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December may still be two months away, but the University is all geared up for the December 2022 graduation.  Since 2008, Stellenbosch University only accepts theses or dissertations that are electronically submitted.  Those who are set to graduate in December and have been nominated by their supervisors can now submit their final documents on the SU Thesis/Dissertation online system.

At the Stellenbosch University Library, the staff is also ready to assist with this completely online process. It firstly involves the nomination by the supervisor. Secondly, the submission of the thesis or dissertation by the student and, thirdly, the acceptance thereof by the supervisor.  For more information on these steps, see our guidelines here . Please join us on 11 October when we present a webinar on the submission process.  Please book here if you are interested to attend.

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Understanding the Chechen conflict: Research and reading list

2013 review of Chechnya-related scholarship and the conflict and political grievances there that continue to reverberate.

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by Alexandra Raphel, The Journalist's Resource April 22, 2013

This <a target="_blank" href="">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

News that the primary suspects in the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings are of Chechen heritage resurrected interest in historically troubled Chechnya, an autonomous republic in Russia’s North Caucasus Region. Suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s motive has yet to be confirmed, but questions abound about what role the ongoing violence between Russia and Chechen separatists might have played.

Of course, precise connections are speculative, and the media has already been criticized for making too quick a leap — and for perpetuating stereotypes about Chechens and Muslims in general . Charles King’s article in Foreign Affairs , “Not Your Average Chechen Jihadis,” provides further insights on these points.  London School of Economics scholar Jim Hughes offers compelling perspective .

Fiona Hill, director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution , writes , “Chechnya and Russia have spent centuries at war and it isn’t surprising that this conflict, which has spanned generations, would provide fertile ground to incite and radicalize sympathizers wherever they happen to live.” Hill also provides an overview of the conflict in an interview titled “The Troubled History of Chechnya.”

Although the region has, for the most part, stayed out of the Western media headlines in recent years, reverberations of the conflict are still being felt both in the region and among the global diaspora. Thomas de Waal, a Russia expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, notes in a recent article that “a low-level Islamist insurgency continues in and around Chechnya that takes dozens of lives each year.” For a sense of recent activity in the region, see “Islam, Islamism, and Politics in Eurasia Report,” published in March 2013 by Center for Strategic and International Studies.

The ongoing animosity between the largely Muslim ethnic Chechens and the Russian government dates back to Russo-Persian War (1804-1813), when Persia transferred the territory to Russian control. After years of attempted revolt by the Chechens, in 1944 Soviet Leader Josef Stalin deported the entire population of the North Caucasus — people in the republics of Ingushetia, Chechnya and North Ossetia — to Central Asia, claiming that they were collaborating with Nazi Germany.

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, Chechen separatists called for independence from Moscow and two bloody wars followed during the following decade. The second ended in 2000 when Russian forces captured the Chechen capital of Grozny. Since then, Chechen separatists have continued to engage in acts of terrorism, including the 2002 hostage drama at a Moscow theater, capture of a school in 2004 and the 2010 bombing of a Moscow metro station .

For more information on the Chechen conflict and recent Russian history, see the Council on Foreign Relations’ “Backgrounder on Chechen Terrorism” and the article “What to Read on Russian Politics” in Foreign Affairs .

Below is a selection of papers, reports and articles that can provide further context on the conflict:

“The Rise of Radical and Nonofficial Islamic Groups in Russia’s Volga Region” Markedonov, Sergey. Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 2013.

Summary: “In the two decades since the dissolution of the USSR, Russian and Western experts, human rights activists, and journalists have become accustomed to the political violence of the North Caucasus. Terrorist bombings and acts of sabotage in Dagestan, Ingushetia, and Chechnya are perceived as somehow intrinsic to the region. But a recent tragedy in the Volga region suggests that this sort of violence — and the Islamist terrorists who perpetrate it — may not be confined to the Caucasus. To examine this increasingly serious situation, this report sheds light on the ideological sources and resources of radicalism in the Volga region, nonofficial Islamic movements’ support among the regional population, and opportunities for the potential growth of different forms of Islamist activities. It describes the origins of different nonofficial Islamic movements, as well as their post-Soviet development, ideology, and relationship with the authorities and official Muslim clergy. The report also offers practical approaches both for Russian domestic policy and for the U.S.-Russia security cooperation agenda.”

“Russia’s Homegrown Insurgency: Jihad in the North Caucasus” Blank, Stephen J. Strategic Studies Institute, October 2012.

Summary: “The three papers offered in this monograph provide a detailed analysis of the insurgency and counterinsurgency campaigns being conducted by Islamist rebels against Russia in the North Caucasus. This conflict is Russia’s primary security threat, but it has barely registered on Western minds and is hardly reported in the West as well. To overcome this neglect, these three papers go into great detail concerning the nature of the Islamist challenge, the Russian response, and the implications of this conflict. This monograph, in keeping with SSI’s objectives, provides a basis for dialogue among U.S., European, and Russian experts concerning insurgency and counterinsurgency, which will certainly prove useful to all of these nations, since they will continue to be challenged by such wars well into the future. It is important for us to learn from the insurgency in the North Caucasus, because the issues raised by this conflict will not easily go away, even for the United States as it leaves Afghanistan.”

“Prisoners of the Caucasus: Russia’s Invisible Civil War” King, Charles; Menon, Rajan. Foreign Affairs , July/August 2010.

Summary: “A pernicious mix of heavy-handed rule, corrupt governance, high unemployment, and militant Islam has reignited the Russian North Caucasus. Today, it is not only the old conflict zone of Chechnya but also its neighboring republics that are bordering on open civil war.”

“The New Chechen Jihad: Militant Wahhabism as a Radical Movement and a Source of Suicide Terrorism in Post-War Chechen Society” Speckhard, Anne; Akhmedova, Khapta. Democracy and Security , Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2006.

