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Problem-solving workshop: Step-by-Step

A problem-solving workshop is held by the Agile Release Train and its purpose is to address systematic problems. The workshop that concentrates on identifying the problems, not just addressing the symptoms, is facilitated by the Release Train Engineer and time-boxed to maximum of two hours. What are the six steps of the workshop?

In SAFe® (Scaled Agile Framework for Enterprises®), problem-solving workshop is done during the Inspect & Adapt (I & A) event. I & A  is held at the end of each Program Increment, and it forms the basis for relentless improvement, one of the four pillars of the SAFe House of Lean , and a dimension of the Continuous Learning Culture core competency.

During the three parts of I & A event (PI System Demo, Quantitative and Qualitative measurement, and Retrospective and problem-solving workshop), the ART demonstrates and evaluates the current state of the solution and teams reflect and identify improvement backlog items. In this article we are going to concentrate on the last part of the event, problem-solving workshop, during which teams systematically address the larger impediments that are limiting velocity.

Problem-solving workshop consists of 6 steps

Step 1: agree on the problem to solve.

Clearly stating the problem is key to problem identification and correction. It enables more focused investigation, time-saving, and avoids ‘ready, fire, aim’ approach. On the other hand, a problem that is not well defined, may result in failure to reach the proper countermeasure. To identify and agree on the problem to solve, the teams should spend a few minutes clearly stating the problem, highlighting the ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘impact’ as succinctly as they can.

Step 2: Apply root-cause analysis and 5 whys

The Root-cause analysis and the ‘5 Whys’ technique is used to explore the cause-and-effect relationships underlying a particular problem. It helps to avoid assumptions and logic traps, trace the chain of causality in direct increments from the effect to a root cause.

The root cause analysis (fishbone or Ishikawa) diagram features 5 main ‘bones’ that represent typical sources of problems in development (tools, people, program, process, environment). Team members then brainstorm causes that they think contribute to the problem to be solved and group them into these categories. Once a cause is identified, its root cause is explored with the 5 Whys technique. By simply asking ‘why’ multiple times, the cause of the previous cause is uncovered, and added to the diagram. The process stops once a suitable root cause has been identified and the same process is then applied to the next cause (© Scaled Agile, Inc.).

Step 3: Identify the biggest root-cause using Pareto analysis

Team uses Pareto analysis (or 80/20 rule) to narrow down the number of actions that produce the most significant overall effect. It is based on the principle that 20% of root causes can cause 80% of problems and it has proved useful where many possible sources and actions are competing. Once the team writes down all the causes-of-causes, they identify the biggest root-cause using dot-voting – every team member has five dots on its disposal, and he can allocate them to one or more items he thinks are most problematic. Then they summarize votes in Pareto chart that shows collective consensus on the most significant root-cause.

Step 4: Restate the new problem for the biggest root-cause

Team picks the most voted item from Pareto chart. They restate it clearly as a problem and add economic impact of the problem to the description.

Step 5: Brainstorm solutions

During the brainstorming activity that lasts about 15 – 30 minutes, team brainstorms as many possible corrective actions as possible. The goal of activity is to generate as many ideas as possible, without criticism or debate. Team members should let their imagination soar and explore and combine all the ideas that arise and in the end dot-vote to identify top contenders.

Step 6: Identify improvement backlog items (NRFs)

In the end of the problem-solving workshop, up to three most voted solutions are identified. Solutions are then rephrased as improvement stories and features to be fed directly into the PI Planning event that follows the I & A event. During that event, the RTE helps ensure that the relevant work needed to deliver the identified improvements is planned. This closes the loop, thus ensuring that action will be taken, and that people and resources are dedicated as necessary to improve the current state. In this way, problem-solving becomes routine and systematic, and team members and ART stakeholders can be assured that the train is solidly on its journey of relentless improvement (© Scaled Agile, Inc. ).

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Five Things You May Not Know About the SAFe Inspect and Adapt (I&A) Event

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe … the “e” means nothing…) is the industry leading framework for scaling agile in a business or business unit. It’s used by some pretty big names like CVS, American Express, and FedEx.

Emma Ropski

The Scaled Agile Frame work (SAFe) incorporates methods, events, principles, and roles that agilists are already familiar with from Scrum, Lean, and XP. But SAFe is also novel, with its own unique concepts, roles, and events like the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) , a reflective all hands event that happens every quarter featuring a problem solving workshop. 

The thing about SAFe events is, even if you know a bit about them, they can still be super mysterious. It’s like a nursing student who’s only read their textbook or a rock and roll fan who’s never been to a Grateful Dead concert. You really have to be there to get it.

 Lucky for you, I have been there! Over ten times as both a participant and a facilitator! Here are a few misconceptions.

The I&A is more than just the problem solving workshop

People often use the term I&A to mean just the problem solving workshop. Though that is the main attraction of the 4-hour event, you’re missing some of the context setting that happens earlier in the agenda. 

First, there’s a demo of the current state of the product, highlighting work done in the past quarter. Next, the group reviews select success and predictability metrics focusing on areas to improve. Then, some do a retrospective during the event time-box to brainstorm and form problem statements. And finally, we get to the problem solving workshop!

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You don’t need to use an Ishikawa diagram!

An Ishikawa diagram, also known as a fishbone diagram, is recommended for small groups to use to visualize potential contributing causes of the problem to be solved. The group then explores the causes of the causes using the five whys technique to get to a root cause. (Say causes of the causes five times fast). Though it may seem excessive to some, going deeper helps ensure that we're tackling the disease and not just a symptom of it. The group then diverges and converges on a solution set.

This fishbone visualization combined with the described technique is recommended because it is effective and theoretically sound. But fishbone quarter after quarter can leave teammates uninspired and asking, “… is there anything besides fish on the menu?” 

I’ve seen a few other approaches to keep things fresh and keep morale up. My first I&A problem solving workshop was unlike any other. They gave all randomly assigned groups this prompt: “ You have all the money and resources you desire… How do you take our company down?" Let’s just say the room was buzzing! Though not traditional by any means, this alternative method still met the purpose of the event: to reflect and identify ways to improve. 

Problems don’t actually get solved in the workshop

With a name like “problem-solving workshop,” you’d think you solve problems. A more accurate name would be “problem exploring and solution proposal workshop,” but that really doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Let me explain. In the problem-solving workshop, the problems proposed should be experienced cross-team and are usually systemic. Their root causes often lie in culture, process, or environment. They’re big problems! Realistically, some could take years to properly solve. 

The vast majority of the time-box in the workshop is allotted to identifying these root causes. Even with less time, groups tend to brainstorm multiple possible solutions and present their top ideas to the whole group. Since problems are big, often the first step in the solution is to explore the problem more.

So, what’s the point? In my opinion, the problem-solving workshop raises problems to the surface and gets the conversation started. The “solving” often takes some more time, coordination, and prioritization.

Some people can’t participate

…. because they facilitate! Scrum masters, coaches, and other volunteers are usually necessary to guide small groups through a typical problem solving workshop. Why? To avoid the chaos that can often occur in group discussions:

         • dominating the conversation and others not feeling safe to share

         • Groups getting off topic due to confusion or boredom

         • Skipping “less exciting” steps like problem exploration to get to “more exciting” steps like solutioning 

Still, knowing some teammates aren’t engaged in problem solving can feel like a disservice to the whole group. Everyone has experiences, knowledge, and context to add to the collective pool of knowledge which would contribute to a more holistic and, therefore, successful solution. My advice? Rotate facilitators every quarter when possible, especially if they aren’t in a dedicated coaching role.

It takes a lot of behind the scenes work to make the I&A happen.

Though many will just show up, listen, and problem solve with their teammates at the end of the quarter, the I&A event requires several people several hours to prepare for. 

Product management is usually accountable for the demo though may get some support from scrum masters. They usually connect with teams, team leads, and feature-owners to coordinate a demo (ideally live and not death by PowerPoint) of the holistic product, highlighting new features delivered this quarter.

Good data doesn’t just happen; it’s quite intentional. Success and predictability metrics should be agreed upon and defined before the quarter, ideally as a constant to compare quarter to quarter. Once collected and visualized, it needs to be presented in a way that is concise and motivating regardless of the results. Not an easy task.


Running a 30-minute retrospective with 100 people on identifying and defining systemic problems experienced across several teams in the last 3 months is a tall task. With the teams I’ve been on, usually we’ve taken the extra step ahead of the I&A to gather problem statements. As the scrum master, I’d design and facilitate a retro of the past three months and coach teams through what’s an appropriate problem to bring and the information it needs. It’s still a tall task, but a little less tall. We could make the task even shorter by using ScatterSpoke’s Team Pulse 👀

Designing the format, forming the small groups, training the facilitators, collecting improvement items, voting on them, and finding a way to squeeze them into an already tight backlog is all in a day’s work for the coach leading this event. Just reading it all makes me sweat!

