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Unit 1: Decimal place value

Unit 2: add decimals, unit 3: subtract decimals, unit 4: add and subtract fractions, unit 5: multi-digit multiplication and division, unit 6: multiply fractions, unit 7: divide fractions, unit 8: multiply decimals, unit 9: divide decimals, unit 10: powers of ten, unit 11: volume, unit 12: coordinate plane, unit 13: algebraic thinking, unit 14: converting units of measure, unit 15: line plots, unit 16: properties of shapes.

Mathlinks 9

Course-wide content, student text game blms: additional resources.

Brain Teasers

What is the sum of the surface areas of all of the squares?

The side length of the smallest squares measures 1 cm.

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

Twenty caravans are travelling across the desert one day apart. The first caravan reached an oasis, and the camels drank half of the water in the pool. On the second day, the second caravan reached the oasis, and the camels drank one-third of the water that was left. On the third day, the camels in the third caravan drank one-quarter of the water that was left. On the first day, the pool contained 1050 m of water. How much was left after the 20 caravan passed through?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

You have four 3’s. Develop an expression using all four 3’s that is as large as possible when evaluated.

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

Rachel held out a soccer ball and a ping pong ball from the window of a tall building such that their centres were at the same level. She dropped both balls at the same time and each fell straight down. Which ball will travel the farthest distance before hitting the ground?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

Each of the letters , , and represents a single digit from 0 to 9.

If = , determine a possible value for each letter.

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

Each row in this table of numbers uses the same pattern.

What is the missing number?












Click here for a hint

Click here for the solution

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

Chapter 7 Multiplying and Dividing Polynomials

Magic Polynomials

A polynomial consists of powers of x . All the numerical coefficients are single digits from 0 to 9. If x = 10, the value of the polynomial is 2351. What is the polynomial?

Chapter 8 Solving Linear Equations

DaVinci Goes Linear

A code is based on the linear equation y = x + 3. Assign a number to each letter in the alphabet. Calculate the corresponding value of y , and use it to replace the letter in a message. For example, if C is letter 3, the corresponding value of y is 6. So C becomes an F.

To decode a message, reverse the process.

What message does the code PHHWDWVLA indicate?

Chapter 9 Linear Inequalities

Present for Damian

It is Damian’s birthday. His friends Anwar, Grace, Colin, Diana, and Evan went to the store to buy a present. Each had an integral number of dollars. They found a suitable item whose price was an integer. Anwar was $15 short, Graeme was $14 short, Colin was $13 short, Dieter was $12 short, and Ewan was $11 short. Even when they pooled all of their funds, they could not buy the item. What was the cost of the item?

Chapter 10 Circle Geometry

On a Tangent

Allan tied a ball to a string and whirled it around in a circular path, as shown. He let go of the string when the ball was at point P. Which of his friends is most likely to catch the ball?

Chapter 11 Data Analysis

Deserted Island

Consider similar squares of all possible different sizes.

Calculate how much is left after each of the first three drinks. Look for a pattern.

You may use multiplication, division, or exponents.

Consider the different sizes of the balls.

Look at the last digit in each term to determine a relation between and .

Think in terms of mathematical operations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.

Consider equivalent fractions with the same denominator.

Use the linear relation to write out each letter and its corresponding code.

Let represent the price. Use the data given to set an upper and a lower limit for .

Consider the direction in which the ball is going when it is at point P.

Determine how many units of daily rations were on the plane when it landed.

There are four types of squares with side lengths that measure 1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm and 4 cm. The table summarizes the area of each type of square.


1 cm



2 cm



3 cm



4 cm



Total Surface Area:


The total surface area is 104 cm 2 .

Exponent Power

You can use some 3’s for the base and some for the exponents. Using a calculator to help you, show that the largest number occurs when you develop the expression 3 3 × 3 × 3 .

Pong Soccer

The ping pong ball has a smaller radius than the soccer ball. Therefore, it must fall farther before it hits the ground.

Polly Wolly Doodle

You can start by noticing that d – b = b . Therefore, b must be half of d . Try each case: 8 and 4, 6 and 3, 4 and 2, and 2 and 1. One possible solution is a =1, b = 4, c = 5, and d = 8. Are there any others?

Pattern Puzzle

Divide the number in the first column by the number in the second column. Then, multiply by 3. The missing number is 18.

Represent the polynomial as ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d .

If x = 10, this becomes 1000 a + 100 b + 10 c + d .

Comparing this to 2351, the polynomial must be 2 x 3 + 3 x 2 + 5 x + 1.

Replace each letter by the letter that is 3 to its left in the alphabet. For example, P becomes M. The decoded message is MEETATSIX.

Let x represent the cost of the item.

The table summarizes the provided data.


– 15


– 14


– 13


– 12


– 11

The cost of the present must be greater than the total amount of dollars of the five friends.

x > x – 15 + x – 14 + x – 13 + x – 12 + x – 11

x > 5 x – 65

x < 16.25

Since Anwar is $15 short, x > 15. The only integer that satisfies both inequalities is 16. Therefore, the present cost $16.

When Allan lets the string go, the ball will continue along a tangent to the circle. Deirdre is most likely to catch the ball.

The number of rations available when the plane landed on the island was 120 × 15 = 1800.

At the end of five days, 120 × 5 = 600 rations had been used.

So, there were 1800 – 600 = 1200 rations remaining.

Dividing the rations among 150 people, there will be enough rations for 8 more days.

Getting Started with TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus

will focus on introducing you to the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus through various guided interactive activities.

. The following lessons and activities align with our curriculum and standards and we hope you take the time to enjoy the module and take from it what you feel will apply in your classroom setting.

This module will examine the following:
• comparing and ordering rational numbers using relational operators and using the sort command for lists
• add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers
• convert decimals to fractions
• using the last answer feature
• store numbers in alphanumeric variables and solving for expressions, using relational operators to compare algebraic expressions
• entering and comparing algebraic expressions and using graphs/ tables to compare expressions

This module will examine the following:
• solving inequalities in one variable using concatenation and relational operators
• solving inequalities using tables and graphs by entering equations into y = editor and using tables/ graphs to solve for missing values
• using relational operators to graph linear inequalities by using the y = editor to enter equations and inequalities
• using graphs to examine inequalities and determine intersection points

This module will examine the following:
• using home screen to guess and check solutions and to find the intersection point of two functions
• graphing functions and performing mathematical operations on functions in the y= editor
• entering matrices and finding a solution using the rref (row reduced echelon form) feature

application is required.


Getting Started with TI-Nspire

will focus on introducing you to the TI-Nspire handheld by looking at the layout of the keypad and the key features of operating the Applications.

Familiarize yourself with the layout of the handheld keypad and how to navigate the various screens you will encounter.

Familiarize yourself with a few of the basics of the Graphs & Geometry application. You will learn how to graph and edit functions as well as edit the window settings using built-in zoom options.

The Basics of the Lists & Spreadsheet Application - Gain familiarity with all the basics of the Lists & Spreadsheet application. You will learn a variety of ways to enter values in to the spreadsheet.

