also a great way to get familiar with another culture, to start building a network of connections in Switzerland, and to get prepared for a global career! And, last but not least, it is a chance to spend some months in a ...

  5. Summer in the Lab internship program ‒ Bachelor ‐ EPFL

    A selective internship program with about 25 EPFL students each summer. Eight weeks of research experience between June and September (exact dates to be determined with the lab) A total scholarship of CHF 4,000 provided to candidates selected. A transversal skills development training program tailored to scientists.

  6. Summer@EPFL

    EPFL has a special summer programme for EPFL students, called Summer in the Lab . Besides, EPFL students can usually inquire directly with faculty members for summer opportunities in their labs. I am late, my school is on holidays, official transcripts take time to process, my latest grades will be known only a few days after the deadline.

  7. Summer@EPFL 2024

    Research areas: AIML: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning; ATCS: Algorithms & Theoretical Computer Science; CAIS: Computer Architecture & Integrated Systems

  8. FAQs ‒ SV ‐ EPFL

    The Summer Research Program (SRP) selects from students who have finished two years of a Bachelor's degree up to the first year of a Master's degree by the start of the program. ... Are there other summer programs at EPFL? Yes there are! Students also have the possibility to apply to the following programs (distinct eligibility rules): In ...

  9. Eligibility and application ‒ International ‐ EPFL

    The EPFL Excellence Research Internship Program (ERIP) offers laboratory internships of three months to outstanding students. Candidate have to be enrolled in the program partner universities from North America and Singapore, regardless of nationality. ... Life Sciences: Summer Research Program; Your application. Applications are now closed for ...

  10. EPFL School of Life Sciences International Summer Research Program

    The Summer Research Program in Life Sciences and Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) is an 8-week hands on summer research experience. Each year the program accepts 20-25 undergraduate participants and provides a stipend to help cover housing and living expenses. Depending on lab assignment, students are housed ...

  11. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Summer Research Program

    The EPFL Summer Research Program offers international bachelor/1st year master's students eight weeks of lab immersion during the summer. Selected students will join one of the EPFL's research groups and experience what it means to be part of the thriving science community in Switzerland. Program Features.

  12. EPFL School of Life Sciences Summer Research Program

    School of Life Sciences - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) Includes. A financial compensation of 3000 CHF is provided for all successful candidates. Moreover, help for finding housing in Lausanne for the duration of the stay is provided for students from out of town. Students must also ensure that they have a valid health insurance.

  13. Summer Research Exchange: EPFL Excellence Research Internship Program

    In the framework of the Excellence Research Internship Program (ERIP), selected students spend in average three months (possible extension under certain conditions) in an EPFL laboratory on campus undertaking research with renowned professors and researchers. More information on research internships can be found here. Summer Research Exchange ...

  14. Summer Research Program EPFL (@SRP_EPFL) / Twitter

    EPFL School of Life Sciences Summer Research Program Cutting-edge research ranging from engineering to quantitative biology at the shores of Lake Geneva.The on-line application is now open! Program dates: July 3rd to August 25th 2023Before applying,...


    EPFL's Summer Research Institute has a long and successful history. For more information on past editions of the event refer to the links below. 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 ...

  16. EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024 (Fully

    Explore cutting-edge research at the forefront of life sciences with the EPFL Life Sciences Summer Research Program in Switzerland 2024. This fully funded opportunity invites aspiring researchers to delve into an immersive experience, combining academic rigor with the stunning backdrop of the Swiss Alps. Elevate your scientific pursuits as you ...

  17. Master in Data Science ‒ IC ‐ EPFL

    Data Science is changing our world significantly and opening the door to a multitude of possibilities. The EPFL program in data science offers you a complete training, from the foundations to implementation, from algorithms to database architecture, from information theory to machine learning. Our school delivers this master in collaboration ...

