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50 Dinosaur Writing Prompts 

January 1, 2024 by Richard Leave a Comment

These 50 Dinosaur Writing Prompts will get you writing, have you ever wondered what it would be like if dinosaurs suddenly appeared in modern times? Or rampaged through famous historical events? I’m fascinated by the idea of these prehistoric beasts interacting with humans throughout history. It fires up the imagination with exciting, hilarious, and sometimes horrific possibilities!

I’ve put together a list of 50 writing prompts that explore ideas of dinosaurs being transported to various points in human history and going on rampages. Just picture velociraptors terrorizing Wild West cowboys, a T-Rex crashing through ancient Rome, stegosauruses and triceratopses battling it out on D-Day, or a spinosaurus running amok in 1920s Chicago. The scenarios are endless!

These prompts could spark all kinds of creativity – from short skits to fanciful alternate history tales. They could even inspire some wonderfully weird dinosaur art, cosplay or movie ideas! Kids and classroom writers should have a blast with them too.

So unleash your inner paleontologist meets sci-fi adventure writer! Scroll down and let these 50 dinosaur time travel writing prompts get those creative juices flowing. I guarantee these story ideas will take you back…and forward through some very unexpected parts of history with these amazing prehistoric beasts!

50 Dinosaur Writing Prompts:

  • A T-Rex suddenly appears in ancient Rome and goes on a rampage through the Colosseum.
  • A pack of velociraptors terrorize the Wild West as cowboys try to lasso and wrangle them.
  • Stegosaurus and triceratops battle on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II.
  • A spinosaurus emerges in 1920s Chicago, interrupting a mob deal gone wrong.
  • Brachiosaurus wander through the streets of Paris during the French Revolution, causing chaos and panic.
  • Jurassic Park opens an exhibit in 1980s New York City, only for the electric fences to malfunction.
  • Cavemen encounter a belligerent ankylosaurus while hunting mammoths during the last Ice Age.
  • A utahraptor pack sneaks into the Roman colosseum, interrupting the gladiator battles.
  • Pteranodons fly over the trenches in World War I, posing a new aerial threat.
  • A pack of deinonychus ambush the crew of Apollo 11 as they explore the lunar landscape.
  • Vikings sailing to North America discover the new land is inhabited by a tyrannosaurus rex.
  • Diplodocus wander across the set of Ben Hur’s chariot race, interrupting the iconic scene.
  • A herd of triceratops help Hannibal and his army cross the Alps to attack Rome.
  • Spanish conquistadors clash with an aggressive ceratosaurus defending Mayan temples in South America.
  • A quetzalcoatlus snatches sailors off the ships sailing for the New World with Christopher Columbus.
  • A group of velociraptors is transported to the Salem Witch Trials in 1690s Massachusetts.
  • An apatosaurus stands tall across the harbor as the colonists host the Boston Tea Party.
  • A carnotaurus battles Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders on San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War.
  • Allosaurus prowl the islands of Hawaii as tribes build their thatched huts along the beaches.
  • The British redcoats in the American Revolution find themselves under attack from a pack of deinonychus.
  • A mutated spinosaurus goes on a rampage through modern-day New York City.
  • Cavemen hunting wooly mammoths in the ice age get some surprise competition from an Albertosaurus pack.
  • Michaelangelo finds a camarasaurus skull while quarrying marble, inspiring the great artist’s later works.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition members run into a territorial giganotosaurus on their quest out West.
  • Gladiators in ancient Rome suddenly find themselves battling for their lives against three hungry baryonyx.
  • A genetic experiment goes awry, sending a megalosaurus rampaging through a modern metropolis.
  • An out-of-control mosasaur breaches at Sea World, flooding the theme park with seawater and predators.
  • A pack of hungry dilophosaurus makes its home in the London sewers, preying on the city’s underbelly.
  • A portally accident sends a young triceratops to a dinosaur museum, where it befriends a skeletal replica of itself.
  • Fighter pilots over WW2 London scan the skies for German bombers, only to have a pteranodon emerge from the clouds.
  • A tyrannosaurus rex appears on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, attacking both Allied and Nazi forces in confusion.
  • A utahraptor pack follows a soldier home through a time portal and prey on a small town, unaware they’re no longer in prehistory.
  • Ankylosaurus do battle with armored Persian war elephants as Alexander’s army tries expanding his empire into India.
  • A passenger pigeon flock escapes a Victorian-era zoo exhibit, only to become prey for a hungry group of archaeopteryx.
  • Knights jousting in a medieval tournament are interrupted by a lost, confused iguanodon wandering onto the battlefield.
  • Samurai warriors defending a Japanese castle from invasion find themselves blinded by the venom sprayed from an angry dilophosaurus.
  • 1980s punk rockers have their concert ruined by the emergence of a pack of deinonychus from an unexplained vortex.
  • Union soldiers in the Civil War react in terror to the sight of a pack of velociraptors charging across the battlefield.
  • A mutinous sinornithosaurus leads an uprising of dinosaurs at a theme park run by a mad scientist.
  • Amidst the pyramids, an ancient Egyptian architect discovers a fossilized dinosaur skeleton half-buried in the sand.
  • An abused circus triceratops escapes in 1950s New York, refusing to return to captivity without a fight.
  • When a controversial new mammoth cloning facility opens, they get an unplanned troodontid infestation.
  • A group of plesiosaurs capsize ships crossing the Atlantic in the 1800s, making use of their new habitat.
  • A hungry megalania follows Japanese WWII soldiers as they advance through hostile terrain filled with dinosaurs.
  • Zulu warriors defending against British invasion watch in awe as a brontosaurus herd passes peacefully through their lands.
  • A feathered microraptor hitches a ride on the Mayflower, hiding below deck and jumping out to startle the Pilgrims.
  • A grieving triceratops mom goes on a rampage after poachers steal her eggs from a preserve in modern Africa.
  • With the help of a pachycephalosaurus herd, Genghis Khan and the Mongols breach the Great Wall, expanding his empire further.
  • A deinosuchus far larger than any crocodile settles happily into the moat surrounding a medieval castle.
  • Astronauts on the first manned mission to Mars discover the red planet already has an inhabited colony of velociraptors.

I hope these 50 Dinosaur Writing Prompts spark your creativity and imagination! Whether you write a short skit, a whole alternate history saga, or just have fun daydreaming up the scenarios, picturing these majestic beasts interacting with humans throughout history is endlessly fascinating.

Let me know which of the prompts is your favorite, or if you come up with any new ones! There are infinite possibilities when blending dinosaur science with historical settings and humor. These fearsome creatures could liven up any era.

Now get going – unleash those T-Rexes, velociraptors, triceratopses and more into times and places they don’t belong! Just imagine the rampages, the chaos, the screams…and the fun. Our human history just got a lot more interesting with dinosaurs crashing the party across all eras! 

If you enjoyed these prompts, leave us a comment, and we have many more writing prompts on our site .

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50 Captivating Time Travel Tropes to Inspire Your Next Story

About Richard

Richard Everywriter (pen name) has worked for literary magazines and literary websites for the last 25 years. He holds degrees in Writing, Journalism, Technology and Education. Richard has headed many writing workshops and courses, and he has taught writing and literature for the last 20 years.  

In writing and publishing he has worked with independent, small, medium and large publishers for years connecting publishers to authors. He has also worked as a journalist and editor in both magazine, newspaper and trade publications as well as in the medical publishing industry.   Follow him on Twitter, and check out our Submissions page .

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32 Dinosaur Writing Prompts and Story Ideas

It’s no secret that dinosaurs are awesome.

They’re big, mysterious, and remind us of a time way back when things were seriously wild.

Want to write some cool stories but need a little inspiration?

We’ve got you covered!

Check out these dinosaur writing prompts – they’re perfect for time travel adventures, creating your own new dinos, and imagining crazy friendships between different species.

Get writing and bring those prehistoric worlds to life!

Dinosaur Writing Prompts

A Day in the Life of a Pachycephalosaurus: What would the world look like from the perspective of a Pachycephalosaurus, known for its thick skull? Imagine the daily struggles and triumphs it might encounter. From finding food and fresh water to defending its territory from other dinosaurs, take your readers on an immersive journey of the Pachycephalosaurus. Write a story that vividly describes a typical day in the life of a Pachycephalosaurus.

The Great Migration: Dinosaurs had to adapt to changing environments just as animals do today. Let’s take a herd of long-necked sauropods facing a drastic change in climate or landscape. They must decide to stay and adapt or undertake a long and perilous migration to a more hospitable location. Write a narrative of the trials, decisions, and ultimate journey of this dinosaur herd during a significant migration.

