Body Language in Presentations

body language presentation

The words you use during your talk certainly matter, but the body language presentation cues that you project are as important – if not more so – in getting your message to land as you intended.

The gestures you use, the eye contact you make, the expressions you convey, and your very movement through a room offer a multitude of nonverbal signals to your audience.

It’s through these body language presentation cues that an audience will make assessments about your credibility, your expertise, and your passion for the subject, as well as whether you are qualified to seek followers for the cause you are advocating, to suggest the changes you are recommending, or to pitch the product you are selling.

Even something as seemingly small as the number of seconds you maintain eye contact with your audience or the decisions you make about what to do with your hands when presenting can make a difference. It boils down to the impression your words and your actions are making. And as researchers have discovered, first impressions are formed in mere seconds and are often quite accurate and long-lasting. In a well-known study led by the late Nalina Ambady, a professor of psychology at Boston’s Tufts University, students who watched two-second video clips (with the sound muted!) of a group of professors formed similar impressions to the ones drawn by students during a full semester.

So how do you exhibit the right body language for presentation success?

Effectively using body language in presentations takes skill and practice. But before we get into the tips and strategies for how to achieve the right look and tone, let’s look at the basics of body language in professional presentations, as well as why it is important to be aware of your body language while giving a presentation.

What is the Importance of Body Language in a Presentation?

body language presentation

The proper body language in a presentation helps to convey that you have confidence in yourself and your message. A speaker who knows the importance of body language in an oral presentation can instill trust in the audience, which, among other things, helps to forge a connection. Further, a presenter who knows how to effectively employ body language presentation skills can help to emphasize the ideas that matter most.

If you are genuinely passionate about your subject, show it. A lackluster delivery not only belies your enthusiasm, but also does nothing to enhance the meaning and effectiveness of your words. What should your audience believe? The words you use to share how excited you are to be there, or the flat tone with which you delivered them? Typically, they’ll assume your monotone delivery is more indicative of your true feelings than your words.

Great physical communicators learn how to successfully align their facial expressions, gestures, movements, posture, and other nonverbal elements with their message.

body language presentation

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

Presentation Body Language Basics

If you were delivering sad news, would you do it with a smile, a bright voice, and a bounce in your step? Or would you deliver it with a serious expression, a somber tone, and less pep? Any incongruity between your actions and your message is going to make it difficult for your audience to process, understand, and retain your message. You want your audience to be concentrated on your message and not the misalignment between your nonverbal movements and verbal delivery.

Your physical presence reveals your mental and emotional state to your audience – and everything about that presence should project that you feel comfortable, are in control of the room, and know your stuff. When it comes down to how to use body language to improve your presentation, it’s a matter of focusing on several key areas of your physical movements, including your eye contact, your gestures during presentation , and your presentation posture. (You can learn more about vocal cues here .)

When we work with our clients during our public speaking training sessions , we focus on how even small adjustments can make a difference in their delivery – such as a subtle shift of the shoulders, a more open stance, increased eye contact with their audience, and more natural and authentic gestures.

All these adjustments in your body language in a presentation can help to encourage audience participation, provide greater emphasis to your words, help you to appear and feel more natural, and increase your connection with the audience.

Eye Contact in Presentations: Why It’s Important

body language presentation

Given there is a large body of research  that reveals just how influential eye contact is when it comes to the assumptions, judgments, and perceptions people make about one another, it’s important to give more than, shall we say, a passing glance to how you plan to move your eyes about the room.

Authors, researchers, seasoned speakers, consultants, and trainers vary slightly on the exact amount of time to maintain eye contact with someone in your audience. It appears that a few seconds is the going rate. Or, to translate that into words – a sentence or two. We tend to approach it differently. We’ve found most speakers naturally strike a reasonable balance of how long to maintain eye contact with one person before moving on. If they focus too much brainpower on counting the seconds or tracking their sentences, it can trip them up.

So, instead, here’s a simple rule:

When looking at your notes, your slides, or any other place than your audience, you should not be talking. Any time you are communicating information, you should be looking at an audience member.

And you don’t want to be looking at just one person all the time. It’s important to have effective eye contact in your presentation skills toolbox. In this post , we dive more deeply into effective ways to lock eyes with multiple members of your audience, depending on the type of presentation and venue.

How to Use Facial Expressions in a Presentation

Animated and dynamic speakers know they have a fuller palette of expression to help tell their story when they enlist the more than 40 muscles in their face to move their eyes, nose, brows, and mouth. It is through facial expression that we convey emotions, including seven universal emotions identified by psychologist Paul Ekman through his decades of work. Researchers have found that your audience is likely to make assumptions about you, such as how intelligent, trustworthy, or confident you are, based on your expressions.

Here are some tips on how to better communicate through facial expressions:

Smile. Unless the material requires a more serious expression, smiling while presenting tends to convey warmth and competence, which can help you to connect with your audience. Be expressive. This is not a license to be a mime, but rather, to use your expressions to relay your enthusiasm, your excitement, and to reinforce and support your key points and ideas. Just as presenters are encouraged to expand their vocal range to avoid a monotone presentation, so too is it important to avoid a static expression throughout your entire talk. Observe your audience. Do they look confused? Disinterested? Just as your audience picks up cues through your facial expressions, you too may be able to make perceptions about your audience. (Just be mindful that not every neutral expression indicates boredom or disinterest.) Hone your talent. As with any language, using and practicing it leads to mastery. Nonverbal language is no different. As you practice and rehearse your talk, think about what your facial expressions are conveying and if they are effective. Do they align with your words? Do you appear natural and authentic? Do they support and reinforce your key ideas?

body language presentation

Correct Body Posture During a Presentation

It’s hard to think of a single situation where slouching would be advised – and a presentation is no exception. The correct presentation posture if you are standing is to …

  • Square your shoulders with the audience
  • Relax your stance. You are not standing at attention!
  • Face them directly instead of tilting your body away from them. (The exception to this rule is when you are soliciting feedback from your audience. In that case, turning your body at a slight angle can encourage engagement.)

The correct presentation posture if you are sitting is to …

  • Lean forward slightly
  • Plant your feet firmly on the floor (avoid crossing your legs)
  • Avoid slouching into the chair

Beyond the confidence this posture projects to your audience, researchers have found when you throw those shoulders back or sit upright in your chair, that feeds into your self-confidence , too.

How to Improve Body Language for Presentations

The best way to project body language in a presentation is to be natural. And while it may sound counterintuitive, one of the ways you can appear and feel more natural in your movements is to practice them. This is why it’s important to save some time for rehearsals or practice runs.

Some of the best ways to test your material and your delivery are to record yourself, offer a practice run to an audience of colleagues or friends, and recreate the run-through so that it is as close to the live event as possible.

And, please, this is not the time for harsh criticism. Use this opportunity to see where you did well, such as projecting a confident smile, standing tall, and maintaining meaningful eye contact. Also, look for the areas where you can improve. Did you employ effective body language with your PowerPoint presentation slides? (Here’s are some specific ways to improve your PowerPoint presentation through body language and gestures.)

If you were on a panel, did it appear as if you were slouching? Did you appear nervous or ill at ease? (Here are some ways to counter your fear of public speaking . ) Use this time to hone your skills. Every presentation – whether practice or “live” – is a chance to improve.

Success occurs with preparation, and growth occurs with practice, whether you are a novice or seasoned pro. Here are some specific ways to make the most out of that preparation.

Practice in Front of a Mirror

body language presentation

Record Yourself

There are several reasons that video recording a practice run-through – either with a camera or smartphone – will help your presentation run a whole lot smoother. In addition to tracking such things as your timing, your pace, and the overall flow of your presentation (For example, do you vary the time for each main point? Do you have a mix of message supports, including statistics, stories, and slides?), you also can analyze your body language. Here are some of the things you want to look and listen for:

  • The pace, pitch, and tone of your voice and how effective those elements were in conveying your main points.
  • How well you maintained eye contact with your “audience.”
  • Your gestures and whether they add emphasis to your talk and reinforce key ideas.
  • Any mannerisms that are creating distractions, such as pacing in a predictable pattern, fidgeting with your tie or jewelry, or constantly brushing your hair back.

Watch the tape, identify the two or three things you want to improve upon, and do another practice run. If you improve, add another element, and then do another practice run if you have the time.

Learn how to control your body language during a presentation!

Work with our experienced Throughline Group trainers to identify and use effective body language, including energy, gestures, and posture. Sign up today!

Rehearse in Front of Team Members

While a video recording can be an effective way to assess your presentation skills, rehearsing in front of an audience of colleagues is key to getting a feel for the “real” thing. It gives you a chance to assess the nonverbal communication of your audience in real-time, and make the body language presentation fixes that will help you to increase your chances that you are connecting with your audience and helping your messages stick. You can make these sessions more effective in several ways. They include:

Treating your practice like the real thing. Avoid caveats or skimming through sections ( “When I really give my talk, I’ll tell a funny story here.” ) Asking for honest reactions. Your team may be rooting for you, but they need to react honestly if your words are falling flat, your energy is low, or you are spending too much time looking and reading from your notes. Embracing slip-ups, technical difficulties, and distractions. You may be tempted to start over, but plow through any hiccups so you gain the confidence and experience in dealing with difficulties before your talk goes “live.”

  ( Here are 20 questions you can ask your practice audience. )

body language presentation

Additional Presentation Body Language Tips

Your facial expressions, your posture, and your eye contact are all important elements in your nonverbal delivery. But you have other body language presentation cues that you also can use to make your presentation more effective. Remember, your hands can do some “talking” and your feet can do some walking in the service of your speech.

Hand gestures during a presentation can be used to do many things, including:

  • Adding emphasis to a word or point
  • Pointing something out on a slide or other visual support
  • Reinforcing a concept

In practice, this means you might hold your fingers up for each point you want to make ( “No. 1 is this …” ). Or, with an outstretched hand – palm open – you direct your audience’s attention to a point of data on your chart. Finally, if you are comparing two recommendations perhaps you pantomime a scale with your hands, indicating that one side should win out over the other.

As for movement, unless you must stay tethered to the lectern, make the most of your space. Movement is one way to keep your audience alert and its attention on you. This leads to a more dynamic presentation and better connection with the audience.

When done with intention and confidence, your gestures and your movement – really,  your overall body language in  a presentation – will help to solidify your credibility, reveal your control of your material and the room, and help you to emphasize your key points.

Here are some specific tips on how to incorporate these additional body language presentation techniques into your talk.

What To Do With Your Hands During a Presentation

You may have been told it’s best not to gesture when speaking, but in our work with clients we have found that speakers become less anxious, appear more natural, and remember and retrieve their words far more effectively when they gesture during their presentations.

And the research   backs that up. Gesturing not only adds emphasis and verve to your words but also can help you to better remember what you want to say.

However, there is a difference between gesturing and fidgeting. For instance, when you hold out your hand with the palm facing up when calling on someone during your Q&A, it is an effective and open gesture. It encourages engagement and connection. But, if you are hands are in constant motion, such as clasping and unclasping your fingers, twirling the ring on your finger, picking at your nails, or touching your face or hair, then your gestures can become a distraction.

When gesturing, remember to:

Be authentic.  Start with what comes naturally and work from there. Forced movement will be seen for what it is – forced. Be purposeful. Trade fast, undisciplined hand movements during the presentation for gestures with intent. Be open.  Avoid gestures such as pointing at your audience, gesturing toward them with your palm down, or crossing your arms – all of which can have a negative connotation or make you appear “closed” off and inaccessible. Be aware of cultural differences. Although certain presentation hand gestures and expressions fall under a universal language, gestures do not necessarily mean the same thing in every culture. For instance, your OK sign may mean just that, but to a person from another country, it might just be highly offensive. (Here’s a look at some of the more common nonverbal faux pas.)

What if My Hands Won’t Stop Shaking?

Anxiety has a way of hijacking whatever veneer of calm you, as a speaker, may have managed to induce before your talk. One of the ways your nervousness manifests itself is through your trembling hands. You may notice the shakiness as you organize your notes or take a sip of water. Most of the time, what you see as full-on earthquakes more typically come across as small-time tremors – if they are noticed at all by your audience. For most people, once the initial jitters ease, those tiny tremors fade. However, if that trembling never eases and you are wondering how to stop shaking hands during a presentation, it’s best to think beyond the symptoms and get to the core of the issue – anxiety. To do that, you must identify the cause of your fear – here are eight causes of public speaking fear – before you can find the techniques that will help you to reduce and manage it .

body language presentation

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Moving Around During a Presentation: Is That OK?

Movement is one way to keep your audience alert and its attention on you. Make the most of your space and your body language presentation skills so that you can create a more dynamic presentation and a better connection with your audience. What you don’t want to do is pace or create a predictable pattern in how you move around the room. That said, there are several ways you can utilize your space more effectively while walking during your presentation.

Here are several:

Use your movement to emphasize your points . You can begin on one side of the room and share your first, before moving to the other side for Point No. 2. Make your way to the center for your last point. Approach your audience. When answering questions or seeking participation, walk toward your audience. Avoid swaying. If you are standing still, try to avoid rocking from side to side. You can counter this by placing one foot about two to three inches in front of the other.

