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Creative Writing Support

Undergraduate students interested in developing their skills may choose from a variety of course options. Visit our page on Writing Courses at U of T.

Students interested in developing their skills as creative writers can take advantage of opportunities outside of their courses:

  • Choose a course in creative writing from the wide range of certificate courses offered at the School of Continuing Studies .
  • An excellent way to learn the craft of writing poetry and fiction is to meet with others also interested in improving their craft. The Hart House Literary and Library Committee offers a number of activities for meeting up with other writers. Open to all U of T students.
  • The University of Toronto’s Jack McClelland Writer-in-Residence leads a creative-writing seminar each year. Check the English Department website for more information.
  • Students enrolled at University College or in a UC program course may sign up to meet with UC’s Barker Fairley Distinguished Visitor .

You may also be eligible to enter your creative writing in one of the following competitions:

  • Hart House hosts two annual literary contests : its annual Short Fiction and Poetry Contest. Both contests are open to Hart House Members in good standing, excluding professional writers of fiction and non-fiction and poets who have published a book of poetry. Deadlines are usually early to mid January. Check the website for exact dates. Winning stories and poems will be published in the Hart House Review
  • University College students and students in UC programs may submit work in the categories of Poetry, Drama, Novel, Short Story, and Other Prose to the Norma Epstein Foundation Awards in Creative Writing. The competition is annual; the deadline is May 1. All students currently registered in an undergraduate or graduate degree program may enter the biennial Norma Epstein National Award for Creative Writing , Past UC and National Norma Epstein award winners include David Adams Richards, David Cronenberg, Janice Kulyk Keefer, Anne Michaels, Michael Ondaatje, James Reaney, and Miriam Waddington.
  • U of T students and alumni may enter the U of T Magazine Short Story and Poetry Contest . First prize in each category is $750 plus publication in U of T Magazine.

Creative Writing for Everyone

If you’re looking for a less intensive way than a graduate degree to improve your creative writing, U of T’s School of Continuing Studies offers many options

U of T’s highly selective, and tiny, creative writing MA program isn’t the only route for those looking to unleash their inner voice on the page. Since the mid-1990s, U of T’s School of Continuing Studies has offered creative writing courses; it formalized its creative writing certificate program in 2001.

Lee Gowan took the reins as the program’s director in 2003, and since then it has quadrupled in size. The focus is on process: students are taught elements of narrative and structure, then are given assignments that will get them using what they’ve learned in the classroom. Gowan reports that most of the program’s students are between the ages of 35 and 55, and many speak English as a second (or third or fourth) language.

“We have over 2,000 registrations per year,” says Gowan, and students can choose among courses geared toward different types of creative writing. Among the program’s nearly 100 instructors are such celebrated authors as Dennis Bock, Michael Winter and poet Ken Babstock, who has also been involved with the MA program. Gowan says faculty overlap between the two programs is not uncommon.

Anyone can enrol in creative writing courses at the school, and it has produced its own share of notable alumni. Marina Nemat’s bestselling 2007 memoir Prisoner of Tehran was written during her time in Continuing Studies.

“These courses help people with the craft, they give people a deadline, and they give people a community, which is one of the most important things in a writer’s life,” Gowan says.

“It can really help to have a group to support you and offer feedback to help you to improve.”

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15 Top Creative Writing Courses in Toronto

By Shikha Pandey

creative writing courses in toronto

Are you a resident of the capital city of Ontario and are looking for a writing class?

Below you’ll find 15 top creative writing courses in Toronto.

1. Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing at Humber College

With over 300 alumni who have gone on to become published writers, Humber College is the go-to destination for aspiring authors in Toronto.  As a writer and author, there are different aspects one can need help or guidance with. Polishing your idea, finishing a manuscript, giving your characters the right voice and direction are some levels one can get stuck on. Getting practical, useful advice from experienced writers and professional authors can make a visible difference. If you have written a novel, fiction, non-fiction or poetry and need some encouragement, this course is perfect for you. Published, successful authors such as Margaret Atwood, Martin Amis, Hari Kunzru, Alistair McLeod and Peter Carey have mentored students and graduates in this course. You can access their knowledge, experience and wisdom right from your home! The faculty also includes impressive names like Kim Fu, Dennis Bock, Don Gillmor, and Joseph Kertes. There are intakes in September 2019, January 2020, and May 2020. The course lasts for 2 semesters. The fees for 2018 were $3,363.20 for two semesters. You can use this link to apply for admission.