Cretaceous Period Detective: Imagine you’re a detective in the late Cretaceous period. Your job is to solve a peculiar case: a massive dinosaur has inexplicably vanished from its herd. Using clues from the environment and your knowledge of dinosaur behavior, piece together the puzzle of this prehistoric mystery. Your task is to write a dinosaur detective story set in the late Cretaceous period.

Dinosaur Civilization: Most people view dinosaurs as primitive creatures, but what if they had developed a rudimentary civilization? Suppose a certain species of dinosaur had evolved to the point of crafting simple tools, communicating through a basic language, and forming a societal structure. Write an intriguing story revolving around the rise and development of a dinosaur civilization.

A Herbivore’s Defense: Dinosaurs weren’t all ferocious predators. Many were plant-eaters and had to develop unique defensive strategies to survive. Write from the perspective of a Triceratops, an herbivorous dinosaur well-known for its defensive capabilities against carnivores like the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Describe the Triceratops’ experience during an encounter with a T-Rex, emphasizing its defensive strategies and survival instincts.

The Dinosaur Egg: Dinosaur eggs are precious relics of the past. Now, picture a scenario where a well-preserved egg has been discovered, revealing an unknown species of dinosaur. The world’s top paleontologists are brought in to study this miraculous find. Write a detailed account of the scientific process and the surprises revealed as they delve into the mysteries of this unknown dinosaur egg.

The Silent Witness: The great forests of the Jurassic period have stood as silent witnesses to the rise and fall of the dinosaurs. Imagine these ancient trees as sentient beings narrating the epic tales of dinosaurs they’ve observed over millions of years. Write a story from the perspective of these ancient trees, recounting their observations of the dinosaur era.

The Great Dinosaur Extinction: The extinction of the dinosaurs is one of history’s most intriguing mysteries. As a storyteller, imagine the final days leading to this mass extinction event. How would the dinosaurs have reacted to the changing environment? What struggles would they face as their world came to an end? Craft a narrative that explores the final days of the dinosaurs leading up to the catastrophic event that caused their extinction.

The Velociraptor Pack: Velociraptors were known for their intelligence and teamwork. Picture yourself as a member of a Velociraptor pack. Your survival and success are contingent upon the collective skills and strategies of the group. Write an engaging story about the dynamics, challenges, and thrilling hunts of a Velociraptor pack.

Majestic Flyers: Not all dinosaurs were land dwellers; some ruled the sky. Consider a Pterodactyl, a creature soaring above the earth, observing everything from a different vantage point. How would their experiences differ from ground-based dinosaurs? Craft a narrative that details the experiences of a Pterodactyl and its interaction with other sky and land dinosaurs.

Ancient Dinosaur Rituals: Birds, modern-day descendants of dinosaurs, often have intricate mating rituals. What if their dinosaur ancestors had similar practices? Assume that the brightly colored Dilophosaurus has a unique courtship dance or display. Write a narrative about the complicated mating rituals of the Dilophosaurus and the competition among rivals.

Jurassic-era Botanist: Imagine yourself as a botanist in the Jurassic era. Your mission is to study and document the vegetation that dinosaurs rely on for sustenance. The task is risky as you’d frequently encounter various dinosaur species in their natural habitat. Write an adventure-filled story about this botanist’s encounters with dinosaurs while studying Jurassic-era flora.

The Dinosaur Symposium: If dinosaurs could communicate complex thoughts, what would a dinosaur conference look like? Choose different dinosaur species to represent and imagine them having a gathering to discuss mutual threats, territorial disputes, or migration routes. Write a unique tale about a dinosaur symposium and the discussions that take place there.

The Protective Parent: A critical aspect of dinosaur life was caring for their young. Picture a mother T-Rex protecting her nest from predators. The primal instinct to safeguard her offspring ignites a fierce fight for survival. Write a dramatic story that highlights the lengths a mother T-Rex goes to protect her nest.

A Theropod’s Transformation : Dinosaurs underwent numerous evolutionary changes throughout their reign. Take the theropods, for instance, which started as small, bipedal carnivores but evolved into various forms, including the mighty T-Rex and birds. Write a creative narrative that follows the life of a theropod and its evolutionary transformation over millions of years.

The Nest Robber: A common peril for dinosaurs was the threat of nest robbers. Imagine a sneaky Compsognathus that has mastered the art of stealing eggs from unguarded nests. This daring thief’s life is filled with narrow escapes and relentless pursuits. Create a thrilling narrative around the life of this Compsognathus, the nest robber.

Dinosaur Story Ideas

  • Paleontologist Dr. Mia Carlson discovers a secret underground cave filled with perfectly preserved dinosaur fossils and eggs. Upon close inspection, the eggs show signs of incubation. Unbeknownst to her, the cave’s unique ecosystem kept the eggs viable. As she inadvertently wakes these prehistoric creatures, she must balance the ethical dilemma of protecting her groundbreaking discovery while also ensuring the safety of the modern world.
  • In a near-future society where genetic engineering has advanced tremendously , an ambitious scientist named Dr. Robert Haynes creates a dinosaur hybrid. These creatures were meant for a controlled environment showcasing a blend of modern and ancient life. However, when these hybrids break loose due to an unforeseen natural disaster, Robert must lead a team to safely recapture them without causing panic or harm to the civilian population.
  • “The Last Dinosaurs” is a story about an alternate reality where dinosaurs survived and evolved. Humanity coexists with them, but a mysterious disease starts decimating the dinosaur population . Zoologist Anna Torres embarks on a race against time to find the cure and save the species from facing extinction once again.
  • In a world where time travel has been perfected, eco-tourism to the Mesozoic Era has become the latest craze . However, when a group of tourists accidentally alters the timeline leading to the extinction event never occurring, they must fix their error to restore their present and ensure that mankind will continue to exist.
  • An ancient tribal society worships a dinosaur, considering it as a deity. An anthropologist, Neil, stumbles upon this tribe and realizes the ‘deity’ is a living dinosaur, previously believed to be extinct. He navigates tribal politics and beliefs as he tries to protect this last specimen, prevent a cultural disruption, and handle the onslaught of greedy corporations wanting to exploit this discovery.
  • In a parallel universe where dinosaurs became the dominant intelligent life form, an asteroid threatens to bring an end to their civilization . A group of dinosaur scientists must come together to create a plan that will save their planet from destruction, testing their intelligence, courage, and unity.
  • During a deep-sea excavation, a team of scientists discovers a prehistoric underwater cave . Inside the cave, they find living aquatic dinosaurs previously thought extinct. The story unfolds as they try to study and understand these creatures without disturbing their habitat, all while dealing with their personal dramas and the dangerous wildlife.
  • In a world where dinosaurs have been brought back to life to serve as biological weapons, young mechanic Ava stumbles upon a deserted and injured Tyrannosaurus Rex . Ava, who has a deep sympathy for these abused creatures, must rehabilitate the dinosaur and find a way to stop the militarized exploitation of these majestic creatures, while staying one step ahead of the ones who’d want her silenced.
  • Dr. Helen Avery, a brilliant paleontologist, discovers a pattern in dinosaur fossil records that indicates a cyclical return of prehistoric species. She is laughed out of the scientific community until her predictions come true, and dinosaurs begin to appear. Helen must convince the skeptical world to rally together to protect humanity and coexist with these ancient beasts.
  • In the not-so-distant future, a leading tech company creates a realistic, immersive virtual reality experience that lets users live amongst dinosaurs. A programming glitch inadvertently traps a group of players in the VR world , forced to survive against prehistoric predators while engineers race against the clock to fix the error.
  • Deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, an undiscovered ecosystem exists where dinosaurs have survived extinction . Adventurer and naturalist Sam Cartwright stumbles upon this prehistoric world during an expedition. Now, Sam must navigate through this dangerous land, fend off poachers who’d exploit this discovery, and bring back evidence to convince the world of his finding.
  • An alien species introduces dinosaurs to earth as a means to terraform the planet for their needs. Dr. Leila Khoury, an astrobiologist, must decode alien technology and understand the dinosaur’s biology to prevent the earth’s impending doom while navigating complex international politics and rivalries.
  • A multi-millionaire creates a Jurassic Park-like island of genetically engineered dinosaurs as a tourist attraction. When a hurricane hits the island causing a system failure, the dinosaurs are set free and the guests must survive until rescue arrives. The story follows a group of tourists and their journey of survival and camaraderie.
  • An extraordinary event causes the spirits of dinosaurs to inhabit the bodies of random people across the globe. Samantha, a teenage girl, finds herself inhabited by a Tyrannosaurus Rex spirit . She must balance her new primal instincts while discovering why this is happening and how to return the spirits back to their rest.
  • A group of college friends stumbles upon a buried alien artifact during a camping trip . The artifact has the power to materialize dinosaurs from thin air. As dinosaurs begin to appear randomly across the country, they must track down the scattered artifact pieces to reverse the effects and put the dinosaurs back before the world descends into chaos.
  • In a world devastated by climate change, scientists hatch a plan to reintroduce dinosaurs to restore the balance . Dinosaurs, being excellent survivors, quickly adapt and start to thrive. However, this step leads to unforeseen consequences, causing the scientist who led the project, Dr. Emma Beckett, to question the ethics and implications of their actions.