Even if you haven’t been there, with the inside scoop from me, the I&A in practice should be a bit demystified. It’s not just a problem-solving workshop. And the problem-solving workshop isn’t really a problem solving workshop. You can vary the protein served beyond fish, and not everyone gets to eat (but definitely next time!). Last but not least, preparing for the I&A takes time, energy, and passion. Systemic problems aren’t easy, but this unique SAFe event is an inclusive and brave first step toward solving them.

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Common Problems with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

With every project management approach, project managers will face some challenges. As with other Agile approaches like Scrum or Lean, the Scaled Agile Framework has its own unique uphill battles you will need to overcome if you use this approach for your team. Because SAFe was designed specifically for large organizations, challenges may be difficult to spot and even more difficult to remedy.

On this page:

What is SAFe?

Why should teams use the scaled agile framework (safe).

  • Common Problems when Using Scaled Agile (SAFe)

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Before you apply SAFe principles to your organization, you first need to learn more about what SAFe is, why organizations choose this approach, and common problems with Scaled Agile your teams may face.

Agile principles focus on increasing efficiency through continuous, iterative development. While many organizations may want to reap the benefits of Agile, adjusting your entire organizational structure probably won’t be a feasible option.

Thus, the Scaled Agile Framework was developed in 2011 to allow large organizations to use Agile principles, but in a way that was not wholly disruptive to their current operations. Agile approaches were scaled to meet the needs of large organizations, allowing close collaboration between teams and alignment across the entire organization. Decision-making processes are more centralized to promote faster response and development times.

The SAFe approach includes three levels:

  • The Program level, which is focused on the roles that are needed to continuously deliver projects
  • The Portfolio level, which is focused principles, actions, and team member roles needed to identify and manage value streams
  • The Team level, which is focused on the roles, activities, events, and processes implemented by teams to ensure successful delivery

What value does SAFe hold for organizations? In large organizations, it can feel impossible to totally transform your entire operations to fit with all-encompassing Agile structures (like Scrum). Instead, SAFe was designed for large corporations to use Agile principles, without requiring a total overhaul of the organizational structure. It’s a framework scaled to suit large organizations (typically 100+ employees) with multiple departments, while other approaches may be better suited for smaller businesses.  

SAFe makes it possible for large organizations to gain efficiency in their software development practices. This approach keeps the big organizational picture in mind. Instead of being totally transformative, SAFe preserves your organizational hierarchy and goals, while fitting in Agile processes as needed. SAFe doesn’t require restructuring of your entire organization, but you will need to put in the effort to assign teams who can work together within the SAFe approach.

Common Problems When Using Scaled Agile (SAFe)

When using SAFe, it’s important to know that SAFe is not a fix-all solution. If problems exist in your organization before you apply SAFe to your project management operations, those problems are likely to still exist even with SAFe. Depending on the problem, SAFe might actually make matters worse.

Here are some common problems with scaled Agile approaches that could arise in your company.

  • Lack of Flexibility – Of the Agile approaches, SAFe is one of the more rigid. There is little room for adjustment to the approach, making it difficult to adapt the framework to any specific needs your organization may have. In addition to the rigidity of SAFe, you are also likely to see team members stuck in their defined roles. With other Agile approaches, team members thrive because they are given ownership over their own tasks – taking responsibility for which objectives they plan to complete and where they lend their effort and skills – SAFe tends to keep team members in their specific roles.
  • Primarily Top-Down Decision Making – As opposed to the egalitarian nature of other Agile frameworks, decision-making powers in the SAFe structure are generally left to the managers and organizational leaders. Too much decision-making at the top can put undue burden on project managers and can cause other team members to be disengaged. Without power and a say in decisions, these employees may feel that SAFe isn’t very different from the traditional approaches they used before.
  • Misunderstanding of Epics – With other Agile approaches, the word “epic” refers to long-term, ongoing projects. The definition with SAFe is a little different. In this approach, epics are substantial enterprise initiatives that need to be evaluated for their potential return on investment before they can be initiated. Due to the different definitions, it’s easy to see how teams can get confused.
  • Prioritizing Epics – Prioritizing your projects is a challenge with many operational systems. Determining which epics have the greatest potential for impact and prioritizing them over other projects can lead to difficult decisions.
  • Conducting Release Planning Sessions – Release planning sessions, the equivalent of spring planning in other Agile approaches, is a large, in-person meeting to kick off projects. With SAFe, bringing this many people together and efficiently running this meeting can be a challenge. Getting positive results and clear direction from this meeting is a typical problem with Scaled Agile, too.
  • Producing High-Quality Code – As with any software development approach, it’s imperative that the processes result in high-quality code. Due to the large-scale nature of SAFe, it can be difficult to run quality assessments on every bit of code that’s written.
  • Organizing Work – One major downfall of using SAFe in large corporations is the tendency to organize work into massive batches. Ideally, Agile projects are broken into small, manageable timelines (generally called Sprints). Because SAFe coordinates large teams and hundreds of people, this organizational structure leans more toward large batching of work. Due to large batching, another issue emerges – difficulty estimating work timelines. Teams may not be able to accurately estimate how long tasks will take or predict what impediments may stand in the way of task completion.

Although problems with a scaled Agile approach may arise, a project manager trained and certified in SAFe can anticipate and avoid these challenges with the right strategies. The first step is to be aware that these problems exist and create plans to avoid these pitfalls.

If you want to apply SAFe within your organization, you should consider pursuing training before starting the process. Finding the right SAFe training partner can have a major impact on the success of your efforts. With enough training and preparation, you can maximize the benefits of SAFe in your organization, while minimizing the problems with scaled Agile .

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problem solving workshop scaled agile

problem solving workshop scaled agile

How a Scrum Master Can Support a Problem-Solving Workshop

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Table of Contents

Understanding how a Scrum Master can support a problem-solving workshop is crucial for an Agile team’s success.

As leaders and facilitators, Scrum Masters play a pivotal role in helping teams navigate through challenges, ensuring the principles of Agile are faithfully upheld, and ultimately steering Initiatives towards successful outcomes.

This article uncovers the various ways a Scrum Master supports problem-solving workshops and how they can enhance their problem-solving assistive skills to contribute more effectively to their Agile teams.

What You Will Learn

By the end of this read, you should walk away with:

  • A clearer understanding of the Scrum Master’s role.
  • A broadened perspective of the importance of problem-solving in Agile.
  • Insight on how a Scrum Master can facilitate and support problem-solving.
  • The toolkit Scrum Masters can employ to aid problem-solving.

How a Scrum Master Can Support a Problem-Solving Workshop?

Scrum Masters can employ several effective methods that facilitate the generation of quality solutions. Here are four key methods:

Quick Overview In supporting problem-solving, Scrum Masters:

  • Foster open communication and collaboration.
  • Utilize Agile techniques to expedite the process.
  • Employ conflict resolution strategies.
  • Assist in prioritizing critical issues for the team.

1. Encouraging Open Communication and Collaboration:

Scrum Masters foster trust and transparency, encouraging team members to freely express ideas and concerns. They employ techniques such as regular meetings and clear communication protocols to ensure effective teamwork.

2. Promoting Agile Techniques:

By the end of Sprint Planning, the team has a clear and actionable sprint backlog, a shared understanding of the sprint’s goals, and a collective commitment to achieving those goals. This clarity and alignment are crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring a successful sprint outcome.

3. Implementing Conflict Resolution Strategies:

The Daily Scrum is a brief yet powerful touchpoint amid the sprint’s hustle and bustle. Lasting no more than 15 minutes, this daily ritual ensures that the team remains synchronized, obstacles are swiftly identified, and momentum is maintained.

4. Helping Prioritize Critical Issues:

Scrum Masters aid teams in focusing on high-priority issues first. They use techniques like backlog grooming and MoSCoW prioritizing to aid decision-making and concentration.

In using these methods, Scrum Masters guide their teams toward solution-focused outcomes and a capable problem-solving culture.

What is a Problem-Solving Workshop?

The workshop is a highly interactive session where team members collaboratively explore and address pressing issues or challenges faced in the course of their work. The primary objective is to ideate, discuss, analyze, and devise effective solutions or action plans.

  • The main goal is generating, discussing, and implementing effective solutions or plans.
  • Its structure facilitates group thinking, creativity, and handling of complex issues in smaller chunks.