How You Dress is Important, Too

View of different colors ties in the showcase

Here are a few tips:

Choose the outfit that best supports your message, which means knowing the tone you want to set about your topic and who you are. Purchase an iron or get your clothes pressed. You can certainly present in casual clothes, but wrinkles are a no-go in nearly any situation. Consider your accessories carefully. Ostentatious jewelry or lapel pins will probably attract more attention than you want them to. They also could interfere with your microphone. Be wary of fabrics that rustle or shoes that make noises when you move. Not only will that distract you, but your audience will notice it, too.

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Your body language conveys as much as the words you say, sometimes even more! Are your hands sweating? Relax, don't worry! We have a new set of infographics with which you can unravel the secrets of body language so that people can perform better in situations like job interviews or meeting new people. These flat-colored designs come in different forms: diagrams, graphs, gauges... And all of them contain illustrations of people!

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17 Body Language Presentation Cues to Use in Your Next Speech

I used to shake, stutter, and simmer during presentations. Now, I confidently own my speeches. Here are my top 17 body language tips for any presentation.

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Some people may go into a presentation like they’re going into battle.

I was one of those people. But after years of public-speaking experience, dozens of experiments, and hundreds of talks, I can finally say I’ve conquered my presentation fears. And now I want to teach my tactics to you!

body language presentation theme

Can You Read Body Language?

How good are your body language skills? Take our free body language quiz to find out!

Here is my ultimate guide on what body language to use to give the most captivating presentations . In this guide, you will learn:

  • the first thing you should always do when giving an online presentation
  • the best way to turn your audience into your friend
  • how to use space to captivate your audience
  • why Nixon won the heart of voters through the radio, but not on TV (hint: it was his appearance)
  • how to use a podium to your advantage
  • … and more!

I have been fortunate enough to speak to hundreds of companies , from Google to Intel to Frito-Lay. I’ve also been lucky enough to speak on stages at SxSW, at MIT, and the World Domination summit .

But all of those successes were hard earned. And I started out knowing nothing…

My Presentation Fail

OK, I have a really embarrassing story to admit.

Back in fifth grade, I wasn’t just bad at giving presentations. I was a train wreck : my legs shook, my palms sweated, and I had this really bad condition where my face would just dye itself red from embarrassment.

Young Vanessa trying to hide from her awkwardness holding flowers in front of her eyes

Fast forward to the most important presentation of the year: I spent an entire month preparing (and even working after school!) for this fleshed-out speech on Columbus’s journey to America. It was full of amazing, captivating content… but unfortunately lacking in delivery.

On the big day, I couldn’t help but feel the sea of stares burning deep into me.

My face reddened like a beet, and I did the only thing my logical brain told me to do… I made a run for it. I literally stopped 5 minutes into my presentation, ran out the door, and hid in the nearest bathroom stall.

That day scarred me forever. I remember wiping tears from my face, wondering how the heck I’d ever get through any presentation again.

Fast forward to today…

  • I have talked on stage at well over 100 different events.
  • I regularly give training sessions at big corporations like Amazon and Microsoft.
  • I even have my very own TED Ttalk!

So yeah, I can say now with a sigh of relief I have (somewhat) conquered my stage fright . Here are my best body language tips I’ve learned from my years of struggle. My aim for you in this article is to give you a boost of confidence the next time you’re giving a presentation!

They might sound small, but they matter.

Signal “Friend!”

So what’s one of the best ways to signal, “Hey, I’m your friend”? Is it:

  • show your palms
  • give an eyebrow flash
  • all of the above

The answer is d) all of the above!

Here’s why these nonverbal cues are so powerful while presenting:

Right when I start a presentation, I like to immediately show my palms. This is absolutely essential to do in video calls since it’s even harder to build rapport than with in-person presentations.

Here’s me, where I show my palms in my TED Talk:

Showing your palms is a great way to signal to others that you have no weapons in your hands. This works because our primitive brains kick into overdrive, worrying that someone may brandish a hidden weapon.

You can even try it! The next time you’re in a conversation, bury your palms deep in your pockets or keep them behind your back. You may notice the other person seems a little unsettled or nervous.

A great way to show your palms during a presentation is to open with a personal story. Personal stories are full of truth and honesty, so you might find your hand gestures naturally opening up (you may not even have to consciously think about opening your palms!).

Give the Eyebrow Flash

The eyebrow flash.

It’s a commonly used gesture in greetings, especially when two people recognize each other. In essence, a quick up-down of the eyebrows shows someone that you’re happy to see them.

Research even shows that it’s used by monkeys and apes, meaning this is likely an inborn gesture.

So here’s the golden rule for presentations: always eyebrow flash when you walk onto stage. Just a quick, up-down of recognition. Couple it with a genuine smile (coming next!), and you’ve got a killer combo that shows you’re trustworthy and friendly.

But be careful of overdoing it—move your eyebrows up -and -down too many times and you’re inviting a different kind of attention!

Use a Genuine Smile

Did you know a real smile includes what is known as the “Duchenne marker,” or wrinkles around the corners of the eyes? Without this key indicator, a person might be faking their smile.

Check out more mouth cues, including licking lips, lip biting, and pursed lips here: 39 Mouth Body Language Gestures

Take Up Space

When we’re nervous on stage, we often go into “deer in the headlights” mode.

We bring our arms in close, keep our feet in the smallest space possible, and bring our shoulders in like a turtle. To give effective presentations, you’ve got to learn how to master your space.

Don’t forget there is space around you! Widen your stance, walk around, use big gestures, and power pose.

  • Widen Your Stance. Ask a body language expert what’s the most important body part to pay attention to and chances are, they’ll say the feet. People know what kind of face they’re making. Or what their hands are doing. But they rarely pay attention to their feet during presentations. Avoid standing with your feet awkwardly close. Make sure your feet are at least shoulder-width apart and don’t be afraid to go even wider.
  • Walk the Stage. Don’t plant yourself in the room if there’s room available to move around. People pay attention to what’s in motion, so keep moving during your speech to grab attention. One clever way to remember movement is to move with your points—if you have 3 main points, when you switch from one point to another, move to the other side of the room to signal a shift.
  • Use Your Arms. Generally, you don’t want huge gestures all the time. But there’s also no need to keep your arms to yourself—use those puppies for emphasis! When you are exaggerating a point, showing a large measurement or data, or talking about something grand, spread your arms and take up space.
  • Power Pose. Do you know the power of posing? In a TED Talk, Amy Cuddy explains that power posing can actually increase our confidence. Do this before a presentation to boost your confidence, or do it during a presentation to command attention and feel powerful.

Other than taking up space, another body language presentation trick you can use is to minimize space between you and the audience.

Bridging the distance between you and the audience is a powerful cue to use sparingly.

In the 1992 debate between Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush, Clinton is asked a question from the audience.

But rather than answering it immediately, he stands up and tries to get as close to the speaker as possible. This little difference allowed the crowd to resonate with Clinton more than Bush, who stood answering questions at a distance.

It was a small change, but it made a world of impact.

Save this for points that really matter to you. When you want your audience to lean in and listen up, move close.

I also do this during question and answer sessions.

Generally speaking, pointing is considered rude… except when you’re presenting with a big screen or projector. If you don’t have a laser pointer or long stick, pointing HELPS the audience by directing their eye gaze at what they should be paying attention to.

Make sure to point at the screen if you think your audience needs a bit more engagement, or during really lengthy and explanatory parts of your slides with text, so they can visualize better.

Raise Your Hand

Remember those times in class when the teacher asked us to raise our hands? Teachers do it for a reason: it increases audience engagement! Whenever you ask a question to the audience, try to spin it in a way to get the audience to participate:

  • Instead of asking your audience, “Did you think the Christmas event was amazing?” try asking, “Raise your hand if you think the Christmas event was amazing.”
  • You can even spin a statement into a question. If you are stating an exciting fact like “McDonald’s once made bubblegum-flavored broccoli” (totally true, btw!), you can ask your audience, “Which product did McDonald’s once come out with?” and ask for a show of hands for each potential answer.

Since raising our hands is still likely a learned body language that is ingrained in our brains, utilizing this body language cue is a no-brainer to keep the audience hooked.

Read Between the Eyes

Here’s a quick way to boost your perceived intelligence during a presentation: increase your eye contact! Make sure to sweep across the room as you make eye contact with others. Maintaining eye contact is great if you want to build rapport with others. It’s even been found to increase feelings of love and affection!

And forget about the “imagine your audience naked” advice that somehow got popular.… Instead, imagine your audience members are your closest friends.

Imagine your audience are your closest friends. They are there to root for you!

Even if it’s one close friend, imagine you are talking to them. You’ll naturally make more eye contact, your body language will open up, and you’ll be more authentic and honest. No wonder the eyes are the window to the soul.

Side Note: Don’t forget those in the back! Always make contact with every single person in the room, if you can. If it’s a bigger audience, you might want to mentally section-off the crowd in blocks to make sure you make eye contact with most of the crowd.

Laugh It Off

Humor is one of the best ways to turn a dull presentation into a lively one. Who doesn’t love to laugh?

Chances are, you’re not laughing enough.

Research shows that adults only laugh an average of 15 times a day, while preschoolers laugh 400 times 1 !

It’s not only about feeling good, either. Laughing is actually more about building relationships than reacting to jokes.

That’s why laughter is 30 times more likely to occur in social situations than by yourself!

Laugh more if you want to become more likable.

Verbal back channels, cadence, mumbling, and stuttering—learn more body language tips to give you a boost in your people skills arsenal!

Forward Lean

Sure, everybody knows not to be a slouch: chest up, shoulders back, and head raised.

But did you know adding a slight forward lean to your presentation can increase engagement? Just imagine the last time you were super hooked in a conversation.

Chances are, you were leaning slightly forward:

Body leaning is our body’s natural way of saying, “Wow, this is interesting!” If you see it in your audience? That’s great! And if you do it yourself? You are sub communicating that you’re interested in both the audience AND what you’re saying.

Add a slight forward lean to increase audience engagement.

Use Hand Gestures

Here’s the deal: Research 2’_gestures_can_reflect_listeners’_thinking shows that using hand gestures increases the value of your message by a whopping 60%!

And we confirmed it using science.

In our human behavior research lab, we analyzed thousands of hours of TED Talks and found one striking pattern: the most viral TED Talkers spoke with their words AND their hands.

Want to dive into our research and see which hand gestures to use to WOW a crowd? Click below to find out: 60 Hand Gestures You Should Be Using And Their Meaning

Here’s a self-test you can try out right now: cross your arms.

Which arm appears on top?

Science says that 7 out of 10 people cross their left arm over their right one 1 .

Crossing arms over your torso is not only a way of defending your most vital organs, but also a form of “self-hug.”

People normally cross arms when they feel defeated or defensive. In presentations, you might find yourself manifesting the arm cross in subtler ways—reaching across the body to fiddle with a watch, adjusting a shirt cuff link, or even adjusting a tie knot.

To counter crossed arms, always default to having your arms relaxed and to the sides when you’re not gesturing. Having your arms to your sides is the most natural position and one that shows you’re confident enough to be relaxed.

Want more cues to arm yourself? Head on over to our guide: Crossed Arms and 17 More Cues to Know

Have you ever been in a presentation where the person giving the speech stands behind the podium the whole time? Podiums are a huge presentation faux pas and effectively block presenters from the audience.

If there’s a podium in the room with you, a personal tip I try to use is to never use the podium for more than a quarter of my presentation. Not only do podiums plant you in place, they also block off half your body.

Here’s a hilarious example of giving a presentation behind a big table… notice how nobody knows what could be going on down there!

Podiums and tables are great as a bounce-back point (if you need to check your notes, change slides, take a sip of water, etc.), but shouldn’t be a nest you coop up in all day.

Keep Cool as a Cucumber

It was September 26, 1960. The entire nation was tuned in to see the first- ever televised presidential debate, featuring John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon.

Except there was one glaring problem for the Republicans.

The millions of Americans who tuned in could see Nixon sweating under the hot studio lights, while Kennedy remained as cool as a cucumber. Nixon also displayed other signs of anxiety, like lip licking and fast blinking.

So who won the presidential debate ?

It turns out, most people who listened to the debate on the radio voted for Nixon, due to his deep, rich voice.

But those who saw it on the big screen? Hands down, the majority of them sided with Kennedy. During a presentation, people will be able to read a lot from your face. Are you a nervous lip biter? Do you sweat when you’re under pressure? Do you blink too much—or not enough?

Try these tips to master your facial expressions :

  • Record Yourself. One of the ways I became much better at public speaking than I was before is that I constantly do YouTube videos . In my early days, I always looked away from the camera and bit my upper lip, until I rewatched my videos and corrected the problems. If you have any glaring issues, video will find it.
  • Take a Deep Breath. It’s totally OK to pause and take a deep breath. Make sure to constantly breathe deeply. It’s super easy to get nervous and start shallow breathing. I find a session of quick meditation actually helps me to calm my nerves.