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Dinosaur Writing Prompts: Embark on Prehistoric Adventures

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Dinosaur Writing Prompts: Embark on Prehistoric Adventures

Embarking on ⁣Prehistoric Adventures ⁢with Dinosaur Writing Prompts

Unleash your imagination ‍with mesmerizing dinosaur writing prompts, ignite a sense of ​wonder with ‌engaging dinosaur ⁤writing prompts, explore the ​depths of prehistory ⁢with fascinating ‍dinosaur writing prompts, unearth hidden stories with​ intriguing dinosaur⁣ writing prompts, roam the⁤ ancient world through captivating‌ dinosaur writing prompts, embark on⁢ a journey of discovery with ⁢enthralling dinosaur writing prompts, why choose ‍our⁢ dinosaur writing prompts, frequently asked questions, insights ​and conclusions.

Are​ you ready ‍to‍ journey back in time to the fascinating ‌world of dinosaurs? Our dinosaur writing prompts will transport you ⁤to a⁤ land filled with ancient ⁤creatures, sparking your‌ imagination and ⁣taking your writing ⁣skills to the ⁢next level. Whether​ you’re a young aspiring writer or simply​ want to ignite your creativity, ‍these prompts will provide endless ‍opportunities to explore⁣ the thrilling realm of‍ prehistoric adventures.

Step into the shoes ‍of a paleontologist and uncover the mysteries ‍of ‌the⁢ past, or ⁤imagine yourself as a daring explorer discovering a hidden dinosaur kingdom. With our wide variety of writing ⁢prompts,⁢ you can bring⁤ these ancient creatures⁤ to ⁢life, ⁢crafting captivating stories or creating informative ⁢articles ‌about different dinosaur species. Delve ​into the‌ world of Tyrannosaurus ​Rex, Velociraptors, or the gentle⁢ Brachiosaurus, and let your imagination run wild.

  • Unleash your creativity: Our dinosaur writing prompts will challenge you to ‌think outside⁣ the box and‌ create unique stories⁤ or essays that ⁤capture⁤ the ⁢essence⁣ of ‌these incredible creatures.
  • Enhance your writing skills: ‍By engaging in imaginative writing exercises,⁤ you⁣ will ​sharpen ‍your ‍descriptive writing, character‍ development, and ⁤storytelling‌ abilities.
  • Learn about dinosaurs: ⁤Dive deep into the world of⁤ paleontology as ⁣you research different dinosaur species to bring authenticity to ​your writing. ⁣Expand your knowledge while having fun!
  • Share and inspire: Join our community of⁢ dinosaur enthusiasts and share your creations⁣ with others. Encourage fellow writers and get inspired by their unique perspectives on these magnificent⁣ creatures.

Embark on an exciting journey⁤ back​ in time with ⁤our dinosaur writing prompts and let your imagination ​roar. ⁣Unearth ‍hidden stories, discover ‍new worlds, and ⁢become captivated by the wonders of our ‌prehistoric past. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure that will ⁣leave your ⁣writing soaring to new heights!

Unleash Your‍ Imagination with Mesmerizing⁢ Dinosaur Writing Prompts

Do you have a passion‍ for ⁣dinosaurs?⁤ Are you fascinated by their colossal size, mysterious extinction, or their ⁢ancient habitats? Look ‌no further! Our ​mesmerizing⁢ dinosaur writing prompts will transport you to a prehistoric world, where you can let your imagination soar and ‍indulge ‌in thrilling ‍adventures. These ‌prompts are⁢ carefully crafted to ⁣ignite your ‌creativity,⁤ whether you’re an experienced writer or just⁣ getting started.⁣ Get ​ready to embark⁤ on a journey through time that will ​inspire and challenge you!

Let ⁣the mighty dinosaurs guide your⁣ writing exploration with these unique ​prompts:

  • Dino Dreams: Imagine you are a dinosaur sleeping peacefully​ in‌ your cozy cave. Describe your dream adventure as you‌ roam through ‌lush⁣ jungles‌ and ​dodge erupting volcanoes.
  • The Time Machine: You discover a hidden time machine in your ⁢backyard that can transport you back to ⁣the age of dinosaurs. Write ‍a story ‌about your exhilarating encounter with a T-Rex and how you make it back‍ home ⁣safely.
  • Dino Detective: You’re ⁤an expert ⁤paleontologist⁤ investigating a⁣ mysterious dinosaur discovery. Write a detailed journal entry explaining your findings and‍ the implications it has on our understanding of ⁣dinosaurs.
  • Roar ⁤of Friendship: Create a heartwarming story where ‍a young dinosaur ‍and ‍a brave ⁤caveman form an unlikely friendship, ​overcoming ‍their differences to save their respective communities from a ‍common danger.

These enchanting writing prompts will provide a refreshing boost to your ⁢creativity, allowing⁢ you to dive into the⁤ captivating world of dinosaurs. Whether⁢ you prefer epic adventures, scientific explorations, or heartwarming tales,⁢ there’s a prompt‍ for every writer within our collection. So, grab ⁢your ⁤pens, let your imagination run wild, ⁣and embark on a ⁢writing journey that will transport you back in time.

Ignite a Sense of‍ Wonder with Engaging Dinosaur Writing Prompts

Encourage your ⁤students to travel back in time with these captivating dinosaur writing prompts that are sure to ‍spark ‍their‌ imagination‌ and curiosity. Whether they are budding paleontologists or simply fascinated ​by these prehistoric creatures, these prompts will transport them to ‌a‍ world ‌filled with​ excitement and wonder. Let ⁤their creative juices flow as they embark on⁣ a writing journey like ⁤no other! ​

Engaging dinosaur writing⁣ prompts ⁣offer numerous benefits to students, helping them develop crucial ⁣skills while having​ fun. Here’s why ⁤you⁣ should⁢ include these prompts in your classroom⁣ activities:

  • Enhance creativity: ⁢By stepping into the shoes of ⁣a dinosaur expert, students can unleash⁤ their creativity and explore wild⁢ ideas.
  • Develop‌ critical thinking skills : Encourage students to conduct research and use logical reasoning when crafting their stories about dinosaurs.
  • Cultivate writing⁤ abilities: These‍ prompts provide opportunities for students⁣ to practice their writing skills, enhance ‍vocabulary, and improve their storytelling capabilities.
  • Improve knowledge retention: Engaging in ⁤ writing activities​ related ​ to dinosaurs⁤ helps students retain information about these ⁢magnificent ‍creatures in a fun and ⁢memorable way.

‍So, let your students’ creativity take flight and watch as⁤ they explore ‍their​ love ‍for dinosaurs using these stimulating writing prompts. With⁤ every ⁤word they ⁢write, ⁢they will embark on an ‌adventure that will leave them in ​awe of the fascinating world of these ⁤majestic creatures.

