How to Write a Resume for Google (with examples)

Stephen Cognetta

Working at Google is one of the most coveted roles in the tech industry. Because of Google’s intense popularity, their acceptance rates are some of the lowest—with under 1% of job seekers actually making it to the position they applied for. One of the key aspects that can make or break a candidate’s application in the Google process is the resume.

how to make resume for google

In this article, we’ll talk about why resumes matter, what Google looks for in your resume, some concrete tips to improve your resume, and several example resumes of candidates who have gotten the job at Google.

Google Resume Examples That Got the Job

Here are some resume examples that actually landed the position at Google. While helpful guides, these resumes shouldn’t be copied—your resumes may be very effective yet look different. (You can use a resume template, however).

What’s most important is making sure that your resume is tailored to the job posting you’re applying for.

Google Associate Product Manager. View Resume

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Google Engineering Manager. View comments on resume

how to make resume for google

Google Product Marketing Manager. View comments on resume.

how to make resume for google

Why Resumes Matter

Your resume is your first impression when applying to a company—and Google recruiters take close note of what’s on it.

how to make resume for google

In Google’s hiring process, they have several stages as they evaluate applicants, starting with a resume screen, then a recruiter screen call, then a phone interview, and finally, the on-site interview. The resume screen is the first of these stages, and usually included in the job posting where you apply for the role.

A team member at Google reviews all the applications submitted to their job postings and scans resume to see if there’s a good fit. Google uses a combination of technology and human-curated review processes to determine if a resume is relevant for the role, and then decides whether to send the candidate on to the next step of the process.

While it’s obvious that a resume can make or break a candidate’s application, what’s often overlooked is that the resume is a part of the candidate’s packet to Google’s hiring committee.

This means, in the final stages of the decision on a candidate joining Google, recruiters and hiring managers will again review the candidate’s packet holistically, including the resume, to see if there’s a good fit with the candidate.

So, your resume not only helps you get in the door, it can also help you land the job once you’ve interviewed.

Crafting your Resume

There are plenty of great articles out there on writing an effective resume and many resume templates you can make use of. But especially for the Google roles, there’s one key secret to crafting the perfect resume that most people miss—study the job description.

The resume’s goal is to show that you, as a candidate, are a good fit for the role to the recruiter. Often, candidates struggle because they don’t know what to highlight on their resume or how to highlight it. Luckily, the hiring manager has spelled it out for you in their job description.

Study the job description closely. What skills is Google looking for in this role? What responsibilities will you have? Can you show these skills and responsibilities through your past experience?

Let’s take an example job description, a Customer Solutions Engineer:

how to make resume for google

Note how these qualifications practically spell out what you should write in your resume. Based on this job description, I’d include education history and experience history that maps to the “minimum qualifications” section. Critical keywords to include in your resume are “SQL relational databases” and “Linux command line” along with a specific JavaScript framework. If these are too challenging to include, it might be worth reevaluating if this role is the right fit given your background.

Next, using the “preferred qualifications” section, see how much of the content you can show through your past experiences. Don’t be afraid to reuse some of the same verbiage as described in the job description (e.g. “Gathered requirements to meet customer objectives...”) as long as you will be concrete about your experience.

We recommend tailoring your resume for the roles you’re applying for—if you’re applying for multiple roles, you may need to craft different resumes to target them.

Let’s take a closer look at crafting your Google resume, step-by-step:

Format Your Google Resume

As with many tech giants, the recruiters at Google have to sift through mountains of resumes.

In fact, Google receives millions of job applications every year.

Your resume is your chance to make a lasting impression in mere seconds.

With recruiters typically dedicating a mere 6-7 seconds to review a single resume, it’s vital that you present the content in a polished, easy-to-digest manner.

So, keep these things in mind when formatting your Google resume:

  • With a resume, shorter is always sweeter. Ideally, you’ll want to keep your resume to only 1-2 pages at most.
  • Make sure your resume is easy on the eyes by using a clear and professional font, such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial, in a size of 11-12pt.
  • Solid organization is key for presenting your information in a visually appealing and easy-to-read way. The reverse-chronological format is a one of the best resume formats for this.
  • Use headings and bullet points to guide the recruiter’s eye and highlight your most impressive accomplishments.
  • When it’s time to submit your resume, save it as a Word .doc or a .pdf file and use a filename like YourName_Resume_Year.

Write the Google Resume Header

Your Google resume’s header is likely the first thing the recruiter will see. This section should contain all of your essential personal and professional information.

At the top of the page, include your name, contact details, job title, and any relevant professional certifications or titles .

Recruiters often check out LinkedIn profiles, so be sure to include a link to your profile in your header.

If you have any other online profiles or portfolios that showcase your skills and experience, add those links too.

To write the header section for your Google resume, follow these steps:

  • Start with your name: Use a large, bold font to make it immediately noticeable to the hiring manager or recruiter.
  • Add your contact information: Include your email, phone number, and links to your LinkedIn page and any other relevant online profiles or portfolios.
  • Include any relevant professional titles or certifications: For example, if you have a specific certification or degree that applies to the position you are applying for, include it in your header.
  • Update any old information: If using an older resume to apply for a position at Microsoft, be sure to double-check that all the information in your header is up-to-date.

For example, one sample Google resume header looks like this:

how to make resume for google

Write the Resume Summary

A resume summary is your first chance to give Google recruiters a quick and concise overview of your professional goals, relevant skills, and experience.

At the top of your resume, just below the header, resume summaries are brief introductions that highlight your qualifications and show how you’re the perfect fit for the position.

While resume summaries are a common feature on resumes, they may not be necessary for every candidate. They are often best suited for professionals with several years of experience under their belts.

If you’re a recent graduate or have very little work experience, a resume objective (a statement outlining your career goals) may be a better choice for your Google resume.

Still, many recruiters have said that well-written resume summaries can be very effective at grabbing their attention.

If you decide to include one, be sure to keep it short and sweet - after all, it’s called a summary for a reason.

For example, your resume summary could look like this:

The Google Resume Experience Section

The experience section is the real meat and potatoes - your chance to shine and show off your skills, accomplishments, and value as a candidate.

Here, you’ll list your previous jobs, relevant skills, and the impact you’ve driven in previous positions.

When writing this section, it’s essential to “humble-brag” as much as possible. Illustrate your achievements and successes without coming across as arrogant.

Be sure to stay clear and concise - otherwise, your resume may become too long or wordy and risk being passed over by recruiters.

Remember, the experience section is where you’ll spend the most time writing, so be sure it showcases your value as a Google candidate.

To write the experience section of your resume, follow these steps:

  • Format your previous positions in reverse-chronological order: Your most recent or current role should be listed at the top.
  • Use bullet points in your descriptions : Bullet points are pretty standard for easily displaying information (I’m doing it right now). This makes it easier for the hiring manager to quickly scan and understand your work history.
  • Use strong action verbs : When actually writing the bullet points, begin your sentences with strong action verbs . For example, “managed,” “led,” “developed,” “implemented,” and “increased.
  • Include data & specific examples of achievements: Along with action verbs, you’ll want your bullet points to include specific examples or tangible metrics that illustrate your accomplishments. Data points, in particular, are huge for Microsoft recruiters - dollars earned, money saved,% of growth, efficiencies created, etc.
  • Tailor your experience to the job you are applying for : Of course, when writing your resume, you’ll want to include information tailored towards the specific job you’re applying for as much as possible. Ultimately, you only want relevant experience listed on your resume. Carefully read through the Google job description of the open position, as it’ll be chock-full of the most relevant skills, metrics, etc. (We’ve included a sample job description below)
  • Keep Google’s Company Values in mind: These days, aligning with corporate values and fitting in with the culture of the company is huge in the hiring process. Familiarize yourself with Google’s “ Ten Things We Know To Be True ” and keep them in mind when deciding what information to include in your bullet points.
  • Keep it short and sweet : We’ve said it a few times, but we’ll say it again. This section is the most consequential part of your resume, but it needs to be short and sweet. As a rule of thumb, only include positions from the previous 5 - 10 years. Each job description should only consist of 3 - 5 bullet points, and each point should only run for 1-2 lines if possible .

For example, here's the experience section of a Google resume:

how to make resume for google

The Resume Education Section

For most candidates, the education section of their Google resume will be a short section listed below their work history.

This is where you’ll include the name of the institution you attended, your degree, and any relevant coursework or certifications.

You may choose to include your GPA, although this is usually unnecessary for most recruiters at Google.

However, if you’re an entry-level candidate with little to no previous experience, you can include this section before your experience section and beef it up a bit.

Besides the previously mentioned information, you could include details about internships, summer jobs, and other relevant education and training experiences. This will help you show your skills and qualifications to recruiters and make you a more competitive candidate.

Here's a sample education section:

how to make resume for google

Skills on your Google Resume

While skills sections are relatively common on many people’s resumes, many recruiters actually recommend keeping it off your Google resume.

The skills section might take up a lot of space without adding any value.

We’ll follow their advice and recommend skipping the skills section.

Instead, incorporate all those skills you would have included within the content of your experience section.

What skills you should include will, of course, depend on the job you’re applying for.

In most cases, these necessary skills can be found directly in the job description. For example, here’s another Google job description:

how to make resume for google

Additional Sections to Include

If you’ve still got some space left on your Google resume (remember, aim for 1-2 pages maximum), consider adding some additional sections to give recruiters a more well-rounded view of who you are.

While you may not think it’s relevant or professional, hiring managers and recruiters at Google will usually appreciate seeing things like volunteer work, outside interests, etc., in your resume.

Recruiters may review countless resumes on a daily basis, but they’re not robots - they’re people, too.

These additional sections can help them get to know you as an applicant in a more personal way, which can help establish a good relationship if you’re invited to an interview later on.

So don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your Microsoft resume! Just keep it relevant and professional, and you’ll be well on your way to impressing the recruitment team.

Of course, don’t go overboard. Don’t be like Dwight and fax over an addendum for martial arts training.

Like all the sections of your Google resume, keep it short and sweet.

For example, here’s what a real Google resume Interests & Activities section looks like:

how to make resume for google

Cover Letters for your Google Resume

Here’s what Google’s How We Hire document says about cover letters:

A word on cover letters: they aren’t required (and may or may not be considered), so it’s your call on whether to include one. If you do decide to include a cover letter, many of the same suggestions we have for building a good resume apply here as well. For instance, tailor it to the job you’re applying for, tell us how you’ve made a difference and use data to back it up. Draw a direct line between your passion and our position, let us see who you are a bit.

A sample cover letter for a Software Engineering position may look like this:

A few final tips

Here are some key tips to watch out for when crafting the resume:

  • One-page. This is by far the most common blunder. Google recruiter's simply don't have enough time to review resumes in detail. Be sure your resume fits into one page and only shows the highlights, and could be easily understood in less than 5 seconds.
  • Reasonable font size . After reading the above checklist item, you may think to yourself - OK, but I can at least reduce the margins, right? Or maybe shrink the font? The answer is no. Above all else, your resume should be easily skimmable and readable. Most recruiters don't have the time to look through dense copy.
  • Consistent formatting . Be sure to have consistent styling across your resume. Even slight formatting errors show a lack of care and consideration for crafting your resume.
  • No photos. As of this era, photos aren't common on resumes, and they detract from the "meat" of your content. If you really want to visually display something, put it in a hyperlink.

After the Resume

You did it! You've crafted a resume that will showcase your experience and hopefully get a response from the recruiter. Generally after applying to the role, not much additional action can be taken until a recruiter reaches out to add you to the next step. One thing that can help in the meantime is getting a referral.

If you're applying as a software engineer, check out our inside look at Google's Coding Interview Rubric to see how your interviewer will grade your performance.

how to make resume for google

We also recommend starting interview preparation before applying, given how tough the interview processes are at Google. To get started, here are a few of the most common questions that Google may ask you:

Product Management

  • What's your favorite product and why? Watch our guide on answering this question
  • Improve Headspace. Watch a Google PM's answer
  • How does Google Docs work? Watch a Google PM's answer

Software Engineering

  • Design a URL Shortener. Watch a video explanation
  • Write an LRU Cache. Read our example problem.
  • Answer an Edit Distance coding algorithm problem. Watch a Google SWE's answer.

Technical Program Management & Engineering Management

  • How do you set up projects for success? See how to talk about project success.
  • How do you balance feature development and technical debt? Read our example answer.
  • How do you recruit great engineers? Read our guide to recruiting and hiring.
  • Tell me about a time you failed. Watch a founder's answer
  • How do you prioritize engineering projects? Watch a LinkedIn Engineering Manager's answer.

More Resources

While we hope this article was helpful, chances are you'll need more resources to best prepare for the Google interview. Luckily, there are tons of different resources on Exponent to help you practice and get ready for your upcoming Google interview:

🧗 How to get a Google Referral

💬 Get prepared with example Google interview questions

📖 Read through our Google interview guides

👯‍♂️ Practice your behavioral and product sense skills with our interview practice tool.

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How to Make a Resume on Google Docs: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a resume might seem daunting, but with Google Docs, it’s a breeze! Google Docs is a free, web-based application where you can create, edit, and store documents and spreadsheets. You can access it from any computer with an internet connection and a web browser. In just a few steps, you can have a professional-looking resume ready to impress potential employers.

Step by Step Tutorial: Making a Resume on Google Docs

Before we dive into the steps, remember that making a resume on Google Docs will require you to have a Google account. Once you have that set up and you’re logged in, you’ll be creating a new document, choosing a template, and filling in your information.

Step 1: Open Google Docs

Go to and sign in with your Google account.

When you arrive at Google Docs, you’ll see a blank page or the option to choose a template. If it’s your first time, you might want to take a moment to familiarize yourself with the layout. The menu bar at the top gives you access to all the tools you’ll need.

Step 2: Choose a Resume Template

Click on ‘Template Gallery’ and scroll down to the ‘Resumes’ section.

Google provides several resume templates, and you can pick one that suits your style and the job you’re applying for. Take your time to preview a few options before you decide. Remember, the content of your resume is what matters most, but a good design can help it stand out.

Step 3: Fill In Your Information

Replace the placeholder text with your personal and professional information.

This step is where you get to talk about how awesome you are! Be sure to include your contact information, work experience, education, skills, and any awards or recognitions you’ve received. Keep it concise and relevant to the job you’re applying for.

Step 4: Customize Your Resume

Adjust the fonts, colors, and layout to your preference.

Google Docs allows you to personalize your resume to reflect your personality. However, don’t get too carried away. Professionalism is key, so stick to clean fonts and colors that are easy on the eyes.

Step 5: Proofread and Save

Double-check for any spelling or grammatical errors, then save your document by clicking ‘File’ > ‘Download’ > ‘PDF’.

This might be the most important step. Typos and mistakes can be a turnoff for employers, so review your resume multiple times. Once you’re confident it’s error-free, save it as a PDF to preserve the formatting.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a sleek, professional resume ready to send out to potential employers. Remember, the content of your resume is what will really sell your skills and experience, so make sure it’s strong and compelling.

Tips for Making a Resume on Google Docs

  • Keep your resume to one page, especially if you’re new to the job market.
  • Use bullet points to make your experience and accomplishments easy to read.
  • Include keywords from the job description in your resume to get past automated screening tools.
  • Make sure your contact information is up to date and professional—no silly email addresses!
  • Ask a friend or mentor to review your resume for feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i find the resume templates in google docs.

Go to the Template Gallery, and you’ll find resume templates listed under the ‘Resumes’ section.

Can I edit my resume on different devices?

Yes, Google Docs saves your documents in the cloud, so you can access and edit your resume on any device with internet access.

Is Google Docs the best tool for making a resume?

Google Docs is a great tool because it’s free and easy to use. There are other options out there, but for most people, Google Docs will do the trick.

Can I share my resume directly from Google Docs?

Absolutely! You can share it by email or with a shareable link right from Google Docs.

What if I need help with my resume content?

There are plenty of online resources and services that offer resume writing and review assistance.

  • Open Google Docs
  • Choose a Resume Template
  • Fill In Your Information
  • Customize Your Resume
  • Proofread and Save

There you have it, a straightforward guide on how to make a resume on Google Docs. Remember, crafting a resume is all about presenting the best version of yourself on paper. It’s your one-page opportunity to showcase why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. While Google Docs offers a convenient and user-friendly platform, it’s the content that you add which makes the difference. So, take your time to tailor your resume for each application, highlight your achievements, and always proofread before sending it off. With a little effort and creativity, you’ll be landing your dream job in no time!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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Creating Your Resume With Google Docs: Career Coach's Playbook

Do’s and don’t of creating a resume with Google Docs, common pitfalls to avoid, and tips to help you get your resume past ATS.

9 months ago   •   5 min read

Since your resume is your first impression on potential employers, you’ll want to make sure it’s a good one. Google Docs provides user-friendly resume templates to help you land more interviews.

With an ATS-friendly resume template, you can use Google Docs to edit and curate your resume to showcase your skills, experience, and accomplishments.

In this article, we will give you a breakdown of how that’s done, including:

  • Getting started on Google Drive
  • Choosing an ATS-friendly template

Tips to customize your resume template on Google Docs

Sharing and saving your resume on google docs.

  • How to avoid common resume pitfalls on Google Docs

So let’s dive in.

Getting start ed on Google Drive

Many of us are on Google Drive already, but if you don’t have an account, it’s super easy to get one. Just go to , click ‘Get Started’ and enter the required information.

Choosing a resume template

Once you’re in Google Drive, click the ‘New’ button in the top left corner, select ‘Google Doc,’ and then ‘from a template.’ Here’s what that looks like:

Google Drive logo in top left corner. Drop down menu on left side when you click new. From top there is a list New Folder, File upload, folder upload, Google Docs highlighted in grey with pop out menu to the right with 2 options Blank document and From a template. Choose from a template to find ATS resume template options.

What template should I use?

Choose a resume template that is ATS-ready.

Before looking at resumes with human eyes, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to scan resumes for relevant keywords and qualifications.

With the wrong template, your resume could get lost in the ‘pile.’

Download one of our Google Docs Resume Templates to get started. You’ll have the option of opening it in Google Docs.

how to make resume for google

What makes a resume ATS-friendly?

An ATS-friendly resume is simple, clear, and easy to read. Images and graphics, and inconsistent formatting make it harder for Applicant Tracking Systems to find the keywords employers are looking for.

For more, check out our recent post How to Beat Applicant Tracking Systems .

  • Highlight your relevant skills and experience and incorporate them in multiple areas— Summary , Skills , and Experience . Doing so will help ATS find them better.
  • Organize the information on your resume so that it isn’t hard for hiring managers and ATS to find your relevant skills and experience.
  • Only add current and relevant skills and experience to the job you’re applying for.
  • Search for keywords from the job application to get a sense of what the company is looking for.
  • Ensure the formatting you use in your resume is clear, professional, easy to read, and consistent, with the same font and size throughout the resume.
  • Use bold or italics to highlight important information, rather than lines and graphics. Also, break it up sections with white space to make the resume easy to read.