And remember, it can’t be all that bad. Have a look at Colin Robertson’s hilarious TED Talk , where things seem to go awry.

Hide Your Notes

I generally don’t recommend having notes with you if you can help it. Using notes is great to keep you on -pace, but relying on them could be a crutch.

Physically holding them in your hands could take up valuable palm space for gesturing and can make your movements more awkward. You can also forget to make eye contact at critical moments.

I recommend keeping your notes to a bare minimum (i.e., don’t write your college thesis on them) and leaving them at the podium or by your side. Refer to them as needed, but you should be at a place where you only need to look at a few key words to remember what you’re going to say next.

Many presenters already know they should move and take up space. But sometimes it can be easy to over-do it. One powerful, advanced body language trick is to actually keep still and silent during the important parts of your presentation.

Steve Jobs was a master at movement. Watch as he moves to emphasize his points, but during the very important points, he tends to stay still and command attention:

Color Psychology

What colors you wear can drastically affect the perception of you on camera. Just take a look at these 2 different outfits, but with their colors switched:

Vanessa in black dress vs Vanessa in pink dress

See how different I look?

One image portrays power, confidence, and authority. The other is perfect for spring picnics and tea time.

OK, those images are a bit on the extreme side. But for normal colors, choose your color to match the mood you want to give off:

  • Blue gives off feelings of stability, tranquility, and trust.
  • Red primes emotions of intensity, aggression, and passion.
  • Yellow indicates emotions of happiness, vibrance, and youth.

Check out this article: Color Psychology: What Colors Should You Wear and Why

News Reporter vs. Preacher

One way to speak is like a monotone news reporter:

On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve got an enthusiastic preacher:

In most presentations, you want to be somewhere in the middle (leaning toward enthusiastic).

Vocal variety is a huge body language cue that you can easily change to spice up your presentations. If you’re not naturally vocally gifted like Freddie Mercury, no worries! Try a vocal warm-up .

One of my favorite vocal warm-ups I do almost every time before a video or presentation is to simply hum:

  • Do one long “hmmmmmmmmm,” and try to hold it for as long as you can.
  • Now, loosen up your lips and mouth. Hum again, but now more relaxed. Try to keep your jaw and cheeks nice and loose as well.
  • Inflect! Go up and down with your hum. Alternate between descending and ascending hums.

Do this five times and be amazed at how magical your newly – prepped voice is.

Remember, your goal as a captivating presenter isn’t just to relay information. You’ve also got a second job as an entertainer. Remember to engage the audience and have fun on stage! Your audience will appreciate it, and you’ll feel more free, too.

Presentation Body Language Mini-FAQ:

How much of a presentation depends on your body language.

You may have heard that communication is 93% nonverbal, and only 7% verbal. These percentages are actually false. We may not know the exact percentage, but nonverbal communication plays a huge role in presentations (with the right body language, you can turn any old, boring content into the most exciting presentation ever!).

Why is body language important in presentation?

Open, confident body language allows you to clearly express your message during a presentation, without disengaging your audience. Great body language during presentations builds your credibility, draws the audience’s attention to your points, and helps you connect with your listeners and build rapport.

Bonus: Give Captivating Presentations

You might not realize it, but you are presenting ALL the time. Whether it’s:

  • speaking up in a meeting
  • giving an introduction on a video call or joining a conference call
  • or even talking on stage

… we are constantly presenting. So I want to help you achieve your presentation goals. Whether you’re looking to find the best openers and closers, use visuals in your presentations, tell amazing stories, or even present online, I’ve got you covered: Master Your Presentations With Powerful Presentation Skills

Are there any other presentation body language tips you have? Or can you relate to my embarrassing story? Leave a comment below!

Side Note: As much as possible we tried to use academic research or expert opinion for this master body language guide. Occasionally, when we could not find research we include anecdotes that are helpful. As more research comes out on nonverbal behavior we will be sure to add it!

Crack The Code on Facial Expressions

The human face is constantly sending signals, and we use it to understand the person’s intentions when we speak to them. In Decode, we dive deep into these microexpressions to teach you how to instantly pick up on them and understand the meaning behind what is said to you. Learn how to decode emotions in our advanced communication course, People School.

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Popular guides, how to deal with difficult people at work.

Do you have a difficult boss? Colleague? Client? Learn how to transform your difficult relationship. I’ll show you my science-based approach to building a strong, productive relationship with even the most difficult people.

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Body Language in PPT Presentations: 8 Tips & Tricks

Gestures and facial expressions play a major role in shaping our communication. This also applies to PPT presentations: A presenter’s body language is a crucial factor in influencing the audience’s response to content and key messages.

So, you’ve got great content, slick PowerPoint slides and the latest presentation technology. Don’t forget one of the most versatile and effective presentation tools at your disposal – your body .

If you hide behind the podium, ignore your posture or use awkward gestures and facial expressions, you’ll have no chance of convincing your audience. In this article, we’ll show you eight effective tips and tricks to use body language to your best advantage.

Why body language is so important in PPT presentations

body language ppt

Admittedly , body language is something we tend to use unconsciously — it’s difficult for us to control. Most of the time, we don’t notice that our body language has an adverse effect on our presentation until it’s too late. Nervousness plays a role in this, especially when presenting in front of a large audience. Our hands get cold and clammy, we gesture too much and too excitedly, or we just hide behind the podium.

The wrong gestures can impact negatively on your presentation. Even the most polished PPT presentation will fall flat if we hide our hands in pockets, gesture too much or slouch. Audiences decide within a few seconds whether the speaker is likeable or competent.

Body language and gestures are just as important for a successful presentation as the content itself. It pays to review your rhetoric skills from time to time and brush up on them.

How can facial expressions enhance a presentation?

Facial expressions show the audience how the speaker feels about the content. The more you connect with your content on an emotional level , the more impact your words will have on your audience. With a little practice, you can find the right facial expressions to set the right tone for your presentation.

Tip : Practice your facial expressions in front of a mirror. How do you feel when you smile? Is your smile genuine? Or give your presentation in front of a familiar audience, such as your family or friends. Get honest feedback on your facial expressions and try to incorporate the critique. You can also find many helpful videos online.

How can the right gestures enhance your presentation?

body language PPT

A gesture is a hand or arm movement that expresses or emphasizes an idea. Many presenters know the feeling of not knowing where to put their hands during a presentation. A common awkward reaction is to clasp your hands behind your body or just let your arms hang. This often comes across as insecure, unprofessional and uninspired. Instead, use your hands to punctuate your presentation at specific points and underline key messages . This communicates professionalism and dynamism.

Here’s an example : You present a process in your presentation using a diagram. Leaving your arms hanging down from your body gives the impression that you’re uninterested and unmotivated. Don’t underestimate the power of gestures – use them to your advantage!

With that in mind, let’s go back to the example above . Whenever you explain a new section of the process, point to where you are on the slide. Or punctuate the process itself. If the process went forward, represent this with forward-moving had gesture. If it went backward, make a backward motion with your hands. This shows that you’re involved, energized and professional.

Tip : Again, be sure to practice in front of a mirror beforehand. Which gestures complement your presentation? Do they support your statements? Next, test these gestures in front of family and friends. Make sure to get feedback. You can also find a lot of online resources to help you, for example here .

Here are some helpful tips and tricks for using your body language correctly.

Effective body language during presentations: 8 tips and tricks

The right way to present: sitting or standing.

Are you someone who likes to keep it comfortable and plan to sit during your presentation? Please don’t! When you present, you need to be the literal center of attention . Presenting while sitting will immediately take the focus off you. You’ll appear unmotivated, uninspired and limit how much body language you can use. If you’re sitting behind a table or have your laptop in front of you, you’re basically hiding from your audience.

Stand while presenting. You’ll have freedom to move around and use your body language in a more purposeful way. You’ll appear more animated and motivated. Be aware of distracting objects in front of you, such as tables, and remove them. You want to be fully visible to the audience and not create an unconscious barrier.

Posture: How to stand correctly

boy language ppt

You now that you should stand while presenting. Standing – sounds simple, right? Even here, you need to pay attention to a few points:

  • Don’t stand with your legs too far apart . This can make you look less elegant.
  • Don’t stand with your legs too close together. It’s an easy way to lose your footing and maybe even trip.
  • Do stand with your legs about shoulder width apart so you have a firm and stable stance.

Also, stand up straight . Make yourself as tall as possible. Avoid slouching or slumping your shoulders forward . Rocking your upper body back and forth or swaying side to side creates an unsettled effect. What has a positive impact on your posture?

The answer is simple: Self-confidence . Know your presentation topic inside and out and rehearse your presentation several times over. The more familiar you are with your topic, the more confident you will appear . Self-confidence straightens the back.

Keep your head as still as possible while speaking . Raising your head and voice at the end of a sentence sounds like you’re asking a question. And this makes you seem less confident. Avoid nervous hair flicking or touching .

Hands & Gestures

body language ppt

You’re standing up straight with your head held high. What about your hands? As we described above, hand gestures can be game changers during a presentation.

Avoid the following pitfalls:

  • Hands on hips: This quickly comes across as unsympathetic or judgmental.
  • Hands in pockets: This makes them look insecure and unprofessional.
  • Pen in hand: You may find yourself playing with the pen, either unconsciously or out of nervousness. No one wants to hear click…click…click… This can be incredibly distracting.…click… This can be incredibly distracting.
  • Crossed arms: It may be a comfortable position for you, but it expresses resistance and detachment. You’ll subconsciously build a barrier and come off as defensive to your audience.

The solution: Use gestures as often as possible to emphasize statements. Don’t worry about how often you should gesture. Feel free to use your hands whenever you feel it’s necessary. A good neutral position is with bent arms and hands at belly-button level. Leave a space between your elbows and torso when gesturing . This makes you take up more space and appear more confident. You can find more tips here .

Gear the use of gestures to the size of the audience. Smaller groups require “quieter gestures” . Raising your arms will quickly look artificial. The three-joint rule helps to correctly identify which gestures to use:

When speaking to a smaller group, use hand gestures , the so-called “quiet gestures” we mentioned above. With 20 to 30 people, the elbow, the second joint, should move the most . This creates “loud gestures” . Use the shoulder, the third joint, in front of a large audience only . These “louder gestures ” can be used to emphasize a point right to the back of a large room.

Gestures attract attention but don’t go overboard. Use your gestures strategically. The audience will follow your hands and be interested in what you have to say.

Walking around

Everyone who presents has faced the question, ” Can I move around, or should I stay in one spot?”. Here’s the answer: you can do both. But there are some rules to follow in both cases. Here’s one: Avoid walking back and forth all the time – give your movements intention and meaning . For example, move after you’ve made a statement or finished a section. Or when you want to explain something from a different point of view .

Eye contact

body language ppt

Eye contact with an audience is key to a good presentation. Maintain eye contact with each audience member, but only one person at a time. Why? Most of us get nervous when we have to speak in front of several people. Our gaze moves from one audience member to the next, we wonder what they’re thinking — and we become insecure.

If you concentrate on only one person at a time, it will feel like you’re having a one-on-one conversation. Much less intimidating than addressing a large crowd at once, right ? In addition, each audience member will feel like you’re speaking to them directly – a positive and personal interaction that guarantees you’ll have their attention.

Keep in mind that if the room is large and at capacity, you’ll probably not be able to make eye contact with everyone present. In this situation, divide your audience into sections : front, center, back, left, right. Fixate on one person from one area and then another from the next area. Once you have made eye contact with one person from each area, start again from the first section.

You can also support your key messages by slightly lowering your chin at the end while maintaining eye contact with your audience. This will add weight to your statement and the audience will find you more credible and competent.

The right facial expressions

body language ppt

We’ve already described how facial expressions a major role in presentations. Here are some additional points to think about:

  • A genuine smile always makes a good impression. Particularly when welcoming your audience, it can help you create a friendly, pleasant atmosphere.
  • Use a neutral facial expression when presenting facts , such as figures and data. Emotions will seem out of place here.
  • Emphasize important points with raised eyebrows and open eyes . A smile can also enhance the effect.
  • If you have to present less-than-optimal data or results, pull your eyebrows down and squint your eyes a bit. This clearly signals a negative emotion.
  • When you make a rhetorical pause or lose your train of thought, make sure that you keep your mouth closed . This will make you appear calm and confident. Breathe calmly and continue the sentence you have started.

Here’s a fun video about the science behind smiles and how to smile more effectively.

The right outfit

Ever heard the saying, “Clothes make the man (or woman)?”. We all know looking good is important, but did you know that your choice of outfit can directly affect your body language ? Choose something comfortable but at the same time is appropriate for the occasion (no sweatpants!). If you’re not a suit-and-tie guy, don’t decide to become one for your presentation. You’ll be uncomfortable and won’t be able to present confidently.

As for women: Sure, high heels look elegant, chic and businesslike. But make sure that you can walk in them if you want to wear them during your presentation. Nothing is worse than an unsteady gait or even slipping or falling. Think about your footwear!

Avoid wearing clothes that are too colorful or garish . This quickly distracts from your actual presentation and may even make your body language look funny. Coordinate your clothing with your background so that you don’t “disappear”.