2. Creative Writing: Introduction at University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

It can be difficult to know which genre or style to pick once you start writing. You need to find your tone, voice, writing style, and depth. A short or quick course can give you instincts, ideas, and suggestions to improve or hone your writing. The University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies has one of the biggest Creative Writing programs and options available for students to choose from. There are almost 90 courses in Writing and Creative Writing! This course is a great starting point for amateurs or young writers trying to find their footing in the industry. While writing is a creative skill, practice and hard work can help improving it in a great way. The course has 32 sections to choose from and taught by different writers and teachers. You can select various sections or choose all the sections to get a comprehensive perspective. Kara Billey Thordarson, Ken Murray, Alexandra Leggat, and Michel Basilieres are some of the faculty members.  The sections start from $599 and you can select the ones suitable for your career or goals. They are listed here along with the respective faculty members.

creative writing classes in toronto

3. Creative Writing: Getting Started at George Brown College

It’s not enough to have a good idea to write a novel. You need to grasp narrative, writing structure, style, characters, and voices to make it worth reading. An introductory course to Creative Writing can boost your confidence and push you in the right direction. Selecting this course will also benefit you by understanding your target audience and ensuring your book is tailored for the market in a favorable manner. Every writer has a distinctive touch and style they should be known for. This intensive yet compact course can provide you with an insight into finding your voice. The course begins on 1 st May 2019 and is on till 31 st July 2019. It costs $343 and you can register using this link on their website.

4. Creative Writing: Novel Writing Level I at The Chang School of Continuing Education

The Chang School of Continuing Education has an entire series of courses in Creative Writing for beginners, intermediate, and advanced writers. Students can choose up to 3 courses to receive a Professional Development Award. The Novel Writing Level I course is the ideal choice for authors to dip their toe into writing or beginning a novel. A lot of writers or students have no trouble beginning to write a novel. The trouble begins when they can’t carry the novel to the end or give it a reasonable middle. A supportive group of like minded students and sensible teacher is present here for you to receive feedback from. Understanding your weaknesses can make you a better writer and give you a new angle on the way you write. You can learn on how to make a novel outline, shape the story and pack a punch with your characters. The instructor is Sarah Sheard for the Spring 2019 term which begins on 29 th April 2019. Find the enrolment dates and instructions available here. The course costs $500 and you can select it by visiting this link.

5. Writers Bootcamp at Start Writing

An intensive 8-week writing workshop that can open your eyes and provide you to intense practice is a boon for writers. Writers of all levels and ages can consider joining this group of writers. A selective group of 10 writers take part in real time writing exercises. These exercises and tips will improve your writing skills, allow you to broaden your horizon and experiment with genres. Constructive and positive feedback is provided by fellow group members during these workshops. The goal of these workshops is to push you to write regularly and practice your craft. The workshops begin 16 th April 2019 and cost $390. You can visit this page to register for the course.

6. Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing at York University

A degree program at an established university can do wonders for your professional career. Creative writing is not something that can be taught but it can be improved upon. Students will be encouraged and supported to build a portfolio of genres from short stories, novels, interactive media, plays, comic books to graphic novels and screenplays. Writing for a wide variety of genres will strengthen your writing and hone your imagination. You will have to choose 1 or 2 genres to specialize in. The 4 year course is available for undergraduate students and can be done full time or part time. Previous alumni and students have gone on to become successful writers and authors and recognized internationally for their work. Admissions are open for Fall 2019 intake. You can visit this link to learn about fees, admission requirements, and how to apply.

7. Creative Writing at Centennial College

A lot of writers and authors are their own fiercest critics. A supportive environment, like the one at Centennial can allow you to be kind and know your limits. It will also provide you with a real sense of where your writing stands currently. Positive reinforcement and ideas are provided to students so they can improve their craft and push themselves to be better. There are multiple options for interested writers to pick from. You can do a course in Script to Screen writing or Journalism should you prefer a particular genre or medium. The course is open to admissions for 2019. You can use this link to learn more about fees and admission requirements.

