School of Social Work

Two women chatting on a couch.

Health and Mental Health Social Work

Healthcare or medical social workers specialize in public health, disability, geriatric, palliative, and inpatient medical or mental health care. They work in hospitals or other specialized medical settings like nursing homes, rehabilitative care centers, or related home-care services like hospice care.

Some medical social workers are very specialized (for example, a social worker who serves only patients awaiting transplants or persons with intellectual disability) while others may serve a larger variety of clients with ongoing medical issues. Medical social workers often collaborate with other medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, discharge coordinators, administrative staff and physical therapists as part of an interdisciplinary team.

Social workers also deliver mental health care. Mental health therapy can be provided by a variety of mental health practitioners, but licensed clinical social workers are trained in community-based interventions as well as psychotherapy, while other mental health professionals often receive training that more narrowly focuses on mental health diagnosis and treatment.

For more information on specializing in Health Care or Mental Health Care, consult with your School of Social Work advisor .

Alcohol and Drug Counseling

Social workers regularly encounter individuals, families, and communities affected by substance use disorders (SUDs). Many social workers specialize in helping people who use alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, while others provide services to individuals and their families in other contexts where SUDs are often integral to the clients’ presenting problems. These settings can include health and mental health centers, hospitals, child welfare and aging services, courts and correctional facilities, employee assistance programs, and private practices. 

Students interested in developing expertise in substance use and abuse counseling are encouraged to take courses that will allow them to apply for the state of Iowa Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC). Students may apply for Temporary Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (tCADC) or, after graduation, the CADC. 

For more information on specializing in Alcohol and Drug Counseling, contact Kate Kemp , Program Administrator.

Couples and Family Therapy

Social workers who provide therapy for individuals, couples, or families are considered highly trained mental health professionals, and they specialize in evaluating, diagnosing and treating a range of marital and family problems, including those between spouses, partners, parents and children, and siblings.

An MSW who hopes to become a clinician in marital and family therapy must pursue credentials to practice as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). As an LCSW, any social worker can work in a clinical capacity evaluating the emotional and relational dynamics of family struggles.

For more information on specializing in Couples and Family Therapy, contact Kate Kemp , Program Administrator.

University Counseling Service

Gihun im, m.a..

Anticipated 2029 – University of Iowa, Ph.D. Student in Counseling Psychology

2024 – Seoul National University, M.A. in Educational Counseling

2018 – Chung-Ang University, B.A. in English Education | B.A. in Psychology (dual degree)

Approach to Therapy

As a therapist, I use a variety of approaches including cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, solution-focused, and dialectical-behavioral methods, all within a client-centered framework that values curiosity and flexibility. Being part of the LGBTQ+ community and an Asian international student, I recognize the importance of considering how different aspects of our identities intersect. My goal is to address, embrace, and empower the unique complexities you bring to therapy with compassion and understanding.

Experience and Clinical Interest

With over three years of experience as a school counselor in South Korea and a two-year practicum at a university counseling center during my master’s studies, I have worked with a diverse range of clients, from elementary students to graduate students. My clinical interests are broad, including depression, anxiety, interpersonal issues, multicultural concerns, career development, sexual orientation and gender identity, family dynamics, adjustment issues, trauma, grief, and life transitions. I am particularly excited to explore and discuss the complexities of multiple identities, power dynamics, oppression, and liberation in therapy. I believe in the transformative power of therapy to help clients reclaim their voices and empower themselves, especially those affected by interpersonal and societal oppression. My research has also focused on the experiences of marginalized individuals, particularly within the LGBTQ+ community.

Photo of Gihun

Current enrolled students can call University Counseling Service at 319-335-7294 to schedule an appointment. Initial Consultation appointments can also be scheduled online. Students must be in the state of Iowa to attend virtual/Zoom appointments.

university of iowa phd counselor education

General Catalog

Counselor education, phd.

university of iowa phd counselor education

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

Maintaining Good Standing

PhD students in the Department of Counselor Education must meet the following standards in order to remain in their degree programs and advance to candidacy and remain a candidate for a degree:

  • maintain a grade-point average (GPA) of at least 3.00;
  • successfully complete a practicum, internship, or equivalent professional experience;
  • maintain professional behavior consistent with the ACA Code of Ethics (American Counseling Association) and any additional code of professional ethics adhered to in any agency in which a student completes a practicum or internship; and
  • demonstrate progress toward the degree through successful completion of semester hours specified in the curriculum plan and active registration each session (exceptions may be approved by the advisor).

Each student's academic and professional progress is reviewed annually.

Probational Status

Students who earn a cumulative GPA lower than 3.00 are placed on probational status and are notified in writing. Students on probational status have two consecutive sessions to raise their grade-point average to the established standard. If that requirement is not met, a student may be removed from the program. Students are allowed one probational status during their program of study.

Learning Outcomes

Department standards.

The following are the standards of the Department of Counselor Education at the University of Iowa, which are the key performance indicators for PhD students:

  • acquire the awareness, knowledge, and skills of a professional counselor and/or counselor educator;
  • develop a process of ongoing reflective practice in relation to cultural humility and the profession’s multicultural, social justice, and ethical counseling competencies and education;
  • develop counseling skills that will address problems in living from a developmental/life span approach;
  • cultivate a commitment to ethical practices and behavior in counseling, counselor education, supervision, and research; and
  • acquire an understanding of the social, vocational, educational, and psychological needs of individuals served in various settings such as schools, vocational, or counseling centers.

The Doctor of Philosophy program in counselor education with a counselor education and supervision (CES) subprogram requires a minimum of 72 s.h. of graduate credit. The program provides students with knowledge and skills related to general counseling (including mental health and school counseling), teaching, consulting, supervising counselors, and conducting research. Graduates enter professional work as counselors, counselor supervisors, counselor educators, researchers and/or consultants, or work in other positions requiring expertise in human relations.

Counselor education and supervision graduates are prepared to teach the knowledge and skills required of professional counselors and to supervise beginning and advanced counselors, perform counseling interventions with individuals and groups, and teach human relations skills in colleges or universities. They provide professional consultation with counseling practitioners, educators, and policymakers about counseling program development and evaluation. They also may perform research that contributes to knowledge about counseling, supervision, and counselor education.

The program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The American Counseling Association (ACA) and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) are the professional organizations most related to program activities.

The curriculum includes required courses in counseling, in research tools and applications, and a dissertation.

