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Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker?

Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker?

Wandel der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt: Gefährliche Krankheiten in Deutschland?

Wandel der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt: Gefährliche Krankheiten in Deutschland?

Zur sendung.

Jenke von Wilmsdorff ist immer auf der Suche nach Antworten. In der ProSieben-Reihe "JENKE." geht er gesellschaftlich relevanten Fragen nach. Dafür lässt er sich auf spannende und extreme Experimente ein, die ihn an seine Grenzen und darüber hinaus führen.

Die Sendezeiten von "JENKE."

Das waren die aktuellen Ausstrahlungstermine der Sendungen mit Jenke von Wilmsdorff auf ProSieben:

  • 4. Juni 2024 , 22:25 Uhr, ProSieben: "JENKE. Live. Der Talk danach" Wiederholung: 5. Juni 2024, 02:10 Uhr, ProSieben: "JENKE. Live. Der Talk danach"

Sobald weitere Sendetermine geplant sind, werden diese hier bekanntgegeben.

Clips aus bisherigen Experimenten

Kinder und ihre Sicht auf die Zukunft

Kinder und ihre Sicht auf die Zukunft

Die Folgen des Klimawandels: Wassernotstand in Italien

Die Folgen des Klimawandels: Wassernotstand in Italien

Der Sommer der Zukunft: Werden wir unseren Strom selbst erzeugen?

Der Sommer der Zukunft: Werden wir unseren Strom selbst erzeugen?

Was bedeutet der Klimawandel für unseren Alltag?

Was bedeutet der Klimawandel für unseren Alltag?

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Emotionale Beichte: Jenke gibt Trennung von seiner Frau bekannt

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Glück als Unterrichtsfach

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Abbruch des Experiments: Wie geht es Jenke nach der Isolation?

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Wie wirken sich schlechte Nachrichten auch die mentale Gesundheit aus?

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Trennung, Verlustangst, Schmerz: Jenke spricht über seine Kindheit

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

Finnland - das glücklichste Land der Welt: Was macht die Menschen dort so glücklich?

Ganze folgen online ansehen.

JENKE. Das Klima-Experiment: Sind wir noch zu retten?

JENKE. Das Klima-Experiment: Sind wir noch zu retten?

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

JENKE. Experiment Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?

JENKE. Live. Der Talk. - Schönheit um jeden Preis?

JENKE. Live. Der Talk. - Schönheit um jeden Preis?

Das Schönheits-Experiment

JENKE. Das Schönheits-Experiment

Die experimente auf prosieben.

In seinen bisherigen Experimenten setzte er sich unter anderem mit den Themen "Schönheit" und "Konsum" auseinander und zeigte in einem Selbstexperiment im Rahmen der Green Seven Week 2021, wie sich versteckte Schadstoffe in unserem Essen auf uns auswirken können.

Ein weiteres Experiment widmete Jenke dem Thema "mentale Gesundheit" . In "JENKE. Experiment-Psyche: Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?" fand er heraus, welche Folgen soziale Isolation, Kontrollabgabe und schlechte Nachrichten auf unsere Psyche haben.

Die bisherigen Sendungen

"JENKE. Experiment Liebe: Von Dating App bis Sex-Roboter - Wie lieben wir in Zukunft?"

Experiment Liebe: Von Dating-App bis Sex-Roboter

Wieso führen wir Paar-Beziehungen? Gibt es eine langfristige Alternative? Können Menschen eine "Liebes-Beziehung" mit einer KI führen? Jenke von Wilmsdorff fragt: Was passiert, wenn Maschinen unsere Gefühlswelt erobern?

"JENKE. Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker?"

In dieser Ausgabe von "JENKE." macht Jenke von Wilmsdorff ein Experiment gegen jede Vernunft - und gegen den ärztlichen Rat: Der Fernsehjournalist konsumiert jeden Tag ein Kilogramm Zucker. Wie lange macht sein Körper das mit? Wie dramatisch sind die Folgen nach kürzester Zeit?

Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Das Experiment Psyche.

In dieser Ausgabe von "JENKE." unterzieht sich Jenke von Wilmsdorff einem seiner härtesten Experimente. Völlig isoliert will er herausfinden, welche Auswirkungen Einsamkeit auf unsere Psyche hat.


Das Schönheits-Experiment.

In seinem ersten Experiment bei ProSieben legt sich Jenke von Wilmsdorff direkt unters Messer. Er will herausfinden, wie er jünger aussehen kann. Genauer: 20 Jahre jünger in 100 Tagen.

Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Das Shopping-Experiment.

Jenke von Wilmsdorff macht den Selbsttest: Wie viele Dinge brauchen wir um glücklich zu sein? Wann schadet uns unser Konsum?

Jenke von Wilmsdorff - Ein neues Gesicht für ProSieben

Das Food-Experiment.

Enthalten unsere Lebensmittel für uns gefährliche Schadstoffe? Wo kommen sie her? Und wie können wir uns davor schützen? All dem geht Jenke in seinem neuen Experiment nach.

Reportagen und Crime-Themen

In "JENKE. Report. Cannabis für alle" setzte sich der Reporter 2023 mit der Frage auseinander, ob es ein "Recht auf Rausch" geben sollte.

Am 4. Juni 2024 folgt "JENKE. Report. Jeder gegen jeden - Wie gehen wir eigentlich miteinander um?" zum Thema, wie wir als Gesellschaft mit dem Gefühl von zunehmendem Hass und vermehrten Aggressionen umgehen können.

Die Reports im Überblick

"JENKE. REPORT. Jeder gegen jeden: Wie gehen wir eigentlich miteinander um?", Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Alle Infos zum neuen "JENKE. Report."

Jenke von Wilmsdorff präsentiert seine Recherchen zum gesellschaftlichen Klima in Deutschland. Der Journalist fragt: "Wie nehmen Sie die Stimmung in Deutschland wahr?" Außerdem möchte er wissen, wie wir wieder eine Gemeinschaft werden können.

"JENKE. REPORT. Künstliche Intelligenz: Viel Hoffnung, viel Gefahr und das ganz große Geld"

JENKE. Report. Künstliche Intelligenz

Am 11. Dezember 2023 zeigte ProSieben erstmals die Reportage "JENKE. Report. Künstliche Intelligenz: Viel Hoffnung, viel Gefahr und das ganz große Geld".

Mit grenzgängerischen Experimenten ist es bei Jenke von Wilmsdorff noch lange nicht getan. Seine Neugier geht viel weiter. In "JENKE. CRIME." trifft der Journalist (ehemalige) V erbrecher und Verbrecherinnen , um sich mit ihnen zu unterhalten. Im Talk will er wissen, was sie angetrieben hat, wie sie ihre Taten heute sehen und wie es sich als "Gangster" lebt.



Die neue True-Crime-Reihe mit Jenke von Wilmsdorff auf Prosieben. Alle ganze Folgen kostenlos ✓ Die neuesten Previews & Trailer ✓ Alle News ✓ Jetzt online entdecken!

"JENKE. Live. Der Talk danach."

JENKE. Live. Der Talk danach

JENKE. Live. Der Talk danach

Alle news zu "jenke.".

"JENKE. REPORT. Jeder gegen jeden: Wie gehen wir eigentlich miteinander um?", Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Der neue "JENKE. Report." - alle Infos

JENKE. Experiment Liebe: Von Dating App bis Sex-Roboter - Wie lieben wir in Zukunft?

"Experiment Liebe" auf ProSieben: "Haben wir das Lieben verlernt?"

"JENKE. Das Zucker-Experiment": Aufmacher

Jenke von Wilmsdorff fragt: "Wie krank macht Zucker wirklich?"

"JENKE." 2023: ProSieben zeigt drei neue Sendungen mit Jenke von Wilmsdorff.

ProSieben zeigt drei Programme mit Jenke von Wilmsdorff


"Cannabis für alle?" Jenke von Wilmsdorff stellt die Frage: "Gibt es ein Recht auf Rausch?"