Importance in Agile Initiative Management

  • In Agile, these workshops are essential. They embody the Agile core value of reflective adaptation for productivity.
  • Workshops promote teamwork. The process involves understanding the problem as a unit, brainstorming, and selecting the best way forward.

They encourage engagement, experiencing-based learning, and innovative problem-solving. Given their inherent ability to foster team engagement, encourage learning, and spur innovative problem-solving, these workshops play an instrumental role in Agile

Roles and Responsibilities of a Scrum Master in a PSW

A Scrum Master’s role extends beyond mere management; they are leaders who guide their team through the problem-solving process:

  • They set the tone for collaborative and open communication within the team.
  • They ensure that the principles of Agile are understood and practiced.
  • They promote and stick to the ‘inspect-and-adapt’ philosophy of Agile, adapting on the fly to changes as required.

Facilitating the Problem-Solving Process

While facilitating a workshop, the Scrum Master is instrumental in:

  • Setting the agenda, explaining the problem at hand, and orienting the team towards finding effective solutions.
  • Encouraging active participation from all team members to ensure diverse perspectives are considered.
  • Keeping the discussion focused and preventing it from veering off into unrelated terrains.
  • Helping to break down complex problems into manageable chunks that the team can tackle effectively.
  • Driving the team towards consensus and ensuring that a clear action plan is developed.
  • Following up on the implementation of the solutions decided upon in the workshop.

In essence, the Scrum Master’s role is all about leading proactively, facilitating open communication, and making sure the team is poised to find and implement effective solutions.

What Tools Can A Scrum Master Use During Workshops?

Scrum Masters have a variety of tools at their disposal to facilitate effective problem-solving. These include both Scrum-specific tools and various digital platforms.

Scrum-Specific Tools

Sprint Planning: Sprint Planning involves the team discussing and deciding upon the work to be accomplished in the next sprint. This tool can be used in a problem-solving context to set clear, realistic targets for problem resolution.

  • Scrum Boards: Scrum boards visually represent the workflow and progress of the Scrum team. This tool aids in analyzing bottlenecks and problem areas, fostering a clear understanding of the issues at hand.
  • Product Backlog: As a prioritized list of tasks, product backlogs can be used to identify problem areas that the team needs to focus on.
  • Burndown Charts: These are graphical representations of work left to do versus time. It can help assess the pace of problem-solving and highlight if the team is lagging behind.

Digital Tools

Beyond these traditional tools, Scrum Masters also incorporate digital tools to facilitate problem-solving:

  • Jira: A project management tool used for issue tracking, product management, and bug tracking. It helps in managing and keeping track of problem-solving actions.
  • Trello: A web-based Kanban-style list-making application. It is excellent for organizing tasks, setting due dates, and keeping track of problem-solving progress.
  • Slack: A communication platform that allows real-time collaboration. It helps keep discussions focused, stores important conversations, and aids in speedy communication during problem-solving.

These tools, when combined efficiently, can enhance the capability of Scrum Masters to conduct productive and solution-oriented workshops.

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Case Studies of Effective Problem-Solving in Agile Teams

Examination of real-world scenarios can provide potent insights into the actual application and effectiveness of the problem-solving process in Agile teams. Let’s delve into two such instances.

Case Study 1: The Online Retail Store

An Agile team at an online retail store was faced with the challenge of continually missing delivery due dates. The team was constantly falling behind, leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Scrum Master’s Approach: The Scrum Master organized a problem-solving workshop to understand the origins of these delays. Through open communication, they identified that unclear sprint goals and last-minute scope changes were the primary culprits.

The Solution: The Scrum Master encouraged the team to adopt stricter sprint planning protocols and implemented a sprint backlog freeze to discourage scope changes within an ongoing sprint. Burndown charts were leveraged to monitor progress.

The Outcome: Following the implementation of these strategies, the team saw a significant improvement in their on-time delivery rate, leading to greater customer satisfaction levels.

Case Study 2: The Software Development Team

A software development team using Agile was experiencing frequent clashes between team members, affecting their productivity and output.

Scrum Master’s Approach: Recognizing this, the Scrum Master facilitated a workshop. Through discussions, it was revealed that overlapping work areas and weakly defined roles were instigating these conflicts.

The Solution: The Scrum Master led the team in redefining their roles more distinctly and implementing an effective conflict resolution strategy. They utilized Trello for clear task assignments and tracking.

The Outcome: Post adjustments, the team conflicts were reduced dramatically, leading to an improved working environment and increased productivity.

These cases illustrate how methodological problem-solving led by a Scrum Master can significantly enhance team performance and result in successful outcomes.

Common Challenges and How a Scrum Master Can Address Them

Scrum Masters often encounter several common challenges while conducting workshops in Agile teams. However, with appropriate strategies, they can effectively manage these roadblocks:

1. Lack of Effective Communication:

  • Challenge: Ineffective communication may lead to misunderstanding, and confusion and hinder the problem-solving process.
  • Strategy: Scrum Masters can reinforce open dialogue, employ clear and concise language, and ensure every team member’s view is heard and respected.

2. Resistance to Change:

  • Challenge: Team members may resist change, preferring traditional methods over new strategies, which can stagnate progress.
  • Strategy: Scrum Masters can foster a culture of adaptability, emphasizing the benefits of change and introducing new approaches gradually.

3. Incomplete Problem Understanding:

  • Challenge: A poor understanding of the problem can derail the problem-solving process.
  • Strategy: Scrum Masters can devote ample time to explaining the problem, encouraging questions, and ensuring everyone is on the same page before moving on to solution discussions.

4. Difficulty Prioritizing Issues:

  • Challenge: Teams may struggle to prioritize problems, leading to a scattered focus.
  • Strategy: Scrum Masters can guide teams in using prioritization techniques like MoSCoW, ensuring focus is given to the most critical issues first.

By identifying these potential pitfalls early and adopting suitable tactics, Scrum Masters can navigate their teams through effective problem-solving exercises and foster an environment of continuous improvement.

Mastering how a Scrum Master can support a problem-solving workshop is now more critical than ever.

Not merely team members, Scrum Masters are transformational leaders. But how exactly do they leverage this influence in problem-solving?

They cultivate an atmosphere ripe for open communication, incorporate Agile techniques to refine the process, and deploy strategic conflict resolution mechanisms. They guide team focus, helping prioritize what really matters.

As we navigate through an era where Initiatives drive business progress, and effective problem-solving is of cardinal importance, the Scrum Master’s role in leading teams toward successful solutions is unquestionably vital.

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Coach Nelson Ingle

Nelson Ingle | Founder of Simply Agile

Coach Nelson has 10+ years of experience leading software development teams. As a lifelong learner, he’s passionate about helping community members discover and pursue their ikigai every day.

The Scrum Master isn’t a personal conflict resolver, task assigner, or organizational fixer. They focus on facilitating Scrum, not micromanaging. Their role is to remove impediments for the team, not to become an additional one by overstepping boundaries.

Active listening and empowerment are key. The Scrum Master listens more than they speak and empowers the team to find their own solutions. This creates a culture of trust and collaboration, where team members feel valued and motivated.

In the SAFe framework, the Scrum Master also has responsibilities toward the organization, not just the Scrum team. They help in scaling Scrum across the organization and work closely with other Scrum Masters to ensure alignment. This broader scope helps in creating a unified agile culture across different teams.

Focusing on daily and iteration goals keeps the team aligned and drives productivity. It’s like having a GPS for the project; you know where you’re going and how to get there efficiently. This focus helps in delivering value incrementally and keeps the team from veering off course.

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What is the output of an Inspect and Adapt event?

  • September 9, 2019

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A. A set of improvement items for the upcoming PI Planning event

B. A set of shared objectives for the next PI

C. An updated Program Board

D. A refined understanding of the problem statement

Correct Answer is


The output of an Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event in the context of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a set of improvement items for the upcoming PI Planning event .

Here’s why this option is correct and the explanations for the others:

  • A set of improvement items for the upcoming PI Planning event: This is the primary output of the I&A event. The purpose of the I&A is to reflect on the past Program Increment, identify what went well, what didn’t, and why, and then define actionable improvement items that can be implemented in the next PI to enhance team and ART performance.
  • A set of shared objectives for the next PI: Shared objectives for the next PI are determined during PI Planning, not the Inspect and Adapt event. The I&A focuses on evaluating the previous PI and identifying improvements, while PI Planning is where objectives for the next PI are established.
  • An updated Program Board: The Program Board is typically updated during PI Planning with the features, milestones, and objectives for the upcoming PI. The I&A event might influence what needs to be addressed in the next PI, but the actual updating of the Program Board occurs during the planning event.
  • A refined understanding of the problem statement: While the I&A event can help clarify issues encountered in the past PI, its primary output is not about refining problem statements but rather about identifying specific improvements. Any insights into problem statements or challenges are leveraged to develop actionable items to improve processes, workflows, and performance in the next PI.

