1. PPT

    presentation on dengue virus

  2. PPT

    presentation on dengue virus

  3. PPT

    presentation on dengue virus

  4. Promoting dengue vector surveillance and control

    presentation on dengue virus

  5. Practice the 4S in Dengue Prevention and Control

    presentation on dengue virus

  6. Dengue pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, lab diagnosis and

    presentation on dengue virus


  1. Clinical Features of Dengue

    About 1 in 4 dengue virus infections are symptomatic. Approximately 1 in 20 patients with dengue progress to develop severe, life-threatening disease called severe dengue. ... people can be infected with DENV multiple times in their life. Clinical presentation. Dengue begins abruptly after a typical incubation period of 5-7 days, and the ...

  2. Dengue

    About facts and statistics related to dengue cases reported in the United States. Areas with Risk. About areas around the world with risk of dengue and resources for travelers. ... About symptoms presented by dengue virus infection. Prevention. About dengue prevention, dengue vaccine, and mosquito bite prevention.

  3. Dengue and severe dengue

    The dengue virus is transmitted to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitoes, ... et al., Viremia and Clinical Presentation in Nicaraguan Patients Infected With Zika Virus, Chikungunya Virus, and Dengue Virus. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2016. 63(12): p. 1584-1590. Bhatt, S., et al., The global distribution and burden of dengue.

  4. PDF What Clinicians Need to Know about Dengue in the United States

    Vital Signs: BP: 110/80 HR: 104 RR: 18 T: 100.4°F (38 °C) Choose the TRUE statement. Patients with dengue do not present with respiratory symptoms, therefore this patient does not have dengue. It is more likely that this patient has malaria than dengue. This patient is in the febrile phase, given her temperature.

  5. PDF Dengue: the disease and epidemiology

    Salje et al. Dengue diversity across spatial and temporal scales. Science 2017 Yoon et al. Fine scale spatiotemporal clustering of dengue virus transmission in rural Thai villages. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2012 Spatial heterogeneity dependent on socioeconomic factors, population density, ecological factors: Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand, school

  6. Dengue virus infection: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

    Dengue fever — DF (also known as "break-bone fever") is an acute febrile illness defined by the presence of fever and two or more of the following but not meeting the case definition of DHF [ 4] (see 'Dengue hemorrhagic fever' below): Headache. Retro-orbital or ocular pain. Myalgia and/or bone pain. Arthralgia.

  7. Dengue and severe dengue

    Dengue and severe dengue. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection that is common in warm, tropical climates. Infection is caused by any one of four closely related dengue viruses (called serotypes) and these can lead to a wide spectrum of symptoms, including some which are extremely mild (unnoticeable) to those that may require medical ...

  8. Dengue Fever

    Dengue is a mosquito-transmitted virus and is the leading cause of arthropod-borne viral disease worldwide, posing a significant global health concern. This disease is also known by various monikers, such as breakbone or 7-day fever, and is characterized by intense muscle spasms, joint pain, and high fever, reflecting both the severity and the duration of symptoms.

  9. Dengue fever

    You have had dengue fever in the past. Previous infection with a dengue fever virus increases your risk of severe symptoms if you get dengue fever again. Complications. Severe dengue fever can cause internal bleeding and organ damage. Blood pressure can drop to dangerous levels, causing shock. In some cases, severe dengue fever can lead to death.

  10. PDF Fact sheet Dengue and severe dengue

    nd adults, but seldom causes death.Dengue should be suspected when a high fever (40°C/ 104°F) is accompanied by two of the following symptoms: severe headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, nause. , vomiting, swollen glands or rash. Symptoms usually last for 2-7 days, after an incubation period of 4-10 days after.

  11. Dengue

    Dengue, an acute febrile illness, is caused by infection with any of 4 related single-stranded RNA viruses of the genus Flavivirus, dengue virus 1, 2, 3, or 4 (DENV1-4). Infection with one DENV confers long-term immunity to that virus but conveys only short-lived protection against the other dengue viruses. The risk for severe dengue is ...

  12. Dengue

    Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the dengue virus, with the potential to cause a serious public health impact. Dengue infections are the most common vector-borne viral infections worldwide, particularly impacting tropical and subtropical countries. DENV has the potential to cause epidemics resulting in high morbidity and ...

  13. Dengue Viruses

    The dengue virus is a tiny structure that can only replicate inside a host organism. The four closely related dengue viruses — DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4 — are found in the same regions of ...

  14. Dengue

    Dengue, caused by four closely related viruses, is a growing global public health concern, with outbreaks capable of overwhelming health-care systems and disrupting economies. Dengue is endemic in more than 100 countries across tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, and the expanding range of the mosquito vector, affected in part by climate change, increases risk in new areas such as ...

  15. Dengue virus: epidemiology, biology, and disease aetiology

    Dengue is a vector-borne viral disease caused by the flavivirus dengue virus (DENV). Approximately 400 million cases and 22 000 deaths occur due to dengue worldwide each year. It has been reported in more than 100 countries in tropical and subtropical regions. A positive-stranded enveloped RNA virus (DENV) is principally transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. It has four antigenically distinct ...

  16. PPT

    Several important features of dengue disease • Dengue virus infection causes diverse disease spectrum from mild DF to severe DHF/DSS. • Dengue disease can occur in infant, children, and adult. • Severe DHF/DSS is more prevalent in secondary infection with different serotype of dengue virus. • Antibody-dependent enhancement is ...

  17. DENGUE FEVER.pptx

    Dengue fever (DF) has symptoms similar to other viral illnesses. High grade fever with severe body aches and headache are most common symptoms. Virus attacks the white blood cells. It also attacks platelets and lining cells of blood vessels. Mild bleeding tendency can occur.

  18. Epidemiology, Prevention & Control of Dengue Fever / DHF

    2 Epidemiology, Prevention & Control of Dengue Fever / DHF. Dr. Dilip Kumar Das. 3 Dengue Syndrome: The Problem. Most common arthropod-borne viral disease Important emerging disease of the tropical and sub-tropical regions Predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas Globally billion people live in areas having active dengue transmission ...

  19. Dengue

    El virus del dengue (DENV) pertany a la família Flaviviridae i al gènere Flavivirus.El criptograma dels Flavivirus és R/1: 4/8: Se/S I,V/C,O Ve/Ac,Di. Per tant, es tracta d'un virus ARN monocatenari no segmentat, d'alta variabilitat genòmica i amb un àcid nucleic de pes molecular relativament baix. [30] La seva mida va dels 30 als 50 nanòmetres, la càpsida que envolta el material ...

  20. Increased Oropouche Virus Activity and Associated Risk to Travelers

    The incubation period is typically 3-10 days. Initial clinical presentation is similar to diseases caused by dengue, Zika, and chikungunya viruses, with acute onset of fever, chills, headache, myalgia, and arthralgia. Other symptoms can include retroorbital (eye) pain, photophobia (light sensitivity), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue ...

  21. Oropouche virus disease

    Given its clinical presentation and considering that this is the ongoing season for dengue in Central America and the Caribbean and for other vector-borne diseases in the Region of the Americas, laboratory diagnosis is essential to confirm cases, characterize the outbreak, and monitor disease trends.