
Activity Diagram | Scenario and Case Study Base Project Examples

Activity diagrams are behavioral diagrams.

How many types of UML Diagrams

Activity VS Task

An activity is work that is done with no specific purpose in mind or in some cases, activity can have a mini purpose.

The task is a big term as compared to activity and task is specifically an activity that is done with only having a particular purpose in mind.

What is Activity?

A project is divided into many interdependent activities to complete a task.

The sequence or the order of the activities is very important.

Activity Diagram Symbols

Activity Diagram Case Study 1

Suppose we want to develop a web-based social network with the following functionalities;

The user should signup for the system.

The user should log into the system and can send friend requests or block the user.

We need to convert this system into separate components;

Activity 1: Sign up

Activity 2:  log in

Activity 3: Send Friend request

Activity 4: block a user

Explicit requirements VS implicit requirements

Explicit requirements:.

  • Clearly described by the customers

implicit requirements :

  • Not Understood
  • Not Clearly described r by the customers
Sign upShow form and enter data
log inEmail confirmation
Send Friend requestShow message of success
Accept friend requestSearch a user
Block userView profile

Activity Diagram for module 1 of case study 1

signup activity diagram

Activity Diagram for module 2 of case study 1

scenario based activity diagram

Activity Diagram for module 1 of case study 2

The user can search books, viewbooks Without any fee but can download the Book only and only if he pays money. Provide the facility of managing the cart To the user, so that he can update his cart.

how many activity diagrams for one project or module

How many activity diagrams for 1 Project?

In most of the cases;

  • 1 activity diagram for each separate module of your project.
  • The activity of one module can also be drawn in another module if required.
  • Don’t mix all activities of all modules of your big project in only one diagram.
  • 1 diagram represents the flow of one selected activity from starting to end. Only helping activities can be drawn with the selected activity.

Purpose of Activity Diagram

  • Draw the activity flow for a system
  • Describe the sequence from one activity to another
  • High-level understanding of the system’s functionalities
  • Modeling business requirements
  • Investigating business requirements as and when required

UML Diagrams MCQs Questions Answers

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Activity Diagrams | Unified Modeling Language (UML)

Activity Diagrams are used to illustrate the flow of control in a system and refer to the steps involved in the execution of a use case. It is a type of behavioral diagram and we can depict both sequential processing and concurrent processing of activities using an activity diagram ie an activity diagram focuses on the condition of flow and the sequence in which it happens.


Important Topics for the Activity Diagrams

  • What is an Activity Diagram?
  • Activity Diagram Notations
  • How to Draw an Activity Diagram in UML?
  • What are Activity Diagrams used for?
  • What are the Differences between an Activity diagram and a Flowchart?

1. What is an Activity Diagram?

Activity Diagrams are used to illustrate the flow of control in a system and refer to the steps involved in the execution of a use case. We can depict both sequential processing and concurrent processing of activities using an activity diagram ie an activity diagram focuses on the condition of flow and the sequence in which it happens.

  • We describe what causes a particular event using an activity diagram.
  • An activity diagram portrays the control flow from a start point to a finish point showing the various decision paths that exist while the activity is being executed.
  • They are used in business and process modeling where their primary use is to depict the dynamic aspects of a system.

2. Activity Diagram Notations


In activity diagrams, the notations are like visual symbols that help represent different elements and actions in a simple way.

2.1. Initial State

The starting state before an activity takes place is depicted using the initial state.


A process can have only one initial state unless we are depicting nested activities. We use a black filled circle to depict the initial state of a system. For objects, this is the state when they are instantiated. The Initial State from the UML Activity Diagram marks the entry point and the initial Activity State.

For example:

Here the initial state of the system before the application is opened.


2.2. Action or Activity State

An activity represents execution of an action on objects or by objects. We represent an activity using a rectangle with rounded corners. Basically any action or event that takes place is represented using an activity.


Consider the previous example of opening an application, opening the application is an activity state in the activity diagram.


2.3. Action Flow or Control flows

Action flows or Control flows are also referred to as paths and edges. They are used to show the transition from one activity state to another activity state.


An activity state can have multiple incoming and outgoing action flows. We use a line with an arrow head to depict a Control Flow. If there is a constraint to be adhered to while making the transition it is mentioned on the arrow.

For example :

Here both the states transit into one final state using action flow symbols i.e. arrows.


2.4. Decision node and Branching

When we need to make a decision before deciding the flow of control, we use the decision node. The outgoing arrows from the decision node can be labelled with conditions or guard expressions. It always includes two or more output arrows.


We apply the conditions on input number to display the result : If number is odd then display the number. If number if even then display the error.

A Guard refers to a statement written next to a decision node on an arrow sometimes within square brackets.


The statement must be true for the control to shift along a particular direction. Guards help us know the constraints and conditions which determine the flow of a process.

Fork nodes are used to support concurrent activities. When we use a fork node when both the activities get executed concurrently i.e. no decision is made before splitting the activity into two parts. Both parts need to be executed in case of a fork statement. We use a rounded solid rectangular bar to represent a Fork notation with incoming arrow from the parent activity state and outgoing arrows towards the newly created activities.


In the example below, the activity of making coffee can be split into two concurrent activities and hence we use the fork notation.

Join nodes are used to support concurrent activities converging into one. For join notations we have two or more incoming edges and one outgoing edge.


When both activities i.e. steaming the milk and adding coffee get completed, we converge them into one final activity.


2.8. Merge or Merge Event

Scenarios arise when activities which are not being executed concurrently have to be merged. We use the merge notation for such scenarios. We can merge two or more activities into one if the control proceeds onto the next activity irrespective of the path chosen.


In the diagram below: we can’t have both sides executing concurrently, but they finally merge into one. A number can’t be both odd and even at the same time.


2.9. Swimlanes

We use Swimlanes for grouping related activities in one column. Swimlanes group related activities into one column or one row. Swimlanes can be vertical and horizontal. Swimlanes are used to add modularity to the activity diagram. It is not mandatory to use swimlanes. They usually give more clarity to the activity diagram. It’s similar to creating a function in a program. It’s not mandatory to do so, but, it is a recommended practice.


We use a rectangular column to represent a swimlane as shown in the figure above.

Here different set of activities are executed based on if the number is odd or even. These activities are grouped into a swimlane.


2.10. Time Event

This refers to an event that stops the flow for a time; an hourglass depicts it. We can have a scenario where an event takes some time to completed.


Let us assume that the processing of an image takes a lot of time. Then it can be represented as shown below.


2.11. Final State or End State

The state which the system reaches when a particular process or activity ends is known as a Final State or End State. We use a filled circle within a circle notation to represent the final state in a state machine diagram. A system or a process can have multiple final states.


3. How to Draw an Activity Diagram in UML?


Below are the steps of how to draw the Activity Diagram in UML:

Step 1. Identify the Initial State and Final States:

  • This is like setting the starting point and ending point of a journey.
  • Identify where your process begins (initial state) and where it concludes (final states).
  • For example, if you are modelling a process for making a cup of tea, the initial state could be “No tea prepared,” and the final state could be “Tea ready.”

Step 2. Identify the Intermediate Activities Needed:

  • Think of the steps or actions required to go from the starting point to the ending point.
  • These are the activities or tasks that need to be performed.
  • Continuing with the tea-making , intermediate activities could include “Boil water,” “Pour tea into a cup”.

Step 3. Identify the Conditions or Constraints:

  • Consider the conditions or circumstances that might influence the flow of your process.
  • These are the factors that determine when you move from one activity to another.
  • Using the tea-making scenario, a condition could be “Water is boiled,” which triggers the transition to the next activity.

