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Grade 3 Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Veggie in Space

Veggie in Space

Garden Gold

Garden Gold

Turtle Tales

Turtle Tales

Woodpecker Wonders

Woodpecker Wonders

Roald Dahl's Literary Magic

Roald Dahl’s Literary Magic

Meet Beverly Cleary

Meet Beverly Cleary

The Origins Of Guacamole

The Origins Of Guacamole

Kebabs Unwrapped

Kebabs Unwrapped

Traversing The Desert

Traversing The Desert

Why We Need Winter

Why We Need Winter

Exploring Ancient Archosaurs

Exploring Ancient Archosaurs

Clucking About Chickens

Clucking About Chickens

Bugs As Food

Bugs As Food

The Colors Of Pirate Flags

The Colors Of Pirate Flags

A Reading Journey

A Reading Journey

All about these 15 worksheets.

Grade 3 Reading Comprehension Worksheets were created to help 3rd grade students practice and improve their reading comprehension skills. These worksheets include longer and more complex passages of text followed by a series of questions that assess the reader’s understanding of the material.

A grade 3 student should be able to read fluently and with expression, adjusting their pace based on the type and complexity of the text. They should have a growing vocabulary, allowing them to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words using context clues and prefixes or suffixes. Comprehension is key; students should identify the main idea, supporting details, and distinguish fact from opinion in a text. They should also be able to make connections between texts, comparing and contrasting themes, characters, or events. Critical thinking should emerge as they begin to infer deeper meanings, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and recognize an author’s point of view. Lastly, they should engage with diverse genres, recognizing the unique characteristics of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and informational texts.

Imagine that reading is like going on a treasure hunt. When you read, you are searching for knowledge, ideas, or stories buried in the words on the page. The treasure you find can be exciting, like a new adventure in a fictional story, or it can be valuable, like learning a new fact in a non-fiction book. But to get the treasure, you have to understand what the words and sentences are trying to say. This understanding is what we call reading comprehension.

They typically contain short passages, both fiction and non-fiction, that third-grade students are expected to be able to read. The passages are written on various topics like animals, outer space, historical events, or maybe even about everyday situations.

Following these passages, there are usually a series of questions that ask about what you’ve just read. The questions could ask about the main idea, the details, or the sequence of events in the story. Sometimes, there might also be questions asking you to predict what will happen next, or to infer something that wasn’t directly stated in the passage.

These worksheets are pretty important because they help in several ways. Firstly, they improve vocabulary. Reading passages expose kids to new words, which expand their word bank. Secondly, they enhance critical thinking skills. Answering questions about what you’ve just read requires you to think critically about the text. Lastly, these worksheets improve the speed and accuracy of reading because the more you practice, the better and faster you get at reading.

Remember when we talked about reading being like a treasure hunt? Well, the questions on the worksheets are like your treasure map. They guide you to look for specific details in the text, and by doing so, they help you understand the passage better. So, every time you read a passage and answer the questions correctly, you’ve found the treasure!

How Can 3rd Graders Improve Their Reading Skills?

Improving reading skills in 3rd graders involves a combination of targeted practice, engaging activities, and support from teachers, parents, or caregivers. Here are some strategies to help 3rd graders improve their reading skills:

Encourage Daily Reading – Set aside a specific time each day for reading, and make it a routine. This can be independent reading, shared reading with an adult, or even listening to audiobooks.

Choose Age-appropriate and Diverse Materials – Select a variety of books, articles, and stories that match the child’s reading level and interests. Introduce different genres, themes, and cultures to keep reading engaging and enjoyable.

Practice Reading Aloud – Reading aloud helps improve fluency, expression, and comprehension. Encourage the child to read aloud, and take turns reading to each other to make it a fun and interactive activity.

Discuss the Text – After reading, engage the child in a conversation about the story. Ask open-ended questions that promote critical thinking and comprehension, such as “What did you learn from the story?” or “How did the characters change?”

Develop Vocabulary – Introduce new words and phrases in context and help the child understand their meanings. Encourage them to use new words in their conversations and writing.

Use Graphic Organizers – Visual tools like Venn diagrams, story maps, and sequence charts can help children organize their thoughts and better understand the text.

Teach Reading Strategies – Teach the child strategies like summarizing, predicting, visualizing, and making connections to improve their comprehension skills.