Here’s an example of how our Clean resume template can be customized to showcase the candidate’s skills and experience:

how to make resume for google

And here’s an example of how our Concise with Summary resume template can be customized to suit your experience:

how to make resume for google

Once your resume is done and ready to be circulated, it’s important to save it in a secure location.

To save your resume using Google Docs:

  • Click ‘File’ in the top left corner.
  • Click ‘Download’ from the dropdown menu.
  • Select the file type you want your resume to be in (typically .docx or PDF).

how to make resume for google

Your hiring managers will most likely request a PDF version of your resume. But if you’d like to share it through Google Docs, click Share in the top right corner.

Small image of top right side of Google Drive. History icon, comment icon, meet icon, and then share button highlighted in blue.

A menu will pop up in the middle of the screen allowing you to share it with friends or potential employers. Input their email address to share the Doc.

Blacked out screen with Share popup in middle. Text reads 'share resume' and then blank space to add email address

How to avoid resume pitfalls on Google Docs

Google Docs’ resume templates are extremely user-friendly. Still, there are guidelines to keep in mind to avoid some of the most common resume pitfalls:

  • Do not use an unprofessional email address (e.g. your first and last name, rather than the name of your cat).
  • Do not use any colors, images, or graphics unless absolutely necessary.

If you’re applying for a job that demands creative, artistic, and graphic design skills, however, it may be useful to add one or two examples of your work.

  • Do not add information that doesn’t apply to the job you’re applying for.

ATS looks for specific keywords. If you’re having trouble choosing the right language, check out our Targeted Resume tool.

  • Do not rely on Spellcheck to proofread your resume. The technology won’t find every single grammar error or poor word choice. So before sending it off, ask a friend to do a final proofread to check for any spelling and grammar errors you may have missed.
  • Do not use a template that is incompatible with ATS.

Here’s an example of a resume template that is not ATS-friendly:

how to make resume for google

And here’s how to clean it up for ATS:

how to make resume for google

See the difference? Google Docs is a user-friendly way to create a well-polished resume using a template. It is, however, only a starting point.

It is crucial to choose an ATS-friendly resume template and then customize it to highlight relevant skills and experience. Keep your formatting consistent. Proofread, and then proofread some more!

As a final step, check out our free Score My Resume tool to get instant feedback.

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Create a Resume in Google Docs

Design, write, and format a professional resume that stands out.

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Easy Steps & Tricks to Make a Resume on Google Docs

Last Updated: October 25, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA . Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,769 times.

Did you know Google Docs has built-in resume templates? This wikiHow article will teach you how to make a resume in Google Docs manually or by using a template. It will also give you tips for creating an effective resume.

Things You Should Know

  • Google Docs has 5 built-in resume templates that are quick and easy to use.
  • Resumes usually include your name, contact information, summary/objective, education, personal history, and list of relevant skills.
  • Personalize your resume for every job to include different keywords that might catch the eye of a hiring manager.

Using a Template

Step 1 Go to

  • Choose the one that most closely represents the information in your resume.
  • For example, Coral might be the most simple-looking template, but it makes skimming your resume easier for recruiters especially if you have a lot of skills or experience.
  • Modern writer looks like an assortment of fonts that could be on a typewriter, so this resume is probably good for any writing jobs.
  • Spearmint is purely professional and is an excellent choice for showing off your previous work history.
  • Swiss is very scannable and may catch the eye of a hiring manager or recruiter faster than the others.
  • If none of these templates are what you are looking for, you can download additional templates from the web. Be sure the templates are from a trusted source before downloading.

Step 4 Fill in the template.

  • You shouldn't have to worry about formatting since all relevant formatting options are saved in the template.

Step 5 Download your resume as a PDF.

Manually Making a Google Doc Resume

Step 1 Go to

  • To break your skills into two columns and save space, highlight your skills after you've written them out, then go to Format > Columns and then select the number of columns you want for that section.
  • While this is a very basic resume, you can change the font sizes, colors, and style to suit your needs. You can also change the formatting of the page or the alignments of the sections to change how your resume looks.

Step 8 Download your resume as a PDF when you're done.

Tips & Tricks

Step 1 Personalize it for every job.

  • To share your document, click Share in the top right corner of the page.

Step 4 Make sure nothing from the original template is still there.

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How to Make a Professional Resume in Google Docs

Vaclav Krejci

  • العربية/عربي

Final product image

The internet is full of resume templates , ranging from free to professional templates with both ugly and great ones in each category. While there are also templates for Google Docs available, there is no better feeling than creating something from scratch and on your own.

Regardless of what you may have heard, Google Docs has plenty of features to make beautiful, modern documents with. It's the perfect too to use to build your next resume with. 

In this tutorial, I'll show you how make a resume in Google Docs with a professional design. We'll make a great looking resume from scratch, and cover an easy to follow workflow from start to finish. Before we begin, you can  preview the final resume design  that we'll be creating. 

Do note that since Google Docs is a web app, you'll need to be online in any modern browser—I'd recommend Google Chrome —to complete this tutorial.

1. Start Your Google Docs Resume With a Header

To create a resume with Google Docs, first open your internet browser and go to . If you do not have a Google account, you will need to create one—it's free, and will just take a few seconds to signup.

Once you're signed in, open Google Docs and start with a new blank document ( File > New > Document ). If you plan to print this document later, it may be a good idea to select File > Page Setup and set the paper size to A4 or Letter depending on your location. The difference in the actual size is quite minor, but it can cause problems when printing. You can keep the margins default to 1 inch on every side.

Starting with a blank document

When designing this Google Docs resume, we will go from the top to the bottom of the page, which means that the first thing will be the header. It will include your name and the address (and optionally other contacts such as email, your personal website, or social media profiles like Twitter). 

We want to have the name and the address next to each other,  Google Docs supports up to three columns in a document, but for this resume project we need more. Just like in the good old days of early web design, we will use tables to accomplish this task

Select menu Insert > Table and select table size 2x1 as shown on the screenshot below.

Inserting a new table to start your Google docs resume

Right after inserting a table, grab the middle divider between the cells and move it more to the right to make the second column much smaller. The actual size is not that important as we will most likely tweak it later.

Resizing the columns

Type the name into the first cell, and the address into the second one. Select both cells and change the font to Droid Sans from the font drop-down menu.

Setting a different font face

It would be great to have your name in some more distinctive font, but the default list is intended for body text. To gain access to more fonts, open the font dropdown menu again and select the  More fonts  option.

Selecting the More fonts option

On the drop-down menu that opens, the list of available fonts is much larger. Select, for example, the  Arvo font, and click OK to add it into the font drop-down menu. 

With so many nice-looking fonts, you may want to add more than just one, but remember that it is better to keep the font count to a minimum. For our resume, two fonts will be enough—one for the heading and one for the body text. We can still use different sizes, colors, and bold or italic variants.

Adding the Arvo font into the font list

Change the font for the name to the Arvo and increase the size to 30 pt from the font size drop-down menu.

Setting a different font size

To make the second line more visible, set the font to Arvo as well and make it Bold . Now both lines have almost the same width, which looks nice. Note: You can tweak the font size to get it perfect for your name and title though.

Setting a font for the header part

Since we already have text in a second cell, we can change its size so that the right edge of the text is aligned with the right side of the page. This will create a visual guideline even when we get rid of the table borders later.

Resizing the columns to create visual guidelines

Now select the whole table, and then select Table > Table properties .

Selecting table properties

In the dialog box, set the Tableborder to 0 pt , to make the borders invisible.

Setting a table border to 0 pt to make it invisible

Here is how our Google Docs resume looks so far. We have two columns of text:

Quick preview of what we have so far

Let's continue with  how to make a resume on Google Docs, moving on to design additional sections of your resume.

2. Insert a Horizontal Line Divider Below the Header

To visually separate the header from the rest of the page, we'll now add a divider. We can simply select Insert > Horizontal line , but there is no way to customize this line. We have to use a different method instead.

Here's another method of how to make a horizontal line in Google Docs. Instead we'll select Insert > Special characters , and select Geometric Shapes . 

This section contains a lot of characters for creating tables which we will use later, together with lines in various widths. Select symbol Lower One Eight Block , click Insert , and copy paste this character using the  Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V shortcuts to fill the entire line.

Adding a special character from the Geometric Shapes section

Once you have enough symbols, select them and change the font color to Light Cornflower Blue 1 from the color drop-down menu. Try to remember this colors name, as we will use the very same color for the more elements later.

Setting a different color for the divider

3. Insert Your Google Docs Resume Body

Now we'll move onto the next step of how to make a resume in Google Docs and focus on the body. For the body of your resume, we also need two columns. The technique is still the same—select Insert > Table and set it to 2x1 size.

Adding a new table

We do not want the table to affect the margins. Select Table > Table properties , and in the dialog, set the Cell padding to 0 . This way we still get two columns, but no extra space around from the inside.

Setting a Cell padding to 0 pt to remove unnecessary space

4. How to Add a Work Experience Section

Keep the text cursor in the first cell of the newly created table, and add another table inside this table. This table will be used to display your work experience. Select Insert > Table , and this time, set the size to 3x4 cells. Why this size? 

The three columns will be used for each work experience to display year, helper graphics and an actual text. We need four rows for four different jobs. You may create more or less rows depending on your needs.

Adding a new table for the work experience section

As you can see below, we have a smaller table inside a larger one. Before adjusting this small table, it may be a good idea to add a caption. Simply type the word “ Experience ”, and change the font to Arvo , sized 14 pt .

Adding a caption for the table

If you already have your resume text prepared, you can copy and paste it into this table. If not, it may be a good time to think about what to include in your Google Docs resume. From resume design templates to step-by-step guides of what to include on your resume— our Envato Tuts+ series on creating resumes has plenty of tutorials to help.

In some rare cases, you may have your old resume printed without the source file available. In that case, be sure to check the tutorial:

how to make resume for google

When typing or copying the text, the first column should contain the time period and the third column should be filled with the description of the work.The middle column should stay empty for now.

Filling the table with the text

As usual, select the whole table, then  Table > Table properties , and set the Cell padding to 0 . This way there will be no extra space inside, but we still have three columns of text.

Setting Cell padding to 0 pt

Drag the borders in between the cells to make the right column as big as possible, to make sure we keep the whole table only on the first page. The middle column can be quite small, as shown on the picture below:

Resizing the columns to make the third column as wide as possible

Now it's a perfect time to look at the middle column more closely. We want to have a timeline, with a marker for each date. The timeline should be made of lines, where the markers could be big plus symbols.

Google Docs allows you to insert a drawing, but we would have to update it for each cell, since they have different heights. A much better solution would be to use special symbols. Select Insert > Special characters .

Insert special characters

In the dialog box, select Geometric Shapes , and locate the line and cross symbols. Insert them into the middle column—if you look closely at the screenshot below, the text cursor is in the middle cell.

Insert line and cross symbols

Keep only one instance of the cross symbol, but copy and paste the line multiple times until this middle cell is larger than the right one. To have the lines without any additional spacing and next to each other, select  Line Spacing and set it to Single .

Filling the cell with the line symbols

If you have very small gaps between the lines, they are caused by the different font renderings. They will not be presented in a final PDF file. However, they do not look good in here. One way to solve this issue is to select those symbols and set them to Bold .

As mentioned above, keep in mind that the visual appearance of the final PDF file may look slightly different than what you see on the screen. Those tiny gaps between the lines are a perfect example. 

If you want to be sure the resume output file will look perfect, you can quickly export a .pdf file using File > Download as > PDF Document and check the visual appearance during the creation. What's great about a PDF file is that it will look exactly the same on any device, using any viewer application.

Checking the appearance of the exported pdf file

Our timeline looks good, but it's maybe too visible. We can select all the line symbols, and change the color to light gray, using the text color drop-down menu.

Setting a different color for the line symbols

Once we are satisfied with the result, we can copy and paste those symbols into all cells in the middle column. Using a menu on the top, set a Center align for the middle column, and a Right align for the left column.

Setting a different text align

For the first line of each work experience, we can change the font to Bold Droid Sans and set the same blue color as we have used for the divider on the top of the page.

Tweaking the graphic appearance of the work details

Here is how our Google Docs resume looks so far. We keep the borders of the tables visible to make the editing easier, but once we're done, make them invisible just like we did for the header.

A quick preview of what we have so far

5. Insert a Right Column For Your Education and Profile

It looks like we still a bit of work ahead, but the right side will be much quicker, as we'll reuse some parts already created. Now select the whole left part of the table and copy it into the clipboard using the Ctrl-C  (Command C on a Mac) shortcut.

Selecting and copying the first column

Move the cursor into the right cell, and paste it using the Ctrl-V shortcut.

Pasting the copied column

Change the label above the table to “ Education ”, and insert or type in the appropriate data. In our example, I have used only the first two rows. For that reason, I have selected the content of the other two rows, and deleted the text using the Delete key. However, the cells are still there.

Deleting unnecessary text

Keep the rows selected, and select the  Table > Delete row function.

Deleting unnecessary rows

Finally, we can copy and paste the caption above the table one more time, change it to “ Profile ” and add some plain text as shown below:

Adding a profile section

6. Add a Space in Between the Columns

For this step in how to make a resume in Google Docs we'll add another section and fix a spacing issue.

Looking at the Google Docs resume preview above, you may realize that the space between the work experience table and profile text is very small. It would be great to know this right from the beginning, but even now, the update should not take a long time.

Place the cursor somewhere over the “ Experience ” label, and select Table > Insert column right . Warning: do not be scared, this will temporarily ruin the layout, as we'll cover how to fix that.

Adding a space between the columns

We indeed have three columns, but the middle one is too big and the other two are too small.

New empty column in between

Drag the borders on each side of the middle column to make it smaller, just like shown in the picture below (now everything looks perfect.):  

Adjusting the size of the middle column

Select the work experience table, and select Table > Table properties . In here, set the Table border to 0 pt to make it invisible. Repeat the process for both the education table and the main table.

Setting the Table border to 0 pt to make it invisible

7. Add a Divider on the Bottom of the Page

The very last touch is to add a thicker divider on the bottom of the page. This time we'll use a different method.

Select Insert > Table and select table sized 1x1 cells.

Adding a new table for the bottom divider

Open the table properties, set the Table border to 0 pt , Cell background color to blue and Cell padding to 0 .

Setting various properties for the table

To change the table height, simply adjust the font size inside this table. Make it as small as possible, which is 6 pt . You may have to type 6 into the font box, since the drop-down menu options start at 8.

Changing the font size to change the table height

And that´s it! Zoom out your document to see the whole page and double check everything:

A preview of your finished Google Docs resume

8. How to Export the Document as a PDF File

Once you are satisfied with your result, name your document. Then, select File > Download as > PDF Document , and save the file to your computer.

Exporting a Google Doc Resume as a pdf document

Or, if you'd rather export in other formats, check out our tutorial:

how to make resume for google

If you do save the resume in another format, though, be sure to open it on your computer to make sure it looks the same as it did in Google Docs. To discover which resume format is best, review the Tuts+ article:

how to make resume for google

The second option is to directly share the file which you have created. For more information about this topic, be sure to check the tutorial:

how to make resume for google

With a professional resume design in hand, now all that's left is to send it off to the employer of your dreams. Good luck on landing the new position you apply to. 

Now that we've explained how to make a resume in Google Docs, you're ready to go.

The tutorial ends here, but you should not. Try to experiment a little bit. What about using a different font, colors  or dot symbol instead of the cross? Those changes can make your resume unique looking, and they are very easy to do. Go for it and be sure to post your creations in the comments!

Editorial Note: This post was originally published in 2014. It has been comprehensively revised to make current, accurate, and up to date by our staff—with special assistance from Laura Spencer .

Vaclav Krejci

6 Google resume examples (+ tips on optimizing for Google)

The google logo in neon

Getting a job at Google is about as tough as it gets. M ost candidates don’t get past the resume screening. Those that do then face a long and demanding interview process .

To increase your chances of success, use our step-by-step guide to writing a top Google resume/CV.

As well as tips and expert insights, it includes examples of resumes that earned candidates offers or interviews at Google.

We'll also show you a checklist of Google's specific resume recommendations.

Here’s an overview of what we’ll cover:

1. 6 Google resume tips 2. 6 examples of resumes and CVs that worked for Google 3. How to write a resume for Google (section-by-section) 4. Your Google resume checklist

Let’s get into it.

Get expert feedback on your resume with Google ex-interviewers

1. 6 google resume tips.

As you'd expect, Google recruiters have the highest standards out there. They also have certain things that they are particularly keen on, so, no matter what role you're applying to, follow these six crucial tips:

1. Use the X, Y, Z formula for your achievements

The "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]" formula is great for structuring your bullet points and really showing quantifiable results and impact on your resume.

You should be using it no matter which company you're targeting, but at Google it's even more recommendable, given it was ex-Google VP Lazlo Bock who made it famous.

  • "Achieved a 40% reduction in critical bug resolution time by leading a cross-functional team and implementing immediate code fixes."
  • "Achieved a 25% increase in user NPS scores by initiating a customer-centric approach based in extensive user research and feedback analysis."

If you're not sure how to use the X,Y, Z formula, don't worry, we'll explain more in section 3 .

2. Demonstrate leadership skills

Google has to be extremely selective about its hires. It doesn't want to hire people who are only good at executing tasks and following established processes. It wants to see that you can have what it takes to be a leader, regardless of whether you're applying for a leadership role.

So include examples where you led a project, took the initiative, or influenced other people. You may want to include a "Leadership and Awards" section in your resume (see section 3 ).

If you haven’t got many strong examples from your work experience, try to find examples from personal projects or university (if recently graduated).

  • "Led a cross-functional team of 15 engineers, designers, and QA analysts, ensuring alignment with the product roadmap and effective execution of mobile app projects."
  • "Student Council Vice-President: Advocated for student needs at the university administration level, resulting in improved campus facilities, increased mental health support services, and extended library hours."

3. Show some "scrappiness".

Google especially love to see evidence of "scrappiness" in a CV. By this, we mean evidence that you have an entrepreneurial mindset, that you're used to getting results despite scarce resources and you've got a history of getting your hands dirty and going outside your comfort zone.

Personal projects often fit this description and including them, when relevant, can be a great way to demonstrate that you have plenty of "scrappiness".


  • "Founder of a domestic urban gardening business as a side project. Ran all aspects of business, from garden design, planting, maintenance, and client interactions. Employed 3 freelancers and made $80K revenue in first year."

4. Include technical skills

It goes without saying that if you're an engineer, you'll automatically be including lots of technical skills on your resume.

But even if you're applying for a role like product manager or program manager , be aware that Google still expects non-technical candidates to have a solid technical background, so try your best to clearly demonstrate yours: e.g. basis grasp of Python, computer science degree, etc.

5. Demonstrate Googleyness

"Googleyness" is the slightly hard to define quality that Google wants all of its employees to have. It comes into play more at interview stage, but evaluating whether your resume demonstrates Googleyness is a good way to make sure you're on the right track.

Does your resume paint a picture of someone who is comfortable with ambiguity, has a strong bias for action, and a highly collaborative nature? If so, you're looking like a Googler already.

For help, check out our guide on Googleyness and how to demonstrate it.