Step 4. Draw the Diagram with Appropriate Notations:

  • Now, represent the identified states, activities, and conditions visually using the appropriate symbols and notations in an activity diagram. This diagram serves as a visual map of your process, showing the flow from one state to another.

4. What are Activity Diagrams used for?

Activity diagrams are used in software development and system design to model and visualize the dynamic aspects of a system. Here are some common uses of activity diagrams:

  • Dynamic modelling of the system or a process.
  • Illustrate the various steps involved in a UML use case.
  • Model software elements like methods,operations and functions.
  • We can use Activity diagrams to depict concurrent activities easily.
  • Show the constraints, conditions and logic behind algorithms.
  • During the requirements analysis phase, activity diagrams assist in capturing and documenting the dynamic aspects of user interactions.

5. What are the Differences between an Activity diagram and a Flowchart?

An activity diagram is very similar to a flowchart. So let us understand if activity diagrams or flowcharts are any different.

What is a Flow Chart?

An algorithm is like a set of clear instructions to solve a problem, and a flowchart is a picture that shows those instructions.

  • When we’re writing computer programs, a flowchart helps us map out the steps of the algorithm to solve the problem.
  • Non programmers use Flow charts to model workflows.
  • We can call a flowchart a primitive version of an activity diagram.
  • Business processes where decision making is involved is expressed using a flow chart.
A manufacturer uses a flow chart to explain and illustrate how a particular product is manufactured.

What are the differences?

Activity Diagram

Flow Chart

An activity diagram is associated with the UML(Unified Modelling Language)

A Flow Chart is associated with the programming.

An activity diagram is used to model the dynamic aspects of a system and also illustrates the workflow of activities within a use case or business process.

Depicts a diagrammatic representation illustrating a solution model to a given problem and a flow chart converges into being an activity diagram if complex decisions are being made.

Commonly used in software engineering within the UML for modeling and designing software systems on high level.

Widely used in software engineering for representing algorithms, decision structures, and program flows.

Do we need to use both the diagrams and the textual documentation?

Let’s understand this with the help of an example:

  • Different individuals have different preferences in which they understand something.
  • To understand a concept, some people might prefer a written tutorial with images while others would prefer a video lecture.
  • So we generally use both the diagram and the textual documentation to make our system description as clear as possible.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, Activity Diagrams serve as invaluable tools in system design and analysis, offering a visual representation of dynamic processes within organizations. They are widely utilized to model business processes, illustrate user interactions, and guide software system design. By providing a clear and concise overview of activities, decision points, and interactions, activity diagrams enhance communication among project stakeholders and contribute to effective documentation.

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Home » UML » Understanding Activity Diagrams in UML: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Activity Diagrams in UML: A Comprehensive Guide

  • Posted on September 13, 2023
  • / Under UML


Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a powerful tool for visualizing and documenting software systems. Among the various UML diagrams, the Activity Diagram is a versatile and essential tool for modeling and describing the dynamic aspects of a system’s behavior. Whether you’re a software developer, system analyst, or project manager, understanding Activity Diagrams can significantly improve your ability to design and communicate complex processes within a system. In this article, we’ll explore what Activity Diagrams are, their components, and how to create and interpret them.

What is an Activity Diagram?

An Activity Diagram is one of the behavioral diagrams in UML, used to model the dynamic aspects of a system. It focuses on illustrating the workflow or sequence of activities, actions, and decisions within a system or a process. These diagrams are particularly useful for modeling business processes, software algorithms, and workflow scenarios, making them a valuable tool for software design, system analysis, and process optimization.

Benefits of Activity Diagrams

Activity Diagrams offer several benefits in the software development and system modeling process:

  • Clarity: They provide a clear and intuitive visual representation of complex processes, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and discuss.
  • Communication: Activity Diagrams serve as effective communication tools between different stakeholders, including developers, analysts, and project managers.
  • Process Improvement: They help in identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for process improvement.
  • Documentation: Activity Diagrams can be used as part of system documentation to explain how a process works.
  • Validation: They allow for the validation of business and system processes before implementation.

Components of an Activity Diagram

To effectively use Activity Diagrams, it’s essential to understand their key components:

  • Activity: An activity is a fundamental unit of work within an Activity Diagram. It represents a task, action, or operation that is performed as part of a process. Activities are usually depicted as rectangles with rounded corners.
  • Initial Node: The initial node signifies the starting point of the activity diagram. It is typically represented as a small circle with an arrow pointing outward, connecting to the first activity.
  • Final Node: The final node represents the endpoint of the activity diagram. It is depicted as a circle with a small dot inside or as a larger circle. It indicates the termination of the process.
  • Control Flow: Control flow arrows, often referred to as control edges, connect activities and depict the sequence in which they are executed. These arrows show the order of execution, which helps in understanding the flow of the process.
  • Decision Node: Decision nodes are represented as diamonds and are used to represent points in the process where a decision or branching occurs. Depending on the condition or criteria, the flow can follow different paths.
  • Merge Node: Merge nodes, also represented as diamonds, are used to merge multiple flows back into a single flow after a decision or branching point. They ensure that multiple paths converge.
  • Fork Node: Fork nodes represent the point at which one flow splits into multiple concurrent flows, indicating that multiple activities can happen simultaneously.
  • Join Node: Join nodes represent the point at which multiple concurrent flows merge back into a single flow, indicating that parallel activities have completed.
  • Swimlanes: Swimlanes are used to partition the activities in an Activity Diagram, typically to indicate which entity or actor is responsible for each task. They are represented as vertical or horizontal containers.

Creating an Activity Diagram

To create an Activity Diagram, follow these steps:

  • Identify the Process: Clearly define the process you want to model. This may involve understanding the actors involved, the activities performed, and any decision points within the process.
  • Identify Activities: Break down the process into individual activities or tasks that need to be represented in the diagram.
  • Add Initial and Final Nodes: Place the initial node at the start of the diagram and the final node at the end.
  • Connect Activities: Use control flow arrows to connect activities in the order they occur.
  • Add Decision Nodes: If there are decision points in your process, add decision nodes (diamonds) and connect them with control flow arrows.
  • Add Merge Nodes: For each decision node, add a corresponding merge node to show where the diverging paths rejoin.
  • Use Fork and Join Nodes: If there are parallel activities in your process, add fork and join nodes to indicate the splitting and merging of flows.
  • Partition with Swimlanes: If necessary, use swimlanes to partition activities by the responsible entity or actor.
  • Label Activities: Add labels to activities and decision nodes to provide clear descriptions of what each represents.
  • Specify Conditions: If applicable, include conditions or guards on control flow arrows to denote decision outcomes.

Interpreting an Activity Diagram

Interpreting an Activity Diagram involves understanding the sequence of activities, decision points, and the flow of control through the diagram. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Follow the control flow arrows from the initial node to the final node to trace the sequence of activities.
  • Pay attention to decision nodes; depending on the conditions specified, the flow can take different paths.
  • Look for fork and join nodes to identify parallel activities and understand where they diverge and converge.
  • Swimlanes help in identifying which entity or actor is responsible for each task.
  • The labels on activities and decision nodes should provide clear descriptions of what each represents.

Activity Diagram Example

activity diagram case study

In cases where only one person is involved in the process, the concurrent activities can be executed in any order, presuming they cannot be performed simultaneously (though the model permits such simultaneous execution, it might be impractical in reality). For instance, theater box office personnel could either assign seats, then award bonuses, and finally debit the account, or they could start by awarding bonuses, then assigning seats, and lastly, debiting the account. However, it’s essential to note that debiting the account cannot occur until after the seats have been assigned.