Provide a Supportive Environment – Create a comfortable and quiet space for reading, and be patient and positive when offering guidance or feedback.

Monitor Progress – Regularly assess the child’s reading progress through informal observations, quizzes, or discussions. Offer feedback and adjust instruction as needed.

Collaborate with Educators – Stay in close communication with the child’s teacher to understand their strengths and areas of improvement, and work together to develop a plan to support their reading development.

What Reading Skills Do 3rd Graders Learn?

Third grade is a pivotal year for students in terms of reading. In fact, it’s often said that up until third grade, students are learning to read, but starting in third grade, they are reading to learn. Here are some key reading skills that students in third grade are expected to master:

Fluency – Fluency is the ability to read a text accurately, quickly, and with expression. By the end of third grade, students are expected to read grade-level text with purpose and understanding, and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. They should be able to use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

Comprehension – Comprehension skills become more complex in third grade. Students should be able to answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. They will be expected to retell stories and recount details, and should be able to determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details. They should also be able to describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

Decoding and Phonics – By third grade, students are expected to have a good command of more advanced phonics rules. They should be able to identify and know the meaning of common prefixes and suffixes, and be able to decode words with those prefixes and suffixes. They should also be able to decode multisyllable words.

Vocabulary – In terms of vocabulary, third graders should be able to determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content. They should be choosing flexibly from a range of strategies such as using sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase, using glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Text Analysis – Third graders begin to analyze text more deeply. They should be able to distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters. They should also be able to explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a story (e.g., create mood, emphasize aspects of a character or setting).

Reading Different Types of Text – By the end of third grade, students should be comfortable reading and understanding different types of text, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. They should be able to compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters.

By the end of third grade, students should have these core reading skills well in hand, as they form the basis for more advanced reading and comprehension in the grades to come.

Overall, this is not just a collection of worksheets; it is a comprehensive resource that empowers third-grade students to develop strong reading comprehension skills, setting them on a path towards academic excellence and a lifelong love for reading.

By nurturing critical thinking, vocabulary growth, and a deep connection with literature, this collection equips students with the tools they need to excel in their studies and become avid, capable readers

This series of 15 worksheets underscores the enduring importance of reading comprehension as a foundation for lifelong learning and success, making it an invaluable asset for educators, parents, and young learners alike.


Common Core Standards: Grade 2 Language , Grade 3 Language

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.2.2, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.2

This worksheet originally published in English Made Easy Key Stage 2 for ages 7 to 8 by © Dorling Kindersley Limited .

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The school system seems to be demanding more and more of 3rd grade students. I guess we have to give them what they want. This page has some reading worksheets and activites to help prepare your 3rd graders. The worksheets on this page are written at the 3rd grade reading level. I used this fantastic tool to determine the readability scores of my worksheets, but you should read and approve each of them yourself for quality and appropriateness before giving them to a child. I encourage you to check out the worksheets written for the next two grade levels also. Reading scores vary greatly from one measure to the next. The readability scores on this page are a composite of those numbers. You'll get a better variety of appropriately leveled reading worksheets if you consider this idea of "reading bands." Click the button underneath this text to open up your band.

  • Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test - Tetris is the best-selling video game of all time. Learn more about this classic puzzler and answer Common Core aligned multiple-choice and extended-response questions. View my readibility scores . Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test | RTF Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test | PDF Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test | Preview Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test | Answers Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test | Ereading Worksheet

The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test - The Coliseum is a well-recognized site and a popular destination. Learn more about its history in this reading passage. Then answer multiple-choice and long-response questions covering a variety of reading skills. View my readibility scores . The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test | RTF The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test | PDF The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test | Preview The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test | Answers The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test | Ereading Worksheet

The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test - Despite its short time in operation, the Pony Express managed to make a significant impact on American culture. Learn more about the Pony Express and bulk up your reading skills with multiple-choice and long-response questions. These Common Core aligned questions cover a variety of reading skills. View my readibility scores . The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test | RTF The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test | PDF The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test | Preview The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test | Answers The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test | Ereading Worksheet

Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test - It can get awfully cold during the winter in some places. Learn more about how creatures have adapted to survive in the harsh climates. There are ten multiple-choice and three long-response questions following the passage. View my readibility scores . Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test | RTF Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test | PDF Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test | Preview Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test | Answers Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test | Ereading Worksheet