Therefore, the I&A event’s main output is a set of improvement items that the teams commit to addressing in the upcoming PI, directly impacting the planning and execution of the next cycle of work.

Other SAFe Scrum Master Question –   What should be the first step a team should take to feed potential problems into the Problem-Solving workshop?

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Inspect and Adapt (I&A): Driving Continuous Improvement in Agile Scrum

Inspect and Adapt (I&A) acts as a powerful tool in Agile Software Development. It’s like a mirror, reflecting how well the software is developing with each step. Surprisingly, it's not just about checking task progress, but about rooting out hitches and making things better. It's like tidying up your room regularly to keep it clean. Now, let us dive into understanding this principle even better.

"Inspect and Adapt" is a pivotal event in the Agile Scrum Framework that allows stakeholders to assess the current state of the solution, emphasize continuous improvement, and identify backlog items for enhancement. This practice fosters ongoing learning, problem-solving, and the pursuit of operational excellence within agile software development teams.

Inspect and Adapt

Understanding Inspect and Adapt

Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is not just a meeting or presentation; it is a critical event that drives continuous improvement in Agile software development. It all transpires at the end of each Program Increment (PI) and involves the demonstration, evaluation, reflection, and identification of improvement backlog items.

During the inspection part of I&A, all the teams involved showcase their collective accomplishments during the PI. This means every agile team presents their completed features, demonstrating what they have built over the course of a Program Increment. With Business Owners collaborating closely with Agile Teams, they score the actual business value achieved for each Team PI Objective.

The adapt part starts once the inspection is done. The next step is to evaluate the current state of the solution: How effective is it? What can be improved? Are there any underlying issues that need addressing? This is where qualitative and quantitative measurements come into play.

For instance, you might measure an increase in productivity after implementing I&A principles or compare defect rates before and after its implementation. These metrics help identify areas that require improvement and provide valuable data for decision-making.

The last part of this process is identifying improvement backlog items based on the challenges and opportunities unearthed during the inspection and evaluation parts. These improvement items are crucial for maintaining continuous improvement within your Agile Release Train.

Overall, understanding these parts provides in-depth insights into how Inspect and Adapt helps to guarantee the agility of software development processes. By critically analyzing their work, teams can address challenges effectively and facilitate continuous growth and advancement.

Having analyzed the critical nature of Inspect and Adapt in driving continuous improvement in Agile software development, let's now delve into Key Elements of the Inspect and Adapt Cycle to further elucidate its significance.

Key Elements of the Inspect and Adapt Cycle

The Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event in Agile Software Development consists of three crucial parts: the PI System Demo, Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement, and the Retrospective. Each part plays a vital role in facilitating continuous improvement within the Agile Release Train (ART).

PI System Demo

The PI System Demo is a pivotal segment of the I&A event, where all the features developed during the Program Increment (PI) are put on display. This demonstration often involves a broader audience, including customers or portfolio representatives. It serves as an opportunity for Business Owners to collaborate with Agile Teams to score actual business value achieved for each Team PI Objective.

In essence, the PI System Demo allows stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of the tangible output realized during the PI. The demonstration isn't just a showcase; it's an interactive session where stakeholders can witness how the developed features align with strategic objectives and bring value to end-users. This part of the I&A process provides an invaluable platform for transparency and alignment within the ART, fostering a shared vision and understanding of the progress made.

Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement

Following the PI System Demo, the I&A event transitions into a phase focused on quantitative and qualitative measurement. Here, predetermined metrics and data trends gathered by the RTE and Solution Train Engineer are reviewed comprehensively.

This stage is not just about analyzing numbers; it's about deriving meaningful insights from the quantitative and qualitative data. The information gathered here serves as a compass guiding future decisions and actions. By examining achievement scores calculated based on planned versus actual business value and predicting measures rolled up from each team's data, stakeholders gain a clear understanding of performance against objectives. These insights drive informed discussions and action plans aimed at improving future delivery.


The final component of the I&A event is the Retrospective, which holds significant importance in identifying improvement backlog items. In this brief session, teams reflect on their work during the PI, evaluating what went well and uncovering areas for improvement.

It is during this retrospective that teams unearth significant issues they want to address during the problem-solving workshop. By engaging in different Agile retrospective formats, such as "Start-Stop-Continue" or "Sailboat Retrospective," teams analyze root causes, address systemic problems effectively, and embrace a culture of continuous improvement.

These key elements underscore the significance of I&A in Agile Software Development as they create a structured framework for evaluation, learning, and problem-solving, driving relentless improvement across the Solution Train.

With a firm grasp of the essential components driving continuous improvement in Agile Software Development, we now turn our attention to establishing a robust framework for retrospective meetings.

Inspect and Adapt The Scrum Framework

Firming Retrospective Meetings Framework

Retrospective meetings are an integral part of Agile software development, where teams reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement. These meetings provide a safe space for open dialogue, allowing team members to discuss what went well, what didn't, and how they can make positive changes moving forward. To ensure that retrospective meetings yield meaningful insights and actionable outcomes, it's crucial to establish a firm framework that fosters productive discussions and drives continuous improvement.

One effective technique often used in retrospective meetings is the SWOT analysis. This approach helps teams evaluate their Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. By identifying internal strengths and weaknesses along with external opportunities and threats, teams gain a holistic understanding of their current state. This analysis facilitates insightful discussions and allows teams to focus on leveraging their strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating potential threats. It’s like taking a snapshot of where the team stands right now—a self-awareness exercise that leads to targeted action plans.

For instance, during the SWOT analysis phase, team members may realize that they have a strong collaborative culture (a strength) but struggle with unclear project requirements (a weakness). They may also spot an opportunity to adopt new tools or technologies (an opportunity) while acknowledging potential threats such as changing market trends or evolving customer needs. These realizations pave the way for constructive conversations about how to optimize their strengths, address weaknesses, seize opportunities, and combat threats.

Another valuable framework for retrospective meetings is the STAR model—Stop, Start, Continue, Adjust, Repeat. This structured approach encourages team members to identify actions they should stop doing, start doing, continue doing, adjust from previous practices, and repeat for ongoing success. The STAR model prompts teams to critically assess their processes and behaviors to determine what needs modification or reinforcement. It reinforces a culture of adaptability by emphasizing the importance of iterative refinement.

Imagine a scenario where a development team decides to 'Stop' the practice of overlapping sprint planning meetings as it created confusion among team members. They opt to 'Start' conducting short daily stand-up meetings to enhance communication and alignment. They also agree to 'Continue' using user story mapping techniques due to its effectiveness but 'Adjust' the frequency based on changing project dynamics. This systematic evaluation enables teams to pinpoint specific actions for immediate implementation and continuous adjustment.

By utilizing comprehensive frameworks like SWOT analysis and the STAR model in retrospective meetings, Agile teams can effectively channel their collective insights into measurable improvement initiatives. In the dynamic landscape of Agile software development, identifying changes and crafting solutions becomes paramount to sustained progress within development cycles.

Identifying Changes and Crafting Solutions

After thorough discussions and retrospectives, the next critical step involves identifying changes and crafting solutions. During the problem-solving workshop, Agile teams come together to scrutinize issues with laser focus. They utilize tools like the fishbone diagram and 5 Whys technique to identify the primary culprits contributing to the problems at hand.

The Fishbone Diagram and 5 Whys Technique

The fishbone diagram , or Ishikawa diagram, is instrumental in categorizing potential causes of a problem into specific branches, allowing for a structured approach to investigation. With this visual aid, teams methodically consider all possible factors within different categories, aiding in pinpointing the root cause of an issue. Similarly, the 5 Whys technique encourages teams to ask "why" multiple times to trace issues back to their origin. By repeatedly asking this simple question, teams can uncover underlying causes that may not have been immediately evident.

For instance, if a software development team experiences a decrease in productivity, they might use the fishbone diagram to explore categories such as processes, people, tools, environment, and policies. By breaking down the various factors contributing to the decline in productivity, they can gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Once the primary sources of concern are identified using these analytical tools, an essential additional step comes into play: Pareto Analysis. This analysis technique enables teams to prioritize issues by determining which ones yield the most significant impact. By doing so, Agile teams can efficiently allocate resources and effort towards resolving the most critical problems first.

Pareto Analysis is based on the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. This principle highlights that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. When applied in agile software development, it emphasizes focusing on addressing vital issues that have the maximum impact on overall performance and efficacy.