Explore the Depths⁢ of Prehistory with Fascinating Dinosaur Writing Prompts

Embark ‍on a⁣ journey‍ to uncover the mysteries of⁣ prehistoric times with these captivating dinosaur writing prompts!⁢ Ignite your‌ imagination‌ as ‍you⁤ transport yourself back millions of years to a world​ ruled by magnificent creatures. Whether you are a⁢ budding writer or simply love dinosaurs,⁤ these‍ prompts will inspire ⁣you to​ delve deeper⁢ into the fascinating‌ realm of ‌prehistory. ⁣

⁢ Unleash your creativity as you ​explore‍ various ⁤aspects⁣ of the dinosaur kingdom through thought-provoking writing exercises. ⁣Here are a few ideas to get you started: ‌ ⁤

  • Creature Feature: ⁤Imagine⁢ you encounter ⁢a dinosaur unlike any that has ever been ‍discovered. Describe its ​appearance, behavior,‌ and role in ⁣its ancient⁢ ecosystem.
  • Time Traveler: You find a time machine that can transport you ‌to any prehistoric⁤ era. Write ‌a detailed ⁤account of⁢ your adventure, including the​ sights, ⁢sounds, ‌and even the smells you encounter ⁢along the way. ​
  • Mystery Unearthed: Archaeologists have unearthed a mysterious dinosaur⁢ fossil with unusual characteristics. Write‍ a ⁤thrilling story⁣ that unravels the ⁤secrets ‍behind this ⁤extraordinary ⁢find. ‌

⁢ ‍ ⁢These⁣ writing prompts offer a gateway‌ to let ‌your imagination roam freely while ​expanding ‍your knowledge‌ about dinosaurs.​ You ⁢can explore ⁢their anatomy, ​speculate about their habitats, or ​even create entirely new species ⁤from scratch. So pick‍ up your pen or start typing and embark on an exhilarating journey through ⁣time to‍ uncover the depths‍ of prehistory!

If you have ⁢a passion for dinosaurs and writing, ​get ready ⁣to embark ​on a ‌thrilling adventure with our intriguing collection of ⁤dinosaur ⁢writing prompts! These prompts will ⁣transport you back in ‌time to⁤ the⁣ Mesozoic era, ‌where you’ll be able to explore the captivating world of these prehistoric creatures. Unleash your creativity ‌as you uncover hidden stories waiting to be told.

With our diverse​ range of dinosaur writing prompts, you’ll have the opportunity to imagine ‍life through the eyes of‍ a ferocious T-Rex, a gentle⁣ Brachiosaurus, or even⁣ a‍ mischievous Velociraptor. Let ‌your imagination ⁤run wild⁢ as you conjure ​up scenarios exploring their daily lives, habitats, and interactions​ with other ⁤dinosaurs. ⁣Whether you prefer ⁣creating epic tales‍ of survival, heartwarming ​stories of‌ unlikely friendships, ⁣or gripping adventures ‍in uncharted territories,‌ our‌ prompts will provide the inspiration⁢ you need to bring these‌ ancient creatures back⁣ to ‌life on the page.

  • Dive into Paleontological Mysteries: Uncover ⁤the secrets ⁤of ‌long-extinct ⁤dinosaurs by ‍exploring their mysteries. Imagine stumbling upon a hidden nest of dinosaur ​eggs, and speculate ⁢about the unexpected ⁤surprises that​ could emerge‍ from ‍within.
  • Create Mesozoic‍ Adventures: Picture yourself as a paleontologist on a daring expedition deep‌ into the heart of⁣ a Jurassic jungle.‍ Detail your encounters with‍ various ‍species⁤ and describe the obstacles you​ face ⁤while ‌unraveling the mysteries of the past.
  • Invent‌ Prehistoric Encounters: Imagine a chance encounter between⁢ a pack of herbivorous ⁤dinosaurs ⁢and​ a swarm of⁤ carnivorous creatures. How would these ancient adversaries ‌interact? Paint ⁤a vivid‌ picture of the tense confrontation that follows.

Embark on a journey of imagination and discovery with our intriguing⁢ dinosaur writing prompts.‍ Ignite your passion for both dinosaurs and creative ⁣writing, and⁣ unveil the hidden ⁢stories ⁣waiting to be unearthed. Whether you are⁣ a budding writer or a seasoned ‍storyteller, these ‌prompts will set ⁢you on an ⁣exhilarating path ‌to ‍prehistoric adventures!

Embark on a thrilling journey ​back in time with our collection of captivating‍ dinosaur writing prompts! Let your imagination run‌ wild as you explore⁤ the mysterious world of prehistoric creatures and get inspired ​to ⁤create your ​own ⁤dinosaur tales. ⁤Whether you are a​ student trying to‌ improve your writing skills ⁤or an avid ‌storyteller seeking ‍new adventures, ​these prompts are designed to ignite your creativity ​and transport you ‌to a world long gone.

Unleash the power of‌ your pen ‍as you delve into these captivating prompts:

  • 1. Time-Traveling ‍Dino: Imagine being‍ able to time travel to any period in the dinosaur‌ era. Describe the‍ breathtaking moment you encounter a massive ⁤T-Rex or an​ elegant⁤ Brachiosaurus.
  • 2. ⁤The Lost‌ Dinosaur⁤ Civilization: ⁣ Create a story that ‌unveils an ancient ⁤civilization​ where humans coexisted with dinosaurs. How​ did they interact? What ⁣adventures ⁢did‌ they embark ​on together?

Are⁢ you ready to​ dive into the fascinating world ⁢of dinosaurs?⁤ Unleash your ⁣creativity and embark on a thrilling‌ journey ‍of⁣ discovery⁢ with our collection ‍of⁤ enthralling ⁣dinosaur writing prompts.​ Whether you are an aspiring writer, a⁤ student⁤ wanting to expand your imagination, or simply a dinosaur⁤ enthusiast, these‍ prompts will ignite ​your passion and bring these ⁣prehistoric creatures to life.

From the‌ mighty​ T-Rex ⁢to ​the⁤ gentle Brontosaurus, our​ writing prompts cover​ a wide range of⁤ dinosaur species, habitats,​ and ‍scenarios. Step back in time and ‍imagine yourself​ walking​ among these⁣ ancient⁣ giants as you explore exciting themes such as dinosaur adventures, ‍scientific‍ discoveries, or even alternate histories where dinosaurs roam the modern ⁢world.⁢ Get ready to unleash your imagination⁣ and let your words soar!

  • Inspiration: Our prompts are designed to​ spark‍ your creativity⁢ and ⁤ignite your passion ‍for ​writing.
  • Variety: With a diverse​ range of‍ dinosaur ⁤species and settings⁢ to choose from, you’ll never run out of‍ unique ideas.
  • Flexibility: ‍ Whether you prefer ​writing short stories, poems, or even non-fiction pieces,‍ our prompts ⁢can be adapted to suit any writing style.
  • Education: ⁣Learn ⁣fascinating dinosaur facts ‍as you research and write ⁢about ⁣these captivating creatures.
  • Fun and Engaging: ​ Transport ⁤yourself⁤ to a world long gone and let your imagination run wild with ⁢our captivating prompts.

Q: What are​ dinosaur writing prompts? A: Dinosaur writing prompts​ are creative prompts or​ ideas that encourage writers to embark on prehistoric adventures in​ their stories. ⁢These prompts⁣ specifically ​involve dinosaurs as central themes or characters.

Q: How ⁢can dinosaur writing⁣ prompts be helpful? A: Dinosaur writing prompts can be incredibly useful in ‍stimulating creativity and imagination. They provide a ‍starting ⁤point or a ‍guiding theme for writers ‌who⁣ may struggle with coming up with unique ideas. These ​prompts can​ also help writers explore ​different genres or ‌styles by‌ incorporating dinosaurs into their ⁢narratives.

Q: Who can⁣ use dinosaur ⁤writing ⁢prompts? A: Anyone⁤ who enjoys writing and has an interest in dinosaurs‍ can benefit from these ‌prompts. Whether you’re a student looking to enhance your writing ⁤skills, an aspiring ⁣author seeking inspiration, or⁤ simply someone who loves dinosaurs ‍and wants to engage in ‌a fun writing activity,⁢ these prompts are perfect for you.

Q:⁤ Can you give an ⁤example of ⁤a dinosaur writing prompt? A: Sure! Here’s an example: “Imagine you stumble⁣ across a hidden​ portal that takes​ you back to the time of ⁣dinosaurs. Write a ‍story where ‌you must navigate a dangerous prehistoric landscape ‍and discover a way to return to the present ⁢safely.” This prompt​ encourages writers to transport themselves to ⁣a different era⁤ and weave an ⁣exciting adventure around dinosaurs.

Q: Are ‌dinosaur writing prompts limited to fiction only? A: Not at all! While dinosaur writing prompts can⁤ certainly be used for⁢ fictional ⁣works, they ⁣are not limited‍ to that genre. Writers can also explore non-fictional​ aspects such ⁢as‌ scientific research, environmental issues, or ‍even educational content through these prompts. The possibilities ⁣are endless!