6. Don't forget communication skills

Good communication skills are important if you want to be an engineer at Google, and if you get to interview stage you will be tested on them. On your resume, try to include experience of working with cross-functional teams.

Outside work achievements, skills or interests such as foreign languages can be a great way to show that you're a solid communicator.

If you're applying to a management role, communication skills become even more important - try to demonstrate that you have experience aligning different stakeholders.

Right, now you've seen the key things that Google recruiters and interviewers will be looking for, let's see some real resume examples.

2. 6 Google resume examples that worked

Before we start guiding you on how to write your resume step-by-step, take a look at some real examples that got their owners interviews at Google.

You'll notice they follow different formats, and none fully follow the guidelines we set out below. We think this shows two things:

  • there are many acceptable ways to write a resume
  • even for Google, your resume doesn't have to be perfect, as long as it demonstrates your skills and achievements effectively.

Let's take a look.

2.1 Google resume example 1 (PM)

The resume below belongs to Nicolas Lin, and it got him a senior product manager job at Google in April 2022.

Google senior product manager resume

This is a seriously high quality resume. Here's what Nicolas does especially well:

  • Quantifying achievements : Nicolas provides powerful metrics to make his achievements measurable and specific.
  • Action verbs: Nicolas chooses his verbs carefully. For instance, instead of just saying "launched", he writes "Initiated and launched" to show that he is someone that gets things started and finished.
  • Cherry-picking : Nicolas includes the most impressive two or three achievements from each role, no more. This gives him space to sufficiently explain each one.

2.2 Google resume example 2 (PM)

This resume got Imran (not his real name) onsite interviews in July 2023 for a senior product manager role at Google .

Google pm resume example - 1

Again, this is an extremely impressive resume. Here's our feedback:

  • Quantifying achievements: Again, Imran has been very detailed and specific in quantifying his impressive achievements.
  • Length : Imran has decided to make use of a second page and uses the space to go into a lot of detail on the impact he has had in recent roles, as well as mentioning his previous experience as a network engineer.
  • No extracurricular. We think he could have found room for this section in order to add a touch of color and personality to the resume, but clearly Imran wanted to focus 100% on his impact at work, which is fair enough.

2.3 Google resume example 3 (SWE)

This is a great example of a strong fresher software engineer resume. It got "Ana" interviews at Google despite having almost no professional experience.

fresher software engineer resume example

Here's what Ana does well on this resume:

  • Education first: Ana doesn't have much work experience so she starts with Education, detailing specific topics in both her undergraduate and Masters courses.
  • Projects: As a fresher candidate, Ana does well to list some relevant Projects to fill the gap where more experienced candidates would list recent employment.

2.4 Google resume example 4 (Front-end developer)

The resume below is from "Lana". It got her interviews for a front-end developer role at Google.

front end developer resume part 1

  • Skills: Lana lists her relevant hard skills in a way that's very easy for a recruiter to understand at a glance.
  • Languages : Don't make the mistake of thinking languages aren't relevant for a technical job. Lana's five languages signal that she's a strong communicator and helped her get an interview.
  • Impact : Lana doesn't include examples of impact and results that she's achieved at work. Doing so would have greatly improved this resume.

2.5 Google example resume 5 (TPM)

This resume won the candidate, let's call her Nadia, a technical program manager job at Google in 2022.

Google TPM resume example page 1

Here's our feedback on this resume:

  • Explanation: her previous company may not be well-known to the recruiter so she adds a brief explanation
  • Action verbs: the candidate starts each sentence with a powerful action verb that reflects key TPM responsibilities and skill areas
  • Quantifying achievements : she provides metrics to make her achievements measurable and specific.
  • Key skills for the role: Agile methodology was listed in the job description so the candidate made sure to include it near the top.

2.6 Google resume example 6 (TPM)

Here's another (fully anonymized) resume from a candidate who landed a technical program manager job at Google.

how to make resume for google

While very different in length and layout, this TPM resume has some similar strengths to the previous one:

Action verbs : again, the candidate starts sentences with powerful action verbs that demonstrate key TPM skills.

Quantifying achievements: although the candidate doesn't include many metrics, here he gives the budget he worked with in order to demonstrate the scale of his achievements.

Key skills for the role : these skills were prominent in the job description so the candidate makes sure to list them near the top.

3. How to write a resume for Google (section-by-section)

Now you've seen some examples, let’s go through the process for writing a resume that can get you into Google, step-by-step, section-by-section.

To illustrate our tips at each stage, and to help you visualize our recommended layout, we’ve created an example resume for you to use as a reference.

Unlike the examples listed above, this is not a real resume. It belongs to an imaginary mid-level software engineer called Karl. It's an amalgamation of the many high quality resumes that candidates have shared with us before going on to work at Google.

Even if you're not an engineer, you can still follow this same template, just remove the 'Programming languages" from the top of your resume.

google resume template example full

Click here to download the example Google resume

Right, let’s take the first step in building a resume for Google.

3.1 Step 1: Do your research

Find the job specification , read it thoroughly, and use it to shape your resume in the following ways:

  • First of all, work out what type of profile is Google looking for. Which skills will be most crucial for the role? Prepare to adapt your resume’s content accordingly.
  • Zoom in on a few of the responsibilities in the job description that you think are most important. Search for specific examples from your past that demonstrate experience in doing the same thing or something very similar. Find the numbers to back it up where possible, so you’re ready to include this information in the work experience section later on.
  • Take note of the language used in the job description so you can, where appropriate, match specific verbs and phrases.

You also need to r esearch the company. Google is such a huge part of our lives that you might think you already know enough about it. But to create a great Google resume, you need a better understanding of the company than the average applicant.

  • Take a look at Google's ' Ten things we know to be true " and commitments , and think about which of your experiences or achievements might be relevant to the topics articulated there.
  • Watch the video below where Google recruiters explain "How we hire".

The tips and pointers we've given below align with the advice in the resume section of the video above, so that you can easily create a resume that fits Google's preferences.

Right, once you’ve done the research, you’ll be ready to start writing.

3.2 Step 2: Choose a layout

The design of your resume should have one objective: to convey as much information as possible in a way that is clear, easy to digest, and professional. Use our sample resume as your template, and you’ve already achieved that!

Some people add a second objective: to demonstrate strong design skills in order to stand out from the crowd and impress the recruiter.

However, we recommend treading carefully with this. Recruiters for large companies are unlikely to be impressed by a resume’s design; they’re interested in the content. Some might even be put off by a “creative” or unique design. To avoid this risk, aim to stand out through your resume’s content, not its design.

Google says: "Use simple and consistent design font, spacing and sizing throughout." ( Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice )

3.2.1 How long should your Google resume be?

Many candidates ask us if they should stick to just one page. The answer is not necessarily.

On an engineering resume it’s fine to go to two pages, as long as all the content you’re including is strong and relevant to the role. We can confirm this because many of the engineering candidates who use our coaching service got their Google interviews using two-page resumes, or even three. Engineering resumes are often a bit longer than non-technical resumes, as you need to go into more detail on the different technologies you're familiar with.

If you're a non-engineering roles such as product or program manager, using multiple pages is still fine as long as you have the experience to merit it. If you've only been working for a few years, you should definitely aim to get it all on one page.

Google says: " Keep it short. We don’t have a length requirement, but concision and precision are key — so think twice before letting your resume move onto multiple pages. " (Google Careers: How we hire)

3.2.2 Sections / categories

Google recommends using the following section layout for intermediate to experienced candidates. Of course, there are other valid ways to structure your resume and Google isn't going to penalize you for not following their outline. But if you follow Google's, you know you can't go wrong. Here it is:

  • Personal information
  • Work experience
  • Leadership and Awards

Optional final section

If you're a recent graduate or don't have much relevant work experience yet, Google recommends that you bring your Education section higher up:

Work Experience

  • Final section (e.g Extracurricular)

Whether or not you stick exactly to Google's suggested categories, we highly recommend keeping these general layout/design tips in mind:

  • Choose a professional-looking font: Size 10-12, black and white. Arial and Calibri work well.
  • Save it as a PDF
  • Use bullet points
  • Make sure the formatting is 100% neat and consistent
  • Include enough white space that it doesn’t look overcrowded


  • Include a “summary” or “objective” section at the top (unless you have an unusual profile which needs explaining). Your resume is already a summary in itself, so Google recruiters see this as a waste of space.
  • Include references
  • Pick an unusual font to try and stand out

In the remaining steps, we’ll help you craft each section. Let’s go!

3.3 Step 3: the Personal Information section

This section is not the place to try and impress. Just make sure you get your details across in as few words as possible and avoid mistakes. If you're an SWE or similar, Google recommends that you should include your programming languages here at the top of your resume.

software engineer resume template - personal section

It's a good idea to provide your LinkedIn page so that a recruiter can find out more about you if they wish. If you're applying for an engineering role, you should also consider linking to some open source contributions you've made. This might be on a site such as GitHub, or similar.

  • Use a larger font for your name than for the rest of the section to make it stand out
  • Include your name, email address, phone number, city/county you live in
  • If you're an engineer, include your programming languages and a link to your profile on GitHub or similar
  • Ideally, include a link to your LinkedIn profile


  • Title this section. It’s not necessary in this type of layout, so save the space
  • Include a street address, as it’s unnecessary and unsafe
  • Include a photo, date of birth, or gender, unless specifically requested to do so
  • Don’t label each piece of information e.g “email,” “tel,” etc. It’s obvious what they are, so save the space

3.4 Step 4: the Work Experience section

This is probably the most important part of your resume to get right, and the easiest to get wrong. Many candidates think that their work experience speaks for itself, and simply list their role and a few of their main responsibilities.

However, we recommend a much more powerful approach.

Instead of listing responsibilities, you need to talk about actions. This means starting each bullet point with an action verb. "Executed," "Negotiated," "Led," and "Delivered" are some good examples of such verbs.

Choosing actions that are relevant to the essential tech skills will also mean that your resume contains the keywords that recruiters (and sometimes Applicant Tracking Systems) will be looking for.

3.4.1 Lazlo Bock's X,Y,Z formula

You should also focus on the results of what you did and quantify them as much as possible to highlight the tangible contributions you have made. Ex-Google SVP Lazlo Bock talks about a common method for doing this that you might find helpful, called the “X, Y, Z” formula .

In essence it is: ' Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]'.

Following the X,Y,Z formula is a simple way to make sure you are more specific as possible about your work achievements and quantify them where possible. Let's take a look at some examples:

  • "Reduced AWS spending by 15% by designed and implemented resource scaling policies to optimize cloud infrastructure."
  • "Improved user activation by 35% YoY by leveraging data analytics and conducting quantitative and qualitative user research."
  • "Reduced server downtime, resulting in 99% server uptime, by deploying automated monitoring tools and establishing proactive alerting system."

Don't feel that all your bullet points have to exactly follow the X,Y,Z formula but it is a really useful mechanism for making sure you give clear, specific and quantifiable examples of your impact.

Finally, balance can be very important if your target role is multi-faceted, such as engineering manager , TPM or product manager . If so, try and demonstrate a range of skills in the work experience section.

swe resume template - work experience

Notice how the candidate implements the things we’ve mentioned above: using action verbs to talk about their actions and achievements, quantifying them where possible.

You'll also notice that the candidate includes the programming language they used for each project / achievement. This is recommended by Google recruiters as it helps show your level of expertise in each. However, it's true to say that most of the Google resumes we've seen don't do this, so it's up to you.

Ready to start writing this section? Use the tips below to keep you on the right track.

  • Use reverse chronological order, putting most recent employment at the top
  • Use past tense verbs, talking about completed achievements (e.g. "Led, Coordinated, Executed")
  • If you're an engineer, consider including the programming language you used for each project ( Google's recommendation )
  • Describe your actions and what they achieved
  • Include metrics to quantify what your actions achieved where possible
  • Study the language of the job description and where appropriate, match it
  • Make sure you’ve naturally included the main keywords you found in the job description.
  • Demonstrate a balance of skills
  • Be shy and humble. Now is not the time!
  • Just put your responsibilities
  • Go so overboard with numbers that it looks like a math problem. It still needs to be easy to read
  • Include lots of buzzwords just for the sake of it

3.5 Step 5: the Education section

This section should be extremely concise and clear. Hopefully your educational achievements can do the talking for you, as all you can really do here is present the necessary information with the right level of detail.

Let’s take a look at what it should look like.

swe resume template

Note that if you have recently graduated and only have internship experiences instead of relevant work experience, this section should follow the Personal Information section, and you will want to go into a bit more detail.

Google says: "If you're a recent university graduate or have limited work experience, include school-related projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge. " ( Google Careers: How we hire - resume )

Follow the tips below to make sure you get it just right.

  • If you have multiple degrees (e.g. a BA and an MBA), you should write a subsection like the one above for each degree, starting with your highest level of education first (e.g. your MBA)
  • For each degree, include the name of the degree, university, and dates in the headline. If you’re a recent graduate, you can also list any projects/courses you have taken that are relevant to the role
  • List your grades (e.g. GPA) as well as results of other standardized tests you have taken (e.g. SAT, GMAT, etc.) that demonstrate your intellect
  • Detail any awards and scholarships you received at university level and most importantly how competitive they were (e.g. two awards for 1,000 students)
  • Panic if you don't have a degree. You don’t have to have gone to college to get into Google. Instead put your high school grades and any relevant educational qualifications you gained after school
  • Include high school experience if you've already graduated
  • Include your thesis / dissertation unless you're a fairly recent graduate, in which case you should summarize the topic in a way that's VERY easy to understand

3.6 Step 6: Leadership & Awards

The last section in Google's recommmended template is the Leadership & Awards section.

The more experience you have, the easier it should be for you to find two or three strong bullet points that demonstrate leadership (outside your day-to-day work), or some impressive awards you've earned in your industry or from your studies.

If you haven't won any awards or can't think of any strong leadership examples outside your day-to-day role, then consider leaving out this section entirely.

swe resume template - awards

  • Put awards in context. E.g. "1st out of 22 applicants".
  • Consider leaving this section out if you're lacking content.
  • Use awards from school or university if you graduated more than ten years ago
  • Include weaker achievements (e.g "employee of the week") just to fill space

3.7 Step 7: Optional final section

The final section, often labelled 'Extracurricular", is where you can bolster your credentials by demonstrating traits and skills that you haven't managed to include previously. The more junior you are, the more benefit you'll get out of this final section.

Google says you can include membership in student groups, volunteering, community service, social groups, especially if you have a leadership role in any of these.

You could also link to relevant publications, papers, patents, or conference presentations, or any other extracurricular activities that help you demonstrate skills relevant to your role or the kind of character traits that Google is looking for.

Google resume template - extracurricular

Don't feel that you have to frame this as an "Extracurricular" section. If you have skills with specific software and tools that you haven't managed to mention in the rest of your resume, you might want to label this section 'Additional Skills' and use it to list these.

Additional tips:

  • Include academic content here if you're a student or recently graduated
  • Include tech bootcamps (e.g. General Assembly) and link to your projects, or online courses (e.g. Udacity)
  • If you need to save vertical space, list skills in sentences rather than  bullets
  • Feel free to leave this section out, especially if you're more experienced.
  • Include generic activities that most people like doing, like “watching Netflix” or “hanging out with friends,” as interests
  • List basic skills that almost everyone has, such as "Google Docs" or "MS Word".

3.8 Step 8: proofreading and feedback

Don’t skip this step! Use a grammar checking tool and then proofread until it’s perfect. This is harder than it sounds because multiple reviews and tweaking after the initial proofread can easily create new hard-to-spot errors. The only solution is to proofread again after each tweak.

We recommend saving as a pdf file unless the job description says otherwise, and checking it opens properly (with the correct formatting) on a Mac or PC.

Receiving feedback is also important. Share it with a friend or partner, and they’ll be very likely to see mistakes that you haven’t noticed. Of course, if you can share it with an experienced tech recruiter / interviewer , that can give you a big advantage over other applicants.

  • Proofread from top to bottom and then read it in reverse to check spelling
  • If you’ve tweaked it, proofread again before sending
  • Check the file opens properly on Mac and PC
  • Get feedback on it before sending
  • Send it with typos. Your resume is your product!

4. Your Google resume checklist

Almost ready to send your Google resume? Use this checklist to make sure you’re following the best practices we’ve recommended above.

If you can answer “Yes” to every question, then you’re ready to send it.

  • Does your resume present you as the type of candidate the job description is looking for ?
  • Is it just one page? If not, do you have the experience to merit 2 pages?
  • Is the formatting 100% consistent and neat?
  • Is there enough white space to breathe?

Personal Information

  • Have you checked your contact details are correct?
  • If you're an engineer, have you listed your programming languages at the top?
  • Have you talked about your actions rather than your responsibilities?
  • Have you quantified the impact of your actions, preferably using the X,Y,Z formula?
  • Have you demonstrated a range of relevant skills?
  • If you don't have much experience, have you included personal projects?

Leadership & Awards

  • If you graduated >10 years ago, are your examples post-university?
  • Does what you've listed here have some relevance to the role or the traits Google looks for?
  • If you've included a Bootcamp, is that because you don't have work experience that overrides it?

Proofreading and feedback

  • Have you proofread since you last edited it?
  • Have you received any feedback on your resume from any recruites or interviewers?
  • Have you saved it as a PDF to make sure it displays correctly on all devices?

Did you say “Yes” to every question? Well done! If you’ve used all the tips in this article, then your resume should be in good condition and will give you a fighting chance of getting that interview invitation from Google.

Check out our guide to Google interview questions for an idea of what you can expect if you make it to interview stage.

5. Is your resume truly outstanding?

When you're targeting Google, having a resume that's "fine" isn't enough. T o get your Google resume from "fine" to "outstanding" usually requires feedback from someone who really knows their stuff - an ex-Google recruiter or hiring manager.

We know it's hard to get access to those types of people. That's why we've created a resume review service, that allows you to get immediate feedback on your resume with a top Google recruiter/coach of your choosing. Take a look!

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polling, streaming and sockets system design interview

20+ Google Docs Resume Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

Background Image

Writing your first resume can be scary and intimidating.

Sometimes you need a touch of something familiar , effortless, and trustworthy like Google.

Through Google Docs, they also give an easy solution to your resume writing problem by introducing resume templates , which come in handy if you have no clue where to start.

These things are extremely easy to use since some of them are inbuilt in Google, you can fill them out online , and most of them are free .

And the best part? Unlike Word resume templates , the whole thing doesn’t get messed up the moment you make a single change to it.

In this guide, we’ll lay out the details for you and show you:

How to Make a Resume on Google Docs

10+ free google docs resume templates, 10+ premium google docs resume templates.

  • Possible Issues with Google Doc Resumes (& What Else to Consider)

First and foremost, you would want to be at the correct place.

How do you use Google Docs ?

You first need a Google account to access these templates or to create a new Google Doc. 

It could be the same account you use for your Gmail.

If you don’t have one, sign up by creating a new account ! 

Now that we’re both on the same page, let’s rock and roll!

We’ll get to the best templates in the next section, but for now, I’m going to pick one from Google Doc’s template gallery to demonstrate how it’s done.

google docs resume templates

I’ll pick “Serif” for the sake of the example. 