Calculator, Notes, and the Document Model - Learn some basic features of the Notes application and Calculator application. The document model will also be discussed to help you see how the TI-Nspire can help students develop a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts through guided investigations.

application is required.
   An angle that is between 0° and 90°.
   The minimum size of the angle needed to turn a shape or design onto itself. The angle may be measured in degrees or fractions of a turn.
   A portion of the circumference of a circle. A minor arc is less than a semicircle, and a major arc is more than a semicircle.

   The number of square units contained in a two-dimensional region.
   Something taken for granted, as though it were true.
   number used as a factor for repeated multiplication. In 4 , the base is 4.
   Does not represent the population, and can make survey results inaccurate.
   An expression with two terms, such as 6 + 3 and 2 − 5 .
   Divide into two equal parts.
   A line or line segment that cuts an angle or line segment into two equal parts.

   The point that separates the values less than from the values greater than a specified value. If it is a possible value, it is shown with a closed circle on a number line. If it is not a possible value, the circle is open. For example, the boundary points for the inequality −4 < 4 are −4 (closed circle) and 4 (open circle).

   An angle formed by two radii of a circle. The vertex of the angle is at the centre of the circle, and the endpoints are on the circle.

   The point about which the rotation of an object or design turns.
   A line segment joining two points on the circumference of a circle.
   The boundary of or distance around a circle. This is a linear measurement. It is often represented by the variable .
   See numerical coefficient.
A common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. A common denominator for
is 6 because a common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6.
An algebraic expression with one term. For example, 5, 2 , 3 , −8 , and are all monomials.
cannot multiply any rational number by itself and get an answer of 3, 5, 1.5, or .
+ 5, 2 − 2.4, 3 + 5 − 6, and are all polynomials.
in fraction form as , or in ratio form as 1 : 4 = 4 : 16.
For example, 0.75, , and −2 are rational numbers.
is the reciprocal of because × = 1.
Repeating digits are shown with a bar: = 0.444... and = −3.121212....
Lying opposite to. For example, in the figure, the arc AB subtends the angle, .

Succeed In Math

Do you want to do better in math? We have some suggestions that will help you.

Why Studying Math is Different Take Charge and Take Action . Your teacher will show you additional strategies that you can use. In short, the steps are: Online Learning Centre has many things to help you. Preparing for Tests

Use this GSP applet to explore the Tech Link on page 153.

Use this GSP applet as you complete the Explore in the Tech Link on page 385.

Use this GSP applet to explore the Tech Link on page 393.

This GSP applet will assist you with the Explore in the Tech Link on page 403.


Use your knowledge of surface area to play . Visualize how three-dimensional shapes they fit together to minimize surface area maximize your score.

allows you to brush up on factoring skills needed for a variety of mathematics topics, including fraction operations.

This is a variant on the electronic jigsaw puzzle. Each piece must be scaled before it can be added to the puzzle. There is a time limit to determine the correct scale for each piece.

Polish your skills at visualizing linear relations in the context of a game. Given two targets, you must correctly construct the linear equation that will hit both targets.

tests your ability to monitor rates of change while you bring a spacecraft to a safe landing before your fuel runs out. You can land on Earth, the moon, Mars, or Neptune to investigate the effects of different gravitational fields

This game requires you to make a selection then decide whether to switch your selection based on information provided by the computer.

This is one of many versions of the Nim game.

In an unusual twist, the first step in this selection game requires you to deduce the rules. Once you have done so, you can play the game. Any number can play.

This site offers a variety of classic logic puzzles, such as .

A rebus represents a phrase, such as (head over heels) You can find hundreds of rebus puzzles on this site, ranging from almost obvious to dazzlingly obscure.

This two-dimensional geometry game tests your spatial sense by requiring you to assemble a square from odd-shaped pieces.

In this puzzle, a (variable) number of rings are placed in a "tower", largest to smallest. The object is to move the rings, one at a time, onto two additional towers, until all of the rings are on the last tower.

In this game, you are in charge of a kingdom for ten years and must make economic decisions each year of your reign. The objective is to finish your reign with your kingdom in better shape than when you started.

is an ancient game that was played using stones and holes in the ground. The object is to capture the greatest number of stones.

Pentominoes a set of shapes, each made up of five squares. The challenge is to completely tile a section of the plane. Pentominoes can be rotated or flipped before being placed.

makes use of the Sierpinski Triangle and fractals to present a challenging puzzle. There are four levels of difficulty provided.

The uses biological growth patterns and mathematical patterning to simulate the growth or death of a culture. The object is to create a living system that is able to sustain itself.

is a strategy game that requires players to build a path across a playing surface made up of hexagons.

is a strategy game popular in 19th century. The hare must elude the hounds and escape. The hounds must trap the hare so that it cannot move.

The applet allows you to virtually manipulate a Rubik’s Cube in three dimensions.

is a classic numbers game that requires you to complete a puzzle based on the numbers 1 to 9.

Every variation of this game has a solution. The object is to determine the solution in the least number of steps.

This applet calculates the surface area of the human body given a height and mass. The formula can be viewed, and connected to exponents in chapter 3.

Visit this site for a quick summary or review of several useful surface area formulas, complete with detailed labeled diagrams.

Check your answers to fraction problems. The online calculator can handle improper fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers. All answers are expressed as mixed numbers in lowest terms.

This site provides good step-by-step explanations of the product of powers, quotient of powers, and power of a power exponent laws.

This is an interactive visual exploration of similar polygons, focusing on scale factors and proportions of sides. You can check your solutions online.

Need more practice working with polynomials? This site offers review tutorials along with practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and, dividing polynomials. Also available are online practice tests with instant feedback.

Build your pattern recognition skills using this pattern generator. The difficulty level can be selected, and patterns consist of shapes and objects. Drag-and-drop to check your assessment of the pattern.

Practice solving linear equations using virtual algebra tiles. You can choose to solve one-step or two-step equations. You can also work with equations that have variables on both sides.

This site compares solving linear inequalities in one variable to solving linear equations in one variable. Included are worked examples, including applications, and extra practice questions with available answers.

Use this dynamic applet to explore and visualize circle geometry. Investigate the properties of inscribed and central angles by hanging the radius of a circle and by repositioning the circle vertically or horizontally.

Use this dynamic applet to explore and visualize circle geometry. Investigate how tangent lines relate to the radius of a circle.

This site provides information about Canadian federal election campaigns, the Canadian electoral system, polls, results from past federal elections, and tables of polling results.

This site is a wonderful resource that addresses issues surrounding data collection, data analysis, and statistics.

The British Columbia Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for information on education in British Columbia.

The Alberta Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for information on education in Alberta.

The Saskatchewan Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for information on education in Saskatchewan.

The Manitoba Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for information on education in Manitoba.

The Yukon Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for information on education in the Yukon.

The Northwest Territories Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for policy initiatives, curriculum, division of responsibilities and services, and other information on education in Northwest Territories.

The Nunavut Ministry of Education site is an excellent general source for policy initiatives, curriculum, division of responsibilities and services, and other information on education in Nunavut.

is an Internet service for mathematics teachers and students from kindergarten to grade twelve. Included on the site are a Resource Room containing shared resources and teaching ideas, the Teacher’s Bulletin Board, mathematics projects, a question-and-answer database, and a monthly mathematics problem.

The is a quick source for definitions of mathematical terms. Math terms are arranged alphabetically, with live hyperlinks for each letter of the alphabet. A search engine is included.