Q: Where⁣ can I find dinosaur⁤ writing prompts? A: There are various resources ⁤available online that offer dinosaur⁤ writing prompts. Websites, blogs, or‌ forums dedicated to creative writing often​ provide⁢ a⁣ wide array ⁢of prompts to choose ‍from. ‌Additionally, there are books ⁤specifically ⁢designed ⁢to ‍inspire writers with dinosaur-related ⁣prompts.

Q: Can dinosaur ​writing prompts be used ⁢in ‌a classroom setting? A: Absolutely! Dinosaur writing prompts⁤ can⁣ be a fantastic tool⁤ for educators to​ engage ‌their students in creative​ writing exercises. ‌Students can⁤ be given these prompts as a starting point for ⁣storytelling or to ⁤practice various writing ‌techniques.⁤ It can be an enjoyable and educational ​way to explore the world ‌of dinosaurs​ while‍ sharpening their writing skills.

Q: What are the benefits of using dinosaur writing‍ prompts in the‍ classroom? A: By incorporating dinosaur writing prompts⁢ into the curriculum, ​teachers‍ can ⁣foster students’ ‌creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. These prompts encourage students‌ to think outside‌ the box and develop ⁤their storytelling abilities. Additionally, ​they​ offer ⁢a unique ⁣way to⁤ integrate science and​ history into‍ the writing process, making⁣ it a more enriching educational ‌experience.

Q: Can​ dinosaur writing prompts be adapted⁤ for different age ⁤groups? A: Absolutely! Dinosaur writing prompts can be adapted to suit different age groups. For younger children, prompts can focus on ‌simpler​ narratives or even involve illustrations.⁤ Meanwhile, older students⁢ can be ⁢challenged with complex ​storytelling or encouraged to explore scientific concepts related to dinosaurs. With a bit‌ of creativity, dinosaur writing prompts can cater to​ a wide⁢ range of ⁤ages and abilities.

In conclusion, these dinosaur writing‍ prompts offer an ‍exciting opportunity for creative minds to ​travel‌ back in time and explore the prehistoric world. Unleash your imagination and embark on thrilling adventures with these ancient⁣ creatures.⁢ Let your words take‍ flight and ⁣bring these ​extinct ⁢giants to life on paper!

Cherished Connections: What to Write on Jenga Blocks Wedding

Mother’s Day Writing Prompts for Middle School: Celebrate Moms Through Words

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At Creative Writing Prompts, we believe in the power of words to shape worlds. Our platform is a sanctuary for aspiring writers, seasoned wordsmiths, and everyone. Here, storytelling finds its home, and your creative journey begins its captivating voyage.

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12 Writing Prompts about Dinosaurs

The roar of the mighty tyrannosaurus rex, as it stomps through a wild primeval world.

The topic of dinosaurs has long captured the imaginations of young writers around the world, and today we’re sharing 12 prompts that should have no trouble getting the creative process underway.

We’ve included some which aim to start some thoughtful writing about the history of Earth, and others which are more suited to letting the imagination run wild in a short story or other fiction.

However you use them, we hope you find them helpful and inspiring!

Let’s get into it…

How to use the prompts:

You could try picking a specific prompt for each day of the week, for yourself or your students to write about – you’ll always have something new, while keeping a thread to the creative output and thinking.

Why not print the list, and cut them into strips – and pull out a prompt at random.

Try giving one prompt to a small group of students, and have them discuss the topic for a time, before coming back to tell the class about it – or writing for 30 minutes on the subject at hand.

The Dinosaur Writing Prompts:

  • Imagine if the dinosaurs still roamed earth today. How would humans live alongside them?
  • Some of the dinosaur species were huge. Why do you think we don’t see animals that size alive today?
  • Imagine you time travel back to the age of the dinosaurs. How would you stay safe? Where would you set up camp?
  • Write about going on a family holiday, and stumbling across a giant dinosaur fossil.
  • If scientists were able to clone dinosaurs from fossils and bring them back to life, do you think they should? Why?
  • Describe dinosaurs not on land, but in living in the oceans.
  • Do you think it’s possible that somewhere in the deepest unexplored oceans, dinosaurs still swim?
  • What animal species alive today do you think are closely related to the dinosaurs?
  • Write about finding a dinosaur egg stuck in glacier ice, and bringing it home. What happens next?
  • What are your thoughts about dinosaur “families”? Do you think they would look after their young, or would they have to fend for themselves as soon as they hatched?
  • Did the dinosaurs sleep like we do? Would they have slept standing up, or laid down in the forest?
  • Imagine a world where humans lived alongside dinosaurs. How might we use them to help us farm the land?

Looking for some more writing prompts?

Well you are in luck, we have thousands more where that came from!

Try our site search box to find prompts on a specific topic, either for story writing, or journaling.

You can also browse our writing prompt collection to find something that you’d like to use.

If there are other resources that you’d love us to make for you to use, please feel free to get in touch! We always love to hear from our amazing positive community.

Yours, Matt & Hayley

creative writing about dinosaurs

creative writing about dinosaurs

Is your class crazy for dinosaurs? Featuring flying velociraptors, the ferocious tyrannosaurus rex, and more, these five children’s dinosaur books are the perfect way to teach your students about prehistoric creatures, and may even inspire them to write their own creative and exciting stories about dinosaurs!

National Geographic Kids Readers: Dinosaurs

In this  prehistoric tour  with real-life paleontologists, your students will learn how dinosaur bones are dug up, assembled, and studied. They’ll even learn what their favorite dinosaurs ate millions of years ago!

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Your students will love that one of their favorite  classic fairytales  has been reinvented to star three hungry dinosaurs.

Fly Guy Presents: Dinosaurs

By now your students know  Fly Guy and Buzz  have been everywhere, even the natural history museum, where they lead young readers on a prehistoric adventure.

Who Would Win? Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Velociraptor

It’s not just a title, it’s an age-old question. In this  competitive tale  of two fierce prehistoric creatures, your students will learn about the velociraptor and T-rex, and then determine which would come out on top.

How Do Dinosaurs Stay Friends?

In this  heartwarming book  about respect, sharing, and relationships, and of course, dinosaurs, young readers will find out the secret behind lifelong friendship.

After reading these dinosaur books for kids, encourage your students to create their own prehistoric tale using these seven dinosaur writing prompts for inspiration:

  • A tyrannosaurus and a brontosaurus walked into my classroom, and…
  • The dinosaur wasn’t as big as I imagined it would be, but…
  • I was surprised that the dinosaur smelled like…
  • The velociraptor was quite large and flew very fast above the…
  • I found the baby dinosaur under my bed. I named it…
  • I didn’t want to scare the dinosaur so I…
  • At first, I thought I was dreaming when I saw a dinosaur standing on top of…

If you’re looking for even more dinosaur inspiration, check out this  dinosaur book list  featuring even more exciting and enriching stories about our prehistoric friends!

Shop all books about dinosaurs at The Teacher Store.

Stray Mum

Dinosaur Writing Prompts: Unleash Your Child’s Creativity

Dinosaur Writing Prompts with a drawing of a dinosaur holding several balloons

Dinosaurs have a timeless appeal that ignites the imagination of children worldwide. In this article, we explore the captivating world of dinosaur writing prompts, designed to inspire and unleash the creativity of young learners.

Writing prompts are invaluable for fostering creativity, improving writing skills, and encouraging critical thinking. They provide fertile ground for children to explore imaginative scenarios and craft compelling stories.

Let’s embark on this prehistoric journey together, as we delve into the fascinating world of dinosaur-inspired writing.

Descriptive Dinosaur Writing Prompts:

Dinosaur sightings:.

  • Backyard Encounter: Imagine stepping into your backyard and encountering a living, breathing dinosaur. Describe its appearance, from the texture of its scales to the size of its claws. How does it move? What emotions does this encounter evoke?
  • Local News Report: Write a news report detailing a recent dinosaur sighting in your local area. Include eyewitness accounts, expert opinions on the species, and reactions from the community. How does the presence of a dinosaur impact daily life?

Dinosaur Habitats:

  • Prehistoric Landscape: Transport yourself to a lush, prehistoric environment teeming with life. Describe the dense foliage, towering trees, and vibrant colours of the flora. Paint a vivid picture of the fauna that coexists with dinosaurs, from the graceful pterosaurs soaring overhead to the swift-footed herbivores grazing below.
  • Time Travel Adventure: Envision journeying back in time to observe a specific dinosaur species in its natural habitat. Describe the sights, sounds, and smells you encounter as you navigate through dense forests or expansive plains. How do you feel witnessing these majestic creatures in their prime?
  • Underwater Expedition: Dive into the depths of a prehistoric sea where marine reptiles reign supreme. Describe the underwater world inhabited by creatures like the mighty Plesiosaurus and the fearsome Mosasaurus. Explore the intricate coral reefs, ancient seafloor formations, and the eerie darkness that envelops you as you encounter these magnificent oceanic giants. What unique adaptations do these creatures possess for life beneath the waves?

