Hindi Voice Typing (Speech To Text)

Click on the Mic icon & Start Speaking.

Speak Now !

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Click the "Allow" button above to enable your microphone.

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Online Hindi Voice Typing (Speech to Text)

This is the best and easy to use free online Hindi voice typing (Hindi Web Speech) software. In Hindi Speech to text recognition system spoken voice of the user is recognized and then translated into Hindi text. That is why it is also known as Hindi Voice Typing.

Convert Hindi Speech into Text (Voice Typing)

Here you have to use desktop Chrome browser with proper internet connection and connect your microphone with the computer. Microphone should be of good quality and placed near to your mouth.

Then just click on the microphone button available above the text box and speak slowly and clearly. You will see whatever you are speaking is automatically get recognized by the software and written in the text box. 

Software converts your voice in digital codes which will be matched with the pre-set characters, words and sentences within the system in nano seconds. Hence you get the almost exactly same text output which you had spoken.

That’s why this speech to text is also called voice typing and as well as dictation typing.

This kind of speech recognition software is immensely important to anyone who needs to create a lot of written content without a lot of manual typing. It is also helpful for people with disabilities that make it difficult for them to use a keyboard.

From the technology viewpoint, speech to text recognition has a long history with several major innovations. The field has gained from AI in Big Data & Deep Learning.

You can perform copy, print, delete, download as MS word file or send it to another person via Gmail according to your requirement.

Speech to Text Hindi

First ever in the History Speech to Text typing in the Hindi language. Just Set your Mic and Press the mic button and start speaking the software will recognize your voice and type automatically in Hindi - Devanagari text. You can save this typed text and use any where. Now you can give rest to your hand and type by speak as long as you like.

Click on the microphone icon below and begin speaking.

No speech was detected. You may need to adjust your microphone settings.

No microphone was found. Ensure that a microphone is installed and that microphone settings are configured correctly.

Click the "Allow" button above to enable your microphone.

Permission to use microphone was denied.

Permission to use microphone is blocked. To change, go to chrome://settings/contentExceptions#media-stream

Speech Recognition is not supported by this browser. Upgrade to Chrome version 25 or later.


Note : This software works only in Google Chrome (Version 25 or higher) Browser only. If you are using another browser, it will not work.  Download and Install Google Chrome  Here.

  • English to Hindi Convert and Typing
  • Convert above Unicode font into Krutidev
  • For https://indiatranslate.in/english-to-hindi

How to insert new line (पंक्ति) and paragraph (अनुच्छेद) in speech to text Hindi ?

While typing a document in Hindi language, sometimes we have to add new lines and new paragraphs. Here we can simply add new lines or new paragraphs by using following voice commands. For example to insert new line we have to speak "नई पंक्ति". The नई पंक्ति command will move the cursor to new line and whatever you speak will be typed on new line.

How to insert punctuation marks and symbols in speech to text Hindi

While drafting a document in Hindi language, we need various punctuation marks and other symbols. In above Hindi speech-to-text converter, you can add various punctuation marks by following voice commands. For example to insert पूर्ण विराम ( । ) symbol you have to speak "पूर्ण विराम चिन्ह".

How to insert serial number in speech to Hindi text ?

To add serial number in Hindi speech to text use following voice commands:

While drafting a document in Hindi language, we need various punctuation marks and other symbols.  In above Hindi speech-to-text converter, you can add various punctuation marks by following voice commands. For example to insert पूर्ण विराम ( । ) symbol you have to speak "पूर्ण विराम".

Best practices for Speech to Text in Hindi:

1. Use High quality Mic.

2. When speaking on mic, you need to speak clearly and loudly.

3. Not very fast in speaking, speak little bit slowly, so the software can recognize your voice properly.

4. Your Pronunciation (Uchcharan) should be clear.

See Also :  Speech to Text English

Hindi Speech Typing on Android mobile (Offline version) Download here  

हिंदी में बोलकर टाइप करने के लिए आपको एक अच्छी क्वालिटी के माइक कि जरुरत है और फिर आप जैसा-जैसा बोलते जायेंगे, यह हिंदी स्पीच टू टेक्स्ट कनवर्टर आपके द्वारा बोले गए शब्दों को हिंदी में टाइप करता जायेगा। हिंदी में बोलकर टाइप करने के लिए आपका उच्चारण स्पष्ट होना चाहिए, और गति थोडा धीमे रखे। हिंदी श्रुतलेखन द्वारा टाइप किये गए हिंदी शब्दों को आप कही भी कॉपी, पेस्ट कर सकते है, यह हिंदी स्पीच टाइपिंग सोफ्टवेयर ऑनलाइन कार्य करता है और बिलकुल मुफ्त है।