JENKE. Live. Der Talk

In "JENKE. Live. Der Talk." spricht Jenke von Wilmsdorff über das Schönheits-Experiment


Jenke von Wilmsdorff geht für sein "Green Seven"-Experiment auf Zeitreise

JENKE. Das Food-Experiment: Was essen wir wirklich?

"JENKE. Das Food-Experiment" auf ProSieben

Jenke von Wilmsdorff über "Experiment Psyche" und Depressionen

Interview: Jenke bei "Zervakis & Opdenhövel. Live."

Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Jenke von Wilmsdorff fragt: "Wie depressiv ist Deutschland?"

Jenke über grenzerfahrungen und seine motivation.

Regelmäßig geht Jenke von Wilmsdorf in "JENKE." an die gesellschaftlichen und persönlichen Grenzen. Was treibt den erfahrenen Journalisten an, sich diesen Erfahrungen und Experimenten immer wieder aufs Neue zu stellen? Das und noch mehr erzählt er im Interview.


"Die Neugier treibt mich an" - Jenke von Wilmsdorff im Interview

Jenke von Willmsdorff ist für seine außergewöhnlichen, aber auch riskanten Experimente bekannt. Im Interview mit ProSieben spricht er offen darüber und erklärt unter anderem, was ihn dazu motiviert, welche Ängste er hat und ob er ein Experiment auch schon einmal abbrechen musste.

Mehr zu Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Jenke von Wilmsdorff Image

Jenke von Wilmsdorff

Fragen und antworten zu jenke von wilmsdorff, .css-zvlo5g{font-weight:700;}.css-zvlo5g strong{font-weight:700;} welche berufe hat jenke von wilmsdorff ausgeübt, welche erfolge kann jenke von wilmsdorff verzeichnen, was hat jenke vor prosieben gemacht , wie alt ist jenke von wilmsdorff.

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Das Jenke Experiment (2013 - 2020)

Das Jenke Experiment

All Seasons

Cast & crew, tv show details.

Air Date: March 11th, 2013

Last Air Date: March 2nd, 2020

Genres: Reality

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Das Jenke-Experiment (2013)

Das Jenke-Experiment

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Das Jenke-Experiment (2013)

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S5 e2 - das plastik in mir: wie der müll uns krank macht, s5 e1 - ich gegen mich – der kampf gegen meine sucht, s4 e4 - essstörung, das jenke-experiment online anschauen: stream, kaufen, oder leihen.

Du kannst "Das Jenke-Experiment" bei RTL+ legal im Stream anschauen.

Der engagierte Reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff geht für seine Sendung "Das Jenke Experiment" immer wieder an seine Grenzen. In dem Doku Format wagt er sich an spannende Selbstversuche, die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen aufgreifen und sowohl körperlich als auch psychisch alles von ihm abverlangen.

Welchen Platz belegt Das Jenke-Experiment heute? Die täglichen JustWatch Streaming Charts basieren auf den Aktivitäten unserer Nutzer innerhalb der letzten 24 Stunden. Zu diesen Aktivitäten gehören das Anklicken eines Streaming-Angebots, das Hinzufügen eines Titels auf eine Watchlist und das Markieren eines Titels als "Gesehen". Pro Tag werden Daten von ungefähr 1,3 Millionen Film- & Fernsehfans verarbeitet.

Das Jenke-Experiment ist heute auf Platz 2439 in den täglichen JustWatch Streaming-Charts. Die Serie ist seit gestern in den Charts 1817 Plätze nach oben gerutscht. In Österreich ist sie derzeit beliebter als Die Quellen des Bösen, aber weniger beliebt als DanMachi: Sword Oratoria.

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Das Jenke-Experiment: Sendetermine & Stream im August und September 2024

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Das Jenke-Experiment: Sendetermine & Stream im August und September 2024

So seht ihr rtl-show im tv und stream - alle sendetermine.

Bei "Das Jenke-Experiment" ist der Name Programm: Jenke Wilmsdorff testet verschiedene Dinge und Situationen in Selbstversuchen, die nicht immer ungefährlich sind. Wir verraten euch die Sendetermine und wie ihr die RTL-Show im TV und Stream seht.

  • Sendetermine und Sendezeiten
  • Im Live-Stream online schauen
  • In Mediathek abrufen

Ähnliche Sendungen und TV-Sender

Jenke Wilmsdorff war bereits im Rahmen des RTL -Magazins "Extra" als Tester eingesetzt. Seit der Fernsehjournalist in seiner eigenen Sendung "Das Jenke-Experiment" unterwegs ist, hat er bereits viele Selbstversuche gewagt. Auch vor gesellschaftlich schwierigen Themen wie Abhängigkeit, schreckt er nicht zurück.

Das Jenke Experiment

In aller Kürze, die wichtigsten Informationen zu Sender, Sendezeit, Sendetermine und Verfügbarkeiten von Streams für Das Jenke Experiment.

  • Das Jenke Experiment läuft auf RTL Living
  • Das Jenke Experiment kann als Stream empfangen werden
  • Im August und September sind keine neuen Folgen in der Ausstrahlung
  • Es werden auch keine Wiederholungen gezeigt
  • Keine Folgen in der Mediathek verfügbar

Sendetermine und Sendezeiten von Das Jenke Experiment

Normalerweise läuft die Sendung auf RTL Living. Allerdings konnten wir für August und September keine Sendetermine für "Das Jenke Experiment" finden.

Wenn uns die Informationen zu den nächsten Folgen von Das Jenke Experiment bekannt sind, dann seht ihr diese oben in der Sendetermine-Liste. Anbieter wie RTL+ und Joyn bieten für einige Serien und Shows in den eigenen Live TV Apps bereits einige Tage vor der TV-Ausstrahlung Folgen vorab an. In dem Fall könnt ihr diese online exklusiv schon vorher sehen.

So seht ihr Das Jenke Experiment im Live-Stream

Prinzipiell klappt der Empfang von RTL Living über das Internet via TV Streamingdienste . Damit bekommt ihr nicht nur "Das Jenke Experiment", sondern den kompletten Live-Stream von RTL Living mit allen Sendungen - und das legal.

Wenn ihr auf eines der folgenden Online-Fernseh-Angebote zurückgreift, könnt ihr RTL Living online schauen. Alle TV-Streaming-Anbieter haben auch eine iOS- und Android-App mit denen ihr mobil RTL Living live schauen könnt. Die meisten Anbieter bieten euch sogar Apps für Android TV, Samsung Tizen und Amazon Fire TV an. Details hierzu haben wir den jeweiligen Anbieter-Seiten hinterlegt.

Bei Zattoo im Paket "Zattoo Plus Entertainment" könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen und online schauen.

  • Zattoo Plus Entertainment
  • In HD verfügbar

Bei Waipu.tv im Paket "Perfect Plus" könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen und online schauen.

  • Perfect Plus

Bei RTL+ am günstigsten im Paket "Premium". Dort könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen.

  • 2 weitere Pakete verfügbar

Bei MagentaTV-App am günstigsten im Paket "Zubuch-Option "TV-Paket Lifestyle"". Dort könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen.

  • Zubuch-Option "TV-Paket Lifestyle"
  • 5 weitere Pakete verfügbar

Bei Vodafone GigaTV-App im Paket "Vodafone Premium Plus" könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen und online schauen.

  • Vodafone Premium Plus

Bei Amazon Prime Video Live-TV: Fernsehen per Amazon-Account - erweiterbar mit Amazon Channels im Paket "Sender unter 5 Euro monatlich" könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen und online schauen.

  • Sender unter 5 Euro monatlich
  • Nur In SD verfügbar

Bei O2 TV im Paket "Pay-TV" könnt ihr Das Jenke-Experiment im Live-Stream abrufen und online schauen.

Die Streaming-Dienste sind in Deutschland und in der EU problemlos nutzbar. Außerhalb der EU bietet sich der Einsatz eines VPN-Dienstes an. Dafür geeignete Dienste findet ihr in unserer Übersicht der besten VPN-Anbieter . Die helfen euch unter Umständen auch bei schlechten Verbindungen oder gedrosselten Leitungen.