This site offers a glossary of mathematical terms organized by grade level. Also offered are interactive applets geared to the Western Protocol mathematics program.

(Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is a comprehensive site for students and teachers of mathematics. It includes problems of the week and the popular question-and-answer forum.

This site contains hundreds of interesting mathematics facts useful for adding interest to projects. The facts are organized by topic (algebra, geometry, probability, etc). Famous problems (the Birthday problem, colouring pizza slices, Devil’s staircase, etc) are listed by name.

Cynthia Lanius of Rice University (Houston, Texas) has created a number of mathematics lessons with an emphasis on having fun. Try them out.

This site contains a large number of mathematics challenges for you to enjoy and have fun with.

The site includes interactive math games, puzzles, fractals, geometry, and other interesting activities for students at all levels of mathematics. Note: Because this is a commercially sponsored site, it includes advertising banners.

This interactive site includes games and puzzles. Click on in the list on the left.

The site offers a puzzle of the month (often mathematically-based), test questions that often use interesting patterns, and links to Mensa groups in other countries.

Need some help with your homework? This site offers worked examples, interactive self-quizzes, study tips, and test preparation, all organized by topics such as number sense, fractions, algebra, geometry, etc.

Looking for a fun way to practice estimation and real-world math? This library includes an explanation of what constitutes a Fermi problem, a short biography of Enrico Fermi, several worked examples, and a number of simple yet challenging Fermi questions.

This site links to career profiles of people who use mathematics in their jobs every day. Included are short biographies, educational qualifications, and practical uses for mathematics in the career.

This is a general site for all things mathematical. It includes games, puzzles, quizzes, worksheets, self-tests, nets for polyhedra, and many other items.

This site contains several resources for students, including the use of calculators, project ideas, and math puzzles.

explores mathematical recreation and draws from some of the lesser-known areas of mathematics. The activities are fun and interesting to anyone who enjoys puzzles and games.

If you need a quick definition of any unit of measurement, or information on unit conversion, visit this site. Included are English, SI, and lesser-known measurement systems.

Wolfram is an extensive general mathematics site for the serious learner. It includes interactive demonstrations, 3-D applets, worked examples, history of mathematics, terminology, and a wealth of other information.

The site offers free video tutorials on a wide variety of math topics, including linear equations, exponents, polynomials, and inequalities.

Texas Instruments offers a comprehensive set of video tutorials for the TI-83/84 Plus family, the TI-89/89T family, the TI-Nspire and the TI-Nspire CAS.

Students can use virtual manipulatives to explore concepts related to algebra (Algebra Alignments, Algebra II Alignments) and geometry (Geometry Alignments). Follow the links under Resources for access to other useful sites.

Student Book

Front Matter Student Book

Student Book ( PDF )

Chapter 1 Student Book

Brain Teaser


1 cm



2 cm



3 cm



4 cm



Total Surface Area:


Chapter 1 Symmetry and Surface Area

Squares Everywhere

The side length of the smallest squares measures 1 cm.

Crossword Puzzle

and see how many you can get!

Student Games

• scissors

1. Print a copy of . Then, print and cut out the hexagons on a copy of .

2. Pairs of players choose either a set of lightly shaded or darkly shaded hexagons.

3. Player 1 places a hexagon anywhere on the game board so that its vertices line up with six dots.

4. Player 2 places a hexagon anywhere on the game board so that it tessellates with the first hexagon. This means that there are no overlaps or gaps.
Player 2 records a score that is equal to the product of the values on the added hexagon and the values on any hexagons it touches.

5. Play continues until neither player can add a hexagon.

6. The winner is the player with the highest cumulative score.

Provides links to examples of line and rotation symmetry and includes animations and activities.

Investigate mathematical properties of reflection or mirror symmetry. Provides links to lessons for describing reflections, relationships between reflections and symmetry, and reflections across two mirror lines.
Provides real world examples of rotation symmetry.

Provides surface area formula for cube, prism, sphere, and cylinder.

Use the animation to explore how the surface area of soil changes.

Chapter 2 Student Book

Twenty caravans are travelling across the desert one day apart. The first caravan reached an oasis, and the camels drank half of the water in the pool. On the second day, the second caravan reached the oasis, and the camels drank one-third of the water that was left. On the third day, the camels in the third caravan drank one-quarter of the water that was left. On the first day, the pool contained 1050 m of water. How much was left after the 20 caravan passed through?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• deck of playing cards
• one six-sided die

1. Remove the kings from the deck of cards.
• Aces count as 1s, jacks count as 11s, and queens count as 12s.
• Other cards represent their face numbers.

2. Deal all of the cards equally to each player.

3. Each player rolls one die to decide who will play first. The player with the highest roll goes first. If there is a tie, roll again.

4. The first player rolls the die. Each player looks for cards that form a fraction closest to the number on the die. The player that has the closest ratio places the two cards that form the ratio on the table. In the case of a tie, all tied players place their cards on the table.

Example: The number 4 is rolled. Ray has a queen and a 3 in his hand. This is the ratio 12 : 3. He puts the queen and the 3 on the table.

5. The other players check that the ratios on the table are correct.

6. Play moves to the next player.

7. The winner is the player who has no cards left.

Lists frequently asked questions and answers about crokinole.

Provides information about crokinole. From the Contents list, click on the links to Equipment, Gameplay, and History.

Provides information about Trivial Pursuit, a game about general knowledge and popular culture.

Provides information about Trivial Pursuit. From the Contents list, click on the links to Gameplay and Editions.

Provides information about Balderdash, a game of bluffing and trivia.

Provides information about Balderdash. From the Contents list, click on the links to Gameplay and Versions.

Provides information about Scruples, a game about ethical dilemmas.

Provides information about Scruples.

Provides information about Yahtzee, a dice game.

Provides information about Yahtzee. From the Contents list, click on the links to Rules overview and History.

Use the simulation to compare and order a rational number using an area model. Click on Launch Gizmo.

Provides information about Neil Bartlett.

Provides information about Neil Bartlett. From the Contents list, click on the links to Biography, Research, and Honors.

Provides information about Canada’s greatest scientists and their achievements. Includes scientist profiles, science-based activities, and links to Canadian science-related web sites.

Provides information and links to Canadian scientists, engineers, and innovators.

Post and view recent retail gas prices in Calgary, AB.

Provides information about Nunavut.

Provides information about Nunavut. From the Contents list, click on the links to Geography, History, Demographics, Economy, and People from Nunavut.

Provides a biography of Cindi Klassen.

Provides information about Cindy Klassen. From the Contents list, click on the links to Speed skating career and Results.

Provides information about Canadian speed skating records. Click on the links to Long Track and Short Track.

Provides information about Canadian speed skaters. Click on the links to individual speed skaters.

Provides information about Heron of Alexandria.

Provides information about Heron of Alexandria. From the Contents list, click on the links to Background, Career, Inventions and achievements, and Mathematics.

Provides information about the rules and history of Sudoku and strategies for solving, and includes online Sudoku puzzles.

Provides information about Sudoku puzzles. From the Contents list, click on the links to History and Mathematics of Sudoku.

Chapter 3 Student Book

You have four 3’s. Develop an expression using all four 3’s that is as large as possible when evaluated.

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• scissors
• two six-sided dice

1. Print and cut out the cards on . Shuffle the cards.

2. Before playing the game, players decide whether to play for a certain length of time or for a certain number of rounds.