Abstract: The first act of Chechen suicide terrorism occurred on June 7, 2000, and was carried out by two young women. This inaugurated the migration of suicide terrorism from other conflict zones, into the Chechen conflict. How suicide terrorism as a tactic made its way into Chechnya is the topic of this paper, which provides an analysis of the events concerning the importation of militant ideologies and radical terrorist movements taking place since the Chechen declaration of independence as well as an empirical and theoretical analysis of Chechen suicide terrorism based on psycho-social interviews that were collected in Chechnya over a two-year time period from March 2003 to March 2005. We report data about suicide terrorism and the radicalization process from 32 interviews with family members and close associates of thirty-four Chechen suicide terrorists, inquiring about the terrorists’ backgrounds, experiences, religious, and psychological reasons leading up to their suicidal acts.

“Russia’s Ruinous Chechen War” Menon, Rajan; Fuller, Graham. Foreign Affairs , March/April 2000.

Summary: “The Russian Federation is unraveling, and its war against Chechnya shows why. Moscow blames Islamist terrorists for the trouble there. But in doing so, it ignores Russia’s deeper afflictions. Russia has forced disparate ethnic groups to live together for decades but has proven inept at governing its wobbly empire. Now the fighting in Chechnya is leading dissatisfied nationalities to rethink their options — and their dependence on Russia. Chechnya was the first to rebel. It will not be the last.”

“Russia’s Invasion of Chechnya: A Preliminary Assessment” Blank, Stephen J.; Tilford, Earl H. Jr. Strategic Studies Institute, January 1995.

Brief Synopsis: “On December 11, 1994, Russia invaded the secessionist republic of Chechnya in the North Caucasus. The aim was to suppress the republic’s government, led by General Dzhokar Dudayev, compel it to accept Moscow’s authority, and to force it to renounce its bid for independence and sovereignty. This invasion, which quickly turned into a military quagmire for Russia’s troops, triggered a firestorm of domestic opposition, even within the higher levels of the Ministry of Defense. As a result, the invasion has the most profound and troubling possible consequences for the stability of the Russian government, Russian democracy, and the future political-military relationship. This special report, based on what is already known, attempts to assess the discernible consequences of this invasion and provide a framework within which future developments can be assessed.”

“The North Caucasus: Russia’s Volatile Frontier” Kuchins, Andrew C.; Markedonov, Sergey. Center for Strategic and International Studies, March 2011.

Synopsis: “Continued violence and unrest in the North Caucasus have created a major area of instability for the Russian Federation. Although Chechnya is relatively more stable, for now, under the brutal dictatorship of Ramzan Kadyrov, neighboring republics including Ingushetia, Dagestan, and others have experienced significant increases in the frequency of violence. The entire region is plagued by extreme poverty, high unemployment, and corrupt and often incompetent governance. Additionally, the prevalence of radical Islamic influences as well as growing competitive nationalist identities further increases the challenges for governance and stability. The Russian federal government seeks to insulate the rest of the country from the overflow of violence in this volatile region, but terrorist attacks in the past year on the Moscow Metro and again on the train between Moscow and St. Petersburg demonstrate how hard this is to manage. Kuchins, Malarkey, and Markedonov examine the socioeconomic trends in the region, the role of Islam and rise of radicalism throughout the Caucasus, nationalism and growing ethnic tensions, and the external factors influencing the North Caucasus.”

“Radical Islam in the North Caucasus: Evolving Threats, Challenges, and Prospects” Markedonov, Sergey. Center for Strategic and International Studies, November 2010.

Synopsis: “As Kyrgyzstan plunges into crisis and the threat of a second Afghanistan in Central Asia looms large, the situation in the “Big Caucasus” seems less pressing and thus overshadowed. The worst scenarios predicted by analysts and politicians for the period of the 2008 August war have not been realized. The Russian attempt to “replace the regime” of Mikhail Saakashvili or apply the Georgian pattern in Ukraine, expected by many in the West, has not taken place. Neither have the attempts from the West (the United States, NATO, and others) to “nudge Georgia into a rematch,” which were expected in Moscow. Nonetheless, the Caucasus region remains one of the most vulnerable spaces in Eurasia. What challenges have turned the North Caucasus into a primary issue for Russia? Could we paint the political, ideological, and psychological portrait of the North Caucasus militant resistance? What resources do they have, and why has radicalism becomes popular? What external and internal factors determine their approaches? What mistakes did Russia, its society, and the Western observers make? And, finally, could the rise of Islamist militancy in the North Caucasus bring Moscow and Washington closer, regardless of the numerous foreign policy disputes existing between the two countries? This report is an attempt to answer these questions. It is based on open sources and interviews made during several trips to the North Caucasus republics, and it aims to promote more practical approaches to the situation there.”

“Conflicts in the Caucasus: Prospects for Resolution” Testimony by Fiona Hill before the U.S. Helsinki Commission, December 2011.

Excerpt: “The Helsinki Commission has an important role to play in advancing peace and democracy throughout the world. Unfortunately today, even in what might be considered an enlightened time, many people still face war and oppression in their homes. One of the regions that still witnesses much conflict is the Caucasus, with disputes in Georgia, Russia, Chechnya and others. The quest for peace is ongoing and certainly a worthwhile goal. Today, I hope to hear from the witnesses about the latest developments in the Caucasus. I would like to hear about what actions the countries within the region are taking to ease tensions. I’d also like to learn what the other Helsinki Commission countries are doing to help, as well as what the role the witnesses believe that us here in the United States House of Representatives, where we could be helpful.”

“Connectedness, Social Support and Internalising Emotional and Behavioural Problems in Adolescents Displaced by the Chechen conflict” Betancourt, Theresa S. et al. Disasters , 36(4), 2012.

Abstract: “ The study investigated factors associated with internalising emotional and behavioural problems among adolescents displaced during the most recent Chechen conflict. A cross-sectional survey (N=183) examined relationships between social support and connectedness with family, peers and community in relation to internalising problems. Levels of internalising were higher in displaced Chechen youth compared to published norms among non-referred youth in the United States and among Russian children not affected by conflict. Girls demonstrated higher problem scores compared to boys. Significant inverse correlations were observed between family, peer and community connectedness and internalising problems. In multivariate analyses, family connectedness was indicated as a significant predictor of internalising problems, independent of age, gender, housing status and other forms of support evaluated. Sub-analyses by gender indicated stronger protective relationships between family connectedness and internalising problems in boys. Results indicate that family connectedness is an important protective factor requiring further exploration by gender in war-affected adolescents.”