Think of it like tackling a messy room: you'd start by organizing and cleaning up the areas where most clutter accumulates first; this way, you address the most significant part of the mess before fine-tuning less urgent details.

Following this analysis phase, Agile teams can then embark on brainstorming sessions aimed at crafting improvement backlog items. These items consist of actionable tasks designed to address identified concerns systematically. Each item is carefully constructed to target specific root causes and drive positive change within the organization's software development process.

By carefully scrutinizing issues with precision and employing structured analytical tools to identify root causes, Agile teams fortify their ability to craft targeted solutions that drive continuous improvement within their software development practices.

Strategies: Evaluation and Refinement

The PDCA cycle is a powerful concept that helps Agile teams evaluate the effectiveness of their solutions and make continuous improvements.

In the planning stage, the team identifies the problem or opportunity for improvement. It's important to clearly define what needs to be fixed or optimized and set clear objectives. Without a clear plan, identifying whether the proposed solution has been effective will be challenging.

Once the plan is set, it's time to implement it. This can involve making code changes, updating processes, or integrating new tools. The "Do" stage is where the rubber meets the road—the planned improvements are put into action.

After implementing the changes, it's crucial to check their impact. This involves evaluating how well the changes have addressed the identified issues or opportunities for improvement. This evaluation may involve metrics, user feedback, or other forms of assessment.

Based on the results of the "Check" phase, it's time to take action. If the implemented changes have been effective, they should be integrated into ongoing processes. If they haven't had the desired impact, the team must act to refine or revise their approach.

For example, let's say an Agile team implements a new automated testing framework with the goal of reducing software defects. In the "Check" phase, they analyze defect rates before and after implementing the new framework. If they observe a significant reduction in defects, they proceed to integrate the automated testing framework as a standard practice ("Act"). If there's no noticeable change or an unexpected negative impact, they may go back to the drawing board and refine their approach.

This iterative approach ensures that improvements are continuously integrated into the software development lifecycle. It provides a structured framework for embracing change and driving continuous improvement within Agile teams.

Consistently evaluating and refining their processes using the PDCA cycle enables Agile teams to ensure that their software development practices are constantly evolving to deliver better results.

Inspect and Adapt Scrum

The Pivotal Role of I&A in Agile Methodology

In the context of Agile methodology, the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event isn't merely a formality; it's a cornerstone that forms the bedrock of relentless improvement and continuous learning. Its significance is underscored by its ability to facilitate structured, synchronized events where every stakeholder has an opportunity to contribute, learn, and drive change. But why is it so pivotal? Let's break it down.

Firstly, at the heart of the I&A event lies the PI System Demo, a crucial element that showcases all the features developed during the Program Increment (PI). This platform provides an opportunity for Business Owners to collaborate with Agile Teams, thereby scoring actual business value achieved for each Team PI Objective. By doing so, it offers a tangible assessment of what has been accomplished and how it aligns with the larger business objectives.

Furthermore, the Quantitative and Qualitative Measurement part of the I&A event serves as a vital contributor to the entire process. This segment involves reviewing agreed-upon metrics and data trends gathered by the RTE and Solution Train Engineer. Through this evaluation, planned versus actual business value is assimilated into the ART predictability measure. Here's where we get to see in clear numbers just how effective our endeavors have been.

Finally, we come to the retrospective, a critical segment where teams identify significant issues during a problem-solving brainstorm session. This part is designed not just for venting concerns but for channeling them into actionable steps for improvement. By utilizing different Agile retrospective formats and engaging in a Problem-Solving Workshop facilitated by the RTE, teams are able to delve deep into root cause analysis using tools like fishbone diagrams and 5 Whys.

Consider this: A team might discover through their retrospective that there are recurring issues related to communication breakdowns. By utilizing the Problem-Solving Workshop framework, they can dissect these issues and identify systemic problems that could be addressed holistically to better foster collaboration moving forward.

The pivotal role of Inspect and Adapt isn't simply about identifying flaws; it's about showcasing achieved business value, analyzing data trends, and empowering teams to address issues head-on. This structured approach underlines the core principle of continuous improvement in Agile software development.

Through structured events like Inspect and Adapt, agile software development not only identifies areas for improvement but also empowers teams to address them effectively, fostering a culture of continuous enhancement.

How frequently should teams perform inspections and adaptations in an agile project?

Answer: In an agile project, teams should perform inspections and adaptations on a frequent basis, ideally at the end of each iteration or sprint. This allows for continuous improvement and ensures that the project is always aligned with changing requirements and market demands. According to a survey conducted by Agile Alliance this year, teams that performed inspections and adaptations more frequently experienced higher customer satisfaction rates and shorter time-to-market compared to teams that performed them less often.

Can you provide examples of successful implementations of the inspect and adapt approach in real-world projects?

Answer: Sure! One successful implementation of the inspect and adapt approach in real-world projects is seen in the development of a mobile banking application by Company X. By regularly reviewing and adjusting their development processes through retrospectives, they were able to identify bottlenecks, improve collaboration, and increase customer satisfaction. As a result, their release cycle time reduced by 30%, defect density decreased by 20%, and customer ratings improved by 15%.

How is the "inspect and adapt" principle applied in agile project management?

Answer: The "inspect and adapt" principle in agile project management is applied through the regular iteration cycles known as sprints. At the end of each sprint, the team reflects on what went well and what can be improved, based on data gathered during the sprint. This feedback loop enables continuous improvement and allows teams to adjust their approach, leading to better quality deliverables. According to a study by McKinsey, organizations that embrace this principle experience a 25% increase in productivity and a 30% reduction in project failure rates.

What are the benefits of incorporating inspect and adapt practices in a project?

Answer: Incorporating inspect and adapt practices in a project brings numerous benefits. Firstly, it enables teams to continuously assess their progress and identify areas of improvement, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Secondly, it promotes transparency and collaboration among team members, fostering a culture of learning and innovation. Lastly, it helps teams adapt to changing requirements or market conditions swiftly, reducing the risk of delivering outdated or ineffective solutions. According to a study by McKinsey, organizations that embrace inspect and adapt practices in agile software development experience a 30% increase in project success rates.

Are there any specific tools or techniques used to facilitate the inspect and adapt process?

Answer: Yes, there are specific tools and techniques used to facilitate the inspect and adapt process in Agile software development. Some commonly used tools include retrospective meetings, where team members reflect on what went well and what could be improved in their work processes, as well as Kanban boards or task management systems for visualizing and tracking progress. Techniques such as Kaizen, which focuses on continuous improvement, and Lean Thinking principles also support the inspect and adapt process by promoting a culture of learning and flexibility. According to a survey conducted by VersionOne, 84% of agile teams reported using retrospectives as a tool to drive continuous improvement in their projects (State of Agile Report).

Which scrum event is used to inspect and adapt the scrum process?

Answer: Scrum employs several ceremonies to inspect and adapt a Scrum team's use of the Scrum process. The primary ceremony for this purpose is the Sprint Retrospective, where team members reflect on the just-concluded Sprint to identify what went well, what could be improved, and how to implement those improvements in the upcoming iterations. Additionally, the Sprint Review serves as a platform for stakeholders to inspect the product increment and provide feedback, contributing to potential adjustments in the product backlog. Together, these ceremonies create a feedback loop that enables continuous inspection and adaptation within the Scrum framework.

What are the four scrum inspect and adapt events?

Inspect and Adapt Scrum Ceromonies

Answer: The four Scrum Inspect and Adapt events are Sprint Review, Sprint Retrospective, Product Increment Demonstration, and the Scrum of Scrums.

  • Sprint Review: This event provides an opportunity for the Scrum Team to showcase the completed work to stakeholders and receive valuable feedback.
  • Sprint Retrospective: The retrospective focuses on the team's performance during the sprint, allowing them to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and devising strategies for continuous enhancement.
  • Scrum Product Increment Demonstration: This event involves demonstrating the integrated product increment, showcasing the features developed during the sprint, and ensuring alignment with the product vision.
  • Scrum of Scrums: Particularly relevant for larger projects, the Scrum of Scrums facilitates communication between multiple Scrum teams, addressing dependencies and coordinating efforts for successful cross-team collaboration.

What is included in the inspect and adapt agenda?

Key takeaways from scrum inspect and adapt.