Before you start your presentation, check that your clothes fit . Are all buttons closed? Is the zipper of the pants closed? This will allow you to go into the presentation with confidence, which will only benefit your body language.

Finally: Other countries, other body language

body language ppt

If you’re planning an international presentation, remember that your body language must be understandable to everyone . Learn about potential cultural differences between the body language you’re familiar with and what your audience understands.

Score points with the right body language in your PPT presentation!

Body language is a presentation tool which shouldn’t be ignored . Most of the time, body language happens naturally. Nevertheless, it’s important to focus on the right body language , especially during important presentations. Without a bit of forethought and practice, you can quickly come across as boring, awkward, unmotivated or unprofessional.

Use our tips and think about how you can incorporate them into your presentation. Don’t hesitate to practice in front of a familiar audience and ask for feedback. With practice, you’ll be able to perfect your body language and get the best results from your presentation . A good video summary on body language in presentations can be found here .

Extra tip: Here are some tips for online PPT presentations or when you have to present wearing a mask .

We’re happy to help you with and questions about body language, general questions about presenting or PowerPoint presentations themselves. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] .

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Avoid These 4 Body Language Mistakes in Public Speaking

Body Language and Public Speaking

Body language in public speaking is the nonverbal cues that your movements make during communication. Presenters often focus on what they are going to say and their visual aids. However, we often overlook an important part of the speech — body language. Non-verbal communication makes a lasting impression and makes a marked difference in your communication skills. And when it comes to public speaking, if you look poised and confident, your audience  will believe  you are poised and confident.

In this session, we’ll cover a few simple public speaking ideas that will give you good posture and encourage better body movement. First, we show how important the power of body language is during your presentation. Next, I’ll give you a few, simple tips to look more confident and create a good impression (even if you’re nervous). Finally, I’ll share a presentation secret that, once you understand it, will change the way you look at your nervous habits forever (and in turn, help you give a great presentation).

You Body Language in Public Speaking is Important to a Successful Speech.

When presentation coaches reference body language, they often refer to a 1967 study published by Albert Mehrabian. Dr. Mehrabian is a professor at UCLA. His study showed that only 7% of communication comes from the words spoken. He said that 38% of communication comes from the voice and tone. The final 55% of the communication process comes from body language. In reality, this study has nothing to do with public speaking or presenting. So, the reference to the “Mehrabian Formula” as a reason to focus on body language in public speaking is false. However, that doesn’t mean the power of nonverbal communication isn’t important.

Confidence shows comptence

The better that a speaker carries himself or herself, the more credibility the speaker has with the group. If you look timid or nervous, your audience will question your competence. Confident body language has a profound effect on the unconscious mind of your audience. So much so that, even if they know you’re a new speaker, they won’t help but feel turned off by the small details, like a lack of good eye contact and other aspects of body language.

To cover for nervousness, a lot of speakers will avoid negative body language by hiding behind a lectern. Others will deliver their entire presentation from a seated position and make the slideshow the presentation. When you do these things, though, you are losing your connection to the audience. You are also, likely, inadvertently making your presentation more boring.

A Few Simple Presentation Tips to Improve Body Language

If you want to see your ability as a persuasive public speaker improve, try these simple tips. Just testing out one or two of them will show you the real impact of body language.

1. Set Your Screen to the Side, Not the Front

What? What does the screen’s placement in the room have to do with body language in public speaking? Well, everything. Many presenters will set the projection screen or digital screen in the very center of the room. When you do this, though, your ability to move around the room is significantly limited. You’re forced to work in a smaller “stage” to present from, and you’re now off to the side. Your audience didn’t come to see you click through bullet points. They came to hear you speak.

2. Take a Deep Breath and Drop Your Hands to Your Side.

Please don’t misunderstand this tip. The tip ISN’T to KEEP your hands by your side. It’s just the opposite. When you start your presentation with your hands dropped loosely by your side, your first gesture will be bigger and more powerful. This is a powerful tool you can try from wherever you are right now.

Stand up and clasp your hands together in front of your waist as most presenters do. Now, break the clasp and try to make a gesture with one of your hands. Try it a few times. When you do, you will notice that your elbow will tend to rest around your hip. The gesture will look robotic. If you alternate moving your hands from that clasped position, you will likely look like a t-rex.  Fearless Presentations , I mentioned in the book that “People judge our competence by the confidence that we show.” This statement is so true.

body language presentation theme

Now, drop both hands to your side and let them hand loosely. Try to make the same gesture that you did before. When you do, you will, most likely end up moving BOTH hands. This time, the gesture will look more powerful and energetic. Also, when you stop making the gesture, you will probably return your hands to your side so that your next gesture is also powerful. (Your hands will often return to their starting point.)

If you’re having trouble remembering to drop your hands to your side, try one of these 3 tips:

Incorporate Slow Breathing and a Relaxed Stance:  Begin your presentation with slow breathing and a relaxed body language, keeping your hands at your sides. This not only calms your nerves but also sets a composed tone for your speech. A relaxed physical presence goes a long way in making your delivery appear confident and effortless. Remember, a calm demeanor and tone of voice can make a big difference in public speech.

Practice Purposeful Gestures and Open Palms:  When rehearsing, focus on using your whole body to make purposeful and open gestures. An open palm can signal honesty and active participation from the audience. Treat this as a learned skill, where each movement, including returning your hands to your sides, is a part of your physical expression. This technique enhances audience engagement and ensures your gestures complement the tone of your voice.

Visual Cues and Physical Movements Checklist:  Create a checklist of physical movements, including keeping your hands at your sides, which you can refer to as an exhaustive list during practice. This list can act as a reminder that each aspect of your body language, from your gestures to your posture, contributes to a great idea being effectively communicated. Regular practice with these visual cues helps in embedding these actions into your muscle memory, ensuring a more natural and engaging delivery.

3. Tell More Stories

If you want to have great body language when presenting, tell more stories. It is almost impossible to tell a story without using your hands to explain what is happening. For instance, when I start my  presentation skills seminars , I will often start with a story. Typically, I tell the class what happened to me the first time I had to speak in front of a room of executives. As I describe how my hands got sweaty, I often naturally rub my palms on my pants. When I tell them how I zoomed through the presentation, I move my hands quickly in small circles. These movements add clarity to my description. No one ever taught me how to do this. These gestures happen naturally as I relive the incident from memory.

These natural gestures add a lot of enthusiasm and fun to your presentations. So, if you want to use more poised body language, tell more stories.

Here are some additional tips on incorporating gestures into your presentation:

Mimic the Action : When narrating an event or action in your story, mimic the movement with your hands or body. For example, if you’re talking about opening a door to a new opportunity, physically mimic the action of turning a door handle and pushing a door open. This not only makes your story more vivid and engaging but also helps the audience visualize the scenario better.

Use Symbolic Gestures : Incorporate gestures that symbolize concepts or emotions in your story. If you’re discussing overcoming obstacles, you might show pushing against an invisible barrier with your hands. For stories involving growth or progression, use upward or forward-moving hand motions. These symbolic gestures can powerfully convey abstract ideas and emotions, enhancing the impact of your story.

Avoid Overuse of Gestures : While gestures can greatly enhance your storytelling, it’s important to use them judiciously. Be mindful not to overcrowd your narrative with excessive or exaggerated gestures, as this can distract or even confuse the audience. The key is to ensure that your gestures feel natural and spontaneous, complementing rather than dominating the story. Let your movements flow organically from the narrative; if a gesture doesn’t feel natural or necessary, it’s often better to omit it. This approach maintains the authenticity and impact of your storytelling.

4. Use Your Visual Aid

One of the things that bug me most is when a speaker stands (or sits) clicking a clicker. If you are going to take the time to create a great slide or visual aid… USE IT! One of the techniques that we cover in our  speaking class  is to visually touch your slide. I know it sounds weird, but it works like magic.

Have you ever been in a presentation where a speaker puts up a series of bullet points and just starts talking? As he presents, you may think he is on point four, but then he clicks to the next slide. This occurs because the speaker naturally assumes that you can figure out which point he is on. As a result, he doesn’t both to tell you when he moves from one point to the next. In most cases, the points aren’t clearly defined, anyway, so there is a lot of overlap. This makes the entire presentation confusing.

A better way is to physically go to the screen and point to bullet #2 when you move to bullet #2. If you combine this technique with telling a story, your presentation comes alive. This happens because the speaker will move toward the screen to identify the next point. Then, she will jump into an example or story to clarify the point. She will naturally move back toward the audience as she tells the story. Of course, as she tells the story, she will use those natural gestures as well. This combination of techniques adds a lot of enthusiasm and energy to a presentation.

A Presentation Secret that Should Help with Presentation Gestures

body language presentation theme

In reality, most speakers feel nervousness. It is just that most of the symptoms they feel aren’t visible either. If you understand this and use a few of the tips we covered earlier, you can look very poised when you speak. (Even if you are nervous!)

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Body Language PowerPoint Templates

Business Diagram Handshake For Merger And Acquisitions Presentation Template

Business Diagram Handshake For Merger And Acquisitions Presentation Template

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Ideas For Business Partnership And Improvement Powerpoint Template

Ideas For Business Partnership And Improvement Powerpoint Template

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Handshake With Infographic Tags Powerpoint Templates

Handshake With Infographic Tags Powerpoint Templates

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Business Men Shaking Hands For Partnership Powerpoint Template

Business Men Shaking Hands For Partnership Powerpoint Template

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Handshake Thank You Slide For Business Powerpoint Slides

Handshake Thank You Slide For Business Powerpoint Slides

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Handshake Thank You Slide Design Powerpoint Slides

Handshake Thank You Slide Design Powerpoint Slides

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Handshake Design With Scale On Background Powerpoint Templates

Handshake Design With Scale On Background Powerpoint Templates

This business diagram has been designed with handshake graphics and scale in background. It may use to display opportunity, planning and strategy concepts. Prove the viability of your ideas to help your organization to achieve the quality and success required.

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November 29, 2023

Better Body Language is a Key Presentation Skill

You can use positive body language to enhance your presentations. body language can be a powerful tool to engage your audience, demonstrate gravitas and deliver a more impactful presentation., developing good body language during presentations is a real skill.  and it’s a skill you can improve.  over the last 15 years our presentation coaching has helped thousands of people to be comfortable and successful.   if you need help, do please get in touch. we run in-house and online coaching sessions for business executives. it’s fast and good value., our presentation experts have put together a list of great body language examples you can use to improve your next presentation. and we’ve gathered some videos so you can see these body language tips in action., here is a quick guide to good body language to use it when presenting:.

Improve your presentation body language – top tips Use your body language to show confidence Use your hands to emphasize points Make eye contact Use your facial expressions to show emotion Use your body movement to add energy Beyond body language: use props effectively Practise good body language and stage presence

1. Use your body language to show confidence

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, and make sure your body is facing the audience. This will help you project confidence and command attention. Avoid crossing your arms, as this can make you seem closed off or defensive. Keep the bottom half of your body relatively still and put all your movement in the top half of your body.

2. Use your hands to emphasize points

Our clients frequently ask “What should I do with my hands?”.

Hand gestures are best used to emphasise key points. They also add energy to your presentation, particularly when you use them above shoulder-height. Jill Bolte’s TED talk demonstrates this well. Too much movement can be distracting, however.

Lots of tiny movements or flapping your arms around makes you look smaller and unconfident. Go for big, bold, purposeful gestures that you hold for a few seconds. These convey presence, leadership and authority.

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When you aren’t using your hands to emphasise what you’re saying, hold your hands slightly in front of you, with bent elbows. That’s what good body language looks like. You may find this feels odd at first – but watch Ken Robinson to see how effective it can be.

If you are using a lectern, then above-shoulder gestures will be the only ones your audience can see. If you choose to rest your hands on the lectern, keep your hands loose and relaxed. Avoid looking as though you are hanging on for dear life!

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3. Make eye contact

Making eye contact with your audience helps establish a connection and shows that you are confident and engaged. To use your body language most effectively try to make eye contact with different people throughout the room, rather than just focusing on one person.

What would you think if  I didn’t look you in the eye?

Or if I avoided your gaze? Or if I looked down every time I said something? What impression do you get?

You need good eye contact to be a good presenter..

We like people who can make eye contact (remember the last time you were flirting with someone?). We trust people who can   “look you in the eye” . We want to see people “ eye-to-eye “.

When presenting or speaking in public you will get a better reaction  if you improve your eye contact. Eye contact is a learned skill that takes practice.  From extensive work with our clients, here are some easy tips you can apply for powerful eye contact:

  • Only talk when you are looking at someone. No more looking into your notes or staring into the middle distance.
  • Spend one or two sentences talking to each person. Get some ‘quality time’ with each person.
  • Hold your eye contact until the end of the sentence.
  • If you are nervous, if you don’t like looking into someone’s eyes, then look at their forehead or nose.
  • Practice improving your eye contact. Start with friends. Make them point out each time your eye contact drops.

Just these simple tips for powerful eye contact will make you a more convincing and persuasive public speaker.