Within this process, there is a conditional thread emerging from the fork point. This thread evaluates whether the subscriber is a member, serving as a guard condition. It only initiates if the guard condition is met. If the subscriber is not a member, only one thread is activated, responsible for seat assignment and account debiting, without waiting for synchronization at the join point.

Swimland Activity Diagram Example

activity diagram case study

Furthermore, the diagram incorporates object flow symbols, which depict the different states of an “order” object as it traverses a network of activities. For instance, the “Order[placed]” symbol indicates that at that point in the computation, an order has transitioned to the “placed” state within the “Request Service” activity but has not yet been consumed by the “Take Order” activity. After the “Take Order” activity concludes, the order moves to the “entered” state, as evidenced by the object flow symbol following the “Take Order” activity. All the object flows in this instance represent the same object at different stages of its life. As they represent the same object, they cannot coexist simultaneously, and a sequential control path connects them, as evident in the diagram.

Object flow is employed to represent objects that serve as inputs to or outputs from an action. These symbols indicate the object’s state at the specific point in the computation when it is either suitable as an input or just produced as an output (typically, an object fulfills both roles). A dashed arrow links an outgoing transition of an activity state to an object flow, which constitutes one of its outputs. Conversely, another dashed arrow connects the object flow to an incoming transition into an activity state, indicating that the object serves as one of its inputs. Frequently, the same object can be both the output of one activity and the input for one or more subsequent activities.

Activity Diagrams in UML are powerful tools for modeling and visualizing dynamic aspects of a system or process. By understanding the components and principles of Activity Diagrams, you can effectively model complex workflows, improve communication among stakeholders, and optimize processes. Whether you’re involved in software development, business process analysis, or system design, Activity Diagrams can be a valuable addition to your toolkit, helping you create more efficient and well-documented systems.

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What is a Activity Diagram in UML?

Activity diagram at a glance.

  • Initial Node

Flow Final Node

Control flow, object flow, decision node, object node.

  • Time Event and Event Signal
  • When to Draw Activity Diagram

Activity Diagram Examples

Activity diagram tutorial.

Activity Diagram is similar to a business work flow diagram or simply a flowchart with much richer semantics. It describes the system activities, or the person who does the activity, and the sequential flow of these activities. The activity diagram is one of the UML diagrams associated with object oriented approach, through it can be used in any other software development paradigm

Activity Diagram Example

Activity Diagrams can be used to describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service at different levels of abstraction. The great strength of activity diagrams lies in the fact that they support and encourage parallel behavior. This makes them a great tool for workflow modeling and, in principle, for multithreaded programming. Activity diagrams can also define a link to an object by labeling an activity with an object name or by using swimlanes, which enable an activity diagram to be structured based on responsibilities.

Finding an online Activity Diagram tool? Just click the Draw button below to create your Activity Diagram online. Visual Paradigm Online is free * and intuitive. You can also go through this Activity Diagram tutorial to learn about Activity Diagram before you get started.

Before we go into the details of individual notation in activity diagram, let us have a quick look at a very general activity diagram. Here is the example activity diagram for elaborating the business use case - Check-In in Airport:

Activity Diagram Example (Explained)

Activity Diagram Notations

Initial, final and flow final node, initial node (start state).

  • The starting state before an activity takes place is depicted using the initial state .
  • A process can have only one initial state unless we are depicting nested activities. We use a black filled circle to depict the initial state of a system.
  • The Initial State from the UML Activity Diagram marks the entry point and the initial Activity State.

Final Node (End State)

In the UML, a final action state is shown using a circle surrounding a small solid filled circle (a bull's eye). An activity diagram may have only one initial action state, but may have any number of final action states.

Activity Diagram Initial and Final Node Example

UML 2.0 has an additional control node type called Flow Final that is used as an alternative to the Activity Final node to terminate a flow. It is needed because in UML 2.0, when control reaches any instance of Activity Final node, the entire activity (including all flows) is terminated. The Flow Final simply terminates the flow to which it is attached.

Activity Diagram Flow Final Node Example

Note : This was not an issue in UML 1.5 because of the run-to-completion semantics, but with the unrestricted parallelism of UML 2.0, you might not want all flows stopped and all tokens destroyed.

Action and Activity State

An activity , also known as an activity state, on a UML Activity diagram typically represents the invocation of an operation, a step in a business process, or an entire business process.

Action is a named element which represents a single atomic step within activity i.e. that is not further decomposed within the activity .

Flow Transition

Given a collection of action states, how are those action states related to one another? Flow transitions address this issue, a flow transition shows how action states are ordered or sequenced. There are various types of flow transitions, including control-flow and object-flow transitions.

Action flows or Control flows are also referred to as paths and edges. They are used to show the transition from one activity state to another. An activity state can have multiple incoming and outgoing action flows. We use a line with an arrow head to depict a Control Flow. If there is a constraint to be adhered to while making the transition it is mentioned on the arrow.

In the UML, a control-flow transition is shown as a solid line from a source action state to a target action state.

In the UML, an object-flow transition is shown as a dashed arrow between an action state and an object. An action state that uses an object as input is shown with the object-flow transition arrow pointing from the object to the action state. An action state that updates or produces an object as output is shown with the object-flow transition arrow pointing from the action state to the object.

  • An object produced or used by actions. This allows us to model object flows.

Activity Diagram Control Flow Example

Decision Nodes and Branching

When we need to make a decision before deciding the flow of control, we use the decision node, such as one incoming transition, and multiple outgoing parallel transitions and/or object flows.

  • A decision node accepts tokens on an incoming edge and presents them to multiple outgoing edges.
  • Which of the edges is actually traversed depends on the evaluation of the guards on the outgoing edges.

Activity Diagram Decision Node Example

  • A merge node is a control node that brings together multiple alternate flows.
  • It is not used to synchronize concurrent flows but to accept one among several alternate flows.
  • A merge node has multiple incoming edges and a single outgoing edge.

Activity Diagram Merge Node Example

  • A fork node is a control node that splits a flow into multiple concurrent flows .
  • A fork node has one incoming edge and multiple outgoing edges.

Activity Diagram Fork Node Example

  • A join node is a control node that synchronizes multiple flows .
  • A join node has multiple incoming edges and one outgoing edge.

Activity Diagram Join Node Example

A guard is a condition that must be true in order to traverse a transition.

UML 2.0 activity modeling also supports object nodes. An object node is an activity node that indicates that an instance of a particular classifier, possibly in a particular state, might be available at a particular point in the activity (for example, as output from, or input to an action). Object nodes act as containers to and from which objects of a particular type (and possibly in a particular state) might flow.

Activity Diagram Object Node Example

A datastore is a stereotype for an object which stores objects persistently.

Activity Diagram Data Store Example

  • A note (comment) gives the ability to attach various remarks to elements.
  • A comment carries no semantic force, but may contain information that is useful to a modeler.

Activity Diagram Note Example

A swimlane activity diagram groups the activities into swimlanes columns that contain all of the activities which fit into the category represented by that swimlane. Swimlanes can represent many categories of information such as actors which perform the activities (i.e., role or department), the stage of the process in which the activity takes place, or whatever else the creator of the document feels should be emphasized and communicated by the swimlane diagram. The term swimlane was adopted due to the visual similarity between the horizontal rows of the diagram to that of the swimlanes found within a swiming pool.

Activity Diagram Swimlane Example

In the UML, a swimlane is shown as a visual region separated from neighboring swimlanes by vertical solid lines on both sides and labeled at the top with the element responsible for action states within the swimlane.

Time Event & Event Signal

Time event flows when the time expression is true, while event signal flows when a event occurs. An hourglass symbol can be used to represent the acceptance of a time event.