Das Jenke Experiment verpasst? Ganze Folgen nachträglich als Stream abrufen

Solltet ihr "Das Jenke Experiment" verpasst haben, könnt ihr ganze Folgen der Sendung unter Umständen aus der Mediathek von RTL Living abrufen.

Bedenkt, dass das nicht immer der Fall ist, manche Sendungen stehen sieben Tage zum Abruf bereit, andere werden überhaupt nicht freigegeben. Einige wenige hingegen werden sogar ein Jahr lang angeboten oder ihr könnt dort bereits die Vorschau sehen.

Falls ihr desöfteren die Ausstrahlungen von Das Jenke Experiment verpasst, könnt ihr euch auch überlegen diese mit einem Online-TV-Rekorder aufzunehmen. Die Sendung könnt ihr beispielsweise mit Save.TV aufnehmen und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt anschauen.

Die Sendung wird in regelmäßigen Abständen auf dem Sender RTL Living ausgestrahlt. In unserer Übersicht findet ihr die aktuellen Sendetermine. Wer sich "Das Jenke-Experiment" lieber als Stream online ansieht, findet die verpassten Ausstrahlungen und bisherigen Staffeln auf TV Now .

Euch gefällt "Das Jenke Experiment"? Werft einen Blick in die nachfolgenden Artikel. Dort stellen wir euch ähnliche Sendungen vor, die euch auch gefallen könnten.

Nicht nur auf RTL Living laufen Sendungen wie "Das Jenke Experiment". Ihr findet ähnliche Sendungen auch auf anderen Privatsendern , etwa auf T7 (Televizioni 7) , TV4 , Rakuten TV Deutsches Kino , hayu , Sixx , bauforum24.tv  oder Pluto TV Food . Eine sehr umfangreiche Liste mit allen Empfangsoptionen für hunderte TV-Sender findet ihr auf unserer Senderübersicht . Alternativ könnt ihr an diesen Stellen direkt nach Serien , Filmen oder Shows und Unterhaltungssendungen suchen.

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jenke experiment netflix

Jenke Experiment

  • Mar 11, 2013


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Life as a woman

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  • Me against me - The fight against my addiction
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The plastic in me: How the garbage makes us sick

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  • Suddenly a nursing case
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  • Loving animals, eating animals - how much meat is needed?
  • Mar 2, 2020
  • Jenke als alleinerziehende Mutter - Folge 1
  • Nov 14, 2011
  • Jenke als alleinerziehende Mutter - Folge 2
  • Nov 21, 2011
  • Jenke als alleinerziehende Mutter - Folge 3
  • Nov 28, 2011
  • Jenke als alleinerziehende Mutter - Folge 4
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  • Jenke - Ich bleibe über Nacht: Im Bett von Kim Dotcom
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The 10 best new movies on netflix in august 2024.

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Rosamund Pike and Tom Cruise star together in the 2012 film 'Jack Reacher.'

Another month, another slate of movies from which to choose—this is what I love about Netflix. Of all the streaming giants, Netflix seems to deliver the most eclectic bill of goods each month, offering everything from classic rom-coms to artsy war movies to fresh horror picks, all bolstered by Netflix Originals that dominate the conversation. And August 2024 is no different, with this month’s biggest highlights being the unrated cut of the most epic sci-fi saga in years, a harrowing yet hopeful Oscar-winning drama about a mother’s love for her son, and one of the most underrated action thrillers in years that essentially served as the inception for the latest Mission Impossible movies. So where do you start with so many great options?

Hopefully I can help. Below, you’ll find a list of the ten movies I most recommend this month on Netflix. And at the bottom of the article, I’ve house a comprehensive list of every single film coming to the platform in August 2024. The amount of options, per usual, may astound you, perhaps daunt you, so maybe my recommendations will ease the burden just a bit.

Note: this list covers all releases leading up to Aug. 3, 2024.

Rebel Moon: Director’s Cut (2024)

I write this recommendation on Saturday morning. As a dad with two kids and very little time to watch movies, I was blessed to find the time to watch the first half of Zack Snyder’s unrated cut of Rebel Moon last night. And let’s just say...I don’t need to see the other half to give this movie my full recommendation. As a huge Snyder fan already, the director’s cut has already become my favorite movie in his catalog. If you don’t know the story yet, it follows a warrior named Kora (played by Sofia Boutella) whose farmer community comes under threat from the tyrannical, militaristic Imperium. The community is given ten weeks to gather harvest for the evil army and leave none for themselves, essentially a death sentence. But instead of giving in, Kora builds a small army of warriors (played by a cast that includes Djimon Hounsou, Michiel Huisman Doona Bae, Ray Fisher, Staz Nair and Charlie Hunnam). The director’s cut allows every one of the characters’ stories more room to breathe and find shape, taking Rebel Moon ’s previously PG-13 story from great to spectacular. If you’ve got the patience, this movie will take you on a journey like few sci-fi epics ever have.

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Apple iphone 16 pro to gain most from powerful upgrade, new leak says, wwe summerslam 2024 results: winners and grades on august 3, 2024, the spectacular now (2013).

I remember that when so many young adult romance novels were becoming movies back in the early 2010s, I just couldn’t get into them. These movies always seemed to too exactly followed a formula, too trepidatiously detailed their characters, too quickly grabbed for the nadir. But there was one movie, largely thanks to its two main stars, that stood out above the rest: The Spectacular Now . This teen love story centers on Sutter Keely (Miles Teller), a charming and carefree high school senior who just likes to party and live life freely. But after he meets his shy, introverted classmate Aime Finecky (Shailene Woodley), he develops a relationship that forces him to confront insecurities he’s been pushing away for years. Yes, the movie is simple, but that’s actually what gives its story such power, as director James Ponsoldt focuses most on drawing the story’s raw emotional authenticity from realistic, painfully familiar situations that thrive on cinematographer Jess Hall’s warm embrace of the everyday, of the mundanity of the characters' suburban environment. This movie hasn’t aged one bit.

Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color (2024)

This is a rather odd experiment that has Netflix’s name written all over it. Almost akin to the streaming giant’s stunt with Zack Snyder’s unrated cut of Rebel Moon , Netflix has offered two different versions of the Academy Award-winning movie Godzilla Minus One . The only difference this time? It’s given a black and white palette, offering an old-school Godzilla feel to a modern update that didn’t own an intense color palette anyway—honestly, a super cool idea. The story is set in post-World War II Japan, where kamikaze pilot Kōichi Shikishima (Ryunosuke Kamiki) is struggling with guilt and loss as he and his army battle the famed sea creature. Along the way, he begins to care for a woman, Noriko (Minami Hamabe), and an orphaned baby. Backed by a stellar 98% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Godzilla Minus One won so many people over for employing a comparatively low-budget approach for a Godzilla movie, focusing more on characters and social commentary than Hollywood’s current CGI-laden path. This take on Godzilla is much more visceral and thrilling.

Room (2015)

As we’ve all watched Brie Larson become one of the hottest commodities in Hollywood, starring in two different billion-dollar franchises (the Marvel franchise and the Fast & Furious movies), it’s easy to forget this all started thanks to an Oscar-winning performance in a small, emotionally draining experience known as Room . This sad tale follows Joy (played by Larson) and her five-year-old son Jack (Jacob Tremblay) as they live in captivity in a small, confined space they call “Room.” Held captive for years they refer to as “Old Nick,” Joy creates a nurturing environment for her son who’s never known the outside world as she tries to preserve his goodness, his innocence. Then, suddenly, the film shifts from this prison sentence to the outside world, where they must learn to fit in and move on. This intimate and immersive experience tells its story through both a mother’s and a child’s gaze, offering a tension-filled lens that plays with perspective when unfolding its narrative, when exploring how people recover and reintegrate into this strange, cruel world.

