Writing Beginner

What Is a Claim in Writing? [Explained + 30 Examples]

Ever wondered what gives a piece of writing its backbone? It’s the claim!

A claim is what sets the stage for your argument, providing a clear and compelling statement that you’ll back up with evidence. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about claims in writing, from the different types to how to create them step-by-step.

But first, let’s fully answer the main question, What is a claim in writing?

Here Is the Definition of a Claim in Writing:

A claim is a debatable statement that forms the core of your argument. Unlike a fact, which is indisputable, a claim requires evidence and justification. It’s the statement around which the rest of the essay or piece revolves. In essence, a claim is what you’re trying to prove to your reader.

Person writing in a notebook on a cozy desk - What Is a Claim in Writing

Table of Contents

Types of Claims

There are many different types of claims you need to know:

  • Example : “Climate change is caused by human activities.”
  • Support : Temperature records, scientific studies.
  • Example : “Social media negatively impacts mental health.”
  • Support : Psychological studies, expert opinions.
  • Example : “The government should implement stricter gun control laws.”
  • Support : Crime statistics, case studies of other countries.
  • Example : “Regular exercise improves mental health.”
  • Support : Health studies, testimonials.
  • Example : “Freedom of speech includes the right to criticize the government.”
  • Support : Legal precedents, philosophical arguments.
  • Example : “Electric cars are more efficient than gasoline cars.”
  • Support : Efficiency studies, environmental impact reports.

How to Write Effective Claims

To write effective claims, start with a clear statement, support that statement, and apply the best practices below.

Clarity and Precision

An effective claim is clear and precise. It should be specific enough to be arguable and focused enough to be manageable within the scope of your essay. Ambiguous or overly broad claims can confuse readers and weaken your argument.

Example of a weak claim : “Technology is bad.”

Example of a strong claim : “The overuse of technology in classrooms can hinder students’ social skills and critical thinking abilities.”

Debatable and Supportable

A good claim is debatable, meaning that it presents a point that some people might disagree with.

If everyone agrees with your claim, there’s no argument to be made. Additionally, your claim must be supportable with evidence. You should be able to back up your claim with facts, statistics, expert opinions, and real-life examples.

Example : “Lowering the voting age to 16 would lead to more informed and engaged citizens.”

Strategies for Writing Effective Claims

  • Example : Instead of “Pollution is bad,” say “Air pollution in urban areas increases respiratory health issues.”
  • Example : “Implementing renewable energy sources will reduce carbon emissions.”
  • Example : For a local audience, “Banning plastic bags in our city will reduce local waterway pollution.”
  • Example : “School uniforms improve student discipline and focus.”
  • Example : “Universal healthcare will decrease overall healthcare costs.”

Supporting Your Claims

One of the most important parts of how to write a claim is to come up with good support.

You’ll want to explore the evidence, counterclaims, and rebuttals.

Types of Evidence

Supporting a claim involves providing evidence and analyzing how that evidence backs up your claim. Different types of evidence include:

  • Example : “According to the CDC, smoking is responsible for over 480,000 deaths per year in the U.S.”
  • Example : “Dr. Smith, a renowned cardiologist, states that regular exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease.”
  • Example : “My friend quit smoking and noticed significant improvements in his health within months.”
  • Example : “Just as a balanced diet is essential for physical health, a balanced curriculum is vital for educational success.”

Counterclaims and Rebuttals

Addressing counterclaims is crucial in strengthening your argument. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints and then refuting them shows that you have considered different perspectives and have a well-rounded understanding of the issue.

Example : “While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the maturity to vote responsibly, studies indicate that younger voters are just as capable of making informed decisions as older voters, especially when given the appropriate civic education.”

Developing the Argument

Each body paragraph should focus on a single supporting point for your claim.

Start with a topic sentence that introduces the point, followed by evidence and analysis that supports it. Include a counterclaim and rebuttal to demonstrate critical thinking and thorough understanding.

  • Topic Sentence : “Mental health education helps reduce stigma and promotes awareness.”
  • Evidence : Studies showing decreased stigma in schools with mental health programs.
  • Analysis : Explain how awareness leads to early intervention and better outcomes.
  • Counterclaim : “Some argue that discussing mental health in schools could lead to increased anxiety among students.”
  • Rebuttal : “However, research indicates that education reduces anxiety by providing students with coping strategies and support.”

Structuring Your Argument

People often overlook the power of structure — yet, a good structure can make or break your claim.

As a quick overview, the structure is:

  • Introduction
  • Development

Introduction of a Claim

In the introduction, present your claim clearly and concisely. It should be part of your thesis statement, which outlines the main argument of your essay.

Example : “To address the growing mental health crisis among adolescents, schools should implement mandatory mental health education, which has been shown to improve students’ well-being and academic performance.”

Summarize your main points and restate your claim in a way that underscores its importance.

Highlight the broader implications of your argument and suggest areas for further research or action.

Example : “In conclusion, mandatory mental health education in schools is a crucial step towards addressing the mental health crisis among adolescents. By reducing stigma and providing essential support, these programs can lead to a healthier, more informed student population.”

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Over the years, I’ve noticed patterns of mistakes when it comes to writing claims.

Avoid these common claim writing mistakes to level up your persuasive prowess.