Tags: terrorism, research roundup

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Harvard Referencing Style and Examples (Sources)

This section is based on:

  • Lourens, A. c2007. Scientific writing skills: Guidelines for writing theses and dissertations . Stellenbosch: SUN Press. [Examples used with permission from the author].
  • Lourens, A & Feldtmann, A. c2004. Wetenskaplike skryfvaardighede . Stellenbosch: SUN Press.
  • Van Dyk, T. & Coetzee, M. 2010.  Maak sin van verwysings : Die Harvard-, APA- en Vancouver-metode en die voetnootstelsel . Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Universiteit Taalsentrum. [Voorbeelde met toestemming van die outeurs. Sien e-boeke A-Z lys en kliek onder M .].
  • Van Dyk, T. & Coetzee, M. 2010. Make sense of referencing : The Harvard, APA and Vancouver methods and footnote system . Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University Language Centre. [Examples used with permission from the authors. See e-books A-Z list and click on M .].

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Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Understanding the elements of a bibliographic record or citation (note punctuation):

Author, Initials. Date of publication. Title: Subtitle . Edition. Volume. Place of Publication: Publisher.

: .
Weideman, A.J. 2003. : . 2nd edition. Vol. 1. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

Author, Initials. Date of publication. Title of chapter: Subtitle of chapter, in Editors of book (eds).  Title of book : Subtitle of book . Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher. Page numbers of chapter.

Blanton, L.L. 1994. Discourse, artefacts and the ozarks: Understanding academic literacy, in V. Zamel & R. Sparks (eds.). Revised edition. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 235-319.

Author, Initials. Date of publication. Title of article.  Title of Periodical , Vol(Issue):page numbers of article.

Jawitz, J. 1995. Performance in first- and second-year engineering at UCT. 1 (9): 101-108.
1993 (4) SA 161 (AD)
[1993] 2 All SA 496  

Author (if available), Initials. Date of publication. Title: Subtitle [Medium]. Available: URL [ Access date Year, Month Day].

Norback, J.S. 2001. [Online]. [2005, August 31].

Note: The access date for internet sources indicate the latest date that the source was accessed. As Internet links often change, all links should be tested before handing in any work. Add the access date to all Internet sources to indicated that the link was tested on the specific date. No access date is to be used after a Digital Object Identifier ( DOI ).

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In the reference list: Write the surname and initials of authors.

- - - - - - - - - - -  

Two authors

Norback, J.S. & Lwellyn, D.C.

Use the ampersand (&) in the reference list and when the names of the authors are not part of the sentence:

 '. . .' (Norback & Lwellyn, 2001). This was contested in the same year (Norback & Lwellyn, 2001).

When the authors' names form part of the sentence, use 'and':

 According to Norback and Lwellyn (2001:18), ...

More than two authors

When reference is made to three or more (up to five) authors, all authors should be indicated in the first instance of mention (in text). Thereafter, use " et al .".

   Davies, Brown, Elder, Hill and McNamara (1999:25) describe ...
     Coherence is an aspect of discourse competency (Davies  ., 1999:25).
       Davies  . (1999:25) describe coherence ...

In-text: For more than five authors, list the first five authors followed by  et al .

Write the names of all the authors in the reference list :

Davies, A., Brown, A., Elder, C., Hill, K., Lumley, T. & McNamara, T. 1999. Dictionary of language testing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

   - - - - - - - - - - -  

Two authors with same surname and year of publication

   '. . .' (Black, G., 1995:78). This, however, was contested in the same year (Black, C.M., 1995:99).

 - - - - - - - - - - -

Write the title in the place of the author.

    There were singers and dancers (Scott Joplin, 2016:7).
    . 2016. Maputo: Musica Press.
    Penguins can dive deeper than 200 metres (Diepste pikkewyn-duik vasgelê, 2016:3).
    Diepste pikkewyn-duik vasgelê. 2016. , 16 June:3.

Same author, same year

  (Brown, 2005a)
(Brown, 2005b)
(Brown, 2005a, 2005b)
  Brown, A.J. 2005a.
Brown, A.J. 2005b

- - - - - - - - - - -

Double names for authors

Sonya Buxman Fenwick  Fenwick, Sonja Buxman
  Sonya Buxman-Fenwick Buxman-Fenwick, Sonja

Author surnames with prefixes

 Laura du Toit  Du Toit, Laura.
   Ludwig van Beethoven  Beethoven, Ludwig van.

Corporate bodies and organisations

Write out in full in the reference list. Use the abbreviated form in-text. Omit articles in front of names of organisations. Subordinate units in countries: Write country followed by unit, e.g. South Africa. Department of Eduation.

  South African Broadcasting Corporation

Anonymous author or interviewee

State as: [Anonymous and their job, situation or affiliation]. For example: [Anonymous patient] or [Anonymous teacher]

  [Anonymous patient 1], (2015) says, "..."
  [Anonymous patient 1]. 2015.
[Anonymous patient 2]. 2015.

Secondary reference

 Black (quoted in Green, 2003:33) says, "..."
   Black (in White, 2002:22) gives an outstanding analysis ...

Latin abbreviation [s.a.] = sine anno ; can also use ‘no date’ [n.d.].

(Ross, [s.a.])
  Ross, F.C.L. [s.a.]. . New York: Macmillan.
Use capital letter after full stop. Use lower case after comma or colon.

More than one date:

Use '-' to separate the dates:

Mopani District Municipality, 2013-2014. Integrated development plan 2011-2016 .

Access dates (Internet sources):

The access date for internet sources indicates the latest date that the source was accessed. As Internet links often change, all links should be tested before handing in any work. Add the access date to all Internet sources to indicate that the link was tested on the specific date.

Use precise wording, spelling and word order of original title. Write the titles of published works in italics. Titles with subtitles are separated by a colon. The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

Graaff-Reinet during the First World War: A socio-historical investigation.

Make sure that you know the requirements of the department/journal with regards to the use of capital letters in titles. If a title is very long, part of it may be left out when it is referred to in the text. Indicate by an ellipse with a space before and after each full stop ( . . . ), e.g.:

A critical view of linguistics . . .