Tarot (2024)

so many horror movies are made every year that many fly under the radar. Sometimes you’ll find a gem, but for the most part you’re watching the same old formula play out over and over in tired ways. But one movie has managed to rise amongst the dreck this year: Tarot . The story centers on a group of friends who rent a mansion and discover a cursed deck of tarot cards. After they each receive a card, they experience terrifying (and often deadly) encounters that match their readings. To combat the dark forces, they recuit occult expert Alma, who reveals the cards’ dark history. This horror movie directed by Spenser Cohen and Anna Halberg stars Harriet Slater, Adain Bradley, Avantika and Wolfgang Novogratz. While Tarot isn’t the best horror movie in years, it’s entertaining and effectively done. It’s cool that Netflix is giving this movie that might not otherwise ever find an audience a chance to connect with people who enjoy venturing into the pits of genre.

Jack Reacher (2012)

At this point, director Christopher McQuarrie and superstar Tom Cruise’s partnership is well known for reinvigorating the Mission Impossible franchise, as that dynamic duo has given us Rogue Nation, Fallout and Dead Reckoning . But before those movies, McQuarrie brought his tightly controlled pacing and concise storytelling, and Cruise delivered his usual charismatic yet intense performance in the underrated action thriller Jack Reacher . Cruise stars as the titular character, who is drawn into a convoluted case when a sniper kills five random victims. The accused claims innocence and asks for Reacher’s help, sending the former-United-States-Army-Military-Police-Investigator-turned-drifter on a dangerous mission to uncover a conspiracy. Alongside Cruise, who gives you your money’s worth throughout with his compelling presence, Jack Reacher is filled with incredible supporting performances from the likes of Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Werner Herzog, David Oyelowo and Robert Duvall. It’s truly incredible that this movie exists, with such a stellar cast coming together to offer an entrancing take on a familiar genre story.

Save the Last Dance (2001)

Part of me thinks I cannot detach this movie from my childhood—and, perhaps in many ways, I cannot. I will forever be drawn to the natural chemistry between Julia Stiles and Sean Patrick Thomas, the humble focus on aspiration and resilience, the killer hip-hop and R&B-laden soundtrack that gives the movie charisma and personality. But now as an older movie watcher, I find myself appreciating this movie from director Thomas Cater for its careful character work, its exploration of race and identity and class, its genuine emotional depth that never feels pretentious or dishonest—it’s a movie that just flat-out works. The story centers on Sara (Stiles), a young aspiring ballerina who moves into a tough Chicago neighborhood after her mother’s sudden death. There, she shares her passion for dance with Derek, a gifted hip-hop dancer who helps her rediscover her love for dancing. There’s something so charming about its simple, yet incredibly dramatic tale, its authentic capture of grief and struggle at such a young age.

Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie (2024)

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? If you know the answer to that question, or if you can sing out the answer to that question with the sort of enthusiasm that’s delivered in the theme song for SpongeBob SquarePants , then you’re one of the real ones. You might also be interested to learn that that they’re making another SpongeBob movie (the fifth one so far, with another one purely focused on Plankton on the way), with The Sandy Cheeks Movie placing SpongeBob’s underwater squirrel friend in the spotlight. This franchise film stars Sandy (voiced by Carolyn Lawrence), who teams up with SpongeBob (Tom Kenny) to save their beloved underwater home from a villainous plot. This film features a star-studded voice cast, including Wanda Sykes, Clancy Brown, Bill Fagerbakke and Johnny Knoxville, who will all come together for a movie that owns the fun, goofy aesthetic of the original television series.

Fury (2014)

On the list of underrated war films that more people should talk about, Fury is near the top of the list. And on the list of directors who deserve more love and freedom in Hollywood, Fury director David Ayer stands front and center. So...yeah, I’m basically recommending you watch Fury —the kind of war movie that feels transcendent in its scope and vision, and uniquely stands out in a field of formulaic genre vehicles. Fury follows a battle-hardened tank crew led by Sergeant Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Brad Pitt) during the final months of World War II. His platoon consists of young troop members played by actors Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña and Jon Bernthal, who come together to craft together an intense dynamic amidst the film’s confined and claustrophobic environment, its brutal and unflinching depiction of the realities of war, its intense and immersive action sequences. All in all, Fury gives you a truly cinematic experience. Play this one loud and enjoy.

Star Trek: Beyond (2016)

The Star Trek trilogy feels like it was released a million years ago, with the first Star Trek released back in 2009, its sequel Into Darkness coming out in 2013, before finally closing out the story in 2016 with Beyond . The big difference between the first two movies, which were fine, and the third movie, which is pretty awesome, is the man behind the camera. We went from the reliable J. J. Abrams to the electric Justin Lin, director of all the greatest Fast & Furious movies (especially Fast Five ). Star Trek Beyond continues the adventures of the USS Enterprise crew as they explore the far reaches of uncharted space. During their mission, they encounter a powerful new enemy, Krall (played by Idris Elba), who attacks the Enterprise, forcing the crew to abandon ship and become stranded on a hostile planet. All of the usual players are back to reprise their roles—Chris Pine as James T. Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, Karl Urban as Leonard McCoy, Zoe Saldaña as Nyota Uhura, Simon Pegg as Montgomery Scott, John Cho as Hikaru Sulu and Anton Yelchin as Ensign Pavel Chekov—in this awesome conclusion to an entertaining trilogy.

Every New Movie on Netflix in August 2024

  • August 1: Borderless Fog (2024); Breaking and Re-Entering (2024); Bride of Chucky (1998); Child’s Play 2 (1990); Child’s Play 3 (1991); Cult of Chucky (2017); Curse of Chucky (2013); Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat (2003); Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (2012); Fury (2014); Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color (2024); Hop (2011); Jack Reacher (2012); Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016); Love, Charlie: The Rise and Fall of Chef Charlie Trotter (2021); Mon Laferte, te amo (2024); Monster House (2006); Mr. Deeds (2002); Not Another Teen Movie (2001); Red (2010); Red 2 (2013); Room (2015); Save the Last Dance (2001); Star Trek: Beyond (2016); Tarot (2024); The Deer King (2022); The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013); The Next Karate Kid (1994); The Spectacular Now (2013); White Chicks (2004); World War Z (2013).
  • August 2: Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli (2024); Rebel Moon – Part One: Director’s Cut (2024); Rebel Moon – Part Two: Director’s Cut (2024); Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie (2024)
  • August 6: Reminiscence (2021)
  • August 7: Downtown Owl (2023); Lolo and the Kid (2024)
  • August 8: The Emoji Movie (2017)
  • August 9: Inside the Mind of a Dog (2024); Mission: Cross (2024); Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba (2024)
  • August 11: Night School (2018)
  • August 14: Daughters (2024); Robocar Poli Special: The Story of the Desert Rescue (2023); They Shot The Piano Player (2023)
  • August 16: First Man (2018); Pearl (2023); The Union (2024)
  • August 20: Untold: The Murder of Air McNair (2024)
  • August 21: Nice Girls (2024)
  • August 22: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie (2024); Secret Lives of Orangutans (2024)
  • August 23: Incoming (2024)
  • August 28: Untamed Royals (2024)
  • August 30: The Deliverance (2024); (Un)lucky Sisters (2024)

Travis Bean

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Neue Folge „Tiere lieben und Tiere essen – wie viel Fleisch muss sein?“

„das jenke-experiment“ bei tvnow: den rtl-live-stream online sehen.

"Das Jenke-Experiment- wie viel Fleisch muss sein?" bei TVNOW

Jenke von Wilmsdorff macht Selbstversuche zu verschiedensten Themen wie Alkoholmissbrauch, Armut, Drogen, Behinderungen, Stress, Organspende sowie Alter und Tod. „Das Jenke Experiment“ hält äußerst spannende und nicht immer ungefährliche Experimente bereit.

„Das Jenke Experiment: Tiere lieben und Tiere essen – wie viel Fleisch muss sein?“ lief am Mittwoch, den 1. Juli 2020 ab 20:15 bei RTL. Folge verpasst? Kein Problem – „Das Jenke Experiment: Tiere lieben und Tiere essen – wie viel Fleisch muss sein?“ ist nach Ausstrahlung in voller Länge ebenfalls bei TVNOW zum nachträglichen Abruf verfügbar.