Infer the Setting Worksheet 3 - This worksheet has five more passages to give your students practice with inferences and setting. Students read each passage and determine when and where it is taking place based on textual clues. Then they support their answers with evidence from the text. This is great practice. View my readibility scores . Infer the Setting Worksheet 3 | RTF Infer the Setting Worksheet 3 | PDF Infer the Setting Worksheet 3 | Preview Infer the Setting Worksheet 3 | Answers

Those were the worksheets that I have written at or around the 3rd grade reading level. I know that the list is currently a little short. I am actively trying to create new content to better serve third grade students and teachers, and this page will be updated as I do so. I appreciate all of your comments and feedback, which can be left below. Thanks for visiting!

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All Reading Worksheets and Activities Author's Purpose Worksheets and Activities Characterization Worksheets and Activities Character Types Worksheets and Lessons Context Clues Worksheets Conflict Types Worksheets Differentiated Reading Instruction Worksheets and Activities Fact and Opinion Worksheets and Activities Functional and Nonfiction Comprehension Worksheets Activities Genre Activities Genre Worksheets Inferences Worksheets and Activities Irony Worksheets and Activities Literature Units Main Idea Worksheets and Activities Making Predictions Worksheets Point of View Activities Point of View Worksheets Reading Comprehension Worksheets Summary Worksheets and Activities Story Structure Worksheets Story Structure Activities Text Structure Activities Text Structure Worksheets Theme Worksheets and Activities

Online Reading Activities: Complete on phones, tablets, or computers. Print, save, or email results as a PDF.

Chess | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 1-4) TV | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 1-4) Metal Detectors | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Seat Belts | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 2-6) Reading | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Black Friday | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Hummingbirds | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 3-7) Worst Game Ever? | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Carnivorous Plants | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Google | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Honey Badgers | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Hyperinflation | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 4-8) Koko | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 4-8) Mongooses | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Trampolines | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Garbage | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 5-9) Maginot Line | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 5-9) Asian Carp | Nonfiction Reading Test Ereading Worksheet (Gr. 5-9) A Tale of Two Countries | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 6-10) Kevlar | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 7-10) Tigers | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 7-11) Statue of Liberty | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 8-10) Submarines | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 8-12) Castles | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 9-13) Gutenberg | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. 9-13) Author's Purpose Practice 1 Author's Purpose Practice 2 Author's Purpose Practice 3 Author's Purpose Practice 4 Author's Purpose Practice 5 Author's Purpose Practice 6 Fact and Opinion Practice 1 Fact and Opinion Practice 2 Fact and Opinion Practice 3 Idioms Practice Test 1 With Long Responses Idioms Practice Test 2 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 1 Figurative Language Practice 1 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 2 Figurative Language Practice 2 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 3 Figurative Language Practice 3 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 4 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 5 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 6 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 7 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 8 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice 9 With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | Edgar Allan Poe Figurative Language Practice | Edgar Allan Poe With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | O. Henry Figurative Language Practice | O. Henry With Long Responses Figurative Language Practice | Shakespeare Genre and Subgenre Practice 1 Genre and Subgenre Practice 2 Genre and Subgenre Practice 3 Genre and Subgenre Practice 4 View More Genre and Subgenre Practice Tests Irony Practice 1 Irony Practice 2 Irony Practice 3 Making Inferences Practice 2 Main Idea Practice 1 Main Idea Practice 2 Point of View Practice 1 | Multiple Choice Only Point of View Practice 1 | With Long Responses Point of View Practice 2 | Multiple Choice Only Point of View Practice 2 | With Long Responses Text Structure Practice 1 Text Structure Practice 2 Text Structure Practice 3 Text Structure Practice 4 Text Structure Practice 5 Story Structure Practice 1

Examples of Alliteration Examples of Figurative Language Examples of Hyperbole Examples of Metaphor Examples of Onomatopoeia Examples of Personification Examples of Simile Figurative Language Activities Figurative Language Poems With Questions Figurative Language Worksheets Idiom Worksheets Onomatopoeia Worksheets and Activities Personification Worksheets Poetic Devices Activities Poetic Devices Worksheets

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Author's Purpose Figurative Language How to Identify Figurative Language Techniques Ideas for Projects List of Character Traits Literary Genres and Subgenres Poetic Devices Point of View Sentence Structure Story Structure Teaching Point of View Teaching Theme Text Structure Text Structure | Patterns of Organization Understanding Common Core State Standards Units and Lesson Plans Aligned With Common Core State Standards

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Lydia boutwell.