3. Each player rolls one die to decide who will play first. The player with the highest roll goes first. If there is a tie, roll again.

4. The first player draws a card from the pile and rolls the dice. The objective is to use one rolled number as the base and the other rolled number as the exponent to form a power that is equal to the number on the card. Each player gets 10 rolls to achieve this. Use the table to determine the scores.

Number of Rolls Score
1 10
2 9
3 8
4 7
5 6
6 5
7 4
8 3
9 2
10 1

Use the virtual mobile maker to create a mobile, balance it, and view it in motion.
Provides information about mobiles. Use the virtual mobile maker to create a mobile using beams and balls.

Provides information about the mountain pine beetle. From the list on the left, click on the links to Beetlemania, All about the beetle, Battle in the bark, History, Management, and Research.
Provides information about the mountain pine beetle in BC. From the list, click on the links to Responding to the epidemic, Beetle biology, Contributing factors, and Infestation information.
Lists frequently asked questions about the mountain pine beetle.

Chapter 4 Student Book

Rachel held out a soccer ball and a ping pong ball from the window of a tall building such that their centres were at the same level. She dropped both balls at the same time and each fell straight down. Which ball will travel the farthest distance before hitting the ground?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• scissors
• opaque paper bag

1. Print and cut out the strips of varying lengths on . Cut only on the solid lines; do not cut on the dotted lines.

2. Place the strips in a paper bag. Without looking at the contents of the bag, the dealer hands out eight strips to each player.

3. Each player constructs two similar figures using a scale factor other than 1. The similar figures may be triangles, quadrilaterals, or any other polygons.

4. If neither player can construct similar figures with the strips dealt, the dealer hands out two more strips to each player. Dealing continues until a player can construct similar figures. The successful player’s score is equal to 2 , where equals the number of sides on each figure.

5. Return all strips to the bag and rotate play to a new dealer.

6. Play continues for at least two complete rounds of play. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Provides information about Douglas Cardinal and his designs, and a full tour of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, including a slide show and video clips.

Provides biographical information about Douglas Cardinal and includes his portfolio and a slide show of his designs.

Provides information about Douglas Cardinal and photos of his designs.

Use the virtual proportioner to manipulate images and compare their dimensions to the dimensions of other images.

Provides information about the properties of similar triangles, including similar triangles that are rotations and reflections. Use the interactive tool to demonstrate similar triangles.

Provides information about the properties of similar triangles and polygons, including similar polygons that are rotations and reflections. Use the interactive tool to demonstrate similar triangles.

Use the simulation to manipulate two similar polygons and vary the scale factor to see what changes are possible. Click on Launch Gizmo.

Chapter 5 Student Book

Each of the letters , , and represents a single digit from 0 to 9.

If = , determine a possible value for each letter.

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• scissors

1. Print and cut out the cards on .

2. Shuffle the cards and deal eight cards to each player. Place the rest face-down in a pile.

3. Players inspect and arrange their cards. The object is to find groups of three expressions that are related by addition or subtraction.

Examples: 2 + 3 = 5 or 8 – 3 = 5

Note: A wild card may be substituted for any term.

4. The first player places any three cards that are related as explained in step 3 on the table. If there are cards remaining in his or her hand, the player draws a card from the pile and the turn is over.

5. Play passes to the next player. Play ends when
• all of the cards have been drawn from the pile, or
• a player is able to place all of his or her cards on the table

6. Each player's score is 20 – , where n is the number of cards remaining in the player’s hand. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Find at least 8 faces in the optical illusion.

Use the interactive tool to try number puzzles.

Provides information about the origin of the term and al-Kwarizmi. Click on the link to al-Kwarizmi for biographical information.

Provides information about the history of algebra. Click on the link to al-Kwarizmi to learn about his contributions to algebra.

Practise using virtual algebra tiles to model polynomials.

Provides information about the Ironman Canada Triathlon. Click on Information and then on Race history.

Provides information about the Ironman Triathlon organized by the World Triathlon Corporation. From the Contents list, click on History and Today.

Explains the basics of a typical polynomial. Click on Combining “like terms” for an explanation.

Defines , and , and explains , and . Examples show how to find the degree of a given term. Scroll down to Combining Like Terms to learn how to combine like terms.

Provides a lesson about adding and subtracting polynomials. Scroll down to Adding Polynomials and to Subtracting Polynomials. Then, scroll down to Practice Problems 3a – 3b.

Provides a lesson on adding and subtracting polynomials and practice problems. Also, demonstrates using algebra tiles to model solutions. Click on the links in the list of Resource Titles.

Provides a lesson on adding polynomials. At the top of the page, click on Subtracting polynomials for a lesson on subtracting polynomials.

Chapter 6 Student Book

Each row in this table of numbers uses the same pattern.

What is the missing number?












• deck of playing cards
• timer

1. Remove the face cards from the deck of cards, such that only the ace through 10 of each suit remains.
• Aces count as 1s.
• Red cards are positive.
• Black cards are negative.

2. Take turns dealing the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile.

3. Player 1 draws three cards. Using the equation = + , let the first card represent the value of , the second card represent the value of , and the third card represent the value of .
Player 2 starts the timer. Player 1 has 10 s to determine the value of using the values of the three cards. If the value is correct, the player is awarded 1 point.

4. Play moves to the next player.

5. Play ends when there are less than three cards in the pile. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Provides information about oil tankers, including photos and diagrams.

Provides information about the ITCZ, including a photo.

Animation shows how the seasonal migration of the ITCZ in Africa affects seasonal precipitation patterns.

Provides information about the ITCZ. From the Contents list, click on the links to Position and Effects on weather.

Match the linear graphs to their equations by clicking one item and then clicking its corresponding match. If the match is correct, the two items will be turned over. If the match is incorrect, the two items will remain the same.

Demonstrates using a graphing calculator to enter data on a table and plot the data on a graph.

Demonstrates using a TI-83 +/ 84 graphing calculator to solve algebraic equations and plot the data on a graph. View Example 1.

Provides information about current balloon records including altitude, distance, duration, and shortest time around the world. Scroll down to Current Balloon Records and click on List of Absolute Records.

Chapter 7 Student Book

A polynomial consists of powers of . All the numerical coefficients are single digits from 0 to 9. If = 10, the value of the polynomial is 2351. What is the polynomial?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• scissors

1. Print and cut out the cards on .

2. Shuffle the cards and deal eight cards to each player. Place the rest face down in a pile.

3. Players inspect and arrange their cards. The object is to find groups of three expressions that are related by multiplication or division.

Examples: 2 × 3 = 6 8 ÷ 4 = 2

Note: A wild card may be substituted for any term.

4. The first player places any three cards that are related as explained in step 3 on the table. If there are cards remaining in his or her hand, the player draws a card from the pile and the turn is over.

5. Play passes to the next player. Play ends when
• all of the cards have been drawn from the pile, or
• a player is able to place all of his or her cards on the table

6. Each player's score is 20 – , where is the number of cards remaining in the player’s hand. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Chapter 8 Student Book

A code is based on the linear equation = + 3. Assign a number to each letter in the alphabet. Calculate the corresponding value of , and use it to replace the letter in a message. For example, if C is letter 3, the corresponding value of is 6. So C becomes an F.