  18. himahuja/Research-Internships-for-Undergraduates

    E3, EPFL (Switzerland) Summer at EPFL; Swissnex Program; GERMANY. Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, for all students. ... ICTS Summer research program, by ICTS-TIFR. DAAD Wise Scholarship, for research positions in Germany; Shastri Research Student Fellowship by Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute;

  19. How to Apply ‒ SV ‐ EPFL

    How to Apply. The SRP on-line application is now open for SRP 2024! Who can apply. in a university in biology, bio-physics, chemistry, bio-engineering, bio-informatics, quantitative biology, genetics courses or other life sciences related programs. have a minimum of GPA equivalent to a 3.75/4.0 grade or higher.

  20. Applied Data Science: Machine Learning ‒ EXTS ‐ EPFL

    Applied Data Science: Machine Learning. Learn tools for predictive modelling and analytics, harnessing the power of neural networks and deep learning techniques across a variety of types of data sets. Master Machine Learning for informed decision-making, innovation, and staying competitive in today's data-driven world. This online program ...

  21. EPFL School ofLife Sciences Summer Research Program admission ...

    EPFL School ofLife Sciences Summer Research Program admission & interviews : r/EPFL. r/EPFL. EPFL is one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and is located in Lausanne, Switzerland. • 1 yr. ago. AleLuke.

  22. New research shows how trees cope with extreme heat

    Forests can overheat in extreme temperatures - and reach temperatures that could be fatal. Alice Gauthey and a team from the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and EPFL had an opportunity to investigate this phenomenon in France in the summer of 2023: in Holm oak forest plots, the thermometer climbed to almost 50 degrees Celsius, the highest temperatures ever ...

  23. Boeing Summer 2025 Internship Program (Paid)

    These programs are subject to eligibility requirements and other conditions, which may differ for employees of certain subsidiaries or business units, or union-represented employees depending on bargaining agreement terms. If this information conflicts with the program documents, the latter shall control. This material is informational only.

  24. Summer 2012: Space Development and Practice School in Moscow!

    For more than a decade EPFL and the Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU) have established a close partnership in the domains of research, joint projects, and exchange of staff. A cooperation agreement was signed in 2001. The 10-day program includes: Tours of Russian space centers and facilities

  25. Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Computational Neuroscience

    10 week Summer Undergraduate Research Program at the Neuroscience Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. ... Many of our trainees are from colleges and universities that do not have extensive research programs, but all must be United States citizens or permanent residents, must be enrolled at a 4-year accredited institution ...

  26. 2025 Summer Analyst Program

    INTERNSHIP | ASIA PACIFIC This program is designed to fully immerse you in our day-to-day activities. APPLICATION DETAILS Applications for our 2025 program for select locations are now open. We review applications on a rolling basis and encourage you to apply as soon as you are ready, as interviews can occur prior to applications closing.

  27. 2025 Summer Analyst Programme

    Date: Summer 2025. Explore. Learn more about where you can apply for this program. Asset Management. arrow_forward. Global Investment Research. arrow_forward. Conflicts Resolution Group. arrow_forward. Human Capital Management. arrow_forward. Controllers. arrow_forward. Internal Audit. arrow_forward.

  28. Veterinary college's summer program opens doors for aspiring

    Undergraduate students got a taste of innovative veterinary research this summer at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine.. The 10-week internship, part of Virginia Tech's Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program, gave students hands-on research experience and insight into graduate school.. Diverse research experiences

  29. 2024 LEAP Summer REU Program Info

    LEAP's 2024 Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program offers summer undergraduate research experiences (SUREs) on synergistic innovations in data science and climate science. This 10-week Program is in partnership with the NSF Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) program at UCAR.. The REU Program hosts undergraduate researchers and offers a wide ...

  30. Students contribute, and learn, through summer research fellows program

    Summer research fellows receive discounted summer housing and stipends, from $3,500 to $4,500, said Erik Ching, the Walter Kenneth Mattison Professor of History, interim associate provost for Engaged Learning, and director of Undergraduate Research. The program is part of The Furman Advantage, which includes the promise that every student will ...