This is such a simple body language trick. Many people underestimated how powerful it is. Learn more about our award-winning presentation coaching

4. use your facial expressions to show emotion.

Your facial expressions can convey a lot of emotion and help engage your audience. Good body language means using facial expressions to show enthusiasm, concern, or surprise, depending on the content of your presentation. Check your body language in the mirror or with video to see what your face is saying.

5. Use your body movement to add energy

Adding some movement to your presentation can help keep the audience engaged and add energy to your delivery. Good body language can be as simple as taking a step forward or backward when making a point, or using your hands to gesture.

As with hand gestures , deliberate movements that emphasise your content work well. But too much movement is distracting. Getting the balance right takes practice.

Aim to stand still for the majority of your talk. This will convey confidence and authority. Plan in advance when you will move, combing those movements with breaks in your content. Express a full thought or point in your new position before moving again. Avoid pacing back and forth, which makes a speaker look distressed. Make a point, move to another part of the space and make your next point. Aim to emulate a pleasant countryside walk from viewpoint to viewpoint, rather than a nervous wait outside a labour ward! Discover how you can transform your presentation skills with our intensive executive presentation coaching.

Learn how we can help – schedule a free consultation now

6. Beyond positive body language: use props effectively

Props can be a great way to add interest to your presentation and help illustrate your points. However, be sure to use props sparingly, as too many can be distracting.

7. Practise good body language and stage presence

Your stage presence, or the way you move and present yourself on stage, can greatly impact the effectiveness of your presentation. Practise your executive presence by rehearsing in front of a mirror, or by recording yourself and watching the footage. This will help you avoid any negative body language.

By using body language effectively during your presentations, you will engage your audience and deliver a more impactful message. Remember to pay attention to your posture, hand gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, body movement, and stage presence, and practice using these techniques to enhance your presentations.

As soon as we become conscious of our bodies, they get in our way. When we’re faced with an audience, we become like learner drivers, frozen and unnatural. Advice to ‘act naturally’ isn’t useful, as being watched isn’t natural. Besides, communicating to an audience requires different body language than everyday, one-to-one communication.

Your body language matters when presenting.

We’ve all seen powerful speakers, whether in person or on platforms such as We use words like ‘charisma’ and ‘presence’ to describe impressive speakers. But some speakers are uncomfortable to watch. Others use such distracting body language that we cannot focus on what they are saying.

Good body language with strong, positive non-verbal communication can be more powerful. Here, we share our top tips for best use of your hands, eye contact and on-stage movement.

These top tips will help you improve your body language when presenting.

  • Start with good content in your presentation
  • Ignore ‘Just act natural’ advice
  • Get feedback and increase your body language self-awareness
  • Establish good eye contact
  • Use your hands when presenting
  • Command the space where you are speaking

Remember, for Effective Body Language, Take control

Non-verbal communication has three uses , according to David Lambert.

replace speech (e.g. a wink)

Reinforce speech (e.g. nodding while saying ‘yes’) a, give clues about our true feelings (e.g. fidgeting when nervous)..

Successful speakers use open, controlled and strong gestures that reinforce their message . Less successful speakers contradict what they say with their non-verbal behaviour.

For instance, if your body language suggests nervousness when you speak, the audience will interpret this as a lack of confidence in your own message. Equally, if you fold your arms while you speak, you create an implied barrier between you and your audience. That’s why successful leaders learn how to control their posture and gestures to avoid negative or distracting body language.

Better Body Language: Just acting ‘naturally’ doesn’t work

Speaking to large groups of people isn’t a natural situation, so aiming to behave ‘naturally’ is an unhelpful goal. In fact, to transfer energy and enthusiasm to your audience, you need to be ‘more’ than you would normally be in smaller-scale interactions.

For example, to be impressive when presenting you need to be more expressive and more powerful in your command of space.

Positive Body Language: Increase your self awareness

At Benjamin Ball Associates, we film our clients during our coaching sessions. When they watch the footage, they are often surprised to see their body language contradicting their message.

For example, one speaker subtly shook his head in a ‘no’ gesture’ when he was answering ‘yes’ to a question. For a low-tech alternative, try delivering your talk in front of a mirror or recording yourself on a phone.  Learning how to watch yourself and improve from self-analysis is key.

A better presentation is the first step to better delivery

If your presentation is weak, even the best body language will leave audiences unmoved. Conversely, the better your presentation, the more confident you’ll feel about delivering it. You’ll find that your body language naturally improves once you feel confident and comfortable about your presentation.

That’s why we focus on getting that right first. In our presentation coaching We:

  • Ensure you have a clear message
  • Create a subtle structure that gently guides your audience
  • Strengthen the language you use, so it is more powerful.
  • Refine the start of your talk and end of your presentation until they produce maximum impact.

Then you’ll find polishing your body language much easier.

How to make a stand out presentation

Get expert support for brilliant business presentations.

We can support you with all aspects of your talk. Not just body language, but also the content of your presentation, your voice and everything else that will make you a successful presenter. Read more about our public speaking training .

Over 15+ years our award-winning team has helped hundreds of CEOs and senior executives deliver impressive and persuasive talks, speeches and presentations.

We can transform your presenting skills and your body language in as little as a few hours.

Call Louise on +44 20 7018 0922 or email [email protected] to find out more.

Transform your presentation skills with tailored coaching

Benjamin Ball Associates  Presentation skills coaching team

We can help you present brilliantly. Thousands of people have benefitted from our tailored in-house coaching and advice – and we can help you too .

“I honestly thought it was the most valuable 3 hours I’ve spent with anyone in a long time.” Mick May, CEO, Blue Sky

For 15+ years we’ve been the trusted choice of leading businesses and executives throughout the UK, Europe and the Middle East to improve corporate presentations through presentation coaching, public speaking training and expert advice on pitching to investors.

Unlock your full potential and take your presentations to the next level with Benjamin Ball Associates.

Speak to Louise on +44 20 7018 0922 or email [email protected] to transform your speeches, pitches and presentations.

Or read another article..., brilliant presentation skills training for business – 8 top tips.

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How To Use Body Language To Enhance Your Presentation Skills

How to Use Body Language to Enhance Your Presentation Skills

How you physically hold and carry yourself makes a huge difference in how your audience receives your words.

Improve Your Presentation Body Language

As a manager, you know that mastering presentation skills is critical for effectively communicating ideas , motivating your team, and projecting leadership presence. But even if your message is compelling, poor body language can undermine your talk’s impact .

How you physically hold and carry yourself makes a huge difference in how your audience receives your words. Simple tweaks like standing with open posture, using natural hand gestures, maintaining eye contact, and having expressive facial reactions can dramatically boost your ability to captivate and connect with any crowd.

But how can you use all the tips to improve your next presentation ?

In this guide, we’ll help you understand all the small tweaks you can do to improve your presentation style . From building a strong stage presence to making sure that your audience doesn’t doze off , you’ll be able to become a speaker who naturally commands attention and gains trust.

So, let’s see how you can become a speaker that not only informs but also inspires.

Key Components of Effective Body Language in Presentations

Posture – conveying confidence and authority.

Proper posture is crucial for projecting confidence and professionalism while presenting. Stand tall with your shoulders comfortably back and down to achieve an open, grounded stance. Distribute your weight evenly on both feet, positioned shoulder-width apart in a power pose. This occupies space and subconsciously signals assurance and leadership capability. Avoid closed-off postures like crossed arms and legs, which telegraph discomfort or aloofness. Train yourself to stand upright often outside of presentations, as posture habits inform body language cues .

Keep your chin parallel to the floor and your head upright. This levels your gaze naturally to readily meet the audience’s eyes and establish an engaging connection . Periodically roll your shoulders back to keep your chest open if needed. Use torso twists to limber up before taking the stage. Stand with authority by clasping hands behind your lower back. Small posture adjustments like these will instantly lend you greater gravitas.

Hand Gestures – Adding Emphasis and Clarity

Hand motions are a powerful tool to punctuate words and underscore meaning, so use them with deliberate purpose. Open palm gestures fluidly direct the audience’s gaze, highlighting key points without unnecessary flourish. Sweeping hand motions also reinforce ideas spatially and describe size and shape. Avoid overuse of gestures which distract. Keep hand motions above the sternum where the audience can readily see them.

Prevent anxious habits like wringing hands or touching your face. Instead, drill smooth motions originating from the core that emphasise ideas. Calibrate hand gestures to your message’s tone using palm orientation, speed, size and range appropriate to each point. Well-executed hand motions timed to accent important content, clarify the presentation and amplify impact . But use sparingly, only when meaning is enhanced.

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Practical Application in Presentations

Integrating body language into presentation preparation.

When preparing your presentation , consciously plan how physical presence will complement the narrative. Script instances to stand tall to convey confidence at key points. Note when expansive gestures could underscore important ideas. Plan for natural eye contact with participants throughout the room. Identify areas where facial expressions might heighten engagement.

Practice fluid transitions between postures and gestures. Appropriately time movements and gestures to sync with speech patterns. Review the video to confirm body language aligns with your intentions. Refine through repetition to eliminate distracting motions and polish physical delivery.

Dynamic Body Language During Live Presentations

While presenting, let body language emerge naturally from the content while adhering to openness, purpose and confidence principles. Avoid remaining static, or you may disengage the audience. Move with an intention to occupy the stage using diagonal crossing patterns. Pivot your torso and stance when transitioning.

Continually scan the room, making eye contact . Use sustained gestures more dynamically when speaking passionately to boost energy and enthusiasm. Allow facial expressions to reflect the speech’s emotion. Respond physically to audience reactions. Adjust pacing, gestures, and proximity as needed to recapture wandering attention. An authentic , dynamic physical presence will keep your audience engaged .

Simple Exercises to Enhance Body Language Skills

Daily routines for better posture.

Building better posture requires daily practice. Set reminders so you periodically stand tall and roll your shoulders back to open your chest. Stretches like overhead reaches target tight muscles that pull shoulders forward. Yoga poses that extend the spine help counteract slouching. Perform exercises like planks to build core strength for a balanced stance.

Use visualisation techniques daily, too – imagine balancing a book atop your head as you walk. Adopt grounded public speaking stances like hands clasped behind your back. The more upright postures become an ingrained habit, the more poised and confident you’ll appear when presenting.

Practice Drills for Effective Hand Gestures

Avoid small, jittery hand motions – instead, drill broad, purposeful gestures that fluidly originate from your core. Rehearse synchronised motions in front of a mirror, timed to match speech patterns. Mark words for emphasis gestures on your script or teleprompter.

Vary gesture size and speed to fit the tone of your message. Watch TED talks and replicate speakers’ effective motions to expand your repertoire. With consistent practice, gestures will become a seamless way to emphasise key points and amplify your presentations.

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Advanced Body Language Strategies for Presentations

Adapting body language for diverse audiences.

Tailor your body language approach based on audience demographics to increase engagement:

  • Research cultural norms on gestures and personal space to avoid miscommunicating with international attendees.
  • Adjust formality appropriately for executives versus new hires.
  • Adjust gestures to be visible and expressions to be exaggerated if presenting to an audience with visual or hearing impairments. Use simplicity, repetition, and descriptive language.
  • Make body language inclusive by scanning the full room with eye contact, not just focusing on leadership.
  • Naturally pace stance and gestures to resonate across generations.

Responsive, adaptive physical presence fosters audience connection.

Context-Specific Body Language Techniques

Adjust techniques based on the presentation context. Subtle, confined gestures suit lecterns, while expansive motions engage stage audiences. Convey passion facially and physically for motivational speeches. A CEO may feature formal postures, while an engineer can relax formality for tech demos. Conversational gestures engage small groups.

For video conferences, look into the camera when speaking, then pan side-to-side to show attentiveness. Lean slightly forward on intensifying words. Exaggerate nods, smiles and frowns for clarity onscreen. Contextual mastery makes every talk more effective.

Body Language in Digital Presentation Platforms

Challenges and strategies for virtual presentations.

Presenting through video conferencing poses body language challenges:

  • Limited mobility due to being seated and on camera can make presentations feel static and disengaged.
  • Distance from the camera may mean facial expressions and subtle gestures get lost.
  • Lack of audience visual feedback is difficult.

However, some strategic tweaks can help amplify your virtual presence:

  • Stand and gesture when possible to emulate live delivery . Incorporate periodic movement.
  • Position the camera at eye level and look directly into it to simulate eye contact.
  • Use visual aids like slides or images behind you for audience focus.
  • Request audience webcams be on for virtual nods, smiles and eye contact.

Effective Use of Body Language in Video Conferencing

When presenting via video chat platforms:

  • Properly position the camera at eye level to emulate eye contact.
  • Look into the camera when speaking, then pan to side screens to view participants’ faces.
  • Project confidence through purposeful posture and avoid distracting fidgets off-screen.
  • Convey energy by varying pace, emphasis gestures, and vocal delivery.
  • Use exaggerated facial expressions for clarity onscreen.
  • Occasionally lean forward subtly on key points for intensified engagement.
  • Send “looking to audience” visual cues before asking questions.