8. Creative Writing Certificate at University of Guelph

Having a particular milestone and somebody to push you towards it makes a vast difference to a writer. An external motivator and guide can allow you to experiment and take risks without diluting your originality. The Creative Writing Certificate at University of Guelph is a brilliant way to learn from experienced writers and teachers. 6 classroom based courses, two required courses, and a final capstone project are included for you to gain experience. Activities and writing exercises are offered for students to polish their writing and improve their skills. The course is open to writers of 18 years or older and having completed high school. You can use their Student Portal to register for information and learn about fees.

9. Creative Writing at Seneca College

Being part of an exclusive class of writers gives you a platform to shine and receive complete attention. The 3 month Creative Writing course at Seneca College is meant for writers to read, review and critique works of their fellow students. Works by previously published authors and compelling novels are read and evaluated to gain insights from. The faculty members push you to take on genres or styles that you shy away from. Moving out of your comfort zone makes you a better writer and artist. It also strengthens your belief in your capacity and tells you what you can achieve. This class is held at the Newnham campus and costs $313.20. You can add this course to cart and it will guide you to the registration page.

10. Writers’ Co-operative at Toronto Public Library

Writing is a solitary job. It can get exhausting trying to research ideas, write, edit, and then critique on your own. That’s why joining a close knit group of writers or attending workshops can be so beneficial. Toronto Public Library holds regular seminars and workshops for writers of all ages. From trying to help you find inspiration to holding open mics, they manage it all. The Toronto Writers’ Co-operative is held weekly where members can read their works, receive feedback and interact with published authors. The atmosphere and nature of these workshops are informal compared to traditional courses. This can make writers feel comfortable and let them approach authors with ease instead of relying on the teacher-student dynamic. There is no formal structure or approach but a pure focus on the craft and art of writing. You can also join this group if you have writer’s block and need some inspiration or material. The dates are available here and you don’t need to register.

11. Honours Bachelor of Creative Writing and Publishing at Sheridan College

One of the only degree programs in Canada to blend writing and publishing, this course is a must for writers and authors. It makes complete sense that any writer should have awareness and knowledge of the publishing world. This degree will teach you practical and real life things that can be applicable in your professional life. In today’s age, writers have to market and sell their books and ideas. Through this course you will learn how to project your book and idea in the right way to your audience. Literary workshops, events, and meetings are held for budding authors to network and create a supportive community.  Students are asked to edit, write, review, and publish work so they can experience what goes in publishing and printing a novel. The faculty includes published authors, writers who have won awards for writing, editing, and playwriting. The course lasts for 8 semesters and will include electives. The approximate fees for 2 semesters for international students are $16,587 (Canadian dollars). International students can use this link to apply for admission while Canadian students can check this page .

12. Introductory Creative Writing by Quick Brown Fox

Brian Henry is an accomplished editor, blogger, and teacher. He has been in the publishing industry for almost 25 years.  A Creative Writing teacher at Ryerson University , he also runs the popular literary blog Quick Brown Fox. Through his blog, he provides resources, ideas, and tips for writers all over the world. Brian has started an intensive 9 week course to give beginners a glimpse in creative writing. You can be an absolute amateur or somebody struggling with the basics or just wanting to review your skills, this workshop and course will refresh your mind. You can expect to write engaging dialogue, change your tone, and improve your skill. Students offer positive and encouraging feedback to each other and boost their confidence. At $199, the course is worth every penny. Batches begin April 18 th and April 26 th . You can email Brian to reserve a spot and learn more details.

13. Creative Writing at Roxanne Snider’s Creative Writing Workshop

An instructor and writer, Roxanne Snider started her Creative Writing workshops in 2004. Since then they have become a respite for writer and authors in need of inspiration or reassurance. Writing is a very personal and subjective craft. One can never really learn or teach it from courses and textbooks. That’s why this workshop is so essentially because it is tailored for every person. They take the pressure away from the writer and instead ask them to commit to writing. Exercises, prompts, tips, and suggestions are offered for the students and they are expected to engage in discussion and activities. The best writers are often great readers and Roxanne will introduce you to stunning literary talent that you may not have been aware of. The admissions for Spring 2019 are open and the workshop begins on April 11 th . It costs $400. You can email Roxanne for further details and information.