I love the ereading activities, since my school is virtually, and I would love to see more for 3rd grade. The only problem I have is when one is labeled grades 2-5 for example, then the reading is to difficult for a 2nd grader. I just wished it would be broken down more. Otherwise, what you are doing is great and I appreciate all the work people are doing.

A big thank you to everyone makes this website possible.

This is a fantastic platform to have for guiding students in grades 3-6 through specific skills. For the students the lessons are interesting, often captivating, and inspiring for those students who experience difficulties taking tests. Thank you! I appreciate your work. Be well.

I love this Site it always me and my kids to work one on one and it is very fast loading also

Thank you so much for this brilliant website!

Eric Harrison

I feel you are in need of more 3rd grade material.

I agree with you.

Thank you so much for your hard work. I really appreciate what you do for us teachers with this site. I have been a 3rd grade teacher for more than 10 years and its not like it use to be, there is a great demand for rigor in 3rd grade. I have used your work when I have had gifted classes and the students loved the texts. Your work helps me challenge my 3rd graders and prepare them for 4th & 5th. Thank you!

That’s awesome.

Be on the look out for a bunch of new content for grades 3-6. I’m currently developing these activities…

Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment!


I came across this invaluable site just today. I am certain that this will help me a lot as a teacher. I appreciate all your efforts dude. Thanks a zillion

Its a very nice site for children

Lovely site

We have been looking for FSA practice and are so happy to have come upon your site. Thank you so much for such great passages with Common Core Questioning!!

Onomataepia sounds like it is not a real word

I know, right? But look at this: https://www.google.com/search?q=define%3A%20onomatopoeia&rct=j

It is a real word.

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Free 3rd-Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Download these FREE 3rd-grade reading comprehension worksheets and use them in class today! These PDF worksheets are designed for readers at a grade 3 level and include both fiction and non-fiction passages. Each passage is engaging without being overly complex and is followed by five reading comprehension questions designed to help students practice extracting and interpreting information from texts.

Worksheet 1: Main Idea (Non-Fiction)

Title: a journey through the rainforest.

This first worksheet contains a short passage about the rainforest followed by five reading comprehension questions. The questions aim to help students identify the main idea of the passage and the details supporting this main idea.

Worksheet 2: Sequence Of Events (Fiction)

Title: lucy’s first soccer game.

This next reading comprehension worksheet is a fictional passage about a girl named Lucy’s first soccer game. Students should read the passage and answer the questions on the next page. The questions aim to help students understand the sequence of events in the story.

Worksheet 3: Cause And Effect (Non-Fiction)

Title: from seed to sunflower.

This next worksheet asks students to read the passage and then answer questions about the cause-and-effect relationship in the life cycle of a sunflower.

Worksheet 4: Character Analysis (Fiction)

Title: charlie the brave little rabbit.

This fictional reading passage is a bout a brave rabbit named Charlie. Students are asked to read the passage and answer the reading comprehension questions on the next page. These questions aim to encourage students to analyze Charlie’s character based on his actions and decisions.

Worksheet 5: Comparing and Contrasting (Non-Fiction)

Title: polar bears and penguins.

This last worksheet is a non-fiction passage about the habits of polar bears and penguins. The reading comprehension questions about this passage guide students to compare and contrast the two animals based on the information in the passage.

More Reading Comprehension Worksheets

I hope you and your students enjoy these 3rd-grade reading comprehension worksheets. Before you go, check out all our many reading comprehension worksheets on a variety of topics. As always, these are FREE to use in your lessons.

Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets

The 3rd grade reading comprehension activities below are coordinated with the 3rd grade spelling words curriculum on a week-to-week basis, so both can be used together as part of a comprehensive program, or each part can be used separately. The worksheets include third grade appropriate reading passages and related questions. Each worksheet (as well as the spelling words ) also includes a cross-curricular focus on earth science, physical science, history, social sciences, mathematics and life sciences. This allows students to build their reading comprehension skills and reinforce knowledge in other subject areas. There are 36 weeks of third grade worksheets, following most standard school year calendars.