Overly Broad Claims

Claims that are too broad can be difficult to support with evidence. Narrow your focus to a specific aspect of the issue.

Example of a broad claim : “Technology affects education.”

Revised claim : “The integration of artificial intelligence in education can enhance personalized learning experiences.”

Unsupported Claims

Claims without evidence are simply opinions. Ensure that every claim is backed up with solid evidence.

Example of an unsupported claim : “Social media is bad for teenagers.”

Supported claim : “Social media usage among teenagers is linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression, according to multiple studies.”

Vague Language

Avoid vague language that can confuse readers. Be specific and clear in your assertions.

Example of vague language : “People should be healthier.”

Revised language : “Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining physical health and preventing chronic diseases.”

Lack of Counterarguments

Ignoring counterarguments can weaken your position.

Addressing and refuting counterclaims shows that you have considered multiple perspectives.

Example : “While some argue that electric cars are too expensive, government incentives and falling battery costs are making them more affordable.”

Check out this popular and helpful video about claims in writing:

Examples of Claims in Writing

In this section, I’ve put together 100 examples of claims in writing.

Read through them and see if you can spot the different tips and techniques that we’ve covered throughout his guide.

Fact Claims

  • “The global population has surpassed 8 billion people.”
  • “Renewable energy sources are now cheaper than fossil fuels.”
  • “Honey never spoils and can last indefinitely.”
  • “The Amazon rainforest produces 20% of the world’s oxygen.”
  • “Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.”
  • “Human brains continue to develop until the age of 25.”
  • “Eating too much sugar can lead to type 2 diabetes.”
  • “The Great Wall of China is visible from space.”
  • “Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.”
  • “More people die from car accidents than plane crashes.”

Value Claims

  • “A vegetarian diet is healthier than a meat-based diet.”
  • “Classical literature is more enriching than modern fiction.”
  • “Handwritten letters are more personal than emails.”
  • “Watching too much television is bad for children’s development.”
  • “Recycling is the best way to combat waste.”
  • “Public libraries are essential to community development.”
  • “High school should start later in the morning.”
  • “Art is a vital part of human culture.”
  • “Learning a second language is crucial in today’s global society.”
  • “Exercise is the best way to maintain mental health.”

Policy Claims

  • “Governments should invest more in renewable energy sources.”
  • “The legal drinking age should be raised to 21.”
  • “Schools should require students to wear uniforms.”
  • “The use of plastic bags should be banned worldwide.”
  • “Healthcare should be free for all citizens.”
  • “Public transportation should be expanded in urban areas.”
  • “Corporations should be held accountable for their carbon emissions.”
  • “Voting should be mandatory for all eligible citizens.”
  • “There should be stricter regulations on data privacy.”
  • “The minimum wage should be increased to reflect the cost of living.”

Definition Claims

  • “Success is defined by personal happiness, not wealth.”
  • “Freedom of speech includes the right to offend.”
  • “Art encompasses all forms of creative expression.”
  • “Patriotism means supporting your country but also criticizing it.”
  • “Leadership is about inspiring others, not commanding them.”
  • “Intelligence includes emotional awareness and interpersonal skills.”
  • “Justice means equality for all, regardless of background.”
  • “Democracy requires active participation from its citizens.”
  • “Innovation is the process of creating new and useful ideas.”
  • “Beauty is subjective and varies across cultures.”

Cause and Effect Claims

  • “Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity.”
  • “Excessive screen time can cause eye strain and headaches.”
  • “A lack of exercise can lead to obesity.”
  • “Poor nutrition can affect cognitive development in children.”
  • “Climate change causes more frequent and severe weather events.”
  • “Social isolation can lead to mental health issues.”
  • “Pollution contributes to respiratory problems.”
  • “Lack of sleep negatively impacts academic performance.”
  • “Economic inequality leads to social unrest.”
  • “Regular physical activity reduces the risk of chronic diseases.”

Additional Fact Claims

  • “Antibiotic resistance is a growing global health threat.”
  • “Sharks have existed for over 400 million years.”
  • “The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth.”
  • “The human genome contains approximately 20,000-25,000 genes.”
  • “Electric cars have lower lifetime carbon emissions than gasoline cars.”
  • “Mount Everest is the tallest mountain above sea level.”
  • “The Earth’s atmosphere is composed of 78% nitrogen.”
  • “The average human body temperature is approximately 98.6°F (37°C).”
  • “Water is a universal solvent.”
  • “Venus spins in the opposite direction to most other planets.”

Additional Value Claims

  • “Music education should be a part of every school curriculum.”
  • “Reading daily improves cognitive function.”
  • “Volunteering is a rewarding and valuable experience.”
  • “Traveling broadens one’s perspective and understanding of the world.”
  • “Meditation is beneficial for mental and emotional well-being.”
  • “Healthy relationships are key to a fulfilling life.”
  • “Supporting local businesses strengthens communities.”
  • “Sustainable living is crucial for future generations.”
  • “Outdoor activities are essential for a healthy lifestyle.”
  • “Creativity is an important skill in any profession.”