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„Das Jenke-Experiment“: Wie viel Fleischkonsum vertretbar ist

In seinem neuen Experiment „Tiere lieben und Tiere essen – wie viel Fleisch muss sein?“ beleuchtet Jenke von Wilmsdorff das Thema Fleischkonsum und seine Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesundheit und die Umwelt. Dabei wagt der Reporter einen vergleichenden Selbstversuch: Zunächst isst er zwei Wochen lang mindestens 1 kg Fleisch pro Tag und unterzieht sich in dieser Zeit verschiedenen Leistungstests. Danach ernährt er sich zwei weitere Wochen nur noch vegan und wird dabei ebenfalls von gesundheitlichen Tests begleitet. Seine Suche nach Einsichten führt Jenke hierbei unter anderem nach Indien und auf einen Bauernhof in Hamm, wo ihm unterschiedliche Ansichten und Formen der Tierliebe begegnen.

Welche Auswirkungen hat übermäßiger Fleischkonsum auf unsere Gesundheit? Welche Mengen sind ethisch und mit Blick auf die Umwelt überhaupt vertretbar? Und wer könnte eigentlich selbst ein Tier töten, um es anschließend zu essen? Fragen wie diesen geht Jenke von Wilmsdorff in seinem neuen Experiment nach und steht am Ende selbst vor einem Offenbarungseid: Bleibt er ein Fleischfresser oder entscheidet er sich sogar für einen veganen Lebensstil?

Ganze Folgen von „Das Jenke-Experiment“ sind nach TV-Ausstrahlung zum Abruf bei TVNOW verfügbar.

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Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker?

  • Episode aired Nov 27, 2023

Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker? (2023)

In his new experiment, Jenke von Wilmsdorff tests it himself: How does excessive sugar consumption affect his health and mood within a very short period of time? And what does giving up suga... Read all In his new experiment, Jenke von Wilmsdorff tests it himself: How does excessive sugar consumption affect his health and mood within a very short period of time? And what does giving up sugar do to us? In his new experiment, Jenke von Wilmsdorff tests it himself: How does excessive sugar consumption affect his health and mood within a very short period of time? And what does giving up sugar do to us?

  • Jenke von Wilmsdorff
  • Florian Teufelhart
  • Self - Host
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  • November 27, 2023 (Germany)
  • RedSeven Entertainment
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  • Runtime 1 hour 45 minutes

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There’s 1 easy way the night agent season 2 can be better than netflix’s season 1.


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6 Ways The Night Agent Season 2 Can Be Better Than Netflix’s Hit Season 1

House of the dragon reopens one of game of thrones' oldest plot holes, one of the best k-dramas of 2024 is now streaming on netflix (but not everywhere).

  • The Night Agent season 2 can improve on season 1 with more complex villains to add depth and intrigue to the story.
  • The predictable resolution of season 1's plot leaves room for a more surprising and compelling storyline in season 2.
  • Season 2 will feature an original story separate from the source material, potentially leading to a more creative and engaging narrative.

The Night Agent season 2 has big shoes to fill, but there's one easy way it can outdo the series' successful first season. Having two charismatic leads, FBI Special Agent Peter Sutherland (Garbiel Basso) and cybersecurity expert Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan), plenty of action, and a fair share of plot twists and turns, The Night Agent rapidly became one of Netflix's most-watched titles in the early half of 2023. Between January and June, season 1 of The Night Agent reached nearly 1 billion hours viewed , warranting the hit series' near immediate renewal.

Yet, as indicated by Rotten Tomatoes critical and audience scores of 74% and 78%, no matter how entertaining or big of a draw the series was, The Night Agent season 1 still had room for improvement . In both positive and negative perspectives, reviews regarded The Night Agent as popcorn fare, with some commending the series for being easy-to-follow entertainment and others condemning the series for being a bit too basic. Bearing this in mind, The Night Agent season 2 can improve on its forerunning season with a fix that would prove equally entertaining while adding enough depth to impress critics.


As The Night Agent season 2 draws closer, there are many questions as to what the story will be about, and how the newest season will top the last.

The Night Agent Season 2 Needs Better Villains

Season 1's villains were engaging, but season 2 can do better.

The Night Agent season 2 would fare well by featuring more absorbing and complex villains than season 1 provided. In season 1, Peter and Rose expose a government conspiracy, revealing Vice President Redfield (Christopher Shyer) as corrupt and using cronies, Turn Lake CEO Gordon Wick (Ben Cotton) and assassins Ellen (Eve Harlow) and Dale (Phoenix Raei), to carry out and/or cover up his political dealings. While Redfield is responsible for major season 1 plot points like the DC metro bombing and the assassination attempt on President Travers (Kari Matchett), his and his colleagues' motivations are somewhat flat .

Everyone under Redfield's command (except perhaps The Night Agent's mole , Diane Farr) is motivated by fairly surface-level desires - contract killers Ellen and Dale get involved for opportunity and Wick for the interest of his business. Redfield capitalizes on their motivations to fulfill his own fairly one-dimensional desire, which is to do anything in his power to stop President Travers from associating the United States with foreign political leader Omar Zadar. Whether out of fear, prejudice, or something else altogether, Redfield's master plan never got any deeper than his not wanting to see the country go in the "wrong" direction .

The Night Agent’s Metro Bombing Mystery Was Too Easy To Solve

Predictably, all roads led back to redfield.

Peter Sutherland holding FBI badge in The Night Agent

Redfield's plan to eliminate Zadar and strongarm the country in his preferred direction made for an entertaining, high-octane season 1 plot. However, it was easy to predict that all roads would lead to Redfield as the series’ overarching antagonist. What started as the shocking metro bombing in episode 1 quickly proliferated into a series of events that continually exposed the U.S. government as questionably secretive and tinged with corruption. The Night Agent goaded its audience to distrust all the government affiliates Peter and Rose encounter , and, ultimately, it became a matter of finding out who the ringleader was.

The end of The Night Agent reveals that Redfield used the metro bombing as an assassination attempt on Zadar's life. The reveal satisfied the question of the ringleader and soothed all the hype that led up to the moment, but it wasn't all that surprising . Consequently, The Night Agent season 2 has the perfect opportunity to up the ante on its prospective villain (or villains) by replicating the build and intensity of the series' action-packed season 1 but paying it off with a less obvious culprit who has more compelling reasoning behind their actions.

The Night Agent Season 2’s Story Will Be An Original One

Season 2 has a lot of room to get creative.

Peter and Rose walking away from car in The Night Agent

Season 1's ending, which sees Peter sent out to operate in the field on an unspecified secret mission, sets The Night Agent up to become an anthology series where each new season follows him working on a different case.

The Night Agent season 2 will surely have the room to get creative with its villains. Season 1 was based on the events of Matthew Quirk's The Night Agent novel , while in contrast, season 2 will be an original conception. Quirk's novel does not have a sequel, meaning that Peter's story past the events of season 1 will be entirely new from now on . Although a TV series surpassing the events of its source material has proven divisive before (e.g., Game of Thrones ), Netflix has a great chance at nailing future seasons of The Night Agent .

Season 1's ending, which sees Peter sent out to operate in the field on an unspecified secret mission, sets The Night Agent up to become an anthology series where each new season follows him working on a different case. Instead of being hung up on its overarching series story, The Night Agent can operate on a season-by-season basis where cases are opened at the onset and settled conclusively by the season finale. If this is the direction The Night Agent intends to pursue, then it can comfortably explore and experiment with not just one but a stream of new villains.

The Night Agent season 2 has wrapped filming and is projected to premiere in late 2024 or early 2025.

The Night Agent Poster

The Night Agent

Not available

The Night Agent is a Netflix original series based on the novel by Matthew Quirk. The show centers on a young entry-level FBI agent named Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) who handles a hotline in the basement of the White House that never rings. When the phone finally does, Peter finds himself embroiled in a dangerous conspiracy that climbs all the way to the top.

The Night Agent (2023)

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Every movie and show coming to Netflix in August

The Hargreeves siblings unite for one last end of the world

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Klaus, Lila, and Allison sit in the back of a car, with Ben and Viktor behind them. Klaus breathes into a paper bag. Lila rocks some cool sunglasses. Allison looks generally pissed off at being here.