Be sure to check out all of our reading comprehension worksheets .

Adapting to Survive

Adapting to Survive

Week 10 Reading Comprehension (C-10). A passage about how living things have certain adaptations that allow them to survive. Cross-Curricular Focus: Life Science.

An Independent Nation

An Independent Nation

Week 35 Reading Comprehension (C-35). Reading segment about the time leading up to U.S. Independence. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.

Classifying Triangles

Classifying Triangles

Week 17 Reading Comprehension (C-17). Passage and questions about equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Community Connections

Community Connections

Week 26 Reading Comprehension (C-26). A passage about our communities and the interactions we have with other people. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.

Competing for Resources

Competing for Resources

Week 13 Reading Comprehension (C-13). A reading passage that describes how plant and animals compete for limited resources. Cross-Curricular Focus: Life Science.

Converting Energy to Motion

Converting Energy to Motion

Week 2 Reading Comprehension (C-2). A passage and questions about how energy can be stored and converted. Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.

Displaying Data

Displaying Data

Week 23 Reading Comprehension (C-23). A reading segment describing the use of data to make graphs. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Elements and Atoms

Elements and Atoms

Week 7 Reading Comprehension (C-7). Reading passage describing the relationship between elements and atoms. Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.


Week 25 Reading Comprehension (C-25). A passage and comprehension questions about using estimation on math problems Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Evaluating in Math

Evaluating in Math

Week 3 Reading Comprehension (C-3). A reading passage and questions about the meaning of “Evaluate” when it is used in mathematics. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Forms of Matter

Forms of Matter

Week 1 Reading Comprehension (C-1). A reading passage and comprehension questions about the different forms of matter. Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.

Galileo and His Telescope

Galileo and His Telescope

Week 19 Reading Comprehension (C-19). A story about the origins of Galileo’s telescope Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.

Geometric Shape Names

Geometric Shape Names

Week 15 Reading Comprehension (C-15). A reading passage and questions about how geometric shape names use number prefixes. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Habitat Destruction

Habitat Destruction

Week 12 Reading Comprehension (C-12). A short passage about human impact on plants and animals. Cross-Curricular Focus: Life Science.

In danger of Extinction

In danger of Extinction

Week 14 Reading Comprehension (C-14). A passage about the Koala and how it faces possible extinction. Cross-Curricular Focus: Life Science.

Kinds of Angles

Kinds of Angles

Week 18 Reading Comprehension (C-18). A description and comprehension questions about the different types of angles. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.

Location, Location, Location

Location, Location, Location

Week 29 Reading Comprehension (C-29). A brief passage about a location’s resources, climate and terrain affect livability. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.

Making Predictions

Making Predictions

Week 22 Reading Comprehension (C-22). A comprehension passage about using predictions before reading. Cross-Curricular Focus: Study Skills.

National Symbols

National Symbols

Week 27 Reading Comprehension (C-27). Reading passage about our national symbols like the flag and bald eagle. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.

Phases of the Moon

Phases of the Moon

Week 16 Reading Comprehension (C-16). Reading comprehension passage about the different phases of the moon. Cross-Curricular Focus: Earth Science.

Download 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension Worksheets




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Reading Comprehension Worksheets for Grade 3

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Our free 3rd grade reading comprehension worksheets provide opportunities for kids to demonstrate a clear understanding of a text by referring explicitly to parts of it. They determine the meaning of new words using contextual clues, recount key details, categorize information, find causes and effects, understand characters, and more.

Our pdf reading passage worksheets are perfect for children in grade 3.

A Trip to the Aquarium

Gabe would visit the aquarium, dine at the café, and then recount everything to Granny. Find the moral and answer the questions in this 3rd grade fictional passage.

A Trip to the Aquarium

Cooking in the Kitchen

To the excitement of David, the food is yummy, so he doesn't leave a morsel behind. Scan through this printable reading comprehension passage and answer the questions.

Cooking in the Kitchen

Learning in the Library

All the information collected from the books should help Dylan's school project stand out; this story will have an inspiring effect on kids as they read on to answer the questions.

Learning in the Library

From sporting bright colors to being able to mimic human speech, macaws are a source of amusement, as you'll explore while reading the story and following it up with a matching exercise and more.