Additional Policy Claims

  • “The government should subsidize renewable energy projects.”
  • “Education reform is necessary to improve public schools.”
  • “There should be stricter gun control laws.”
  • “Mental health services should be more accessible.”
  • “The use of fossil fuels should be heavily taxed.”
  • “Public parks should be preserved and maintained.”
  • “There should be incentives for companies to reduce their carbon footprint.”
  • “Urban planning should prioritize green spaces.”
  • “Sex education should be mandatory in schools.”
  • “The criminal justice system needs significant reform.”

Additional Definition Claims

  • “Work-life balance means prioritizing personal time as much as work.”
  • “Friendship is based on mutual respect and understanding.”
  • “Success in life is achieving one’s personal goals and happiness.”
  • “Innovation is the application of better solutions to meet new requirements.”
  • “Equality means providing the same opportunities for all individuals.”
  • “A hero is someone who acts selflessly for the benefit of others.”
  • “Integrity is adhering to moral and ethical principles.”
  • “Creativity is the ability to generate original ideas.”
  • “Education is the process of facilitating learning and acquisition of knowledge.”
  • “Respect means acknowledging the worth and dignity of others.”

Additional Cause and Effect Claims

  • “Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease.”
  • “Lack of parental involvement can affect a child’s academic performance.”
  • “Air pollution contributes to global warming.”
  • “Regular exercise improves mental health.”
  • “Stress can lead to high blood pressure.”
  • “Deforestation can cause soil erosion.”
  • “Smoking during pregnancy can harm fetal development.”
  • “High sugar intake can lead to cavities.”
  • “Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss.”
  • “Inadequate sleep can impair immune function.”

Final Thoughts: What Is a Claim in Writing?

Writing a strong claim is like laying the foundation for a great argument. It’s the starting point that guides your entire piece.

Remember, a good claim is clear, specific, and backed by solid evidence. Don’t be afraid to take a stance and make your argument compelling. Happy writing, and may your claims always be strong and persuasive!

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How to Write an Effective Claim (with Examples)

Formulating a claim for your essay can be difficult even if you are already a masterful debater — especially if you are not quite sure what a claim is, and how it may differ from a counterclaim or thesis statement. This guide will make it easy to decide on your claim!

Essay Claim Basics

In essay writing, a claim can most succinctly be defined as "a debatable statement" — which the writer then defends with supporting evidence and rhetoric. It is easy to confuse a claim and a thesis statement, because the thesis is indeed a type of claim as well. Essays can contain further claims that orbit the topic of the thesis statement, however.

Claims straddle the line between opinion and fact. If you're hoping to make a strong claim that seamlessly fits into a powerful essay, you will need to make sure that your claim ticks the right boxes:

  • Your claim can debated — solid arguments can be made both in favor and against. Therefore, statements such as "I live in Queens" or "Joe Biden is the President" are not claims. In an argumentative essay, "the death penalty should be abolished" is an example of a claim. Even scientific papers make claims, such as "Keyboards contain more germs than toilet seats", which can be tested. These are called hypotheses.
  • You will state your claim as a matter of fact. "Many people oppose the death penalty, and with good reason" is not a good claim, but "the death penalty is no longer an appropriate punishment in modern America" can be.
  • Your claim is sufficiently specific to allow you to explore all aspects that you intend to tackle. "The Victorian era was Britain's darkest era" give you more bite than you can comfortably chew. "Fast food should be taxed to reduce obesity rates" is more specific.

Types of Claim (With Examples!)

Claims are debatable statements, but there are numerous different types. If you have specifically been asked to present a claim in an essay, you may be able to choose what kind of claim you would like to work with.

1. Claim of Fact or Definition

In research essays, a claim of fact or definition is one that defines a fact, as you see it, and proceeds to lay out the evidence in favor of the claim. Here are some examples to show you how it works:

  • Plant species are becoming extinct at a faster rate than animal species, yet the plight of plants has been overlooked.
  • Amazon's Alexa has revolutionized many people's daily lives — but this appliance also makes us vulnerable to new forms of hacking.
  • Commercial air travel transformed the way in which we do business.

2. Claim of Cause & Effect

In a claim of cause and effect, you argue that one thing causes another, such as:

  • Internet gaming has a widespread negative effect on students' grades.
  • Lax enforcement of preventative measures against Covid has enabled the pandemic to continue for much longer than it need have.
  • Playing jigsaw puzzles leads to novel cognitive connections that help senior citizens stay sharp.

3. Claim of Value

Claims of value are more heavily opinion-based than other types of claims. If you are making a claim of value, you will usually want to compare two things. For example:

  • George W Bush was a better President than George W H Bush.
  • Emotional health is just as important as physical health.
  • Stephen King is the best horror writer of al time.

4. Claim of Solution or Policy

Claims of solution or policy state a position on a proposed course of action. In high school and college essays, they typically focus on something that should be done, or something that should no longer be done. Examples might include:

  • Depressed patients should always be offered talk therapy before they receive a prescription for antidepressants.
  • The United States should not accept refugees from Afghanistan.
  • First-time offenders should be given lighter sentences.

Claim vs. Counterclaim vs. Thesis Statement

If you've been told to make an essay claim, you may be confused about the differences between a claim, counterclaim, and thesis statement. That's understandable, because some people believe that there's no difference between a claim and a thesis statement.