Here’s how that template looks like in its “Lorem ipsum” form:

basic google docs resume

Notice also how all the changes you make are saved online, in real-time in your Google Drive, where you can find the file to re-edit at a later time.

all changes saved

You can go ahead and rename your file by clicking on the name of the template at the top left:

rename google doc resume

You can see that they’ve listed the major components of a resume : Contact Information , Experience , Education , and Skills . 

Projects, Awards, and Languages are, of course, optional, depending on where you’re at so far.

Here’s how you insert your information in a Google Doc resume template:

You delete the sample text and replace it with your own text.

For example:

google doc resume header

If there is a section that does not apply to you or there are more entries than you actually need, you can just delete them.

The Google Docs resume template works like a table, so anytime you delete one or more of the entries...nothing else moves!

Let’s say Frank only has one work experience and one education entry to fill out. He also has 3-4 skills under his belt and can speak two languages.

Frank inputs all of that in the Google Doc resume and now it looks something like this:

work experience on google doc resume template

Yay! Isn’t she a beaut?

After you’ve done completing all the information you think is appropriate, you have to download your resume, which is now ready for submission.

Find the Download button under File → Download:

download google doc resume template

Before rushing your way towards submitting as instant gratification for a job well done, check out if your employer has a preferred format for your resume.

If not, we always suggest downloading your Google Docs resume as a PDF document to avoid system conversion issues or unneeded clutter due to incompatibilities.

Check your Downloads or designated folder, and there you have it!

Not entirely sure what to put on your resume ? You can check out our complete guide on how to write a resume . 

In this section, we lay out some of the best Google Docs resume templates which you don’t have to pay a single cent for.

Whoever said, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch” has obviously never read this article.

Swiss Google Docs Resume Template

Swiss Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Someone with a lot of experience, Senior positions, Bank

Creator: Google Docs

Where to find it: Templates Gallery

Price: Free

Swiss is one of our favorite Google Doc templates because of its simplicity . It’s best suited if you have some experience under your belt and are not fresh from school. Swiss is the best choice for you if your experience has been fairly regular since such an amount of space is devoted to the main categories of Skills, Experience, and Education. Swiss keeps it simple but still adds personality with a pop of orange in its resume design . It says: I am professional, but not boring.

Serif Google Docs Resume Template

Serif Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Computer Scientist , Data analyzer , Senior positions, Banking

You might remember this template from our tutorial in the previous section. Using the colors black and blue to show utmost professionalism , this template makes a neat first impression. If you have projects, presentations, and awards you are proud of, this is the template for you! It also saves a sweet spot for Languages and uses two columns to spread out the information. This would be ideal for you if you’re a computer science or senior business person that is seasoned in their field.

Traditional Elegance Google Docs Resume Template

Traditional Elegance Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Recent graduates

Creator: Hloom

Where to find it: Hloom’s website

Are you a recent graduate without a lot of work experience under your belt? This might be the perfect Google Doc resume template for you. It’s extremely simple and emphasizes education more than experience, so feel free to highlight all your college classes and extra-curricular. It also allows for freedom in the Profile section, where you can write a resume objective or give a lengthier pitch to get the job to make up for the lack of experience .

Coral Google Docs Resume Template

Coral Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Fashion blogger, influencer, culinary arts, creative industry

This one-column resume is perfect if you’re in the fashion , influencer, culinary , or arts, and creative industry. The coral color and cursive fonts give it a very feminine touch, and the template oozes with personality . Coral certainly does not fit a business, serious, professional type. Although the template is fairly simple, the change in fonts and a bit of color makes it playful . It’s a great match if you have a lot of experience and skills but not a big educational background.

Spearmint Google Docs Resume Template

Spearmint Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Industrial engineer, energy and sustainability professional

Spearmint might resemble Coral because of its one-column layout and the same type of content entries. However, the feel and atmosphere it creates in its simplicity and the use of the green color tells a whole other story. This is the perfect template if you’re an industrialist or someone in the sustainability or green business. The template itself is not too creative but it does highlight skills first, which might also be great if you are ready to switch careers .

Modern Writer Google Docs Resume Template

Modern Writer Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: copywriter, editor, script-writer, librarian

This absolutely unique template goes by the name of Modern Writer for a reason: it’s made for the modern writer. This is the perfect template if the main focus of your resume is writing skills or if you are applying for a job that is related to writing and books: copywriter, content writer, editor, librarian, screenwriter, etc. Its unique style and the juxtaposition with the pink letter coloring makes it one of my favorites. If you’re applying for a business job though, I would steer clear of this quirky template.

Blue Side Google Docs Resume Template

Blue side Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Management and marketing professionals

This template is a play on the blue and black , but its accent color gives it a more polished look. What’s interesting and different about it is the way the years are listed, which resembles a CV but has the length and purpose of a resume. This is a great two-toned template for professionals with a lot of work experience under their belt going for that extra carrier push. This template takes you to the finish line.

All the Information Google Docs Resume Template

All the Information Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: a professional switching careers

This is the perfect resume template if you are planning to switch careers after a long time of following a certain professional path. In this case, you want a resume that highlights your greatest skills and emphasizes your career objective in a professional and lengthy manner. If you have more quality than quantity in your work experience and education and want extra room to properly describe how much value you added to each organization you were part of, All the information helps you list...well... all the information!

Goldfish Bowl Google Docs Resume Template

Goldfish Bowl Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: the overachiever with plenty of awards

Goldfish Bowl is a template for the loyal overachiever . Education comes last in this template because it is overshadowed by the work history, awards & certificates , and skills. Just like All the Information , it fits best if your contribution to your jobs can’t be summed up in bullet points, but you still have to stick to the one-page golden rule of resumes . Golden Fish says a lot in a very concise way.

Border Design Google Docs Resume Template

Border Design Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: High school and college graduates

Creator: Techie’s Guide

Where to find it: In this direct link to the Google Doc

Are you a high school or college graduate with plenty of volunteer experience but not that much of real industry experience? This is the template for you. It’s fun, it’s got personality , and has various links to social media sites so that the employer can find you more easily. The border also adds an extra layer of originality without making it tacky.

Although there’s plenty of free resumes to go around, there’s nothing like the touch of something premium to make you stand out from the crowd.

Get out your credit cards, we’re counting all our favorite premium Google Docs resume templates. There’s something for everyone on this list!

Alice Wilson Creative Google Docs Resume Template

Creative Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Senior professional in creative industries

Creator: NewLondonStudio

Where to find it: Etsy

Price: $7.97(including a cover letter and a reference page template)

There’s nothing like a well-organized , visually appealing template to showcase all your experience. Alice Wilson is extremely tasteful and professional. It provides a lot of room for long descriptions and focuses primarily on your experience. So if you are a senior professional with a long track record in the creative industry and are looking for something with professional but with a subtle personality, this is the template for you!

Mariah Carey Manager Google Docs Resume Template

carey manager google doc resume template

Who’s it for: Senior professional in Marketing , Advertising, Human Resources

Price: $9.29 (including a cover letter and a reference page template)

Are you a marketing director, HR manager, or have substantial expertise in advertising? Basically, if you consider yourself the Mariah Carey of your profession (regardless of gender), this is the resume for you. Mariah Carey has a similar layout to Alice Wilson , but is more conservative and professional . Icons are eliminated and the resume has been stripped down to its most delightful, minimalistic form.

Melinda Gates Student Google Docs Resume Template

Student Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Students and recent graduates 

Creator: DesignStudioTeti

Price: $7.14 (including a cover letter template)

You can’t find a Google Doc template that lists the appropriate amount of information for you? Well, we might have found the perfect resume template for students and/or recent graduates. It’s a wonderful fit because it lists education first , and also offers room for sections such as research projects and different scholarships or volunteer experience. The colors are also accented and pleasing to the eye, and the calligraphy-based name adds a personal touch.

Noah Webster Teacher Google Docs Resume Template

Teacher Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Teachers  

Price: $8.57 (including a cover letter template)

One of the most valuable members of society are teachers, but the work they do always seems to be undermined or underpaid. Not on this list! If you’re a teacher looking for a professional , yet stylish , easily-editable Google Docs resume template, replace your name with Noah Webster’s and start entering your achievements in the template. This resume has a special section for teaching certifications and career highlights. The cherry on top is the minimalistic font, subtle color, and focus on your professional teaching experience.

Jennifer Aniston Intern Google Docs Resume Template

Intern Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Creative Interns

This resume most probably has the most unique resume header I’ve ever seen. I’m sure your first reaction was like: “Wow! I’ve never seen anything like this!”, then you get the point. The hiring manager of your internship has never seen anyone like you either. This Google Doc resume template is unique and caters specifically to interns who want to stand out and be creative .

John Stockholm Photographer Google Docs Resume Template

Photographer Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Photographers, Bloggers, Visual Artists

Creator: ModernTasteDesigns

Price: $8.75

Looking for something swimming in modern, enticing visuals ? If you’re a creative guy/gal and do work in photography, blogging, or any type of visual medium that requires a portfolio , this is a great template to set you apart from the competition. The resume header is customizable , and you can add your own artwork. Pick something nice that makes a statement and shows the hiring manager a glimpse into your creative world. 

Proxima Google Docs Resume Template

Proxima Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Senior Executives

Creator: UpResume

Where to find it: UpResume’s site

Price: $14.95 (including cover letter)

Proxima is not a resume template to be taken lightly. It’s classy, sophisticated , elegant, and spans up to two pages if you have enough entries to contribute with. It’s perfect if you are a senior executive, a chief officer , or have had a long, respectable career. It has its own separate section on references and comes with two columns. The emphasis is put on your profile , skills, and work experience. The aesthetic is sleek and it also comes with a customizable cover letter of the same design theme.

Jane Hancock Google Docs Resume Template

Jane Hancock Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Young professionals in any industry.

Creator: MioDocs

Where to find it: MioDocs' Site

Price: $8.00 (including cover letter & reference page)

If you have not found yourself in any of the categories described so far, then jackpot: this might be the resume for you. The touch of green color makes it more interesting and visually appealing to the eye and thus improves your chances of getting noticed. The design does not dwell on quirky or too creative, however: it’s the right blend of professionalism office jobs are looking for and young creative energy . If you’re a young professional with one or two jobs under your belt and are on the hunt for the next step, this might just be the template for you.

Night Mode Web Design Google Docs Resume Template

Web Design Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Web designers, app developers

Creator: ModernTasteDesign

Price: $8.75 

How awesome is this template? It feels like you’re reading on night mode on Kindle. Classy, elegant , modern, and high tech : this resume template is a bold, non-conventional choice that works best for web designers and app developers . The use of dark background and white text will make your application immediately pop up amidst others and makes it easy on the eye. This template is really minimalistic and focuses on experience and skills mostly. If those are your best assets to get the job, then Night Mode is a great fit!

Florence Nightingale Nurse Google Docs Resume Template

Nurse Google Docs Resume Template

Who’s it for: Nurses , paramedics, doctors

Price: $8.57 (including cover letter and reference templates)

This crisply clean resume reminds us of the clear hospital beds: which makes it perfect not only for nurses but for all medical professions. The simple black and white is minimalistic and professional and showcases your best abilities and experiences. The education section has been replaced by Licenses & Certifications . This resume also comes with an Expertise section , so it’s simple to edit in your own information without trying to change the structure of the Google Doc resume template and creating a whole mess!

Google Docs Resume Templates Simply Not Cutting it? Try a Free Resume Builder

novoresume resume builder

Even though Google Docs resume templates look awesome and are easy to work with, they don’t offer much flexibility in layout. You make a small change to a section, and the whole thing gets messed up!

If you’re looking for a better resume experience, you mustn’t look very far.

A resume builder, unlike Google Docs resume templates, allows you to rearrange and optimize the layout of your resume and gives you real-time feedback on how to improve its content.

Novorésumé comes with all sorts of designs , from professional to creative, and guarantees you to stand out among all the resumes in the application file.

And to put the icing on the cake? You get twice the value from a free Novoresume template than from a paid Google Docs resume template.

But don’t take out word for it!

Give Novorésumé templates a try and see what all the hype is about!

Key Takeaways

So let’s sum up everything we have learned so far:

  • Writing a resume using Google Docs is extremely easy and is a great first step when you don’t know where to start. The resume gets saved online automatically as you edit, and then you just have to download it and upload it or print it.
  • There are hundreds of ready Google Docs templates you can use. We listed the ten best free and ten best premium Google Docs resume templates you can choose from.
  • Google Docs resume templates are a great first step but are highly inconvenient and sometimes generic. Using a resume builder like Novorésumé makes your resume-writing experience easier and the resume end product much more unique and professional .

Discover More Resume Templates

  • Creative Resume Templates
  • Functional Resume Templates
  • Chronological Resume Templates
  • Minimalistic Resume Templates
  • Combination Resume Templates
  • High School Resume Templates
  • One Page Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates

Suggested readings:

  • How to Pick the Best Resume Formats in 2024
  • CV vs. Resume - What are the Differences & Definitions?
  • 150+ Must-Have Skills for Any Resume

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10 google docs resume templates to land your dream job.


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Spectrum just raised its prices again, the internet is not forever, so it's time to preserve what you can, quick links, google docs template gallery resumes, canvas resume template, windsor resume template, creative resume template, glimmer resume template, golder resume template.

Building a resume from scratch takes a lot of time. Instead of using your energy formatting and aligning your experience, skills, and education, why not start with a template ? Here are several Google Docs resume templates to get you started.

Google Docs does offer free resume options in its Template Gallery. However, you'll only find a handful. For additional options, we've included some third-party templates you can download to Docs or Drive and use for free.

If you want to look at the offerings in Google Docs before venturing to a third party, you can pick from five resume templates.

Visit Google Docs and select "Template Gallery" at the top. If you changed your settings to hide recent templates, hover your cursor over the plus sign on the bottom right and click "Choose Template."

Template Gallery link in Google Docs

Scroll down to the Resumes section to see the options. You can pick from Swiss, Serif, Coral, Spearmint, and Modern Writer.

Resumes in the Google Docs Template Gallery

Choose any template to open it in Google Docs. Give it a name on the top left like any other Google Doc and then simply replace the placeholder text in each section with your own.

Google Docs resume template

Related: 7 Time-Saving Google Docs Features You Need to Know

If you have a lot of details to include in your resume but aren't sure of the best format, the Canvas resume template is ideal. It offers clearly divided sections making it easy for potential employers to read and find what they need.

Canvas resume

To obtain the template, visit Resume Genius and scroll to the Canvas Resume Template. Select "Create a Copy of This Resume" below the image.

Create a Copy below the Canvas resume template

Then, pick "Make a Copy" on the subsequent screen.

Make a Copy of a Google Docs file

When the template opens, just name the resume and swap out the details with your own.

Another option from Resume Genius is this Windsor resume template. It offers a splash of color with a single shade of blue. This is a good option if you have one educational item to include which is highlighted right at the top with the professional profile. The section for work experience is nice and big with a spot for additional skills at the bottom.

Windsor resume

To get the template, visit Resume Genius and scroll to the Windows Resume Template. Select "This Free Resume Template" below the image and then like the template above, click "Make a Copy" to get started.

Create a Copy below the Windsor resume template

Give your resume a name and replace the information with your own.

Related: How to Insert a PDF Into a Google Doc

If you work in the creative field, you may want a resume that offers some pizzazz. This Creative resume template does just that while remaining professional and useful. You have a designated spot at the top for a summary statement which a great introduction to the rest of your resume details .

Creative resume

To use the template, visit Beam Jobs and scroll to the Creative template. Click "Creative" to open the template in Google Docs.

Link to Creative to download the template

Once in Docs, select File > Make a Copy to copy the template for your own use. Give it a name and pick "Make a Copy."

Make a Copy of the file in Docs and name box

When the template appears, swap out the placeholder text with your own.

If it's your skills that you want to highlight rather than your job experience, check out the Glimmer resume template for Google Docs. You have contact details and a summary at the top. Then, the skills area lets you use a star system to display your expertise and experience for each skill. Finish it up with your work history at the bottom.

Glimmer resume

To obtain this template, visit Hloom and click "Download Template" on the Glimmer option.

Download Template for the Glimmer resume

Once the file downloads, head to Google Docs to upload and open it like any other file. You can also upload the resume template to Google Drive and then open it in Docs. Give it a name and replace the sample details with your own.

Related: How to Create a PDF from a Google Docs Document

One more resume template for Google Docs you'll want to look at is the Golder template. With a subtle gray background, the template uses pops of gold color for the experience, education, and a skill star system.

Golder resume

To use the template, visit Zety and scroll down to the Golder option. Select "Copy" beneath the image and then "Make a Copy" on the subsequent screen.

Link to Copy to get the template

Give your template a name, replace the sample text with your own, and you're set.

Gathering your details, wording them attractively, and finalizing your resume is a job in itself. You don't do it all from scratch with a Google Docs resume template to help.

For more, look at how to use the LinkedIn Resume Assistant if you use Word in addition to Docs.

  • Google Docs


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Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will Improve Your Odds of Getting Hired at Google

Alternative: reverse engineer their advice and improve recruitment at your business..


More than two million people apply to work for Google each year , which is more than 20 times the number of employees at the company at any given time.

With that kind of volume, it makes sense that Google proactively tries to tell applicants what they should do to improve their odds of getting noticed  within the herd.

Among its tools are a series of YouTube videos and articles detailing best practices for resumes (embedded below, along with two articles by Google's former senior vice president of personnel operations).

Here are some of the most important resume tips the company offers, including the simple, three-part formula that Google says applicants should always use. Even if you're not eager to work at Google, reverse engineering their expectations could give you some smart ideas regarding how to ask candidates to apply for opportunities with your business.

1. Basic formatting

Google rarely requests or even looks at a cover letter, so there is a lot riding on resumes. At the outset, the key rule is to keep things simple when it comes to format, and ensure that your resume is highly readable. That includes things like:

  • Formatting your resume as a pdf. This seems like a no-brainer in 2019, but Google's guides repeat this advice several times, so we have to assume not everyone does this automatically.
  • Skipping the objective. (They know what your objective is: to land this particular job.)
  • Using black text, and keep the font and size clean, simple, and consistent. 
  • Checking for typos. This is so important, we'll say it again: Check for typos. 
  • Using bullet points. (How's this for meta advice, since you're reading it in a bullet point?) Don't include long lines of descriptive text. Put yourself in the place of a human resume-reviewer, who is likely reading dozens of resumes at a time. 
  • Making sure you include your contact info. Yes, this seems obvious -- but make sure your name and email address are prominent. If you're applying for technical positions, include your Github link (more on that below).

2. Customization

You should write a new, tailored resume for every position you apply for. Also, the Google recruiters advise keeping it under a single page.

The exception to this is that if you are applying for a technical or engineering position, you can legitimately have a large number of relevant projects to list, and that might take you to a second page.

But for almost any other type of position, one page is the rule.

This also means that you have to be a ruthless editor. If you have tons of relative experience, you'll want to describe it all as succinctly as possible, while still getting your message across.

One specific piece of advice is that if any bullet point on your resume spills over by a word or two into a second line, figure out a way to write it shorter, so it stays on one line. Space is at a premium with a suggested one-page maximum.