Write subtitles with a capital letter (after colon).

Anonymous work (not signed as 'Anonymous')

Long titles may be shortened (see note above in this section).

You cannot dance without music though you can sing instrumentally without dancing. 2015.
Shorten as:
You cannot dance without music . . . (2015:3).
(You cannot dance without music . . ., 2015:3).

Specify specific edition of publication.

Press, W.H. 1998. . Revised edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

If it is not the first edition, also indicate it as such.

Press, W.H. 1998. . 2nd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Place of publication

Use the place name indicated most prominently. If more than one name, use the one that is listed first. If place name is normally associated with specific country, the country does not have to be specified.

Cambridge: ABC Publishing.
  Cambridge, Mass.: Sun Books.

Abbreviate the names of American states. Include the name of states for different cities with the same name, e.g. Cambridge. If the place of publication is not indicated, use the Latin abbreviation ‘s.l.’ ( sine loco = without place). Burden, R.L. & Faires, J.D. 1997. Numerical analysis. [S.l.]: Cole Publishing.

Burden, R.L. & Faires, J.D. 1997. . [S.l.]: Cole Publishing.
  • The information in source references should be in the same language the researcher uses to write the research report. If the report is written in English, place names in the reference list must also be in English. Abbreviations should also be given in English, for example: ed. (editor).

Publisher The name of the publisher should be in the shortest form. Omit additions such as 'Ltd.', '& Sons' and 'Inc.'. 'David Gresham Ltd.' becomes 'David Gresham'. 'Macmillan Publishers' becomes 'Macmillan'. The word ‘Press’ is retained in the name of a university press. If the name of the publisher is not known, use ‘s.n.’ ( sine nomine = without name), or the English abbreviation ‘n.n.’ (no name).

Stewart, J. 1995. . Durban: [s.n.].

When both the place of publication and publisher are unknown, use [S.l.: s.n.]. If the author is also the publisher, the name of the publisher is also omitted at the end of the reference.

Aids Foundation of South Africa. 1998. . Cape Town.

In the reference list/bibliography, page numbers are only given for chapters or contributions in a book and for articles in journals. Give the numbers of the first and last pages in the reference list/bibliography. Only give specific numbers of the relevant page(s) in the text.  

. . . provides clear evidence for this (Matthews, 2000:317).
  Matthews, R. 2000. A quintet of queuing quirks, in H. Peters (ed.). . Pretoria: Van Schaik. 316-329.

Sources with no page numbers

When page numbers are omitted, refer to the paragrah number by using the abbreviation para.

. . . provides clear evidence for this (Van Wyk, 2013:Chapter 1, para. 7).
  Van Wyk. 2013. . Pretoria: Van Schaik. Chapter 1, para. 7.

  - - - - - - - - - - -

Scriptural citations

Ruth 3:1-18 2 Kings 11:12 Isaiah 61:1-3 Luke 4:18-19

When using a source cited by another author and that original source cannot be located, then cite the source that you consulted when indicating the original source.

In the reference list, write the source that has been used.

Author Surname, cited in Author Surname Year, thus:

(Coates, cited in Lee, 1986:34)

Coates noted that ... (cited in Lee, 1986:34).

Reference list:

Lee, S.T. 1986. The semantics of advertising.  Psychology Today , 19:34-37.

Citing several sources at once.

More than one source at once

Write the authors in alphabetical order:

 '. . .' (Baines, 2008:4; De Visser, 2011:93-94; Ramsden, 2009:84).
This was contested in the same year (Baines, 2008:4; De Visser, 2011:93-94; Ramsden, 2009:84).

Different sources by same author

When reference is made to more than one source by the same author, write as follows:

   Baines (2003:45, 2008:61, 2010:30) describes ...
     A description of ... (Baines, 2003:45, 2008:61, 2010:30)

   - - - - - - - - - - -


(Brown, 2005a)
(Brown, 2005b)
(Brown, 2005a, 2005b)

  Brown, A.J. 2005a.
Brown, A.J. 2005b.

Reference list or bibliography?

The reference list in the Harvard method contains only sources cited in the text. A bibliography contains additional sources to those cited in the text.

  • Write the surname and initials of authors.
  • Arrange referencing list alphabetically according to author surname.
  • More than one entry by the same author: arrange chronologically according to date.
  • More than one entry by the same author in the same year: add 2003a, 2003b, 2003c, etc. to distinguish.
  • If no author is shown, arrange according to title.
Aids Foundation of South Africa. 1998.  . Cape Town. Author is also publisher.
Beethoven, Ludwig van. 1803.
De Vries, J. 2012.
Du Toit, L. 2010.
Include article, prefix or preposition as surname is used for Afrikaans and French surnames. In German surnames, use last name, e.g. Ludwig van Beethoven becomes Beethoven, Ludwig van.
. No author, arrange according to title.
John, K. 2007.
Johnson, K. 2007.
Rule of 'nothing before something'. John precedes Johnson.
Johnson, K. 2007.
Johnson, K. 2008.
Same author, arranged chronologically according to date.
MacArthur, J. 2010.
McAllister, L. 2012.
M'Carthy, H. 2012.
Prefixes such as M, Mac and Mc in alphabetical order as they are, thus not all as 'Mac'.
Ross, F.C.L. [s.a.].  . New York: Macmillan. No date.
Weideman, A.J. 2003a.
Weideman, A.J. 2003b.
Weideman, A.J. 2003c.
Same author, same year.
A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a number assigned by the International DOI Foundation to trace digital content by means of a persistent link to its location on the Internet. For example, submitting a DOI number for the DOI Handbook (10.1000/182), will retrieve the specific document or set of documents. Alternatively, by clicking on the relevant link ( ) for the DOI Handbook, will retrieve the specific document or collection of documents.

Find a document or document information by using a DOI

Example: Search by using the following DOI in the search box below: 10.1000/182. This will take you to the publisher's website (in this instance to the International DOI Foundation's Handbook).



For more information, see the International DOI Foundation .


, 52(1):148-160, doi:10.5952/52-1-13

Author, Initials.

Date of publication.

Title: Subtitle.



Place of Publication: Publisher.