There are important distinctions between these three concepts, however, and if you want to write a killer essay, it's important to be aware of them:

  • A thesis statement is the very foundation of your essay — everything else rests on it. The thesis statement should contain no more than one or two sentences, and summarize the heart of your argument. "Regular exercise has consistently been shown to increase productivity in the workplace. Therefore, employers should offer office workers, who would otherwise be largely sedentary, opportunities to work out."
  • A claim is a statement you can defend with arguments and evidence. A thesis statement is a type of claim, but you'll want to include other claims that fit neatly into the subject matter as well. For instance, "Employers should establish gyms for employees."
  • A counterclaim is a statement that contradicts, refutes, or opposes a claim. Why would you want to argue against yourself? You can do so to show that arguments that oppose the claim are weak. For instance, "Many employers would balk at the idea of facilitating costly exercise classes or providing a gym space — employees can work out in their own time, after all. Why should the boss pay for workers to engage in recreational activities at work? Recent studies have shown, however, that workplaces that have incorporated aerobics classes enjoy 120% increase in productivity, showing that this step serves the bottom line."

Together, a thesis statement, claims, and some well-placed counterclaims make up the threads of your story, leading to a coherent essay that is interesting to read.

How to Write an Effective Claim

Now that you've seen some examples, you are well on your way to writing an effective claim for your essay. Need some extra tips? We've got you covered.

First things first — how do you start a claim in an essay? Your claim sentence or sentences should be written in the active voice, starting with the subject, so that your readers can immediately understand what you are talking about.

They'll be formulated as an "[Subject] should be [proposed action], because [argument]. You can stay with this general structure while making different word choices, however, such as:

  • It is about time that
  • We have an obligation to
  • Is the only logical choice
  • It is imperative that

Once you have formulated a claim, you will want to see if you can hook your readers with an interesting or provocative statement that can really get them thinking. You will want to break your argument down into sections. This will lead you to sub-claims. If your claim is your main argument, your sub-claims are smaller arguments that work to support it. They will typically appear naturally once you contemplate the subject deeply — just brainstorm, and as you research, keep considering why your claim is true. The reasons you come up with will sprout sub-claims.

Still not sure what to write? Take a look at these examples of strong claim statements:

  • A lack of work experience has proven to be the main barrier to finding satisfying employment, so businesses should be incentivized to hire recent graduates.
  • The rise in uncertified "emotional support animals" directly causes suffering for people suffering from severe pet dander allergies. Such pets must be outlawed in public places to alleviate the very real harm allergy patients now experience on a daily basis.
  • Emerging private space exploration ventures may be exciting, but they greatly increase CO2 emissions. At a time when the planet is in crisis, private space exploration should be banned.

Additional Tips in Writing a Claim the Right Way

You now know what you need to include in a claim paragraph to leave a strong impression. Understanding what not to do is equally important, however.

  • Take a stand — if you're writing an argumentative essay, it is perfectly OK to take a controversial opinion, and no matter what you write, it is bound to have the potential to offend someone . Don't sit on the fence. Even when you're defending a position you disagree with, embrace it wholeheartedly.
  • Narrow your claim down. The more specific you can get, the more compelling your argument can be, and the more depth you can add to each aspect of your argument.
  • Have fun! You want your essay to be interesting to read, and any genuine passion you have will be apparent.
  • Choose the right subject — one about which you can find a lot of data and facts.

What should you avoid in writing a claim, you wonder? Don't:

  • Use any first-person statements. The claim is about your ideas, not about you.
  • Base your claim on emotional appeal. You can work some pathos in, but don't make feelings your center.
  • Clutter your claim with too many separate ideas, which will make the rest of your essay harder to read, less powerful, and unwieldy for you to develop.

How do you use a claim?

When you're writing your essay, you can think of the thesis statement as the spine. The claims you make are, then, your "ribs", so to speak. If you prefer a different analogy, the thesis is your trunk, and the claims branches. You use them to build a strong final product that shows you have considered all aspects of your argument, and can back them up with evidence and logic.

What is a good way to start a claim?

You can start with a shocking fact, objective data from a reliable source, or even an anecdote — or, if you prefer, you can simply offer your argument without bells and whistles.

Can a claim be in a paragraph or is it a single sentence only?

Claims are almost always limited to a single sentence. It can be a long compound sentence, though! The claim does not have to remain all alone in the paragraph. You can immediately surround it with rhetorical punches or further facts.

What are some examples of argumentative claims?

So, you want to learn to argue like a pro? Watching speeches politicians make is a great way to look out for claims, and court transcripts and academic debates are two other places you can look for great argumentative claims.

Is there a claim generator you can use?

Yes! Some claim generators are free to use, while others require a subscription. These tools can be interesting to play with, and can serve as inspiration. However, it's always best to tweak your final claim to fit your needs.

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What Is a Claim in an Essay? Read This Before Writing

What is a claim in an essay?

In this article, you’ll find the essay claim definition, characteristics, types, and examples. Let’s learn where to use claims and how to write them.

Get ready for up-to-date and practical information only!

What Is a Claim in Writing?

A claim is the core argument defining an essay’s goal and direction. (1) It’s assertive, debatable, and supported by evidence. Also, it is complex, specific, and detailed.

Also known as a thesis, a claim is a little different from statements and opinions. Keep reading to reveal the nuances.