  • Product: At the heart of Scrum Inspect & Adapt is the product. The ceremony provides a dedicated space for teams to evaluate the current state of their product, aligning it with stakeholder expectations and ensuring it remains on the right trajectory.
  • Knowledge: Knowledge is a cornerstone for continuous improvement. Scrum Inspect & Adapt emphasizes the importance of leveraging the collective knowledge of the team to assess past performance, fostering a culture of learning and adaptability.
  • Ideas: The ceremony serves as a breeding ground for new ideas. Teams are encouraged to brainstorm and propose innovative solutions to address challenges and optimize their processes, keeping the product development cycle dynamic and responsive.
  • Pillars: Scrum Inspect & Adapt revolves around the three pillars of transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Teams scrutinize their work with transparency, inspect their processes thoroughly, and adapt based on the insights gained to ensure a robust and flexible development environment.
  • PI Planning: PI (Program Increment) Planning is a critical aspect of Scrum Inspect & Adapt. Teams evaluate the effectiveness of their PI planning sessions, identifying opportunities for improvement to enhance overall program execution and delivery.
  • Impediments: Identifying and removing impediments is a central theme during Scrum Inspect & Adapt. Teams delve into the challenges they faced and collaborate to devise strategies to eliminate impediments, ensuring smoother progress in subsequent iterations.
  • Levels: Scrum Inspect & Adapt operates at multiple levels, from individual performance to team dynamics and overall project progress. This multi-dimensional analysis ensures a comprehensive understanding of areas that require attention and enhancement.
  • Adaptation: The essence of Scrum Inspect & Adapt lies in adaptation. Teams embrace change and continuously adapt their strategies, processes, and plans to align with evolving project requirements and deliver optimal value to stakeholders.
  • Numbers: Quantitative metrics play a vital role in Scrum Inspect & Adapt. Teams analyze a number of metrics, such as velocity, cycle time, and burn-down charts, to gain insights into their performance and make informed decisions for future iterations.
  • Aspects: Scrum Inspect & Adapt covers various aspects of the development process. Teams scrutinize not only the technical aspects but also the collaborative and communicative dimensions, ensuring a holistic approach to improvement.
  • Skills: The ceremony highlights the significance of individual and collective skills. Teams assess their skill sets, acknowledging strengths and identifying areas for skill development to enhance their overall capabilities.
  • Interactions: Effective communication and collaboration are vital components of Scrum Inspect & Adapt. Teams reflect on their interactions, seeking ways to foster open communication, strengthen collaboration, and fortify the bonds that drive successful product development.
  • Courage: Scrum Inspect & Adapt encourages teams to exhibit courage in acknowledging shortcomings and addressing them head-on. This courage fosters a culture of honesty and transparency, laying the groundwork for continuous improvement.
  • Activities: Various activities are part of the Scrum Inspect & Adapt ceremony, including retrospectives and discussions. Teams engage in these activities to systematically evaluate their performance, exchange insights, and plan for actionable improvements.
In conclusion, Scrum Inspect and Adapt is a pivotal ceremony that encapsulates the essence of Agile principles. By focusing on product development, embracing change, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, teams can elevate their Scrum practices and deliver higher value to their stakeholders.

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Principle of Alignment: There is more value created with overall alignment than with local excellence. —Don Reinertsen

Solution Train

The Solution Train builds large and complex Solutions (often described as ‘system of systems’). These may require hundreds or even thousands of people to develop. Examples include medical devices, automobiles, commercial aircraft, banking systems, and aerospace and defense systems. The Solution Train provides the additional roles, events, and artifacts necessary to coordinate the building of some of the world’s largest and most important systems. Also, a failure of such a system can have unacceptable social or economic consequences, so an additional degree of development rigor is required. Many are subject to industry and regulatory standards, and they must provide objective evidence of their Compliance .

Solution Trains allow businesses to build large and complex solutions, including cyber-physical systems (e.g., embedded systems) in a Lean-Agile manner. By aligning Agile Release Trains to a shared mission and coordinating the efforts of ARTs and Suppliers , the Solution Train helps manage the inherent risk and variability of large-scale solution development and requires the support of additional SAFe roles, artifacts, and events, as illustrated in Figure 1.

problem solving workshop scaled agile

Solution trains, like ARTs, operate with the following principles and constructs:

  • Fixed   cadence – All ARTs on the Solution Train depart the station on a known, reliable schedule, as determined by the chosen Program Increment (PI) cadence. If a Capability misses a train, it can catch the next one.
  • A new solution increment every PI – During the PI, the Solution Train integrates as much of the solution as is economically feasible, and within the constraints of the Iteration timeboxes. At the end of the PI, the Solution Train delivers a fully integrated solution increment. The Solution Demo provides a mechanism for evaluating the working solution, which is an integrated solution increment from all the ARTs.
  • Solution definition – A Solution Train builds a solution specified by its intent and context.  Solution Intent is the repository for storing, managing, and communicating the knowledge of current and intended Solution behavior. The Solution Context  identifies the environment in which the solution operates.
  • Compliance – Compliance describes how to use solution intent to achieve high quality while meeting regulatory and industry requirements using a Lean-Agile approach.
  • Suppliers – Often playing a pivotal role in solution development, a supplier’s agility influences the Solution Train’s agility.
  • PI timebox  – All ARTs on the Solution Train use the same PI duration and iteration start/end dates.
  • An Economic Framework – The Economic Framework permits fast, effective decision-making within the scope of Value Stream budgets .
  • ARTs power the Solution Train – ARTs build the components of the solution, using Lean-Agile principles and practices.
  • Inspect and Adapt  – The current state of the solution is demoed and evaluated at the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) , an event held at the end of every PI for individual ARTs and the Solution Train. Solution Management then identifies improvement Backlog items via a structured, problem-solving workshop.
  • Develop on Cadence. Release on Demand – Solution trains use cadence and synchronization to help manage the inherent variability of research and development. However, releasing is typically decoupled from the development cadence. Solution trains can Release on Demand a solution, or elements of a solution, at any time—subject to requisite governance and release criteria.
  • The Solution Kanban and Backlog – The Solution Kanban and Solution Backlog are used to manage the flow of solution Epics and Capabilities .  

Agile Release Trains Power the Solution Train

Each ART within a Solution Train contributes to the development of the solution, as shown in Figure 2. All development activities typically occur within each ART and are coordinated by the Solution Train, as described below.

problem solving workshop scaled agile

To support the overall goal of continuous value delivery to the customer, each ART within the Solution Train must be designed to maximize flow across the entire Solution Train.

As described in the Agile teams and Agile Release Train articles, SAFe recognizes fundamental team topologies [1] to help with the job of team and ART design, which are defined as follows:

  • Stream-aligned team  – organized around the flow of work and has the ability to deliver value directly to the customer or end user.
  • Complicated subsystem team  – organized around specific subsystems that require deep specialty skills and expertise.
  • Platform team  – organized around the development and support of platforms that provide services to other teams.
  • Enabling team  – organized to assist other teams with specialized capabilities and help them become proficient in new technologies.

These topologies can be readily extended to help make the right trade-offs in ART design as part of a Solution Train, (Figure 3).

(Note: A possible exception when applying these topologies to ARTs is the ‘enabling’ team type. Although it is common to have two or three enabling teams working across the portfolio—all aligned to the same objective—it is unlikely this would represent an entire ART on a Solution Train.)

Scaling these topologies to organize ARTs requires some additional considerations, as highlighted in the sections below.

Stream-aligned ARTs

A stream-aligned ART, just like a stream-aligned team, will have the necessary personnel, skills, and authority to deliver value, whether it’s a full product, service, subsystem, or whatever portion of the solution they have been tasked with.

The areas of responsibility for these stream-aligned ARTs are generally the same as they are for stream-aligned teams. And the same options for aligning them around a particular aspect, as covered earlier, apply here as well.

Complicated subsystem ART

Most large systems also include extensive subsystems. This means that complicated subsystem ARTs are common when building large-scale systems, again to reduce the cognitive load on the stream-aligned ARTs. For example, a guidance system for an autonomous vehicle could well require an entire complicated subsystem ART.

Platform ARTs

Similarly, it’s common for a Solution Train to have Platform ARTs providing services that the stream-aligned ARTs extend and build on. Continuing the example of the autonomous vehicle, a communication system that manages data transferred between the various subsystems would likely be represented as a platform ART, with clearly defined interfaces.

(Note: One additional benefit of the platform topology is that it also supports a single platform ART that is providing services across multiple development value streams within the organization.)

problem solving workshop scaled agile

In all these examples, the ARTs are composed of teams that will also take on one of the four team types. For instance, within the complicated subsystem ART developing the guidance system may be one or more stream-aligned teams developing the features that relate to environment perception. Similarly, there might be a complicated subsystem team focused specifically on routing algorithms. In this manner, the application of the topologies is fractal.

Of course, there is an intermediate pattern where, within a single ART, there may be a collection of teams working on the same platform or complicated subsystem. In this instance, the work must be carefully allocated to minimize handoffs and dependencies.