आपको यह जानकर प्रसन्नता होगी की स्पीच टू टेक्स्ट टेक्नोलॉजी हिंदी टाइपिंग करने के सर्वथा उपयुक्त है; क्योंकि हिंदी एक ध्वनिप्रधान (Phonetic) भाषा है, जिसमें जैसा बोला जाता है वैसा ही लिखा जाता है।

What is Speech To Text Technology ?

The Speech-to-text, technology can converts spoken words into digital text on a screen. Using programmed algorithms and trained data, it can then provide an output guessing what was said.

How do Speech to Text Works?

When the microphone receives the words spoken by you, it sends the speech data to a central server. The software at the server breaks it down into tiny parts called "Phonemes". Than the software identifies with respect to the context of the input speech and selects what suits them best and gives that as an output to your screen.

1. As we speak the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) translates these sound waves into digital data that the computer can understand.

2. This digitized sound from ADC is filtered by the software and unwanted ambient noise is removed.

3. The digitized sound is divided into small segments of a hundredth or thousandth of a second and then matched with known phonemes.

4. The speech to text engine then examine phonemes in the context of the other phonemes around them and compares them to a large library of known words, phrases and sentences.

5. A built program then identifies what word exactly spoken by you and presents in the form of text on your screen.

For Hindi typing speech to text technology is best fit because Hindi is the phonetic language by nature, means Hindi is written as it speak.

Frequently Asked Question ?

Que: How my voice is convert into Hindi text ? Ans: Your voice is taken as input into speech recognition system and process into text output in Devanagari Hindi.

Que: What I need to use speech to text Hindi ? Ans: You need a Microphone and good internet connection for use online speech-to-text in Hindi language service.

Que: How to insert punctuation marks while speaking ? Ans: To add various punctuation marks like पूर्ण विराम, अल्प विराम etc. you have to speak given voice command.

Que: How to insert new line ( नई पंक्ति ) and new paragraph ( नया अनुच्छेद ) in Hindi speech to text ? Ans: To add new line speak " नई पंक्ति " and for new paragraph speak " नया अनुच्छेद ".

Que: How to add symbol that is not on voice command list ? Ans: Go to contact page and message/email us to add new symbol with complete details.

Hindi (हिंदी) Voice Typing


No speech was detected. You may need to adjust your microphone settings.

No microphone was found. Ensure that a microphone is installed and that microphone settings are configured correctly.

Click the "Allow" button above to enable your microphone.

Permission to use microphone was denied.

Permission to use microphone is blocked. To change, go to chrome://settings/contentExceptions#media-stream

Speech Recognition is not supported by this browser. Upgrade to Chrome version 25 or later.

Microphone icon

Voice Type in Hindi Language

Hindi speech to text is easy by using our best Hindi (हिंदी) google voice hindi typing app which converts Hindi speech to text online. Hindi speak to type speech software web service works on pc and mobile. Hindi voice typing speech recognition software recognizes user spoken language for most of the Indian languages including Hindi and converts to text in real time with regional dialect. Google voice hindi typing for several languages is widely used worldwide. Note : This Speech to text feature currently works only on Google Chrome browser. You can download Google Chrome and install in your device.

How to Convert Hindi Speech to Text

अपने PC, Laptop, mobile से ​​जुड़े अपने माइक्रोफ़ोन का उपयोग करें और आसानी से उलब्ध हिंदी में दी गई वांछित भाषा का चयन करने के बाद बोलना शुरू करें। माइक्रोफ़ोन आइकन बटन पर क्लिक करें, और छोटे पॉप अप अनुरोध “ Allow ” को खुलने वाले माइक्रोफ़ोन का उपयोग करने की अनुमति दें। अपने माइक्रोफ़ोन के पास सामान्य रूप से, धीरे-धीरे और स्पष्ट रूप से बोलें। बोले गए शब्दों को टेक्स्ट के रूप में रिकॉर्ड किया जाएगा। आप अपने डिवाइस या ईमेल पर ट्रांसक्रिप्ट को कॉपी, सेव, प्रिंट कर सकते हैं। Foremost requirement for Hindi voice to text is Google Chrome browser with proper internet connection and good quality microphone properly placed near your mouth and connected properly to your desktop computer, laptop or mobile. You can also try to voice type with mobile phone without using microphone by holding mobile phone near your mouth when you speak.