Capital letters



Alphabetic – chronological

Harvard referencing examples A-Z

Examples are arranged alphabetically according to publication type. Some duplication exists to cover varieties of terminologies, for example 'periodical' and 'journal'.

For the addition of examples that are not represented in this list (see, for example, areas marked with '?'), please contact Santie de Jongh ( [email protected] ) with further examples to be added.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H  I    J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q  R   S   T   U  V   W   X  Y   Z


, 19:34-37.

. Pretoria: Government Printer.

If this source is available electronically, work according to the guidelines for electronic referencing.

. Government Gazette no. 43096, 15 March. Available: [2022, September 1].

[Online]. Available: [2020, October 13].


Use square brackets where a date is deducted from a source, although not explicitly written in the source







[Manuscript]. [Manuscript in possession of author].

[Online], 2020(1):167-229.

, 9(1):101-108.

, 3(2), June:47-59.

, 3(2), June:47-59.

, 19:34-37, Fall.
[Online], 6(3). Available: [2007, November 30].

, 52(1):148-160.  DOI:10.5952/52-1-13 (no full-stop after DOI)

Do not cite Institutional Repository URL for articles. Cite original publication.

, 113(32):1, 11 August.

, 124(26):29, 4 August.

, 16 June:3.

The article in the titles of newspapers or magazines can be omitted.

. 2016. 16 June:3.

 (Diepste pikkewyn-duik vasgelê, 2016:3).

2016. 16 June:3.

If the author and the title of an article are unknown, the source is listed under the title of the newspaper or magazines can be omitted.

 ( , 2016:3).

[Online], 7 October:5. Available:  [2007, February 2].

. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan.

Rasmussen, 2010)


  Top of page


. Philadelphia: Pew Library.


. Nashville: Thomas Nelson [Online]. Available: [2016, April 19].


he History Bl  [Web log post]. Available:  [2013 ]


 [Web log post]. Available: [2014, February 17].

. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


oherence as an aspect of discourse competency that refers to the sequence of continuity of ideas in written or spoken texts

. ( oherence as an aspect of discourse competency that refers to the sequence of continuity of ideas in written or spoken texts

. 1995. Cape Town: ABC Publishers.

, 1995:14)

(1995:14) stipulates that this was apparently not the case before 1990.

. San Francisco: Pegasus.

. San Francisco: Pegasus.

(ed.) is the English abbreviation for editor. If your text is written in Afrikaans, you will write (red.) instead of (ed.).

. London.

. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 235-319.

. 2nd edition. Pretoria: Van Schaik.

, vol. 5. Great Britain: Encyclopædia Britannica, Ltd. 574-575.

-system was a set of measured pitch pipes that were specifically calculated and charged with cosmological significance (Kinkeldey 1957:574).

vol. 5, . Stellenbosch: Pro Ecclesia. 1-146.

. R.E. Pepin (tr.). New York: P. Lang.

, by C. Edelsky, B. Altwerger & B. Flores. , 44

,(2) [Online]. Available: [2015, June 12].

. (2014:2) ...

, 30, February [Online]. Available:  [2015, June 12].


hure (Pamphlet): o author

. 1989. Pretoria: Buro vir Inligting.

, 1989:


1993 (4) SA 161 (AD)
[1993] 2 All SA 496

For the first citation to a case, refer in full with the Party Names and law report citation.

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD)


Unless it is not clear to which case you refer, then refer to the case subsequently by first party names only.


 1993 (4) SA 161 (AD), 163



1993 (4) SA 161 (AD) at 163


When quoting directly from a judgment put the quote in “ ”. You can shorten the quote with …

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD), 182 when he said “The word ‘onderneming’, which corresponds to ‘venture’ in English text, seems in general somewhat wider although it is capable of bearing the same meaning.”

It is best to refer to a law report. For cases in a textbook, cite the book (e.g. Haupt) in the reference list.

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD) (cited in Haupt 2015, p. 115) implies that…

C (continued)


(catalogue). Stellenbosch: Sasol Art Museum.


[CD-ROM]. Available: Perskor [2007, September 20].

If the author information is not available, the title is listed first.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

lass notes (Akademiese taalvaardigheid 151-154). Pretoria: University of Pretoria.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

., 2005:1).

. (2005:1) it appears that a consequence of insufficient levels of academic literacy is that, among others, first-year university students do not successfully complete their studies in the minimum time allowed.



. vo



. Wimbledon: Eidos Interactive.

(computer software). 2012. [Online]. Available: [2012, August 14]

Endler Hall, Stellenbosch. 20 September.

. Pretoria: University of Pretoria: 215-222.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

. 9-11 July, Ontario, Canada. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society  [Online]. Available: [2013, May 24].

. [S.n.: s.l.] [Online]. Available: [2013, May 24].

, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2-6 June

Write subsequent entries as:

Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC). 2008. [Online]. Available:  [2022, 25 April].

Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) (2008) ...

Use full name at first mention. Use abbreviation for subsequent in-text references.

Top of page


. [Maynardville Theat Cape To


[2007, November 30].

. Software and database. Johannesburg.




 [Online]. Availab

 [Online]. Available: 




(Source: Office for National Statistics, 2013)



[Online]. Available:  [2012, November 21].

Place referenc directly under image, figure or diagram.

ntry, specific word

. 1964. S.v. 'punk'. London: Benton.

Reference to specific word is preceded by the Latin abbreviation 's.v.' ( = under the word) or the English abbreviation 'u.w.' (under the word).

ntry, specific word (Online dictionary) . 2017. S.v. 'digitization' [Online]. Available:  [2020, March 2].


. 2001. London: Prentice Hall.

, 2001:45).

 (2001:45) defines a periscope as ...

ntry, author contribution

. London: Routledge. 105.


2010. South-east Asia, in . Oxford Music Online [Online]. Available:  

, 52(1):148-160, doi:10.5952/52-1-13 (no full-stop after DOI)

DOI by International DOI Foundation.

. Concentus Musicus Wien. Conductor Nicolas Harnoncourt. SAWT 9460-A. Hamburg: Telefunken. Sleeve notes by N. Harnoncourt.