To decode a message, reverse the process.

What message does the code PHHWDWVLA indicate?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• deck of playing cards
• timer

1. Remove the kings from the deck of cards.
• Aces count as 1s, jacks count as 11s, and queens count as 12s.
• Red cards are positive.
• Black cards are negative.

2. Take turns dealing the cards. Shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile.

3. Player 1 draws four cards. Using the equation + = + , let the cards represent the values of , , , and , in order, as they are drawn.
Player 2 starts the timer. Player 1 has 20 s to determine the value of using the values of the four cards. If the value is correct, the player is awarded 5 points.

4. Play moves to Player 2.

5. Play ends when there are less than four cards in the pile. The winner is the player with the highest score.

Provides information about Canada’s Food Guide. Click on the links to Food Guide Basics, Choosing Foods, Using the Food Guide, and Maintaining Healthy Habits. Build your own Food Guide by clicking on Create My Food Guide. For more information, click on Educators and Communicators, and Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Métis.

Provides information about nutrition and healthy eating. Scroll down and click on the links listed in the Food and Nutrition Features for information about Bottled Water, Nutrition Labelling, Chemical Contaminants, and Food Allergies and Intolerances.

Provides information about nutrient values of some common foods that are organized by category.

Provides information about nutritional values of different foods. Enter keywords to search the food label database.

Provides information about nutrition and healthy eating. From the menu on the left, click on Eat Well, Live Well and then on the links that appear.

Provides information about nutrition and healthy eating and a nutrient search tool. On the menu bar at the top, click on the links that appear for Tools and Topics.

Provides biography of Steve Nash. On the menu bar, click on Facts for a summary of his life and achievements.

Provides statistics and career highlights of Steve Nash.

Provides information about the Steve Nash Foundation set up to assist underserved children. On the menu, click on About Us and then on About the Foundation.

Provides information and photos of the highest waterfalls in the world.

Provides information about fastest land animals, fastest water animals, and fastest air animals.

Uncover the hidden picture by putting the animals in order of speed. Enter the numbers 1 to 10 in the fields provided.

Chapter 9 Student Book

'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '


– 15


– 14


– 13


– 12


– 11

Since Anwar is $15 short, x > 15. The only integer that satisfies both '+ 'inequalities is 16. Therefore, the present cost $16.

Flip (2 Players)

• scissors
• two paper clips
• two pencils
• coin
• timer

1. Print and cut out the spinners on Flip Spinners. Use a pencil and paper clip to complete each spinner.
• Numbers on unshaded sectors are positive.
• Numbers on shaded sectors are negative.

2. Player 2 spins both spinners, flips the coin, and then starts the timer. Player 1 develops an inequality using the two numbers spun and the coin flip as follows:
Heads: ± Spinner 1 > Spinner 2
Tails: ± Spinner 1 < Spinner 2

Example: Megan spins a 6 on Spinner 1 and a –4 on Spinner 2, and flips tails. The inequality is + 6 < –4.

3. Player 1 has 10 s to develop and solve the inequality. If the solution is correct, the player is awarded 2 points.

4. Play moves to Player 2.

5. The winner is the first player to score 20 points by the end of a round.

Provides information about George Ferris and his invention of the first Ferris wheel.
Provides information about the first Ferris Wheel.
Provides information about the history of Ferris wheels and the tallest ones in the world. From the Contents list, click on the links to History and World’s tallest Ferris wheel installations.

Solve an inequality by multiplying or dividing both sides. Examine the inequality on a number line and determine which points are solutions for the inequality.

Demonstrates using a TI-83 +/ 84 graphing calculator to solve linear equalities and graph a solution set.

Chapter 10 Student Book

Allan tied a ball to a string and whirled it around in a circular path, as shown. He let go of the string when the ball was at point P. Which of his friends is most likely to catch the ball?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• one six-sided die
• timer

1. Each player rolls the die. The player with the highest roll begins.

2. Player 1 rolls the die and starts the timer.
• The player uses the number rolled to divide a circle into equal parts and then calculates the central angle.

Example: Eli rolls a 2. He calculates the central angle that is formed from dividing a circle into two equal parts.

• The player sketches the circle and labels the central angle.
Player 2 stops the timer and records the score, which is the number of seconds that have elapsed.

3. Play moves to Player 2.

4. Play continues until a player reaches 200 points. The winner is the player with the lowest score.

Provides biographical information about Euclid. Click on the link to for information and visuals about Euclid’s book.

Use the interactive geometry applet to learn about Euclid’s .

Explore geometric properties of central angles and inscribed angles in a circle using a virtual geoboard.

Use the interactive activity to explore the pattern for perpendicular bisectors to a chord. Then, watch the animation to check for understanding.

Provides information about sand mandalas and photos.

Use the interactive activities to explore the properties of tangents to a circle. Then, watch the animations to check for understanding.

Chapter 11 Student Book

Answers Student Book

Glossary and Index Student Book

A passenger plane makes an emergency landing on a deserted island with 120 persons on board. The cargo included enough food to last for 15 days. On the morning of the sixth day, before the daily rations were handed out, a ship sank close to the island. All 30 ship passengers made it to shore. How long can the two groups survive, assuming that rations per person remain the same?

Note: Brain teasers are often open to more than one interpretation, and multiple answers may be possible. Sample solutions are shown.

• chips or tokens of two colours

1. The object is for players to observe licence plates on motor vehicles in a parking lot and note the last two numbers on each plate. They continue to observe licence plates until a match is found or they note 20 licence plates. This completes a round of play. Before doing so, each player makes a prediction about whether or not there will be a match.

2. One player acts as the bank and distributes five chips of the appropriate colour to each player.
• Players who predict there will be a match get chips of one colour.
• Players who predict there will not be a match get chips of another colour.
Players play against the bank.

3. The winners in a round receive a chip. The losers must pay a chip.

4. Play at least six rounds.

5. Determine which prediction is more likely to win.

Provides information about the national parks of Canada. From the list on the left, click on Find a National Park. Click on the names of the parks.

Provides information about the national parks of Canada by province or territory.

Provides information about how eye colour is inherited. Use the interactive eye colour calculator to determine eye colour and then click on the link that explains how human eye colours are inherited.

Provides information about road and motor vehicle safety. Click on the links related to road and motor vehicle safety listed below Road Transportation.

Provides information about factors affecting car insurance rates.

Provides climate data for specific locations and dates going back to 1840.

Provides headlines.

Provides headlines.

Provides headlines.

Provides headlines.

Provides links to newspapers from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

Provides links to Canadian newspapers.
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Math Homework Pages and Answers

Topic 1: understand place value.