Claims vs. statements vs. opinions

– Debatable
– Supported by evidence
– Answering the “So what?” question
– No criticism, investigation, or analysis
– Support and argument aren’t necessary
– Not going beyond the info from a core text
– More opinion than academic reasoning
– No need for evidence
– Stating support, not necessarily the reason behind the support

Where to use claims

To answer the “What is claim in writing?”, it’s critical to understand that this definition isn’t only for high school or college essays. Below are the types of writing with claims:

  • Argumentative articles. Consider a controversial issue, proving it with evidence throughout your paper.
  • Literary analysis. Build a claim about a book , and use evidence from it to support your claim.
  • Research papers. Present a hypothesis and provide evidence to confirm or refute it.
  • Speeches. State a claim and persuade the audience that you’re right.
  • Persuasive essays and memos. State a thesis and use fact-based evidence to back it up..

What can you use as evidence in essays?

  • Facts and other data from relevant and respectful resources (no Wikipedia or other sources like this)
  • Primary research
  • Secondary research (science magazines’ articles, literature reviews, etc.)
  • Personal observation
  • Expert quotes (opinions)
  • Info from expert interviews

How to Write a Claim in Essays


Two points to consider when making a claim in a college paper:

First, remember that a claim may have counterarguments. You’ll need to respond to them to make your argument stronger. Use transition words like “despite,” “yet,” “although,” and others to show those counterclaims.

Second, good claims are more complex than simple “I’m right” statements. Be ready to explain your claim, answering the “So what?” question.

And now, to details:

Types of claims in an essay (2)

Your position on:

– What happened?
– Does it exist?
Your position on:

– What is it?
– How does its usual meaning change in different contexts?
Your position on:

– Is it good or bad?
– Who thinks so?
– What criteria should I use to evaluate it?
Your position on:

– Why did it happen?
– What are the effects?
– What will be the results on a long-term basis?
Your position on:

– What can we learn by this comparison?
– How can we understand one thing by looking at another?
Your position on:

– What should we do?
– How can we solve this problem?
– What should be future policy?

Writing a claim: Details to consider

What makes a good claim? Three characteristics (3):

  • It’s assertive. (You have a strong position about a topic.)
  • It’s specific. (Your assertion is as precise as possible.)
  • It’s provable. (You can prove your position with evidence.)

When writing a claim, avoid generalizations, questions, and cliches. Also, don’t state the obvious.

  • Poor claim: Pollution is bad for the environment.
  • Good claim: At least 25% of the federal budget should be spent upgrading businesses to clean technologies and researching renewable energy sources to control or cut pollution.

How to start a claim in an essay?

Answer the essay prompt. Use an active voice when writing a claim for readers to understand your point. Here is the basic formula:

When writing, avoid:

  • First-person statements
  • Emotional appeal
  • Cluttering your claim with several ideas; focus on one instead

How long should a claim be in an essay?

1-2 sentences. A claim is your essay’s thesis: Write it in the first paragraph (intro), presenting a topic and your position about it.

Examples of Claims

Below are a few claim examples depending on the type. I asked our expert writers to provide some for you to better understand how to write it.

Feel free to use them for inspiration, or don’t hesitate to “steal” if they appear relevant to your essay topic. Also, remember that you can always ask our writers to assist with a claim for your papers.


Final Words

Now that you know what is a claim in an essay, I hope you don’t find it super challenging to write anymore. It’s like writing a thesis statement; make it assertive, specific, and provable.

If you still have questions or doubts, ask Writing-Help writers for support. They’ll help you build an A-worthy claim for an essay.


  • https://www.pvcc.edu/files/making_a_claim.pdf
  • https://lsa.umich.edu/content/dam/sweetland-assets/sweetland-documents/teachingresources/TeachingArgumentation/Supplement2_%20SixCommonTypesofClaim.pdf  
  • https://students.tippie.uiowa.edu/sites/students.tippie.uiowa.edu/files/2022-05/effective_claims.pdf
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3 Strong Argumentative Essay Examples, Analyzed

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Need to defend your opinion on an issue? Argumentative essays are one of the most popular types of essays you’ll write in school. They combine persuasive arguments with fact-based research, and, when done well, can be powerful tools for making someone agree with your point of view. If you’re struggling to write an argumentative essay or just want to learn more about them, seeing examples can be a big help.

After giving an overview of this type of essay, we provide three argumentative essay examples. After each essay, we explain in-depth how the essay was structured, what worked, and where the essay could be improved. We end with tips for making your own argumentative essay as strong as possible.

What Is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses evidence and facts to support the claim it’s making. Its purpose is to persuade the reader to agree with the argument being made.

A good argumentative essay will use facts and evidence to support the argument, rather than just the author’s thoughts and opinions. For example, say you wanted to write an argumentative essay stating that Charleston, SC is a great destination for families. You couldn’t just say that it’s a great place because you took your family there and enjoyed it. For it to be an argumentative essay, you need to have facts and data to support your argument, such as the number of child-friendly attractions in Charleston, special deals you can get with kids, and surveys of people who visited Charleston as a family and enjoyed it. The first argument is based entirely on feelings, whereas the second is based on evidence that can be proven.

The standard five paragraph format is common, but not required, for argumentative essays. These essays typically follow one of two formats: the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model.