Encourage kids to read more informational passages like "The Gecko" as they practice and master the sorting skill, among others, in this grade 3 printable reading passage.

The Gecko

A Job Well Done

Harriet and Uncle Rick come up trumps at the end of this planting-trees story, thanks in no small part to Uncle Rick's instructions. The questions included address several key reading skills.

A Job Well Done

The MCQs and the moral-of-the-story question included in this pdf work well to support kids' moral development, information retention, reviewing chops, and critical thinking.

Mail Call

The Great Chore Trade Mishap

Skim and scan this 3rd grade story comprehension worksheet, while taking in the fact that doing chores is all about teamwork and understanding.

The Great Chore Trade Mishap

Animal Adaptations

Learn three ways in which animals adapt to different environments in this grade 3 informational passage worksheet and answer questions like MCQs, sorting, and more.

Animal Adaptations

Benjamin Franklin: A Man of Many Talents

An inventor, a writer, a statesman—you name it, Benjamin Franklin is all of these things. Read this informational passage, and answer questions that center around what, how, and who.

Benjamin Franklin - A Man of Many Talents

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Read more about the 32nd president of the United States in this grade 3 reading comprehension worksheet, and prove your mettle by answering questions that mostly test your contextual understanding of the text.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Predators and Prey

The questions, asking for specific details, included in this printable informational passage tremendously boost children's ability to differentiate, identify the main idea, and more.

Predators and Prey

Much of the story's delight is found in the way Bianca and Elsa perceive spiders. Read through this pdf and distinguish between the two points of view.


The Statue of Liberty

Learn about the Statue of Liberty soup to nuts and answer questions that put your comprehension skills to the test by covering every nook and cranny of the informational passage.

The Statue of Liberty

The White House

This printable informational reading passage tests your grade 3 kids' knowledge of history and fosters a love for the White House.

The White House

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▶ Grade 2 Reading Comprehension

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Proofreading Worksheets

Related ela standard: l.5.3.

Learn to edit and revise work is as demanding as learning to be good writer, ask an editor of any publication in digital form or print. We often start by reviewing our own work. I would argue it is best to start by editing the work of others. When we reread our own work, we hear what we intended to write, not what is actually written on the page. Peer editing is a great way to promote this task in your classroom. When begin editing work you will learn better uses of grammar and mechanics. We encourage you to start by reading your work out loud. This will help you easily pinpoint errors and mistakes. These worksheets will help you kick off your proofreading career in a positive manner.

Proofreading Worksheets To Print:

Identifying Proofreading Marks - Pencils work great with this one. Match the proofreading marks with their meanings.

Proofreading for Homophones - You can really think of this one as a spelling worksheet . Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Punctuation Matching - Find those marks that match it all up for you. Something is missing within or at the end of each sentence.

Can You Spot the Errors? - There are a couple of loose spaces in there. Read the paragraph and circle the best option for each numbered section.

Always Check Before You Hit Send! - Grandma sent you a letter. She didn't reread her letter before sending, so now you have to decode it to find out what she wrote.

Spell it Right! - Underline all the spelling errors in the paragraph below. Be careful; some words may be spelled correctly, but it could be the wrong spelling for that context.

Fixing Punctuation Errors - This paragraph is littered with punctuation errors. Circle all the punctuation errors in the paragraph.

Proofreading Bios - Each bio has a few grammatical errors. Rewrite the two mini bios so that they are error free.

Finding Mistakes in Each Other's Writing - Write a short story and purposefully make 5 writing mistakes.

Explain the Errors - Circle the error in each sentence. Explain why it is incorrect and how to fix it.

Did June Spell That Correctly? - June wrote a story, but she is a terrible speller. For each numbered word, identify whether or not it is spelled correctly.

Proofreading Partners - Write a short story in the space provided. Switch papers with a partner.

Sentence-by-Sentence Proofreading - Circle the error in each sentence, and rewrite the sentence on the line.

Fill-in-the-Blank Punctuation - This paragraph is missing some of its punctuation! Fill in each blank with the correct punctuation.

Choose the Best Answer - Read each sentence and circle the letter that explains how to fix the error in the sentence.

More Related Worksheet Topics:

Extraneous Details - Learn how to identify them and remove them properly. Some times less is more when it comes to writing.

Paragraph Correction - Placing the sentences in the correct order can really put it together for you. We will look at all the different ways to go about this.