Activity Diagram Time Event Example

Accept Event Action is an important element for business processes in activity diagrams. Accepting action waits for an event to occur. After the event is accepted, the flow that comes from this action is executed.

Send Signal Action is a signal being sent to an accepting activity which can react accordingly.

Activity Diagram Accept Event and Send Signal Example

When to draw Activity Diagram?

An activity diagram is used to model the workflow depicting conditions, constraints, sequential and concurrent activities. On the other hand, the purpose of a use case is to just depict the functionality i.e. what the system does and not how it is done. So in simple terms, an activity diagram shows 'How' while a Use case shows 'What' for a particular system, thus, activity diagrams are often in pairs with use cases.

In terms of UML, we can use activity diagram for the following purposes, for example:

  • Model complex activities and business workflows in a high level activity diagram
  • Identify candidate use cases and pre- and post-conditions for use cases through the examination of business workflows
  • How the events within a single use case relate to one another, and in particular, where activities may overlap and require coordination among use cases
  • How a collection of use cases coordinate to create a workflow for an organization
  • Model workflows between/within use cases

Note : An activity diagram can be used to illustrate a business process (high level implementation) to a stand alone algorithm (ground level implementation).

This example shows an activity diagram for the theatre office. This diagram shows the activities involved in planning a show.

  • Arrows show sequential dependencies—for example, shows must be picked before they are scheduled.
  • Heavy bars show forks or joins of control. For example, after the show is scheduled, the theatre can begin to publicize it, buy scripts, hire artists, build sets, design lighting, and make costumes, all concurrently. Before rehearsal can begin, however, the scripts must be ordered and the artist must be hired.

An activity diagram is helpful in understanding the high-level execution behavior of a system, without getting involved in the internal details of message passing required by a collaboration diagram.

Activity Diagram Example: Planning a Show

Shipping Process

Example – activity diagram – business proposal process.

Activity Diagram Example: Business Proposal

More Class Diagram examples:

Example 1: Article Submission Process

Activity Diagram Example

Example 2: Multidimensional Swimlanes

UML 2.0 extends this partitioning capability to multiple dimensions for activity diagrams and provides additional notation, so that individual actions can be labeled with the name of the partition to which they belong.

The diagram below shows an example of multidimensional swimlanes as they would appear according to UML 2.0, where actions are grouped according to location and responsibility.

Activity Diagram Example: Multidimensional Swimlanes

Want to draw a Activity Diagram?

You've learned what a Activity Diagram is and how to draw a Activity Diagram step-by-step. It's time to get your hands dirty by drawing a Activity Diagram of your own. Draw UML diagrams free * with Visual Paradigm Online. It's easy-to-use, intuitive.

* The Free edition supports free usage of Visual Paradigm Online for non-commercial use only.

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What is Activity Diagram and How to Create Online?

activity diagram maker

There are many kinds of UML diagram, and one of them is the Activity diagram. This type visualizes the dynamic sides of any system involved. To put it simply, this is a type of flowchart that shows the complex steps and roundabout of a process. Visually, this chart can appear as a sequential, branch and concurrent in form. Now, if you want to use this type of diagram, then you must first understand when to use it. Luckily, we will provide in-depth information about it, as well as examples that you can use anytime.

Ultimate Activity Diagram Tutorial

When to use activity diagram, components of an activity diagram, editable activity diagram examples, how to make an activity diagram.

UML Activity Diagram

Unlike other charts, UML activity diagram can be used under different circumstances. For instance, if you want to demonstrate the relationship between the process involved, then use this type of diagram. Additionally, if you want to show how certain events relates to the other then this diagram is needed. In general, aside from being detailed, it also shows various perspective and gives you an idea about the potential outcome of the project.

There are many things that you can include in your diagram, such as shapes, images and things alike. However, that is not case for some activity diagram online creators. There are only a limited kinds of shapes that you can use in this type of diagram, as it only shows specific data. With that being said, here are some components that you can include in your diagram.

diagram components

1. Box – This symbol represents actions within the process.

2. Diamonds – This shape presents decisions that you can make within the diagram that coincides with other data.

3. Bars – It represents the beginning and end of two tasks.

4. Black Circle – This is the symbol that represents the initial state or start of the task sequence in your activity diagram.

5. Encased black circle – This is the end state where the desired outcome is supposed to be met.

Here are some sample diagram templates that you can use anytime.

1. Banking System Activity Diagram

The diagram template shows the activities involved when banking. It clearly demonstrates the steps that you need to follow to meet your goal, which is to update the account balance. This means that you will see the end result regardless if you will make a deposit or withdraw from your account.

gitmind activity diagram template 1

2. Website Login Process

This simple UML activity diagram shows the process when you log-in to any website account. It will show the actions that you need to take in-order to successfully meet the requirements.

account login uml activity diagram

If using templates is not your cup of tea, then you can make you own if you wish. Since the components are provided above, it will be easy to make a diagram from scratch since you already know their functions. Here are the steps that you can follow to make your own activity diagram online using GitMind .

  • Launch GitMind from your web-browser, and then click the “New Flowchart” button. From the editing panel, you can click the “UML” section to load the UML shape section.

launch gitmind

  • Use the different shapes from the said section to construct your diagram. There are also other elements that you can add to your chart if you wish depending on your chart.

edit the diagram

  • Once done editing, you can save the diagram to your cloud by clicking the “Save” button. Alternatively, you can save the activity diagram into your PC by clicking the “Export” button.

save the diagram

Now that you know a thing or two about this type of diagram, there is no reason for you not to use it next time. All you need to do is look for a great tool that provides UML shapes to ease the creation process. With that being said, you can choose GitMind to get the best options in making activity diagram online.

Related posts:

  • Top 10 Free Flowchart Maker for Windows and Mac
  • Top 10 Free Family Tree Makers in 2024

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UML Activity Diagram Examples

Here we provide several examples of UML activity diagrams :


Purpose : An example of activity diagram for online shopping.

Summary : Online customer can browse or search items, view specific item, add it to shopping cart, view and update shopping cart, do checkout. User can view shopping cart at any time.

Online shopping UML activity diagram example.

Purpose : An example of UML activity diagram describing behavior of the Purchase Ticket use case for a Ticket vending machine.

Summary : Activity is started by Commuter actor who needs to buy a ticket. Ticket vending machine will request trip information from Commuter. Based on the info machine will calculate payment due and request payment options. After payment is complete, ticket is dispensed to the Commuter.

Ticket vending machine UML activity diagram example.

Purpose : An example of business flow UML activity diagram to process purchase order.

Summary : Requested order is input parameter of the activity. After order is accepted and all required information is filled in, payment is accepted and order is shipped.

Business flow UML activity diagram example to process purchase order.

Purpose : An example of UML activity diagram describing a Document Management Process. Some kind of formal and properly communicated document management process is usually required in any major corporation especially under a regulatory compliance.

Summary : Document is created, reviewed, updated, approved, and at some point archived. This activity diagram example shows responsibilities of different roles and a flow of document changes. Partitions represent different roles participating in the activity - Author, Reviewer, Approver, and Owner.

Business flow UML activity diagram example of document management process.

Purpose : Electronic prescriptions UML activity diagram example is based on documentation for the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) R2 developed by the NHS Connecting for Health (NHS CFH) in England.

Summary : Prescribers could send prescriptions electronically to a pharmacy of the patient's choice where patient can pick it up. Dispenser retrieves electronic prescriptions from the EPS.

Medicine - electronic prescriptions UML activity diagram example.

Purpose : An example of UML activity diagram to resolve an issue in software design.

Summary : After issue or error ticket is created by some authority and the issue was reproduced, issue is identified, resolution is determined, issue is fixed and verified, and ticket is closed, if issue was resolved.