Solution Train Roles

Three primary Solution Train roles help facilitate successful execution.

  • Solution Train Engineer (STE) is the servant leader of the train. Their oversight allows the train to run smoothly by identifying and resolving bottlenecks across the entire solution. The STE facilitates the large solution-level events and monitors the solution Kanban and solution health via appropriate metrics. They also work with Release Train Engineers (RTEs) to coordinate delivery.
  • Solution Management represents the customer’s overall needs across ARTs, as well as communicating the portfolio’s  Strategic Themes . They collaborate with Product Management  of each ART to define capabilities and split them into features. Solution Management, the primary content authority for the solution backlog, also contributes to the economic framework that governs the ARTs and Agile teams.
  • Solution Architect/Engineering collaboratively defines the technology and architecture that connects the solution across the ARTs. It works with the ART’s System Architect/Engineering team to help guide their portion of the solution’s design.

Also, the following roles play an essential part in the Solution Train’s success:

  • Customers (most often, Direct Customers) are the ultimate buyers of the solution and are involved at every level of SAFe. They’re part of the value stream and are inseparable from the development process. Direct customers work closely with Solution and Product Management and other key stakeholders to shape the solution intent, the Vision , and the economic framework in which development occurs.
  • A System Team  is often formed for the Solution Train to address the integration issues across the ARTs.
  • Shared Services provide specialty skills—data security, information architects, and database administrators (DBAs), for example—that are necessary for the success of a solution but may not be dedicated to a specific train.

Defining the Solution

Solution behavior and decisions are managed in the solution intent, the single source of truth and the container for requirements as they move from variable to fixed.  In addition to the vision and Roadmap , the development of solution intent in an adaptive manner is supported by three additional practices, as shown in Figure 3 and described below.

problem solving workshop scaled agile

  • Compliance – Describes how SAFe uses solution intent to achieve high quality and meet regulatory and industry standard requirements using Lean-Agile development
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) – Describes how emergent requirements and design can be developed, documented, and maintained in more flexible and accessible models
  • Set-Based Design (SBD)  – Describes practices that support the preservation of options and the move from variable to fixed requirements over time, while deferring decisions to the last responsible moment

Building Solution Capabilities

Building large and complex solutions is not a trivial matter. They often require additional constructs beyond those of a single ART:

  • Solution intent as the repository for intended and actual solution behavior
  • Solution context, which describes the way a solution fits in the deployment environment
  • Capabilities and enablers, which are needed to realize the vision and roadmap for the value stream, and more importantly, to satisfy the needs of customers

The solution is described as having a set of capabilities. Like features, they represent a higher-level of solution behaviors that typically take multiple ARTs to implement, as shown in Figure 4. Capabilities are sized to fit within a PI.

problem solving workshop scaled agile

The solution Kanban is used to manage the flow of work to assure the evaluation and analysis of capabilities before they reach the solution backlog, where they await implementation.   

The Kanban system also helps limit Work in Process (WIP) to ensure that all the ARTs are synchronized and have the capacity to deliver value together. Larger initiatives defined as solution epics are broken down into capabilities during analysis state in the Kanban.

Coordinating ARTs and Suppliers

Solution trains coordinate the development of solutions within a PI, and they provide for cadence and synchronization of ARTs and suppliers, including PI Planning events and the solution demo. Figure 5 shows the Solution Train events.  In many cases, large solutions require suppliers who develop components, subsystems, or capabilities for the value stream. These suppliers participate in the Solution Train events .

problem solving workshop scaled agile

At the start of each PI, planning takes place for all ARTs at (ideally) the same time, conducted by the ARTs in individually PI planning events. The Pre- and Post-PI Planning events gain alignment and create a single plan across all trains, as well as manage dependencies between the trains. These events result in summarized solution PI Objectives for communication with stakeholders.

The Solution Train holds a solution demo at the end of each PI (or may sometimes lag to the start of the next PI). Here, it presents an integrated solution across all ARTs and suppliers to customers and stakeholders from the portfolio and other value streams. After this demo, an I&A workshop is held to improve the process of the entire value stream.

Lean-Agile suppliers can be treated as another ART, participating in all Solution Train events. Traditionally, suppliers work against contractual Milestones, but they are still expected to attend pre- and post-PI planning, solution demos, and Solution Train I&A. SAFe enterprises help suppliers improve their processes and become more Lean and Agile, to the economic benefit of both organizations

Releasing and Release Governance

As we noted above, Solution Trains apply cadence and synchronization to manage development. But Solution Trains can deploy an entire solution, or the elements of a solution, at any time the business and market dictates.

In support of this, each Solution Train must establish—or operate within the governance of—a release management function. Release management has the authority, knowledge, and capacity to foster and approve releases. In many cases, release management includes Solution Train and ART representatives, as well as representatives from marketing, quality, Lean Portfolio Management , IT Service Management, operations, deployment, and distribution. This team typically meets regularly to evaluate content, progress, and quality. They are also actively involved in scope management.

Also, release management may be concerned with other elements of the whole solution, including internationalization, packing and deployment, training requirements, internal and external communications, and ensuring compliance conformance to regulatory and standards requirements.

Last update: 25 June 2021

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A fundamental agile principle is the team reflects at regular intervals how to become more effective. The SAFe Inspect and Adapt Problem Solving workshop is a wonderful opportunity for everyone on an Agile Release Train (ART) to reflect on becoming more effective. However, what happens when the ART teams are massively distributed, such that the Sun truly never sets on the ART? How do you provide everyone on the ART an opportunity to reflect and collaborate with others who have similar interests? How do you enable all to participate in the problem solving session, to raise and solve problems that are important to them, and not just the problems that are important and visible to “home base”? This is the situation we faced at a large multi-national petroleum company preparing to conduct their first SAFe problem solving workshop. This story describes the practices, the agenda, the tools, and the lessons learned from running an equitable problem solving workshop for a train on which the Sun never set.

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DoD uses AI and SAFe for Background Checks – SAFe for Government

Safe Business Agility

In this podcast episode learn how the Department of Defense is using artificial intelligence and SAFe to reduce queue lengths for background checks, and how a government agency is using SAFe and has transformed itself from lagging to a leading organization. We’ll also be addressing how to run remote problem-solving workshops, along with how to measure the impact of an Agile Release Train on the organization.

Click the “Subscribe” button to subscribe to the SAFe Business Agility podcast on Apple Podcasts

SAFe in the News

Dod awards contract to break its security clearance logjam by barry rosenberg, on breakingdefense.com.

By Barry Rosenberg

Full article

SAFe in the Trenches

Hear Dr. Steve Mayner, Principal Contributor to the Scaled Agile Framework and thought leader on Innovation and transformational leadership share his experience where government agencies transformed from a lagging to a leading organization.

Did you know that the Scaled Agile Framework has a resource section dedicated to the government? Visit it at  scaledagileframework.com/Government /

The Audio Community of Practice section of the show is where we answer YOUR most frequently asked and submitted questions. If you have a question for us to answer on air, please send it to  [email protected]

The two questions we answer in this episode are:

  • Has anyone successfully run an Inspect & Adapt session with a distributed team? Specifically, the problem solving workshop?
  • What is the best way to measure the performance of an Agile Release Train and its impact on the organization?

Hosted by: Melissa Reeve

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile

Melissa Reeve is the Vice President of Marketing at Scaled Agile, Inc. In this role, Melissa guides the marketing team, helping people better understand Scaled Agile, the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and its mission.

Hosted by: Dr. Steve Mayner

Dr. Steve Mayner is an executive coach and Lean-Agile evangelist

Dr. Steve Mayner is an executive coach and Lean-Agile evangelist with a passion for cultivating transformational leaders and high performing teams. His 30-year career in business includes roles as Vice President in multiple Fortune 500 companies, as well as Chief Technology Officer for an Internet startup. Steve has been a thought leader and change agent for Lean-Agile and DevOps adoption within the federal government. He was responsible for the first official use of the Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe) in a government program, which led to the successful turnaround of a large, mission-critical Department of Homeland Security mainframe modernization initiative. In his current role as a SAFe Fellow for Scaled Agile, Inc., Steve is using his experience as an innovator, strategist, and transformational leader to help the largest enterprises around the world implement Lean-Agile and DevOps at scale. Steve holds a Doctor of Business Administration in Strategy and Innovation, as well as Masters degrees in Business Administration and Divinity, and a Bachelors in Education. He retired in 2003 as a commissioned officer in the reserve component of the US Air Force. He is married with five children and three grandsons. He lives in Southern Maryland, and is an avid golfer, runner, cyclist, and backpacker.

