
Final project word cloud In Python

Final project   word cloud In Python

For this project, you’ll create a “word cloud” from a text by writing a script. This script needs to process the text, remove punctuation, ignore case and words that do not contain all alphabets, count the frequencies, and ignore uninteresting or irrelevant words. A dictionary is the output of the calculate_frequencies function. The wordcloud module will then generate the image from your dictionary.

For the input text of your script, you will need to provide a file that contains text only. For the text itself, you can copy and paste the contents of a website you like. Or you can use a site like Project Gutenberg to find books that are available online. You could see what word clouds you can get from famous books, like a Shakespeare play or a novel by Jane Austen. Save this as a .txt file somewhere on your computer. Now you will need to upload your input file here so that your script will be able to process it. To do the upload, you will need an uploader widget. Run the following cell to perform all the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget. It may take a minute for all of this to run and there will be a lot of output messages. But, be patient. Once you get the following final line of output, the code is done executing. Then you can continue on with the rest of the instructions for this notebook. Enabling notebook extension fileupload/extension… - Validating: <font color =green>OK</font>

Whew! That was a lot. All of the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget have been completed. IMPORTANT! If this was your first time running the above cell containing the installs and imports, you will need save this notebook now. Then under the File menu above, select Close and Halt. When the notebook has completely shut down, reopen it. This is the only way the necessary changes will take affect. To upload your text file, run the following cell that contains all the code for a custom uploader widget. Once you run this cell, a “Browse” button should appear below it. Click this button and navigate the window to locate your saved text file.

The uploader widget saved the contents of your uploaded file into a string object named file_contents that your word cloud script can process. This was a lot of preliminary work, but you are now ready to begin your script.

Write a function in the cell below that iterates through the words in file_contents , removes punctuation, and counts the frequency of each word. Oh, and be sure to make it ignore word case, words that do not contain all alphabets and boring words like “and” or “the”. Then use it in the generate_from_frequencies function to generate your very own word cloud! Hint: Try storing the results of your iteration in a dictionary before passing them into wordcloud via the generate_from_frequencies function.

If you have done everything correctly, your word cloud image should appear after running the cell below. Fingers crossed!

word cloud

If your word cloud image did not appear, go back and rework your calculate_frequencies function until you get the desired output. Definitely check that you passed your frequecy count dictionary into the generate_from_frequencies function of wordcloud . Once you have correctly displayed your word cloud image, you are all done with this project. Nice work!

About Rajesh Singh

âś“Intern in Bolt iot âś“frontend developer âś“java,Python,Câś“IBM certified in Data Science and AIâś“Google certified in Google Digital unlockedâś“competative programmerâś“web developer


Fundamentals of Python

Final project - word cloud, final project - word cloud #, 1. introduction #.

In this project, we will create a word cloud from a given text by processing the text, removing punctuation, ignoring cases, counting the frequencies, and ignoring uninteresting or irrelevant words. The project will generate a dictionary containing the word frequencies, which the word cloud module will use to generate an image.

Real-world data processing and visualization applications, such as analyzing customer reviews, news articles, or social media posts, inspired the project task. Completing this project provides valuable experience in processing textual data and generating visual representations of the processed data.

Beginners can use the project and provide the input text by copying and pasting from a website or using a file containing the text. The project includes both pre-written code and code that had to be completed by the learner, allowing them to understand and modify the code to suit their needs.

Overall, this project provides a hands-on experience of working with textual data and generating visualizations, which can be valuable in various fields, including data analysis, natural language processing, and data journalism.

2. Provided Materials #

To begin, you will need to install and import the necessary packages and libraries for the word cloud script and the uploader widget. Running code cells will perform all the necessary installations and imports, but it may take some time to complete. Once you see the final line of output, the code execution is complete, and you can proceed with the instructions for the project.

To upload the text file, run the following cell that contains all the code for a custom uploader widget.

Once the cell is run, a Browse buttion should appear below it. Clicking this button will open a nagivation window that allows locating the saved text file.

3. Writing the function #

The function takes a sentence as input, cleans it by removing punctuations and uninteresting words, and then counts the frequency of each word. The frequency count is stored in a dictionary, which is then used to generate a word cloud image. The output is a Numpy array representing the image.