Most students complete their coursework in three years and take a fourth year to complete the dissertation. Students who have not completed a master's degree program approved by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) may need to remedy deficiencies by taking appropriate coursework at the master's degree level.

The PhD in counselor education with a counselor education and supervision subprogram requires the following work.

Required Courses

Course List
Course # Title Hours
All of these:
Research and Scholarship Internship1-3
or  Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships
Advanced Career Development and Counseling3
Essentials of Qualitative Inquiry (or collegiate equivalent)3
Advanced Counseling and Psychotherapy3
Advanced Practicum in Counseling3
Internship in Teaching3
or  Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education3
or  Seminar in College Teaching
Seminar: Ethics and Issues in Counseling3
Advanced Social Psychology of Disability3
Advanced Multiculturalism3
Supervision Theory and Practice3
Internship in Supervision3
or  Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships
Seminar: Professional Orientation to Counselor Education, Supervision, Leadership, and Advocacy4
Seminar: Issues and Trends in Counseling Research4
Seminar: Research in Counseling3
Intermediate Statistical Methods3
Program Evaluation3

Required Research Courses

Students must complete a specific sequence of research courses including distributed coursework in both qualitative and quantitative areas. In consultation with the academic advisor, they select from basic and advanced doctoral research courses listed under  CES Doctoral Research Requirements on the Department of Counselor Education website.

Elective Minor Area

Students can elect to take a series of courses, typically a minimum of three, outside the Department of Counselor Education (in consultation with a major and minor advisor) to enhance and support their teaching and research interests.

Master's Thesis Project or Equivalent

Students are required to submit a previously conducted master's thesis for faculty review and approval or to complete a new supervised experiential research project before taking comprehensive exams. Students without an approved MA or MS thesis enroll in the following.

Course List
Course # Title Hours
Research and Scholarship Internship1-3
or  Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships

Comprehensive Examination

The comprehensive examination consists of an oral defense of a student's portfolio, which covers six professional competency domains in counselor education, and an exam on the minor area. The examination may be taken during a student's final semester of coursework.


The major research project culminating in the doctoral thesis may be on any topic related to counseling and counselor education. The thesis advisor and the examining committee approve the topic and procedures at a formal prospectus meeting. The final oral examination on the thesis is conducted by the examining committee. Students usually earn 10 s.h. for dissertation work, but in some instances they may earn up to 15 s.h. The dissertation committee must include at least two counselor education and supervision faculty members.

Course List
Course # Title Hours
PhD Thesis10-15

Applicants must meet the department's general admission requirements. In addition, applicants must provide evidence of successful experience in counseling or a closely related profession. Applicants without experience may be admitted if their credentials indicate exceptional strengths.

Applicants also must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate College; see the Manual of Rules and Regulations on the Graduate College website. Applicants must meet the department's general admission requirements.

Sample Plan of Study

Sample plans represent one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. For additional sample plans, see MyUI .

Plan of Study Grid (Manual)
Academic Career
Any SemesterHours
72 s.h. must be graduate level coursework; graduate transfer credits allowed upon approval. More information is included in the General Catalog and on department website.
Students are required to submit a previously conducted master's thesis for faculty review and approval or to complete a new supervised experiential research project before taking comprehensive exams. Students without an approved MA or MS thesis should enroll in Research and Scholarship Internship or CES Doctoral Integrated Prof Internships.
Students can elect to take a series of courses, typically a minimum of three, outside the Department of Counselor Education (in consultation with a major or minor advisor) to enhance and support their teaching and research interests.
First Year
Create a MyPlan
Advanced Career Development and Counseling 3
Seminar: Professional Orientation to Counselor Education, Supervision, Leadership, and Advocacy 4
Intermediate Statistical Methods 3
Essentials of Qualitative Inquiry 3

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Seminar: Ethics and Issues in Counseling 3
Advanced Multiculturalism 3
Second Year
Advanced Counseling and Psychotherapy 3
Advanced Practicum in Counseling 3
Seminar: Issues and Trends in Counseling Research 4
Advanced Quantitative/Qualitative Research course 3
Advanced Social Psychology of Disability 3
Supervision Theory and Practice 3
Advanced Quantitative/Qualitative Research course 3
Third Year
Any Semester
Exam: Doctoral Comprehensive Exam
Dissertation Prospectus Defense

Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships

Internship in Teaching
Program Evaluation 3

Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships
Seminar: Research in Counseling 3
Fourth Year
PhD Thesis 7
PhD Thesis 6
Exam: Doctoral Final Exam
 Total Hours72

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Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

110 credits

American Psychological Association

November 15, 2024

June 30, 2025

  • In-State - $12,540
  • Out-of-State - $26,490

Tradition meets innovation in Counseling Psychology, Ph.D., a collaborative program that is jointly housed in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education and the Department of Psychology. This unique partnership offers students a diverse and interdisciplinary learning environment. You will receive rigorous training through a variety of modalities, including general psychology courses, small counseling psychology seminars, research, and applied counseling experiences with intensive personalized supervision.

Counseling Psychology, Ph.D. is recognized as one of the oldest programs in the nation, having been continuously accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1953.

Ideal candidates possess a blend of academic excellence, a passion for psychological research and practice, and a commitment to multicultural competence and social justice.

Are you ready to become a well-rounded psychologist equipped to make a real-world impact?

Key Features

  • Scientist-Practitioner Model : Integrates rigorous research training with advanced clinical practice, preparing students for careers in academia, research, and clinical settings.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum : Includes general psychology courses, small-group counseling seminars, research methods, and supervised counseling experiences tailored to individual career goals.
  • Proximity to Resources : Located near Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, students benefit from access to major research institutions and cultural diversity.
  • Departmental Collaboration : Enjoy a supportive cohort environment, with tailored experiences and funding opportunities.
  • Develop skills in conducting independent scholarly research that advances psychological and professional knowledge.
  • Establish effective therapeutic relationships and demonstrate competence in delivering psychological services.
  • Apply the scientist-practitioner model to integrate empirical research with clinical practice in counseling psychology.
  • Demonstrate awareness and proficiency in working with diverse populations, integrating individual and cultural differences into therapeutic approaches.
  • Gain multicultural and social justice advocacy tools to be able to provide culturally competent individual therapy, group therapy, and systems-levels interventions to diverse populations.