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Speech To Text Converter

Speek to type hindi language.

Click Here To Start

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What is Hindi Speech To Text Converter ?

The Speech-to-Text Converter is a simple tool for quickly and accurately typing Hindi words. It's an excellent choice for those who want to type Hindi without using a keyboard. You simply need a good microphone, plug it into your computer, and begin speaking. The Speech-to-Text Converter typing tool will recognise your voice and start Hindi typing automatically. For best results, please use a high-quality microphone and speak clearly and loudly.

You can share the converted text anywhere, like on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.

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Voice Typing

  • Hindi Voice Typing

If it takes you more time to type text in Hindi, then our Hindi Voice Typing page helps you to write very fast in Hindi voice to text by speaking. Here I have provided the facility of Hindi Voice Typing Speech To Text for you people. You just turn on your mic and start speaking. Our software will automatically type your voice into the Hindi-Devanagari language. So that you will be able to write Quality voice typing Hindi.

To type with Hindi Voice Typing, you just have to click on the Start Voice Typing button. After which whatever you say will start writing. When you are finished typing, click on the Stop Voice Typing button after which the typing will stop.

Below will show you the number of total words and characters. Whatever you write, you will be able to know how many words and characters you have written so far with the help of Hindi Voice Typing speech to text.

You can save all the text spoken by you in Notepad (.txt) and Microsoft Word (.doc). Not only this, you can also take a print if needed. And if you want to copy and paste it somewhere then you can do that also and you will not be charged any fee for this or our website has a completely free service.

our Hindi Voice Typing facility provides all your query fulfillment like…

  • Hindi Voice to text
  • voice typing in Hindi
  • voice typing Hindi
  • हिंदी वॉइस टाइपिंग
  • Hindi speaking typing
  • Hindi speech typing

Important points to keep in mind for Hindi Voice Typing Speech To Text software to work properly:

If you want what you speak should be written correctly and well, then you must keep some things in mind which are as follows.

  • Use a good-quality mic.
  • Whenever you start speaking into the mic, speak clearly and loudly so that the software can understand and write correctly.
  • Do not speak everything too quickly because if you speak too quickly then the software will have a problem to recognizing your voice.
  • Pronounce the words clearly and write clearly.

जब भी आप हिंदी भाषा में बोलकर लिखने के लिए हमारे इस वेबसाइट का इस्तेमाल करें उस समय आपको ध्यान रखना है कि आप एक अच्छी क्वालिटी का माइक जरूर रखें. अच्छी क्वालिटी के माइक होने से आप जैसे जैसे बोलते जाएंगे वैसे वैसे हमारा वाइस हिंदी स्पीच टू टैक्स कन्वर्टर आपके द्वारा बोले गए शब्दों को हिंदी में टाइप करता चला जायेगा। हिंदी में बोलकर टाइप करने के लिए यह जरूरी है कि आप शब्दों का उच्चारण बिल्कुल सही से करे और आपने बोलने की गति को थोड़ा सा कम रखें। जिससे जो है सॉफ्टवेयर आपके आवाज को सही से रिकॉग्नाइज कर पाए।

आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दूँ की इस Hindi Voice Typing Speech to text टेक्नोलॉजी हिंदी टाइपिंग के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त और सबसे अच्छा माना जाता है। क्योंकि हिंदी ही एक ऐसी भाषा है जो जैसा बोला जाता है वैसा ही लिखा जाता है। आपके Hindi Voice Typing करने के लिए हमारा यह वेबसाइट सबसे उपयुक्त है जिसका लाभ फ्री में उठा सकते हैं.

Hindi Voice Typing

What is Voice Speech To Text Technology ?