Even with Netflix’s recommendation algorithm serving you new movies, new TV shows, and original programming tailored to your viewing habits, the streaming service’s fire hose of content makes what’s coming difficult to parse.

For anyone who’s had their eye on the new Interview With the Vampire , The Terror , and other AMC shows — you’re in luck! A host of AMC Plus shows are hitting Netflix. Also, the final season of The Umbrella Academy brings the dysfunctional Hargreeves family together one last time. Finally. Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon director’s cuts! Woo!

Editor’s Pick: Monster House

D.J. peering through his window at the Monster House.

Director: Gil Kenan Cast: Mitchel Musso, Steve Buscemi, Kathleen Turner, Maggie Gyllenhaal

As far as scary children’s movies go, Monster House deserves way more recognition! It’s a haunted house movie, with the house itself being a terrifying creature that devours passerbyers. Three kids venture deeper into the house and find out its frankly devastating secrets. It gets pretty scary — but it’s still a fun spoopy time, where the heroes come out on top!

Available Now

Arranger (Netflix Games)

From Netflix: Solve your way through a world packed with puzzles. Find where you fit in and connect the communities you discover in this charming adventure game.

The Dragon Prince: Xadia (Netflix Games)

From Netflix: Welcome to Xadia. Become a legendary hero and team up to take on epic missions in this game based on Netflix’s hit fantasy series “The Dragon Prince.”

Minesweeper (Netflix Games)

From Netflix: Run the numbers and reveal each square with care. Travel the world clearing undersea mines in this fresh spin on the classic logic puzzle game.

Sports Sports (Netflix Games)

From Netflix: Sprint, swim, throw, lift and leap to the top of the worldwide rankings in this arcade-style athletic competition. Can you beat the best of the best?

Too Hot To Handle 3 (Netflix Games)

From Netflix: This time, you’re the bombshell. Crash the retreat and stir up drama among couples in this season of the hit dating game. Juicy surprises await.

Available sometime in August

The Frog (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: The Frog is a suspense thriller revolving around the story of people whose peaceful lives are upended and thrown into uncontrollable incidents due to a mysterious guest who arrives in the middle of summer.

KENGAN ASHURA: Season 2: Part.2 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: The second round of the Kengan Life-or-Death TourN/Ament continues — without Ohma. As the mighty gladiators clash, a shadowy figure plots a violent coup.

Available Aug. 1

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Five years after the murder of a 17-year-old girl in a sleepy English town, one student is determined to uncover the truth and find the real killer.

Borderless Fog (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: A big-city detective investigates a series of gruesome murders along the Indonesia-Malaysia border — forcing her to confront ghosts from her past.

From Me to You: Kimi ni Todoke: Season 3 (Netflix Anime)

From Netflix: As a new couple, Sawako and Kazehaya experience their first date, first school trip and more. Meanwhile, their friends’ love stories also begin to unfold.

Love is Blind: Mexico (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: These singles have to put a ring on it... without ever seeing one another. The Emmy-nominated experiment that ponders if love is blind arrives in Mexico.

Mon Laferte, te amo (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: In this intimate documentary, Chilean artist Mon Laferte recounts her life in Mexico as she N/Avigates a global tour, motherhood and her deepest wounds.

Unstable : Season 2 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Ellis pushes his reluctant son toward the spotlight at Dragon Industries as the biotech company’s success means new blood — and fresh rivalries.

Bride of Chucky Child’s Play 2 Child’s Play 3 Cult of Chucky Curse of Chucky Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax

the onceler in his little green suit, cackling with a fist clenched in the air

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition: Batch 4 Fire Country: Season 1 Fury

Godzilla Minus One/Minus Color

A man aboard a small motorized, wooden boat speed away from the mouth of a colossal spiky creature swimming after him in Godzilla Minus One.

Jack Reacher Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Monster House Mr. Deeds The Next Karate Kid Not Another Teen Movie Pawn Stars: Season 15 RED RED 2 Room Save the Last Dance Seed of Chucky The Spectacular Now Tarot White Chicks World War Z

Available Aug. 2

Modern Masters: SS Rajamouli (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: This engrossing documentary throws light on the roaring success of filmmaker S.S. Rajamouli with interviews from family and famous friends.

Rebel Moon — Part One: Director’s Cut (Netflix Film)

A close-up shot of a black-haired woman (Sofia Boutella) wearing a brown hooded shroud and holding a futuristic pistol in Rebel Moon.

From Netflix: Zack Snyder’s sci-fi saga expands with “Chapter One: Chalice of Blood,” a hardcore director’s cut about a search for warriors to defend a peaceful moon.

Rebel Moon — Part Two: Director’s Cut (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: Rebels on a remote moon make an impossible stand in “Chapter Two: Curse of Forgiveness,” director Zack Snyder’s bigger, bloodier cut of his sci-fi saga.

Saving Bikini Bottom: The Sandy Cheeks Movie (Netflix Family)

From Netflix: When Bikini Bottom is scooped from the ocean, scientific squirrel Sandy Cheeks and her pal SpongeBob SquarePants saddle up for Texas to save their town.

Available Aug. 3

Joe Rogan: Burn the Boats (Netflix Comedy Special)

From Netflix: Renowned comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan delivers a live stand-up set at the Majestic Theatre in San Antonio, Texas, for his third Netflix special.

Available Aug. 5

Gabby’s Dollhouse: Season 10 (Netflix Family)

From Netflix: Come celebrate special holidays with Gabby and her friends, from a birthday to Family Day to Opposite Day. Every day is a celebration at the Dollhouse!

Available Aug. 6

The Influencer (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Numerous influencers in Korea compete to determine who has the utmost influence on social media. Who will reach the pinnnacle of power and status?


Rising Impact: Season 2 (Netflix Anime)

From Netflix: Golf prodigy Gawain and Camelot Academy’s Japan team take on gifted young golfers from the U.K. and U.S. schools in the coveted Camelot Cup.

Available Aug. 7

Lolo and the Kid (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: A hustler and the child he took in routinely con the wealthy — but a life-changing opportunity could end their inseparable bond.

Love Is Blind: UK (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Emma and Matt Willis host a social experiment where British singles look for love and get engaged before meeting in person. But who will say “I do”?

Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: Advanced audio technology captures the sound of nature like you’ve never heard it before, in this riveting docuseries narrated by Sir David Attenborough.

Available Aug. 8

The Emoji Movie

Shahmaran : Season 2 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: As a powerful darkness reawakens, Şahsu and Maran face a series of trials that will determine the fate of humanity — and their own.

The Umbrella Academy : Season 4 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: The Hargreeves siblings have scattered after the climactic showdown at the Hotel Oblivion led to a complete reset of their timeline. Stripped of their powers, each is left to fend for themselves and find a new normal — with wildly varying degrees of success. Yet the trappings of their uncanny new world prove too hard to ignore for very long. Their father Reginald, alive and well, has stepped out of the shadows and into the public eye, overseeing a powerful and nefarious business empire. A mysterious association known as The Keepers holds clandestine meetings believing the reality they’re living in is a lie and a great reckoning is coming. As these strange new forces conspire around them, the Umbrella Academy must come together one last time — and risk upsetting the shaky peace they’ve all endured so much to secure — to finally set things right.

Available Aug. 9

Blue Ribbon Baking Championship (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Blue ribbon-winning bakers from state fairs across the US face off for the first time in an epic baking showdown to win top honors and $100,000.

Inside the Mind of a Dog (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: Embark on a delightful journey into the world of dogs in this documentary that reveals scientific and emotioN/Al insights about our lovable BFFs.

Mission: Cross (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: In the ultimate test of marriage, an agent-turned-househusband gets tangled in a perilous mission with his detective wife, who’s clueless about his past.

Phir Aayi Hasseen Dillruba (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: While evading the cops in Agra, Rani and Rishu scheme to run away together. But when their plans go awry, Rani asks a mild-mannered admirer for help.

Pokémon Horizons: The Series Part 3 (Netflix Family)

From Netflix: The daring adventurers add new members as they soar through the skies and beyond, unlocking mysteries in their search for the Six Heroes.