, conducted by Nicolas Harnoncourt.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

. Published doctoral dissertation. Ann Arbor: Proquest.

  [2014, July 3].

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

Use persistent links from Institutional Repository for theses and dissertations.


. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company [Online]. Available:  [2006, June 15].

 [Kindle version]. Available:  [2012, June 15].

ate of Kindle edition.

[Online], 6(3). Available: [2007, November 30].

, E. 2006. Distaff winemakers raise a glass of their own.  [Online], 7 October:5. Available:  [2 February 2007].

2010. South-east Asia, in . Oxford Music Online [Online]. Available:  

 [Online]. Available: [2016, April 19].

[Online]. [n.d.]. Available:  [2016, April 19].

. 2001. London: Prentice Hall.

, 2001:45).

 (2001:45) defines a periscope as ...

. London: Routledge.

, vol. 5. Great Britain: Encyclopædia Britannica, Ltd. 574-575.

-system was a set of measured pitch pipes that were specifically calculated and charged with cosmological significance (Kinkeldey 1957:574).

2010. South-east Asia, in . Oxford Music Online [Online]. Available:  

(catalogue). Stellenbosch: Sasol Art Museum.


[Online]. Available:    [2013, June 17].




(Source: Office for National Statistics, 2013)



[Online]. Available:  [2012, November 21].

Place referenc directly under image, figure or diagram.

[Online]. Available: [2016, August 10].

 [Online]. Available: [2016, August 10].



. Pretoria: Government Publ .

, January 11 [Online]. Available: [2020, February 4].

[Online]. Available:

See 'Law' for rules about sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs.

[Online]. Available: [2019, May 3].

See 'Law' for rules about sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs.


 [Online]. Available:  [2013, June 17].




(Source: Office for National Statistics, 2013)



iagram (Internet)

[Online]. Available:  [2012, November 21].

Place referenc directly under image, figure or diagram.

. Software and database. Johannesburg.





, 52(1):148-160, doi:10.5952/52-1-13

Do not cite Institutional Repository URL for articles. Cite original publication.

  [2014, July 3].

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

Use persistent links from Institutional Repositories for theses and dissertations.

[Online]. Available:   [2005, August 31].

., 2001).

. (2001), the communication skills of engineers are very important.

. 2005. [Online]. Available:   [2006, February 23]. ).


, 9(1):101-108.

, 31(15), December:43-54.


, 31(15), Summer:43-54.


, 31:43-54.


, (15):43-54.


3(2), June: 47-59.

[Online], 6(3). Available: [2007, November 30].


 [Kindle version]. Available:  [2012, June 15].

ate of Kindle edition.


1993 (4) SA 161 (AD)
[1993] 2 All SA 496

For the first citation to a case, refer in full with the Party Names and law report citation.

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD)


Unless it is not clear to which case you refer, then refer to the case subsequently by first party names only.

 1993 (4) SA 161 (AD), 163



1993 (4) SA 161 (AD) at 163


When quoting directly from a judgment put the quote in “ ”. You can shorten the quote with …

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD), 182 when he said “The word ‘onderneming’, which corresponds to ‘venture’ in English text, seems in general somewhat wider although it is capable of bearing the same meaning.”

It is best to refer to a law report. For cases in a textbook, cite the book (e.g. Haupt) in the reference list.

1993 (4) SA 161 (AD) (cited in Haupt 2015, p. 115) implies that…

. Pretoria: Government Printer.

If this source is available electronically, work according to the guidelines for electronic referencing.

. Pretoria: Government Printer.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

. [Maynardville Theat Cape To )

Die laaste Karret iegraf. 2013. [Play]. Fugard Theatre, Cape Town


For the first citation to a case, refer in full, e.g.:

Higher Education Act 101 of 1997

Subsequent citations can be abbreviated:

Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the Higher Education Act).

When referring to only one Act, then write: Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 (hereinafter referred to as the Act).

When referring to more than one Act, refer to the specific Act, e.g. Higher Education Act, South African Schools Act, etc.

Acts are divided into the following hierarchical units: sections , subsections , paragraphs and subparagraphs , therefore:

section 1, subsection (1), paragraph ( a ), subparagraph (i)

For the first citation to a case, refer in full.

Abbreviate as follows:

section: s (plural: ss) subsection: subsec (plural: subsecs) paragraph: para (plural: paras) subparagraph (subparas)

Example: s 56(1) or subsec (1) of s 56

Two or more subsections: subsecs (1) and (4) of s 56, or s 56(1) and (4).


Refer to the final Constitution, e.g.:

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (hereinafter referred to as the Constitution).

Provincial ordinances

Use same format as for Acts.

Where necessary, add the province, e.g.:

Property Valuation Ordinance of 1993 (WC)

Subordinate legislation

For subordinate legislation (proclamations, rules, regulations, bylaws, ordinances or schedules to an Act) in the Government Gazette (abbreviation: GG ) and similar official publications, the following is applicable:

Schedules are divided into paragraphs or items and subparagraphs or subitems:

Schedule 7 para 15 (4) (a) of the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997.

Proclamations are divided into sections, subsections and paragraphs:

Proclamation 56 GG 40334 of 7 October 2016

By Proc 56 of 2016 the amendment was made to the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997.


, 113(32):1, 11 August.

, 124(26):29, 4 August.

Democratic Alliance (DA). 2014. [Online]. Available: [2022, April 20].

Use full name at first mention. Use abbreviation for subsequent in-text references.

. Johannesburg:  SolaSure.

olm, 2005)

 [Online]. Available:  [2012, November 21]

olm, 2005)

. MA thesis, University of Cincinnati [Microfiche]. Available: ERIC document: ED465131.


, vol. 1. Edited by B.A. Wallner. (Urtextausgabe). München: Henle Verlag.

. Arranged by David J. Elliott. [U.S.A]: Robbins Music.


, 16 June:3.

The article in the titles of newspapers or magazines can be omitted.


Anthony (2016:3) indicates that penguins can dive deeper than 200 metres

[Online], 16 June:3. Available: http://www/  [2018, November 12]. .
, E. 2006. Distaff winemakers raise a glass of their own.  [Online], 7 October:5. Available:  [2 February 2007].