Resolve an issue in software design UML activity diagram example.

Purpose : An example of activity diagram describing manual activation of trial (provisional) product which was protected by Sentinel HASP SL software key of the Sentinel HASP - software protection and licensing security solution.

Summary : Customer has some trial product installed, for example, some game or tool, which has specific trial period and could have some limited features or options. After using the product for some time customer decides to activate product by requesting a permanent, full product license. Order Manager creates a new activation key for the product.

Activation of Sentinel HASP SL provisional product UML activity diagram example.

Purpose : An example of UML activity diagram which describes Single Sign-On (SSO) to Google Apps for customers using some hosted Google application, such as Gmail.

Summary : When a user attempts to use some hosted Google application, such as Gmail, Google generates a SAML authentication request and sends redirect request back to the user's browser. Redirect points to the specific identity provider. SAML authentication request contains the encoded URL of the Google application that the user is trying to reach.

Single Sign-On (SSO) for Google Apps UML activity diagram example.

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Blog Data Visualization 11 UML Diagram Examples: Class, Activity, and More

11 UML Diagram Examples: Class, Activity, and More

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 08, 2023

uml diagram examples

A UML diagram is the visual blueprint of software and business processes, using the Unified Modeling Language as its foundation. This diagram plays a pivotal role in object-oriented design, capturing the essence of both static structure and dynamic behavior within software systems.

UML encompasses various diagram examples, each tailored to illuminate unique facets of a system. From class and activity diagrams which spotlight class operations and the static relationship of one class, to sequence and state diagrams revealing the dynamic behavior of a system.

For professionals, especially software engineers and business analysts, mastering these diagrams is essential for a holistic understanding of the object-oriented paradigm.

If you are ready to create an UML diagram then consider using the Venngage UML Diagram Tool & Diagram Templates for a seamless experience and let your diagrams do the talking.

Click to jump ahead:

11 UML diagram examples 

Types of uml diagrams.

  • Wrapping Up

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) offers a comprehensive set of diagrams to represent and design complex systems. For those interested in understanding the depth and breadth of UML, I present a selection of diagram examples. These examples provide insights into best practices and the utility of UML in various scenarios.

Let’s get into it. 

UML class diagram

Among the various UML diagram examples, the UML class diagram is paramount for those engaged in object-oriented design. 

UML Class Diagram for Hotel Management System

Serving as a static structure diagram, it emphasizes the foundational elements of an object-oriented system. UML class diagrams typically showcases:

  • Relationships

While the focus is primarily on the static relationship, the essence of the UML class diagram lies in its ability to offer a bird’s eye view of the system’s architecture. 

UML Class Diagram

When you’re crafting an online shopping platform or a hotel management system , class diagrams distill the intricate network of objects and their interactions, proving essential for both software engineers and business analysts.

Simple Class Diagram for Online Shopping

UML activity diagram

Shifting from the static nature of class diagrams, the UML activity diagram brings to the forefront the dynamic behavior of a system. Resonating with the essence of a flowchart, the activity diagram maps out the flow from one activity to the next, visualizing the sequence of operations and their conditions.

Characterized by rounded rectangles representing activities and arrows indicating the flow direction, this diagram shines in scenarios that require understanding procedural logic, decision-making sequences, or concurrent operations. 

UML Activity Diagram

For example, in an online shopping process, the activity diagram can depict stages like ‘Select Product’, ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Checkout’, and ‘Payment’, illustrating the flow and possible decision points like ‘Apply Coupon’ or ‘Choose Shipping Option’.

The true strength of the activity diagram lies in its ability to represent parallel and concurrent activities. It’s not just about the linear flow; it’s about capturing the entirety of a process, be it the parallel tasks in a hotel management system or the interconnected processes of a domain model.

Swimlane Activity Diagram Template

UML Use case diagram

UML use case diagrams define expected behavior, focusing on the ‘what’ rather than the ‘how’. While use cases describe the system’s desired functionality, their true power lies in providing both textual and graphical representations.

UML Use Case Diagram

From the standpoint of the end user, use case modeling shines. It enables a design perspective that emphasizes user interactions with the system, ensuring a user-centric approach. However, while a use case diagram provides an overview of actors and their interactions with the system, it deliberately omits details:

  • Simplicity in design: A use case diagram maintains a simplistic nature, summarizing relationships without delving into step-by-step procedures.
  • Avoid overcomplication: With ideally fewer than 20 use cases, a cluttered diagram might indicate a deviation from the intended use of use case diagrams.
  • Focus on externally observable behavior: This ensures a clear communication of system behavior in terms relatable to the user.

Blue Travel Business Use Case Template

New to user experience design? Here are 10 use case diagram examples that might help you out.

UML sequence diagram

The UML Sequence Diagram shows the detailed steps of how things work together. Unlike other diagrams which might focus on static aspects, sequence diagrams delve deep into the ‘when’ aspect of interactions, illustrating the chronological flow of operations.

UML Sequence Diagram

Characteristics of sequence diagrams:

  • Time-centricity: The vertical axis of the diagram embodies time, providing a chronological representation of message exchanges.
  • Scope of interaction: It captures interactions as they occur within collaborations, providing insights into both specific instances and generic cases. This could range from high-level system interactions to user-system exchanges.
  • Systematic flow: Unlike the use case diagram, sequence diagrams map out the meticulous order of interactions, showcasing the sequence of events and their associated timelines.

Recruitment Management Sequence Diagram

UML state diagram

State diagrams, synonymous with state machines or state-chart diagrams, bring forth the dynamic behavior of a system as it transitions through various conditions or states over time. It focuses not on the entire system but on individual parts or components and their responses to specific time-bound stimuli.

UML State Diagram

Key Aspects of State Diagrams:

  • Dynamic representation: State diagrams represent conditions of a system at specific moments in time, offering insights into possible transitions and the events triggering them.
  • Targeted modeling: While every class might inherently possess a state, it’s not essential to model them all. State diagrams primarily target classes with multiple transitional states.
  • Response to stimuli: State diagrams are instrumental in understanding how objects or classes react to both internal and external events.

For professionals focusing on the dynamic aspects of system design, understanding state transitions, and pinpointing the events responsible for state changes, the UML State diagram proves to be an invaluable tool.

Illustrative State Diagram For Online Ordering System

In the preceding section, we introduced a few types of UML diagrams that provide insights into system design and behavior. 

However, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is vast, and there are numerous other diagram types that software engineers, business analysts, and system designers frequently employ. 

In this section, we will look into several additional UML diagrams, offering a concise overview of their purpose and significance.

  • Component diagram : This diagram showcases the structural relationships between a software system’s components. Ideal for navigating multifaceted systems, component diagrams highlight communication patterns using interfaces connected by connectors.
  • Structural UML diagrams : As the name denotes, these diagrams show the architecture of the system—capturing classes, objects, packages, and more. It provides a roadmap of how various elements within the system are interconnected.
  • Deployment diagram : A vital tool for system engineers, deployment diagrams illustrate how software components are deployed onto hardware components, illuminating factors like performance, scalability, and maintainability. This aids in tracking the system’s hardware configuration seamlessly.
  • Composite structure diagram : Think of these as the architectural blueprints for the internal configuration of a classifier. They offer insights into how various hardware components are internally composed and interact through ports.
  • Object diagrams : These diagrams provide a snapshot of data structures at a specific instance. They often complement class diagrams, either by verifying the class structure or presenting specific examples of model element interactions.
  • Package diagram : Used to visualize the dependencies among different packages in a system, package diagrams group model elements like classes or use cases under the umbrella of packages, aiding in the organization of system elements.
  • Profile diagram : A recent addition, profile diagrams are a niche yet essential tool for customizing UML models tailored for distinct domains and platforms.
  • Timing diagram : As the name suggests, these diagrams are time-centric, portraying the interactions between objects over a set period. They are invaluable for pinpointing process durations and identifying potential bottlenecks.
  • Interaction overview diagrams : Providing a macro view of control flow between nodes, this diagram encompasses various nodes like decision, merge, fork, and join nodes, portraying a holistic view of system interactions.
  • Communication diagrams : Previously termed collaboration diagrams, these diagrams paint a picture of how objects collaborate within a system’s architectural design. They are especially beneficial for representing alternate scenarios within use cases where multiple object interactions come into play.