14. Writing for Film & TV at Toronto Film School

A lot of creative writing courses and workshops are heavily skewed towards print and publishing. If you are interested in writing scripts for film or television, you should consider Toronto Film School . The country’s premier media school, it has a course for writers interested in working on scripts and screenplays. Writing for Film & TV will enable you to experience the world behind the screen, the technical knowhow and the difference between print and media. Film and TV writers will attend events and mentor you during the course. Students can be expected to create their shows, films, edit, write, and produce it for projects and credits. Pitches, drafts, screenplays, scripts, and outlines are some of the formats you can hope to learn here. The faculty includes prominent names in the industry such as Adam Till, Ken Chubb, Fern Levitt, and Jonas Chernick. The program fees for each term are $5,745. You can visit their application page to apply for admission for 2019.

15. English: Writing and Communication Concentration at Tyndale University

The combination of English, writing, and communication will completely prepare you for a career as a writer, editor, novelist, and film-maker. You can analyze, edit, review, and critique content while creating it. The course will immerse you in all aspects of creating, writing, and communicating. This allows you to select the profile or role you prefer or are skilled at. You can visit their application page to learn about dates, fees, and requirements.

Are there any other creative writing courses in Toronto you know of? Please tell us about them in the comments box below!

Shikha Pandey is a creative, content and script writer based in Mumbai, India.

Professional Writing and Communication

Professional Writing and Communication

Professional Writing and Communication (PWC) graduates are critical thinkers and flexible, reflective writers and editors who apply their knowledge of rhetoric and language across a range of academic disciplines and professional practices. Students examine the way written and oral communication work in professional, academic, artistic, personal and public settings. Program courses emphasize the multicultural, multi-modal and team-oriented character of professional writing practice. Workshop-style classes give PWC students experience with creative nonfiction, cross-cultural communications, and research-based writing.

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Buzz around campus.

Serah Louis

A night on the town ends with a young woman channeling a Hindu goddess of war to save a friend from attackers. This moment is the turning point in a short story by author Serah Louis, a U of T Mississauga student who is channeling her own South Asian heritage as a notable new voice in Canada’s literary scene.

Reem El-Ajou

When Reem El-Ajou (HBA, ‘20) graduated in the middle of a pandemic, she didn’t expect to see her alma mater again so soon. The U of T Mississauga grad is back on campus, where she is playing an important role supporting the largest mass public vaccination initiative in Canadian history.

Snapshots of UTM

Whether revealing the true identity of an anonymous columnist or unearthing the origins of a renowned theatre program, student journalists are preserving U of T Mississauga history, one story at a time. Now those stories live on in the 2020 edition of Compass, a journal produced by students in UTM’s Professional Writing and Communication (PWC) program.

Sample Courses

This course examines principles and practices in journalistic investigation and writing, and provides an introduction to the main socio-political issues related to contemporary journalism.

This course offers the skills and techniques needed to script, record and publish podcasts to the Web. Students will design and carry out original primary research to script, edit and produce independent podcasts.

Examines principles, procedures and practices in book publishing. Students, working collaboratively, will collect material for, design, edit, typeset, print and assemble books.

  • ICCIT Council

Other Programs to Consider

Communication, Culture, Information & Technology

Communication, Culture, Information & Technology

Communication, Culture Information & Technology (CCIT) is an undergraduate interdisciplinary major program, the curriculum for which provides students with a foundation in the analysis, evaluation and interpretation of communication and digital media using appropriate methodologies. CCIT provides students the opportunity to design a range of communication media and digital artifacts suitable for collaboration, communication, learning, and exploration.

Digital Enterprise Management

Digital Enterprise Management

Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) is a specialist program, providing students with the skills and knowledge for utilizing digital technologies to solve business management and organizational problems in creative and innovative ways. Students study, build, and critically analyze enterprise-grade emerging technologies in addition to studying the traditional managerial fields such as finance, law, economics, organizational studies, risk management, design, and project management.

Technology, Coding & Society

Technology, Coding & Society

The Technology, Coding, and Society (TCS) major program focuses on the impact of technologies, including hardware, platform and associated software, on people and on society more generally. Students learn essential computer coding skills, are taught theories on the use of digital platforms from humanistic and social science perspectives, learn to analyze the data that digital platforms produce, and then apply these concepts through practical labs and through optional work-integrated learning opportunities.

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Creative Writing

The Banff Centre’s Literary Arts department offers writers and publishers unique courses to develop their professional skills. Participants can choose from a variety of residencies, workshops, retreats, internships, and special projects.

The University of Alberta offers a minor BA in Creative Writing and a Combined Honours degree in Creative Writing. The university also emphasizes community outreach with its long-running Writer-in-Residence Program.