1-1: Patterns with Exponents and Powers of 10

  • Homework Page

1-2: Understand Whole-Number Place Value

1-3: Decimals to Thousandths

1-4: Understand Decimal Place Value

1-5: Compare Decimals

1-6: Round Decimals

Topic 2: Use Models and Strategies to Add and Subtract Decimals

2-2: Estimate Sums and Differences of Decimals

2-3: Use Models to Add and Subtract Decimals

2-4: Use Strategies to Add Decimals

2-5: Use Strategies to Subtract Decimals

2-6: Model with Math

Topic 3: Fluently Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers

3-1: Multiply Greater Numbers by Powers of 10

3-2: Estimate Products

3-3: Multiply by 1-Digit Numbers

3-4: Multiply 2-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers

3-5: Multiply 3-Digit by 2-Digit Numbers

3-6: Multiply Whole Numbers with Zeros

3-7: Practice Multiplying Multi-Digit Numbers

3-8: Solve Word Problems

3-9: Critique Reasoning

Topic 4: Use Models and Strategies to Multiply Decimals

4-1:Multiply Decimals by Powers of 10

4-2: Estimate the Product of a Decimal and a Whole Number 

4-3: Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Whole Number

4-4: Multiply a Decimal and a Whole Number

4-5: Use Models to Multiply a Decimal and a Decimal

4-6: Multiply Decimals Using Partial Products

4-7: Use Properties to Multiply Decimals

4-8: Use Number Sense to Multiply Decimals

4-9: Model with Math

Topic 5: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Whole Numbers

Topic 5-1: Use Patterns and Mental Math to Divide

Topic 5-2: Estimate Quotients with 2-Digit Divisors

Topic 5-3: Use Models and Properties to Divide with 2-Digit Divisors

Topic 5-4: Use Partial Quotients to Divide

Topic 5-5: Use Sharing to Divide: Two Digit Divisors

Topic 5-6: Use Sharing to Divide: Greater Dividends

Topic 5-7: Choose a Strategy to Divide 

Lesson 5-8: Make Sense and Persevere

Topic 6: Use Models and Strategies to Divide Decimals

6-1: Patterns for Dividing with Decimals

6-2: Estimate Decimals Quotients

6-3: Use Models to Divide by a 1-Digit Number

6-4: Divide by a 2-digit Whole Number

6-5: Divide by a Decimal

6-6: Reasoning 

Topic 7: Use Equivalent Fractions to Add and Subtract Fractions

7-2: Find Common Denominators

  •   Answers

7-3: Add Fractions with Unlike Denominators

7-4: Subtract Fractions with Unlike Denominators

7-5: Add and Subtract Fractions

7-6: Estimate Sums and Differences of Mixed Numbers

7-7: Use Models to Add Mixed Numbers

7-8: Add Mixed Numbers

7-9: Use Models to Subtract Mixed Numbers

7-10: Subtract Mixed Numbers

7-11: Add and Subtract Mixed Numbers

Topic 8: Apply Understanding of Multiplication to Multiply Fractions

8-1: Multiply a Fraction by a Whole Number

8-2: Multiply a Whole Number by a Fraction

8-3: Multiply Fractions and Whole Numbers

8-4: Use Models to Multiply Two Fractions

8-5: Multiply Two Fractions

8-6: Area of a Rectangle

8-7: Multiply Mixed Numbers

Topic 9: Apply Understanding of Division to Divide Fractions

Lesson 9-1: Fractions and Division

Lesson 9-2: Fractions and Mixed Numbers as Quotients

Lesson 9-3: Use Multiplication to Divide

Lesson 9-4: Divide Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions

Lesson 9-5: Divide Unit Fractions by Non-Zero Whole Numbers

Lesson 9-6: Divide Whole Numbers and Unit Fractions

Lesson 9-7: Solve Problems Using Division

Lesson 9-8: Repeated Reasoning

Topic 10: Represent and Interpret Data

Lesson 10-1: Analyze Line Plots

Lesson 10-2: Make Line Plots

Lesson 10-3: Solve Word Problems Using Measurement Data

Lesson 10-4: Critique Reasoning 

Topic 11: Understand Volume Concepts

Lesson 11-1: Model Volume

Lesson 11-2: Develop a Formula

Lesson 11-3: Combine Volume of Prisms

Lesson 11-4: Solve Word Problems Using Volume

Lesson 11-5: Use Appropriate Tools

5th Grade Homework Policy

We value your family time. therefore, we will be intentional with any homework we send home. students’ daily homework will be required reading of at least 30 minutes., students will have nightly math homework which supports our learning in class. there are a lot of new math concepts in 5th grade and it is important for students' growth and understanding. additionally, study guides and other assignments may be sent home periodically throughout the year., please note: if a student exhibits off-task behaviors, fails to complete an assignment, or is struggling to understand a concept, an assignment will be sent home for completion..

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Best TV for PS5 and Xbox Series X, Series S for 2024: LG OLED, Hisense, Vizio

Our top picks for the best TVs for PS5 and Xbox Series consoles will allow you to take advantage of features like 4K and 120Hz.

Our Experts

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CNET’s expert staff reviews and rates dozens of new products and services each month, building on more than a quarter century of expertise.

A TV can be used for more than just for watching movies or TV shows. The use cases of TVs have changed over the years, and most people purchasing a new TV these days will have several other factors to consider, including whether the new TV will be compatible with their gaming setup. These TVs usually boast several great gaming features, such as HDMI 2.1's 120Hz and low-latency support. Any  TV  with an HDMI cable  will be compatible with a  PS5 ,  Xbox Series X and  Xbox Series S  console, but it won't be able to take advantage of the full potential of any of these modern consoles.

The best 4K TVs these days are equipped with HDMI 2.1 ports, which have the power to let you play at 4K with HDR and reach frame rates as high as 120 frames per second . On top of all that, the gameplay stays butter-smooth, with the consoles and TV playing nice via variable refresh rate, which reduces choppy movement and screen tearing for solid picture quality.

The good news is that you don't have to spend a fortune on an 88-inch 8K behemoth to get these gaming console-friendly features. In fact, you can find most of the features necessary for an excellent gaming experience, including 4K 120Hz and VRR, in 50-inch TVs at $600 or less and 65-inch models for less than $1,000. 

What is the best TV for PS5 and Xbox right now?

LG's C3 may be on the expensive side, but it pairs high-end image quality with impressive gaming features on every input. All of the TV's HDMI ports include the latest version of the  HDMI standard: 2.1 . That means its HDMI ports can handle  4K at 120 frames per second  and  variable refresh rate  (including  Nvidia G-Sync and AMD FreeSync ), as well as  enhanced audio return channel  and automatic low latency mode (auto  game mode ). In other words, it can take advantage of the latest graphics features available from  PlayStation 5  and  Xbox Series X  and S consoles as well as  high-end graphics cards . The C3 is somewhat rare among high-end TVs in that all four of its HDMI ports support 4K/120 -- great for hard-core gamers with multiple next-gen devices. The TV also comes with a specialized Game Optimizer settings suite. It's a great choice for gamers who want an excellent picture and aren't afraid to splurge to get it.

Best TVs for PS5 and Xbox of 2024

Whether you're looking for the best TV for PS5 gaming, Xbox Series X or S, or another next-gen console, here are our current favorite gaming TV options. Unless otherwise noted all of the prices listed are for 65-inch sizes, but every series is available in other sizes too.

  • Better picture quality than any non-OLED TV we've tested
  • Superior contrast and off-angle image
  • Best-in-class gaming features
  • Sleek styling with ultralight, thin panel
  • Not as bright as higher-end OLED TVs
  • No major improvements over the C2 from 2022

Best overall gaming TV

Lg oled c3 series.