Wrapping up

In this article, I aimed to explore the various UML diagrams by providing succinct, clear examples of class, activity, sequence, state, and use case diagrams. Each one, an integral piece of the software and business process puzzle, offers insights into specific aspects of system design, behavior, and interaction.

The Unified Modeling Language is not just a medium for representation; it’s the lingua franca for software developers and system designers worldwide. It bridges the gap between conceptualization and realization, ensuring that ideas are not just envisioned but are also manifested with precision and clarity.

Our exploration into a few UML diagram examples shed light on the core diagrams like the UML class, activity, and sequence diagrams, amongst others. These diagrams, while varied in their approach and focus, converge on a singular objective – to encapsulate the essence of a system or process, making it both comprehensible and actionable.

Furthermore, our deep foray into the different types of UML diagrams served as a testament to UML’s versatility. From detailing structural relationships in component diagrams to illuminating software deployment on hardware components, each diagram type has a unique role to play in the grand tapestry of system design.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a business analyst at the onset of your UML journey, tools like the Venngage UML Diagram Tool & Diagram Templates can be instrumental. 

They not only simplify the design process but also elevate it, ensuring that your UML diagrams are not just accurate but also aesthetically appealing. 

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What is Activity Diagram?

What is Activity Diagram?

Activity diagram is another important behavioral diagram in UML diagram to describe dynamic aspects of the system. Activity diagram is essentially an advanced version of flow chart that modeling the flow from one activity to another activity.

Activity Diagram in UML Diagram Hierarchy

Learn UML Faster, Better and Easier

Are you looking for a Free UML tool for learning UML faster, easier and quicker? Visual Paradigm Community Edition is a UML software that supports all UML diagram types. It is an international award-winning UML modeler, and yet it is easy-to-use, intuitive & completely free.

When to Use Activity Diagram

Activity Diagrams describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service which can be at different levels of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to be achieved by some operations, particularly where the operation is intended to achieve a number of different things that require coordination, or how the events in a single use case relate to one another, in particular, use cases where activities may overlap and require coordination. It is also suitable for modeling how a collection of use cases coordinate to represent business workflows

  • Identify candidate use cases, through the examination of business workflows
  • Identify pre- and post-conditions (the context) for use cases
  • Model workflows between/within use cases
  • Model complex workflows in operations on objects
  • Model in detail complex activities in a high level activity Diagram

Activity Diagram - Learn by Examples

A basic activity diagram - flowchart like

Basic Activity Diagram

Activity Diagram - Modeling a Word Processor

  • Open the word processing package.
  • Create a file.
  • Save the file under a unique name within its directory.
  • Type the document.
  • If graphics are necessary, open the graphics package, create the graphics, and paste the graphics into the document.
  • If a spreadsheet is necessary, open the spreadsheet package, create the spreadsheet, and paste the spreadsheet into the document.
  • Save the file.
  • Print a hard copy of the document.
  • Exit the word processing package.

Activity Diagram Example - Word Processor

Activity Diagram Example - Process Order

Given the problem description related to the workflow for processing an order, let's model the description in visual representation using an activity diagram:

Once the order is received, the activities split into two parallel sets of activities. One side fills and sends the order while the other handles the billing.

On the Fill Order side, the method of delivery is decided conditionally. Depending on the condition either the Overnight Delivery activity or the Regular Delivery activity is performed.

Finally the parallel activities combine to close the order.

The activity diagram example below visualize the flow in graphical form.

Activity Diagram - Process Order

Activity Diagram Example - Student Enrollment

  • An applicant wants to enroll in the university.
  • The applicant hands a filled out copy of Enrollment Form.
  • The registrar inspects the forms.
  • The registrar determines that the forms have been filled out properly.
  • The registrar informs student to attend in university overview presentation.
  • The registrar helps the student to enroll in seminars
  • The registrar asks the student to pay for the initial tuition.

Activity Diagram - Student Enrollment

Activity Diagram - Swimlane

A swimlane is a way to group activities performed by the same actor on an activity diagram or activity diagram or to group activities in a single thread. Here is an example of a Swimlane activity diagram for modeling Staff Expenses Submission:

Activity Diagram - Use of Swimlane

Swimlane and Non-Swimlane Activity Diagram

The activity diagram example below describes the business process for meeting a new client using an activity Diagram without Swimlane.

Activity Diagram (Without Swimlane)

This figure below describes the business process for meeting a new client using an activity Diagram with Swimlane.

Activity Diagram (With Swimlane)

Activity Diagram Notation Summary

Notation Description UML Notation

Is used to represent a set of actions

A task to be performed

Shows the sequence of execution

Show the flow of an object from one activity (or action) to another activity (or action).

Portrays the beginning of a set of actions or activities

Stop all control flows and object flows in an activity (or action)

Represent an object that is connected to a set of Object Flows

Represent a test condition to ensure that the control flow or object flow only goes down one path

Bring back together different decision paths that were created using a decision-node.

Split behavior into a set of parallel or concurrent flows of activities (or actions)

Bring back together a set of parallel or concurrent flows of activities (or actions).

A way to group activities performed by the same actor on an activity diagram or to group activities in a single thread

Try to Draw UML Activity Diagram Now

You've learned what a Activity Diagram is and how to draw an Activity Diagram. It's time to draw an Activity Diagram of your own. Get Visual Paradigm Community Edition, a free UML software, and create your own Activity Diagram with the free Activity Diagram tool. It's easy-to-use and intuitive.

Related Links

  • What is Unified Modeling Language?
  • Professional UML tool

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Use case case study – uml modelling.

In this Use Case case study, I am going to present a case study of the airport check-in system. The case study includes the identification of actors, use cases and scenarios including activity diagrams. I have used a generic case study approach and can be used in any software project. This case study is useful for every business analysis study.

The sequence diagram for the same case study will be covered in some other post as that would have made this post too long.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Case study description
  • 2. Use Case Modelling steps
  • 3. Conclusion

Case study description

This proposed software system is to be designed to allow passengers to check in and get the boarding pass for flying. The baggage can also be checked in, which is optional. The check-in can happen by the counter clerk or by the passenger using the kiosk.

The system should allow individuals as well as groups of passengers to check in through the system. The boarding pass can be issued through this system. Passengers below 4 yrs need not have tickets. The airport also allows provisioning for the special needs of passengers like wheelchairs etc.

The system should also be able to capture the fact that the baggage for a passenger is screened by security.

Use Case Modelling steps

Use case modelling can be done in multiple ways. One of the standard processes is known as Rational Unified Process (RUP), this process is put forward by Rational Inc., now under Oracle.