. 2016.  16 June:3.

 (Diepste pikkewyn-duik vasgelê, 2016:3).

2016. 16 June:3.

If the author and the title of an article are unknown, the source is listed under the title of the newspaper or magazines can be omitted.

 ( 2016:3).


 [Oil on canvas]. National .


. Cape Town: C.A. Algar.

. 1989. Pretoria: Buro vir Inligting.

, 1989:

, 9(1):101-108.

, 31(15), December:43-54.


- vol, issue number & season

, 31(15), Summer:43-54.


- only volume number

, 31:43-54.


- only issue number

, (15):43-54.


3(2), June:47-59.

[Online], 6(3). Available: [2007, November 30].

Die laaste Karret iegraf. 2013. [Play]. Fugard Theatre, Cape Town

. London: Faber a

National Gallery 2013. Episode seventy five (January 2013), pod [2013, January 15].

ms. London: Chatto & Windus.

, J. (ed.). 2001. . :

by Matamela (Johnson, 2001:67)

(Johnson :67),

[Online]. Available:  [2020, May 6].
[Online]. Available:  [2020, May 6].

,(2) [Online]. Available: [2015, June 12].

. (2014:2) ...


22 June.

(Van Niekerk, 2015).


. 20 . Radio Sonder Grense. Wednesday 12 December.


. vo

n L.E. Keck .  . vo

. Philadelphia: Pew Library.


. Nashville: Thomas Nelson [Online]. Available: [2016, April 19].


- Online source

 2016.  [S.l.]: Judaica Press [Online]. Available: [2016, April 19].

Use the date of the website if no other date is indicated.

. [London]: Stationery Office.
. Riversadale: Allen and Von Ravensburg. , 1987)
. Detroit: General Motors.

[Online], 26(4). Available:  

. (1998)
. [London]: Stationery Office [Online]. Available:   [2013, July 17]
[Online]. Available: [2020, October 13].
. Johannesburg: SolaSure.
 [Online]. Available:  [2012, November 21]


, 30, February [Online]. Available:  [2015, June 12].

, vol. 1. Edited by B.A. Wallner. (Urtextausgabe). München: Henle Verlag.

. Arranged by David J. Elliott. [U.S.A]: Robbins Music.

. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.

 [2013 ]

. 2012, October 2 [Video file]. Available: [2013 ]

Advances in architectural geometry, 2012)

 [Video file]. Available: [2013 ]

he History Bl  [Web log post]. Available:  [2013 ]

Possible 9-foot model of Brunelleschi's dome found, 2013)

. [Web log post]. Available: [2014, February 17]

. Software and database. Johannesburg.




[Include format]. Concentus Musicus Wien. Conductor Nicolas Harnoncourt. SAWT 9460-A. Hamburg: Telefunken. Sleeve notes by N. Harnoncourt.

, conducted by Nicolas Harnoncourt.

[CD]. London: Decca. by Debussy (1989) ...
[CD]. Paris City Orchestra. Conductor Daniel Barenboim. 429487-2. Hamburg: Deutsche Grammophon. Liner notes by Anthony Burton. .

[Vinyl]. Concentus Musicus Wien. Conductor Nicolas Harnoncourt. SAWT 9460-A. Hamburg: Telefunken. Sleeve notes by N. Harnoncourt. , conducted by Nicolas Harnoncourt.
[Online].  Available: [2017, October 20]. , ...

[Sound cassette]. Concentus Musicus Wien. Conductor Nicola Harnoncourt. SAWT 9460-A. Hamburg: Telefunken. Sleeve notes by N. Harnoncourt. , conducted by Nicolas Harnoncourt.


Use square brackets where a date is deducted from a source, although not explicitly written in the source


 [Manuscript]. [Manuscript in possession of author].

, 23 April, Stellenbosch [Online] Available: [2013,

. . . Pretoria: S , 1996)

. Pretoria: Government Printer.

If this source is available electronically, work according to the guidelines for electronic referencing.

, 52(1):148-160, doi:10.5952/52-1-13

Do not cite Institutional Repository URL for articles. Cite original publication.
No full-stop after DOI.

  [2014, July 3].

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

Use persistent links from Institutional Repository for theses and dissertations.
. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
.   [2024, April 15].

Use the URL for the document consulted. The above example contains a shorted version of the URL for illustrative purposes.

. London: Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music [Online]. Available:   [2024, April 15].

Use the URL for the document consulted. The above example contains a shorted version of the URL for illustrative purposes.


Canberra: CSIRO Land and Water.




- Online source

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

. Published doctoral dissertation. Ann Arbor: Proquest.

  [2014, July 3].

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

Use persistent links from Institutional Repository for theses and dissertations.


. 2012, October 2. [Video file]. Available: [2013 ]

Advances in architectural geometry, 2012)

 [Video file]. Available: [2013 ]

[PC game]. Wimbledon: Eidos Interactive.

1986. Sydney: Outback Films.


he History Bl [Web log post]. Available:  [2013 ]


 [Web log post]. Available:  [2014, February 17].

[Webinar]. StellMed. Available:  [2023, November 21].

   [Online]. Available: [2016, April 19].

[Online]. [n.d.]. Available:  [2016, April 19].

. Government Gazette no. 16312, 15 March.

If this source is available electronically, work according to the guidelines for electronic referencing.

January 11 [Online]. Available: [2020, February 4].

. 2012. [Online]. Available: [2012, Novem

The title of an unpublished work is not italicised.

  [2015, August 27].


2012, September 20


, 2012 [Video file]. vailable:  [2012, November 16].