Information on admissions and application to this program can be found on the University Graduate Admissions website. We admit 3-6 students per year. 

Admission Requirements           Guide to Applying

Our program is a big commitment. If your answers to the following questions are "yes," then our program may be a good fit for you.

Are you interested in developing your research skills?  Research is a part of everyday life in our program. Students are expected to be active in research throughout their doctoral program, and coursework is designed to encourage students to discover connections between research and practice. Students whose research interests match one or more of our faculty members may find our training program particularly rewarding. Conversely, our program probably would not be a good fit for people who have little interest in conducting research and building their research skills.   Are you most interested in counseling adult populations? Our courses on counseling and assessment focus on working with clients who are young adults or older. Most of our practicum courses involve working with clients in the University of Maryland Counseling Center, all of whom are university students. For these reasons, our program is not a good choice for people who wish to focus their training on children and adolescents.  Are you more interested in counseling than assessment and testing? Our training program emphasizes counseling over assessment and testing. We do offer a solid introduction to assessment and testing; however, our two course assessment sequence is designed only to help students achieve basic competence in cognitive, personality, and career assessment. In contrast, our curriculum gives students intensive training in counseling over their first three years of the program; students gain additional counseling experience in externship placements (typically starting in their third year). Students with a strong interest in assessment can seek outside training experiences in psychiatric settings, such as the Veterans Affairs hospitals and state psychiatric hospitals. Do you resonate with the values and traditions of counseling psychology? Our curriculum, training model, and research all reflect a strong connection to the main unifying themes of counseling psychology: focus on assets and strengths, person–environment interactions, educational and career development, social justice and diversity, and a focus on intact personalities. As a result, little class time is spent studying severe psychopathology and the medical model of assessment and treatment. Our students with a strong interest in psychopathology can seek outside training experiences in psychiatric settings, such as the Veterans Affairs hospitals and state psychiatric hospitals.   Do you want to be part of a multicultural training environment? We strive to create an inclusive training environment that promotes multicultural self-awareness, knowledge, skills, and experiences that enable our graduates to develop and share knowledge regarding multicultural issues as well as to provide culturally sensitive services to a variety of individuals in our society and abroad. The process of deepening one’s awareness and understanding of multicultural diversity is inherently challenging. Our program is a good match for students who wish to embrace this challenge. Are you ready for at least 5 years of graduate training? Most of our students complete their doctorate in 6 years, though a minority earn their degree in 5 years (< 10% in recent years). Our program fits best for people who enjoy being in school. People who prefer a briefer graduate school experience might be more satisfied in a master's program in counseling or related fields, which are typically designed to be completed in two years. Links to directories of master's programs are available on our FAQ page . 

Sharon Fries-Britt, Distinguished University Professor

Courses, research and practical elements in this program are carefully selected to give you a well-rounded education, preparing you to excel in your career and make meaningful contributions to your field. 

For full details on curriculum and program requirements, view the handbook.

Counseling Psychology Handbook

Our distinguished faculty bring expertise in areas such as psychotherapy outcomes, multicultural psychology, vocational psychology and interpersonal relationships.

View Faculty List

Jioni Lewis

Sep 17 Graduate Fair Expo Sep 17, 2024 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Graduate Admissions

Aerial photo of University of Iowa campus

Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA)

The MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling prepares professional counselors to assist persons with psychiatric disabilities and mental health conditions by coordinating resources and providing services.

Applicants must meet the  Admission Requirements of the Graduate College  and the department offering the degree program (review the department's web site or the General Catalog for departmental requirements).

Tuition and fees vary by degree program and the type of student you are.

Priority will be given to students applying by January 15th. After this date, applications will be reviewed as they are received until the student cohort has been finalized.

Interviews will begin mid-February and continue through mid-March.

Applicants can expect admissions decisions to be sent between March and April.

The graduate application process has two steps:

  • You must first submit the online application to the Graduate College and pay the $60 application fee by credit card ($100 for international applicants).
  • Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an email instructing you on how to upload your supporting documents and submit letters of recommendation. A few programs require materials to be sent directly to them. However, almost all supplemental material can and should be uploaded from your Admissions Profile in MyUI , our online service center for applicants and students. You can only access this AFTER you have submitted your application.

GRE scores are not required for this program.

Degree Program Supplemental Materials:

  • A statement of purpose, including a statement of your personal career objectives
  • A current resume


The application requirement section of your Profile includes an electronic letter of recommendation feature. If your program of study requires letters of recommendation, you will be asked to give the contact information of your recommenders including their email on your Admissions Profile. The recommender will then get an email giving them instructions on how to upload the recommendation letter and/or form.

  • Three letters of recommendation

Materials to send to Admissions:

  • A set of your unofficial academic records/transcripts uploaded on your Admissions Profile. If you are admitted, official transcripts will be required before your enrollment. For international records, all records should bear the original stamp or seal of the institution and the signature of a school official.  Documents not in English must be accompanied by a complete, literal, English translation, certified by the issuing institution.
  • International students may also be required to submit TOEFL, IELTS, or DuoLingo scores to comply with the university's English Language Proficiency Requirements .
  • Once recommended for admission, international students must send a  Financial Statement .

Apply Online , the $60 application fee ($100 for international students) is payable by Discover, MasterCard, or Visa.

College of Education The University of Iowa N310 Lindquist Center Iowa City, IA 52242  [email protected] 1-319-335-5359

Enrollment Management The University of Iowa 2900 University Capitol Centre 201 S. Clinton St. Iowa City, IA 52242 [email protected] 1-319-335-1523

university of iowa phd counselor education

General Catalog

Counselor education courses (csed).

This is the first version of the 2024–25 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. The final edition and the historical PDF will be published during the fall semester.

CSED Courses

This is a list of courses with the subject code CSED. For more information, see Counselor Education (College of Education) in the catalog.

CSED:1029 First-Year Seminar 1 s.h.

Small discussion class taught by a faculty member; topics chosen by instructor; may include outside activities (e.g., films, lectures, performances, readings, visits to research facilities). Requirements: first- or second-semester standing.

CSED:1030 Belin-Blank Center Seminar 1 s.h.

Presentations and discussions by university resource experts and Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education staff. Requirements: Bucksbaum Early Entrance Academy student.

CSED:1101 Introduction to the Helping Professions 3 s.h.