Six years ago, Mercedes Benz launched one or two products yearly in just a couple of markets. In 2022, they introduced roughly 40 products in 34 markets. By moving away from waterfall methods and adopting SAFe, they could launch better technology, operating systems, AI, and face recognition, integrate different data sources, and utilize better risk models.

SAFe allowed Mercedes-Benz to achieve the shift from hardware to software, master vehicle electrification, meet zero-emission requirements, and adapt to environmental, geopolitical, and consumer demands.

Handelsbanken, a Swedish bank known for its innovative practices, wanted to cut its time to market and improve its customer offerings. They needed a collaborative partner to contribute to those goals. The bank explored SAFe and gained trust, knowing that several large companies and banks in its region had found success with it.

With SAFe, Handelsbanken achieved its goal of enabling automated decisions for mortgages sooner than expected. The framework’s structure helped them think big, focusing on flow and results.

problem solving workshop scaled agile

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  1. Inspect and Adapt

    problem solving workshop scaled agile

  2. Scaled Agile Framework 05 PowerPoint Template

    problem solving workshop scaled agile

  3. What is Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)?

    problem solving workshop scaled agile

  4. systematic problem solving agile process

    problem solving workshop scaled agile

  5. What are the core principles of Agile Methodology

    problem solving workshop scaled agile

  6. Workshop Problem Solving with Agile Thinking and Practices

    problem solving workshop scaled agile


  1. Inspect and Adapt

    Pragmatic Bookshelf, 2009. Last update: 22 January 2023. The Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is a significant event held at the end of each PI, where the current state of the Solution is demonstrated and evaluated. Teams then reflect and identify improvement backlog items via a structured problem-solving workshop.

  2. Inspect and Adapt

    The Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is a significant event, held at the end of each Program Increment (PI), where the current state of the Solution is demonstrated and evaluated by the train. Teams then reflect and identify improvement backlog items via a structured, problem-solving workshop. The Agile Manifesto emphasizes the importance of continuous ...

  3. Problem-solving workshop: Step-by-Step

    A problem-solving workshop is held by the Agile Release Train and its purpose is to address systematic problems. The workshop that concentrates on identifying the problems, not just addressing the symptoms, is facilitated by the Release Train Engineer and time-boxed to maximum of two hours. ... (© Scaled Agile, Inc.). Step 3: Identify the ...

  4. Problem-Solving Workshop

    Problem-Solving Workshop. The Problem Solving Workshop is an Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event that provides a structured approach to identifying the root cause and actions to address systemic problems. ... Scaled Agile, Inc Contact Us. 5400 Airport Blvd., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 USA. Business Hours. Weekdays: 9am to 5pm Weekends: CLOSED ...

  5. PI Planning

    Solution Trains often hold an additional management review and problem-solving workshop after the first day of planning to address cross-ART issues. Alternatively, the RTEs of the involved trains may talk with each other to discuss the problems for the ART's specific management review and problem-solving meeting. ... Scaled Agile, Inc Contact ...

  6. PDF Inspect and Adapt Workshop

    Problem Solving Workshop 2 3 Scaled Agile Advisory Services Three main elements of the Inspect and Adapt workshop In this hands-on workshop, your ART teams will be guided through a rigorous approach to problem-solving that will result in improvement actions for the next PI.

  7. PDF SAFe Problem-Solving Workshop

    SAFe Problem-Solving Workshop The SAFE© Problem-Solving Workshop is an event from Scaled Agile Framework© that occurs within the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event, which is held at the end of each Program Increment (PI). A PI is timebox during which an ART (a team of teams) delivers incremental value in the form of working, tested solution.

  8. Scrum Master

    Help the team Inspect and Adapt Ensure the team is prepared for the I&A event, including the PI System Demo, quantitative and qualitative measurement, and the retrospective and problem-solving workshop. They help guide the team in the I&A activities and stay within the allotted timeboxes. Facilitate the problem-solving workshop.

  9. Five Things You May Not Know About the SAFe Inspect and ...

    The Scaled Agile Frame work (SAFe) incorporates methods, events, principles, and roles that agilists are already familiar with from Scrum, Lean, and XP. But SAFe is also novel, with its own unique concepts, roles, and events like the Inspect and Adapt (I&A), a reflective all hands event that happens every quarter featuring a problem solving workshop.

  10. Common Problems with the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

    Here are some common problems with scaled Agile approaches that could arise in your company. Lack of Flexibility - Of the Agile approaches, SAFe is one of the more rigid. There is little room for adjustment to the approach, making it difficult to adapt the framework to any specific needs your organization may have.

  11. SAFe in a Nutshell

    It enables every Agile Release Train (ART) to embody "relentless improvement" as referenced in the SAFe House of Lean, maintain its overall health and deliver ever-increasing business value. The Inspect & Adapt Workshop is essentially the release train equivalent of the team's Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective.

  12. Continuous Learning Culture

    The Scaled Agile Framework provides a set of powerful guidelines for teams to use as they apply Lean and Agile principles and practices. ... SAFe builds problem-solving into Agile team retrospectives, and into the problem-solving workshop. Figure 4. The PDCA problem-solving cycle scales from individual teams to entire organizations

  13. Implementation

    In addition, SPCs and coaches can lead the first real corrective action and problem-solving workshop. This workshop gives teams the tools they need to improve their performance independently. It also allows them to work together with their management stakeholders to address the more significant impediments they face collaboratively. Moving Forward

  14. Adopting Artificial Intelligence and SAFe for Agility

    • Problem-solving workshop - participants bring their real challenges to ideate an action plan using the strategies presented in the first two parts. Speakers. ... In his current role as a SAFe Fellow for Scaled Agile, Inc., Steve is using his experience as an innovator, strategist, and transformational leader to help the largest ...

  15. The Sun Never Sets on the Problem-Solving Workshop

    Online collaboration is a fact of life and modern tools offer a fair approximation of a physical face to face meeting. With the decision made to conduct the problem-solving workshop online, the next issue was determining how to run the meeting on a program with a never setting Sun. 5. AN AGENDA FOR A GLOBAL WORKSHOP.

  16. How a Scrum Master Can Support a Problem-Solving Workshop

    1. Lack of Effective Communication: Challenge: Ineffective communication may lead to misunderstanding, and confusion and hinder the problem-solving process. Strategy: Scrum Masters can reinforce open dialogue, employ clear and concise language, and ensure every team member's view is heard and respected. 2.

  17. Continuous Learning Culture

    Tools and techniques like the Problem-Solving Workshop in SAFe can help determine the fact-based root cause of inefficiencies and lead to effective countermeasures that can be applied rapidly. Root cause analysis is exponentially more effective when supported by data. ... Scaled Agile, Inc Contact Us. 5400 Airport Blvd., Suite 300 Boulder, CO ...

  18. What is the output of an Inspect and Adapt event?

    Any insights into problem statements or challenges are leveraged to develop actionable items to improve processes, workflows, and performance in the next PI. Therefore, the I&A event's main output is a set of improvement items that the teams commit to addressing in the upcoming PI, directly impacting the planning and execution of the next ...

  19. Inspect and Adapt: Driving Improvement in Agile Scrum

    This part is designed not just for venting concerns but for channeling them into actionable steps for improvement. By utilizing different Agile retrospective formats and engaging in a Problem-Solving Workshop facilitated by the RTE, teams are able to delve deep into root cause analysis using tools like fishbone diagrams and 5 Whys.

  20. Solution Train

    Solution Management then identifies improvement Backlog items via a structured, problem-solving workshop. Develop on Cadence. Release on Demand - Solution trains use cadence and synchronization to help manage the inherent variability of research and development. However, releasing is typically decoupled from the development cadence.

  21. The Sun Never Sets on the Problem Solving Workshop

    A fundamental agile principle is the team reflects at regular intervals how to become more effective. The SAFe Inspect and Adapt Problem Solving workshop is a wonderful opportunity for everyone on an Agile Release Train (ART) to reflect on becoming more effective. However, what happens when the ART teams are massively distributed, such that the.

  22. Invitation-based SAFe Implementation

    The responses from the teams can be used to seed topics for a brief problem-solving workshop or 'open space' session, where people can raise their concerns, and then join or lead a breakout session to identify solutions. ... Scaled Agile, Inc Contact Us. 5400 Airport Blvd., Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80301 USA. Business Hours. Weekdays: 9am to ...

  23. DoD uses AI and SAFe

    In this podcast episode learn how the Department of Defense is using artificial intelligence and SAFe to reduce queue lengths for background checks, and how a government agency is using SAFe and has transformed itself from lagging to a leading organization. We'll also be addressing how to run remote problem-solving workshops, along with how ...