3. Use the X by Y by Z formula

This is the crux of the advice by Laszlo Bock, a former Google senior vice president of personnel operations. You want to adhere to the bullet-point format as we've discussed, and articulate your experience in this specific way.

Google describes this as: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]." But just to make it easier to remember, let's shorten it to X-Y-Z.  

This means that you want to focus on accomplishments -- quantitative results and the impact that you had as a result. It's probably easiest to explain this by using a few examples from the Google recruiters' YouTube videos themselves.

For example, imagine an applicant who wants to make clear that he or she is a member of a prestigious group. Here's the OK way, the better way, and the best way to describe this on a resume, according to Google:

  • OK: "Member of Leadership for Tomorrow Society"
  • Better: "Selected as one of 275 for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent."
  • Best: "Selected as one of 275 participants nationwide for this 12-month professional development program for high-achieving diverse talent based on leadership potential and academic success."

Here's another example, this one for a technical position in which the applicant wants to point out that he or she placed second in a hackathon.

  • OK: "Won second place in hackathon."
  • Better: "Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon."
  • Best: "Won second place out of 50 teams in hackathon at NJ Tech by working with two colleagues to develop an app that synchronizes mobile calendars.

(In this case, the last, "best" is my own interpretation; Google doesn't actually provide the third suggestion. But I hope the point is clear.)

Here's a final example, intended for a business applicant who wants to show how much he or she contributed in a client support role: 

  • OK: "Grew revenue for small and medium business clients."
  • Better: "Grew revenue for small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ"
  • Best: "Grew revenue for 15 small and medium business clients by 10% QoQ by mapping new software features as solutions to their business goals."

One point about jargon: Use shorthand like "QoQ" (for quarter over quarter) only if you're 100 percent sure that the resume reviewer will know exactly what you mean.

4. Advanced formatting

Beyond the basic formatting issues, like keeping it to one page and using bullet points, there are some slightly more advanced formatting issues to consider.

You want to be sure to organize things in the same way that recruiters and reviewers are used to seeing them. The rules include:

  • education before experience if you're a student or a relatively recent graduate, or 
  • experience before education (in reverse chronological order), if you've been in the workforce for more than a position or two. 

For recent graduates, Google insists on school, degree, major, GPA, and month and year of graduation. But the further away you are from college, the less college and university information you're expected to include. 

"Generally the more recently you attended university, the more detail you should include here," Google technical recruiter Jeremy Ong says in one of the videos.

The one caveat here, and frankly it's not something that Google addresses, is how to handle year of graduation if you're an older applicant.

There's a point at which Google probably doesn't want to know your age, so as to reduce the odds of ever having to defend against an age discrimination claim. Obviously putting on your resume that you graduated from college in 1990 suggests you're well over 40.

Beyond that, however, focus on things that are most relevant for the position, and don't be afraid to cut older positions and achievements, especially if they're not relevant. 

If you have a lengthy work history that would push you beyond the one-page suggested maximum length, you might add a short, additional section mentioning that you have other, less relevant experience, without going into great detail.

5. For technical applicants

If you're applying for technical or engineering jobs, there are a couple of additional pieces of advice.

The first is to include your Github link, or equivalent, at the top with your contact information. (Ironic, since Microsoft has owned Github since last year.)

Additionally, the recruiters want to see your programming languages listed prominently. And as you list projects and experience -- either in a separate section or as part of your employment history -- include programming languages you used for each project.

Obviously, this is all for step one in the recruiting process -- the resume and application -- and Google has other videos on later-stage items like how to prepare for specific types of interviews.

But even as someone who isn't likely to apply for a job with Google or any other company anytime soon, I found it helpful in terms of the information to ask for when recruiting and interviewing.

Here are the links I promised, including two articles by Bock ( here and here ), and the two key YouTube videos, How to: Work at Google -- Resume Tips and Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice .

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Paul Drury

Google resume examples & templates

Google resume examples & templates

Choosing the right resume format for Google

Include your contact information, make use of a summary, outline your google-related work experience, include the relevant key skills that make you a great fit for google, detail your education & relevant certifications, pick the right resume layout and design for a google resume, what type of salary you can expect at google.

Google tops the corporate charts on so many metrics, so its permanent place as one of Glassdoor's best places to work comes as no surprise. They receive more than 2 million applications a year and it is harder to get a job at Google than get into Harvard.

Entry-level Google Resume Example

Google touches more parts of our life than we realize, and the diversity of roles there is almost as broad as its diversity of thought.  So, how do you create a Google resume to showcase your brand of thinking outside the box?

Resume guide for a Google resume

Given that the focus at Google is innovation, individual excellence is welcomed and rewarded as an integral part of the overall team effort and as such, there is no such thing as a typical “Google” employee. 

They do value people with “T-shaped” experience – where they are deep in knowledge in a certain area with a broad understanding of many others. The recruiters at Google are used to looking beyond the basics of every application, but it is still up to each candidate to give them hints of what lies beneath. Google even has a fascinating guide to writing a resume.

A succinct resume that will distill the essence of your individuality is far from easy to achieve on one page. Google prefers the resume to be as brief and impactful as possible, so how do you go about creating your innovation highlights reel? 

Our guides and resume examples cover over 500 professions, and it’s easier than ever to craft a resume using our resume builder .

This guide, along with our Google resume example, will cover the following:

How to write a Google resume

  • Choosing the right resume format for roles at Google
  • How to add your contact information
  • Using summaries
  • Adding your relevant experience
  • Listing education and relevant experience
  • Picking the right resume design/layout
  • What the job market looks like at Google and what salary you can expect

As mentioned, there will be no unified Google resume as every applicant has their own secret sauce, but there are a number of common themes in every successful application. Google tends to look beyond traditional metrics, and this is where you get noticed (or get sent the dreaded rejection letter).

Your ability to learn on the job should feature strongly in your resume, pulling together strands of disparate information and coming to sometimes surprising conclusions. Every successful Google resume will include aspects of a journey of growth and discovery.

While the resume should be as individualistic as possible, any resume example should include these sections:

  • The resume header
  • The resume summary (aka profile or personal statement) : this is your Google elevator pitch
  • The employment history section , detailing the most relevant parts of your career history
  • The resume skills section , focused on the unique differences you bring to the table
  • The education section , which shows the foundation of your potential

To really make these sections pop, stick to this winning formula:

  • Highlight accomplishments rather than responsibilities. The folks at Google are seeking exceptional candidates with a track record of success, not people who checked tasks off a list. Think about your unique value and how you’ve proven it in past roles.
  • Adapt each version of the resume you submit. Google, like many companies, has specific requirements for each role, so in addition to making your resume Googley, you’ll want to tailor it for each job posting to show how you’re a fit. Every department at Google has a different feel to it, so make it as granular as possible.
  • Use a resume template that’s polished and professional, but still well-designed enough to attract Google, a high-tech company.
  • Google recruiters receive hundreds of thousands of applications, so don’t forget to optimize your resume with appropriate keywords so it won’t be filtered out by tired recruiters or by ATS screening software .

Here is Google’s resume advice on their careers page – in their own words:

  • Align your skills and experience with the job description. Tie your work directly to the role qualifications (and don’t forget to include data).
  • Be specific about projects you’ve worked on or managed. What was the outcome? How did you measure success? When in doubt, lean on the formula, “accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”
  • If you've had a leadership role, tell us about it. How big was the team? What was the scope of your work?
  • If you're a recent university graduate or have limited work experience, include school-related projects or coursework that demonstrate relevant skills and knowledge.
  • Keep it short. We don’t have a length requirement, but concision and precision are key, so think twice before letting your resume move onto multiple pages and take careful aim with your information.

It’s hard to deny that your work experience pedigree can heavily influence the hiring decision at such a prestigious company, so in most cases, the best resume format for Google will be reverse chronological , which will impress the hiring manager or recruiter with your most recent employers and projects.

On the other hand, a functional resume (which emphasizes the skills or projects instead of specific work history) can also be a viable pick. This format is great for niche specialists or heavily technical specialists. For example, if you’re an expert in AI/ML, it might make sense to expand on that skillset. 

Most candidates go with the reverse chronological format as it’s the most common. It’s likely that you’ve worked at a similar company, so why not put your most recent employment front and center?

Another formatting consideration when writing a Google resume is making sure it's clear and easy to read. Hiring managers won’t be impressed by fancy fonts or colors — instead, they will look past the superficial and focus on what you have written. 

Our modern resume templates will suit any technology professional and may be the exact sleek design you need to fit in with a design-conscious tech crowd. Take a look at our many resume examples to see the different formats in use. 

Optimize for the ATS

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a system used by companies to track and manage job applications. Some advanced ATSs may rank or filter resumes based on keywords and how well they match the job posting. 

For instance, if a job posting at Google requires 10 years of experience, a bachelor’s degree, and expertise in software development, you could create a resume profile summary that reads:

“Software development expert with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and 10+ years of experience at large tech companies.” 

To learn more, check out our article detailing Resume ATS optimization .

It’s not easy to get a call back from Google, so you need to make sure they know exactly where and how to reach you. That’s where your resume header comes in.  

Here, the most important thing is to present your contact information simply and professionally. 

Include the following:

  • Full name & title . List your first and last name and the title of the role you are pursuing. Use the specific title, not just “Google.”
  • Professional email address . Use a clean format like [email protected] . Don’t use a quirky, unprofessional email address.
  • Phone number . List a number where you can easily be contacted. Make sure you have a professional greeting set up and an inbox that isn’t full.
  • Location . List only your city and state . Don’t list your street address or zip code. Most of Google’s roles are hybrid and require multiple days per week in the office, so if you’re willing to or planning to relocate, note that here.
  • LinkedIn . If your LinkedIn profile is active, relevant, and shows off your expertise and experience, you can include it here.

Don’t include:

  • Date of birth : This isn’t necessary. At best, it’s useless, and at worst, it could lead to age discrimination .
  • Personal details : Avoid including your marital status, social security number, passport number , etc.

Google Project Manager 

Los Angeles, CA

(206) 444-8211

[email protected]

Looking for a Google Job 

4577 Engleside Road

Los Angeles, CA 90012

United States

While we’ll dive deeper into the writing of your summary below, first remember one important rule: your summary needs to showcase your “Googleyness” in a couple of short sentences.

Yes, that is a real word, at least according to Google. Whether your Google resume is highlighting your passion, drive, entrepreneurship, creativity, or grit, before you start your journey towards a career at Google, you should have a serious think about what “Googleyness” means. Build your resume around it, starting with the elevator pitch of your summary section.

The summary lets you reach the hiring manager on a very personal level. In 2-4 sentences, display how you can help them and their team to elevate their performance. What is your go-to example that highlights your persistence and ability to bring others along? What mix of skills do you possess that others may struggle to match? Use action verbs in the simple past or present tense and include quantifiable achievements where possible.

Need inspiration for your summary? Check out our related technical resumes: 

  • Systems Analyst resume sample
  • Technical Project Manager resume sample
  • Computer Science resume sample
  • Network Engineer resume sample
  • IT Director resume sample
  • Software Engineer resume sample
  • Film and Video Editor resume sample
  • Motion Graphics Artists resume sample
  • Network Systems Analyst resume sample
  • 3D Animator resume sample
  • Software Developer resume sample
  • Web Developer resume sample
  • Programmer resume sample
  • Data Scientist resume sample
  • IT manager resume sample
  • Data Analyst resume sample
  • IT Project manager resume sample

You can find adaptable Google resume example summaries below:

Eager and driven recent graduate in computer science. Strong foundation of technical knowledge including C++, Java, and Python. Prior internship experience at Microsoft and Amazon.

Software developer with over 5 years of experience designing and developing software products for consumers. Expertise in C++, Java, and Python, as well as 2 years of experience in AI/ML. Known for crafting clean, bug-free code and offering guidance and mentorship to colleagues.

Seasoned software leader with 10+ years of experience leading large-scale software projects focusing on consumer products, AI/ML, and more. Fluent in numerous coding languages including C++, Java, and Python. Adept at coaching and mentoring others, with 3 years of team management experience and many more years of peer mentorship. 

Find out all the information that you can online. Google them. Ahem, sorry….

To start with, check out Google’s suggested reading. Look at the Google company and our teams pages. Sit down with a coffee in front of their YouTube channel. Subscribe to the blog and understand how Google cares for their Googlers . You will only understand whether you fit in (you might not) if you do your research and be honest with yourself. Otherwise, the application might simply be a gigantic waste of time (and will take a lot of time).

There is no company in the world like Google, but that doesn’t mean much if your employment history isn’t worthy of Google. Be deliberate with the stories you tell, quantify everything with numbers and context, and put yourself in the place of your future boss and colleagues when you read it back. Your Google resume should read like you already have what it takes to smash the role in question.

If you’re using a reverse chronological format , you’ll list your current (or most recent) job at the top of this section and work your way backwards. Only go back the last 10-15 years to keep it as relevant as possible, and stick to experience that is directly related to the role.

Under each role, detail your contributions and accomplishments using short bullet point statements . You can avoid pronouns like “I” and “my.” As in your summary, you’ll want to use action verbs here to paint the picture. Don’t just list job duties. Instead, demonstrate tangible and quantifiable outcomes as much as possible. 

For example, a basic resume may include statements like these: 

  • "Led projects with a team.”
  • "Navigated large tech company.”
  • "Drove solutions to complex problems.”

While these are certainly great experiences to have, they don’t prove to Google that you’re the ideal next hire. Replace them with results-based points that showcase the results you achieved—impacts on the team, the company, or the bottom line, for example. 

Doing this leads to new bullet points, like these: 

  • "Led end-to-end technical projects with teams of 5-10, achieving 99% on-time delivery.”
  • “Navigated and developed cross-functional relationships with stakeholders, peers, and executive leadership to achieve project targets and deliverables.”
  • “Spearheaded solutions to complex challenges, including development of a system to improve accuracy of metrics tracking by 75%.”

Here are 10 different scenarios to consider when drafting your resume accomplishments

  • Increased sales or profit margins
  • Financial cost savings / improved bottom line
  • Improved productivity in terms of time spent
  • Solutions that you discovered for unsolved problems
  • Innovations or ideas that have led to a change
  • Processes improved and procedures developed
  • Awards that you have won (with a reason why)
  • Promotion to a different role in the company
  • Impact on the development of those around you
  • Offering outstanding service to customers or clients

Take a look at the Google employment history resume sample below:

Project Manager at Verizon Communications, Newbury Park  June 2017 - Present 

  • Brought forth a strong knowledge of user experience data.
  • Continually identified and delivered scalable solutions.
  • Served as an enthusiastic cross-functional partner.
  • Worked with stakeholders to plan requirements.
  • Used technical judgment to drive project delivery.
  • Coordinated with stakeholders to manage and control project issues.

Assistant Project Manager at Pepsi Beverages Company, San Fernando  November 2014 - May 2017 

  • Assisted in the management of technical vendors.
  • Lead quarterly business reviews.
  • Planned requirements with internal customers.
  • Managed project schedules and communicated risks to project stakeholders.
  • Coordinated with global delivery teams.
  • Developed reports to track schedule, budgets, risk, and overall project progress.

How to write a Google resume with no experience 

While it’s likely some measure of experience will be required for a job at Google, it’s still possible to craft a Google resume even if you don’t have direct experience on your resume .

Instead of exact experience, you’ll want to focus on your transferable skills and your passion for the tech industry (Google specifically). That means focusing on your educational background in a related technical field, as well as sharing any relevant certifications or courses you’ve undergone. 

Google seeks out innovation and leadership, so if you have transferable leadership experience or proof of creativity and drive, even from volunteer experience , include that here. Google also wants folks who solve for the customers’ needs, so detail your experience providing excellent service to customers as well. And, of course, don’t forget to highlight your communication abilities .

In the tech world, side projects can help you get a leg up on the competition. If you’ve developed mobile apps or other software, it can show the Google hiring managers that you’re passionate about the industry and take the initiative. 

The job descriptions at Google are some of the best in the business. The only problem is that since every candidate will have access to them, it isn’t enough to parrot the job description. You need to look deeper to see the most important skills to display on your resume for Google.

This means you should include both hard and soft skills . Hard skills are those that are demonstrable and objective, like fluency in a specific coding language or project management methodology. Soft skills , on the other hand, are related to your work with others, or your intrinsic qualities like drive, ambition, and innovation. 

Don’t just take the job posting at face value; instead, consider what the true meaning is behind each skill they ask for. For example, it might state that you need UI design experience, but how does UI design differ at Google? What projects will you be working on? How will you fit into the UI team? Which specific skills make a Google UI designer awesome? Answer those questions, and you will have one foot in the interview door.

Here are the top tech skills (and resume keywords) for some common roles:

  • Designers: UI design, graphic design, web design, photoshop, information architecture
  • Software engineers: C++, C, C#, Java, Python, Javascript, Agile methodologies, SQL
  • Product managers: Project manager, leadership, customer, cloud computing, strategy
  • Data scientists: Machine learning, SQL, Python, data mining, project management

Our resume builder offers several pre-written skills to choose from, along with proficiency ranges you can set. You can also write in your own skills.

Here’s what the skills box looks like in our Google resume template. 

  • Adaptability
  • Effective Time Management
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Dedicated team player
  • Strategic Planning

While this section is important, it’s not the only place to show your skill set. Instead, try weaving them throughout your resume and demonstrating them in action, especially in the summary and work history sections. 

For instance, you can highlight your: 

  • Innovation skills by displaying times you thought outside of the box, presented a new idea, or spearheaded a new project
  • Technical expertise by showcasing your knowledge of various coding languages, past products you’ve developed, or up-to-date understanding of modern technologies like AI
  • Leadership skills by demonstrating how you’ve led teams of direct reports (or project teams) to success, the size of teams you’ve led, or the success of people you’ve mentored.

When you are competing with countless other amazing job seekers for a role at Google, you need to make sure that your education section is on par with the best. 

Of course, include your formal degrees; if you have a college degree or higher, you don’t need to include high school. Then, include all further education and additional qualifications you have. 

Google places a great importance on the development of their people, so showing that you have an appetite for learning is a good sign. Don't be scared to take extra space if your list of certifications and education is particularly long - it is that sort of appetite for development that will demonstrate your passion.

Consider the following: 

  • Training and certifications . Certificates, courses, workshops, or training sessions that have helped you gain technical skills or leadership expertise.
  • Internships . If you interned at other large tech companies , like Microsoft or Amazon , it shows your talent and drive.
  • Professional development . Memberships in industry groups like Women in Tech or even experience with Google’s own Google Developer Groups is well worth including.

Bachelor of Arts, Seattle Central College, Seattle  September 2010 - May 2014 

High School Diploma, Ballard High School, Ballard  September 2006 - June 2010

Your Google resume format should be crafted with the same eye for user experience as Google’s own products. That means ensuring it’s simple, pleasant, and functional. 

A resume for Google should grab the hiring manager’s attention and display your qualifications for the role without distracting the reader with too many graphics or colors. Think clean, user-friendly, and streamlined. 

A well-designed resume includes a simple, modern font and limited color . Avoid images or tables, as they can be cluttered and confusing. 