Provides an overview of the helping professions and career opportunities in the human services field. Students explore fields of practice such as aging, corrections, counseling, psychology, alcohol and other drug abuse, child welfare, mental health, and disabilities. Intended to help students create awareness and actively research career paths, academic preparation, and service delivery within the helping professions. Same as PSQF:1101 .

CSED:1102 Helping Skills for Community Settings 3 s.h.

Helping skills for working in a variety of community settings. Focus on communication, problem-solving, and interviewing skills, as well as entry-level techniques such as mindfulness and resume-building opportunities such as Iowa Mandatory Reporter training and QPR (question, persuade, refer). Emphasis on working in settings with people with disabilities and mental health diagnoses. Prerequisites: CSED:1101 or PSQF:1101 . Same as PSQF:1102 .

CSED:1103 Introduction to Assessment in Counseling and Behavioral Health 3 s.h.

Within the helping professions, assessment is used to identify individual traits, needs, measure the effectiveness of interventions, and to determine eligibility for programs and services. This course provides an introduction to assessment methods, procedures, and tools used in the helping professions. Students will learn about basic psychometric concepts related to assessment and proper and ethical assessment procedures. Emphasis will be placed on assessments traditionally used in the helping professions within the domains of vocational or career attainment, education, mental health, healthcare satisfaction among others. Same as PSQF:1103 .

CSED:2081 Making a Vocational-Educational Choice 2-3 s.h.

Vocational decision-making process, self-evaluation, exploration of the world of work; for students who are uncertain about their educational and vocational goals.

CSED:4109 Introduction to Athlete Mental Health 3 s.h.

Overview of athlete mental health with emphasis on support services for high school and collegiate student-athletes as well as professional athletes; introduction to key players/stakeholders, ethical considerations, potential career paths for those pursuing careers in this industry, and importance of addressing mental health needs of athletes at all levels of sport participation.

CSED:4110 Psychology of Food and Mood 3 s.h.

Neurobehavioral and psychological determinants of food preference, behavior, and mood management; cultural meanings of food in North America, obesity, dieting, disordered eating; how we use food as a means of managing or damaging our food and health.

CSED:4111 Building Leadership and Success at Work 3 s.h.

Learn and apply leadership skills and behaviors to meet and exceed employer expectations; develop skills to evaluate and match interests with company leadership styles; effectively use leadership behaviors to influence, communicate, motivate, work in teams, and manage conflict; gain an understanding of self-identity and how it is used in order to pull all of these skills and behaviors together to create an individualized leadership plan for use in career and personal life.

CSED:4112 How to Interview to Get That Job! 3 s.h.

Two approaches to job interviews—how to interview to obtain a job and how to interview applicants for a job; students gain knowledge and skills necessary to successfully conduct interviews from applicant and employer perspectives; review of interview processes and legal and ethical boundaries within interviews; examination of interview formats and styles to gain confidence and successfully respond to typical interview questions; development of interview questions as an applicant and as an employer; communication best practices prior, during, and following an interview.

CSED:4113 Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, and Sleep Disorders 3 s.h.

Theories and stages of sleep; aging and normal sleep; impact of sleep and sleep deprivation on mental and physical health; overview of sleep disorders and treatments.

CSED:4114 Psychology of Body Modification and Self-Image 3 s.h.

Exploration of psychology and practices of body modification as related to self-image; dynamic relationship between body and identity; body modification accomplished in many ways and for many reasons (beauty, social status, religious expression, improve function, to rebel); how gender, race, culture, age, and health shape our attitudes about our bodies and our decision to make modifications; risks and benefits (physical, emotional, social) of making a body modification to ones' sense of self as it relates to others and to oneself.

CSED:4119 Family Issues in Giftedness 1 s.h.

Family dynamics and issues that arise when one or more children are identified as gifted; parent/child, sibling, school/family relationships.

CSED:4120 Psychology of Giftedness 3 s.h.

Theories of learning, child development, motivation; issues unique to gifted education. Same as BBC:4120 , PSQF:4120 .

CSED:4121 Identification of Students for Gifted Programs 3 s.h.

Interpretation of standardized tests and other measurement instruments used to identify academic talent and program effectively for grades K-12; ability, aptitude, achievement tests; current issues in the uses of various instruments. Same as BBC:4121 , PSQF:4121 .

CSED:4123 Gender Issues and Giftedness 1 s.h.

Effect of gender on development of giftedness; differential needs of girls, boys; strategies for effective teaching, gender equity.

CSED:4124 Ethnic and Cultural Issues and Giftedness 1 s.h.

Effect of ethnicity and culture on development of giftedness; special needs of Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian gifted students; strategies for identification, programming.

CSED:4125 Counseling and Psychological Needs of the Gifted 1 s.h.

Psychological aspects of giftedness, counseling techniques appropriate for gifted children, adolescents; socio-emotional concerns, career development, underachievement. Same as PSQF:4125 .

CSED:4126 Cognitive and Affective Needs of Underachieving Gifted 1 s.h.

Diagnostic strategy for identifying types of underachievement, teaching and counseling interventions appropriate for each. Same as PSQF:4126 .

CSED:4128 Advanced Leadership Seminar in Gifted Education 1 s.h.

Development of administrative policies and programming based on empirical research; for experienced leaders in gifted education.

CSED:4129 Creativity: Issues and Applications in Gifted Education 1 s.h.

Theories that underpin contemporary definitions of creativity; instruments developed to measure creativity; activities in the school environment that enhance or inhibit student creativity. Same as PSQF:4129 .

CSED:4130 Human Sexuality 3 s.h.

Introduction to human sexuality from a sociocultural perspective; readings and discussions of sensitive topics and explicit depictions/discussions of sexuality; students may relate their sexual experiences to course content; combination of formats.

CSED:4131 Loss, Death, and Bereavement 3 s.h.

Psychological study of death, grief, loss, bereavement, and coping from a multidimensional and multidisciplinary perspective; loss and grief as natural experiences that are not often explicitly discussed; overview of topics relating to death, including multicultural attitudes toward death, death practices, theories on loss and bereavement, and grieving throughout the life cycle; hospice and palliative care, suicide, and making meaning of life out of death; development of critical thinking skills by engaging in empirically based discussions.

CSED:4132 Introduction to Addictions and Impulse Control Disorders 3 s.h.

Exploration of addictions and impulse control disorders; legal, social, physical, and emotional issues related to addictions and impulse control disorders.