LG's C3 offers some of the best TV image quality we've tested, comes in a variety of sizes and includes the full range of gaming features on every input. The C3 represents the pinnacle of picture quality, at a price that's admittedly high, but not too crazy. It  beats any non-OLED TV  on this list, including the Samsung QN90B below, with its perfect black levels, unbeatable contrast and superb off-angle viewing. It also has excellent gaming features, making it a great companion to an  Xbox Series X or S, PlayStation 5  or both. The C3 comes in a variety of sizes as well, though the bigger models are expensive.

The C3 is also one of the lightest TVs we've ever reviewed thanks to carbon-fiber construction. The 65-inch version weighs about 41 pounds with its stand, which is slightly heavier than last year's 65-inch C2 at 37 pounds with its stand.


  • Bright, high-contrast image for the price
  • Preserves picture well from off-angle
  • Slightly less accurate color
  • Available in only two sizes

Affordable option with 4K 120Hz and VRR

Vizio quantum pro.

In our tests over the years, Vizio TVs have produced very good picture quality without breaking the bank. The Vizio Quantum Pro continues this trend and holds up as a solid midpriced TV option, with a few notable drawbacks.

In side-by-side comparison tests in our lab, the Quantum Pro performed well for the money, with better contrast than the similarly priced Roku Plus Series , for example. On the other hand, as expected, slightly more expensive models like the TCL QM8 and Hisense U8K were better, with brighter images and higher contrast. 

One major drawback is the Quantum Pro's lack of size offerings; it comes only in 65-  or  75-inch sizes. We reviewed the 65-inch model, but the review also applies to the 75-inch version since the specs and picture quality should be similar regardless of size.

The Quantum Pro can handle 4K 120Hz sources, which allows for smoother images while gaming, but it's via only one of its four HDMI inputs. That's enough for most people, but if you have both an Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, you'll have to connect one to a less-capable input and lose the benefits of that smoothness.

  • Relatively affordable
  • Excellent overall image quality
  • Best-in-class brightness and contrast
  • Capable Google TV system
  • Not as accurate as some competitors
  • Only available in 65-inch size and larger

Best value gaming TV

Our favorite TV overall for the money happens to be an excellent gaming TV as well. TCL has improved some of its gaming features, though the QM8's level of extras isn't quite as comprehensive as what you find with Samsung or LG. In the settings menu (Settings > system) there's something called Game Master that turns on VRR and Auto Low Lag Mode and allows access to a game bar and three different gaming specific picture modes. The game bar (accessible by holding down the three-line menu button under the Home key on the remote) shows current gaming status, including real-time frames per second, HDR and other features, and allows you to switch between the three modes. 

This TV has an excellent image thanks to  mini-LED tech  and well-implemented  full-array local dimming  that helps it run circles around just about any other TV at this price. As expected, the TCL checked all the boxes on my Xbox Series X's compatibility menu, including Dolby Vision for gaming. Input lag in HDR was excellent, at 13.9 milliseconds (for some reason my devices didn't register in SDR, so I couldn't test lag there). 

Comparing the game mode image quality between the Hisense, TCL and LG C3, the story was similar to what I saw with TV and movies. The C3 looked the best overall when I played  Starfield , and the TCL had the brightness advantage, but the image of the Hisense looked a bit more balanced to my eye, with more natural color, than did the TCL's. Overall, however, I preferred the more dynamic picture of the TCL over the Hisense for games in my side-by-side comparison.

The TCL QM851 on a stand.

  • Offers a 55-inch screen size
  • Not quite as bright or dynamic as some competitors
  • "Theater" picture modes engage motion smoothing by default

Second-best value gaming TV

Hisense u8k series.

In our review of the Hisense we rated its overall image quality nearly as good as the TCL, and we actually liked its gaming picture a bit better, thanks to punchier highlights. Its input lag also scored well in our lab.

Its excellent image quality is anchored by best-in-class brightness that improves its bright-room picture quality and makes HDR TV movies, shows and games really pop. It's actually brighter than the TCL with better contrast, but the TCL's slightly more accurate image gave it the edge overall. The Hisense also uses Google TV instead of Roku. Frankly, you can't go wrong with either one.

The U8K series looked largely similar to last year's U8H aside from the addition of a 75-inch option in the newer series.


How CNET tests TVs

Our TV reviews follow a rigorous, unbiased evaluation process honed over nearly two decades of TV reviews. Our primary TV test lab has specialized equipment for measuring light and color, including a  Konica Minolta CS-2000  spectroradiometer, a  Murideo Sig-G  4K HDR signal generator and an  AVPro Connect 8x8  4K HDR distribution matrix. We use  Portrait Displays CalMan Ultimate  software to evaluate every TV we review. In every CNET TV review, three or more similar TVs are compared side by side in various lighting conditions playing different media, including movies, TV shows and games, across a variety of test categories, from color to video processing to gaming to HDR. Our reviews also account for design, features, smart TV performance, HDMI input and gaming compatibility, as well as other factors.

One important aspect of image quality we test is overall brightness. Here's how it compares in  nits  across select TVs listed above.

Check out  How We Test TVs  for more details.

How to choose a TV

With all of the TVs available today, and all of the technical terms and jargon associated with television technology, it can be tough to figure out what's important. Here's a quick guide to help cut through the confusion.

Price:  TVs range in price from $100 to more than $2,000. Smaller screens are cheaper, well-known brands are more expensive and spending more money can also get you better image quality. Most entry-level TVs have a good enough picture for most people, but TVs last a long time, so it might be worth spending more to get a better picture. It's also best to shop for a TV in the fall, when prices are lower.

Screen size:  Bigger is better in our book. We recommend a size of at least 43 inches for a bedroom TV and at least 55 inches for a living room or main TV -- and 65 inches or larger is best. More than any other "feature," stepping up in TV screen size is the best use of your money. One of the most common post-TV-purchase complaints we've heard is from people who didn't go big enough. And we almost never hear people complain that their TV is too large.

Capability:  Among entry-level TVs the most important feature is what kind of smart TV system the TV uses. Among midrange models, look for a feature including full-array local dimming, mini-LED and 120Hz refresh rate, which (unlike some other extras) do help improve the picture in our experience. And among high-end TVs, OLED technology is your best bet.

For more TV buying advice check out  How to Buy a TV .

Gaming TV FAQs

What tvs support hdmi 2.1 features.

All the advanced gaming features we've mentioned -- 120Hz input and VRR, as well as the more common Auto Low Latency Mode, aka Auto Game Mode, and eARC -- are roughly grouped under the HDMI 2.1 standard, but not all of the TVs in the charts below include every feature, nor deliver the full video and audio bandwidth that's possible with HDMI 2.1.

Even more confusing, input capability can vary on the same TV. Behind the physical connection where you plug an HDMI cable is a subsection of the TV's processing, namely a chip. These chips cost money, like everything else. In order to keep costs down, not every input on the TV is fully capable of all the latest features and frame rates. To put it another way, every road on Earth  could  be capable of highway speeds, but building them all that way would be expensive and rather pointless.

For example, one HDMI input might be capable of eARC, but not be able to handle 4K at 120Hz. Just something to keep in mind as you peruse the charts below. Also, there are some important brand and model specifics that didn't fit in the chart; please check the bullet points below for details.

What is 120Hz input?