Although nothing about getting hired by Google is easy, we can make it simpler. Our field-tested resume templates handle the most arduous design and formatting tasks for you, letting you focus on selling yourself as the newest Noogler.

Google text-only resume example

Dynamic Project Manager with vast experience in vendor management, customer support, and customer experience optimization. Adept in providing helpful data analysis, troubleshooting, and cross-functional company support. A versatile team player with a passion for learning and growing within an organization. 

Employment history

Google job market and outlook

While Google hires for roles in every conceivable function, the most common roles remain technology- or design-based. 

Here are a few examples: 

  • Engineering : Technical roles at Google include software engineering, STA engineering, application development, product management, etc.
  • Business : Non-technical jobs at Google include quantitative business analysis, business operations management, sales strategy, etc.
  • Design : You can also apply for roles such as UI/ UX designer , UX writer, visual designer, UX researcher, etc.

The tech industry has experienced a lot of change in the past few years, with many large organizations — including Google — undergoing layoffs. At the end of 2023, Google stated that they would be reducing hiring over “the next several quarters.” That means it’s more competitive than ever to land a job at Google, but as tech continues to grow and change, there are still opportunities available. 

Google is well-known as a high-paying company, but the exact salary one earns will depend on their role and level. Many salaried roles at Google include equity (stock options) as well as potential bonuses. 

According to , salaries at Google range “from $98,490 in total compensation per year for a Copywriter at the low-end to $2,595,038 for a Software Engineer at the high-end.” Per Comparably , the average Google salary is $133,065 per year. They also note that “half of Google salaries are above $135,386.” 

Key takeaways for building a Google resume

Working at Google is a goal for many professionals, and it’s certainly well-known as one of the world’s best places to work. That means, however, that it’s not easy to get a foot in the door. Your Google resume must be well-designed, compelling, and impactful in order to have a chance at an interview. 

Our online resume builder can streamline the resume creation process, making resume building almost as quick as typing in a Google search.

Beautiful ready-to-use resume templates

  • • Managed over 2 large delivery projects with a maximum team size of over 50+ (onsite/offshore)
  • • Successfully implemented a faster process for new feature ideation, validation, design, development and revenue generation
  • • Worked with a team of 30+ on the development on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors
  • • Executed innovative strategy and product roadmap based on financial projections, customer feedback, and market competition
  • • Handled team of 10 people consisting of offshore & onsite
  • • Designed and developed a tool that reduced production time by 25% directly preventing a quarterly loss
  • • Worked closely on 2 projects with development team to write test plans for quality assurance
  • • Together with a team of 7 developed 5 backend PL/SQL procedures, packages, and functions for Cognos (BI) Report
  • • Optimized the network stack, reducing the initial connection latency by 33%
  • • Improved the performance of the migration tool by 53% by applying efficient data processing techniques
  • • Reduced room usage analytics computation time (in an internal tool) by 37% by logic refactoring and elimination of incurred technical debts
  • • Rated with the best annual performance rating for all the years during my stint; given to top ~5% employees
  • • Developed integration services in to facilitate communication and data transfer between 4 different applications

5 Google Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your google resume should clearly highlight your technical proficiency. Illustrate your prowess with Google's suite of tools and analytics. Demonstrate your ability to innovate and drive results as expected at Google. Your google resume must be an exemplar of your strategic thinking and problem-solving skills.

All resume examples in this guide

how to make resume for google


how to make resume for google

Resume Guide

Our in-depth guide will give you actionable tips on, looking for related resumes, how to create the perfect google resume, how to format the header section of your google resume, do you need a summary or an objective on your google resume, how to make an impact with the experience section of your resume, which skills will impress google hiring managers, how important is the education section of your google resume, are there any certificates that appeal to google hiring managers, do you need to add other sections to your google resume, key takeaways: your quickest path to a stellar career.

Google resume example

Very few could predict the growth scale of Google twenty years ago. Let alone the tech giant’s popularity as one of the world’s top employers.

But how does one become a Googler?

For many, Google’s recruitment process is shrouded in mystery. Actually, the tech giant’s approach to onboarding new people reflects their motto:

"Our mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful."

As such, although the hiring process is rigorous, many steps are taken along the way to make sure you’re heard. That you have a chance at the role you’ve applied for.

All you have to do is:

  • A comprehensive research about the company
  • Prepare a stellar Google resume
  • Practice for the interviews

Yes, interviews. There will be several, and often on the same day.

Sounds scary, doesn’t it?

Worry not, we’re here to help!

Keep on reading to find out how to build your resume and set yourself up for success.

  • What Google’s recruiters are searching for in a candidate
  • How long should your resume be and do you need a cover letter to supplement it
  • How write your resume , depending on the position you’re aiming for
  • Resume formatting rules Google hiring managers request you abide by
  • What you should include in the header of your resume
  • What formula to use when describing your work history and related experience
  • How to design the talent section and balance your soft and hard skills
  • What to do after you submit your Google resume to make yourself stand out
  • Product Manager
  • Software Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • SQL Data Analyst
  • Marketing Director

"The No. 1 thing you want to be thinking about is to tell your story — not just your work experience, but also what you’ve learned and the accomplishments you’re most proud of."

Brendan Castle, former Global Head of Recruiting at Google

Everyone has a story to tell. But what makes it set itself apart is how you frame it.

Because merely listing your achievements and awards won’t do.

Recruiters want to see what motivates you. What drives you to move forward. Your passions.

A story that sums up how you’ve overcome professional, and life challenges is far more compelling.

Google is committed to being an equal opportunity workplace . So, don’t hold yourself back because of who you are or past criminal mistakes.

Nobody’s life is picture-perfect. And you shouldn't strive for it to be. As long as you have the drive and prepare well, the opportunity is there for you to take.

Now, how does one even begin preparing for a job at Google?

Well, we suggest you start with the company’s career search tool . From there, you can filter through the jobs by:

  • Skills and qualifications
  • Organizations

No matter how you choose to do your search, remember to opt for positions you’re passionate about.

Also, while you can create a big list of your desired roles, you can only apply for 3 jobs every 30 days .

When it comes to the resume format , most common layouts are valid. Make sure it plays to your strengths.

Google recruiters prefer the reverse-chronological format. Don’t worry if you’re a college grad or don’t have much experience, the company gives some leeway.

What does this mean?

It means you can keep the traditional format, but you can switch up the resume sections . Apart from the header, that is.

This allows you to keep it professional. And impress recruiters with your best achievements.

If you’re more experienced, begin your resume as usual. Start with your most recent and relevant experience first.

Don’t go back more than a decade, unless it’s absolutely necessary. After all, you're not writing a novel.

But how long can your resume be?

Well, Google suggests that it shouldn't be longer than a page, if you're applying for a business role.

How about technical and engineering specialists? You can stretch your resume to two pages.

Just remember, Google hiring managers want brevity and impact. Don't overdo it!

And if you’re applying for several positions, tailor each resume to the specific role. One cookie-cutter resume won’t do.

If you’re a recent grad, or you expect to graduate soon, begin with your academic accomplishments.

Keep the fonts and sizing consistent throughout the resume. In terms of color scheme, black or dark readable ink is preferable.

You’ll find more information on Google’s formatting preferences throughout this article.

With all this in mind, which sections should feature on your resume?

Top resume sections to have on your Google resume:

  • A header to detail your name, job title, and contact information
  • An experience section to flaunt your professional wins
  • A leadership and awards box to show that the quality of your work is outstanding
  • A skills part to display the extent of your social and technical abilities
  • Other sections to include to make your resume even better

What about the resume summary? It’s optional. Some resumes would be as strong without a summary. It all depends on your circumstances.

We’ll get to that later on in this guide.

For now, let’s focus on what to take into account before you start your journey.

Google places an emphasis on doing thorough research. This also includes doing some introspective thinking.

Remember, brevity and impact.

To do that, you have to be able to concisely convey your story.

But how do you do it?

Consider the questions in the table below:

What to keep in mind when writing your Google resume:

  • What was your role in each work situation you’ve been so far?
  • How did you contribute to the team and the project?
  • What were your greatest achievements for each project you’ve been involved with?
  • Do you thrive better as an individual contributor or as part of a team?
  • What was the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your life? How did you overcome it?
  • Think about the biggest mistake in your professional life. What did you learn from it?
  • How do you measure success? How do you set up your projects for success?
  • From all the projects you’ve done so far, which one is your favorite? Why?
  • What was the most fulfilling job you’ve ever had? Why?
  • How do you balance trade-offs in your work?
  • What's your favorite product? Why?
  • What is the one thing you look for when recruiting team members for your projects?
  • How do you prioritize tasks and projects?
  • Is there a team you love working with? Why? How is it different from other teams you’ve worked with?

Think of this as an exercise in finding your calling in life.

Then, once you’ve checked everything is correct and there are no typos, save your resume as a PDF file .

A good rule of thumb is to follow up with the hiring manager on LinkedIn. Thank them for their consideration and share why this job is important to you.

Afterwards, get ready for the interview process. This includes:

  • Online assessments
  • Short virtual chats
  • Project work
  • In-depth interviews

This part of the resume isn’t difficult to fill out. But it’s the first one hiring managers see when they look at your resume.

What’s so special about it?

Nobody likes typos and missing information. Especially recruiters.

That’s why you need to ensure that all your contact information is in the resume header . And your portfolio links are working.

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Relevant social media profile
  • Online portfolio

Take a look at the samples below:

2 Google Resume Header Examples

This one looks okay. But it could be much better.

The details here are incomplete. For starters, Travone’s job title isn’t very descriptive. There are various types of engineers. He needs to be more specific.

Naturally, when speaking about Google, it’s safe to assume he means software engineer. But merely listing ‘engineer’ looks sloppy.

Secondly, no phone number is included, nor the address is full.

Don’t forget to add your location, even if you’re applying for a remote position. Or your current job is one.

Think of the legal or technical repercussions, if something goes wrong. All because of non-disclosure.

But, suppose Travone is gunning for an engineering position. His LinkedIn profile, while professional, isn’t very appropriate.

Instead, reference your GitHub or Kaggle. Google technical recruiters want to see your portfolio. As well as your thinking process while you build software.

Google values contributions to the open source community.

Another thing to keep in mind is your programming languages. List them in the header and opposite to your contact details.

You don’t need to go into detail about them yet. But you need to be comfortable interviewing them later.

Here is what a better version of Travone’s header box would look like:

Actually, you can do without it in most cases. If you’re a seasoned specialist in your field, you can skip the summary part.

What is this?

Depending on your circumstances, your resume will have either an objective or a summary.

Summaries are used by professionals with extensive experience in their respective field.

By contrast, resume objectives are reserved for college grads and individuals changing their careers.

The main difference is that summaries focus on experiences. While objectives emphasize motivation and relevant skills.

So, if you still wish to include one, keep the summary relevant to the job.

This can become one of your resume’s greatest assets. So, don’t recount facts and details you’ve already highlighted in other sections.

The summary allows you to show that bit of enthusiasm the company expects from a future Googler.

Here is what it may look like:

A google resume summary example

Notice how both the candidate and the company have been addressed.

The applicant highlights how she can be beneficial to her future employer. Yet, she also indicates where her interests and passions lie.

Need more tips on summaries and objectives? Check out our thoughts on how to compose a stellar resume summary .

You may have heard this advice before, but even Google says: look at the job ad.

The role duties described in it will give good hints at the type of person recruiters want.

Check whether the position resonates with you. Ask yourself:

  • Are you passionate about the job?
  • Do you have relevant skills or experience?
  • What can you bring into the role?

If you’re applying for a technical position, show how you’re involved with your community. Any participation in the following will make you stand out:

  • Mobile app projects
  • Web development work
  • Hackathon and competitions awards
  • Contributions to the open source community

What about recent grads?

Former Global Head of Recruiting at Google had this to say:

"For recent college graduates, Castle suggests that job applicants highlight recent academic research, tutoring, student group or class project experiences. More seasoned candidates, he adds, should use metrics and concise examples to show the impact of their work."

With this in mind, Google says data is all you need to provide context for your work. Avoid explaining your duties and responsibilities. Instead, share achievements.

"Here at Google, we’re always looking at data. So when you tell us about something you’ve accomplished, try to include data that shows the impact you made and how it ties to the role you want."

Google Careers Resume Tips and Advice Video

The company suggests using their XYZ method.

What is it?

This is a way to measure the impact of your work. XYZ stands for the following sentence template:

** “Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z].”**

For example:

“Boosted employee satisfaction rates by 45% by introducing a 3-day mental health leave program at the office.

Always begin your sentence with an action word. These make your accomplishments pop even more.

They bring the impact of your actions to the forefront and keep things short.

Yet, take into account the amount of space the experience section takes. Since this part should take the bulk of your resume, there are few rules you need to follow:

  • Streamline your bullet points. If they spill over onto the next line, limit the new line to 1-2 words.
  • When listing the dates of your employment, use the month-year format. For instance, ‘July 2022’.
  • If you’re a technical expert, bold the names of programming languages you’ve used in each project.

It may sound like too many rules are in play. But they make Google resumes readable and easily scannable.

Let’s see what this looks like in action.

4 Google resume experience examples

  • • Grew client base
  • • Mentored local talents
  • • Won a digital marketing award

Going back to Travone’s resume. His first draft isn’t very spectacular.

Because it looks more like a list of short notes for a resume rather than the resume itself. There are a few key mistakes here:

  • The most obvious one is the typo. Always proofread your resume. And once you’re done, proofread again.
  • The address is incomplete. Do mention where you’re based, even if you do remote work.
  • The candidate hasn’t provided any quantifiable results for his work.

What would make this experience entry stand out more? Apply all the rules we talked about.

Have a look at the example below:

  • • Grew client base by 250% over three years by designing and executing over 20 marketing campaigns.
  • • Mentored 250+ local talents, interested in digital and content marketing, by organizing the Marketing Youth Initiative.
  • • Selected among 360 contestants as the winner of the 2022 Effective Digital Marketing Awards by leading over 7 teams.

Infinitely better, wouldn’t you agree?

It sounds good and all, we hear you say, but what about the techies?

We’ve got you!

Check out our experience samples for the Software Engineer and Business Analyst roles.

  • • Increased software products revenue by 16% QoQ by designing and executing new product features, using C++.
  • • Increased team productivity by 70% by streamlining the business partners’ feedback and recommendation processes.
  • • Reduced vendor production costs by 53% after optimizing current software products and fixing existing issues.
  • • Increased overall reports accuracy by 19% by restructuring and combining relevant data sets.
  • • Boosted upsell rates by 30% YoY across all accounts by auditing and expanding current client data sets.
  • • Onboarded 24 new clients in the span of 3 years by analyzing their needs and suggesting tailor-made solutions.

Google recruiters prefer to combine the following in one section:

  • Certifications

They call it the Leadership and Awards section.

What does it include?

It incorporates anything from:

  • Prizes and awards
  • Relevant leadership positions
  • Recognitions
  • Scholarships
  • Certificates
  • Professional Licenses

And many more!

Why are they merged this way?

The company’s hiring managers want to see a well-rounded story.

You are the sum of your interests, goals, skills, experiences and failure. Each part plays an important role in how your professional life has shaped up so far.

There are many people with a relatively similar skill set. Yet, none of them will be completely alike because of different life experiences.

So, how do you go about making the skills part eye-catching?

Keep on reading to find out!

How to describe your hard skills on your Google resume

This part can either be extremely easy to do or a complete nightmare. It all depends on the position you’ve chosen to apply for.

If you’re a techie, the hard skills section should be a no-brainer. If you have skills which you haven’t mentioned as part of your work experience, add them here.

This is your chance to reference side projects and other interests you have. Remember, you’re telling both your professional and life story.

Of course, you must keep them relevant to the job. Don’t forget to link them to particular outcomes and lead with numbers. Just like in the experience section.

So, which abilities are trending for technical specialists and engineers?

Must-have technical talents for a Google software engineer:

  • Software development
  • Data structures
  • Software products launching and testing
  • Software design and architecture
  • Data Analysis
  • Machine learning

Main hard skills for a Google business intelligence analyst:

  • Programming experience
  • Building data infrastructure (design, architecture, data pipelines, etc.)
  • Extracting large data sets
  • Data science
  • Advanced analytics
  • Machine learning tools and methodologies
  • Conceptual, logical and physical data modeling
  • Experimental analysis
  • Predictive modeling

Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about non-techie experts!

Here are some of the crucial skills for marketing specialists at Google:

Key hard skills for a Google director of marketing:

  • Business acumen
  • Consumer electronics marketing
  • People Management
  • Inventory management
  • Trends analysis
  • Leadership skills
  • Ability to facilitate and influence cross-functionality
  • Strategic planning
  • Ability to develop and lead marketing strategies
  • Build and execute marketing initiatives in collaboration with local and global teams
  • Accounting and budget allocation
  • SKU prioritization
  • Target setting and measurement

How to attract recruiter’s attention with your soft skills

Many consider this task to be even harder than talking about one’s technical prowess. But, if you follow Google’s XYZ formula, you can’t go wrong.

What would this look like?

Have a look at the table below:

Notice how each ability is tied to a specific outcome. This is why introspective thinking and research are important.

If you keep track of all your projects, as well as their impact, you’ll be ready in no time.

Before you list any skills on your resume:

  • Review the job description again and see if you’ve ticked all the requirements
  • Make a list with all the relevant skills you can offer
  • Check whether you’ve failed to address any of the listed abilities on your resume

Bear in mind to balance out your soft and hard skills. Regardless of the job position you’re aiming for.

Although Google has many ML and AI specialists, none of them are robots. And you shouldn’t favor one side of your professional life more than the other.

That’s why soft skills are important to include on your resume.

Here are some of our suggestions on trending social skills for Googlers:

Most popular soft skills to list on your Google resume:

  • Ability to understand customer needs

If you sift through the job postings on their career site, almost each one says:

“degree in a relevant field, or equivalent practical experience”

As part of Google’s equal opportunity workplace program, you shouldn’t worry about having a traditional education.

But, if you’re a college grad, the company prefers if you list:

  • All post-secondary institutions you’ve been enrolled at
  • All degrees and majors you’ve studied

Start with your most recent academic accomplishments first. Use the ‘month-year’ format to specify your graduation date.

Google recruiters recommend including your cumulative GPA, if you’re a current student or a recent grad.

Also, don’t hesitate to go into more detail about your education. After all, as a recent grad, this was your professional experience.

_To outshine other candidates, find more tips on building the perfect education resume section . _

Similar to the education part of your resume, these will depend on your circumstances. If you have relevant industry certificates, include them.

Just make sure that everything is in order and up-to-date.

Apart from the mandatory sections, anything else would be a bonus. If you still have some space left, you can include:

  • Cover letter
  • Association memberships (especially if you’ve held leadership positions)
  • Publications, patents, papers, conference presentations, etc.
  • Outstanding or popular side projects
  • Involvement in student groups or societies

Google says that cover letters are optional because they may not get considered at all. But if you choose to send one, you must tailor it to the job position.

Explain how the opportunity to work at Google aligns with your passions.