The function iterates through the words in the text, removes punctuation, ignores word cases (lower-case and upper-case are treated similarly) and words that do not contain all alphabets, and counts the frequency of each remaining word.

Additionally, the function ignores boring words such as “and” or “the”.

4. Generating the Word Cloud #

The code in the cell below generates the word cloud image from the text that is stored in the file_contents variable using the generate_from_frequencies() function.

The resulting image is then displayed using the plt.show() and plt.imshow() functions with the addition of setting the figure size and turning off the axis label.

Finally, a title is printed above the image.


  • WordCloud for Python documentation
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WordCloud for Python documentation ¶

Here you find instructions on how to create wordclouds with my Python wordcloud project. Compared to other wordclouds, my algorithm has the advantage of

filling all available space.

being able to use arbitraty masks.

having a stupid simple algorithm (with an efficient implementation) that can be easily modified.

being in Python

Check out the Gallery of Examples .

The code of the project is on Github: word_cloud

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AnOnYmOus001100 / Making_a_word_cloud(utf-8''C1M6L2)_Final_Project_V3.py

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Final Project - Word Cloud
# For this project, you'll create a "word cloud" from a text by writing a script. This script needs to process the text, remove punctuation, ignore case and words that do not contain all alphabets, count the frequencies, and ignore uninteresting or irrelevant words. A dictionary is the output of the `calculate_frequencies` function. The `wordcloud` module will then generate the image from your dictionary.
# For the input text of your script, you will need to provide a file that contains text only. For the text itself, you can copy and paste the contents of a website you like. Or you can use a site like [Project Gutenberg](https://www.gutenberg.org/) to find books that are available online. You could see what word clouds you can get from famous books, like a Shakespeare play or a novel by Jane Austen. Save this as a .txt file somewhere on your computer.
# <br><br>
# Now you will need to upload your input file here so that your script will be able to process it. To do the upload, you will need an uploader widget. Run the following cell to perform all the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget. It may take a minute for all of this to run and there will be a lot of output messages. But, be patient. Once you get the following final line of output, the code is done executing. Then you can continue on with the rest of the instructions for this notebook.
# <br><br>
# **Enabling notebook extension fileupload/extension...**
# <br>
# **- Validating: <font color =green>OK</font>**
# Here are all the installs and imports you will need for your word cloud script and uploader widget
get_ipython().system('pip install wordcloud')
get_ipython().system('pip install fileupload')
get_ipython().system('pip install ipywidgets')
get_ipython().system('jupyter nbextension install --py --user fileupload')
get_ipython().system('jupyter nbextension enable --py fileupload')
import wordcloud
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display
import fileupload
import io
import sys
# Whew! That was a lot. All of the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget have been completed.
# <br><br>
# **IMPORTANT!** If this was your first time running the above cell containing the installs and imports, you will need save this notebook now. Then under the File menu above, select Close and Halt. When the notebook has completely shut down, reopen it. This is the only way the necessary changes will take affect.
# <br><br>
# To upload your text file, run the following cell that contains all the code for a custom uploader widget. Once you run this cell, a "Browse" button should appear below it. Click this button and navigate the window to locate your saved text file.
# This is the uploader widget
def _upload():
_upload_widget = fileupload.FileUploadWidget()
def _cb(change):
global file_contents
decoded = io.StringIO(change['owner'].data.decode('utf-8'))
filename = change['owner'].filename
print('Uploaded `{}` ({:.2f} kB)'.format(
filename, len(decoded.read()) / 2 **10))
file_contents = decoded.getvalue()
_upload_widget.observe(_cb, names='data')
# The uploader widget saved the contents of your uploaded file into a string object named *file_contents* that your word cloud script can process. This was a lot of preliminary work, but you are now ready to begin your script.
# Write a function in the cell below that iterates through the words in *file_contents*, removes punctuation, and counts the frequency of each word. Oh, and be sure to make it ignore word case, words that do not contain all alphabets and boring words like "and" or "the". Then use it in the `generate_from_frequencies` function to generate your very own word cloud!
# <br><br>
# **Hint:** Try storing the results of your iteration in a dictionary before passing them into wordcloud via the `generate_from_frequencies` function.
def calculate_frequencies(file_contents):
# Here is a list of punctuations and uninteresting words you can use to process your text
punctuations = '''!()-[]{};:'"\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~'''
uninteresting_words = ["the", "a", "to", "if", "is", "it", "of", "and", "or", "an", "as", "i", "me", "my", "we", "our", "ours", "you", "your", "yours", "he", "she", "him", "his", "her", "hers", "its", "they", "them", "their", "what", "which", "who", "whom", "this", "that", "am", "are", "was", "were", "be", "been", "being", "have", "has", "had", "do", "does", "did", "but", "at", "by", "with", "from", "here", "when", "where", "how", "all", "any", "both", "each", "few", "more", "some", "such", "no", "nor", "too", "very", "can", "will", "just"]
refined_text = ""
frequency_count = {}
#removing punctuation s and uninteresting words
for char in file_contents:
if char not in punctuations:
refined_text += char
#splitting the text into word list
word_list = refined_text.split()
#removing uninteresting words
for word in word_list:
if word.lower() not in uninteresting_words:
if word in frequency_count:
frequency_count[word] += 1
frequency_count[word] = 1
cloud = wordcloud.WordCloud()
return cloud.to_array()
# If you have done everything correctly, your word cloud image should appear after running the cell below. Fingers crossed!
# Display your wordcloud image
myimage = calculate_frequencies(file_contents)
plt.imshow(myimage, interpolation = 'nearest')
# If your word cloud image did not appear, go back and rework your `calculate_frequencies` function until you get the desired output. Definitely check that you passed your frequecy count dictionary into the `generate_from_frequencies` function of `wordcloud`. Once you have correctly displayed your word cloud image, you are all done with this project. Nice work!