Available Aug. 10

Romance in the House (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: After his business crashes, a man disappears from his family for 11 years. But when he makes a return as their wealthy landlord, a messy reunion ensues.

Available Aug. 11

Night School

Available Aug. 13

Matt Rife: Lucid - A Crowd Work Special (Netflix Comedy Special)

From Netflix: In Netflix’s first-ever crowd work special, Matt Rife gets up close and personal with an unpredictable Charlotte audience to riff on all things dreams.

Available Aug. 14

Daughters (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: Four girls prepare to reunite with their fathers through a special dance at a DC prison in this moving documentary about the healing power of love.

Worst Ex Ever (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: From chilling betrayals to murder plots, this true-crime docuseries dissects the dark side of love through eyewitness testimonies.

Available Aug. 15

Average Joe: Season 1

Backyard Wilderness

Emily in Paris : Season 4: Part 1 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Emily’s life in Paris may have beaucoup drama, but she’s ready to make bold choices to get everything she wants from the city — and man — of her dreams.

Available Aug. 16

I can’t live without you (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: When a workaholic ruins a family event, his wife issues an ultimatum. Now, he has to choose between his two loves: his phone or his 20-year marriage.

Mia Goth in a vivid red dress, holding an axe and doing a finger-to-the-lips “Shush” in Ti West’s Pearl

The Union (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: Mike (Mark Wahlberg) is happy living a simple life as a construction worker in his native New Jersey – until his long-lost high school sweetheart, Roxanne (Halle Berry), shows up with more on her mind than romance. Knowing he’s the right man for the job, she recruits Mike on a dangerous intelligence mission in Europe that thrusts them back together into a world of spies and high-speed car chases, with sparks flying along the way. Directed by Julian Farino (Giri/Haji, Entourage), The Union also stars Mike Colter, Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, Jessica De Gouw, Alice Lee, Jackie Earle Haley, and J.K. Simmons.

Available Aug. 17

Love Next Door (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: A woman attempting to reboot her life returns to Korea and becomes entangled with her childhood friend — with whom she shares a complicated history.

Available Aug. 19

A Discovery of Witches: Seasons 1-3 Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches: Season 1

CoComelon Lane: Season 3 (Netflix Family)

From Netflix: The Melon Patch Academy kids want to surprise their teacher Ms. Appleberry with a special musical! But can the show go on when plans unexpectedly change?

Dark Winds: Seasons 1-2 Fear the Walking Dead: Seasons 1-8 Gangs of London: Seasons 1-2

Interview with the Vampire: Season 1

lestat lounging on a flowery armchair next to a victorian era lamp in interview with the vampire

Into the Badlands: Seasons 1-3 Kevin Can F**k Himself: Seasons 1-2 Migration Monsieur Spade: Season 1 Preacher : Seasons 1-4 That Dirty Black Bag: Season 1

The Terror: Season 1

The primary cast of The Terror.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon: Season 1 UnREAL: Seasons 1-4

Available Aug. 20

Langston Kerman: Bad Poetry (Netflix Comedy Special)

From Netflix: Comedian Langston Kerman talks parenting a top-tier baby, teaching mean teens and managing his mother-in-law’s dating apps in this hilarious special.

Terror Tuesday: Extreme (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Inspired by the Thai horror radio show “Angkhan Khlumpong,” this series presents eight stories based on real-life experiences shared by listeners.

Untold: The Murder of Air McNair (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: This documentary tracks the rise of legendary NFL quarterback Steve McNair and the perplexing details surrounding his shocking murder in 2009.

Available Aug. 21

The Accident (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: When a birthday party takes a tragic turn, its ripples shatter a close-knit, wealthy community — tearing families, friendships and hearts apart.

Back to 15: Back to 18 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: After a photoblog glitch, Anita is transported to 2009 and must navigate university life while realizing she’s not the only time traveler in town.

Nice Girls (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: A vengeful cop with a big personality and a German detective with opposing methods team up to save Nice from disaster in this female-led buddy film.

Pop Star Academy: KATSEYE (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: The series follows 20 contestants from around the world over a year-long journey as they compete to become KATSEYE, a one-of-a-kind global girl group formed using KPOP methodologies. With unprecedented access, unfolding over eight episodes, the result is a compelling portrayal of the road to international stardom, including insight into the unique training and development program developed by HYBE and Geffen Records.

Wyatt Earp and The Cowboy War (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: The legendary feud between Wyatt Earp and Ike Clanton unfolds through vivid reenactments in this gritty docudrama about the gunfight that defined an era.

Available Aug. 22

Baby Fever: Season 2 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Fertility doctor Nana tries to balance life as a single mother with the complicated web of lies she has spun — but the past catches up to her.

GG Precinct (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Facing a trail of murders staged as chilling word games, a rookie police captain and a goofy detective race to solve a serial killer’s deadly puzzles.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie (Netflix Anime)

From Netflix: One by one, Sailor Moon’s friends and loved ones are targeted by a formidable new enemy who threatens to destroy everything and rule over the cosmos.

Secret Lives of Orangutans (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: Follow a multi-generational orangutan family through their treetop triumphs and travails in this immersive documentary Narrated by David Attenborough.

Available Aug. 23

Incoming (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: Their first week of high school. The biggest party of the year. Mistakes will be made as four teenage boys navigate a night of mayhem and debauchery.

Tòkunbọ̀ (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: An ex-car smuggler is given three hours to deliver a government official’s daughter to her captor — or else his family will suffer the consequences.

Available Aug. 27

Untold: Sign Stealer (Netflix Documentary)

From Netflix: This documentary reveals how Connor Stalions, a Michigan football staffer with a talent for decoding opponents’ signs, became embroiled in a major cheating scandal.

Available Aug. 28

Untamed Royals (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: A group of uber-wealthy teens exploits their social status to commit increasingly serious crimes. Yet the fallout hits the vulnerable, not the fortunate.

Available Aug. 29

Chastity High (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: When an ultra-elite high school enforces a strict “No Romance” rule that expels anyone caught dating, a student secretly helps her classmates for cash.

KAOS (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: As discord reigns on Mount Olympus and almighty Zeus spirals into paranoia, three mortals are destined to reshape the future of humankind.

Represent : Season 2 (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: Stéphane Blé’s presidency is off to a rocky start as he faces death threats, protests, interN/AtioN/Al gaffes and some troublesome domestic affairs.


A short-haired anime woman aiming a pistol in an industrial stockyard in Terminator Zero.

From Netflix: A soldier from a post-apocalyptic future travels back to 1997 to protect an AI scientist being hunted by an unrelenting cyborg assassin.

Available Aug. 30

A-List to Playlist (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: With a 20-year acting career, Cho Jung-seok takes on the challenge of debuting as a singer in 100 days, mobilizing his entire network against the clock!

Breathless (Netflix Series)

From Netflix: A passionate medical team is devoted to saving lives in a bustling public hospital where tensions — and romance — keep their pulses racing.

The Deliverance (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: Ebony Jackson, a struggling single mother fighting her personal demons, moves her family into a new home for a fresh start. But when strange occurrences inside the home raise the suspicions of Child Protective Services and threaten to tear the family apart, Ebony soon finds herself locked in a battle for her life and the souls of her children. Inspired by a true story, THE DELIVERANCE is directed by Academy Award nominee Lee Daniels and stars Andra Day, Glenn Close, Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor, and Mo’Nique in a genre-defying take on darkness, possession, and finding a higher power.

(Un)lucky Sisters (Netflix Film)

From Netflix: When their dad unexpectedly dies, two estranged sisters are brought together when they find his stash of millions behind a wall. But should they keep it?

jenke experiment netflix

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  1. Das Jenke-Experiment

    jenke experiment netflix

  2. Das Jenke-Experiment

    jenke experiment netflix

  3. Das Jenke-Experiment 4 Folgen (aus „EXTRA“) Episodenguide

    jenke experiment netflix

  4. Das Jenke-Experiment

    jenke experiment netflix

  5. Das Jenke-Experiment

    jenke experiment netflix

  6. Das Jenke-Experiment (2013)

    jenke experiment netflix


  1. "Jenke." Das Food-Experiment: Was essen wir wirklich? (TV ...