Proper use of virtual body language techniques makes online presentations more dynamic and impactful.

Side view of Caucasian businessman standing and giving presentation in the auditorium

Elevate Your Presentation Skills With Impact Factory

Now armed with evidence-based techniques to amplify your body language impact, it’s time to put these tips into practice. Reflect on your upcoming presentations and identify areas needing improvement. Set goals to integrate one new technique per talk until a powerful physical presence comes naturally. Also, continue observing seasoned speakers to expand your skills repertoire .

For professionals seeking to master presentation skills beyond just body language, our Impact Factory Presentation Skills Training Course offers an intensive learning experience. The program elevates verbal delivery, content structure , audience engagement, and physical presence through hands-on sessions with expert coaches.

The course features modules dedicated to body language mastery, including stance, movement and eye contact for gravitas. However, you’ll also be able to identify your strengths, learn how to become less nervous and make your presentations more engaging.

So, whether you need to pitch ideas within the company, win over new customers, enchant stakeholders in a boardroom or talk to the public and media, you’ll become more confident and learn how to craft a presentation that allows you to reach your goals .

To learn more about our transformative presentation training, browse through our offer of courses or email [email protected]. Our knowledgeable coaches provide personalised guidance to dramatically boost your public speaking capabilities .

Contact us today to amplify your presence and confidence as a presenter.

What are soft skills for body language?

Key soft skills for mastering body language include:

  • Self-awareness – recognising your natural gestures
  • Empathy – reading others’ nonverbal cues
  • Adaptability – adjusting body language by context
  • Active listening – paying attention to others’ signals
  • Authenticity – using gestures that feel natural

What are the 5 P’s of presentation skills?

The 5 P’s are a framework for excellent presentations:

  • Planning – research and outline content
  • Preparation – create slides, handouts, notes
  • Practice – rehearse delivery out loud
  • Presentation – deliver material confidently
  • Post-Evaluation – review feedback afterwards

What is the 5/5/5 rule for better presentation?

The 5/5/5 rule suggests:

  • 5 key points maximum per slide
  • 5 words maximum per bullet point
  • 5 text-heavy slides maximum in a row before visuals

This technique improves engagement by simplifying slides and varying content types.

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Related Articles:

Here are more resources to help you plan your next steps:

  • Presentation Skills Training – Browse through our offer to see what you can gain from the training.
  • Presentation With Impact – In this course, you can find your unique presentation style and sharpen your skills to perfection. Explore what our course has to offer.
  • Tips To Improve Your Presentation Skills From Industry Insiders – Learn more about small yet impactful tweaks to your next presentation so you can captivate the audience and reach your goals.
  • How To Create Impactful Presentation Slides – The days with slides full of barely readable text are long gone. Explore our tips to make your slides more engaging.

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7 Body Language Tips to Ace Your Next Presentation

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • April 25, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Body Language Impact : Effective body language is essential to improve your presentation, boosting audience engagement and speaker credibility. Maintain a confident posture to create a connection and convey confidence.
  • Presentation Mastery : Mastering presentation skills involves minor adjustments in body language, such as an open posture. These adjustments significantly enhance audience engagement and message delivery.
  • Body Language Consistency : Body language for presentations should align with the content of the presentation, emphasizing vital points and fostering clarity and persuasion. Being conscious of body language adds authenticity and impact to the delivery.
  • Pre-Speech Preparation : Preparing body language to enhance presentations is as crucial as content preparation. Practicing before a mirror or recording helps refine delivery and ensure alignment between verbal and non-verbal communication.

The importance of body language in great presentations cannot be overstated. Using it effectively can boost your chances of clinching deals or winning over your audience. For example, maintaining eye contact helps create a connection and exudes confidence.

Conversely, bad body language can be a deal-breaker. Fidgeting can give the impression that you’re not confident and relaxed. Remember, your body speaks volumes, so don’t neglect to improve your body language in presentations.

Mastering presentation skills is vital for effective communication. Minor adjustments like expressive facial expressions can significantly enhance your ability to engage any audience.

A good presentation isn’t just about what’s on the PowerPoint slides; it’s also about how you use body language to present yourself. Being conscious of your body language adds clarity and persuasion to your  public speaking , pitch or project presentation.

Your body communicates even before you speak. How you stand and hold yourself can engage your audience or leave them uninterested. So, alongside perfecting your content, hone your body language skills.

Positive body language is a powerful tool to enhance presentations, demonstrating confidence and gravitas. It’s a skill you can develop to deliver impactful presentations consistently.

In presentations, your audience not only listens but also observes. Effective body language techniques reinforces your message, while poor body language undermines it. Understanding these non-verbal cues is essential, as they form a significant part of communication, often outweighing verbal communication. Therefore, body language is a powerful tool to engage your audience.

The following are seven body language tips for presentations.

Pose with Confidence

To pose confidently during a professional presentation, adopt a power pose to establish authority, such as standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and chin lifted. However, use these poses sparingly to avoid appearing intimidating.

Maintain a stable stance throughout your talk by planting your feet and refraining from shifting which can convey uncertainty. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief stops and eye contact with the audience.

Stand tall with your shoulders and face the audience to project confidence and command attention. Avoid crossing arms, which may signal defensiveness, and focus on keeping the lower body still while allowing movement in the upper body to engage the audience effectively. By adopting these confident poses, speakers can convey assurance and captivate their audience without appearing rigid or closed off.

Maintain Eye Contact 

Eye contact is crucial in presentations, aiding in audience engagement and establishing a connection. Maintaining eye contact throughout your presentation makes listeners feel directly addressed and keeps them attentive.

To effectively connect with a large audience, focus on a few individuals across the room  instead of attempting to make eye contact with everyone. Holding a person’s stare briefly signals attentiveness without causing discomfort.

However, striking the right balance is essential. Avoid prolonged staring, which can make others uneasy. Instead, shift your gaze every few seconds to convey confidence without appearing overbearing.

Nervousness may lead to avoiding eye contact, while excessive confidence can result in prolonged stares. Aim for a middle ground, making eye contact for about two seconds per person and adjusting as needed.

While speaking, transition your gaze to a new listener, maintaining a steady flow of engagement. Avoid sweeping the room aimlessly, as it may convey uncertainty.

Remember, eye contact is a learned skill that improves with practice. Start by focusing on friends and gradually incorporate these techniques into presentations. These simple tips can enhance your presentation delivery and make you a more persuasive speaker.

Use Hand Gestures

Hand gestures play a pivotal role in presentations, aiding in stressing important points, expressing emotions, and exhibiting passion for the topic. They demonstrate enthusiasm and engagement but should not distract from the message.

Research shows that effective hand motions contribute to successful presentations. Use purposeful gestures while speaking to enhance audience connection and comprehension. Utilize fingers to count points, emphasizing important ideas effectively.

Purposeful hand motions punctuate words and convey meaning. Avoid jittery movements, opting for broad, deliberate gestures originating from the core. Maintain motions above the sternum for visibility and clarity.

Practice synchronized gestures to match speech patterns and vary size and speed according to tone. Incorporate welcoming motions to engage the audience positively. Avoid distracting habits like fidgeting or pointing.

Use your hands to gesture symmetrically on essential words, keeping hands comfortably at your side when not in motion. Balance static posture and exaggerated hand motions to maintain audience interest without appearing unnatural or over-rehearsed while giving a presentation.

Employ gestures to clarify messages, engage the audience, and draw attention to visual aids. Use your hands to emphasize vital points and convey energy and authority. Practice and adjust hand motions based on room size for optimal impact.

Use Facial Expressions to Complement Your Message

Use Facial Expressions in a Presentation

Facial expressions are crucial in presentations, conveying emotions and building rapport with the audience. Expressing passion and authenticity through facial expressions fosters audience connection and trust.

However, it’s essential to strike a balance. Overly exaggerated expressions may appear insincere, while a blank face can disengage listeners. Stand in front of a mirror and practice facial expressions to refine your delivery.

During presentations, use expressions to complement your message. Expressions can effectively convey enthusiasm, concern, or surprise, enhancing audience engagement.

A smile is particularly powerful. It instantly creates a positive impression and fosters a friendly atmosphere. Incorporating smiles throughout the presentation makes you more approachable and helps alleviate personal stress.

Remember, your expressions play a significant role in communication. Being mindful and aligning them with your message enhances clarity, sincerity, and audience perception of trustworthiness. Adjusting expression size based on audience size ensures visibility and effectiveness.

Improve Your Posture

Posture is pivotal in presentations, influencing audience perception and speaker confidence. Maintaining proper posture projects professionalism and assurance, fostering audience engagement.

Stand tall with shoulders back and down, distributing weight evenly for an open, grounded stance. Avoid closed-off stances like crossed arms, which convey discomfort. Chin parallel to the floor and head upright facilitate eye contact and connection with the audience.

Practice standing upright regularly to cultivate confident body language. Set reminders to roll shoulders back and perform stretches targeting tight muscles. Visualization techniques , such as imagining balancing a book, reinforce good habits.

Avoid slouching or appearing tense during presentations, as these convey a lack of confidence and interest. Relaxation techniques , like deep breathing, help alleviate nervousness. Adapt to suit the audience and setting, maintaining openness and adaptability.

Whether sitting or standing, upright posture sets the tone for the presentation. Avoid slouching or appearing rigid to convey confidence and engagement. Be adaptable to different presentation setups and prioritize an open, communicative posture throughout.

Control Your Breathing and Delivery

When delivering a presentation , it’s easy to get caught up and speak too fast, causing the audience to tune out and leaving you breathless. Staying relaxed during your presentation and stopping to breathe ensures clarity and coherence and helps regulate voice pitch and tone, conveying confidence and calmness.

Feeling nervous or excited before presenting is common, often leading to a fast speech and breathlessness. Remind yourself to relax. Regardless of emotions, maintaining normal breathing rhythms is essential to feel relaxed during a presentation and seizing control of the situation. Controlled breathing allows moments for gathering thoughts and enables the audience to absorb information effectively.

Timing your breathing is crucial. Relax throughout your presentation. Too short, and you may appear flustered; too long, and it disrupts the flow. Incorporating brief silences after delivering a sentence or two establishes a steady rhythm, keeping the presenter and the audience engaged. This rhythmic cadence fosters focus, curiosity, and presenter composure, ensuring a smooth and controlled delivery.

Plan Your Movement

Body Language Tips For Presentation

Incorporating movement into presentations enhances audience engagement and energizes delivery. Simple actions like stepping forward or gesturing with hands can reinforce crucial points effectively. However, excessive movement can be distracting, necessitating a balanced approach.

While it’s important to stand still for the majority of the talk to convey confidence and authority, planned movements strategically interspersed with breaks in content can enhance impact. Each movement should accompany a complete thought or point. Avoid pacing aimlessly and create a sense of purposeful progression.

On larger stages, controlled movement can engage different sections of the audience. Clear, purposeful movement around the stage towards or away from the audience can enhance interaction and demonstrate attentiveness to their involvement.

Strategic use of the stage, stepping out from behind the podium, communicates comfort and confidence in the topic. However, natural movement is key to avoiding the appearance of nervousness or distraction. By moving purposefully, speakers can maintain audience attention and convey confidence without detracting from the message.

Maintain a stable stance throughout your talk by planting your feet and refraining from shifting which can convey uncertainty. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief pauses and eye contact with the audience.

Mastering Confident Body Language for Impactful Presentations

Body language speaks volumes in presentations, influencing audience perception and speaker confidence. Every movement conveys a message. Effective body language enhances communication, fostering engagement and trust. 

Maintaining eye contact establishes connection and authority. Purposeful hand gestures emphasize key points, while controlled breathing regulates speed and tone, ensuring clarity and composure.

Strategic movement adds energy and visual interest, but excessive footwork can distract. Power poses exude confidence, but moderation is key to avoid intimidation.

In presentations, your body communicates even before you speak. Understanding and mastering body language is crucial for consistently delivering impactful presentations. By honing these skills, you can captivate your audience and convey your message with clarity, sincerity, and authority.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is body language important in presentations?

Body language is crucial in presentations as it can significantly impact audience perception and speaker confidence. Maintaining eye contact and confident posture helps establish connection and authority, while purposeful hand gestures emphasize key points. Effective body language enhances communication, fostering engagement and trust.

2. How can I pose confidently during a presentation?

To pose confidently, adopt a power pose sparingly, such as standing with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on hips, and chin lifted. Maintain a stable stance throughout the talk, avoiding shifting or pacing. Purposeful movement, such as walking to another area of the stage, should be deliberate and accompanied by brief pauses and eye contact with the audience.

3. What role does breathing play in presentation delivery?

Breathing is essential for regulating voice pitch and tone, conveying confidence and calmness during presentation delivery. Taking pauses to breathe ensures clarity and coherence, allowing moments for gathering thoughts and enabling the audience to absorb information effectively. Controlled breathing establishes a steady rhythm, fostering focus, curiosity, and presenter composure.