Paixao, Gilberto & Jincharadze, Ana. 2016. , Stuttgart, Germany, 26-29 May 2016 ]. vailable:  [2021, November 30]. aixao & Jincharadze, 2016 )
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  3. Thesis for Stellenbosch University, in black.

    stellenbosch university library thesis

  4. Stellenbosch University: SU Library Research Commons

    stellenbosch university library thesis

  5. Stellenbosch University: SU Library Research Commons

    stellenbosch university library thesis

  6. Stellenbosch University Library Orientation 2022

    stellenbosch university library thesis


  1. L06: Using the Stellenbosch thesis LaTeX template in Overleaf

  2. Migrating your Mendeley Library to EndNote

  3. IAML 2024: Introduction to the Konservatorium and SU Music Library

  4. Research data management as a quality management system, by Samuel Simango

  5. Academic Search Premier database

  6. Workshop Benefits of Open Access


  1. SUN ETD

    This community is a clearing house for masters and doctorates submitted via htp://

  2. Thesis/dissertation submission

    Contact Details . Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Corp Office / Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599

  3. Theses & Stellenbosch research

    Theses & Stellenbosch research; Search this Guide Search. Business administration/Business School: Theses & Stellenbosch research. ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599 .

  4. Open access

    Contact Details . Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Corp Office / Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599

  5. SUNScholar Theses & Stellenbosch University Research Outputs

    Thesis or dissertation submission to SUNScholar Each master's thesis and doctoral dissertation is required to be submitted electronically using SUNScholar, the digital research archive of the University, once it has been examined and before graduation. Student prepares document for furnishing in electronic format. Theses and dissertations should be created according to the instructions as ...

  6. SUNScholar

    SUNScholar is a leading digital archive for the preservation and promotion of the research output of Stellenbosch University. Search. Communities in DSpace . Select a community to browse its collections. Now showing 1 - 5 of 13. Faculty of AgriSciences Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  7. A new face and place for theses/dissertations submissions

    Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service - News from research support services . Toggle mobile menu. Toggle search field. Search for: Blog Home; ... See the library help page, Thesis/Dissertation submission for templates. Requesting Access to SUNStudent. Access will only be granted to SU staff and with the approval of their line ...

  8. English: E-theses and SUNScholar

    An alphabetical list with historical dissertations between 1929-1977 is available on SUNScholar Research Repository: Alfabetiese lyste van proefskrifte van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1929-1977 ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch ...

  9. Stellenbosch University Library Service

    Are you looking for electronic theses and dissertations from Stellenbosch University? Visit this webpage to find out how to access, preserve and distribute your academic research output through the SUNScholar repository, a leading digital archive for the University.

  10. PDF Formatting and Layout Guidelines for your Thesis or Dissertation

    Compiled by the Postgraduate Office, Stellenbosch University (revis ed February 2022) There is no one-size-fits-all template for theses or dissertations, however, Stellenbosch University (SU) does have . minimum compulsory requirements . ... theses" in the Library's search box. Select "Communities and Collections" to see theses and

  11. Submitting your thesis /dissertation to SUNScholar Online

    Are you ready to submit your thesis, dissertation or article to the Library's digital research repository? This library training opportunity for postgraduate students or staff is designed to provide practical guidance to those ready to submit their thesis/dissertation/article into SUNScholar. ... Stellenbosch University Library and ...

  12. Submit your thesis/dissertation for December 2022 graduation

    Since 2008, Stellenbosch University only accepts theses or dissertations that are electronically submitted. ... At the Stellenbosch University Library, the staff is also ready to assist with this completely online process. It firstly involves the nomination by the supervisor. Secondly, the submission of the thesis or dissertation by the student ...

  13. Research

    E-theses: SU research data: SU research output: Journals SU hosted: Digital collections: E-resources on trial: Western Cape library catalogues: Using the library. ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Number: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599 .

  14. PDF Some Guidelines for Your Thesis/Dissertation Layout

    ^Dissertation presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy2 in the Faculty of (name of Faculty e.g. Science) at Stellenbosch University. _ Please note: If the thesis forms part of a joint- or double-degree agreement with another university, the following sentence must be added: ^This dissertation has also been presented at ...

  15. Theses & Stellenbosch Research

    Theses & Stellenbosch Research; Evaluating sources; Evaluation This link opens in a new window; Academic Skills; Government Publications Toggle Dropdown. ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599 .

  16. Where can I find the template for the cover page of a master's thesis

    The University's primary logo features on the title page of the final thesis to establish the institution's conferral of the degree and may not be placed on any other page of the thesis. Preferred web browser: Mozilla Firefox. Enquiries & help: t: +27 21 808 9139 / 9046 | Email. Physical office: Stellenbosch University Library, Room 1025.

  17. Master of Military Art and Science Theses

    The Russian battles for Grozny, Chechnya provide relevant contemporary examples for the study of urban combat involving modern, conventional forces on one side and a guerrilla force on the other. The first and fourth battles for Grozny, a city of nearly a half million people, were the major Russian assaults to seize the city from the Chechens during the latter's struggle for secession from ...

  18. Social Work: E-theses and SUNScholar

    An alphabetical list with historical dissertations between 1929-1977 is available on SUNScholar Research Repository: Alfabetiese lyste van proefskrifte van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1929-1977 ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Numbers: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch ...

  19. Stellenbosch University

    E-theses: SU research data: SU research output: Journals SU hosted: Digital collections: E-resources on trial: Western Cape library catalogues: Using the library. ... Stellenbosch University Library and Information Service, Helpline Number: +27 21 808 4883, Postal Address: Private Bag X5036 Stellenbosch, 7599 .

  20. Understanding the Chechen conflict: Research and reading list

    News that the primary suspects in the April 15 Boston Marathon bombings are of Chechen heritage resurrected interest in historically troubled Chechnya, an autonomous republic in Russia's North Caucasus Region. Suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev's motive has yet to be confirmed, but questions abound about what role the ongoing violence between Russia and Chechen separatists might have ...

  21. Tactical Lessons from the Grozny Experience

    stumbled at the hands of a small but determined group of Chechen fighters. This thesis, "Tactical Observations from the Grozny Experience," examines. Russian and Chechen lessons learned from the first and fourth Battles for Grozny, December 1994--January 1995 and December 1999--February 2000, respectively. These.

  22. Encounters

    Stellenbosch. Western Cape. 7660. Five screening venues. Imagine yourself in South. savoring seasonal South African cuisine, where locals and visitors alike. Africas world famous vacation spot! Stellenbosch Wine Valley,… Lifetree - Cape Town. 13 Brickfield road, Salt River ...

  23. Harvard (Stellenbosch) examples A-Z

    Harvard (Stellenbosch) examples A-Z - Find, access and use ...