In this article, I am going to suggest a process, which I used in my projects in various software companies. As per this process, the steps involved are as follows, these steps are for complete system analysis and design using UML models. However, in this article, we will look at only use case modelling steps:

  • Understand the business domain, context and needs
  • Conduct Stakeholder Analysis
  • Interact with stakeholders to understand stakeholders needs
  • Find structural elements/functions – functional decomposition
  • Use cases identification & create use case model
  • Identify scenarios
  • Create activity diagrams
  • Create sequence diagram, if needed
  • Identify classes and build logical data model
  • System design

Step1: Identify actors

The first step is to identify the actors from the given requirements. Actors are external entities, who interact with the system, to be developed. All the nouns used in the requirements could be actors. In our case, the possible candidates for being actors could be:

  • Passengers with age <= 4 yrs
  • Passengers with special needs
  • Group of passengers
  • Check-in clerk

Identification of actors is an iterative activity, where we can refine the selection of actors. If you look at the actors' list, you can see that there are multiple types of passengers. This means that an actor namely Passengers has related actors. The actors can be shown as shown below:

Step 2: Identify use cases

Once we have identified actors, we can focus on the interactions of the actors with the system. In our case of the airline system, we can identify the following use cases:

This functional mapping is an excellent way of functional decomposition as well as identification of use cases. Based on the above functional map, we can go ahead to create the use case model. A detailed use case model is shown below:

The use cases are kept within the system boundaries with proper “Include” and “Exclude” relationships.

If you want to brush up on your basics of Use cases and UML, you can read this blog: What Is Use Case Basics & Diagrams?

Step 3: Identify scenarios

Once we identify the use cases and build the use case model, the next step is to identify scenarios. The scenarios add details to the use case model. Scenarios also help in identifying business processes and creating activity diagrams.

Typically speaking, every use case may result in one or more scenarios. However, it’s not mandatory to make activity diagrams for each of the use cases. Every model diagram is created only if it helps in understanding the system better.

Scenarios can be of two types:

  • Success scenario, when everything works fine
  • Error/Alternate scenarios

Let’s see the scenarios for the check-in process:-

Success Scenario: Check-in process getting completed without any issues

  • Individual puts the baggage for check-in and stickers
  • Shows the ticket to the booking clerk at the booking counte
  • The booking clerk enters the PNR number and verifies the data
  • The booking clerk asks for an ID card and verifies
  • The passenger puts the baggage and the weight is checked by the booking clerk
  • The baggage stickers are printed and attached to the baggage
  • The boarding pass is issued to the passenger

Alternate Scenario: Check-in process for Individuals having special needs

  • Identify the passengers with “Special needs”
  • An alert is sent to the customer service desk

There are other alternate scenarios in this case, I am not writing the steps for them. You can try that as exercise.

i. Alternate Scenario: Baggage weight > Allowed limit ii. Alternate Scenario: Valid ID card not available iii. Alternate Scenario: Passenger checks in using Kiosk Having identified the scenarios, the next step is to create the activity diagram.

Step 4: Creating activity diagrams

The activity diagrams can be created on the basis of identified steps and scenarios. You can use a tool to create the activity diagrams or use Microsoft Word or Powerpoint as well.

For our case study, the activity diagram is:

This is a type of case study, which are part of all of our business analysis courses, where we help participants to do it themselves so that they can get hands-on experience.

The use of use cases is an essential technique for business analysts to understand the requirements of stakeholders and build effective software solutions. Through the case study discussed in this article, we have seen how use cases can be applied in real-life scenarios to identify and analyze business requirements, document functional specifications, and develop robust software solutions that meet customer needs.

By following a structured approach to use case development, business analysts can ensure that the software solutions they develop are aligned with business objectives, meet user expectations, and deliver measurable business benefits.

Have you considered getting certified in business analysis but are unsure of which certification to pursue?

Consider getting certified as a Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) by Techcanvass. The CBAP certification is a globally recognized certification that validates your expertise in business analysis and positions you as a leader in the field.

With Techcanvass's CBAP certification training program , you will gain a competitive edge in the job market and open up opportunities for career growth and development. In our training program, we cover tools like UMLet , yUML , and WebSequenceDiagrams . You will get access to all the study material, live instructor-led training, doubt-clearing sessions, and much more.


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Use Case Diagram Tutorial (Guide with Examples)


Use case diagram is a behavioral UML diagram type and frequently used to analyze various systems. They enable you to visualize the different types of roles in a system and how those roles interact with the system. This use case diagram tutorial will cover the following topics and help you create use cases better.

What is a UML Use Case Diagram

Importance of use case diagrams.

  • Use Case Diagram Objects

Use Case Diagram Guidelines

Relationships in use case diagrams, identifying actors, identifying use cases.

  • When to Use “Include”
  • How to Use Generalization
  • When to Use “Extend”
  • Use Case Diagram Templates of Common Scenarios

A UML (Unified Modeling Language) use case diagram is a visual representation of the interactions between actors (users or external systems) and a system under consideration. It depicts the functionality or behavior of a system from the user’s perspective. Use case diagrams capture the functional requirements of a system and help to identify how different actors interact with the system to achieve specific goals or tasks.

Use case diagrams provide a high-level overview of the system’s functionality, showing the different features or capabilities it offers and how users or external systems interact with it. They serve as a communication tool between stakeholders, helping to clarify and validate requirements, identify system boundaries, and support the development and testing processes.

As mentioned before use case diagrams are used to gather a usage requirement of a system. Depending on your requirement you can use that data in different ways. Below are few ways to use them.

  • To identify functions and how roles interact with them – The primary purpose of use case diagrams.
  • For a high-level view of the system – Especially useful when presenting to managers or stakeholders. You can highlight the roles that interact with the system and the functionality provided by the system without going deep into inner workings of the system.
  • To identify internal and external factors – This might sound simple but in large complex projects a system can be identified as an external role in another use case.

Use Case Diagram objects

Use case diagrams consist of 4 objects.

The objects are further explained below.

ActorActor in a use case diagram is any entity that performs a role in one given system. This could be a person, organization or an external system and usually drawn like skeleton shown below.
Use CaseA use case represents a function or an action within the system. It’s drawn as an oval and named with the function.
SystemThe system is used to define the scope of the use case and drawn as a rectangle. This an optional element but useful when you’re visualizing large systems. For example, you can create all the use cases and then use the system object to define the scope covered by your project. Or you can even use it to show the different areas covered in different releases.
PackageThe package is another optional element that is extremely useful in complex diagrams. Similar to class diagrams, packages are used to group together use cases. They are drawn like the image shown below.

Although use case diagrams can be used for various purposes there are some common guidelines you need to follow when drawing use cases.

These include naming standards, directions of arrows, the placing of use cases, usage of system boxes and also proper usage of relationships.

We’ve covered these guidelines in detail in a separate blog post. So go ahead and check out use case diagram guidelines .

There are five types of relationships in a use case diagram. They are

  • Association between an actor and a use case
  • Generalization of an actor
  • Extend relationship between two use cases
  • Include relationship between two use cases
  • Generalization of a use case

We have covered all these relationships in a separate blog post that has examples with images. We will not go into detail in this post but you can check out relationships in use case diagrams .

How to Create a Use Case Diagram

Up to now, you’ve learned about objects, relationships and guidelines that are critical when drawing use case diagrams. I’ll explain the various processes using a banking system as an example.

  • Look for Common Functionality to Reuse

Is it Possible to Generalize Actors and Use Cases

Optional functions or additional functions.

  • Validate and Refine the Diagram

Actors are external entities that interact with your system. It can be a person, another system or an organization. In a banking system, the most obvious actor is the customer. Other actors can be bank employee or cashier depending on the role you’re trying to show in the use case.

An example of an external organization can be the tax authority or the central bank. The loan processor is a good example of an external system associated as an actor.

Now it’s time to identify the use cases. A good way to do this is to identify what the actors need from the system. In a banking system, a customer will need to open accounts, deposit and withdraw funds, request check books and similar functions. So all of these can be considered as use cases.