Let the recruiters get to know you. And remember to use data when referencing relevant achievements.

If you decide to include other sections, check out a Googler’s profile on LinkedIn. See how they have framed their work experience. Better yet, if they have their resume public, read it.

  • Carefully read the job ad before you begin writing
  • Use the reverse-chronological resume format, but feel free to switch the sections up
  • If you’re a techie, include the programming languages you know in the header
  • If you’re a recent grad, build a strong resume objective to pitch your talents
  • When describing your work experience, used the XYZ method to make an impact
  • Once you have your first draft, proofread for typos and formatting errors
  • Don’t forget to follow up with the hiring manager after you’ve submitted your resume

google resume example

Looking to build your own Google resume?

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How to make a resume in Microsoft Word

Word resume on a MacBook on a table.

Whether you’re just entering the workforce or need a resume refresh, you’re probably considering Microsoft Word for the task. We’ll walk you through options for making a resume in Word, from using helpful templates to creating a resume from scratch.

Use a built-in Word resume template

Use a word resume template on the web, use a third-party word resume template, create a word resume from scratch.

The quickest and easiest way to make a resume in Word is using one of Microsoft’s templates . You can look for one directly in Word and choose from a large collection of options.

Open Word, select File > New , and pop “resume” into the Search box. You can then browse the templates with resumes for specific jobs and industries along with those for any type of position.

Choose a template to see a description and pick Create to use the resume.

The Microsoft resume templates come with placeholders that you can simply swap out for your own details. This is handy if you like the appearance of all elements in the template. Of course, if you’re not fond of the color scheme or font styles, you can change those types of items.

Remember to go to File > Save As to save a copy of your resume.

Maybe you don’t have Microsoft Word on your computer yet but need your resume in that format. You can use Word on the web for free with a Microsoft account and take advantage of resume templates.

Visit the Microsoft Create website and explore the resume templates . If you see one you like, select it to open it directly in Word for the web.

Alternatively, select Create from scratch and choose Resumes, flyers, brochures . When Word opens, use the Designer sidebar on the right to browse through and choose a resume template.

Then, swap out the placeholders for your own details and customize the resume as you like.

If you like the template idea but don’t care for any of the Microsoft options, you can check out third-party templates for your resume. Here are just a few of the top options and samples of resume templates they offer for free.

Resume Genius

With Resume Genius , you can pick from over a dozen custom Word templates to download. From simple to professional to aesthetically pleasing to visually appealing, you’re sure to find at least one resume template you like.

Hloom offers over 15 resume and CV templates for free and even more if you don’t mind paying. Be sure to select Free on the left below License if you want to narrow down the no-charge options. As a bonus, you’ll also see a tab for cover letters if you’re in the market for one of those too.

One more place to check out for Word resume templates is . You’ll find a large variety of attractive options specific to position or resume style. Like with Hloom, select Free beneath License on the left, and be sure to take a look at the cover letter collection too.

After you download a resume template from one of the above sites, simply customize it with your own details.

Maybe you’d prefer to simply create your resume from scratch; this is always an option if you have the time. Consider reviewing the above templates and samples for the information you should include and ideas for formatting.

To get started, add the following details to your resume:

Full name and current position : Place your name and position at the top. If you don’t have a current position, you can certainly omit it.

Objective (optional) : Provide a brief description of your goal to potential employers beneath your name and position. This is an optional inclusion — if you add one, try to keep it short and sweet with one to two meaningful sentences.

Contact details : Include at least your email address and phone number. If you have an up-to-date website or LinkedIn profile, you can add these as well. Make sure these details are kept together in a specific location so they’re simple to find.

Work experience : List your work experience in chronological order with the most recent first. Start with your position, then move onto the employer, month, and year you worked there, and your duties. You should include your duties and responsibilities in a list format making them easy to review.

Education : List your educational history in chronological order with the most recent first. Start with the degree, then add the school with the month and year you attended.

Skills, awards, and more : Use a list format to add your skills, awards, certifications, volunteer work, and any other details you feel important to the position or company.

Here are several tips when formatting your resume in Word:

  • Use a heading or larger font for your full name at the top.
  • Add headings for the Experience, Educations, and Skills sections.
  • If you decide to use color, keep it to just one or two complementary colors.
  • Try to use the same font style throughout, taking advantage of font sizes, headings, or bold formatting for more prominent details.
  • Use a font that’s easy to read like a 12-point Arial, Calibri, Georgia, or Times New Roman for the main body text. You might also consider which font style works better for reading on the web versus on a printed piece.
  • If you include a headshot, make sure it’s a professional one.
  • Consider using a table to structure your resume, as shown above.

Finally, be sure to keep the appearance and content of your resume consistent.

Is it OK to make a resume in Word?

Absolutely! This is exactly the type of document you should create in a word processing application like Microsoft Word. If you prefer, you can also use a web application like Google Docs to make a resume or downloadable software like LibreOffice Writer.

Once your resume is complete, you can save it as a PDF or other requested format in most word processing applications for submission to the potential employer or hiring manager.

How far back should a resume go?

Most experts recommend 10 to 15 years is appropriate for a resume. Keep in mind that you should include relevant work experience for that time period . For example, if you’re a nurse who worked at a fast-food chain for two months 12 years ago, you can likely exclude that job.

How many pages should a resume be?

The standard for a resume is one to two pages. However, this can depend on the length of your experience and education in relation to the position for which you’re applying. For instance, someone who’s been in the workforce for 20 years might require two pages, but a recent college graduate would probably only need one page.

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How to Write an Application Letter (Sample Included!)

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Whether you’re applying for a job , internship , scholarship, or volunteer position, a well-crafted application letter can help you stand out. It's your chance to introduce yourself and make a strong first impression that sets you apart from the competition.

But how do you write an application letter that’s effective? Below, we’ll explain when to use this method of introduction and give you practical tips on writing one that gets results. Plus, we've included a sample application letter and a template to help you create the perfect document for any opportunity.

Apply for the role of your dreams! One of these open jobs on The Muse could be the perfect fit »

What is an application letter?

An application letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. It's a crucial part of an application for work as it introduces you to potential employers and highlights your qualifications.

While some companies request it at the beginning of the application process, others might ask for it later, or not at all—but it's always a valuable addition.

Unlike a resume, which outlines your work history, a written application allows you to elaborate on your achievements and how they relate to the job you are applying for. It is a much more specific way to introduce yourself and explain why you would be a good fit for the job.

How is an application letter different from a cover letter?

Some people use the terms “application letter” and “cover letter” interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between the two.

An application letter serves as your formal introduction to a potential employer. It highlights your interest in the role, your qualifications, and why you're a good fit for the position. It's a standalone document that provides a comprehensive overview of your skills and experiences.

On the other hand, a cover letter is usually more concise than an application letter and serves as a complementary document to your resume, providing additional context to your job application. It elaborates on specific points from your resume and explains how your background aligns with the job requirements.

Also, job application letters follow a more formal structure, often resembling a traditional business letter. They include your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information at the top. An application letter is usually addressed to a specific individual, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. While cover letters also have a professional tone, they can be less formal in structure.

Finally, the application letter is used primarily for job applications, internship applications, scholarship applications, and volunteer positions. In contrast, the cover letter is specifically used to accompany a resume during job applications.

When do you need to send an application letter?

Application letters are typically required when applying for jobs. However, there are other scenarios where you might need one:

  • Scholarship applications: When applying for scholarships, this kind of letter can help you stand out by showcasing your academic achievements and career goals .
  • Volunteer positions: Some volunteer organizations require an application letter to understand your motivations and skills relevant to the position.
  • Internship applications: Internships often require this document to understand your interest in the role and what you hope to gain from the experience.
  • Networking purposes: Sending one when reaching out to potential mentors or industry professionals can help you establish a connection and explain your career aspirations.

7 tips on how to write a job application letter

Writing an effective application letter involves more than just summarizing your resume. Here are seven tips to write yours:

1. Research the company—at least do a quick Google search!

Before you start writing, research the company to understand its culture, values, and needs. Tailor your letter to align with the company’s mission and the job description. There is nothing better for an HR professional than feeling that you don’t just want any job; you want to work with them for specific reasons, such as X and Y.

“Address the letter to the hiring manager by name if possible,” says Mike Chappell, CEO of FormsPal , who has more than a decade of experience reviewing application letters. “This shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in the company.”

2. Use a professional format and design

Your application letter should follow a formal letter of application format. Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, and keep the font size between 10 and 12 points. Include your contact information, the date, and the employer’s contact information at the top of the letter.

There are many layouts online that you can use. Find one that represents your style and complements your resume.

3. Make it engaging from the start with a strong opening

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. If you were referred by someone, include their name. Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you’re interested in the role.

4. Highlight your qualifications—what you can’t fully convey in your resume

In the body of your applicant letter, highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements. “Use specific examples to showcase your accomplishments and how they relate to the job you’re applying for,” Chappell says. “ Quantifiable results can make a strong impact.”

Avoid repeating information from your resume; instead, expand on your most relevant experiences.

5. Show enthusiasm and genuine interest

Employers want to hire candidates who are enthusiastic about the role and the company. Show your excitement for the opportunity. Explain why you are specifically interested in this job and how it aligns with your career goals.

6. Keep it concise

While it’s important to provide enough detail, your application letter should be concise. Aim for one page, with three to four paragraphs. Be clear and to the point, avoiding unnecessary fluff.

7. Proofread carefully

Typos and grammatical errors can leave a negative impression on employers. Carefully proofread your letter before sending it. Consider asking another person to review it as well.

Letter of application sample

Here's a super complete example of application letter to help you get started:

August 1, 2024

Ms. Jane Doe

Hiring Manager

Innovative Solutions Inc.

456 Maple Avenue

Springfield, IL 62705

Dear Ms. Doe,

I am writing to express my interest in the Marketing Manager position at Innovative Solutions Inc., as advertised on your company’s careers page. With more than five years of experience in marketing and a proven track record of successful campaigns, I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and drive impactful marketing strategies.

In my previous role as a Senior Marketing Specialist at Creative Solutions LLC, I led a team in developing and executing a comprehensive marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in brand awareness and a 25% boost in lead generation. My responsibilities included overseeing digital marketing campaigns, analyzing market trends, and coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with overall business goals. This experience has honed my skills in strategic planning, data analysis, and team leadership.

I am particularly impressed by Innovative Solutions Inc.’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative marketing solutions. Your recent campaign, which utilized artificial intelligence to optimize ad targeting, is a testament to your forward-thinking approach. I am eager to bring my expertise in digital marketing and campaign management to your team and contribute to similar groundbreaking projects.

My strong analytical skills, combined with my ability to lead and inspire a team, make me a great fit for this role. I am confident that my background and enthusiasm for innovative marketing strategies align well with the needs of Innovative Solutions Inc.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences can contribute to the continued success of Innovative Solutions Inc.

123 Elm Street

Springfield, IL 62704

[email protected]

(555) 123-4567

Template for an application letter

You can also use the following application format to structure your application letter for a job:

[Recipient’s name]

[Company’s name]

[Company’s address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job title] position at [Company name] as advertised on [Where you found the job listing]. With my background in [Field or industry] and a passion for [Specific aspect of the job or industry], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous company], I developed [Specific skills or achievements]. I successfully [Describe a project or responsibility], which resulted in [Quantifiable result or achievement]. This experience has equipped me with [Relevant skills] that I am eager to bring to [Company name].

I am particularly impressed by [Company name]’s commitment to [Specific company initiative or value], and I am enthusiastic about the prospect of working with a team that values [Related value or skill]. I am confident that my skills and experiences align well with the requirements of the [Job title] position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasm can contribute to the success of [Company Name].

[Your Name]

[Your address]

[Your email address]

[Your phone number]

Common mistakes to avoid

When writing a letter of application for employment, be aware of these common mistakes:

  • Being too generic: Focus your letter on the specific job and company, and mention detailed information about them. Don’t default to a one-size-fits-all approach or AI-written document. “It is generally best to avoid using generative AI to write your application letters for you,” says Edward Tian, CEO of AI detector GPTZero . “Only you can write about those specific aspects of your identity and experiences in such a personal way.”
  • Focusing too much on yourself: While it’s important to highlight your qualifications, make sure to explain how you can benefit the company. “You can talk about your career goals, college classes that piqued your interest in the type of job you're applying to—just make sure that they tie into why they make you uniquely qualified or well-positioned for the job,” Tian says.
  • Including irrelevant information: Avoid discussing unrelated jobs or hobbies, for example.
  • Using a casual tone: Maintain a professional tone throughout your letter. Avoid slang or overly casual language.

Need a bit more guidance in your job search? Read this next: How to Apply for a Job Online: 10 Tips to Stand Out and Land an Interview

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How to Use Claude AI to Write Resume

How to Use Claude AI to Write Resume

Madison Norton

Creating a resume that truly represents your skills and experience can be challenging, but Claude AI simplifies the process. This advanced AI tool can help you craft a professional, tailored resume that aligns with your career goals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to update your resume for a new job, Claude AI provides the structure, precision, and customization you need to make your resume stand out.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to use Claude AI to write a resume that highlights your unique qualifications and makes a strong impression on potential

  • Can I use Claude AI to Write Resume?

Yes, you can use Claude AI to write your resume. Claude AI is an advanced language model that can craft professional and tailored resumes based on the information you provide.

To get the best results, supply Claude AI with detailed data about your work experience, skills, and achievements. While the AI can generate a strong draft, it's essential to review and customize the content to ensure it accurately reflects your unique qualifications and aligns with the specific job you're applying for.

  • How to Write a Resume Using Claude AI

Writing a resume with Claude AI is straightforward, but to get the best results, you need to guide the AI effectively. Below, I’ll walk you through the steps for each section of your resume using Claude AI.

1. Start with Your Contact Information

Your resume should begin with your name and contact details. Here's how you can use Claude AI to do this:

  • Input your name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if you have one) into Claude AI.
  • Ask Claude AI to format this information clearly at the top of the resume. For example, you can say: "Format the following contact information at the top of my resume: [Your Name], [Your Phone Number], [Your Email], [Your LinkedIn URL]."

Claude AI will generate a clean, professional header with your contact details.

2. Write a Strong Summary Statement

The summary or objective statement is a brief introduction that highlights your professional background and career goals.

  • Provide Claude AI with a brief description of your career highlights and goals. For instance, you might say: "Write a summary statement for a marketing professional with 5 years of experience in digital marketing, specializing in social media strategies and SEO."
  • Ask Claude AI to craft a concise, impactful summary that fits your experience and aspirations.

Review the output and ensure it accurately represents you. The summary should be 2-3 sentences long and focus on your key strengths.

3. Detail Your Work Experience

This section is the heart of your resume. Here's how to guide Claude AI to create this:

  • List your previous jobs, including the company name, job title, and dates of employment . Provide Claude AI with this data, and ask it to write a bullet-point list of your key responsibilities and achievements for each role.
  • Specify the achievements you want to highlight . For example: "For my role at XYZ Company, emphasize my success in increasing sales by 20% through targeted campaigns."

Claude AI will generate detailed bullet points that showcase your impact in each role. Make sure to review these points and adjust them to fit the specific job you're applying for.

4. Highlight Your Skills

Your skills section should showcase your most relevant abilities for the job.

  • Provide Claude AI with a list of your key skills . Include both hard skills (like "data analysis" or "Python programming") and soft skills (like "team leadership" or "communication").
  • Ask Claude AI to format these skills into a clear, organized list .

Claude AI can create a skills section that is easy to read and tailored to the job description. Ensure the most relevant skills are listed first.

5. Include Your Education

The education section should detail your academic background.

  • Give Claude AI the name of your school, degree, and graduation date . You can also mention any honors or relevant coursework.
  • Request that Claude AI formats this information neatly . For example: "List my education with the school name, degree, and dates in reverse chronological order."

This section will be brief, but Claude AI will ensure it's presented clearly and professionally.

6. Add Certifications or Additional Sections

If you have certifications, volunteer experience, or other relevant sections, include them as well.

  • Tell Claude AI what additional sections you'd like to add , such as certifications, languages, or volunteer work.
  • Provide specific details for each section . For example: "Add a certification section with my PMP certification from 2020."

Claude AI will create these sections in a way that complements the rest of your resume, ensuring that every part of your professional story is told.

7. Review and Customize

Finally, once Claude AI has generated your resume, review it thoroughly.

  • Check for accuracy and relevance . Make sure that all the information is correct and tailored to the job you’re applying for.
  • Customize the language to fit your voice. While Claude AI does a great job, tweaking the wording can make it feel more personal.

By following these steps, you can create a polished, professional resume using Claude AI that showcases your qualifications effectively.

  • How to Optimize Your Resume Using Claude AI?

Optimizing your resume with Claude AI is simple and effective. Here’s how to make sure your resume stands out:

Use Keywords from the Job Description : Provide Claude AI with the job description. Ask it to incorporate relevant keywords into your resume, especially in the skills and experience sections. This helps your resume pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Highlight Quantifiable Achievements : Share specific numbers or results with Claude AI, such as "increased sales by 30%." Request that these be emphasized in your work experience section to show measurable impact.

Tailor Your Resume for Each Job : For each job application, give Claude AI details about the specific role. Ask it to adjust your resume to align closely with the job’s requirements, making you a better fit.

Keep the Formatting Clean and Professional : Ask Claude AI to maintain a simple, easy-to-read format. Use consistent fonts, bullet points, and clear headings to ensure your resume looks polished.

Focus on Action Verbs : Instruct Claude AI to use strong action verbs like "led," "developed," or "managed" in describing your experience. This makes your contributions sound more dynamic and impactful.

Get Feedback and Make Edits : After Claude AI generates your resume, review it for any necessary tweaks. Adjust any language that doesn’t sound like you, and ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.

Prioritize Relevant Experience : Direct Claude AI to emphasize your most relevant experience and skills for the job you’re targeting. This makes your resume more targeted and attractive to employers.

  • How to Tailor Your Resume for a Job Using Claude AI

Tailoring your resume for a specific job using Claude AI is an efficient way to make sure your application stands out. Here’s how you can do it:

Analyze the Job Description : Start by copying the job description into Claude AI. Ask it to identify the key skills, qualifications, and responsibilities mentioned. This helps you understand what the employer is looking for.

Match Your Experience to the Job : Provide Claude AI with your work history and ask it to highlight the experiences that most closely match the job description. This ensures that your resume emphasizes the qualifications that matter most to the employer.

Incorporate Relevant Keywords : Ask Claude AI to include specific keywords from the job description into your resume, particularly in the skills, summary, and experience sections. This improves your chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).

Customize the Summary Statement : Direct Claude AI to rewrite your summary statement to reflect the job you’re applying for. Mention your most relevant experience and how it aligns with the job’s requirements.

Adjust the Order of Sections : Depending on the job, you might want to emphasize different parts of your resume. Ask Claude AI to reorder your sections to put the most relevant information first, such as highlighting specific projects or skills.

Highlight Relevant Achievements : Instruct Claude AI to focus on achievements that directly relate to the job. For instance, if the job emphasizes leadership, make sure your leadership accomplishments are prominently featured.