Revising and Editing - This focuses on a mix of your work and the work of others. There is a standard process that you can use.

Revising and Editing Writing - Take your own writing and learn to make it step up. This is often difficult because we read it back to ourselves in the manner we meant to read it in.

Revising, Editing, and Rewriting - This helps put it all together. A nice solid review of all the skills we need to perform this well.

Writing Process - This actually provides you a checklist to follow through the entire process.

How to Proofread?

Proofreading means to read a piece of content to detect for general writing errors, grammatical mistakes, and spelling errors so that you can make sure that the final piece of writing is accurate and correct in all aspects. Proofreading is the last step of the writing process and must be completed carefully. Professional writers proofread their document so that their final document is well written, precise, and easy to read. Students do know how to write an assignment and other literary work but do not know how to proofread it. Proofreading is not an easy process but with a little bit of practice, it becomes easier. Given below are some tips that help one a lot to proofread the document efficiently and easily:

Reading Carefully

Careful reading is a key tool for proofreading. Read every word carefully to make sure that your work is free of errors. Look for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and punctuation mistakes.

Look for One Problem at One Time

If you are a beginner in proofreading, then proofread for one type of problem at one time. For example, in the first sitting, look for spelling mistakes only and in second sitting, look for grammatical errors. This technique will help to stay focused while proofreading your document.

Use Computer Software

With the advancement of technology, many different forms of proofreading software is available. When you are done proofreading manually, it might be a good idea to use software to double check. I find that most people get in the habit of going over the errors detected by the software and then manually editing it. I find the reverse to be much more rewarding. Use a spelling checker and other grammatical software to make your final piece of writing accurate in all aspects. The best known software at this time is called Grammarly and they have a pretty extensive free app.

Ask Someone to Proofread

Ask an honest friend to reread the content for you. Ask for the pattern that is confusing him or her, spelling mistakes that you may have ignored, and other errors. Ask for his or her advice regarding how can you further improve your document and try to consider his advice.

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READING WORKSHEETS for Grade 3 (Free Download)

Reading is a great habit that can change human lives dramatically. It can entertain us; amuse us and enrich us with knowledge. It helps us reducing stress, relieving tensions and thus boosts our energy. It carries us to the realm of dream and amusement – far away from the real complex world.

proofreading worksheets grade 3 pdf

READING WORKSHEETS for Grade 3 (Free Download)


proofreading worksheets grade 3 pdf

Thank you so much. It will help me a lot. My pupils will learn and enjoy it.

Thnk you so much it will help a lot

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Reading Comprehension Workbooks for Grade 3

Download & Print Only $3.49

Grade 3 Children's Stories & Reading Worksheets

Stories and comprehension worksheets.

Each passage is followed by questions which the child may answer by writing in the space provided or by verbalizing the answer to his tutor or parent. Texts are approximately at a 3rd grade reading level.

proofreading worksheets grade 3 pdf

Max's Good Habit     386 words

The Little Red Cape      525 Words

Amusement Park Problem      407 words

Anna and Her Basketball Adventure     350 words

Hats in Harvard      450 words

Helping Hally      260 words

The Book, the Girl and the Closet      510 words

My New Scooter      422 words

The Solver     376 words

Tag Rules!      370 words

Amanda's News      391 words

Will the Wolf      459 words

An Idea for Tucker      615 words


In Their Own Words      405 words

What are Clouds?     377 words

How to Make Ice Cream    290 words

Landforms      293 words

Life cycles      288 words

Force    372 words

Healthy Muscles Matter    450 words

The Bee      200 words

The Hunters and the Hunted      405 words

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Grade 3 dll quarter 1 week 6 (september 2-6, 2024), free download.

The Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a crucial tool for teachers in planning and delivering quality education to their students. This standard template covers a week's worth of lessons, making it an efficient and effective way for teachers to plan their lessons. The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the importance of well-planned lessons in delivering quality teaching and learning in schools.