Voice Speech-to-text (STT) technology is also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR). It is a technique that converts spoken language into written text. This type of technology provides the ability to convert phrases or speech into text, allowing it to be understood directly by computers or other devices. The Hindi Voice Typing Speech To Text technology provided on our website voicetyping.net will convert your spoken words into digital text.

How does Hindi Voice Typing Speech to Text work?

Hindi Voice Typing Speech to Text technology is also known as Speech-to-Text (STT) technology, works by converting spoken language into written text. The process involves several steps:

  • Audio Input: The system receives an audio input in the form of spoken words from microphones, voice recorders, or other audio recording devices.
  • Preprocessing: The incoming audio signal may undergo preprocessing to enhance the quality of the signal. This Preprocessing do noise reduction, filtering, and other techniques to improve the accuracy of the speech recognition process.
  • Feature Extraction: The system analyzes the audio signal and extracts relevant features that represent characteristics of the speech, such as frequency, amplitude, and duration of sounds.
  • Speech Recognition: The extracted features are then used in a speech recognition algorithm or model. This Speech Recognition model is trained on large datasets of spoken language to recognize patterns and convert them into text. Machine learning techniques, including deep learning models like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) or transformers, are often employed for this task.
  • Language Modeling: The system incorporates language models to understand the context and improve accuracy. Language models consider the probability of word sequences occurring together in a given language, helping the system choose the most likely words based on context.
  • Text Output: The recognized speech is then transcribed into written text and presented as the final output. This text can be displayed on a screen, saved as a document, or used in various applications as needed.

What is Voice Speech to Text technology?

Voice Speech-to-Text technology is also known as STT. This technology converts spoken speech into written text.

How does Voice Speech to Text technology work?

Voice speech-to-text technology works by processing audio input from speech and generating written text as output.

Voice typing facility is also available in Bangla , Gujarati , Hindi , Marathi , Tamil , Telugu , Urdu , and English on our website.

More language Voice Typing Tool

  • Arabic Speech to Text (Bahrain)
  • Arabic Voice Typing (U.A.E.)
  • Bangla Voice Typing
  • Bhojpuri Voice Typing
  • Chinese Speech to Text
  • French Speech to text
  • French Voice Typing
  • Gujarati Voice Typing
  • Italian Voice Typing
  • Japanese Speech to text
  • Kannada Voice Typing
  • Korean Voice Typing
  • Malayalam voice typing
  • Marathi Voice Typing
  • Portuguese Speech to text
  • Punjabi Voice Typing
  • Russian Speech to text
  • Spanish Speech To Text
  • Tamil Voice Typing
  • Telugu Voice Typing
  • Turkish Speech to text
  • Urdu Voice Typing
  • Voice Typing English
  • Xhosa Voice Typing
  • Yue Chinese Speech to text
  • Zulu Voice Typing

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  1. Online Hindi Voice Typing | Hindi Speech To Text

    Online Hindi Voice Typing (Speech to Text) This is the best and easy to use free online Hindi voice typing (Hindi Web Speech) software. In Hindi Speech to text recognition system spoken voice of the user is recognized and then translated into Hindi text.

  2. Speech to text Hindi | Speak and Type in Hindi | हिन्दी मे ...

    Speech to Text Hindi. First ever in the History Speech to Text typing in the Hindi language. Just Set your Mic and Press the mic button and start speaking the software will recognize your voice and type automatically in Hindi - Devanagari text. You can save this typed text and use any where.

  3. Voice Type in Hindi, Speech to text in Hindi (हिन्दी)

    Hindi speak to type speech software web service works on pc and mobile. Hindi voice typing speech recognition software recognizes user spoken language for most of the Indian languages including Hindi and converts to text in real time with regional dialect.

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  5. Hindi Speech To Text Converter ️ हिन्दी मे बोल कर टाइप करे

    The Speech-to-Text Converter typing tool will recognise your voice and start Hindi typing automatically. For best results, please use a high-quality microphone and speak clearly and loudly. You can share the converted text anywhere, like on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.

  6. Hindi Voice Typing online 2024 | हिन्दी मे बोल कर टाइप करें

    If it takes you more time to type text in Hindi, then our Hindi Voice Typing page helps you to write very fast in Hindi voice to text by speaking. Here I have provided the facility of Hindi Voice Typing Speech To Text for you people.