CSED:4137 Introduction to Educating Gifted Students 3 s.h.

Fundamental issues such as curriculum, counseling, family issues, gender and minority issues. Same as BBC:4137 , EDTL:4137 .

CSED:4140 Foundations of Leadership for Community Agencies 3 s.h.

Preparation to become effective employees and leaders; emphasis on leadership roles in clinical and other human service or health care settings; how leadership transcends job title associated with high work performance; experiential activities that illustrate key didactic concepts and didactic lecture review, written assignments, experiential assignment, in-depth discussions illustrating key concepts.

CSED:4145 Marriage and Family Interaction 3 s.h.

Contemporary American couple, marriage, and family relationships; mate selection. Same as PSQF:4145 .

CSED:4162 Introduction to Couple and Family Therapy 3 s.h.

Evolution of the family therapy movement and issues related to functional and dysfunctional family systems; significant models of family therapy and specific techniques. Same as PSQF:4162 .

CSED:4173 Trauma Across the Lifespan 3 s.h.

Current theory and practice models related to trauma and crisis intervention; overview of multi-system level definitions of trauma experience (historical, individual, interpersonal, family, organizational, community, global); various approaches to trauma response theory; unique contributions that counselors offer (strength, resiliency, coping); commitments to multicultural and systems factors; macro- to micro-level understanding of trauma.

CSED:4174 Positive Psychology 3 s.h.

Promotion of human potential as a focus for counseling professionals that provides a supplement to diagnosis and treatment of pathology; how to achieve happiness, resilience, wellness, and life satisfaction through enhancement of human strengths and virtues.

CSED:4175 Motivational Interviewing 3 s.h.

Motivational Interviewing (Miller & Rollnick) and the stages of change model.

CSED:4176 Child Abuse: Assessment, Intervention, and Advocacy 3 s.h.

Preparation for work involving abused children or child abuse issues; appropriate for careers in counseling, education, health sciences, law, psychology, social work, and so forth; interactive approach.

CSED:4178 Microcounseling 3 s.h.

Basic skills of listening, responding, empathy, focus; advanced skills of meaning, confrontation, reframing, directives, action skills.

CSED:4179 Sexuality Within the Helping Professions 3 s.h.

Relationship between sexuality and mental health; varied ethical and professional issues in sex therapy.

CSED:4180 Topical Seminar for Helping Professionals arr.

Topics for the continuing education of counselors and related professionals.

CSED:4185 Introduction to Substance Abuse 3 s.h.

Theories of addiction and pharmacology of psychoactive drugs; legal, familial, biological, multicultural, historical issues related to substance use and misuse.

CSED:4187 Introduction to Assistive Technology 3 s.h.

How assistive technology can be used for attainment of goals in education or work. Same as EDTL:4987 .

CSED:4188 Practicum in Teaching and Curriculum Development in Gifted Education 1-6 s.h.

Experience in developing course materials for classes offered through the Belin-Blank Center for Gifted Education. Same as BBC:4188 , EDTL:4188 .

CSED:4193 Individual Instruction - Undergraduate arr.

CSED:4194 Interpersonal Effectiveness 3 s.h.

Paradigms and techniques that enhance interpersonal relationship skills.

CSED:4195 Ethics in Human Relations and Counseling 3 s.h.

Morality and ethics; ethical issues; models and techniques for effective ethical decision-making in personal and professional interactions.

CSED:4197 Citizenship in a Multicultural Society 3 s.h.

Human relationships in the context of societal oppressions such as racism, sexism, able-bodyism, and heterosexism.

CSED:4199 Counseling for Related Professions 3 s.h.

Counseling theories and techniques; ethical and multicultural considerations; small-group discussions, demonstrations, lectures.

CSED:4953 Experiential Learning in Counseling and Behavioral Health Services 3 s.h.

Provides students an opportunity to further explore their interests and apply their acquired knowledge in the field of helping professions. Through experiential learning activities, such as roleplaying, case studies, and fieldwork, students learn to apply foundational skills in communication, critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving essential for careers in counseling and behavioral health services.

CSED:5200 Professional School Counselor 3 s.h.

Professional identity of school counselors, K-12 school counseling program delivery systems, legal and ethical issues.

CSED:5202 Introduction to Group Counseling 3 s.h.

Research, theory, ethics, planning, and practice in group counseling; leadership styles and multicultural considerations; group participation. Requirements: counselor education enrollment.

CSED:5203 Career Development and Counseling 3 s.h.

Preparation for counselors and student affairs professionals; career development concepts and theories, family and work, career counseling goals and objectives, exemplary techniques and materials, career program planning, evaluation procedures. Requirements: counselor education enrollment.

CSED:5204 School Culture and Classroom Management for School Counselors 3 s.h.

American public elementary and secondary schools and the school counselor's role; classroom management for school counselors.

CSED:5221 Theories of Counseling and Human Development Across the Life Span 3 s.h.

Philosophical bases, ethical considerations, processes, issues, multicultural and life-span developmental considerations in counseling theories and techniques. Requirements: counselor education MA enrollment.

CSED:5222 Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools 3 s.h.

Theory and practice of school-based counseling interventions; child and adolescent development; prevention; special topics. Prerequisites: CSED:5221 or CSED:5278 .

CSED:5226 Assessment of Giftedness 3 s.h.

Training and practice in assessment of gifted children. Same as BBC:5226 , PSQF:5226 .

CSED:5230 School Counseling Program Leadership and Management 3 s.h.

Comprehensive K-12 school counseling program components and structures; program leadership, planning, accountability; behavioral consultation and collaboration; ethical, multicultural, family considerations.

CSED:5237 Seminar in Gifted Education 2-3 s.h.

Teaching and counseling needs of gifted students K-12; intensive 10-day residential program. Requirements: work as teacher with Belin Fellowship.

CSED:5238 Advanced Seminar in Gifted Education 1 s.h.

Supervisory, administrative, and research issues; fellowships for seminar participants.

CSED:5241 Professional Counseling Orientation and Ethical Practice 3 s.h.

Historical, philosophical, legislative, societal, and multicultural overview of mental health process and practice in community-based settings; roles of rehabilitation and mental health professionals, nature of agencies, resources, contemporary issues, and ethics.

CSED:5248 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning for Traditional, Vulnerable, and Special Populations in Counseling 3 s.h.

Individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation, including personal and environmental factors; psychiatric conditions, their diagnostic criteria using the DSM-5, and treatment planning considerations; biopsychosocial and psychiatric rehabilitation models used for case conceptualization and treatment planning, including functional assessment and client-driven rehabilitation planning for community reintegration; special considerations for diagnosing and treating vulnerable and special populations. Requirements: counselor education enrollment.

CSED:5249 Medical and Psychopathological Aspects of Chronic Illness and Disability 3 s.h.

Description, classification, and theoretical perspectives related to psychiatric disorders; models of intervention in community-based settings.

CSED:5250 Multiculturalism in Helping Professions 3 s.h.

Theory and application of multicultural competency in the helping professions; ethical treatment of clients in the context of a multiculturally diverse society; knowledge, skill, self-awareness components relevant for helping practitioners. Requirements: counselor education enrollment.

CSED:5253 Forensic Rehabilitation and Case Management 3 s.h.

Orientation to the profession of forensic rehabilitation or forensic vocational rehabilitation; development of knowledge and skills to act as a forensic professional in court proceedings involving persons with disabilities; emphasis on multiple areas of practice including social security determination, marital dissolution, personal injury, worker's compensation, and life care planning; students write expert testimony reports from assigned scenarios of injured workers for attorneys, insurance carriers, and administrative law judges.

CSED:5254 Assessment and Appraisal 3 s.h.

Presentation of materials related to assessment and appraisal for those who plan to work as professional counselors; didactic and experiential activities that enhance a counseling professional's work in the field; specifically, development of skills related to the administration, scoring, and interpretation of basic assessment materials and appraisal in a counseling setting.

CSED:5278 Applied Microcounseling 3 s.h.

Development of basic and advanced counseling skills; preparation for work in education and community settings.

CSED:5280 Topical Seminar in Counselor Education arr.

Special topics dealing with contemporary problems of concern to counselors in specific settings.

CSED:5300 Culturally Relevant Social and Emotional Learning 3 s.h.

Social-emotional learning (SEL) focuses on development of student competence in recognizing and managing emotions, developing empathy, making decisions, building relationships, and handling challenging situations; evidence on the impact of effective SEL has driven the introduction of state K-12 SEL standards and competencies; beyond applying principles of SEL, teachers need equitable instructional practices to link principles of learning with an understanding and appreciation for culture; examination of intersection of SEL and culturally relevant pedagogy (CRP); principles and applications of culturally relevant SEL in K-12 schools. Requirements: MA in teaching, leadership, and cultural competency program enrollment.

CSED:5400 Suicide and Crisis Intervention in Counseling 2-3 s.h.

Content related to suicide and crisis intervention work; students encounter many crisis situations in a variety of settings as future counselors and the importance of feeling prepared to engage in these situations; students often become leaders within their settings to carry out interventions; theoretical perspectives and techniques in crisis intervention and crisis counseling; history, models, current trends, and systemic issues of crisis counseling.

CSED:5500 Telehealth Skills in Clinical Mental Health 3 s.h.

In-depth exploration of telehealth counseling as applied to the practice of clinical mental health. Students learn about the theories, techniques, and ethical considerations unique to telehealth counseling. Emphasis is placed on developing practical skills for conducting effective and ethical telehealth sessions, understanding technological tools, and navigating legal and regulatory issues.

CSED:6263 Consultation Theory and Practice 3 s.h.

Review of concepts and practice of consultation and collaboration in educational and human services settings; focus on mental health, organizational, behavioral, and instructional models. Same as PSQF:6263 .

CSED:6293 Individual Instruction - Graduate arr.

CSED:6300 Practicum in School Counseling 3 s.h.

Supervised experience counseling and consulting in elementary and secondary school settings. Requirements: completion of school counseling core courses.

CSED:6321 Internship in Elementary School Counseling 6,12 s.h.

Supervised placement in an elementary school setting; performance of tasks, responsibilities of an elementary school counselor. Prerequisites: CSED:6300 . Requirements: completion of all required school counseling courses.

CSED:6322 Internship in Secondary School Counseling 6,12 s.h.

Supervised placement in a secondary school setting; performance of tasks, responsibilities of a secondary school counselor. Prerequisites: CSED:6300 . Requirements: completion of all required school counseling courses.

CSED:6341 Occupational Information, Job Development, and Job Placement 3 s.h.

Obtaining appropriate jobs for individuals with disabilities who have received rehabilitation services; client, counselor, employer, job specifications.

CSED:6342 Psychosocial Aspects of Health and Disability Across the Developmental Lifespan 3 s.h.

Dynamics of adjustment and coping for persons with chronic illness or those with disabilities through the life span; somatopsychological, psychosocial, and developmental perspectives on disability.

CSED:6345 Winterim Session Field Experiences in Counseling arr.

Clinical experiences in mental health or rehabilitation agencies; supervision by faculty supervisor, site supervisor, and doctoral student in individual, triadic, and group formats; consultation between students, faculty supervisors, and site supervisors includes supervision and performance evaluation. Prerequisites: CSED:6346 or CSED:6349 or CSED:7360 .

CSED:6346 Practicum in Rehabilitation Counseling 3 s.h.

Clinical preparation to work specifically with persons with mental health and other disabilities in order to effectively promote positive changes in their employment status (where applicable), level of social integration, level of independence, quality of life, and mental health; individual clinical preparation goals established within the parameters of the clinical continuum to ensure skill development and a strong knowledge base, which serve to promote qualified providers of rehabilitation counseling services.

CSED:6347 Internship in Rehabilitation Counseling arr.

Advanced clinical experiences under faculty supervision in a community rehabilitation agency. Student interns receive both individual and monthly group supervision at regular intervals from qualified supervisors; emphasis on application of rehabilitation counseling and case management methods, techniques, and vocational knowledge in work with clients; consultation with professionals, business, and industry as needed to enhance services to persons with disabilities for the purposes of job development/placement and/or independent living rehabilitation. Prerequisites: CSED:6346 .

CSED:6349 Practicum in Clinical Mental Health Counseling arr.

Experience in a community agency serving individuals with mental health disorders, supervised by a qualified clinical supervisor in an approved site. Student interns receive both individual and monthly group supervision at regular intervals from qualified supervisors. Prerequisites: CSED:6353 .

CSED:6352 Internship in Clinical Mental Health Counseling arr.