The Department of Education has released the DO 42, S. 2016 – POLICY GUIDELINES ON DAILY LESSON PREPARATION FOR THE K TO 12 BASIC EDUCATION PROGRAM. This policy aims to provide teachers a guide on how to prepare effective daily lessons that will help students learn better. The DLL format includes the following parts: Objectives, Content, Learning Resources, Procedures, Remarks and Reflection. (Download the memo to read more ( DO_s2016_042 )

  • Helps teachers stay organized: With the DLL, teachers can plan their lessons for the week and ensure that they are covering all the necessary topics. This makes it easier for them to stay organized and keep track of what they have taught and what they still need to cover.
  • Promotes consistency: By following the DLL, teachers can ensure that they are delivering the same quality of education to all their students. This helps to promote consistency in the classroom, which is essential for effective learning.
  • Encourages collaboration: The DLL is a standard template that is used by all teachers, which means that they can easily share their lessons with one another. This encourages collaboration among teachers and helps them to learn from each other's experiences.
  • Provides a framework for assessment: The DLL includes objectives, learning activities, and assessment methods, which provides a framework for assessing student learning. This makes it easier for teachers to determine whether their students have mastered the material or if they need additional support.

The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the importance of the DLL in delivering quality teaching and learning in schools. By providing teachers with a standardized template and promoting its use, DepEd is helping to ensure that students receive the education they need to succeed.


You can find a free download for your grade level by clicking on the appropriate link below. These downloads will provide you with a template to fill in your daily lesson plans and ensure that you are meeting the curriculum standards for your grade level. DAILY LESSON LOG IN ARALING PANLIPUNAN 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN ENGLISH 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN ESP 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN FILIPINO 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN MAPEH 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN MATHEMATICS 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN MTB 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 DAILY LESSON LOG IN SCIENCE 3 – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 NEW!  GRADE 3 DAILY LESSON LOG (DLL) ALL SUBJECTS  – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 NEW! NATIONAL MATHEMATICS PROGRAM – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6 NEW!  NATIONAL READING PROGRAM – QUARTER 1: WEEK 6

With the help of a Daily Lesson Log, you can better manage your time and resources, stay on track with your teaching objectives, and ensure that your students are receiving a quality education. So, take advantage of this helpful tool and download your Daily Lesson Log for Week 1-10 of the first     quarter today! Note that some of the documents are still updating. Please do visit the site more often for more exclusive updates on the DLL based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)

DepEd Tambayan has compiled all DLLs from the first quarter to the fourth quarter for Grade 1-12 for the school year 2024-2025. This is a great resource for teachers who want to ensure that their lessons are well-planned and executed. The use of a DLL allows teachers to maintain quality education standards and helps them plan their lessons in a flexible manner.

The Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is an essential tool for teachers in planning and delivering quality education to their students. It is a flexible and efficient way to plan lessons and maintain quality education standards. With the compilation of DLLs for Grade 1-12 for the school year 2024-2025 by DepEd Tambayan, teachers now have a valuable resource to help them in their lesson planning.


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ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Coding

ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheets on Coding

Subject: English language learning

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Worksheet/Activity

ESL with Alan

Last updated

3 September 2024

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proofreading worksheets grade 3 pdf

This Fantastic ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity Worksheet (3 PDF Printable Pages) on “Coding” (computer programming) is great to train Language skills in English (reading comprehension + writing skills).

Ideal participants for this ESL Activity are English Foreign Students at High School and Middle School (7th -12th Grade; teens) .

Newcomers or any English Language Learner can be more than suitable for this ESL Activity!

This Product can also be Great for English Second Language Centers or any ESL tutor around the world.

This ESL Reading Activity on “Coding” (computer programming) can be great for Intermediate-advanced English as a Second Language Learners.

This Stimulating ESL Reading Comprehension + Writing Activity (PDF printable English language learners worksheets; 3 Pages) includes:

  • a Text on “Coding” (computer programming)
  • 12 Text-related Questions (with space for answers)
  • 2 Essay Prompts (writing an essay on whether you code or not and your own opinion on coding + writing an essay on your own personal opinion on the vital role of coding in today’s world)

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  1. Capitalization the Easy Way!

  2. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 24 hours and 30 hours, respectively, while pipe C can emptyl it in

  3. Two pipes A and B can fill a cistern in 37𝟏/𝟐 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. Both pipes are

  4. A tank is 7 metre long and 4 meter wide wide. At what speed should water run through a pipe 5 cm

  5. The angle of elevation of the sun, when the length of the shadow of a tree is √𝟑 times the height of

  6. Pipes A and B can completely fill a water tank in4 hours and 5 hours respectively. A pipe Can empty


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