4. How can I effectively incorporate movement into presentations?

Incorporating movement into presentations enhances audience engagement and energizes delivery. Simple actions like stepping forward or gesturing with hands can reinforce key points effectively. However, excessive movement can be distracting, necessitating a balanced approach. Strategic movement towards or away from the audience sustains visual interest and demonstrates attentiveness to their involvement, while natural movement avoids the appearance of nervousness or distraction.

Master Confident Body Language for Impactful Presentations with Prezentium’s Interactive Workshops!

Unlock the power of body language to captivate your audience and deliver impactful presentations. Join our AI-powered business presentation service and interactive communication workshops to refine your posture and gestures.

Learn to establish authority with power poses without intimidating your audience. Discover the art of maintaining a stable stance while strategically incorporating purposeful movements for engagement. Our presentation training programs provide practical tips to enhance eye contact and hand gestures, fostering authenticity and enthusiasm in your delivery.

Don’t let bad body language sabotage your presentations. Invest in mastering confident body language with Prezentium ‘s workshops today, and stand out with confidence in every presentation!

Why wait? Avail a complimentary 1-on-1 session with our presentation expert. See how other enterprise leaders are creating impactful presentations with us.

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15 job interview presentation template tips, 4 types of communication styles.

5 body language tips to improve your presentations

"What does body language have to do with a PowerPoint presentation?" you ask. Well, more than you think. In the same way it's always worth putting some thought into the placement of our text and images or the way we design a slide, it's also worth thinking about the placement of other things "outside of the presentation" like our hands and eyes, as well as the way we present ourselves (no pun intended).

The thing is, you're using body language whether you realise it or not. There's no vacuum here, so you may as well be intentional about it. Being aware of and leveraging the way you come across when presenting can be a great way to add that extra layer of clarity, conviction or persuasion we need to win that pitch, secure that raise or get the team on board for the next project. 

Your body language can either help you engage your audience and be confident and relaxed during your presentation, or make you look dull and uninterested thanks to slouching, lack of eye contact or nervous pacing back and forth. So, while we normally focus on helping you design your slides, in this post, we're giving you five pointers to help you look as good as your deck!

Eye contact - Pickit 3-1

If you're nervous, your body will often instinctively try to avoid eye contact. If you're overly confident, you might stare for too long, making the other person nervous. The goal here is to find that sweet spot and look for long enough to appear confident without coming across as creepy. 

Here are a few tips for healthy eye contact: 

  • Aim to move around and look at everyone in the room at least once
  • Try about 2 seconds – less looks nervous, longer feels awkward 
  • If you're too nervous to lock in, try looking just above people's eyes
  • Don't look down at your notes the whole time if you're aiming to connect

2. Use hand gestures ... the right ones, that is

Pickit - Presentation 2-1

According to a  study by Vanessa Van Edwards , lead investigator for Science of People, hand gestures are among the five essential ingredients that make up a successful TED talk. I ntentional, well-timed hand gestures can show your audience that you care about the topic and that you're a knowledgable and effective communicator. On the flipside, unintentional hand gestures can easily cause distraction and make you look nervous or unprofessional and even annoying. 

Here are a few common ones to avoid: 

  • Fiddling with a watch, wedding band or microphone
  • Playing with keys, pens, coins or stuff in your pocket
  • Stroking your hair, beard, mustache (or eyebrows!)
  • Repeatedly adjusting items of clothing
  • Pointing at people 

And a few to try: 

  • Pausing to point an important element or message on your slide
  • Using welcoming, positive gestures to engage with the audience
  • Using a gesture to invite the audience to answer a question
  • Counting key points on your fingers for emphasis
  • Clapping to celebrate or acknowledge an achievement 

3. Consider your clothes

Pickit - Presentation 3-1

A lot can be said about people's choice of clothing, and there are obviously plenty of landmines to be mindful of here, including everything from company dress code to individual taste. We won't go too deep here, and also try to leave some room for personal preferences, but here are a few questions to ask yourself: 

Are your clothes enhancing your message or distracting people?

A t-shirt with an eye-catching design or some provocative wording might be perfect for a night on the town, but if it's not supporting your message, it may be distracting and detracting from it. If in doubt, go neutral. Plainer clothes are often a good choice, or at least items of clothing that don't carry conflicting messaging. 

How will your audience be dressed?

If they're in suits, you might not want to rock up in swimwear, unless of course you're doing a talk on water safety, in which case it might be an appropriate way to grab, and hold, people's attention. Many suggest dressing slightly better than your audience, helping establish some level of professionalism while also hanging on to some relatability. 

Are your clothes clean, ironed and in decent condition?

We're not suggesting you invest in a new wardrobe every time you need to get the team together for a 5-minute stand-up meeting at the office, but it's worth checking your clothes are neat and tidy enough not to distract people while you're talking. There's nothing worse than staring at a guy with big square-shaped creases on his recently purchased shirt because he didn't allow time to iron it before taking the stage. 

4. Remember your posture

Pickit - Presenting

Body language matters. As mentioned in one of the earlier tips, a poor posture such as slouching will give your audience the impression that you’re not confident nor interested in your topic or yourself. If you're tense, they'll sense your nervousness. Remind yourself to relax throughout your presentation and to straighten up if you start to slouch. Not only will this give you the chance to improve your posture, but it'll also allow your audience to take in the points you’ve just covered.

Within your own personal style, try to be comfortably confident. 

So here are two dos and two don'ts when it comes to posture during a presentation:

  • Don't slouch – Your posture should be upright and open. This'll make you look and feel more confident, inviting the audience in rather than pushing them away.
  • Try not to be tense – It’s important to look and feel relaxed during a presentation. Appearing too rigid won’t make a good impression. No matter how nervous you may feel, a speaker who seems to be afraid of his or her audience will not win their trust. Remind yourself to relax at different points throughout the presentation. Use your pauses to consciously to relax and reset your expression and posture.
  • Think about your audience – A formal presentation to the board of a company is quite different from an interactive talk with a junior coworker. While you still need to be upright, open, and relaxed in all situations, remember that different settings require different levels of formality. Adapt your posture and the delivery of your message to be more open or more formal accordingly.

Read more:   10 dos and don'ts of impactful presentations

  5. Don't forget to breathe

Pickit - Meditation-3

Whether you're nervous, excited or insecure about delivering a presentation to an audience, it's surprisingly common to either freeze or to speak faster than normal, leading you to experience a shortness of breath. Regardless of  how you feel about presenting, it's important to remember to breathe normally. It's a great way to center yourself, find some calm and take control of the situation.  Breathing at a healthy pace will also give you the chance to gather your thoughts in between points, and most importantly, give your audience the opportunity to take in what you've just said.

Much like eye contact, pausing to breathe needs to be timed well. Too short and you seem flustered, too long and it gets awkward.  Try delivering a sentence or two and then pausing to breathe. Soon, you'll find a rhythm and cadence that enables both you and your audience to settle in for the ride so they remain focused and curious, and you stay calm and in complete control. 


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  • 60 body language speech topics

 Toastmasters body language speech topics

60 vocal variety and body language speech topic suggestions.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

The fifth of the seven Level Two: Learning Your Style projects in Toastmasters International is "Effective Body Language".  Its main goal is to help a speaker become more aware of, and to effectively use, the power of body language.

Obviously some speech topics have more potential than others when it comes to deciding what you’ll talk about to fulfil the project’s purpose. What are they? And how do you choose the right one?

What's on this page

  • What makes a good body language topic
  • Choose a personal story
  • Once upon a time: 20 topics from our youth
  • 20 grown up body language speech topic suggestions
  • Lessons from life: 20 slices of truth topic ideas
  • About Toastmasters vocal variety and body language speech projects
  • Further vocal variety and body language resources

Label: Your body speaks - 60 vocal variety and body language speech topics

What makes a good body language topic?

Body language is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are communicated.

Therefore the very best speech topic you could choose is one that you are genuinely and sincerely interested in, even passionately so. The more feeling you have, the easier it will be to work on drawing out, refining, and amplifying your body language to enhance the delivery of your speech.

(Please note: These topics also suit the third project of Level One: Mastering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language. Body language and vocal variety work side by side. To be effective, each must complement the other.) 

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 Choose a personal story for the project

Personal stories work well. We can all recall events that are indelibly etched in our minds. We will always remember the sight, the sounds, maybe a smell, the feelings wrapping them around, who was there, the words that were spoken... The before and, the after.

Because what we’re sharing is meaningful to us, the gestures, the body language, we use as we retell the story will be natural: without conscious orchestration. This makes the delivery authentic and effective. Our words and our actions are in harmony.

Once upon a time time... 

The majority of these story ideas belong to our youth.

  • How I learned to ride a bike
  • My first day at school
  • Family celebrations: birthdays, Christmas or its equivalent...
  • The arrival of a baby sister or brother and what it meant
  • Sibling rivalry: the good, the bad and the ugly
  • My favorite childhood foods
  • Things I learned I could get away with as a child
  • The object (toy, book, piece of clothing or sports gear...) I most valued and why
  • My idol or hero as a child or young person
  • How I first learned about death
  • My first friendship
  • My favorite childhood fantasy
  • The imaginary monsters that waited in the shadows to get me
  • Who, and what, I wanted to become when I grew up
  • My favorite hobby or sport as a young person
  • The place I felt safest as a child
  • My favorite places to visit as a young person
  • The rooms, streets... I remember most clearly
  • When I was a child I always wondered about..., or was puzzled by...?
  • My earliest memories

 Story suggestions from our grown up adult lives

Firsts are often frequently and vividly remembered experiences that could be become the basis of a speech.

  • My first job interview
  • My first job
  • My first date
  • The first car I owned
  • My first driving lesson
  • My first Toastmaster’s speech – the story of getting ready to give, and giving, my Ice Breaker
  • My first international travel
  • The first time I realized I was completely out of my depth
  • The first time I felt really proud of myself
  • The first time I knew I was liked/loved for being exactly who I was
  • The first time I saw my new-born child
  • My first real home
  • The first time I realized I was different in some way from the people around me
  • The first time I went to hospital
  • The first time I heard...{name of band playing, name of person speaking, singing, laughing, crying, shouting, or name of instrument: guitar, piano, drums, saxophone... etc.} I knew that...
  • The first time I was completely lost for words
  • The first time I questioned the rights and wrongs of a situation
  • The first time I felt betrayed by someone I had looked up to
  • The first time I was publicly acknowledged for doing something well
  • The first time I realized how fortunate or lucky I was to be me

Lessons from life

Slices of personal truth served with a side of humor and grace on a bed of well seasoned story telling skills! ☺

Use your own experiences to show as well as tell what you have learned.

  • How I recovered from knowing I was not the most physically beautiful person in the room
  • What I’ve learned through years of people watching
  • How the body language for friendliness is universal – eg. a smile goes a long way
  • The truth behind power posing: how to, why to and when to
  • How I learned to recognize fear in myself, and challenge it
  • Body language gestures that do not translate well across cultures and cause misunderstandings
  • How to tell when your child is lying and what to do about it
  • How becoming aware of our habitual unconscious gestures and what they convey is empowering
  • The most powerful words I know: Yes, no, mother, father, love, money...
  • My most embarrassing experience
  • How to tell who is the most well-regarded or influential person in a group
  • The top tell-tale signs of anger that would be helpful for people to recognize before it was too late
  • What does a feeling look like? Learning to read and communicate with non-verbal people
  • Does fake it until you make it really work?
  • How I learned I was not good at pretending to be someone I’m not
  • How I learned I was going to recover from having my heart broken despite the pain
  • How our habitual body language, (how we walk, stand, sit, use our faces...), impacts on our mental and physical health
  • How seeing yourself giving a presentation on video is challenging but really helpful
  • That the best things in life truly are free
  • The one that got away: the job, relationship, fish...

Toastmasters vocal variety and body language projects

* In 2021 Toastmasters altered several Pathway p rojects. An introduction to vocal variety and body language became the third project of four in Level One: Mastering Fundamentals.

In Level Two: Learning Your Style, the project ' Effective Body Language' deepens the foundation work done in Level One, while vocal variety is revisited in Level Three: Increasing Knowledge.

Prior to the introduction of Pathways working with body language was the fifth project of ten required for the Competent Communicator award. It was called: Your Body Speaks.   

Further body language and vocal variety resources 

Onsite resources.

  • 125 examples of narrative speech topics  - more great prompts to help you find the perfect personal story to share
  • The vocal aspects of speech delivery - 9 features of effective speech delivery (which includes vocal variety)
  • Why is eye contact important?  Information about eye contact with activities for teaching and practicing it
  • Characterization techniques for effective storytelling in speeches : exercises to develop compelling body language and voice 
  • Teach yourself body language : becoming aware of and working with our habitual unconscious body language and gestures to increase the effectiveness of our speech delivery

Offsite Toastmaster resources

  • An Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language : Level One: Mastering Fundamentals, Toastmasters International, pdf
  • Effective Body Language : Level Two: Learning Your Style, Toastmasters International, pdf

Other onsite resources for Toastmasters

Four themed sets of 20 table topic questions : Christmas, music, life-lessons and thought-provoking topic ideas. There's a printable for each set, plus an overview of table topics: its benefit, how a Toastmasters table topics session is run, what makes a good topic, the value of feedback, and more. 