Narrative Dinosaur Writing Prompts:

Dinosaur adventures:.

  • Unexpected Friendship: Craft a heartwarming tale of a child who forms an unlikely friendship with a gentle dinosaur. Describe their initial encounter, the development of their bond, and the adventures they embark upon together. How do they overcome challenges and misconceptions to forge a lasting connection?
  • Time-Travel Odyssey: Write an exhilarating story about discovering a hidden time machine that transports you to the age of dinosaurs. Describe your journey through time, the awe-inspiring sights you behold, and the perilous encounters you face. Will you find a way back to the present, or will you choose to remain in this ancient world forever?

Dinosaur Mysteries:

  • Fossil Detective: Develop a mystery story where a group of young detectives must unravel the secrets of a puzzling case involving dinosaur fossils or artifacts. Describe the clues they uncover, the suspects they interrogate, and the thrilling chase to uncover the truth behind the ancient mystery.
  • Scientific Discovery: Write a narrative about a visionary scientist who makes a groundbreaking discovery about dinosaurs that challenges existing theories. Describe the excitement of the scientific community as the discovery unfolds, the obstacles faced by the scientist, and the implications of their findings for our understanding of prehistoric life.

Dinosaur writing prompts Pinterest pin

Persuasive Dinosaur Writing Prompts:

Dinosaur conservation:.

  • Protecting Our Prehistoric Heritage: Write a persuasive essay advocating for the protection of dinosaur fossils and archaeological sites from looting or destruction. Highlight the importance of preserving these invaluable remnants of Earth’s ancient past for scientific research, education, and future generations. How can we ensure the ethical treatment and responsible stewardship of these precious resources?
  • Investing in Discovery: Craft a compelling speech convincing others of the significance of funding dinosaur research and education initiatives. Illustrate how such investments not only advance our understanding of prehistoric life but also inspire curiosity, innovation, and lifelong learning. How can supporting dinosaur-related projects contribute to scientific progress and cultural enrichment?

Dinosaur Debates:

  • Ethics of Cloning: Take a stance on the ethical implications of cloning extinct dinosaur species and present your arguments for or against this controversial practice. Consider the scientific feasibility, potential risks, and moral considerations involved in resurrecting creatures from the distant past. Should we play ‘creator’ with creatures long gone, or is such tampering with nature too fraught with peril?
  • Media Representation: Develop a debate on the accuracy of dinosaur depictions in popular media, such as movies and books. Discuss the impact of exaggerated portrayals and scientific inaccuracies on public perception and education. How can we promote more authentic representations of dinosaurs in entertainment while still preserving the sense of wonder and excitement they inspire?
  • Public Safety vs. Scientific Curiosity: Engage in a debate surrounding the question of whether it’s ethical to bring dinosaurs back to life in controlled environments for public display and research. Consider the potential risks to human safety, as well as the educational benefits and scientific advancements that could result from such endeavours. Where do we draw the line between scientific curiosity and responsible stewardship of life?
  • Dinosaur Extinction Theories: Delve into a debate on the various theories surrounding the extinction of dinosaurs , such as the impact hypothesis, volcanic activity, and climate change. Present arguments for and against each theory, weighing the evidence and scientific consensus. How does our understanding of past extinction events inform our approach to current environmental challenges?

Unleashing Creativity with Dinosaur Writing Prompts

In the realm of dinosaur writing prompts, young minds embark on thrilling adventures, unravel mysteries, and engage in thought-provoking debates. From descriptive encounters with living dinosaurs to persuasive arguments for their conservation, these prompts ignite creativity and foster a love for learning.

Terrific Teaching Tactics

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Free Dinosaur Writing Prompts

Are you a kindergarten, first grade, or second grade teacher? Are you teaching opinion writing, narrative writing or informational writing? If so, you and your students will LOVE these free dinosaur writing prompts!

free dinosaur writing crafts - dinosaur craft art activity - free writing prompts

Opinion Writing

If you’re teaching opinion writing, you’ll love that there is an opinion writing dinosaur craft included in this freebie!

Students simply write about their favorite dinosaur. Encourage your students to share the name of their favorite dinosaur, but to also provide reasoning as to why they like it.

You may expect one, two, or three reasons to support the opinion. This depends on your student’s abilities and the grade level you’re teaching.

free dinosaur writing craft - writing prompt freebie - opinion writing - my favorite dinosaur

Informational Writing

If you’re teaching informational writing, you’ll love that there is an informative writing dinosaur craft also included in this freebie!

Students simply research facts about dinosaurs and create an information report. They can write about when dinosaurs lived, how dinosaurs went extinct, and so much more. They can share facts about what dinosaurs looked like and what they ate.

free dinosaur writing craft - writing prompt freebie - informational writing - all about dinosaurs

Narrative Writing

Finally, if you’re teaching narrative writing, you’ll love that there is a story writing dinosaur craft also included in this freebie!

Students write a fictional narrative about the day they met a dinosaur. Encourage your students to think about the setting their story will take place (where they met the dinosaur) and the characters involved (such as what dinosaur).

free dinosaur writing craft - writing prompt freebie - narrative writing - story

Why this freebie is so awesome!

The really great thing about these dinosaur writing prompts is that there are lots of options to choose from and each student can be catered to. For each craft, there is a choice between dotted and plain lines.

I suggest printing extra writing pages if you have second grade students or advanced first graders who wish to write more. They can simply glue their other pages underneath the first page and create a flipbook.

free dinosaur writing craft - writing prompt freebie - free opinion writing - free narrative writing - free informational writing lesson idea activity

These dinosaur writing prompts are also awesome because they are easy for students to make. Students simply write on the lined page and color in the dinosaur. Then, they cut out the dinosaur and glue it on top of the writing page.

This craft is also super ideal for you! It’s no prep, you can just print and go! Also, because the crafts are easy for students to complete, it means less stress for you.

Finally, these dinosaur writing prompts are awesome because they make super cute displays. In need of a free bulletin board or door decor idea? You’re all set!

free bulletin board idea door decor freebie - dinosaur writing prompts crafts

Here’s how you could use these crafts –

  • Whole group writing or literacy lessons
  • Small group work (literacy or writing centers)
  • Independent writing practice
  • Early finishers
  • Morning work
  • Bulletin board or door decor
  • Activity for a sub

If you like the sound of these cute dinosaur writing crafts, you can grab them in my free resource library. Simply sign up here to get access to lots of amazing freebies!

creative writing about dinosaurs

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Dinosaur Writing Prompt Cards

July 12, 2021 by ami Leave a Comment

If you have reluctant writers or creative writers who are writing simple, shallow stories, try this set of dinosaur writing prompt cards .

The dinosaur writing prompt cards provide guidance with the writing process. Additionally, they will help your student generate oodles of dinosaur story ideas.

creative writing about dinosaurs

What’s Included in the Dinosaur Writing Prompt Cards?

This printable file includes six task cards and six pages of matching stationery.

creative writing about dinosaurs

Each prompt card includes a creative writing prompt with a story title on one side of the card and a series of questions on the other.

The file includes:

  • Instructions for how to use each prompt over a three-day writing process. This includes prewriting, drafting, and editing. I would recommend that you ask your student to write one (and only one) story per week.
  • 6 dinosaur writing prompt cards
  • 6 dinosaur story stationery pieces to match the task cards The stationery includes the same title prompts as the task card s.

The questions are provided to cause the writer to think about his or her writing throughout the prewriting process.

Through the prewriting, the writer will generate ideas that include setting, character, and conflict. Including these three short story elements helps your student craft an amazing dinosaur story.

How to Use the Dinosaur Writing Prompt Cards

creative writing about dinosaurs

Assembly: Print the cards. Cut out cards. Fold them in half on the dotted line. Glue together. Repeat with all the cards. Laminate for durability , if desired.

Suggested Use:

  • Day One: Let your student choose one writing prompt card. If possible, read through the questions with your student and discuss ideas. Give the student a piece of paper to scribble all of her ideas. This prewriting process can be called a “brain dump,” and it can be a place where the student answers the questions on the chosen writing prompt card.
  • Day Two: Ask your student to write a draft of a story.
  • Day Three: Review the draft with your student. Tell her what she has done well and give her a few suggestions. Have her write his final work on the stationery page provided (the one that matches the prompt card).

