nutrition education

Nutrition Education

Aug 04, 2014

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Nutrition Education. Prof. Ashry Gad Mohamed Prof. of Epidemiology College of Medicine, KSU. Objectives. At the end of the lecture you should gain the ability to: Define nutrition education. Recognize the importance of nutrition education.

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Presentation Transcript

Nutrition Education Prof. Ashry Gad Mohamed Prof. of Epidemiology College of Medicine, KSU

Objectives At the end of the lecture you should gain the ability to: • Define nutrition education. • Recognize the importance of nutrition education. • Understand methods used in nutrition education.

Definition of nutrition education • It is the science of teaching the individual how to practice proper and correct nutrition in terms of: 1-Knowing the proper nutrition rules. 2-Knowing benefit of each nutrient. 3-More attention to quality and quantity of foods. Nutrition: The process by which the human intakes food for growth, energy, and replacement of tissues; its successive stages include digestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion.

Food: Any substance taken into the body that will help to meet the body needs for energy, maintenance and growth. • Nutrition requirements: The quantities of each nutrient which met the human body needs to prevent nutrients deficiency diseases.

Ignorance Diseases Poverty • Contribution differs between countries Malnutrition

Importance of nutrition education • Man doesn’t have instinct nor inherit knowledge that leads him to know the effect of different foods on health. • there is consensus that people’s food choices, dietary practices, and physical activities behaviors influence health. • increased risk of chronic diseases. • nutrition education can increase the motivation, skills, and opportunities for people to engage in health promoting actions.

Aims of nutrition education To increase people’s ability to know the following facts: • The relationship between the body growth, qualities of and appearance, and the types of food they eat. • Increased diversification in the food they eat, and enjoy its taste. • Planning and preparing of meals rich in nutrients.

The natural resources of food. • Assessment of their nutritional behaviors and beliefs. • Appreciating the importance of the standard of living improving programs.

Factors affected on human's food consumptions: 1-The healthy body and disease : 2-Psychological factors: 3-Food habits: 4-Economic levels: 5-Education level: 6-Religious beliefs: 7-Political conditions

8-Social conditions 9-Form and offering way of food 10-Media 11-Travel & Tourism 12-Labor Migration 13-Geographical characteristics 15-Religious occasions

Nutrition Education strategy Encouraging the targeted categories to consume Balanced diets according to the: • available sources • Renew the dishes • Local food and eating habits • The presenting ways • The best preparing Methods • Suitable food • To Meet the needs

Changing the eating habits through nutrition education Food habits affect food consumption pattern. Requirements: • Diffusion Of Innovations : Spread of innovations / (new ideas). • Communication process: Methods of conveying thought and feeling, it describes interactions between individuals and groups as well on between various media and people. Source : nutrition educator

Channel: presentations, lectures………….media Message: simple (eat more vegetables and fruits) complex (how to get your child to eat healthful) Audience : individual, group or public.

Steps of social change • Innovation: Create or develop a new idea • Diffusion: Delivery of new ideas through certain channels to members of the social system Contribute a better translation. • Results : Are those changes that occur within the social system due to the spread of these new ideas between its parts, and thus change has become a monument to connect.

Adoption of Idea Steps • Awareness. Recognizing innovative for the first time • Interest. Collection of information available about the idea as much as possible, and more knowledge about characteristic , as a result of generating motivation to learn more about this new idea.

Decision & evaluation. The adopter take decision continuing to collect more information about the idea or to quit , as well as begin to assess the information which obtained according to the present situation and future prospects for decision to adopt it , or leave it. • Trial. In this stage the individual try to apply the new ideas in small area , to esteem the benefits of this new ideas. • Adoption After recognizing and after convicting the benefits of the new ideas , the person will adopt these new ideas

Classes of adopters • Innovators • Early adopters • Early majority • late majority • laggards

Criteria which affect on diffusion of innovation: • Relative advantage of the new idea. • Complexity (easy in understanding and applying) • Compatibility (suitability) . • Results observe-ability • Societies characteristic , and thinking pattern . • Coast of the new ideas. • Education levels • Socio-economic levels. • Civilizing (modernizing ) and cultural practices of the societies. • Customs and traditions prevailing in the community.

Choosing the channels of nutrition education 1.Newspapers and publications.   2. The radio.   3. Television.   4. Space stations.   5. Telephone and fax.   6. Internet

Techniques ways that the educator will delivering the massages to the reserve (target groups) 1.lecture     2. seminars. 3. symposium . 4. role play 5. Discussion groups

References: • El-Shafi M. Nutrition education. Educational course. CHS456. KSU. • Park K. Nutrition and health. In: Preventive and social Medicine. Editor. 21th edition. 2011 pages 561-617.

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Published by Abdirahman Ali Modified about 1 year ago

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