  • The Toulmin model is the most common. It begins with an introduction, follows with a thesis/claim, and gives data and evidence to support that claim. This style of essay also includes rebuttals of counterarguments.
  • The Rogerian model analyzes two sides of an argument and reaches a conclusion after weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

3 Good Argumentative Essay Examples + Analysis

Below are three examples of argumentative essays, written by yours truly in my school days, as well as analysis of what each did well and where it could be improved.

Argumentative Essay Example 1

Proponents of this idea state that it will save local cities and towns money because libraries are expensive to maintain. They also believe it will encourage more people to read because they won’t have to travel to a library to get a book; they can simply click on what they want to read and read it from wherever they are. They could also access more materials because libraries won’t have to buy physical copies of books; they can simply rent out as many digital copies as they need.

However, it would be a serious mistake to replace libraries with tablets. First, digital books and resources are associated with less learning and more problems than print resources. A study done on tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information, and understand 10% less of what they read compared to people who read the same information in print. Additionally, staring too long at a screen has been shown to cause numerous health problems, including blurred vision, dizziness, dry eyes, headaches, and eye strain, at much higher instances than reading print does. People who use tablets and mobile devices excessively also have a higher incidence of more serious health issues such as fibromyalgia, shoulder and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and muscle strain. I know that whenever I read from my e-reader for too long, my eyes begin to feel tired and my neck hurts. We should not add to these problems by giving people, especially young people, more reasons to look at screens.

Second, it is incredibly narrow-minded to assume that the only service libraries offer is book lending. Libraries have a multitude of benefits, and many are only available if the library has a physical location. Some of these benefits include acting as a quiet study space, giving people a way to converse with their neighbors, holding classes on a variety of topics, providing jobs, answering patron questions, and keeping the community connected. One neighborhood found that, after a local library instituted community events such as play times for toddlers and parents, job fairs for teenagers, and meeting spaces for senior citizens, over a third of residents reported feeling more connected to their community. Similarly, a Pew survey conducted in 2015 found that nearly two-thirds of American adults feel that closing their local library would have a major impact on their community. People see libraries as a way to connect with others and get their questions answered, benefits tablets can’t offer nearly as well or as easily.

While replacing libraries with tablets may seem like a simple solution, it would encourage people to spend even more time looking at digital screens, despite the myriad issues surrounding them. It would also end access to many of the benefits of libraries that people have come to rely on. In many areas, libraries are such an important part of the community network that they could never be replaced by a simple object.

The author begins by giving an overview of the counter-argument, then the thesis appears as the first sentence in the third paragraph. The essay then spends the rest of the paper dismantling the counter argument and showing why readers should believe the other side.

What this essay does well:

  • Although it’s a bit unusual to have the thesis appear fairly far into the essay, it works because, once the thesis is stated, the rest of the essay focuses on supporting it since the counter-argument has already been discussed earlier in the paper.
  • This essay includes numerous facts and cites studies to support its case. By having specific data to rely on, the author’s argument is stronger and readers will be more inclined to agree with it.
  • For every argument the other side makes, the author makes sure to refute it and follow up with why her opinion is the stronger one. In order to make a strong argument, it’s important to dismantle the other side, which this essay does this by making the author's view appear stronger.
  • This is a shorter paper, and if it needed to be expanded to meet length requirements, it could include more examples and go more into depth with them, such as by explaining specific cases where people benefited from local libraries.
  • Additionally, while the paper uses lots of data, the author also mentions their own experience with using tablets. This should be removed since argumentative essays focus on facts and data to support an argument, not the author’s own opinion or experiences. Replacing that with more data on health issues associated with screen time would strengthen the essay.
  • Some of the points made aren't completely accurate , particularly the one about digital books being cheaper. It actually often costs a library more money to rent out numerous digital copies of a book compared to buying a single physical copy. Make sure in your own essay you thoroughly research each of the points and rebuttals you make, otherwise you'll look like you don't know the issue that well.


Argumentative Essay Example 2

There are multiple drugs available to treat malaria, and many of them work well and save lives, but malaria eradication programs that focus too much on them and not enough on prevention haven’t seen long-term success in Sub-Saharan Africa. A major program to combat malaria was WHO’s Global Malaria Eradication Programme. Started in 1955, it had a goal of eliminating malaria in Africa within the next ten years. Based upon previously successful programs in Brazil and the United States, the program focused mainly on vector control. This included widely distributing chloroquine and spraying large amounts of DDT. More than one billion dollars was spent trying to abolish malaria. However, the program suffered from many problems and in 1969, WHO was forced to admit that the program had not succeeded in eradicating malaria. The number of people in Sub-Saharan Africa who contracted malaria as well as the number of malaria deaths had actually increased over 10% during the time the program was active.

One of the major reasons for the failure of the project was that it set uniform strategies and policies. By failing to consider variations between governments, geography, and infrastructure, the program was not nearly as successful as it could have been. Sub-Saharan Africa has neither the money nor the infrastructure to support such an elaborate program, and it couldn’t be run the way it was meant to. Most African countries don't have the resources to send all their people to doctors and get shots, nor can they afford to clear wetlands or other malaria prone areas. The continent’s spending per person for eradicating malaria was just a quarter of what Brazil spent. Sub-Saharan Africa simply can’t rely on a plan that requires more money, infrastructure, and expertise than they have to spare.