The University of Alberta offers a certificate in Writing and Editing through the Faculty of Extension. Students may choose from a variety of short, non-credit courses covering a wide range of writing, editing, and publishing topics.

The University of Calgary offers a bachelor degree in Creative Writing, as well as an MA and a PhD in English with a creative thesis option.

British Columbia

Langara’s Creative Writing program explores poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, and stageplay. In a reading and writing-rich environment, you will be challenged to express yourself through different voices as you study a variety of forms and techniques.

Break through writer’s block, perfect your prose, and unleash the writer within. Continuing Studies creative writing courses tackle a variety of subjects, including food writing, blogging, novels, short stories, and screenplays.

The two-year diploma in Writing and Publishing offered by Okanagan College provides a solid foundation in four areas: creative and literary writing, publishing, communications and business.

Simon Fraser University’s Writing and Publishing Program offers The Writer’s Studio: A Certificate in Creative Writing. The part-time, one-year program, provides students with sustained training in the genre of their choice.

The University of British Columbia offers a BFA and an MFA in Creative Writing, with study in nine literary genres, as well as a distance education BFA program. Students are required to work in three genres to better develop their skills.

The University of Victoria offers either a BA or a BFA in Writing. The Department of Writing focuses on workshops, lectures, and writer visits and covers all genres.

Undergraduates at Vancouver Island University can take a BA Major or Minor in Creative Writing through the Department of Creative Writing and Journalism. All genres are studied, and students have the opportunity to learn about the publishing industry.

The University of Winnipeg offers several English degrees, including a four-year BA with a specialization in Creative Writing. Courses cover fiction, poetry, and children’s literature.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Memorial University offers the Diploma in Creative Writing as a means of augmenting a degree program. Students learn to write for different genres and focus on critiquing and editing their own compositions.

New Brunswick

The University of New Brunswick offers a Creative Writing option in both the English BA Major and BA Honours programs. The Department of English also offers an MA in Creative Writing and encourages graduate students to contribute to The Fiddlehead.

Nova Scotia

The Department of English at Dalhousie University offers all students the opportunity to take the Creative Writing Concentration in addition to a regular course of study, resulting in a Double Major BA or Combined Honours BA.

Algonquin College’s year-long graduate certificate in Scriptwriting program provides students with the experience to produce scripts for stage, film, television, broadcast and non-broadcast video, new media, and radio.

George Brown College offers Novel Writing Certificate and Story Writing Certificate programs through its continuing education department. Students have the option to attend classes on site or through distance education.

Humber College’s School of Creative & Performing Arts offers creative writing graduate certificates in two different areas: Comic Scriptwriting and Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry.

Humber’s Centre of Excellence in Writing and Publishing offers two part-time graduate certificate programs: Creative Writing by Correspondence and the Humber School for Writers Summer Workshop.

The Humber School of Writers offers a Creative Writing program aimed at serious writers looking to develop book-length manuscripts. This correspondence course runs for 30 weeks and employs well-known authors as student mentors.

Trent University offers a Certificate in Creative Writing course for continuing education students. The curriculum includes a range of courses as well as a four-month mentorship program during which the student works closely with a published author.

The University of Toronto offers an MA in English in the Field of Creative Writing. Students participate in writing workshops and a writing project in their chosen genre.

The School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto offers a Certificate in Creative Writing program. Participants specialize in a particular genre or style, choosing from creative non-fiction, drama, poetry, short fiction, novels, screenplays,

The University of Western Ontario offers both a certificate in Creative Writing for those who have not graduated from university and a diploma in Creative Writing for those who hold an undergraduate degree.

In York University‘s Program in Creative Writing, students have the flexibility to complete their BAs as a major, a minor, or a variety of other interdisciplinary combinations.

Prince Edward Island

The English department of the University of Prince Edward Island offers a BA in English with a special interest in Creative Writing. The Centre of Life-Long Learning at UPEI also occasionally offers short, non-credit courses in creative writing.

Concordia University’s Department of English offers an undergraduate degree in Creative Writing. Classes include small workshops in which students learn about poetry, fiction, drama, scriptwriting and editing with published writers.

Concordia University offers a three-year undergraduate degree in Playwriting. Students receive a grounding in the necessary writing skills and are introduced to all aspects of the theatre, including acting, administration and design.