Top level use cases should always provide a complete function required by an actor. You can extend or include use cases depending on the complexity of the system.

Once you identify the actors and the top level use case you have a basic idea of the system. Now you can fine tune it and add extra layers of detail to it.

Look for Common Functionality to Use ‘Include’

Look for common functionality that can be reused across the system. If you find two or more use cases that share common functionality you can extract the common functions and add it to a separate use case. Then you can connect it via the include relationship to show that it’s always called when the original use case is executed. ( see the diagram for an example ).

There may be instances where actors are associated with similar use cases while triggering a few use cases unique only to them. In such instances, you can generalize the actor to show the inheritance of functions. You can do a similar thing for use case as well.

One of the best examples of this is “Make Payment” use case in a payment system. You can further generalize it to “Pay by Credit Card”, “Pay by Cash”, “Pay by Check” etc. All of them have the attributes and the functionality of payment with special scenarios unique to them.

There are some functions that are triggered optionally. In such cases, you can use the extend relationship and attach an extension rule to it. In the below banking system example “Calculate Bonus” is optional and only triggers when a certain condition is matched.

Extend doesn’t always mean it’s optional. Sometimes the use case connected by extending can supplement the base use case. The thing to remember is that the base use case should be able to perform a function on its own even if the extending use case is not called.

Use Case Diagram for ATM Machine - Use Case Diagram Tutorial

Use Case Diagram Templates

Use Case Diagram for Travel Agency - Use Case Diagram Tutorial

We’ve gone ahead and created use case diagram templates for some common scenarios. Although your problem or scenario won’t be exactly like this you can use them as a starting point. Check out our use case diagram templates .

Questions Regarding the Use Case Diagram Tutorial

We’ve tried to comprehensively cover everything you need to know about creating use case diagrams. If you have doubts about any section or can think of ways to improve this tutorial please let us know in the comments.

More Diagram Tutorials

  • Sequence Diagram Tutorial: Complete Guide with Examples
  • Business Process Modeling Tutorial (BPM Guide Explaining Features)
  • Ultimate Flowchart Guide (Complete Flowchart Tutorial with Examples)

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FAQs on Use Case Diagrams

When to apply use case diagrams.

  • Requirement analysis : Use case diagrams aid in understanding and documenting the functional requirements of a system by identifying actors and their interactions.
  • System design : Use case diagrams provide a high-level overview of system functionality, helping to define scope and design system components.
  • Communication with stakeholders : Use case diagrams facilitate discussions and ensure a shared understanding with stakeholders.
  • Project planning and management : Use case diagrams assist in defining scope, prioritizing requirements, and identifying risks.
  • Test planning : Use case diagrams help identify scenarios and generate test cases for comprehensive test coverage.
  • Documentation : Use case diagrams serve as documentation artifacts for future development, maintenance, and upgrades.

What are the best practices for drawing use case diagrams?

  • Identify actors and use cases : Clearly identify the actors, representing external entities interacting with the system, and the use cases, representing system functionalities.
  • Use descriptive names : Choose meaningful and descriptive names for actors and use cases to ensure clarity and understanding.
  • Define relationships : Establish relationships between actors and use cases to depict their interactions. Use arrows to show the direction of the interaction.
  • Keep it simple : Avoid overcomplicating the diagram by focusing on the most essential actors and use cases. Too many details can make the diagram confusing and less effective.
  • Use appropriate notation : Follow the standard UML notation for use case diagrams, including ovals for use cases, stick figures for actors, and arrows for relationships.
  • Organize and layout : Arrange the actors and use cases in a logical and organized manner, ensuring a clear flow of information. Use lines and connectors to connect related use cases.
  • Use hierarchical structure : If the system has complex functionality, consider using a hierarchical structure with primary use cases at the top level and detailed use cases nested beneath.

What is included and not included in a use case diagram?

In a use case diagram, the following elements are typically included:

  • Actors: Represent external entities interacting with the system.
  • Use cases: Represent specific functionalities or actions performed by the system.
  • Relationships: Connect actors and use cases to show interactions and dependencies.
  • System boundary: Encloses use cases and actors within the scope of the system.
  • Communication paths: Arrows or lines indicating the flow of communication.

On the other hand, use case diagrams do not include the following:

  • Internal system details: Focus on high-level functionality, not specific components.
  • Sequence of actions: No specific order of execution shown.
  • Implementation details: Independent of implementation specifics.
  • User interface details: No depiction of visual design or interface elements.

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Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.

activity diagram case study

UML Use Case Diagram Tutorial

Why use a uml diagram, i want to create my own use case diagram in lucidchart., i want to create a use case diagram from a lucidchart template..

The purpose of a use case diagram in UML is to demonstrate the different ways that a user might interact with a system. Create a professional diagram for nearly any use case using our UML diagram tool.

4 minute read

Do you want to create your own UML diagram? Try Lucidchart. It's fast, easy, and totally free.

What is a use case diagram?

In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a use case diagram can summarize the details of your system's users (also known as actors) and their interactions with the system. To build one, you'll use a set of specialized symbols and connectors. An effective use case diagram can help your team discuss and represent:

Scenarios in which your system or application interacts with people, organizations, or external systems

Goals that your system or application helps those entities (known as actors) achieve

The scope of your system

When to apply use case diagrams

A use case diagram doesn't go into a lot of detail—for example, don't expect it to model the order in which steps are performed. Instead, a proper use case diagram depicts a high-level overview of the relationship between use cases, actors, and systems. Experts recommend that use case diagrams be used to supplement a more descriptive textual use case.

UML is the modeling toolkit that you can use to build your diagrams. Use cases are represented with a labeled oval shape. Stick figures represent actors in the process, and the actor's participation in the system is modeled with a line between the actor and use case. To depict the system boundary, draw a box around the use case itself.

UML use case diagrams are ideal for:

Representing the goals of system-user interactions

Defining and organizing functional requirements in a system

Specifying the context and requirements of a system

Modeling the basic flow of events in a use case

Use Case Diagram Example

Use case diagram components

To answer the question, "What is a use case diagram?" you need to first understand its building blocks. Common components include:

Use case diagram components

Use case diagram symbols and notation

Associations:, system boundary boxes:, use case diagram examples, book publishing use case diagram example.

Use case diagram example

Railway reservation use case diagram example

You can adapt this template for any process where a customer purchases a service. With attractive color schemes, text that’s easy to read and edit, and a wide-ranging UML shape library, you’re ready to go! Click to try out this template on your own.

Use case diagram example

Chainsaw use case diagram example

Consider this example: A man with a chainsaw interacts with the environment around him. Depending on the situation and the context of the situation, he might fall into one of many different use cases. Does he seem to be on his way to work? Is there anything ominous about the way he is wielding his chainsaw? For example, if he is using the chainsaw in a non-occupational setting, we might have reason to think that he falls within the scope of "scary."

UML Use case diagram example

Additional Resources

  • Communication Diagram Tutorial
  • How to Draw a Sequence Diagram in UML
  • All about composite structure diagrams
  • System Sequence Diagrams in UML
  • UML Sequence Diagram Tutorial
  • State Machine Diagram Tutorial
  • All about UML interaction diagrams
  • All about UML package diagrams
  • How to Draw an Object Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a Timing Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a Deployment Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a State Machine Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a Communication Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a Component Diagram in UML
  • How to Draw a Class Diagram in UML
  • Deployment Diagram Tutorial
  • Timing Diagram Tutorial
  • Object Diagram Tutorial
  • UML Activity Diagram Tutorial
  • What is Unified Modeling Language
  • UML Class Diagram Tutorial
  • Component Diagram Tutorial

Use Lucidchart to collaborate and create UML diagrams when you start an account for free today! No plugins or download required.


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