Note: If your student is not familiar with setting, conflict, or plot, I would review these short story elements before giving him his first story writing prompt card.

Dinosaur Writing Prompt Titles

creative writing about dinosaurs

These titles are included in this set of writing prompt cards:

  • How to Tame a Dinosaur
  • The Friendly Dinosaur
  • The Daring Dino Adventure
  • The Mysterious Egg
  • The Great Dinosaur Dig
  • Flying High with Pterodactyl

Sample Dinosaur Writing Prompt Card

Here are the ideas and questions from a sample prompt card:

Title Idea: How to Tame a Dinosaur

Writing Ideas and Questions:

You met a dinosaur in the wild, and you want to bring him home. However, he is ferocious!

How are you going to tame the fierce beast? This is a problem. Will you use chocolate candies? Will you try reading to him (maybe a book about manners)? Do you have other ideas?

Once you tame him, will he be your pet? Will you teach your dinosaur tricks? Will you be able to ride on his back? Will you take him to the park? What other things will you do?

Download Your Free Dinosaur Writing Prompt Cards

Are you ready to grab your set of free story writing prompt cards?

creative writing about dinosaurs

More Creative Writing Lessons and Resources

Are you looking for additional creative writing lessons and resources? Try these fun sentence writing activites from my Tip-Top Printables Shop .

Roll to Write: Dinosaur Sentences

Your student will smile while practicing handwriting, learning new vocabulary words, and choosing parts of speech. The Writing Dinosaur Sentences includes 20 silly sentences for your students to write.

Writing Silly Sentences

This popular pack also includes 20 sentence writing activities for your student. Practice handwriting, learn the parts of speech, and write complete sentences with this fun pack.

creative writing about dinosaurs

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creative writing about dinosaurs

Dinosaur Narrative Writing Activities

creative writing about dinosaurs

Kids love writing about dinosaurs! In this blogpost, you’ll find a narrative writing activity called “Dinosaur Adventure.” There are 3 differentiated draft template options and two final copy options – one with primary lines and one with regular lines.

What Are Narrative Writing Activities?

Narrative writing is a type of writing that tells a story or recounts a series of activities. In this blogpost, kids will write a story about dinosaurs that they make up using their imagination.

What Are the Key Elements of Narrative Writing?

Narrative writing includes a number of key elements that are meant to engage the reader and make the reader want to read the story. These key elements include:

  • characters (who),
  • a setting (where and when),
  • a plot (what happens),
  • a conflict or problem, and 
  • a resolution (how the problem is solved).

Students also include descriptive details to help readers understand the stories they write.

Narrative Writing Activity Objectives

In this writing activity students will:

  • practice their narrative writing skills by writing stories about dinosaurs.
  • work through the writing process by creating a draft of their ideas, editing and revising their stories, and producing a final copy.

Materials For Activity

Here are the files you’ll need for this activity:

  • Dinosaur Adventure – Draft 1 (FREE)
  • Dinosaur Adventure – Draft 2 (FREE)
  • Dinosaur Adventure – Draft 3 (FREE)
  • Dinosaur Adventure – Final Copy Primary Lines (FREE)
  • Dinosaur Adventure – Final Copy Regular Lines (FREE)
  • Editing Bookmark A – Black and White  (FREE)
  • Editing Bookmark A – Color (Members Only)
  • Editing Bookmark B – Black and White  (FREE)
  • Editing Bookmark B – Color (Members Only)
  • Editing Bookmark C – Black and White (FREE)
  • Editing Bookmark C – Color (Members Only)
  • Editing Bookmark D – Black and White (FREE)
  • Editing Bookmark D – Color (Members Only)
  • Narrative Writing Rubric – Black and White (FREE)
  • Narrative Writing Rubric – Color (Members Only)
  • Writing Mechanics Rubric – Black and White (FREE)
  • Writing Mechanics – Color (Members Only)

Directions For Writing Activity

  • Provide each student with a draft template of the Dinosaur Adventure writing activity.
  • Read over the target questions on the top of the draft template.
  • Students fill in the template with their ideas. 
  • The template includes an opening and closing sentence.
  • Provide each student with an editing bookmark.
  • Students revise and edit their stories using the editing bookmark.
  • Students write a good copy of their story on the final copy template.
  • Optional: Teachers can use the writing mechanics rubric and the narrative writing rubric to assess the stories.

Differentiation Ideas

There are a number of ways you can differentiate this activity in your classroom.

  • Draft Templates: There are 3 different draft templates provided for each of the writing activities. You can provide each student with a copy of the draft template that matches their learning needs. The templates look similar but require students to provide a different number of details in their story.
  • Editing Bookmarks: There are 4 different editing bookmarks. Like the draft templates, you can provide each student with a copy of the bookmark that matches their learning needs. The bookmarks are similar but include a different number of editing skills.
  • Partner Writing: Ask the students to complete the Dinosaur Adventure writing activity with a partner. Students can work with their partner to write a draft copy of the story and to edit it. One student can fill in the draft template, each student can fill in their own draft template, or students can complete the draft template of their story together.
  • Provide Choice: Let students choose from the dinosaur narrative writing activity they want to complete. There are 3 different writing activities in this blogpost – Dinosaur Adventure (above), Archeologist Discovery (below) and Footprint Mystery (below). Each student can choose the activity they want to write about.

What Teachers are Saying About Writing Activities:

❤️ “These were great! Kids were engaged. It help organize their writing.” – Janet L.

❤️ “Fantastic item! Very appropriate and easy to use.” – Melane B.

❤️ “My students loved this resource!” – Samantha W.

❤️ “Wonderful resource for my struggling writers. I teach 4th and 5th grade SpEd and this help immensely, students felt very independent with these.” – Stacey V.

Here are even more Dinosaur Narrative Writing Activities FREEBIES :

Narrative writing activities.

  • Archeologist Discovery – Draft 1 (FREE)
  • Archeologist Discovery – Draft 2 (FREE)
  • Archeologist Discovery – Draft 3 (FREE)
  • Archeologist Discovery – Final Copy Primary Lines (FREE)
  • Archeologist Discovery – Final Copy Regular Lines (FREE)
  • Footprint Discovery – Draft 1 (Members Only)
  • Footprint Discovery – Draft 2 (Members Only)
  • Footprint Discovery – Draft 3 (Members Only)
  • Footprint Discovery – Final Copy Primary Lines (Members Only)
  • Footprint Discovery – Final Copy Regular Lines (Members Only)
  • Land of the Dinosaurs – Draft 1
  • Land of the Dinosaurs – Draft 2
  • Land of the Dinosaurs – Draft 3
  • Land of the Dinosaurs – Final Copy Primary Lines
  • Land of the Dinosaurs – Final Copy Regular Lines
  • Living With the Dinosaurs – Draft 1 (Members Only)
  • Living With the Dinosaurs – Draft 2 (Members Only)
  • Living With the Dinosaurs – Draft 3 (Members Only)
  • Living With the Dinosaurs – Final Copy Primary Lines (Members Only)
  • Living With the Dinosaurs – Final Copy Regular Lines (Members Only)

Editing Bookmarks

Assessments and Rubrics

  • Self-Assessment – Happy Faces Black and White (Members Only)
  • Self-Assessment – Happy Faces Color (Members Only)
  • Self-Assessment – 4 Point Scale Black and White (Members Only)
  • Self-Assessment – 4 Point Scale Color (Members Only)
  • Peer-Assessment – Happy Faces Black and White (Members Only)
  • Peer-Assessment – Happy Faces Color (Members Only)
  • Peer-Assessment – 4 Point Scale Black and White (Members Only)
  • Peer-Assessment – 4 Point Scale Color (Members Only)
  • Teacher Assessment – Happy Faces Black and White (Members Only)
  • Teacher Assessment – Happy Faces Color (Members Only)
  • Teacher Assessment – 4 Point Scale Black and White (Members Only)
  • Teacher Assessment – 4 Point Scale Color (Members Only)

Narrative Writing FAQs:

1. why is it important to teach narrative writing to kids.

Teaching narrative writing helps kids in a number of different ways because it: 

  • helps students develop important communication skills as they provide details to their stories so they are understand by others.
  • encourages creativity by having students use their imagination to create entertaining stories and to maintain the interest of their readers.
  • develops the ability to organize their thoughts in a way that makes sense to their readers.
  • fosters empathy as students learn to understand different perspectives through the stories that they write and the stories their classmates write and they read.