The Université de Montréal offers a bachelor in screenwriting and creative writing. Students are introduced to various forms and styles of writing, including writing for television and film, novels, journalism, poetry, and theatre.

The Université du Québec à Montréal offers a certificate in creative writing. Students examine French-language poetry, narrative genres, and essays.


The Sage Hill Writing Experience is a rural writing retreat open to writers of all ages and levels. Short programs for adults and teens are offered through the summer.

The University of Regina offers an undergraduate degree in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. The Department of English also offers an MA with a specialization in Creative Writing.

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Creative Writing at the University of Toronto Scarborough

Discover your unique literary voice at U of T Scarborough, the only U of T campus where you can earn a major in creative writing. You’ll produce work in genres spanning poetry, fiction, non-fiction, screenwriting and comics, and get extensive feedback from renowned faculty and visiting writers. You’ll graduate not only with the skills to continue developing as a writer, but with the knowledge to turn your passion into your profession, be it through editing, communications, marketing and many more fields.  

Our dedicated faculty are active and award-winning writers who take a workshop-based, experiential approach to their courses, and emphasize diversity in texts and methods. That means you’ll get hands-on experience exploring classic and contemporary authors while taking the exciting first steps towards building your own writing practice.  

  • Creative Writing: Writing for Comics
  • Creative Writing: The Art of the Personal Essay
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Creative Writing

Note: This course series is currently under review. If you’re interested in this course series or learning more about creative writing, reach out to our Client Services team at [email protected] .

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Required courses (select 3).

  • CWWR 110 Introduction To Creative Writing
  • CWWR 120 Writing Poetry
  • CWWR 130 Creative Nonfiction Essay Writing
  • CWWR 336 True to Life: Writing Your Own Story
  • CWWR 410 Short Fiction Writing - Level I
  • CWWR 411 Short Fiction Writing - Level II
  • CWWR 415 Fiction and Non-Fiction Writing
  • CWWR 420 Novel Writing - Level I
  • CWWR 446 Writing Television Situation Comedy
  • CWWR 514 Works In Progress: One-On-One Creative Writing Workshop

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  1. University of Toronto creative writing course 2022: University of

    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing

  2. Writing for Children

    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing

  3. University of toronto continuing education creative writing certificate

    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing

  4. University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies on Behance

    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing

  5. University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing


    university of toronto school of continuing studies creative writing


  1. U of T Scarborough: Arts, Science Degrees (R–Z) Spring 2023 Convocation

  2. U of T Scarborough: Arts, Science Degrees (A–H) Spring 2023 Convocation

  3. Emory Continuing Education Creative Writing Certificate Program Graduate

  4. Experience Rich Arts and Culture at the University of Toronto

  5. 426 University Ave, Toronto


  1. Creative Writing

    Embrace the unknown and start your journey here. As part of one of the largest Creative Writing programs in Canada, you can learn the essentials of excellent writing and put them into practice. Whether you aspire to write a novel or short story, explore poetry, pen a script or screenplay, or explore other writing styles, we have the courses you ...

  2. Creative Writing

    Upon completing your certificate requirements, you must request your certificate by submitting a Certificate Request Form. Good writing can be learned, with guidance from patient professional authors and a supportive community. If the time has come for you to get serious about your writing, the Certificate in Creative Wri...

  3. Writing Courses at the University of Toronto

    The School of Continuing Studies offers a wide array of certificate courses both to U of T students and to the wider public on business communication, creative writing, and English as a second language. Discounts on part-time English Language Program courses apply to U of T students and postdoctoral fellows.

  4. Creative Writing Support

    Choose a course in creative writing from the wide range of certificate courses offered at the School of Continuing Studies. An excellent way to learn the craft of writing poetry and fiction is to meet with others also interested in improving their craft. The Hart House Literary and Library Committee offers a number of activities for meeting up ...

  5. Creative Writing for Everyone

    June 18, 2014. U of T's highly selective, and tiny, creative writing MA program isn't the only route for those looking to unleash their inner voice on the page. Since the mid-1990s, U of T's School of Continuing Studies has offered creative writing courses; it formalized its creative writing certificate program in 2001.

  6. Major in Creative Writing

    Program Requirements. Students in the Major must complete 7.5 credits as follows: 1. 3.0 credits: ENGA03H3 Introduction to Creative Writing. ENGB60H3 Creative Writing: Poetry I. ENGB61H3 Creative Writing: Fiction I. ENGB63H3 Creative Non-Fiction I. ENGD95H3 Creative Writing as a Profession.