Despite TVs being capable of 120Hz refresh for well over a decade, the ability to  input  120Hz is a far more recent development. This is largely due to the fact that other than a fairly beefy gaming PC, there just haven't been any 120Hz sources. That all changes with the PS5 and Series X. Some of the TVs on our list can accept 4K at 120Hz on all HDMI inputs. Others can only do so on select inputs and one, the TCL 6-Series, can only accept 120Hz at lower-than-4K resolution (1440p).

The Xbox Series S can also output 4K at 120Hz, but internally the game is rendered at a lower resolution (1440p) and upscaled before it's sent to your TV . 

For more info, check out the truth about 4K TV refresh rates -- and beware fake 120Hz refresh rates on 4K TVs.

What is VRR?

VRR, or variable refresh rate , is a new TV feature that you'd probably be surprised wasn't already a thing. All modern TVs have a fixed refresh rate. A 60Hz TV is going to refresh, or create, a new image 60 times a second. The problem is a new console might not be ready to  send  a new image. 

Let's say you're in the middle of a huge boss battle, with lots of enemies and explosions. The console struggles to render everything in the allotted time. The TV still needs  something  so the console might send a duplicate of the previous image, creating juddering on screen, or it might send a partially new image, resulting in the image looking like someone tore a page off the top and revealed the new page below.

VRR gives the TV some flexibility to wait for the new frame from the console. This will result in better gaming performance with smoother action and less tearing.

What is ALLM or Game mode?

Game mode turns off most of the image-enhancing features of the TV, reducing input lag. We'll discuss input lag below, but the specific feature to look for is called either  Auto Low Latency Mode  or Auto Game Mode. Different manufacturers call it one or the other, but the basic idea is the same. Sensing a signal from the console, the TV switches on game mode automatically. This means you don't need to find your TV's remote to enable game mode. Not a huge deal, but convenient. All the TVs listed above have, or will have, one or the other.

What about input lag?

Input lag describes how long in milliseconds it takes for the TV to create an image. If this is too high, there's a delay between when you press a button on the controller and when that action appears on screen. In many games, like shooters or platformers, timing is crucial and a TV with high input lag could hurt your performance. 

As a longtime console gamer, I can easily notice the difference between high (greater than 100ms) and low input lag (sub-30ms). The good news is, most modern TVs have input lag that's low enough that most people won't notice it. Largely gone are the days of 100-plus-millisecond input lags… at least when you enable game mode.

So as long as the TV has a game mode, you're probably fine, though it's worth checking  CNET's reviews  for the exact numbers to see if it has low input lag. Lower, in this case, is always better.

What is eARC?

While not a console feature,  eARC  is a next-gen TV feature to keep in mind. It's the evolution of ARC, or Audio Return Channel. This sends audio from a TV's internal apps (such as Netflix or Vudu), back down the HDMI cable to a receiver or soundbar. With eARC, newer formats like  Dolby Atmos  can be transmitted as well.

The issue is in many cases, eARC often precludes higher resolutions or frame rates on the same input. So if you've connected your PS5 to your receiver and the receiver to the TV, you can have eARC audio back from the TV  or  4K120, but usually not both. This is important only if you plan on using the internal apps in a TV (as in, not a  Roku  or  Amazon streaming stick )  and  you want to use the new audio formats via eARC.

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Going on vacation these are the best travel essentials for apple devices.

Avatar for Ryan Christoffel

It’s vacation season, and whether you’re heading out of town for some much-needed rest, or just traveling for work as usual, the accessories you travel with can make a world of difference.

Here are the best travel essentials for Apple devices.

Connect to plane’s TV with AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones

AirFly SE from Twelve South

For as wonderful as Bluetooth headphones can be, the one place they can disappoint is when you want to watch something on an airplane. In-flight TVs typically require using a standard 3.5mm headphone jack to connect.

That’s where the AirFly SE audio transmitter comes in. AirFly plugs into a standard headphone jack and creates a wireless signal that enables your AirPods or other Bluetooth headphones to connect to the TV. It feels a bit like magic.

Keep your battery charged on the go

Chargers for iPhone and Apple Watch

Apple no longer makes its iPhone MagSafe Battery, but there’s a much more affordable alternative anyways. Anker’s MagSafe portable iPhone charger attaches magnetically to your iPhone to provide charge on the go. It comes in a variety of great colors, and can be recharged using USB-C.

If you need a lot more charging juice, this portable power bank packs a whopping 26800mah of capacity. It’s a lot of power that can charge a variety of devices, while still being TSA-safe for taking on the plane with you.

Finally, if you’re looking for a convenient Apple Watch charging solution, this keychain Watch charger is the way to go. Snap it on your keychain and charge up as needed throughout the day, then recharge it via USB-C.

Reduce packing clutter

3-in-1 charger and laptop sleeve

My favorite 3-in-1 charger for my iPhone, Watch, and AirPods just happens to be perfect for travel, too. Rather than dealing with a lot of different charging bricks and cables, this 3-in-1 solution uses a single cable and brick, and can be easily collapsed for taking up minimal space in your bag.

  • Hands-on: I finally found the 3-in-1 iPhone charger I’ve been looking for

Another great way to upgrade your packing game, while better protecting your Mac or iPad, is to use a sleeve. I recommend this sleeve for Mac or this one for iPad . It keeps your bag organized, your device safe, and can be taken out for on-the-go outings.

Block out airplane noise

Sonos Ace

There is no shortage of solid noise-canceling headphones out there. I’m partial to the AirPods Pro 2 , but over-ears will better physically isolate external sounds. You can’t go wrong with any of the following options, ranked from least to most pricey:

  • Bose QuietComfort
  • AirPods Max

Don’t let your bags get lost


It may go without saying, but a list of travel essentials would be incomplete without the AirTag. Throw one in every bag, on your keys, on any valuable item you’re bringing with you—that way, if something happens you’re not out of luck. You can get a discounted 4-pack or just buy one .

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Ryan got his start in journalism as an Editor at MacStories, where he worked for four years covering Apple news, writing app reviews, and more. For two years he co-hosted the Adapt podcast on Relay FM, which focused entirely on the iPad. As a result, it should come as no surprise that his favorite Apple device is the iPad Pro.

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the Memorial Tournament presented by Workday

the Memorial Tournament presented by Workday

Muirfield Village Golf Club

Dublin, Ohio • USA

Jun 6 - 9, 2024

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Multiplication of Mixed Numbers, Part 2

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Rectangles with Fractional Side Lengths

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Using Common Denominators for Fraction Division

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A Hierarchy of Triangles

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A Hierarchy of Quadrilaterals

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Playing Property Pandemonium

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Open Response: A Hierarchy of Polygons

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Collecting and Using Fractional Data

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Identifying and Visualizing Patterns

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Rules, Tables, and Graphs, Part 1

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Rules, Tables, and Graphs, Part 2

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Old Faithful's Next Eruption

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Everyday Mathematics for Parents: What You Need to Know to Help Your Child Succeed

The University of Chicago School Mathematics Project

University of Chicago Press

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Access video tutorials, practice exercises, and information on the research basis and development of various algorithms.

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Parent Connections on Publisher's site

McGraw-Hill Education offers many resources for parents, including tips, activities, and helpful links.

Parent Resources on features activity ideas, literature lists, and family resources for the EM curriculum.

Understanding Everyday Mathematics for Parents

Learn more about the EM curriculum and how to assist your child.

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