Vivek3972 commented Sep 22, 2022

it throws a name error commenting "file_contents not defined"

Sorry, something went wrong.


devenderp869 commented Oct 9, 2022

yes it show comment as file_ contents is defined

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Word Cloud Project has no errors but won't show the word cloud

I am doing the Coursera Python crash course and working on the final project. I have no errors but the word cloud will not show. This is relatively new to me, but I don't know why the word cloud isn't showing but no error is either. Is there something I am missing to get the word cloud generated? It is done in Jupyter, so the uploaded file happens beforehand. That caused me problems when I stopped in the middle of the project and restarted later. The upload did not stay, then I had to rerun that code to get the browse button to upload my file again. Perhaps that is the problem? Thank you!

Freddy Mcloughlan's user avatar

  • Did you call the function? –  SuperStormer Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 23:27
  • Ha! I did not, that was it. Thank you so much! I can't believe I forgot that. –  DYIII Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 21:21

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Best Solutions for Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Recently I have finished my Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

I find it very interesting and intriguing

Many learners who are working on the problem and are stuck at some step, might be looking out for some guidance.

Here is Some Tips for those who are looking out for some guidance :

Step 1) Open Notebook

Table of Contents

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Step 2) Run Code Step by Step

Python Final Project: WordCloud

Run import Block 1 by selecting the block and clicking on run/ by using  (shift + Enter)

Then after running that block all of the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget will been completed.

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

1–> Click on save

2–> Close the Notebook and open it again

This will ensure the above process is saved.

Step 3) Now Run Block 2 which is Upload using  Run/ (shift + Enter)

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

After Running the code the ( Browse button ) Shows up

Upload your Text File


Step 4) Now put your Code on Block 3 and then run

# LEARNER CODE START HERE –> Put your code under this

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Run the code without any errors

Then you may proceed to the final step!!

Almost there!!!

Step 5) Run Block 4 using Run / Shift +Enter

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Now your word cloud pic should show like this depending on the input given

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Step 6) Submit your Assignment

There are Two ways to Submit Assignment :

1)Download a Project File –> Notebook (.ipynb) and upload it

2) Or Just Click Button ( Submit Assignment )

Hope this helps the avid learners of Python!!!

Please share your thoughts !!!

All the best!!!

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Final Project – Word Cloud

Final project – word cloud >> crash course on python.

*Wait 15 seconds To Load The Page. After That Click Copy Button To Copy Codes.

For this project, you’ll create a “word cloud” from a text by writing a script. This script needs to process the text, remove punctuation, ignore case and words that do not contain all alphabets, count the frequencies, and ignore uninteresting or irrelevant words. A dictionary is the output of the  calculate_frequencies  function. The  wordcloud  module will then generate the image from your dictionary.