  7. Creative Writing at UTSC

    Welcome to the Creative Writing program at UTSC English! Embark on your journey as a writer with either our major or minor program. Our program is workshop-based and takes an experiential approach to the study and practice of the literary arts. This approach allows you to thrive in a supportive and personalized writing environment, benefiting ...

  8. Introducing the Creative Writing Major!

    The Major involves a new introductory A-level creative writing class (ENGA03: Introduction to Creative Writing) as well as a focus on professionalization (e.g. ENGD95: Creative Writing as a Profession). With our two new creative writing professors, students can also expect a variety of new courses and genres to explore. Creative writing alumni ...

  9. Creative Non-Fiction

    About this program. Creative non-fiction tells factual stories in a literary style. Acquire the tools to tell the true stories that matter to you by taking courses from some of Canada's most celebrated writers and earn a Certificate in Creative Writing or a Certificate in Multimedia Journalism. Registration makes you eligible to enter all of ...

  10. 1664

    Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrolment. Please request a notification below so that we may promptly notify you when enrolment opens. If you're just getting started as a writer and haven't yet decided on a literary direction, this course gives you the opportunity to try a number of different genres. Half ...

  11. 15 Top Creative Writing Courses in Toronto

    The University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies has one of the biggest Creative Writing programs and options available for students to choose from. There are almost 90 courses in Writing and Creative Writing! ... The Creative Writing Certificate at University of Guelph is a brilliant way to learn from experienced writers and teachers. 6 ...

  12. Professional Writing and Communication

    Read about U of T's Statement of Land Acknowledgement. Professional Writing and Communication (PWC) graduates are critical thinkers and flexible, reflective writers and editors who apply their knowledge of rhetoric and language across a range of academic disciplines and professional practices. Students examine the way written and oral ...

  13. School of Continuing Studies

    At the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies, we believe lifelong learning is the key to help you break free and move forward. whether you're adapting to changing employment demands, enhancing your skills and knowledge, or embarking on new and exciting creative pathways. Join us and transform your journey into one of growth ...

  14. Creative Writing Major

    Considering grad school? Speak to professors and advisors early so you are on track. ... Creative Writing Librarian: Chad Crichton, [email protected], [email protected]; Academic Advising & Career Centre: ... University of Toronto Scarborough 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON. Canada, M1C 1A4, Ph. (416) 287 8872.

  15. Creative Writing

    Transforming continuing education by offering career-related certificates, support services, and career advising that address the needs of continuous learners. ... CWWR 110 - Introduction To Creative Writing : CWWR 120 - Writing Poetry : ... Toronto Metropolitan University. 350 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 416-979-5035 [email protected].

  16. Creative Writing

    The School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto offers a Certificate in Creative Writing program. Participants specialize in a particular genre or style, choosing from creative non-fiction, drama, poetry, short fiction, novels, screenplays, University of Western Ontario Writing Program The University of Western Ontario offers both ...

  17. Creative Writing at the University of Toronto Scarborough

    Develop your craft in a practical way. Be supported, encouraged and challenged as you explore any genre that interests you, be it poetry, fiction, memoir, literary journalism, screenplays, graphic novels, comics and more. Our major program emphasizes the professional side of writing. Each year you'll work with a new writer-in-residence.

  18. Creative Writing

    If you're interested in this course series or learning more about creative writing, reach out to our Client Services team at [email protected]. The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education, Toronto Metropolitan University. 350 Victoria Street. Toronto, ON M5B 2K3. 416-979-5035.

  19. Creative Writing, School of Continuing Studies

    The Creative Writing, School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto on Academia.edu

  20. U of T Summer Writing School

    Join a supportive community of emerging writers from around the world in our five-day intensive workshops. This year we have Summer Writing School courses offered both In-class and Online. Learn from some of Canada's most successful writers including Joy Fielding, Ann YK Choi, Ayelet Tsabari, Laura Pratt, Anuja Varghese, Cary Fagan, Stuart Ross ...

  21. Creative Writing Final Project Tutorial

    This is the final component of the Certificate in Creative Writing. Working with an SCS instructor for a maximum of five months, you'll revise and polish a work in your chosen genre: poetry, drama, sc...