Image: graphic of 4 people each with their own speech bubble. Text: Table topics toastmasters. What, how, why who and 80 plus topic ideas.

Master your icebreaker for Toastmasters : a thorough step by guide, with examples, going from selecting a topic, writing and rehearsing, through to delivery. With an example icebreaker speech.

Image: paper boat sailing through ice floe Text: Master your Toastmaster Icebreaker speech. 5 ways to choose a topic & prepare your speech

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body language presentation theme

Body Language PowerPoint Template

  • General , PowerPoint , Templates

body language presentation theme

The free  Body Language PowerPoint Template  has a gray background and a photo of a man that makes it look very beautiful. The template is suitable for presentations about presenting, public speaking , body language, appearance, gestures, body postures, handshakes, tone of voice, etc. This template can be used by professional speakers, teachers, students, politicians and other public speakers. Its background makes it the perfect background for presentations about non-verbal communication. If you want to make a beautiful presentation with a professional look, this is the right PPT background for you. There are more similar templates that you can find in our General Category . You can also find similar backgrounds by browsing through labels such as  presentation , speech , etc.

How to Use Body Language PPT Background?

This PowerPoint template is a great choice if you are just about to start making a new presentation. This PowerPoint template is very easy to use. There are various slide layouts in this template that you can use to organize your content in a good way.   There are also many  blog posts  that can be very useful for presenters.

If you like this free widescreen PowerPoint template you can share your thoughts by replying below this post. Do not forget to follow us on social networks where you can get links to exclusive stories and templates. Visit our Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and Pinterest profiles and stay tuned to the latest news and trends from the world of presenting.

  • Body Language , Gray , Man , Presentation , Presenting , Speech

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How to use body language in presentations

Body Language in Presentations – What To Do and What Not To Do

You are the biggest tool you have in creating a successful and engaging presentation. it is not what you say but how you say it that will have the greatest impact. in this short post i am not talking about your actual voice. if you want hints and tips on that take a look at my post  using your voice effectively., body language makes up 58% of the meaning that people take from what you say. you can’t say ” i love you” with your arms crossed and standing bolt upright. it just won’t work., here i am going to give you a list of dos and donts in terms of using your body language when presenting., do move around. having a presenter that is stood rigid in one spot is very un engaging for your audience., do use your arms and hands. a presenter that uses their arms and hands to describe or denote what they are saying is far more animated and therefore interesting to the audience., do smile. having a friendly face to listen to will keep your audience on side., do use eye contact. make sure you encompass the whole room with this. direct eye contact is not always necessary but making sure the whole room feels included is., dont’s, don’t stand with your arms behind your back. when you cannot see someone’s hands it installs a level of distrust in people. you want your audience to trust in what you are saying., don’t point. it’s rude and accusing. this also goes for pointing with a pen or anything else you may be holding., don’t keep moving. i know i said move in the do section but some points of stillness will have a great impact on a message. you have to find the balance., don’t rock or sway. these are annoying types of moving., don’t fidget. this will make you look nervous., when we are presenting there is a lot to think about and most of us concentrate on what we are actually saying and this can be a huge mistake. in general make sure you are stood in an upright and open position and make sure you smile at your audience and employ great eye content., i wish you luck in your presentations and hope that you can start to enjoy doing them. doing them well is a great skill to have., if you have any questions or need more specific help, leave a comment below and i will get back to you as soon as i can., with grace and gratitude, leave a reply cancel.

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Body language PowerPoint Templates and PowerPoint Backgrounds

DigitalOfficePro's Body language PowerPoint Template and Body language PowerPoint Backgrounds are meticulously designed to give your presentations a professional & memorable appearance - in other words aesthetically modified to match today's audience expectations. Oh Yes!! it's that simple to customize text, color, font or layout of any of these PPT templates. Also, each of our templates comes with a set of PowerPoint Diagrams & Charts, Shapes and Icons too. Inspire & Engage your audience with Body language PowerPoint Background Templates. Body language PowerPoint Templates are available in both standard and widescreen formats. So, what’s stopping you now? Use our Body language PowerPoint Templates to kick start your next PowerPoint show.

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12 Body Language Mistakes to Avoid During a Presentation

It has been involuntary to think that we should only pay attention to how we present the content, the clothes we use, and make the audience participative in preparing for a public presentation.

A quick example is that sometimes we tend to deliver our presentations while seated to avoid the audience’s pressure. Alternatively, we can be staring at one spot in the room to avoid eye contact and think we found a successful strategy.

The Bad News: The audience can see or understand that as a lack of confidence and not trust your credibility or expertise on the topic. 

The Good News: No worries, there are ways to do better and appear confident, and you will learn all that here. 

Let’s start by looking at the list of 12 Body Languages Mistakes to Avoid During a Presentation :

Highly Recommended Article: AceThePresentation. 11 Best Body Language Tips for Engaging Presentations .

If you chew gum while delivering a presentation, it may give the audience the impression that you are disrespectful, unprofessional, and unethical.

When we cross our arms, it passes the message that we are defensive about something that we don’t know or that the audience wants to suggest, so it is a visual barrier and a communication one.

Let us imagine if the audience asks us a question or even makes a suggestion that invites us to look at our arguments in a new dimension that we’ve never thought of before, and that is our reaction.

Even if we are open to looking forward to that new perspective, if we have our arms crossed while saying that the suggestion is an excellent point of view, it may look like that we feel threatened and, because of that, getting defensive.

There is a right way to cross your legs when we need to do our presentations while sitting, and crossing our legs or jiggling them is not one of them. This may show the audience that we are getting nervous and impatient with the situation we are facing.

When trying to pipe the presentation’s nervousness, it is common for us to use fidgeting with our fingers or objects, distract ourselves from the problem (stress), and focus on delivering the message.

You can usually avoid it if you take some time to breathe, walk around, and see the faces of the people you are delivering the presentation to, focusing on the present, which will keep away the anxiousness.

Just like fidgeting, grabbing objects against our bodies will not solve the problem. Thus, the audience will be distracted, trying to figure out why we have them.

Try to relax by visualizing the whole situation as a conversation, and make it be like that. This way, we can deliver the message that we want to spread and make them engage with us and share their perspective.

Instead of that, there is a better solution; we can use a pulse watch or have a friend keeping the time for us. This way, you will avoid having long presentations that will make the audience feel tired.

Balance is always the key. You can walk around to know the faces and stand confidently sometimes; both are a great option.

Avoiding eye contact can be a big sign of insecurity and a back up to a confrontation. If you only focus on one person or don’t look at all to the audience, you make things a lot more awkward between you and the audience.

Highly Recommended Article: 6 Solid Tips About How to Make Eye Contact

It can be misunderstood as an annoying habit and nervousness, which will drive the audience’s attention to anything but our message.

Even if we know the people we are delivering a speech to, we must separate the work environment with day-to-day will be very good for our career.

Sometimes even when we have the slides for our presentations ready, we can get lost or frustrated because it is getting hard to recall our next point of discussion, so we may convey that to the audience, through a confused or lost face – which is bad.

Our body language has a lot more to say than we sometimes imagine. Sure there are symbols as nod heads, and it’s nice that we can right away know the meaning. Still, sometimes our body reflects how we feel about something or is about to deliver a presentation.

AceThePresentation. 11 Best Body Language Tips for Engaging Presentations .

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Body Language and Facial Expression

Published by Homer Robert Oliver Modified over 9 years ago

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Why Republicans are calling Walz 'Tampon Tim' — and why Democrats embrace it

Rachel Treisman

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz smiles at the crowd at a campaign rally.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, pictured at a campaign rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday, is getting attention for a law he signed last year requiring public schools to provide free period products. Matt Rourke/AP hide caption

For more on the 2024 election, head to the NPR Network's live updates page.

Republican critics of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz have given him a new nickname: “Tampon Tim.”

After Vice President Harris announced her pick , Stephen Miller, a former adviser to former President Donald Trump, tweeted , “She actually chose Tampon Tim.” Chaya Raichik, who runs the far-right social media account Libs of TikTok, photoshopped Walz’s face onto a Tampax box.

#TamponTim — Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) August 6, 2024

“Tampon Tim is hands down the best political nickname ever,” tweeted conservative commentator Liz Wheeler. “It’s so… savagely effective. In one word tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Tim Walz’s dangerous radicalism.”

The moniker refers to a law that Walz, the governor of Minnesota, signed last year, requiring public schools to provide menstrual products — including pads and tampons — to students in 4th through 12th grades.

The products are free for students, with the state paying about $2 per pupil to keep them stocked throughout the school year.

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris applauds as her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, speaks at Temple University's Liacouras Center in Philadelphia on Tuesday.

Takeaways from Tim Walz's introduction to the national stage

The law, which was the result of years of advocacy by students and their allies, took effect on Jan. 1, though students say the rollout has so far been smoother in some school districts than others .

It makes Minnesota one of 28 states (and Washington D.C.) that have passed laws aimed at giving students access to menstrual products in schools, according to the Alliance for Period Supplies.

The issue enjoys broad popular support: 30 states have eliminated state sales tax on menstrual products, and Trump himself signed a 2018 package that requires federal prisons to provide them.

But Republicans appear to be taking issue with the wording of the legislation, which says the products must be available “to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students.”

Some Minnesota Republicans initially tried to limit the initiative to female-assigned and gender-neutral bathrooms, but were unsuccessful. Even the author of that amendment ultimately voted for the final version of the bill, saying his family members “felt like it was an important issue I should support.”

The bill’s inclusive language reflects that not all people who menstruate are women, and not all women get periods, which was important to those who lobbied for the legislation.

“It will make it more comfortable for everyone … then people can use whatever restroom they want without being worried,” Bramwell Lundquist, then 15, told MPR News last year.

But some in the Republican Party — which has increasingly promoted anti-transgender policies and rhetoric — see that aspect of the bill as a reason to attack Walz.

“Tim Walz is a weird radical liberal,” the MAGA War Room account posted on X, formerly Twitter. “What could be weirder than signing a bill requiring schools to stock tampons in boys' bathrooms?”

Tim Walz has been praised online by supporters for his folksy, midwestern demeanor. Here, Walz and his son, Gus, celebrate while entering his election night party on Aug. 14, 2018 in St Paul, Minnesota.

'Midwestern Nice' and 'Fun Dad' posts abound after Tim Walz is named VP pick

Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt made a similar argument in a Tuesday appearance on Fox News .

“As a woman, I think there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender-transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” she said. “Those are radical policies that Tim Walz supports. He actually signed a bill to do that.”

LGBTQ rights groups have cheered Walz’s selection and praised his track record, which includes a 2023 executive order making Minnesota one of the first states to safeguard access to gender-affirming health care, as dozens of states seek to ban it .

Walz, who once earned the title “ most inspiring teacher ” at the high school where he taught and coached football, hasn’t responded publicly to the “Tampon Tim” taunts. But he had strong words for his Republican opponents on Tuesday night.

“I'll just say it: Donald Trump and JD Vance are creepy and, yes, weird,” he tweeted , repeating the put-down he helped popularize in recent days. “We are not going back.”

Many on the left see “Tampon Tim” as a compliment

Democratic Minnesota Rep. Sandra Feist, the chief sponsor of the bill in the state House, sold it as a "wise investment" , explaining to her colleagues last year that “one out of every 10 menstruating youth miss school” due to a lack of access to menstrual products and resources.

She defended it again in a tweet on Wednesday morning, saying she was grateful to have partnered with Walz to address period poverty .

“This law exemplifies what we can accomplish when we listen to students to address their needs,” she wrote. “Excited to see MN representation at the top of the ticket!”

Feist ended the tweet with the hashtag #TamponTim.

Other Democratic figures have embraced both the hashtag and the policy behind it.

The case for free tampons and pads in schools

The case for free tampons and pads in schools

Many social media users responded that providing tampons in schools isn’t the bad thing that Republicans are making it out to be — and in fact, they see it as the opposite.

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said it was “nice of the Trump camp to help publicize Gov. Tim Walz’s compassionate and common-sense policy,” adding, “Let’s do this everywhere.”

Former Georgia State Rep. Bee Nguyen said Walz, as a former teacher, understands how the lack of access to menstrual products impacts educational outcomes.

“This makes me an even bigger fan of Tampon Tim,” she added.

Nearly 1 in 4 students have struggled to afford period products in the United States, according to a 2023 study commissioned by Thinx and PERIOD. Experts say period poverty is more than just a hassle : It’s an issue of public and personal health, dignity and more.

The Minnesota students who lobbied for the bill testified last year about having to miss class because they were unable to afford menstrual products, being distracted from schoolwork and tests and feeling that adults didn’t take their concern seriously.

“We cannot learn while we are leaking,” high school student Elif Ozturk, then 16, told a legislative hearing in 2023. “How do we expect our students to carry this burden with them during the school day and still perform well? The number one priority should be to learn, not to find a pad.”

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  24. まいにち男女入れ替わり生活!? ~My Body Your Body~ on Steam

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