Additionally, the widespread use of chloroquine has created drug resistant parasites which are now plaguing Sub-Saharan Africa. Because chloroquine was used widely but inconsistently, mosquitoes developed resistance, and chloroquine is now nearly completely ineffective in Sub-Saharan Africa, with over 95% of mosquitoes resistant to it. As a result, newer, more expensive drugs need to be used to prevent and treat malaria, which further drives up the cost of malaria treatment for a region that can ill afford it.

Instead of developing plans to treat malaria after the infection has incurred, programs should focus on preventing infection from occurring in the first place. Not only is this plan cheaper and more effective, reducing the number of people who contract malaria also reduces loss of work/school days which can further bring down the productivity of the region.

One of the cheapest and most effective ways of preventing malaria is to implement insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs).  These nets provide a protective barrier around the person or people using them. While untreated bed nets are still helpful, those treated with insecticides are much more useful because they stop mosquitoes from biting people through the nets, and they help reduce mosquito populations in a community, thus helping people who don’t even own bed nets.  Bed nets are also very effective because most mosquito bites occur while the person is sleeping, so bed nets would be able to drastically reduce the number of transmissions during the night. In fact, transmission of malaria can be reduced by as much as 90% in areas where the use of ITNs is widespread. Because money is so scarce in Sub-Saharan Africa, the low cost is a great benefit and a major reason why the program is so successful. Bed nets cost roughly 2 USD to make, last several years, and can protect two adults. Studies have shown that, for every 100-1000 more nets are being used, one less child dies of malaria. With an estimated 300 million people in Africa not being protected by mosquito nets, there’s the potential to save three million lives by spending just a few dollars per person.

Reducing the number of people who contract malaria would also reduce poverty levels in Africa significantly, thus improving other aspects of society like education levels and the economy. Vector control is more effective than treatment strategies because it means fewer people are getting sick. When fewer people get sick, the working population is stronger as a whole because people are not put out of work from malaria, nor are they caring for sick relatives. Malaria-afflicted families can typically only harvest 40% of the crops that healthy families can harvest. Additionally, a family with members who have malaria spends roughly a quarter of its income treatment, not including the loss of work they also must deal with due to the illness. It’s estimated that malaria costs Africa 12 billion USD in lost income every year. A strong working population creates a stronger economy, which Sub-Saharan Africa is in desperate need of.  

This essay begins with an introduction, which ends with the thesis (that malaria eradication plans in Sub-Saharan Africa should focus on prevention rather than treatment). The first part of the essay lays out why the counter argument (treatment rather than prevention) is not as effective, and the second part of the essay focuses on why prevention of malaria is the better path to take.

  • The thesis appears early, is stated clearly, and is supported throughout the rest of the essay. This makes the argument clear for readers to understand and follow throughout the essay.
  • There’s lots of solid research in this essay, including specific programs that were conducted and how successful they were, as well as specific data mentioned throughout. This evidence helps strengthen the author’s argument.
  • The author makes a case for using expanding bed net use over waiting until malaria occurs and beginning treatment, but not much of a plan is given for how the bed nets would be distributed or how to ensure they’re being used properly. By going more into detail of what she believes should be done, the author would be making a stronger argument.
  • The introduction of the essay does a good job of laying out the seriousness of the problem, but the conclusion is short and abrupt. Expanding it into its own paragraph would give the author a final way to convince readers of her side of the argument.


Argumentative Essay Example 3

There are many ways payments could work. They could be in the form of a free-market approach, where athletes are able to earn whatever the market is willing to pay them, it could be a set amount of money per athlete, or student athletes could earn income from endorsements, autographs, and control of their likeness, similar to the way top Olympians earn money.

Proponents of the idea believe that, because college athletes are the ones who are training, participating in games, and bringing in audiences, they should receive some sort of compensation for their work. If there were no college athletes, the NCAA wouldn’t exist, college coaches wouldn’t receive there (sometimes very high) salaries, and brands like Nike couldn’t profit from college sports. In fact, the NCAA brings in roughly $1 billion in revenue a year, but college athletes don’t receive any of that money in the form of a paycheck. Additionally, people who believe college athletes should be paid state that paying college athletes will actually encourage them to remain in college longer and not turn pro as quickly, either by giving them a way to begin earning money in college or requiring them to sign a contract stating they’ll stay at the university for a certain number of years while making an agreed-upon salary.  

Supporters of this idea point to Zion Williamson, the Duke basketball superstar, who, during his freshman year, sustained a serious knee injury. Many argued that, even if he enjoyed playing for Duke, it wasn’t worth risking another injury and ending his professional career before it even began for a program that wasn’t paying him. Williamson seems to have agreed with them and declared his eligibility for the NCAA draft later that year. If he was being paid, he may have stayed at Duke longer. In fact, roughly a third of student athletes surveyed stated that receiving a salary while in college would make them “strongly consider” remaining collegiate athletes longer before turning pro.

Paying athletes could also stop the recruitment scandals that have plagued the NCAA. In 2018, the NCAA stripped the University of Louisville's men's basketball team of its 2013 national championship title because it was discovered coaches were using sex workers to entice recruits to join the team. There have been dozens of other recruitment scandals where college athletes and recruits have been bribed with anything from having their grades changed, to getting free cars, to being straight out bribed. By paying college athletes and putting their salaries out in the open, the NCAA could end the illegal and underhanded ways some schools and coaches try to entice athletes to join.