Full-time clinical experience in mental health settings; training in wide range of mental health functions under supervision of a qualified supervisor with appropriate credentials. Prerequisites: CSED:6349 .

CSED:6353 Pre-Practicum and Case Management in Counseling 3 s.h.

Development of clinical counseling skills, with an emphasis on the demonstration of diagnostic, clinical, cultural, and treatment formulations; strong applied and experiential approach with special focus on development of self-awareness dexterity necessary for professionals in clinical mental health counseling; students learn and practice clinical skills in class and lab sessions that relate to working with individuals and small groups; applied pre-practicum allows students to work with an analog client as well as didactic instruction.

CSED:6394 Research and Scholarship Internship 1-3 s.h.

Preparation for comprehensive examination.

CSED:6500 Research and Program Evaluation 3 s.h.

Introduction to research methods for counselors; research strategies that have dominated counseling literature; key concepts related to development of researchable questions, use and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative analyses, factors impacting design integrity, and use of findings to effect counseling program modifications; focus on essential approaches needed to conceptualize and develop a research proposal.

CSED:7255 Advanced Career Development and Counseling 3 s.h.

Major concepts and research evidence about life-span vocational behavior; theories of vocational choice, adjustment, development in a multicultural world.

CSED:7338 Essentials of Qualitative Inquiry 3 s.h.

Principles, processes of qualitative research in education; methods of design, data collection and analysis, interpretation, trustworthiness. Requirements: PhD enrollment.

CSED:7347 Home/School/Community: System Interventions 3 s.h.

Interventions used by school and support system personnel; focus on work with parents, siblings. Same as PSQF:7347 .

CSED:7353 Advanced Counseling and Psychotherapy 3 s.h.

Theories, techniques, and ethics of counseling clients with personal and interpersonal problems; ethical and multicultural considerations.

CSED:7360 Advanced Practicum in Counseling arr.

Supervised practice in counseling; intensive analysis of counselor ethics, styles, and methods. Requirements: PhD enrollment, advanced graduate standing in counselor education, and counseling introductory practicum.

CSED:7380 Internship in Teaching arr.

Supervised college teaching experience in counselor education courses; teaching in collaboration with faculty, observation and critiques of teaching, participation in course planning and evaluation procedures; ethical and multicultural considerations.

CSED:7385 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 3 s.h.

Current theoretical and empirical literature on teaching and learning in higher education; focus on development of effective teaching practice. Same as EDTL:7385 , EPLS:7385 , GRAD:7385 , PSQF:7385 .

CSED:7400 Seminar: Ethics and Issues in Counseling 3 s.h.

Ethical, professional, and contemporary issues in counseling practice, education, and research. Requirements: counselor education PhD enrollment.

CSED:7438 Advanced Qualitative Research Seminar in Counselor Education 3 s.h.

Exploration of qualitative research at advanced theoretical, practical, and technical level, inside and outside a typical classroom environment; scholarly discussions. Prerequisites: CSED:7338 .

CSED:7450 Advanced Social Psychology of Disability 3 s.h.

Disability issues from individual and societal perspectives; psychosocial aspects of disability and disability studies; seminar. Requirements: PhD enrollment.

CSED:7451 Advanced Multiculturalism 3 s.h.

Impact of culture, race, ethnicity, and intersections of identity on counseling in higher education and student affairs settings. Prerequisites: CSED:5250 .

CSED:7454 Supervision Theory and Practice 3 s.h.

Conceptual models, ethics, multicultural considerations, research, and program design for counselor supervision and consultation.

CSED:7455 Internship in Supervision arr.

Supervision of students enrolled in counseling practicum. Prerequisites: CSED:7454 .

CSED:7457 Seminar: Professional Orientation to Counselor Education, Supervision, Leadership, and Advocacy 4 s.h.

Professional orientation for students seeking degrees and employment in counselor education and supervision (CES); analysis of by-laws, competency statements, and professional responsibilities for specialists in CES; identification of key leadership practices; evaluation of leadership principles as applied to CES; development of a plan for future leadership in CES; students analyze needs of client stakeholder groups, evaluate current approaches to advocacy, develop an advocacy plan, and examine their own professional awareness, knowledge, and skill sets for negotiating work/life in academia and/or administration.

CSED:7458 Seminar: Issues and Trends in Counseling Research 4 s.h.

Recent trends, including debates and findings in literature related to best practices for the profession. Same as PSQF:7459 .

CSED:7460 Seminar: Research in Counseling 3 s.h.

Methods, examples, ethics, multicultural issues, problems of counseling research. Requirements: PhD enrollment. Same as PSQF:7460 .

CSED:7461 Practicum in Research arr.

Experience designing and implementing research relevant to student's plan of study, under supervision of counselor education faculty member.

CSED:7465 Internship in Clinical Practice arr.

Supervised experience in professional counseling, counselor supervision, consultation, and teaching counseling.

CSED:7466 Leadership and Advocacy Internship in Counselor Education 3 s.h.

Supervised experience in service learning activities in a variety of settings to build advocacy and leadership skills; leadership skill development opportunities that enhance doctoral students' future potential as counselor education advocates and consultants. Prerequisites: CSED:7360 .

CSED:7470 Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships 3 s.h.

Supervised experience for students enrolled in teaching, research, supervision, leadership and advocacy, and advanced clinical counseling internships. Requirements: PhD in counselor education and supervision enrollment.

CSED:7493 PhD Thesis arr.

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College of Education

Couple and family therapy.

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  2. Counselor Education and Supervision

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  3. Counseling and Mental Health

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  4. Alumna named Iowa Counselor of the Year

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  5. Counseling and Mental Health

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  6. Department of Counselor Education

    university of iowa phd counselor education


  1. Fort Dodge Vs Webster City High School Football Full Game


  1. Counselor Education & Supervision (PhD)

    The PhD in Counselor Education & Supervision is awarded by the Graduate College. ... The University of Iowa College of Education N310 Lindquist Center Iowa City, IA 52242 [email protected] 1-319-335-5359. Enrollment Management The University of Iowa 2900 University Capitol Centre

  2. Counselor Education, PhD

    The following are the standards of the Department of Counselor Education at the University of Iowa, which are the key performance indicators for PhD students: acquire an understanding of the social, vocational, educational, and psychological needs of individuals served in various settings such as schools, vocational, or counseling centers.