2. How can children brainstorm ideas for their stories?

Children can brainstorm ideas by:

  • drawing pictures of their ideas,
  • talking with a partner or in a small group,
  • creating a list of ideas,
  • making a mind map,
  • using target questions and sentence starters,
  • closing their eyes and visualizing their stories, or
  • drawing a series of pictures to represent different parts of their story.

3. How can I help my students structure their narrative writing?

There is a basic structure to narrative writing that you can teach your students. This structure includes:

  • a beginning (introduction) that sets the stage for the story and introduces the characters.
  • a middle that develops the plot and conflict of the story.
  • an end (conclusion) that resolves the conflict and provides closure to the story.

4. What writing skills can I teach to my students to help them when they are writing narratives?

Possible skills you can teach your students include how to:

  • write dialogue using quotation marks and the correct punctuation,
  • put events of a story in order so it makes sense to the reader,
  • add adjectives and other details to make their stories more interesting,
  • develop the characters in the story,
  • edit their stories,
  • revise their stories,
  • provide and use peer feedback,
  • set writing goals, and
  • use the writing process.

The Writing Club membership has TONS of narrative writing activities on the following topics:

Want ALL these narrative writing activities and SO MUCH MORE ?

Simply click the image below to get all of our resources.

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Free Dinosaur themed writing pack

Free Dinosaur themed writing pack

Subject: Creative writing

Age range: 5-7

Resource type: Unit of work

Innovative Teaching Ideas

Last updated

22 February 2018

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Perfect for children who love dinosaurs.

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Providing printables, encouragement, tips and resources to help busy mums balance homeschooling, homemaking and frugal living.

  • Dinosaur Printable Pack

Whose kids love dinosaurs? Mine have been fascinated with these creatures since they first heard about them. This fun Dinosaur Printable Pack introduces children to seventeen different dinosaurs while focusing on skills that all preschoolers and kindergarteners should know.

This Dinosaur Printable focuses on skills that preschoolers and kindergarteners need to know while having a fun dinosaur theme.

Dinosaur Printables

  • white paper
  • colouring pencils
  • lead pencils
  • binder ring

This fun 126-page Dinosaur Printable Pack contains a variety of math and literacy activities such as:

  • A printable, easy-read Dinosaur Book
  • Size Sequencing Cards
  • Number Puzzles
  • Odd One Out
  • What Comes Next?
  • Finish the Pattern

This Dinosaur Printable focuses on skills that preschoolers and kindergarteners need to know while having a fun dinosaur theme.

  • Colouring Pages
  • 3 Part Cards
  • Dot the Letter
  • Handwriting Practice
  • Shadow Matching Cards
  • Alphabet Matching Cards

This Dinosaur Printable focuses on skills that preschoolers and kindergarteners need to know while having a fun dinosaur theme.

  • Colouring Activity
  • Number Cards
  • Sequencing Cards
  • Dice Game/Graphing
  • Creative Writing Pages
  • Follow the Directions (Ordinal Numbers)
  • Counting Flip Book

More Dinosaur Resources

  • Dinosaur Research Flip Book
  • Dinosaur Shape Matching Cards
  • Dinosaur Tracing and Cutting Strips
  • Dinosaur Count and Clip Cards  
  • Dinosaur Information Cards
  • Dinosaur Lapbook and Other Resources  
  • Dinosaur Dab a Dot Mats
  • Dinosaur Skip Counting Mats
  • Dinosaur Playdough Mats
  • Dinosaur Q-Tip Mats

This Dinosaur Printable focuses on skills that preschoolers and kindergarteners need to know while having a fun dinosaur theme.

To grab a copy of the colour version of the printable pack, click the link below. 

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Could dinosaurs still exist somewhere in the world a paleontologist explains.


The extinction event that killed the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago. Mark Stevenson/UIG via Getty Images

Do dinosaurs still exist in some parts of the world today? – Ruben M., age 5

Did all dinosaurs become extinct, killed when an asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago? Or could a few of them, somehow, have survived that mass extinction event – with their descendants living even today?

It is exciting to imagine that gigantic dinosaurs are still rumbling and lumbering around in some remote part of the world. But no evidence of this exists. There are no cousins of Tyrannosaurus rex stomping through the vast woods of Siberia, no Apatosaurus ambling through the Congo rainforest.

As a paleontologist , I have spent much of my life studying ancient animals, particularly dinosaurs. But I have seen only fossils of these creatures, nothing living – with one exception. One group of dinosaurs is still around. To find them, just go outside and look up.

An armored dinosaur with body spikes trudges through a primeval forest.

The killer asteroid

In 1977, American geologist Walter Alvarez was working in the Apennine mountains in Italy. There, he found a thin layer of clay with an unusual amount of a metal called iridium in it. The clay was in between rocks from the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods and dates from the time the dinosaurs disappeared.

Iridium is rare on Earth but more common in some meteorites . Working with his father, Luis, who was a Nobel-Prize-winning physicist , Walter Alvarez developed the theory that a giant space rock – an asteroid – collided with Earth 66 million years ago. This impact left iridium traces around the world and triggered the unimaginable disaster that killed the dinosaurs and countless other species of animals and plants on land and in the sea.

At first, many scientists rejected the theory. But then, in 1991, geologists discovered a huge crater buried under the sea floor off the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico. This spot was where an asteroid, about 6 miles (10 kilometers) across, crashed into our planet 66 million years ago .

The collision was so powerful it sent trillions of tons of dust and molten rock into the sky. Many pieces of molten rock fell back to Earth, causing huge wildfires everywhere. A thick blanket of dust in the atmosphere blocked most sunlight, leading to freezing temperatures worldwide. Earth turned into a cold, desolate place for many years, even centuries .

The loss of sunlight killed many plants. With no food available for them, big plant-eating dinosaurs like Triceratops quickly went extinct. That left big predators like Tyrannosaurus rex without prey animals to eat, so they died, too.

But smaller animals like mammals, lizards and turtles could adapt . They could hide in burrows and live on a wide variety of foods. Fish lived in rivers and lakes and were protected by their watery homes. And surviving with them: birds, the only remaining dinosaurs.

Against a white background, a bird-like dinosaur, with feathers, sharp claws and a long tail, stands upright.

The bird connection

Fast-forward about 66 million years: Scientists noticed in the 19th century how the skeletons of modern birds and fossilized dinosaurs were alike in many ways . The similarities in the legs and feet were especially striking. However, most scientists then thought dinosaurs and birds were too different to be closely related.

Then, in 1964, dinosaur expert John Ostrom discovered fossils of the dinosaur Deinonychus . It had a mouth full of sharp teeth with serrated edges like steak knives, long slender hands with three fingers ending with large, curved claws, and a huge claw on the second toe of each foot. A fast hunter that did not fit the traditional ideas about dinosaurs as slow and not very active, Deinonychus lived in North America during the Cretaceous period, about 110 million years ago.

For another research project in the early 1970s, Ostrom examined the earliest known bird, Archaeopteryx , which lived 150 million years ago in what is now Germany. It had feathered wings and a wishbone, along with reptilelike traits, including jaws with sharp teeth, hands with three fingers each, and a long tail.

Comparing this ancient bird with Deinonychus , Ostrom realized their skeletons shared many special features. For example, both had unusually long arms and hands, a very flexible wrist, hollow bones and an S-shaped neck.

Based on these and many other similarities, Ostrom showed that birds descended from small, predatory, birdlike dinosaurs.

Against a white background stands a bird-like dinosaur, with multicolored wings and an open mouth displaying sharp, razorlike teeth.

In the past three decades, paleontologists have discovered many skeletons of ancient birds and birdlike dinosaurs in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks in China. Surprisingly, the birdlike dinosaurs, including close relatives of Deinonychus , were covered in feathers, just like the birds living with them. Paleontologists now agree that many if not all dinosaurs maintained constant high body temperatures, just like birds and mammals do today. Feathers kept them warm.

Birdlike dinosaurs did not make it through the extinction event 66 million years ago – but some of the early birds who had lived alongside them did. And they evolved into the birds alive today.

Think of that: to see a dinosaur, all you need do is glance skyward. And as someone who has studied dinosaurs for a long time, I’m happy to know I share the world with dinosaurs.

Hello, curious kids! Do you have a question you’d like an expert to answer? Ask an adult to send your question to [email protected] . Please tell us your name, age and the city where you live.

Hans Sues , Senior Research Geologist and Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, Smithsonian Institution

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .

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