Review and Refine : After tailoring, review the resume carefully. Ensure that it reads naturally, accurately reflects your experience, and is perfectly aligned with the job’s requirements.

Using Claude AI to tailor your resume for each job application can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

  • Claude AI vs. ChatGPT to Write a Resume

When comparing Claude AI and ChatGPT for resume writing, it's essential to look at specific aspects where they differ:

  • Claude AI : Excels at creating structured, professional resumes with clear formatting and precise language. It’s designed to follow instructions closely, ensuring your resume is well-organized and polished.
  • ChatGPT : While capable of producing structured resumes, it may require more guidance to achieve the same level of organization. ChatGPT can be more creative but might need extra refinement to match the structured output of Claude AI.
  • Claude AI : Particularly strong at tailoring resumes to specific job descriptions by incorporating relevant keywords and adjusting content to meet specific criteria. It’s excellent for creating job-specific resumes that align with ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) requirements.
  • ChatGPT : Can also customize resumes, but it may require more detailed prompts. While it’s flexible, getting the same level of customization might take a bit more effort compared to Claude AI.
  • Claude AI : Focuses more on delivering a professional and standard resume. It’s less creative but ensures that the resume is in line with conventional expectations.
  • ChatGPT : Offers more creativity, making it ideal if you want a resume that stands out with a unique tone or style. It can help craft more personalized content that reflects your individual voice.
  • Claude AI : Generally easier for users who want a straightforward, step-by-step process for building a resume. It follows commands closely and provides a more guided experience.
  • ChatGPT : More versatile but may require more input and interaction to shape the final resume. It’s better suited for users who enjoy experimenting with different styles and approaches.
  • Claude AI : Produces a highly polished and professional-looking resume right out of the box, with minimal need for revisions.
  • ChatGPT : While capable of high-quality output, it might require a bit more tweaking to achieve the same level of polish, particularly in terms of formatting and conciseness.

In summary, Claude AI is the better choice for those seeking a precise, professional, and job-specific resume with minimal effort. ChatGPT , on the other hand, is ideal for users who want to infuse creativity and personality into their resume, even if it requires a bit more work to perfect.

  • Claude AI vs. Google Gemini to Write a Resume

When comparing Claude AI and Google Gemini for resume writing, each platform brings unique strengths to the table:

  • Claude AI : Known for generating well-structured, professional resumes. It follows instructions closely, ensuring that your resume is clear, concise, and aligned with industry standards.
  • Google Gemini : Also capable of creating structured resumes, but it often leans more towards innovative formatting and design elements. It may incorporate more modern layout suggestions, which can be useful but might require more tweaking for traditional formats.
  • Claude AI : Excels at tailoring resumes to specific job descriptions, incorporating keywords and optimizing content for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems). It’s designed to help you focus on job-specific details.
  • Google Gemini : Offers robust customization options, particularly in terms of integrating multimedia elements or interactive features into your resume. However, for purely text-based, traditional resumes, it might not be as straightforward as Claude AI.
  • Claude AI : Prioritizes professional tone and clarity, which is ideal for standard resume formats. It provides a straightforward approach that ensures your resume meets conventional expectations.
  • Google Gemini : Leverages its broader AI capabilities to offer more creative and dynamic resume options. This can include innovative designs and personalized content that stands out, but may require more refinement for traditional roles.
  • Claude AI : User-friendly, particularly for those who want a simple, step-by-step process. It’s intuitive and straightforward, making it easy to create a professional resume quickly.
  • Google Gemini : Offers a more versatile but potentially more complex experience. It’s great for users who are comfortable with advanced AI tools and who want to experiment with more creative or interactive resume formats.
  • Claude AI : Delivers a polished, professional resume with minimal need for revisions. It’s particularly strong in traditional industries where a standard format is preferred.
  • Google Gemini : Provides high-quality output, especially if you’re looking for something that stands out visually or creatively. However, it may require more adjustments if you need a conventional resume.

In summary, Claude AI is the go-to for those seeking a traditional, professional resume with precise customization for specific job applications. Google Gemini is better suited for users who want to explore creative or innovative resume formats and are comfortable with a bit more complexity in the creation process.

Madison Norton

Madison Norton

VP Marketing & Resume Expert

Madison is the VP Marketing and General Manager at VisualCV . He's a seasoned marketing leader, resume writing and career marketing expert and now helping people grow their own career marketing strategies to build a career they love.

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I got my dream job at Google without a college degree. Here's how I did it.

  • Edwin Toh skipped university and was in the Singapore Army before getting hired by Google.
  • He started his career as an intern in NYC and became a business owner and UX engineer.
  • After six years at Google in NYC and California, he left in April to join an AI startup.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Edwin Toh, a former UX engineer at Google in New York. It has been edited for length and clarity .

My friend told me what I should expect at Google's New York office before I started working there. You don't get the vibes you see in the movies — it's just a big office building.

But when I stepped inside the lobby during the summer of 2018 and saw the big logo with the interactive screen, I still thought, Wow, I'm actually entering Google.

I think anyone would want to work for Google if they had the chance, but I never really thought I'd get there. I ended up working for Google for six years.

I didn't take the typical route

I was born and raised in Singapore in a family of five. Getting a degree would've been expensive, but I realized I might not need it. I could see how fast technology was moving.

While studying at Nanyang Polytechnic for my diploma in digital media design, I remember my lecturer learning about a new development and teaching it to us simultaneously.

I needed to complete my compulsory military service in the Singapore Army, so I was a full-time national serviceman for two years. When I left, I joined a digital ad agency in Singapore to save up and started applying for US internships three years later.

I was sponsored as an intern by Firstborn, a digital agency in New York

I worked in New York City for five months. I then returned to Singapore, where I launched my own digital design agency, and Firstborn became one of our clients.

After running it for three years, I realized most of my time was occupied with management tasks, and I was concerned my growth as a programmer was starting to stall.

I closed my company and returned to the US to rejoin Firstborn as a full-time staff member in September 2015. The industry had changed mostly due to the launch of the iPhone , and many app startups had launched.

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I wanted to apply for Google, but I suffered from imposter syndrome . I didn't feel like a real developer. I'd been making marketing websites that only needed to be fun and creative, not for real products that people would depend on and use every day.

A friend referred me to Google

A television company offered me a job two years into working in the US. When I was about to sign the offer, a friend who worked for Google told me they were looking for UX engineers, and she pushed me to apply. It was the perfect role for me.

She referred me, and then the hiring manager at Google contacted me. The interview process started with a phone interview and a basic technical test. Then, I had an on-site interview.

When I went for the Google interview , I didn't think I would get the job, so I just viewed it as an experience. I also thought it was cool that I got a chance to visit Google.

What surprised me when I stepped into the Google office was how big the building is

It spans one avenue and takes four minutes to walk from one end to the other. There were four cafés, each serving different types of food, and baristas pouring coffee.

The interview day consisted of five rounds. I started by presenting my portfolio to five interviewers from different parts of the company.

Then, I had three one-on-one interviews that featured technical tests and another that focused on Googliness to see if I would be a good culture fit. The interview process took a full day.

You can ask any question during lunch without counting toward your interview score. I had lunch with the hiring manager, who also did my phone interview. He made sure I was comfortable and checked that I was mentally ready for the next half of the interview because he knew how tiring it could be for the whole day.

Once the interview day is over, your application goes to the hiring committee to decide whether it's a yes or no, and then the offer committee returns with an offer. This process usually takes multiple weeks, but they knew I had a pending offer, so it was only two weeks from the initial contact to the offer.

I got the propeller hat, a jigsaw puzzle, a T-shirt, and a handwritten note through the mail to say welcome.

I spent six years working for Google

I worked on everything from Search to Google Pay. If you want to move between the organizations at Google, you must apply. Poaching people from other teams is seen as bad form.

During the pandemic, I moved to the Mountain View office in Silicon Valley to work on a moonshot for Google at X (formerly Google X ). The vibe between the Google offices in New York and California is very different. There are way more engineers in Mountain View, while there's a mix of sales, engineering, and design in New York.

I knew what Mountain View was like because I'd been there both for work and as a tourist. The campus had a very magical vibe. Even though it's laid-back, you can feel this is where everything happens.

The X office in California had a different feel to the Google office in New York

Robots roam the floor in California. You can see them everywhere.

I worked at X for a year until Google Labs acquired the moonshot I was working on. I moved back to New York because I missed the convenience of a city.

My favorite thing about working at Google was how easy it was to get to know some of the most brilliant yet humble people in tech. I've been lucky to work with some of the smartest people in this space, most recently on a team called Playspace, which has been working on bringing useful generative AI features to Workspace.

I left Google to join an AI startup

Working for a big company like Google can often dilute or delay your impact. In a startup, your survival depends on your contribution. Anything that you do can make or break the company.

I left Google for a startup called Runway in April.

I forged close relationships with the people I worked with at Google, and that's what I'll miss the most.

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Five things to know about Tim Walz

On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House.


Minnesota voters gathered outside Governor Tim Walz’s residence react as Walz was announced as the running mate of Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election. (AP Video by Mark Vancleave)


Vice President Kamala Harris has picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, turning to a Midwestern governor, military veteran and union supporter who helped enact an ambitious Democratic agenda for his state.


FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, right, laughs as he stands with Fridley, Minn., Mayor Scott Lund during a visit to the Cummins Power Generation Facility in Fridley, Minn., Monday, April 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

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FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz applauds as President Joe Biden speaks at Dutch Creek Farms in Northfield, Minn., Nov. 1, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz listens after meeting with President Joe Biden, July 3, 2024, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaks during a news conference for the Biden-Harris campaign discussing the Project 2025 plan during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention near the Fiserv Forum, Wednesday, July 17, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

FILE - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz greets reporters before Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

FILE - Rep. Betty McCullum, D-Minn., left, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, listen as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House. The 60-year-old Democrat and military veteran rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances in the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek a second term. He has made his state a bastion of liberal policy and, this year, one of the few states to protect fans buying tickets online for Taylor Swift concerts and other live events.

Some things to know about Walz:

Walz comes from rural America

It would be hard to find a more vivid representative of the American heartland than Walz. Born in West Point, Nebraska, a community of about 3,500 people northwest of Omaha, Walz joined the Army National Guard and became a teacher in Nebraska.

He and his wife moved to Mankato in southern Minnesota in the 1990s. That’s where he taught social studies and coached football at Mankato West High School, including for the 1999 team that won the first of the school’s four state championships. He still points to his union membership there.

Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard, rising to command sergeant major, one of the highest enlisted ranks in the military, although he didn’t complete all the training before he retired so his rank for benefits purposes was set at master sergeant.


He has a proven ability to connect with conservative voters

In his first race for Congress, Walz upset a Republican incumbent. That was in 2006, when he won in a largely rural, southern Minnesota congressional district against six-term Rep. Gil Gutknecht. Walz capitalized on voter anger with then-President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

During six terms in the U.S. House, Walz championed veterans’ issues.

He’s also shown a down-to-earth side, partly through social media video posts with his daughter, Hope. One last fall showed them trying a Minnesota State Fair ride, “The Slingshot,” after they bantered about fair food and her being a vegetarian.


He could help the ticket in key Midwestern states

While Walz isn’t from one of the crucial “blue wall” states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where both sides believe they need to win, he’s right next door. He also could ensure that Minnesota stays in the hands of Democrats.

That’s important because former President Donald Trump has portrayed Minnesota as being in play this year, even though the state hasn’t elected a Republican to statewide office since 2006. A GOP presidential candidate hasn’t carried the state since President Richard Nixon’s landslide in 1972, but Trump has already campaigned there .

When Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton decided not to seek a third term in 2018, Walz campaigned and won the office on a “One Minnesota” theme.

Walz also speaks comfortably about issues that matter to voters in the Rust Belt. He’s been a champion of Democratic causes, including union organizing, workers’ rights and a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

He has experience with divided government

In his first term as governor, Walz faced a Legislature split between a Democratic-led House and a Republican-controlled Senate that resisted his proposals to use higher taxes to boost money for schools, health care and roads. But he and lawmakers brokered compromises that made the state’s divided government still seem productive.

Bipartisan cooperation became tougher during his second year as he used the governor’s emergency power during the COVID-19 pandemic to shutter businesses and close schools. Republicans pushed back and forced out some agency heads. Republicans also remain critical of Walz over what they see as his slow response to sometimes violent unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in 2020.

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  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.

Things got easier for Walz in his second term, after he defeated Republican Scott Jensen , a physician known nationally as a vaccine skeptic. Democrats gained control of both legislative chambers, clearing the way for a more liberal course in state government, aided by a huge budget surplus.

Walz and lawmakers eliminated nearly all of the state abortion restrictions enacted in the past by Republicans, protected gender-affirming care for transgender youth and legalized the recreational use of marijuana.

Rejecting Republican pleas that the state budget surplus be used to cut taxes, Democrats funded free school meals for children, free tuition at public colleges for students in families earning under $80,000 a year, a paid family and medical leave program and health insurance coverage regardless of a person’s immigration status.


He has an ear for sound-bite politics

Walz called Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance “just weird” in an MSNBC interview last month and the Democratic Governors Association — which Walz chairs — amplified the point in a post on X . Walz later reiterated the characterization on CNN, citing Trump’s repeated mentions of the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter from the film “Silence of the Lambs” in stump speeches.

The word quickly morphed into a theme for Harris and other Democrats and has a chance to be a watchword of the undoubtedly weird 2024 election.

Hanna reported from Topeka, Kansas.



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  1. How To Make a Resume on Google Docs: Steps and Tips

    Learn how to create a resume in Google Docs and how it can help you get noticed by employers.

  2. How to Write a Resume for Google (with examples)

    Here's what Google looks for in your resume, tips to improve your resume, and several example resumes of candidates who have gotten the job at Google.

  3. How to Make a Resume on Google Docs: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Create a standout resume on Google Docs with our easy step-by-step guide. Learn how to format, design, and customize your CV like a pro!

  4. Create Your Resume for Google: Tips and Advice

    Jeremy and Lizi are recruiters at Google and they're helping you write and prepare your resume to make it stand out, including specific tips, advice, and examples for business and engineering ...

  5. Google resume tips and advice

    Learn how to craft a resume that stands out from the crowd with Google's tips and advice. Watch the video and follow Life at Google on.

  6. Creating Your Resume With Google Docs: Career Coach's Playbook

    Do's and don't of creating a resume with Google Docs, common pitfalls to avoid, and tips to help you get your resume past ATS.

  7. How To Create a Google Docs Resume in 4 Steps (With Tips)

    Learn when to use and how to create a Google Docs resume to facilitate your journey toward a fulfilling career.

  8. 27 Free Google Docs Resume Templates

    Need to make a resume in Google Docs? These 27 free Google Docs resume templates will help you create a professional-looking resume fast.

  9. Lesson: How to Create a Resume- Applied Digital Skills

    In this lesson, you'll learn how to make a resume in Google Docs, how to choose a template, and what to include in a resume for any kind of job.

  10. How to Make a Resume in Google Docs (latest)

    This video shows how to make a resume in Google Docs. This is a basic chronological resume, but I also cover how it can be tweaked for an entry level resume ...

  11. How to Make a Resume on Google Docs: 5 Steps & 5 Tricks

    Things You Should Know Google Docs has 5 built-in resume templates that are quick and easy to use. Resumes usually include your name, contact information, summary/objective, education, personal history, and list of relevant skills. Personalize your resume for every job to include different keywords that might catch the eye of a hiring manager.

  12. How to Make a Professional Resume in Google Docs

    The internet is full of resume templates, ranging from free to professional templates with both ugly and great ones in each category. While there are also templates for Google Docs available,...

  13. How to Make a Google Docs Professional Resume in 5 Minutes! *full

    Today, I want to show you how to make a clean and professional resume with Google Docs in 5 minutes. In this simple tutorial, I will show you how to format the resume starting from scratch to make ...

  14. How to Use the Google Docs Résumé Template

    Google Docs offers five résumé templates, making it simple to personalize a résumé while using a standard, professional layout.

  15. 20+ Free Google Docs Resume Templates (To Download)

    See the available Google Docs resume templates and download them to your Google Drive. Learn the ways to create a resume in Google Docs from scratch.

  16. 6 Google resume examples (+ tips on optimizing for Google)

    6 real examples of resumes that worked for Google. Plus, all the info you need to optimize your resume/CV for Google, including tips, a checklist and a step-by-step guide.

  17. 20+ Google Docs Resume Templates for 2024 [Download Now]

    How do you make a resume on Google Docs? Jump in on our step-by-step guide, complete with the best Google Docs resume templates of 2024.

  18. 8+ Best Google Docs Resume Templates—and How to Use Them

    Need a new resume? Try these 11 Google Docs resume templates that are ATS-friendly, plus practical tips to adapt them to your information.

  19. 10 Google Docs Resume Templates to Land Your Dream Job

    Google Docs Template Gallery Resumes If you want to look at the offerings in Google Docs before venturing to a third party, you can pick from five resume templates. Visit Google Docs and select "Template Gallery" at the top.

  20. Google Resume Examples & Writing Tips for 2024

    Writing a Google resume? Follow our expert Google resume tips for a job application that will get you a call back from the hiring manager.

  21. Google Recruiters Say Using the X-Y-Z Formula on Your Resume Will

    Google rarely requests or even looks at a cover letter, so there is a lot riding on resumes. At the outset, the key rule is to keep things simple when it comes to format, and ensure that your ...

  22. Google Resume Examples & Templates (2024) ·

    Google resume examples & templates Google is the most sought-after technology employer in the world. The behemoth develops cutting-edge tech & employs only top talent. Getting a job at Google is difficult, but not impossible. The first step is creating a compelling resume. Use our Google resume example & guide to get you started! 4.2 Average rating 69 people've already rated it Edit This Resume

  23. 5 Google Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    5 Google Resume Examples & Guide for 2024. Your google resume should clearly highlight your technical proficiency. Illustrate your prowess with Google's suite of tools and analytics. Demonstrate your ability to innovate and drive results as expected at Google.

  24. How to make a resume in Microsoft Word

    Need to make a resume in Word but not sure where to start? We'll show you how use a resume template and details to include if you make one from scratch.

  25. How to Write an Application Letter (Sample Included!)

    Discover what an application letter is, when and why you need one, and get tips on crafting your own. Plus, find a sample to help you write the perfect one.

  26. How to Use Claude AI to Write Resume

    Discover how to use Claude AI to write a professional resume with ease. Learn step-by-step guidance on creating a polished, tailored resume that stands out to employers.

  27. How to Get Hired at Google Without a College Degree From a UX Engineer

    Edwin Toh was born and raised in Singapore before he took an internship in NYC. In 2018, he was hired by Google as a UX engineer.

  28. Google Professional Certificate Training Programs

    Get professional training from Google. Gain job-ready skills in high-growth fields. Earn a career certificate. no relevant experience or degree required to enroll.

  29. Professional Resume Writing Service by Experts

    TopResume offers professional resume writing services by experts to help you get more interviews with a well-crafted resume.

  30. What to know about Harris' VP pick Tim Walz

    Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. The 60-year-old Democrat and military veteran rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances in the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek a second term.