    Das Food-Experiment: Was essen wir wirklich?: Directed by Jenke von Wilmsdorff, Stephanie Golluscio, Asadeh Karimi-Starke. With Jenke von Wilmsdorff. In a new self-experiment, Jenke von Wilmsdorff shows how hidden pollutants in our food can affect us. How bad is the level of harmful substances in supposedly healthy foods? Jenke eats the most contaminated foods for several weeks.

  2. JENKE.

    Die neueste Reportage aus der Reihe "JENKE." mit Jenke von Wilmsdorff auf Prosieben Ganze Folge Stream Exklusive Insights. Jetzt entdecken!

  3. Das Jenke-Experiment: Staffeln und Episodenguide

    Bei "Das Jenke-Experiment" ist der Name Programm: Jenke Wilmsdorff testet Dinge und Situationen in Selbstversuchen. Alle Infos findet ihr im episodenguide. ... Netflix, MagentaTV, Sky Online ...

  4. Jenke Experiment: All Episodes

    The Jenke Experiment (subtitled: Der macht das wirklich) is a documentary film series of the German television channel RTL, in which the extra reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff tries out social topics such as alcohol abuse or poverty on his own body in self-experiments.

  5. Das Jenke-Experiment

    Der engagierte Reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff geht für seine Sendung "Das Jenke Experiment" immer wieder an seine Grenzen. In dem Doku Format wagt er sich an spannende Selbstversuche, die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Themen aufgreifen und sowohl körperlich als auch psychisch alles von ihm abverlangen.

  6. Das Jenke-Experiment (TV Series 2013- )

    Das Jenke-Experiment. Seasons Years; 1; S1.E1 ∙ Alkohol. Mon, Mar 11, 2013. Add a plot. Rate. Contribute to this page. Suggest an edit or add missing content. Top Gap. What is the English language plot outline for Das Jenke-Experiment (2013)? Answer. See more gaps; Learn more about contributing; Add episode.

  7. Jenke-Experiment: Rennradfahrer (1)

    Jenke am Limit - das etwas andere Experiment! In Deutschland gibt es 5,4 Millionen Rennradfahrer - und nun einen mehr! Jenke von Wilmsdorff will an sein Limi...

  8. Das Experiment Psyche geht los: Was erwartet Jenke?

    Empfohlen ab 12 Jahren:Mit keinerlei Information begibt sich Jenke in sein neues Experiment! Er muss sich in einer kleinen Wohnung auf unbestimmte Zeit isoli...

  9. Das Jenke Experiment (2013

    Visit the TV show page for 'Das Jenke Experiment' on Moviefone. Discover the show's synopsis, cast details, and season information. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and episode reviews. Your ...

  10. Jenke Experiment

    The Jenke Experiment (subtitled: Der macht das wirklich) is a documentary film series of the German television channel RTL, in which the extra reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff tries out social topics such as alcohol abuse or poverty on his own body in self-experiments.

  11. Wer streamt Das Jenke-Experiment? Serie online schauen

    Das Jenke-Experiment war eine Dokumentationsfilmreihe des deutschen Fernsehsenders RTL, in der der Extra-Reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff in Selbstversuchen gesellschaftliche Themen wie beispielsweise Alkoholmissbrauch oder Armut am eigenen Leib ausprobiert hat. Das Jenke-Experiment ist aktuell bei keinem von uns unterstützten Anbieter verfügbar.

  12. Das Jenke-Experiment (TV Series 2013- )

    Das Jenke-Experiment: With Jenke von Wilmsdorff. Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.

  13. "Das ist gefährlich!" Was macht Langeweile mit uns?

    Empfohlen ab 12 Jahren:Eine der schwierigsten Herausforderungen im neuen Experiment ist für Jenke die alte gute Langeweile. Wann spürt man sie und was macht ...

  14. Das Jenke-Experiment

    Gibt es Das Jenke-Experiment auf Netflix, Amazon, und co? Jetzt online Stream finden! Home Neu Beliebt Listen . Anmelden. Derzeit auf 1 Streaming-Dienst verfügbar. ... Derzeit auf 1 Streaming-Dienst verfügbar. Das Jenke-Experiment (2013) 2439. +1817-6.0 -1h 4min. Wo kann ich streamen? Kostenlos ansehen Episoden Inhalt Trailer Why to watch ...

  15. Das Jenke-Experiment

    Das Jenke-Experiment (RTL Living) online streamen Sendetermine im Fernsehen Juli/August 2024 In Mediathek abrufbar Alle Infos ... Netflix, MagentaTV, Sky Online, iTunes, The Movie Database, Fanart ...

  16. Jenke Experiment

    The Jenke Experiment (subtitled: Der macht das wirklich) is a documentary film series of the German television channel RTL, in which the extra reporter Jenke von Wilmsdorff tries out social topics such as alcohol abuse or poverty on his own body in self-experiments.

  17. The 10 Best New Movies On Netflix In August 2024

    This is a rather odd experiment that has Netflix's name written all over it. Almost akin to the streaming giant's stunt with Zack Snyder's unrated cut of Rebel Moon, Netflix has offered two ...

  18. „Das Jenke-Experiment" im TV verpasst? Jetzt ganze Folge online auf

    Ganze Folgen von „Das Jenke-Experiment" gibt's im RTL-Live-Stream und nachträglich online bei TVNOW.de und in der TVNOW App.

  19. "Jenke." Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker? (TV ...

    Das Zucker-Experiment: Wie krank macht Zucker?: Directed by Jenke von Wilmsdorff. With Jenke von Wilmsdorff.

  20. Netflix's 'Love Is Blind' Is Casting in New Cities in 2024

    A re you ready to fall in love? Netflix's Love Is Blind is searching for more brave singles willing to participate in its unusual dating experiment. Producers are now casting in several U.S ...


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  22. New on Netflix August 3-9: 6 new TV shows and movies picked by ...

    This week, I'm looking at new Netflix Originals coming to the streaming service between Saturday, August 3 and Friday, August 9, and after picking through the full list of new releases I've picked ...

  23. There's 1 Easy Way The Night Agent Season 2 Can Be Better Than Netflix

    The Night Agent season 2 has big shoes to fill, but there's one easy way it can outdo the series' successful first season. Having two charismatic leads, FBI Special Agent Peter Sutherland (Garbiel Basso) and cybersecurity expert Rose Larkin (Luciane Buchanan), plenty of action, and a fair share of plot twists and turns, The Night Agent rapidly became one of Netflix's most-watched titles in the ...

  24. New to Netflix August 2024: Every movie and TV show

    Even with Netflix's recommendation algorithm serving you new movies, new TV shows, and original programming tailored to your viewing habits, the streaming service's fire hose of content makes ...

  25. Joe Rogan Plays Dumb in His Netflix Special

    Livestreaming remains a work in progress for Netflix. Following stand-up hours by Chris Rock and Katt Williams, Rogan became the third comic to try this experiment, putting out his first special ...

  26. Here's Why 'The Matrix' Is More Relevant Than Ever

    One scene reflects the themes — A.I., fake news, transgender lives and Gen X — that make the film a classic. By Alissa Wilkinson Neo, the hero of "The Matrix," is sure he lives in 1999. He ...

  27. Abbruch des Experiments: Das sind Jenkes spannende Erkenntnisse

    Empfohlen ab 12 Jahren:Am Tag 8 des Experiments sieht Jenke angeschlagen aus: Er isst und schläft kaum. Während sich die Tage länger anfühlen, werden Jenkes ...

  28. Three Great Documentaries to Stream

    Stream it on Netflix, Kanopy and Kino Film Collection. Rent it on Amazon , Apple TV , Fandango at Home and Google Play . Alexandra Dean's documentary is another World War II story, in multiple ...

  29. How YouTube Became the Most Popular Streaming Service on TVs

    Netflix alone spends $17 billion a year on new series and movies as well as on older fare from other companies' libraries. On YouTube, ordinary creators decide what to make and cover production ...