Whew! That was a lot. All of the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget have been completed. IMPORTANT!  If this was your first time running the above cell containing the installs and imports, you will need save this notebook now. Then under the File menu above, select Close and Halt. When the notebook has completely shut down, reopen it. This is the only way the necessary changes will take affect. To upload your text file, run the following cell that contains all the code for a custom uploader widget. Once you run this cell, a “Browse” button should appear below it. Click this button and navigate the window to locate your saved text file.

If you have done everything correctly, your word cloud image should appear after running the cell below. Fingers crossed!

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  • Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud  Assignment

People facing a problem to submit final assignment.

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

  • First Run import Block 1 using (shift + Enter)

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

  • After Run code ( Browse button ) Show
  • Upload your Text File

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

  • when your code did not show any error

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

  • Now your word cloud pic show like this

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

There is Two ways to Submit Assignment

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud


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bro my self monish can u help me in " Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud" can send u r code plse my maid id is [email protected]

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

its not monishkumareddy17 its [email protected]

tried this code, but the browse button didnt appear

programming assignment programming final project wordcloud

i know bro .. u can revert change and run step by step again

Browse button did not showed What I can do

Bro revert all changes and then do all process again step by step, i also face browse button problem. Run All the step by step one's you reach a browse button code section.. then Run & wait 2 min max.. browse button will appear..

In the final project it shows an Name error bro. It shows like the file_contents is not defined. Can you help me

Thanks for sharing this Article it helped me..

Can you send the file plz

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  7. Final Project

    1. Introduction#. In this project, we will create a word cloud from a given text by processing the text, removing punctuation, ignoring cases, counting the frequencies, and ignoring uninteresting or irrelevant words. The project will generate a dictionary containing the word frequencies, which the word cloud module will use to generate an image.

  8. WordCloud for Python documentation

    Here you find instructions on how to create wordclouds with my Python wordcloud project. Compared to other wordclouds, my algorithm has the advantage of. filling all available space. being able to use arbitraty masks. having a stupid simple algorithm (with an efficient implementation) that can be easily modified. Check out the Gallery of Examples.

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    Contribute to KashishM25/Programming-Assignment-Programming-Final-Project-WordCloud development by creating an account on GitHub.

  10. Creating a Word Cloud (Final_Project_V3) of Crash Course on Python

    Run the following cell to perform all the installs and imports for your word cloud script and uploader widget. It may take a minute for all of this to run and there will be a lot of output messages. But, be patient. Once you get the following final line of output, the code is done executing.

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    the final project of the crash course in python by google

  12. Word Cloud Project has no errors but won't show the word cloud

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  13. Best Solutions for Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

    Step 6) Submit your Assignment. There are Two ways to Submit Assignment: 1)Download a Project File -> Notebook (.ipynb) and upload it. 2) Or Just Click Button ( Submit Assignment ) Hope this helps the avid learners of Python!!! Please share your thoughts !!! All the best!!!

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  15. Final Project- WORD CLOUD for Crash Course of Python offered by

    Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to programming with Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making thing...

  16. Final Project

    For this project, you'll create a "word cloud" from a text by writing a script. This script needs to process the text, remove punctuation, ignore case and words that do not contain all alphabets, count the frequencies, and ignore uninteresting or irrelevant words. A dictionary is the output of the calculate_frequencies function.

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    Final-Project-Word-Cloud. Final Project in Coursera: Crash Course on Python by Google. About. Final Project in Coursera: Crash Course on Python by Google Resources. Readme License. MIT license Activity. Stars. 4 stars Watchers. 2 watching Forks. 10 forks Report repository Releases No releases published.

  19. Crash Course on Python Final Project: WordCloud

    Here is Some Tips follow me.. Step 1) Open Notebook. Step 2) You need to Run Code Step by Step. First Run import Block 1 using (shift + Enter) Step 3) Now Run Upload Block 2 using (shift + Enter) After Run code ( Browse button ) Show. Upload your Text File. Step 4) Put Your Code on Block 3 using (shift + Enter)

  20. KashishM25/Programming-Assignment-Programming-Final-Project-WordCloud

    Contribute to KashishM25/Programming-Assignment-Programming-Final-Project-WordCloud development by creating an account on GitHub. ... KashishM25/Programming-Assignment-Programming-Final-Project-WordCloud. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. main.

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