People who argue against the idea of paying college athletes believe the practice could be disastrous for college sports. By paying athletes, they argue, they’d turn college sports into a bidding war, where only the richest schools could afford top athletes, and the majority of schools would be shut out from developing a talented team (though some argue this already happens because the best players often go to the most established college sports programs, who typically pay their coaches millions of dollars per year). It could also ruin the tight camaraderie of many college teams if players become jealous that certain teammates are making more money than they are.

They also argue that paying college athletes actually means only a small fraction would make significant money. Out of the 350 Division I athletic departments, fewer than a dozen earn any money. Nearly all the money the NCAA makes comes from men’s football and basketball, so paying college athletes would make a small group of men--who likely will be signed to pro teams and begin making millions immediately out of college--rich at the expense of other players.

Those against paying college athletes also believe that the athletes are receiving enough benefits already. The top athletes already receive scholarships that are worth tens of thousands per year, they receive free food/housing/textbooks, have access to top medical care if they are injured, receive top coaching, get travel perks and free gear, and can use their time in college as a way to capture the attention of professional recruiters. No other college students receive anywhere near as much from their schools.

People on this side also point out that, while the NCAA brings in a massive amount of money each year, it is still a non-profit organization. How? Because over 95% of those profits are redistributed to its members’ institutions in the form of scholarships, grants, conferences, support for Division II and Division III teams, and educational programs. Taking away a significant part of that revenue would hurt smaller programs that rely on that money to keep running.

While both sides have good points, it’s clear that the negatives of paying college athletes far outweigh the positives. College athletes spend a significant amount of time and energy playing for their school, but they are compensated for it by the scholarships and perks they receive. Adding a salary to that would result in a college athletic system where only a small handful of athletes (those likely to become millionaires in the professional leagues) are paid by a handful of schools who enter bidding wars to recruit them, while the majority of student athletics and college athletic programs suffer or even shut down for lack of money. Continuing to offer the current level of benefits to student athletes makes it possible for as many people to benefit from and enjoy college sports as possible.

This argumentative essay follows the Rogerian model. It discusses each side, first laying out multiple reasons people believe student athletes should be paid, then discussing reasons why the athletes shouldn’t be paid. It ends by stating that college athletes shouldn’t be paid by arguing that paying them would destroy college athletics programs and cause them to have many of the issues professional sports leagues have.

  • Both sides of the argument are well developed, with multiple reasons why people agree with each side. It allows readers to get a full view of the argument and its nuances.
  • Certain statements on both sides are directly rebuffed in order to show where the strengths and weaknesses of each side lie and give a more complete and sophisticated look at the argument.
  • Using the Rogerian model can be tricky because oftentimes you don’t explicitly state your argument until the end of the paper. Here, the thesis doesn’t appear until the first sentence of the final paragraph. That doesn’t give readers a lot of time to be convinced that your argument is the right one, compared to a paper where the thesis is stated in the beginning and then supported throughout the paper. This paper could be strengthened if the final paragraph was expanded to more fully explain why the author supports the view, or if the paper had made it clearer that paying athletes was the weaker argument throughout.


3 Tips for Writing a Good Argumentative Essay

Now that you’ve seen examples of what good argumentative essay samples look like, follow these three tips when crafting your own essay.

#1: Make Your Thesis Crystal Clear

The thesis is the key to your argumentative essay; if it isn’t clear or readers can’t find it easily, your entire essay will be weak as a result. Always make sure that your thesis statement is easy to find. The typical spot for it is the final sentence of the introduction paragraph, but if it doesn’t fit in that spot for your essay, try to at least put it as the first or last sentence of a different paragraph so it stands out more.

Also make sure that your thesis makes clear what side of the argument you’re on. After you’ve written it, it’s a great idea to show your thesis to a couple different people--classmates are great for this. Just by reading your thesis they should be able to understand what point you’ll be trying to make with the rest of your essay.

#2: Show Why the Other Side Is Weak

When writing your essay, you may be tempted to ignore the other side of the argument and just focus on your side, but don’t do this. The best argumentative essays really tear apart the other side to show why readers shouldn’t believe it. Before you begin writing your essay, research what the other side believes, and what their strongest points are. Then, in your essay, be sure to mention each of these and use evidence to explain why they’re incorrect/weak arguments. That’ll make your essay much more effective than if you only focused on your side of the argument.

#3: Use Evidence to Support Your Side

Remember, an essay can’t be an argumentative essay if it doesn’t support its argument with evidence. For every point you make, make sure you have facts to back it up. Some examples are previous studies done on the topic, surveys of large groups of people, data points, etc. There should be lots of numbers in your argumentative essay that support your side of the argument. This will make your essay much stronger compared to only relying on your own opinions to support your argument.

Summary: Argumentative Essay Sample

Argumentative essays are persuasive essays that use facts and evidence to support their side of the argument. Most argumentative essays follow either the Toulmin model or the Rogerian model. By reading good argumentative essay examples, you can learn how to develop your essay and provide enough support to make readers agree with your opinion. When writing your essay, remember to always make your thesis clear, show where the other side is weak, and back up your opinion with data and evidence.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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