  3. Counselor Education and Supervision

    The PhD program in Counselor Education and Supervision prepares students with knowledge and skills basic to counseling and related behavioral studies. Students are prepared to be counselor educators, counselor supervisors, advanced counseling practitioners, researchers and/or evaluators and leaders in academic and clinical settings. There are ...

  4. Department of Counselor Education

    Office: N338 Lindquist Center. Phone: 319-335-5275. The Department of Counselor Education prepares students to facilitate human development across the life span, to advocate for clients and students, and to serve local, national, and international communities through the delivery and creation of state-of-the-art counseling services.

  5. Counselor Education

    CSED:7470 Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships 3 s.h. Supervised experience for students enrolled in teaching, research, supervision, leadership and advocacy, and advanced clinical counseling internships. Requirements: PhD in counselor education and supervision enrollment.

  6. PDF Counselor Education, PhD

    Counselor Education at the University of Iowa, which are the key performance indicators for PhD students: • acquire the awareness, knowledge, and skills of a professional counselor and/or counselor educator; • develop a process of ongoing reflective practice in relation to cultural humility and the profession's multicultural,

  7. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

    Graduate Program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. The program is a consumer-focused mental health counseling and counselor education program. For many years, The University of Iowa has contributed numerous practitioners, educators, researchers, and administrators to the profession of mental health counseling.

  8. College of Education

    The University of Iowa College of Education offers a range of graduate programs—from rehabilitation counseling and teacher education to testing and measurement. The college also has several graduate programs that are consistently ranked among the top tier by U.S. News & World Report. Graduate programs in education.

  9. Counselor Education and Supervision, Ph.D.

    About. Our PhD program in Counselor Education and Supervision (CES) at The University of Iowa will provide you with the knowledge and skills related to general counseling (including mental health and school counseling), teaching, consulting, supervising counselors, and conducting research. The TOEFL iBT® is given online through the internet at ...

  10. Counseling Psychology (PhD)

    Counseling Psychology (PhD) Admission Requirements. ... Iowa City, IA 52242 [email protected] 1-319-335-5359. Enrollment Management The University of Iowa 2900 University Capitol Centre 201 S. Clinton St. Iowa City, IA 52242 [email protected] 1-319-335-1523.

  11. PDF Counselor Education, PhD

    Counselor Education, PhD Academic Plans Sample Plan of Study Sample plans represent one way to complete a program of study. Actual course selection and sequence will vary and should be discussed with an academic advisor. For additional sample plans, see MyUI. Counselor Education, PhD Course Title Hours Academic Career Any Semester 72 s.h. must ...

  12. Counseling Psychology

    Counseling Psychology. The Counseling Psychology PhD program is committed to training psychologists who are competent in counseling and psychological services informed by the integration of diverse community engaged practice and scholarship. Accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1980, our program strives to produce ...

  13. Iowa MSW

    The Iowa Master of Social Work will give you the skills and versatility needed to advance your career as a therapist or as an organizational or community leader. Make helping others a calling and a career with Iowa's top-ranked MSW program. Gain the skills and credentials you need for roles in clinical social work, counseling, school-based ...

  14. Counseling

    308 North Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52242. 319-335-1250 319-335-1711 [email protected]

  15. Gihun Im, M.A.

    EducationAnticipated 2029 - University of Iowa, Ph.D. Student in Counseling Psychology2024 - Seoul National University, M.A. in Educational Counseling2018 - Chung-Ang University, B.A. in English Education | B.A. in Psychology (dual degree)Approach to TherapyAs a therapist, I use a variety of

  16. Counselor Education < University of Iowa

    The department prepares practitioners and scholars by offering graduate programs in four major areas within counselor education: clinical mental health counseling (offered in the MA); counselor education and supervision (offered in the PhD); rehabilitation counseling program (offered in the MA); and; school counseling (offered in the MA).

  17. Counselor Education, MA

    The following are the standards of the Department of Counselor Education at the University of Iowa, which are the key performance indicators for MA students: acquire an understanding of the social, vocational, educational, and psychological needs of individuals served in various settings such as schools, vocational, or counseling centers.

  18. Counselor Education, PhD < University of Iowa

    Counselor Education, PhD. This is the first version of the 2023-24 General Catalog. Please check back regularly for changes. ... The following are the standards of the Department of Counselor Education at the University of Iowa, which are the key performance indicators for PhD students: acquire the awareness, knowledge, and skills of a ...

  19. School Counseling

    Laura Gallo, Program Coordinator. Department of Counselor Education Main Office: 319-335-5275. The MA in School Counseling trains future school counselors to identify and meet the unique academic, social-emotional, and career needs of K-12 students.

  20. Counseling Psychology, Ph.D.

    Psychology plays a crucial role in shaping policies and interventions that promote well-being and social equity, and the Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology program equips students with diverse perspectives and access to cutting-edge resources. This highly ranked program, through small-group seminars, personalized supervision and proximity to major research institutions, prepares students to be ...

  21. Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA)

    The MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling prepares professional counselors to assist persons with psychiatric disabilities and mental health conditions by coordinating resources and ... The graduate application process has two steps: ... College of Education The University of Iowa N310 Lindquist Center Iowa City, IA 52242 ask-education@uiowa ...

  22. Counselor Education Courses (CSED)

    CSED:7470 Counselor Education and Supervision Doctoral Integrated Professional Internships 3 s.h. Supervised experience for students enrolled in teaching, research, supervision, leadership and advocacy, and advanced clinical counseling internships. Requirements: PhD in counselor education and supervision enrollment.

  23. Associate Director for Communications and Creative Content in Chapel

    Required Education: 4 Year Degree. Internal Number: 20007821. ... Through its athletic programs, the University seeks to unite alumni, faculty, administration and students in a common shared experience. The governing unit within the Department of Athletics is the Director's Office, which is the administrative office and clearinghouse for the ...

  24. Rehabilitation Counseling

    Graduate Program in Rehabilitation Counseling. The University of Iowa's rehabilitation counseling program has contributed numerous practitioners, educators, researchers, and administrators to the profession of rehabilitation counseling. The programs have achieved national recognition through many faculty and student awards and publications.

  25. Couple and Family Therapy

    Iowa City, Iowa 52242. 319-335-5359. [email protected]. Website Feedback. Admin Login. Current Student Resources. Faculty and Staff Resources. Alumni and Friends. Strategic Communications and Marketing.